30th Edition September 2018 250-253-5600
[email protected] Intersection Poses Driving Hazard Vacation Rentals By Barbra Fairclough Commerce (SSCC), Karen initiated a peti- On September 1st an air ambulance was tion in support of changes at the intersec- called to the scene of an accident 9km west tion. Both with current businesses and any Located on the beautiful Shuswap of Tappen at Balmoral Road. Hwy#1 was future development at the intersection, Ka- closed in both directions with no detours ren says "The future safety for all who use www.blindbayhideaway.com available for several hours. There was one this intersection is of the utmost im- reported fatality. portance. We need to advocate for a rede- The intersection at Balmoral Road and sign of this corner; one that will make it Notch Hill Road at Hwy#1 is known for its much safer to use. We also need to consider frequent accidents and local drivers are al- the businesses that are currently at this inter- ways cautious when approaching the inter- section and future businesses that may be section. Southern Interior Crashes recorded impacted as well. Careful planning is re- between 2011 and 2015 (ICBC as of July quired here." 2016) show that the intersection at Balmoral On October 12th the Board of SSCC will Road and Hwy#1 be meeting with had the largest BC Ministry of number of acci- Transportation dents of all inter- and Infrastructure, sections in the Area C Director Sorrento/Blind Paul Demenok, Bay Area, includ- and Greg Kyllo, ing some acci- MLA.