CROMPTON and SHAW. Manager; George Pickup, Secretary and Sa~Esman Fitton Richard, Shaw Side Mill, Shaw; 74,000 Spin 2! Miles N.N.E
DIBECTOBY.] OLDHAM. Contlnued. 157 CoTTON SPINNERS AND MANUFACTURERs •. - Crompton A. & A. & Co., Limited, Park and W oodend . Continued. Mills, Crompton; 79,612 spindles, 48/448 hard water twist. Pay day second Wed., 8-30 to 12-30. Wild John & Co. (and doublers), Castle Mill, Bottom Telegrams," Crompton, Shaw." Telephone No., o'-th'-Moor; and Wrigley Street Mills; 80,000 808, Oldham, and connected to Manchester spindles, 48/248 two or more fold. Pay da.y third Wed., 9 to 11. Postal address, "Castle Mills." Crompton Spjnning Co., Limited, Vale Mills, Shaw; 63,666 spindles, 24•/34• twist, 608/708 weft. Pay Wild John & Sons, Brighton Mills, Spencer street; 8 8 day third Wednesday, 9 to 12. Thomas Leach, 80,220 spindles, 26 /36 twist. Pay day third manager ; William Hartley, secretary Monday, 10 to 12 Duchess Spinning Co., Limited, Smallbrook, Shaw; Wilde T. & Co., Caledonian Mill, Daniel street, 8 8 8 8 73,012 spindles, 20S/42• twist, 20 /50 weft. Pay Huddersfield road; 7,000 mule spindles, 4 /24 day second Thurs. J oseph Bardsley, manager; twist; Manchester office 2, Bow lane, Cross J ames Whitham, salesman ; Samuel Cheetham, street. Pay day third Wednesday secretary Windsor Mill Co., Hollinwood ; 42,000 spindles, 8 8 8 8 Duke Spinning Co., Limited, Shaw; 70,380 spindles, 80 /50 twist, 20 /40 weft. Pay day first Wed 408 twist to 708 weft. Pay day second Thursday, nesday, 10 to 12. W. H. Kershaw, manager. 10 to 12. Telegrams, "Duke, Shaw." Tele Winterbottom Robert (reeler), Priory Mill, Union st. phone No., 313. William Wild, manager; Job Woodstock Mill Spinning Co., Limited, Royton Ogden, salesman; John Dunkerley, secretary Junction; 73,308 spindles, 208/368 twist and Elm Spinning Co., Limited, Shaw; 72,848 spindles, weft.
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