Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit
Committee Meeting SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NEW JERSEY TRANSIT “The Committee has invited New Jersey Transit Corporation President and CEO Kevin Corbett and other NJ Transit employees to testify concerning efforts to improve service, manage operations, upgrade infrastructure, implement various reforms, and accurately identify capital and operating funding needs” LOCATION: Committee Room 4 DATE: February 21, 2020 State House Annex 11:00 a.m. Trenton, New Jersey MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE PRESENT: Senator Stephen M. Sweeney, Chair Senator Loretta Weinberg, Vice-Chair Senator Joseph Cryan Senator Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr. Senator Kristin M. Corrado Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr. ALSO PRESENT Patrick Brennan Philip Mersinger Mark Magyar Theodore Conrad Office of Legislative Services Senate Majority Senate Republican Committee Aides Committee Aide Committee Aide Meeting Recorded and Transcribed by The Office of Legislative Services, Public Information Office, Hearing Unit, State House Annex, PO 068, Trenton, New Jersey TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Kevin S. Corbett, Esq. President and Chief Executive Officer New Jersey Transit 2 pnf: 1-115 SENATOR STEPHEN M. SWEENEY (Chair): We would like to get started. Sorry for the delay. I guess, first thing is a roll call. MR. BRENNAN (Committee Aide): Yes. Senator Kean. SENATOR KEAN: Here. MR. BRENNAN: Senator Corrado. SENATOR CORRADO: Here. MR. BRENNAN: Senator Diegnan. SENATOR DIEGNAN: Here. MR. BRENNAN: Is he here? SENATOR DIEGNAN: Yes, I am; I’m here. MR. BRENNAN: Senator Cunningham. (no response) Senator Cryan. SENATOR CRYAN: Here. MR. BRENNAN: Vice Chair Weinberg is on her way. And Chairman Sweeney. SENATOR SWEENEY: Here. MR. BRENNAN: We have a quorum. SENATOR SWEENEY: Okay.
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