Youngsters Desperately Fighting for a Place Under The
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SPORT The Minsk Times Thursday, May 9, 2013 11 Youngsters desperately fighting for a place under the Sun When half of the players of the national team debut at the World Cup and the squad is simultaneously opposed by a real hockey grand, which is the Czech squad, worrying thoughts evidently appear. The worst premonition in this case is that the team can get nervous, burn out and crumble; however, REUTERS this didn’t happen with Andrey Skabelka’s team. Belarus’ Alexander Kitarov (R) challenges Czech Republic’s Petr Vrana (L) By Igor Grishin was a decent defeat. Meanwhile, in a single player, but they used it The Belarusian team won the linsky could not help out the team, something should be done with re- unsuccessfully, just similar as their second period. Razignar could make Roman Graborenko saved the situa- Even in the first period of the movals. There were too many of them opponent did before. Then, the Slov- Slovenia the leader, but Belinsky did tion, hitting with his hand the puck current championship, the players’ for such a match and they happened enians did not use another chance, his best. He moved to a far goalpost flying directly into the net. Never- excitement was hardly felt. It was mostly because of negligence. Nev- with Urbas failing to score. The Be- and closed the corner. Then Alexan- theless, they didn’t manage to keep easier for the youngest team at the ertheless, Andrey Skabelka prom- larusians created something similar der Kulakov won the fight behind score of 3:2. Ilya Kaznadey became World Championship in Sweden, ised to talk to the team about this. In and Alexander Kitarov, who was led the net and made a pass to Alexan- only the second removed player, but because the Czechs did not show an- total, the current start reminded that to an advantageous position by Al- der Kitarov, who attacked the corner this could become fatal – as Sabolič ything extraordinary. The opponents of the last year, when the trainees of exander Kulakov, of course, had to after a pause. Advantage in the score scored from the best position. played well with a puck and the game Kari Heikkilä fought with the Finns score, but the puck hit the goalkeep- didn’t add confidence to the guys and After this score, the Belaru- was held basically in our area, but and lost, conceding only one goal. er’s shield. they spent nervously the rest part of sians finally woke up and seemed there wasn’t so much work for the Slovenian team was the second Anyway, Slovenia distinguished period. to remember who is above the class Belarusian goalkeeper Belinsky, who at this championship, and the Bela- first. After a multi-pass combination, A break allowed to rest, but our and whose players perform in KHL debuted in the fight with such a for- rusian squad managed to take the breaking the defence of Belarusians, gates were scored at the beginning clubs. In the next shift, they literally midable opponent. Belinsky had to revenge for the defeat in the Olym- Razingar scored into the empty net. of the third period. Fortunately, a swept away the opponent’s defence. work a little bit more than the Czech pic qualification. The Belarusians The team of Matjaž Kopitar was minute later, the Slovenians were in The second wave of attack to Kris- goalkeeper Saláka. If we ignore the again acted in defence while Sloveni- to win the period, but Ms. Fortune the minority, and the Belarusians tan’s gates resulted in Ugarov’s scor- time when the Czech national team ans tried to play in a mixed manner has its own quirks. Ilya Kaznadey finally used their numerical advan- ing the goal. had a great numerical superiority, it and looked sharper. David Rodman scored into the Slovenian goalkeeper tage. Andrey Filichkin played suc- In the remaining time, the Slove- turns out that the Czech goalkeeper managed to distinguish himself first, Kristan’s net and equalled the score. cessfully on finishing after Andrey nian team coach replaced goalkeeper had even more work. attacking Vitaly Belinsky’s gates from At the last minute, the Belarusians Stas’ pass. with a sixth field player, but the score Belarus began in Stockholm with the crease. Then, the Belarusians had could even go ahead, but the oppo- The game remained exciting. At did not change — 4:3 — in favour of the defeat from the Czechs, but this a two-minute numerical advantage nents were saved by a goalpost. one of the moments, when Vitaly Be- the Belarusians team. Footballer Alexander Melitina Stanyuta Hleb becomes tops the ranking By Igor Leshin national rating list the Belarusian grace outstrips (by 37 points) Anna ambassador Leader of Belarusian national Rizatdinova of Ukraine (who boasts rhythmic gymnastics team 63 points) and Marina Durunda of By Yegor Glebov Champions League. Now, he Melitina Stanyuta tops FIG Azerbaijan (52 points). has returned to his homeland World Ranking list in the most Melitina Stanyuta, who hasn’t Young Belarusian footballers and continues to perform as a prestigious Olympic discipline missed a single World Cup event, have entered the Danone member of Belarus’ nine-time — individual all-around also leads the world ratings in sepa- Nations Cup qualification with champion — BATE Borisov Melitina has claimed the first line rate exercises: 77 points (hoop), 90 the aim of reaching the finals. — where he started his profes- in the international individual all- points (ball), 107.5 points (clubs), This year, Alexander Hleb, a sional career. Hleb noted that around list following her successful and 112.5 points (ribbons). famous midfielder with BATE the Danone Nations Cup com- performance at the 2013 FIG Rhyth- According to the press service Borisov, becomes ambassador petitions enable youngsters to mic Gymnastics World Cup in Ital- of the Sports and Tourism Ministry, of the Belarusian Danone show their mettle while meet- ian Pesaro. The Belarusian clinched Minsk’s Sports Palace is set to host Nations Cup qualification. ing best junior teams from all gold in the discipline, the same as she one of the FIG World Cup stages, Alexander Hleb, who has cele- over the world. “The most did at the third FIG World Cup in BelSwissBank, from May 16th-19th. brated his 32nd birthday on May 1st, important is to set a goal Alexander Hleb Romanian Bucharest, in April. The The competitions will involve is a true legend for would-be football and achieve it, without turning off tional football team, Bernd Stange Belarusian athlete boasts 100 points over 190 athletes from 28 coun- stars. He took up football when he the road,” notes Hleb. of Germany, was an ambassador of at the moment. She took 30 points in tries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, was six in Minsk’s Dinamo School, The Danone Nations Cup was Belarus while, in 2012, Vitaly Ro- the individual all-around at the third Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Greece, reached big successes and joined founded in 2000 and is held for 14th dionov, a forward of the BATE and and fourth FIG World Cups each, Egypt, Israel, Spain, Kazakhstan, German Stuttgart (a club of the time. Over these years, the com- the national team of Belarus, took alongside 25 points during the first China, Korea, Cuba, Latvia, Malay- Bundesliga) when he was 19 years petitions brought together over 20 on this role. In other countries Zin- stage of the competitions hosted by sia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, the old. Then he had such outstanding million young football players from edine Zidane (France), Deco (Por- Estonian Tartu, where she finished USA, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, teams in his career as London Arse- all over the globe. As is traditional, tugal), Andrés Iniesta (Spain) and second. Melitina Stanyuta added 15 Finland, France, the Czech Repub- nal and Spanish Barcelona. When he each country selects an ambassador other stars of the world football took points during the second FIG World lic, Estonia and Japan. The competi- was playing for the latter the Span- of the tournament. In 2011, the then on the roles of ambassadors of the Cup in Portuguese Lisbon, where tions will be held in group exercises ish club became a winner of the head coach of the Belarusian na- tournament in various years. she was ranked fourth. In the inter- and in individual all-round events..