Guide to Collecting Coins of the

The silver Roman coins before the emperors, prior to 27 B.C. Video presentation with how-to article

For almost 500 years (510-27 B.C.), was a Republic and not a dictatorship as it turned into after Julius and the civil wars that followed. Over it's evolution, Rome had many different coin types issued. This guide is to the silver coins of the Romans from the time of the Republic. Watch the video above for a great explanation on the topic and how to start collecting, along with examples of types available. All of the coins from the Roman Republic have a reference to a standard book on the subject, Roman Silver Coins Volume 1 by David R. Sear which is a must for any ancient coin library that is interested in the topic. Quite frankly it is the only book on you really need on the silver coins of the Roman republic, along with those of , Mark Antony, Lepidus and even . The author, David R. Sear, adopted the standard that Ernest Babelon arranged them in 1885 for the quickest reference purposes.

This area of collecting is one of my personal favorites. There are many important coins dealing with historical events, great generals, important personages, the gods, the goddesses, festivals, architectural works, stories and so much more. However, just like with any topic, it is good to have a guide that will help you learn that it is more simple than you even thought to pursue the collecting of these types. The video you can watch , shows you many types and gets you familiarized with the subject. The list below, allows you to quickly search my store and learn more about the various types of coins according to what I have available at this time.

The coins shown on the video and much more can be seen here:

The List of the Moneyer Names

This part of the guide is designed to give you an easy way to search my eBay store with advanced search parameters, which search for the specific moneyer names below with the description that are in line with the book: Roman Silver Coins Volume 1 by David R. Sear. As you click each, you will be able to see any examples of that specific moneyer I have available. The goal of this list is to make it easy and fun to explore, learn and even put together a very comprehensive collection of ancient Roman Republican coins.

You can also do a search yourself in my store for by checking off the box that says "in titles & descriptions" and then typing in specifically in quotes "", the parameter like this: "reference: moneyernamehere". This way if you are already proficient in the types and are looking for specific examples, you can find them yourself also without having to refer to this guide.

Anonymous Aburia Accoleia Acilia Aelia Aemilia Afrania Alliena Annia Antestia Antia Antonia Appuleia Aquillia Arria Aufidia Aurelia Autronia Axia Baebia Barbatia Caecilia Caesia Calidia Calpurnia Caninia Carisia Cassia Cipia Claudia Cloulia Coelia or Coilia Considia Coponia Cordia Cornelia Cornuficia Cosconia Cossutia Crepereia Crepusia Critonia Cupiennia Curiatia Curtia Decia Decimia Didia or Deidia Domitia Durmia Egnatia Egnatuleia Eppia Fabia Fannia Farsuleia Flaminia Flavia Fonteia Fufia Fulvia Fundania Furia Gargilia Gellia Herennia Horatia Hosidia Hostilia Itia Julia Junia Juventia Licinia Livineia Lollia Lucilia Lucretia Lutatia Maecilia Maenia Mallia Mamilia Manlia Marcia Maria Matiena Memmia Mescinia Mettia Minatia Minucia Mucia Munatia Mussidia Naevia Nasidia Neria Nonia Norbana Numitoria Numonia Ogulnia Opimia Papia Papiria Pedania Petillia Petronia Pinaria Plaetoria Plancia Plautia Plutia Poblicia Pompeia Pomponia Porcia Postumia Procilia Quinctia Quinctilia Roscia Rubria Rustia Rutilia Salvia Sanquinia Satriena Saufeia Scribonia Sempronia Sentia Sepullia Sergia Servilia Sestia Sicinia Spurilia Statia Sulpicia Tarquitia Terentia Thoria Titia Titiana Tituria Trebania Tullia Turillia Valeria

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Article by Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer in authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine coins and beyond.

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