Navigating Through End Times 2 “Baal”
Navigating through end times 2 “Baal” Satan is a fallen Cherub/Archangel and Baphomet may be a fallen Cherubim or Seraphim more so than an angel. Baal has a lot to do with the transference of wealth, hindrances to obtaining land, confinement/containment, and great resistance to destiny. 2 Thessalonians 2 Jezebel worshipped Baal and Leviathan works in connection with Baal powerfully Baal is the Lord over religion/antichrist (anti-revival, anti-anointing, counterfeit) Baal is also named Baphomet, the goat of Mendes, Mammon, and Baalzebub Baal is the male and Ashtoreth (Jezebel, Venus, Khali, Astarte, Dianna) is the female part known as the queen of heaven Baal oversees all perverse worship including the sacrificial system of satan Baal will either possess or completely control the false prophet and will strongly assist in the rise of the antichrist Baal operates as a counterfeit “Christ” and opposes the true Christ (ruler of religious spirits) Baal’s most powerful thrones exist in the economics of the world (Illuminati), over those that worship satan (directly or indirectly), and the Catholic church (queen of heaven). Baal has been seen as the great provider, sending rain, blessing crops, blessing flocks and herds, and creating fertility in women in the Bible that is why God sent famine when dealing with him. Baal is a very ancient and powerful fallen being that is the beast that will arise out of the earth as seen in Revelation 13. He will then take over the life of the false prophet and give him unprecedented satanic power to perform signs and wonders to turn people toward the antichrist Baal is a very key figure in end-time satanic warfare.
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