Mid-Term Review Report
MID-TERM REVIEW REPORT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NAGOYA PROTOCOL ON ACCESS TO GENETIC RESOURCES AND BENEFIT SHARING IN BHUTAN UNDP PIMS: 5239 AND GEF PROJECT ID: 5448 DATE OF REPORT: 23 NOVEMBER 2016 - 31 JANUARY 2017 GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL AREA/PROGRAM: BIODIVERSITY EXECUTING AGENCY/IMPLEMENTING AGENCY PARTNER/AND OTHER PROJECT PARTNER NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY CENTRE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTS MENJONG SORIG PHARMACEUTICALS DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE SERVICES MINISTRY OF HEALTH BIO-BHUTAN PRIVATE LIMITED MTR Consultant Mani Ram Moktan PhD, Green Growth Consultancy Private Limited, Babesa Expressway, Thimphu, Bhutan. E-mail: manirammoktan@gmail.com -i- Acknowledgements Many people contributed their ideas and knowledge in bringing out this report. I am grateful to Ms Niamh Collier-Smith, Deputy Resident Representative for giving this opportunity. Special thanks to Mr Jigme Dorji, Portfolio Manager, Economic Innovation & Integration for his assistance, review, comments and suggestions and Mr Wangchen Norbu for providing the Combined Delivery Report by Activity on financial expenditures. Special thanks to NBC and its project implementing partners. Dr Tashi Yangzome Dorji, Project Director, Mr Chencho Dorji, Project Manager, Mr Mani Prasad Nirola, Senior Biodiversity Officer, Ms Tashi Pelyang, Project Assistant for their ideas, knowledge, information and assistance in the office and field missions, comments and suggestions to finalize the report. Mr Kuenga Tshering, Director General, Mr Sherub Tenzin, Head, MSP/PSC Member and Mr Samten, Research Officer, MSP, DTMS, Ministry of Health provided valuable ideas, knowledge and information on their project activities. Mr Ugyen, General Manager/Project Manager for the Project and Mr Nobin Gurung, Account Officer, Bio-Bhutan provided valuable ideas, knowledge and information on their project activities.
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