JKIMSU, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 2017 ISSN 2231-4261

REVIEW ARTICLE Viral Diseases of Public Health Importance in India: Current Priorities with Special Emphasis on Prevention Mageshbabu Ramamurthy1*, Sathish Sankar1, Balaji Nandagopal1, Gopalan Sridharan1, Arun R.Risbud2 1Sri Sakthi Amma Institute of Biomedical Research, Sri Narayani Hospital and Research Centre, Sripuram-632055 (Tamil Nadu) India, 2Directorate of Research, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University, Karad-415110 (Maharashtra) India

Abstract: Introduction: India faces problems with both communicable and non India is a vast geographical area with different communicable diseases. The major non commu- habitats. We have urban centres, rural areas, tribal nicable diseases are cancer, cardiovascular disease and areas and vast forested areas, each of them posing diabetes mellitus. This article focuses on commu- different public health challenges. India has nicable diseases (infectious diseases) especially viral problems of public health importance including of public health importance. The infections both communicable (infectious disease) and non- include bacterial, parasitic and . It could be said that fungal infections by the nature of the spread are communicable diseases [1]. The present article not of public health concern. The viral infections are focuses on communicable diseases, especially, transmitted by the respiratory route, water and food viral infections. Historically, viral borne route, vectors and blood and blood products, outbreaks have significantly outnumbered the sexual route and are of major concern. Efforts are outbreaks of other etiologies. India has aimed at early detection, prevention by use of vaccines successfully controlled or eradicated several and sentinel surveillance. For the success of public communicable diseases by introducing sentinel health programmes sentinel surveillance of diseases is surveillance and vaccine intervention as well as mandatory. India has got several programme public health measures. The term sentinel initiatives addressing the problem. The programs surveillance refers to establishment of field units include IDSP, VBDCP and NACO. The approximate capable of accurate clinical diagnosis, laboratory cumulative annual of infectious disease in India ranges from 100 to 200 million individuals diagnosis and data collection. The surveillance affected in one year. India should aim to improve case site could be hospital or a community based field detection by strengthening laboratory services with unit. A long term data and the data manpower training and nationwide quality control gathered at regular intervals at such field units are scheme, sentinel surveillance activity and prevention of vital importance not only for investigation of by improving the efficiency and scope of UIP. Also, and outbreaks but also for predicting creation of a single portal of infectious disease data such outbreaks. Universal Immunization handling hub to collect information from different Programme (UIP) under the Ministry of Health sources will help avoid overlap and duplication of and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has been reporting. significantly expanded by inclusion of newer Keywords: Epidemiology, Emerging, Dengue , vaccines over the last fifty years. Successful HIV, Acute Encephalitis Syndrome

Ó Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 1 JKIMSU, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 2017 Mageshbabu Ramamurthy et al. control of several childhood illnesses like research facilities. The national agencies like diphtheria, whooping cough, poliomyelitis and Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme has been achieved through in (IDSP) use the existing laboratory services in infancy and childhood booster doses. Previously, medical colleges and District hospitals to collect as part of the global programme, small pox was information on several diseases. Along with certain eradicated in India forty years ago [2]. Presently, other viral infections such as Japanese encephalitis poliomyelitis caused by wild poliovirus has been surveillance, Dengue fever surveillance and eradicated in the country [3]. However, Acute control is presently under the National Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) polio-like-illness caused Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) by Non-polio Enteroviruses (NPEV) is active established in 2004. In the face of the global throughout the country and is monitored through influenza a network of influenza the AFP control programme under the auspices of surveillance laboratories was established in 2006 WHO and MoHFW which also ensures that the under IDSP. A Multisite virological Influenza cases of poliovirus infection and disease are not surveillance in India was started by Indian Council missed [4]. of Medical Research in 2004. The National AIDS The communicable diseases of public health Control Programme (NACP), launched in 1992 as importance include those that can occur as small a part of National Aids Control Organization outbreaks in communities, epidemics in (NACO) has paid rich dividends. communities and that affect large areas Epidemiological Aspects of Viral Diseases: of the country. Several infectious diseases have Viral diseases active in a country take three major the potential to cause severe morbidity and forms, they include, : A typical episode of unacceptable mortality in the community [5]. a viral disease occurrence in a population or region Presently, among the agents, including bacterial of the country not previously affected at that and parasitic, that are of public health concern, magnitude. The frequency of viral disease known viral infections top the list. The acute viral to occur in a given community is exceeded during infections with wide spread prevalence in several an epidemic. The appearance and spread of a new parts of the country include dengue fever, etiological agent of a given infectious syndrome chikungunya fever, viral diarrheas and respiratory also constitutes an epidemic. The term outbreak infections [6-8]. There is a major public health may be used if the number of human cases is small problem with enterically transmitted hepatitis and occurs only in a restricted area of a viral agents like Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) and metropolitan city or contiguous rural area (few Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) as well [9]. villages). : The continuous activity of a Blood borne viral infections which are chronic in viral agent in the community at low levels affecting nature are widely prevalent in all parts of India and small number of people usually is the characteristic include Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), of an endemic viral infection. Pandemic: When Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus large number of people are affected over a wide (HCV) [10]. The identification of the geographic area inclusive of parts of the country or communicable agents is achieved in different areas the entire country and several continents of the by various state and central government health / globe by a viral agent [11].

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Use of standard case definitions is vital for defined as those that were previously major health investigating and describing an outbreak/ problems either in certain countries or worldwide. epidemic. Pattern of occurrence of these infections/diseases They may be seen to be seasonally related to over the previous few years suggested that they climatic conditions or vector density. Such would have declined significantly, but again infections include Dengue fever and Japanese started spreading in human populations [14]. encephalitis. Outbreaks of infections if not Several features which include changing weather controlled have the potential to become pattern due to global warming contributing to epidemics. It has been pointed out that small vector boom, poor sanitation and water hygiene outbreaks may disappear due to lack of critical due to overcrowding and increased travel resulting population size of susceptible individuals. On the in spread through carriers or asymptomatic contrary, when a threshold of infected individuals infected individuals and change in life styles. In is reached among the population of susceptible this category, Arthropod-borne viruses individuals (critical community size), epidemics (arboviruses) have become major public health are prone to occur [12]. Certain epidemics have problems in India, with considerable morbidity persisted over long periods like HIV/AIDS now and mortality. The South East and South Asian active in the country over the last thirty years. regions are particularly affected because of both Some infections have originated in certain climatic and environmental conditions conducive geographical areas and spread to different regions for increase in vector population close to human and countries. These infections which involve habitation. Infections such as Dengue (DEN) large number of people and spread over vast areas fever, Japanese Encephalitis (JE), West Nile Virus constitute a pandemic also referred to as global (WNV), Chikungunya (CHIK) fever, Kyasanur pandemic. We have had a major pandemic of Forest Disease Virus (KFDV), are continuing to influenza A virus infection between 2009 and increase in the different geographical regions of 2010. In addition, preventable iatrogenic the country. These infections could be referred to infections have been reported as outbreaks of as re-ermerging viruses. If Zika virus infection is infections by blood-borne viruses due to detectable in multiple points in India, it could be procedures carried out by infected medical deemed as an emerging infection. Even more professionals or poor practices. There are proven alarming is the evidence of yet another cases of HBV and HIV acquired in hospital hemorrhagic fever such as Crimean-Congo settings [13]. Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) [15]. In India, a condition termed Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Emerging and Reemerging Viral Infections (AES) may have virus etiology as the principal An emerging disease could be defined as an component, but also being recognized is the role of infection with clinical disease that has appeared in rickettsial species. The viral etiologies identified a population for the first time. It may also have in AES seen in India include JEV, non-polio existed previously as geographically restricted enterovirus species and Chandipura virus. The and affecting small numbers of people but has relative contribution of these agents to mortality is rapidly increased in or geographic shown in (Fig. 1). range. Re-emerging infectious diseases could be

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In the last two decades, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Ebola epidemics have emerged in South East Asia and Africa respectively causing deadly disease especially with Ebolavirus. SARS – Coronaviruses (CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV: Bats have been identified as the natural reservoirs of SARS- CoVs and likely the reservoir of MERS-CoV. However, MERS-CoV affects camels and humans. Infection with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV Fig. 1: The Mortality Related to Encephalitic infection produce similar clinical symptomatology Illness but infection with MERS –CoV progresses rapidly Dengue fever is active in several parts of the [18]. These infections have not made a significant country and the number of laboratory confirmed appearance in India. infections reported to NVBDCP has quadrupled in Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD), a tick borne the reporting period 2010 to 2016. In the year hemorrhagic fever endemic in India, was first 2016 the number of cases is about 130000 and reported in the forested area of Shimoga District may be an underestimate, this is shown in (Fig. 2). of Karnataka. Over the last ten years the virus has India has had a major epidemic of Chikungunya moved out of its original geographical boundaries for a few years starting in 2005 [16] which was into border areas of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and part of a global pandemic affecting several Maharashtra. Several small outbreaks have been hundred thousand individuals. There were reported in the contigious four-State forest areas arthropathic complications in thousands of with significant morbidity and mortality [19]. individuals following this epidemic [17]. DEN WNV causes fever with or without encephalitis fever is now active every year in several parts of and is transmitted by mosquito (culex spp). The the country affecting millions of individuals [7]. virus is shown to be very active in continental United States. Horses and birds are the natural 140000 reservoir. In contrast to date, India has 120000 experienced only minimal activity of WND virus Dengue … 100000 [20]. Chikungunya virus was first detected in 1963 80000 in Calcutta. Reports of large scale outbreaks of 60000 fever caused by chikungunya virus infection have 40000 been recognized in several parts of Southern India 20000 starting in late 2005 [16]. 0 Chandipura Virus (CHPV) is a vesiculovirus of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Rhabdoviridae is now recognized as a neurotropic Fig. 2: Dengue Cases from 2010 to 2016 . It causes high mortality in children Reported to NVBDCP within a day of start of symptoms. In 2003-2004

Ó Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 4 JKIMSU, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 2017 Mageshbabu Ramamurthy et al. there were outbreaks in Central India with high Public health delivery is carried out through case fatality rates (56-75%). Phlebotomine intervention in the control of outbreaks and sandflies are recognized as vectors [21]. epidemics and use of vaccines for vaccine NPEV is now gaining attention causing preventable diseases in neonatal to early neurological illness like AES and Hand Foot and childhood age groups. The Union Government Mouth Disease (HFMD) in different parts of through the state Government under Universal India. Several serotypes of enteroviruses like Immunization Programme (UIP) provides Coxsakie virus A16, EV71 are implicated with primary vaccination and required boosters in early this illness [22]. childhood for a number of vaccine preventable CCHF is a tick-borne viral disease causing a fatal childhood diseases. The viral vaccines used hemorrhagic illness in humans but the disease include: trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV), now could also be asymptomatic. CCHF was first replaced by bivalent–bOPV excluding PV2, confirmed in a nosocomial outbreak in 2011 in Hepatitis B Vaccine and Measles vaccine. Gujarat State. Antibodies to CCHF virus (IgG) Presently, Rubella and killed polio vaccine KPV was detected in domestic animals of the area. The has been introduced through the Indhradhanush seropositive rate was between 12% and 41% [23]. vaccine programme. A major malady is AES Zika Virus (ZIKV) is an arbovirus of the which could include cases of Japanese Flavivirus genus. The World Health Organization encephalitis. In the face of outbreaks of JE, JE declared ZIKV infection to be an emerging global vaccine has also been used in affected health threat in 2016. However, considering the geographical areas. In addition, rotavirus vaccine subsequent evidence, presently, the alert is is introduced in several states [25]. downgraded. ZIKV is transmitted by Aedes IDSP programme is another independent activity mosquitoes; also this virus could be spread under the Ministry of health and family welfare. between humans by transplacental, perinatal, and The objectives are: sexual routes and via blood and body fluids. 1. To carry out surveillance through surveillance Neurological manifestations include Guillain- units at Centre, State and District level, Barré syndrome (GBS), meningoencephalitis, 2. Training of State Surveillance Officers, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute District Surveillance Officers, Organize myelitis, and transverse myelitis. Infection of Rapid Response Team and other Medical and mothers during early pregnancy is associated with Paramedical staff for disease surveillance intrauterine and congenital ZIKV infections 3. Application of communication Technology which lead to congenital malformations like for collection, collation, compilation, microcephaly [24]. The MoHFW reported three analysis and dissemination of data laboratory-confirmed cases of Zika virus disease 4. This is vital to strengthening of public health in Bapunagar area, Ahmedabad District, Gujarat, laboratories. State, India Under the IDSP, India could start a program Existing Infrastructure/Programmes in India similar to Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) of for Control of Viral Diseases: CDC [26].

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Influenza surveillance programme was established scheme, the supply of diagnostic IgM ELISA kits under IDSP to strengthening and networking of for detection of antibody against Dengue virus, reference laboratories and re-establishing seasonal Chikungunya virus and JE virus (http://idsp.nic.in/ influenza surveillance system for India. Initially index.php) is undertaken to all participants of the network had 12 Regional labs with the IDSP. Microbiology Division of the National Centre for One of the priorities to improve the overall Disease Control (NCDC), Delhi. In addition, efficiency of this system requires strengthening of surveillance laboratories were established by laboratory services to enable accurate and timely Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) / diagnosis of infections especially, those with the Department of Health Research (DHR) with CDC potential to spread in the community. From time to USA funding at several additional centres. Over time the country has witnessed outbreaks and all, the activities of these centres were strong epidemics of several viral diseases like HAV and between 2006 and 2015 and covered the recent HEV infections, dengue fever, chikungunya fever. influenza pandemic [27]. The diagnosis of these specific infections were Data for the year 2015 reported to IDSP on achieved or confirmed at district or teaching outbreak surveillance is shown in (Fig. 3). The hospitals. There is a significant participation of predominant outbreaks reported were diarrheal institutes under the ICMR which have maintained diseases followed by measles and dengue fever. capacity to diagnose and monitor several viral We have in the country, a NVBDCP under the infections like dengue fever, chickungunya fever MoHFW. This programme provides support for and enterically transmitted hepatitis infections. outbreak/epidemic investigation and surveillance Presently, ICMR under the DHR is working on of vector borne infectious diseases. Under the several objectives as defined are:

500 450 450 400 350 279 300 250 200 142 152 150 92 86 100 46 35 28 50 9 4 11 0

Fig. 3: Outbreaks of Important Infectious Diseases Reported in the Year 2015 (IDSP Data)

Ó Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 6 JKIMSU, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 2017 Mageshbabu Ramamurthy et al.

1. Create infrastructure for identification of HIV. NACO has also drawn up and implemented etiological agents (viruses) of outbreaks/ testing and treatment guidelines. The data epidemics viruses and other agents for collected by NACO and given in the annual bioterrorism. reports is tabulated in Table 1. It is important to 2. Development of indigenous diagnostic kits note that both new HIV infection and AIDS related 3. To provide training for health professionals death has shown a steady decline between 2007 and 2015. The number of people living with HIV 4. To carry out research on emerging infections. has remained more or less steady indicating the The programme is enabling a network of increased longevity of infected individuals due to laboratories focusing on diagnosis of viral access to ART and the widespread awareness infections under the scheme Virus Research among physicians to treat intercurrent opportu- and Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDL) started nistic infections. in 2014. India has previously, successfully carried out Currently, ICMR/ DHR is carrying out small pox eradication under the WHO. As of 1979 surveillance for Zika virus in the country using the there have been no cases of small pox in India. The VRDL network. This scheme has a reporting reasons for this success were system to build a national database on sporadic virus infections and outbreaks with National (i) Availability of highly protective vaccine Institute of Epidemiology (NIE), Chennai serving (ii) no asymptomatic carriage of the virus with all as the principal agency. The National Institute of infected humans being symptomatic Virology (NIV), Pune, is presently serving as the (iii) The DNA virus was genetically stable and no apex laboratory for the VRDL network and NIE, other of the virus was existed Chennai is managing the data generated by the [28]. It is important to point out that this network and performing timely analysis remarkable success will be not easily (http://nie.gov.in/vdln/). NIE provides the services replicated. One has to see how long the control through REDCap web-based application for of wild poliovirus will be sustained. building online surveys and databases. It is Public Health Priorities in India: amenable for direct upload of Microsoft Excel Several communicable diseases are active worksheet for common statistical packages (SPSS, periodically and some continuously in the country. SAS, Stata, R) based analysis. Some arboviral infections are active in the post India is successfully controlling the HIV/AIDS monsoon period in several parts of India. The most global pandemic affecting several continents. The important infection is DEN fever which has NACP of NACO has played a pivotal role in the become endemic in the country with hundreds of control of HIV/AIDS through building up outbreak per annum in different geographical Voluntary Counselling and Testing centres, regions. Chikungunya and JE virus infections are Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) centres and through also prevalent in several parts of the country with supply of testing kits for HIV antibody and CD4 seasonal outbreaks. More recently KFD has spread counts and instrumentation as well as drugs for in some southern states including the bordering

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Table 1: NACO Data Indicating Changes in HIV Related Illness over a 9 Year Period

Year People Living New HIV AIDS Related with HIV Infection Deaths 2007 2225930 15072 148309 2008 2198559 12294 136981 2009 2174594 10613 125522 2010 2156452 9852 115608 2011 2146839 9253 104327 2012 2143446 8776 96189 2013 2127958 8312 87946 2014 2119881 7900 76494 2015 2116581 7524 67612 areas of Maharashtra adjoining Karnataka. The negative individuals is 0.037% and in HIV positive live attenuated tetravalent DEN vaccine though individuals it is 0.009% which indicates the lower licensed in four countries has not yet been prevalence of HIV in the general population introduced in India. The delay may be related to compared to TB. This is different from Africa concerns regarding seroconversion rates and where the mortality associated with TB is higher susceptibility to complications of DEN fever. JE among individuals with HIV. This reflects the and KFD vaccines are used in areas where there is higher prevalence of HIV in the general disease activity. population. One of the problems posed by communicable Infections with HIV and development of AIDS diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS is the have slowed down in India with the multipronged disease burden for the community. Disease burden strategy of NACO. The major effort initiated and is a measure of the impact of the health problem in maintained has been to ensure safety of blood and terms of financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or blood products in the country through appropriate other indicators. Quality-adjusted Life Years testing of blood borne like HIV, HBV (QALYs) or Disability-Adjusted Life Years and HCV in blood banks and product testing by (DALYs), both of which quantify the number of manufacturers [30]. years lost due to disease and give an estimate of Today, the total number of People Living with the impact of the particular disease [29]. HIV (PLHIV) in India is estimated at 20 lakhs. We looked at WHO statistics on tuberculosis in The highest prevalence was recorded in Nagaland relation to HIV status and mortality due to TB. This (1.29%), followed by Mizoram (0.81%), Manipur data is shown in Table 2. Data from India indicates (0.60%), Gujarat (0.56%) and Chhattisgarh that the percentage of TB mortality among HIV (0.41%). Telangana (0.39%), Bihar (0.37%),

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Table 2: TB Mortality as Related to HIV Infection as per WHO Statistics for the Year 2015

Countries HIV HIV Total TB HIV Population Percentage Percentage Negative Positive Incidence Positive of TB of TB TB TB Mortality Individuals Mortality Mortality Incidence among with HIV- HIV TB Negative Coinfections Individuals India 480000 37000 2840000 113000 1310000000 0.037 0.009 Africa 450000 300000 2720000 834000 989000000 0.045 0.084 Americas 19000 5900 268000 32000 991000000 0.002 0.003 Eastern 80000 3000 749000 13000 648000000 0.012 0.002 Mediterranean Europe 32000 4900 323000 27000 910000000 0.003 0.003 Western 89000 5700 1590000 34000 1860000000 0.005 0.002 Pacific

Karnataka (0.36%) and Andhra Pradesh (0.35%) Hepatitis B virus. It is estimated that there are at were other States which recorded HIV prevalence least 40 million Indians who are chronically of more than the national average. PLHIV on ART infected by HBV as measured by hepatitis B was over 9 lakhs. It is estimated that the scale-up surface antigen and serve as a source for spread of of free ART since 2004 has saved cumulatively infection. The vaccine against hepatitis B is around 4.5 lakhs lives in India until 2014. available to children under the UIP [31, 32]. Hepatitis infection broadly classified as Suggested Plan of Action for the Future: enterically transmitted and blood borne infections India has had an active public health programme are a major public health problem. The enterically with a strong mandate to control infectious transmitted infections caused by hepatitis A virus diseases over the last sixty years. Many organs of and E virus tend to occur as epidemics, especially the central government work under the union the latter. A good vaccine is available for HAV. ministry of health and family welfare in addition The vaccine is used only in the private sector. The to state authorities. The approach has been blood borne hepatitis B and C are wide spread in diagnosis (detection), treatment (where possible) the community and endemic. They affect several and appropriate vaccination programs. India's million individuals. Liver cirrhosis as a long term vaccination programme is good in many states but complication of such infections is second most needs sustained effort to improve it in a few large common to alcoholic liver disease and a leading states of the union. cause of liver carcinoma. India is a middle level A vital activity is to strengthen the laboratories to endemic country in terms of prevalence of help detect major problems. There should be an

Ó Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 9 JKIMSU, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 2017 Mageshbabu Ramamurthy et al. effort to use state-of-the-art technologies with Conclusion: good quality control measures in place. In this Communicable diseases still pose a major public context the National Accreditation Board for health problem in India. The estimated annual Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is prevalence of infectious disease in India ranges making advances both in private sector and public from 100 to 200 million individuals affected in sector to improve quality of medical diagnosis one year. Some of the infectious diseases laboratories [33]. Efficient drug availability for periodically cause outbreaks and India has HIV control under the national programme should experienced two major pandemics, the HIV be strengthened. The UIP may need to include few pandemic is slowing down, where as the influenza additional vaccines to their programme like more A pandemic has abated since, 2014. We do face the developed countries. Introduction of countrywide risk of several outbreaks / epidemics of diarrheal use of Rotavirus vaccine is being considered diseases and Arboviral infections like Dengue under UIP. These newer vaccines could be rubella fever, Chikungunya fever. Success is being gained vaccine, Human papilloma virus vaccine for in the control of several childhood infections like young teenagers. diphtheria, pertusis, measles and poliomyelitis. In Establishment of a single portal for Integrated addition India previously eliminated the small pox Data Handling for infectious diseases avoiding virus infection and recently poliovirus disease. duplication in annual reports to MoHFW from all Improvement in environmental sanitation, agencies including ICMR, IDSP, RNTCP, availability of safe drinking water and use of NVBDCP, NIE-VRDL will allow to develop a appropriate nation-wide vaccination programme comprehensive picture of the massive public under the UIP will make a significant dent in the health problem that India faces in this area. India problem of infectious diseases. In order to has had success in creating several National successfully implement disease prevention Public portals for data handling in other areas like health surveillance is mandatory. It involves a banking and finance, Unique Identification continuous systematic case recognition and Authority of India (UIDAI) and Income Tax (IT) appropriate sample collection and analysis. Based filing of returns. Only a signal portal on ID issues on this information the officials could do the will help in planning country wide public health interpretation of data, planning, implementation, measures and vaccine delivery. and evaluation of the programme initiatives.


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*Author for Correspondence: Dr. Mageshbabu Ramamurthy, Sri Sakthi Amma Institute of Biomedical Research, Sri Narayani Hospital and Research Centre, Sripuram-632055 Tamil Nadu, India Email: [email protected] Cell: 09442505480

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