◥ REVIEW SUMMARY linear systems in which evolve and spread and where key events can be governed by unpredictable biology or human behavior. In this Review, we start with an ex- amination of real-time outbreak response using the West African Ebola as an Modeling infectious disease dynamics example. Here, the challenges range from un- ◥ derreporting of cases and in the complex landscape of ON OUR WEB SITE deaths, and missing infor- Read the full article mation on the impact of at http://dx.doi. control measures to under- global health org/10.1126/ standing human responses. science.aaa4339 The possibility of future ...... Hans Heesterbeek,* Roy M. Anderson, Viggo Andreasen, Shweta Bansal, zoonoses tests our ability Daniela De Angelis, Chris Dye, Ken T. D. Eames, W. John Edmunds, to detect anomalous outbreaks and to esti- Simon D. W. Frost, Sebastian Funk, T. Deirdre Hollingsworth, Thomas House, mate human-to-human transmissibility against Valerie Isham, Petra Klepac, Justin Lessler, James O. Lloyd-Smith, C. Jessica E. Metcalf, a backdrop of ongoing zoonotic spillover while Denis Mollison, Lorenzo Pellis, Juliet R. C. Pulliam, Mick G. Roberts, also assessing the risk of more dangerous Cecile Viboud, Isaac Newton Institute IDD Collaboration strains evolving. Increased understanding of the dynamics of infections in food webs and BACKGROUND: Despitemanynotablesuc- lenges for prevention and control. Faced with ecosystems where and nonhost species cesses in prevention and control, infectious this complexity, mathematical models offer interact is key. Simultaneous multispecies diseases remain an enormous threat to human valuable tools for understanding epidemio- infections are increasingly recognized as a and animal health. The ecological and evolu- logical patterns and for developing and eval- notable public health burden, yet our under- tionary dynamics of play out on a uating evidence for decision-making in global standing of how different species of pathogens wide range of interconnected temporal, orga- health. interact within hosts is rudimentary. Patho- on March 12, 2015 nizational, and spatial scales that span hours gen genomics has become an essential tool for to months, cells to ecosystems, and local to glob- ADVANCES: During the past 50 years, the drawing inferences about evolution and trans- alspread.Somepathogensaredirectlytrans- study of infectious disease dynamics has ma- mission and, here but also in general, hetero- mitted between individuals of a single species, tured into a rich interdisciplinary field at the geneity is the major challenge. Methods that whereas others circulate among multiple hosts, intersection of mathematics, epidemiology, ecol- depart from simplistic assumptions about ran- need arthropod vectors, or persist in environ- ogy, evolutionary biology, immunology, sociol- dom mixing are yielding new insights into the mental reservoirs. Many factors, including ogy, and public health. The practical challenges dynamics of and control. There increasing resistance, human con- range from establishing appropriate data col- is rapid growth in estimation of model param- nectivity, population growth, urbanization, en- lection to managing increasingly large volumes eters from mismatched or incomplete data, vironmental and land-use change, as well as of information. The theoretical challenges re- and in contrasting model output with real- changing human behavior, present global chal- quire fundamental study of many-layered, non- world observations. New data streams on so- cial connectivity and behavior are being used, and combining data collected from very dif- ferent sources and scales presents important challenges. Available data All these mathematical endeavors have the potential to feed into public health policy and, Downloaded from Policy uild Scientific indeed, an increasingly wide range of models questions b understanding is being used to support infectious disease control, elimination, and eradication efforts.

OUTLOOK: Mathematical modeling has the

t potential to probe the apparently intractable p

a complexity of infectious disease dynamics. Cou- d


fi pled to continuous dialogue between decision- t makers and the multidisciplinary infectious disease community, and by drawing on new Policy advice Scientific insights data streams, mathematical models can lay bare mechanisms of transmission and indicate Data collection new approaches to prevention and control that help to shape national and international pub- lic health policy.▪ Modeling for public health. Policy questions define the model’s purpose. Initial model design is based on current scientific understanding and the available relevant data. Model validation and fit to The list of author affiliations is available in the full article disease data may require further adaptation; sensitivity and uncertainty analysis can point to online. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] requirements for collection of additional specific data. Cycles of model testing and analysis thus lead Cite this article as H. Heesterbeek et al., Science 347, to policy advice and improved scientific understanding. aaa4339 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa4339

1216 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 SCIENCE RESEARCH

◥ nized at least 250 years ago when, in 1766, Daniel REVIEW Bernoulli published a mathematical analysis of the benefits of smallpox inoculation (then called variolation) (12). In the past 50 years, the study EPIDEMIOLOGY of infectious disease dynamics has grown into a rich interdisciplinary field. For example, decision- making for strategies increasingly Modeling infectious disease depends on model analyses in which dynamics are combined with cost data (Box 2, Influenza: prevention and control). In recent dynamics in the complex landscape decades, responses to major infectious disease outbreaks, including HIV, bovine spongiform of global health encephalopathy (BSE), foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), SARS, and and avian influ- Hans Heesterbeek,1*† Roy M. Anderson,2 Viggo Andreasen,3 Shweta Bansal,4 enza, have shown both the need for and capa- Daniela De Angelis,5 Chris Dye,6 Ken T. D. Eames,7 W. John Edmunds,7 bilities of models (Box 3, HIV: Test and treat Simon D. W. Frost,8 Sebastian Funk,4 T. Deirdre Hollingsworth,9,10 Thomas House,11 strategy). Model-based analysis of such outbreaks Valerie Isham,12 Petra Klepac,8 Justin Lessler,13 James O. Lloyd-Smith,14 also continually brings improvements in meth- C. Jessica E. Metcalf,15 Denis Mollison,16 Lorenzo Pellis,11 Juliet R. C. Pulliam,17,18 odology and data, emerging from the compari- Mick G. Roberts,19 Cecile Viboud,18 Isaac Newton Institute IDD Collaboration‡§ son of model prediction with observed patterns. For infectious agents important to public health, Despite some notable successes in the control of infectious diseases, transmissible a series of principles has emerged for modeling pathogens still pose an enormous threat to human and animal health. The ecological and infection dynamics (Table 1 and Box 4). The basic R evolutionary dynamics of infections play out on a wide range of interconnected temporal, reproduction number 0,forexample,isacentral organizational, and spatial scales, which span hours to months, cells to ecosystems, concept characterizing the average number of and local to global spread. Moreover, some pathogens are directly transmitted between secondary cases generated by one primary case individuals of a single species, whereas others circulate among multiple hosts, need in a susceptible population. This concept high- arthropod vectors, or can survive in environmental reservoirs. Many factors, including lights what must be measured to interpret observed increasing , increased human connectivity and changeable human disease patterns and to quantify the impact of behavior, elevate prevention and control from matters of national policy to international selected control strategies (Fig. 1). challenge. In the face of this complexity, mathematical models offer valuable tools for Two fundamental properties of the world that synthesizing information to understand epidemiological patterns, and for developing shape infectious disease dynamics make com- quantitative evidence for decision-making in global health. putational tools key for understanding reality. The world is essentially a stochastic and highly

9 10 hirty-five years ago, it was believed that of an outbreak ( , ). Phylogenetic data shed 1 11 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, the health burden of infectious diseases light on an additional layer of complexity ( ), as Utrecht, Netherlands. 2School of Public Health, Imperial was close to becoming insignificant as hy- will increased understanding of the human ge- College, London, UK. 3Roskilde University, Roskilde, giene, improved nutrition, drugs, and vac- nome in relation to susceptibility, infectiousness, Denmark. 4Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. T 5MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK. 6WHO, Geneva, cines brought about a steady decline in and its duration. At the same time, the develop- 7 1 Switzerland. Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of overall mortality ( ). In recent decades, however, ment of effective new vaccines remains a difficult Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene Tropical it has become clear that the threat from serious challenge, especially for antigenically very varia- Medicine, London, UK. 8University of Cambridge, Cambridge, infectious diseases will persist, and human mor- ble pathogens (e.g., HIV or falciparum malaria) UK. 9School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, UK. 10School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, UK. tality attributed to infection is projected to re- and for pathogens that stimulate immunity that 11 Mycobacterium tu- Warwick Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, main at current levels of 13 to 15 million deaths is only partly protective (e.g., Coventry, UK. 12Department of Statistical Science, University annually until at least 2030 (2). Successes in berculosis) or temporary (e.g., Vibrio cholerae). College London, London, UK. 13Department of Epidemiology, eradicating smallpox and rinderpest have been Inthefaceofthiscomplexity,computational Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 14 isolated events in a landscape of and tools (Box 1) are essential for synthesizing in- Baltimore, MD, USA. Department of Ecology and 3 Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, epidemic infections ( ). Newly emerging infec- formation to understand epidemiological patterns USA. 15Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, tious agents represent a continuing challenge—for and for developing and weighing the evidence UK, and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, example, HIV in the 20th century; more recently, base for decision-making. Here, we review the con- Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 16Heriot-Watt 17 severeacuterespiratorysyndrome(SARS)and tribution of these tools to our understanding of University, Edinburgh, UK. Department of Biology–Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. MiddleEasternrespiratorysyndrome(MERS) infectious disease dynamics for public health by 18Division of International Epidemiology and Population coronaviruses; West Nile ; Nipah virus; drug- using representative examples and by ranging into Studies, Fogarty International Center, NIH, Bethesda, MD, resistant pathogens; novel influenza A strains; current developments. We argue that to improve USA. 19Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and a major Ebola virus outbreak in 2014–2015. decision-making for human health and for sus- Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Most new infections enter the human popula- taining the health of our food systems, experts †Authors, apart from first and last author, are in alphabetical tion from wildlife or livestock, and the possibil- on infectious disease dynamics and experts on order. ‡All authors are members of this collaboration. §In ities for emergence and spread in the coming prevention and control need to collaborate on a addition to the authors listed above, this collaboration includes: decades are likely to increase as a result of pop- global scale. To succeed, quantitative analysis Nimalan Arinaminpathy,1 Frank Ball,2 Tiffany Bogich,3 Julia Gog,4 Bryan Grenfell,3 Alun L. Lloyd,5 Angela Mclean,6 Philip O’Neill,2 ulation growth, increased urbanization and land needs to lie at the heart of public health policy Carl Pearson,11 Steven Riley,1 Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba,12 changes, greater travel, and increased livestock formulation. Pieter Trapman,13 James Wood7. Affiliations: 1Imperial College, production to meet demands from the world’s London, UK. 2University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. expanding population (4–8). In our modern world Models and public health 3Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 4University of Cambridge, policy formulation Cambridge, UK. 5North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, of instant communication, the changing behav- USA. 6University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 11University of Florida, ior of individuals in response to publicity about The value of mathematical models to investi- Gainesville, FL, USA. 12University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, can have profound effects on the course gate public health policy questions was recog- Italy. 13University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.

SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 aaa4339-1 RESEARCH | REVIEW nonlinear system. The nonlinearity derives not of interventions were implemented required close services are overwhelmed caring for the sick) only from the complex interaction between fac- and fast interaction between modelers and policy- and the denominator (if cases are not reported tors involved in transmission, but also from the makers (18). Looking forward, models are now or, conversely, noncases get reported as cases if influence that the infection process has on the used to help clinical trial design and inform a they are not laboratory-confirmed). This caused distribution of important characteristics at vari- debate on the optimal deployment of initially problems early in the H1N1 influenza outbreak ous temporal and spatial scales. This effect is scarce Ebola vaccines, once such vaccines be- firstreportedininMexicoin2009,aswellasin seen in the age-related nature of infection and come available. the current Ebola outbreak. Although level of mortality in HIV changing the age distribution With the opportunities of real-time modeling underreporting can be estimated from retro- of the population, and in previous exposure to for public health come specific challenges. The spective serological studies, it is usually not strains of influenza altering the distribution of imperative to produce reliable and meaningful identifiable in real-time data. influenza susceptibility. Such feedback mecha- analysis for those treating infected people has to These limitations make it almost impossible nisms contribute to the nonlinearity of infection be balanced against the pressures and delays of to make reliable long-term predictions. Thus, processes. Nonlinearity also leads to counter- scientific publication. In an ongoing outbreak, modeling results are often based on scenarios in intuitive phenomena (Fig. 2) and prevents simple data can be patchy and reporting delayed, and which a pathogen spreads unaltered by behav- extrapolation of experience from one situation to different data sources are not always synthe- ioral changes or the public health response. This another, such as when deciding whether to im- sized. When the Ebola outbreak expanded ex- rarely reflects reality, especially in such a devas- plement a vaccination policy in different coun- plosively in the summer of 2014, data were often tating outbreak as Ebola, where the situation tries (Fig. 1). Mathematical tools, relating to data lacking on the effect on transmission dynamics constantly changes owing to growing awareness and processes on a large range of interacting scales, of the various control measures that operated in the community, as well as national and inter- have become essential to explore, anticipate, un- simultaneously in the hectic circumstances of national intervention. Careful communication of derstand, and predict the effects of feedbacks the most severely hit areas. In any emerging findings is key, and data and methods of analysis within such complex systems, including changes epidemic, underreporting is a critical challenge (including code) must be made freely available caused by intervention. for ongoing assessment of this epidemic and to the wider research community. Only in this has had enormous impact on predictions of out- way can reproducibility of analyses and an open Current and future opportunities for break size, but also of outbreak impact—for ex- exchange of methods and results be ensured models in public health ample, in terms of the case-fatality ratio (the for maximal transparency and benefit to public Over the past decade, key public health ques- proportion of cases that lead to death). Early in health. tions, ranging from emergence to elimination, any outbreak, this estimate of severity can suffer have posed a range of challenges for modeling from imprecise information on both the numer- Emergence of novel human pathogens infectious disease dynamics, many of which rely ator (if not all deaths due to the infection are There is an ever-present hazard that novel hu- on leveraging disparate data sources and inte- identified as such; for example, because health man pathogens emerge from livestock and wild grating data from a range of scales from ge- nomics to global circulation. Given commonalities in processes across pathogens, progress made in one area can lead to advances in another. Box 1. Quantitative tools in infectious disease dynamics. Progress in the areas described above all build Here,weusethewords“computational tools” loosely. In infectious disease dynamics, there is a on and inform each other, making this a dy- broad range of relevant quantitative tools, and we refer to the entire collection. It comprises namic time for research in the discipline (13). statistical methods for inference directly from data, including methods to analyze sequencing and A few themes are chosen to illustrate current other genetic data. This leads to estimates of important epidemiological information such as length of latency, incubation and infectious periods and their statistical distributions, inferred trends in model development and public health transmission chains and trees early in outbreaks, the risks related to various transmission routes, application. or estimates of rates of evolution. Mathematical models in the strict sense refer to mathematical descriptions of processes thought to be associated with the dynamics of infection—for example, in a Real-time outbreak modeling: population or within an individual. Such models take many forms, depending on the level of bi- The Ebola 2014–2015 outbreak ological knowledge of processes involved and data available, and depending on the purpose. Several classes of model are used, spanning the spectrum of information available. At one end The 2014–2015 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa of the range are detailed individual-based simulation models, where large numbers of distinct serves to highlight both opportunities and chal- individual entities (with their own characteristic traits such as age, spatial location, sex, immune lenges in modeling for public health. In the ini- status, risk profile, or behavior pattern) are described in interaction with each other, possibly in a contact network, and with the infectious agent. At the other end are compartmental models where tial phase of this outbreak, real-time estimates no individuals are recognized, but only states for individuals (for example: susceptible, infectious, of the reproduction number or simple exponen- immune) aggregated into compartments where everyone has the same average characteristics tial extrapolation (14) allowed short-term predic- and where interaction is typically uniform (everybody interacts with everybody else). Such models tions of epidemic growth that were used, for do not describe the disease history of single individuals, but rather the time evolution of aggre- gated variables, such as the number of individuals that are currently susceptible. example, to plan for necessary bed capacity. Mathematical models can have both mechanistic parts in their description, based on assump- Quantitative phylogenetic tools applied to sam- tions about biological mechanisms involved, and more phenomenological parts, where there is a ples from initial victims provided important es- statistical or presumed relation between variables, without clear assumptions from which this re- timates of the origin of the outbreak (15). Early lation can be derived. An example of the former is the assumption of mass action to describe interaction between individual hosts; an example of the latter is an empirical relation between the mechanistic models that explicitly took into ac- length of an in a mosquito and environmental temperature. count the roles played by different transmission For infectious disease dynamics, our world is clearly stochastic, in that chance events play a role in routes or settings were informed by analysis of many of the processes involved. Certainly at lower levels of biological aggregation, chance dominates— earlier outbreaks (16, 17). When the failure to for example, in infection of individual cells or in contacts individual hosts make. At higher aggregation levels, many cells or individuals interact, and chance effects may average out to allow deterministic contain the epidemic with methods successful in descriptions. There are purely stochastic models, purely deterministic models, and models that are previous outbreaks led to a scale-up of capacity mixed. It is important to point out that, even though the world is stochastic, stochastic descrip- driven by international aid, such models were tions are not by definition better than deterministic descriptions. Both are still models of reality, used to assess the impact of, for example, reduc- and the fact that chance plays a role may have a far less significant influence on model outcome and prediction than choices made in the relations between ingredients and variables. ing transmission at funerals (17) and whether Areas of rapid growth are statistical and numerical methods and tools to estimate model pa- theconstructionofnoveltypesoftreatmentcen- rameters from, often scarce, mismatched or incomplete data, and to contrast model output with ters could end up doing more harm than good. real-world observations. Ensuring that the most effective combinations

aaa4339-2 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 SCIENCE RESEARCH | REVIEW mammal and bird reservoirs. Research on po- quality and completeness of case observations. mightchangeovertimeandindifferentlocal- tential emerging zoonoses draws on concepts Better information on surveillance program effi- ities (24). Such tasks, which will join molecular from across the spectrum of infectious disease cacy could be gained through serological surveys studies to experimental infections to epide- dynamics, disease ecology, microbiology, and (where blood and saliva samples reveal evidence miological and ecological surveys, will drive phylogenetic analysis. Particular challenges in- of past and present infections) or sociological empirical and theoretical efforts for decades clude estimating human-to-human transmis- study, and modeling studies can help to design to come. sibility against a backdrop of ongoing zoonotic and characterize efficient surveillance programs The rising availability of pathogen genome spillover, detecting anomalous outbreaks, and (22). Given the predominance of zoonotic path- sequence data, coupled with new computational assessing the risk that more dangerous strains ogens among emerging infections, models for methods, presents opportunities to identify with may arise through pathogen evolution. transmission dynamics and evolution in multi- precision “who infects whom” and the networks The recently identified gap in methodology species ecosystems and food webs (consisting of of infection between humans and reservoirs (25). for zoonoses with weak human-to-human trans- host species and nonhost species interacting Full realization of this potential, though, will re- mission (6) is being filled with new approaches ecologically and epidemiologically) are a crucial quire denser and more systematic whole-genome for estimating R0 and other transmission-related area for future development (6, 23). The greatest sampling of pathogens coupled with associated quantities from subcritical outbreak data (19–21). challenge—and the greatest prize—in modeling epidemiological data, as well as baseline infor- These studies address key public health concerns, emerging zoonoses is to assess which diseases mation on genetic diversity and evolutionary but rely on strong assumptions regarding the pose the most risk to humans and how these rates, especially in animal hosts (26).

Pathogen evolution and phylodynamics As pathogen genetic data become increasingly available, modelers are finding ways to synthesize these new data streams with more traditional epidemiological information in phy- lodynamic tools (27, 28). However, current frameworks employ compart- mental epidemiological models, which do not make efficient use of individual- level epidemiological data. Although sampling theory is well developed for standard surveillance data, the rela- tionship between a set of pathogen sequences and the phylogeny inferred from a population sample is more complex (11). Many-to-one mapping possibilities between, on the one hand, combinations of epidemiological, im- munological, and evolutionary pro- cesses shaping sequences and, on the other hand, the inferred phylogeny, demand the integration of diverse data sources and an increased focus on systematic sampling. Phylodynamic studies to date have largely focused on fast-evolving RNA , driven by the large amount of data generated for clinical [e.g., hepa- titis C virus (HCV) or HIV)] or surveil- lance (e.g., influenza) purposes (11). Replicatingtheseeffortsonanex- panded array of pathogens, including DNA viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa (e.g., malaria), and helminths, is a promising avenue for future research (29). It is of particular importance in the context of the evolution and spread of drug-resistant variants and vaccine escape mutants. However, genome- Fig. 1. Modeling for public health exemplified by rubella. (A to F) Policy questions are formulated; available data wide pathogen data also present chal- are brought to bear on the question. In this example, the of rubella is shown following the introduction of lenges,inparticularinrelationto vaccination in individuals under 15 or 15+ years of age in Costa Rica (127). Application of a nonlinear age-structured accommodating recombination, reas- SIR model (see Box 4) to these circumstances led to the collection of key missing data. In the bottom right-hand plot, sortment, and mobile genetic ele- each square depicts a combination of birth rate and infant vaccine coverage reflecting different countries (e.g., ments. Analysis of bacterial genomes Somalia depicted by a diamond and Nepal by a circle), colored by expected effect on congenital rubella syndrome usually considers only those genes that

(CRS)innewborns,relatedtolocalR0 (128). This translates into confidence that routine vaccination is likely to reduce are shared across taxa, but there are the public health burden caused by CRS in Nepal (green), but not in Somalia (red). good reasons to believe that noncore

SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 aaa4339-3 RESEARCH | REVIEW genes play an important role in bacterial evo- variation as simply reflecting the underlying or multiple infections. To tackle within-host di- lution, including the evolution of re- transmission process, whereas in reality such versity, models that embed pathogen evolution sistance (30). variation may play an important role in deter- within a transmission tree are needed. Such mod- Although sequence data are extremely valu- mining transmission dynamics, as exemplified els, which cross the within- and between-host able,tolinkthesedatafullytodiseasedynamics, by escape from by influenza A scales, are only just becoming analytically and it will be important to determine how sequence virus (31). computationally feasible despite being proposed changes affect functions related to pathogen fit- “Deep” sequencing of pathogens within in- several years ago (32). Similarly, although pro- ness, such as replication rate, transmissibility, dividual hosts generates information on within- gress has been made in scaling inference from and immune recognition. Molecular epidemi- host diversity, resulting from evolution within genes to genomes (33), scaling inference to large ological studies often treat pathogen genetic the host (often in response to drug treatment), numbers of sequences is lagging far behind.

AB100 7,000

6,000 80 Small reduction 5,000 60 on 4,000 Large reduction 3,000 40 in intensity 2,000 Prevalence (%) Prevalence 20 1,000

0 cases CRS 30 yr cumulative 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Intensity (eggs per gram of feces) Vaccination coverage

C Without developing resistance E 70 Baseline

60 Treat low-risk

50 300 *

40 Treat intermediate-risk

30 250 (per 100,000) (per 100,000) Point prevalence Point 20 Treat high-risk 10 200

0 * 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 * D With developing resistance 100 70 Baseline

60 Treat low-risk incidence DHF Average 50 50

40 Treat intermediate-risk 0 30 (per 100,000) (per 100,000) Point prevalence Point Treat high-risk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 Estimated R0 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (year)

Fig. 2. Examples of counterintuitive effects of nonlinear infection dy- mented for real rubella control situations (131). (C and D) Modeling results of namics. (A) Nonlinear interaction between prevalence of a helminth infec- rebound of gonorrhea transmission with different treatment strategies tion and infection pressure (as measured by the mean intensity of existing without (C) and with (D) antimicrobial resistance developing [adapted from infections) means that control measures must have a disproportionately large (132)]. In the presence of resistance, focusing treatment on the high-risk core impact on intensity before prevalence is reduced. This effect is predicted by a group leads to an increase in prevalence approaching that of untreated base- mathematical model (solid line) and corroborated by field data (crosses) (129). line prevalence, after an initially strong decline for more than a decade. (E)

(B) Nonlinear relation between total number of cases of congenital rubella Box plot from field data of a nonlinear relation between R0 for dengue trans- syndrome (CRS) and rubella vaccine coverage, showing that suboptimal levels of mission and average dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) incidence across vaccine coverage cause worse health outcomes than no vaccination [adapted Thailand, showing that control measures that reduce R0 may paradoxically from (130)]. The line shows model predictions; similar effects have been docu- increase cases of DHF [adapted from (133)].

aaa4339-4 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 SCIENCE RESEARCH | REVIEW

Multiple infections adherence to treatment. Traditional epidemic havior in response to perceived risk and public Infectious disease epidemiology evolved by fo- models have tended to ignore heterogeneity in health interventions (44). Modeling has illumi- cusing on interactions between a single host contact behavior [although early HIV models nated this process—for example, by the incorpo- species and a single infectious agent. It is addressed heterogeneity in sexual behavior by ration of peer influence on vaccination behavior becoming increasingly clear that multiple agents necessity (41)]. Increasing sophistication of con- into models of infectious disease dynamics (45, 46). simultaneously infecting the same host popula- tact network models (42), together with data on Analysis of data from online social networks has tions and individuals appreciably add to the epidemiological contacts, creates opportunities also created promising opportunities to validate public health burden and complicate prevention for understanding and controlling transmission such approaches with empirical observations and control. Coinfections in relation to HIV— for at a fundamental level (43)andopensupthe (47, 48). example, tuberculosis and HCV—or coinfection possibility of independent study of relevant social Movement and travel are tightly linked to the of different strains of influenza A virus raise im- factors (10). Recent years have seen exciting de- spread of infection and have been explored portant public health and evolutionary issues. velopments in the measurement of contact pat- through models to highlight commuting and ag- Multiple agents infecting the same host individual terns and “who might infect whom” through ricultural migration driving local disease trans- have been shown to influence each other by in- advances in individual electronic identification mission (49) and global disease patterns through creasing or decreasing susceptibility and/or in- technology.Thisisapromisingavenueforlink- air travel (50). These processes are now being in- fectivity of that individual, thereby influencing the ing pathogen genetic data and human behavior. vestigated to gain insights into the more complex population dynamics of these agents in ways that Contact patterns are not static and can shift case of -borne diseases, such as malaria and we have yet to explore and understand (34, 35). during outbreaks as individuals change their be- dengue, where both host and vector movement Multiple infections of thesameindividualwith closely related pathogens occur when infection elicits no immunity, or only a partial immune Box 2. Influenza: prevention and control. response. Macroparasites, including many of the important human helminth infections, are good Human influenza—pandemic and seasonal—remains a major issue in public health owing to examples of pathogens that evade human im- the continued emergence of novel genetic strains, and one where models have successfully addressed questions from basic biology to epidemiology and health policy. In recent years, mune responses and cause repeated infection of modeling and other quantitative analysis has been used to study at least three major issues: thesamehost(36). Biological mechanisms giving pandemic preparedness and mitigation strategies (84–89), rethinking vaccination strategies rise to such multiple infections include sequen- for seasonal influenza (70), and improved methods in phylodynamics and influenza strain tial reinfections caused by antigenic drift in in- evolution (11). Recent models of influenza fitness have also been developed to predict viral evolution from one year to the next, providing a principled and more precise method for the fluenza, antigenic variation in respiratory syncytial vaccine selection required every year (90). virus (RSV), and waning (slow loss of) immunity For seasonal influenza, models have played a key role in providing the scientific evidence base in pertussis, while lack of cross-protection in for vaccination policy, making use of the information in multiple, often unavoidably biased, data many colonizing microparasites— for example, sources such as syndromic time series, vaccine coverage and efficacy, economic costs, and con- pneumococcus and human papilloma virus tact patterns in the population. For example, a combined epidemic and economic model was fitted — to fine-grained data from many sources to describe the dynamics of influenza in the United (HPV) allows for multiple concurrent infec- Kingdom, and the influence of previous vaccination programs (70). With confidence in the model’s tions. Although the existence of reinfections is predictions based on its ability to capture past patterns, it was used to look at alternative vac- a clinical fact, population-level data are scarce as cination strategies and led to a new national policy to vaccinate school-age children (91). Targeting reinfections are often subclinical and individual- those individuals most likely to spread the virus, rather than only those most likely to suffer the largest morbidity, is a marked departure from established practice in the UK and is currently under based longitudinal infection histories are often consideration elsewhere (92). only anecdotal. Results from new analytical ap- proaches relating to deep sequencing and neu- tralization tests covering multiple antigens are being utilized (37). The immunodynamics of influenza have clear Box 3. HIV: test and treat. policy implications for the identification of high- Mathematical modeling has played a central role in our understanding of the HIV epidemic, and risk groups in connection with pandemic planning in informing policy from the outset of our recognition of the pandemic (93). Some of the many (38), while the dynamics of waning immunity insights include a model-based analysis of viral load data from inhibition experiments, which are key to the current concerns about immuni- revealed the rapid and ongoing turnover of the within-host viral population (94), and the use of zation level for pertussis (39). Multivalent vac- phylogenetic models to show that the HIV pandemic did not emerge in the 1980s, but had its roots in the early 20th century (95). cines covering only a targeted subset from the A key contribution of mathematical modeling has been to identify when viral transmission circulating strains of pneumococcus and HPV occurs over the course of infection, which determines the potential to halt spread by various pose important new applied problems (40). The measures. Models have shown that transmission of HIV depends on the epidemic phase and the spread of recombinant viruses implies the exist- sexual behavior of the population, and a large proportion of transmissions may occur late in infection (96). Model-based inference in the Netherlands also suggested that the effective reproduction ence of multiple infections. One example is the number (Box 4) had fallen below 1 due to a combination of low-risk behavior and a very effective diagnosis Sydney 2012 strain of norovirus, but how this and treatment program (97). The debate was transformed in the mid-2000s, when eradication of HIV can occur in such an acute infection remains to through a “test and treat” strategy was hypothesized (98, 99). Subsequent trial results showing that be understood, as the time window for multiple antiretroviral treatment (ART) of HIV-positive individuals could practically eliminate transmission within sexual partnerships when the is treated (100) have further supported the role of exposures is limited, unless subclinical or envi- treatment as prevention. Although these findings have not dispelled concerns about transmission ronmental reservoirs of infection are important. early in infection (93), or about extra-couple transmission (101), it is suggested that high population Mathematical models could help to explore how, coverage of ART may have reduced the incidence of HIV infection in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South 102 for example, such subpopulations may contribute Africa ( ). These findings, combined with the prospect of cheaper, more effective drugs and delivery to the dynamics of multiple infections. structures, underpin UNAIDS’ goal of “zero new infections” for HIV and the initiation of a multi- million dollar cluster-randomized trial (103), which will have its outcome assessed against model Behavior of hosts predictions. In the meantime, the scientific discussion of the effectiveness of ART in preventing Human behavior is a fundamental determinant transmission continues, sparked by studies that fail to show a decline in incidence after increased treatment (104). Such debates are essential to elucidate areas for improvement of the models of infectious disease dynamics, whether by af- used and data needs for such improvement, and to highlight methodological limitations (105). fecting how people come in contact with each other, vaccination coverage, reporting biases, or

SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 aaa4339-5 RESEARCH | REVIEW can interact to drive local (51)andlarge-scale insights from models framed in relatively sim- ways as a result of ignorance about key epide- dynamics (52). ple and homogeneous terms. Subtleties and com- miological processes (3). plexities in many current eradication programs, Incentives for control efforts also change, both Elimination and eradication as well as the availability of novel data sources, at the individual level [passive or active refusal Modeling has long provided support for elimi- have called for a range of extensions in the the- to participate can develop (57)] and at the coun- nation efforts: Vector control (53), critical com- ory. As we approach elimination targets, disease try level (58). This reinforces the call for develop- munity size (54), herd immunity, and critical dynamics have changed in ways that were large- ment of models of human behavior and its vaccination threshold (55, 56)wereallpowerful ly predicted by models, but also in unanticipated interaction with infectious disease dynamics (9)

Table 1. Principles for modeling infection dynamics. As different infections dynamics became particularly clear in relation to those infections; the third have become the focus of public health attention, the modeling community and fourth columns highlight concepts and methods that were developed in has responded by developing improved concepts and methods. The table response. For each row, only a few typical references are given. Many factors, concentrates on the period since 1950. The first column lists the classes of concepts, and methods are relevant, in current use, and in continual develop- infection, and the second column lists factors whose importance to infection ment for much larger classes of infectious agents.

Motivating studies Important factors Concepts Methods Malaria Transmission via insect vectors; Threshold for control, basic Models with two host species (host- [1910s, 1950s onwards, nonlinear dependence of reproduction number. vector models); using models to (53, 106, 107)] transmission on mosquito support and guide field campaigns; biting rate; influence of relating models to field data. environmental and climatic variables. Childhood infectious Immunizing infections; spatial Critical community size and SIR models; age-structured models; diseases, e.g., . and temporal heterogeneity; herd immunity; periodic models with periodic forcing; spatial [1950s onwards, demography; age structure; outbreaks; fade out; vaccine and stochastic models; metapopulation (54, 108)] household structure. efficacy. models; time-series models. Macroparasites. Clumped infections, multistrain Consequences of Stochastic models, approximations [1970s onwards,(108)] and multispecies infections, overdispersed distribution including hybrid models and cross immunity, concurrent of parasite load (Fig. 1) moment closure. infections. Sexually transmitted High/low risk groups; nonrandom Incubation and infectious Statistical methods (e.g., back infections, e.g., HIV. contact structure; partnerships; period distribution; core calculation); models with [1980s onwards, within-host strain diversity and group; next-generation (dis)assortative mixing; pair-formation (108, 109)] evolution; time scale. matrix and operator; models; within-host dynamic models. partnership dynamics. Veterinary outbreaks, Fixed spatial locations with Local versus long-range Individual-based models and spatial e.g. BSE and FMD. changing contact networks. transmission; spatial simulations (FMD); data-driven [1990s onwards, intervention (ring real-time modeling; inference of (110, 111)] vaccination/culling); transmission trees. conflict of priorities at different scales. Novel emerging Behavior change; global Zoonotic spillover; stuttering Contact tracing; modeling international infections, e.g., SARS, interconnectedness and chains; importance of index spread and control; quarantine Nipah virus, MERS. international cooperation case; superspreaders; and case isolation; individual [2000 onwards, in control; responses in unobserved dynamics in heterogeneity in infectiousness, (6, 19, 112–115)] absence of biomedical an animal reservoir; incubation, and latency period. measures; animal reservoirs. supershedding Influenza, including Distribution of prior immunity; ; spillover Interaction between immunological avian influenza. within-population and species between wild birds and and epidemiological dynamics; [Present,(27, 28, 116–118)] strain differences, virus farmed birds; phylodynamics. integrating phylogenetic and evolution and interaction; epidemic methods and models. role of wildlife and farm animals. Vector-borne diseases, The influence of climate and Dilution effect and role of Evolutionary impact of vaccines/other e.g., dengue, malaria. environment on vector and biodiversity in infectious interventions; synthesis of data [Present,(119-122)] pathogen development; disease dynamics; from ecology and epidemiology; animal reservoirs; interaction reemerging infections. elimination modeling; statistical between strains within- modeling of environmental vector host and between-host. suitability. Bacterial infections, e.g., Antibiotic/drug resistance; Vaccine effectiveness; Modeling interacting and emerging pneumococcal disease, adaptive dynamics. interacting natural strains; stochastic models in small MRSA, and tuberculosis. immunity and vaccine populations. [Present, (39, 123–126)] boosting.

aaa4339-6 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 SCIENCE RESEARCH | REVIEW potentially drawing on new data sources from developments in situations with relatively few (64, 65). Other techniques, such as so-called social media (59, 60), as well as for models that infected individuals that occur at emergence, particle filters, approximate Bayesian compu- can capture national and nongovernmental mo- approaching the threshold for sustained host- tation, emulation, and their combinations with tivations, interactions, and competition, eco- host spread, or approaching elimination and MCMC [e.g., (66)], are rapidly developing and nomical or otherwise. Long-term control puts eradication. This makes it virtually impossible to allow stochastic models that explicitly account pathogens under strong selection for resistance, predict which infectious disease agent is going for incomplete observations to be matched to calling for evolution-proof control methods (61) to emerge and evolve next and where, or to time series of cases, giving insights into sce- and novel vaccine technologies and their opti- predict when and where the next or last case in narios as diverse as cholera in Bangladesh (67) mized delivery (62). an outbreak will occur. There is, typically in and influenza (68, 69). The need to integrate Finally, since the era of smallpox eradication, complex systems, a fundamental horizon beyond multiple data sources (70, 71), as well as to patterns of global disease circulation have changed which accurate prediction is impossible. The include uncertainty in model parameters and/ radically. Human mobility and migration are field has yet to explore where that horizon is and or structure, has driven the use of Bayesian increasing global connectivity, strengthening the whether computational tools and additional approaches. need for cooperation and international synchro- data (and if so which data) can stretch predic- Although the rapid expansion of infectious nization of efforts (as illustrated by polio). Tech- tions to this limit. In contrast, “what-if” scenarios disease models and their application over the niques for analysis of novel data sources are for public health intervention can provide qual- past decade has coincided with an increase in again key here; e.g., mobile phone records pro- itative (and increasingly semiquantitative) in- open access data sets available from a variety of vide unique opportunities to understand disease sight into their population consequences. sources, progress in data capture needs to be source-sink dynamics (52). With growing applications in public health, accelerated. Although some of these technolog- there is an increasing demand to validate mod- ically advanced data streams have been incor- Computational statistics, model els by making model predictions consistent with porated into models—for example, to track the fitting, and big data observed data. The development of ever-more- incidence of influenza in the United States (72), By definition and design, models are not reality. powerful computers is accompanied by new to elucidate the spatial dynamics of measles and The properties of stochasticity and nonlinearity techniques utilizing this power, notably for malaria in Africa (53, 73), and to chart the strongly influence the accuracy of absolute pre- statistically rigorous parameter estimation and spread of dengue globally (74)—much more re- dictions over long time horizons. Even if the model comparison. Techniques such as Markov mainstobedonetoleveragedatacollectedfrom mechanisms involved are broadly understood and chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) have become firm- different sources (e.g., demographic, genetic, epi- relevant data are available, predicting the exact ly established tools for parameter estimation demiological, treatment, and travel patterns) and future course of an outbreak is impossible owing from data in infectious disease models [e.g., at different temporal and spatial scales. tochangesinconditionsinresponsetotheout- (63)], and Monte Carlo based methods will play break itself, and because of the many chance a pivotal role in addressing the challenges that Concluding remarks effects in play. These stochastic effects dominate lie in reconciling predictions and observations Infectious diseases are an important frontier in public health, and their prevention and control call for global, rather than national or regional, coordinated efforts (75–78). The success of small- Box 4. Some fundamental terms and concepts. pox and rinderpest eradication campaigns shows • susceptible: individual who is at risk of becoming infected if exposed to an infectious the possibilities; the global spread of newly agent. emerged pathogens (recently avian influenza

• basic reproduction number, R0: average number of infections caused by a typical infected strains and MERS coronavirus), the difficulties individual in a population consisting only of susceptibles; if R0 > 1, the infectious agent can in curbing the spread of antibiotic resistance, start to spread. the upsurge of polio toward the “end-phase” of • effective reproduction number, Re: average number of infections caused by a typical its eradication, and the recent unprecedented R infected individual when only part of the population is susceptible; as long as e > 1, the agent spread of Ebola virus, are examples that show can continue to spread. the need for international coordination and col- • herd immunity: state of the population where the fraction protected is just sufficient to prevent outbreaks (R < 1). laboration. Nonlinearity in infectious disease e dynamics and global connectivity cause subop- • critical elimination threshold, p : proportion of the susceptible population that needs to c timal national decisions on control and prevention be successfully protected—for example, by vaccination—to achieve herd immunity; pc =1:1/R0 is a rule of thumb from models when hosts are assumed to mix randomly. to have regional and even global repercussions. • : per capita rate at which susceptible individuals acquire infection. Given the mismatch with regions where most • final size: fraction of the initial susceptible population that eventually becomes infected expertise on infectious disease dynamics is con- during an outbreak. centrated, it is important to empower local scien- • prevalence: proportion of the population with infection or disease at a given time point. tists and policy-makers, in regions where the burden of disease is heaviest, about the problems • superspreader/supershedder: infected individual that produces substantially more new cases than the average because of greater infectiousness, longer duration of infectiousness, facing their own countries and the consequences many more transmission opportunities and contacts, or combinations of these. Even when the of local actions. It is essential to make exper- R average 0 is relatively small, these individuals have large effects on outbreaks. tise, data, models, statistical methods, and soft- • metapopulation: collection of populations, separated in space, but connected through ware widely available by open access. There movement of individuals. are several initiatives (e.g.,, • critical community size: minimum number of individuals in a population that allow an,, the Hu- infectious agent to persist without importation of cases. manitarian Data Exchange (HDX), and the • case fatality ratio: proportion of symptomatic infections that result in death. Malaria Atlas Project), but more needs to be • SIR model: most basic model metaphor for immunizing infections where each living individual done. Modeling tools and software for data ana- is assumed to be in one of three epidemiological states at any given time: susceptible, infected and lysis are beginning to become open source, such infectious, and recovered and immune. The model specifies the rates at which individuals change their state. Individuals progress from S to I when infected, then from I to R upon recovery. Many that findings can be replicated, additional sce- variants exist—for example, recognizing different classes of S, I, and R individuals, depending on narios can be evaluated, and others can incor- individual traits such as age. porate methods for data analysis or simulation. Ultimately, sharing models guarantees more

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aaa4339-10 13 MARCH 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6227 SCIENCE Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health Hans Heesterbeek et al. Science 347, (2015); DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa4339

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