'!' "1',. 'Ii I , ·1 W~I;y",' 1 1rExcerptsFrom Talk Given By The 15,000 READER~ TH-'E' N' .'.I,.H'.·,·,'.. ,E·,R'AL,'D', 'lp'A' WayneEditor AtKiwanis'Meeti,nll:ClubOf 1Ill~~~~~~if~~~~~==~::~~::~:~::::~==~J~~~;~~~;~~~lill;~~;iM~;';;~~~:~~~~::~~~:~:::~~~:=~;~=5~~~~~~ I' Monday Night. WAYNE, NEBRASKA, T URSDAY, CTOB·R19.1933. :~£;;:oa::;:i:":frEJ~ EARU\~:~~1(;.!~;:~;Mt~':.T ~ 1J~::e~~i~::: ~~1"'~~~~ OR~ I'SURVEY WELt .... 1en WAYNE KIWAN S o' mue. I!.RE ·~~;~;~f~~i~~t~~~~li~~;~1 WI~~IDE KILLED ~~S'~r~~,t"~:n~~~;:~'::~~ ALONG ON ROAD PlaYS:tiar~:::t;~IJ:':'f A iPROBRAMGlV N Ac~~rh;k~~~:~~;;;' TO EA ~OON er personal 'prhileges ,to excite Chl"is utenbaq.gh I. Victim old times.. At night 8.utoJ).'lobiles ,Grading Outfit On Hand At 'Local Hotel. I club Is R-- t d ~~egOil~~u~~~ar~:~n~~~~ar~o~~r I' jealous rh'alry-- but he started the Of ailroad Cr06&in were so numerous that many , " epresen e Severall' om Lbc8110. chools· world Qff vltrong in a.II the ways at A"d F "d g parlting spa.ces had to be found To Sta~t. Work When Wayne Young Business ~enls I Week At Meeting ~su~~e~~::c~t~u~e~~~:.::~~~~~eil In&t c AtJ District otel his command, and it has been go~ eel ent rl BY. in residence sections. Trade was Approval Given.· ~IUb met last evening at r In Grand hland. the big crdp. We understandi Dven i011~ I . 1ng wrong ever since P 1 StrucM by a tn¢k While flagging extraordinary. People are bUy~ '. ,tratton, e diI}ner party and I l;lro- ~lng membe~s t " : t what others 1'0 ose t·o eop e want traffic it a Sioux Cit railroad lng more of the things they Surveying on the new Wayne- graJ:tl held for and 4yne KlwanlanS,t at their the prt.ee to huskers is ten per Wayne ools ,ab.d b Wayne they want a~\'a~tag:-esft~t~l A~~ef~~ crOSSin: Friday aftern~n, Chris need, and all are anxious for the P~erce highway has been complet- their WIves and, friends, : m e~ng Monday eveni g at otel cent of the mnrket price for State Teacb. rs college.~ . 1 be well ' to other!:>, and often a co;mct of Lautenbaugh, 65, former Winside time when they can make im- ed from w~yne to a point two and Burr Davis, D. P. Miller and. G. IS ra~ton, heard a, rogra of ~~~·t i~~~C~~~eano:~~~hc~~~e~~ represented n the actiT~t1es of tho InfJuences hinders the vel' 1'0- man, was killed instantly. Driver provements and buy supplies a half mile", west,. accordiJ)g to A. Renard had charge of the pro· SP~ing and ,music. 'F. S. erry· t1l.tions. Ordinary fields, un- District 3~ onventi/On of the Ne­ gr~ss which all desire. Y p of the trUCk, T, R. Wigall of C~ with old~time liberality. Sat~ Thomas. C~nning_ham of ~nc6In. gram which followed. Miss Lenore arl~d . W. HUjge sp<)ke, and Prof. touched 'by hail, yield from thfr- braska St ~ Teachers la~'OCiation, eago was h ld f ti 1 d urday night is not only the oc- engineel, who is in charge. ThE! Ramsey directed a· play presented J. . Keith had charge of m sic. to be held in Norf~lk 10 tober 26 'rh(>rc were, no hartl-,sUrfaced polic~ peceted ~~ i~:s r:~~ua~_ casion for the week's peak in surveys have been !;'lent to Lincol,Ii by college students. . Berry explai~ed Ki anis tyfive to fifty bushels to the and 27. ~I' I :Ollds nor an:;.; other klpd, ,we ter cha'les against Mm. witn:ss- trade. but it is the time when for approVal and ~hen they are Name of the play was "Another ide s f~r the new members, Edw. acre. We have heard of patches Supt. H !k, Bes~ of e ~u~uc JUdg~,-- at. the time.. \tl~ I,sraehtes. es sta;I that brakes of the truck the week's experiences are re- returned grading WIll st~rt at once; Triangle" and cast was: Flora S~y our, Frank Erxleben an ,Ker- turning out sixty busqels, and schools, is~~ecretarY ofII t .e. dlst.rict br(:k~. loose from Egyptian bond- were DOf working efftcietntI, but viewed and the week's problems The grading should beglD the last LitHe. Charlene Brown; ~hil. 'Len- m t Stev.:art. L. W. McNat ar- we know fields· on low ground organizati ti, and will be the [I,)re•. ag~ nnd headed for the La1.~ of Ca- that the driver made vel' e~ort to are discussed. Saturday night's of this week or first of~ext. Surt Die Burnham; Amos Little, Arthur r* ed thlS part of the prog ID. that expect close to a liundred siding off oer at the gerral Ses- ~::ker;n the absence of rlghWay stop. :Mr. Lautenbaugh ~alked to- sojourn in town is a refre~hing veyors are also working from th~ McCaUley. , ~ ,r. Huse spoke on road w k for ..,buShels., The minimum. on hall- sion on Fr day morning. ', in an~ road maps, direct- ward ctjnrer of 'the street with a experience~a joyful anticipa~ Rierce end east. As soon .as,.sur~ MUsic was furnished by Harold t efart jof the program ar nge~ ~~s~~~sgt:o~~~;~r:~P~~~haJa~ The Wa ne high: ~ch 1 boys' g cl~ud v.:as loaned for ,the trip. "soo "~f . h· h d th t k tion a happy recollection. That veying is completed it is planned to West Fritz Sund Donald Linn and b . L. March. glee club, ill sin,atl tf. ge'$,erall This JOU~'Il:Y . fro~ Ekvpt to driv~r J~ I~ ~~ a~u't lef~ f~U~t cro~ds are growing larger is an have three grading outfits at work, Pa,l 'Berg. J .1 P of..Keith, on invitation f mu- aged corn has been put into 8i~ session on~ThurSda~ aif~ moon. l'Coj Ca:naan \\; hleh IS sald to h~ve re· p 0 ~ encoura i indication, onff on the east and another on the, , SIp ~hairman, Wm. Becken auer, los for largest possible use. The G. Ste~r is direqtQrl I 'qmred forty years, could ~~ve been fender. ~truck the flagman, dragg g ng west end o~ the Wayne cou~ty sec- Dancmg and cards we.re ~lVer- ~estnted eo clarin~t quarte and corn crop varies accorlliing to Prof. K, nneth par,e of Wayne I acc?rnplis~d ?y Amelia E4irhart.in i~:Ck~rn ~~t ~~::~~~o~s ~~: _~._~~__ tor and one'·working eas-t ot,Pi~rc~. sioh at C,10S6 of the evemng. , b as~ quintet. The quartet, Mlas the season and the cond~tion of State T~ehers cOI~eg, has ,beeni her sp£!ed~ all-plane in f?rty mlD~ dead be~ore ah ambulaneegarrivect COLLfGE LEADS County surveyors go over. We t' alro Jensen, Stanley Davi ,Rob- the ground. Low land doee bet- selected c irman of. h~nOInlinat., ute~::.-ur [J\ ~r a modern hlghw:ay 1n and the: coroner announced that h~ . 'highway first, establishing section 'AUT~ ~ t .tTulItver and"Mr. Dean, layed tel' in a se!\lson not too ..yet, and ing com ttee whiCh ~a es candi- a.. hlbh-po\\ ered automoJlile in two corners..Wayne 'county surveyor,' ACC I0EN' ~etite Quartet, by' Crosse The high ground in a season not too dates :for the disthG~ a ncerJ:! .,for hour!:>, Hoads and means pf tm 1 hau suffered a crushed chest and . q intet played "Minuet" by Bach dry. The farmer bets l:m the the erlsui 0- year. J ' ve interna~ in ·uries Robert Jones, is working e.boUt I ', 'k· d f t d .0 improved gradually a.nd qf course D b . sev~n mUes west of Wayne tb,is I Ifl the quintet Were the fall wing: In 0 season 0 ens~e an At the eeting' f he 'sociall sci~ J . s IN REGISTRATION l very appreciably thl'oughlthe cen- ece~~e was om 10 .. axony, I, 'week havinO" completed the work. Wss Catherine 1 Greens-lit and then employs methods in har- Iden"ScceUSsSelQ.otnioonn· ;:Tahc er vWO!UlltlhO$aaorll._ lurie-so btlt the big jump ahead that Germa~~, on N.ovember 20,. 1868, betw~en her: and that point ThJ M NDAY FATAL Qeorgc Alml()nd~.L cornets; lHarry mony With his guess. Sometimes ~ ~ i 11 promise~ to revolutionize transpor- ~~e~~~:~nt~~s ~~~~t~~ ;~~Th~: state surveyors follow the ~ountY' I I r.lU?ke.y and W~fl. S~eele, {;rench his jUdgment pans out well, and ing on in he.unitl taJs ar,d Its tatil)n \\,LS not started until 1893--. " y. g Preliminary Plans Made For men designating cuts and fills ~-. I ~IDS' and Clyde Mitchell, trom- sometimes not so well, 'but un- Social a d Econ 'c 1m licn- 1 the Y('Qr (If the former Chicago fai; farruly tettled 1ll OhiO and later G J' d' tf.t d ~ M,rs Henry Smith :tmer ne. A week ago Monday Prof. less hail or some other calamity tions" by, three of e ayn 001- -.--the year when the other paralyz- moved 0 Indiana. He married :MIss Festivities Of Annual ra mg ou I an wagons ve '.'. 'L1 e1th presented a violin tri before causes ruin he raises a.n accept.. lege instr~ctors, D .. oj. WjLeW- i~g dt2'presslon started. What mar~ Rose S~ndt at Dakota City on Sep~ Homecoming. been moved to the corner first Wln~lde W.oman, ~ ll~d ~wanlans. In the trio we e Miss able crop in this usually favor- is, Dr. M H. Sub et e ajnd' r, H. vels in facllities for travel have tember 27, 1896. The Lauten- mil~s ~es\ o~ Wayne andt will be And Husband Hu f.! :u.ouise Heine; Miss Helen K rn and ed section. D. Grjfft , since develop~! baugh.s: moved to Valentine where That Wayne State Teachersl.col- rea ~ 0 s ar a~ soon as he sur- ..: ¥iss caroline Spangler and they Prof, 1$, J. Hu t met~ a so of they lived sev~n years, then came lege far out-numbers all other vey IS approved m Linl¥lln. Mrs. Henry SmIth of LtD olr and 'la d "E ultati " b C W S~: t b teacher~training ~isterl. ~ ~r;,e X ~~ir ac~om :~~~: ~a Thus, t.he ' ...·orld has been treat- to Winside in 1913,· Two years ago state institutiions Farmers who were hailed out formerly of Winside, Hu- Keith was SUIC lD[ [RIDAY ayne e Teac esc llegc' has cd to. mal (' and better hard-su~ac~ Mr. an~ Mrs. Lautenbaugn went to ~n matriculated eollego stud~nts, and 'unemployed will be given work bert Leucks of ne!il:' Pi1ger, w~ fa- Th b d h Id b i Pt. I ~:~~ d?;; ee~~~u~~1d ~~s J~~i~~r=~ cd hlghways, but of the world's SiOLLX City where the former was IS shown by reports brought by the on the I road They will be select~ tally injured and Mr. ~mi~h is in. fe 11 oa: ~ ~ ~s ness mee, ~ I 'V- supply-in the distribution of pav- in railroad employ, - four presidents Monday to state ed fro tlw~e registered with L. C. critical condition in an Aperdeen, m~o:a_~::r~sk:~d;a~i;ro~i:~~~t has chos n as hi opiq, "t Ref?~ ed or graveled roads--:Wayne caun- Mr. La:utenbaugh was a member normal board sessi~n at Peru. To- Gilderseeve of Wayne, V. G. WiIl- S. !?, .hiospi~l, tb~ result or an au- ~onvened at Grantli Island this AT NEARBY FARM ~~:o~a:i~~ ~::r~ n i~oc~~~:~ ty has fallen short of Its due share, of the Sons of Herman lodge and tal number of stUdents, not includ- iams 0 Carroll and Fred Miller of tomoblle accldent MondRM taft~rr W d d P·d t T S H k City." ~ :F'inal .accomplishment of the of the A. F. & A. M. lodge at Win- ing trainiI:,g school registration, Winsid .' noon near Aberdeen. Mr. nd Mrs. Se~r~r::YH. R~es~::t a~d . F.ooL: Miss ~arie ,H e qt Wayne Way.ne~P~erce road over numerous side, He was baptized and con~ was given as follows; Kearney, Rou e of the highway, it is re- Hubert Luecks, and Mr. a d Mrs,. Blair are delegljl.tes, Mrs, Blair: --. • State Te chers co 1, ge, ~ppears on b.arners lS due to the firm resolu· firmed, into the Lutheran faith 696; Peru, 476; Chadron, 452; and ported, will run from Wayne di~ Dan Leucks of Wis.ney,.t went MI'. and Mrs, A. IR. Carhart, Mr. Dr. B: ,~E. KatEndS HIS Life the prog am of e. ~ t:q.ematics tum. and tlr.e,less energy of the Ki~ back in Germany, and he and his Wayne, 758. Dl'. li. S. Conn reports rectly est 17 miles, south 2 miles through Wayne late Monday· night and Mrs. R. L. 'Larson, Mr. and Wl~h Cu At Farm section. JShe us wallis com~Illttee. Many trips. were far.nlly: have been members of t,he that the board agreed on ,a can- and w st 1 mile. Entering Pierce enroute ~ Abe.rdeen. Mrs. W. c. Coryell and C. M. Cra- Near ender. for TeaclIi.ng ir- made to Lmcoln to consult the Trmitt Lutheran clIUrch of WlO- tra.ct fol' natural gas covermg the county it wlIl extend west 8 miles The SmIths were enroute to AI- veil also planneq to go to Grand Is~ man Of~IS secii ni Cj~

sta~e bo~rd of public works~an side f~ 17 years, and taken an ac- year November 1, 1933, to Novem~ south ne~half mile and the.Q west gona, towa, to visit Mrs. Della land yesterday, Facing charge of non-support Clark, instructor ill 'X" t'td.kmg hme and causing consider- tive p$.rt in its work, bel' I, 1934. Contract called for a one m1 e to Pierce. Thourman, a sister of deceased, 1 flIed by his wl e in county court, in. the ayne hig Isch oJ'. .:"," able expense. The road commit- Besides his widow, Mrs. Rose Lau~ slight redu~~tion in rates, and slight after being in Minot, N. D., to see' Dr. B. E. Katz, inside veterinar- Prof. or. V.oT d of Wayne CO. tee has been on the alert to pro- tenbaJgh of Sioux City, a son and reductiop-/in guarantee, the max~ I their first grandchild, a son born 'YOUN.G ~ITIZEN ian, committed, uicide by shooting lege is trspeak t, .~eac~er8 of nor- g ~ j~ct, mote any promiSl.·n road improve- three d.aughters survive, These are imum guaral1tee being $9,600. Two DIS"'TRICT COURT. to tho Homer Smiths. Nea.l' Abe,r- , . . . h'imseIf a t th H eory VonSeggern mal traifing on h. e su "The ment that would serve the conven- Henry! Lautenbaugh, :M..iss Alma of tho colleges, Chadron and Kear- deen th", car became uncontrollable I farm home three miles west and Rural T acher, I ~r T~,ahung apd iencl~ of the county and facilitate L.!lute~baugh, Mrs, WiIIiam Rabe ney, have filed applications for and up~et. Mrs. Smith suffered a I CON' EST HELD two south of F!ender Friday morn~ ~Outook." I travel to the county seat. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey, all of government financing of new dor~ IN SESSION HERE broken neck. • ing. Officals had been seeking Teachlrs of s ience will hear An ins.tance of gratuitous inter~ Winsilfte. There ar~ also two sisterg, mitorie.s, the fir;;t one a~ldng Homer G. Smith of Minot, N. D., I '. I him 'to serve ~ummons~ and :Nor- Prot. C, R. Chi , VVi~'aYrie State' ference was reported last wmter Mrs, Herman GeIse of Hancock, $140,000 for a boys new dormItory, former Wayne college studen~, is -+- folk ~U~horitie~ had been requested Teacher, college, in a. d scussio'b of ,,,,hen the senator frQm Cedar pro- Minn." and Mrs. Fred Schaum~ and the second request.lng a like the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Students Will Compete For to keep watch for him. Desponden- "Nature, Study . Gra es and Bi- p~~('d to change highway No. 15 kesselof Montana. amount, for a women's building. 'I . . e· 'ic ry Smtth. cy, dU~ to financial troubles, was ology in High Sc 1." \'~njch runs through Wayne, to a Funleral rites were held at Trin~ John Gurney, bass baritone; ap- WI ham Eva~s Wins. V.rd ,t The SmithS lived at Winside for District Ajnd State ,belie1'ep. to be cause of the act. Leona d Goo in!tructol" of route two miles west of Lere, ity L~theran church Monday after~ Pt eared a."i a PMartdof the C~llegeNleCM Of Not ~utltY-Wlnl~,.d~"..4:· .a-:.ttllmber _Qf years and :moved to H'onors Soon. I;>r.:jf!t~_s,p,~ql;nll.\!'~,9.g,~I!tg:h~', . . ~~~' !i,,!~~ )~~},~~ Again wIthin a few weeks this noon, ~n charge of Rev. W. F. Most, ure course on ayevenmg, ext EdItor On Tria. '.' Lincoln several years ago. in the VonSe$ern home and left sch 01, alrm 0.1., he commer· . ~:;n(' ~;~~~~~~tt~:e~l~l t~~ini;~ ~~: ~:~eitetre;~;~~;~~~:~dt~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~:,~~;~;;n~I~~;;~t~~:rS~~~d;:~.n District court, JUd~e C. H,. Ste- S d~ B-d-1-; co~:~~~~ub~t~;;~U~;t~~~=;~s~~~ .~~:,f~~~~ ~~:r:~~~s;a~:t ~~~~~ ~~~lg:: for ~:: i:o~;r~:i~~ent~~ voile on Jim Brittain said he wish- lodge. Pallbearers were L"'harles Annual home-coming tho week~ ~art .of Norfolk, preSIding, WIth a tu ent 0 y 0 tober 21, at the court house in When he falleld to return te the. Miss Stella Tr ~ter ~d to s('!'ve notice that No. 15 was Misfeldt, William Misfeldt, G. A. end of October 27, 28 and 29, will Jury 10 attendance, opened Monday AT Wayne, Papers written by county house, the VonSeggerns went to; of the iRtermedi f g to b.., movtd. Hc would see to it at Mittelstadt, David Leary, Fred bring, the Chadron grid conte'st.. on morning. The d,ocket was revie~- ccompany earn contestants will ,be judged with seek him and found him dying of and .Mil! Beula JR the next meE'ting of the legislature. Weib~e and Henry Trautwein. the flrst day, and a homecommg ed, and fseveral Civil cases were dlS- ~~:t~ctf~r:n~::r:rll ~~u~~~~a~~ a bullet wound in the forehead, H;e tary of the Ian ~P' Out of this senatorial aurora bore- --~---~----- dance on Saturday evening. posed a . C' I had stiot himself with a .22 calibre Miss uth Ro , atis came the explanation that I ·t F Miss Frances M, Camp, director The state vs. William :E:vans; Va.ried Program Iven n go to Omaha early in November' rifle A doctor was summoned but has bee~ aelecte 0 the Wayne traffic was too heavy to nVI e armers of appointment committee in the charged with instructing state's Convocation Pericd On for the state competition. Dr. Katz died without regaining hostbSSt: at t 0 WO en's dinner have a highway running through THT lk college of education at University witnesses, was the first c~e tried Wednesday Morning. Wayne Legion sponsors the consciousness Deceased was a for~ whIch i a new d sp cial feature it-too many women were driv'.:lg\ 0 ear a S of Iowa, visited the colIc-ge office and it resulted in'a verdidt of ac- I county contest her,e and Miss Pearl mer commander of the Roy Reed of the 'Norfolk con]ention this to make travel safe. Jim counter~ Tuesday. quittal. College high school students wm Sewell .conducts It. Each h~gh post, American LegIon, and was year. n the p gra which IS to ed by informing the senator that Rooters' Day At Lincoln Di'. Myrick Sublette will be Testimony in the case of the have their °Plportunity to attend as school 1.9 entitled to enter two girls about 40 years old follow he dmn ,WI i be a vocal 'Wayne would camp on hls traU •• . speaker at meeting of A, A. U. W. state against Fritz Dimmel, PUib- out~of-town game.Friday aftle - and two ~oys in the c:o~nty tests. Be leaves hIS WIdow and four solo by MISS lldre Moses of when No. 15 became an issue, and ThiS Friday To Bring thin evening, taking "Tho Personal- Hsher of the Winside Tribune, noon by accompanymg, the squab Scholarsr...lp and actiVitIes will be children: at Wmslde Funeral ser- Wayne'.I: added that a hve town like Wayne Messages Of Interest. Ity of tho State" as hiS subJ.ect charged with lIbel Shenff A. W. to Laurel Pep commlttee IS a~M cons.lder~d m plckmg thE!' best all- Vices were held at Hooper Monday Anot~er Way e county educator O has more than a sprmkllng of au- Stressing the economIC SIde of An especlaIIy largo attendanco IS Stephens bemg the complalm~g ranging cars ti ~a~~ any studept around studentS.~ d> t t afternoon m charge of the Am~ sharmg 'respons Ihtie~ in the pro- tomoblles commg and going, and ork roduction the seventh an~ reported for the all~college frollc witness, was heard by a Jury yes- wIshmg to a en e game, anb In past years ayne c un y s u- erican Leg-wn. gram Cllvlbe JS Supt. Joseph that they were competently handl- p Ii:. t 'd' t b h ld t th last Saturday evening The gym- terday and the tr18.1 will be resum- tho mstructors will dismlss them ~t dents who have gpne to the state Knibbs of the Soles sphool He is 5 cd by both men and women It is ~u~ c: era ~t 0 Ie ell a e naSlUm was decorated In coIlege edlthi~ mornmg 2:1 o'clock contest are Miss Kathryn Kemp, M. dM d chairm n of the Sociatsc~ence sec- up to Jim to make good his answer F:ld:a;, ~~~I:r 2~~~S :peeC~:d ~~ colors, and members of the social . I Fnday afternoon, Dean H. H. MISS Jeanne Wnght and Kenyon arrle on ay lIon. to the challenge, and in domg so attract a number of Wayne county commlttee chaperoned WWI Hahn :lsited three rooms in the LeWIS ~ At WH ~ . he WIll ccrtamly have the active hvestock roducers. Emergency Prof Kenneth N Parke was ayne oman S I Homer school, and reports them m ~.. ayne orne Ret rns Fro Trzp help of thl.' Klwams1commlttee and Agli Assi~ant G H Liggett re- chapel speakergedneSday mom- • I excellent workmg ordel Not a OrganIze RelIef I -- C t others MClcly to SUlt the conven- celVed a defmlt~ prog;am today. ing, dlscussmg 0 ortumtIes in ed~ Named~o OffIQe ChIld was Idlmg away hIS time, and I. I Miss Marie Finn Becomes 0 Weste'ln oas ience and qUiet the nmse of the Talk3 on st~bihzation of pork ucatIOn all worked ~n busmess-llke manner, Work Here FrIday J~ . Dr -and Mrs C Tflngham ar- senator from Cedar, It IS not Ultely production by representatives of News of Organizations. I 'rho reCItatIOns revealed a,flr;Ie B:hkle Of Mr. Frederick rlVed ttome Tu sday rom a motQr the state leglslature can be per~ the corn and h6g sect~on of the ag- YWC A met for a "charm Mrs: E. J.. Hunte,?er ChOSfn SpIrIt of cooperation between pu· -- ThUD At Ceremony. tnp t~ southe Call ornia where suaded ('Ithet to move No 15 away ncultural adjustment admlmstra school" program at Nelhardt re- First Vice-President Of, pIls and teachers. Ld~lal Groups Are Asked To F d ht they v SIted th ir son Ralph, and ' W· C ukl d M'l.. . ;M1SS f,nna Mane mn, aug er I I S f rolD \i\ llyne or move ayne away Uon are expected to draw the most creatIon room Wednesday eVElDlng Catholic Women. Miss Emd a yn an mS Send RepresentatIves of Jam s Fmn of Wayne, and Mr thmr daughter I ~rs Duran urn· from No 15 intere~t Dr. AG Black, head of Mlss Gladys Spurlock of SIOUX City I lituth Padenl superVIsors of the To Mass Meeting. Fredjeri k Thun, son of Mr. and mel'S ~he doct r IS dow reestab- The fIrst highway constructIOn that d;ivlsion may be m Lmcoln to arranged the program WhICh cen- Mrs E, J. Huntemer was cholen training school, attended the SlOUX j Th f thw t f hshed IlU hIS 0 fice h re for the in Wayne county 'Cxtended from discus,s the future corn-hog pro- tered around etIquette, vice-president of the Omaha Dio e- pty meetmg of northwest d!viSlOD Wayne's central relief comnut- ~:..a;h~, gu;~re u~;n~~r M~~d:y pract;i~e of his rofes lion He says Wayne to Laurel III 1919, but it gram which IS expected to be made Y. MeA. members met at the san council of Cathollc women at rf the Iowa State Teachers asso- tee met at the court house FrIday moriUn October 16 at 8.30 at St he co ld dISCO er no ronllunced was not graveled for a few years publlc soon gymnaSIUm Wednesday evemng for Thirteenth annual convention htld ciatlOn on Fnday afternoon. They evening and made plans for a pUb- g, , i eVlden e of re rned p osperity m Gravel on No 15 ~rom Laurel t~ __.______a SWlmmmg party in Columbus Monday and Tuesd~Y· were parbchla;IY mterested"in Dr. he gath~rmg this coming Friday at ~~;r;:: F~~~:~lI~ell::::a;:~~rm~ the so thwest,/thQUg the nu~~- Wisner WhIch was done at dlffer- R t W..J. MISS Lenore Ramsey coached a Mrs Fred Berry was chosen chQ:lr- E- K Fretwell s lecture on Pubhc WJhwh relief program for the year th ' th aus a ortmen of re 1 estate men cnt bmes was completed in 1924 epresen uyne short play for Young Busmess man of study clubs m Jacln School Puplls as Citizens," atnd wtill be blocked out 'The meeting ~ng b 0 ceremony ~n e p~esence try t@ look en urag d. WinSIde ~allled a graveled road :4.t State Meeting Men s club dmner Wednesday eve~ deanery, and Mrs. Huntemel,' 1 11 "What is the Place of Education III w111 be held at the Clt. hall, 00- of ~ out 15 ~~a iV~S f:: t near I west to the county l1ne in 1926. State firemen's convention is in mng, Wlth Charlene Brown of serve on board of dir:ctors for t at a Democracy?" g100ing at 7 30 o'clock, and all 10- ;~e e~raf~r::rdl~f~:~::h:r:: Mu ic F atured Then the questIOn of proce:amg session in North Plwtte from Tues- Wayne, Lenme Burnham of Sholes district whioh comprises 17 tdwtls Program at the hlgh school con- cfll clubs and lodges WIll be asked ani the oun folks then left for I• east caused differencs of opmion day until Thursday this week and and Arthur McCauley of Atkinson, Others attending from Wayne were vocation Wednesday mornmg Was ttl> send repr~sentatives All ,other Om ha. yThe; WIll be at home on n y e RadIO Pendmg de&isIOn, a graveled hIgh- Wa e firemen whd left Tuesda. makmg up the cast. Mrs. B. F Strahan, Ii Mrs. W. lA. planned bj'" Jack Morgan, and lin. P1ersons mterested III Wayne s re- t f b id room's farm northwest way to WakefIeld was planned and to ~end are Martin L Rin e; Newman club officers met Tues- Emery, Mrs Eliz8lbeth Marq,8- cluded the following num\xlrs: Uef problems, are invited to attend. ~e* l' eg fte their return I completed III 1929 The highway Bun D i H W Ba ett Jgh' day to send out the club's program chang, Miss Helen N'uss and Mfs. Readmgs, Helen Mabbott; LBtin WorkilIlg plans for the year will be 0 Mayne a r . VocJI Ltd I stiu ental Mus.. connecting Winside With No. 15 Bingolda~~rl M rChanr: G 0"'; for remainder of the yeal, to all John Carroll. word contest between Latin 9p.d Worked op.t at Wis time, and com- ~ ;ss Finn worel a d~SS;:f S~I id Are P es ned From was graveled three years ago. Fortner: L. W. V:th, E.' E. Fleet~ Cathohc students in the college The Wayne women were \fell ~e- LatIn 10 students, won by th~at~ ~ittees appoinUd. . ~a~ e~i~na~~:.s~~: uO;t o~c ~I10; '11 Stu in ere. A graveled highway to accom- wood Norhe t B W It The meetmg in Pile hall recreation presented on the program~ MfS. ter grade; pia.no solo, Leon AIf rd, Rev. H. C. Capsey, chairman,. r . q y d modate residents north and north- BreS~ler and ~ete ~~~~~~. a er room Wednesday evening was in Berry's repor~ on "Catholics a*d speech on the Homer game, ar- preSided at the meeting of last an[White chrysanthen;u:n~ua~_ :Mi~s Marie and Walter Sund west of here carqe next in order J nature of a membershIp drive, and the New Deal' bemg called t1J-e ence Berry; talk on "Why I dyelmy week, and called attention to the ca tions Mrs. Marga e g sanglPopular umbe ~ fo~ the Her- and diff.el'enc'es of opinion wer~ ffi B .ld. was followed by dancmg and a pro~ most worth-while one given. M~S. hair red" by Lloyd Dotson I lJleed of coordinating all relief work. ert of Salix, Iowa, sister of the aid radio br.o dcast last Thursda.y. many and pressi.n'g and they de- Ul lng gram Berry served on the resolubo"hs First GradeI13 Active. I Care of trarnsients was di,scuss~ bn e, attended her and she wo;e a Harold Sma ley d :H:arold West ce h layed action from y~r to year. On- Is Being Erected "B" Teams Play5 Friday. committee for the convention, dd Many interestmg proJects ~ave ~d, a.nd the emp~ymant comrmt- ~t °it b~a~khi ~d ~h~te, Q n playe.t1 baJ;ljo and saxophone £01" ly one road could qe built at a time, Dr. T, T, Jones is haVIng a mod.. College "BI> team plays its first Mrs. Huntemer made report on t~ occupied first graders the past t~e made up of .ur. William Ha,;,- "'"] 8,-1 en e. s ro e. Fri~Y'S prog am. I • and the one that c~Uld be bullt With ern brick and tile office structure g~me thIS Frlda;y afternoon, meet- guild and study clubs Qf WaYyte a d week, As viSItors, they had .fYJ.fS. }rins, E. E. Gailey, Mayor MartIn Vorty relatives and friends werte Ro ert Gull ver. ,et Donald Linn ~ the least delay was considered the built on the~south part of hIS lot at mg Walthlll alumni on the Walthill Carron mission. About 3251 worn n H Hopmann and Bobbie Hopmann, Ringer and Fred Blair, was in- gubsts at the wedding bre~a.s had popular mUSl on the saxo- most acceptable. This- happened to Fourth and Main. streets. Excava. field. attenp.ed the sessions, iI!l.cludi g a~d Mrs. Ed. Echtenkaxnp. Iwho structed to :work out a plan of ac· !ellOW and green were carned out phon and pi no fa ,$aturday be 113 leading directly west to tlOn hfas started and the building representabves from 24: towns a d we(e much mterested in Ithe class tion, and brung It to ~he next meet- 111;1 flowers, nutcups and doilies on Mi S Faun 11 Be kenhauer san~ Plerce. So, the committee put time will 100 completed in about two M th A dB b cities. Mrs. W. J. Hotz of amah, work. The wee folks have eom- ling. the tables. for onday's progr m. M~ss Ver- and money into 0lvercoming obJec- montij.s. The front will be pressed 0 er nay national P. T. A. Chairnu"n, a d pleted the Big Book to page t~irty- Mrs. Hattie McNutt, relief work- Mrs. Thup is a graduate of me McDowel was er accompan· tions and hasteni~ action. Speed- brick and the interior wood finish- Killed In Crash Mrs, Harry ~erge of Iyakim , one and the Pre-Primel)' to the er, reported a shortage of clothmg, wf;yne high school and has an A 1st. ing construction .1 will be a signal lng, fir. J. H. Foster is t~e con- Wash., national chairtpan of stu y sa~e page. Friday w a l~velY and thell clothing committee was B 1 degree D from Wayne Teachers Be nie Ka and MarlOn .Jones, reUef. Persons ijn the neigbbor- tractor in charge~ Mrs. Arthur Kraft, 23, and her clubs, and first Vice-president ~f day to take a hike, so1he Iclass asked ~o send out an appeal for college. She taught thr~e years, play' g clan ts, a d Miss Ml1dred • hood whose crops) were hailed out, 5-montb-old daughter of Coleridge, the nationa.l council, were spe - went to Mrs. Winifred MMn's ~ome gifts ~ wearables. Ben Carhart one at Crofton and two In district Kno p, pl8:YI g the plano, furnish.. will be directly benefited by the Hiwd B8dIy Out. were !lilled Sunday wilen returning ers. BIShop Josellh F, Rummel W S ,to see the beautiful haJ,Id JjJapie heads t 's group. assisted by Mrs. 66 northwest or Wayne. ed uslc f eS,d y's broadcast. thirty] or more thpusands of dollars M.arcell Ring, Bon -of Mr. and homE) from church services in in attendance and :Wrs. Arth r Itrees u~n h~r lawn. And IhOtbey W. H. hilUps, Harvey Hostetter Those here from out of town for ow rth sa~g Wed"" '" to be spent on this emergency road Mrs. ~w;rence RIlng near Wake- Harlington. Ml. Itaffi, driver ~ Muller presided over the seS510Ilj • enjoyed it! They broyg~~ ba .the and C. A. Orr. the wedding. were Mrs. Dougherty nesd y a ac ompanurt Was J project. fIeld, h d the palm ot his left the ear, was n~t hurt The ma MrS. :f,. S. Tighe of Omaha, w~ inost gorgeous .red atlq eUbw The central relief organization is ~dJ. J. Hanson of Salix, Mr. and Mrs Claren e So ensen; Einer ,WaYI!.e is not \ln~dfUl of the hand ~ly .cut on a plece of wire :-ln6 co,ihded WIth ~eh:ve~bY elected president of the oouncil, r .. l'¢a:ves"for their schoo\rootn, d to functioniI;lg in same capacity as rs.IM. W. Ahern, Mrs. Frank Be son pIa ed h rmomea se~ec· roaq pUlIding needs in different on a fe ce PQst when he w$S cor~ ~n:iwaa~~~:r~egMi~;' E~~ p~'Cin~~r~t MUIl~n ~ dIrect ~ takel home.at noon. J I. last year, with,Walter Bresslerlser· ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Finn tion With ss He eJ:} Vath at the par~ of the couPty. b~t tt knows ra1lin~ bogs on the Ring place Sat- ~ a w en e a: ar res gne becaUse , First graders who wkre n ither Vlng ~ secretary, and keeping all and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike pian . J. l that h1~ cannot ) at urday i.n'ornirb.g. 'the cut required l,)j . Wen~n~ considerable ltime n '8.bsent nOt ta.r<.lY the V+.st I week re?orda 6f reUet admlrdstratiop. at Finn and family and Mr. and Mrs. rs. Albe G. ~rh1~on pla.ys pi. ~;lIi~ :.SU.tCh~~' 1tQ.rbJJ.V~ie8 ~ 14arg~~~,,;.~~tei~.n J~~~ ~nn.a ~;: :~,:~e.r ~~rhj \lme, :J";~~s.r.e.raI. :~~er\,f~~Visl~ , ~ .R.....•.,Edtt«Th·~T.,.W M()~~i1t{/".• ' as Pio16nll~~!;U;~ion,.. • ". '. .•... '., Were ~~~pitWi t~.• ~:'Mrs.'~~~!i~:=;:~'le~th.P.lty.. han... '. I ...... •...... W.i.ll.. and~l.:.. n\\ dau:::,g~...g..hter. Of. carrtNYb:~g ,tor !s mornln,'S .. . :. •. Mr. 'On ' . tile /:or' .!'r!\!I.'Vlew:, :. .~. T" WJI. e,en 111 ' until , ~enard. Ai' ene IDIth. aM ~unlorLilon and','(I'/,Ylle 140- left Tuesday afternoon 'for a fi;" .E. Vo th~,.:J;C1W ,,.thee 'Wi~Q:.cb",a,l't". c.c.ordl.ng... ".,tq. .a ,~, Chinn.. E.art.." :h~e.n am- Maste.r. lef~ '.!'Ii.ursday.. ~O~_. ClIl.. Cag.0 \\.ay. s in .. ChI.. c~go to attend , e nes trip to , ro~ ~~., ~r,.g. . ,~a_I1}~~"~9r a.p. t9 ,,~t.ten~ ~~,.f&iFI '-;r~~p~~&,.::,~C!~-:: W' , .i, :, )'{~~lel

.. . .. ' '. It;~il: (1'\'1;·, .".' Ii·' :.'..,', i,:i',;'\: ;}".:/:.'''r';:'i)·.:'''i1tN 1:;.,;:i'·lil.··.· ··'(1"" . T'T ~'I l'~' l'I1fi~_"" t JII aro rich. Let·' to keep our n's clubs. 'We are anited, s ronges splrl at organization in --- - vocation period Wednesday mcrn~ ·Mr. ~nd Mrs. Peter Si onseo, Mr. orfolk Monqay because 0+ the ill- Mr and Mrs RE Deuel's ftf- in the B om at Nor-. ' With the European c1ub~ and with tl ~ WQrl tban anything else," Mrs. Freslullan Ha"e lOuting. ing telllng of his recent trip east, and Mr~. 3. Heuerman and ErniJr ess of her s ster, MISS Dorothy teenth wedding anmversary folk M1SS Rf'leve 11 ac ompan~ u,.. '; ~ thi'm should strive to b:'itm· lienee P 01 can uded. Freshman class held a wiener and bringing observations on the and Mr. and Mrs Adri n Behlefs orrodks. Miss Evelyn Felber, Mrs. W. E them bac I tb Bra Fri ay eve- jf to the world. ~ --~~------roast Wednesday evening at the economic and social developments of Pend.er, and Mr d Mrs. W~ll Mr. an~ Ms. Julius Kirchner of VonSeggern and Miss Jane Von~ ning at cl se of th teae ers' pon" Vf "'The president cs.Ued all the wo- I !poe,s :prog Store. grounds southwest of town. Miss there dUI'iug this period of change. BareJmtm and famIly. I ncotd, weI' Wednesday evemng Seggern went to Laurel last Thurs- ventlOn, n remam omelorer the men to h~"'lp with the NR.A Some Rober Kirkfan, :who recently Mildred Clark, sponsol, and other The pep club met Tuesday eVE!- _ J callers in the Alfred Lmke borne day evening to attend the wedding week-end r say the NRA i$l a failux1e. After It moved b l'l,'l fro Gretn~, opened a faculty J;rlem~rs attended. lUng tljl plan, a pep progr~m~~ pre- Merry Makers Meet. 11 st we-ek. of Miss Marie Haskell and Maurice MISS lIma ders~~eve of took 14: :;oear$ to get down to this d~l.lg sto e sat rday'1n the Hunte------cede Friday s. game wit OOlXl- Merry Makers met FrIday eJ~n-1 Colburn 01 on of O'Neill. and Dr Harper at the CD Ha~kell home Crete, ca to spen the wee~wen4 (."Conoh\ic depres,sfon, h01" can \ye ll'l,cr bull ng 0 Main street. The Retailers of northeast Nebraska !ield. ing witlh the Ben Meyers. I¥fS W. Jamie on and family were Mt and Mrs Clarence Conger with her arents, M. ~d Mrs. ('xP0d to gt"'t out in three m(lOths? Klrkma s art\Hvlng in the J. S. plan to meet at Hotel Nol'lfolk in Elmer Mor~enseu has organIzed Chris Jensen had charge of the so-I unday dlnne guests of Miss Mflr- and Mr and Mrs Herbert Kat and Will GlIde sleeve: A oth dBJugh", "If .}Oll have a husband and ChII~ Earney residel[llce near Bressler Norfolk October 25 at 9 a. m. to hls debate group into warns for cal time and conducted Hallowe'en aret Fanske I daughter, Rhea Fern, thellast of ter, Mrs E Rad ker of New~ Sunda~. dron" Mrs Pool Q<.mtinuetl "you parlt. discuss common' problems. practice debates, and wi T continue games and contest!'! Mrs Meyer Miss Nina and Miss Anna I?encter, spent Sunday 111 CreIghton port, 9am brln mg her ___'__~_w_'___' I I- these until the holidays. S uesday's antl MJ1S Ray Perdue served Th~ om~son ar ived home Sunday \(lsIhng Mrs Conger's f0ther, two chlIdr n, and is pen mg the line-up had Raymond ala and next meeting is at RV o.ar.. f om Chicagd where they spent a ~rs Hannah Moorej who h s ~een week III t~e Giidersl eve orne. ~'iil Robert Cunmngham upholding the wood's ~eek at the ~air. I 1 I Mr and Mrs. ry Petz jf H!e 1 aff1~mabve. with Lindley Keeney Kertnit stetart lmd Prof. and Property deed recor ed in Lusk, Wya, ,came ednekday ev • w tl~lted and Harold C8.psey on the negative S th t W k f' ld 1'5. Albert . Carlson were Sun "ayne county October 13 I as fol- mng and We nesdlay nig} t~ Wednesday's debate introducetl Oll wes a e ze lY dinner g ests of Dr and Mrs 1 ws Lmcoln Jomt LIVe Stock and Thurs ay In the Joe bel CIa Frank Strahan and Milton Auker, _l(By Mrs. Lawrence Rmg) J G W. Lewis. I Land Bank to AlVIn Koop an, for ence Corbi homes. B'rlday, th y affirmative, and ~oe Smolskl and Mrs C. A Soderberg and Mts. Herbert BbnaWltz of Wayne, $9,750, the so~th half of th north- were guess In the HIS SCRCO Paul Young, negatIve I'oday, Ger- Paul Soderberg were guests of ho is III thel reforestatIOn 111 Eu- east quarter and the north half of home THe Petz ah ret unmg to aldme Gamble and Ruth Judson, Mrs. Jack Soderberg Frtday after- grne, Oregon) has l'e-enhsted for the southf'...ast quarter of 24-27-3 their homd after a tr p lllithe E~B.t. affirmative, will meet ~om Cav- noon. a other six ~onths. I Mr and Mrs Rhule Ross and I ' anaugh and Willis Penho low, and MrS Clias PlerS?n attended a Miss LaVer~ Good of Allen, came Il:enneth of Laurel, Mrs Alice Rob· m:::::::~:: tUn:::::::: un :tu::::::::- FridaYI Gerald Wright and Francis SundaY' school teachers meetm2' In f l' tlie footrr game FrIday and lnson, Mr and Mrs Andrew Rob- !i ' ov~rlI -• at Safeway Stores Hamer will argue the affirmatIve the Lutheran parsonage Tue[day 1.' mained the weekwend \\-'ltlt JOson of Winner, S D, and Mr and il: Y agamst Dorothy Hook and Mar- evenmg. ~lSS Genevle'Ve Kingston. . Mrs MelvlU Wert and chIldren 1 I garet Jones. Mr. a~d Mrs Eldor Rmg were Mrs Franlt Wilson of Lmcoln, were Sunday guests m the A. W Third issue of the Wayne Hi- dmner guests at C. L Bard's and sent the weelt-end here with rela- Ross home. Ends Saturday Night Harbinger came out on Wedneeday supper guests III t ..he C. A Bard t .ves. Mrs. fl. F. Wilson accom~ Mr and Mrs. Alfred Lmke, Mr. h" ' Everett D~nnia sings SOlo. num- home Sunday.;' panied her to Lincoln M(.mday. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, jr., and ea r (October 2' ) bers for A., A. U. W. ~eetm~ at Mr. and Mrs. Jasl Chambers and IMrs. H ..W.; Whitaker and Harry family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mey­ --I--' the E. W. Huse home thIS evenmg. D ld ttended LI family reuhion of Omaha antil Mrs. R. If. Coyle of er. the last of Belden, went to Col­ _ -+-1 Ke~m1t Stewart accompanies him. lino~~e ':Ioyd Nik;leson hom~ at Wakefield ~ere Monday evenmg erldge Friday evening to attend a May we remind those who hriv~, been "utting it off, or FiftJh graders with per1'ect at- IL on$ SUEllday: : ekllers in the!E. J. Hunteroer home. party in the Chris Meyer home tendance records for the first si~ y . . b' ~ IMr. and Mlrs: Frank Gailey and for Mrs.,IMeyer's lfirthday. who wllnt to IIdd to their previpus clIrned food pur­ weeks were Irene Beeks, Leah Jean Mr. and Mrs. SWrll Lundah~ and ~rs Bert iKl:j.syle~ all .of Water- Miss Roush of Tecumseh, and eh,,"e". that Saturday is the FlljIAL DAY of our CAN· Ca.a.uwe, Jack carroll, JUni.or Cart- Carl were at W~.lt.€I'r· ~erman for t w~ N yj., tame :'Tuesday to visit Miss Mabel JO. hnson of Stanton, };BD FOODS SALE. I wright, Robert Dunn, Mildred Mr., Lundah~'s b, rhl ay supper a fe~ d~Y6 jin t!'e E. E. Galley were week-en(jj, guests in Mrs, L. Flou~ Fran~en, ,Marjorie Gildl!'rsleeve, Jl4onda~ evenmg. i' I. .,~ M. Owen's hOJ!lle. Miss Johnson is i Hac~meier, s~yed ~own me Ralph Paul Harring- !Forrest Sandahl! In iMr, and rb. . H. Kuhn and a cousin of :Mlrs. Harold Smalley. ton, Wilm!lJ Heidenreich, Barbarjl for: glee club PIfactIce. Tue~ay rs. C. C. :P tersen drove to Al- C. W. HisCOK and daughter, Miss Safeway Brand. i Mi,Ued Heine~ E~- g Libby's FamQUs Folds from selooted hard wheat. Jane Annabelle Jenson, even.in and spentj.., the night )With v I'd, Iowa, .riday and Visited over Helen, were in Omaha Tuesday for . I na Martens, Mildred· Ann Mau, Carroll Pete~sen. ·1· 'unday with friends. All formerly the day. I M~. cpeci~ 'warre~, 1 Wa.rren Mau, James Mellor, Vil'1- and Mrs. of 1" eli there. i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. S-huek and •' I Uhhy'. Sliced j,,910 J: No. 2 /, Meyer~, ~aurel at~ended meetI~p, P s 'No.2\', Cans" ... "" Caus I.IS LB. gin.ia MeSh.,ard, Harvey .rpisslOn i Miss Charl'ptte Ziegler and Mrs. children drove to Newcastle 'Sat­ '. lneapp e ,,$j.ss Date Pow~rs, Helen Sevy, HollIS III WakefIeld SUT1d~y.and viSIted nora Benshoof drove to Norfolk urday night and remained there ~lOhes ~o. 48 BAG e Pe Libby's DeLuxe J.3·10 J: 2'/, Simmerman, Leroy Sund, Robert at Bernard Ericspns In tr ajfter- Wednesday,tic spetnd the day with until Sunday in the J. V. Hammond .,.. 3 No. 2% Cans 3 •• Cans 1.0S Thies, Lila Westerhouse and Jack no~.: Irs. Benshrnjlf's son, WilllaD;l Benw' home. Mrs. p. L. Hammond re- Wright. . r. and ~rs. ,!Art L~rson, and s oaf and wiJfe. turned home with the Shucks on s N:~tr~ans N~::, 1.05 theIr overmght ,guests, M~., and. [' t t Sunday to v~sit awhile with her Pears 53c' Counclllnspeets.Plans. Mrs. Alfred S~~nson of Crdfton Miss Fr~n es Cber~ . wen ? dau hter. . were dinner guests at Edgar J..ar- OrfolJ-t Fnd. y and VISIted untIl g Apricots s N::I~~nans S7c ~ Nq~.Y' 1.10 Special session of Wayne CIty son's, Sunday: I' onday in the o. t-. Randall home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Drake rew council Tuesday evening was given Margaret Hypse was at Uaw- hile· she w~s in' Norfolk she at- turned to Lincoln Mond.ay aft-e~ a N~~~y~~l' over. :0 a discussion of, plans and renoe Ring's fo~ supper Friday t ndeq t~e ";Kids Follies." two weeks' . ~otor ~n~, dUrI~g Fruit Salad s 47c 6Icfa:;/ 90c Coffee G~om- sh~, speCifIcations for the nrew everting. Later also Ralph Ring Dr. T. B. :fIecke'rt drove to Lex-< which they VISited the ChICago fall' Llbb)"s ~un~y a~di~oriu~it Gteo::s ;~~ and Allan Sanda~ attended a steak gto~ Wedn'esday morning to Vis-liiiiiliiiiiiii,IB Pineapple Crushed Jkb. 10 TIN 4ge Alrw'; brand. Ground ,e reman are ec, fry at Wayne. : ,his brother, H' C. Heckert, and I~ I fresh at time of pUrchase. se~t. Dr..::. ~: Jon:s bro~~~~.~~~~ To honor Miss! Esther Lundberg ,ill bring his sister, Miss Clara, IJbby's "I No.2 ~n :petdlc:~O~~U~;h d~nn:r ~as h~m GrapeFruit g No.2 ,cans 3Sc ~! Cans 6ge a and IMain of Omaha, a given :qome with to visit. They plan ~:reeet:~ :nd these were accepted as Thursday evenin I~ the Chas. J~b return Fl'lday. CRAVEN'S I.Jbby's ho~e.,:r Cl~de Mitahell'~' Pork6'Beans 4-Lb. Tins 19c Zge 3POUNDSSJe conformin to the. building ordin- Sackerson which the: ...J as. : r. and.Mrs. Ora ance. co;nCil adjourned until next Chambers famIly! attended. ) artm and Jame and BIll~ .drove Tu d .: Mr. and Mrs. Fr. A. Suber attend- tb Humphrey Sat rday to VISIt Mr. STUDIO '- .1111 es ayevenmg. ! . ed the golden wedding anniver&ljLry t:d Mrs. GIenn Johnson. They 1 cd. O.f ~he latter'.s 'par.ents while in Qm- ere dinne~guest in the Carl Mil- :lSPECIAt Clothes and F't'0d :N~ 'aha last week ~nd also celebrared I I' home in Norfo k. With everlv order amounting The Wayne Cou~ty Rehef Assoc- their 'own sevent.eenth on the Salne I Mrs CC StirtlZ; and infant son to $7.00 of over we will give iatiQ~ is asking flr donations of day. ; ,t!eturn'e-d 'h-o~e Tu~sday from Good kind~. SU~day dinne~ hospit~L ONE 8xlO PHOTO IN A nice clothmg and food; of .all .. and supper gue.sts :. amaritan The former's FOLDER ------,- Sugar Anyo~e who has ~ythmg t~ d - in the Cliff Mu.,nson home were: I' oth~r, Mrs. O. E. Himmitt, came nate IS 'asked to c U Fred Blatt. or Mr. and Mrs. Marion Overtori Ofl'j;;;;;;;,;;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 FREE! Vegetables that are packed the same day picked retain A. B. Carhart. ; arm clothmg Crofton, Mr. land Mrs. H. H.! ~ their garden freshness. Stokely's are coo:ked in the cans, C-H Brown. Bulk for children such as mittens, shoes, Cruickshank arid the Arthur ~un- You don't have to buy a $7.00 under pressure, to save their vitamins. rubbers, caps and coats, is most son family.: . photo to, get this. A dozen needed. The E. E. Hypses were di~'ner gnd half $5.00 photos will get CONTllACT you the free 8x10. "orn Stokely's W. G_ :.. 3S" Jr:1 No_ 2 guests in the L~wrence Ring home Yohth '" 8 No.2 Cans '" "Cans 69c 4.LBS. ,,,.ZSe Scout TroopsIMeet. Sunday. The Fj 1A. Suber family, Have you photo~ of all your SUberi~nd CATTLE childr~n afl~~e Sto~elt:. ~~~reen ~~

Vienna To Red crot Meet. ~.1 Tomatoes Brand 'br. William HaWkins and E. E. 0'CAI}.·,· Gailey, representing th.e Wa~e Tender Sweet No.2 county chapter of ,American Red Big· one,;,cent sale at the Clover Brand Corn Cans ZSt f Cracl(ers Cr.f County board meets next D~wn tJ.. th~ Red Cross org nization. They day. Pancake Flour Bag 17e t Fantana Brand. 1'''' 1 expected to return! today. Miss Minnie Will was in Si0Uit Lb. Sodas or Grabams. Corn Meal swe::':10th 5 Bag 13c I City over the week-end. ; .' i., I Registrar Th Chicago. 'Mrs. Ray Perdue went to SIOUX Lb. :r.-riss Clara Smothers left ,satu:r- City Wednesday for the day. Pure Sweet CI~ver Honey 5 PalI 37e ~~x dlljY for a two wee,s' holiday. Sllle Big one-cent sale at the Clov~r Lb. 2 ","-.ZJe w$nt to Bellevue, !IoWa, where sljIe Farm store. Saturday only. 919t11 Sorghum Pure Country S Pan 3Se vi~ited in the'Lowell Henney home, " Mrs. Edith Neff of Happy, Te~as, tll.en she and Mrs., Henney went on Visited with Mrs. Anna Davis Wed- tQ Chicago to attend the fair. nesday. A_vfrand mMe with milk. SUeed I ' Mrs. R. B. Judson and Miss por- Bread ~-2 'oz_ loaves i Birth ~rd. , is Judson went to Sioux City 'Sat- " ISe IA daughter was born to Mr. aM urday. , . , r--~-PROD Soa~ ~rs. Morris Montgomery, who ltve Will Pfen of Randolph, came CI:------, ~est of Wayne, on Monday, Octo.. M?rtday to visi,t his mother, .;Mrs. IF ~r \16., . sophia Pfeil. ; r Cranberries ;:;{ . ,ound tile Blue Bariel " ' .', er~ll::f!lerman Jun4 attended the fun- , : I\ IIaM 'lUbs Bra-ken. : of Chri Lautenbaugh at Win- Lettuce ~r~~ 2FOr 1St Ed: \Su.,ber had two ribs .brok~n Bidel·Monda. : '. u.eSd~. when he was trymg ;to Miss R.ut Pta~son was. a .,:~. on- Celery : ~r~*~ th IDe rank a, tractor. day evenin di~ner guest 10 ,the' J. t .. I, G :Miller hQmef Ie Wayn~. JJu1.y's 1North.west ·Ur. and Mrs. G. A. Mittelstad\ Grapes. [bs. 19c i' '. . of Winside, we~SUnday guests ,m (BySl;aff ()orrespondent), : th~J. M'istrah hOlll<>' ,I ,, Mrs. L. B\ ~oung and Mrs. H.lq. Mr. an: Mrs. Vil!gillHale £t Nor- ., a~te.:n at~t~ " ornerelman,.of Mrs. ~mil..dedBarelman,.. ' Ai. d... ~SN.. e PriEiSSfolk, we.rhOPle.ViSitbStl!nda.y....r.•...iJ;I .theI I W.,'. alter. : .~ Ii' , ay_, .: . Big on._cent~:r.ale at, thi mover "OhOl:ds:~\~.:O~~'(~~Mr:Lb.8C ~.<>w,.I~ a.:.~. I~ ~.~.:~.I~.~th ~~~.'.gi.:. :~~ me.vls.~.Q.'tfI.'ii. ~g.~. ~:f ~1n. t~~.:J. :iiPbik'LoLa .• ..•. :a.kefleld,...a;.•. d....•.M..ca;lled"....C .. , Saturday... of.,y..• morl1:~, aha.,... TuesdB;.Y.•... a aw~s 'to r :turn to-. , ng at, Fr~nk ~pa~r's. I,., day~ He. wept n bqsiness Ve;al St+k ?utol~:U::~ce~iIi-~:.tLb.17e Mr. and Mrs.' Will Swanso'Q, Miss alter" SaVidge attractions endJ. lanche Johnson· an~ 14rs., Rty ed he ~eason. tl'ue-sday, when th.e :;'~~~'t~~:~M~~~~.,~~N" :alTi;J~"'i~,,,~~~~;, J!6~k f;h,eps, ,~~~. J2Lb~ 25~ co' PalfY .:'" jl.\llert'.llshSjnc Satur- family S day. week. MOl1"nlng' services at 11. guests ef Mrs. ManIla Tibbles. di' Aj1il t th Wk. ltl i .' Horn frbm Da,kota ~r and Mrs. Alfred Sydow and ' day. Miss M J y llnd Miss Ruth Pen.r~ Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Anderson and Chqlr rehearsal on Friday at 8 Mrs. Alveua ~h~enkamp and· hes a , ~, a efle SSlOn Wilbur' Sydo.,y who spen~ several J,..ogene" spe,t S1.Jnday ~ternooli . ,Miss Fern Erwin \VUs a. Sl.mday son and ~l.ts. r .... or Anderson spent family and Rev. P. Pearson and p. m.1 Donald spent Saturday night and c urch t'ed~es a~ of last w ek. days here wilbj rCiatives, returned last week at Alvin Vogel's. ~ dinner gUl~st in the Dave PaUl Saturdny'!t!vtnlng In the Roy E. daughters, Miss Mae and Miss I -- Sund~y last week at Ed. Meyer's. Mrs.' ~ho;n McGuire wh has. ---~ , --- i i~: 4 hOD.le. . ,Johnson home. Rhth, were Friday evening sI;lpper . Infant Baptized., MI'. and Mrs. Frp.d. BUson and b.een Savannah, ¥o., .fo some , I ~Miss Inmc Blohm was a caner in Mis!> P$,uline, Art1\ur, Leslie and g~lests In the Wymore wa.l1in AI~in Luther, the infant son of daughtel', Mrs. S.·H. Richards'~iss. time iSI ~ow at her home In .ake.. II ' the Rudolph SWIUlson homo Friday Mlss Gertrude Doescher attended a home. Mr. and Mr~._ Arthur Anderson, Jacobsen ltIrd Mrs. Byron Ruth had fleld. , , SATURDAY NI HT

evening. c1/lss pal!'ty Friday evening in the Miss Clara Johnson. returned on was ~aptized Sunday evening by luncheon,with Mrs. Henry Johnson MissiRq'so Sievers is at ~o e for ' 1 -

Mrs. Frank <:arlson ,and Vern chllrch basement. Wednesday of last week from 'a Rev. C. 'T. Carlson. Mrs. Anderson for her birthday Friday. " a whil and her sister, Fr'eda, is I :I1 ( I were \'layne visitors Tuesday Rev. ftl1d Mrs. A. L. Pete.rson and ten-day trip to Chicago seeing the servetl a festive meal in honor of I Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rholck and taking her pll\ce at the Det ef Kai E Thurs~ DAr,! mornin'.... family of Wakefield were world's fail' ancf., visiting friends. the sacred event to the following Paul Wieting of Plymouth, S. D .. home. I .I! Rt'\·. ~lnd ),'lr~. C. T. Carlso1l .1.lld day. e.... en. in~ sllPpc.r~guests in the She a_~so stopped over in Omaha to gues.ts: Rev..and Mrs. C. T. ?arl- ca~~ Saturday ·to visit tho Henry. Miss, Alice Bcckcnha.ucr was a . . fumlly were -Sioux C1ty visUol's un IVOl And,crson homt:. s,ee fllends. son and famlly, Mr. and M;rs. Wlelin£:/s. . Thurs y overnigllt viSltor f Miss , SatUl:uay. Mr. nJud Mrs. H. W. Shackelfor.d I Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Anderson and Frank Carlson and family, Mr. and THo Byron Ruth and S. H. Rlch- Ina R th Jonson at Hen y Tar- HOT ELT RAT TON Mrs. Vcrnio Frcdrkksor) visited spent t11,o day with Mrs. Shackcl~ family and Rev. P. Pearson, and Mrs. 'Oscar Bjorklund and family ards families were. Sunday after~ now's'l J I. ,I W1UI ~llS '''-xl'! .F'rcdJIl.!'kson FlIday ford's pan-ents. IVh and MIS Jake daughters. Miss Mac and Miss and Mr. Morgan of North Dakota. noon and supper guest,fl in the Fred -"1- gt:Qupr of Visitors spent unday LJad,es Free _:_ Gentlemen 25f afternoun Delaney, near Allen Sunday Ruth, were entertamed m the Axel _II -- IB1Ison home i evening: m the Henry Kort home I l MISs Mlldlcu Fndncks6n \lSltcd MI and Mrs Herman Fou!';s and Frednckson home Sunday evenmg Utmoordln Lutheran Church. The Albm Carlson~ went tJo helping' Delores celebra e her _ MUSIC BY THREE-r ORCHESTR~ _ ThUI~day afternoon with Mrs Le", family Ufd Mr. and Mrs Martm fOI supper. (neV CT CarlsonJastor) Wakefield Sunday to£ttentl sell'- bIrthdlj.y. I IECE I I Roy Johnson Roden '\Iere Sunday 5ullPt:r gl.le.st~ Mr and Mrs. Newell Stanley and "Tlbe Narrow Way o.f'Faith" IS VICC-S at the MiSSIOn c urch. pinntlr Mr. lan Mrs'{ George uskirk Mus Fnmk Carlson was a F'n· ll~ the Jfnu Bergerson home" fanuly and Mrs C. E~ Vernon, the our g'ffileral theme for Sunda.y, OCR was served at the ch h aclI/-oon. were th rsday eVEmmg en lers in ------I ~- --~=t---t-.;; day altNnoun \uatur in the Hel- Mr and Mrs Leslie Stanley Mrs last of Dixon, were Sunday dmner tober 22 I Mrs Vtctor Ericksop., ~iissILin- tho home of Mt-~ and ¥f._L. J = I!!II•••••II••••••••, •••, •••••••II'•••.,..... • man Kai home .1 J Sta.nley and Mrs LeRoy guests in the J J Stanley home Sunday school at 10 n m The nea Enckson and *. and Mr~ Bressl~r. 1 I I I; vIs~ted A~bl?n, t· 1 1 • \\'1111<101 Jaeger hIS Haines and children drove to Sunday afternoon callers wete Mr. confirmatIon class meets Idurmg Harold Gunnarson pf doncol'p, AlblP. ahde of ho at-; A. mothl~r )!Is )latild>l Jaeger, Sat- Yanktoh Tuesday of la.!lt \'Veek and Mu; Harry Stanley and unu- the Sunday school hour every Sun- wero Monday afternoqn guests ll\L.t tends W8iyne State Teache s col-. 1 week~end nnounclng... ~ : urday 0vcIlmg MISs Loretta and M1SS Verna ghtcr of Ponca. Harry Larson of day. Albm Carlson's. lege sveqt last in the : I • Gorchm Jones ,vas a supper Kraeme~ attended the 'Wedding of Dakota CIty f\nd Mrs. Guy Scott Miorning worship at 11 a. m~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Classmtln Detlefl..K.1ti home. . .• guest III the Hey. C. --.L'. Carlson Miss AU1tmda Jacobs?n and Emil and son, Duane, of Wakefield. Special singing is be~ng prepared and daughters of Emerson, and ~l~e Mr. Ilnfl Mrs. Albert Kldl~n and: Th "ARGYLE':. . home Saturday. . B!Lk{'r 'I'uesday evellmg of last - for 'the morning serVices, Fred Otte family were Sunday s4P- Mr. anI f\1.rs. A. W. Dolph Iw:re on II e : .Mrs. H~~nl'Y Erwin called on Mrs. ",-celt. "-oIllan'~l Club l\leets. Choir rehearsal at 7:~30 p. rn. per gue$ts last weelt in the Flied Thurs ay evening . caller~ III the : Nettie .l'da]ollC',)' in Wayne Thurs- ~rr. anti .Mrs. F.rnest Petel·sOT). The Concord Woman's club met Vesper servIce at 8:15 . m. Aevermann home. t 'home f Mrs. LiZZie eha J.bers. ,I]' • day afternoc'll. a.mi fR ilY and Miss Clara and Tuesday afternoon of last :week. in The Ladies' Aid will eet with " BIrthday Din, er. . Darl, ne Thomsen ~~lebrTted her .1' S.':~·~~n;~I:d~:r\\~~t.. ~~e;'~II I \V~~eIn e~~ Morrisc~ll olmsoni~ were SundayJohn~oneveh- the home of Mrs.a~George King WIth Mrs. Will~his. Erwin Thursd y after· MI' and Mrs HarriSund~ys Sorensen blrth~y Monday evening Jand he!;' ~ : da in. ing' 4rs the 'Roy E. Mrs. Gl.en King assistant. A!:er noon wee,k.. . j entertained at 'dinner 'fbr father bcelebrated his birtpday or'!. -A s. art, graceful new =. o .'. g. home . the busmess meetmg and proglon afternqon in the Arthur ing. After the meeting the:hostess by:the choir and bY. the double the cel.e- of last week. I i f3ilver-plated pattern which I omt F nda) afternoo~. Anders;on horne. served a lunch. qu,/-rtet and the solo by Gor?on bration for Mr. Wielihg's pare1:lts, Ml., and Mrs. Walter I ~re!:1 er, it ,folly not to discard' your black... • , Mr. and Mrs..Alblll Pe~erson Mrs'l Arthur Anderson and sons. - Jor).es helped to make our serVIces Rev. and Mrs. Chris Wie~mg, on Mrs. Cora ~ressler and ¥ISS n- ened, ,worn-out tableware, and' , I ,,",'de Sunday evenmg callers III the Miss Minnie Carlso~ nnd Mr. and Has Operation. fesbve. their fortieth wedding anniversary. nah B~ssler all. of ~':1ne. ere cI100se a complete ne'w set. Ret'" =II'_:~','_.,: teuben Goldberg home. Mrs. Ffete Nelson were Thursday Miss Gladys Sjober~ was taken ~-' --.-.---- The pa~tor's congregation held the Wedne ay evenmg VISit rs m the m!ember _ this is plated ware. . =1 '"I?:;~ Mr. and Mrs. Adolph,Bloom and aft-ernq.on visitors III the Axei M. to Uncoln last week ahd·on Friday Logall Valley party in Ule church parlors With Mrs. ary Bressler hamel. made on ~5 percent nickle base, _ amily attended the mission meet- Ander~on home. ,he undecw,ent a major operation. 175 attending. Ladies of the A. . Dolph, . John NI John on, b f . f E rer I It .: t n~\~s\';:;a~~I~~t~l~~~y·MiSS Gail di~r~~1~:~:n~a~~~;~~~~::ii;I~: .Birth Record. 1"~::en~:s~~:e::e~;de::~:;day~~~;~~:e,:~~ ~~~~e?~im:nerTh: raet~ac;,~~~';;"T~~:,~n~fl;s~~~;~ In agiv:~~~se:g:n:;nt se~vic~. ! fughes visIted Miss Marjorie Paul and S on Larson of Col?radO, A daughter was born to Mr. and visiting at the home of Mr. and Wayne folks returned Friday. ~o attend the Farmer.s YI,.tlOn meet~ _ n \Vayne Friday over nlghl. ,called Wednesday aftellinoon III tlle Mrs Althur Johnson Sunday M~s Will Borg __. mg. ~'1'hf Clausens visltelU at Mag- TI1~ p'. .: alsp~ 1.11'-8. Fred Salmon, Mrs. Glen Adolp Bloom home. Mr: and Mrs Mome Lundahl For 1\"'0 Birthdays. net $ I !J.i .I':: leces: • {jng and children and Mrs. George Mr. find Mrs. John McIlrath went A, 'ards Aloe Made ana fhlldren were Sunda~ evenmg Mr and Mrs George Brammer . W~l~flQ'annehin, Mr ~oy Tanne- UnO' wde in \\'R,.yne Saturday to w~yne Saturday morning and , ih d:M.: • d Mrs Lawrence ~uwe htll,.1\'l s. TIller and MISS Pieper, all J :• lor\~,~~ ~;[;~it~[ti~~~,~crG~~~ ';;~~~I;c t;:::; grl~~~~,u~i~e:' ~~~~ To School Pupils v'~r;.s::rt ~e ~~~;~~o:~ted :~tcrt:;~F~;,:;;,~:; :o':;:"lo:~J~ ~r~;;~fn:~:edna~g;;rt:ran~fM~:h~~; Me ium Knives, Stainless i ~raem~r horn~ Sunday evening. atti'nd,B the c~llege in Wayne. ~ ~1°an~:: bc;r~r~~~ts A:~~r:~n arm ~:~fh~~YB eat Mr Brammer a~d and Rqv. Hatfield of Souhth Dako~a J Dessert Spoons = Miss Lila May and Miss Ven- Rete. T. Carlson conducted Juniors Present Program In e Mr and Mrs Ernest Murphy of Marilyn Ruwe the later bemg 8 were week-end visitors I the S. Tea Spoo~' -= layne An:krson were s.aturday af- baptis al and communton serVIces Assembly Wednesflay Ashland Neb were Wednesda~ year~1 old GU~sts were Mr. ;'Jd Bresslr home IThe pennsylvaru: =. ~: :~IJ .ernoon vIsilllr8 in the Arthur An· in th l:<~manuel Lutheran church Of L st Week supper ~uests 'at Will Murphy's. Mrs George Wlschhof and son, Mr folk w II remam for a hmger VISl Dessert: Forks I ~''"~1i lersnl1 hllllle while Mrs. Andel'!:lon at H: l'lington S~afternoon. The hlgh SC~OOI had a iarge list 1dr and Mrs Ander Jorgensen and Mrs Ernest Brammer and Sl~~e 16~i~~~~0~ereOf~;:~~gwe~~~ il~j~ tamll~. ·~'i. I" -. of perfect attendanres for the past and daughter were Sunday dinner Mrs Ted Lessman and son Mr and Mrs Erich Albers and Tablespoons :IV·': SIX weeks The students who haV0 gtlests at the Aug Slahn, Jf, horne of Wf3.kefleld, Mr and Mrs. Henrt ShIr1ejr John Clausen Mr and Ind. Salad Forks _ not bp.en absent or tardy are ~1van, Mr and Mrs Ander Jorgensen WIetIng and family, MISS Bert Mrs J~hn McQmstJan, Georg~ Bus- • STORES NOlman and Ronald Anderson, Ma- aQd Mr and Mrs Pete Jorgensen Wlehng, Mr and Mrs EmIl Rdebdl' kIrk Clare Buskuk Mt and Mrs Butter Knives : II&1, l~lIeW;:r~~~~ ~~~e:n;~:On;.eM~~J~~~~ ::;~ Swux City VISItors on Thurs- ~~~b~~Ughter, August and ~u:e ~oe;~:~T~::i~en~~rsrir~~a ::er~ Sugar Shells 5 French, Gail Hughes, Lillymae Mr. and Mrs. George Borg and Jahde : Krause, Hans Mogensen, Burdette Rodger were Sunday evening visit- I Call at Heseman's, 1 - P 1M. . > Phone 333 'I Phone '333 N~gren, Russell Olson, 1p1a Rey~ ors at the Cecil Clark home at Those who called at the Adolph , Lutheran Aid Mcet...'l-. au l'nes r :. nolds, Marland Schroeder, Avis Concord. Heseman home the pas~ week to Thel Lutheran Aid met Thursday • Taylor, 'Winton Wallin anQl Amelie The Thursday Thimblc club met see frrs. Heseman and mfant ~on: in thel Henry Tarnow home. Rev. = Free Delivery Service Wessman. Six-week reporttJ go out at the Leonard Olson home on bor~ October 6, were the followmg. ~rdes and Henry T~rnow will • , this week. I Trhursday entertained by Mrs. Ml', land Mrs. Augu~t Wittler, Oc- ta.ke • supply of provifions to the WAYNE'S LEADING JEWELER : PRICES for THURSDAY, RDAY The junior class had U,,'e assem- Clarence Pearson. tob€1r 6, and Mrs. Wittler remained Old Fplks home in Om3.ha These I. y bly program We<.lnesday ,'of last Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bjorklund ft'or e. W eek; ,Sundda ~qteT;~~G.'I~~: provisions were dona~ed . to the •••iI••••• ~III ••••••••••••a ••••••••••••••••••••••••: ,week. Supt. Rufus Caaj'lwe gjso and daughters were Saturday e~e- 0 ber,s M1. an. r~. . '. +- •••• ' gave a speech on fire prevention rung call,ers at the Axel Smith meyer '3J~ct family, Mr. and Mrs. Pl'1lIl; 11 ••= :::::::::::::..1•• Navy Beans week. home near Winside. Henry W~ttler, Mr. and Mrs. Cur- =: ~ ••• II••..,••••ll:l ••a•••••!I.II••~ •••••11I •••••••••••••11 !1: Oreat Northern J'aney sowls , The seniors ordered their rings Ralph Park and family and Mr. tis Foote land family; Monday af-:: I' I j , bl~ck W ~'.: . S.. last week. They are onyx and Mrs. Bernard Park and son ternoon, October 9, Dr. and Mrs. G.•• == 3 Pound ound The k' d It· rings with the Insignia on top. were Sunday afternoon guests at J. Hess artd. grandson, Hugh Drake, :: I Bag. 13C' Ca dy '25c They win arrive---' in about three the Loren Park home, Mrs. Frelwacker and daugh.ter, 1Ia: I IS ee s 'arI ware e ..:= weeks. ~1 Sun;nyside school invited mothers LaVern nd Mrs. Walter Ulnch;:: I I '. •• i The sophomOl(e .En'glisil class of the district on Thursday after- Tuesday afternoon, ~ctobe~ !O,..! ,: I' , :: just finished a study of !'The Mer- noon to attend a me-eting of th~ir Mrs. Lomse Brune, MISS N Ville.. IT' ~ t8 II k Th 'Ov r .. ch'am. of Venice" and WIll begin "Knighthood of Youth club" apd 'I'rcutman; .Tuesday. evening, Mr.:: I 0 en lon--LOO em .:; SUlar reading "Macbeth" so that they also listen to several class recita- and Mrs. August ~lttler an~m::: : == Oreat Western can compare comedy and tragedy. tions. George Larson is the teach~ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B , er, •• I'" ••. fJr The American historyl class iSler. Thursday .afterno n,. Octo.,!? l' 12, I, ; ~'oOd 10 Pound 53c grow~h =: 'Wash-I~g Mach-Ine~ Sport •• Cloth Bag. .... studying the early and first Delmer Hinds of Ponca spent the Rev. A. Hoferer; Fnday, October.. I , == indications of political parties in week-end at the Guy Scott home. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perdue. ~ ~ootbans for kids as as men _ a sturdY •• . I == the United States. Mrs. Scott /ind Dwain took :Q.im to - •• i IS' ' G d 1 t·, all better than the. oI~J)d ~ar ~all _ only 75c. == Some of thc high school hoys ronca on Sunday afternoon and re- Wedding Anniversary. I =: The peed Q 'een - as an e ec rJ~S, ther types to smt.. Als ,basket, a d roccer I: Powdered or B"own fS R~th I,we~e ~I1S' ~oxing 3 Pounds ' 23e went to Allen Friday afternoon to turned by way of Dixon and were Mr. and Mrs. Byron •• , ,Folks, these flre surely worth the Punching bags•. and gloves. J,..ook .•• r see a football game between Allen supper guest~ at the J. J. Stanley surpri,sed on their wedding ,'anm- .== '. i m,oney and rr}ore-'" _ ' mover. .:: and Laurel. home.' versary Tuesday evening last reek.•_' I I: •• _ Argo Corn Starch i I 6e Intermediate Room. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rodson and Guests were Mr. and Mrs Ed.::' • fLECTRICS J>er I~ndi.agc at~ d ad-Io Tubes Tested :: Those who have had perfect Mr. B. Gusten of Omaha were Sat- Damme and daughter, Ben aIt AI- ::1 I' $4 50 $54 50 $64 50 : i • •• tendance in the interm,diate room urday night and Sunday guests at bert Damme, Mr: and Mrs. IF:ed..· • II. ~. We test rad~o'tubes free. Our big tester shows I := 8e ~he 4 for the first six weeks Bjre: Clifford F. O. Borg, home. Carl JaDes Bilson Bind farrnly, Mrs, i Mike ==i you just how they' are, dead, ba{l 1g.ood. I •• Jewell, Merle Nichol$, Darrell ~nd Lorna Roe of Emerson were Wintz and AI~erta, .Mr. and, Mrs.••' G;ENGINE JOBS. Bring- your tubes, look' 'em ove.r your elf. W~ I == I Tiedeman, Loretta Ar~ld, Robert S•. und-ay din.ner guests at the BOrg Ora Martin and famIly, ClY.d~, M1t~ ltd' t b ith!hi teste II •• 1ge nl~ !..' $ $8 50 Day, Gene Olson, Harol Reynolds, home also. h~ll, Ralph Mor ton,.M er Day!. • 74•• AND I•I 4 I can· ·es any ra 10 U. e w S' j' : •• 'I Jewell Taylor, Arden T:Neman,' F. G. Johnson of Oakland spent Mv. and Mrs. Clydj3 Wilson ~~d Zo- .: K·.I=-RV I' i .:_ 20e Gwenavere Arnold, Evelyn Day, ~he week-end v:isitlng at the home la, and Mrs. Wilson's sister i frbm •• ~ L IJ :. Alden Johnson, Walt'er Meyer and pf his daughter and husband, Mr. South Dakota, Mr.. and M~'lIa~ry =~ II ASK IS I J .: Evonne Wallin. i8nd Mrs. Clarence Holm, also at- S~nney and family) Le e fwm~ .; ~ Heat proof crocks and bowls, hea:vy, good a~d I I. ... + 14c On Thursday tho rooin had a Co- ,tending the meetings at the Mis- ni2Y, Mr. and ~s. J. D. ye" Mr.:. IWillow CIa es ~9 AD more expensive. Our specia~ on them tl~.lS == lumbus day program. Each pupU !Sion church. Rev. and Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Collier Boyce, r. and. k-j I a ~ U week gives you a chan~e to SjOCk\ up at un~ •• ~rs. 'e~ I contributed. to it. DoriS Jones, E.U- pf Oa,klanct were Saturday morn- LeiSter Boyce of Wakefield, =- Bas ets - -T t·_ ....···'r-· usually low price. Look Q ,er; I == :~ ....j.. 25e gene Guern and Harol:d Reynolds ~g callers at the Holm home. - MI'. anq Mrs. Evert Larsen and. I Also a danpy Nurs~ry I $1 25 . Ii. , ;a~~l~~~~i~ga ~e~~n~;~~~rf~~:~~~nf~~~~J:;~~~~r~:~;~r~r~u~~:\~~~~.~~:~ i ~_.+_ 23c' of the' three,ships ;-1 r Basket _. __ .. _j._._••••••••• .... I. Hunting Neec:ls·· 55 . On' Friday 1::he rook drew and ~upper: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar BInd Sbihe:y,. Erna Bal'er, Mt. and i Clothes Ham.pers ·······~······r·····J.$1.~5 Huntl'ng license for sale, also guns'and == I colored original HaUb-we'e;n. post- IBjorklund and daughters, Mr. and Itrs. AlPert Troutman and ~ugh~ • 1ge , ers. : I Mrs. Fran,k Carlson and family tJer of Emerson. Luncheoni was i-I 'LIQ'HT BU*!OS .,' sh6t shells. .••:: ' '. The fourth: grade I: ha:ve been land Rev. and Mrs. Carlson and ~.eIV'ed ~y guests. . 12~gauge shells, regular load. 75e •• 10e , making a study of tje dictionary. familY. Their 1l1l'ant son was christ- ,'. . II Light up ..J short days ar here 4nd kid per box I :: Th.e.Y . ha~e learn.ed to. arrange. ened Alvin Lttth.er.later in the, eve~ I teSlie.News, II L S~O e eSB power, .'-.'$f1. 15' •• ,voras in alpha!>etleal order. ning. I··j "more·light if' needed. The ew price on NItro-Express and Sure-shot 1.1. ::,. 25.c The' room has, 'c mpleted tM ~""J!..(B Mrs, Grace BuskIrkr lOO-W frQs(t lamp is _, ' per bOX ~ , ..,.. 79c to,' • ;;., reading of the "Flv Llttls pep.- Nort.h ast.W.a.m.e .. Cp.es e.r. Hansen has a. ner corn, ~ I '', If t am lvell as nols~ilUY a 'good "I " MJl ., ,.' ,Jr- .lev/1to,·. i'birth~• , I, .; b';;fuT';(~shgt~k~' ~ t j;1l.s is the shot'tJiat",,~ ~ ::' 10~ :ter -judged (By'Sta' Correspondent) I "'" .1'.'1' .'e '"'! , ;1 I: :' '. J I ! ' 1 I' II , HERALD, WA~; NEBR~S~'IT

work~rs ~ave returned to jobs in ' eventeen an da" 'ht,'er 0 ~ ,artington, were Be den, M~~: J. . Trewiler a~d:- ~d ~.school aiter servic~s. SELF-SEEKING, 1 • Bu daYi~dinner asts of . Mr. 1and fa, ly of Yankto ,and Mr. and die' Aid meets ThurSdR af~ indius!rial! and business groups during Sep­ g .~d j ~~ It is bec.o;in more Mrs C 1'1 NUBS' I MHLG f , . '.. Prop-ri:--e-to~r-.i-'--+lten!IbeL:, n~a!,ufacturi~' c~nters more evident at gre,'d for mofl.~· . I 'Ijs. .. ates, and amily of te oon ~ 2 o'clock.in the 'C urch E. W. Hus", E itor and . Ellstern '~ f,obU ,Olson the week~end HBirUngton. \ b em tJ.l . ___. " '. ' report Improved conditions, but h p!' 10 t~e ::i:i~ th~:S rlc~~thto ~:e~~ai tt > 'y ~ in Wayne. Miss -!ane Ud arrived last . oung people's -society me ts on . Tea Oldest Esta ,\ish Pa.!>.r in Wayne Count r influence of the NRA on bette thmes 111 ¥r. and, Mrs. eve Roe at I. n., Thltl'sdayj from P,e erOOro, Ontario; T ursday at 8 p. m. . . . -+-_..-_._-- the middle west rests largely on w at it will conquests, is largely responsib~e rollin, were' Frid guests herel in Canada, to visit h r sister, MI'$. M. __ Entered af":r:,ejt~~~~,,=e, NebrasJ, do in .the east to increase consl.] ption. of for the w rId-wide eCononiilc ttJ,e Dqn Fitch I e. I V, Cro.wf1ord. un n this Thu1·,ad{J.y Flmt Baptlfl.t ()l~Uooh,. as Second Clsss :M~~rMatt:er In 1886 under the aet farm products and thus' develQp laggmg disorder and for the sl'Ow pr!J-, ~W. t.' Cross of Lincoln, when Sh6/lleaves £11' Denvel' to stay ( ev. Wm. E. Eralsted, Min ster) g ress back to an acceptable t d h gIth I h it ' of' March 3, 1819, Known office or publlcatlol!, buying power. Factory outputs depend spqn un tty e1 w h s mot '. et"1 w h~O her slste durIng the win- 914 Nebraska st.; l02WJ1 Wayne, 'Nebras~ . "1 in c'onsiderable,.measure on farm: consumpR standard of, prosperity.• It ,is M'~s. q. W. Cros I d. te~. r~ and Mr , O. J. House qf Church Phone 327-W. ! l'tfember Nebraska Press' ,Association for 193 .' tion to wa.rrant increased mantrtfacturin.g ~~~~;~nr~~~i ~~~~s !~~dca::~~~pt: Mrs.1 Amos r ght ,of 'T~~ber Sp 'In leld, S. D., the latter a sis- unday, Oct. 22, 1933: Affiliating Memb~~ National Editorial Associat!o , prices established under the NRA, but thiS Lake, .8, D., is 'h i'e wrth her d'~u- te 0 the "Y0men came Saturday 0:00 a. m., the church Sunday con~llI]1ption nud nations, causing. many ,Of ghter, I¥rs. J. H. right. 'anl tsited over Sunday in the s 01. Learning the art of fine TELEPHONE 146.' is necesslll'ily . H. G~ffor~ vislt- on~~n:~~ve:n~~~~~'CI:~ ~:~t .------~- To THE world war was fought at presume to sayan invalid does not contri­ (Gpntinuetl from :page One cd S,mday in the'A. M. lark home chapel. ' a e I 11.8 l~y h~~me Wa fenrfnl sacrifice oflife and treai;- bute useful influence, if nothing more, to __ at Walthill and Ralph ' -- 1 • r ure, and the nations involvcd society? And if one's right to liye is to be co~~nty . .. at Allen, ,'j St. M:ary'f, Catholic Church. have staggercd ever sincc under the gimjt determined by an authorizect board, what the Improve transportatIOn ,MI'. and Mrs, Carl Rasmlbsen of (Re .rilliam Kearns, astor) COAL. PRICES'I converpences. It should be under- Nelia-h, spent Sunday herj3 with Oct bel' 21--eatechismPat 10:30 burdens left. ' While recoverv hilS beeh assurance is there tl)at in the course of stood that W~yne is ~ot concerned tl~ei)', dal.l\g"hter, Mrs. M. C. !Russell, a. m. going on, and while European "lations. have time the anthOlity would not be abused and outlym~' for O,D¥ sectIOn above .an- arid farni1Y· I Oct bel' 21-Confessions at 7:30 R·E·DUe'ED been trying to e"ade Obligatifs, prepara,'­ that one would not be checked out with­ othe~, b.. tit t~at 1t. wants.all seetiOlls ~iSS Jbsephine s.,ilvcrs left Sat- p. m.J I '. tions evidently have bee.n in rogre,ss for out the ground assumed by the govern­ fpr~Islled Wl.th all posl:j1ble gra~el- u day f~r Chica~o to attend the OctobEjr 22-lMass in Wayne at IO~tlS-WIt.h another war. Germany an France' a.r:e ment? ed greatest poSSIble c vent!oIn of the·International Li- 9 a. m. ' . '4 ever suspicious and eyer ollith alert. Oth­ ease In reachmg the .county. sea.t. b ar~' aSsbciation. October 22-Mass in Carroll at A beautiful car of Pennsylvania, all_rail~i11base- er foreign nations are looking well to their The Newspaper Assoeiation of man­ As a broad road. bUi~dmg ~ohcy!S MilSs MJab~l Dayton an~ Miss 11" a. . ' . ,burner coal has just been unlbaded '~nto 0 ~ bins. U~. understood, I tJ'llnk III feelmg wlll, H rriet Fortner went ~o Harlan, Il) lP IIrmaments, fearful of everJtm:(lities. agers meeting in Chicago recently issu'ed a f del' communist tyranny or untIer the h'O;'JI shout to newspapers over' the countIiY to ~;~~e:lla~~ f~l;w~'~~;~ h~;m;:; ~£~Wda, t;~~:~~sthe former to at· Methodist ChurclI, ~~~n':: i~::~u::e~:. pr~ee : I'c:::l~:~~:~ command of dictatorships the people~~ raise advertising rates to meet the inereas~ a:::v: Wh~ch assure''i the largest and most Ml!. and Mrs. A. P: Gossard of «(Rev. llarold C. Capsey, pastor) of ,carefully selected coals. ' I' wishes ha,-e small consideration, They ed cost of produetion. Adyertising eould s~tu~fa(:tory progress. N rfiolk, Ispent Monday here with ~ur~f schOOlW10 ~1m, I k ! ': will be forced to fight if rulers so eleet not be much less no matter how high the The last I heard from Cuming t eir daughter Mrs Clarence 80r- lJ o~n g w~rs Jl' t~ c ~e " even though the preponderance of popular rates, but the folly of boosting rates to ad­ 'County':s highway· construction, it ertsep, and fa.~ilY. ., G.~l1nl0:n an pwor eagues, We know that our greater lffOJ;t to supply judgment would support conm'liation and vertisers who must look for trade volume had niI}e different graveled roads, Mrs. E~ Jotzke and sons, Adolph '. p..... h' 7 30 'I k our trade with a better sele tion and a higher tl 'b ·It b t " I' . ve~ng wors Ip, : 0 C oc . peaceful adjustments. But 'e course ert Bruggers. ;:~ d ,eO t ~ '26 P'.'::; ~t ~tate promp~i- M~s. Mi~s wi~~:rell~a~n~ fresh to require pel'suasion in that dil'ej3­ must be made with.an understanding of the "econd In the in the G. C? Haller and er ,WI rs. good customers for their gracious coopera- tion. country, and probably metropoli~an cen­ tude with WhICh taxes are paid. Charlotte Ziegler spent Wednesday ~, tion in the new stricdy cash coal service. ters know more about everything else than Cuming county has the advantage afternoon last week at R. W, Hall- Christian SciellOO Soc.lety. ....: of nea~ess to gravel pits, and lla!;; er's near Winside. 401 'Main St. they do about rural sections. a comparatively easy area to Mr. and Mrs. Dan~ Brugger and Octlober 22.1933: Theobald lumber ! · b I. grade, but nevertheless its example Mt:, and Mrs. Waldon Brllgger of Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. " I Dr. ALB.. IX Y says in 11S Daily Drift, sho~ld ~nspit'e us to do more in the Winside, w~re Sunday gvests of Services, 11:00 a. m. Lincoln Journal, that Nebraska has more way of conven,'ences f travel fo' th 'H B .. I· 0 e'l" • ruggers. , I Subject: Probation after Death: di~ferent J C I miles of waterway than nny other state ex- the cornmuniUes of Mr. and Mrs. Glem Roe of Oma om.na. oy i cepting :Montana, and that "these waters Wayne ;county. ha came 'Saturday and visited un- , ~~~~~~~~t~~ne;:a~~~ ~~d~~~- ~ can be utilized at a moderate cost for pow- Let p~lbliC spirit keep its should- til Tuesday with Mr, Roe's moth- day at 12:30 over KFAB. er and irrigation purposes, so that the time er to the wheel. Let the KIwanis er, Mrs. Emma Roe, and other rel- A cotdial invitation to attend'our WA YJNE, NEBR. I may be at hand when there will be no such commit~ee and its aids keep on atives, services is extended to all. PHONE 148 PHONE:_ 148' thing as a crop failure in Nebraska." But function~ng aggressively for the Cecil Gifford returned Saturday how would this certainty of production building. of ilew roads and the pro- from Omaha where he had been in St. Paul's Lutheran Churcli. lil.~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· tally with the government's crop reduction ~er ma.i:rlJ.tenanc~ of old. on~s. Gr~- ~ ho~p:tal a few wee~s. ae is mu.ch (Rev, W. C. He~denreich, pastor) I' plan'! \Vouldn't increased proQuction tltude f~r public servIce ~s felt If Impt~\ied. W. H. Gifford ill;t hIm Sunday school at 10:00 p. m. ' ·· t' t not alw8(Ys expressed. While push- at Wls.ner. I Monii,n,g worship at 11:00. - ~ '. th h rqug lrnga IOn remove na ure in team- lng for ~mprovement, we must re~ Dt. and MrS. J, C. Joh~son and Catechetical instruction $atttr· ·'~.'R··' work with the government in curtailing member :to be magnanimous. That ~r. ~nd M~'s. W. M. Hawkms ,;ere day at 2:00 p. m. ' ,0. ".. R-,-&-..'-.:--.0- 1;I: crops? , is high ~. nd wibnlng ground. m SIOUX ilities. One left '11ue>::lday for·B~rl~ngton, Kan., church Wednesday. The cOmmit+ LOC A Ti, NEWS HOUS:tn FOR REm t 719 I,.i ol grows weary of bending to busi- to visit Iher father. ~rs. Charles t~e in charge was Mrs. H. D. Addi+ " .':A..LI ' R SALEP-Up~ight grand piano str'eet. Inquire at I:erald. G::;' ness and s~ial requil'ements. Meyel!' o~ Missouri wllo had been ~qn, Mrs. A. B. Carha:f't, :MJ:s. A.''11. :Mrs. Fl .ALi Mifdner has been ill in ?:ood cqndiU6n. Priced to s~ll. ' Schainus, Hartley,: Iowa. Q19t1p He is ~omebmes grabbed by ah relief loperator at Kimba.ll, Neb., Ca.vanaugh and Mrs. ID. It:CUn everiLl ~ys. I Ellis Exchang I 1~1 imp11ls~ to junk the whole as- came ,here and began' duties Sun~ Ptngham. I l , 'Th~ C1~~:t1ce ~rights drove tQ ':' ", ,~ _o__:W01f. RENT - 6-room ·modern, so:r~tn~rt of duties and go. into day at th~ ~ffiGe. , IThe Missionary so~ety is .givin~ " 'Sioux: Cit~ Sundar. .:0 ~uff' O~pington_ coc~- ,house. Mrs. L. ~. ·Owen. Phone retiren:l-ent. But sound JUdg. Mr. and Mrs. C. 9. Mitchell all o'clock luncheon at the chur~ ." "Rev. H: d. Capsey :ercl:B"75c each.! Aug. Biern;lann. 37J. 'o12t2. ~ent tells h.im he would :soon' wentt~, penter ·l~st ~ttrsday'on I11week 1from this we.dJlesctay,·Qct.• 'tt~e past"~~ dayS'.. lol9tf '. , ,grovJ ~eary 'and fretfUl hf'the busin s's. T~ey tiren tent to Mio- ~r 25.', Please phone reservation~ , MIfS·' s. ·~i. Whi'l;more wen~ to Pll- absenCJ .C>f. ~e. s~on.SibilitY~p. o~ brara ,amd returne.qi S8jlurday. Miss tor yourselves ,and. ~es.ts to ~r.,. BROWN SUGAR :ger M~nd#~ eas. feeble wi~hlnotW~g. t~ res~st" J}.da ~a$h' Who ~d ;spent three Woodw:~d Jonea, chairman, Mr~ bane ., Ed. ,pe. . Sioux -city on . not.hi~. ,t~. ~ccotnPllS.h,..na:th.lDg ?leek.s. aJt ~l..O.br~r., r.,~.t.. urn~~ With ,E.j. R. :(.ars?n or Mrs. Wlllis NQake . 'll!;c>nda cattle, but lel~u"e tb'look forwa.d to, them ~ Miss· bertil. Css!l awo Md, Hi>bert A;ulter will gives boo '

•..'N.':f, JU.hlln,.w)lo has been very "1'.he'·ll.Ct'tl.ve ',llfe': lios. ,cOrilpenss•.· care. '\.I1therid. rsIVi,s1~here, 'I ·review in the,attem~c>n. , ill at:hoII1J~' reri1a!1ns. the same. ' tiona a arti":rli immediate pro-'. Ur~. ~o~t~P1er H~am of San : n tepe aQs~~ce of the J;e,81:Jlar Ml;'i and !Mrs; *enry E. ~Y ~d fits~ ,:~I' ~~ ~s ,?l1e"Jl'Or~rt.: th~,.' An'to.~9.;:;r~~~'i~ P:fe.f.'h,E!re ,S"n,d~Y It che1j,\,Pr.,~VIt:is of o~ B~ate CI~' ~flu~~~el' '"t~re ~n !O,mah~ ,~esQay. ' : ,~.IlS Of, ~~.~' m~~at~s ~~~e'tes. t In. fr.om'~_qu51~~"! '.:W~ ~hn. ;:-1t::t,,~8:i ·~r.PG<\h.a..a sttl1leslilist!<>f

',' ,Miss LP,t~ po~~e.Jd ret ,stick·,to, OUl:' . Dolo~Ct~tl;jiI~~~~~g. &~urday: frp~ a two-day ',l'ia:rneBai" unti ,__: -~~1l~nl:I::~8. I ces us tq. Cl~it.i :'Ht;:,!';,;i:'~1'i; ·,\;:,1 :,!I;I;:1 :,,:!' ':'r i!1 "I I' i" , I : WA'tNE JlERAt.n, ~AYNE' NEBl,tASKA, TRURSDA

Young peop~e's, mee in this was prepa~ed jl by the members. wa Milford Roefi~t"s birthday an~ tel', TJarian, 11::\5 Marj~rl~ T~()rnp" eveniug at the bhurch. : Covers were Ia d at small tables niv raary. ' son ;t'd GUm 1'd Day. I ! I" Cho~r rehearsal on Fridar eve- and Ha~lowp'enl_decorations were l. 1'5. Ed Bolcemper and son caIl- I ~1 -- ,. , ,. ning. I .J used. Guests an~ members answer- ed t Enoch Anderson's last ,Wed- For IIltrllln Il!ler. ,: Confirmation class, 2 P'lui" 8at- ed roll call, With, "What Ganies I ne day Il.1'ternoon, In honol', 0 Harlan IlrIeier1s sec.. urday. I Enjoyed, Playing While Young." r. and Mrs, Jewell Killion and ond birthdty:. Mr, and 'Mrs. FrefJ S~nda.y school, 10 Q. n1.1 Sun- The' progr.am, "Keeping Boys and Da leene were Sunday guests at Heier, jI'., en erta:hledl tho rnm'\fM day. . Girls tnterested in the Commun- G. Alfred Johnson's. ing people at Sunday dinner: Mr. Swedish worsblp, 11 a. l. ., fol.. ity," was in charge of Mrs. Carl r. and Mrs. George Jensen and and Mrs. Fre 'Heier, Mr. an ·Mrs. • ~~ ~ ~_~ • ~ ~Il~d~commd~. : A~sonandM~.~arleBPier-~I~n~~at~G~W~sWilliamHeier,Mr,~~EriI ~ I'll. Eng-Usb worship,' 7:30 p. rp. son. M;rs. Roy Sundell had charge Su day afternoon. Vahlkamp, ~iSS ~Martha IHeier, Mrs. August Paul was in Sioux Sundaye . II-he Swansons nnd MallY Activities LOQis, Mo., were ,to attend. LU~-' Majry Martha circle mffts this of the entertainment. Guests at the oy Anderson. went to Stuart, William Bart ing of COlerid~e, and City l\1onda~·. Lal'sous inrited to the E. A. cheon meeting a~ lhe. Fontane. e afternoon at thecome of rS~JOhn IUllcheon w~re: IMrs. Wm. Hugle- N br., Saturday evening. He re- Herman and Fred Bartlhlg .of ~nder'sonl E. O. Ff'nton ,vent to Sh)tlX City Larson I iI the country for PlanlIed By Club hotel was planned for Wednesday Tell. Mrs. Albe t Wentlel,as lsts. man, Mrs. Almdnd Mrs. t ned home Monday evening. I' Burke, S. D'J '. '. I ~l~~~::\i~l:{~l~~hte~kamp was in su~~:; ~~ ~:~i1:t Kohlmeier from noon. da~a~:~:~:~ru ;:~ll ;;:~.t a:~:; ~~~~~fi~~:;.s~~a'l:r~~\~~~r~~:. e:\Jt~::::!s~~~~e7as~n~ed~;:~Havo Hallon 'Cl;-;'arty. i

Siollx City Tuesday. " \"'inudool1 atijl'Miss Etsbt'th Btlcll- Ponca Grid Squad Defeated To Fireman's Meet. Wendel. J. Mitchell,''Mrs. Chas. sackerson, d y afternoon at Wm. 'thomsen's.: I "About 60 S m.::jhin·e club member~ Miss Pt'arl Fink wa.!> nt Allen ov- holz of Ih0l1dt spent last wcclt- By Wakefield Team On Wakefield Volunteer firemen ~ Miss Emma Nelson, Mrs. Elmer r. and ~rs. Monie Lundahl and' and tlJeir farniles were entertained fl'-night Saturd:ly, a. guest in the crltl in th? Mrsi. Anna Kohlmeier were represented at the state meet- Salem Lutheran 'Church. Nelson, Miss Gertrude Borg, Mrs. c Udren w re Sunday dinner; at a Hallowe'en partyet the James Tip l;:va.n~ nom\.'. , ' hl'm~. Ou,SundflY aftt-rnoon, Mrs. Friday Afternoon. ing in North PLatte Tuesday, Wed- (Rev~ A. L. Peterson, past r) Fred 4undin" Mrs. Hal'Qld Olson, g ests' iI? th Claud Wheeler home: Grier home Sattrday I~veniq.g. The Yngve carl::.on ,vent to 'Sioux KOhl.ulei('~, Miss Clara and Miss nesdaj and today, by Fire Chief Sunday SChOO~ 10 a. m. 'I Mrs. GUy Scott, Mrs. N IF. Nelson a Allen. I I time was $pe It inl HaItowe'en at...V Tue~day to yisit. I1l'1' father, Mltl'garet~:GilbehBenson and Miss Girls', pcp club of Wakefield high V. H. R. Hanson, Paul Erickson. Morning wor hip, 11 o'cloc. and Mrs. E. J. Ericsoill. r ' Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peterken andl st.unts. FOU}CO pIes j dressed as Al~gl'II,I,stl,n(';U~~{:'!~: Lellus Ring: and Buchholz ~drove to Lyons to visit ~~~('I(~.\;th~e~~e:ndm:~~~~lI~ena~~~~;;lpyd ~~rk, dCl~~ence Ols~nf a~d Swedish servi e, 7:30 p. m.1 ~ ~._~-~--~- c ildreh wrre Sunday dinner! witches and ghbst~' Ujid a square- ~"\.f'rH.l aU~~~Obi~:~o~day~ g~eat r~and ~rs., .1.1< u - relativQs : here. new pro]'ctts. The "Walte- group e t y It is surely {t privilege Northwest Wakefield g lests in the Joe Dellln h6me in dance, and Harry famiiy t'alh'd ('ll t!w l~. G. Hn.usons Thp CalToll Van Valins enter- ~ to haVe an opportunity to worshlp R' E erson, Lessman an arry ,IKmder furn- S\llldav aftprIlnon. t~lllcd tllIe following at Sunday field Hi Pepper" made Us appear- in a church every Sunday. Do (Mrs. W. r· lllg) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wessman ished the miSlc Maborie! Grier, I ~1I·~: A n l1eKny of Ewing. dinnC'J': ~~.. and Mrs. Jame$ Brod~ .:.:!}lee. containing yells. fac,ts about Luthr.rans Plan Rally. you make use of this privilege? Mrs. Jerry Turn¢r sperlt·Monday a d daughters of Concord were Bonnie af/.u B tty ,:Wagn~r tap ~ calllP Fndlly to \'i~it her sister, l'l':,on, thuj parents of Mrs. Van ,,:a'- the team and pep matenal. Dor~ Commemorating the 450th anni- Salem welcomeS! all to her services. afterneon with Mrs. Gus Schultz. S nday dinner guests at .rs. Ida danced. Donald Grier gave the r Mrs, Cllll·t'me Henrickson, lin, and tl1cir family; :Mr~. Ed. \Vll- ol!ly Sar edits the paper. Meet- versary of the birth of the 'great The Martha sbciety meets in the The':Robert Han$on farily were ndahl's. readIng, "Llt~le Orph".n Apnie.:' At Dr and ~Irs. C B. C\)(j \\'l~nt to I son and }.jIis.s Elsie and Miss Har- ings are being held rach Tuesday German reformer, Martin Luther, church parlors on FridaY'1 7:30 p, Sunday afternoon kuests at Elmer Mr., and Mrs. George Jensen the close of the,eveniD.g Mrs. Grier Kan:;a:-; sunddY tn spend a fc\v ddt; ~an9 Miss Ethel Anderson. a~ter sChool: and this week's ses~ a .Lutheran ra.lly will be held at m. Miss Edna t>ahlgren Bind Miss Harrison's. sent Friday lilfternoon wiffi1 Reu- served a dc~iCiOUS two-G':ourse dnY~ With ;'1[1:'. Coc';; rdo.tives. MISS Ha~t·ictt and Miss Ethel are S10n \Vll~ gwen o,,:"cr to business, Salem church in wakefield on Ruth Marie Mortenson v111 serve Mr. ~nd Mrs. Nep Swaggerty and n Johnson. It was his "irthday luncheon. ,I : ilt:;~ Ruth Ncl.son returned to students lat Wayne state Teachers and makmg of :rroJan emblems for Sunday, October 29, at 1':30 p. m. refreshments. I' sons were Sunday dinner guests at niversary. __·· ~ __ ·~I __ Sioux Cit\" :Sundny morning after cdlcge, 4J;l\d the others arc from· swee.ters \\'~s lhscussed. New com- Seventeen congregations are par- October 22 to 29 is Chlllfh I?aper the Clarel1;ce Beaton home in Car- Mr. and Mrs. L. Peters and ~~'OleQ a \wl'I{-('Iid with the N. 1'. Nclsol.ls. Herman. rnittcc chau.·men. arc: .:rogra~: ticipaUng. Further announcements week in our synod. A committee roll.' J, f mlly and Mr, and Mrs. Herbert p. Mr. and 111'.:'. L('~ StatltI~1' [tnl! Supt apd Mrs. Willard Jackman Frances Davl:';; editor of Pepper. will be made in next week's Her- from our Luthet league, With 'Miss Fred Salmon, Roy Jensen, Mis.ses undahl were Sunday evening calI~ (By at' I Bu~nhnm~ Junior frnnl near IAltona visited and chihlrcll nnd Mrs, Jackman's Dorothy Sal'; workshOp, Tinabell~ ald. ~ Evelyn Holmbe~g as h~'ad' will Rutq. Nelson and Hulda Echten- e 'S at Albert Lundahl's. Jennie Jo*es and family trans- Sununy In the C, Len Davis home. mothn, 1I,Irg. M. P. Mill"r, spent Killion' actwrttsmg, Marg~~t gladly receive your new r renew- kamp spent Sunday evening at I Mrs. Monie Lundahl was: a guest acted businelSS n Yankton Satur~ . }'l:r. and :;'Irs AI. borg and B'ld- last weck-end in Wakefield at the Hypse salc~, MUllCl Hanson ~ AtWnd ,State Meeting. al subscriptIbns to the utheran Emil Miller's. ~t the D. U. V. party held in the day. ~ dy Dale. and Harv€'J· Hanson \vere Albert \Vendel lwme, and Mrs. club member" sold candy at las Mrs V M. HUffman, delegate, on accompanied her brolhe-r, J. W. tC'tn[ en, last week to hear Miss Confer About Road. ~nc Johnson Will serve Chrastmas ton The ladles are siste s nd,rCh~ldren were Sunda dinner where they Ivls1ted relatIves j"is face fl·om It honfire Friday Leedom of Gordon, and a sister, Huth 1< rpemaTl>-, representative of A commIttee of local men, heel' fund WIll be recelrved at thIS The Carl Flansen farlly were t t M Alfred YNelsen's Mr and Mrs S. E. A~ker of lind was conftned to his home sev- Mrs. R. E. Thomas of Clinton. Mrs. the PeoplE'S Natural Gas company. Thomas Rawhngs, LC Nuern- Ime Sunday dmner guests 0 Mrs Al- t~:s s : ent r~unday evenmg at Wayne spent Saturday Wl h their -eral days. Kiernan pronounces the fall' vcry talk on domesttc SCIence, -and gIVe berger, WlllIam Kay and E S ------r- fred !N~lson III town. Thje Freeman y JeD~eD's son, Guy Aw.ker, and fE\.ntll . ~ Miss Lottic C:hild~ anu her sis- wonderfu..1, especially the nfght- a candy~m8Jong demonstration Kiernan, went to Lmcoln Monday Southeast Wakefield L-u-bl:lerf:ltadt famlly were also eo. Orvllle Jebneck of Carter, South tel', 111''; EdIth NdT. went to Hghting effects. Miss Lenore To- Sophomores ulranged the pro- to request Improvement of No. 92 I B guests I t The pupils of Central school and Dakota spent the week-~d WIth WavnC' Friil:l.)" to visit with Mr:s. bey of Fort Dodge, Iowa, left for gram f{ l' convocatIOn penod last highway leadmg south from Wake~ I (y MiSS Ruth Hanson) . Mrs IHJalmar Lund a d daugh- hell' teacher, MlSS Inez Wnedt, Martm'Rasmussen and fa Ily :Am;a Dilyi~. home Saturday eveQing after two Thursdav, and planned a radiO field to Pender They talked WIth Mrs Emmett Erickson viSIted ters ~rs Henry En kson and ere entertamed by MISS Lorrame MI and Mr:s Herman G ai \Lor- \,,}.' 1\tIr. and Mrs_ C_ O. Dawson and ,veeks in the Kif'rnan hom('. "klt, as follows AnnOuncer, Dale IGovernor Charles Bryan and state Distrlct 13 Frlaay afternoon 'son~ h61ped Dorrenne li'redrlcksoo ~nderberry and her puplls at rame' and IVlrg1l1Ia were I S~nday Bllly frol:n Blall·, rnme Saturday Mr. Bind Mrs. Robert Anderson Buhrman, ImItation of B~?y ROS~ Engmeel' Roy Cochran, and were Frank Han$dn accornparued Joe celebralte her eighth bIrthday wed_/lendale school, at a party Friday guests m the WaIte Graf home ~venlllg tu spend sunday \vith the and Jiinmy and Billy returned Mane, Ruth car.J,son, the Ba,ron, told that the hIghway might be C Johnson to Cflmaha on ~ondaYl nesdaYj afternoon I afternoon. Mrs W. E WIngett wet in Ran- Dr. L. J. Killian family. i home ftom Red Oak, Ia., Saturday NOlmun Mmer, Wayne Kmg s 01'- graded and graveled this fall, MISS Pearl ID Sewell VISited di&- Mr and Mrs Clevr Murphy and Mrs Roy Holm and daughters dolph WednesMY to v SIt her .. MI' nIHl MI"-': A. M HYP~0 and Ipl/rning after spending the weC'k w che:-;trd,' class members proVldmg the county could get use tncts 1 and 59 Tuesday afternoon. Russel! of Laurel ~pe1:It Sunday and Mrs Reuben Holm. and son daughter, Mrs Rog r'iBu arran 111'. and l\trs. Frank Henry went to eneI with Mrs. Anderson's fami.IY. Jmliors Are F1eted. of Wayne county machmery Jacquelme Ahderson s'peht Mort- evenmg at Ernest Packer's Mrs lattended the Home Circle club Mrs G. D Bur and Oaklanu F~r"ja'y and :'Spent l\vo days Miss ]rcne Detlef accompamed Booster dlllner Tuesday. everung -- . day mght in the C. A. KIDney Mary Murphy IS still vety III There meetmg at Mrs Clarence. Holm's Freddy and MISS "Y.'ilh relative::> and friends. them as far as Glenwood, then re- last week honored the Jumor class, D,lscusg War Debts. home. I. . werlil many other callers dunng the ,!,he afternoon was spent m qUilt- motored to SIOUX. Ci1ty' , : ]\Ii..,!' Ht·ll'n SeH of Early, Iowa, turned with them. Cdming throng-h winners ~f the intcr-cl~ss.competi- Settlement of the war debts was .Mrs. Eert Harns.on and Manlyrn weef. I jmg. Club members served the Mr. and Mrs. George I' ~[l1f' t,) the C A. Sal' home for the oma~I~And('rsonreports that UCH for Boo"ter sUb~cnptlOns. P~o- subject of discussion at Lions, club VIsited Grandm,a Lindahl Saturday Arvid and Robert Feht and !Iar- luncheon. . sr., of WIn~de, we::e gues~s , :~et'k-£'nd, after attending teach- a tl1lck, heavy.smoke came do\....n gram was: ToastmIstress, Mun~l dinner Tuesday evening last week, afternoon. ~ ,. ry Nybakke of Kerkllo""en, Mmne- Mrs. MOIlle Lundahl spent last George Sweigard, Jr., home ThurS" ' ers con\"t'lltinn in SiouX City. and callsNI oonslderable excitement Hunsen; tnJk, Thomas stow; pI- as part of the Socratic league pro- Mr. and Mrs~ Jewell Kilhon and s?ta,' came to husk cotn, the two Wed~esday afternoon in the Claud day. ',..1 1'.11' and :Mr~. Albert Haskell and until it was discovered this cam£' ano solo,' Louise pete;son: t~k. gram. A good turn-out is report- ~arlene were Slunday dinner guests forrrer for their unc1e$, Hjalmar IWheelier home at Allen. Mrs. Lil- Martin Messer artd '~sqn, Ray- ~Miss Faith Haskell of Huron, S.I from forest fires in Minnesota. .leanne Cornell; song, BIlly OSSIan; ed with 21 of the 25 members pres- In the G. A. Johnson home. and' Emil Lund a~d thb latter for Han Brown of CaUf., Mrs. Tan mond of South Dak{>ta, were week.. 'D., werr herC' Saturday and Sunday, ~-- tallt, Edward Hodge. ent, and with Supt. J. R. Johnson .Mr. and Mrs.' John McCorkindB./le Bea Lund. l Hypse and James and MrS. Frank· e~sitors at the: George Haus~ :at thf' ~lrs John ~asl • IHanso"" Arnold arudlgan, n. nas 0 ration Sunda school 10' a 1m I hoo~ grou!! to Oakland Frida ve- e day afternoon ~t Reuben Elfill Baker were day evening fruits nd veget bles, .~, tm call , be. came ave 'from Wayne Sun- ~~1lf fI!~e(leld, anI! ;M:r. and Mrs. , aug1\. sl\n' of Mr. land Mornl Ii worship: li'o'~j~Ck, , nllig: MeSSrs, IA. W: CarlJlon, 'u- ,H 1m's. l:1/ests In the Herbert Thun home. of foo , f ~ay Cloti~ ~ts. speak\~i ~rs. i I to spend he iday With the Ja eSr l{dUon of WaynEt. I -und:envent an terson will Plea" tepce and Vern,!$.. A. NJmrod, u'" Roy Ander nr, called n Mr, 3J.1d Mrs. Ed, Echtenkamp glasses of unda:y 11t.oun women II (II ' I I- 1 I :. S'~t Val ey aiid Wakefield' oli Sun~ rence and lfWY 'Hanson. a in M s. G~orge Jensen Monday - w~re VISit~S in ~ ~~6'0 , g ~r 1 ~22. Holmb~g', F~ ~oon. ~fUe. t1 J: Dinner nd' 1!l sts in the StUdy Circle;- I at ds. .' Oc oller A yen' coroial te I i Greunke home Th 0 so '" 'G .. W 'M~CIi t~kf hTf:e SundQy" rl'!. ca'thetlne DUlts entetlaitl- $loUx Cit'y, in tatfb fs extended the churcJ:1~ ence and Vem r and Mrs. E 09h Anderson l:Mr. and MrS. Her ... Mrs. F L. B I' :W~re ~I slngin~ b~ n ~ ·Mrs. H rry t BftDJiOltz and ed the Study circle TUesday atter.. week. He- is cely. goltlg J) bllc to aUend services Itlte d Merl!n were Sio 'I City visitors kamp, jr., and Mr. randphMClJ. :r and Sf ;r; '80D, MJ:1, land rs.~ MplviJl :.Molden noqn last week:- Wl'tll ~' 1: o'ClOCk ' i at the e ut:(h. '.' pnday." , Lutt called iti the Ru 1 rEiu e matro ,0 irrs )ind 80nf ,Mrs RODerfMcOllntOch, gue~t',?ay luncheon.IA1~ members.' To: . ..SE'!r'VlC s at s . .H!nn~rfch~ ~~\a"sund*home Sundayevenin. ,'I and th r a "M " iBUly F1lorenc Jackl Peggie and werepre.ent, and 15 guest•• Places MlssPl!1111n.~illf'w.iitt6nlll~'Will be'" I;Id"jjf " "I'pper,' e.~"at y"" ,"", ,-,,-,- , ,}'I'm. eke a"er", ~'" II' Ilec?:" :vearie MCCU toch; aim MIllS Flor- werelllitl at small tabJe~'matle gay llllrt"'TIle!ltlllY";f6~ 'tM 'Red' dersan's. ," I For Jld Blrihday~ w. C 'orye ,,' """,, ~unh N r. , !ence Smith a 1of Sio\1lC City:' With' lllIow.'eti dMlll'atlons; and a 'r.glOh~r 'b6ril'm*~ ,,"It!) "If. fS, Geo g-pJensen~d Inion<>r of Donna Day'~ s~cond eqhaue and ~1!l "f!' :la" ih ~t "" , Mr, add' r.: llf~~d'S~lUlsOntll.teWean.sd!~':lffid·"t<>d~;" SIQ' • blrtll y,sundaYMr,alldll¥l'll,lW,?; ~:~ :F~:~"goif in: 1h.~after:'''' " :and daughter 'Miss WUttIil, '·we:r~ , ., '., ' ~YA eJl\e;~ed,~ fo ~lfg at nOOn1I P, . j ", ~ '.' '" I" '", ., ",,'ok: rl-" gu' st. Inll'he "C:' ':I, ' :A:. alld ~>;l/l ,; ;Mr. and ,r~'" 41'gu , , ,', '" '" "" , ~ e!'li' a "dst·'g" ~se and daughter, :fdarion., Mr. ~ " ~;S:tk:U~ Ta~e: I :t~ed ~:~i w ~ran~,"~. ~ ~~ \:~ug~~. ~er-, the (~I;,: ;:Jj~:l' '" '" lng and - ~eturned ·Tuesday. The 800'11" FOJcaS~i ning who Mrs Dnmme served ic 3lill(\rnt. Club l\lo~tiJJg. ,_ board deeilJed to ask federal public _Young People'oS . athO'.~~C Study cream. artd.- cak~'. c w.'omen of tile Min rva club und ,workS. adl.ninistrauo.n for 30 pcr~ c~lJ.b meets Qch)oer 31. ; I' ••• '" ' guests, Mrs. L. F. G ad, Mrs. D. S. cent .grunt to remodel the ol~ sc)- St. Mary's' Guild mec~s October ~'('i hOOl'h' 1) .' DeWolf, Mrs. Ann M. Larson, ell"CO hall at Peru. The school for ~6 With Mrs. ~. J. liJ~mtemer, ' ~. j 00( .• I art3'. ~" Mrs. Carl Wl'ight nt tl Mrs. Jennie blind ·at Nebrnslta Oity was grant- M l!" [ ~'h P$! M. al,u.MIS. II. S. Sea-ICc ~ntcI- Magill wcre. cntertlflincd Monday ed permission, to reccive normal the ~itl'~~~: 'lu~n~~X~~\J!~~it~~~ains tSi~ed ~~Cl.r neig~h~ors ~t t: bridge by Mr~. C. W. B)!OWfl. Miss Char- school scliol,llrships. . ' · lI!' \"'l~ 'S 'IP, .. pUl. ty F [cli.:lY evcJ,1U1g. r.he guc~ts lenc Drown prcselltt>d in readings rs. Tl If paIn entt:rtmns \\'ert~: 1\1 .~tnt.--l Mt',s. Ii'. G., DnIQ, Mr., . ',; , '" T· ... . the AIPhtl.. \\i,oman's Chl.b Novem- I'" G ''"r, "I' '1 IcnUlll"cenccs (If old ,tunc as recall- To state .l\~eeting. bar 13..; ,: ~~~ ~JI~. ~iliec;(~:IS::d ~:::tsan~ cd b~' thing's she taolt from an Qld- Miss Bearl SeweU, Mrs. E, E. Monday Cl'lb herd ~b .'meeti:ug M ' . t . ~a't ~., ." fashioned chest. Mrs. Albert G. Fleetwood, J. J. Steele, George this week. - Mrs.. H. S. Slcace enter- H~l~er; ~~, a::;:d :~'r:ndM~~:~J'r~' Ca.rlson pll1!,cd during, the riJ.o~o- Bornnoft, and ·W. H1 Buetow vJent tatos next M~>nday. i C~ived hiif!'h 'score, L~Ch was serv: logue..Patncia Brown. gave a tap to OmabJa ~u~sW:t:y : to represent St. Paul 1fo\.mg Wo~cn's Mis- ed a.t thl'close of the eveniJJg. ~anee, Mrs. Brown serv.ed two-. Wayno Ilat the Rebdkah and Odd sl?nary SO{,l~ty meets October 31 '" '" • • cour~e IUl1CI;UWn" waterlihes being Fellow grand lodge ~eeting which With Miss E~'~'n Wenpt. . " favols. In three woelrs members is in ses'sion until this Thursday. Apron clu~ meeting ),was ost- WIth l\~f' n.. \\. Cnsper. and their husbands have a Hal-, - poned until this Thursd:.l-Y ~'hen ,?otert, ,ClUb m~t Mond.,ay Wlt~ '.owe'en dinner party at the~. :r:c. Legion In S~ssion. Mrs. Chris Tictgcn cntcirttl1ns. !I.irs. R \\. Ca~pol. Mrs. I~ .. S. M01- ,.orbit hOlUQ. Mrs. R. R SmIth IS Wayne post of'Arr:rerican Legion Mrs. James Mclntosh entertaIns gan,. Mrg; J. 1<. Ahern, 1\-1ISS Mar- directmg a play tor that occasion. met at the court hOl\se Wednesday Furred Coats I the Rural Home so~e.ty this guerlte haee an~ M:s. C. A. Orr '" * '" ,., evening; for busines~ session. In. 1 Thursday at 1 o'clock *ncheon. spOlte on t~c World s fair. Next l"iClu;allt Valley l\lf~tS. stallaUon of new bfficers takes To Keep You Comfortably Warm ~\j Mrs. Albert G. carls.n will pre- M.ondaYblcVcmng the Cll~b mernbers -The .Plcasflnt Valley ClUb. met place W.'ednes'day, November 1. I l'~citalP sent piano pupils in a at thO and hus ands, have a dmner party Wednesd(ly afternoon with Mrs. [ ... During ,the Cold, qold Day. college music room ne~t Monday at the Imme Of. M.r. and Mrs. John Harold Quinn. Miss Effie Wallace I;::::~::::;:+:!::::::: afternoo, t 4 : I1} Ahern. Asslstmg hostesses aI'e wag assistant hostess. The hostess-l: ~.'U!~~~O)~ There ~~tl be no Cb\.mtrv Club Mrs. L. A. Fansk~, Mrs. L. ·W. Ellis es served a 1 o'clock luncheon after L ABS~'1U'S ainner party this Thu~lsday'night. and Mrs. Paul Mmes. \-vhich the~ hut! their regular busi- '; A In ~l\. ~ It has Deen postponed Lintil Ii meet. ,...... ness meetmg. Roll call was an- $17 -~~··II "tog place is 'found., 'YUh Mm. E. R. Low'. " swcred by current events. Mrs. - GROe BY- 'I · Christian WorkCTs p'an to meet Fortnightly club vms entertained George Kablsch had 8 paper on i, this Thursday at the c)lllrch. 'rhe 1Iomlay by Mrs. IG. R. Love. Mrs. ,"Kcepi,ng Young People Interested "Quality At' ow Cost" SO Want a HAT? women aro ~e\ving .clothing for the AUgllSt Nyberg was a guest. Mrs. in the Community," Mrs. Hannah Ph«l»,.ne 247 Fr e delivery ~34·75 I' I BeCI~ spon~ored fIl· r Child Saving Instiluto fP Omaha. D. S. Wightman read a paper on an advertising con- And what womab c{.pesn't? ~·Hi.tlerism Young Pe9ple's Bible; class will in Germany." She con- test III WhICh Miss Edythe Prescott •I I meet in lhe Harry Howarlh hOmej dueted contests in which Mrs. J. C. won itrst. The guests were: Mrs. y'fhO'.~' Y.~ar's instead of at Miss Charlotte Zieg- Carhar~ and Mrs. H. R Best were True Prescott and daughter..Miss :Aren't.1 they lovely? A d don't lhC. up your l.ast $2·95, \-vil11H~rS~ serve~. or ye1r-before-that c at? And w y fihould you wear thc ler's as previouslY announced, on 'I'he hostess The Edythe, Mrs. George Oman, Mrs. C, "Velvets, fel~;' tailoJJd cre~es, in Friday evening. club m~mb€'rs and their ltUSbUndslE. Ben~hoof. Mrs. Will Roe and old outfit whe,n a bea tiful nQ/N on can be bought at the"e l~ c1ose~fitting f~r-~ the tlophis icated, , Wayne chapter of the A. A. U, plan a dinner pa~ty October 30 jn Mrs; H: E~. Radaker, t.he la~t of ptices? The immed mcdel With broadened should­ styles whic ' are s i comfortable W,' meets this Thursday evening the HoBert Auker home. Ne\\pmt. The n~xt meetmg WIll be Gmpe ers a~d narrow hlp-ll es h~ve 9-n jr of elegance which be­ v..ilh a high 'fur coll r, an ' vastly gar!r~nts. ~OU'll with Miss Olive Huse,' Mrs. D. S, * OIl ~ ... November 15 WIth Mrs. Charles Full of j ice. longs to much more e pensive Don't miss thesQ! becoming. lik thes . Tu~dn~·. A~h l Wightman. Miss Miriam Huse and Blblo Clafll and Mrs. C. T. Norton as hos- i 1o.trs. Fre-ll \". Nyberg. The Bible Study class mel Tucs- te:;ses. 4 or . 19C AB~IC G~O~ES 1\'. C. T. U. meets this Friday day afternoon with Mrs. L. W. r ....·....1-····_·-- F with Mrg. S. J.. Ickler. Mrs. S. A. Kratavil. :Miss.· R.ose Assenhcimel' I%"ction or Officers. A little hea~icr Weig.~t glov~ which Lutgen is assistant hostess. Mrs. had the lesson study. A Ie'lo'cer \-vas The lunerican Legion Auxiliary washes. be tifully;j:and i~ ·care~· J. G. W. Lewis \"'iU speak on "Fu· read from Mrs. Charles Simpson met Tuesday evening with Mrs. A. J:o,:~l ~U1!kat:::ng, '.:~.ll. ture of Prohibition." and also a card from Mrs. E. B. A. Welch. Mrs. Carrie Welch and fully tailo, d.,.. The.. . '.. 49·c Strawberry. R~~pberry, Or­ shades, palrl ti. \,,\- Wayne Eu,in." and Prof."ion- Young. Me', Young is with her Mrs, Norbert Brugger were a"i,- ange. l-,;:; :','.ty next Mooctay evening at 8 at lotte Ziegler will· entertain the Natt was appointed to representl V~nilla pudding ~~~;~ r !: .. tho home of :L\Irs. PaIH'Siman. .l\s- class next Tuesday and Mrs. Dora tho organization on the local wel­ Special Tl~s "·eel<. , slsting hostesses are Mrs, R. L. Lar- Benshoof \vill have the lesson stu- fare committee. Mrs. O. W. Hahn son, Miss Ruth :F'reeman. Miss Let- dy. . gave a report of the National Con- P~r i 7C tie Scott and Miss Nina. Thompson. I ventiol1 uf the American Legion Package .....j.. The :Methodist Ladies' Aid \vill P. E. O. Meets. and Amdliary Ilt Chicago. Mrs. C. meet next Thursday, October 26, The P. E. O. chap!tcr m('t Tues- A. Orr reported on the parade at Ol\l1~ with Mrs. Winifred Main. The as- day evening with Mrs. D. H. Cun- the convention and Mrs. J. C. sisting hostesses wiil be Mrs, John ningham and Mrs: Clara Ellis. The Johnson told about the 8 and 40 Wheat ~'ereal Carhart. Mrs. John T. Bressler', jr., regular business meeting was helLl. parade. Mvs. Hattie Hall gave the Large Package. Mrs. J. M. Strahan, Mrs. Lou Owen. H. R. Best gave a talk on "Mod~ yearly seCretarial report. Mrs. A. Mrs. Edw. Seymour, Mrs. Gene GU- ern Economics." The guests weTe L. Swan gave the treasurers re· :eCi.~I.... • II 1 derslce\'C'. :Mrs. Jennie Schrumpf Mrs. SO' R. Theobald and Mrs. 1101'- port. The auditing committee ap­ ..I.., .. 23C !S~ecials J,;htldren's Hose and liIiss Mary Mason. t'emer Ballam, both of San An~ pointl'd is Mrs. Glenn McC~y, Mrs. In Qomestics Mrs. Mae Merrick will entertain tonio, Texa.s, and Mrs. May Best of John Brugger and Mrs. ',K. N. C~'\f.;\Y A Goo~, St~lrdY Ho~.l. ....W h..1C.,b... s.. tancls at a. 1 o'dock luncheo~ this after- Neligh. The next meeting will be Parke. The officers elected were: : I HITE outiNG FLANNEL u. p unoer p ayground w. ea~. 15 ~oon, complimenting, Mrs. Maya three o'clock meeting on Novem~ Mts. C. A. Orr, president; Mrs. R. Toilet ISoap I 27-inch idth. For c~ildren's aDd Tan color. air "-'.'.. r1. j C Best \-vho is here from Neligh ·with ber 7 with Mrs. J. T. Bressler, jr., L. Larson, vice president; l\"Irs. night war. 'I".", 7c her son. Supt. H. R. Best and fam- and Mrs. A. T. Cavanaugh as has. Hattie Hall. secretary; Mrs. A. L. ~ Bars "" 9~ ily. Guest~ will be Mrs. Winifred tesseS. Swan, treasurer; Mrs. H. C. Cap- f 80.SQUAiE PERCALES StUl:4u PlJy SJlitS , Main. Mrs. E. S. Blair, Mrs. A, A, sey, chaplin; Mrs. G. A. !ltcDard, i Limit 2 to a fustomer In prett , fast color p. i.nt8. 15 Denim PlaX Suits, ~r lactb ages 21' Welch and Mrs. H. R. Best. The {,'or Mis9 }'ca.rson. historian; Mrs. A. L. Ja~obsen, For girl ' wear. C afternoon will be spent wlth quilt In compliment to Miss Ruth sergeant of arms. The officers were ITENj'S to 6. Dural::llc and e Sl.'ly....I..49 ''thip Cord lUd~~g Bre,{'-che~j '\vashed Dilly ... C' blockz IUld visiting. Pearson of Hershey, former in~ immediately installed after clec­ . .() R PRIDE ~OTTON BATTS struct~r at the college, Miss MII- tion. Th~ executive commilt~e for Fairy Crb.ckers warm anti snug :for out-door I war!';: or for ridillig. Only _, The 72x 0 inch size f..~ comforters. SocIal. dred Snyder, MIss Marie Hove and the commg y,ear are Mrs. W. an~ 39 I .m... Fresh Crisp Each <;:> C GIRL~'PA!TAMAS Miss Mildred Piper entertained in- Huse, Mr:,;. G. W. Crossland and , "'i,th l\[T1L W, A. His(".ox. formally al the Dr. Paul Siman Mrs. Walter Bressler. Mrs. John- 2cLb_ F NCY OUhNG FLANNEL 11 -, presente(~ MEN'S JrJ!ORK Circle Two of tho Methodist Aid home Sunday evening. The guests son Mrs. Bressler with a C:;addy .... 29c ~~~i~~r,as ~f Olltill~ Inannel ~ ~ . "'. c:-:.- W. A. ped, in variety printccl 13c met \'\'educsday with Mrs. were faculty members who had gavel, shB hact purchased in Chica­ In it firm weight .. :-. "- ~,:"'_.r., ii', Hisco>,: for a social time. The has· been here during Miss Pearson's gc. Mrs. Bressler will present it to LARSON'S O. K, tai~orcd i,,:~~ served. stay, and included Missl ,Enid .conk- th new president, Mrs. Orr, at D LTON ST1ITCHED BATTS warm, fo lyn, Mrs. R. R. Smith, Miss Mamie the next meeting, Lunch was comfcrt. Tlicy'.l'e bi'g; Blend Coffee 3 pound , 72x90 inCIl('l:. .43 values at - ; McCorkindale, Miss Jessie Boyce, served by the hostesses after the MEN'S WORK S lRTS Big vnlu' at r c Lily of the Valley g~rl scouts Miss Lenore Ramsey and Miss Let~ meeting. The next meeting will be Wonderful value at a low ~vy wo~k met at the higtCschool Wedn~sday tie Scott. with Mrs. L. W. McNatt. price. Good sturdy he. suede sliirts like you alwl1yR weat· But you seldnm, BI VALUE COTTON BATTS for regular work on tes~s, Mrs. ------.- ,._.~ '69c pay this little '1',-'.----- ", ...... __ -!-.,_ i The 3~p und weight. I 29 93c Willard Wi-l-t-se being in charge. For l\lrs. M. C. Runs-cll. Dr. B: M. McIntyre of Winside: c And it's on~ I C • • ... • Friends gathered at the M, C. \-vas in Wayne Wednesday morn· ...... ,.. 19 U. D. Clup IUecting. Russell home Friday evening to ing. __--'~~""'"...... ~...... ,~~~~III U. D. club met Monday with Mrs. surpn's~ Mrs. Russell on her birth- --'~-'------A. T. Claycomb. Mrs. H.~. Ring- day. Guests were Mr. and Mr. :1I••• a: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••; land gave a review of "Miss Bis- Collier Boyce and sons Mr and m BEFORE~OUR I L hop." Mrs. H. B.~ Craven entertains Mrs, Evert Larsen and' dau~hters, : = next week. Mr..and Mrs. Russell Johnson and: CAR ~R EZES = fanuly, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rus- !l! II Aid Hl'oup n.l(~et.<;. sell, M1'. and Mrs. Byron Ruth and : = MethOdist Aid circle One met family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Troul- E: J • ,Wednesday with Mrs. G. W. Cross- man and daughter of Emerson, and: : SUITS---$114 land. Mrs. A. W. Ross, I1frs. R. Miss Matilda TeSt. High prizes in R ~ • Why hold df when a beautiful ~LL"WOOL suit can be Porterfield, Mrs. E. M. Laughlin game's went to Mr. and Mrs. Em-: : bou/?ht for thiH low pI~jce? Such ~pportund.ies d~n't come and Mrs. F'. M. Krotcher: assisted mett Russell. The guests served t1 II every day and we advi'se you to purchase fr,om T IIS LOT, in serving after election of officers. luncheon: ~ = - next time we go on the market, Iwe'll have to ark this ~ . ) line much higher. I :' For Visitol·. FOl' l\[rs. Emma Roe. m • In courtesy to Mrs, M" S. Hall- In honor of Mrs. Emma Roc's = =' am. ~f S~n Antonio, Tcxar' who is 69th birthday which was Friday; : = . Men's ~VERCqA~S visllmg III the hom~ of her brother, her 'children and their families : = Perry :'heobald, Mlrs, H. F. Fisher came to her home Sunday for the ISI • THEY'RE ALL-WOOL TOO, and cab be chose in p tterns to harmonize with the IH w suits. CorSQrvati~e, ha~dSOmelY- entertamed a fOUfhome at bridge day. Those there were: Mr. and 1i1 • tailored styles in the n w woolens. : I Tuesday afternoonl. Luncheon was Mrs, Merle Roe and daughters, Mr, : :: se.rved, at ..the .close. anlMrs. Elmer Phillips apd daugh~ :: II ... ,.; '" '" tel' .1 Mr. and' Mrs. Will Roe and I!iI ' = tJt~, Wil~ . $111.50; I :Mrs. 1i1t<:'.h, HCRtesH.' da. ghters, Mr. and Mrs. Enof :- .. - 'I I , Mrs; Donald FitS/h erltert'ained' lil:l.f~g and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. • : ,theI Harmony club Wednesday. Pa {Rethwisch and son and Mr. : " : WARM JAdKETS I Guests invited Were Mrs, TQd Kai an ~rs. Glen Roe, the last of Om- • .i BOYS WOOL WINDBREAKERS, 1 I WIN'IT' ERI and Mrs. Ed. MdGulre of Bender, ah '; The Williams and the Reth.: = Preof against the coldest wind. j __ .. _.. j. 9Sc and M~s. Ray Philbin. :M;rs. 'Stella wi eh children are Mrs Emma • ·1· Chlchestm' had ~arg.e o~ t~e .pro- Ro 's.' gre.at gra,ndchildren:. :' MEN'S CLOTH WIIjWBBEAKEB'1, followe~ The heavy, protecting kind. Only .. __ ;. gram which was by a so- r * '" * '" IS COM'lNG' II! I Fl.9S Clal ti.mc and,lu cheo.n. p.161. GIrls Ent1:.afterno~~rs, Henr. )COv~redjr" 1Friday 1. ca.S.teel,pro~am,Ra.ndolP.Mis~,h' sundaY. af- . Take· y'0', ur' Car' t'0 ···the , Pla'ce" 'in·i~nJ. re> = Cloth 'lilazers for a d ,sh .lunch- ter" oon -Tessie Me- • ,.." • eon. Guests we;re Mrs. "I rt Lewis. Do aId, Wis)1er~ r ,I • : . . and. baby pf EIjler.on, ~s, Leland .;.•••. ! ,: They are So(dand Serviced • ":~YounKI ¥rS.:Epa'~na. D.~ p~~. tZI Mra. .R. ",',;, I." = Lee. Ca~u~e,a~dMr•. H,.W,Bona. ,. A, . chapler met Salurdlty: The.Y... klwwwft,a.t.Shouldbedon • witz. 'rh.e lafternoon!was Iispent in' wi Mr. E. W. Huse, Miss oltve _ =. ~"ii~!;;1~~' ~§~~~ "i(Zoi)1l t"1t*IiT 'I t",!·j!'~t&~.~~~~~I.£" 'M_~_" ~~~f.~~t .. ~c& I,: i~~%iJlr!~H~E if ... ..bllEb,'USl SE?aS01!S Just PaJit "~INTO 3.000 • FOl'tball history "t colleg" lilgh 1"1. HOMES school hil' ·co\'crcd l'"thcr" brief 15,000 READERS developed with the inStituUon as' it' span of )'c-m's, but '~l(~ squad l~a.sr~;;;;.~;;;~;;,;~~~~+=,:::==::::==:::::::===~~~~~;,;~;~;~;~~~;.~;~~~~t~~:~::::::C:":::~:::::::::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::~dto~~~~OU~y;:;~~~III~1.~~I1'Y-rrHIRDY-EAR , WAYNE,NEB ASKA,TH ~SDAY, CTOB' 1,193. WM in fall of 1921 that toott1 :rb . :~l~~n~~:~~~~~:~~~'e;~t~~~~o~; ~~~~fO~:rb:~,~ec~:eC~~S::V~~;,: S ' ~~~~ ~~te~~~~O~S;a~f ~:~n~s~~~~ :;:i~~~e~ li~~rl:~~~Y~f 1:~ro~~: Foriller College fOOT8All RALLY ILDCAl WIN I We School Folks e I or fl\'c games which' engaged the Il1structor Weds I ling the project· Ma I' ahoney Or St. Paul, Miss H ve Adventurous Ing by g nt R. RJ Lar.~~. AM serv squad were with local teatns and SlAGE~FRIDAY Ob cOolmnbU8DaQr... I Ha ks of New 1Jersey. national • •• when yo reeartha~ ten~ut of 't:a~~"t:::~~t;~~~t~~Ptof the Ililtlal Dr. Juliu. -:r:-Hou.e A~ gl'~~t1:ng~~~~~~~~:a:~e':::ol~'::~~ O"'ER I KEA RN~Y ~;:s ~~n ::fl ~:~~~o~~ci~ea~~u~;~; Do~::ar~~e~:P~~~tl:r':t ~~~~:n t~~ ~~t:~i~~ y~~~~ u~der:~~~ 1 . Next season, with Fred SchnQid4 Mrs. ,Lucy Spra&,ue Will f I I day, III charge of Lila. Wester- ,I 1 ~ spo e. ishop loseph RUlnmel of tram Remember the thrill as the what one ~ant when he efclahned ~r-as mentor the lads met u "~th d - house. N\.Imbers were: Story, "Th~ I Om ha, Iptesidcd. big, back, smoke-belchmg monster bUss~ulIy; "Now, 1 t've Weh on a Tt \. I Ab 4 +-r- Wayne Secoi~dB, Randolph, Sender a e roa. Junior H.ig~ Students Are Early Yelars of, ::0Iumbu8"~ by Mil ollege Field lIs DedicJted R v. ~rancis Haas of Washing- came mto" sight, the excitement as tram" Thuugh the pass~nger car find Laurl'l tea.ms, and emcr$'ed MIH Lucy Splagu~, 68, oC Crete, CarrYing On Several d;edcAnn Mau,: The First voyag~ Between IHalves Her,1 ton. member of President Roose- the e gine swept past, shakmg the they were erded, giggling, mter- y with l\ good average. wLnnlng Ncb., lef~ last Thursday for Somcr- 1 Unique Projectsa a OI.~¢~US~ Edna" Marten~, Frida~ Evening. velt~f atsor board. spolia Tues- very round on which you stood, ested, th~n n~o t elmail car. And thrco games, losing two and ty~ng set, Mas" where she was to be I poem, . 0 um us ..Day, Patrie 9. day eve ing 0li the NRA land his breat ing out wet steam and that wonder of onder' the boys were one I Schneider starred on the married to Dr JuHus Temple A pcp club p ogram at Wayne Bre~sler,1 poem, Mod~rn E~.t;,lor- Wayne Wlld9at~ imtiated Itheir .'ect ro rs. Bdrry repor~'~d tllis nose-wrinklmg aroma of gas and lif.ted up to Ithe e ne Where they "Vayqc college team. and has peell House oil Montgomery, W. Va., for- high school Fri ay morning, put er~ JUr\lor Cartwrigh~, .play, Af· n w griqiron f~cld and stadiu~ on wee tal the o~~a diocese when coal nd SOOL which 15 all Its own, ghmpsed tre fier box, saw "how declsiv~ enginCjmade~ .turning out winnmg teams at Pil4 merl,)' oflwaync Rev. A. V. House, the football la s 10 fIghting trIm te oon *"t Mrs Gray s, written riday evenmglwith a vic- me mgl was h ld Mon1ay and then he wonderment as the long the the bell ring," ger in rC'C"cnt year!;!. The squad brothel' of Dt House, and cl~s· for their game: with Ha~tmgton and pre~ented by Willfa. Heiden.. t ry 'over Kear~ley gridstera, their Tue day in Colli bus. f Im~ f cars shuddered to a stop wher.e the ~team came out, and then was made up of Wdliam mate of the two about 50 years ago 91&t afternoon, Sma)! boys from ~~c~ &J,rbara•.Heine and Barbata, 1 ng-time nvalls. Thif,; was the first i!' 1 and d sgor~ed its baggagc·laden identifIed e dn mg wheels. Ahel'll. Harold Anderson, Wayne at Doane college in Crete, perfor the grades atUfed In football togs, e, ~oem'M If Columbus COUl~ c ntest held on tho new fIeld, and S out Banner 0 passe gel'S, tits shapeles~ sacks of When th y got illome, Miss Hazel Bornl1oft Milton D~WSOn Leonard cd the ceremony. pulled in a liU,e wagOl} cpntaming See Us, I by arJorte Gildersleeve, 0 ened Wayne:'s NIAA confer¢nce I mall d rows ,of rrulk cans and Reeve asit ti~e Ichl1dren to write Denk1ng~1 Wilham Denklnger Dr and Mrs House wUl sall Ii somewhat bltered fdotball play- pictures of COlumb~ by Lila Wes- s hedule, Tho final whistle fdund ,....-rrain1,l S hool other freight? And do you rem- their impr ~I s .Of the trip and to Robclt Gu'm.ver D~le Hanks An~ from Now York November 11 for er representin Halt1~gton after terhouse; poem, "urprlsing Co- ayna sconng 12 pomts to ~ar- .I.j 1 ng embe the' first train yap. ever draw theirl re~slon of th~ train drew Martl8Ch~ng Fred M~rtls. Genoa ap.d stay for a tlme in Italy the Wayne la s had f~nlshed with lumbus," by Virg nia Mesnam, ney's 0- Gast! s}?eedy Wayne fUll- I ~ board d? The first cngitJe you Doris Jean cltwell noted that "i~ chang \Vllham ~lor Robert They will then go to Greece where him Einer B tntson played a har- portraitlof Columbu ,Carol Finn back frpm Pl1rce, Evans, Ro~ahe T tee Troops Atten ~ Court were. ever per.mitt,ed to climb up- the coach~~1a a drinking fountain. Theob~Lld Miles Tyneli Donald Dl' Hou~e will do several months' momcl'\ numl:ter, and MISS Leone In fourth grade sp.ling race, halfback, andl ~anning, anolt~r f Honor 0 Wean sday on? ~ What a thnlling experience and a sto " these making. the WllltJmu.n· Dean Wineg~t With researeI{work Westover tallied on good sports- M.iss ~va GUmsd 1 reports the halfbacli; fromJIR,bsahe,'led a stro g E. .. W k for small boyar girtl! The most vivid ~ ression on her.' Bob '" manshlp ~ GIants ~eading the enatora at end Qf1enslve anq Ishowed splen d "enln&, as~ • coac~s are beautiful-their gre~n Wright H~d the engillc b t "b 1~~~~esle UIln~:~lrtsO~a:a U~~:~nd . Dr H\:mse, who visited in Wayne High schoo~ art clas has taken of last week. Iteam~work. doach '"'. R. Hie ~ cout court I M hOnor .p.rew a uphol tering seems thc last word in cause it m kes the thh1.g g~~' sa;~ that yea~ ~d addition of eleventh m ~~gt!st, ha~ be~n ~e~ OfRith~ up lettermg, lIn prep ration for Thlrdi graders m de an interest- man's Wl1deat~ out·downed and lar e nt.,1mber enfl scouts t the col- luxur , the o~namental lights fas· Belly Fra zen. "W.e sa.w lights in ad t the hIgh school made ~g s~~epar m;; ~ ew ved: making ChriS mas carqs later ing tr~p to the d pot Thursday lout-played the~r opponents from leg training slhool Wed sday ev- clnat . the cobpact drinking foun- the train, nd there warp lots of .gr e ~ 1 bl d dd d tate tb ege lD on gomery an Geometry s~udents, ih connectIOn morning to see a rain cOq'le in, Ithe klCli;-off em g, but the fire preve lion ban- tain nvites d;lnk after drink. As green seat: "and Dorothy Jean :n~re ~ a~cr~h~v:~:rte, a;C~eld~r edIted t e magal:n~tiM~dern L:t WIth their stJdy of sutf.eylng, have and were taken th ough it, ibagg· Brief dedicat~dn ceremomes for qu t tha;t even n~ cut do n attend- for the engine--·,-well, few are the Casper ~members el at the n e~es ed a h t erature HIS br e ~'" re recen y made models of q!ld-fashioned age carl and engln and all, Iby R. the new field J~d stadium were an e of paren St JE onaghan lads tvho don't cherish among their "wheels "ade a sqpea y noisc co~ ~un co~~ l~g ~~x La~on, Om~ha, a.mb~ions, re~ins ::ason, after t ching 12 years in Crete plumb-hnes such as were uscd by R agent FrldaY1 they held betweeljl ha.lves With music of stout repr sentatlVe, at one time or another. w/.1en then passed" But i ~) 1 tle~ ~ public chool, four rears iOfalWhlCh early surveyors to flleasure wrote letters of t ks to Lar- by the college band,' led by Prof wa present arid made th star and the ope of being an enginee.r a"nd fdr Bobb 'Jean carron t press honse18;:; O::.m; m- Mr I l' h ar d~ danf a ~ she w hIgh sehoo~ prine p clines. TIle models are shape of son, an~ the best a e was selected John R. KeIth,land a few wordsl re mg padgo :a.war¥~1 anner fO'f' sendi g a powerful black engine t~le ambit on Of most eve y 1 d for Fir th ua L c 1 w~e d ~ he a C ::fl isoscoles tnangles wI~h a weight to send him The ttl'anspottation from 01 U S~ Conn. SaId the 1I.h mo~th of Septemtkr was pre~ dow tbe,track. h Wrii~es"'Thelglris wer raJd I e r aurl , dnWo Pkefrelsderves, gteh • Pag ant Presented suspended on stnng lwn the cen- project I was practl~a.ljy CO*ffiPleted president. "i Want to take this oc- sedted to troop 174 of th tramtng If IVall can remember your first 1 oked. i~. to the firebox N.QW .I P en( er an a Ie were on t). Friday and booklets with rigina! hi'. i"' . t th ' . h d lIB W L d ter PosltlOn of the weight tellS ',J caSlon to exte d my compl1ments sc 00. tral~ then you can apprecla e e k ow how steam makes he engine sc e u c y ayne a Y the slope cover ~eslgns, were put t gether and thoso of tho faculty and stu- rOgJratn for the me tmg was. thrlllJ which came tf) thirty small "k b - i i Prof Fred Dale, Wayne State "Nebtaska, Dreath of the Pia- Debate students ar diVided mto Mrs Clarence Wrtght .se t her dents to these young men who Op mng cerebrony, roop 174 thir graders who were ushered g " I d h. e.:o e an ehg ~r when Teachers college a.nd Unive,rsity of neer." wa,g the title!of the pageant teams for the f.irst ,scrImmages. ~ealth tram for the ctj.Udre~ to en- make up th,e:Kearney team. to 01' the trat.i'iiQg sch 01; ten- thro gh the morning train to Ilgrow b~g. Nebraska. star~ took over the t~am written, by Mrs. Sf A. Lutgen of Robert Cunniqgham h~s joined the JOY,. ,'their coach, for the splendi9- de foot awar~, Prof. A F. Gulli- ' iI1: 1930. and hlS lads met Ha~tmg· wa:yn.t:::,r general. t'e~era.tion chair- squad. American his~or.y classes MISS Ruth Ross took seco~d grad~ sportsmanShi.pt' ,we have. had in ve ;'.firs.t clas$' aWards, ,rof. C. E .••••••••••••••II!l1.II•••••.,•••••III1]••II.~.II•••••'••••• ton, Rosalie. Laurel an" Wisner man Otl drama, ah presented by have taken up the stuPy, of Revolu- ers on an interesting nature stUdy, year9 gone b ,and I hope that W' son; merit'~~dge aw 'rds, Prof. : '. ~enyon t~e ~nd ~I Kenneth Johnson, Le.,wis, Hastints woman's C.. Ub at the state tionary war period, 1For history hike last Thursday, and lIttlel nothing will h.,ppen,tonight to mar Fr d .Dale; star rea ing badge • E J... f R•• Paul Hunter a~d Ha~en ~ressler convention hela in !Hastings last work, Elmer Morten en, is using folks gathered colorfuL,' autumn this splendid feeling. We have at- aw ro-s and ar ouncem 'nts, Mr.· cOl,lomy :'al" ep I·rs 5 cheC,~ed O~lt UDl:,orms III addltlon to week. The pageant fS in two parts. Scholastic magazine. ,giving his- leaves '$.nd ~eed pods" ,W~en they tempted to ~tiUd , .a. stadium and Me aqhan; Ic osing ceremony, 1- the old-tlmers. the dr1am and reaUzation. In the tory of today writt~n for high ,came .back,,' they drew pl~tures 0: athletic fielaifoI'the purpose of tro p 1750fL .ayne hgh school. funI' A,1ittl~ attention n ~to i ~ w~l~~~ ~~~~~n~d:~i~ay~~~~~l~~e~ ~i::itri:~'y;;,U';o~~~;:ra;~.me~o;~u:~ SC~~ei:,'~;ght has been ins~a1lcd on ~uh::i:;e~ti~~I~~en~f~;~~~~~r~~, ~~~~~t1n;ui~ff:::i f~~a~:~:\":~~ ~ee ~t~S:t~nda ~:~de roop 179 ~ some, needed r )la/irs : s~uad of 1931, and Me.rlc Beckner. drudge y'and pes~lence are char- nOl,'U:east corner of the building, .so. a~d the. r am l~ well tdeCorated l?anhood in a~hletic competition. I enderfoot aw rds we t to: H~r~ ~ wi1\ P4rhaps 'S:1VC yo some = VlDcent Swanson, Willard Heesh acteriz d and urge the.m tq turn that the grounds are wcll illumm- WIth canme,studies. 4as week RI1j hope we may.not be disappointed 01 Hansen, ~7; Ray BonaWItz, old weather is just CO$!tly repain late QU. II and Marion Auker checked out back. ope, opportUinlty and tertil- ated at night. original po m ab?ut a li~tle Whit~ in this regar~." I Jjes Kingston and rchle Mc-' a ound the corner and Wf'eth.Fr it is ~.o. u.,.,.r., ,.h.•,." .•.m,...... •.o.....•,0..1' ,,: equipment and were added to the ity, at charactHized, urged them Donald McGuigan, senior, trans~ ~og was wttten 10 classl and Jun~ Plays AI'I8 Aooourlhmetic and brought their own sandwiches nd . h a = Miserable Plebe--"That was my how ver, she's five years younger mens, ra IOn m a I , . down to eat to e1h- down, and Brandt failed o,n t e 'I I collar bulton."-Annapolis Log. than I.'·-Answe'rs. have measured rooms, tables and fnnt. and sat t t 'hI g Idck, leaving the 'score 12 to 0 in : 'I·- -~======:;;.:===~==I===:::;::======~il S~hool or If themour broughthillLa poundMonday.of LylebuttcrSey-to er at the~~_.klndergar------en a es, Wayne'shad madefa:rV 7. yardsIn thefromhalf. W"Ynescrim- ::_ .1,' w.r-Ig·ht Lumbe',r C·o. '=. das,s, ~nd the students cut it into Pheasant Season mage to Kearney's 10, and had lost! : i cublo mchcs, ,_ 0 Th' M th eight ya.,ds, in $crimmage against II .THE M DE M~. Lockard ~as been ,carrying pens 18 Of!- . their opponbnt'$ 12 yards. - out a.n unique project for h.is sixth bOpen season on pheasants IS jset Wayne ~ick1d off second half, =1PHdNE 78 :"WAYNri, NEBa, l5' ~~~~i~,g;~~l~~::~~a:s'm~~~ fa~~ ,~t~~::t:~~:tor7 1~. ~:8~::g~~~~~~ '~~r~ ~:~r:~~orr~:~~;f~~~~e';u~~: ~ili;~~iiiii~iii~i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiii~~ under their own initiati?e. The .Ioct?ber 31 at 6 p. m. ?ounties hof. yard line only to be pen~liz.ed .five fram occupied on corner:. of sixth havmg open season are Box Butte., yards for q.'ff-slde play. i'This was ICas~, l f~W grade room, with a farm house Cherry, Dawes, Douglas" one of the times :;-':earney I' I.: with crepo pap~r lawn,:•. brigh.t Hage, Johnson, Lancaster, Nem.a~ threate.".cd Ithel Wildcat's goal-linl ' 1 Fall and winter mea more-: flowers, tiny sealing wax.. flower .ha, Otoe, Pawnee, ~ichardson, ~ar~ Gast mad€:. t beautifUl 70-yar driving on slippery r ads. boxes and tall trees. A real hay:py, Saunders, She-n~an, Sioux ~a~s punt during th third quarter, bu Enloy the &llfety and p otectlon stack and sheaves of grain are vyashington: The dally bag limit 1 the pedod! wa without scoring. of new Goodyears w en you Hic~ma' sUb-I!~~~~~~~~~~~~11 fenced off one corner,: and the :flve male birds or three maleperso~~flnd Coach ~astsent in eight them rn.oatl I chicken yardin has b,rooder !.house, a two female birds. ,AU stitutes in'th'C few minutes ,of need I truckload of shelled corn, and seal- hunting' on land that IS not publlC, play Kearney ~ado six first downs 2 Cooler roads ca¥sejjtou~hJ ing iwax chkkens. The ~.arnyard must obtai,n consent of the oW:Jer to Wayne's onr in second half, but ' new rubber to wear almost' and corral arc well fenced.:and con- or person m charge of the so. ~. was una:bl~ to score. Campbell, COO' II We..lther twice as slowly. tain two barns, a silo, a ~eli ,fWed It is unlawful to tr.espass on pn:- Kearney qua3erback, received a ' ~, corn crib, horse tank, live stock, vate property without consent. I~ head ip.juty nd was carried un- I i· I :~I~tll~~~I~~r~:::~?dyeare I wagon leaded with oats. ! (1othes is also unlawful to shoot birds o~ conscious fro the field. Ma~e. you Tltink of men_:::,a:::n:::d:::w:::o:;m:;e:;n==l:;n:;~*~b:;t=::t§th§e~o§'r:;f:;ro±:m=a~h:;ig:;h=w=a:;y:;'=====i'if.1 sUnj.ma~y M.I~R Goodyears inmost sizes are; pin The (1~ follows: , ,.•.• \YAR· ;:: Wayne Kearney (O? DXE~JlS as low-priced as)ast fall. Lamson .. i- .. -.-1...... Fitz' I HEY( GO:, More ReDson.sl You IItop qulckcr' on: For Our Cooki Confer (LO·T.... ES [ARE A ~ BUY the- Goodyear Center Tractioll tread-! you ridefarther on the Goodyeat Sup­ ~~~';;':aget···· J~~~I:~:, [ I ,. ertwist Cord body. Come in-we can N~W! IIbow you why I PATRONS ~~s~ler!I·········D~d ~~~~:~ ~:r1a.j~~~~S . U'h A Brandt .. ;.... node Graham ~~ri~~~g··t_~· N;;:P~::: !~~~Ss.find GOODYEAR 1'1' j 0 re : of c PATHFINDER MATRONS Evans I Tollefson ',' I' NE Supertwist, Cord Tiref Full' -Center: Traction : ~or quicker IItops-'mllea1!1o ;;:eg~I'· Wills iSPbRT' OATS ~hiC~:tfl::l~f~~~~r~~e~ Krl;'rn'ey .... makeS-fet !Ifill 'priced as Fall Hats j ~1;~ill • ye~ ,alto /n' m09~ 'filel"!S: Referee Rich, Kear- [In, e 'rduroys, all wool ney.; l,lm~ire, Sistey ,. hIland; head are Extremely Fulll Price. JPrIce. iin~.sminl Gi.bb, ~.e raska Wesle- nav blue jac ets. Z. ip- OverJlze Sept. TDdu~ Flattering yan '~' per ,.' rants. ew cordu- ~1 .' ,' .,' roy' ants the est grade 4.40-21,- SS.,~9 SS~S5 4.50·20,. 5:99 6.00[ ·AjU "ds 'Nar 0 al for chool we r- 95 4.75·19.. ,6.97 6.'10 ... For youthful .charm and ':. ''Clatholie eeting I l!I~'· $2. 5 5.00-19:. 7.J8 '1.2,01 I~hk $1- ilis E*cellency" I ost, -Rev, I 5.25-18.. 8.lS 8.10' That make imost of tre Autumn Season are: gentle flattery are the boast A,!,lelo .plovannl C . alii, D: D., I I' THE P IR ,5.50-19,.9.40 ~.4 gay in wools il~d!silk. .A~ost,altf of every matron's hat in our deJ.egat, .-c me fr!>m . I I 'I' ' " w.~a*n&'tPn, D.'C>, nd was the ! see~u.r'l 'Wi dOW5 for You'llFin~aDre8s FOl:EveryOCfasion To gre"t Fall collection. g'q,eBt 6~ honor lat t e eeting, of .: and w"nted colors Black the ~;~;:l~~~~~~ ;!.a.· ;.;;:~E;,~; "'::~I~~:~;al~Xford. ,I:' I I ·(~i~OO 1 ;I, :,,-,,!-;,:j:;:i,:',':,iij, I I ' in" all...head'Iisizes. ~1ij:tatit~:d~tte &~:;F'~~: ·ifR~'J. :W".:.t... '.I~.L.,..•..•...•..··.I.i~.·.,.'.... . '[ ~~:~:;e~i1~~~~ ~~U~ " nt. .["I;,'·' ..•. ··.1 .. .i' l 'ir~~tSlr~~~~r·~ ::':<:'""H'" /;:1"\ );;: .. ·e~tbyspecl !S3~9~~~ 1,. " "I I $5·.~5, I i; ··',,;i,k,j.... 'WhO:f,9."••..~.. ~"'.,.. iYI.• ~.5",,:I.§...•..'.J.'" I COllchi• "., .. ,",; •. ,.W..,ClIll'"l$., . 'B"'·'''·.··[···.·,·'.···,.. '.,.' ">"."1,'R·."'" ..",:.··..·.". ,1:.[/j1, 'i J . t1flcalhlgh: .... 'Wa!I cele' " ', .. M(b~all..SWal1· ..·.Millinetyi,· ,~t~~~, at'.the ,', t:a1 Bunda I~::':;~E. NE'~!" " (i.:Si 00 .. I I ~Ul'\~IE'~'JCAG'lt' i I :;-,:Y, ",,"" ::,::"" >,";':' ,:_.' ",':".:C: ,-' I :" "",', • V~rn61l1 orf()l1~, ~_tH ~hb doul~ l I son, from tuid :Mr. V" "d A T 'I outside ~(,I windows nable the Mr .W A. B hI~ckenhauerThey yislted deGree for the um l~iQf I J427 00 LTONA "nd M;rs carl Mu' 0 nn1 fnmlly of IVl ccoun S 0 er 0 rave S housewit. see who IS ",oming or sin of Mr. In COro. \\11th Interkst. wt,lch a lion ~ I W,sner, ha.d Sund$.Y di~n,er in U~o I who is kMicfmg, from he inside, Mic, d attel1ded"the fair In Chi~ upon an u~diVid d one...1h ercst l NO'nn~ ~escri AItO~ carpenter will vis· C. W. Pfeil home a. week ago. I EBB b S and to deddt~a,ysWhether 0 ' not to be eag . I Ii), ,abovecros.~etitload I Pet~r, and It each Sntul'day, She Mr, and Mrs. Lee Sta\lffer nnd n urope y ara poerry at home. nnd gill are nll Pro L. F, err.;d tlst. phone on't let alow p"iee fool you. E/e tile er I Chrl$- will gl~ dly receive any I news Junior had sunija din~er at the dressed altKa till age five, at 8S'~ dltff sur yo I ~et Chilled Shot 111 your tensen 0 ained a d~~re? for Ule ceohtrib Uons. ~ Henry Stauffer h me near WiSner which tlm~ rthe boys go i to trous- :M ss ArdMh C nn w S in Omaha she Is- here'S n big dlffqrence S sum ~f ~ ,lBO.QO, aine) cos~s and '----'-..;...-_+-_~.:__!----"a.week ago Mr. nd ~rs. Frank youth and Paris-a heavenly thousa;nds, and many str~e.ts have ers. Wom~n have long all' until S~tt day. 'I, l & C l11etl Shot Shells, 72c a bo,X. accruing c sts. Iii I Miss LUUe WI mann ~s help- Schulz and Raym nd spent the Id3.Y combmation. Youth nnd weeks of separate lanes, for them. They eIghteen years old, then ut it only I D• Hec crt, de tiBt.~o:r:rice over 12 - sclntlllate with pleasures, that her vies showed American talkies one IS marri~d twice, b law first Mrs( Chr s TIe gen spent the fl.t today's I~w price ~f rubber The St te of Nebr ~a, rw ynel' the H F Roggen ehs MO!1;day eVl- ited at" carl Fre ert's

\Vcdno~d:R.Y after oon here also. The Luekel1s report ons, France "\ Before be~nning her Dermark who has a silk hat or a only 15 gUI d r, but can come on D.~ Wayne, N b. m9 a d brother, H ~. Scae , also WIth In Wayne, in said Cdunty, on the 'Aft. nnd Mrs CW PJ;eil and Ir Erxleben unprovmg Dlcely, a1- study. she made a rapm tour of pa~t of yel~ow spats. Copenhagen Wedl1esdays only .•. by fIrst Louis KO~I eler of Lyons, pent J e Corblts Th last amed met 20th QaY of O~tober'J1933 and on ~hrjorle Carol yisitel1 th~ ". E though his mJ~red eye Is still England, Denmark anti the con- Is Failed the Venice of the North, class, yoij caI). be marricd on any the week-e~d here in the ho e o.f t em In Norfolk IThurs ay evelllng the 20th day of Jan ary, 1934 a~ Lind<:aY'l Friday ('v('nlUg bandaged and extent of dam~s Unent, and regtstere41for a sIx- and boats from ocean liners come day and for only 175 gUilders, a:nd his ~on, Edl Kohlmeier e VISItors leftl for usk from 10 o'clock a. m. each day to Ire~ ~h ~frs: loo~- fB.I~llly f and Phll Darnme and not known weeks' course s.t the AlIi nce Fran- up the can81s, some of them enter by way of the gorgeous te- Tjt S HOrkl and weht to h reo . celVe and examine all claims Irel10 e-allt;ld on the G€orge Naus a __ caise 1U Paris for I eparatory ing as though they had been carV~d ception room, hence mto the blue W~tlng, IoJwa, Saturday afternoon agamst said estate, with a. vieW to '\vcck ago Sundayattemoon, lIlm Birthda)". work Her letters give Vlvacious out of a nut shell. I had my afM room WIth hand·embroiuered chaIrs to I i~Ht OVf Sunday With MI. and Sheriff's Sal • their adjustment, and ~lowa~ce. Mr ami Mrs Albt.~rt Greenwald Lois Roggenbach ob$erved her account of the journey: ternoon all planned but when I fa: the prospebtive. bllde and Mrs J. J. ook By virtue of an Orde of Sale to The time limited for the presenta- Rnd HplC'n attfOnded funeral rites ninth birthday anniver,$ary at the Lands :l,t Plymo tho reached the hotel the whole offlf::e brIdegroom On lithe fll eplace fIX~ S a I' Hahn plans to go to me dIrected, HI!'!ued b e Clerk of tion of clRlms agamst Sid es~te for F'rC'd Bruse at HoskinS FrJday Gt'Ol'g'€ Roggenbach hOl,"ne Sunday '''Plymouth was a bea Itiful place force greeted me r as one maIY. tures are gOlden hearts and very Mrn ea~li the last Of thiS week the DistrJclcourt 0/ a ne Coun- IS three months from the 20th day Mr mIll Mrs \V F Biermann to land The hills and ~rees were saying I was to be at the American sentimental OIl pamtmgs hang on She 1$ VICe!reSldent of the national N b ~ Y d of Octol.1er, A, D 19"33, nd the ~p~nt sunda~ 's.fte~noon of last Di. Ne~ W.eU8. so gree~ and fresh-lo~~lllg, and Legation a,t once, I guess they the wallJ'l. The tug has a ncvcr- Le$"10n Au lliary e ~d t~lerr'::l a~tu&~nN~V ~~:~, ;~~2, time limited for payment of debts week in the Frank Pflueg:er home g b t many of the houses ~ bmldmgs thought I was bemg deported I ending gp.lden nng m Its deSign Mrs Dol' BeMhoof returned the Ith f 1i is one year from said 8 b. day of 'Vls~ ~c I~n ~en~g CCClI and Dallas Moeller of Shortage of watel, rough on were freshly whIte-w hed We tripped over there and waited at What more could you ask?" lastlof the week from Laurel wherl': rm d ercc 't In :n n September, 1933. ner C:l.lil:',d at the RH Hansen, Jr by wells drylllg UbeP antd gttrleater went to the Dulte of C rnwall ho- least two hours before seeing the Strhn~o TIl1Vr:1 Notes. I she had'vIsited Reveral days WltJl I ~al cIO~ 1', we,re t ref th 85 Witness my hand nd the se'll of , need due to num l' 0 ca,. e on R t B "I ~ R spectrl lH minIS ra or 0 e es· " 'd C t C t t . 28th d f homt" a \ve-e)[ ago Sunday mornmg f d J ts.t d d gi f I te1 and s.gned a reglster requiring ambassador, u h ryan Owen An aU-night tnp flom Bru;.;se to hell c1aught r, Mr!'l WJh MMon ute f F' d L d aed .,al oun y our. IS ay'O :roll s Gus Wagner and son, Du- s:'er~as;~~I:esS,:n ;"lton~g VJ~7hlt. na:ne, address, date and place of "I then pursu~ my course t()- Paris brou~ht forth many amus ng T'H' H 'Hemming-sons m(lvetl as p~all1'tr;;f an~cr:c~~; c~C;::ten~ September, 1933 nne we're here tram ,Visner Thurs- W II St th t d Y birth natlOnahty plac~1 or sailmg ward Thorvaldsen s museum, and inCIdents. There were a couple oi to tho D all house recently va- en t I w d fenda t I w II (Seal) J M. Ch-e~ryl day'vlsltmg- 3t the Fr€'d Erxleben )a..~t I~:~k ~trl::nw~~~r0~1; a.::a~l: c1Uze~slllp, how iong t~iere, wher~ passed a cunning place filled "';'ith Frcnchmdn from AlgCllU there and cated by.F.': Broekemelers Mm n th~ 6~h' da~~f ~ovem~e~:19331at o5t3 ~ounty J1Jd,e. home I twelve f~t and gPaul HIl crt bit going next, and a few other tri- flower vendors, oh so beautiful, th"y were a scream They ate pruc- HcmmlllgsQn 1:1 operttor at thle 110 o'~lock am, at the door of the I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;:;;;;j;t~ l\!I~s Ahc(> ShIelds and MISS Et~ water at sl~teen feet. P fles Our loom nearly ltilled us- then over a canal hned wi~h old tlcally.aU mght, and madc them- Gay L I I bfflce of the Clerk of said Court, in I~ ne"'tlll~ Bl"undietk visited with Ml'S ~ two 111gb beds, a wardrOibe, a com- women in stiffly starched Iwhlle selves cdmfortable by changing Mr and .\.Vlrs Clyde lOman Iand lhp courthouse in Wayne, in said see~ Ge"orge Nau on Mcnd3.Y afternoon modo affaIr, several dangerous caps selllng fish, and into vthat I shoes for r~d leather slippers and Mrs Harry TIdrIck, the las1 Of bounty, sell to the hIghest btdderfor C~ H. CHI ERS last weelc . Surpri8(j on SUnldny. locking ch3.irs, and a marble tOPM supposed to b~ the museum, but tymg hani:l1rerchlefs and napkms WinSide, drove tq: Clllcago last leaSh, the followm uescnbed realI SecreWy-Tr [3Sur4r Mr and Mrs EW Lemkuhl Relatives of Mrs Gus. Stuthmann ped table holdmg washmg imple- Whlch I eventu~ly dlscover~ to be around the~r faces to keep out the Thursday ,to spend f1:xmt a we k at estate, to-Wit Lot. four and five, Pierce, Neb, for Gs they were and gave not an Inch public flho~l a'nd had her flrspoerry Evanston, 1m, came here FTlda 1 d'.... • Sweater::! $1 Mrs Albert Greenwald and Helep P __ green contras.tmg With dark green, which so many of these 'war child· was faSCinated by t~e people shar- from Schuyler to~attelJld the Wayn I .: SOc to I an'l Donald and John Heckman and the purplIsh green of cabbages, ren' are afflicted, due to the lacl< mg the mght lIfe You sec beau- colle e football game and to VISI ,:• -- .... \l<:ll\'d thp Fred Erxle~ens. Lese To Homer Fri,dnY· nJl cut up mto squares and. oblong~ of proper nounshment dunng the tIfully dressed people and others relat~vcs and frl~nds. The wer - ~ .: Gloves 25 coach Lloyd Sexton s college and even CIrcular patches oy these war We went to the umve~ity and perfectly lousy You Ileal' French M B YD' , =. At C M;I~ln~t~l~;rsA~~:~anL~n:e ~~~ high grldsters tOOK a 25 to 0 de- dalk clIpped hedges" I was more deeply ImpresS~d With and Engh~h and German and a few ~~::t;h~f w:e:,,~:r"'!Mr~::ohnaS:1 K Th •:...... g feat at hands of Homer on the Ho- Arrived m London Miss Spoerry the great attentIOn gIven to youth umntelllgiplo tongues You see Chl- ba k WD All K· d f dmnpr WIth the Carl H Freverts mer field Frtday afternoon Har- and her compamon 'located neaT In the winter students are allowed nese, Jap'll and negroes, East 1n- has been helpmg open a n a eep em •.~,e 0 In S 0 on W cdnesctay noon of last week old Anderson played good football the BritIsh museum and when they to study in th'e great Ubrary far in- dlans, Bntlsh, Amencans and forty ~~t~%~~ :~:r:a~~ fi~~mW~:~: a~ H I h Alterations and Re ill ~IT and Mrs Bruno Sphttgerber for 1111e Wayne lads, and Jack mqUired way to a restaurant were to mght because so many homes Qthel nabonahtlCs. They look p ea t y pairing. ~ w\ r,' III Stanton a week ago SU~- Morgan and Elmer Ceohln, the lat- puzzmgly told to "turn to the left are not lighted or heated well. Cen- drunl[ and stupJd, elegant, gemus wOFk. He. plans to do ~~~work r~ ~~[r:~np~:~l~~~nhe~~ome~Olk~ ~S day, p\'t"nlng vHutJng the latter s ter a first year man, showed ulP and go to the bottom" tral part of the UniverSIty was and enJoyable It was fascmatmg" ~ a JACQU .I• partnts Mr and Mrs William weH ThIS Frtday afternoon. col· "Picadilly Circus IS a termmal ofi ol1ce the palace of a Prince Henry And beautiful Notre Dame makes C1 k M J h t h Warm shoeR are essel1t- t :: Stark lege plgh meets Laurel s~uad ajt streets, and very hvely T~e bob- and was gwen to the ul1lverstty a very VIVId Im~re~sIon on the m~ h:~nMrs r A~n:s~~~J~rJ~~ ial in keeping healLHJ' : A wt'pk ago Sunday, Mr and Laurel bles kept savmg our lIves tiecause about 1808 His ballroom IS where yQ.ung Nebraskan The hIgh lVy- son and faJnuly well at Evanston. Let us fix the RchooI • MI s Adllliph Bergt and famdy and _ we couldn't remember to look to the graduates recqive their de- colored wall fllSt, nsmg from the r. and IMrs. Wm Beckenhaue children's shoes at first .: Mr and Mrs JG Bergt were din- ~ere From lSiOUX Cit~. the right first. We were fortunate grees, and the former dimng room nvel' Itself, then I tall, lacy trees arr ved horne Wednesday last wee signs of wear. ner &r-uests 111 the Hbrbert Bergt Dots Jean Tob as of SIOUX City, enough to 43'trIke one of the few IS where students Sit when bemg agamst the sky, ~lth a statue of ft tWf, we ks' tnp east The :: ~e ~ pOhttac~ home spen last. week-end In the MISS days m years when all of the cor- qUlzzed for theIr degrees. Charlemagne peepmg through, and t: MlCh , to see thel I· ~Ir and Mrs John Pfeil and Mmn e Will home onatlon robes were on dlspay ,.. "1 was lucky, enough to see t~en the C&:hedrlal.' hIgher an.d daughter and husband, Mr. an Electric Shoe : Queen Victoria's things are many changing of the guard in front of higher, .massIVe, qmet and beautl- _ ' : and prominent ... how tiny she the war memetlrial in Berlin, and fuI, agamst the helavens. It catch- -- .." - ..-- • was, and how attractive she must saw my first Nazi salute. The grey es yo~r. bre~,th. It !makes you deep- Shop..: h&ve been,," uniforms are hideous, but the ly religIOUS. I :: Of her visit to the House of Pa"r- goose step is lovely, and r thought ---.:---~~ •• Uament, she says: uSuch luxury, when it first broke out I :wouldn't PastOJ· Wlll Head L. w. Kratavil = ~atisfaction Guaranteed or : ~~~gO~;;~~~i~e~~I!a1~ o~~I~::;c:f ~:e;b~~o~~ ~~~~~~in;l::l~el~o: S'ate Association Wayne Nebr. 5 I Money Back 5 the House of Lords are the elabor- beyond me. Rev. W. E. Braislted, Wayne Bap- •••••••••••••••••••••••• ate golden thrones of tq.e king and "I went through tpe palace, tist pastor, was elected head of the --~--"--~I-- queen and on their right one of the and saw the balcony II~om which state pa~tors' conference at the an­ prince. The House of Commons Is the Kaiser declared to his pepple, noal meeting in Hastings last much less impressive, exteriorly, "It will be a long war but yOUi will week. The state Baptist associa­ but deeply sig.~'cant when' ,one win it." 1 saw his private room tion and. pastor~' organization met remembers aU t t has been done and all his gorgeous guests rooms. at Hast.ngs and Rev. Braisted at- there. In many laces on the floor (How they ever found a guest tended. I are placards, rE7ading, for instance, when they had one is beyond me.)' I ! HHere stood Charles I when being There is a little garden on the riv- T9 Fnner~1 of Mother. '. 1 tried." . er side where he paced up and Mr. and Mrs.I~. J. Mahnke and Peaqu~ Vani"~ Choshire Cheese Intrigues. down, deci~g on war, and the Walter MahnkeI [Were called to uYork road turned il1to ten oth- people lined the opposite bank and Greene, Iowa, lajst! week Sunday by er things before we reached and followed his e,rvery step. There's a the serious ill~e$s of the men's , Brittle, Chocolate crossed Blackbriars bridge. Every beautiful des~ in his study made mother, Mrs. Henry Mahnke, time a street passes a bridge, or a put of Lord Nelson's ship, and here who died on Mbnday. Services Extra rtuauty. , , [~ull of antlts. Drops statue, or even a man, I think, he signed the declaration of war. wero'hf:lld October' 12 at Waverly, Pound pri e l~c. they change its name and it con~ "I went to Potsdam, the sum- Iowa, and six sons of deceased tinues on the same way. Ye Olde bel' palace group, and cannot con~ served as pallbearers. Last May ~-STEELICORNCRIBS .... , 13c Cheshire Cheese is darling ... ~eive of an age, as a ~hole, enjoy- tho mea's father died and a week i HASTINGS just as nearly as possible What it ng such elaborateness.s Ias i.n these later a sister-in-law, .Mrs. Henry SAVE THEIR ?WN COST I~ THE CORN was in the 17th and 18th eentur- alaces. One room, & t~a room Mahnke of Davenport. P , THEY'SAVE FOR YOU ; .19c iesd.ishes,and servingThis wastheSamsameJohrtson'sfamous !ed,lmadewithin thetheshapewindOW.of JCUorm.inginvert-li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I;;~;;;~11the Read the w!ilnt column. WI~NTY PER CENT of Your GQrn Crop is LOST be-. hangout, and his favorite seat by :handle." , T tween the time it is harvested anti consumed, the U. S, the fireplace is marked ... next To ~oUand Ci ies. Department of Agriculture finds. Unnecessary shrink­ crib~ an~ to his is the one Dickens OCCUPied.! On to AmS!terdam receded the age and spoiling in slat.. and roohess wire ,slat r~t~, Say'vdust covers the floor, white- lone traveler,! then to i Rotterdam " pens, and waste from etc., account, for this loss: On each ca~ght 1,000 bu:;hels that mean.s.2~bUShelSlost. At.40c a~.bushel, wash the ancient threshold. It is where she a litte poat call- Not that's $80.00 lost EYmRY Y AR that :(01:1 contmue t store quiet and expectan~ ... you seem ,ed the "a:avenstoo bOatdierst" your corn by makesh~ft me hods. A HASTINGS TE:EL to be waiting for their arrival, 'which took her throug canals and CRIB will stop fihat loss. 'eepsl corn safe from rats ~Ois­ their great'cheer and merry-mak~ locks to the " "dead ci[es of Holl­ ture and lightning. Built t~las~ a LIFE Time - Bq.t pays ~ng. ,and," to Volepd~m, the Isle of Mar­ fo~ itself. ~ul.I"t of heavy teel~hroughout..rsf.terS:"lframe, "London Tower is a sort of wall- ken and baclf via tb(f Z~ider Zee. studding, braces. A steel '.T' of t at cannot bloW of~ on a arou~ ed city dathlg from 1066. The "You cannot Ipossibly nceive how steel crib that will not blow ver Steel sheet' bot­ tom keeps out rodenb!, fowl, pi s: Heavy, steel w· s.ide. jewel room 60ntalns all the da.zzl· flat. HOlland!s ... I wess It looks walls proVi(Ung four tImes teo mary amount of ,entlla­ ing imperial crowns and swords like What I ~s expecting of South tion allows you to crib gree or rosted corn wit~out anger and what-n6ts. The Bloody Tower Dakota. In: ur bowt we were O:nly of loss from spoiling. Crtb f~ll. g*arant~ed. In sl~es :1 "meet ur e i.,S }Vb,ere.' the two little. prtnces .are a. few feet ~ ve wa.t~r, and al~, your needs at prices to meet. your p o15 . Hastings 1ientm­ i:m~posed to have been left to most on a I' vel with" the Jand. A' cHt~~tionly Ventilated Steel Grain~ake~fossibleBin~ furnish same valua fe pro­ B~ve 'tp death. The TriUtOTS' gate sort of reed I ned the banks of the tor all small grams. .successfUl torage ~a ~ tb"e pri~~mers, f:rom bo~t9 can.als. and ~ we laun~ed I a.t ~~t~h;i~~T~G~v~~nrt~~~stb~~~~ag.r:~r:o~~11f ~ c~~~ ~~. ~:~i~:;ri::~U~: th~~~U~\l,e::a; ~~~:Sre:~~ k~v~;,~~~ruc:;U~ new crop. HASTINGS BINS are the STRONGEST B fLT ' .on~ of the Ann: .BOteyn~" , bouquet. Fi~hern1en had l'tO dltaw HastingS~O"'l Makes ~ Tour. in their lines to let us pass,~ Vjlen- Ruy YOU,. Sq,ving 'C,.ib Lat~r, 'a~e al~~st -I Hastings Steel rain Bin Noip! , I she wrtles from Cop.en",; dam and Ma ken I. '. the 0,. 1iagen-:, UAs"}. 'a:pp~hed Via t~e ~D1y pl8.ce~ 'Wbe'tei youl ..see Itbe ICorn or small grain i fire pr (,I rat and mouse proof Royal ~tah M~i~ ae.~Vice; I came quatn~ old co~tumes. ~ndittie hpus­ &torage on your own ~arm Is De of the safest invest­ ~o the: :<;:~~c1usloh', ~t, there ~~1y ~ ?,e~e":spot1iess'.i' II th.': 'lwo~en ments you can have toiay. wa~(~b~~th1ng' ':rO~tefi i#' th'e state. shoes were rea.uy 'fSldel. on: the S ld By the FoIIowi'i'g De lers in Wayne Count:ll' What a trip! 'The, \ ,~ea.ther was d?Or8tepl3 a~4 nearl ~very WOfn,llJ1 ~,t'Ormx, ,the, s~a mt~l"a~y T"ou~h ~ ~ttitlgi ,heavy ·soc,k!i. "asI sR-e mith-Hovel'$on Lb ,. (fo" Sholes, Ne li\l~. ~ aitd 'tli.•'11ItUe titb rolled ¥emly on wlfIk.e.d .or titi.llred,· The '. . &p.ic~e~.l'Jf!l~ne, , '. . ~J,lt; ~iJ1l~' iIl<~.Wu1l~Y.·~·i,:. ~, Meyer !y-tJ,b'l. X d~~ ken ev, ~~us~, 1 i;dePt~ .',~4 ,m~ .. 4ili A~;l~.T~~~.i~:;(~ E,~n.A8~.:.I~~~.'tiij.:I lng i 13ed~ L...... could have evee entertained SUCh a are bullt.in 'the d BOllle GRAIN .81N "'A"~ .~CTURING~O. .. J~,o' f;·i:f;~~~; ~{hf;a ~~:i r., .(Makers of roducts for 11 !!fJ:e Sh&t MeW 28' POO.-r.) ASTINGS :' ~.':.\' I· ! :', :NE~*~ , , II' I ;I I

kins. The~Uild1ngS bad bq:cn des-I Carlson home Wednesday morning Henry and Gus Paulsen of Carroll, m n daughter ~ent that even- Re 1 Estate in Wa nc County, as shall b nec~ssary to pa Ba.l~ • HOSKINSI troyect by t e wind and hR.U storms BreUI13 I ()f last week. I and yv. E. VonSeggern of Wayne, In a mil Rbebe s. Nebr+-Sk~: debts and dosts and expenso f ad (~l,4) Miriam Huse of the H~'• this summ r. Mr. and Mrs. RObert stam*augh held a hog sale and Henry Rethw r. d ;'Mrs. ritz Jansen and (0.)1 Southwes Qua t1r mlnlstratl n. ,-j aId stoff, i. editor of this d • The car!fnters arc doing repair (By Staff Correspondent) went to Emerson Sunday for jLuth- w1sch of Carroll paid the highest Mr. an Mrs. E~er Jansen anq of Section 25, T~wnShiP 27, II angel It Is fu ther ordered that a cop~ work in t~hl Otto Miller farm near eran services. price, $155. dn ghte, all ot Syracuse, Neb. 3, East of the 6 h p, M. of this o~dcr be serv~d up n 'a partme-nt. Any' news cont • ~ butions from town or' cou~­ Hoskins, T ese buUdingf were lalso Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bruns 'rere Roy Spahr and son, LeRoy, call· Wllha.m: Kay is opening a new we est$ in * F. W. and Ar (b) Northwos Quarter ( W%I) porson interested In said est to b damaged the storms thls sum- In Omaha. Thursday. '' ed Friday morning in the J. H, gara.ge in Wakt::field, ~ bol V hllmmp 11 me from Stltur of Section 36, T wnshlp 27, lan~e causing samo to be p~b isha¢' I try will be gladly received' ~y t7 t tIle her. mer. i H, S, a.nd F. I. Moses werei in Spahr home. Mrs Ole Granquist moved to the day un U ~onday of last Weelt. t 3, East 01' the 6th P. M ~ four succeSSlVe weeks linl tli~ Sioux City last Thursday. i Miss Myrtle Campbell came from farm In Brennn. which sho bought Mr. nd Mrs E mol;' Jensen an (c) Lots 15 nd 16 Bloc 8 tn Wayne Herald, £legal \\fe~kly 1------I-IIFllllel~alService Miss Margaret Goebbort e411ed Hartington to spend last wcek~end f'forn AC Deans The Deans farrilly d Mr an Mrb Fritz Jen· Crawford & B own's' Addlt or:. to newspa.per. prm cd and PUb!She~ Rev. L P. Frey o.ttedlcd ,the • on Friday afternoon at C~rles at Art Campbell's. . mOved to Wayn~. I sen of yracusc, eb, and Mr. an tne CIty of W yne, Nebras a, In the City of ayne, if aynlfl Lutheran teacher's conferencej In Is Held Friday Baird's Mr. nnd Mrs. Gorcon Allvln David Starr Jordap of Le!llln~ Mr~ F W vahtamp were SU9- or a SUffiClCU amount the eof to County, Nebrask .I• I, ~brfolk. ~' './ ' Dorothy Baird spent Monda)!' cv- spent Wednesday evening of last Stanford unIVerS1ty'r~ll lecture at: ld~ at ernoon an supper guest~ brmg the sum of $25,000 ~O for Cha;rl¢s H I Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thorn ren cnmg last week in tho John Und- week in the WHl Roe home. the college here. las we k (:If the m, Vahlkamps.1 the payment bf debts anlowed Judge o~IDtstrictCo rt. I' of SioL:x City spent Friday in the Rites Are Conducted For say home Mr and Mrs G A Wade arnd \1' L Dayton hel a purebred r. nd Mrs, ,A LeWls werle against said estate and cos~s and S28t1: r' ' FrThan~ ~.ri.lIAo,. hJoOmh'~·f."mll'.' of I".". Fred J.·ijruse Who Died The Alonzo Sodcns were Sunday family were Tuesday evening ot hog sale an~ vVaIlace brothers of a Gnp the group ho had a p1cn~c expense of amlnistratlOn for the -.,--.---.----~-~,_._' ~l: .,~ ~. Sudd~hly '" .,' ibn Tuesday. guests last wcelt at Malcolm So- last week callers ii the 0 B. gaas Wayne, pald the llighest prIce, a~dl ner at the G'r Yaryan hOI11C reason tha.t the e IS not a suffiCient H~mei _dar, spent Thursday ev('nj'ng inl tile den's at PUger. f home. $IHl, Car all Sundji aT last weet amount of pc sonal property of -M l..1- .. _ y, M. Phtllips home. F1ulll'l'al services were conducted Mrs DolS. Benshoof spent the Mr, and Mrs, m,obert Stambaugh .lames Grier is bUl~dmg a garage T,~O 0 eliSIOn wa., the baptism Cj}f said estale In ~e pOflflesslon of saId aU e 1n ~~~. ,~~il=~~~e~~~~~~~OI~ll~~ ~~~a~ut~~'~~?6h~Tc'ht ;c:~6~~c~o~: =~·~~t l~ee\~l.e Edwm Li~daay ;~i~~dn~::' 1a~;~~d~~nda:yddl~~~ an1 ~:~~~t~:he~:snl:~~;ar;ctober y~~sin ant daUgp~CnOf Ross Yar- ~e ~~nl~u~I~~n ~~:\h~~:l~l~t~~~~~ \,' , 'I "Vedncsdny, October ,1."1 ,- khis for Fred J. Bruse, 67, Rev. E. Miss Emma Scllmitz wa§ aJSun.. week I 27, 1917, to Mr an Mrs Charles Miss Mnrgaret~PhlPPS and M1SS ed of said csta 'C, lo pay sald debts CAKES COOKIES PIES Mrs. Willinm Brueckner call¢d In H. Boelling being in charge. Bur- day dmner guest in the Ahhur Mr, and Mrs !Richard Kyl came Kales of neal Wmsi e. ina arter, the atter of Norfolk, and costs and xpense of adminis- and CANDIES i the Milo HIU1son hom(\ at Norfolk 'n! was' th h )l III t Mann home last weelt. from West Pomt! Friday evening to Dan Carter of Wi Side has ac- ere rlday mgh guests in the H. traUon on Thur~dllY a.fternoon. I 1 ~>'!r. Br~~e, :h~ h~~ be~~ i~ ~~~. Mrs Dale Lindsay and Mylah visit over Sunqay WIth the J H certed a position III bank at Polk, Wi tersteln h!me On Saturday I~ lS, thereire. conSidered and Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Loe~snClt folk for treatments, was waiting S ot all day last Thur,aday ih the Spahrs • Nqb I tI ey, rs Wmte stein and Miss ordered that a1 heirs at law of sald Light Lunches went lo Sioux Cily Thursday jwith in a depot Tuesday last week verett Lmdsay home Mr. and Mrs L P Keeney drove reter Sundell, bro hcr\of Ed. and *rot y Wmtcr:s ein drove to Om· deceased, all evisees and legatees the Art Kdlners of Norfolk. j taltc a train for Hoskins When lIe The Arthur Odegaards were to Norfolk Monday morning of last Jolm! Sundell of Wa efield, died at a e to V1Slt over ~unday with rela~ under the Will pf said deceased, and All Delicious· Home Mnl. Fmhlt MarUn ret r1l("d suffered R heart attack from Which Sunday supper guests last w~ek in week to Visit thelr son, Vernon, Gtr g S D t b 1917 t ves. j I all persons int~rested In sanl estate re~ t~e homc, from Omaha Friday aft r be dled that afternoon. the Ray Gamble home. I' and family. . e Of)-, ,m coer, sunhay cvemng callers last week appear befofc.lme at Chambers at Coolccd Foods,atl . cclvlng l.rcatmcnts for galte , Fred Christian John Bruse was George, Leonard and ,James Mr and Mrs. H C, Barelman Emil Utecht's ar, stolen at ~th~ F W, and ArnoLd Vahlkamp my office at r..aom 6, Koemgstcin John and Henry Bruse andl Mrs. born July 15, 1866, in Von Drum. ThompSon spent Sunday evening in were Sunday dmner g,llests last Wakefield, was loca ed III Omaha, orne were Mr, and Mrs. Henry Butlding in Norfolk Madison B'I Henry Klccnsang wero in \vayne Mechlenburch, Schwerien, Ger- the George Bruns home. wee}{ in the Albert Betfincr home From the Wayne erald Novem- m e :fnd family, Mr and Mrs County, Nebr~ska on lhe 18th day S·.ugar' OW". Saturday morning on bUSin~s. many He Wag baptized and con- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koch and near Hoskins bel 12,1885. A W Taylor went to mU Vahlkarrw, Mr and Mrs of Novemb~t'11933, at the hour of . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Carl FinUp .re in firmed at Willenforden. Deceased daughter spent Sunday iafternoon Mrs. Art Campbell, Edward. C.hicago to buy a st ck, of good.!;! for Willi m Vahl.kamp and family, 10' o'clock A.IM. to show cause, if liard· I~ucl(y U1~~ Norfolk Frida)' evening. Mr. 'nup cBfme to ~his country with his par- last week at L. G. Koch's. Darrell and Lillian Campbell and hl:l Wayne ,store ·k'·The band has Miss1M. ~rtha' Heier. Miss ~-Ielen any lhere be, ;wh,y a liccns'C should A /ki t 1)1'1 '0 attended the teachers~con~rence. eots, brothers and sister tn Octo. Wilbur Sydow of Colome, S. D., Mlss Jane Jeffrey were in Sioux been engaged to pI y at the skat- Wieland and Dick Wright. not be gran€qd to said D. H. Cun- I' g ~n n~ ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry"Beer hm of bel'. lS84, and the family located was a Wednesday night gue,st last City Saturday. . ing rink .. , EmU! ebcr went to I ---'-----,-----~~~. ningham, ad(nlnistrator de bonis On Main Strret lwro~8 from \R"U"h'lt,...::'0bi'.O,t · eVis"u·lnedda,ynOlfhJe.s ~~~"iaemk·. tao'. HoOaskkla"nn'~"'nN'"8b9' 5 Man'd' BhaCUdS"resC,"d'::dC week at Willjam Erxleben's. Mrs. Ernfrid Allvin and Donna Omaha to get a ne"f boiler and en- In rh~ District (Jourt or Waync non with the! will annexed of the 'CoJlege Caml)U~ ",.., m ,... " .. Mrs. Raymond Langemeicr and and Dorothy w~re callers in the gine for the mill "., The Catho· I County, Nchrnslm. es~ate of Aarl:m B Clark, deceased Earl Miller went to Sewa Sl.m- hero since. At the time of his death daughter, Lois, called on Mra, A, L, Frank Longe hrme Tuesday after- lies held a fair to Irals~ fundS to Inl thb Maller of lhe AppllcallOn to sell so mpch of the above de~ WAYNE, N,E7B. day of la.st \\'cC'k to· visit his/sister! he was making his home with hIS Ireland Thursday afternoon, noon of last we,ek. Gomplete paymentsIon their new 01' Dr H CunnlllglJ,o.m, Admllllstra- sCl'lbed real t"1state of saId deceased Aaeltne. 'who is attending Ischool sister. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lindsay Mr. and Mrs,.., Elmer Nelson and :,hurCh. I , tor ~le boms nan wlth the will an- -- I ------~t--· 111e1"('. : 1Ir. Bruse is survived by three called in the George Wert home on family of Laurel were Sunday af- ,I From the Wa,Ylle Herald for nexdd of the Estate of Aaron B. I a Mf. and Mrs. Paul We~zel of brothers, Henry, John and Will Sunday afternoon of last week. terncon Visitor.~ last week in the ~,ovember 1, 1894: I Edna Britton Cla~k, 1.(deCeaSed, ' for I1aense to sell I.. r Mr. ~r. numb~r l I Norfolk. were guests of and Bruse, and one sister, Mrs, Henry and Mrs. Herman Ritze and Walfred Carlson homc.. E:ntertained a of little folks reall estate. N-i-w IS the TIme to Buy' Mrs. F. 1'[_ Phillips Sunday)of last Kleen:,ang. all of Hoskins. Ocms wero Sunday dinner gu~sts Mr. and MIlS. H. L. Atkms and llt p, parly ... Mt!s. T. W. Theo-: OrrdelI' To Show Cause Why Ll- 'i' './; week. Those here from a distance for In the Carl Ritze home last week. daughter, Betty, were, Sunday din- !tpald died October *6, 1894, at th~ cenie phould Not Be, Granted to I I, I Mr:=:. Viola Dedlow Ilnd sdn, Ron- the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wert and ner guests last week lD; the Floyd, ~age of 58 ." The: 2-week-old sort se Real Estate. ald, visited ).,Irs. Dlo'dlow's taunt in John Bruse, Mrs, Alfred Johnson childrE'n visited in the George! Conger home near .C~rrOll. ;bf _Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O,man died, oW on this 18th day of Septcm- L' Wayne Saturday and Sun~ay of and Mrs. Wagner of Wisner, Mr. Wert home Sunday evening of last M.r. and Mrs.. Wtlhs Noakes and . Sixty young pt.oPle held their J}er11~33, it being a rqgular day of (jHV LQw last week. and Mrs. HermAn Meyer of Scrih- week. famIly and !",!r, and Mrs. Glenn ~c. annual Hallows'en !party at the- th; SEl'ptember, 1933., term of this y Mrs. C. F. SC.h.midt.arriv~dhome neI', and Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Haese The. Earl \Vades and Glenn Cay and chIldren were s.unda d..m- Cravf/n stUdiO.. I.. ... Co .rt,!this cause camefon for hear- Prlcc~ Monday from Napervllle, II ., where and Katie of Omaha. Wades were Sunday dinner guests ner guests in the H., L. Atkms I in . upon the application of D. H, Prictt~ _~ ad~inlstrator she has been VISIting her aughter last week at Edgar Swanson's near home, , S th· I' W' Cu ningham, de bon- and family. Carroll. The George Hoffmans sl?ent Sun-,~ ~ve~l· iston:With the will annexed of the r i, Slle-cessful Season ou ,f!yne , Mr. and Mrs. John Sc~eel and The Pyatt Rhudy family and day afternoon last week a~ George I_Cry Staff Cortespo~dent) es ate of Aaron B. Clark, deceased, B -V- family spent Sunday afterpoon of Closes In Baseball Mrs. OIlle Rhudy were Sunday din- Wacker's, an~ that -e~,~mng Mr·.'1 Miss Irene Wittler ~'.led Tues- un er loath, praying for license to eautlO'ful ·and LIOfe.Tik.e last ",'-C'cl{ in the Milo Hanson home ner guests last wee~ in the M. G. and Mrs. E;wm Vahlka,rpp called' day 'last week at Wm. ittler's. 5e~ the following described .real- l J,.I at Norfolk. The 1933 season was probably Bourn home at Pilger. , at Hoffman s, The E. H. Glassmeyer called on es ate, bf sa~d Aaron B. Clark, de- I 1 ; " t Q Mrs. Chris Nelson of Winsidight teams competing. Sunday evening of last week. Neb., where they had attended a Winterstein's i at See;tlon 31, TownshlP 30, Range ,II ser,ve. your health n.ow.' u?,- M.r. and Mrs. lM 110 Ha s~nl dand Members of the Hoskins ba~eball MI'. and JYIrs. Bert Lewis and cattle sale on Wednesday, TheV The Herm~n Reegs whe Sunda 4/ East of the 6th P. M. famlly o~ Nona k , spent non ay team and a group of friends, about Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mosea drove to each bought a.•, carload of calves. I dinner g. uests. last weeki.in the AdJ f.(O) ..,~orthwe.st Qua~ter (NWl;,j) urles later ----;-' WIth h alth evening In l~ElkW. F. Ltngenberg eighty iLl all, wero entertained at O'Neill Saturday and visited over Mr. and Mts. J. R. \Veeces and am Reeg home, : ~. SeqtlOn 31, fI'ownshlP 30, Range ,Ea~t th.'.J~th bome last "He. . hlme~e_r ning, October 8. at the local dance ker. and Dr. and: Mrs, E. W. Weeccs Wm. Vahlkamp home :Sunday t ; (d) ~orthm ~t Qua:te~ (NE /.t) ..-; spent Monday of last· eek Wlth pavUlon. For the dinner the guests Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lindsay and and family of Osmond, were Sun- help Mrs. Vahlliamp. I' f Se~tlOn 31'j ownsh1p ...0, Range time. Mr. and Mr~. Ras~nus elsoo who were scated at two· long tables. Florence and Mrs. Dora Benshoof day guests ih the Claude Weeces Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fiischer were ,~a$~~;l~h:e~~h ~'a;-:~r NWI 11 Bye north at Hoskms., C W Andersoll was toastmaster spent Sunday afternoon of last home last waek. Thursday morning callers in ;the b () I. rr Q. ( Vl) h ~\r. and M:s. J. C. oods and and' ga~e a brief talk. Frank M. week in the Maurice M~ntgomery ;' Albert Milliken home. : ll~ ::~;I~~ t.~~1'6~:~~~ 29, Range F AIR PRICES to Flll i~ t· e Ma"'qp.ret F:lallle and EI on of car- Phillips who piloted the club home. (ko.lcb;mto Birthday. Oscar Haemar, !Henrf Koch and I Real- Estale in Cedar Count roll were guesls in tfhfl Howarkd through a successful scasol), also Mr. and Mrs. George Bruns and Mrs. Aughst Thun's birthday James Milliken Ispent Fjriday even~ !N "I y, J reason my p\·acti"~ri.,-nti,n- Jones home Sunday o· ~st wee. s oko as dld Secretary Harvey Melvin and Wilbur were Sundf\..Y was celebra~ed Sunday evening ing at Albert l\1-1diken's I e(brt~a\h ~ If (NI') f S t. ~'-''i' d M R.-('v. I. P. Frey preac\t the ser- Indersf'n and the various players. afternoon callers In the VonSeg last week wlten the following en· Mr and Mrs~ I).loyd Powers and I a, or. ,a r.t 0 ec lOn t. mJ'oolnn.1 S'n'~,.(~:rc:1I0~::t~~:/)f ~'~e ~~~ Dancing followed lhe speaking pro- gem brothers' home near Wisner joyed a soci~l time at the T?Un family wer~ Sunday di*ner guests ,I~~~ ~~:~.h:.!28, Range 3, East of 0 iii Ii:;!- ~,"'" r ues grow. i R~ • frram last week. home: Mr ,and Mrs. Otto MIller in the Harry Ka.y~erthome!last week. I Sou~h,half D 'r"~,; ?'ll'l and Bethlehem co gn'gations e> • Mr. a.ndMrs. Charles Schalk and and family: : Mr. and Mrs. John The Harry a,ind Melvin (b), (S%) of Section RWA EME'·' -" i!\;, in Rtanton county. Six \\-'c!CI{ .lli"'ports. Edwin -left Tuesday of last wel1'k Schroeder a~~ family, Mr, and Mrs. Wert families ..yere SuTi-day dinner r1 , Township 29, Range 2, East of 'i,,':, ;':;~~' ':: I; Mr. and Mr~. MCIVin Klll7. and Tho six-week report canis wcre for their home in Cook, Neb.~ af- Henry SchrOeder and family, Mr. guests of the Donald M!l1ikens last jthC 6th P. M. .",... ..-::,;".":.",,:,.,i.I'I."'I'o,.,.'.t.~,,.;,';i.i~~;~.~".. i children and Mr. and rs. Awalt given out Friday to the children tel' visiting with friends and rela- and Mrs. wt,b. Bleeke and family, week. ' (c) Northwest Quarter (NW%) Spangler of O'NdlL sreent Satllr~ in the Hoskins public school. tives here. ..h. Mr. and !d~S. John Dunklau and Mrs. Charles Mallory ,and Robert of Section 13~ Township 28, Range II DENTAL SURGEON 1,,;-:,'-;;'''- _" day a.nd ~unday of lastjweek III the ~rs. H. S. ~oses attended: family, Joy,! Dorothy and F~ye of Sioux: City, and Mrs. 0, G, Nell 3, East of the 6th P, M, PHONES 243 d 238 J I August ~pa.nglcr home. E.,I... C. E. Moots. brt~ge party ~v~n by ~rs. W. R. Lutt, Marie iFinn and Fritz and SOD' and DOris and Bery~ were fri-I I (d:) An undlvided one-fourth Hit 1St tt an W· N Ib :Mr. and Mrs. Ed. if.ol1ath and ~ ..The E,. L. C. E. held their month- SCrIbner at WmsIde Fnday. ,?hat. John Thun.; The Harry Echten· day guests of Mr, and ~rs_ William I c% th) .interest in and to the East ~,e ra on "Iyne" ~ r. ~andolph, ~~'I~f~(~E~'h~)~of~s~ee~t~lo~n~2~'~T~o~w~n;'h~IP~~~!!~!!!!!!!~~!!~!!!~!!!! Mr.turnedandhomeMrs.wednCSdt,Harry RuhIO",,:,evem~gre-of 11thebusinesshome ofmeetingCasper Walkersand socialthisat afternoonher mother,Mrs.Mrs.F. I.MaryMosesReed,ViSItedin kampsthat afternoon.of were guests Heier..Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heier,'IMisslI 29, Range 2; East of the 6th P. M. last ",:,('ek,fro~ ~ t';;~~c:e~ tnp at past week. After the social P!I-rt, a Winside. --;------Mnrtha· Hei~r arid Mr, and Mr~hl s th;'I:'.O'.lnd'l Mfa:.,. m'."_ank Kg ;al,se of delicious luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wilke Luckcn and L"" 'I D' lh Emil Vahlkarnp !were Sunday din~1 ~~ , • < ~ daughter and Mn and Mrs. Jolin. ~ar Y i ays ncr guests of Mr, and Mrs, I<"'red Valentine, Ncb.. visi¥ed in the Opt~ratlon-~n I'~~n~er. Jacobsen and f.amily. the last Of WC unty Heier. I William Brueckner,' Reinhold Reuben Buss had the second fin- Wisner, called in the Wm. Erxleben ; ayne 0 The Ben Bollmans were amonJ Brueckner and E\ Brummels gel' on his left hand operateu on home 8unday last week. Mr. ~ and Early days fro~ the Wayne Her. those; entertained at dinner in t~l. hO~;~ ;:Ju~~~~ :-~~: ~~i~~PS at:- 'tuesday; of last week. The tissucs Mrs. Wm. Fehrs a~d Rev. E. J. aId for November 1, 1917: B. Grone Ihome Sunday when th tended the funeral of Miss Lois in the-' nnger--·-bad __ harfjened. The MoedetlSod?alle~, t i tl!J A Polled Durham calf which H. infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Geergr t I member is healing r..icely. Sunc aY InhnO"m'e 19a'sWtSwSeeknW"re~ J, Miner bought from S. W. Stew- Gro~e was baptized. '1 f Anderson, daughter ,I of Mr. and Adam Ree g 'art & Son of Kennard, cost nearly Miss Stella iHenry and W. Mrs. Chris Anderson. at Pierce on 1~c.:'1~o Reform Cbordl. Mr and Mrs Charles s~allt and $1000 Dranselka were ISunday afternoo TueSday afternoon of last week. (Rev Aug Dumm, pastor) Edwm, Mr anwrs Fred Reeg M1SS Mary Collms and Harry and supper guests last week at ~r'tiand :~s. F~~~r.K::~s~rC: Frtday, October 20, ehOlr prac- an~ ~on, ~r a; M r~~~~~ ~:~~ Denesla Were marned October 30, Ben HOllm:n's. Mr. and Mrs, HOlf- V a en ne, e., an .. hce at 8 p m an ami y an 191'. ~ Ernest Schmidt of Baztllc 1I-1111s. Saturday October 21 catcchetl· man Reeg and ch1ldren H V hlk 74 ed Octo.. 'I N b a ltended the funeral of Ade- " 1 .. d M N tall enry a amp, , Ie I t e ·'B '1m S t rday October cal lDstructlOn at 9 a m Wm Erx euen an lSS a e bel' 28, l:917, at Syrrac se. Mrs I 1 ne ruec er au, ' Sunday, October 22: Sunday Erxleben went to SIOUX Clty satl Fred Heier and Mrs. Herman Vahl~ ".. hI" hI 7. E p tt M school at 10 a. m. Divine worShip urday, the f~rmer to consult a d~C kamp of "Wayne, are t1aughters. ur~a. urra. i Mr. and Mrs. E. - 0 er, 1'5. in'Gerrnan at 11 a m ~or about hiS eye w~ch was ~n- Hospit~l notes-1ll1ary Me:yers I Louise Krause, Mr. and Mrs, Wal- .. Jured a mon~h a.go w1th.a whl.p. hM an operation for!appendicWs; FO'r B.eauty I tel' Ohlund, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trinity Luthera.n Church. The member 1S healing mcely but Roy Wet~el returned I, home after I Ohlund and MissMargaretStamm (Rev. 1m. P ..Frey, pastor) Mr. Erxleben has not yet regained tr~atmenits' Charles Meyer return- I drove to Yankton S~turd~y for the Sunday school at 10 p'clock. his sight. ed to Ca~r~ll after a~ operatIOn; day. . t . th Al German services at' 10:45. ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schalk and Mrs Pet~r Barnes returned horne Sunday dmner gues s me· Sunday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. son Edwin, of Cook. Neb., and Mr. after tre{ltments bert Behmer home l~st w~ek wcre~ J. Witt, president of the Nebraska and Mrs. L. G. K-och were Monday WillaiIP House, 81, 'resident of

Mr..and Mrs. Henry B;-redm;n an t district and second vl~e president afternoon and supper guests last Wayne ~or many years, died Octo-' 1 ,famIly, Mr. and Mrs' {,; rever of the general body will give a lec- week in the Carl Witte home near bel' 28 ~917 f d and daughters, all ~ B ~ne, an ture in.. the English language on Pender. The Cook folks left Tues- Geo;g$ H~nson, Erne~ ~'k'ns ~od, theljiiiiilii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~.11 Mr. ani Mrs. deb the work of the which day for North Bend to yisit in A c , d .was rec~ve I M :s ~u. young nne!- old should hear, Louis M, Koch home before return-! j S1.\ I ,folks statmg that t:· an ~ ·.)f 3} Bible class Wednesday at 8 p. m. ing to Cook. ,~ g.ene Benthal are e paren s ( . d All welcome _ I ~aby girl. This is ~he ~~~~ ~:~~ . _.__ With Mrs. F. I. Moses. I I m the Benlha] famlly. . H~klns Evangelical Church. Winside Coterie club met last thals used to live in ~os~n~. t ey CRev. F. C. Schmi~t, pastor) Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F. I 1,1~ .1 Q 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ma~~M c ~~t~ur Sunday school at 10 a. 'm. Les~ Moses. Guests were Mrs, Hobert and family, Mr'n~nMissr~nnieOli son--"~aul in A~ia Minor." Auker, Mrs. Ralph Beckenha'.ler, Olson and baoy a : .. a fe I Mormng worshlp at 11. Mrs, Glenn McCay and Mrs. WII11S !:I 'r'• son, all a:f Oa:~land, V1S~~~d hom: E. L. C, E. at 7:15, ~opic-"How Noakes of Wayne, and Mrs. M~ry , ,Jays in the Klmg br~tt t week Christ Changed Life in Missionary Reed, Mrs. G. A. Mittelstadt, Mt5S ·Coy liHUe I curls safer I>~.hey came Sunday °we~~ .to S~n- Cou~trie8.". Bess Rew and Mrs. W. F, Mo~t of guard'ed bir an invisible Rev. 1m. P, Fr.ey fIt ek E,~ening worshIp :at 7:45, The Winside, and Miss Ruth Greenleaf a~, mal~ I 1 oJ' ton Monday eyemng fOth ;eas quartet will fa'for us with a of Tekamah. Mrs. John MUler and net, rn 'o*door rnak - tQ attend a meeting 0 e e.t~ - spe~'ar num.ber every Sunday Mrs Most were voted new mem~ 1 ka district IS.C.hOt~ln I ~.~~~l :~ nigh. Choir practice b.ite:r the eve- bel'S' of the club. The a.."ternoon up oyer a ~eil of prote4­ Plans ~or 3 V~Blta ° , Ding worship. was spent at bridge and prizes paro?bial school~ of t~e Nebraska " went to Mrs. Mc.Ca~ and Mrs. Lou- tive Iicrea!p, perfu'1e distncts were :made. ,I Hartington If) 'Vic~r, ie' Needham. The hostess served ."tt's1 Like• a . With: fresh !woody, scett ,' wlayne high grid s~ua~ ,put up 9. 1uncheo:u. ·Mrs.. Ben Lewis enter· gam~ y C.ali Club Starts .. fight at H.a,rtjng.ton Frl.d.a taina In two. woekS... Ii New Home" .-b1~·eadlfor winr .- I,lL..·S a.f oon but _was uljlabie to 'SCore I ! '0 In Hos",ms oon ag fastishiftyHartlngton N th t W !'tails and .• woodwerk '" :Hoskins 4"H calf dub, direeted Final ,tally sh?we~ Ha,tlng, '. or wes "ayne b,autifuJ. And I.it all 'bj' E~, (.s , 0: (By Arthur Behmer, holds .. ith 20 fH>ints f to Wayne's S,taff Correspondent,) c'1sts so little.' , first meeting,of the year NQVj:::m-, Thc:three scores W re I,made in Chris \13argholz, called, Sunday bel', _4. Those', inte~est~ed ,in becom- firs', seco~d: and.t ~rd, quarters. last weelc:at Otto Miller's, k to see QUI' samplek ing members.. _"should ~ttend the Thi, E'riday'aftern0 n, ,Bloomfield :Mr. ' and ',Mra. ,C~rles HanSen a nd,DecC)~ato~'" " • i r, R ep': '. • ',::'. te~ ,meeting,of the'~~~ool,Mas~:-"last_'wee:k~._ "'. _' , ,rainter Destroye4 r.n ;Storm_ e~a .club. Pf. Conn ~en" _.on 1:0 .The:~m6~t-,E,chte:rikamps visited PHONE98.J.! iI?HONEl;27' P~J:' to. attend·.~tat norma;~ Qo&rd tu·,the"Wm., NichOls home' at Nor- I ..•. I . '0f;hE!rs ,f~~: ,:r~da '. - W,AXNE•.. ·EjBf" .1 1'I~ ~a ~~;:rt.!~;'::~:J~~:e~ora:~r ::~ 'ct~~~J!;t~$ ~\;~;for ~' I'~irig i:,:)~ ·ns,-de l)' t l 'f The Way' e Hera'd fourth~rade r~ ayne 'High School is pt'la 0 showed a ex- today, and very-que who can help T t' f hS f F' tb II' e r men , ~~:~~n ~:~~;' 8~~~'n~~~~; t:.;~; iS6~~I~~ p~~ t~C:~: 8 ,m, on Fri: wen Yourt eason 0 p',.~ ,a Norma Cnrllenter of thc Berald Staft', Is edIt.or of this (lppat.tment. Any ~ew8 contributions to these columnJ from town or country will nor ta y: Ali (l Hansen, eroy day~ OCtObe~20. '. '; , I be 1 dI ived b h ~ I Herscl eld, . r;Olma t:autenb ugh; S~turday school, 9 a. m. Satur~ " 'When y?tl'ro up, you're·up, ba.cks in the COll try. ifIis,~uns :fer i-1. I gay race y era . BHly t:1nce, 'Ke~neth Sander, Jo day, Octobe 21. ! hen you re down. you're down, touchdowns range all he way fro-~ . S~mday, ' . . Ann: chne! er, IBlanche Se dem October 22, Sunday" hen you're up against \Yayne 107 yarps down 1 to 30 and his re- Mr. and :\frs. Leo Jensen \vere in rived ~undaY from Mi~igan, and Emil Steffen alnd family, Miss An- Rbllft anll Mrs. Chris jtjlse In nnd D~tano tn~g~man. Six· a t of schdol at 10 R. m. " ou're ~Wide down." turn of Ia kickoff aga lust. " 0- Norfolk Friday., , ..vill Ulve a,t Fairacres where Mr na KolI, Henry Carstcn rmd Miss tho game.s and contcsts ~f1Ch fol_ fQurtIn fourth graders had per- German services, 0:35 a. m. akes you back to the gridiron, rna City univers~ty wa the :Mt· and MIS. David Koch spent I<:ra.mer has charge of the dairy Martha Kruegdr low d, prizes went to ~ s. Krue- teet ecords' Heno Christe sen, Qllllting w~s held at home of doisn't tt? If you're an ex-player lun mfldo mel tere n Monday in Sioux City. herd. I _ gel', Mrs. Emil Steffen, 1'8, Fer- Wane Jadobsett, Etta Je sen, Mrs Max; iEc.ltert on uesday. fo Wayne high, you'll remember iOOLbaU! CIrcles of the United I Miss Alice Garv.-ood \vas home 'Ilt sur.D~ afternoon guests at For \'lsilor. din Voss, Mrs. F'red FenSke and Jack eel)-, John Venan Prince and \ -- th exhilaratmg moments when a State<; 3.st yem He was a tl'lple nd l Carroll over the, week-end. Franl 1 ]'!)angbcrg's were Albert Mrs Ne1he Whitney of Pierre, Mr~. Wiese The hostess was as. Bob Witte. I mnu'muel Luther n Church. to Ichdown was in the offmg n,nd threat hHtn, a1v.1ays ngerovs b~- Mr rmel hh s Russell Pryor were Jaege .. All'. and Mrs. QlrIS Weible S D, was incentive for a social ev- sisted in serving by Mrs. Sam ReI- FIrt and Isecond graders ave (Rep. A Durnin pastor) el ven blue-and-whlte clad lads ~p.usc of hiS clever pas mg. his run- In \Vayno Sa.turday evening MI. a d MIS. He~ry Gehner and ening at the Mrs Lula Foote home cb.elt and. Mrs. Fred MuehlmCler starte their lfallowe'en d~ ra- S turday, Odbber 21, catecbetl~ dr ve ahead desper~tely, or the: n~ng and klcktng ablli y. _ y;tJ\\in Ulrich of Chicago, is vis~ tami! . S8It\llldIlY evening 'Those attend- Ne~t meeting WIll be wim Mrs. bans, be on~ group makmg p rnp. cal nstruction at 3 p m br athless moment before tho ktck- The coachmg pe-so nel to date lUng. his bther. August tnrtch MI' and Mrs. H S. Moses and lng Were Mr and Mrs. W B. Wer- Sanj1 Reichert m November. Idn f~es F~iday, and the lIter Coil' pracUce, 7 3 p. m. on Sat\, of. If you're a motheJ1 or dad who has bcen V\11~iarn P. oney. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Podoll MI and MIS Burt Lewis went to ner and Kenneth and Betty, Mr. J -- group making posters Miss ar- urd y. " ha watched prOUdly and some- ert Leav('nR, C. lAo ,C WfOlfji, Rob,,; ,,'"('ra In Norfolk on business FIi- O'Neill Saturday eveDlng to spend and Mrs WIlliam Wade and Violet, B k tb II M garet effll'tr was III Monday and vine worship in ermany, 9 1;.; w~at fearfully whIJe a son made ert Arm::;trong, prIll labtree, Mr. dhy. Sunday \yith Mr. and Mrs Art Mr and MIS Curtis Foote and IS e a e~t 'I"ues y of last week, and iss n . fo tbBrll history for Wayne hIgh Krau>ie, Rob('rt 1B0wn, Faul Peter- MIRs Ruth Schindler and Mrs. E Auker' famlIiY Df Wayne, Mr and Mrs. Ted I ISh IE Florel1ce Scnbner substituted for S nday school, 1015 a. m sc oolt you'll recognIze that cheer :'>on, Cecll Mau,1 Ra.y Holder and A Austin \H'nt to '''ayne Satur- Mr and Mrs. Russell Pryor JUIU FQotQ and family of Pilger Mrs I 8 C 00 velII her'lrfcct attendance record for Iristlan Endeavo society, 7:15 AEilPlayer, as p,:rent, as class-mate Robert Glhb Coac~ au was .at dUJ . Miss Dorothy carlson of Wayne WhItney returns home thlE> week. 1 tho p st SlX weeks went to: Le nie p or "best gtrl," almost everyone tmw hOldCf;f Uhe dISCUS tnrow Mr and Mrs E A. Austin spent returned home Thursd~y from ~ A.J.. d Mae oring, Peggy Jean Fra cis, :div~ne worship in English, 8 15 W ynelto has some t!('-up WIth lo~ record In the l llltedjStates. HiS Sunday in Ponca with the Dayton trip to Omaha, Bennibgton and f'o,l' 1i'Jfth Year. tf~':' anc.e Records ~or Arlen Cary, Norris Hansen, fl- p. tf11. cal, football hIstOry, and has follow- teams wer0 ouL: an,di g, ·as Were AlisUns. Waterloo, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Herthan Jaeger en- I FlI'st SIX Weeks Are bert ach, Earl Selders, .Tean an- I, -- ed ,the schedule one year or anoth- most of Ml'. Bri wn's quads. The "MI". and Mr~. Ed. Cronquist and Mi~s Ruth Greenleaf of, Tekam~ tertaJned Tuesday evening last 'Given By F cully. ders, Dorothy Tangeman a.nd il- " M~thodi8-': ~eb: er.' And Ro.bert Cunningh~m. 1933 y:ar n.~tCl' MI. ~rown left W~ynl~, famlly wert) 1Il Norfolk Sunday ah. VIsited in the Rev. W. F. Most 'W'eek in honor of Herbert's fifth ~ • bert Martin. 1 Second graders ere (;R.ev·1· E. Fowle, pastor) st{: has unearthed some mterest~ 1111'1 baflkc·thall t~am ~cnt to finals evening. home from Wednesday until Fti- birthday anniversary. Present were Ajn inter-class ba13ketball toU1'~ Walter Gaebler, Donald Graef, ~nn S~nday school, 10~a. ~., ;n mformation about teams ot in till' na.ponal l~lgJI ~:lC 1001 tourney. Herman Podoll \vas in SiouX day last week, then Rev.. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Chrrs Weible and n~:l.I1jlCnt engaged the attention of Norin

Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kurrclmey~ companied them as far as Central her guests including' Mrs. Gerald ed 1ll seventh grade had perfect at- Attenu Onutha MeBting. side has < gained in the contest. which the Wllyne learn won 12 to O. Fie tw d Oon McG ligan WnaJd er visited Friday evening at the City when they returned Sund::t.y Cherry Mrs E A Austin Mrs G ten4ance for six weeks: Donala Ju- Mr. and Mrfl· Clint Trout n Next Sunday evening the contest 'lit. Stranded a~ Crofton. W ~ght~,\V d Wass n T~ni. Cay- John Gnttsch home then went on to Kearney , A. Mittelstadt, Mrs. Chrl~ 'Nelsen, gel, AUle Selders, Sh;rley Loeb- and Jack WeIble we:p.t to omfa closes and It's hard to say which to liaS te~a:~~:l:e~~ ~o Cr~:~~ an~~DO~r Baker, u~WOOd ~Y' M( and Mrs EmIl Dangberg Mrs Clarence Witt and family jI MI~ Bess Rew Mrs jean sack, MarVIn Juracek, ~ary Anna Tuesday to attend th~ seSSIOn 0 I. wlll Wlll at present ¢ome and help p Y .rio ¥ ..... ff d J h sdn Rb: Bona: tz ka~ ..t>U 'I y ' were •SIIInl '1.y afternoon caII ers In and Mrs Harry GranqUIst were"RBoyd Mr.!'l RE Gormley Mrs embrecht, BPierwyn I' nce, MOOar-. .F' and Rebe lodges 'h Id your side . game for the "Vrofton baseball A h'or M 0Ph n an Rno C Peterson the Chll~ Weible home dmner guests In the Henry Loeb- Haroid Neely, Mrs Walter' Gaeb~ garet MIller, Betty WItte, Dean there October 17, 18 and 19 e LadteS; Aid SOClety met Wednes~ ~~~~r s~:~a:s:o~~~a~lk~~~e~~~~ rc Ie c, er .. MI and MIS Ben Lewis and sack home Sunday, and Mrs Wltt ler, Mrs Charles Needham, Mrs H Granquist and Lore Weible Troutmans are I=lelegates from he day last week WIth Mrs. Ed WeI- and didn't want to rls~ mane on ,In Geneva, ~witerl nd, Chancel-' Ethel and Dorothy were in Wayne and fanuly and Mrs Henry Loeb- S Moses, Mrs B M. McIntyre Seventh grade VIctor III the con- two local lodgeS, and Mr. Wet Ie hIe There were 23 members pre- tickets orlI $150 was takenY m 1101' Hitler of G~rma~,found oppo- la..c;t Saturday afternoon sack and family spent that evemng ~rs Fred Wetble, Mrs Burt Lew- test sponsored by LIOns clUb, fO! holds an offIce sent, and the follmytng vtsitors: Wa e' suc~eeded in wmmng 8 to 6 ~ition to rcarm~ng, f pi the United Ml find"Mrs Herman P~doll Wlth the Wilham lioebsack B IS, Mrs 0 M Davenport anO Mrs which contestants wrote on "Why - Mrs Fred Nurnbergf Mrs. H;enry but~oth teams found themselves $ta.t('s,~_n_c_eja_n_d ea_t~itail1. WE'rf'" cClller., at the Frank Gray Mr and Mrs Guy MosS and fam- Gurney Benshoof Prizes went to Wmslde Needs a New Town Ball," Snouts '!ro Wa3''U("l Comt. I Fleer Mrs Chris Jensen and dau- d after the game After _ ___ hom; sun~ay afternoon By of'tMacedoma, Iowa, arrIVed on Mrs Moses and to Mrs Benshoof, was Margaret MIller. Scouts eligible for awards Wijnt ghter: Ella, MISS ElSIe and .MtS~ ~~~:~ ~en IlUSsmg from the CIty I Gus Winkler; notoliuS gangster M and Mrs Russell Likes and Thursday and VISited through and the hostess served luncheon Hallowo'en posters are Ocmg to court of honor at college tr n- F'r.eda Weible all o~ WinSide· and I days they were fmally res~ Who wa.s connected ~Uh thc Lin- Y w~e ;l~~day :up~r We~dt ~~~~~y Ma~tin rob~cry, ::b O guests of Sunday at home of the flrst-nam-. - made tn seventh and eighth grades mg school Wednesday evemng I st Mrs. Gus anb Mrs. 'WIll Rmger who suc- coin bank v-1'a::; shot and ~ d ~ er~ am yte d ed's uncle, H. R. Moss. Mrs Glenn Cqteric Club Meetl1. thIS week. Agncultural class IS week. Norns JWeIble, Irvtng n- Back of Wayne. There were two ceeded lD gettmg through killed In,Chlcag-o last week. ~l r an I ~s ~tSdP; ~sen ~ Woods and daughter, Eves Ethel ~rs F r Moses entertamed the makmg a study of harmful msects derson and Lyltr Jensen qualif ed new members present, Mrs. Vf. F. cars I---!----,.---+----- enet:~~ ;ro~ J a ~n ay tn- came from Hdskms to spend th~ Cqterie club at her home ThtIrs- thIS week, usmg commtttee work for star scout tra.tmg, and Ho ~iS Most and Mrs. TIer Hansen. ,The C~ches who have been connect- Constipated 130 ~"ars ne~WI d ~ re ~~~U weeki-end with the Moss famIly da;v, wlth 14 members attendmg and speCial reports Seventh gra- Francis recelver ment badge m hostess served luncheon follo~mg ed WIth the hIgh school these past Aided By ,0 d Remedy Le r. alllled rS th Ad ~ he~and Those mcluded m a large fam~ Vt~ltors were Mrs Mary Reed, del'S are very proud of then.' new firemanShip. the buslqeks meetm~ Next ses- 23 yea.rs include many men of "For thirty ,years I had con- y t geogra~ ro hoca Sad e 0 p eae- iIy dinner Sunday at the Wtlham Mrs G A. Mittelstadt, Mrs. WF grammar books General - sian WIll be with Mrs:. E. T. Warne- prommence in athletIC ctrcles, but stipation. Souripg food from stom- m:iSS::X ~~et~c~:~::g·was an KoeiTke, sr, home wer~ Mr and Mbst, MISS Bess Rew, all of Win~ phy cl~ss has begun thIrd unit en- Bru~sed ~n Accident. . muqde probably the new coa-

were dinner guests 1U the J M 1 ~ SociaL ~pstav KoH, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph lIfelof Columbus, and Shirley Loeb- - I abandoned parttClpa~ion m t'IJe ~g.. Strahan home at Wayne on Sun~ I _ ~hlft, carl Rohlff, Mr. and Mrs. sock gave a ColumbUS recitatIOn. Sta~on~ at MYlg.tic.. ~ armament conference. Adolph HIt- I day. I. O. O. F. holds se~ion at the F rdmand Voss and family, Miss This group closed the program by Paul Chirist~nsen, WI.Q.side's - ler deCl~re? the :eiJ~~s ::dYb;;:' $1 0 ~ MIS:;] Freda Dangberg spent Fn- IOdgL each Monday eve ing rtha Koll and Miss Emma KoU, sll1ging first verse of "America the presentatIve tn the last C. C. . go the hnut .in dlsat m , t a eR 'rep ir se "ice is so F 'LoG~rge I B tif I" I warned that If other nations 0 cxpcrn mad~d:lmaged day and Saturday with Mtss Irene 1 - Koll, Emil Kol, Mr. and eau u. quota, writes :l;'romIMystlc, S. , an df r are 1 din,tors arefat IUte.new.ra.- Dang,berg at Wayne State Teach- AUlI:iliary to the A rican Le~ J.:1irs. William Koepke, jr, and fam~ Donald Jugel's group presented a that he hRis st~lrted ibiS work there, arm, the G :r:e .~e~anke:: equa - Bcsidt'S be ng er:nommallY ers college glOnl holM business meting and iljy frpm PIlger, Mrs. Henr.y Puis of play wntten by Pearl Jugel, which and has been! na~~d temporary Ity must n Sl e rae . PER TON Ipriced you sa.fe money on Dr. and Mrs R ~ Gormley and lecUlon of officers at h me of Mrs Fti~lgelt:, Mr and Mrs. ~ilham Koe- concerned the difficulties of Co- ~quad leader. Paul left from Nqr- I h costly repla ernen s. Ruth, and Dr. and 1drs, C. A. Mc- Frntk Gray, the pr~sid~nt, on FrI~ ,P e, sr, and Miss ElSIe, and H. P lumbus III obtaming aid. Charact- fOlk Wedn,lesdalY eve~ing last week, Dr.. T. 'U am I Master of Wayne, were in Sioux da,y~ October 20. I.i ngbehn. The group enjoyed VIS- ers were: Kl{lg, Waldron Weible; ~nd reached Mystic Inext day. P YSICI!AN Best Anthracite Coal a Have you car radiator City Sunday. I - t~ing and cards, then Mrs. Steffen (Jlleen, Pearl Jugel; Columbus, ii, .' That Money Can repair d efore Herbert Lound ofi Alpena S. D., Women's club meets today, Oc~ served luncheon. Russel Hansen: Herald, Marvin j Hear First Aid Talk. In new I ca ton at 312 Mam st. wi?le w~ ther. I was with his mothet-, Mrs. Fannie tob:r19, with Mrs. A. H. Carter. I Jur$cek; chief adviser, Dean ~Girl scoruts held regular meeting Phone 65-j Wa~, Neb. Buy! We Do 'AlI~ndS f Welding Lound, from Wednesdayl until Fri- Me;h;bers will answer rqIl call Witb tt VC88 Rome. , Grahquist; assistant 'adviser, Ber- n the hiS-ih school auditorfutn on iI anl). Guaran til t if itJca day last week "Chberful CherUbs," and: each is to I Friday being Ferdinand Voss' wyn Prince. OthC'11 numbers D~ this ednesd8jy, October 11. Meeting Drs wis & Lewis W G. be iWelded, e can fix it. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wittler and contribute a five~minute article to ijirthday anniversa~, the follow- program were: "Johnny's Htstory was opefed by sirtging "Three • IROPRA€TORS a~ne I r~'n ~tm SOli~len Leroy and Mr. and Mrs. William the program. 1 ing came to spend the evening: Mr. 'Lesson," Dorothy Nielsen; "Colum- Blind Mige," "Come An You Girl tablisbed 1914) l' UI I en . Wittler went to We-st Point on _ an~ Mrs. Ben Voss and fa.ntUy of bus', Boyhood," Deloris Meyers.; SCouts,'l and' "Little Sill' Echo," Neurqea.tometet Service ~i.mday afternoon. ' mbblCahs Meet. 1 Elair, hOuse guests at the Wil~iam 4'Landing of Columbust TWila then the fuott , Mr~. A. E. Fowl~r who aUend,ed ~ n, J.re"rV~s lfas ~oste~ to s~r, and famlly, ,¥r. and Mrs. Her- ,cul,~ur(l class how to make, 4nd use :the se-ssian w~ spent witq tests, -All kl ds of .nsurance- ' one 60 Wayne ! I PI one >1 7 III ~ttuUhu 8 mIssIonary meeting at Wichi.ta, cial circle at her lhome Wed. man Koll and daughter, Mary Jean, one. This Iwas assigned as la. spec- and closed With singing Of taps. -. gent for the--- ••••l•••••••••••••••: ' Kan., returned home a week ago my afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Koll, Mr. and ial tQPort. I I Elsie Kalit will be in ch.argtl of the Trav of Hartford Multiple. .~ Wednesday afternapn. 1 _ I Mr~. Adolpu, Rohlff, II M~. and Mrs'l Many Plants nro.,ght. Inext bU$ines~ sesl?ion, With Lois LInes fl3tf Mr. and Mrs. Walter McAUliff Sffil rln seMfon~ Etriil Steffen and famiIyi, Mrs. Her- F~th and sixth paders have Gra.y plailning games. a.nd family I ca.lledlon the Rlch8.rd draer of Ea.stern,g~ met - la.t mQ.n Beuthien and famtly, ]4iss brought summer indoors ~ sev- I 1 -I Dr. . T. Jones J;ugels last Sunday afternoon, and t thaI! M?n\IRy evenl Witb:M:r B~rtha KOll, Miss Emma KOll, erall very pretty' plants The.. AtrelIds 1lIissi~!l8l"Y' :Moot '" ICIAN Etsel Wilson came also, a Mrs, Walrer Gaebl, r and Mrs: Georgll KOII and Emil KOll, Cards werb bronght by Joo Gfanqulst. Mrs, 1<, ,E, F.owler arrIved, hOl'\le 9ESTE::? ~~~~~ Mis. Irene D~ngberg ww; a Sun- A I Chapin in chargeIof refrellh_ "'tid vi.IUng fllJed the evening, clos- Ma. Jur'lc*. Barbaro ILauten- Oetob~r ~1 from ber trJp to Tp- I, '1y 44' zJ:ldence 346 I day supper gue$t, and Mr. and Mrs. mwts. I t I Ing with refreshments. baukh Rti'th Gormley L~ry os! pe1ci. Kaln. where she. attended TO-I PhOttes. ~fp.ce, N' JJ 1m ' • Harry. hat evening 1 • -, I, - \I venpo;t. nolnald Chi'i~ten en an~ peklJ,' br~ch meeting qf the w~1 . I I layne, eras I. in the me.. F ~ ~pke. i ~ "B09~ To Cil'cle. ~ts~l Selders. Ra;y~on Ikon~ mJn's foreign.< mlssionary socie~y~ n I V ··H D • Mrs ry Tidrick left With Mr" Afternoon eVel1itg vlsltQrs Neighboring Circl~· was enter- zynski brought more,'mat rial' for Tlds bratwh, ,p.o of elE;lven; in We Dr.,~... Oll.SOn 'a~ 'tH~' wmIB~"~k'e,and tidn~d \vinte~ ',iMlS~: and'M Yde1':>niau of Wayne; sr',,'""tlOrne 'at! home o.l.')frs. 'pttiis' Pet::.: tho b6uque't" Il whi 'h COtlnUy f!1d.ip;cluding eight state's;' 'I E'YESI6U T . for a Th reday Where the laf;t ~urs&i¥ J~a.me /) celebnit~ er~ ~urs~a.y" ~t~rnoo,n, With. ~~l~ ~~, is·'decor~tinf;; :tli,c~tJ cetebra~'~ it~ !~iftieth· ~~niversary :,., .l.,L : grou~ Wil I1tte,IId If" fair, . MJl'k,.Koepk~. ~1l'tbdal1, InOludM tv,lelve,!'Iie,nh:.iI'..''i.,., I '1 ' I, I 1 \H,YNE HERALD, WAYNJjJ, N ASKA, TROO,DAY ~CTOBER 11ll'f!l9 3.

Shalf E qdar., NE quar Shalf SW quar., Sec. 24 .:. 54.~4 19 25.77 Delinquent ax List ct. ! I J w I '.' Tl . sm q{ml', Pt NW quaf' N halt Nw quar:, Sec. 25. ()O~16 ." "70.68 9, Bl~~k·-2tt ..·-- -_.... 45.10 35.44x 15 16 17 18 __ ,1\...... 54.40 II I Sho! ~ l • r 0" le Year 1933 SE qttar.• Sec. 131 . 87.86 Shalf SW quar, SE quar" SW quar., Sec. 2 i65.69x 15'.16.17, Block 20 ' 19329 91.72 Bres ler &: Patto"".n's 1st Addition 0l' ~-2 l3ldck 1 "~ayno Treasur~r's !\~ ~ ~-14-15' ~, County Office, quat' I Sec. 15 l33.00 Sec. 25 19.60 Shalf SW quar.• Sec 3 _ 171.42 4, N half 51 mock 21"·.·...·...·... 48:S2x Block 1 ...... : 86.98 7-8, 0 k 1 .. l ..'..... 23.20 '-45-6 BtoClt 2 .. ,''''n)'I\(', Xt'bras}ta, October 2, 1933. SF... qunjr, S('c. 15 44.9't NW qual', Sec. 26 .... 108.77 W half SW quar., Se .5 145.42 E 100 ft. 6, E 100 ft. of S 9, Bloet. 1 67.65 1-2, 10 k 2 . .... 27.20x lo~'" j .. Nf~ti~C here~y gwen that q~n:r, l :\. ~~.~~ ~;4;~ ~Ck is in NW Sec, 16 39.79 SW quar., Sec. 26 . . 107.!9 E half SE quat'., Be . 6 /1 62.16 half 5, Block 21 128.86 7, Block 2 B 2 .. 23.20x :9,1 Block 2 .. ': c()mpUanCt~ ~ ~2 with the revcnue laws NW qu I' Sec. 17 , 7698~8127 sm qu::\r., Sec. 27 -y" 164. 5x E half NE quar., S . 7 '52.59 7, BloOk 21 . 112.75 alack 2 . -, ock 2 .. 19.04 -2, Block 4. . of the State of Nebr"'ska, I, J. J. SN qu I' Sl'C 17 N\V qual' Sec 27 160 8 W h If NE S. / '782 8 Bl k 2 I ' 1~1.0819.33 1-2, IQ k 7. . 43.52x N 6 ft 4 ~xceptBlock 4 ! ... ., . '., . a quar., e. t; I'± • • oc 1 96.65 3-14-15·16 Blo It 2 "9, N al 8, Block 7 . .. 9.60 :6, all't N 6 Stcclt,~, County TreasureI;' of 'Vayna NW q at', Sec 21 63.75 NE quar., Sec. 27 .. _. 147. Ox Pt N half SW quar., sel. 7 .q9.44 N half ft. 9, ~ 24 ft. la, 7, Block:2 I 32.21 10-1 12 Block 7. 54.40x 1 Block wi~l ~lock 19.~3 ~2 (''olillty, Nebra.ska, on Monday SW qu 1', Sec 21 1125.30 Shalf SW quar., Sec, 29 _ 54.49x. W half SE quar." N q ar. ,' . 21' . j.. .. l1l015x 18, Block 2 _ 7-8-9 Bock 8 . . .. 76.16x Bloc'- 5 . tho 15th day of Noyomber, 1933, be- S'V qu r, Sec. 22 13808 8E quar., Sec. 29 . "' 102,94 8E quar., pt S q ar. E 20 ft, of W ~O ft. 17-18 Ie' n "'~II' Idltl ' ~ S" I' ;Olln &:, r~,w ~ At on. 'Su MIl sion Outlot ~B &'P's. -8~9-1O Block 5 ,. twc('n the hours ot 9 a. m. and 4: I.., qu r, S€C 23 14065 SW quar., Sec. 31 .. .. 109,59 SE quar., Sec. 7 .... 109:95 Block 2~ _ ,.... 61.21 rrt 2 .. . 106.31 1st Addition. 1 Blo it '" p. Dl. at the office of the County Pt SW'quar., Sec, 2·! . 1.03 Ley.s Addition I...<>t 5 except E half 8m quar. S ql ar.,· . 5, Block 22 f' S2.22 .1_ Roosevelt Parlt Addition. \ Lots 1- ~3-4 .... 51.68 '45 1~2 ~. 18, BI ck 5 Treasurer in tho County Court N half SE qual'., ~E qunr. trA.ct, Se-c, 33 12.53x: Sec. 7 ... . '1' 75,32 10, S half V, BI ck 23 . 61.21x 4.jo-6-7-8, Blofk 1 .... ".. 19.33x 5. " 4.16 W ;100 ft 18 Bloe '" , Hou::-t~ at ,",V/lync, Nebraska, Qffer SE JtUlr, Sec. 2'~ 85.66 Lt'ys Addition Pt 7-pt 8, Pt NW quar., Sec. ~"'1 49.80 E 65 ft. 1-2-3, lock 24: 80.54x 1,1-12-13-14~1~, Block 1 . 12.89x 6·7, .. 8,16 ~ot ,1 BI'ock' 6 I" at publJe &."l.k a.pd sell the follo ...... ing ~~ Q4Ilt., St.'c. 24 111.71 St'('. 3:~ ,93 Pt N halt NE qual', "r W 10 ft, of E balf 1-2-3, 12, J3lock 2 . l ' 2.65x I' B fflSler &, Patterson's ~ rU'>"ck 6 1 qt~~1'·4 J ~' ~ ~ 3~4~5r rNU estali' for the amount of ta-xes BE qUtlf', Sec. Leys Addition S 1·3 8, all qual', Sec. 8 f 14820 Bloqk 24 .. . 1.5Ix 13, Block '2 2.65x 2nd Addition. B!ock 6 l n~lq.ll, ~t. 32,2~ ' . duo tht'r('on for the year of 1H32, 25 1 23.99 Rec. 33 3880 Shalf NE quar, t NE W 52 4r5-6, loclt 24. 14, Block 2 . . 9,66 1 t. 2 both inclusive E 10Q ft II BI ck anl1pfl'\'iollsyearsifanyare-un_ Whal~SEqunr.,.SEquar. PtNhalf SWquar., Sec, quar.NEquar,Sc. 4542 El-31~f4."5-6, lock24 .30.70 6-7,Block2 5.12 Blck2 .. '13.60 1-2,BIodk)7 a +

paid. SE quar., Sec. 2~ 80.15 34 I' 1665X pt SE quafl., Pt sw qu~r.,l 9, BIO~k 2'11 ... 1 35.44 8-9-10-11, lock 2 10.23x 8·9, BI k 5 . . 13.60x 2-3-4~5 Block 8 27 1 I.. 1 • r To the IHnoullt of taxes \\iu be NW q'lIlr., Sec. 1 95.03 Pt N half NW qUM" sec, Sec, 8 r 9084 11, Bock 24 .. , 35.4-4 112, Block 2 . 2,65 7-8-, Bock 6 . 16.32x /,' I" 1 athit'd ]I) pt~r cent mU'fost from Pt NEJ qual' (W 4(j acres), 34 33.70 P NW qual'. quar~, 4, BIo k 25 . ~ 3.22 13-14, Block 2 4.93x Original CarrolL 1 Sholf'lS Trn.eta July 1st to .\tl,!.,'1.ISt 10th and 7 per Sre. 28 20m SW qual. NE quar., Sec. Sec. 9 I.. 1.33 9, Blq'ck 25 .f 14:40 4-5-6-7, B1dclt 3 . 6.44 Lots 4- ,Block 1 ,25.16 Pt N half NE,q ar., 110- I ' , cent ll\t~'I'P.st fl'Llm August lOth un· NW q~lllL, Sec. 28 90.1)2 35 'I 27.43 SE quar., Sec, 9 , 132.26 ]0, Block 26 .. 20.85 1-2-3":4-5-6. Block 4 .1. _ 6.44x 7 BI c 1 2013 27·1 . I 8,72X: til datt' uf sa.lo and 30 cents adver- E hal~. Sec. 29 198.29x N half NE quar., N half Shalf NE quar" h~f 11~12, Block 2S, . 83.76x W 30 ft. 7-8, Block 4 L .95x 1:2- -4-~-6, Block 2 '. 50:32X Ft half NE q ar., O' , q\~ar, 2~r t1slIlg for NH.'h descnption of farm SW SW qunr. NW / 8E quat NE quar., Sec. 8E quar., Sec. 10 132.26 W 75 ft 1-2, Btock 27 17.81x 1, BlocK. 5 I 3.22x S ha f 4-5-6 Block 3 90 57 .. 1 i ,.i 26.69 125~ 7~8-, ~OCk' 108~19)\ Il\ndllml 20 (\'nts for Nl.ch descrlp- quat.. Sec 30 35 78.39 sw quar. NW qua., NW 9, Block 2'7 20.85 3, Block 5 2.65 3 > - Pt "1 half NE qmar., ,q- -L 2 t twn l\f tnl,vll lot~ so udvertist'd. NE qual', Src. 35 113.09 Shalf RE qual'. NE quar., qual'. SW quar., ec. 10. 62.83 11, Block 27 j 57,99x 4-5,.Block 5,. 19.33 11-1, lock 4 ., .. at.14x 7~ ,I I. 15¥S4j l'llllwltv llaVlIlg morl' than ont' \V half SW qual'., NW Sec. 35 13.S9x Shalf SW quar., Se .10 89.27x Cmwfotd &, Brown's Addition. 6 Block 5 ; 2,21 W h If 4~5-6, Block 5 . 26.34x Pt half NF~ q~lIlr·l ~O- ' yt'lU'S tflX("~ t10Jhnqucnt In the fol- quar., Sec 35 16581 N half NW quar., Sec. 35 64.04 Shalf sm quar, Se .10 72,75x 1, N half 2, Block 1 106.31 7:8-9-10, Block 5 19.33 9-10 BI ck 5 3494x 271 II I q.;34 IlH\IIlp'" lI;;t I:'; lllarktld thus; x E half SE quar , Sec. 3'5 5891 W h-alf, NE qual'. Sec. 36 339.77 8E qual'. NW qua" NE W GO ft. 7-8-9-10, Block 1 70.87 ~too8tbvelt Park Lot. 1-2. 10 k 6 ' 21.46x Pt10S2E7.1i:Iuar. NE gU8l~., 2001 J. J, St(·clc. 'V ha\f SE quat"., Sec. 36 53.10x Bromm Pr'f'cil1et. quar. SW quar., e~ 10 62.83x 7-8. Block 3 ...... 135.30x- Roosev(!,lt P~rk Lot 1.71 1~2-. lock 7 . 42.77x Pt SE.. qtl.r. NE 6"ar '10- ,x , County Treasurer. N balj( SW qual',JSec. 36 5345 NW qual' , Sec. 7 . 125.97 Shalf NE quaI'., SeF."12 80.33 1-2, Block 4 . 122.42 (J()llege 1st Addition. 8 B - - I Hosklus PI'N'Jn{'t. J{1lJl('odt {'·nxinct. NW qual'., Sec,. 8 128.90 W half NE quar., Sec, 13 . 60.13 4, Blo¢k i4 , 64.43 11-12, Block 15 , 493x 9' 10 ~ 7 1258x 27-1 , ., I 20.01 S hitH S\\' qu:!!.r, W half Pt Niv quar.. Sec 2 . 111.87 S haIr Nw qual'., SW Nln quar., Sec. 14 126,71> 5-6, B10c){. 4' ... 51.55x 1-2-3-4.5-6, $lock 7 6'44 1- ck 7 25.16x Pt NE qual', NID ~unr., 10- LI 1 Sl~ qlllu SN' 3 $]3050 Pt NW quru .. Sec.,2 _, 20.73 qu'.lI'., Sec. 13 174.02 N half NE quar., St' 15 62.8ax 6, S 49 ft. 5, Block 5 . 154.63 1-12 both in$llslve Block 8 51:55 3: l~~i ~ ~~:;~x 27-1 !" 33.37 I N\\t qU

  • N\V q\lal . St'c 20 Hi) 13x SW uar. Sec. ~O 14830 NW qual'. Sec. 3~ 136,43x E half SE quar., Sec, 10 50.93 G, Block 5 28,99 1 21 to 26 th inclusive, 2: !IOC 2 77 99~ 20th day of Oct be , 19'33 ' and on S\\' Clll.ll . Sel :20 ]0683 SF. nar. Sec. 24 10142 N half NW qual'., Sec. 33 68,21 NE quar. NE quar., S half IE 100 ft 7, E 100 ft. Shalf blocik 23 . 40 I; 3, lac 2 I 2264x the 20th day of Ja uary, 1934 at Nhalf::;Elj!mr, Sec. 20 1897 Wh~lfNWqua,r Scc 255161 NF. quar. Sec 36 11759 NEquar., Sec. 15 8Q.51x 8. B10ck 5 86.98x 27_28_29, ock23 , 3222x4, lac 2 I 1761x l00'cloc*a.m.eahday to re- \V hall NE qu.u , Sec. 22 43 fj1 INE ~lua1' E half NW qual', Strahan l~Jnct. NW qual'. NE quar., NE 1. Block 6 45.10x 33~34.-35-36 37, Block 23 3866 5 rIOC' 2 . I 2516 celve aqd ex ne all claims F. h:l.lf NF~ qual'. SC'c 2:l 112 17 S~hon 25 ]6135 Shalf NW qual', E half qual'. NW quar•. Sec. 15 52.]3x 7-8, Block $ c 90,20 COllf':toe 2nd Addition. 6: , BI ck 2 15 09~ aga~nst s~ud Est t wLt a lew to F. half ;::;E ql1:tr, Sec. 22 7599 S h f NE quar, Sec 26 5682 SW qWll , Sec 1 a44 83 S W quar., Sec. 18 131.26 11, BIDctt 6 75.80 Lot 3.-4, Bl ck 1 . . _. 152 8-, BI ck 2 3774 theIr ~djustm t I NF. qu:tr Sec. 2:1 11017 SW uar. Sec 2!l 10971x W half SE quar, Sec 1 k782 E half SE quar., Sec. 18 61.65 College View AddItion. 1-~ Block 2 .. 227 ]314-1, Block 2 27:67~ rr:~ time l~mited. f , ~\V qllal SeC" 23 19332 W h If NE quar, Sec 29 65 G--I SW qWll , Sec 3 ~25 66 N half NE qUllr., Sec. 19 60.98 19-20~21"22, Block 2 16.11 5-B: Block ~ . 2 27~ E fH 1ft 16-17-18, Block 2 4780 b n of ,cimms ~a ... ~w q'lal SeC" 2'1 9756 N h If SW qual'" Sec 29 li137 E half Sec 4 25460 NE quar., Sec. 28 89.88x 1-2, Blodk 3 ~O.20 7-8 Block 2 . . _ 227 1-2-3..4, Block 3 45~28x is three months~rOm" ge SW qual, Sec. 2·1 HZ 06 S h r SW qual' , Sec 2'9 fi965 SW quar), Shalf N'V qual' NE quar., Sec. 29 119.20 11-12. Block 3 'a.15x 22-23-24, Bock 2 . _ :::-.22x 6, IBlocJt 3 ... 4395 a October, A. . 1933, , SF. qual'. S<'c 24- 12336 W h [SW qual', Sec 31 4530 Scc,{) 115060 W half SW quar., Sec. 30 51.00 13-14. BloCk 3 64.43 1 1-2 Block 3.22 10~ lllaPk 4 41' 44x ti e brolted fa payment ~f de NE qll.'ll . Sec 2;} 9946 SF. uar, F. half SW qual', SW qual'. Sec 7 114 34 Pt SW quar., Sec. 31 100.16 16, Block 3 l(Ul 3-4' Block 3 .. _ 3.22 li12' jlOCk 4. 15:09x is po~~:~r, 1f:~; said 29th clay of F. hall' N E quat, Sec. :l6 50 :~b S ctlOn 31 19693 N half, Sec 9 23543 N half, Sec. 33 171.11 North Addition. 114 'Block 3 ... 1.52x 3, Bloc 5 .. 8 73 ~ t, NF. qual' SI·j gll~l'. Sce 26 2S 20. NW qual'. Sec 32 , ]22 78 S half. Sec 9 23006 I...ogan Precinct. 1·2, Blo~k 2 35.43x 16: Block 3 .. _ 1.71 4- -6, lock 5 . ... , 'itn~ my nd llnd! the seal of 'I Pt S IMlf SV.. qual, Scc 27 1054 W lftlf NE quat.• Sec. 34 537Rx NW quar.. Sec. 10 129.65 Pt NW quar. NE quar., I, BIockj 3 57'99X 8' Block 31 . 152 1 N h If ~~.~~ . d County Co rt, this 29th day ~f Pt 0 half S\V qual. Spc, 27 6.H9 I g hjllf SW qual. Sec. a4 4909x W half SW qual' , Sec. 11 64.82 Sec. 5 _ 101.24 4~5, Block 3 ·45,10 I119 to 21 'both inclusive, . ~'5 6 I 2it ~IOCk 6 ... 111'88x r.p~etnber, 193~. I PlHllolltSWqllar.Scc.27 lOu SWlquar,Sec.35 ]04:)31;::halfSEquar.Sec.ll 72.75 Pt.NWquar. NE qual'. 9,Block3 1~.1l Block 3 9.66 7'Sb fO~BIOCk6 12'58 (e~l) 1 J. M. Cherry, Pt S\\ (jUn.1 SW quar. Chapin Precinct. NE quar, Sec. ]2 125.04 Sec. 5 10.79x 3-4-5..6, Block 4 "YO 20 : 11-12, Block 4 . 3.22 9 N h If 8' Block 6 .. 13:91 o5It3 I County J"udge,.1 Sec 27 424 N h~lf SE quar, Sec. 3 50.21 NW quar., Sec. 12 140.19 SW qu~r., Sec. 5 141.99 7-8, Block 4 32.22 r 21-22-23-24', Block 4 19.33 1 ~11- ,Block 6 . 2382x rr; ,E h~lr SW qual', S h~f SE qual'" Sec 3 54 37 Pt W half SE quar., Sec. E half NE quar. SW quar., 12, Block 4,.. ... 56.28 27 Block 4 ... -' 4,74~ 121s, lock 7 . ... 42:77 ~ro.'ticp of Settlement of A~Wlt. 2S J:l7 19x N~quar., flec 4 96.74]3 898 Pt SE qual'. SW quar., S 13, Bloc}t 4. - 67.65128:29_30, Block 4 . . - 25.77 5-6, lock 7 .. . 44.10 ~ County Court of Wayne I NW 011;"11 • N('(> 20 H495x NIU qual' NT<:: qu3.1'., Shalf Pt W half SE quar., Sec half sE: quar., NW quar, . 15, BIOrk 4 ...... 135.30 37, Block 4 .. ... 2.65 ,B ck 7 _ 106.85 oqnty, Nebra4ka. 1 ~. h.ll1 l'

    2.65~: p Blo~k N\\' fjlllll, \\' half SW N qual', Sec, 7 R904x Pt SW quar. SE quar., sm quar.. Sec. 10 113.48 6, S 23,ft, 5, Block 5 .. 61.21xl 39, Block 1t -.. S 1 1 2 ft, of 2, 8 41.58x unt)'", ss. ,j , fJuar S, C" :10 130 67 SE~qUar., Sec. ,7 H239 Sec. 13 52.73 Pt. Lot 2, Sec. 11 3.20x 7-8-9, J3lock 5. . 83.76 < ayno Tracts. N If 5, Block 8. 37.74 T-o all persons int~rested F: halt SW qual', W half SW qual' NE quar., Shalf Pt S}"J qual'. SE quar., Lot 1, Sec. 14 4.44x 10-11-112, Block 5 . .-. - 77,32x l Pt NW qu . SW quar, 18- I0-11- ,Block 8 . 40.25x state of PbiUip Sl.1-1~ivan, ~r; Wl,lI • fip(, 30 9147 W quar., N half SW Sec. 13 ~ 81 27 N half NE qual'. Sec. 15 57.36 18, BlCidk 5. .. 45.10x 26 R 4 .' 45.10x 3-\4- ,Block 18 47.80 td: I . I ,"V half NW qual, Sec:n 3fl:1O ~al" SW qual'. SW Pt NE qual'. SE qual'., Sec. W half :N"E quar" Sec. 16 67.60x 1~2-3, ~lock 6 f34.43 1 Pt NW q~aJ. SW quar., 18- Jones' 1AddiUon.. You arc hereby E half SW qual', W half al'., Sec 8 138.55 13 1805 SW quar. SE quar., E half 4, Block 6 51.511.x 26-4. . 25.77x at 4. half 5 17 61 ~e 9th day . SE qual', NE quar. HJ;"J SE qual'. SW quar., W half E·half of Pt NE quar. NW SW quar., S~c. 17 . 96,94x 7 '1 BBIOlckk~ - 3g'~~x Pt NW qJat· SW quar., 18- 35'''x '20, S If 9 27:67, cClure a Roe: qu,u. S('c 31 88.19 jE qual', Sec. 8 7038x quar., Sec. 13 30.14 NE quar., Sec.' 18 122.70,1 00. I;. . 26-4 J' ... ~'t: i 35.22 rustees ·of their W Inlf SW Qual, St'-c 31 35.92 NaIf NE'qual', N half Pt NE qual'. NW quar., E half NE quar., Ii: half W 3, Shan 2, Block 10 70,87x Pt NW qat. SW quar., 18- 'fbloson,s Addition. ccount and titlorl or ltJtrlbu-' E haH ':':W q-ual., NE qual' W qual'. , Sec. 9 . 92.39 Sec. 13 22.58 half NE qual'., SE quar., 1. N hllif 2, Block U. 57.99 26-4 " . 38.66x ots ~ 2 30.19 ion oil' the avdilable"lfundS VI. their haI~ SW qual', N half SE SEI quar., Sec. 9 99.50 Shalf NE quar., Sec. 14 . 174.64. Sec. 20 .., 211.67x 3. S 2, Block 11.,. 64.43 Pt NW q ar. SW qus-r., 18- 1 55.35 ands. Hearing will be had on said quaf, Sec. 33 11238 W Ihalf E half NW quar, Pt N half SE quar., N half SW quar., Sec. 21 . 113.85x" 12, N half 11, Block 111 70.87 26-4 644 2, NaIf 11 46.41" ccount and petition lat th .County N\V qual', Sec. 34 147.80 W half NW quaT., Sec. SW qual'" Pt SE quar. NE quar., Sec, 22 124.96 1-2-3, Block 12 ,257,72 Pt NW lfluar. SW quar. Hellweg's Addition. urt Room i~ Wayne, N braska, ~ SW qual, Sec. 34 105.60x jO 71.48x SW quar., Pt SW quar. Lot 1, Sec, 23 3.61 4, Block 12 'r 22.55 18-26-41 644 Lots 4- , Block 1 11.39x on the 28th day of Qttober 1933 at SF: glial' . Sec 36 98,20 SE quar, Sec. 11. 106.39 SW qual' , Sec. 14 316.29 Lot 2, Sec. 23 3.04x E 60 ftf of W 100 ft. 10-11- Pt NW quar. SW quar. q carroll Tracts. 110 o'c;'lock a. rn. YOf. and all per- Garfi~'ld t Precinct. S alf NE qual'., Sec. 11 53.78 N half NW qual'" Sec. 14 . 143.07 Lots 1-2, Sec, 26 4.86x 12, I¥0ck 12 ., 35.44x 18·26-4 ..+. 1611 pt SW t quar. SW quar" sons interested. in saul m:a ter may NW qual' ,Sec 1 124.88 N qual'. NE quar., SE Pt Shalf SW qual',. Sec. 14 ~,34 SE quar., Shalf NE quar., E 50 ft, 10-11-12, Blqck. 12 35.44x Pt NW q~ar. SW quar., '27-272 ... .. 37.74. appear at sai1 time and lace to NE qllar NE quar., Sec. 2 28.78 duar. NE quar., E half Shalf SE quar., Sec. 14:. 135.51 Sec. 27 . 175.60 T~lor & Wacboti's Addition, 18-26-4 I. _ 9,67 Pt SW quar, SW ql1ar., 27- show cause, ~fl any there e, ~hy SF. quur NE quar., NE SE quar.• Sec, 12 108.75 NW quar., Sec, 15 119,51 N half S hlllf NJp qua.r., E half IOf lot 1. ....+ 106.31 Pt NW qpar. SW quar., 27-2...... _ . 103.15x said account should not belapprov- qual'. Sf} quar., Sec. 2 64.36 NW' quar. NE quar., Sec. W half, N half N half NE Sec. 31 30.49 W halfl 2 14,40x 18-26-4 J' -. 41.88 Pt S h If NW quar., 34~ ed an~ the prayer o~ thel p~titioner S half SF.: qua.r, NW quar:(2 2509 quar.. Sec, 16 250.02x sw quar. SW quar., Sec. 5 .... 35.44 Pt NW q ar. SW quar., 27-2 .. . 50.32x 'be not granted. iii SE qual' . Sec. 2 91.58 NW qual' Sec. 12 107.59 NE quiar., Sec. 23 _ .. 265.07 31 _ 30,80 6 . -1····· . 12.89 18-2f)-4 .... - 57.99x Pt S h If NW quar., 34-27~ Dated' this ~th day of October-, NE qU'.l.r . Sec 3 126.67 S ~alr, S~~. 13 j. 229.94 Pt W half, N $-R. Ro, Sec. 8E quar SW quar,p S 3-4 of 7-8 I ,. 25,.!77X Pt NVIi q~ar. SW, quar., 2 1.18x 1933. I oJ N half, Sec. 1: 219,58x NW quar" Sec 15 108.77x 23 _ 346.35 N half SW quaIj., Sec. 31 82.76 13 i·' ••• 38.66x 18-26-4 _. ... 9.66 Pt S h If NW quar., 34-27- (Seal~ r S half. Sec 4 228.06 SE quar., s~c. 15 F 10877 N .half NE qual', Sec. 24 162.63 W half SW qual'" ME quar. ' N ~O ft. 18 .. 12.89 Pt NE q~ar. NW qrar., 2 . 5.03 o12t3 NE qual, Sec 6 99.37 W,half SW quar., ec.16 60.98 NW quar., Sec. 24 319.22 SW quar., Sec. 32 91.17x S 50 ft. 18 4,93 18-26-4, .. -. ... t " • 48.32 Pt 8 h If NW quar., 34-27- -L_-L_-'-_+-_ NW qual, Sec. 7 95.93 NW quar., Sec. 17 , 126.23x SE quar., E half E half SE quar. sw quar., Shalf E :fia1~ 19 28.99 Pt NE q~ar. NW quar 2 SE qual'. Sec 7 123.32 N half 8E quar., S-g qual'. SW quar., Sec. 24 399.08 SE quar., Sec, 32 _. 92,57 ~ hal 19. 12,~8X 18-26~4 I" _. . .". 16.11 Pt N quar, NW quar., Shalf NW quar., Sec. 51.39 BE quar., Sec. ~ 8892 W half 8W quar., W half NW quar., Sec. 33 '- 105.98 W 10 ft, Shalf 20 , 24. 6 pt NE quar. NW luar. 34-2 -2 N half NW quar. Sec. 56.16x SW quar. 8E quar." Sec. 17 27.27 E half SW quar" Sec. 24 240.98 SE quar" Sec. 33 _ 133.23 ~J5Q ~t. Shalf 20 - 16j~2 18-20-4 ~_ .. _ . 19.33 Pt quar. NW quar. SW qual' , Sec. 9 , 126.67 S p,aIi NW quar., ~c. 18 5283 NE quar., Sec, 31 .. ... 136.34 E half NE quar., Sec. 34.. 64.18X':1 50 ~ft. 22 -.... -.- ~. 51:~ "Pt. S ~laIf SW uar. 34·2 -2 SW qual'.. gec. 10 121.63 NE qual'. NE qua, Sec. 19 25.83x Pt E half SW quar., Sec. W half NE qua-r" NW M, ~ t. 22 ... -,...... 45'1 Ox 7-26-4 _. ... _.. . 45.10 Pt NE quar. NW quar., w,~ ~t, SE qual', Sec 10 . 121.63 NW quar. SW quar" Shalf 33 23.03 quar. SW quar., 'Sec. 34 79.96x 76 N half 20 "." 14140 Pt SE qbar. SW uar, 34-2 -2 SE qual, Sec 11 112.05x ISW quar., Sec·11J9. 84.65 W half SW quar., Sec. 33 58,27 E half SW quar. SW quar. M 50 ft. 23 . -... - 41,88 7-26-4 'r ... - . 22.55 Pt NfRlf NW quar 34- NE Qual. Sec. 12 . 121.12x NE quar., Sec. 2~ . 103.59x Wilbur Precinct. Sec. 34 -. 13.s!0 2 '1 - -. 32.21 Pt SW qu r. SW quar., 7- 27-2 ' E hair NW quar., SW quar. W half, Sec. 22 238.25 W half NW quar., Pt SE Lots 1-~, Sec. 35 ...... 1.8~x AI 27 'except N ~OO *. & S ~ 26-4 .... _. _...... 96.64 Pt N half NW quar., 34- 1 00 NW quar., pt. NW quar, N~ quar., Sec. 23 , 110.84x qual'. NW quar., Sec. 2 86.39 OItig1nal Wayne. '3/ {t.l.... :':'::::'-"f':.: .:': __ ~ ~~1:6~ Pt NE qu~r, SW qUl\1". 13- 27-2 NW quar., Sec, 13 108.38 VVI half, Sec. 24 .. 226.86 SE quar., Sec. 4 . 117.92 E 60 ft. 1-2~3, Block 2 48.32 1 .. . I 26·3. i' .... -.... . 38.66 Pt W alf NW qual'., 34- Pt NW ~U:l1, NW quar. Sf quar, NE qu~r., SE E half NW quar., Sec. 5 57.37 W 90 ft. 1-~-3, Block 2 96.65' t I ~8JYIO~3.. ~~. ~.~~:. 48.32 Pt N hal NE qual'" 13~ 27-2 ~ 1.~ 4~5-6, Sec., .98x quar., Sec. 25, 164,47 NW quar., Sec. 8 . 125.50 W 100 ft. Block 2 106.31 4 8 1..... 26-3 _._... - 96.6 Original HosJdn Shalf Sg quar, Sec. 14 5015 SE quar.• NE quar., Sec. 25 31.11 NW quar., Sec. 10 . 118.56 3, Block 3 .. 35,43x LiJt 9 1 48'r~ Pt E halflSE quar. 13-26-3 38.6 Lot 1, Block 3 . - j . N half NE qUill'" Sec. 14 . 50.79x SW qual'" Sec. 25 .j 137.08 NW quar., Sec. 12 . - 128.14 4, B1oc~ 3 r. 48.32 Skeen's Ad4J,tlon, ., Pt N half NE qvar. 13~26-3 24.6 5, Blo k 3 . . ""'" NE quar" Sec. 16 , 106.31 W half NE quai'" flec. 26 62.96 SW quar., Sec. 15 .. 128.69 5,6, BIOCk]3 . 54.17 L1>ts :/a·t4-15 +...... 6.44 [ Pt NE buar. SE quar. 7, BI 3 ...... SE quar., Sec. 16 ,. 106.30 E' half NW quar., Ejec. 26 93.21 NE quar., Sec. 17 126.90 7, Block 4 54.16 1~ 1. T'" .. r · 3.2~ lS-26.31...... ···· · 25.7 8, Blo k a . I.. SW qUSl .• Sec. 17 . 10l.44x SW ou.r., $ec. 27 18l.28x W 80 A. of N 150 A. of SW S 37 ft 13, Rlock 4 . 3U2x SI',,",,'. /I< Sewell i A4d1t1on., Pt f'/E qu~r, SE quar., 13- 12, Bl0 k 3 ' SE quar., Sec. 17 . U5,83x SE quar., Sec. 28 176.08x quar., Sec. 17 66.70 3, Block 9 ~.. . _ 19.83x ~t 2, ·block 1 j...... 74.10 I 26-3 .-4 .. • ••• __ •.••••• 9.6 x 13, Blo k 3 . NE quar" Sec: 18" . 113.09 SW quar" ~ec. 30 118.31 pt N half SE quar., Shalf E half 4-51..6, BlOCk! 9 35.14x 1 -lH12, Block 1 _.. +...... 9.67xl Pt NE qurar. SE quar" 13~ \ 16, Blo k 3 SE quar, W half NE quar., Shalf SE liuar., Eiec. 30. 64.53x SE quar, ISec. 20 79.76 W half 7-$f9, Bloctl: 9 35.44 12, Block 2 t·+· 9.66x 26-3 I· .. ·1 ··· 22.5 x 1-2, BI ck 4 Sec, I!) ... 175.92 W half NE qllar., Sec. 31 57,37 SW quar., S~c. 21 ... 115,13 3,8 lJ.alf 2, Block ~O . 24.26 I Bri~ & BressIeil"s ~dditlOD. Pt NE qJ.1-ar. SE qllar. 13~ 4-5-6, lock 4 . '~lock E half NE quaL, Sec. 19 56.78 l\I'W quar., Sec. 31 .. . 123.35 SW qual'., Sec, 22 . 125.29 AU 4-5-6, lq 162.59x 1-11 1, all 4 except w: 50 ft. 26-3 ..+ <1······ f·"',,, .. -. 177.1 13-14-1, Biock 4 - Shall NE quar" 'lee. 20 .. 52.76x Ilt SW quar, sV'( quar., NW quar.• Sec. 26 .. 110.30x M 50 ft. 7f6, Block 10 64043 S 9 ft., Block 1 j' .....I.. 193.29x :pt NE qllar. SE quar., 13- W 100 t. 1-2, Block 7 .. N half NE quar." Sec. 20. 60.07x See. 35. ' 1.. 16.57 NE quar.. Sec. 27 . .. .. 107.49 No20 ft. ~10, A~ 11.12, S 50 ft. 2 except l/l'X10', 26.3 ~ ..,..II..· ·.. 19.3 E 50 f , 1-2, Block 7 . NW qU~l·., Sec. 21 117.~0 I'f half. Sef. a5 ,.... 3~9.78x SW quar., Sec. 27 ~18.53x Block 1~ .' 1 141.74x Blo~k 1 I·· · 71.82 ~rlg/rutll Winside. 1-8-9-1 , Block 8 . ,1 SE qual'., Sec. 23 lql.o8 Nw quar"ISec. 36, 133.41x All, Sec. 29 .. 453.22 W],l16 ft, of 3 8i W 126 S 50 't. 3, Block 2 88.49 Lots JZ.l ,11100111 61". 15-16-1 '18, Block 8 .. ~ E half NW quar., Sec. 24 00.15 DOOr ¢reekIPrecinct. j NE quar., Sec. 30 - 113.29 ft. of S ha12' Block 11 45.10 Lot ~~ Block 4 " 132.08x 13-14 Blqck 12 .__ __.. _~ __ _ 46. 4-5-6, lock 11 I SEl quar, Sec. 26 107,69 SE quar., 13M. 1 . I...... 108.14 SW quar., Sec. 30 114.55 E 24 ft, 3, 24 ft. 0, SS hBJ1' ~ mock 4 9.66 19.20' BlOCkl ' 198. 7~8-9, lock 11 ~ NE quar., Sec. 27 111.41 E half NE qtlar., Sec. 2 54.07x 8E quar., Sec. 30 -. - 118.30 half 2, Bloc 11 , ~.44 S 85 !t. 4, alack 4 .--...... 167.52 21-22:23~~4, lock 2 _._ 217. Ox 13-14-1 -16·17~18f Block 11 69. 9 Ijl half SW quar.,ISec, 27. 58.65X NW quad Sec. ~2 113,71 N half, Sec. 31 224.08 4, Block 11 t 9dl20 N balf 1, Block 5 107.82, ,"IIOC 3 73.,4x osklns I'" Addltl . Shalf NW quar.'i Sec. 28. 60.36~ NE quat" Sec. 3 95.07 SW quar., Sec. 33 132.73 E 85 ft 7, E 8 ft. Shalf 8, I, N ha~f 2, Block 6 .-...... 106.31!x 12 Block,3 ._, _ 1...... 12. 2x 1-2-3-45, Block 3 41. 9x ~ ~, SW quat., Sec. 118.31 1 NW: quar., Sec. 3 _. . 88.25x.. NW quar.,·Sec. 34 131.41 Block 11 ,. 551171X E 75 Itt. Block & 119,2(j 23' E 1ft. I 2:4, Block 3 •...._.. 27. Ox 8·9-10- 1-12, Block 3 18. ax ,. NE quar., sec. 3L' 126.23 I NW: qcar., Sec. 4 .,.. . 88.25 W half SW qu~r., Sec. 34.. 70,42 10, Block 11 : ,...... 7400 E 60 ~t, 3; Block 7 70.8'1x 25: BIOplli 3 76, 6 Hoskins Tracts. ra~q nct 5~.03 •' ,l'I half SE quar.,I,see, 35.... W half E half. quar., Plum Creek 1'l"e1 • 3, S 10 ft. e, Block 12 5477 S 50 rt. 3J Block 8 27, W 21 1.2 Inches 26, ,Pt SW quar. NW, quar" ~. '. NE quaT" Sec, ~f ,13 . 1W half NW qu ., Sec, 5 90.77 NW quar" Sec. 4 ,: 100.38 W 40 ~ of E 100 f~ 7, E· I S 50 ~t. NI100 ft 3, Block 8 4 .17 Blockl3 , L " ~.... 73. 4 27-2-1 ,...... 55 9 : Sherman 'Precinct. I NW quar" Sec! 6 ., 104.IiS SE qualr·, Sec. 5 1 120.7~ 100 f . 8, Block 12 , , 2l>b2 Shalf 2, Jl:Slock 9 'i4.7.7' 16.17.18,lmock 4 _ 19. 4x Pt S aif NW quar., 27- ~. NW quar., Sect a, _ 14l.451 NE quar.,' S~c. 7 ,. .. 12l.52 N )lalf'ISec. 7 233,Oa 10, Blo k 12 ,..;, 119119x 1, mc;.ck.1p" T··..· ·· 1 8,52 's half,191 Block 4 25, 25'I 354 1'i ,I SW quar., Sec. 3, _". 129.581' NW quaT, ,N al~ SW NE qn~r.• Sec, 13 "C" 134,8l/ 15, BJo k 12 _ 157,85 . EillIt i\.ddltlon. ' N.haJf 10-20-21-22, Block 4 54, Pt S ,quar. NW quar., J-I~ _.~ ~.261, ~7 ~.- ~ 2~, SW quar., Sec. .,Ii! _ .._..... 'quat., S c. , 'r'" 162.Q3 W, half I{3W quar.. Se . 15 ,- 55(55 16, Btl;) k 12 _.. _: _.._1.151.85 3, E jJ5 • 4, Biqck 1" _.. 12: S half Block 4 _..!__••••• 21. 27..2 1 .._ _...... 109X .~ ~: :~:::: ::~: ~II ::::::~:::::::: S~~9 e~ ~.::::: ;~~~ 2J~a~vJ'~~ ;~ ii~ i~: :\~t: i~ i~ :;~ ~t ~~; ~~:.s.::'I' '1~~~::.~.7.: i 7.79 " ...... :'"ii':: :.::::.:::::::;:::::::! loc 1".j...... ,...,...... ck; 45,,:::::::;:::::::::::::::::: Pt2f..l .. "j N halt, $fe. 6 .~ ,. 1 ~ep~ I .-.,...... ~3~P9 {l'IHl.r" S~. 11 .. , 3. ~~~ck 13 _:y._ ~ .._-[ j 3, 1_ Block 5 3B. ,x Pt quar: S~ 1uar. :; ~~ ~:":~ ~:: 1~ ::::::::::::~: i4~.9~. \!::~~ ~~~: ~~:17~ "', 3;T·:;::::::::::,.::::::: 1 . ~ ''''c.:"..__=~~:.f=:}~\".c~ 1~ p ~ -2 iaJisW"QUar:;'27: :~ 'S h~If,1ec, 10 fi ·.."..·""..·277' I:, sec. 11 ..·: 1' ..1· · li~.7O ." ..:! :..1· W 25 ttl,of E'M f~ilJ; Nook 2F~i ,,,: ;,, ~ .. Pt NW 'quar, ir-iEl qua,r.\ llllil,qU\lof, SeC,,13 , 1?7,631E ,13-14, W ~1 ft, 7 " .,.." ". 190 1?t l'I quar. SW quar., Sec. Ii!' ..1 , " +.'·· lL93 , SE ,gOOf" Sec, ,;l~I I·' • ,,' lal,~~" 13 ·, i··..... 3"4, ,0 ..:".;f: ,..,..:' : 108, 7- -I, :"_..,,.:,c.., ; . NE quar., 800. p +" l~Q.l1 l\!Iil,Il_, ,S~c,'~~ T'C""'''''' 1~'.~ E .._ .. ,~...... e'. Isf Addition- Pt quar.lIW quar.,21. , N hall '. Sec. 1.1 '- $)+4 _ o$~,quar/ ):Je.l;'ll~ _.h_·_·· ••·· •• ~.lO!M:8 ok {i ""; ._ •.•.,•••.••.•.,+.~.,:.... 5- -.".-~.--- --.. ~ .. s ... ~ h8.lt t'.~t !'~Is~. W ,. s ~o .t. 6" ~ S quar. SW qua., .,,, _... -2 -1 , .. PS car", !!~.2~.1 ~'C •• 1;:===::~::=::======;::=t:===::~:::==±:::::=:::::::::===~=====;:=::t~:M:rs~.~L~.~E~I~~M:n:r~ri:s~a:t~N:a:r:fa:l:k~las:tF:: lng the llstoric ba tt~." :'.vias of i~g~~:fuj~~11:ri~~:,I~ ~!~;r:;~0~:~:~~i;ji:~:;ii: a.ll,d I " .Carroll Department of The Wayne Het, YC~ .~hgincs y I tired s. The old .Bind Dorothy IInso N)"Wrg of tbe Horald Staff, iN cWtor OllthlS department. Sho will visit Carroll every Monday. Any news contrlbutlions IWayne, and that day Mr. Morns IIcoaches f a century ago, con" In h f to tlWs~ eohllUDs wUl be gladl;r rccfhed by her. She Is :.Iso authorized Ito recehe. new or renewal subscriptions. Morriswag andOtnahaMissonWUvabusmess.had dinnerMrs I' t U'asled harply with tf,le pIanesi 0 •• ..._ ... i- ....__!"" • '~ '!""'__lr;'hursdaYII Witp the Ivor Morris Pht~ for HI n.quct:. t LVO" Ovcrt-1ght' Hllw. today. I " -!I_+I ..._ ...... family ",grec' 0 I Honor, mC!ctlng last G. A. A. of the junior high hiked l HC Bartels went to Wayne on to attend the fall'. Mr$ WiUiamr'Mrs Emma'Rotin Wayne Sunday Friday, Eunice Krohn was also ab- I : I' Th rSd~y I the L. E Panabaker the girl scout cabin southeast of On Birthday. I ~... Monday. son Visited eo sister, Mrs~ mo. Coal, to help her Fele rate her birthday. sent Friday. I', 1-- ho e, fianned for a banquet and ayne Friday for an overnight MT: and Mrs. Kaspa.~ Korp, ;M:iss .... H. b. Paulsen twas in Wayne on In Cdrdova, Ill. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Roc Quarter holiday was carnj:ld for I St. l~~tl tutlulrun Ohurch~ so al st Panabaker's for their No- amp. 'Miss Helen Kellogg accom- Fanme Selders, Herm;a:q. Rubig, Mr, ~\Sa-turdaj". ~er ~~lIiam' Mr.,~ ' The Leo Jensens werle Sunday ot Omaha, MI, and Mrs. Will Roe, perfect attendance and wp.s given 1 (Rev' l I' . Kr9hn, pastor) ve meeting. anied them. The girlS prepared and Mrs. Kugler,. The \tv H \Vagner family drove dinner guests in the H. L Neely MI and MrS Elmer Phllhps. Mr. Friday to Elton Jenklns, Loren Regular sCfvices Itext Sunday. , eir supper and breakfast by and, Mrs, Wilham Thomsen, and.-:' to Yankton Sunday. homo at Winside. They sp€n't and Mrs. Merlo Roe. Mr, and Mrs. Porter, LynnJ,Roberts, Irma Chris- I I------L...... \ Yo ng Peoplo~6 OIass. I I amp fire. In the group were Bet-I family. M.r, and Mrs.tAdolPh ~orn . Ml'. and Mr~ N. M. Patton were Tprulenscdca~o· l~.t ,veck In tho Gabert Paul Rethwisch, MI'. and Mrs. En- tensen, Leona HUler, Ila Jean Rob~ Dapti~lt OJ"l1-rch. he Young People's Bible Study Helen Ellilj, Mildred Ringer, and f~mtly and M s'i Henrietta in Sioux City Sun,day. 11 lh.. os Williams. The Glen Roes came erts, Melvin Harmeler, Dolores I Sunday schbol at ~O a m cIa s met Friday evening with Missl arian Vath, Jean Mine:'!, Barbaral Kurrel~eyer were gJ cats in the l.!rs. Gus Paulsen nntl daughter MI'. anti Mrs. Charle,g Jorgensen from Omaha to spend the weelt-end Cochran, Marjor1e Littleton, Lols Rev. W. E. ' Bral&ted of Wayne, C r.Jotte Ziegler. Miss Miriam elbol', Margaret Jean Studley, John SwYers home a week ago were In \Vnync Saturday. and bl~by were Suriday guests ill With relatives llere and Bit Wayne. McAlexander, Merle Eksman, Earl Iwas unablle to come last SUI)day Br ckeh gave the lesson on "Th1 athnyn Young, Dorothy Liedtke,1 Sunday afternoon, c Ilebrating Mr. Mis.!! Alico Garwood was home the Hdrbert Robson home. That Hurlbert, Morgan Hlller, Har()ld for serVJces because of threatening 0 Ways," The clas~ meets thl~ auneta Bomer and Erna Meyer. Sieven,' birthday. Refreshments from Wtmi.do over Sundar. evening Mi'. and Mrs. Robson and Carr:olJ ,,",'omanh Club. Kuhnhenn and .Audrey Larsen. weather. F day w1th Miss Ziegler. I ~...... I were served by Mrs. 'Sievers. - The JGhn Otto tamily slJ(lnt SWI- Arthur' visited at Ben Fleming's CalToll Woman's club met last The.room is being decorated for Ladies' Aid meets In the churoh ... "'...... I _ I day afternoon at Gt.'orge Otte'5. Dr. and Mrs, SS GIbson of Thursday W1t~ Mrs Levi Roberts. Hallowe'en. parlora' n6({t ijunday and Mrs Glen OJ Troop ¥.ootklg "ptlst Soc'~·tie:.

    Mrs. Richard Ulrich and ctaugh- while gone I rm" Mis~ Marjorie Linn sang Mae DavIs, Peggy Lee MurrIll, Sunday school, 10 a. m. ~~~ this We nesday at the college ere made for the Aid serving and family, Mr. and rs~ Otto tOls were \\n.Ylle VISitOrs Saturday. Gcralldme Reed Is Improvmg lfl a Mllffi Hazel Montgomery and Mrs June WhItney, Betty Lou Wlmer- Morning worship, 11 o'clock WI~~ Mrs. A~V' Teed in charge. tinner The hostess served MrSj Meyer anti famIly, PeI'v s Meye.r, Mist! Bonme Hurley spent the Sioux City hospital follOWing an C L .Jiranek played a plano duet stein, Dean Everett, V'Crla EI{s- Young people's meeting at Bap. ... •• • A Wade entertams In Novem- Miss Hilda Brockman, Mr. and week~end at Dlxon with homo operadon nnd sho will plobnlJly Guest::; \\erc Mrs. Geo Linn and man, Alice Pippltt and EleanO! bst churc~, 6 30 p. m. "[0 Dinner Friday. er Mrs 0 B Haas, Mrs W Sj Mrs. Henry Greve and D lores, Mr~ folks be abh~ to (orne home the lastl of Mrs Matt Jones. A new member is Ann Spoon r Eveningj service, 7.30 0lclock r. and rs J. S Horney en- ressler, Mrs carlos Martm, Mrsr and Mrs Bernard Kocli and iam- H F'. Meyer attended a Fullerton this week Her mother Is stayfng Mr"" 'W H Wagner. Mrs. D. J. Betty Wi t t b t Mid-week Bible study and p;ay ter amed at inner Frnday evemng H. Hanscom and Mrs Shlr~cy ily from Concord, and Mrs. Allee mecling In SIOUX CIty Frlday e"en- WIth her DaviS euter tams In November. Mo d b n ers e:~l~as a:.o on er servicb Wednesday evenmg- for Mr andl~rs H S Scace Mr prague, who met Wednesday H:l.S1 Dullerud lind children. The men lOb" Mrs Charles Jlranek's pareq..ts, - B ~ ay ec~~se ~ b nes~. ¥lOn 7 30 c'clock • 'an M~s 'wi R EIUs ~d Mr' and eek With Mrs Haas, declded rt played cards whIle thc women vis- Miss LeIla Adams and MJSS Dor- MI and Mrs Schuler of Belclen. Fvr St"entlt Wedding. ot~h~ :::k lal~1!l. a sen the ~ir8t . The 53rt! Pslalm starts out WIth Mr . J. E l-I f~rd. Bridge w~s dl- I ~~e~hbel; :upper and bazaar 0 ited and a luncheon closed the ev- q g othy BarteLs "ere lD NorfQlk Sat- and her brother and wJfe, Mr and Mr and Mrs Robert Eddie, jr, ThIrd graders had their first theso words. I"The Fool hath said ver Ion for tl1 evening. Ie.,.. • 1 enln ' l urday. _ Mrs Earl Schuler of Laurel, were entertamec1 Saturday evemng at tests last Thursilla and Fnda. in hl.9 heart, there 15 no God." We ~ • • •• !/ 1, , 111i'=~::':;;::':;;::':;;::':;;::':;;::':;;::':;;;""'=i1' Ml and Mrs WIll I\.noll were guests of Supt. and Mrs Jlralllek dancing for their seventh weddmg y Y arc not puttlIlg ourselves lD that Pr ~byk'rian Id. lero UlHl There Club. ~ II Sunday afternoon guests at R J here Sunday anniversary. and Mrs Eddie serv~ H' t _ C class, but what does your beUef in omen of the Presbyteri~m Aid Members of the Here and Th r~ WEEK'S REVIEW' Hcfti'~ Charles Schaeffer of MISSOUli ed Gu('sb WeIe Ml and Mrs aJ ves tV' orn God meaIl? Does it brmg you to me WednescJ4y In the churqh par~ lub met last Thursday With r~. l • MISS Anllabel! HIllier held fOl m~ COUSIn of Mrs J V Zlm!De l and Harold Stoltenberg, MI. and Mrs Pr gre H church? tho Jlews believed lU God lor. A program was followed by a eter Petersen and elected off~er. Mr~ Mont~ e~, al opemng d her ne"" parlor hele IvaI' Morns. was here the Allen Stcltenberg, Mt. and Mrs 0 sses ere but crucified J1esus the son of God' soc al ttme1 Mrs H. D Apdlson, .. follows· Mrs Bo Saturda) fIrst of the v.eek He Game Satur- George Bodenstedt," Mr. and Mrs. ~ James 2, 19 reads, "TI10U belleveat MtA B Carhart. Mrs A. T resident; Mrs Albert Mau, Ice OF THE HERALD ML and MIS Harold Harmer and day and "'as a Monday d10ner EmIl TlctgE'Il, Mr and Mrs. Hans CQrn harvest lS 10 full SWing and that ther~ 13 one God' thou doest Ca anaugh l\nd Mrs. DH Cun~ resident. and Mrs Eathyl ~tz, Patty LurclJ \\ent to Randolph an guest of Mrs Zi:rnmel Tletgen, Mr and Mrs Walter WIth colder weather the first of wl111 , tho devil also beheves and nin ham s~rved. ecretary, and Mrs Herbert et1~ " EXCHANGES Thursday Patsy Ruth Vogel came Wed- Retl\wIsch, MI and Mrs Walter thiS week the work progressed fas- trembles" James 2, ~O. But WIlt •••• er, program chairman Gu s~sl ''======d Mr8 R J neftl '15lted Mrs nesday last weeR WJth Or and Mrs Lage MI and Mrs Arthur Lage ter. The yield averages from 35 to thou know a vam man that faIth St. aul Lutheran Aid!. last week were Mrs Stella Gh\-!' Herman SUlld m \\ a) no Thul sday WC Logan who returned from a Ml and Mrg, Nick Warth. Mr and 50 bushela to the acre Where the WIthout works 15 dead': Prov 14 t Paul Lutheran lA.id met last ~hester and Mrs Henry Lage Mr~ Mrs Wm BISenlUS, 75, died Oc- JUonUtll,; VJSlt lD BeatricQ. Mrs Logan Will Mr~ Robcl t Rmehal't, MJ. and stand is good In dIstricts struck 12 "TheM IS a way that seemeth Th rsday ~J' the churGh parlors :for omer and Mrs. Petersen haG! a tober 10 MB.rgaret Ellen MorTH:: was a take Patsy Ruth home the last of MIS Harol~ Harmer, Miss Wml- by hall th~ aver-age runs as low as right unt~ ~ man, but the end JJu ness add a social time SiX allowe'en program, and luncheor Roy Andress IS new head of Pon- t~c Week·end gucst In the Gnffith Ed- thiS ""cek tIed and Vvlll Collms, Miss Fern 6 to 7 buShels Most farmers m thereof $ore ways of death" gU[ts wer¢: present The commlt- arried out the Hallowe'en Iocr CR LegIOn f \\ard~ borne H H Honey, Sam Jenkl'ns Call HurLe), .Tay Garwood, Mr and Mrs the hall districts are through pJck~ Tho ward10f God and the churdh tee served IMrs Ray Robmson and frs. Harve MItchell entertams 0 ~ John Pallas died at Pender at MIS R E. Jones and son, RJch- Jaccbsen, Henbert Shufelt. Challes Ed RethwIsch, Mr and Mrs Hu- ing. will help yo~ that you do not make Mr C Wj Johnson bntertam Oc- ober 25 the age of 73 . ard, called Saturday m the Ivor Farran. HL Harnher, Lester Bre~ bert Harmer and A C Hayes, the -- • the fatal hu~ta.ke. tob; r 26 • " ... • Mrs Chns Reimers Of Ple ce, Morris home demeyer were amohg those from last three of Nehgh Golden Weddlng You are'lIlivited and welcome at '" " • '" I odety Elects. I dlCd last week. I Mrs. Owen Jenkms VISited from thuJ VICInity who """ero cal!ed to -- C I b all the services of the church _ Wi h Mrs. IJWbert Fr8hm. Methodist Forel n MJsslonary J M Lammer~ bought the H rt- ft Ib.'riesday until Thursday wlth Mrs Wayne MondaJ-" for Jury duty m II()liday GiVell e e rated Monday __ omen of Grace Lutheran Aid oClet met last ;hursda With mgton feed barns. <~';'Bonner MOl ns dIstflCt oourt -~ Collj egational Church. and guestsl Mrs E~est. Bahde of rs. ~Ulla GIldersleeve an~ elect- Dlstnct court opened at DaKota. Miss Leila :Adams w\:u; a. Satur~ Donald Theophilus of Smithland, H,. 0 }""'.d Mr. and Mrs Owen Price of Red Sunda ~chOOl at 1 . m. wa~efleld llnd Mrs Dave Bahqe, ed offJcers as follows Mrs. VA City October 16. da.y dmncI guest In the Dr WC 10\\ a, formerly of Carroll, sta.rted el e 11 rl ay oak, Iowa, the former a brother of P ~ b R P w~ e entertamed last Fnday bY:6 t d t M C L Pi k Henry Tonjes, 72, died at West Logan home bIS football plaYIng last Saturday ~ Mrs. W. F'. Rotierts and uncle of Son r:;~ ~ng y cv DaVid Slmp~ Mr . Robert Frahm. ~ SOCial time e:t~ ~'c~re~ree~d~nt;rs Mrs J cM~. Pomt Wednesday last week. Donald Porter returned Sunday when he played With the Iowa Students Awarded Vacation Mrs Tom Roberts, celebrated their L di 'A d t·J foll wed the regUlar busmess and ~h t M CEGI Mrs Adelbert Jordan, 64, of Col- from v.estern Nebraska whero he agamst Ne'braska. Donald JS In For Perfect A e d n golden weddIng anniversary Mon~ dUrl~ e~ct~b;: ~teet~egc~~cr~:~e~ the hostess served Mrs H Hop- der~~~~~e,rea~~~~~~nrs secreta~~ ~ndge, died Sunday last week. had been employed state college of Ames, Iowa, team tt n a ce cLay at the home of a mece Mrs kg 0 m~ n entertains in Nlovember 1M J k D g d Judgo EW Hesse w.as chosen Ml alld Mrs F' B Decker VJSlt~ half back PO$JtlOI~ Of Six Weeks. Ed Woods A famJly dlDn~r at ~~; we~~:s~~mn1~~;1e~~~rta~~~g ,. ... • • . se~~eta~C, a~~t~~~s c~:~;,o~~~~ l-Iartmgton Legion post command1 . cd at C C Herndon's at Wayne Sunday supper guest~ lD the -- noon was followed by a re~eptlOn R MY e ReJlekahs in Session.. bl i Y b tar Mrs H er ~ 1r"f Saturday ane' Sunda)' William Sundahl home were Mr FIrst SIX weeks of school closed for friends afterward Mr and Mrs R ees, rs. WH Rees, Mrs Frank Rebekahs at thelr meeting Fn.1 e, m te ox secr\ y. M· Vernon Rebensdorf was injure MiSS Ruby-Davis wa~ home flom and Mrs CalVin Hurlbert And Earl In Carroll.'last F'rdiay and all pu~ W. F Roberts TP Roberts Mrs ~~ and Mrs T. P. Roberts day: el¢cted 'MJSS Peal"~ Sewell dele- ~. Capsey :~ dev; l~ns, and t~ when he fcll against a lug wheel 0 Wayno Lt, ~pend tho vJeek~end at and Mntard Bernard Jensen of Pll~ plls who had perfect atlendance Ann Richards 'and Mrs Tom'Rob. 0 Sunday scbool has elected gate to the state ass~mbly in Om~ Ickett an rs e~ e~ presen e a tractor the John DRVI"l home gel. and Ted Krel of Belden The for the penod had a quarter h01l- erts and son Robert went to Red ~f1cers as follows: Mrs. Bonner aha this Tuesday to Thursday J J a :t>laylet Mrs GIl ~r\eeve ser~~ MISS Helen Will of Wcst pOin~ ug Mrs FB Decker Visited Sat-I last t\\O arc hete picking COlO, Mr cla) ]n tho high school F. B Oak Sunday 'for the 'occaSion and R orns, supenntendent, Everett stefcle and W H Buetow are dele- !e~d and was assistedI y tcrtd'fl was badly !burned when hghtmg , ~K t tl S d hi I Dc ker r t hId d ees, assistant supenntendent· . er. !la. Mrs Gamb e cn er Rlns III f urday 1D SH~ u ~ City WIth her Sister, reI a; Ie un a pace c epar s a I ay was carne returned Tuesday . ' gat s for the Odd Fe*ows meetmg urnace Mrs Wilber Britton Mr anel Mrs. a G Nelson and by the foIloWlllg Ethel and Ruby __ MISS LUClllc Rees, secretary..trea- wpich is at the same time. Rebek. ovember. Georgo Jschee~ was reelected I Mr. and Mrs. 1<'. B. Decker were famil)ll and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frednckson, MarJofle Hamm, Ha- Betty Ann Duffey ~,rer, MISS Evelyn ~o:ris and ansi plan a social time at the meet- ...... head of th PJerce County Agricul- i Thursday sllpper guests at CC Welt and baby of Wayne. were zcl Hatmclcr, Ronald Jenkins, WiI- lSS Gwylfa Jones, plamsts/ inglin'two weeks. I Wayno WOlUlltn's <;tub. tural SOCi~ty I , 'Herndon s In Wayne SundaiY dmncr guesb or Mr and bert KIolm, Thomas Littleton, Har- Dies ill Madelia -- ... * ...... I WJLyne Woman's club met last MISS Hnda Paul Of Hadar, au:;. Mrs A TGxley and son and Mrs Mrs John Gettman MiSS MarjOrie ry Ohler, Orvld Owens, Verona ~ l)tC8~ytorian Church. F~}l' Bti(I(l of La.st ,,~el" l<'rlI'O I· I 'f I mght and It.: IS the belief It came famllj1 also VISited In the H C crt, e vm Jen InS, WJlma \,(-oIes, parents, deceased leaves a brotper lors IS a nCLa ucker B;nd musIc aft~rnmn Mrs. John Baker, Mrs Relram," tJy Kreisler and "JulIa W Riley farm from a wcst(>Jn forest fue Barte~ homo that day Wilma .'fanes EulalIa Krohn, Luelle and sister Betty Ann was a grand- J3 by Eva Mac andllrwm Morris. Alfnol~ Yahlkamp and r~lr~. Otto pancc," by Delt Mrs Lut~ Roy F"rcnch of Pender, and Missl MISS Pearl Sewell of Wayne, VIS· -.~ Recs. Edward and Opal SchlIlltt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leader for the sem,rs 1S Mrs :J S~u'l s ~ed a lunch. I gen, Mrs Galley and Mrs LaN"ora Allbaugh of Thurston, wer, it('d ruwl ~chools ncar here on Social. Jumors; Lawrenco Cook, Jessie Hansen and a nIece of Joe DUffey Havener A mIssionary playlet " ~ • * • b S DeWblf gave reports on the married October 5 <> I Wednesday ~nd Thursday I ~ Gemm~lI, MarJone Golder, Etta f Ca II MH I WIll be t#ven under directIon of P N elk Ha P t state conVQntlOn they attended at LutheralO, Good Samaritan Bacl ~ . Mrs. Chff1)rd Gildersleeve and Rebrkahs meet next Tuesday Jcnkms, ClaIr Jones, Gwylfll. Jones, ~ans:~ Mrs ~m a~~~n~m~eo:~ Mrs Jonn H. Owen~ Preaching ·P. '~. G C~tj.barm~~~crs and thclr Hastmgs l~t week Mrs Lutgen, ty bought the Blair hospital from clrl1dren of lN~yne, were FIiday I Luetta LeWIS, Hannah MillS, Caro- Mr and Mrs Lakas, the last twb follows. 1 • hu baIlds metj last Thursday I eve- national eh Irman of drama, wrote Mr" Emma Washburn . guests at Herbert Robson's Delta Dek bndge club wlll not 1111e Osborne, Jcan Wllhams, sen- of Randolph, drove to Madelia oh Men's fellowship tnet Tuesday ni!g at: the Ii O. o. r. hall. 1Five and dirccte for the conventlOn a Billy OHo traded a farm north Bernard Jensen was a Saturday meet for a time lOrs, Frances Harmeler, Christme Thursday for tbe funeral The Jole evemng last week at. the church hundr€1~'enlll I WIth Mrs Evan ~ ~iss Winnl~ M~er and MISS A Mr and rs Harry ert nd Dr DWI ht Mlelenz of Stanton, W1th Y "Pthcnt tllo wdcek-eOtd mMwaynda M Brld Club'l\londay sembly slngmg last FrIday Charles Mills, MISS Thelma Murrill, Jones ASSIstgj~noI her are M~s Earl m~eier Vi~ied In Norfolk and Joan, and r and Mrs G I el- brother of ISS Mary Mielenz who ell gran paren s, l' an rs.· ;n ..... J.. & • Sta ton Fri d f '1 h d S d ncr t ht Who d a T Collms r Th young women's bndge club "The Poor Married Man," Junior MLss Mabel W~~son, Mrs. Ismael DaVIS, lY.J.rs ees RichBfrds and . d :pon an a I y a un y 11 , aug Ill. V ~yne, as pene 'Mrs WE Jones Miss Dons met Monday evemng With MISS play directed by Supt C. L. Jlr- Hughes and MISS Mylet Hdlekamp. Miss Satah Ed~ards. d~ r. an~ Mr~. Waltero~j~~h~aa mth the Jo n Gettmans aJt Car L dental offIcle I~ Norfolk. ~ Slm g Jones Mr~1 MaggJO' Evans and Ruth Morris, and th~ hostes:1 serv~ anek, WIll be given November 10 ;:he other pl8JY IS "The Piper's Three will be no Aid dunng corn ~~[rlerag~~u~~yMauns Mr andirs. wdaMlter R ru.~ Hdenry SUhrta,S. bUilditn a gdarag~ E aY~nl ~ th , d f I ti Two chancres have been ade ray" and charact-ers are Mrs Jack k d family, r an rs. an service s tIon a. e e ge 0 Miss Ire~Ci ~vans were III Wayne e a~er a socia _ mc. the east ~nce It was an~oW1ce~n Spoon, Miss Leila Adams, M~s. W. piC mg. ". rs. EI.m~ Har'rip(iD visited III and Mr and Mrs. Wilbur S ahr Pender. C'L W. Meier is also build~ Lion~ClUb ~ SaturdaJ I • Tuesda riC Ifa Jones takes the art of H. Belford, Mrs. George Holekamp, .... 11 1 WIt her Blste , Mrs. Roblert Han- ad supper at the Harvey aas ing a statlpn at Pender. W;~~i~le~.~n?a~:~yf~~ t~~ C~ E~yn ~:;iOlEd. M~~r~l, Mi~Og~~an~es Rur~hoo i::~a';;n~ief~~~e~h::~~. f,0~: :u~ee ag ~un:~ng to~e:t ~~~~~ M~~~~~:iy roll Lwns clJb met Tuesday Jones, and Robert Emk the C son, now rs ;:. called P:d pa:; Cla~~ln:~ oods and R V Garwood ~:~nl g ;tD~;C~;ept~~~io:a::r a~~ pa~~pRI~~~~~ ~~~~I~~d. plans to charge of the ~~Ialties. as I)~]trlet 48. ih ~oux CiAty, was att homke wdlth t E~il Ba el~~'s . Frtday even- WakefIeld, IWB,.S giv~n. a pound so- fam e... ., __ T h the E. J. uk rs las wee -en. ng Sunda before last, Mrs. Bar- cial by-his congregation. Mrs Lekmard Link returned on the us Paulsen sal~, spoke speak to the high school thIS rt- ,. Izett& Faa Buetow, eac 'Cr. M s Joseph Smith of WynVt . d M H Th t t t· f d Monday after spending 10 days - day. Son Born Thumday. The sGhool floor was Oiled dur- visi ed over the week-end here WIth fm~~~~~~~ ~~~~:~ a:lslte~S~n :~ eral ~:fiu~~~~~~syt~Ss~~~ol~~O~o~ WIth relatives and friends In Oma- Merr MakC'l"91\[oot. Pracbces of the Lions club b nd A Son was born Thursday, Octo- ing institute vacation. • her parents, tlie Frank WeJ!Jers. h me '. worth~ l....l ro ed highways ~ost ha and LyOll,;l. M. rry Makers met at the Ben and orchestra have been held at ber 12, to Mr. a~Mrs. Alex EddIe AU pupils but two receIVed per- Mrs. Hal'Vey\ Haas and Carl Al- arelman I_ of the I~~findian reservatlo'ns. Mr. and Mrs ~d. Rethwis~h and Mey r homo near ~ayne Fnday the sehoo1. . fect attendance awards for Sep- Vln ~pent Montlay before last With. FoIl J¥sther ThQrnsen. Rev. . if. Ragan of Pender, waS Henry Reth-w:is.ah were in ;Ewing evenl gJ Mrs Chn$ Jensen had Several magazmes have b en To Grand Lodge. tember, . tpe 1ormef's ft,ther, C. J. Johnson. I Sunda ~fore last bemg Esbhel'l elected hea(t ofNorfoIkdistrictEp- lafl Thursday to sP1nd the day char e bf entebtamUjlent, and Mrs. ordered for the library. Mrs. W. H. Wagner and Mrs. Miss Pearl Sewell ViSited Octo- I M~s Be:se-ie Foote a.nd Delbert ~homseJs t~nth birthday ~mlJver- worth ,J..ea.g'ue. The a,.nnual outing With relatl\tes. I Ray eMue and MrS. Meyer com- The blOlogy class is studyJ g Charles Mills wept to Omaha Tues- ber 10. I . Flop~e ofi PllgeJ, visited in the CUr- a 1Mr. a d Mrs. Carl Thomsen WIll be hel9 at Wayne next .June. Mrs Henry Bush and Mrs, Luel~ prise the menu committee The parts o~ flowers and mado seve al day to att~nd t~e Rebeltah grand . An 1nd~an cth'ner in the room IS US Foote homela week ago Sunday. n~~tiamed£t dinner, the guests Citiz~ns in Bega. community, 180 Peck and son of ivayne, were Nov m er 10 meeting is in the R. field tr~ps, lodge meetmg. Interestlnr wiI~ pictures and a Mband M~' Peter Jorgensen cin Mr. nd Mrs. A H. Bnnk- south ~f !IPskins. have cut down Sunday guests in th~ George Por- V. G Dod horne. Boys an~, girls glee clUbs re - sandtableItSCGln of cardbOard In- and r. and re, Einer Jorgensen angand Ly a and Henry, Mr and hIlls a~d ra!isrti valley roads, com. ter home bere. ~ practicmg The" Par{l.de of he T() OmaJw, Meeting, dlans, ten s a~d animalS. . andEeva wer in SiouX City on ~s. Arthut Dranselka and Mar- pleting 12 miles of good highway. J Ml. and Mrs. C. D ~arrahlarrlV~ Part 1r Birthday. Wooden Soldiers. Miss Leila d· James Hancock and Harold Har- Mayor ¥- L'j Ringer, Wayne fl~e Thu sday. In and Mi~ Sophie Wieland, Ran~olph Lions club is promot- ed home Frid,ay from Cpicago 16 s. a1vin Hurlbert entertained ams announces personnel of he mer went to Qmaha Tuesqay to at~ Chief, and two. from Omaha, PreS1· E er Noak and W. H. Gilder-' _ I ing Improvement of the Randolph- ~ l wh~re they drove to spend a few 8atu d y afterpoon f04 her birth- boys' club as. follows: Abert S- tend the 1. O. O.:F" grand lodgf! Ident Earl N'Cueger and Sterling sleeve were in Omaha Wednesday : Hap smal Dinner. Sholes road. It Is hoped to have days at the fair day. 1e serv~d a*er a soqial hart, Elst'Cr Lmk, Charles Dene. ia, which is in se~slon uptU today. Mr. Freeman t 0 a, visited the- l$t ~eek whe they had cattle on F II Jig the ba.ptism of Ronald the highwar WIdened and. improv. Dr. A. TexIey leff. Sumla]' for time he guests werf :Mrs. Elrie Woo. Littleton, LeRoy Duffey, r- Hancock has liJeen appointed grand school We es ay l~t wee~. Mr. the arket. r teea :::~.Il on of Mr. and Mrs. ed. Chicago to spend abJut a 'week ~t Coo, rs. Harvey 'ounce the orld's falr well worth eounty on e8 ,er 21 at ,th~, , , U ., 1Il.d, .. P pa ," !I,ug a,I!!!"..f '.' ""th' , "'.' Ie ,,, .... t thr d J h ~ hf tIl ' ft; l Wer? Sunday~gllest~iatH .•~.'Ho.r:'gU~~ ~",l\!rli:lljJl~ '~O~~.?~'~~'. ,t~llm " ' '~, :,A,bu!Jg t ,blll/pU lIe :\,,~It ,WI 'd1';;,t~lnW~~r",:, a e:,~: ~~"n::.e:ndw~~~:;,\j\:~ °A':non Csta~; "fewer:,W",dsan , ·..mer S" I l"'": ' !!illW ril anoir ~O 5 n:Who we~t roast " at tMweek~el\dWIl,1l p !llrl\'iJ1llJl~ ,effort to~~ lY~ all'~"SIW" Y, "'1 " , d "'i l se log the exhibits, find- whjeb ark be done 'I.. he!: , 'M~.and Mrs. A. R eoehrl\rl: Mr. ~bOglil~Oiil:\.vit¥ ,"grw! ; O11"...W illiS, I" ~d rn~~'No~ ."~' '~ 'a:' Mrs. Hi H. Ron y "and MrS. U Ie' to :@Itted"J.,I" ._ I '. \ I 'I .. , "" .tf'l,. l,l . f Wakefield 'rge 'ecl Y on the Sunday of grading a Hannah"wuntCn.$Ci'D,'!atTlvM'bome ',. j'~'''~·''H''''J ".:.:.-J' ,.,'c,c '" I'"' ',",',.' en " '", '~.I'I'C'. ,~., n ~ 0 ,I '.,' 'Th Battle of Gettys" , fro~: Chtcago ''W"lierb they ":mftli.'4iiY<:.lJt.iln'r.'·' .':" \ 1 . ~e, w~t"ad:col~,.in ~ !Ar t . .' ~el "~ ~r'a' doed'panorarila.·sliow~ y lut'wElek ~ ctfl'·' 'R la.ti~ef1'!IW~nt"ftC) 'tHe '110 ,U I I -, ... .- i\r'''' ';' ':'" , ' , '~'_:i:';'~;f>:'f:: j'i,;r:,·; ,:',!):,,-:Ii~:::\;~:;'>·t/)·