Monday, April 29, 1974 Fifth Series XXXIX, 46 Vaisakha 9, 1896 (Saka)



                   XXXIX  450

!% F*F*&+&,F $-F! F        CONTENTS

(Fifth Series, Volume XXXIX, lotk SeMtaa, 1974)

Afa. 46— Monday, April 29, 1974'ftiMaMa 9, 1896 (Safea) CqltiMNs ,

Obituary Reference ... 1—2 Oral Answers to Questions: •Starred Questions Nos. 873*, 874, 879, 880, 882 and 883 . . 2— 32

Written Answers to Questions . Starred Questions Nos 872, 875 to 878, 881 and 884 to 893 . 32—45

Unstarred Questions Nos. 8446 to 8449, 8451 to 8531, 8533 to 8536, 8538 to 8618 and 8620 to 8645 . . 45—232

Statements correcting Answers to USQ No. 4332 and USQ No. 4411 dated 2 5 - 3 - 1 9 7 4 ...... 233—34

Re. Adjournment Motion ...... 234—38

Papers Laid on the Table • 238—41

Assent to Bills ...... M 1

Estimates Committee— Reports and Minutes—p r e s e n t e d ...... 241—42 public Accounts Committee— Reports -presented ...... 242*43

Committee on Public Undertakings— Reports and Minutes—presented .... 243—44

Direct Taxes (Amendment) Bill— (i) Repoit of Select Committee—presented. .... 244 {Mp Evidence—L e a d ...... 244

Business Advisory Committee— Forty-second Report—adopted...... 244—45

♦The sign+marked above the name of a Member in dicote* that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. SJJ^LS— I Matter under Rule 377— Column ported Detection of Secret Mobile Radio Station in Meghalaya . 245—51

Demands for Grants, 1974-75— 251—451 Ministry of Home Affairs— Shri Jyotirmoy B o s u ...... 261— 73 Shri H. K. L. Bhagat • 274— 82 Shri Jagannathrao J o s h i ...... 282—93 Shri R. S. P a n d e y ...... 294— 300 Shri Ishaque S a m b h a li...... 306— 19 Shri Bhagwat Jha A z a d ...... 319— 28 Shri K. S. C h a v d a ...... 3*9—33 Shri Shashi B h u s h a n ...... 333— 41 Shri Frank A n t h o n y ...... 34— 48 Snri Darbara S in gh ...... 348— 54 Shri Piloo M o d y ...... 354— 59 Shri Dinesh Chandra G o s w a m i ...... 359— 65 Shri Samar G u h a ...... 365—73 Shri Kartik Oraon ...... 373— 82 Shri R. P. Ulaganambi ...... 382— 88 Shri D. Basumatari...... 388—94 Shri Anadi Charan Das ...... 395— 99 Shri K. M a r a k ...... 400—03 Shri Md. Jamilurrahman...... 403— 16 Shri Birender Singh Rao ...... 416— 19 Shri Kushok B a k u l a ...... 419—22 Shri M. Satyanarayan R a o ...... 422—24 Shri Uma Shankar D i k s h i t ...... 424—34

Statement Re. Presidential Election— ...... 451— 54 Shri H. R. G o k h a l e ...... 453—54

Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 1974— Introduced. • •

Motion to consider— ...... 45—576 Shri Yeshwantrao C h a v a n ...... 455,469—74 Shri Madhu L i m a y e ...... 455—^4 Shri S. M. B a n e r j e e ...... 465—69 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 ...... 476

Motion to pass ...... 476 Shri Yeshwantrao C h a v a n ...... 476 Re. Half-an-Hour D i s c u s s i o n ...... 476 LOK SABHA DEBATES

x 2 LOK SABHA. join me m conveying our condolences to tne beraved family. Monday April, 29 1074/Vaisakhtt U, 1896(Saka) The House may stand in silence for a short while to express its sorrow.

The Lofc Sabha met at Eleven of the (The Members then stood in silence Clock for a shortwhile.) *

[M». Speaker in the Chair) ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS

Post of Chief Executive ef the S .C X OBITUARY REFERENCE lying vacant

MR. SPEAKER Honourable Mem­ m S U B I m * m i BffijfPAN: bers, I have to Infora the House ofWill the Minister of S H IP P IN G & N D the sad demise of Shn G L . Mehta, TRAiNSPORT be pleased tt> state*. ' who passed away at Bombay, on the 28th April, 1974, at the axe of 74. (a) since when the post of Chief tft Executive of the Shipping Corporation of India has been lying vacant; Shri Mehta was a Member of the (b) whether the regional offices of Constituent Assembly in 1947. the H e Shipping Corporation of India served the country in various capa­have been demanding more autonomy cities and held several important posi­and power; and tion with distinction. A parliamenta­ rian, journalist and diplomat, he star­ (c) the steps taken or proposed to ted his career in the now-defunct be taken to check the deterioration in Bombay Chronicle as an Assistant Edi­the working of the Shipping Corpo­ tor. He was our former Ambassadorration of India? to the United States and showed his diplomatic acumen while holding that THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE office. He had recently retired asMINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND Chairman of the Industrial Credit andTRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB Investment Corporation ol India and KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) Shri the Indian Investment Centre. He C. P. Srivastava relinquished charge was also Chairman of the Bombay of the office of the Chairman and Branch of the Indian Council of Managing Director of the Shipping World Affairs since 1966. He wasCorporation as­ of India, on (tie afternoon sociated with the Planning Commis­ of 31st December, 1973. Capt. R. D. sion, the Hindustan Shipyard and the Kohli, one of the Executive Directors, National Shipping Board, being Mem­ was given overall charge of the Cor­ ber of these bodies. H e was awardedporation from the same date till a the ‘Padma Vibhushan’ in IW for new Chairman and M a^apng Director his meritorious service to the appointed by the Government. (b) No, Sir, We deeply mourn the less of this friend. I am sure the House will (c) Does not arise. 656 LS—a 3 Oral Antwtrt APRIL 29. 1974 OralAnswer* 4

: W>?’JrT w f t vrftft, iffc m V? ^ | fa ifeft » frr t ^i^rr *r g fa qffer* t wprcftr qr arft atnf yfayi?r Mferr fa x % ^ m fV^R% vwfr xsft f fa f 3 irrifo m ' T *fo: t if• •** «rrr * i^ro# m i * ^0 f t j m fro^r "Q-^nRpft fanr”v #*rr#t «n?f ^ f ift? 9(i w ^ tort *rt sr?T ^srr ?r> s*r ^ '?% * j *rr sfRt ^ srfwr if f *ror t o t v t w v «rr f f ^ fv 3* sft fa^t qfs^nr ^fET vr ^nn^sr * ; 1 # TOfrr *i*i r fa ^rr wvrsfr^ ?ft^ftfwf?r^ff1 1 *r ft w ^ wPFffrTsfrsrtf i tuy^TFrrjiJrPTf^ wi w tt fay^r fa*rr ^ i s w w $ *rr? *ft w i -sprt ^T^crr ^ fa ^ ^ r vfsvrtt snppm v^»t it% ^ f w r finrr sit x $ | f a fa-far vrr- t f i m «rw *fwr ^ snfi* ^ jg^nT ^R*FfT v t sfST f*TFT | ? | iffc *?r nrfr ^ iftr w m K < r & wff ^ wt s*$f ^ Ot r ^ ? R to n * | tsr fcr «r* ^ ^fc«r ^i3f | $ 1 $rfan *r > r affair ^ ?r tnywnrarr ^>fr I i faw wit, ^fcrwiT vm t, w i t^ te r r t wftr : »f w *T$tar ^ 5r*ft j f |, ^fW r ^Tnnl ^ c I T | fa 3t^T ^ q r f ^ «ftr f s w v fw r ffai?rtr

W T ? ’TT W t ‘tt ^TT^ m ift ,anf^ i ^ ww •rftff % f ^ rnp f?frm ftftt m * m & v tfr w w m m %» $ OralA m m t n T A B A B U », K M (8AKA) Oral i t n M M 6

: WT fft*PTC :^rr^T fa *rfo»r wrorcr ^ wt*rr t ? ** ffr m e ^ *ro*rc *n^*r T^fT 1 1

•ft W W W fil fiwrtts * VT^flf T^JTT m tsrnft $ » t «w qftwr «rfar «m ?ft Srlw^NRT T^3T J I pt f, t !*r^ r vnr the Bureau of Public Enterprises maintains a list of the distinguished qnft spnr «nrr | 7 aft t (persons who can be appointed in top ’smTfrr ^n£*nfa sfrrf % ft* * t posts of the public undertakings faeft *mnft «Pt f a w *pr* "Wherever a vacancy arises in any of the public sector undertaking* it *m ’crrrf^r | ? is the usual partice to have the names of the persons who are in the waiting m m m list of the Bureau of Public Enterprises in a particular category So far as m ’T'flrr jtpt farcr t this particular question of Shipping Corporation is concerned, m y senior SHRI A. P. SHARMA: What is the colleague has already answered that difficulty in finding out a suitable the *op post never remained vacant man from amongst the existing per­ •even for one day Somebody was offi­ sons’ ciating therein.

M R . S P E A K E R ; The question is pot if* m m f m : relevant. It h*f already been asked If *ri|pn fa by Mr. Shashi Bhutan. 7 *.Qml dtnMstito APRIL to. tifti Oral Ansttters

W nrthnm «R wfcpat fee* 4haM b pose to import aomt^tfrtffttttiM; ifet decision has been taken by Govern­ + ment of India—but the precise quan­ •874. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PAS- tity will depend on review from tisa* WAtKT: to time. SHRI M. SUDARSANAM: Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state: w eh w n A J t : ss r a (a) whether our country had approa­ dbed Australia for the ^urchaae of Wheat from that country; and srcrait mrfcr (b) if so, the response of the Aust­ fRT* TOT t ’ ralian Government? h

«ft TW «W?r «TWWW : $ «TW% SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE^JCt the moment the wheat which is being *nBnr ^ ^tt^tt g imported is. mostly the wheat which has been offered by Soviet Union and | m f w $ - for that full arrangement have been fr w r w m . * % f«RRT made for transporting it to India and it is going on almost to schedule. As t o | > n , %mr «^r?rr|jrT^r far as the Canadian wheat is concern­ ed still we have to finalise the whole procedure of purchases though one zrr ^ ? ?rnr y rar?^ycrr thing is true that in the international wo*»!d the vessel* are not easily avail­ fEWV,?it fa r fcr ^ sfofirarcritgable but as and when we decide t» import from that country we shalltry *i*n% *fT siwtw to arrange for the necessary vessels. *r^PT % 3TPRT ^TTg^rT ? SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: At the outset I would like to appeal to SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: the hon. Members through you that Whether it isa fact that the produc­ as far as prices and quantities are con­tion of wheat this year is far short cerned, I hope, in the national interest of the estimated target of production? the hon. Members will not press forHas it come to his noticethat some the ques*ion because of international foreign experts have stated that the implecations. total wheat production in thia country this year will be about 23 million ton­ (Interruptions) nes only. Secondly, Sir, it is neces­ As far as the assessment is concer­sary that the country knowsthe price ned we continue to make periodical which fe being paid to variouscoun­ assessment and final estimates of pro*tries for certain quantity of wheat be­ duction of wheat have not still been ing purchased. Itis alsonecessa^ that received. . So, it will be difficult to the farmersin thisMw##try fctftiw asu tell about the gap between our re­ to what the Government U payin*. quirements and import bot w e pro*outside. This is also important to* <9 Oral A n m m VAISAJKSA 9, UK* (SAKA) On* Answers l0

prevent any tmdegr-hand dealing by S H R I S A M A R G U H A : It is a strange tlM Government official* w ho go out to thing that he does not like to give purchase wheat80 , the hon. Minis­ the price. It is known or it will be ter msty tell us si to what is the ap­ known when Australia will give it to proximate price of -wheat purchasedthe other countries. from Australia on landing in India? MR. SPEAKER: Perhaps it may not SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: be in public interest to give it. Sir, as far as the estimates of wheat jpraducUoa are concerned, I am not SH R I S A M A R G U H A : After all, w e prepared to take the discouraging!have this practice in the rules, that view which the horu Member is tak­ when Ine says that it is not in the ing. O f Course, various estimates arepublic interest, the Speaker has got being given by various agencies. M y the right to ask what the public in­ •own estimate in wheat production is terest involved is. not going to be less than what it was last year It can be marginally less •or marginally more. The reason being SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH: though there were not rains in NorthMay I know from the hon. Minister India yet tJhe production in Gujarat whether lie has got any long-range and other areas will compensate thearrangement with regard to purchase shortfall in production jn North India.of wheat from outside, that is to say, A s far as international prices are con­whether he has any prospective plan­ cerned, they had gone up to 251 ning for the production targets of each dollars but now the prices are com­year and whether any long-term agree­ ing down and have come down 151 ment has been made so that we may dollars. Last week there was slightnot suffer from year to year because upward trend but there is encouragingof the shortages in the indigenous pro­ downward trend in the international duction of wheat? position because of improved produc­ tion all over the world. SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: Since we are a very big country,1 SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: appreciate the point made by the hon. Sir,he has not answered my question.Member that perhaps some long-term arrangement could be in our national MR. SPEAKER: No, no. You want interest This question was specifical­ to go much beyond the scope of the ly taken up with the Australian Gov­ ^question. ernment, but unfortunately the Aus­ tralian Government themselves have their own difficulties, because they feel SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: I that their production last year was liave specifically asked for the price very bad and their stocks are not •of the wheat purchased from Australia, there, and, therefore, they are hesi­ which he w n easily give. tant to enter into any long-term ar­ rangement, since they have entered M R . S P E A K E R : W hen he says that into long-term arrangements already perhaps it may not be in the public with China and Egypt wtoich they are interest.... not in a position to carry o«t fully because of their own difficulty. So, SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: He there is some hesitation in the interna­ does not even give the estimate of tional world to enter into long-term this year’s production. That is notarrangements. at all difficult to give. That is not outside the scope of the question SHR| P. VENKATASUBBAIAH: *ither. What about other countries? Oral Answers APRIL 29. 1974 Oral Answers XI

SHRI RAMCHANDRAN KADAN- SHRI RAMCHANDRAN KADAN- how many countries Government have NAPPALLI: May I know whether the approached for purchase of wheat andimported Russian wheat is not trans­ what the response from the Govern­ported from the port? ments of those countries is?

MR. SPEAKER: The main question SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: is very specific... That is outside the scope of the question, because he has asked w he­ SHRI K. S, CHAVDA: The hon. ther there is some difficulty about un­ Minister has already replied aboutloading of Russian wheat. Canada.

MR. SPEAKER. That was a different SHRI R A M C H A N D R A N KADAN<~ question. That was about the prices.N A P P A L L I: It is all about imports.

SHRI K. & CHAVDA: Shri Bajpai M R. S P E A K E R ; It is not a question had already asked about it. I think of unloading but it is only a ques­ the hon. Minister is willing to reply. tion of loading.

M R . S P E A K E R ; I do not object to it, if he is able to give the informa­ PRP. MADHU DANDAVATE: In: tion. The hon. Memfafer wants to deference to the request made by the know whether the hon. Minister ishon. Minister not to make any re­ in a position to say wfiich other coun­ ference to prices in the national inte­ tries were approached for the supplyrest I shall not make any reference of wheat. to the prices. But in view of the gap. SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: between the food needs of the coun­ try and the actual production, since M ay I point out that this is really it has become very clear that for some­ outside the scope of the main ques­ time at least import will be necessary,. tion? But if you want me to say I would like to know from the hon. something, I can do so. Minister if his answer to the first question is that only small quantities MR. SPEAKER: I do not come in. of wheat have been brought from It is a matter between the hon. Minis­ Australia, whether if the imports are ter and the hon. Member. If the to be made from different countries, hon. Minister wants to answer it heit would not be advisable, instead of can do so. having imports on the repayable basis, in kind which may actually mean more SHRI K. S. CHAVDA- It is m the expenditure at a later stage when the interests of the country. Let himprices go up, to get more wheat from answer it countries like Australia or others?

M R . S P E A K E R : It is in public in­ terest to answer it. That is what the SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE; It hon Member says. is a suggestion for action.

SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: PROP. MADHU DANDAVATE; Ac­ In general, in the world there are tion or inaction? only four important countries which export wheat, outside the EEC, and they are the U SA , Canada, Argentina M R . S P E A K E R : It is a good sugges­ and Australia. tion. 13 , Oral Answer* VAISAKHA 9, 189* (SAKA) Oral Answers

Proposal tok M MaKtotftoa sf 4. Non-recurring gram for cons­ nwcfcanicaJ compost plants truction of collection sites. *879. SH B I M . R A M G O P A L 5. Non-recurring grant for provid­ REDDY: ing mechanical sieves and SHBI R. S. PANDEY. other equipment to the re­ maining 95 class I towns. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E 6. Setting up project formula­ be pleased to state: tion Group/project manage­ ment Group, Survey/investi­ (a) whether Government propose to gation and field studies. subsidise the installation of mechani­ cal compost plants; and Financial assistance to the local bo­ (b) if so, the broad features there­dies is proposed to be provided for the of? above items, at rates ranging from 25 to 50 per cent, of the computed de­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ficiencies for these items. This is MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI likely to raise the total subsidy ele­ ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE); (a> Yes, ment for setmg up of compost plants Sir. to nearly 50 per cent. The remaining capital cost will eiHner be met by the (b) A statement is placed on the Corporations themselves or by raising Table of the Sabha. loans from the nationalised banks.

S t a t e m e n t SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY: Mr. During the Fifth Five Year plan Speaker, Sir, now that there is a great period, the Ministry of A(gricultureshortage of inorganic fertilisers, and proposetg give grant to the Muncipal in view of the fact that the amount Corporation/Committees or Agro4n-orpposed to be allotted for the compost dustries Corporations to the extent plants of is only Rs. 6.7 crores, may I 33 per cent, of the capital cost forknow whether the Government will setting up of 45 compost plants, inconsider the question of increasing cities having population of 3 lakhs orthis amount, or doubling thisamount? above. A n outlay of Bs. 6.7 crores has been proposed for assisting theSHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: setting up the these mechanical com­ After the said amount is actually post plants. In addition, the Ministryspent, perhaps it can be considered. of Works and Housing have proposed an outlay of Rs. 10 crores in the Fifth Five Year Plan to assist the municipal SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY: It corporations on the following itemsis mentioned that cities having; a po­ to setting up of medhantcal compost pulation of three lakhs or above are plants — going to be given this subsidy There are so many cities which arc having a 1. Financial support for technicalpopulation between 20 and 70 lakhs. personnel in the integrated I want to know whether two or three scheme. units will be established in such cities. 2. Non-recurring grant for pur­ chase of trucks, wheel barrowsSHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: It etc. will dpo«nd* for in^tancp for big cities like Calcutta. Bombay, etc., per* 3 Non-recurring grant for im­haps there would not be need provement of workshop faci­ up more than one compost processing lities. plant. But after the first plant. *5 Oral Answers APRIL 29. 1974 Oral Anstoert comes into operation, - and we get used for this purpose and would fee some experience, perhaps this can bediverted towards the manufacture of considered at that time. compost?

M R . S P E A K E R : There is another SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: Member clubbed with this question. If the concerned State Governments Shn R. S. Pandey. tell the Central Government that some legislative support is required, X do S H R I R. S. P A N D E Y : Thank you not think that the Government of India very much. will hesitate to extend the necessary support for the State Governments M R . S P E A K E R : He may put his for this purpose. question. SHRI R. S. PANDEY: I said, ‘Thank SHRI A. K. M. ISHAQUE: May I you very much.” know whether any assessment has been made as to wihat is the quantum M R . S P E A K E R ; It is very unusual of garbage that accumulates in Cal­ on your part. Now JDr. Ranen Sen. cutta every day and how this garbage is disposed of, and whether it is a fact that the fisheries are being silted by D R . R A N E N S E N : There was a pro­ this garbage— posal from the Government of West Bengal to instal a mechanical compost plant in Calcutta in order to deai with M R . S P E A K E R ; This question is of two things; one, the garbage in the a very general nature, and y°u are city that has accumulated or is accu- asking a very specific question about mulating every day in huge quantities Calcutta. It is much better you give and secondly, to provide manure fora separate notice for that. the country. M ay I know whether such a proposal has come from the SH R I A. K . M IS H A Q U E :. The sche­ Government of West Bengal and, if me that the Central Government talks so, what is the reaction of the Gov­ of is ttiat— ernment of India to such a proposal? M R . S P E A K E R ; You cannot put SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: questions which ask for a detailed or W e propose to Ihelp such proposals bystatistical information. Do not take giving a subsidy to the tune of 33advantage of a very large question. per cent. Acutally, some subsidy would also be coming forward, from SHRI A. K. M. ISHAQUE: The ques­ the Ministry of Works and Housing.tion is about installation of mechanised So, almost 50 per cent help will becompost plants. available from the Central Government to any State including West Bengal for M R . S P E A K E R ; Not in Calcutta but this purpose. everywhere.

SHRI RANABAHADUR SINGH: S H R i A . K . M . IS H A Q U E : Calcutta M ay I know from the Government is No. 1 city. whether, in view of the fertiliser shor­ tage and also in view of the proposal to set up these compost plants, the M R S P E A K E R ; I am not sure about Central Government is consideringit; I think Chandigarh is No. 1. any legislative measures by which the garbage that is usually used for the SHRI A. K. M. ISHAQUE: My se­ reclamation purposes in the largercond question is: Have the Ministry cities would be stopped from being any plan to u se ... 17 Oral Answers V A IS A & H A 9, 1896SAKA ( ) Oral Answers 18

IffH. S P E A K E R ; It is not essential and more than 500 vacancies have not that when one question is irrelevantbeen filled while many have been you have a right to ask a second orie.retrenched; and Do not lead me to this practice. Plea- se sit down now; you may have a (b) if so, the reasons for the fresh better one next time. appointments and not taking retrench­ SHRI A. K. M. ISHAQUE: He may ed people? answer to the first part of tihe question; it is very relevant; whether any THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE thought has been given how the gar­ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE bage of Calcutta is utilised for manure(SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): purposes. (a) and (b). The Food Corporation of India has imposed a ban on fresh M E. S P E A K E R : I am slijl of the recruitment and no retrenchments same opinion. have recently taken place. However, certain fresh appointments on a g ** m w i w : Tnar purely temporary basis had to he *rc*rRt ?r w t*Ttx r ASr % «r? made to meet the emergent local re­ quirements mainly at the Ports in ^ qfrr*nq v m * WN% ’TOT the Southern and Western Zones. | iftx f a * w m x ttMV | ? Retrenched employees who were from the Northern zone could not have SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: been considered for appointment in M y senior colleague convened a con­ these distant places only for a short ference of Ministers concerned withduration. this subject and the Government of India’s intention is to help the State SHRI VAYALAR RAVI: In the -Governments to go ahead with the regional offices of the Food Corpora­ compost making plants, use organic tion of India, especially in Madhya manure etc. N o w we have started Pradesh and some other States they receiving proposals from the State have written to the State Govern­ Government. Exact information is ment to depute certain people for cer­ not with me at the moment. N ow it tain categories. Many vacancies are is known to all the State Govern­ still there according to the answer to ments-and they are processing the m y question. But retrenched people projects on this basis. By the end of are not appointed to those vacancies. the fifth Plan year it is proposed to The Minister has assured us that cover 45 cities with compost manufac­ whenever a vacancy arose, they will ture plants and to have 50,000 gobar be taken first. People with three or gas plants in the country as a whole. four years service have been re­ trenched. W h en vacancy arises in Freeh appointments instead of rein­Kerala and other places why cannot statement of retrenched stall in FCIthey absorb those people in the vacan­ *f cies that so arise? •880. SHRI VAYALAR RAVI: SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: SHRI RAMACHANDRAN First of all I should like to submit KADANNAPPALLI; that no retrenchment is taking place now though it is known to the hon. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L ­ Member that we have surplus staff; T U R E be pleased to state: for instance our storage is only SO per cent of the capacity but we are (a) whether fresh appointments having 100 per cent staff. In certain have been made in Food Corporation ports in the south congestion develop­ of India during the last three months ed and category 3 staff were required 19 Oral Answers APRIL 28. 1874 Oral X t n t t i

for two or three, months normally.having the background a* the Chair­ Andhra and Maharashtra Govern­ man of the Joint Intelligence Com­ ments have protested that if theremittee of the Cabinet Secretariat were vacancies why cannot recruit developed a propensity to utilise the local people? Since these posts were CBI machinery in dealing with legi­ temporary for a few months people timate trade union activities and in will have to be recruited locally be­ this connection. I would also like to cause if we transfer people from far know whether it is a fact that he away places, they say: we have no suspended the Joint Manager (Port housing, what are we to do? If thereOperations) Shri P. K . Sen Gupta, is any clear cut long term vacancy, Senior Manager, Shri A . K . Das. we can bear this point in mind. Assistant Managers, Shri S. M . Biswas and Shri B. Das, since September and SHRI VAYALAR RAVI: As the their cases have been referred to the Government issued a directive saying: CBI On the plea of irregular employ­ no further appointment, did the Gov­ ment. ernment issue another directive say­ ing: no further retrenchment also. M R . S P E A K E R : The question Is of SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: I a general nature. If you want to ask have made it clear that we do not about particular individuals, the pro­ propose to resort to further retrench­per way is to give a separate question. ment unless some unforeseen factors come up or new situation develops. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Their cases have been referred to CBI. This is a SHRI RAMACHANDRAN KADAN- preparatory attempt to retrench them. N A P P A L L I: Sir, in the context of the Already, eight months have passed. new food policy, I would like to know Still, C B I have not been able to pre­ whether the FCl management threat­ pare prima facie cases against them. ened the workers of retrenchment. This I is against the directive of the would like to know what are the Central Vigilance Commission that in concrete proposals' before the Gov­such cases, no employee should be ernment to utilise the services of thekept suspended for more than three labourers to the fullest extent? months. I would like to know, what steps Government is going to take in SHRI A N N A S A H E B P. SH IN D E : If regard to these four employees who there are clear vacancies and if newhave been suspended. recruitment is to take place, as my senior colleague has assured on the MR. SPEAKER: I am very much floor of the House, we will give first afraid, this is not covered by this preference to those who have been question. retrenched. I would also like to cor­ rect the general impression which is {Interruption*) prevalent in this regard. These re­ trenched employees were temporarily SH R I S A M A R G U H A : Their cases recruited for a particular purpose.have been referred to CBI. That is Despite that, on humamtaiian grounds, why I have mentioned that this we have given an assurance that if gentleman has a propensity to utilise there is going to be a permanent re­the CBI machinery. This is because cruitment for permanent purposes,these people are working with trade these employees will be given prefe­ union organisations and have a trade rence. union background,

SHR I S A M A R G U H A : Sir, I would MR SPEAKER: I do not want to like to l«now whether it is a fact that interrupt you or prevent you from the present Chairman of the FCl asking questions But. this ouestion 21 Oral Answer* V A IS A K H A 9, 1899 (S A K A )* Oral Answers22

la about retrenchment. You *re ask­ SHR I S A M A R G U H A : Sir, you pull ing about the Officers who have been up the Minister. This is not the way suspended and against whom CBI isof dealing with cases. enquiring. M R . S P E A K E R : I assure you that SHRI SAMAR GUHA: This action if you give a specific question, I will is of a vindictive nature with a view give you full cooperation in bringing to retrench them. this matter before the House. W h y do you thrust this m this question? MR. SPEAKER: Df. Sen, you are really of view that this is covered? SH R I S A M A R G U H A : I will give a short notice question. DR. R A N E N SEN. Retrenchment is the objective of the FCI organisation. M R. S P E A K E R : So, you are con­ In order to achieve that, they are vinced that it is not connected with suspending certain persons. That this. is the idea. » 3R- *$~qrMY % MR. SPEAKER: These persons have f®RTFlf % been suspended and investigations are 3-0^ , fa»T going on in regard to an entirely different matter rather than in regardt n't* Ot ntff Ot f*rr to retrenchment. SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: The hon. Member is asking whether SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Their cases in the light of the new wheat policy have been referred to CBI on groundsthere 8 i any need to recruit more of irregular employment and not on people. Sir, it is outside the purview charges of corruption or anything.of the main question. During the last eight months, CBI has not been able to preparepritna facie MR. SPEAKER: I am sorry, I did cases against them. not follow it fully. Iff?

M R . S P E A K E R : I am not prepared *rr ^ i to enter into an argument with you. I better keep quiet I leave it to the «ft HEfi ^ Minister. | fo w c stev 3r 1600 % wHm

SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: It is a question about retrenchment. He ¥PT «TC ’TTfw fafr ftRT iff ntff is asking about some suspension. $ $r at ssm *rt jpm | ?

SHRI SAMAR GUHA: They are SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: very good officers. Because they haveThis case of the8 W> employees was participated in the trade union work, fully discussed in the House. They they have been suspended on the plea were recruited last year purely tem­ of irregular appointment. Their casesporarily for opening some centres have been referred to the CBI. For when the new khariff policy came in. eight months the CBI could not frame But when we found that the centres any prirna facie case. According to were not functioning properly and the standing orders, if no charge isthat their services were not required, framed within three months, the tehey were retrenched. They were employee will have to be reinstated. recruited only for a specific purpose with the clear understanding that ’ M R. SP E A K E R : I am afraid this their services would be terminated is not covered by the main question. after three or six months. Since theik -23 Oral Answers APRIL 29. 1974 OralAnswers 24

we have given an assurance to this that there is over-staffing in the FCl House that when any new recruit­ inasmuch as that as against 30 per ment is likely to take place, we will cent utilisation of godown storage give first preference to these people.capacity, there is100 per cent staffing. H e indicated that storage utilisation SHRI DINEN BHATTACHAR- capacity is one of the criteria. M ay R Y Y A : What is the total number of I know fron>- the hon. Minister what permanent employees in the FCl and are the factors on the basis of which how many are casual or recruitedhe says that there is over-statfing? .through the contractors? W e have been hearing it from the Indian Airlines onwards. This is le- SHRI ANNASAHEB P, SHINDE: levant; it is concerned with retrench­ For specific categories of employees ment. X require notice. M R . S P E A K E R : 1 have not yet SHRI DINEN BHATTACHAR- come out with my observation and R Y Y A : Is it not a fact that a large you say, it is relevant. W ho said, “It number of employees recruited by theis not relevant” ? FCl are casual employees? In that context, what is the total number of SHRI B. V. NAIK: I was appreiten- permanent employees and casual or sive, due to past experience. temporary workers?

SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: M R . S P E A K E R : The past experi­ First of all, it will not be correct to ence shows that this is also relevant. say that most of the employees who are recruited for the FCl are recruit­SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: ed either as casual or temporary em­There are well-established norms for ployees because, those who are re­that. I do not think anybody can cruited against certain vacancies orarbitrarily deride whether staff is posts, there is no question of recruit­surplus. There are clear posts against ing them as casual or temporary em­certain specific assignments. Natu­ ployees. rally, when there are no clear posts, when the work is not there, the staff Secondly, as regards the observa­is said to be in excess. tion which the hon. Member made SHRI B. V. NAIK: What are those about retrenchment of 49 or 50 em­norms? It is better we do not put ployees in Calcutta, I think, the House the question, if we are to receive half should know that some employees answers. were recruited as typists even though they did not know a word of typing. M R . S P E A K E R : It is much better! Some money had passed off; some people were involved. Therefore, in SH R I S E Z H IY A N : In reply to the consultation with the West Bengal question put by Mr. Bhattacharyya, Government and the Public Service the hon. Minister said that certain Commission, those who were not re­unqualified persons had been recruited gard as qualified were retrenched.and that it had been found out that Fresh interviews were held and thosesome money had passed off. This is who were qualified were recruited. Ia very serious thing. I would like to do not think the hon. Member should know from the hon. Minister us to support such things, the mal-practices,who was responsible for the recruit­ which are not in the interest of the ment of unqualified persons, hpw country. much money was passed off as sur­ mised by him and what action has SHRI B. V. NAIK: The hon. Min­ been taken against the persons who ister, in the course of his reply, saidabused the powers given to them. 25 Oral Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896SAKA ( ) Oral Answers 26

M R . S P E A K E R : I think, tor casual The reasons for the unsatisfactory recruitment, the remark was alsoperformance of this school are being casual. examined by the Government in con­ sultation with the Delhi Administra­ S H R I S E Z H IY A N ; No; Sir. tion for evolving suitable remedial measures, SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE: Some trade union workers and some officers of the Food Corporation are involved. They have been suspended. it sN

*882. S H R I R. S P A N D E Y : Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , S O C IA L f^RR^r *rft sftr W E L F A R E A N D C U L T U R E be pleas­ c ed to-state- fi-6?rra ^ qr ^ §*rr, % m (a) whether a sum of Rs.6 lakhs per year is being spent on running 6i ’ttct at atpt? sni cffar qRte the technical Higher Secondary School of Narela in Delhi and the output of ^ 1 itrrsr k this school is only one successful cj> ^ w w fl fttft, sip student; and ) at sr i (b) if so, the ’justification for such huge expenditure without any results? 19 73 - 74 %

# 9TPFIT m ig n g fa WT THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND fr^Trr «rtr fa s sifrr m SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE %, f a s m sRnr fa*rc DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D, P YADAV) ia) and (b). The m r, t a r tot | \ m r Technical Higher Secondary School ai Narela Delhi is running a three esrferar faff TT | ? year course leading to the award of a certificate by the Central Board of m m suw | fa Secondary Education, Delhi. In the Board Examination of 1973 for thenv 4% tot ? final year students, the number of successful candidates was one out of 61 who appeared. A n expenditure of rfto • ; : -,i fores m m m 19 71 $ ift *fir _27 OralAnswers A PR IL 2& 1974 OralAnswers 28

ftwm ro fafcr it, 24$ % 3 r 4% *t— 1972 $ 4 4 ^ 8

«& t o Hsr*

fiw w i ^ ^ rt by different shipping companies i» laid on the table of the House. %— n^^omrzsr^nrftwnrTit w «p n r % fa* fw ^ it ^ ift; (b) Out of the total of 60 vessels the Indian built ships number 5 or »TT it ^T-^SRT I, 8.5 per cent of the total. 29 0rat*Aimw*!»: VAISAKHA 9, 18d«(SAKA) Oral AnsvoHs 30


Name of Shipping Co. Dry Cargo Tankers PassengersTotal vessels cum-cargo

Shipping Corpn. of India 5 2 5 12 Scindia Steam Nav. Co. — — 3 Malabar Steamships Co. 4 —— 4 Africans Co. Pvt. Ltd...... —— 3 South Hast Asia Shipping Co. 3 — — 3 Lakshmi Lines Ltd...... 1 —— I Nicobarese Commercial Co. . 1 —— r R.AJ. Lines Ltd...... J —— 1 Collis Lines Pvt. Ltd...... 1 I Hind Shipping Agencies I Western Star Line Pvt. Ltd. 1 — — 1 Kerala Lines Ltd...... 2 —— 2 Cochin Shipping Co...... —— 2 Damodar Bulk Carriers Ltd. I — — 1 Ravindra Shippers .... Z — 1 Tolan* Shipping...... 2 — — Mogul Line Ltd. .... 2 4 Thakur Shipping Co...... 2 —— India Steamship Co. Ltd. . I — — Z Union of In d i a ...... I , 5 Indoceanic Shipping Co. I — — I Nilhat Shipping Co...... I —— X Himalaya Shipping Co. 2 — — Andamans Line .... I — — X Great Eastern Shipping Co. . — I — I Varan Shipping Co...... — 1 — I

T otal 44 4 12 60

SHRI DEBENDRA NATH MAHATA: SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER­ I want to know whether the coastal JEE : In fact the present arrangement ships numbering sixty owned by of the coastal shipping is not quite different companies are sufficient to satisfactory and in view of that we meet the demand of our country. If have made arrangements by the end not, what steps are going to be taken? of the Fifth Five-Year plan like this. Secondly, I want to know whether the The tonnage capacity so far as coastal Government have kept in view the shipping is concerned would be of the fatt that Haldia Port will offer new order of6 lakhs G R.T. A nd in view of opportnity to Coastal Shipping as re­that we have already placed orders for garde supply of coal is concerned to20 indigenous and foreign ships. the souther and wesetern parts of theSecondly, in regard to coal transport country, in order to take over thefrom Haldia we have made already, burden of Railways in respect of coalarrangements for transporting coal of movement from Bihar and West about 6.5 million tonnes by fhe end of Bengal? 1978-79 by coastal shipping. 3i Oral Answer* APRIL 29. 1974 Oral ftsifMf jfffl %Z

SHBI DEBENDRA NATH MA- SPRIT H A T A : Sir, is it a fact that the private sector companies which are building t» 12 artgrsfir tt vrrwr $ i ships are facing great losses due to shortage of shipyards. Are you think-

SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER­ vftmfwrft: SSfcftfv 12^rarf JEE: Sir, so far as shipping is eoncernd ^ ^ HWkTT ^ I it is not correct to say that they are incurring losses. So far as ship­ building is concerned subsidy to the SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER­ shipyard etc. is being given by the JEE: W e are already considering this, Government. MR. SPEAKER- It is a good sugges­ tion for action. SHRI DEBENDRA NATH MA- H A T A .: Already the hon. Minister SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: In stated in the statement that coastal view of the basis approach of the shipbuilding private sector people areGovernment of India to have more facing losses due to shipyards Is itand a more self-reliance. fact that all over the world they are given subsidy? M R. S P E A K E R : Please make your question short. SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER­ JEE: So far as shipbuilding is con­ SHRJ B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: I cerned I have said that they are given have seen the statement of the hon subsidy. What I told was about the Minister in which it has been stated general shipping business when youthat out of sixty ships which are asked me about loss. manufactured by various shipping com­ panies, only 12, that is 8.5 per cent of : m m ^ the ships, are being indigenously built m *?RT T O T f^TTTT I would like to know from him, in s ir 1 2 4 ^ 7 view of this approach of the Govern­ WPPff ^T3T f I *RT ment to be more and more self- reliant and to have more and more 3T5T SlY*1 cqrpT ?*} % ships, will more ship buildingyards qfcnft f ^ T O t for construction of ships be permitted? % ^ rm * *£( t, What happened to the proposal to Hal­ dia Shipbuilding yard so that you ^r v p * ma> have more and more ships’

SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER­ JEE: I have answered this question many times on the floor of the House fis*nr | i and, in fact, w e are trying to augment our indigenous ship building capacity. As a result of that, I have already •ft {**<* : ^ fiF f mentioned that 12 ships we are going m m ^ fr o 12 arfnr |*Ctx vtct to have on the coastal shipping from *rKir M m ^ • the Hindustan Shipyard which is hundred per cent indigenous.

M R . S P E A K E R : Now, Question *pt *m w rr 1 1 Hour is over. 33 V A ISA K H A 9, 18&6(SAKA) Written Answers 34 WHITTEN ANSWERS TO THE MINISTER OF SHIPPING Q U E STIO N S AND TRANSPORT (SHRI KAMLA- PATI TRIPATHI): (a) and (b) The P.C.I. Employee# ^ ^ cutea Re' Shipping Corportion of India is al- . ready operating a cargo service to *872. SH R I V . M A Y A V A N : to Mauritius from East and West Coasts of India. This is a promo- SHRI P M MEHTA: tional service Four sailings are planned during the current year. Will the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E be pleased to slate: &W *>? f o m & WWJfT (a) how many Food Corporation of India officials whose cases are for- *8 7 6 . ITo TOifR im m

(b) whether apy depaitmental action (w<) ftNT-fa;T % was taken against some employees *z ki %ft* fa^nr *j?r ^rtq^T found guilty of corruption charges; stwtr fosrrft ; tftr and ^1

(c) how many such employees were (m) *rnppr % *r re-mutated? apn mrrft ? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI if ttsu ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) 143 fwr% ) :(*?) ^tt employees of the Food Corpoiation of India have been prosecuted by the apt *n*wwn' irmr-m? C.B I 'Stale Police so far. wr *r£ t 1 srfo* 3 (b ) Yes, Sir. faw ^ «nprr p ff % § (c) In all, 649 employees of the srr

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Centre lop Study of Developing MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Societies (SHRI B. P MAURYA): (a) Yes, Sir ♦881. SHRI RAMAVATAR SHASTRI (b) The main recommendations ofWill the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , the National Commission on Agri­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE culture in the Interim Report on Re­ be pleased to state: orientation of Programmes of Small Farmers, Marginal Farmers and Agri­(a) whether the Centre for the cultural Labourers DevelopmentStudy of Developing Societies a bene­ Agencies have been accepted by the ficiary of funds from U.S. Foundation, Government of India and incorporated is seeking affiliation with Delhi Uni­ in the programmes for the benefit of versity; Small Farmers. Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labourers to be im­ (b) whether this Centre was not plemented during the Fifth Five-Year given affiliation by the Jaw&harlal Plan. Nehru University; and

(c) whether Government have in­ vestigated into the sources of funds srafrrown w i w and other activities of the Study Centre and if so, the findings thereof? <1878. : w r ff?w tfeft THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE ^ spV FTT fa ' (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) to (c) The Centre for the Study of Deve­ (*f) w % *»v?rde£ta- loping Societies is being supported by an annual maintenance grant of faro f^Rrf^TFnr, (*n»r sr^r)Rs 2.5 lakhs by the Ministry of Edu­ cation and Social Welfare since July, % s r m $it *? 1967 The Centre also gets project snfmsrrsrr ^ fa*r grants from other Government de­ partments and the Indian Council of * , Social Science Research. According to the information furnished by the (*j) ?r. ?fr *nrg *r tot Centre, it does not receive any finan­ 5Tff t ? cial assistance from any U.S. Foundation.

fWIT, WT3T «P5Ul«r w h 3>Sf?T «r<7> The Ministry of Education and Social (sfto q«o jyw ) (^) Welfare had approached the Jawahar- lal Nehru University to agree to merge (sr) : f w r arm the Centre with the University but »r*ft ^snrr % s r w r , ^ ^pptfarthe terms offered by the University tfwjR, znzfi % fairer% f w f a s r R * for merger were found unacceptable to the Centre. The proposal, there­ s m Sf ^ sr«r>r- fore, did not materialise. The Delhi WFrr psrr'RT ^srnsft Uhiversity has been requested to take over the Centre as a maintained Insti-. W ^pnf, ic)73 Jf tution. The matter is under conside­ fawrf^«TFR fft four m i fawrfairr^ ration of the University, w?r *rcrr ?r> w m * % srfsrerriW # s m * % :?q w r fj% sffj-The working of the social science research institution* receiving grant s f o *?^ jtbpt ?r€sr>r fast i from the Government of India is re­ 3 7 . Written Answers VA ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 38

viewed periodically. Inl971, the Gov-towards the harvesting time, tendency •eminent appointed a Visiting Commit­ on the part of producers and traders tee to review the work done by the to hold stocks, reduction in trader's Centre. The report of the Committee levy on bajra and a prolonged politi­ indicates that the Centre has done a cal agitation in the State. In the case ‘‘remarkable piece of work in researchof wheat, the 1974-75 marketing season 1n political science and related dis­ has just started and already 2183 ciplines’. tonnes have been procured. The State Government have informed that there is no commitment by groundnut oil imposition of Compulsory Levy by millers to give any specific quantity of Gujarat on Groundnut Oil oil to them. *■884. SHRI P. M. MEHTA: WU1 the -Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased (c) The State Government have to state: informed that they are prosecuting those who have failed to give paddy (a) whether attention of the Union levy. They do not anticipate any Government has been drawn to the‘difficulty in the procurement of wheat press report dated the 3rd April, 1974 that due to failure of the foodgrain No compulsory levy on groundnut procurement policy, the Gujarat Gov­ oil is envisaged by the State Gov­ ernment is considering imposition of ernment. a The Central Government compulsory levy at least on ground­are not in favour of levy on ground­ nut oil to create buffer stock; nut oil and have already advised the State Government accordingly after (b) if so, whether Government seeing the press reports. efiorts to procure wheat, paddy, and bajra have not met with even partial success and the groundnut oil makersCommercial Production of Oil from are not in a mood to honour their Sunflower ccmmitmnet to give 30,000 tonnes of *885. SHRI D H A M A N K A R : Will the •oil as voluntary levy; and Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state: (c) what steps Government propose to take in this regard? (a) whether steps are being taken for commercial production of oil from THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE sunflower in the country in order fc"> MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE meet the increasing demand for edible (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE) : oils and shortage thereof; and (a) Certain press reports about the comparatively low pace of procurement (b) if so, the progress made in th!* regard? of foodgrains in Gujarat and also about a proposal said to be under con­ sideration of the Gujarat Government THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE for imposition of compulsory levyMINISRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI cn groundnut oil to create a . buffer ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) Y w , atock have come to the notice of the Sir. Ministry. (b) The commercial cultivation ot (b) The State Government have re­sunflower has been taken up from ported that the procurement of paddy 1972-73 under a Centrally Sponsored and coarse careals during 1973-74,Scheme. A n area of about 1.18 lakh though higher than in the previous hectares was covered during 1972-73 years, has fallen short of the targetand the expectation is that this might ■dye to such factors as damage causedhave gone up to 2.50 lakh hectares to the bajra crop by excessive rainsduring 1973-74. 39 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written • Answers

Target of Coastal Dry Cargo Shipping (a) whether Departments and Tonnage administrative offices of Delhi Unin *086. SH R I S A K T I K U M A R SAK- versity were paralysed in the first K A R : Will the Minister of SH IPP IN G week of April, 1974 on account of a A N D T R A N SP O R T be pleased to state token strike and if so, the reasons for the target of coastal dry cargo shippingthe said strike; tonnage during the Fifth Plan period? (b) whether any charter of demand THE MINISTER OF SHIPPING had been submitted by the employee* AND TRANSPORT (SHRI KAMLA- or any other organisation and if so, P A TI TR IP A T H I): The Fifth Five the main features thereof; and Year Plan target for dry cargo ship­ ping has been proposed at6 lakhs grt. (c) the action taken to fulfil the demands? Reorganisation of Government Museums THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, *887. SH R I G . Y . K R IS H N A N : Will SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , S O C IA L (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) W E L F A R E A N D C U LTU R E .be pleased According to the informtion received to state: from the University of Delhi, a token strike was observed by the Delhi (a) whether Government propose University to College and Karmachari reorganise the Government museumsUnion on 3rd April, 1974. However, in the country; and some of the teaching departments of the University did function. The token (to) if so, the main features of the strike was observed for early imple­ proposal? mentation of the Third Central Pay Commission’s recomendations for the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE University and college employees, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE (b) There was no other charter of DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI demand from any other organisation. D. P. YADAV): (a) and (b). The Government do not propose to re­ organise the Central Museums by (c) The University Grants Commis­ shifting any section from one museumsion had appointed two Committees to to another However, the recommen­ make recommendations regarding dations of the Central Museums Re­revision of pay scales of (i) class TV view Committee for improved func­ and ministerial staff and (ii) technical tioning ‘of the Central Museum,viz. and laboi ntory staff including the staff National Museum, New Delhi Salar of thp library, precs, medical colleges Jung Museum. Hyderabad and Indian and hospitals, P W D and farms etc., Museum, Calcutta, are being imple­ respectively in Central Universities in mented subject to the constraints ofthe light of the recommendation* financial allocations. made by the Third Central Pay Com ­ mission The first Committee submit­ Strike In Delhi University ted its recommendations in respect of certain categories of posts, which have *888. SHRI HARI SINGH: since been approved by theUniver­ SHRI M. M. JOSEPH: sity Grants Commission and Govern­ ment. The recommendations of this Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , Committee in re'gard to theremaining SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE post? and the recommendations the of be pleased to state: second Committee are awaited. 41 Witt ten Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 42

**j 41 wyft «i qrif *% Meeting of Dr. Norman L Bodaug with Minister of Agriculture s * w •891. SHRI N. SHIVAPPA: 889. *ft Wm f«$ : WT SHRI D. D. DESAI:

frfa *rsrr *rt f n fa n j Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E % ^ ST^rrt sffftr vt «fta«nrbe pleased to state:

% *re ftrfasr TPifr ir ^pft ^rrr-(a) whether agricultural Scientist Dr. Borlaug had met him on 11th ^rar fa*r *?qr prc t ? March 1974 at N ew Delhi.

(b) if so, whether he had given him n w m * $ w n *wft («rV « w n a first hand account of the crops in the various states of India; «if$*

Capital outlay lor Ship Building examination. No final decision hats so Industry far been taken with regard to the locations of new shipyards in the *892. SH R I S. N. S IN G H D E O ; Will country. the Minister of SH IPP IN G A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state: Cultivation of N ew Strains of Minor (a) whether any capital outlay has Millets by Adivasis of MJP. been made for ship building industry for 1974-75; *893. SH R I . R A N A B A H A D U R S IN G H : Will the Minister 0f A G R I­ (b) if so, mam features of the out­ C U L T U R E be pleased to state: lay; and

(c) whether no amount has been (a) the new strains of improved sanctioned for the development of minor millets like Kodon, Kutki Sawan and Mejhari that the I.C.A.R, shipyard in Haldia and if so, the the reason therefor? has recommended for cultivation by Adivasi farmers of Madhya Pradesh for the coming reason; THE MINISTER OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI KAMLA- PATI TRIPATH1); (a) Yes. Sir. (b) how do the yields of these new strains compare with the traditional seeds so far being used, and (b) The following capital outlays have been made for ship building during 1974-75:— (c) which research station ha$ pro­ vided the data on these new strains (Rs. in lakhs) and if so, data available and the i. Investment m Hindustan reasons therefor? Shipyard Limited . i8o-oo ii Loan for Dry Dock Project 25 00 in Hindustran Shipyard THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Ltd...... MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B P. MAURYA): (a) to (c). iii. Loan for Cochin Ship­ Sarda (Ragi) and Arjuna (Setaria) yard Limited • * 2000 00 two improved varieties of minor mil­ iv. Subsidy for ship-building . 140*00 led have been recommended for culti- \ation in Madhya Pradesh. The varie­ v. New Shipyards 30-00 ties E 28. E 4840 (Regi) IP 606, IP 600, vi. Central Marine& Research IP 19 and IP 22 (Paspalum); Isc 480, Organisation . 75-00 Ise 703 and S R 118 (Setaria) and 2450*00 IP M 1006 and IP M 307 (Panicum) have also been found to be promising.

(c) A *um of Rs. 50 crores has beenThese varieties have been tested at provided for the establishment of new several locations in the millet growing shipbuilding yards during Fifth Plan areas in the country under the All period The Report of the Techno- India Coordinated Millet Improve­ Economic Working Group, set up to ment Project. In Madhya Pradesh, evaluate (both technically and econo­ tests were conducted at Dindori, mically various sites recommended byIndore and Gwalior. The Millet the State Governments (including Specialist of the Govt, of Madhya Haldia) and to indicate the types and Pradesh fe in-charge of the yield sizes, which can with advantage be evaluation trials at DindbrL Indore constructed at the sitea recommended and Gwalior. The yield data of these has been received and is under activevarieHes are given In the Statement 45 Written Answ ers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896SAKA ( ) Written -Answer# 46

S t a t e m e n t

P/-0»i «i£ new varieties of mtnvr millets, identified durv g Kharif jpjd and 1971 as a remit oj trxak conducted at several location:

Crop Varieties Mean grain No of locations yield/quintal where trials were • hectare conducted

Rftgi Ife 28 24 o 13 (Meniv-a) EC 4840 22 68 PR 202 30 01 PR 722 so 39 C O 8 (Lcoal) 20 6

Paspalum IPS 49 13 3 (Kodo) IPS 92 42 9 IPS 158 12 7 IPS 600 12 9 IPS 606 13 0 Niwas-i 1409

Setaria Isc 480 17 * (Kutki) Isc 703 16 o SR 118 16 5 Arjuna 12 6

Panicum IPM 307 7 87 5 (Savtan) IPM 1006 u 07 Dmdon-i 4 Si

Promotion of Diploma Holders as Department as replied to USQ. No Assistant Engineers 1807 on the 23rd November, 1970, and

8446 SH R I S D SOM A SU N D A - (b) the reasons for not operating RAM the existing recruitment rules 3(b) read with part IV to redress the griev­ Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D ances of Engineering Graduates? H O U S IN G be pleased to state THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ (a) whether about 300 diplomaTARY AFFFAIRS AND IN THE MI­ holders were promoted to the post ofNISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ Assistant Engineers for which mini­ ING (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) Yes, m um qualification prescribedis Degree about 300 non-graduate Junior Engi­ In Engineering, ignoring many Engi­ neers have been promoted as Assis­ neering Graduates with10 or more tant Engineers on the basis Of the years of service as Junior EngineersCommon Seniority list of both gra­ la the Department who are recruitedduate and non-graduate Junior Engi­ to the interest of the efficiency of the neers 47 WrittenAnswers A PR IL 29, 1974 WrittenAnswers

The minimum qualification of « of irrigation water, use of important degree in engineering is required onlyinputs like fertilizers etc. for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer. For promotion to that grade, no such qualification has Recommendations of Third Pay Com­ been prescribed. missions in respect ef Drawing Teachers of Delhi Schools The cadre of Junior Engineer in the C .P .W .D . consits of both graduate and 8448. S H R i H A R I S IN G H : non-graduate engineers and promo­ Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , tions have been made from the com­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE mon seniority list of these two groupsbe pleased to state: of officers on the basis of merit cum- seniority. There is no question of ig­ (a) whether the Third Pay Com­ noring the claims of graduate Engine­ mission has not recommended any pay ers. Those Graduate Engineers whoscale for the drawing teachers, Grade ‘were within the zone of consideration III in Delhi who are in the Grade of and were included in the select list by Rs. 220—430; the Departmental Promotion Com­ (b) whether the representatives of mittee, were also promoted. these teachers had submitted memo­ (b). Rule 3(b) read with part IV randa to the Deputy Education Minis­ of the Recruitment Rules for Centralter on 20th April, 1973, 12th July, 1973 Engineering Service (Central Electri­and 26th December, 1973 demanding cal Engineering Service, ClassII dealsT G .T . scales on the principle of equal with appointment of temporary engi- pay for equal work and the represen­ neersjtemporary Section Officers (nowtatives of this Association had also Junior Engineers) as Assistant Engi­had talks with the Joint Education neer in consultation with the Union Adviser on9 th August, 1973; and Public Service Commission. All the senior graduate engineers are perma­(c) if so, the action taken thereon? nent section officers (le. permanent THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Junior engineers). To ignore them andMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND to open a channel for only the tempo­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE rary ones will not be desirable. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D . P Y A D A V ) (a) The Third Pay Effect of Power shortage in Agricul­Commission has recommended a pay tural Sector of Andhra Pradesh bcale of Rs. 425-640 for Headmasters, 8447. SH R I Y . E S W A R A R E D D Y : Primary Schools, who are also m the pay scale of Rb 220—430. For the other Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E school staff like Physical Education be pleased to state how far power-teachers, Art and Craft teachers, and shortage has affected agricultural sec­Librarians working in the schools, sui­ tor in Andhra Pradesh? table revised scales, according to the recommendations of the Third Pay THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Commission, have to be fixed after tak­ THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ing the existing relativities or parities (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): into account. The revision of pay scale No survey has been made in Andhraof Drawing Teachers Grade III who Pradesh to assess the effect of powerare in the pay scale of Rs. 220—430 shortage on agriculture sector duringwill also be decided upon in the light 1973-74. In actual practice it is veryof recommendations of the Third Pay difficult to isolate the precise effect of Commission. power or agricultural production as the level of agricultural production in (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. The matter a particular year depends on a num­is under consideration in consultation ber of factors such as weather, supplywith Delhi Administration. 49 Written Answers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896S A K C A ) Written Answers 5o

Import of Soyabean Oil from final decision has been taken so far on U .S JL the question ol filling up certain va- 844& SHUT iff a g t h a m t it b t t * cancies in the grade ol Assistant lo * 84*9. S H B l M . K A T H A M U T H U . gineer the C.P.W .D. on the basis ol Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E a limited Departmental competitive be pleased, to state: examination. The question as to which authority should conduct the examina- (a) whether Government have de- tion will be decidedonly after a final cjded to import Soyabean oil from decision in regard to this method of U.SA.; and filling up ol the vacancies at the level (b) if so, the broad outlines there- of Assistant Engineer* taken* of? Recruitment of only First Class Gra­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE duate Engineers in C.P.W .D. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P MAURYA): (a) and (b). Recent purchases ol edible oils Irom 84521 SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDA- abroad include 10,000 tonnes of soya­ R A M : Will the Minister of W O R K S bean oil of American and|or Western A N D H O U SIN G be pleased to state: European Origin, at $595 per tonne, c. & f., lor shipment in JulyjAugust, (a) whether the Third Pay Commis­ 1974. sion has recommended to withdraw the six advance increments hitherto Promotion of the Junior Engineers togiven to the Engineering Graduates Assistant EngineersCJVW.D. in working in C.P.W .D. as it amounts to under-utilisation of these Engineers; 8451. S H R I S. D . SOM A SU N D A - RAM: (b) whether in view of the avail­ ability of a very large number of Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D Graduate Engineers including first H O U S IN G be pleased to state: class Graduate Engineers for selection as junior engineers, the Engineer-in- (a) whether the proposed Depart­Chief of C.P.W .D. had issued instruct mental examination by less compe­ tions for restricting recruitment to tent authority than the university only First Claas Graduate Engineers; authorities for the promotion of the Junior Engineers to Assistant Engi­ (c) whether the Diploma holders neers in C.P.W .D. would further ag­ are promoted to higher post while gravate the situation of the under­ First Class Engineering Graduates with employed Engineering Graduates who more than 10 years service are avail­ are now being treated equivalent to able in the department; and the Diploma Holders in service mat­ ters as per Third Pay Commission re­(d) if so, the reasons therefor? commendation; and

(b) if so, what are the other propo­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE sals under consideration for the pro­DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ motion of Junior Engineers? TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Yes. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ (b) The Central Public Works De­ STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING partment needs some Graduate Engine­ . No ers in the grade of Junior Engineer 51 Written Answers APRIL 29, .1974 ’ Written Answers

also. In 1968, the department noticed, (c) the future prospects of these that it was rather short of good gra­young Artists who have still to serve duates at that level. Instructions were20—25 years more in the Gtrvernhaent accordingly issued by the departmentof India? ti the Appointing Authorities to give preference for recruitment of JuniorTHE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Engineers, to First Class EngineeringMINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SOCIAL Graduates. The position has sinceWELFARE AND IN THE DEPART­ changed as recruitment of Junior En­MENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D. P. gineers is now being made on the basisYADAV): (a) to (c). The two artists of an All India Competitive Examina­ working in the Central.Hindi JDirec- tion for which the minimum qualifi­ torate were recruited in 1961 and 1963 cation prescribed is diploma. respectively and reached the maximum of their original scale of pay in 1966 (c) and (d).. Till November, 1971 and 1968. After the revision of the promotions to the grade of Assistant pay scales of artists on the recommen­ Engineers was made from Graduate dations of the Third Pay Commission, Junior Engineers and Non-Graduate their pay has been fixed at the maxi­ Junior Engineers m the ratio of 1:1 mum of the higher revised scale. These in accordance with the quotas adopted artists have been recruited for their in the year 1955. The Delhi High specific professional requirements, and Court m its judgment dated 5th at present no higher posts in their November, 1971 in the writ Petition field of specialisation have been sanc­ filed by Shri M . Ramayya and others tioned in the Directorate. have held that the said quotas have not been properly and effectively de­ termined. In view of this, promotions to the grade of Assistant EngineersMaintenance and Safe Custody of are now made on the basis of merit-Answer Books by Board of Secondary cum-semority from a common seniori­ Education, Delhi ty list of Junior Engineers irrespective of whether they are graduates or dip­ 8454. SHRI N. P. YADAV: Will the loma holders. As a large number of non-graduate Junior Engineers are se­Minister of EDUCATION, SOCIAL nior to graduate Junior Engineers inWELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased the combined seniority list, majorityto refer to the reply given to Un- of Junior Engineers promoted afterstarrerl Question No. 3398 on 18th the 5th November, 1971 to the gradeMarch. 1974 regarding maintenance of Assistant Engineer belong to theand safe custody of answer books by former category. Board of Secondary Education, Delhi and state: Pay Scales of Artists in C.H.D. (a) reasons for not laying a copy pf 8453. SHRI P A O K A I H A O K IP : Will the Manual of Rules and Regulations •the Minister of E DU C A TION , SO C IA L qf the Central Board of Secondary WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased Education, Delhi on the Table of the to state: House;

(d) the name and designation of the Higher Secondary School, Nauroji officer entrusted with the disposing ofNagar# N e w Delhi were caught by the used Answer Books of the Exa­some high Officer during his surprise mination held in March, 1973 andvisit of the Centre as they were found whether he had ensured that there copying answers reported to have been was no disputed case in the lot? made available to them by their tea­ chers with the connivance of the in­ vigilators; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND (b) whether these boys were let off SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DE­ at the intervention of the involved PARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D teachers and an official of the Educa­ P. Y A D A V ): (a) The relevant rule tion Ministry, but later their answer No. lO(viii) of Section Ilfi Chapter VII papers have been sealed; of the Manual of Rules and Regula­ tions of the Central Board of Secon­ (c) the names of the involved tea­ dary Education regarding maintenance chers as also the official of the Minis­ and safe custody of answer books had been quoted m to in reply to part try; (a) of Question No. 3398 However, (d) whether one of the teachers in* a copy of the Manual has been sup­ volved in this case already stands de­ plied to the Library of the Lok Sabha barred by the Board; and Secretariat.

(e) if so, what action Government (b) The used answer-books were propose to take against the invigila­ destroyed soon after the expiry 3 of tors, teachers and the official of the months of the date of declaration of Ministry? the results of examinations.

(c) The rule for destroying answer- books after a period of 3 months from THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE. the date of declaration of the result MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND 1 has been in force since 1965 There SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DE­ has been no departure from this past PARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D practice. P. Y A D A V ): (a) Two cases of use of unfair means by students taking their (d) The Secretary, Central Board ofexamination at the Government Boys Secondary Education, was an incharge Higher Secondary School, Nauroji of this work. Before destroying theNagar, Centre, were reported to the answer-books. it was ensured thatCentral Board of Secondary Educa­ there was no disputed case in the lottion by the Centre Superintendent No candidate was, however, caught by any higher officer during a surprise visit of the Centre. Copying Answers In Higher Secondary ExaubuKtMfes Ib OeXU (b) No, Sir. The boys were not let off but their cases were reported 8455. SH R I K . L A K K A P P A . Will the to the Central Board of Secondary Minister of E D U C A T IO N , S O C IA L Education Their answer books were WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased sealed and forwarded to the Board and to state: necessary action is being taken by the Board, as per their rules. (a) whether recently two candidate* appearing in the Higher Secondary (c) to (e). In view of reply to part Examination at the Government Boys* (b) the question do not arise. 55 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 WrittenAnswers 56

Hom e to accommodate A g t d , Inlnn, (« )

(a) if and when the Home and/or mt affffa fwum if («ft Health Ministry approached his Minis­ try for sparing a building for a Home q*o «nw) : {*?) to accommodate the Aged, Infirm, % VR^fhr nwrar> % «r*«iT5> % srv m filing and Physically-handicapped Freedom fighters, and % *1% VTTrfhT far^Wft fawmt % sffa *nr*t (b) action so far taken to provide SRTP*

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE star *rf , DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) and (b) In (*z) m ^5m i February, 1974, the Ministry of Home Affairs approached the Directorate ot Estates for allotting suitable accom­ modation for starting a temporary WT »WH Home for Freedom Fighters Two type % fan* fafa V houses at Baud Roard were offered, but the Ministry of Home Affairs did not find them suitable They have asked for two other houses The mat­ ter is under consideration 8458. W*|fTW W W : *TT ftafa wh WTO ^

Ot w n fr : vramft aw n * (w ) *wt sr^r «rc*?rT % *«f 8457. v js r m w m w 1973-74 # TOW fsn^T ^ ftwr,w n m « w m ^

^ O t fqr f t % w*r *rnr ^

^ sft* ^ ^ f t f t **ft 5^ m (w) (r, f t fw f r

W ’fhr irm vt snrarr? ?r«rr sr^r9Ritf*r «flr «if flwfl w r t w gw rx *rf; 57 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896 (S A K A ) Written Answers 58

Ot) *n m*r to tr % faaft (ii) jftw fa nr % *rraf- fa tf % fat* v^nr-fFPT r x n *rt»r f?a^Twrft % fair are 1973-

^ sJ*T flRft *FT ^ftrfaPT 74 3 5 ^ aRZ

fawf VT ^ fa^TT TOT «TT *3?Wt aPF*TT »rt «fr fsRT fa?n*r-

fasfw «ft sr# *t farTT % TTPT % ^FT *t

WX 3 . 5 *PTte ^ ^ X fcUT ( * ) vrr t o srfat o r ^ W | I 3*1 1972-73 *rc

snrfa *F*r Tiwff «Pt w srafarc % fatt $t sRjftfcrT qfVjfWrmt % *TWTO $ ™ 12 TO R ^ ^TOTT fir^ft I ? wfr s R m fw stfesftcr *rcwta O w n ?r t ^ 55RT ir ffafa lita nwro narau 3f *i*n ^Tf Tifa w tKi iwft («ft ivhr ) (*?) % (*t) »r| 1 1973-74 5R», TO 5ffa ^F R %

15 00 vfr^ W t ^ %??fta frgWrll feifa «rr yTxtem fen *m mr *rq?ft qftfitarcw r % f a r irrfft *ft *ft, ?n| iTFpr fsrr f7? a % < ^t «r|

sift itttow ft, *jfaqrrsnfacr«rr qfw tSR TCft % fatr TTW flTVRt S F f H m i * ijfaffr JT^CT 5FT V7WRT- *n7ft m j fafmt #zw*mt % w , tm $% % faq &r zftom % »rf qfnftsFnrr ^rr str^r xm * 9,59000 srnrw^nsrt I flTWPTF, ^TR

3ft % nr* % ^ («r) im srfa wx*r x m r

^nnT«nr fa ^ tottor; ^ »lf Trfa *TTTTJT ?T$- I I ^ f l w ijf a < r w m , ^fnRtspnf frmm wsft *6t mm, w ft wgftfas $$ f 1 ^ **r % nms mr fafaw x m t o t O *>, IRPhr %'iffa' a^T5RTT STRT fsFnt *rwr sjfa ift srrffa |, irhRT

V& faq *$ft ^ *T5ft % xrft*r ft v f fafw f *pt t^r fa ro unrwv wf $ ^ t 1 q?r ?r?r*5T 1 1 59 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1874 Written Answers 6o

3 1-3 -7 4 wv *tr>t w?rf srfagfr vt

^afy^rar in ^ r w?ft vfjftfar ^t»Tf *fo ttht qfr- *r<> *rpr?r f%rft*r jft^nwf ^r^PTcfr

(srpj * )

1 sr^*r 19 79,59813 131 327 8

2 44 3 2 ,6 0 8 6287 15 71

3 85 1,62 6 7 6^0 6 58 76 65

4 ^fnTi^TT 1 *5 } 0 08 0 06

5 f^r r^r sr*?r 7 5 83 0 87 0 . 38

6 109 1,72,597 23938 59 8 4

7 %T?T 9 6 0 9 6 0 0 0 6 7 776 3544 8 (< W P T )

8 sr%T?T 73 1,34,496 19963 49 91

9 *r?rmc£ 83 1 ,0 8 ,9 6 216456 41 14

10 2 3 J 4 9 8 40 2 10

11 4 W H 3 1 2 ,0 8 2 31 68 16 56

12 TPSWR 46 1 7 ,8 3 2 28 76 7 19

13 cff*W HTJS 36 3 3 ,6 9 2 75 51 56 64

14 sttt s r ^ 27 1 9 ,8 0 8 385 0 7 71

15 q-f^nft **n*r 12 1 1 ,1 6 6 19 39 4 85

1,507 8,85,502 1977 45 729.96 61 mitten Answers VA ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 62

National Highways Worka highest priority and to slow down other works or not take up works which have not yet been started un­ 8459. SHRI Y. E S W A R A R E D D Y :less the State Government feel that Will the Minister of SH IPPIN G A N D the same for justifiable reasons should T R A N SP O R T be pleased to state. and could be proceeded with in a man­ ner that the expenditure is contained (a) whether Government are awarewithin the available allocations. of the fact that due to Central Gov­ ernment's inability to pay Re. 5.24 (c) There was no unspent amount crcres for National Highways Origi­of Rs. 30 crores in West Bengal dur­ nal works for Andhra Pradesh, severaling 1973-74 so far as National High­ major bridge works like Khandaleom,ways are concerned. However, taking Thandwa, Nagarali etc. which are in into account the pace of expenditure good progress have to be stopped; on National Highway works in various States vis-a-vis the availability of funds, the allocation for Andhra Pra­ (b) if so, what Government wants desh for National Highway (Original) the State to do to complete these na­ tional highways; and Works for 1973-74 was increased from Rs 390 lakhs to Rs 455 lakhs. As the financial year 1973-74 is already over, (c) whether it is not possible forthe question of sanctioning additional the Centre to reconsider and sanctionfunds for that year does not arise at the amount from the money which this stage. various Government’s could not spend in 1973-74 as Rs. 30 crores were un­ spent in West Bengal? Boycott of Examinations by Govern­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ment-aided School Teachers ia Delhi MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB 8460. SHRI C. JANARDHANAN: KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) The Will the Minister of EDUCATION, Government of Andhra Pradesh hadSOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE requested for the allotment of fundsbe pleased to state: amounting to Rs. 5.24 crores during 1973-74, for National Highway (Ori­(a) whether the Government-aided ginal) Works. However, after disal­School Teachers Association (Delhi) lowing the inadmissible expenditure has decided to boycott invigilation duty and keeping in view the available re­ in the School examinations; and sources in the light of the current financial stringency, a sum of Rs. 4.55 (b) if so, their demands and Gov­ crores was finally allotted. The major ernment’s response thereto? bridge works, namely bridges at Khandaleom, Thandwa and Nagarali, which are presumably printing errorsTHE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE for Khandaleru, Thandawa and Naga- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND valli are already almost complete. SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D. (b) All the State Governments, in­P. YADAV): (a) and (b). In a me­ cluding the Government of Andhra morandum submitted to the Chief Pradesh, have been requested to takeExecutive Councillor, Delhi Adminis­ immediately a critical work-wise re­tration, the Government aided School view of all projects in progress, Teachers to Association of Delhi had in­ draw up their inter-se-priorities andtimated that they would resort toa thereafter to take up in the first ins­total boycott of the annual examina­ tance only such works as command thetion to be held in their respective 63 Written Answers APR IL 29, 1074 Written Answers 64 schools toget certain demands conced­ Indian National Ship-owrers Associa­ ed. The main demands made by the tion to the Central Government in the Association were:— recent past for constituting a Consul­ tative Committee to advise on pur­ (I) Speedy implementation of chase of new ana old ships the Delhi Schools Education Act, 1973 and the Rules framed there*(b) Does not arise. under;

(II) Prompt and firm action again­ Quantity of Milk supplied to Token st the erring Managements, Holders daring March, 1974 in (III) Immediate absorption of Delhi teachers of the Schools closed by the Managements; 8462. SH R I S U K H D E O P R A S A D V E R M A Will the Minister of A G R I­ (i v ) Formation of Consultative C U LT U R E be pleased to state. Committee at the leve] of the Dis­ trict and the Directorate of Edu­ (a) the total quantity for which cation, Delhi and milk token have been issued by the Delhi Milk Scheme as on 30th March, (v) Improvement in pay scales 1974; recommended by the Third Pay Commission and grant of Selection (b) the total quantity of milk pro­ Grades to teachers on completion ofvided to the token-holders as on 30th six years’ service. March, 1974; an3

The matter was discussed by the (c) the reasons for the short sup­ Director of Education with the repre­ply, if any? sentatives of the Association and the notice of boycott of the examination THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE was withdrawn. The demands are, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE however, being locked into by the (SHRI B P. MAURYA): (a) The Delhi Administration. Delhi Milk Scheme is at present dis­ tributing 3 0 lakh litres approximately daily against milk tokens presented at Consultative Body to advise On Pur­ its milk depots The Delhi Milk chase of New and Old Ships Scheme had issued milk tokens which 8461 SHRI M KATIIAMUTHU should normally have been returned Will the Minister of SH IPP IN G A N D by the token holders when they trans­ T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state- fer their residence from Delhi but experience has been that such tokens (a) the Indian National Shipping are often not returned to the Delhi owners Association has suggested Milk to Scheme Nevertheless, the effec­ the centre to constitute a consultative tive requirements of token holders is body to advise on purchase of new and in the neighbourhood of 3 lakh litres old ships; and daily.

(b) On 30th March, 1974, the Delhi (b) if so, what is Government's Milk Scheme supplied 2,88,248 litres reaction? of milk to its customers. (c) Marginal shortages in regard to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE supply occur at particular milk depots MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND on account of the following reasons: TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB K U M A R M U K H E R J E E ) • fa) No spe­ i Some token holders drew more cific suggestion ha^ been made by the than their normal require- 5 Written Answers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896 (SA K A ) WrittenAnswers 66

naents on certain days within regard to Mandir Marg which is a their quotas than usual; sparsely inhabitated area. The exist­ ing ordinary but stops on the above ii. Tokens not returned to Delhi Marg are considered adequate to ser­ Milk Scheme as a result of ve the needs of the area. transfer of residence are left with relative and friends who draw milk on these unautho­ rised tokens intermutually onDisparities in Pay Scales of University account of increase in demand and College Lecturers for milk in summer months, and also due to difference in price of milk sold by Delhi 8464. SHRil SUKHDEO PRASAD Milk Scheme viz-a-viz milk VERMA: Will the Minister of EDUCA­ available in the open market. TION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CUL­ These tokens are seized forTURE be pleased to state: cancellation at the time of checking of milk tokens with reference to ration cards. (a) whether the revised pay scales fixed by the Government for Univer­ iii. Marginal reduction may occur sity teachers have created disparities on account of sudden and un­ between the pay scales of University- avoidable technical difficulties lecturer and College lecturer; and at the Central dairy. (b) if so, whether Government Provision ofB u s Stops for Expresswould look into the anomaly? bos service at Mandir Mart, New Delhi THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, 8463. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASADSOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE VERMA Will the Minister of SHIP­ (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) and PING AND TRANSPORT be pleased (b). The pay scales of Lecturers in to state- Universities and Colleges, according to the 1966-71 scheme, were as follows: (a)*whether In spite of the large number of schools situated on the Mandir Marg, New Delhi not a single Vtut ctuites . . Rs. 400— 900 stop for express bus service of D.T.C. is provided there; and Post-graduate Colleges (1} Rs. 300— 600 ( ir Ks. 400— 800 (u i;R s. 700— 1100 (b) if so. whether Government pro­ pose to take steps in this direction? Under-graduate Colleges (1) Rs.300— 600 (n't Rs. 400— 800 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE The revisedp a y scales recently ap­ MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND proved by the Government for lectu­ TRAKSPORT (SHRI PRANAB rers on the recommendations of the KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) Yes, Sir. University Grants Commission, are:

(b) Most of the students attending Universities . . . Rs. 700— 1600 schools situated on the Mandir Marg use the Gole Market Bus Stop, which College* . . . Rs. 700— 1300 — Assessment— 1600 is in close proximity to Mandir Marg. Express ttops have also been providedIt will be observed that the disparity at Gole Market. Normally, expressbetween the pay scales of university stops are provided at heavy loadingand College lecturers has been sought points. This is not the position into be minimised. 655 L S —4 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 WrittenAnswers 68

**aYt if to ta l w ijfa* *f c * * 1W it W tflft («ft f%«fT m m TOWltfrl

8 4 6 5 . «ft «!«n T Otifim : w SHTOTS^TVt 38,559♦fW'ClS’T 3 R 5 ,0 6 8

* % artniT ^r*P t *fV i («p) *rr f & i xvr fararrc *ns*r

Tnt*r % %r&* Mfanr fatfV w f t Enhancement of prices of Plots after

^ *f t | ; 8467 SHRI S H A F Q U A T JU N G Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S ­ (w ) vfe ^r,

(b) whether the enhancement is not l?fa tfanw Sr w a r *iat (*ft included m the rate of Rs 32/- per fa?*) (v) ?fhc (sr). square yard charged as full cost of the plots sold to them, and ^t i ’RT^’T ^ t ^ h r *r t^sp

5prr^f ^ t ^ r i r ^ i *ra?r (c) whether such an enhancement was not advertised calling for their % f w f a apsf 1975-76 % ^hnr?T ®pnf applications in October, 1967, If so, the reasons therefor’ 3jTO*r^^tft?rnrrT$ i

(^t) » rw f it s ? w | »rfijjrt THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ 'ttfrit t o ^wrT3zr ^rnf t o snsRftTARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING ?fo: fa^ft srrfe for (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) The en­ hancement fixed was Rs per square $ f a ? w | i 2 yard m respect of developed land

(b) The rate of Rs 32/- per sq yd. #tf 19 72 - 73 $ tfTinftaf fixed m the case of Pankha Road Jf q *r S*fT VT f f W I scheme does not include the enhance­ ment

8466. «ft ifalTO W (c) In the advertisement, applica­ *rtft ^ ^=rr^ ^ s m * 3 $ fartions were invited on prescribed forms containing the terms and conditions of 1972-73 *r * m s*sr *?r terrallotment Class 5(2) of the terms and conditions of allotment referred to re­ WTT^RT cTBn?f» w r f f w *t«tt ? covery of enhanced premium. 6g Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA)Written Answers 70

Sale of D.D.A. Plots at fixed Price Enhancement of Premium to meet the Award of Court for Acquisition Cost of Plots Included in the Lease Deeds 8468. SHRI S H A F Q U A T JU N G : Will by D J D A the Minister ol W O R K S A N D H O U S ­ IN G be pleased to state: 8469. SH R I S H A F Q U A T JU N G : (a) the significance of the sale ofWill the Minister of W O R K S £ N D plots by the D.D .A . at the fixed price H O U SIN G be pleased to state the cir­ or the auctioned bid and treating them cumstances under which a Clause for as Lease after Sale; the enhancement of premium to meet the award of the Court for enhanced acquisition cost has been included m (b) why Sale Deeds for sale ofthe Lease Deeds executed by the plots have not been executed and the D D A. with the Low/Middle Income Lease Deeds drawn instead for execu­Groups foi plots i»old to themat 32 tion; per sq yard when the Lease Deeds for plots auctioned at Rs. 30 and Rs 32 have no such clause? (c) whether the residential plots are being charged both premium at full cost of the land plus24 per cent THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of that amount as ground rent on the DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ development, incidental, departmental TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ charges etc when all other societiesSTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING are charged 2J per cent ground (SHRI O M M E H T A ): Presumably, the rent on the undeveloped land only; Member is referring to the Middle and Income Group plots in the Pankha Road Residential Scheme. It was not considered desirable to insert a clause (d) if so, the reasons therefor? relating to the recovery of additional premium to meet the enhanced cost of acquisition awarded by Courts in the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE terms and conditions of auction, as DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ the bid amounts fetched in auction TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ vary from plot to plot, while the same STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING predetermined rates are applicable m (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) and (b).,All all the cases of allotment, except cor­ ner plots. allotments by the Delhi Development Authority are made on lease fcold basis. Consequently Lease Deeds have to be executed and not Sale Deeds Arrangement for supply of Fertiliser to Eastern Region of M .P. (c) and (d). In the case of plots developed by the Delhi Development Authority, annual ground rent Is re­ 8470. SHRI RANA BAHADUR covered on the development eto. SINGH. Will the Minister of AGRI­ charges also, since these charges areCULTURE be pleased to state: incurred by the Delhi Development Authority. In the case of Co-operative Societies to- whom undeveloped land (a) whether Government propose is allotted, the annual ground rent to rationalize the arrangements #or does not make into account develop­ supply of fertilizer to the Eastern ment etc. charges since these are in­region of M .P. by fertilizer factoriesof curred by the Societies themselves. the West and South; and 71 Written Answers A P R I L .29, 1974 WrittenAnswers

(b) whether arrangements made for f fe *rara*r *t i w 1973-74 for the supply of fertilizers to Districts like Rewa and Sidhi is pro­ tfc «fto iflrf):(v) ( w ) . 1 9 6 7 posed to be made the basis for a 68 tfhc 1969—69 % permanent arrangement? ^RRPTT ^TTcT 'SPRRft iPRTf Vt stnpr fafarar Ot • THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE *rmw vrnrzm s»r nvnrr w*iin MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): 0\ *rr*n?*r % spjstt, vfox (a) and (b). Government of India Ot ftrefafare *rrarr only makes statewise allocations of »TRrfer :— fertilisers from imports and domestic production. As regards arrangements for the supply of fertilizers within the *TRT State, the position is that as far as imported fertilizers are concerned, they are given to the State Govern­ ments for distribution through co­ operatives and other public channels to any region within a State. As re- gards fertilizers produced by domestic» T W < , 1 9 7 3 2 4 ,7 3 9 ’ units, only that portion of the fertili­ zers which are distributed throughfirar«R, 1 9 73 24,739* cooperative and other public channels are within the control of the State 3|ST3rfr, 1 9 7 4 2 6 ,0 7 2 Government for purposes of distribu­ tion. As for the remaining quantity VKBrtt, 1 9 7 4 2 6 ,0 7 2 of indigenous production, the State Governments can, in consultation with 1 9 74 2 6 ,0 7 2 the manufacturers, draw up an agreed supply plan within the State. The 19 74 2 6 ,0 7 2 question of making permanent the ar­ rangements made for supply of fertili­ zers to districts like Rewa and Sidhi in 1973-74, is to be decided by the Madhya Pradesh Government with re­ % sVcft, xRrt sr^r ference to the position indicated above. t o t c % sfrft % *nf*w O S O t si*t

32,000 «FT % fwt gm Ot firer «tt i w *rfsra?

8471- V * : =sfnft f v f is «r% O t w fw nwrr *TT SFTFf Ot % w t f it x m t o t r fa t qrftrarn; ^

( * ) *TcT 5 5&ST O f VW'V, 1974 % f^r 4,000 *ft© % W f a % facPft ’TT’ft

«ftj sfrc z n vftx 1 9 7 4 OTT TOW , 1974.

(sr) Otzt % m t o % SRfrff ^Tfff fatr, 4 ,0 0 0 g ? gfefaw wra* f O * i 7 3 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 74

-tfavRis wft wnwi tit *rt»r wIt w n f w r t % fMifwr % fa * 3 t r st^jt *R*R*t farft forfa srfrawr lit,

8 4 7 2 . J W W f W : f*TT fpfti *reft «i5t frqrr f a : (sr) w *rcfa % ?fkR srfr- 3RT«f TF*T TOR SRT f%cT»ft qgHWi *mr ( v ) v r

5RT dOmHTf *Pt fW*il 'TRW (»r) fa tfta sn f 1974-75 * fa rw fa m TOT , WW % TI5RI sft t o f t fatfta


%*sfcr * r * r $ fira% *pt *TRT 3?t w It q fr ^? r * tit, sflr (sft Jpf* W R iT^snft (^) *Tk (sr) *TR?T TOTR JT (*t) ^rnrsr yjr TRT 3T % ^tTR ftnt 3TT^ % jrtt t 7 % fw w % ^tR 5T^r ?RTR Tt Sl^JR *TT *RT farfW Hfl'iJdl I ?fa ?f t t o *foft («ft ■n^r *rr»rf *> &r strw ^ fii*% ) : ( t ) Sr (*r) ^r *t ■j'TW»rf ^ ^fhr^r f ^rfr dfirewi i ’sfT^rar i r f w r 1 1 ^rsr71 f r^pm t th t i»t ^rrar^r ?nft f*P*rr t o t *tt «ftr qr ^trt q riffa x m to ttt % sn^T % fat* ’RRTT «<^R ^T ^R?f |l fafrfUr w t «rr1 ?TfTWT f® ^nr % ^r $ ?t 3fmt fWr ifjt ^n ^ HT*T-^r«r m t h t atw *t «rfr*^T gfwq: wu tit ;»T3% isr wrf*rr tf frofa % ftnj f®refV*T «rwrrar f ® t a r n % ?Rnrcr r f w r *r$wm fwsr ^nrvt % f ^ stt awwi

84^73* |W V f «PW f*T ^ 1 r^H frfecr cTrf^nFT ^ fr

»fa£T <*fw*rc ^ sftr f?qrr S J^ r^R ^R ^ STFcT «rf?W 4FTI «fk ^T- ^ ft? ^ s s ?mr?ft ^t T t w ig r f ^ f ^ r

(*r) %?*t o h t t ffm w *t araf zft^RTlft % ^»rl4d o t ^rhft %

W q% «rror vt f^ r fwm | : 75 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers

1972- 7 3 1973- 74

y w r r arm t s r t o

( w f ?rraff $ )

1 Trefta rrsrrof fsrcrpr sA t fa*Tfa 895 00 895 1380 00 00 1320 00

2 %?sfto frfa 39 78 39 70 39 12 24 51

3 grercfaform *nf«pfl iTfc?r x m % f e m r o ir®r y ^fw r 38 00 33. 00 72 50 38 50

4 »nrr ?ftrv w t w k % < w w cT*rr hrrfp:, ^frgrn:^nrrsfft* tt ^ t p t a r ^ V ^ IK- *ra» ^ f f % f a * k % farr % 5 ^ r »fa: tftyRT ^c°r fnjtTRTT 55 00 34.95287 945 287 945 s trtoT % *1ft Jfr 'rrarff- ^fr3nrr % %rr«rRpr vr*amfr — 6 76 13 0 0 8 5 0 6 »nrv (7T«i t o ) 63 29 12 74* 6 0 f

(*r) 19 74 - 75 %far*T srFTirjff *rr t o r t I

50, 55, 25 5 T*r*r srrfa?T ^m t, arTf aftfapr *T ^ %% 3 3 29 swv&vlrfsr to $ 1972% - 73 *f *r$| 1 t i 9 7 3 “ 7 4 % f ^ ‘» 7 ^ » r r ^ r T ^ ^ ^ n c n ? r q , f ^ n ’>nrr/ vffftF^sr q f < 4 W ^ ^ q ^ r ?r^rpr srr^r *r? sr^rt* fT*r *wt «rr fa ^ 1973-74 % facr wrft *rr»? ^ * * 4 fa<$ TT ^ % T F T I 77 Written Answers VA ISA K H A 9, (SAKA) 1886 Written Aruiwr. 7g

lifting of Ban on Hom e Building Number of Quarters completed and allotted tor Class III and IV Advance Employees

8474. SH R I R. N. B ARM AN * 8475. SHRI V A Y A L A R RAVI; Wilt the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S ­ SHRI N. E. HORO ING be pleased to state:

Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D (a) the total number of quarters H O U SIN G be pleased to state: completed a id distributed for Class H I and IV employees of Central Govern­ ment m the country for 1972-73 and (a) whcthe a large number of1973-74 and their State-wise break up; Central Government Employees have and been allotted flats by the Delhi Deve­ lopment Authority, New Delhi by draw (b) other quarters under construc­ of loti in the Middle Income Group; tion in the country for the came?

(b) whether due *o a ban on the grant of House Building Advance THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE imposed by the Central Government DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ these employees will not be able to TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ purchase flats thus losing an oppor­STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING tunity to own a flat in New Delhi; (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) The Minis­ try of Works and Housing constructs and allots only general poolaccommo. (c) whether Government are pro­dation. Post and Telegraphs, Defence. posing to lift the ban especially in the Information and Broadcasting ana case of those Employees who have Railway Ministries construct their own been allotted flats by the Delhi Deve­ houses and allot them. For the rest, lopment Authority, New Delhi; and the Ministry constructs but allotment is made by the Ministries concerned. (d) if so, when it is proposed to grant House Building Advance to Houses are not constructed or allot­ such employees? ted according to the class of employees The types of housesare basedupon the pay (and not pay scale) of *n emp­ loyee. Hence, there will be numerous THE MINISTER OF STATS IN THE cfases where two or more classes o DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ employees are entitledto and occupy TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ the same type of house. However, STRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING generally speaking, the bulk of class (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Yes. Sir. III and IV employees would be living in type I and II houses. (b) Yes, to some extent. Information relating to these for 72- (c) and (d). The ban on sanction 73 and 73-74 is being collected and of house building advance has been will be laid on the table of the House. lifted. Priority will be given to the commitments already made by the (b) It is presumed that ihe inten­ sanctions issued and to applicationstion is to ask for the housesjflats of pending with the Ministry at the time these types under construction and of the imposition of ban last year, that the term 'other quarter'.’ has no Fresh applications can be invited onlv other significance except to distinguish after assessing the availability ofbetween quarters already built and funds during th© year. allotted and tho«e under construction. 79 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 WrittenAnswers g0

Information on this basis for type I Takeover of Wbolsale Trade inOil and II quarters wil be laid on the Seeds table of the House along with the in- formation at (a). 8477. SHRI Y. ESWARA REDDY: Will the Minister of AG R IC U LTU R E Discovery of Stocks of Groundnut Oilbe pleased to state; during Raids in G n jm t (a) whether Government have decided to takeover wholesale trade In oil seeds; and 8476. SHRI P. M . M E H T A : Will the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E be pleased (b) if so, the main features there­ to state: of?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether large stocks of ground­ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE nut and groundnut oil was unearthed (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): during the last six months in Rajkot (a) No such decision has been taken and other parts of Gujarat Stabe; by the Government.

(b) whether in Gujarat State large (b) Does not arise. scale hdarding hag been going on in the case of these oils: Communication received in DJDUL Office (c) whether in view of this disco­ very more raids are being conducted 8478 SHRI B H O L A M A N JH I: Will in the State; and the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S ­ IN G be pleased to state: (d) whether there is any proposal to conduct such raids in other parts of (a) whether the Vice-Chairman, the country to get the crude oil and Delhi Development Authority does other kinds of oil from the hoarders?not reply to any communications received from public, various Regd Agencies/Associations/Federations as * THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE matter of policy; MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURB (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (b) if the reply to part (a) above (a) to (c) Information hag beenbe in the negative, the number of called for from the Gujarat Govern­communications received by Ws office ment and will be laid on the Table of during the last 12 months and the the Sabha, when received. number of those to which a reply was sent by his office; and

(d) Presumably, the information is(c) the number of communications oought for in respect of vegetable oils, sent by the Lawrcnce Road Welfare including unrefined oils. The MinistryFederation with effect from the 1st ha? already requested the variousJune, 1973 to date (upto 30-12-73) and State Governments to isjue suitableaction taken on each communications’ Orders for curbing speculative trad­ ing in and hoarding of, stocks of oil­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E seeds and oils and to ensure theirDEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ Ttgid enforcement. The responsibilityTARY AFFAIRS AND IN TH E for taking actual action for unearthing M IN IST R Y OF WORKS AND hoarded stocks rests with the StateHOUSING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Governments. No. Sir. S i Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 8a

(b) The infoimation is not readily (q) TOT TORT % available. W H d ^ t o w w r c (i*if$sr) (c) So far as it has been possible to ascertain from the D .D A ’s records,^TT% m | ? six communications were received by them curing this period, one direct, •one through the Municipal Engineer ffa f o faram ?w t f # r and the rest through the Ministry of Works and Housing/Lt. Governor,

Delhi. The & * t one was replied to O m ) j (wr) % ) . on 6th July, 1973, the second was forwarded to the C.E. (C P W D ), Delhi ^ sft 3TT Im rw r t qzw Administration under intimation to t s 3V anfoft I the Federation and in the remaining ones, reports were sent by the D .D .A . to the authorities concerned.

CBI inquiry recommended into pro­ motion of Scientists in I C J U .

m fsn n m m 8480. SHRI S A M A R G U H A : Will the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E be 8479. V B W W : W T pleased to state:

(a) whether the Chairman of the O t f^rr *3$ fa : I.C.A.R, Inquiry Committee urged the Government to institute a CBI inquiry into many cases ol serious allegations ( t ) srtt in regard to promotion and appoint­ ment of different categories of scien­ Sr % sto't sfrr *nn§Y % tists and scientific officers in I.C.A.R.; st* *r sfwnr fW T ^ and

w x hV *r£ fc; ?t, «fV (b) if so, the nature of the recom­ w s V i ^ ?rrr fc^r srriftr mendations ; made by the Committee and the steps taken by the Govern­ ment to institute CBI inquiry into ( s ) m ^rror^R^Tf^RR these cases’ t o «ftrXV $ W P 5T»ff lift gVPllf

^TirR2?r ^ * r r | s f fa^ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE | *ft3»>*«iprto wi>ft*nrfc; (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): * f t *rfe ?t, ci> tot ?rr^TT ^ (a) and (b). No, Sir. The Chairman of the ICAR Inquiry Committee had. however, refen ed to the Minister of Agriculture, for sympathetic consi­ (tt) w t gfnmnr t o h r% w deration cases relating to service matters of two employees of oneot the Institutes under the Council. These % T t ?WT WT **!% ^TTcT cases w<*re duly examined and action n< | ; w 'K considered appropriate was takes. 83 Written Amwers APRIL 29, 1874 Written Answer* 84

Subsidy lor Imported FertilisersConstruction of Quarters by Delhi Administration 848J. SHRI PRABODH CHANDRA: Will the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E . be pleased to state:

(a) whether Governmentare going 8482. S H R I A M B E S H : Will the to allow a big subsidy for importingMinister of W O R K S A N D H O U S IN G fertilizers, and toe pleased to state:

(b) if so, the reasons therefor? (a) whether the Delhi Administra­ tion, Delhi has constructed quarters in Delhi/New Delhi during the last THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE three years; and MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE). (b) if so, the number of quarters, (a) and (b) There has been a steep catagory-wise, allotted to the Sche­ increase in the prices of fertilisersduled in Caetes/Scheduled Tribes em­ the woild markets and in the ocean ployees during the above period freight especially during the last oneyear-wise? year with the result that import costs THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of fertilizers have risen considerably. DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ The is»TOe price T>f imported fertilizers TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE have not been increased in proportion MINISTRY OF WORKS AND- to the import costs, lest the price levels HOUSING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) prove to be a disincentive to fertilizerYes, Sir. use and thereby adversely affect agri­ cultural production. (b) The information is asfollows:—

TYPES Year I. II. In. IV. V. V L Total

1971 .... 49 10 1 2 2 64, 1972 . . . . 116 3 3 4 1 127" *973 . . . . 30 7 1 10 1 49 TbrAL . . . . . 105 20 5 12 5 3 *40

Pelk j of Government in regard to economically, educationally backward sanction of Old Are Pension to minority Community persons; S.C. ft S.T. (b) allocation under the scheme, State-wise, during 1972-73, 1973-74 8483 SH R I G A D A D H A R S A H A :and 1974-75; and WiU the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , (c).the number of such persons SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE benefited under the scheme. State-. be pleased to state: wise?

(a) the present policy of the Central THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Government with regard to selection,MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND' sanction of old age pension cases/SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE from among the old, disabled, helplessDEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI tnbai ard scheduled caste person* »oiA R V IN D N E T A M ): (a) The Central 85 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) Written Answers 86

Government does not have any sche­ Agency and Marginal Farmers and me of old age pension. Agricultural Labourers Programme (b) and (c). Do not arises. by the nationalised banks and other financial institutions upto date, State- wise; Marine Pollution (b) whether Government are aware 8484. PROF. M A D H U D A N D A V A T E :of the fact that in some of the States the progress has not been satisfac­ SHRI BIRENDER SINGH tory; and RAO; (c) if so, the reasons therefor? Will the Minister of SH IPPIN G A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state.* THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (a) whether there is a marine pol­(SHRI B. P. MAURYA):'(a) A state­ lution due to the oil carried by the ment is laid on the Table of the Sabha. modern ships getting mixed up with 1Placed m Library. See No. LT-6858/ sea water; and 74).

(b) if so, what steps are taken to (b) Yes, Sir. prevent the marine pollution affect­ ing health and hygiene? (c) The main reason for the slower pace in loans advanced is the weak­ ness of institutional credit structure THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE in the project areas, particularly in MINISTRY OF 'SHIPPING AND the Eastern States. Special assistance TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB is provided by the Agencies for KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) Marine strengthening cooperatives like non- Pollution occurs as a result of acciden­ overdue cover to the Central Coope­ tal spillage of Qii into sea following a rative Banks, managerial subsidy to marine casualty to an oil carrying the Primary Cooperatives and Central tanker, or as a result of deliberate Cooperative Banks and share capital discharge of oil into sea by ships. loans for enrolment of newmembers of Pripiary Cooperatives. One of the (b) The International Convention aims of the Fifth Flan is to reduce for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea regional disparities between States in by Oil, 1954, as amended in 1962 the extension of institutional credit specifies the precautionary measures Variousmeasures the sttajgtfaea- taken for minimising accidental for ing of the cooperative and increasing pollution and for preventing delibe­ the coverage of commercial banks are rate pollution. India has ratified this included in the Plan. Convention.

Growth of Black Money due to Fagri Amount advanced for Small Farmers System Development Agency and Marginal Farmers Agricultural Labourers Programme by Nationalised Banks 8486. SHRI P. G. MAVALANKAR: and Financial Institutions W jIi the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S IN G be pleased to state: 8485. SHRI ARJUN SETHI- Will the Mni,ter of AGRICULTURE be pleased (a) whether Government are aware to stale* that in four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta ana Madras (a) the total amount advanced foras well as in other major cities of the fir'll Farmer-! Development TnHia, there exists the evil practice* 87 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 88

of “Pagii” for relinquishing tenancy % *rTqTs % m m or transference of business or resi­ dence from one to another; | i (b) whether the said practice is rempant and has already created ( « ) t o u r t r huge amounts of unaccounted money; ^rr «R?ft %CtK| and ^ HtSRTT % faq vr% sum? TOfk (c) what steps Government are taking to curb this evil practice?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN *rtfft mtt qr % fw? tafta THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIA­ MENTARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ ING (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) to (c). 84 88 . WfntVTv m t : W T In certain studies regarding the effect of rent control on ‘housing* in fR’TT fa the metropolitan cities of Bombay and Calcutta, reference has been made t 6 (T)!PTT TTT^Tr TU V 3WT % the prevalence of the practice of “Pagri”. The extent to which this ^^TTfT qft T w?PT r Srarosft this practire («ft a«ra j ^ T s s a i f ) : ( ^ ) n>r («) *rrat % (r r -nm m w v *r srnrfw r i r m t o t w v z r r * qT^tqrJRT^gi^TTff *RR?- fa : ■stfk *rr snfasp f r s k ^Tsrsrrn arr^ivrvpm *t % ( v ) w sftr a p ft r o tttpptt % f^n ?n% n 3; srrcicr a*=rnr j j ^ t it ^

firm fora* fam w «ftor iifarfaRnq' Central Assistance to West Bengal for schemes on Agriculture and Minor Irrigation 8489. «fV «ra? : wm

ftwiT, w w r s s a w nsft 8490 SHRI S N S IN G H DEO* WiU ^TT% $V fTT fa» : the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E be pleased to slate. (^f>) w pw ^^irf mqpT (a) total assistance given by the SRT f^rf^JFT?T ^Tt fe*T Mmistiy to West Bengal during **st m ^sfFr *r *r ferm th i^ c ■years, in regard to schemesj o - *ftT «rf*TOfa*MWT % m* % f^RcT lating to agriculture and minor ir1- faft t, tftr gation scheme-wise; (b) the scheme approved by the (m ) zrfe ?t, eft ww*r*n % m Government for the State; and cr?r w i *1$ t tffc *faar (c) the achievements of ther % WT qpT f«wr< I ? schemes, scheme-wise upto date?

firon, a m * *5*1* am THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE *tft (sft* i?«o *wr $«*l) : (*) «rtr (SHRI B P MAURYA): (a) to (c). A statement is laid on the Table of the ( 3) fw r farwfrom am *rsft House Plated f in Library See No *rf ^tt % ^fnr f w f w w % r^ft LT-6854/741. anwflr h- w «m?rqr t t srnW Central Assistance to West Bengal for 5fiTPT|n sm ri^rfaiT ^rf^Jrt Roads % Sr *r*r *r f^rf^r^nr arcr ^mr 8491 SHRI S N SINGH DEO1 Will ^ t fw f^jr^r vptt v ? *r the Minister of SHIPPING A N D T R A N SPO R T be pleased to state. *mft T7pn®2> t r r % fat» f f n irn *r (a) the total assistance given b> his ^Tsrfa^ffirrn%t *ri ?, 1 qr Ministry to the Government of West famrcmKW fortssim ^t% 91 WrittenAnswers APRIL 29, 11974Written Answers 92

during the last 3 years lor various(c) if so, what steps Government , categoriesof approved road schemes: proposes to lake against the Head­ master of this particular school? (Rs. in lakhs)

(1) Development and cons­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE truction of National High­ ways .... 83204 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE AND' IN THE (li) Special Roads* . . . 41*56 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI

(in) Central Road Fund . 137 * 33 D. P. Y A D A V ): (a) Secretary, Parent Teachers Association of the Nagar (iv) Loan assistance for deve­ Palika Primary School No. Ill, Moti lopment of State Roads ol lnter-Statc or EconomicJ Bagh I, had made certain allegations Importance . . . 81*84 against the Headmaster of the School but, on investigation by the N.D.M .C. (v) Central non-plan loan assis­ tance for construction of authorities, the allegations were found the second bridge over the to be baseless. nver Hooghly. 450*00 (b) No Sir. (vi) Advance action for 5th Plan m respect of Na­ (c) Does not arise. tional Highways . 15-26

(vii) Maintenance & Repairs Fertilizer distribution taken over by of National Highways . 310*34 State Government

A substantial number ofworks 8493. SH R I M . R A M G O P A L approved against the abovementioned REDDY: schemes are in various stages of SHRI Y. ESWARA REDDY; progress. The West Bengal Govt, have, in fact, spent more than their ' Will the Minister of A G R IC U L ­ allocations m respect of items (i)& TU R E be pleased to state: (vii) above, (maintenance and origi­ nal works on National Highways m (a) whether some of the State 1971-72and 1972-73). Governments have taken over the fertilizer distribution in theStates; and Behaviour of Head Master, Nagar Palika Primary School No. HI, Moti (b) if so, the names of those Bagh, New Delhi States?

8492.SHRI R. N BARMAN: Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Minister of EDUCATION, SOCIAL MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): to state; (a) and (b). Fertilisers distributed with in a State are from imparted (a) whether the Secretary of stocks and from domestic production. Parents’ Teachers Association, anAs far as the distributionimported of elected body, have made certain alle­ fertilizers in the States is concerned, gations against the Head Master ofthe entire quantity is given to the Nagar Palika Primary School No. Ill, State Governments who, in turn, dis­ Moti Bagh-1, N ew Delhi; tribute it through publicchannels, like Cooperative Societiesand State (b) whether the behaviour of the agencies. Head Master is not fair towards the lady teachers of the school, resulting As regards the indigenouslypro­ in hinderance in the smooth impart­ duced fertilizers distributed within ing of education to the children; and the State, the distributionis partly <93 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) Written Answers 94 through public agencies and partly recommended legislative ban on through private dealers. Recently advertisements but suggestd a Central some of the states have introduced a Legislation, if possible. The recom­ system of distribution of fertilizersmendations of the Central prohibition against permits/identity cards issuedCommittee are under examination. by the state government authorities but the channels of distribution remain Difference between prices of imported as before. Fertilisers and Domestic Controlled Price Ban on Liquor Advertisements. 8495- DR. K A R N I SIN G H : Will the 8494. SHRI DHAMANKAR; Will theMinister of A G R IC U LT U R E be pleased Minister of E D U C A T IO N , S O C IA L to state: WELFARE AND ' CULTURE be pleased to state: (a) the increased cost of imported fertilisers per tonne;

(a) the salient features of the ad­ (b) the domestic controlled price of vice given by Ministry of La w and these fertilisers; Justice in connection with the ban on liquor advertisements as sought by (c) the loss Government is likely the Central Prohibition Committee; to suffer during 1974-75 as a result of this difference in the imported pnee and the domestic issue price; and (b) whether in the light of this advice, some instructions have been (d) the manner in which the Gov­ given to the States for enacting legis­ lation to ban commercial advertise­ ernment propose to make up this loss? ments in support of “spirituous pro­ ducts” as required by the Directive Principles ofState Policy relating to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE prohibition; and MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (c) if so, the reaction of the State (a) There has been a steep rise in the Governments thereto? prices of fertilisers during the last one year. For example the F O B price of urea which was a little over U.S. $ 60 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE per M.T. in 1969 has now become MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND more than U.S. $ 250 per M.T. The SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE F O B price of M O P which was about DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI Canadian $ 21 per M.T. in 1969 is now ARVIND NETAM): (a) The legal over U.S. $ 42 per M.T. The FOB advice was that restrictions on com­price of D A P which was U .S . $ 50-55 mercial advertisements of spirituousper M .T . in 1969 rose to over U.S. products can be said to be reasonable$ 115 per M .T . in 1973. The prices of and justifiable. The State Govern­ other fertilisers also have been going ments can enact legislation for this up similarly. purpose. Alongwith increase in the prices of

(b) The statutorily controlled retailimported fertilisers for sale to tb» prices of Urea, Ammonium sulphate farmers effective from the 10th O ct and C A N (imported) as well as indi­ genous and the retail prices of other1073 are as under:—

[jRt Per Tome] Pool Issue Price Di&N M argin Retail Price

(1) ^ (1) (4)

Urea 46% N . 970 80 1050 1 These retail Price are statutorily con­ Urea 45% N 950 SO 1030 trolled under the Fertiliser: (Control) Amm. Sulphate : Order,1957 *

(100 K.G . packing) 535 55 590 (50 Kg. packing). 545 55 600 C A N 26% N . 5*>5 60 645

CAN 25% N . 560 5S 615 DAP 1240 95 1335

N P 20-20-20 1120 80 1200


(100 K g pack.n 620 50 6” 0 (50 kg pack.n ’ 630 50 6S0

NPK (15-15-15 I 29S 80 1375

(c) a n d (d). Purchase of fertilisersperts to decide a rational price for­ for consumption m 1974-75 are mula still for fertilizer, and going on It ij not possible at this stage to precisely estimate the loss (b) if so, the time by which the the Government will have to suffer Committee is expected to submit its during 1974-75 as a result of report? the diffei ence between the import price and the issue price of fertilisers THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Committee to decide price formula for MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Fertilizers (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) No, Sir. However, a Committee 8496 S H R IM A T I SA V IT R I set up b y the Government under the SHYAM: chairmanship of Shri Quraishi, has SHRI VIRBHADRA SINGH: been asked among other things, to make recommendations regarding dis­ Will the Minister of A G R I C U L ­ tribution margins for fertilizers. T U R E be pleased to state: (a) ‘whether Government have de­ (b) The Committee is expected to cided to set up a Committee of ex­ submit its report ehortly. 97 Written Answerw V A IS A K H A 9,1898(S A K A ) Written Answer* 98 Mode of selection of staff to depute on Scheme to restrict admlarfon in fatelgn ■—If w s n t t n m O.F.WJ>. Universities

8497. S H R I S. D . SO M A SU N D A - 8498. S H R I S A M A R M U K H E R J E E : RAM * Will the Minister of W O R K S Will the Minister of E DU C A TIO N . A N D H O U S IN G be pleased to state: SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased to state; (a) whether draftsmen, civil and electrical, working in C.P.W.D. have been selected for posting to Iraq; (a) whether the Planning Commis­ sion has formulated any scheme to (b) whether in some cases, they restrict admissions in Universities; were selected for the second time toand go abroad; and (b) if so, the main features of the (c) what was the mode of selection scheme? to depute to foreign assignment from C.P W .D .? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE D P Y A D A V ) (a) and (b) Atten­ MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ tion is invited to the reply given to ING (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) The the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. selection has not yet been finalised. 4397 on March 25, 1974

(i>) and (c). The question do not No scheme for restricting higher arise education as such hac been formulated by the Planning Commission. In fact th« Planning Commission have stated Functioning of Khandsari Sugar Mill that a direct strategy involving a in Tripura ceiling on admissions m ay not be practicable The Planning Commis­ sion have, however, proposed a 3498 SHR I BIREN D U TTA * Will strategy which will reduce the rush the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E to Universities while effectively he pleased to state: enlarging the scope of receiving higher education if the need is keenly (a) whether foundation has been felt. The strategy includes the fol­ hud for Kandsari Sugar Mill inlowing components*— Tripura; and (a) Vocationalisalton of higher (b) when the mill is expected to secondary education enabling start functioning? large numbers to enter em­ ployment at the end of secon­ dary stage; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE M IN IS T R Y OT AGRICULTURE (b) Limiting admissions to tegu­ (SHRI B. P MAURYA): (a) and (6). lar institution* which should According to information reveived in conform to certain well- October, 1973, by the National Sugar defined standards on the basis Institute, Kanpur Government of of merit while making suit­ Tripura intend to start a khandsari able reservations supported Sugar Mill in September, 1174. The b«« oftnrhino tflafftfs and confirmation of the Government of adjustment couraes for the Tripura is however, awaited. backwifd dasaas; and 695 L S —8. 99 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers ioQ

(c) Providing the rest of the(c) The total number of students social demand for higher edu­ and employees in the College are 76 cation through Evening Col­ and 20 respectively. leges Correspondence Courses and private study Prohibition tn States 8501 SHR I S H A N K E R R A O S A V A N T Will the Minister of E D U ­ Establishment of Institute of CATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND Pharmacy in Delhi C ULTURE be pleased to state which States and Union Teiri tones are 8500 SHRI \ A M U N A P R A S Afollowing D the policy of strict prohibi­ M A N D A L Will the Minister of E D U ­ tion, which of modified prohibition CATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND and which have done away with pro­ Cl LT U R E be pleased to state hibition altogether’

va) the progress made in the estab- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE L ishment of Institute of Pharmacy MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND unde- Hamdard (wakf) Dawakhana, SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI (b) whethei it will be aided and le A R V IN D N E T A M ) Piohibition n cognised by the Government, and foimally enforced m the whole of the Gujarat State Prohibition is also lormally enforced in parts of Uttar (c) the number of scholars and Pradesh and Rajasthan In varying employees of the Institute? desrrees certain other states have puihil ltion programme bv observing THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, drv day9 etc The policy is to SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE giadually (re) introduce prohibition (PROF S NURUL HASAN) (a) The everywhere Hamdard College of Phaimacy was larted m 1972 undei the ManagementFormation of Slum Clearance Board Oi Hamdard (Wakf) Dawakhana The College offers tw o yeai Diploma course 8502 S H R I P VEN KATA- «. d foui jear Dtj,iee Course in SUBBAIAH* Pnarmacy The Diploma course was SHRI PRABODH CHANDRA- introduced m 1972 and the Degree Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D C >arse m 1973 H O U S IN G be pleased to state.

(b) For the Diploma Course, the(a) whether the Delhi Adminis- College is provisionally lecogmsed bytrition has urged the Centre to form the Board of Technical Education, an autonomous slum clearance board; Dflhi The oroposal of the College (b) if so, the reaction of the Cen­ foi grant-in-aid for the Diploma tral Government thereto, and bourse is under Consideration of the Delhi Administration (C) the action proposed to be taken m the matter? For the Degree Courae, the College THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Vns been granted affiliation by the THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIA­ D Ihi University All Degrees award­ MENTARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE ed bv Statutory Universities are MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ i cognized hy Government A pro­ ING (SHRI OM MEHTA) (a) No posal for grant-in-aid for the Degree formal proposal haa been received r ur80 is under consideration of the Urn ersitv Grants Commission (b) and (c) Do not arise* 101 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) Written Answers ioa

Port Workers’ Strikes and Unions in(c) number of workers’ unions re­ Major Ports cognised and unrecognised during 8503 SHRI D EB E N D R A N A Tthe H said penod, port-wise? M A H A T A Will the Minister of SHIP­ PING AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN T H E MIMS'! RY OF SHIPPING A N D (a) number of workers m Calcutta, IRANSPORT (SHKI PRANAB Bombay and Madras ports during last three years, category-wise, port-KUMMl MUKHERJEE) (a) to (c). wise, A t \temtnt is attached As there is no ctdtutor\ provisions for recognition (b) number of strikes in *hese ports in the penod and the nufnber of Unions the information fciven of workers involved m them, and rf1 to number of unions


Woiker-» No of Strikes No ot W ojker-’ \car ( iepon No No K o of t nions workers involved


S97i C a ss III 16010 C ta s IV (.indudts casual


I97T Class III 1^77 90 77' Class IV 2 m l (mcludts c isula

(B; B O M BA > PO R I

197* Class III rtT05 t lass IV 1^20 \

197z Ua« III 11204 35 12700 f 1a«< r v I-Stt

*973 Class III 11216 52 Class IV 17689 103 Written Anttoers A P R IL 29, i m W tm m A n sw m 104

* z 3 4 5 6

(C) MADRAS PORT . Class III 5176 17 Not II Class IV 6365 available ‘ (including casual)

1972 • •• . C la u III 5335 7 D a II Class IV 6418 (including casual) 1973 . Class III 5613 24 Do. 11 Qa*s IV (including casual)

Concession to Bind Relief Association supply about 1.25 lakh tonnes of sugar in Plastic Cane to America and Britain; and 8504 SH R I M S P U R T Y Will the Minister of E DU C A TIO N , SO C IA L (b) if so, whether this quota to WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleaded these two countries can be conveni­ to state:* ently scrapped and instead India can enter the open market for sugar to (a) whether unprecedented pnce derive the maximum benefits? hike in plastic cane has affected con­ siderably the income of blind inmates of Blind Relief Associations who earn THE MINISTER O F STATE IN THE their bread by canning chairs inM IN IS T R Y O F AGRICULTURE (SHRI Government offices and semi-Govem- B P. MAURYA) (a) Under the Com­ ment offices; and monwealth Sugar Agreement and the U S . Sugar Act, India has to supply (b) if so, whether Government pro­about 25.000 tonnes and 75,000 tonnes pose to give some concessions to theof sugar to Britain and U.S.A. respec­ Blind Relief Associations in this re­ tively gard and if so, the nature thereof? (b) No, Sir. There are inescapable THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE commitments. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRT ARVIND NET AM): (a) No, Sir Ginger Priee (b) Does not arise 8509 SHRI G. Y KRISHNAN: Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be Scrapping of Sttgar Qaeta4* A f r i c a pleased to state* «nA Britain (a) whether ginger prices have shot 8505. S H E ! R A J D E O S IN G H : Will up to record levels in the new seaeea; the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be and pleased to state: (a) whether under the Common­ (b ) if bo, the reasons fortie wealth and U .S. quotas, India has to rise in prices? "105 Written Answf!rs VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers 106 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE during 1971, 1972, and 1973, is as MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI under:- ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE.!): (a) and (b). The' wholesale prices of ginger are generally higher during the current Bombay Calcutta year as compared to the orevious year, but th.~ prices are lower than the (Rupees in lakhs) levels reached in 1970. The rise in prices seems to be due inter-alia to 1971 o- 88 I" 16 rise in world prices and the general 1972 Tise in the price level in the country. 2'48 1'15 1973 1·92

Directives of public sector under- Import of Milk Powder taking to avoid using hired cars 8508. SHRI M. S. PURTY: wiu the 8507. SaRI INDRAJIT uUPTA: Will Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased the Minister of SHIPPING AND to state: 'TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (a) whether Central Government (a) whether directives have been have permitted some States to import issued to public undertakings prohibi- MUk powder in their States; ting regular use of hired cars tor their officers, as this is a wasteful practice: (b) if so, the names of such States where difticulty in getting it is beini (b) whether the Shipping Corpora- experienced; and tion of India hired a number of cars for daily 1IIIe of its oftlcera in Calcutta (c) the quantity so far received and Bombay; and along with the names of the country and the detaila regarding agreement. (c) if so, the expenditure incurred in this regard? on hiring charges during 1971, 19'12 .and 19'73? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) No, Sir.

(b) and (c). Do not arise . .THE DEPUTY MINIsTta IN THE MINISTBY OF SmPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KU- MAR MUKHERJEE): (a) No, Sir. Discharp of Indian Cargo at Dubal This is a matter which comes within IMteacI fII at KanoIti -day-to-day administration of the en- terprises. 8509. SHRI JAGANNATH MISHRA: Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND (b) The Shipping Corporation of TRANSPORT be pleased to state: India hires private care from licensed hire Car agencies, to meet its opera- (a) whether the .Jndo-Atganistan tional needs and exigencies of the Merchants Chamber of Commerce has 'work, approached the Indian Government to investigate into the incident that (c) The expenditure incurred on led to the discharge of Indian cargo hiring of cars by Shipping Corpora- at Dubai instead of at Karachi by • tion of India at Bombay and Calcutta lDreign ship; and 107 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 108

(1::) if so, facts thereof and actionJ~ has been sanctioned as a Central Sec- taken thereon? . tor scheme for a period Of 6 year,' from 1973-74 to 1978-79 at an estimat- ~ ed copy of Rs. 30.92 lakhs. During THE. DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 1973-74 a sum of Rs, 67,000 was sanc- MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND tioned to' the State Government to TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KU- I implement the scheme. 2\~AR MUKHERJEE): (a) Yes, Sir. t The State Government have ap- (b) An international liner vessel, pointed Field Director and Dy. Direb- named m.v. 'Thalia' was sub-chartered tor of the Project with headquarters by M/ s. SAMZ Shipping Company at Goshaba. Other staff is also being from M/s. Mohammed Yunus who in appointed: turn had chartered it from M/s. r:f.S. Kolilerich Co. of Switzerland, the owner. It sailed fr

(b) if so, whether it is proposed to requirements of funds of Delhi Tra s­ i: launch this programme in the for!D. of port Corporation are already bemg pilot scheme in some areas? .met by Central Government. The question of giving Central financial assistance to Transport Under�gs THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE in Bombay and Madras will arise only MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE after Road Transport Corporations (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) and (b). have been set up in those cities under The Government of India have consi­ Road Transport Corporations Act, dered the que<>tion of taking up Pilot 1950, as recommended by Working Projects, in the Central Sector, during Group on Metropolitan Transport the 5th Five Year Plan, for establish­ Services. ment of ultimately Self-supporting colonies on compact blocks of about 500 hectares each, capable of settling Request;, received from BEST �­ 200 families, in tlie following eight dertaking and Tamil Nadu Govern­ States, which have envinced intereGt ment for special financial assistance so far: for implementation of sho.rt terr:n .prc­ 1. Andhra Pradesh. posals for· improvement of ptiblic transport -system· i·n Bornbay.and 2. Bihar Madras cities, whic h are exirectei to give quick benefits, are under exami­ 3. Haryana nation. 4. Maharashtra 5. Orissa 6. Rajasthan

7. Uttar Pradesh, anci Sh�rtfal1 in Food output in Delhi 8. y-.: est Bengal. 8514. SHRI S. A. MURUGANAN­'l'HAM: Will the Minister of AGRI­ � ...... s Central Xssfatance. for . "hiiprovement CULTURE, be pleased,.to,. tate:· .. , '.··::·· of transport system in various ,· ... · cit"'s. (:a} �ether there. is,-likeJ,y shor�faJI . . . . . of 20 per cent in food. .output iri Delhi; . 8613. SHIP M. SUDARSANAM: and :,-•·· .. '· -·, ,. :. :: :•· SHRI PRABODH CHANDRA: ,, (b) if so, the reasons and ;iction Will the Minister of SHIPPING taken in that re.gard? AND TRA."JSPORT be pleased b refer to 1he reply· given to Unstarred Question: 0 Np .. ·6757-. tegardina Es. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE One' _cror2 to Calcutqi Stene Tnmspvrt. . MINISTRY OF·.·· AGRICULTURE Corporation on the 15th k.i,>riC1974 (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): and· state the quantum of Central (a) and (b). Final Estimate of total. assistance given for improving trans­ production of foodgrains for the, cur-· port system in other cities? rent year 1973-74 i5 not yet available. Delhi, however, is a Deficit territory· · THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and its requirements of foodgrains. MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND are generally met from open market TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB supplemented by allocation from the KUMAR MUKHERJEE): The entire central stocks. III Written Answer. APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 112

~ ;i~~ if f~;~ it ~m it ~ ~~ ~~~ if 'Ottf ~ ('-IT ~"'~lfil~ ~f~f('t~rcl6lti ,"OUf'ml~ qrc f~~ ) : (or.) ?:'i,f ~~ Sf'fin: ~:-- 8515. :SI0 ~~i:iT~l~lQ'Q1'qiiq : w l\fi!f ~~T~ ~ 'f>T ~qr ~ ~qr;:r~ 0fT'f ;rnrr (fcf~ if ) fi;: ---- 1971-73 1973-74 (ill') wm ~~~~ ~ m~i~T~fTif ~T if; Wi f

lf~~ '1.28 Wrlfs-. ~~ if '0" ~ar (,n ••ro 'fio q'W ): (~) ~) ~ I (v) ~ emr ~ ~

•• 1972-73"~ 1973-'4 if ••• ~~ ••lif~~~l" ••it _ ••• ,,~.11.r""" • "~l if awmr •.• ~ ~'\'q •• 8 51 7, W10 "",,,"~ ••till: ftIq ~~ ~~ mp. ~ ~ ~

~~ it :m~~ qt:f fm{ f~;;r ~it if; qf~orTlJ;~, "fffi ~Tq~m~T G\ ~T ~J:'ilrq"'T ~ I ~Cf: fqf'il;;r ~1;j'lJT

85] 8. ~ 0 ~);n~~vt qt1q : Intensive production of pulses and allocation therefor during 197t.75 '1T ~QI~ snn'l: f~~ : 8519. SHRI S. N. MISRA: Will the if7.IT ~\'f orari'\" WIT liiT ~ 'fiT Minister of A'GRICULTURE be pleased rn f'fi : to state: (a) the names of States selected (Ofi') 'RT ~n: 'tiT ~;r fG~ for the intensive production qf pulseS 27 ~, 1974 if; '~~ ~~ and the allocations proposed to be it 3Ai1fmr ~ ~ if; ~

, (_) qf~~, m 'PtT ~ if ~;r THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THJC GfTuNt et\' ~ ~it 'fiT .mf lWf f'li1fT ~ MINISTRY OF AGJUCULTUJtE f~ ~ ~ !U SNrt ~ 'fir (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHlND:&): (a) The centrally sponsored lCheme m1AiT. ~.I.., tor Intensive production of pulaes 11 proposed to be implemen~ in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Aasarn. p. ~.~ if ~ .nft (~) Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, ~) ~o qT~): ('Ii) qh: ('1'). ~ Madhya-Pradesh, Maharashtra. Kar- ~1t~itf~ 'J7 +rr;f 1974 nataka, Orissa, Punjab, Ra,jaethal\, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradeah, 'WeM t4~lAi~' if~m ~~I tiengal, Jammu and Kaahmir, lItma- ~ m if; ;flifi cfHVM T if; ~ chal Pradesh, Tripura, Manlpur and Union Territory of Delhi. A sum of ~Iffil ~ ~ 'llIT Q i't 1 7 3ff~ Rs.. 150 lakh has been Provided for

(b) if so, the person responsible for "'Ti'ft itil �qa � sifttq•et this; and s s 2 o. �t "}.� :;,r.� cfqt cf::;i (c) disciplinary action Government ,r" �1 � .rar;r cfi"r wrr fcfi"rn have taken against him?

( cfi ) cf fcf�i

rr�:f cpff� it, far,; �B' cf'T " c;"'T Salary ·of M.Ps. and M.L.A,s

: ' . . ir�"fi:r',.. 3;ff

'ti�fotmatiori into i\tta Of Wheat · (a) whether the salaries· of Mem­ : Seeds p�Ui:'ed by National Seeds bers o.: Parliament i� lower. than the , . -(forpo:ratfon: for· West Bengal salaries of M.L.A's of different. States; --···._, and >3521. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Minister of AGRICULTURE Will the (b) if so, what is the· difference to state: be pleased · compared to other States? (a) whether Go�ernment are. aware that out of nearly a thousand ton of THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ wheat seed procured by the National TARY AFFAIRS (SHRI K. RAGHU Seeds Corporation for West Bengal, a RAMAIAH): (a) afid (b). Informatian major chunk of it has gone outside is being collected from the State the State after transformatio;n into Governments and will be laid on the Aatta/Maida; Table of the House. II 7 y.rTitten Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) WTitfen Answers lIS

Change in syllabus of Secondary (a) wnether on behalf of the Indian classes Youth Congress NSUI, All India 8523. SHRI VAYALAR RAV!. Youth Federation and All India Stu- dents Federation, a joint memorandum SHRI RAMACHANDRAN was submitted to the Prime Minister KADANNAPPALLI: On 4th April, 1974 regarding the dete- riorating food situation; l.• Will the Minister of EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE (b) if so, what are the main points be pleased to state: thereof; and

(a) whether there is any proposal (c) the reacion of the Government to change the syllabus of Secondary thereto? classes to improve the standard of education; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, the salient features there- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE of and the, actio-, taken thereon7 (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) to (c). The Joint Memorandum was presented to Prime Minister on THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 3rd April 1974 demanding inter-alia MmrSTRY OF EDUCATION AND steps to solve the problem of price SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE rise, unemployment, to strengthen the DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI public distribution system' and to D. P. YADAV): (a) and (b). The stop black marketing" hoarding and Central Advisory Board of Education profiteering with the support of the has' recommend that the, 10+2+3 people etc. structure- of education should be adopted in all States before the end Keeping in view the overall avail- of the Fifth Five Year Plan. New cur- ability of foodgrains in the Central ricula and syllabi are being develop- pool, needs of other deficit States. ed' for' classes ,"I':XH by the National maxirnum possible quantities of food- Courici lvof 'Educational Research and grains are being allotted to the State Training. for the guidance .of State Government. In order to improve the Education t Departments. In aceor- availahility. .ot;foodgrains all restric- dance with the proposals, the Edu- of tions int~r;~~ate ,: movement of cation Commission, 'gelletal education '-on' . coarse grains 'ha~e'bee'n'removed, and will 'b-e imparted 'in classes I-X. 'Hqw- the new procurement and pricing ever, for about 20 percent of the stu- paFcy of .wheat fortpe1974:-75 rabi dents there ,will, 'be provision fur sea~cin,has als~ l?een announcedwhich vocational courses.' There is aproposal is expeCted to ease the food situation. for providi'ng'ttan6fera:bility of credits : • ,.$", .' •. ." I! ' .

:obtained in general education impart- . " :ed iil'the' vocational stream to enable ~TI!~)lf,. ••~ fifT(~ i:i 'f;I'ISe''RI'H students to re':eritet the general edu- . cation stream On tbe basis' ofa pass . 8525. l!.lT~l~lCffin: ~n~aT :. 'flIT in .an. examination' conducted' after a special courss devised for the purpose. ~~>tm ~. :OI"Orit 1f,T ~~it for.:' ,

Memorandum to P.M. Re. Deteriorat. (~)

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) the amount of the grant and its MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE purpose, institution-wise and year- (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): wise? (a) Yes, Sir. 121 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers122

(b) The State Governments have (c) the number of ships built In the already been advised that the Central country during the said period? Government would have no objection to the States undertaking full respon­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN sibility for procurement and distribu­THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING tion of foodgrains and other essentialAND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB. commodities within the State and set­ KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) to (c). ting up their own Corporations for theThe required information is being col­ puipose provided they agreed to sup­lected. ply to the Central Pool the contribu­ tion expected of them and absorb the Ship Building Firms in the Country employees of the Food Corporation of India that would be rendered sur­ 8530. SH R I L U T F A L H A Q U E : plus in the process. SHRI SAKTI KUMAR SARKAR: Purchase of Ships by Shipping Will the Minister of S H IP P IN G Companies A N D .T R A N SP O R T be pleased to state:

8529. SH R I L U T F A L H A Q U E : (a) whether there are thirteen ship SHRI A. K M. ISHAQUE: building firms the country, and

Will the Minister of SH IPP IN G (b) if so, the particulars of each A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state: firm?

(a) the number of ships purchased THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN by the shipping companies during the THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING last three years, both coastal and AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB Overseas, their Tonnage and G R.T. KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) and (b). Type of vessels, year-wise, company- Based on up-to-date information re­ wise; ceived from Director General of Ship­ (b) tlhe country from where theseping, a statement indicating particu­ ships were purchased and the cost;lars of ship-building firms in the and country is attached.


Name of the Firm Brief Particulars (.Type of vessels constructed)

x Hindustan Shipyard . This is a public sector shipyard and is at present building ships upto a capacity of 21,500 D w T . 2 Garden Reach Workshops Limi- This is a public sector shipyaad which undertakes ted. Calcutta. construction of crafts e.g. tugs, dredgers,launches etc. and fishing trawlers and also liner bulk earners upto a capacity of 27*000 D W T . 3. Mazagon Dock Limited, Bombay This is a public sector shipyardwhich undertakes- building of barges, frigates etc. and passenger- cu»i-cargo ships upto a capacity of15,000 D W T .

4. IUi*ba**n Dockyird, C*lcu'tt. T h U D o d p j r f U. W « ' C - g * Transport* Corporation Ltd., which is a Govt, of India Understkiog. Besides repairing inland «agr w ^ M d haxWcrafts, such as togs, launches, d m % ers and fishing trawlers. 12 3 Written Answers APRIL .29, 1974 Written Ansibers 12 4

N a rre o f the Firm Britt Particulars (T\pe of vessels constructed)

s Goa, Shipyard Limited Goa I his shipyard is a subsidiary of Mazagon Dock; Limited and undertakes construction of barges, tugs other river cratis and fishing trawlers


0 A n d r e w u le & C I t ’ . Calcutta It constructs* river harbt ur and sca g u n g crafts* cargo lighters, self propelled barges, pleasure, sune>, rescue hunches fi hmg trvwkis and garb dredsrers

1 \le ck Ashd wn C> Ltd It c nstructs boats tugs, barges dredgers, fishing bombav trawlers, pleasure and chemical vessels tic

S Bom^av Minn I ngincermg I c nstructs medium si/e crafts t 1 \arled nature Works BombT\

9 Bruntonftt Co I ngtneers Limi It c istructs all kinds of marine ciatfs fishing traw- tcd Ckchin leis, tugs, barges and dredgers etc * 10 Ch nvgule and C"> Private I mu It c instructs vessels upto 1 )oo t n> ore cm jm g ted,Mormugao bugcs if tooo tons capacity

ti Last Bengal I ngineering Works, It constructs tugs t If pit pi lied bjn»< s dn Vts, Calcutta etc within toileting dimensic n 1 I xngth maximum 200 ft 2 Maximum Beam 32 ft 3 D raft 10 ft

12 Gladstone Lyall and Co Ltd It cmstructs fibtrglas trawlers Calcutta

13 Hooghlj Docking nrd Bngineei it g It c< nstructs tugs hepper barges trawlers ai sta- C Ltd ,Cilcuita g

14. L Ti rn, W >r I 1 I o itri s smll cnf»s dre Igcr and trawlers etc. Calcutta

15 Sundia ork h p I t i B om bu It c nstructs barges trawlers, pont ns a id lauc* es etc.

16 Shalimir Works Ltd Calcutta It constructs tugs trawler and Ureters

17 Shaparia D< ck and Steel Co It constructs inland'seagoing vessels upto ioco tom; Pvt L td , Bombas launches, tug barsre lifeboats dredgers etc o f length upto iso ft and beam ^1 It

18 Vishal Engg Works Pvt Ltd , It cmstructs barge with a capacity of 40c tom and Panaji, Goa above

19 Rncr Steim Navu,ition C It constructs all tvpes it shallow drafts vessels npto Ltd > Calcutta 1 length of 300 ft and upto a maximum loaded draft of 6 ft

20 Modern Mechanical Marine It constructs water craft upto isoo ton capacity Works Private 1 united, Bombav

N o ie — This statement does not include Cochin Shipyard which is still under construction ind is expected to be completed by the end of September, 1975 The first series of ships to be c instructed in this shipyard is Panama* Pulk Carriers of 7SOOO D W 1 125 Written Answers VAISAKHA fi>, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers 126

Ship Transported Coal lor Gujarat (c) how many suggestions have been accepted by the Government; 8531 SHRI F, M. MEHTA; Will theand Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS­ (d) the steps taken in this regard? P O R T be pleased to state THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether Gujarat has requestedMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI the Centre to arrange for the move­B P MAURYA) (a, Yes, «i A ment of coal to the State by sea in Food and Agriculture Organisation/ view of the present difficulties faced S\\ edish International Development by the Railways; and Ai thonty Team visited India on 7th January to 16th March, 1973 and their (b) if so, the reaction of the Union Rppoit on Forestry Project Iden^tfv a- Government? lH,r. Mission for India was received in Jui\ 1973. They have identified coi- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN t m pi ojecto to be taken up for imple­ THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING mentation immediately and they have suggested assistance for mplementation AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB of these projects from Donor Agencies K U M A R M U K H E R J E E ): (a) No re­ quest was received in the recent pastThe Projects recommended for imme­ diate implementation are as follows- fiom Gujarat Government for move­ ment of coal to the State by sea. H ow ­ (i) Hiring of consultants for deve­ ever, requests from certain organisa­loping plantation techniques of tropi­ tions m Gujarat State were receivedcal pines and reclamation of areas with rmd then requirements for allotmentalkaline soils for raising forestry plan­ ot colliers were* met bv Directortations; General of Shipping to the extent feasible. (ii) Purchasing seeds of suitable tropical pines for nursery trials;

(b) Does not arise. (ni) Hiring of heavy equipment for trials on selection of machinery for large scale plantations in West Bengal:

Visit of Experts of F.A .O. on Forest (iv) Fellowships to Indian Officers Development Projects to visit Australia to study mechanised plantations. 8533. SH R I P. M . M E H T A : (b) Other suggestions made by the Team are as follows: SHRI DHAMANKAR: (1) The project for Industrial and Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E Fuelwood 'Plantations in North Fast be pleased to state: Assam tod West Bengal Pulp Wood Project may be considered for National (a) whether a team of forestry ex­Financing! or International Institution­ perts of the Food and Agricultureal Financing Agencies. Organisation of the United 'Nations, which visitctd India last year, had (ii> The Plantation schemes, each identified a number of forest utilisa­of ai'out 40,000 hec. in Maharashtra tion and development projects to be Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and taken up Immediately and had Kerala States may be considered for suggested assistance from internationalInstitutional Financing Agencies donor agencies; through establishment of Forest- Cor­ porations in the light of the recom­ - (b) if. so, the other suggestionsmendations of National Commission on made; '\ Agriculture. 127 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 128

(iii) Donor assistance may be sought and sub-standard materials in the for following protects: construction of East Pakistan Displac­ (1) Conifers species trialsis suit­ ed Person’s Colony in South Delhi for 'Which U C agreed to advance able areas in Maharashtra, Madhya Rs. 2 crores on the request of his Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. Ministry; (2) Study of Eucalyptus fereticornis provenances in their native habitat and (b) if so, whether any inquiry has their behaviour as exotic plantation been instituted in this affair; and species. (c) if so, the results thereof and (3) Establishment of g Model Forestalso the reasons for delay in the com­ Fire Protection Service in Keralapletion of the job? State.

(4) Establishment of business A d ­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ministration Training Unit for ForestDEPARTMENT OF p a r l i a m e n ­ Corporation Personnel. t a r y AFFAIRS AND IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING (5) Supply of heavy equipment, (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) to

8534. SH R I D H A M A N K A R : MMIm m I SMrife O w PWHIIm i wJMMMlt Baaed «f B M n SHRI MOHINDXR SINGH COLL: 8585. SH R I D H A M A N K A R : Will ti* Minister of A G R IC U L T U R Ebe pleased Win the Mtaffrr of WORKS AND to stale: HOUSING be plMMd to stale: (a) whether the National Seeds (a) whether he it awaretd fee fact Corporatteo la without a 9ea*t ot that D D A used defective M i n i n g Directors; and 129 Written Answers VA1SAKHA 9, 1896 SAKA ( ) Written Answers 13o

(b) if so, since bow long and the Shipping Companies Running at Loss reasons for the same? 8538. SHRI SAKTI KUMAR SARKAR: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE SHRI S N SINGH DEO: (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) No, Sir. The term of the Board Will the Minister of SHIPPING ol Directors of the National Seeds Cor­A N D T R A N SP O R T be pleased to state: poration which was to expire on 15th February, 1974 has been extended by(a) whether most of the shipping three months. companies are running at a loss;

(b) Does not arise (b) if so, tihe profit and loss of the shipping companies in the country during 1971-72 and 1972-73; and Construction of Bridge Over River Haldi at Norgrhat in Midnapur (c) action taken by the Govern­ ment m this regard? 8536. S H R I S A K T I K U M A R SARKAR: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND SHRI S N. SINGH DEO: TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) No Sir Will the Minister of SHIPPING A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state: (b) The profit and loss accounts of <-1 inpin^ companies for the years 1971- (a) whether construction of Bridge72 and 1972 73 are not readily avail­ over the river Haldi at Norghat inable. the distnct Midnapur has been start­ (c) Does not arise. ed in 1967 and not yet completed; and Ships on Overseas Trade (b) if so, the amount sanctioned for the bridge up to date and the reason 8539. SHR I A K . M . IS H A Q U E : for the delay in construction? SHRI S. N. SINGH DEO; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN T H E Will the Minister of SH IPP IN G MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state: TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) and (b). The proposed.bridge over the river (a) the number of ships on over­ Haldi is a State Project and is being seas trade in the country owned by financed by the Government of West the companies, company-wise; and Bengal. According to the information received from the StateGovernment, (b) the type of vessels, their ton­ the project was started in 1967 and nage a and G.R.T.? total amount of Rs. 41.50 lakhs has been allotted by them for it upto 1974- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TBS 75. It has not been possible for themMINISTRY OP SHIPPING AND to complete the work so far due to TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB difficult working condition and soil KUMAR MUKH10URE): (a)and * characteristics, * financial stringency, A statement tfvtag th* rebuked in­ lack tff appropriate machinery and ex­ formation at on SlstDecember, 1978, perience to handle the job on the part is M e n the Table of 9 m m EFta#«* of the contractor. in I A W f e r n * 6S5 L S —6. 13 1 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 132

Demand foi Additional Wheat for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Karnataka DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MIN­ 8540 SH R I G Y KRISHNAN- ISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING (SH R I O M M E H T A ): (a) No. Sir SHRI K MALLANNA- (b) Does not arise Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased tc* refer to the reply given to Unstaried Question No 615 on 25th Februaiy, 1974 regarding quan­f 1 SftT SRJH1SR ftlWT fcll tity of wheat and coarse grains de­ manded by and supplied to Karnataka 85 42 . ftlg WT and state* ftiw, i (a) whether there lhas been some w f 1rr rH r fsr additional demand of wheat from the State; and

(b) if so, the reaction of Central (q?) tot * n r r Government thereon? * ^tcfTcrr wpn*r?r f t f w r THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE r n f t i jttsrt srt^ srr 7# MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB F SHINDE) f , (a) Yes, Sir

(b) It has not been possible to in­ crease the allocation for Karnataka («r) Jtrft fr *rr The State has been allotted 9,000 tonnes of wheat and 11,000 tonnes of rrulo for each of the months of March and April, 1974. ftiw fftT wiwr ««IT fW ! S («ft tfo Direction for Construction of BuUdin* ifto HOT ) : (*) (*) w m ? less than Three Storey SFT f^TTT | fa ftWT % 5T?T5T *T 8841 SHRI K MALLAiNNA- rrw famfoft «pt ^rfar

SHRI D B CHANDRA fTHT ^f^TT I TR^cr? GOWDA TTT^rnft "fm fesrrf*pfr WIT ’TTR’ffjiT ’ST'RR * \^TT Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S IN G be pleased 0 t state- sfWRn? %5TT =8(1%^I w | t q^rfcT vrft farcrcr ^ rf^ rP T tftx (a) whether any directions have H f & r farc ft ^fr Trsgfa&rt been issued by the Government of India to restrict the construction of f c m * % f*rq srfcar* st i less than three storey buildings in ft «mr *r *n*?n: vt view of the increased cement export to oil producing countries;sad x m s w r f t ewr fre wTfisrar #Srt ^ MXWf fWT % (b) U so, ths policy of Government in extending the fftdlitiis to provide q r s ir o f sftur*ff f t cement and steel? Jppffesr *F?*t Jfrr $ 1 133 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers 13 4

Cultivation of Sunflowers Allotment of Houses by D D A to Co­ operative Societies in Delhi

8543. SHRI JA G A N N A T H M ISH R A : 8544 SHR I IS H W A R C H A U D H R Y : Will the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D be pleased to atate: H O U S IN G be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government have pro­ posed an ambitious programme to (a) the names of those cooperative supplement the availability of oil­ societies, citizen councils or other seeds by extending the cultivation of such societies to which the Delhi D e­ non-traditional oil seeds, namely velopment Authority had handed sunflower; and ovei more than 100 houses in Delhi to allot to eligible persons; (b) if so, the main features of the plan in this regard? (b) the names of the office-bearers of these societies or councils;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (cl whether certain complaints MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ihave been received in regard to allot­ (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): ment of these houses by these socie­ (a) Yes, Sir. ties; and (d) if so, the facts thereof and the (b) It is proposed to extent the cul­ outcome of the enquiry conducted in tivation of sunflower over an area ofthe matter? 10,60,000 hectares by the end of the Fifth Five Year Plan under the Cen­ trally Sponsored Scheme for Sunflower THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ Development in the States of Andhra TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MIN­ Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, TamilISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Delhi Deve­ Pun'jab. The other main features of lopment Authority has not handed the Programme are:— over more than 100 flats to any Co­ operative Society, Citizens’ Council or other Societies for allotment to eligi­ (i) Propagation of proper techniquesble persons. of cultivation of the crop to obtain maximum yield per hactare. (b) to (d). Do not arise.

(ii) Supply of minikits free of cost Public Distribution System for In­ to the cultivators containing seed along dustrial Areas and Towns with seed dressers and literature on package of practices in the first year 8545. SHR I N. SH IV A PPA : of the implementation of the pro­ gramme followed by subsidy on qua­ SHRI D. D. DESAI: lity seed in the subsequent years. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state; (iii) Large scale demonstrations to educate the farmers on sunflower cul­ (a) whether Government are con­ tivation. sidering that the public distribution system should be confined to indus­ (iv) Strengthening of staff. trial areas and towns; and 13 5 Wntten Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 13 6

(b) if so, whether other areasn THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE. would be looked after by the normal' MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE flow of trade? (SHRI ANNASAHEB P SHINDE) ^a) Not entireLv but only partly

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) The production potential of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE wheat depends upon the availability of (SHRI ANNASAHEB P SHINDE) a number of inputs like, 1 () good seed ( ; availability of plant nutrients, of (a) and (b) With the improvement 2 which the feitiliseis are intended to m the availability of foodgrains m the supplement what Is already present in market the offtake from the public the soil or what cannot be supplied distribution system is expected to be thiough oigamc manuie, (3) litigation on a reduced scale i (4) management skill and (5) the absence ff diseases and clim&ti ha^atds like hail-storm or very not Shipping Industry facing Crisis spells dunnp the giain filling stage or scveie fro&t during flowering Anyone 8546 SHR I N S H IV A P P A of tl cse when not favourable can prevent the vield potential of wheat SHRI RAGHUNANDAN LAL bomo ichieved fully Und r norma! BHATIA and favourable conditions of all the other factors the yield potential of Will the Mmislei of S H IP P IN G A N D whe it increases with the avuilab’h y T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state ot chemical fertilise!s However shoitfall m fertiliser availability can (a) whether the Shipping Industrybe maclo up viitljn certain limito bv is facing ci lsis and a hiethei efficiency of fertiliser manage­ ment bv a greater mobilisation of or­ fb) if so teasons therefor7 ganic manure and bv taking steps to increase soil fertility by growing a legume eiop with the appropriate THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN rhizobial culture prior to the culti­ 1HE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND vation of wheat Irrigation also TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB minimises yield reduction arising from K U M A R M U K H E R J E E ) (a) No, Sir. inadequacy of fertilizer

(b) Does not arise Land given under Lease toY W C A , Delhi

8548 SH R I P IL O O M O D Y Will Wheat Cultivation dependent upon the Minister of W O R K S A N D availability of Chemical Fertiliser H O U S IN G be pleased to state

8547 SH R I N SH IV A P P A fa) whether the land given under SHRI P. GANGADKB: lease to the Young Women's Christian Association, for social "welfare pur­ Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E poses,1 e , building a hostel for work­ be pleased to state ing women in Delhi (1921) is currently a hot bed of malpractice, nepotism (a) whether production potential of and embezzlement; and the wheat cultivation a m entirely depends o r availability of chemical (b) whether there i* *n unhygienic Fertilisers;and overcrowding of beds for purely monetary gain and new entrants are (b) if so, facts thereof? b>ing made to pay exorbitant rat**? i37 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers 138

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE proposals while finalising the 5th. DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ Plan proposals keeping in view the TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MIN­ available resources, inter se priority ISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING oi individual schemes on as All-India (SH RI O M M E H T A ): and

Major Highway Routes through Sidhi, M P Foodgrains for Assam

8549. SHRI R A N A B A H A D U R 8550 SHR I N IH A R L A S K A R : S IN G H . Will the Minister of S H IP ­ P IN G A N D T R A N S P O R T bo pleased SHRI TARUN GOGOI; to state: Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state:

(a) what are the major highway (a) whether acute shortage of 1 outes that are proposed for the Filthfoodgrains is being experienced in the Five Year Plan that shall pass throughState of Assam, the Sidhi District of M .P.; and (b) if so, the reasons for the same; (b) what will be the number of (c) whether Union Government has major towns that they shall link? been requested to supply morS food­ grains to the State; and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND (d) if so, the reaction of Union TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB Government and how much food­ K U M A R M U K H E R JE E ): (a) and (b). grains were supplied to the State from The Government of India, under the 1st January 1974? Constitution, are primarily responsible for roads declared as National High­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ways. All roads other than NationalMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Highways in States fall within the (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): sphere of State activities. The general (a) to (d)- Assam is normally surplus question of providing major highway in rice. O w m g to some milling diffi­ routes passing through the Sidhi Dis­culty in Assam, 2,000 tonnes of rice trict of Madhya Pradesh is, therefore,have been recently allotted to the the concern of the Government of State Government from the Centra] Madhya Pradesh. Pool on their request on replacement basis As regards National Highways, the Th« State Government have been State Government have proposed the asking for increased allotment of inclusion of road passing throughwheat from the Central Pool. The toajor towns of Gwalior-Jbansi-Chattar-monthly allotment of wheat has been puf-Khajuraho-Panna-Satna-Rewa-SMhi stepped up. The total quantity of Baidhan-Pipri-Gaghwa-Ranchi Road in wheat supplied to Assam during the National Highway System in the January—March, 1074 was 25.3 thou­ 5th Plan. This has been noted forsand tonnes. The allotment for April, consideration along with similar other1974 is 12,000 tonnes. ** *- . Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 140

Toxic efteo\ of affluent from Harthar Project Report for 1>evelopment of Polyfibre Plant in Karnataka on Agri­ Karwar (Binaga) culture and Vegetation

8551. SHR I B. V. N A IK : Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased 8553. SHRI B. V. N A IK : Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS­ to state: P O R T be pleased to state: (a) whether the affluent from Hari- har Polyfibre in Karnataka State has (a) whether G^/ernment of been tested for its toxic effect; Mysore (Ktrnataka) has submitted a Rs. Five crore project report fof'deve- (b) whether it has been found to be lopment of Karwar (Binaga) into an harmless tc agriculture and vegeta­intermediate port; and tion; and

(c) if so, why it is not used for irri­ (b) if so, the stage at which the proposal rests with the Centre? gation purposes?

THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB (a) to (c,). The information is beingKUMAR MUKHERJEE); (a) Yes, Sir. collected from the concerned State Government and the same, when (b) The proposal is under conside­ received, will be placed on the Table ration in Consultation with the of the Sabha. Planning Commission.

Cracks in Gol Gumbaj, Bijapur Delay in Rabi Wheat Harvest by Punjab Farmers to Press for H552. SHRI B. V. N A IK : Will the Minister of EDU C A TIO N , S O C IA L Remunerative Prices WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased 8554. SH R I P R A B O D H C H A N D R A : to xtate: SHRI YAMUNA PRASAD a) whether the high dome of Gol MANDAL: Gumbaj in Bijapur in Karnataka State Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E has developed cracks; and be pleased to state;

(b) if so, what steps are being taken (a; whether Government's attention to preserve this archaeological monu­has been drawn to the move of Pun­ ment intact? jab faimers to delay the rabi wheat harvest for sometime to press for THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. remunerative wheat prices; and SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE (PROF. S. NUtRUL HASAN): (a) and (b) if go, the reaction pf the Gov­ ib). Yes, Sir. A few cracks wereernment thereto? observed to have appeared in the plaster covering the extrados of the dome. These were treated and sealed THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE liquid cement grout. However, the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE dome is beii|g examined thoroughly (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): with a view to finding out the (a) and (b). The State Government measure* that may be necessary for theare not aware of any such move on preservationof the monument. the part of the fanners. 141Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896JSAKA) Written Answers 14a

Short duration and Dwarf varieties of (a) whether the India Steam Ship Coconut Plantations in Kerala Co. has bet m granted permission to purchase m*'re ships this year;

8555. SHRi K . R A M K R IS H N A R E D D Y : (b) if so, what prevents this Minis­ Will the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E try to take over all shipping companies be pleased to state: under Shipping Corporation of India; and (a) whether short duration and dwarf varieties of coconut plantations (c) the loss and profit of India are evolved in Kerala: steamships and Shipping Corporation in 1972-73? (b) ii so, whether Government in­ tends to raise a nursery or subsidise private nurseries in Kerala for itsTHE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE mass plantations; and MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB Cc) whether it has brought to the KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) Yes, Sir. notice of the Andhra Pradesh Govern­India Steamship Ltd. were permitted ment for popularising the same? on 9-1-1974 to acquire three second­ hand vessels of a total of 35,163 G R T at a cost of U S $ 26 million. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (b) No decision to nationalise Indian (a) Yes, Sir. Shipping has been taken.

(b) The hybrid coconuts, which are (c) The profit (before Tax and D e­ early and profuse bearers, are beingpreciation) made by these two shipping multiplied-in cultivators’ gardens undercompanies during 1972-73 was as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Forunder: — this work a premium of 15 per cent is allowed to the cultivators while S .C I- R s. 1,791.36 lakhs. collecting the seednuts in addition to the cost of the nuts at the prevailing Indian Steamships—-Rs. 233 89 lakhs. market price. A premium of Rs. 5|- per palm is also given to the culti­ vators for the collection of pollen from Sale of condemned seeds of National the dwarf palm. See&s Corporation

It is also proposed to organise this8557. SHRI S A T P A T K A P U R ; Will work at the Central State Farm, the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be Aralam. pleased to state: (ft) These varieties of coconut are already in the knowledge of all, the (a) whether the National Seeds coconut growing States, including Corporation disposed of condemned Andhra Pradesh. seeds during 1970— 1973;

Taking over of All Shipping (b) if so. tile quantity thus disposed Companies by S.C.I. of and the cost of the same; and

8556. SHRI P R IY A R A N J A N D A S (c) whether in the retail sale of M UNSI: Will the Minister of SHIP­ these condeomed seeds huge profits: PING AND TRANSPORT be pleased were made at the cost of the Consu­ to state: mers? 143 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers

THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE Procurement of Foodgrains by MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. Government {SHRI ANNASAHE© P. SHINDE). (a) and (b). The National Seeds 8559 PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Corporation condemened 2,808 tonnes Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E of seeds valued at Rs. 105.49 lakhsbe in pleased to state the period 1969-70 to 1972-73. The Corporation realised Rs 36.50 lakhs (a) by what is the quantum of food­ disposal of the condemned seeds, re­grains expected by the Government jected seeds and sweepings, during thefrom the wholesale traders after the period 1969-70 to 1972-73. introduction of the new procurement (c) The Government have no infor­and puce policy for foodgi ams, and mation of this point. vb) what steps aie devised to ensure Diversification of activities of State that the expected quantum of food­ Farms Corporation grains is procured by Government?

8558. SHRI S A T P A L K A P U R : WillTHE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E be MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE pleased to state: (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) and (b) ilt is not possible at this (a) whether jt has been decided to stage to make any precise estimate of diversify tl*e activities of the State the quantities of wheat that may be Farms Corporation to cover foodprocured under the new policy. Levy processing, and Orders have been issued and other ad­ ministrative arrangements finalised by (b) if so, the proposals at hand inthe suiplus States of Punjab, Haryana, this regard? Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Rajasthan for the realization of 50 per cent lev% from what dealers and co­ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE operative societies obtaining licences (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) The Memorandum and Articlesas dealers. of Association of the State Farms Corporation of India provide that one Implementation of modified Grades of the objectives of the Corporation for University and College Teachers is to carry on all or any of the busi­ ness of the farmers, producers, pro­ cessors etc. of agricultural produce of85(30 PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: all kinds including dairy, poultry, Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N garden and horticulture produce. SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased to state:

(b) if so, the reaction of the Gov­ SHRI YAMUNA PRASAD ernment thereto? MANDAL:

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Will the Minister of A G R IC U L ­ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE T U R E be pleased to state: (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) and (b). No specific reports have (a) whether Government have come to the notice of the Government. chalked out any sugarcane develop­ However, such Co-operative Societies ment plan for enhancing sugarcane as wish to operate as dealers in wheatproduction: and will have to obtain dealers’ licences and deliver 50 per cent levy. After (b) if so, the main features thereof? the levy obligation has ben discharged, like other licensed dealers, they will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE be permitted to sell the levy-free MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE wheat within the State or outside the (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): State on the basis of a permit fa) Yes, Sir.

Negotiated Price to Sugar Industry for (b) The programme envisaged Procurement of Sugar for Export coverage of a compact block of 2000 hectare around each sugar factory In 8562. PR O F . M A D H U D A N D A V A T E :Sub-Tropical belt and 1000 hectare in Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E Tropical belt where emphasis will be be pleased to state: laid on (i) Quality seed production and distribution fbr eommereiaJL culti­ (a) whether a suggestion to offervation; a (ii) demonstrations on plant negotiated price to the sugar industryand ratoon cane; (iii) adoption of Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 148

plant protection measures; (iv) train­ (b) .and (c). The statement—one ing of cane development workersat showing allocation of money, number State level and (v) constructionof link oi blocks covered and total number roads m sugar factory areas. of beneficiaries inrespect of each Project and the other showing prog­ ress made by each Project, are laid Collapse of SafdarjiUf Fly Over on the Table of the House [Placed in Library See No. LT—6857/74)]. 8564 SHRI M R A M G O P A L R ED­ DY. Will the Mims ter of W ORKS AND Development of Higher Education in H O U S IN G to pleased to state: Educationally backward districts of Orissa (a) whether the Enquiry Commis­ sion has blamed N B C C for the collapse 8560 SHRI G IR ID H A R G O M A N G O : of Safdarjung fly over columns in Will the Minister of E DU C A TIO N , Delhi, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE oe pleased to state. (b) if so, the action taken against the Corporation; and (a) the policy and provisions adopt- ed by the U G C. for the development (c) the names of the persons res­of higher education, particularly for ponsible for the negligence? educationally backward districtsof Orissa; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ lb) the allocation lecommended by TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINI­ the U G C foi the Bferhampur, Sam- STRY OF WORKS AND H O U S IN G balpur and Utkal Universities m fSHRI O M M E H T A ) (a) to (c) The Fouith Plan and for Fifth Plan; and Report is under examination of the Government (c) the allocation made in the 3'ouith Plan and Fifth Plan by the Tribal Development Agencies and ^Ministry’ Allocation therefor THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE 8565 SHRtT G IR ID H A R G O M A N G O (PR OF S. NURUL HASAN)- (a) to W i’l tne Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E re1 Guidelines for preparation of pro- be please! to state uo^als for the Fifth Five Year Plan, cnculated by the UniversityGrants (a) the total number of Tnbal Commission to theUniversities, inter- Development Agencies staited-so faraha provide that efforts should be in the country, made towards removal of regionalim­ balances, creatingopportunities for (b) the allocation of money to each higher education forunder-privileged project and the number of tribal blocks Motions of societyand also under­ covered in each project and the pro­ developed areas in eachregion These gress madeso far; and could be in the form of special sup­ plementary programmes/courses to (c) the total number of beneficiaries help studentsfrom Scheduled Castes/ in each project? Tribes and other under-privileged communities, so that they maybe en­ THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE abled to overcome their initial handi­ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE caps The Universities may give spe­ (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) The total cial attention to the structure and number of Tribal Development Agen­ contents of courses of colleges located cies taken up so far is 8. in rural afteas. 149 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, I89G (SAKA) Written Answers 15 0

The following allocations were-made THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE by the Commission for the Fourth MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Five Year Plan to Universities in (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) Money Orissa allocated to the T.D.A. Gunupur (Ko- laput) and Parlakhemundi (Ganjam) Berhampur Rs. 55 lakhg for load development during the Sambalpur Rs. 57 lakhs Projoct period is indicated below:— Utkal .. Rs. 62 lakhs In addition 108 proposals of 64 colleges Link Arterial in Orissa were accepted during Fourth Roads) Roads Blaft and total assistance given as Commission share was Rs. 45.31 lakhs; Rs in lakhs the total approved share being Rs. 1.34 1. T .D .A .-G u n up ur 20 50 crores. Another Rs. 22.92 lakhs were(Koraput) also sanctioned to 72 colleges under other schemes like basic grants for2. T.D .A.-Parlakhc- books and equipment and teachers’ mundi (Ganjam) 25 50 flats.

During the Fifth Five Year Plan (b) The policy adopted for road period, Utkal University has beendevelopment in the T.D.As. is that requested by the Commission to send(i) the link roads should be of proposals upto Rs. 1.5 crores category and of rural pucca roads linking Berhampur and Sambalpur Universi­markets, mandis, godowns etc. and also ties upto Rs.1 crore each, the proposalsvillages with the district highways, being arranged in three priorities village as basti roads etc., and (ii) the indicated in the guidelines. arterial roads should be all-weatfier pucca metalled roads of the standard The Ministry of Education and So­ of ‘Major District Road’ failing which cial Welfare have no scheme for thisof ‘Other District Road' category, and purpose as all funds for developmentshould be complete from point to point of higher education are channellised including causeways, bridges, culverts through the University GrantsCom- etc and connect the Project area with mi^ion. the State and national highways, rail­ heads etc. in order to open up the area.

Allocation to Tribal Development fc) No, Sir There is no proposal Agency for road development to sanction any other special money to the T D A s for road development in 8567. SH R I G IR ID H A R G O M A N G O :Fifth Plan. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state: Road Development in Tribal areas of Orissaduring: Fifth Year Plan (a) the money allocated to the T.D A. Gimupur-Parlakhemundi under 6568. S H R I G IR ID H A R G O M A N G O : the road development; Will the Minister of SHIPPIN G A N D (b) the criteria and policy adopted T R A N S P O R T be pleased to state: for the road development In the T.D.As; and (a) what measuresor special sch­ emes are being taken up by the (c) whether there is any proposal Ministry in Fifth Five Year Plan in to sanction special money to these road development in the tribal areas T.D.As. under the head of road deve­ of the country with special reference lopment In Fifth Plan? to Orissa; and Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 15 2

lb) what are the allocations lor suggested for this purpose in the Filth tribal areas out of the total outlay Five Year Plan for Orissa State which proposed for road development (i) includes Rs. 5 00 crores for covering the Central Sector; and (ii) the State requirements of tribal areas. Sector?

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Cattle breeding farm In Karnataka MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND 8569 SH R I J Y O T IR M O Y B O S U : TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KU­ Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E MAR MUKHEJEE): (a) and (b). The be pleased to state: Government of India are primarily responsible for the development and (a) a list of Government run cattle maintenance of National Highways bleeding farm in the State of only. Roads other than National Karnataka; Highways m States are the concern of the respective State Governments (b) the number and value of cattle (i) indegenously produced and (ii) National Highways are planned as imported from abroad for each of 4runk roads linking the various parts these farms year-vase during the of the country as a whole and not for last three years and how many sheep particular area or region as such. a n y and cattle of each farm have died Some of these highways pass through during this period; areas with tribal concentration. In Orissa, a length of 516 Kms. of N a­ (c) factors responsible for these tional Highways pass through tribaldeaths; and areas against a total National High- ways length of 1649 Kms. in the State. (d) extent of losses to the state ex­ The length of National Highways in chequer as a result of these deaths? tribal areas of Orissa is thus 31 per cent in the total length whereas the population of scheduled tribes is 23 perTHE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE cent. In addition, some loan assistance MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE is also given for selected State Roads(SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) Govern­ of Inter-State or Economic Importance ment of India have one Central Cattle and due consideration is given forBreeding Farm at Hessargatha in roads; in tribal areas under this schemeKarnataka. also in case States come up with any such demand (b) to (d>. Information is being collected and the same will be laid on As the proposals for the Fifth Fivethe Table of the Lok Sabha as soon Year Plan are still in a preliminaryas it becomes available. fctage, it is not possible to give an idea at this stage about the extent to which the requirements of tribal areas will Representation regarding Animal bp covered by the Central Sector Husbandry Department Road Schemes. 8570 SH R I J Y O T IR M O Y B O S U : The Ministry is not concerned with Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E the State Sector. However, the re­ be pleased to state: quirements for tribal areas in the > main would be covered by the Rural (a) whethej some persons residing Roads under the Minimum Needs m Chandni Chowk, Delhi have re­ Programme proposed in the State cently brought to the notice of the Sector. According to the information Prime Minister a number of cases In­ available in the Ministry, a tentative volving waste of public money In fjie outlay of Rs 35.00 crores has beenAnimal Husbandry Department of 153 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) V/i itten Answers 15 4

Ministry in the nameat Cattle and o* cJiiuption in the University Grants Sheep Development schemes; and Commission in connection with con­ struction, renovation and maintenance * (b) if so, action taken on the same? of co lege buildings in various States. nt of Agriculture. The re­ presentation made certain allegations id) total staff of each category, o«- regarding working of the Animal cer^ rt3 well us others separately, in Husbandry Division of the Department t..e N..i*onal Ai aves of India a.> m The mat*or is being looked into. 1900, 1965 and 1973;

(b> names of new Departments or Corruption in University Grants DniMons opened during the last three Commission jeais; how the recruitments in these new departments or Divisions have 8571 SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU:been m^de; WiJl the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE (c) general methods of lecruitment be pleased to state- and promotion m the National Ai chives;

Class I Class II Class III Class IV

1960 8 48 189 182

19*5 8 51 190 175

12 S* 213 t6S 15 5 Written Answers APRIL 2$, 1974 Written Answers 156

(b) During the last three years,THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE schemes regarding Publication of Re­MINISTRY OP SHIPPING AND cords on Partition and Independence TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB (Towards Freedom), introduction ofKUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) and short-term training courses in Record(b). A provision of Rs. 50.00 crores Management and Repair of Records, has been made in the draft Fifth Five clearing of arrears to the library, pre­Year Plan for setting up of two new paration of Archival Manual and re­ shipyards in the country. ference media for Inayat Jung collec­ tion have been taken up. Work in connection with Recoid Management, Demand, production and Importof National Register of Records and Milk Powder Preparation of Check Lists, with more 8574 SH R I D P J A D E J A : staff, have been expedited. Repair and Reprographic services and the A d ­ SHRI ARVIND M. PATEL: ministrative * Division have been Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E strengthened. The posts have been be pleased to state: filled according to the Recruitment Rules in force. fa) the total demand of milk pow­ der in the country; (c) As is the case in other Govern­ ment Departments/Offices, the general (b) the quality of milk powder pro­ method of recruitment to posts in the duced during the last three years, National archives of India is asyear-wise; and -follows: (c) the quality imported during the said period? (i) direct recruitment.

(u) partly by direct recruitment THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE and partly by promotion. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) The cur­ Uii) by promotion (on the basis of rent requirement for milk powder in selection as well as on the basis ofview of shortage of milk in the country seniority-cum-fltness). has been estimated at 40,000 tonnes.

fd) Yes, Sir. (b) The quality of whole and Skim Milk Powder produced during the last (e) The question of reviewing thethree years in the country confirmed staffing pattern and the recruitmentto the standard laid down in the rules rules is under consideration by theframed under the prevention of Food Government of India. Adulteration Act, 1954.

(c) The quality of imported Skim Milk Powder during the last three years confirmed to the I.S.I. standard. N ew Shipyards in the Country

8573. SH R I D E B E N D R A N A T HResearch Centre for improving pro­ M A H A T A : Will the Minister of duction of Groundnut SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT be 8575.S H R I D . P. JADEJA: pleased to state: SHRI VEKARIA> (a) whether any provision has been Will the Minister ofAGRICULTURE made for the establishment of new be pleased to slate: •shipyards in the country; and (a) whether there is no Restate!* (b) H so, the provision made? Centre for improving and increasing 157 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers 158 the production of groundnut in the 9. Kadari. country; 10 Khargaon. 11 Raichur. (b) if so, whether Government are considering to set up such Centres; and12. Coimbatore. 13. Pollachi. (c) if so, the si+es selected? 14. Marnpuri. 13. Breeding Unit (RRS, Hyderabad). THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 16 Physiology Unit (Coimbatore). MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): 17. Microbiology Unit (IARI, N ew (a) No, Sir. Delhi). 18. Aflotoxin Unit (RRS, Hyderabad). (b) A n All India Cooidiaated Re­ 19. Aflotoxin Unit (Indian Institute search Project for the Improvementof Nutrition, Hyderabad) of Oilseeds has beSen implemented from 1967. It is being continued20. White-grub Unit (IARI, N ew during the Fifth Five Year Plan. It Delhi). had 19 Centres and 30 sub-centres,21. Virus Unit (Coimbatore). distributed all over the country, of 22. Bio-genesis of Oil (Dharwar). which 22 Centres/sub-centres are con­ cerned with research on groundnut. The total amount invested on oilseeds Farmers urged by Farmers Federation research during the Fourth FiveYear of India *0 resist wheat procurement Plan was of the orderof Rs. 165 lakhs. During the Fifth Five Year Plan, this 8576. SH R I D . P. J A D E J A : Project is being continued withaddi­ SHRi M. M. JOSEPH: tional strengthening. Since the country’s edible oil economy is mostly Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E groundnut based, the majoremphasis be pleased to state: under oilseeds research is on ground­(a) whether the Farmers Federa­ nut. tion of India has urged the farming community to resist wheat procure­ The main features of the Co-ordina­ ment; ted Project are to improve the produc­ tivity of the groundnut crop through (b) if so, what are their conditions; varietal upgrading, improved corp and management practices, including plant (c) the action taken by the Govern­ protection schedules, stabilising the ment thereon? yields of crop against adverse climatic vagaries etc. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) The different research CentresMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE working on Groundnut are: (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a ) to (c), Government have seen 1. Rajendranagar. some Press reports according to which 2. Karim Nagar. the Farmer Federation of India has called upon wheat growers to resist 3. Junagarh. procurement of wheat. They have 4* Jalgaon. demanded that the procurement price 5. Dharwar. of wheat be * fi#ed according to the principle of parity which sought to 6. Chlplima. m maintain a balance 1*$ween the pMfce 7. Ludhiana. received andf the wfees pafct by term­ 8. TiDdivanam. ers with reference to an agreed b u e 159 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 160 year Government has since announ­ ced its procurement and price policy of wheat for Rabi 1974-75 taking all factors into account. $ ^ fr*rT | i Demand of fertiliser from Dadra and Nagar Haveli

8577 SHRI D P. JADEJA: ^tff *T fanfa SHRI R R. PATEL: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: 8579. «ft w i : f*r*toripr (a) the demand of fertilizer from jt? ^ ^ Dadra and Nagar Haveli for the year 1973-~4, and fTP

(b) the quantity supplied against (*F) q 3TF T F T% faiTfa*T*^'F r this requnement? f ^ q K f it f^ T fT*T tffaTT^T ?PRf ^ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE *rm % % ^ r *Tfrmr % »rpq *nnft MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): TO ’FT faW Tf mp- t, t, i) and <.b) Dadra and Nafiar Haveli Admin Oration communicated their (ish fc rr ?tt qY^r-fr r« s^Yn lequirements of fertilisers for 1973-74 < A.pril 1973—March 1974), m termsam of t' * nutrients as 1112 tonnes of N and 126 tonnes of P205 Supply of 200 tonnes of N and 33 tonnes of P205 was *ftT qfolfT

STftWfTo? *1 TRfa pr*R?r^r ^:rr;T'TV3T t t *rp»ror sprtf-

srifa^t ^pst ^ ’rsrf

8578.srmsft HTf : * Tfasfa % «p w ?p*t % %?sffar *r?rrar?rr *r liHwrrci ^ sftptwt fswfar W 3Tt% arT^r tpstw r

fa s m t arar t o t 5TM »r«nr vfrz

( ^ ) w f TRyftfire y rM rftfr 5?T apfTt 5t £ I sptf *W F ^ 5 ^ # fro*r srrftpr^tit i ? aft rtf wrf«rr

*r«r^rarr j*rr f , tffa «rrr t,< i^ h

(w ) nfc $r, ?fr yrenq ssft ?r«r fftlTFT W t ?TT*fr ^ ^ «TWT '

it t o : 5^f ^rrft fT Pr^r

N ew strain «f M abe ftttft Tftqpi ftwn iro wn

vitavtav nnift t w i t w K * * 8581. SHRI D. B. CHANDRA • « M W T G O W D A : WiU the Minister of AGRI­ CU LTU RE be pleased to state: 8 5 8 0 . « ft w w f t m l : TOT (a) whether a new strain of maize *ta: qfoqw s w (Puza High Lysine Maize) developed at Indian Agricultural Research Insti­ tute has been claimed as nutritious as milk and was experimented for its (*f>) TOT 'TfTar^T % evaluation against milk on the child­ *Rpfa HRPWT 3RT m nf 'TT ^ ren of Nangloi village in Union Ter­ ritory of Delhi without the supervi­ s ^ r rf *n: ^ r tf iffa1 *Pt ®TsrwTT ^ | fsrer% sion of a qualified clinical nutritionist;

f ir o 5! srcrf v r $ c p n T^ ^ r s v f f (b) whether the yield of this newly m W f t£T, »nff, '*rm z developed maize is hardly 50 per cent of the normal yield and being a highly % *rrnc°T •rfpr T ts rn ft 33T?fr

fPTTOT wft ^W l% vr ftrTTT $ ? T H E M IN IST ER O F S T A T E IN T H E MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE qfTUR ifonw if (SHRI ANNASAHEB P . SHXN27K): (a) Three composites of Yellow 3TOlft (*ft 3*Tt *« # ): (*) Opaque-2 maize rich in Lysine con­ tent have been developed under the «fk ( v ) . ®r ft ? # All-India Coordinated Maizelmprove- #«rtt3«jtwr ment Project. The preliminary pilot supplementary feeding experiment ? m f q r *pr cpr 5 7 3 ^ w ^ r ^ T ^ r f ^ conducted on two groups of pre-school children of low income group in « w w ^ | 1 ^ «rnr % Nangloi indicated that Opaque-2 led ^msifT t t *p p t t 30 fr 35 sraysrfar children gained comparable weights to those of similar age group of child­ srewj; ^ ^TTrft t 1 ren fed on skimmed milk. The study was supervised by a qualified nutri­ tTap ^ v r t v r % ? r ^ r srtft tionist with the help of the Medical w serrf tc snr to 9F27f ^ w rOfficer r at Nangloi.

^ f^r ^ ^rr t | | i (b) No. The Opaque-2 varities of maize have given more yield than the local varieties under cultivation and fo*ft ?prt (rrf5W % ^ff are comparable in their disease tole­ ^ iRzff qft * m * n ^ ^ fawfcrft rance to varieties with similar endos­ perm types. The Opaque-2 varities g s rf 1 1 sat sr*pn: fcftsr vrcffr have soft endosperm in contrast to the hard endosperm of normal majtee vari­ eties. Some farmers had'grown these varities during 1973 and no informa­ •to firr w?rfr arr t| | \ tion on their poor response or aocep- 655 LSr—7. tibility has so far been reported. 163 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 164

(c) Three Opaque-2 composites,milk powder or condensed milk) ex­ named ShaVi, Rattan and Protina cept ghee is ingredient has been pro­ have been recommended for releasehibited Detailed information relating by the Central Seed Sub-Committee of to other provisions of the order are the Union Ministry of Agriculture available from the notification issued under S O 226 (E ), copies of which laid on the table of the Lok Sabha on Ban on manufacture and sale of Milk the 8th April, 1974. products

Fruits and Vegetables declared as a 8582 SHRI D B C H A N D R A G O Wbasic ­ minimum need of the people by D A Will the Minister of A G R IC U L ­ IH.DC. TU R E be pleased to state 8583 SH R I D B C H A N D R A (a) whether Government have pro­ GOWDA hibited the manufacture and sale of milk products in the Union Territory SHRI GAJADHAR MAJHI. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E of Delhi and districts of Meerut and be pleased to state Bulandfehahr of U P , and

T|OS M IN IST E R O F STA'flf! IN T H X field demonstrations on the farmer’s MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURE fields, distributing good quality found­ (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): ation seeds, farm broadcastes and

Start bookso b History and Geography to write the history of India’s Freedom described in private aehoofcr in to be taught m Indian Schools, and New Dplhi (b) if so. the time by which this 8589 SHRI M U K H T IA R SIN G H book will be ready to be introduced in MALIK. the Schools9 SHAI BIRENDER SINGH RAO THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Will the Minister of E DU C A TION , MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI be pleased to state D P YADAV): (a) and (b) Govern­ (a) whether it has come to the ment have not commissioned the ser­ ■notice of Government that the books vices of a Historian to write the His­ on History and Geography which are tory of India’s "Freedom to be taught prescribed by some private schools in in the Indian Schools. However, the New Delhi contain anti-national refer­ National Council of Education Re­ ences, and search and Training published in January, 1970 a Supplementary Reader (b) if so, whether Government have entitled ‘Freedom Movement in India* taken any steps to make nece&aiy for secondary school students N C E . changes in these hooks’ R.T. has also taken ug> the project of providing text-books in History for classes VI-XL Its text-book in THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE modern Indian History for class X I MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND adequately covers the subject of his­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND IN THE tory of freedom movement. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE (SHRI D P. Y A D A V ): (a) and

8590. SHRI M U K H T IA R SIN G H Central Scheme for environmental MALIK* improvement of slam areas SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: 8591 SHRI RAJDEO SINGH WlU the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S ­ Will the Minister of EDU C A TION , IN G be pleased to state: SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased to state: (a) whether a Central Scheme for (a) whether Government have sinceenvironmental improtement of slum .acquired the services: of a Histories*areas has been introduced in twenty * 171 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers i f z

cities including Delhi; T H E MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT Ot PARLIAMENT- (b> whether work on the scheme has ’ S S S i started* STRY OF WvTn&S AND HOuplNw (SH RI O M M E H T A ): (a) and

Statement Slum Areas in Delhi where work under the Central Scheme for environmental improvement ^of slum areas « being undertaken x. On Ridge behind Mandir Marg. . . . Work completed 2. Behind Talkatore Garden. . . Do. 3. On Khushak Nallah, J axmibai Nagar. . . . Do. 4. On Khmhak Nallah, Laxmibai Nagar. (opposftWest Kidwai Nagar). Do. 5. On Khushak Nallah, West Kidwai Nagar...... Do. 6. Near X , Y, Z Blocks, Sarojini Nagar. . . . . Do. 7 . Near D I, D II Flats, Diplomatic Endavc. . . . . Do. 8. Near C P W D Stores (Ware house) Sarojini Nagar. . . . Do. 9. Near Multi-storeyed flats,R. K . Puram Sector XIII and Notaji Nagar. Do* 10. Near Keventers Dairy on Khushak Nallah, Diplomatic Enclave. « Do. 11. Near Shiv Mandir, Moti Bagh. . . . » . . Do. 22. Opposite Jesus & Mary College, Chanakyapuri...... Do. 13. Behind Jesus& Mary College, Chanakyapuri...... * D o . 14. J.J. Colony, Sunlight...... *15. J.J. Colony, Seelampur, Phase I & II. 16. J.J. Colony, Pandu Nagar. 17. J.J. Colony, Wazirpur. 18. J.J. Colony, Madangir. 19. J.J. Colony, Tign. 30. J.J. Colony, Snmvaspuri. 21. J.J. Colony, Nangloi. 92. J.J. Colony, Naraina. 23. J.J. Colony, Najafgarh Road. 24. J.J. Colony, Seemapuri. 25. J.J. Colony, Seelampur Phase III. 3}6. J.J. Colony, Madipur. 17- J.J. Colony, Pankha Road & Hastral. 38. J.j. Cluster Behind Indian Express Building; *73 Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 Written Answers174

29. Jf J. Cluster Behind Irwin Hospital. 30. J J. Cluster at the back of Andrews Ganj. 31. J.J. Cluster behind Patel Chest Hospital. 32. Shastri Market, R.K. Pixrara. 33* J-J- Cluster between Sectors 3 & 4 (R. K. Pur am). 34. Jai Rani Bagh (East Moti Bagh). 35. Boulvatd Rd. J J. Cluster. 36. R. Block, New Rajmder Nagar. 37. J.J. Cluster behind Sanatan DHaram Mandir, Tilak Nagar.

38. J J. Cluster Wc%t of Mathura Road*North of Jangpura (Madrasi Bastt). 39. J.J Cluster Magzuie Road Colony. 40. Subhadra Colony. 41. Azad Mar feet (Toknwalan). 42. Punjabi Bagh Road No 77. 43* Gukbi Bagh bounded by Circlur Kd. Western Jamna Canal & Nala. 44. Punjabi Bagh Road No. 41 (Near Depot Rohtak Rd,).

Criteria for construction of ware­ (b) and (c). In constructing ware- houses by Central Warehousing houses/godowns to provide scientific Corporation storages, the public agencies would have to take into consideration such factors as market potential, Storable 8592 SHRI R A JD E O SIN G H Will surplus, procurement and distribution the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E be needs, potentiality of custom from the pleased to state: viability point of view, etc.

(a) whether Central Warehousing Corporation has constructed ware­Motor Accidents Claims Tributnl, Delhi houses at 58 centres recently, 8593. SHRI R A JD E O S IN G H ; Will (b) whether ordinary godowns un­the Minister of SH IPPIN G AND like warehouses can be constructedTR A N SP O R T be pleased to state. anywhere i.e in any food regions, and (a) whether 2500 ca>es are pending (c) the criteria for the Centre forfor derision on the files of Motor the construction of warehouses? Accidents Claims Tribunal, Delhi and it takes usually 4-5 years for getting a case decided; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (b) if ?o the reasons for accumula­ (SH R I A N N A S A H E B P. SHINEflff): tion of these cases; (a) The Central Warehousing Corpo­ ration has constructed warehouses at 66 centres durinjj the years1972-73 and (c) whether Government propose to 1973-74. appoint any more additional Tribunals 175 Written -Answers APRIL 29, 1874 Written Answers 17$

to enable the sufferers to get theirAir pollution due to twenta* of Tetra cases decided expeditiously; and Pak after use

(d) whether there is any proposal8594. S H R I IN D R A J IT G U P T A : Will to appoint all the District and Addi­ the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be tional District Judges working inpleased to state; Delhi as ex-officio Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal, Delhi in order to (a) whether Tetra Pak milk car­ solve the problem of over-crowding in tons required for the proposed bulk one court as is the practice followed vending scheme can only be destroy­ m adjoining States ol U.P., Haryana, ed by burning after use; Punjab and Rajasthan, if not, the reasons therefor? , (b) whether such burning of plas­ tic material causes air pollution; and

(c) if so, whether any precautions THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE will be taken against such after­ MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND effects? TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) 2416 cases were pending before the Motor THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Accidents Claims Tribunal, Delhi, asMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI on 1-4-1974. B. P. MAURYA): (a) Tetra Pak tnilk cartons are not required when milk is distributed through bulk vending (b) (Initially, there was only a part machines as customers will be able time Tribunal in Delhi. A whole- to draw their requirements directly time Tribunal was appointed from in their own containers. 31-3-1969. However, because of increase in the number of motor vehicles on the road and a corresponding rise in (b) and (c). No decision has been the number of road accidents in Delhi, taken regarding the proposal for in­ the number of claim applications troduction of tetra pak containers. filed before the said Tribunal has been much more than it has been possible for it to clear. Machinery required for manufacture of Tetra Pak (c) The Delhi Administration sent a proposal for creation of an additional 8595. S H R I IN D R A J IT G U P T A : W iU Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal to the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be expedite the disposal of claim applica­ pleased to state: tions but, in view of the need for economy in administrative expenditure, (a) bow many different types of it has not been found possible formachines will be required to prepare Government to agree to it. the raw materials andthe cartons for the proposed Tetra Pak milk scheme; (d) There is no such proposal be­ fore the Delhi Administration, who (b) whether such machines have are of the view that it will not be got to be imported; and possible for Hie various Additional (c) if so, from where andat What District Judges Court and Civil Court, whidh are already having a backlog cost per machine? of pending cases, to deal with appli­ cations for claims arising out of the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE use of motor vehicles in addition to MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI other litigation cases B. P. M A U R Y A ): (a) The proposal of 177 Written Answers VAISAKH A 9, 1896 (SAKA) Written Answers178

Tetra Fak Milk Scheme is undercon­ ltqifc Miik vending — and sideration. manufacture of Tetra Fak (b) and (c). Do not arise. 8597. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA.* Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be Import of milk powder (or optimum pleased to state; nee of milk vending machine 8596. SHRI IN D R A JIT G U P T A : Will (a) whether it has been decided to the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be introduce bulk vending machines and pleased to state: plastic cartons (Tetra Pak) for milk supply in Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta (a) whether the proposed introduc­and Madras; tion of bulk vending machines lor milk supply require additional quan­ (b) if so, whether such measures tities of imported milk powder and would augment the production of butter-oil to keep these machines in milk; optimum use; (c) whether the plastic cartons (b) if so, whether the cost of milk would be imported or would be per litre is likely to go up; and manufactured in India; and

(c) whether a second milk-proces- (d) whether collaboration of any sing plant is going to be imported forforeign firm has been sought for the Delhi at huge cost in foreign ex­ scheme? change? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P. MAURYA'): (a) It fcas been de­ B. P. M A U R Y A ): (a) Bulk vending cided to introduce bulk vending ma­ machines distribute milk pro* s h a ll chines for distribution of milk in cemed out of frerfi milk or out of Delhi and other metropolitan cities. recombined milk prepared from The proposal in regard to introduction f*n p . and butter-oil blended with of tetra pak single service disposal teeth milk. A small beginning is containers is under consideration. proposed to be made co n s iste n t with the availability of milk and by (b) Bulk vendig machines are be­ recombining s.m.p. and butter-oil. ing put up for facilitating distribution Under Project 618 (Operation Flood) ol milk. s.m.p. and butter-oil ia being donated by the World Food Programme. The (c) and (d). Questions do not arise. production and availability of indigene ous milk is expected to increase in the near futurew ith the Commissioning of feeder balancing dairies in the Criteria for starting Rural Higher E*o- milk shed areas and no additional tatfcnal Institutes quantities of s.Tn.p. and butter-oil over and above the quantities earmarked in 8598. SHRI B. R. SHUKLA: Will the the Project (Operation Flood) may be Minister of EDUCATION, SOCIAL required. WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased to state: (b) No, Sir. (c) The Milk processing pls&t for (a) what are the criteria tor *t«rt- isig Rural Higher Educational Insti­ of approximately R*. s* lakft tutes in a particular place or tegton; foreign exchange. and J79 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers 180

Cb) whether District of Bahreich (c) Allotment of foodgrainsfrom the (Uttar Pradesh) which occupies theCentral Fool are made keeping in view lowest place in the matter of educa­ the availability of stocks in the Central tional backwardness does not deservePool the needs of the deficit States, the starting of such institution? market availability, pripe position and other relevant factors. THE MINISTER OP EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE Proposal to start L L B conn* la Delhi (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) and School of Correspondence Courses (b). Fourteen Rural Institutes of Higher Education were established in 8600. K U M A R I K A M L A K U M A R I: different parts of the country during Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , 1956 to 1963 under the auspices of SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE National Council for Rural Higher be pleased to state: Education. According to a decision taken by the Council, most of these (a) whether the Union Government Institutes jhave been affiliated to neigh­ are proposing to start the L.L.B. bouring Universities. There is nocourse in Delhi School of Corres­ proposal to setup any new Ruralpondence Courses, Delhi University in Institute under the Sdheme. the year 1974-75; and

(b) if so, the broad outlines there­ Target of procurement of (oadfndu o f by States during 1974-75

8599. K U M A R I K A M L A K U M A R I:THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE De pleased to state: (PROF. S NURUL HASAN): (a) Gov­ ernment is not concerned with start­ (a) the foodgrains likely to be ing of courses in Universities. Ac­ procured by all the States in 1974-75;cording to information furnished by the University of Delhi, there is no (b) what is the target fixed by such proposal under their considera­ each State for grain procurement intion. this year; and (b> Does not arise. (c) if the States and specially Bihar failed to procure the foodgrain as proposed, whether the Union Gov­ ernment would make special arrange­Denftftd by Punjab Govenunen* lor ments for the State like Bihar which check o a prioe of Fertiliser and is very podr to meet the food crisis? Pesticides 8601. SHR I R A G H U N A N D A N L A L THE MINISTER OF STA*E IN THE BHATIA: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI SHRI P. GANGADEB: . ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) It is * Will the Minister of A Q M C V b not possible at this stage to make anyT U R E be pleased to state; precise estimate of the quantities of foodgrains that may be procured dur­ (a) whether Punjab Government ing 1974-75. had demanded effective check on the rise in the price® of fertilizur and (U) No targets for procurement ofpesticides; and foodgrains during 1974-75 have been fixed; (b) Government’s action thereon? t$l Written Answers V A ISA K H A 9, 1896 (SAKA) WrittenAnswers 182

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (,b) One of the proposed terms of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI reference of the Committee is to sug­ ,(ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) As gest further measures for the develop­ regards fertilisers, a communicationment of Delhi. has recently been received from the Government of Punjab requesting that maximum selling prices be fixed forPermission to State agency to procare all the fertilisers. As regards pestici­wheat at the price announced by des, no specific and formal request Centre has been made by the Government of Punjab. However, the State Gov­ 8603. SRI P. GANGADEB: ernment have brought to the notice SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS: of the Government of India the need for check on rising prices of pestici­Will the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E des in recent meetings. be pleased to state:

(b) The maximum selling prices (a) whether State Governments had of three major fertilisers, viz Urea,represented to the Centre that the Calcium Ammonium Niterate and State agency should be allowed to Ammonium Sulphate, are already sta­ procure wheat exclusively on the tutorily fixed. The State Government's same price pattern as announced by request for extention of such controlthe Centre; and on otiher fertilisers is under exami­ nation. ; (b) if so, which are the State Gov­ The prices of pesticides are control-ernments? f led by market forces and in view of the shortage there has been an in­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE creasein prices. To meet this situa­MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI tion, the Government of India are ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) and trying to make available sufficient (b). No such representations were re­ suppliesof pesticides. ceived from any State Government except that during discussion the Setting up of an expert committee for Chief Minister, Punjab, had expressed reviewing the foncttoniag of BJDJL the view that the State Agency was competent to handle the entire trade in wheat at reasonable prices on the 8602. SHRI P. G A N G A D E B : Will the pattern announced by the Centre. Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U SIN G be pleased to state:

(a.) whether his Ministry proposesAllotment of plots to Aiivasis for to set up an expert committee for re­ building houses viewing the over all functioning of D.D.A.; and 8604. -SHRI R. R. PATEL: Will the (b) if so. whether the CommitteeMinister of W O R K S A N D HOUSING has also to suggest measures tor be the pleased to state: development of Delhi and its sub­ urbs? (a) whether there is any scheme to allot plots to Adivasis for building T H E MINISTER OF STATE IN THE houses; DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTA­ R Y AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINIST­ (b) whether that scheme is alsoex­ R Y O f WORKS AND HOUSING tended to other landless Ubdfiters; (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Yei, Sir. and 183 Written Answers A PR IL 29, 1974 Written Answers '

(c) the number ol Adivasis and non*THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE Adivasis benefited by this scheme dur­MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI ing the last three years, year-wise?B. P. MAURYA); (a) The Dadra and Nagar Havefi Administration have estimated the demand at one tonne per THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE month. DEPARTMENT OP PAELIAMENTAU RY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINIST­ (b) There is no Centralised control RY OP WORKS AND HOUSING on the distribution of vanaspati. (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) and (b). The ^Ministry of Works and Housing have Wheat procured by wholesalers and no specific Scheme for providing plots official agencies, State-wise exclusively to Adivasis for building houses. However, under the Scheme for* provision of house-sites to land­ 8606. SHR I B H O G E N D R A J H A : less workers in rural areas, house-Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E sites are allotted, free of cost, to allbe pleased to sta4e eligible workers, including Adivasis. (a ) what is the latest fl«ure with regard to the wheat purchased by the (c) The number of house-sites ap­wholesalers. State-wise and what quan­ proved for allotment to the eligible tity has been sold by them to the Gov­ workers, since the inception of theernment and what actual price they ‘Scheme in October 1971, is as under:— are paying to the peasants,State-wise; and

Year No. of House-sites (b) what is the latest figure; State- approved wise. about wheat procured through official agencies and at what price from J97I-7* Nil the producers?

197^-73 • 6*52,829 THE MINISTER QF STATE IN THE MNISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI 1973-74 < *>32*674 ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): (a) and (b). A statement giving the required information is laid on the Table of T o t a l 8,85,502 the House. [Placed in Library. See No. LT 6859/74] No statistics are maintained showing the various categories of beneficiaries Iaeressela use of Narcotics and under the Scheme. I-lqaor fey stadeatsat Oeatral UatversMes Dem and and supply of vegetable ghee to Dadra aad N «iv Haveii 8607. PR O F . N A R A IN C H A N D P A R A S H A R : Will the Minister of EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE 8605. S H R I R. R. P A T E L : Will the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleas­ A N D C U L T U R E be pleased to state: ed to state: (a) whether Government are aware of the increasing use of Narcotics and (a) the total demand of vegetable liquor by the students in the Central ghee of Dadra and Nagar Haveli for Universities ol the country; and the year 1973-74; and (b) if so, whether Government, U G C (b) the total quantity supplied diir- and University authorities have taken ing that period monthwise? any steps to combat this trend? t 8S Written Answers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 186-

THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, with a large number of similar other SOCIAL WELFARE AN d C U L T U R E proposals received from variousStates- (PROF. a NURUL HASAN): (a) and and other quarters while formulating (b). Government do not have any proposals for new additions to the information. Delhi University and existing N .H. System in the 5th Plan Jawaharlal Nehru University havekeeping in view the funds available intimated that they are not aware for the purpose, theinter-se priority of the increasing use of narcotics andof individual proposals on an all-India liquor by their students. A s regardsbasis and the criteria laid down for other Central Universities, informationdeclaring roads as National Highways. is being collected and will be laid on However, as the 5th Plan is still in the Table of the Sabha a preparatory stage, it is not possible to indicate at this stage the extent to Road from Jullundur to Mandi via which a particular road will be inclu­ Hk>shiajrpur-NadSauii-Hajnlrpur as ded in the National Highway System National Highway in the 5th Five-Year Flan programme.

8608 P R O F N A R A IN C H A N D D.M.S. milk token for Military F A R A S H A R . Will the Minister of personnel in Delhi SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 8609. PR OF. N A R A IN C H A N D P A R A S H A R : Will the Minister of (a) whether there is a proposal toA G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state: include the road from Jullundur to Mandi (HP.) vie Hoshiarpur-Nadaun- (a) whether any preference is given Hamirpur as a National Highway in to the serving military personnel sta­ the 5th Five Year Plan, and tioned in Delhi for sanction of Milk tokens by D.M .S.; (b) if so, the estimated cost of the (b) if so, the number of military proposed Highway and the likely date personnel who have been of its sanction? s a n ctio n e d the milk tokens in the financial years; 1971-72, 1972-73 and 1973-74. sepa­ rately; and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB (c) the number of applications re­ ceived from the Military personnel KUMAR MUKHERJEE). (a) and (b). during these years separately? Yes, Sir. According to the informa­ tion furnished by the State Chief Engineer, the total amount required THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE for the improvement of this road (forMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRT the section falling in Himachal Pradesh B. P. M A U R Y A ): (a) Application for territory) to National Highway stan­the issue of milk tokens which are dard work® out to Rs. 1011 croresreceived from defence personnel sta­ approximately including a lump sum tioned in Delhi are registered in the provision of Rs 2 50 crores for waiting cons­ list in a high priority category, truction/replacement or strengtheningand tokens are issue

others, h&ve been sanctioned only in Report of Cow Protection firmrtttttom deserving cases including those on medical grounds for widows, separated 8611. SHRI BIRENDER SIN G H R A O : defence families etc. etc. Will the Minister of A G R IC U LTU R E be pleased to state: (c) Number of applications received from the defence personnel stationed (a) whether the Cow Protection m Delhi during the vears 1971-72,Committee has since submitted its re­ 1972-73 and 1973-74 is indicatedport be­ to th« Government; low: (b) if so, the recommendation* made b> the Committee m their re­ Year No. of port, and applications rucrved (c) whether a copy of the said re­ port will be laid on th€ Table of the House and if not, the reasons thereof?

1971-72 . . . 1042 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1972-73 • • . 2803 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P. MAURYA): (a) No, Sir *973-74 . .1604 (b) Question does not anse.

(c) A copy of the report after it i» Shortage of Vanaspati in Delhi submitted to Government will be laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha. 8610. SHRI M O B IN D E R SlNGH G IL L Will the Minister of A G R I­ C U L T U R E be pleased to state: Drinking water in Saorashtra Region

(t) whether an acute shortage of 8612 SHRI VEKARIA* 'wnasputi persists m Capital, and SHRI ARVIND M. PATEL:

( H if so, the reasons for th’s Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D scarcity and when the supplies will H O U S IN G be pleased to state: be made available (a) whether Government are aware that there is a great scarcityof THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE drinking water in Saurashtra Region MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI in Gujarat State; B P. MAiURYA). (a) and (b). The shortage of vanaspati presently being (b) if so, the help given by the felt m Delhi is largely due to the con­ Centre m this regard; and tinued closure of the D C M . Chemical Woiks, Delhi since the 9th March, (c) the progress made in thi» 1974, as a sequel to a labour dispute.regard? Despite conciliatory efforts made by the Delhi Administration and the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Central Government the closure con­DEPARTMENT OF PARL1AMEH- tinues. The supply position is likelyTRY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINIS­ to ease noticeably when this unit re­ TRY OF WORKS AN d H O U S IN G sumes production. (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Yes. 18 9 Written Answers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) Written Answers 190

(b) For supply of drinking water (c) money allotted to Rajasthan and through bullock csCrts/tankers, digging,spent by the end of 1973-74 financial deepening and repairing of wells year and on what schemes? Central assistance to the extent of Rs. 35 lakhs was sanctioned duringTHE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1973-74. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI B. P. MAURYAS): (a) Drought Prone (c) 349 bores have already been dril­ Areas Programme was extended to led upto 15th April, 1974 covering 111 Chirawa and Jhunjhunu tehsils of village^ and cities of Rajkot, Gandal Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan. The and Jamnagar. Further work is in state government did not propose any progress. 175 tankers are being used programme for Jhunjhunu tehsil. to supply drinking water to 126 vil­ Two irrigation schemes were proposed lages and other urban areas. 41 wells for Chirawa tehsil which were not have been dug or deepened and 12 sanctioned as the cost was not within wells are being dug. the norms prescribed by the Minis­ try. The state government were, there­ fore, asked to formulate alternate Plan tor expansion of sugar plants in schemes. No proposals were, however, Gujarat received. No programme was* there­ 8613- SHRI VEKARIA: Will thefore, sanctioned in the two tehsils M IN IST ER O F A G R IC U L T U R E be during the Fourth Plan. pleased to state: (b) Question does not arise. (a) whether Gujarat State has sent any plan for the expansion of sugar (c) A total allotment of Rs. 13 81 plants in the State; and crores was made to the state during 1970-71 to 1973-74 for schemes in the (b) if so, the action taken by Gov­ sectors of minor irrigation, soil con­ ernment? servation, afforestation, roads, drink­ ing water, etc. The state was able THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to spend a cumulative expenditure MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI of Rs. 13 17 crores till December 1973. jB. P. M A U R Y A ); (a) No, Sir. Expenditure figures for tfce whole year 1973-74 are yet to be received from (b) Does not arise. the state.

Allocation for Drought-prone area Amount sanctioned for Rajasthan for programme in Jhunjhunu, construction of roads during Fourth Rajasthan Five Year Plan

8614. SHRI S. N. SIN G H Will the 8615 SHRI S N SIN G H : WiU the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS­ to state: PORT be pleased to state. (a) whether a scheme under (a) what amount has been sanc­ D.P.A .P. programme was sanctionedtioned for Rajasthan for building for Tehsil Chirama and Tehsil Jhun­roads during the Fourth Five Year jhunu of District Jhunjhunu m Rajas­ Plan and on what projects, how than and if so, why the work has not much out of that money has been been started; spent;

(b) the total allocation of funds for (b) what was the total amount this scheme and when the work Issanctioned for all the States in India; likely to start; and and 191 WrittenAngwers APRIL 29, 1074 Written Answers

(c) whether, looking to the Geogra­ (b) if so, main demands and the phical situation of Rajasthan and names and particulars of such orga­ having a long border mileage with nisations ^h o made such demands; Pakistan, some more funds will be allotted tot Rajasthan for border (c) the steps taken to concede the roads in Rajasthan m coming years?demands;

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (d) whether Government will direct MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND the other Universities of States to TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB adopt the same principle and guide­ KUMAR MUKHERJEE); (a) A state­ lines in the respective Councils and ment giving the requisite information Courts; and is laid on the Table of the House. (Pleased in Library See No. L T 6859)(e) if so, the facts thereof and if 741. not, the reasons therefor?

(b) A n amount of Rs. 2,74,04.26 lakhs THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, was sanctioned during the 4th Plan SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE for'the schemes in question in whole (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) The of India. Universityot Delhi has received re­ presentations from Delhi University (c) Presumably, the Member wantsTeachers Association, Delhi University to know the position regarding pro­Students Union, Delhi University and vision of funds during various yearsCollege Karamchari Union, and Delhi of the Fifth Plan. It will all depend University Appointed Teachjers Asso­ upon the budgetary position from yearciation for wider representation of to year. It is, therefore, difficult toteachers and participation of the non­ give at this stage any firm indication teaching employees and the students of funds to be provided in the coming Cf the University, inter-alia, in the years except to say that the require­Academic Council, Executive Council ments of roads in border areas •n in d the Court. Rajasthan will certainly be duly con­ sidered. (b) Delhi University Teachers Asso­ • ciation. Demand for wider representation of students, teachers and employees of (i) Wider representation of tea­ Delhi University in Academic chers on Academic Council, Council, Executive Council and Executive Council and Court; University court (ii) Representation of Students on 8616. S H R I C H A N D R A S H E K H A R the Academic Council, Execu­ S IN G H tive Council and Court; and SHRIMATI SAVITRI (iii) Representation of Karmcharis SHYAM: on the Executive Council and Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , Court. SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE be pleased to state: Delhi University Students Union (a) whether the demand has been (i) Representation of Students on made from some quarters for wider Academic Council, Executive representation to the students, tea­ Council and Court; and chers and other employees in the composition of the Delhi University (ii) Representation of Karamcharis Academic Council, the Executive on Executive Council and Council and the University Court; Court. 193 Written Answers V A IS A K H A 0, 1806(S A K A ) Written Answers 194

Delhi University and College Karam- THE MINISTER OF1 STATE IN THE chans Union MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURE (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHNDE)* (a) No, Representation of K a n ^v hans on Sir. the Executive Council (b) and (c) Having regard to the Delhi Umvenity Appointed Teachers representations received from the Association starch industry and keeping in view the fact that the Textiles Industry (I) Wider representation of tea­and the Antibiotics Industry are de­ chers on the Academic Coun­ pendent on the products manufactu­ cil, and red by the s arch industry, the States (II) Repiesentation of Students on which are surplus in maize and where the Academic Council there were intei-State restrictions on the movement of maize were addres­ (c) The demands are under consi­sed to assist the starch factories through der Lit on of the University authoritiesthe All India Starch Manufacturers’ Association for procuring certain quan­

H U D C O is only a financing agency It 290 99 lakhs was released to tile va­ advances loans to State Governments,rious State Governments for execu­ State Housing Boards, Improvementtion of projects approved under the Trust, etc Excepting one housing sche­Scheme me at Calcutta which is being execu­ ted by H U D C O directly, it is not exe­ cuting anv scheme of its own accord Constitution of Sports Bodies The borrowing agencies submit sche­ mes taking into account the local 8620 SH R I C K C H A N D R A P P A N conditions, etc The cost of houses) Will the Minister of E D U C A T IO N , flats is dependent on these local condi­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE tions Howevei, the H U D C O has evol­ V pleased to state ved a type design for a single storeyed house estimated to cost Hs 2 900) (a) whether certain personalities excluding the cost of land dominate sport bodies in India, (b) if so, whethei Gov^rnr" nt are (d) The follow, mg two schemes ofconsidering to revise the constitu­ the Ministry of Woiks and Housing tion of all sports bodies, are intended for housing programme (c) whether Government have any m the rural areas of the country — measures to sciutimse the activities cf the subsidiary organisations be­ (i) Village Housing Projects Sdhe- fore dolling out funds to them, and me, and (d) if so the broad outlines there- (11) Scheme for Provision of House- sites to Landless Workers in Rural Areas THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF EDUC ATION SOCrAL 2 The Village Housing Projects Sche_ WELFARE AND IN THE DEPART­ me is m the State Sector Central MENT OF CULTURE (SHRI ARVlND Financial assistance for all the State NETAM) (a) to (d) There have been Sector programmes including housing, instances of the same individuals re­ is released by the Mimsliy of Finance maining office bearers m Sports Orga- to the State Governments in the shape msa'ions for prolonged periods The of fblock loans’ and block grants National spoits federations/Associa- This block Central assistance is not le-tions die puvate registered Societies, latable to any individual scheme, pro­ and Government have no inten­ ject or head of development The tion of intei lenng m their auto­ State Governments are thus fiee tonomous functioning Nevertheless, determine the programmes to be im­consistently with their own ob­ plemented and the funds to be alloca­ ligations and responsibilities, not ted within the approved outlay for alone from the point of view of the different State Sector Schemes accord­public funds provided, but also of the ing to their requirements and priori­results achieved and the country’s ties image abroad in international meets and tournaments Government have 3 As regards the Scheme for Pro­laid down certain norms and guidelines vision of House-sites to Landless Wor­with reference to which their own kers in Rural Aears, this Scheme hasassistance and instrumentality should, also been transferred to the Stateon occasion, be made available to the Sector from the commencement of the Indian Olympic Association {National Fifth Five Year Plan During the Sports Associations year 1973-74 when thi

(b) Vice-President The concerned Sports Organisations have been given time upto Septem­ (c) Treasurer ber 15, 1974, for determining their provisions and procedures for eligi­

(b) and (c). Do not arise % f*TCJ OT 75T^ f ?

«ih: ra * * Starvation deaths in Hooghly, West Bengal (*),

wrr sft * # fV*fir «Fi*v&vift * 8622 SH H I Y A M U N A P R A S A D M A N D A L : Will the Minister of A G R I­ 12—7—73 ^ w «?w jrmr CU LTU RE be pleased to state srr

— 1 : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI wrft ^rro- srfwfrspr »rriV ANNASAHEB P SHINDE) (a) to (c). Information has been called for from fafairfarm A w zu^i the West Bengal Government and fwf-rti cFTT M * f d l will be laid on the Table of the Sabha as soon as it is received ? fa: ztzt5 T «rV g-fr k ^rtr^nT 4000 ^ ?rvr

*FrT«f«PT *T T * I *TT*TTT w a r f^wfarafT jttt i9G7-(>8 % srrr *tt

8623. 1WT : W Ttarrr ir *[f? % rr^ofr sfrranr^t1 s r f a r f ^ *TT?r %farcr Sfft fR T f o ir m r fu7- f^rcRiw

(sp) w r ^ir^fnr ?ntR srrstst h 7- 7^ qr f w ?w * 1 *r?rr- m farPwf^rwt ^

^rrqFj k i 2 ^ rn f1, 1973 % ^ t P ^ ^ t «rrT^rt> ^

vt irnrrr vr j^rrfr »rfnf?rTi?t^ t i %f- s r ^ ?r*r#rnsu ^ tirt form «tt «rV ^FPT *TT% HTrFft 5*% ^ ir vtf arm w T m fTT W fft’ «TT wf*T?T arr ?FfeT f ^ T f W

*n , ^ ^ W f I £01 Written Answers VA ISA K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) Written Answers 202

tfo — 2 t *rf$r* ffcpr *rr affar $ f w tor *r T Tsforarcfl % fyx q?t xm tort $tar $ 1 afro qrflrc arrft ^ q^ftr *rt TOflfw f^rr ^rtir

*rsnr w r a * *r*prr fwrn-^ pt *rr fa*rr ffif*F qfoffT sqimi q-

grft i «rfsnf* sirf^r ?rm ^sr1 ?r^

ffa?*? fiw i*—7 : H’o 3 :

%53fY^r ST^faT TT3*T FTT^Rt Tr^r toh tt *ft, 3srr far

wrawfr i955%?Rnr?T crfr^ r ^ ttotr ^ ?rfafa * ftrsrfor fBPTTW 5ffr |, ^ft tfk i w *rr f^rr

«Ft f^rf^T WTff % fax* snm r 3FT3lT 3TT*f 1

I TfwrgJT 'TfT^T^Ft * % srfnMERt wrt fa a r’T fr^T «ri% % ?=rr«r W O T « w i — 8 »TPT# T*3RT I t o t c *r^r fanqrrn *rfc T ^ if t f^’r ^ fa # %5 ' % tfra

tfo — 4 I w t if t . wfifrfiwFfftmi ot? qfor?* x m TOrp- sffr v t i k tfrfr Vt^FTT 3JT I ^s t h v t % srtaw *rt Tfar;f % f ^ xrrar

^ srmV % *rrrf sfft 2 ifr^r 'TfT^r t?,;?FW f^rfqTr^T%f^f5T*r*r^TTT ^rffcqi ?fsqT 4, 6 m r 7 2r 1J€?PT W -

t I j*ta?q i m — 5 : 3. m W 57 $ m r 4 m *rw * 3pfr jftsr mwt ^ stpwct « * w f i »frinfV *TTfTtrt

^r?rg «pff *?V v^Tcft

t o ^ qft ^rnrrcfr ^ f , ^5R imr f%ror % VRfaTX %f?rq g^vr»>nvRWV^ft ^rf^i w *t ^ fWq ifnrc 1939^qf^^^5q^T ««w fiwr —.6 : s^t «rf |1 %x ^rrqr ?f jn^rrP m «n1^ %rf % f^rr smfo

4. 3|$T*R?tf4?S*Ttfo 6*r*TW RJ $ 8624. *ft \ W * IW? : f*nr f f t *Rft *T$ qft O T f * : sfhr^r stfpr % fPT*hr *m *rrfs*ff % f^rq qrfqr? jffer *rr£t trfefo m % ( v ) ^ sr*w W f c T O 5 R fRrn^ ?TTfTR> s m f ^ rvft- T«|T

W J * * *rs*r 7 rr *rwpar 5 (»r) «mprr ?r * * ^nff ^ ?r sr^tr |, =r*ft ^"t ^ tt r m ] t o t h : TT f^TJTT

TT^r ^ t r t tit V t % fn rr t?f^ n w m ^ T15R? *wft ( i #

sprrmftr | fr s*r

% srfarerre v i t & q ^nf f^r*r;

T O T ^afhPT^ *r t *r «FTr 5RT fsp^TT 3TPTr ^ I ^ W C , SPTTT

£ for «ft M t wppt *r> t k ^r*ft^fjmr»rOTV %rft m Ww %*tt s*r* ^ §w Prw*r i «pwr, 1969 tit P m tit I i g^ftqrfa r f w r «rnff ^r 5"t*T arr^ft *mr ^ Ktftrer i f f t & m * r f t *tim titx a^^wr^f«PR«rfr?rifr|4 fwnf »rf tfteftfa* flnrm *rcfr Ir f*m tirx W h l^ TW t *t f* «BWf TC z v t t , % fa*r m fz w t$ w qrfr- ?qrni%^nw% 1873-73 w TOf *fbrnptt tf* % * m v f ti * r f | l 205 Written Answers VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (BAK'D Written A^u^rs 206


TTjt it )

1971-72 1972-7 *

m ’spt *rr nrc srtVr s=mfr fnfv * fm tti i.ct ^ w t r visr »rfrrfvr »r£ t o *rf * fa «*& ^ 7ir, f*«


T 10708 88 47192 56160 36 103 57 193 96

2 ^*r« (7T^«rtn) 1994 1980 672535 6026 58 72 14

i ifhrr (ft^qwr) 3151 252257093885 29 11 653 3

4 t m t i w (

5 ( ^ t ) 18 48 183b 5745 2885 27 JO t>6 47

r> T ^ i?TF (TOT) b 04 7 503090 1227 1231 3i 51

7 (-fto* ?,tj ) 3 38 3 94 1 * 02 13 861386 3680

8 ^rrfT^TRTfi (*FT*T) 0 692 09 10 282 08 5 81 1 504

9 1 14 91 1 1799 071 } 03 9 47

10 •T-R-^tsfr(■ jttt st^ t) - 0 93 0 97 3 56

1 1 »5PWTT*T 3T^fT) — -- J 89 4 29 8 26

1 *r ^ *rf yrrwOfa % it ** *etjt wt^Vr ?rft fc, ?pft m rTiTTT m r 5* shttit ifft Frrpriwv qt« *bw 1ft tftr ftw vr «r * -»4t | i

2 wftat o ^ f** t o

3 %flrrm \ t p ^ t wnr ft f w f ^fV?r^rfHTf

4 <£sft f*w r w 5W? ^w r f w ft— *r? *Tfar lyrrr €. « r w r 3frf% % q r ^ fcmsft *r£ ft1

5 ft*nr w?rf*ntfta v r ^ S t ^ r ^ ' T O m f t , w-f; w f w ^ i p r v|?T 1972%*f* l973^tOTt«?r^ » ^ TO $T | I 207 WrittenAnswers APR IL 29, 1974 Written Answers 208

nitsftvmm fw m i w fr n fr A wt tivtfem m j m m w r a f a r * 4m , m m wmvfim m i

tit *rwr m \ snrraPr P srsfiifl'r*T^> gtar ^ sfVr f^«r fv*r *3rWf % »rfsnrr^ v t t | t ; tfK ^ tpT5rJT*R» vNri *wr gf ;

*rk (*i) 2T

(^§r) ?nr Trim afft f « r s n ^ t R Pp«r ?r«n ??r% w r q fm rn r t e f t ?T0T Ii titr %*& SRTT fTRW f a ^ % ?

t ? ffiwr «ftr frmsr fif«n«r m x ffcffo f**m 3 (*> rfto .

qlo m iw ) : (*p)Tre*tor f w rw ,^ m p t ffa «j«n«m % x w t («i> cr«rr srf5T«r*T q r W ^ ? %w t faWfa- WT STff* 1965-66 1972-73srhrem fw rnr m n v f % srfwwr % fa$f Pnrnr % 4 ar#r qr^r^ fvrerfr wsqwvf % W tfta 2,150 50,522 1.17 25.02 f*^r «T5rrwt i s w w<«T-«Frf^r (SFWTtf) #TTOT Tnwr- V T I

( 3 ) tnrfcRT « r r r ^ ?r«rr rnwr qrc grvfirv w r mwrfirff fvrm? wwf % fNt fwrnrV*rar qrsvsiw i 2q9 Written Antwert V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 210

( 4 ) q w f % *f x % x m ’HYimf, ?rynwwgf. fes, fm r fnwrnf % rnn 1 «jar fr^Rcrr sirrfc v wv'f- f ^ tf«rr* cr«rr fairer w srtsr: arr^ ( 5) qrggqy w try v%^xm n m n n * f ® « $ w r c srtare?r vnf? ^rrmhr, v fra n r ifwrfanif wfer*

% *f z x wrrtf ?t% srfa- ^ rp - fw r *rarr «rr 1 qrs^mf sftft wri *fr? ?r> q t j =*.ff if srrer tit* f^ T R T W 5FPT fa*rr 3TT x% t I 1 srr ^ ^ t t| w f t srferT, ip- srf?sr^r(f%fq-- ^ t crr^ycr^ff ^rr n % $ f t srvrftRT 3f?i*r?T*Tf STWPrfnT)^[ W ST^R? s t nt renr f^^rr ^rr T^r | cr<% ffffiit sftw ftrr, vmm; ^mfe v v m n n n m ^rr *r% ?fk 9 m tn *f zrn i, n r *zrz *t %tnr it n i n % it Td^-or to r »r?r n \ f^nqr^r it *r*Trer fa*rfa srferfT, *Tfnr*r fw fa Construction of LowIncosme Group ^ r f c , *^t© srfi£o €« n Fiats In Ashok Vihar ^hto

1 fwr^r ?r«rr irfarr *r fw r i (b) if so, what are the findings ot the Commission; 2. STRnfan? fiwpff W i *TR^ Pnrnft *t farcrr 1 (c) what further action Govern­ ment have taken on these findings; 3. tffarar qtfrfawR ott fw r and s r f^ n r1 (d) whether Government are pro­ 4. fopsrc? f w r 1 posing to refund any amount to the flat owners in the light of the Central -5. ^~srraf*rfr iffr srprhrv fw r i Vigilance Commission Report? 2ii Written A nato m APRIL 20, liH/ Written Antwere 21%

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of agricultural holdings has yet been DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ passed. TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ (c) Promotion of consolidation of ING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) Yea. land holdings has been one of the Sir. major planks of the land reforms policy of the Government of India. (b) Certain defects had been The States have been advised from pointed out by the Commission. Most time to time to take up consolidation of these defects were of a routine of holdings which is a State subject nature, except in the case of bricks under the Constitution. In the Fifth in walls and flooring, where sub­ Five Year Plan document too em­ standard bricks seemed to have been phasis has been laid on the need for used by the Contractor, but the talcing up consolidation of holdingsr extent of substandard bricks used in all over the country. walls could not be ascertained. The test results in the case of flush door shutters and cement mortar were Housing Problem of Rural Areas found to be satisfactory.

(c) After considering the report of 8629. SHRI B IB H U T I M 1SH RA: the Commission, the Delhi Develop­ Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D ment Authority has proposed to effect H O U S IN G be pleased to state; an appropriate recovery from the final (a) whether Government have bill of the Contractor. advised various State Governments to (d) No, Sir. solve housing problems of the rural areas;

Law* for consolidation of Agricultural (b) the gist of the advice; and Holdings (c) to what extent follow-up action 8628. SHRI A R JU N SETH I: Will is contemplated? the Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ (a) whether no law for effecting TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE consolidation of agricultural holdings MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ has yet been passed in some of the ING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) to (c). States in the country; The Ministry of Works and Housing (b) if so, the names of the States; introduced the following two Hous­ and ing Schemes in the year noted against each to improve the housing (c) the steps taken by the Centre to condition of the people living in pass laws immediately on consolida­rural areas:— tion of agricultural holdings in their respective States? (i) Villages Housing Projects Scheme 1997.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (ii) Scheme tor Provision of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE House-siteo to Landless (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): Workers in Rural areas 1971. (a) and (b). In the Andhra area of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala. Manfpur, The Scheme at (i) was transferred Beghahaya, Nagaland. Tajnil ftadu, to the State Sector 4utfn«the Third and Tripura,n0 law for consolidation Five Year Plan. Central assistance 213 Written Answer* V A ISA K H A9, 1896. (SAKA) Written Answers214 to States for all the State Sector ( v ) *rlz $T, rft 5T«r ^heroes, including Village Housing Projects Scheme and other Social m | I Housing Schemes, is given in the shape of ‘block loans' and ‘block 'giants’ without being tied to any fwHTi mum w t xvtfz particular scheme, project or head' of (a>o 31a («h) . (^) srk (g-). development. The State Governments fararr ?r«rr »nrnr v s n w are free to allocate and utilise the block assistance on various schemesWfam % % fwfw& TT&ft according to the requirements and tfr rnrarrfn^r % *Fr»r-sR*r to ft ^ priorities to be determined by them s r t $ rf# rN nft % *rr«r w z The Scheme mentioned at (ii) srfafaftwt & SP^ vr farcnc ^rarr » above was introduced in 1971 as one of the Minimum Needs Programme swfrar q r farerr % of the Government in the Central Sector This Scheme has also been 18 srfcr,1974 tiansferred to the State Sector from Wf hf fasft if ft #53(T $ favfcr the commencement of the Fifth Five iT«rrl«F 20-21 i ^r?rf fowfr Year Plan i e. let April, 1974. H o w ­ 974 ever, keeping in view the importance if f H fr 5tnr

BTa-tfuf % tawff & flm mt (b) if so, reaction of the Chief Ministers; and wft w m n t i f? (c) action so far takenby them t» 86 30 . : WJ ffWT, speed up agricultural production?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): M *rr tofta w it %m f f (a) The Prime Minister has recently m t m f f vt % fa* fafom written a letter to Chief Minister* tv»wfwtmTgf % w v % %*rnrt «jr> impressing on them inter alia the need to pool our energies to meet fa n s * vfcf the challenge of agricultural pro­ t ; duction and inviting their personal -215 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Written Answers216

-attention to the need for successfulmodern structures, statutes etc. implementation of the programmes which affect their ancient nature. included in the draft Fifth Plan for The sanctity of the Raigad Fort will increasing production. be impaired if modern constructions take place within tht fort and a (b) and (c). In the replies so farstatue made by a modern sculptor is -received the Chief Ministers have placed in it. agreed to act in accordance with the suggestions in the Prime Minister’s (c) Raigad Fort is a Centrally letter. protected monument under the charge of the Archaeological Survey of India; consequently the State -Construction of Building and Erection of Statue of Shivaji at Raigad Government has no jurisdiction over the monument in respect of its pre­ servation and maintenance. The State 8632. SH R I S H A N K A R R A O S A VGovernment ­ has the responsibility of A N T : Will the Minister of E D U C A ­ providing approach roads to the TION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND monuments and is also responsible C U LT U R E be pleased to state: for such other mattens like the law and order. (a) whether the Archaeological Survey of India has objected to the (d) Yes. In the year 1962, Secre­ Maharashtra Government’s attempt totary, Education & Social Welfare construct buildings and errect a statuteDepartment, Government of Maha­ •of Shivaji at Raigad: rashtra, requested the Director General t0 delete the monument from (b) if so, what are the reasonsthe central list to enable the State -therefor; • Government to take it up as a pro­ tected monument under State juris­ (c) what are the rights and duties diction, of the State Government in respect of the Raigad Fort; (e) The Central Government is unable to take the view that the (d) whether the Maharashtra Gov­ Raigad Fort built by Chatrapati Sivaji ernment has represented that the Rai­is not a monument of national im­ gad Fort should be handed over to portance. According to the Constitu­ them: and tion, monuments of national import­ ance are the responsibility of the fe) if so, what are the reactions Central of Government. The Central the Central Government to their Govtrnment cannot, therefore divert representation? itself of this responsibility.

THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Annual losses to the Mogul Line SOCIAL'WELFARE AND CULTURE (PROF. S. NURUL HASAN): (a) 8633. SH R I S H A N K E R R A O Ye>3, Sir. SAVANT: PROF. MADHU DANDAVATR: (b) The proposed, construction* and erection of a statute are not in Will the Minister of S H IP P IN G keeping with the archaeological A N D T R A N S P O R T be pleased to principles and practices. The policy state: •of the Survey is to preserve protected (a) what are the likely annual monuments in the condition in which losses to the Mogul Lines for passsn* ‘they st without addition of any ger service on the Konkan coast; 217 Written Answers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) Written Answers 21&

(b) will these looses be integrateddevelopment/construction of selected with the profits on the Cargo service;road/bridge work3 under the Centrally Aided Programme of State Roads of (c) will these losses be treated onInter-State or Economic Importance. the same lines as the losses on theIn the Fourth Plan, the following new passenger service between Madras andprojects were agreed to be financed* Andamans; and under this programme m Maharashtra with 100 per cent loan assistance:— (d) if answers to parts (b) and (c) Estimated above be in the negative, the reasons cost therefor? (1) Bru’ge across Revadande Creek on Alibag-Retadanda- Salar Murund Road, Dis­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE trict Kolaba. . 6o* 00 lakhs MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB (2) Bridge cro\;> Sautri river at Mhapralon the Mandngad- KUMAR MUKHERJEE): (a) The Mhapi a Am et-Kuda Road. 50- 00 lakhs Jikely annual looses are estimated to be Rs 23 50 lakhs (3) Tarapotc-Boisar road 29-26 lakhs

(h) and

(c) what help is proposed to be given to each of these roads in Maha­ (a) how much financial assistance rashtra during the Fifth Five Yearwas demanded by the Government of Plan period? Maharashtra for rrnal drinking water supply schemes in 1972-73 and 1973-74 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and how much was given: and MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI PRANAB (b) how much amount is proposed' KUMAR MUKHERJEEV (a) to (c). to be given for the same purjjose Loan assistance is provided for theduring 1974-75 and for which projects? 219 Written Answers APRIL 29, 1974 Wntten Awwtr* 22-

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Accelerated Rural Water Supply Pro­ DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMEN­ gramme. The State Government were TARY AFFAIRS AND IN THE advised to select and take up schemes MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUS­ ont nf the approved list of schemes, ING (SHRI OM MEHTA): (a) 136 the cost of which could be met from rural water supply schemes estima­within the available allocation. The ted to the Central Government under the

Year Assistance demanded Amount releas b\ S ate Governm ent Central Government

*972-73 135. *7 lakhs R s. 106 00 lakhs

19-3-74 Rs 223 21 lakhs Rs. 79.00 lakhs

Due to financial constraints moreThe recovery of sugar is generally lunds could not be made available to lower during October and early Nov­ the State Government ember than the year's average Never­ theless incentives for early crushing (b) This Piogramme has been dis­of cane by factories during these two continued as a Central Scheme in the months are given to reduce the diver­ VIh Plan During the Vth Plan, rural sion of cane to manufacture of gur water supply schemes have been in­and also t0 ensure adequate availabi­ cluded in the Minimum Needs Pro­ lity of ougar early in the season, gramme and will be implemented by particularly when the carry-over ihe State Governments stocks from the previous year are low This by itself does not appear to Incentive for Crashing Sugarcane lead to loss m total production of early in spite of Low Recovery sugar For example, during the last three seasons, the production in Octo­ 8636 SHRI E V V IK H E P A T ILber ’ and November 1970 was the Will the Minister of A G R IC U LT U R E highest being 5 08 lakh tonnes and the be pleased to state: total production wa$ also the highest (a) whether due to concession m being 38.73 lakh tonnes excise duty on sugar produced early in October-November season, there is considerable loss in recovesry of sugar Drinking Water Facilities to Towns ad therefore loss in total production of fugar in the country, and (b) the reasons for giving incentive 8637 SH R I V IK R A M M A H A J A N : for crushing sugarcane early? Will the Minister of W O R K S A N D H O U S IN G be pleased to state.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) the total number of tomu in M IN IS T R Y O F A G R IC U L T U R E the country, State-wise, which have no

(b) the total number of towne in fff *r* tm(4\ w - the country, State-wise, which have no proper drainage system; and ft**) : (*) (»r). srwiTtw syato §

nry See No. LT-6860/741. Sf^5' JJUfff ap*ff % faiT

(c) The information about physical fapifrp- f irV^*, 1 ^ r ^ r *rr targets to be covered during the Fifth oV4?, iT^flft Vfr^-qr Five Year Plan are not available. The information about the targelted cover­ % fi«fr *jt tttsit w jfi *r r p f age during 1974-75 available from ^ a jtt^ ?? ft ^p arnr v sr w «rrr few States has also *>een indicated in v,rcffTspr g-4 «fr- sr *r ^ t # the annexure. Ttni ^ | fares m TTvHJ, fm W T <9TOT*ft mj vs t o t * tit sro w-f^gT?rfnTr*Tir»T u>70~7i ^ 1972- 73 % if.^T % 3ffc*Fr

8638. : ^ ( i r % »fft if »r ?rf f ; f^rrf ?r> »nnBT«r «tt (t^t *rrr ^rV=r *r* ^npp- % - tpfi *r? «T?rft ^ ^rr fa> : (sp) !T?r fa®# Tiscff % fTiq- WT f T ifT O (^o f, 1? srwi % * ft r

(s r ) y z % «rrrfw vr?r rn*m Tn xrlrf ff^ra^r ^ tfrtt: faatfV 1970- 71 3 47 1. 01 t , srV 1971- 7 2 3 9H 1 32 (*r) m % i Ti^Tf * vrvftf ft 19 72- 73 3 48 1. IS ?r«rr ?rr * ? « r *rK ?far ’srr^r f wf t iw r ar« T$r | ? 223 Written Answert APR IL 29, 1974 Written Answers 224

vRRnntt m n w «i ^ f ^ r *r$V St *fTVfa 8639 wV w m Tr»ft if *ffa «rfbRr?r ?rnj^rf5r^ r t - «ft amwfTtr tt * wtsft f»p*r Sf t 1 m i?fl* *nf, ^ : "TfTrff % TPTTf fffcfr irrfesff f^R T q ^ fftr zftiFrr % *r*f£ ?r f?r* (*F) SRTT rr^jft % TTfcT^rft »T^ t I ^ 3 *T?5r3r£* fa$Fef ^ WTrTT ^ m i S R T t ^ * ? - % fftr sfstt % f^r wrwr* % w r z m ^rsprrar f , ( 1) *ptr f^r % *rr^# m*r 3? ?r »t t *farrf ^nr ?r ?rftrr n|f (sr) &1 t7 tt3?t *prrd ^tt ^ r f ^ r , ( 2) f ® f^ r fw STfcT fOTTT $ , sftr m w qr| n f w ^rr » m ^ t% ?fh: ^r^r fr* ^it t (*) $§T*> % % »Taw ^rrffw, ?rV ( 3) n if t ^rr » r ^ *r **tt *rs*r zsm *m it ? % TWTTTX! vt $ ^ff^Trsr w ?rf jt p %s;r ^^frsrir irh ?f«f * TTWT («ft WWTT- Trf^HFF- ^ r m u jnrT^r t? f^zrr itftt «fto f a * ) ( T ) % (»T) rfa ^Tf^- I ^ srfsrrw *rsrsftt p t t t ^ ?rV q r TTJTR^r Tr^r ^ Tfar 4 ?rrtr r «jra ^ir^rirr, ^mr »pttt ?r ^ rif 1 9 7 ^ ^ * * * q3rrw ?r> ?rfrrTnr? m v * * r ^ irfocfT #• ^TTipTn T| fapfirfrgff T ?TFJF rrsfr % ?rf j t ^r srfar ^rr qr ?T4t Tpjqft ?r>r *re Tp^r efcff *ft fT ^Fr^sff fa’SFfTT *r T? ?T> *T TrtfR ?rnhwf fa^nrr srrd fr* *tir ?rfsrT n,?V ^ I fndrrf^T wr »rf f I % I T l *TT*f3*ft %■ Warrr qr TP^rrncr ^rr q?xrsf? sjt\ T^n $ q?% ^rr ^rr*ft ^ ^r?fi sfrfapr *rr* r $ft »T9rtSH T? farr »TT 4 \ q sfifT STH* (^-xgrrfwT % svT ^nr TTT^crfcT Sffy fcflrffa % srr^ qfr 3TT “^r t 1 T TF ( 2) sr^r *r$*rfa it w r t fafTT «ir t§ t t 1 ^rmrff^ irl vwrr?^ i5?r # ftfr *r sft? jp im Ti ^rf^^Rr *fr*rr f *t?f *Rrrf ^ vr flffsr ^r^^rf 'a*5 WrittenAnswers V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(SAK a j Written Answers 226

tit ®m*rr ; gf^t 5 * ^ m m - «rnr tfh: qfsrf)- % *pr?r *ftfaRrw c r V & r | «£?t * f t star *r ts s tft tit tf*rrarcrr 1 $> $*nr^>r % *rm% tit ^PTTfc rpifi % vtfff % q£*rtf % tft? ’irn f tit srawr ^ fr ; tit *pm tir fafwtr mm n % «rV # f r f w t o t if 3 ■tT*f«PT 3fi*rtara ( 3) *nrar ’tt # «rif t k ^mrarsff f^ F r ff% ^ *rr% f, ?T«nin w r *r ij^afrW f tfr t>p% % f ^ zrz 5fn*,'^5T^ % W n*T f^ $ w w " f w ^rnrr wm fkft 3TT r | ff fa? ^?T % »T«ft ■gr*r T 7 5fipT ^ 3prnf qjTRr ^rr^n ^tr" v vnrsvff % f?riT >7Tafrfr ¥«rpfw srrfsmhvt f^r^ff % 5^=t 1 ?pt it spt srfm? ^rr , VT7*fh*, ’pRTcr, ffwr^r sr^fr,

( 4) irnrrar-«nsr tit q£*Tfr tfr vftr ?£{*{r % appT-TT 5{ flrjfTETn ?rrr ^ g r ^ r * fr 3 w m f r r r qrc t a r * ? t ?rtr ^ Tf^fra ^rnf^wf f ^ R f f %

**?m r( srV |rf«r *rfavf * fr?T- *r«TFT Tn*wr »r«rr I 1 ?fk ^^fn:

^sfr *rtft srnFt | ; f ® ,*?pR,fTr Jr ^3^ «nf*i?ar ^ ^npPFrfr wfr ^ f^TT ^ t 1 ( 5) ftrv tfr *T7TOTf ^‘r 'rf^ T fr 4ft *r *rcrfa?r f w ^ v rf r Wr w f^iwr ftifitf ^

%ftx *n[nT fa T * 86 4 0 . *ft« fsh furrtV : VFMT *(ff wrawrcff STT *T *t ^

%t Ot ssr^wsrr i ( v ) Twa- ^fsnTT f n f w


" fa a ft g ’c ft' tit ct^^rrt ^f'^rnTT

w r $ fa frrtv'^ ^Mw^rt fa*rc ^rr (^) »Wcnp w^rar«r ir m * m fa m ^*^rr»fr w ot ^fr

*r *^

xwr %m*rf wnr^ff% # $

( * ) *rt m i t m & tt *rrcsr with the Central and State Govern, raenta as on1 st April, 1974 were 3(121 V* f t arfrift ? lakh tonnes.

(b) With the internal procurement ftrw «rtrw m uwrw ifanw of rice/paddy still Jn progress the reasonable requirements of the pubUt m t f a f f * *to distribution system will be met.

(^1 ^ i S'Pcr^rr^TJT 'ffffsr, 8642 SHRI P. R. SHENOY: Will the T t£P snvr STT'cT J W *TT (SHRI ANNASAHER P. SHJNDE)- r House (Placed m Library See No. m LT-6861/74) m % fo ^ srrww ftar *rfc

*rwpPT wnrr % ^rsrsr % % Introduction of 15-Yea* Degree Course

^TTT | 8643. SHRI SH R IK ISH A N M O D I. Will the Minister of E DU C A TION , SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE Present Stock tf W e e end Faddy be pleased to state:

8641.SHRI P. R. SH E N OY . Will the (a) whether Government are con­ Minister of AG R IC U LTU R E be jJeas- templating to introduce 15-years «d to state Degree Course from the next year; and

(a) -what is the present stock posi­ tion of rice and paddy; and (b) if so, the treasons and main features thereof? (b) whether the present stock of nee and paddy will meet the require­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ment of the public distribution sys- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SOCIAL tein? WELFARE AND IN THE DEPART- M N T OF CULTURE (SHRI IX P. Y A D A V ); (a) and (b) The Central THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THE Advisory Board of Education has MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURE recommended that the 1042+3 atruo- (SHRI ANNASAHER P. SHINDE): ture of education should be adopted (a) The tentative physical stocks of in all States before the etad of the «ce including paddy in terms of sice Fifth Five Year Plan. 3 Z 9 Written Armetrs V A ISA K H A », 1896

The main reasons for introducing ( v ) m ^ | fa the new system are (i) to have a broadly uniform structure of educa­ fw tf wrnd vt 30 tion in all parts of the country as * -envisaged in the National Policy of ^T asr f ; Education; and (ii) to postpone the time for deciding choice of vocational subjects by students by two years so (*sr) ?rttot ^ rt that the student is more mature to Sf TfoRfa Jfift O r t 3TT s w r ; take such a decision, and also to reduce the time interval between such * decision and actual entry into jobs. (*r) sptw

15 m m . i973wft«n#»i*wrw

2. crnm

3. 14- 15* * m , 1 9 4 7 Corruption charges against officials of National Seeds Corporation TT?r ^ffTOT^r *rsrr *r P=r t - 8645. SHR I N. K . S A N G H I; Will the faffeRT *nrcr*flr * t err*# «r st^rt Minister of A G R IC U L T U R E be pleas­ ®9rf*r f w n f :— ed to state the number of corruption charges which are now under investi­ (wr) ^nur^tWit «ft SRTI^WvT gation against the officials of the National Seeds Corporation and at 5PT f& ft what stage they rest?. *nNft *f THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE W I W 11 fiprcf MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE * t *WfU «FT I (SHRI ANNASAHEB P. SHINDE): The National Seeds Corporation E m ­ (*f) tf^«rRri*T TfocT

February, 1974 • • • 9907 1269 hrs.

M R . S P E A K E R : The Minister MB. SPEAKER; Mr. Banerjee, already made a statement on it the whenever I have come to your rescue other day. you do not appreciate it and you put the Speaker in the wrong. Now. I am * SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: This has allowing it You move the adjourn­ * caused hardships to the people. ment motion.

M R . S P E A K E R : As I said already, SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: he has made a statement the other I have not given any notice of day on the floor of this House. adjournment.

MR. SPEAKER: The notice of adjournment has been given by Shri Samar Guha and Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu. Mr. Bosu, you move your adjournment ^ T O WRMlfcH «TT motion.

T O 3Ft 9T3T | I SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Kindly trsp *TcFfar | i&rfi allow me a minute. You allow the Calling Attention to stand as it is. ztft *m %(f apt swi% swra f w m i \ \ WT^f *RT I MR SPEAKER- You never appre­ z m ®te> 1 ciate this.

SHRI S„ M. BANERJEE; Many «ft * ? * ! («lifa*R) : Unions have served their strike notice «nwf %tr | f% in the Railways. ifcc«i f y ^ r by Shn Samar Guha, Shri Bosu and Shri Madhuryya Haidar. I allow this, $ 1 You ask for the leave of the House to move it. WSmFTiHitH ifhFT fft nrf?ft3hrirR*it SHRI SEZHIYAN (Kumbalconam): ^ 1 ar^ ^"farr There is no opposition to it. * m *nrr ? «rnr | M R SPEAKER- H o w will they tfr # ?nft k m | 1 oppose it unless you move it? You move it. «ft wz*f fwtrrd wwrtift: ?f$r a> S H R I S. M . BANERJEE- Sir, I rise apsr ?Jk f a * *frfor * 1 on a point of order.

MR. SPEAKER; I am allowing it if M R . S P E A K E R : Is your point of you want. You can move your adjourn­ order on why I admit it? ment motion You get the leave of the House and then move it. SHRI S. M. BANtlRJEB: On this particular adjournment or motion, I SHF I S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): am on a point of order. W e are not Then, we will not have it moving the adjournment motion. 397 *«•Adjournment V A IS A K H A 9, 1896 (SAKA) Motion 238

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU; Then, I ask for leave of the House to move m y adjournment motion.- Sir, I go by %*risranntfq?t ^prt ^ apr T^rfj 1 # your utterances. You want me to W f^T| % f a * SR>T move it. tft ^Tgr t f a *it *»fa*rtt *rc?r % ’ufam lr *fo: ^ferr vr3? 5^ MR. SPEAKER; When 1 made the 3t t o " ? r * t hi? htr^ t observations, they were to help you. S R n f cFF T fa T «T|(t 'JTT tfsRTT 5R> You do not appreciate. The other or the negative side is, 1 allow it. fa *rrm * $t wre ?

w r a i m J fa ^ You have enough opportunities. The *itaPT *rnr fiwnr | | Appropriation pill will be coming. | fa ^ 35TC) STOfa*r. .. Today the Home Ministry demands are there. You can take advantage of that also. But if you still insist. I «ft *3 . f*W *: SW STTT $ do not come in. ( „ ^ V , a t ^ i t t

w*ur *®i«r:*5 sit | t o SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: *f?T ^ t 3T5 5RT ^ T T fj I As the House is going to discuss the demands of the Ministry of Home fd tt «tt€ sift^ ’“pfe fa*rr |1 Affairs and we do not have enough time, I will request my friend, Mr. •it : *|T, frfr^fTTT sfc ^rr Jyotirmoy Bosu, not to press for it. SfaStJl # 5ft ^9T f a ^ f t ^ T c T

?rrq 1 Srfa* irft sit^tt ' SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am | fa 3R ?nr% m ^ar qr f i m * ^ guided by the desires of the House. c R 5PF fa ^ ft ^ T T fa 5TRT *!$f t I «ft f a * * : w s m

# < t 51 m r I STFT g f o r 1 f a f a W apr MR. SPEAKER: It was also on the iflr aft *itfar forr $ ^ | fa thin line. So, I wanted to have time.

*nft w ..

12.08 hrs. » PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE w arn 1 A n n u a l A dministration R e p o r t o f D D A FOR 1972-73 * t V * ® *5 TfT THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ g 1 i m <1? ’tf t W1 z m t $ TARY AFFAIRS (SHRI K. RAGHU t o t o t g 1 3rit smfcrr R A M A IA H ): O n behalf of Shri Bhola Paswan Shastri; I beg to lay on the qn| | fa fas w m x % fasra ^ Table a copy of the Annual Adminis­ faSrsr spita* f m & *»t£ o s U tration Report (Hindi and English tfto versions) of the Delhi Development sfifasr % *ra% M* vr ^tctt Authority, for the year 1972-73, under section 26 of the Delhi Development *btt uro qftfcRrr Act, 1957.[Placed in Library. See m m * m No. LT-8847/74]. 239 Paper* Laid APRIL 29, 1974 Paper* b ait 340

N otifications u n d e r E s s e n t i a l C o m . R e v i e w a n d A n n u a l R e p o r t s or m q d j t ie s A c t , 1955 a n ® B o m b a y M o g h u l L i n e L td., a n * S h i p p i n g T e n a n c y a n d A gbicultukai . L a n d s C o r p o r a t io n or In d ia t o r 1972-73 R u l e s a n d M e r c h a n t S h i p p i n g R u l e s

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIAL DEVE­ (SHRI ANNASAHEB P SHINDE). LOPMENT (SHRJ PRANAB KUMAR I-beg to lay on the Table— M U K H E R J E E ): I beg to lay on the Table— (1) A copy of each the following Notifications (Hindi and Eng­ (1) A copy each of the fo^owing lish versions) under sub-sec- papers (Hindi and English tion (6) of section 3 of the versions) under sub-section. (1) Essential Commodities Act, of section 819A of 'the Com­ 1955 — panies Act, 1956.—

(I) The Roller Mills Wheat (1) (a) Review by the Govern­ Products (Ex-mill) Price ment on tiie working of Control (Amendment) the Mogul Line Limited, Order, 1974, published m Bombay, f©r the year Notification No G S R 176 1972-73 (E ) m Gazette of India dated the 13th April, 1974 (b) Annual Report of the Mogul lane Limited (II) The Delhi Roller Mills Bombay, for the year Wheat Products (Ex-mill 1972-73 along with the and Retail) Price Control Audited Accounts and the (Amendment) Order, 1974 comments of the Comp­ published in Notification troller and Auditor No G S R 177(E) in Gazette General thereon (Placed of India dated the 13th an Library See No LT-6850/ April 1974 [Placed tn 741 Library See No LT-6848/ 741 (u) (a) Review by t h e Govern­ ment on the working of (2) A copy of the Bombay Tenancy t h e Shipping Corporation and Agricultural Lands (Guja­ of India Limited Bom­ rat Amendment) Rules, 1973 bay for the year 1972-73 (Hindi and English versions) (b) Annual Report of the published m Notification No Shipipng Corporation of GHM-73-195 - M-TNC - 1073-J (LR) in Gujarat Government India Limited, Bombay, for the year 1972-73 along Gazette dated the 9th August, with the Auditer Accounts 1973 and the corrigendum there, and the comments of the to dated the 26th November, Comptroller and Auditor 1973, under sub-section (f) of General thereon. \ Placed section 82 of the Bombay Ten­ tn Library See No LT- ancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948 read with clause (c) 8851/741 (iii) of the Proclamation dated (2) A copy of the Merchant Ship­ the 9th February 1974 issued ping (Cargo Ship Construction by the President in relation to and Survey) Rules, 1974 (Hindi thp State of Gujarat, together and English versions) published with an explanatory note in Notification No G S R 295 in rPlaced in Library See No Gazette of India dated the 23rd LT-6849/74T March, 1974under sub-section 341 Assent to Bills VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) P.A.C.Reports 242

(3) of section 458 of the Mer­ (2) (i) Sixty-first Report on the chant Shipping Act, 1958. Ministry of Commerce (Depart­ [Placed in Library. See ment of Internal Trade)—Civil No. LT-6852/74J. Supplies Organisation. (ii) Minutes of the sitting of the Committee relating to the hr*. above Report.

ASSENT TO BILLS (3) (1) Sixty-fifth Report on the Ministry of Agriculture (De­ S E C R E T A R Y - G E N E R A L: Sir. I lay partment of Agriculture)— on the Table copies duly authenticated Forestry. by the Secretary-General of Rajya (ii) Minutes of the sittings of the Sabha, of the following flve Bills Committee relating to the passed by the Houses of Parliament above Report. and assented to since a report was last made to the House on the 5th (4) Fitty-fourth Report on action April, 1954:— taken by Government on the 11) The National Co-operative recommendations contained in their Fourteenth Report on the Development Corporation erstwhile Ministry of Foreign (Amendment) Bill, 1974. Trade— Export Promtion Mea­ (2) The Esso (Acquisition of Under­ sures, Cammercial Publicity and takings in India) Bill, 1974 Trade Fairs. (3) The Presidential and Vice- Presidential Elections (Am end­ ment) Bill 1974. 1Z 09£ hrs.

(4) The Water (Prevention and PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE Control of Pollution) Bill, 1974. 111t h , 115t h , 127t h , 128t h a n d H l a c (5) The Public Wakfs (Extension of R e p o r t s Limitation) (Delhi Amendment) Bill, 1974. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU (Dia­ mond Harbour): I beg to present the following Reports of the Public Accounts Committee:— 12.19bm. (1) Hundred and eleventh Report ESTIMATES COMMITTEE on action taken by Government on the recommendations con­ 59t h . 61s t , 65t h a n d 54t h R e p o r t s tained in their Eighty-cixth Re­ a n d M i n u t e s port on Audit Report (Civil), 1970* and Reports of the Com­ SHRI R. K. SINHA (Faizabad); I ptroller and Auditor General of beg to present the followingReports India for the years 1969-70 and and Minutes of the Estimates Com­ 1970-71, Central Government mittee:— (Civil) relating to Ministry of Education and Social Welfare. (1) (i) Fifty-ninth Report on the Ministry of Information and (2) Hundred and Fifteenth Report Broadcasting Films, Part II. on action taken by Government (ii) Minutes of the sitting of the on the recommendations con­ Committee relating to the tained in their Eighty-seventh Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Report on Chapter TV of the Reports. Report of the Comptroller and 243 Committee on Public A P R IL 29, 1974 B A .C . Reports 244 Undertakings Reports and Reports [Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu] (2) (i) Fifty-second Report ox* Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Re­ Auditor General of India for fineries Division excluding Pipelines the year 1970-71 Union Gov­Section) ernment (Civil)—Revenue Re­ ceipts relating to income-tax (u) Minutes of the sitting of the Committee relating to the above (3) Hundred and twenty seventh report Report on paragraphs 42 and 43(3) 1 () Fifty-fourth Report on relating to Installation of Com­ State Farms Corporation of India puters on Railways included in Limited the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (li) Minutes of the sitting of for the year 1971-72— Unionthe Committee relating to the above Report Government (Railways).

(4) Hundred and twenty-eighth Report on Chapter II of the 1211 his Report of the Comptroller and DIRECT TAXES (AMENDMENT Auditor General of India for BILL the year 1971-72, Union Gov e m ­ inent (Civil), Revenue Receipts, {1) Reports or Select Committee Volume II. Direct Taxes— SHRI N K. P. SALVE (Betul): I relating to Corporation-tax beg to present the Report of the Se­ lect Committee on the Bill further to amend the Income-tax Act, 1961, (5) Hundred and thirty-first Report the Wealth-tax Act, 1957, the Gift- on paragraphs 28— 31 relating to tax Act, 1958 and the Companies the Ministry of Foreign Trade (Profits) Surtax Act, 1964 and to pro­ included in the Report of the vide for certain related matters. Comptroller and Auditor Gene­ ral of India for the year 1971- (u) EvmxNCE 72, tJmon Government (Civil) SH R I N K P S A L V E . I beg to lay on the Table the record of evidence tendered before the Select Committee on the Bill further to amend the In­ 1210 hrs come-tax Act, 1961, the Wealth-tax, 1957, the Gift-tax Act, 1958 and the COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UNDER­ Companies! (Profits) Surtax Act, 1964 TAKINGS and to provide for certain related matters

5 1 s t , 52n d 54t h R E P o n rj a m

M i n u t e s 1212 hrs SHRI NAWAL KISHORE SHARMA (Dausa) I beg to present the follow­ BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ing Reports and Minutes of the Com­ Foimr-SEcoND R eport mittee on Public Undertakings — THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ (1) (i) Fifty-first Report on IndiaTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI K . RAGHU Tourism Development Corpora­RAMAIAH) I beg to move* tion limited “That this House do agree with the Forty-second Report of the B u ­ (11) Minutes of the sittings of the siness Advisory Committee present­ Committee relating to the ed to the House on the 26th April* above Report 1974 " 245 Matter under VAISAKHA 0, 1896SAKA ) ( Rule 377246

• f t * * fo r t (*«*): wwr SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHARY (Cooch-Behar): W e have submitted a MR. SPEAKER: 1 have not received calling-attention-notice on this. It is any names. The practice is that the a very serious matter. If you would names should have been sent earlier.ask the hon. Minister to make a state­ ment on the calling-attention it would f a * * : W& *T 3 3 for be better.

fSTT *TT fo ^ r i % s s g n M R S P E A K E R : I shall allow one | tftx z m ^s?r ^rsff * n w from the Congress side and from the side of the Opposition. ^ ^5T 'R^PT % f?lT^ fw^T^T ^TOsrCV 3p«r€t ir tjWV SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: That is ^ ^ 3 t? 1 1 ft ^ g 1 enough for the day. M R S P E A K E R : But this will not be «wrar n$w : 2 ^ wrr m frn 1 a precedent. The question is: SHRI

MATTER UNDER RULE 377 SHRI VASANT SATHE (Akola): I R e p o r t e d D e t e c t i o n o f S e c r e t M o b i l e want to invite the attention of the R a d io S t a t io n i n M e g h a l a y a Government to a very serious matter that has been reported in today’s MR SPEAKER: Regarding matters newspapers about a secret mobile to be raised under rule 377, I have radio re­ station in Meghalaya. The re­ ceived notices from different Membersport says that the police are reported on the same matter. The notices areto have detected two powerful wire­ from Shri Vasant Sathe, Shri S. M .less transmitter cum receiving sets Banerjee, Shri iSamar Guha, Prof.last week. The two seized sets were Madhu Dandavate and Shri Tarun presumably used in a secret mobile Gogoi. The matter relates to the re­radio station based somewhere on the ported detection by the police of two inter-national boundary in Meghalaya. powerful wireless transmitters- ctim-The sets have been technically exa­ receiving sets in Meghalaya which mined and found capable of intercept­ were being used as secret mobile ra­ing various broadcasting stations of dio stations. the world. It further says that the po­ lice sources said here today that the I think the first Member who had intercepting capacity of the broadcasts given the notice can speak on behalf of sets with high frequency was unli­ of all of them. mited. The sets which bear markings of foreign manufacturers have a long SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: (Kanpur): range and are believed to have been The usual practice is that two*are al­used In clandestine - activities by cer­ lowed. So, I request that two M em ­ tain foreign powers in collusion with bers may be allowed. some anti-national elements in the 347 Matter under APRIL 29, 1974 Rule 877 248

[Shri Vasant Sathe} (w n f o r c ): sensitive north-eastern region. The at ^ ^ ^ 1 Meghalaya police have arrested a num­ ber of persons under the Defence of Xfro m l : India Rules and are making investi­ gations. tit* w * it *rc5Y | %

Sir, you may recall that a few days | 1 t o *pt *rm back, during a debate ia this House fa?r sratit % 1 1 w e had also said that there is a great m i ^ bt t, m deal of anti-national activity going on in this part of the country both by *re(Y tit $Y vHvrCt irr ?r $ agents who masquerade under the *n"Pr?f 50fT^ garb of M R A and other organisations— p x t WRT t f 1 *f TmsVTf AN HON. MEMBER Anand Marg. SHRI VASANT SATHE: I do not Srararart ^ o jttj know. He may be knowing better. It ^f^T«J>FTirWT^T?T^ ? flfrfWT may be Anand Marg or BBC or Vaj­ steer | 3ifnfT % *fpq,% m i payee Broadcasting Station or anything else for that matter-China, or any other country. I ,do not know. w r£v\ ^ t t % 1 5 spg*rr fr tifo *Y snpprnYw * fr m m ^ AN HON. MEMBER CIA err^ ir tjt^# m s*t% qY®

fa^riY ^rrfsrsr?. 1 h ^ ? t t g fa SHRI VASANT SATHE: And CIA as well. Now , I would like to know s t rtit tit uqYfarnsr^ str ^ from the Government one thing. I jjtr- ^ t§ t1 % ‘F & t rrrtrWt% f, would in fact request for a full state­ ment as to what steps the Government sY? w f t t A m ^ tt sirnmrr w t 1 are taking to see that these activities m

SHRI SEZHIYAN (KumbMtonam): I have sent a note to you. O n 25 April ft* SPFjTT ?T I raised, with your permission, under -j N ct jfV t I rule 377, a matter concerning a grave lapse on the p^rt of the Government is not passing the Pondicherry budget % ’ft Tsar «rr, in time. At that time I pointed out Sff =*Trf| % tfPT ^FT *T3T I that these things should have been pas­ | ?fr «cpt sri sed by 81st March. It was a lapse on the part of the Government. They I fo STOTT W J nfr I * 3T” ?» have not fulfilled their responsibilty. ^ n ^ T I ^PT % qT^g- T^r You were kind enough to remark on *r% that day. * The Minister will examine 1 this matter and come out with a state­ ment either just now or later on.” This ms t happened on 23 April. It did not hap­ pen ‘just now’; it has not happened *rr % 1 K ft ?fr few t f k so far. How long would they take on ^5pf, 1 this? Is it not contempt of the House to remain silent like this? If they say that because the Finance Minister is waiw m ffr fair*r*r T^nr not here and therefore the entire work '3ncf ^tt% 1 of the Finance Ministry has come to a standstill, it is a poor reflection on their working. sft n w frunrl : snarer t o *rrq- f*n «r SHRI K. RAGHU RAMAIAH: The Finance Minister is very much here to­ day .and he has told me that he will ®ft *n*r=rT s s t c t «tt fo s^rc make a statement on the 2nd 1st is a ifu tfr fw w wrefr vr holiday. nft ^>rr %

SH R I S E Z H IY A N : If he is going to fair ifofefrrsr ^ 1 make a prepared statement, will it be *rr fc f*fonrer * r t possible to give usa statement before­ * t , ?pffar v i z tfrt w *fr 1 hand?

MR SPEAKER: I am not aware of wtmm *|i>w : ^ 3 itftk* *i?r | that; you have given the suggestion. ft f a 37% t I SHRI DINESH CHANDRA GOSWA- M I: Today the demands are going to be guillotined and we have no oppor­ frsiw*rftar tunity of discussing the working of the srV «ft vfth *ranraqr % 5crr*r^r *t External Affairs Ministry. Many im­ portant events have taken place such m Srqi 1 1 ^tict torn w f^rr as .the Tripartite agreement. Some dis­ TTtCTfn 3 f W 3ft awrf«T f^RT W cussion should be there either under rule 193 or some other rule. t"..

MR. SPEAKER: You may talk to them, not to me.

frsratfr, *rrnvfftr ir W tft gfr % fart | * 3 w r v m m \ 3 5 1 D .G ., 1974-75 APRIL, 29, 1974 , D.G., 1974-7525*

: w 3 ?r 10 t o D k m a h b N o . 46—Cabinet I M R. S P E A K E R : Motion moved:

* W I *f|>W : to at 3T|cr ?r^r 'That a sum not exceeding Rs. 88,47,000 on Revenue Account be •|, ^ «wt srar3*1 granted to the President to complete the sum necessary to defray the «ftn^fwn3> : * r ^ J T s m charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending •*r «wr 1 srrcff or«cnr niff 1 the 31st day of March, 1975, in res­ £ t I pect ojf ^Cabinet’.”

Demand No. 47—Department of Per­ «Mrar'*$«v1 srre sft*i *r * sonnel and Administrative Reforms wr ** % f ^frf^r wrc vt jm r 3ffer STRTf $ H JW afar ?f f?TfT:T1 M R . S P E A K E R : Motion moved:

‘That a sum not exceeding Rs. 4,63,44,000 on Revenue Account be 12 24 hrs. granted to the President to complete the sum necessary to defray the charges which will come in course ^DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 1974-75—of payment during the year ending Contd. the 31st day of March, 1975, in res­ pect of ‘Department of Personnel M in is t r y o r Ho m e A f f a ir s and Administrative Reforms’ ”

M R. S P E A K E R : The House will now D e m a n d No. 48—Police , 'take up discussion and voting on D e­ mand Nos. 45 to 56 relating to theM R . S P EA K E R : Motion moved: Ministry of Home Affairs which can be discussed till 6 P.M. when guillotine will take place. “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 133, 45,27,000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs, 2,29,27,000 on Hon. Members present the in House Capital Account be granted to the who desire to move their cut motions President to complete the sum neces­ may send slips to the Table within 15 sary to defray the charges which minutes indicating the serial numbers will come in course of payment dur­ otf the cut motions they would like to ing the year ending the 31st day of move. They will be treated as moved. March,. 1975, in respect of ‘Police1.” -Demand No. 45— Ministry of Home Affairs D e m a n d N o . 49— Census M R . S P E A K E R : Motion moved: M R. S P E A K E R : Motion moved:

“That a sum not exceeding Rs. “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 1,72,96,000* on Revenue Account be1,72,96,000 on Revenue Account be granted to the President tocomplete granted to the President tocomplete the sum necessary to defray the the sum necessary to defray the charges which will come in course charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending of payment during the year ending the 31st day of March, 1975, in res­the 81st day of March, 1975/ in res­ pect of ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’.” pect of ^Census?* 3 5 3 D G > 1074-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-75 2 54

DXMfcxm No. 50— Other JBxpenditure D e m a n d No. 54—Arunachal Pradesh of the Ministry of Home Affait* M R. SP E A K E R : Motion moved: M E . S P E A K E R : Motion moved: “That a sum not exceeding Rs. “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 64,91,87,600 on Revenue Account and16.50.97.000 on Revenue Account not exceeding Rs. 14,16,34,OQO onand not exceeding Rs. 7,03,28,000 on Capital Account be granted to the Capital Account be granted to the Presidentto complete the sum neces­ President to complete the sum ne­ sary to defray the charges which will cessary to defray the charges which come in course of payment during will come in course of payment dur­ the year ending the 31st day of ing the year ending the 31st dayat March, 1975, in respect of ‘OtherMarch, 1975, in respect of ‘Arunachal Expenditure of the Ministry of Pradesh’.” Home Affairs’.” Demand No. 55—Dadra and Nagar D e m a n d No. 51— Delhi Haveli M R . S P E A K E R : Motion moved: M R SP EA K E R : Motion moved: "That a sum not exceeding Rs. on Revenue Accountand “That a sum not exceeding Rs. not exceeding Rs. 28,30,60,000 82.40.000 on on Revenue Account and Capital Account be granted to the not exceeding Rs. 1,07,88,000 on President to complete the sum ne­ Capital Account be granted to the cessary to defray the charges whichPresident tocomplete the sum neces. will come in course pf payment dur­ sary to defray the charges which ing the year ending the 31st day of will come m course of payment dur­ March, 1975, in respect of ‘Delhi*.’’ing the year ending the 31st dayat March, 1975, in respect of ‘Dadra and Demand No. 52-—Chandigarh Nagar Haveli’.” M R. S P EA K E R : Motion moved: D e m a n d No. 56— Lakshadweep "That a sum not exceeding Rs. on Revenue Account and M R. SP E A K E R : Motion moved; not exceeding Rs. 3,69,65,000 on Ca­ pital Account be granted to the Pre­ “That a sum not exceeding Rs. sident to complete the sum neces­ on Revenue Account and sary to defray the charges which will not exceeding Rs. 66,55,000 on come in course of payment during Capital Account be granted to the the year ending the 31st day of President to complete the sum neces­ March, 1975, in respect of ‘Chandi­ garh’.” sary to defray the charges which will come in course of payment dur­ Jk m a n d No. 53-—Andaman and Nicobar ing the year ending the 31st day of Island March, 1975, in respect of ‘Laksha­ dweep’." 6R. SP E A K E R : Motion moved: “That a sum not exceeding Rs. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU (Dia­ on Revenue Accountmond and Harbour): I beg to move: not exceeding Rs. 5,95,60,000 on Capital Account be granted to the “That the demand under the Head Presidentto complete the sum neces­ 'Ministry of Home Affairs' be reduced sary to defray the charges which willto Re. 1.” come in course of payment during the year ending the 31st day of [Bugging of the offices and resi­ March, 1975, in respect of 'Andamandences of the leaders of Congress- and Nicobar Islands’.” opposed political parties. (7)] 2 5 5 D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 20. 1974 D.G., 1074-75 2 5 6

[Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu] [Reported secret directive of the Central Government not to recruit “That the demand under the Head members of C.P.I. (M ) and some ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced other parties in Government services. to Re. 1." (14)] [Purchases of electronic gadgets “That the demand under the Head lrom Japan, U.S.A. and West Ger­ ‘Ministry of Home Affairs' be re­ many for bugging operation. (8)]. duced to Re. 1.” [Murderous attempt on office “That the demand under the Head bearers of Hindustan Steel Employe­ •Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced to Re 1." es Union, Durgapur by some un­ known persons by tossing a hand- [Government’s drive for the estab­grenade, bearing marks of Pakistan lishment of one-party dictatorshipOrdnance Factory, resulting in se­ and a state of semi-fascistic charac­ rious injury to one and minor inju­ ter (9)1 ries to others. (15)1. “That the demand under the Head “That the demand under the Heat ‘Police be reduced by ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reducedRs. 100,00,00,000.” to Re. 1.” [It is not necessary to spend 162 [Converting India into a gestapo crores of rupees on Central Police; State. (10)J. police is a State subject and law and order is the exclusive jurisdiction of “That the demand under the Head the States, the Central Government ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced has responsibility towards Union ter­ to Re. 1.” ritories in this regard. (27)1. [Misuse of Maintenance of Inter­ “That the demand under the Head nal Security Act by the ruling Party ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs.25,22,73,000.” to curb and suppress its political op­ [Expenditure under the head Cen­ ponents. (11)] tral Reserve Police ha& risen from about Rs 1.5 crores during1980 to “That the demand under the Head more than RS. 39 crores during1974- ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced 75. Police is a State sublect and hen­ to Re 1.” ce it is not at all necessary to main­ {Failure to honour the judgment tain such a huge Central Police delivered by the Gujarat High Court force.(28)] declaring as “illegal any notification ‘That the Demand under the Head passed under Section144 of Cr. P C ‘Police be reduced by Rs. 100.” announcing that persons committing [Central and State Reserve Police breach of such order shall be liable stationed in Dohad to avert trouble, to be shot”.(12)]. incited it, by their brutal behaviour, “That the demand under the Head including molestation of women. ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced (30)] to Re. 1." “That the demand under the Head ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs.100 .” [Failure of lift the state of emer­ gency and scrap the D.I.R. promul­ [Repression let loose by the Cent­ gated in December, 1971 in spite of ral Police forces in Nagaland and the prevalence of normal conditions Manipur.(31)] in the country.(13)] “That the demand under the Head ‘Police* be reduced byR«. 100.” “That the demand under the Head ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced [Working of each Centra! Police to Re. 1." force since1907.(32)] 2t f D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D,G., 1974-75 2 5 8

"That the demand under the Head ‘That the demand under the Head ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” ‘Police’‘ be reduced by Rs. 100.” [Failure and unwillingness to pay compensation to the families of the [Central police forces such as BSF victims of Central Police atrocitiesCRP, CISF and other, have become tai Gujarat and Bihar.(33)] weapons in the hands of the Govern­ ment to suopress the democratic “That the demand under the Head movements of the toiling people for 'Police’ be reduced by Bs. 100.” food, against high prices and corrup­ tion. (40)] [Failure to ensure security to the citizens of Delhi, which has earned “That the demand under the Head notoriety as a “crime city’ .(34] ‘Other , Expenditure of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rg- “That the demand under the Head 8,87,52,00.” ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” [Incidence of crime in Delhi is on [No details have been furnished the increase along with the fantastic under the head “Intelligence Bu­ rise m the expenditure on Central reau,” the bulk of this amount, it is police with every passing year. (35). suspected, is likely to be appropriat­ ed to suppress the Congress-opposed “That the demand under the Head political parties and to keep watch ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” on the persons of the leaders of leftist parties and hence this expen­ [Reign of terror let loose by the diture is infructuous (41)1 Central paramilitary forces in co­ operation with the State Police force “That the demand under the Head upon the people of Gujarat, Bihar, ‘Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Marashtra and other States where Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rs. 100.** the people have been agitating for iood, against high prrces and corrup­ [Refusal to order judicial probe tion and where at least one hand- into the cases of Police firing in con­ red people have been killed by the nection with the food agitation in police (36)] Gujarat, Bihar and other States. “That the demand under the Head (45)1 ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.”

[Rampant corruption, favoritism "That the demand under the Head and nepotism in the Border Security‘Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Force organisation. (37)]. Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rs. 100.**

“That the demand under the Head [Failure to protect the Harijans ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” from atrocities by the Police, goon- [Alleged lareg scale physical as das and landlords in the country. sault by the Border Security Force (46)1 personnel on the Nagar Women and girls in the state of Manipur.(38)] “That the demand under the Head “That the demand under the Head 'Other Expenditure of the Ministry of ‘Police’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rs. 160.**

[Fantastic rise in the expenditure [Cases of atrocities on the Harijans on Central police and proliferation of including physical assault on the new Central paramilitary forces in Harljan women and gitis by the Po­ spite of fact (hat law and order Is lice have registered a sharp rise in a State subject.(39)] i recent period. (47)] 655 LS— 10. D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1974 D.G., 1974-70 260

SHRI PRANK ANTHONY (Nomi­ “That the demand under the head nated— Anglo-Indians): I beg to 'Ministry of Home Affairs' be reduced move: by Rs. 100." “That the demand under the Head ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced [Declaration of the tnbal belts of by Rs. 100”. Tripura as scheduled area and the constitution of the Regional Council rErosion of minority rights and for such area with the representativ­ the rule of law. (26)] es of tribal people elected on the basies of adult franchise on the pat­ SH R I D A S A R A T H A D E B (Tripura- tern of Sixth Schedule of the Cons­ East): I beg to move: titution with powers to undertake all deveuopment works of the Sche­ “That the demand under the Head duled area. (53)] 'Ministry of Home Affairs' be reduced by Rs. 100.” “That the demand under the head [Failure to protect the interest of 'Department of Personnel and Admi­ tribals on land. (48)] nistrative Reforms* be reduced by Rs. “That the demand under the Head 100.” 'Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduc­ ed by Rs. 100.” [Need to constitute a committee to find out the causes as well as acreage [Need to declare the tribal belts of of transfer of land from tribals to Tripura where there is a preponde­ non-tribals in Tripura since its inte­ rance of tribal population as schedul­ gration with Indian Union.(54)] ed areas and to constitute autono­ mous district or region therein.(49)] “That the demand under the head “That the demand under the Head 'Department of Personnel and Admini­ ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’be reduced strative Reforms’ be reduced by Rs. by Rs. 100." 100.” [Immediate need for constitution [Need to enact legislation for the of a Regional Committee for the tri­ restoration of all lands to tribal ori­ bal compact belts in Tripura with ginal land holders that were illegal­ the representatives of tribals elected ly transferred fw m tribals to noc- on the basis of adult franchise.(50)] tribals on or after the 1st day of January, 1962.(55)] “That the demand under the head 'Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” SHRI R. V. BADE (Khargone): 1 beg to move: [Lack of protection of tribals m Tripura resulting in a large number “That the demand under the head of tribals deserting Tripura as their'Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduc­ lands were taken away by a power­ ed by RS. 100. ful section belonging to non-trlbal Bengali community. (51)] [Utilisation of GR.P., B.S.F. and Territorial Army for political pur­ “That the demand under the head poses. (6#)] * 'Ministry of Home Affairs' be reduced by Rs. 100." “That the demand under the head 'Ministry of Home Affairs* be reduced [Need for allocation of special by Rs. 100.” funds for removing backwardness of Tripura, particularly its tribal areas [Failure to check atrocities on (52)1 Harijans.(70)] DX3h 1874-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-78 *62

“That the demand under the head here On the other hand, what is the Ministry of Home Affairs* be reduced *by Rs. 100.” expenditure on the State Police Forces In 1946-47 when the country [Failure to conduct judicial ir- was ruled by foreigners,—that was qwry into the firing incidents ina year of turmoil and rioting—the Bihar and Gujarat (71)] budget did not exceed Rs. 13,06,00,000. Today, in the year 1973-74, the same Forces have consumed Rs. 312,93,00,000. “That the demand under the head This is the increase in expenditure in 'Ministry of Home Affairs’ be reduced by Rs. 100.” the State sector. In the Central *ec- tor, I have already given you the figures [Failure to maintain law and order m the country (72)1

The Border Security Force is “That the demand under the head another queer organisation which has Ministry of Home Affairs' be reduced by Rs. 100." come up. This is really mysterious. They have now near about 80 batta­ lions They were keeping it a closely [Deplorable acts of suppressing the guarded secret I caught hold of a •democratic andjust agitations the B SF gentleman about a month ago to opposition parties by the use of tell me about this. In 1968 69, the

This is what Mr. Chavan has said, Sir, th» Central Police in 1950-51 cost this poor country Rs. 3 crores.when In the Bill was passed by this House. What did we say? W e said 1964-65 it came to Rs. 25 crores, a this I said at that time: little over that. In 1968-63. it jumped to Rs. 72 crores and for the year 1974- “Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, if we 75, the budget estimate is Rs. 169-39 look at the Financial Memorandum crores, a little over that. attached to the Bill, the penultimate paragraph says: The recurring ex­ Sir, I will then refer to CRP. I call penditure on the administration of It Central Raksha Pitha. It has now the Force during 1967-68 was of the •60 battalions. In 1960-81, the expendi­order of Rs 18.21 crores, It is likely ture on CRP was Rs. 1.97 crores. to In go up by about Rs. 2 crores 1973-74, it jumped to Rs. 39.44 crores.because of some addition to the On the one hand, this is the picture existing strength of the Force.’ 3 $ D.G., 1074-75 APRIL 20, 1974 D.Q., 1974-75- 35641

[Slfli Jyotirmoy Bosu] Bordet Security Force Is it or is it not correct that in the Bordtii Security Then, I also said, at that that time: Force the salary is much higher than “The Border' Security Force isthat of the army? being created to become a parallel Central Police force and the purpose Then look at the misdeeds The of .that is nothing short of rep­chief of the CRP, Shn 3. B Mishra, ression.” says at Bhubaneswar:

Sii, it is there in the eastern area, “Every State Governiw«it prefer where we had a long border. Now, the C R P as they use the minimum theie is no longer a Pakistan border. force compared with the BSF ard W e have the friendly Government, the army in tackling the situation Bangladesh So, his assurance in this House was nothing short of a bunkum. I may tell you that they e ip no t«-s* Imtead, they have utilised the B SF cruel than the other forces. In for internal security duty, aj revealed Ahmedabad they went to the extent by the Ministry in their Annual Re­ of using poisonous shells, which were port. It clearly states: fired indiscriminately. In one place “The B S F . completed eight year which I visited, an old man died as of its existence in 1973-74 It conti­soon as a shell exploded vuilun his nued to be deployed along the countryard, because of suffcoat ion. And borders both in Eastern and thethat shell was an imporUv* pnc, made Western sectors and also renderedin America. I know this is bound to assistance to the States of Uttnrhappen m a police State such as this Pradesh.” These are the Indian addition of the very near the border— stoim troopers I want to know why the declaredpohcy has been violated “Andhra Pradesh, Assam”, in this manner. These are criminal forces under the command of our al&o on the border— great friend, Shri Dikshit, and the “Orissa, Tripura, Punjab, MadhyaPrime Minister, and they are b‘>th Fradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat,socialists! Of course, the past associa­ West Bengal, Meghayala, Manipur tion of Shri Dikshit does not stnw and Union Territories of Chandigarhany socialism anywhere You are and Delhi" in maintenance of inter­ stationing these forces in Manipur, nal security.” Nagaland and Mizo Hills under the garb of sensitive areas ani you are So, the cat is out of the bag. It is a very cleverly keeping them out of the foice for presenting the people with sight of the people of this country. lathis. The truth is that the Govern­ ment are organising a parallel force They are committing mass nmvders, so that, should there be an uprising inmass rape, mass looting and 8-son in the defence services, they have anotherthose areas. Otherwise can you force ready. This is evident fr.>m th*»imagine a Commandant, a Deputy fact that the pay and ailowarces cf Commandant and others raping a girl? the Border Security Service PersonnelThe girl was profusely bleedmg and are much higher than those of the out of shame she had to commit suicide personnel of the armed services. Thatthe next day. They commit such shows that skeleton in the cupboard.heinous crimes and parade women in If there is any uprising, tsere is the a nude in the open in the village of parallel armed farces exactly or» theRihand by one Major Dharam lines erf the light infantry battalion. Prakash of BSF. They are lynching There is a lot of dissatisfaction in th*them. W h y should w e net lynch armed for :es today. That is why youthese criminal beasts who act like this are going In a big way to ocfenis? the on these helplesB villagers? Yet, w e .2 6 5 D.G., 1874-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(S A K A ) D &v 197*r75 66 2

are paying them higher salaries andBangladesh Treasuries was recovered allowances. from junior officers. For example, one Kedar Singh, the Inspector of B.S.F. What is happening to the top man Academy, who brought Rs. 80,000 was of the Border Security Force, Shripromoted as Dy. S P . I am making a Rustomji, the keeper of law and orderspecific charge on the floor of the and the high priest? He is involvedHouse. He should reply to that. I in this dirty land grab case. If therehave got evidence and all informal**™ is some Minister worth the salt, hein my hands. would have suspended this man the first day this news came out. How They spare nothing. There was much is the consideration? The benefit another misappropriation. They had comes to about Rs. 75,000, If this is an exhibition near the Exhibition the work of the Director-General oi Ground building at Mathura Road. the BSF, God help this country. They followed suit of the Director- Corruption in the BSF i

M R. SP E A K E R : Everything is sub judice? There is the B.S.F. Academy at Takenpur. There was land procure­ ment by officers, like Brig. Pandey, SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Land Lt.-Col Rampal Singh and Lt.-Col. was given to Shrimati Sakuntala Nair. They bought land in the name Masani, wife of Shri Masani, because of somebody else and then they sold it she wrote a book about Shrimati to the Government at a profit of 800 Indira Gandhi. per cent. You were short of resources. This should be verified-- Then, there is Brig. Pandey, the Inspector-General of the Border Se­ THE MINISTER OF HOME AF­ curity Force. Do you know that FAIRS (SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIK­ during the Bangladesh operations SHIT) : The hon. Member should have many Treasuries were looted and croresof rupees were pocketed and either made the allegations outside or brought into this country? All the factshe should have written to the are known to Field Marshal Government of India in helping ■Maneckshaw and the Director-General us to investigate into these cases and here and many others. But the inquirytell the House where the matter stands. was hushed up. O n the contrary,Now, he brings forward this kind of instead of punishing them, they were wild allegations. It is not fair. W e appreciated. There was an eye-wash.cannot find out the facte in such • A fraction of the looted money from short time and give a reply. 267 DG* 1W4-75 APRIL 29, 1974 D.G., 1974-75 26S

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: To­ “The girls are, namely;l. Miss morrow. If the hon. Minister was Wangnoi, aged 20; 2. Miss Bauuh, worth his salt, he would have come aged 19; 3. Miss Wanja, aged 20; 4. out with a statement on the issue of Miss Longngoi, aged 18. They were rape of Naga women suo motu on the forced to ‘surrender’ after taking floor of the House. His party does not into account the consequences es­ have the guts to come forward. What pecially on the children and old is he talking about? W e have tolerated people. The Indian Army com­ enough of this Tommy-rot here. mander in charge of the occupation post refused Miss Wengngoi leave The B.S.F. Training Institute re­ after their ‘surrender’. She was quires a thorough probe as to how later savagely raped by two Indian much money has been pocketed by Brig Army Captains. Miss Wengngoi is- Pandey & Co. I want to know about a tall and beautiful girl with a the case where they cheated a widow strong moral character. She is still and made her sign a document for being held by the Indians.” Rs. 5000 while the price was 8 times more. A thorough probe into the W e want a clear and categorical assets of all these officers is absolutely answer to this. W e are not going to necessary. tolerate the non-sense any more.” Now, I would like to tell you what the international press writes aboutAbout Border Security Force, we do the performance of Mr. Dikshit’snot want to say much because we Forces. This is published from London.have already said a lot about it. It has gone to the international press. It says: I now come to the Gestapo organi­ “On February 25, 1973, the C Coy,sation. A Press note issued recently says that an IA S officer has been given 4th Kumaon Regt. of the Indian the President’s award— an officer Army commanded by one Capt. Jasbir Singh came to Hebolini The belonging to the Research and Analysis Wing, a mysterious organisation. W e Indian Army went straight to the Church and committed sacrilege see that the I B. Budget has jumped up inside the Church. They also usedin the last three years to Rs. 8,87,52,000. W e also see from the budget papers, the Church as their overnight camp. that there is discretionary expenditure4 During the night, the Indians staited to the extent of Rs. 13,47,84,000.... their savage attack on women who were by that time in bed. They raped Mrs. Pukhalu, afterknocking Shri PILOO MODY (Godhra). Dis­ down her husband unconscious. Incretion for? another house, they ordered Mr. Yetovi to get them alcohol. While he SH R I J Y O T IR M O Y B O S U : Discre­ was away from his house, they rapedtion for torpedoing the people oppos­ his helpless wife. Similarly, theing the Congress and Mrs. Indira Indians attacked Mrs. Miyell and Gandhi and her coterie. Under what Mrs. Hosheli.” head the Research and Analysis Wing has been booked in the Budget, w e Then, there was another ease on Maywant a clear and categorical answer to 9, 1975. But the most seriouj casethis. is The sole job of this Research and of may 12, 1973. It says: Analysis Wing is to keep the coterie in power led by Mrs. Indira Gandhi; “On May 12, 1973, the Dogra Regt.they are wanting to bring in fascism, of the Indian Arm y issued an ulti­ mass murder of democracy, secret matum to Yonshei village, threaten­ murders, defections, blackmailing and ing dire consequences unless theypolitical murders. W e know in Nagar- produce the following membeis of wala’s case how it was done. Even the the Women society.. .” Cabinet Ministers are not spared.... 269 D G > 1974-75 V A IS A K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 D .G ., 1974-75270

M R. S P E A K E R : The hon. Member telephone cables have terminated may try to conclude. This is very inexpensive and the symp­ toms are, the volume goes down and SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I have the telephone set goes out of order been told that m y party’s time in 29very frequently. One would often minutes. They have already taken hear unusual tinkling sound at certain five minutes; Mr. Dikshit also tookhours of day and night. This is the some of my time. time when they fit and refit these connections. This is what they are M R S P E A K E R : The time allowed is doing. This is how democracy is 15 minutes. You have doubled it. functioning in this country!

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I am en­ MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Bosu, you were titled to 29 minutes, Sir. telling me that you were told that you would have 29 minutes. Previously it apTwrcw aitaft (in?ngT ): was 11 hours but now the time has ^ fair 11W i T.® «T I been revised. So, please conclude. If you want, you may have two or three rprarr^rm # ? ^rrf^r more minutes.

M R. S P E A K E R : W e have to be fair. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I now want to refer to electronic gadgets im­ ported from abroad, from U K , U S A , SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I would Japan, Germany etc. There are 35 beg of you, Sir, to provide us with a items of 68 K .G . each. They landed in metal detector to each member because Bombay in January, 1974. Certain I knew my house, my office, every­ officers left Delhi on 8-1-74 and re­ where it is bugged; otherwise, I haveturned with these gadgets on 22-1-74. to ask for an import licence from theThe names of the officers are: Babulal Minister of Commerce for importationParsai and Balram Sahu from M P . of a metal detector since perfounance (I.B.). It is not difficult to prove thiss. will be difficult otherwise It :s veryThey used to bug telephones planted interesting. You must know, Sir,in offices of political parties. The because your telephone is also tapped.C P W D is doing it with the help of I cantell you some conversation that deputationists I want to ask the you had on a certain date. The method Home Minister a few questions in this they adopt is.. connection. How many officers have been sent abroad for training regard­ M R. SP E A K E R : I did not know ing use of electronic devices for bug­ ging, use of computers and matters re­ that you do this to me also! lated to security? For all these ne­ farious activities, the mode of selection SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: and recruitment and promotion has Through Mr. Dikshit. been taken away from the purview of the Union Public Service Commission You should know what are the This comes exclusively under Intelli­ methods that are adopted. One method gence Bureau. The excuses which they is by connecting a cable with the dis­ give are, urgency and verification time. tribution box. But this is not done What we find in this regard is that the very often. The second method is, in posts have been doubled in recent the exchange they join a pair of cables years It is very significant to note with the unisilector and tben they that these posts have been doubled in connect the cable with ‘one of their recent years. That is w hy they wanted own numbers to which they Usually fix section officers to go before their own a taperecorder. Another method is byDepartmental Committees and not connecting cables where a victim*# before the Home Ministry. 271 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1974 D.G„ 1074*75

[Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu] by State Government, etc., may also be noted in this connection/’ I want to quote from a letter No. B|12]74 Poll. (D-I) dated 7-4-74. ThisThen it says:— is from Mr. C. V . Narasimhan to Chief Secretaries. This says what is to be “ — under the normal laws, there done in case of the Railway strike. need not be any hesitation to resort This is a wonderful piece of docu­ to the provisions 0f the M IS A .” ment. I wish to quote what it says. It says: What wonderful democracy it is in this country! 'One of the important ingredients of effective preventive action will be M R. S P E A K E R : Mr. Bosu, you will the arrest and removal from theffease conclude since your time is now scene of their activities of personsup. who otherwise would either contri­ bute to the success of the strike or SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: What is create serious law and orderhappening to the general intelligence? problems.' The other day, our Prime Minister said in the other House that “there is no Then about Railway strike it says* doubt that anybody can always func­ ‘The provisions of the M IS A could tion better, but I would like to assure be profitably invoked while under­ the hon. Member that this Committee taking preventive action... has given us a very thorough evalua­ tion and assessment of the situation.” SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): Sir, I rise on a point of order. I am for the U.P. election, Orissa election, thankful to my hon. friend Shri for torpedoing D M K Government in Jyotirmoy Bosu that he read out a Madras, for the money they spent, portion of this secret letter. Since awhat is the dividend that they are portion has been read and it is ingetting? connection with the Railway strike, I would like him to place the letter on In the press two I.P.S. Officers' the Table of the House; it is allowed names are mentioned who are going under the rules. on bullying the press. I have 1974‘ 75 VAISAKHA 0, 1896 (SAKA) D.G., 1074-75274

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I shall SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: It was iaid now take two minutes more. on the Table of the House.

MR. SPEAKER: please wind up. MR. SP E A K E R : I shall see the rute about that. Now. Mr. Bhagat. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU; I shall -wind up. SHRI H . K , L. B H A G A T (East' Delhi): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am not Sir, the London paper writes assurprised at the speech that Mr. follows: Jyotirmoy Bosu has made because “Mrs. Gandhi has a sub-continentnothing better was expected of’ him. Perhaps, he could have.said something on her mind, we know, but that is no reason for her to keep on closingwozse. Sir, it is amazing that Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosu stands in this House, her eyes to the treatmentof political brings about individual cases and prisoners in West Bengal--Thou­ makes allegations without bringing sands of youngmen and women re­ main in. jail. The allegations of them to the notice of the Government. torture are serious. In spite of theThese are the cases in which no en­ timid doubts of the judiciary, they quiry has been conducted. These are are not being brought to trial. cases about people who are not pre­ Rumours of deaths in jail are grow­sent m the House and who cannot defend themselves. It is amazing he ing and more convincing. It is hard to believe that the Indian Govern­ brings such individual cases in this ment wishes to line up with States House. like South Africa... -in its treatment of the interned.” (Interruptions)

M y last point is this. Shri Dikshit, I want to tell him one thing Mr. an old politician, is a very successfulBcsu has tried to show that there is Treasurer. He gave the ahoot-at-sightno democracy in this country and that order in Bihar. I threw a challengethere is something like a fascist Gov­ on the floor of the House that in Bihar, ernment functioning in this country thBt order was given. 1 am challeng­and that it is a Police Raj. I want to ing the Home Minister. If he is truth­tell Mr. Bosu— if he does not mind and ful* if he is true to himself, he shouldI do not wish to intimidate him— that accept that challenge and have a probe. democracy exists in this country. What He should resign. The Home Ministeryou are saying today actually is what is a replica of what Hitler did in certain forces and certain parties in Germany. If we do not do this, the this country are trying to bring about, Parliament will go; democracy will be that is, the end of democracy. God ruined. forbid if there is end of democracy in this country— if yon do not mind m y Therefore, I oppose the demands oftelling you—-I can tell you, Mr. Bosu, the Home Ministry lock, stock and you will be the first man, take it from barrel. me, to be hanged with the first lamp post. W hy Because the end of demo­ SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: What about cracy or the fascist rule will not tole­ your ruling about the documept? rate you. (Interruptions)

M R . SP E A K E R : He has quoted. It is not an individual question. I am mentioning the situation symboli­ SH R I S. M . B A N E R JE E : Sir, we cally. We know what is happening in have decided to publish tt in the jour­ this country today. Mi*. Dikshit isa nal. gentle and a noble gout and has a MR. SPEAKER: I shall examine It. non-violent personality. He has « 275 D -G» 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D.G., 1974-73 276

I Shri H . K . L. Bhagat] 13.00 hrs.

balanced perspective. I am sure he is There is no butchery of democracy not getting provoked by what is being by us. Butchery of democracy is done done by various forces. by you and the people like you inside and outside this House are responsible for making attempts to bring about an What are you doing? You are try­end to democracy in this country. W e ing to bring about an end of democracy see what is being done in Bihar or in this country. Today many campaigns what was done in Gujarat. are being carried on—they may be by any nomenclature. There is campaign to paralyse the Government in Bihar. Those who are thinking that if Sometimes it called revolution; some­ demoracy dies they have a chance to get into the elections I might tell them times it is called 1942 movement; sometimes it called civil dis-obedience that they are grossly mistaken. Now, movement; sometimes it called a elections become relevant or irrele­ movement for citizens democracy and vant in a strange way. If Jana Sangh sometimes it is called the rise of stu­wins an election in Amritsar It is rele­ dent power. Now. what is being done vant election and the resignation of in the name of this movement. Rail­ the Congress Ministry is demanded. If way stations are being attacked and Mr. Vajpayee, who wanted to be the looted. Post-offices have been attacked Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, is and looted. There is absolutely no rejected by the people of Uttar Pra­ campaign against the blackmarketeersdesh the elections become irrelevant. or the hoarders. There is no gheraoIf we lose in Maharashtra a few seats of black-marketeers or the hoardersthey say people are against us and the who spread corruption in the country.results are relevant and when w e win What is happening is there is intimi­the election become rigged and *11 dation and coercion of M L A s and MPs that. The fact is there is a conspiracy irrespective of the fact whether therem this country— a very clear and con­ are any allegations01 not. Coercion certed conspiracy—to bring an end of and intimidation is being resorted to.demoratic institutions in this country. This is the situation which Mr. Dikshit has to face and this is the situation M y friend said that it is a Police which the State Governments have to Raj. What are you doing? You create face It is a very extra-ordinary a situation for the police. Stones are situation. It has been an extra-ordi­ thrown at the police. With due respect nary situation for the last one year and I would say a situation is createdthe responsibilii y is becoming heavier where police has to act. If police acts eyeryday. In this context can any­ it is blamed, if it does not act it is body with conscience or with any sense blamed; if it under-acts it is blamed of 'justification co u ld say that the Gov­ and if it over-acts it is blamed. It is ernment has used excessive powers to a pity— I do not want to use strong meet the situation. Individual cases, language— that Mr. Bosu by mention­ here and there apart there is a criti­ ing a few instances of individual offi­ cism m certain quarters that Govern­ cers of the B S .F .f which may be cor­ ment has not faced the situation with rect according to him, or may not be that strength and courage with which correct, has used bad expression a^out it should have faced. B S F . Everyone m this country is proud of the role of B.S.F., particulai- ]y in regard to. Bangladesh struggle It I do not subscribe to that point of is a Pity that this friend of ours sittingcriticism at all. I feel that the Home in this House makes all kind of base­Ministry has taken a balanced view of less, false and even concocted allega­ the situation and a balanced view of tions and goes on giving bad name to the incidents and has acted with a everyone in season and out neason. democratic sense and a democratic 277 D G -> 1W4-75 1 VS A A K B A 9, 1896{SAKA) D.G., 1074-75278

conscience. So, the position of the of law for making such statements for Home Ministry has to be seen in thistheir removal on that ground. So, 1 context, and I would only say that very forcefully demand that there

I Shri H . K. L. Bhagat] cheap prices to poor people— rickshaw* democratic institutions in a democra­pullers, scooter and taxi-drivers, cob­ tic way and not by the end ot demo­ blers, sweepers, washermen, etc.- If cracy. I very strongly demand thatyou do not do it, they are going in the time has oome when death penalty anyway to find places and more un • .should be provided lor corruption,authorised colonies or slums are goinff adulteration, black-marketeering and to develop. Lakhs of people are today hoarding. That is what is necessary atremaining in unauthorised colonies; least in serious cases.Interruptions ( ). they must be approved, and the' colo­ nies improved. All these things have got to be done. A stage has come in this country today when democracy is attacked in the name of democracy. Constitution I would like to bring to his notice is subverted in the name of the Con­ one more thing. He has made best stitution. J aws are broken in theefforts, but his efforts have not so far name of the rule of law. O n the one succeeded. That is about the D C M hand, judicial enquiries are demanded; Chemicals. There is a virtual shortage what is happening on the other hand of vanaspati in Delhi today. It is high is, it is said that judicial enquiries willtime that the mills were opened with not serve any purpose. It is a veryor without take-over. I believe in strange anarchism, a very strange kindtake-over; but with full satisfaction of duplicity with which the Opposition to the workers the mill should be parties, particularly the RSS and theopened. Jan Sangh, are carrying on a campaign to destroy democracy in the country. Then there is no justification for This is the situation which must be the Ganesh Flour Mill to work much seenby the Government in its correctbelow the capacity when the people perspective and face it as a seriousare suffering from such a serious shor­ threat to the fundamentals for which tage. We gland in this country. I would like to bring another case to his notice. It is about a lady ased Now, I would like to say one or two about 20 years, who was married five •things about Delhi. I strongly feel months ago—Harvinder Kaur. She •that the affairs relating to the TCew died In the Shahdara General Hospital. Friends Co-operative Society including The allegations are that she died as •the allotments made recently must be a result of negligcnce; as a result of •very thoroughly and promptly exa- wrong use of medicine; as a result of • mined and those who are guilty.— some alleged, defective use of whatever their station in life,— of any The matter requires a very thorough sub-standard conduct should be firmlyand prompt enquiry. All those who dealt with regarding this allotment are guilty must be brought to book. matter of the N ew Friends Co-opera­ tive Society. But, since the Home SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Say Ministry is responsible for the admi­something about the Lt.-Governor. nistration of the Union Territory of Delhi, with great humility and respect, I would bring it to the Shri Dikshit’s SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT: I have notice, and request him that the land said it already; you were away. Now, and housing policy which is being Delhi’s employment comes from trade. followed iA Delhi must be drastically Delhi is an important trading and dis­ revised. J agree that the D D A has tributing centre. Its character as an done some good work, but it is not important distributing and trading cen­ commensurate with the requirementstre must he maintained and the sales- of time. Develop at least 50,000 plotstax structure must be kept at a proper a year and make the allotment on level. J 8l D.G., im-75 V A IS A K H A 0, 1690(SAKA) D.G., 1974-75282 .

W e have been asking for a dry porthelp us in the solution as he has done for long time. W e must get a dry before. port at Delhi. I request the Home Minister to see to it. As I said, the Finally the question of questions is: undeveloped areas of Delhi and the do we believe in democracy and do unauthorised areas deserve prior treat­we care for it and defend it or should ment and the disparity which existswe let it be killed; whether we should today between the developed areas of labour and die for it or w e should kill Delhi and the undeveloped areas of it. This House has made history, is Delhi must be brought to an end. making history and it will also make history in future. Everyone of us should introspect and think whether The conditions at the Yamuna bridge what we do will hamper production are chaotic A bridge was officially and start confusion, whether it will piomised long ago but the construction lead to greater price rise and inflation work has not yet started. I request or whether it will do good to the him to look into the matter. I am country. If we do things which have say mg this because the Home Ministry the effect of hampering democracy and is responsible for the administration harming our country, will not our of the Union territory of Delhi, as I country go back by centuries? In such said. case, millions of people with tears in their eyes will never excuse us for I would finally request him to nave what we have done to them. a fresh look at the administrative set­ up, the political set-up. whatever it is, gPRTV TW affeft (5TF*m) of Delhi today, with the multiplicity fr*wr afir of authorities and agencies, both at the Central level and the local level, Tm t qr rrx ® | including the Central Ministry. I have to tell him all these things because ftnrr t fa ^ SST theie are so many Ministries dealing wilh it The administrative set-up of srarr | *fir Delhi looks like a hydra-headed mons­ srttct t 1 fa*$ n *fhr ter today. It has so many heads but *rr?rr f sVfcra sflr there is no effective co-ordinating head between them. Therefore, he must try 3tttk eft *r*3>r ^'wnr i to bring about a set up which is uni­ form and which reconciles the neces­ ^ srt qss *nrr | sity for central control or supervision ovei Delhi which will also be in tune with the popular aspirations of the $$ faiRT fr 3TQPTT I people. That is very necessary. It isv W V r a number of other problems. W e must have a look again at our transport ^ t fa nsrr ^ sr4 policy. The present situation has vr ift m iff somewhat improved but it is'hopeless­ tTfp s”*r t *rk ^ $ 1 ly inadequate. The transport services have to be improved. There are a stf% W55T1 irrotor m number of pioblems in regard to water supply and drainage and these are pending consultations with neighbour­ § ststcr ito: spt w | vfor 1 ing States. I should say that the hon. h t* wr aft v m | w % frW i f a v Minister has been kind and conside­ 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1074 D .G ., 1074-75

[*ft snr?rr«Tx m sfrsft] f z m i t ^ t «rr f a if «rrr *pt smra1 «rr, % $m ^ r f > r «rr, sirs snflr m f t ^ r ^ f^PTcfr f^?fr % fa^vr *rh m ^sft?TapY f t ^ | gTf ?r ?r r ^r ^TprF g fa faff% ^TrfT^r HPT? ’Td«r *r^r ^|»rr f^ ^rt ^'rt t, if TO tfsr tffr sr? ^rsffcT tc4V €r sr^ ^ fa^v w w % ^ # SfTtfwff W WPFT ^ ^ ^ V ^rr ^ fwrsrTT | ? ^r sfrr ^faqrct srmnr I *ft f ^ r r sn?? sarrsft^r W wr | fa 3ft ^ra'r ( W e are all governed by that duty. ^ f t f^TPC ?T facTTr tf^TcT t .^ fa W lfornft t *T? ^T^FT Mft W % snrr[*rrT S rfar ?rnr ?rT

[spr *fspttt t-^r ? mm to *Wt : ^v«?r

% 3?tt irrq- srf?r * h •*% «r * vnr W e are all government by certain principles. sr^r * ang T f , ? m t ?r$f ( « r w * r ) % f a * ^ ^ ’STTSflr «trt *r|t 1,5F?rfa srnsr *ft m T o c ^ o ^ o $ t ^ r r a p % 3t irft «rrarr^ «r t ^ ^ 3ft TTfT ^TcIT STTT^Tg m rfrif *rgt i| > f t , # srri ^ 3r few r jrl«rRrn*|f|«rr3r^?r^f 1925 I T R jfr fa if *Ftf ?rqT «rn?*ft ^ jf, if sffRo iT^fo rr^o flNrSn W T f «W T ^ 1930 vftr 50 m t % «rnr ^ ^*rrft ^%\w 285 D G > V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(S A K A ) £>.G., 1974-75286

fM ft *r^iff srrr sjtt %rrnSk ¥T w m *fr *n ^ r % *w n r *nfM f 1967 ?r if ?rr3Fr fc, srrc *rr fW rtfev n *ron f, ^ g w £, anr 8r rt wrcrr f-^ rfa 7*T^> W f iTTfT | ^ wfV f f m o xtrto rrffo 3Tcft%T qf W I tore fr, *rfi ^ arfw srrcr f, $ fjr’r ? swarfanfc: tfr f*r tor* *r wn* I—w et if ^ t fr * 1 gftwr % ^rrR%

*rr i*rarr*m * r ^ r I ? t ’TT^T ^ t ......

fi^cr : sptt ^ w f fas% 25 stoTt ft % t % srrfrr qrr ? mHTR ?T 3ft ^PTSn' ftT ^T it xf^Tcfr WIT t 35 %m tfrswr % n|r 1 sft : ?rn *r*ri'i* # srij,' sft jprsjrft ?f 3ri% | ?rh: «rarf srr% % s rf r I , a[f 5^ tt cfm % ^>r|% qr I, fsw ?r7 <^r % ^ w rfi ^ if % tn^Rft spr^r, » r m Jr f?n *?fft vfr |?rr ^ * ?fr «TRF^ Ifir *n rrf «fr * r r f g ^ T R v ifr ??n?r ^Tw5t %. ^rrrf TtTorm 1 ^ «rr fa? ^ wTt * m ^ ?rr?rr fo?T»r f, ^rfa* q^fgr »fir ?f)-r qpq-ft qr fkrc t^t mar ■'rt’^fur I w1 ^ ^ '

[«*, ^w rrw M o f f o s * sjt tro aft* aft ^vR: *r 5FTT% W Wf«R?F | m t ? VTTo | iftr f f r m t *r f^v r w iraw1, wr yxvrc ^fhP"3Ff, ^rt% fort sra^rm ^rr, spr faraTTT ^ VTrft, *RT *TWF v%r wrffeFr ^ *ft *T?r ^ T ■ % srrf^r 25 ’FT fWRPT “Having made a searching enquiry fe n t, f m infr t, * into the conspiracy to murder Mahatma Gandhi, the Kapur Com­ I, w t v tr w f t *%t ? mission categorically declared; IF Wlf** *T t «TT % swf vr w

*rrfsm i wnr w * * n n itft t *1 ***** * # «n?ft \ m ^rfsFf^^ w i i «fn?o^o>tr * t | i f t f w r t % fiprrr v ft fiMT MT-— qrrfte i ^??rr |r “A. G. Kher, Minister of Local Self-Government in Uttar Pradesh ?(7>f $ «rk ^ and a staunch follower of Patel, 5pT iTPT ^ ^ fc fv tfT responded to the criticise by asking wby certain Congressmen opposed| i t ?ft f t the RSS when members of Arya Samaj or the Jamat-ul-UIema were eligible.” STTIF ?ffY, f^F^fPT ^ f«fVW WTT

srnr t— ^r| ?ftft ^ 1 “It cannot be that they were in­ Do you know what is fascism volved in Gandhi’s murder for they were exonerated of that charge in 1967 % *rr^ * STTT V tf t^TT SSTfW % % ? STF° ttfSTo ^ & 5Fr I i 3^9 D G > m i- 75 V A IS A K H A 9, 1806(SAKA) D.G., 1074-75290

*n: %fa* vjfff sft 'sNr ir 71% f, f^pr«p¥ ;^r frrrr * * *«mr q * f * r # fa«r srr vafr fr, $ s r r # f , so ^ r r r sft*rf w froft *rt ift o *,:r $Tr*rr T-fTT q7< *TTT *TR>T fflfatf ^ «tt 1 w ^ *rr— Srft, % fa * 3TR TK ^=T%

'‘W hy do you catch the tail of the ^ ^ | ?ft wrr t ’ bull and not its horn?" sErrsr ^ f w w ftor *rfTrr>

^ i r 3fr ft SOT “Mr. Nagarwala considers himself toTfTi.^firfSRTTTirnfatW1^ #5T ^ be tail in the drama. W ho is the f5TRTT ffRT»T?f)r ir % ^rn7=C horn?” ^ 1 ^ far w (^'^r) wtt firr, v tf ararrar *rnrr— This is fascism

60 5TWT TFT* ^ W I T fttfT , irrr «nrf*rr qrr t jr 1 1 ftcn $, *r?*? ?>rfr t Srfa*

% u tt t t t t r i f — sTf trror *r crfc f(:

t sof3Tfr flfWf * * ? % src *ft * *r$ T^rW( fa 5it^r ^?r *rrc ff fj»rr? sf%, qs^rr »rf t fa irnr Prtsr ^ ^ f , % 27 m *r w t* «ft « w w n r? wwf xrfffffRr sRfsr «r: | fa?^ ^nrrarc wr* tfc t ~ wnr m m ft *rrf^ r 1 ^ frrrtr «ftr ^ wrrtqr srsm* if ...... ( « w t« i) v n p r $ $ i 'TTff *Tt% TSRT ITR« l^ffo t^ffo £>.G, 1074-75 APRIL & 1974 D.G., l#74-75 2 92

w m m t w stafl] srf *rcrr *n; snr *m * tfarr »wt f t m w * m t vpF^rnt *t *rw sftf fiwr ift 3

^ irarr^nr *Pr vrxmx ^ren% vt| ht ^ f^rMY % w ft *t ? T f^ r^ rn ^ ^3f?PC fasft | ^ fa wramsrro*t^5Ttfh W ? t n'ffffarfOTT 5^? ^ f eft srrsr srfTtffrfftm vr srw | *rs*?fT % ^ f41 t eft * r i ^ ^ t f *#tftr

gr^ar% ffinr 3ft % 5r*t *nr f t , 5T|t 4 < v t f

Stft ft * sft® ^ ft srfsrcr tft ^?rw ^frff m , ^tf x & i 7 *rrq$r«it^$Wr i Prsfr^r % *rar f f Srfa* 3

fB^^T€W *T& I i fa^t w f I ?fr^ct # ^RTT

f q , | W f » fa?Pft ^ 5rm ^sfr arc ^%»ar 4» ^ ^ ^ srfrrPTftr «ft ? rr^: 4 • 1954 5 *rf, w ^ ^ ^ ^ iffar rr tTr f^Frr Tirnr g’wTd ff*? ^ |l **ff«TH W f ^ ^ r?r jv 1 %fa^ st ^ *ffar q- 4» ^ ^~\z w p ^ z | ? ^ r T T ^ it nfirsOT % 4 **■ *r?rrps? ^ ti %?? 9rrP>m ft HT, ^ T % q r fs p ^ f tffiNT * **T »rflT i wParc f t * ?rr ? r ^ 4 trwr ^Tf# fa^TS ^ T ’T ^ ^IWt T O J R 38*Ft i T # % P r q 1955^T STT *T$ I ^T ?ft *TPT VT ^ ^ fa 2 b fa m r sr* 3r^%#r^fa*r**>^fawrr 1 .f7 tt^t ?ri^rf ^ 5ft ft ft vt ^ ?r4t i r wrerrsr $>rr, $*rr$sr P re ^n w t fa^rr? ^ fft ^t r ® 4 ? ^ttft * f a * *t ft s*r ^ntft TTW-f , ^tTT ^rfftr I 3TTTRT ♦TRT fro r i fawt *r ftrft *rirr, f rr fn : ^ 5fari w fiff ^ I %Pf-t ^fr |»ri* ^fftR sr&r tffarr-fans*?r ^rrn 4 , f w l r **ft f ^Tp> ^ 27 vrf q^frWf ^ $t ^ t«tt jt 11 ifr w 3ftr* «ft ^ ^tPpr \ ^

qjrt# % an* * fsr^ fa

itrt ^ ^ *nm <5RT ^ ^ t , sr f f ?r«w f f? ^ ^ q fa S r f 4»

*r$ rrn$% ‘TfaPrf«wT rr%rk, ^rr 293 D a > 1874-75 VAISAKHA 0, (S1806 A K A ) D.G., 1974-76294

fa warn * f*r*K MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER; I have been requested to convey to the Con­ * V < M , qnfftm^TT gress members that they should not take more than ten minutes each. m £ i * m ^rrs*rer >r^r, ^ w m ^ v^tr

m # ^r»f?T *R3T f 1 ?ri5rfw vrff?r fc1 eft* m if ^ fW ro rR T % h r g w r vr ppn^

Vfffip ^TFfrfr^ 3R % ^T«T ^ ,| * m i Ir # ^ it Tt ff^ 1 ^ | ? ffarrsrrft * m ^ftTfft ^sft # «r«ft ?nr tr«r t??r ^ft wmi spff W t I eft 3«T*t STR 5>K I ft sfk wt^t fsp qt^t f t % * t£ t % w sf 5

pff TT*T Tfy[ «rcr *rt $*r tftrr *pr kp# srcffa «rr fW ^R ^arafnrr wrfgr t r ^rfiT f%

so fsrn: ?rfr> qrt ita ^ Sft, m x ^ 1 5nm%5!w^ft^wT%^r * tr ® x&o ^0 *?fpsret % ^ r

* r h « t*r $*rrft *rcr ff t arrftif,* ?ft * ^ c f r irrdt ft ^ ^ fa f*r


ft fagft irwfh: f ^*r «trar wtt ft, ^ f ? R f ft ’r f r w f^rr fa ?ftV5P?w

^rfvr WTcT SFftft t1 ft ^ R T irnRer ft facrft ^ r % i ^ t t g srtt xr$ xwi ^T> -w ^TT ^ ®RT % % *fhc tot **rft wrfcr fftf^r I ? *RT«Tcr ^^R lfj^TT Jf!T vfff^FR fftdsft 3RT l^RJT ^ T cTT $flft t? *TT tffa- m | ^ *? ir? «ft f fam t e a^r •ffr ^srr, sttsrt ^ vtetrt ^r «ft srr^r ^ i ft ^ 3f«r? Sffft ? *P5Tf^RT |1 w ft faste ^ | fa ft w ft ^ fcr % ^ I , w 1 1 tfk ?»tr JT^^faf^r Her^- ^r vr^r *Rft ?, * tt npp f a s ft ftqr?; ?r*R T^ rRiry ?r I fPR fftfftf % 5RR ftz r * ftr f^ K ^ r |;f r $*t £ft w^crftT T. vr^r ^ vr* ft %?f % *rr*r ? r ^ l To^rr f , ^ t o TfTf^f^Tt ft *?r *rt ij anTrr «rfa> % *r* ft ?*r ^ctt ? i w W ft* *K »Hft ^ ?If t^T ft W T *r W T T?r ft ^ ?r

srrsr sftwsr ft *t *r* ft vft t i®7^ 75 V A IS A K H A 0. 1806(SAKA) D .G ., 1974-75298

% *PT®TT I iff *,1 flfrP

STfaTT %3?t?PTff 1 1 fff fftffT ff|t SaTi fir ?ft vrcr *t ir? v«rarc w?t f a n

| % t o t i m jrrr %

^rOTT«r*ft f a f f * t t o t f ?rrf^r fw ^ r f ¥t *fi It ^ ff c v-rnr % arfnr gft | 7? ot*t Jr if r*Tf -t Trfafa, tflr srfafa ^rr«ft fft T^rr»r f srfa^1 fartf ot *rr*7?r «fr? fa ft wff ’Pffar ^t ®F?T^r ^ ?ft% *r£( 1 jffffarftTfr « m tfff«t vt sft#F ^ *tf% fftff fa f ^ it *rt ^roarer tft, f * f * fa arc fa ff^rrn^ vt ^rr Tfr 1 «rr

iwro^^fa>ffircif"*ra ff^ftor % tff *!TT WRT | ? fff Vfa ^ft 3Tfff | I w *frr, fcr vt tftarr % ffff ? p r* ffffa'cn f fa vhrfxv ^w r % fa^

Starts tot fr 3^ *t *tt vfp’r fff ff* *t srfr ^ t ^ f «rrar1 ^ «rrrsr t? ifttorfc3*r«TT&qnft*fSir fitfrff vtwft^f>«ftr«rrrir*FfT% ff*rr * * f f f ^ r r ^ f cftwffffTfrgrsrr ft, ?rfnr vr *rt ft, ^t w#tf5PT srrfar *r«r * .% *r fff w t vjft? % f a * fyffrcr fff ff^t |i sirr^r ff^rT ffft Vf«TT ^Tfcrr fT>fa ¥*T ff«J fit sr=rnr #?ft % Tff % sre ffw | *r»r 1 1 5 ^ r r g fa faff IT* ^ft*t «FfT :

*t«t ft, faff m * ^foff ot tfffpr ft, “I am going out of India with a f® *r$finr ott»»t ff, srfr «fs w r heavy heart. There are many pro­ blems. I should be here/’ ft, 3ffT W H IR ft TfT ft, *

ffff *ft?ftfff*ffOTWffffOTRh frPpT fff f a * f ■? *ff?t f fa *rr| TOW*r

§ffr vr^t ft Tfr 1 1 # irrqr %r *fe rr f ff, -3ft fa t ^ftf fff Ir ffap.Tff|f T O T ,

fa*fer *ftf*ta*rcrt i *ftft^rro r ’srr| fffffiT? ft, 5 ^ r w ft, srff ot

$ $ffr, ^ sft w

ffforfa ot fatffagwr v t t ^ o q&o t, v ifK «ftr v frx ftcrr ^rr Tfr fff 3fo Vt ffcftiST T O T , 3ff Vt tfffOTffT tps^W ffff^mfr % far* ffixir fatft 299 D -G> 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1974 DG., 1974-75

[«fi* TT*T *>VTJT mi?*] WJ^FTT % T tW T «^t g .W W T | I S 'zm vn O t%cptt ifh srprarar1 v ? ^7 i m Jr vpt v * i ff.'T # s ht % ^rrar m m %ftx ^rer^ pr#5^^^^*T^«Tf»rr J?ft*m it ?ri^r^nf)- fr«dsr?d -^t ?nf irrr ^r < y^srlw grrff-^rf^ ^ r

1 ^ | fa iprrm %^r ’sftfsf^fafrc^ s^* T ifr q 3»T “FT v ?^T art «p5 ft | , 3ifr *fcff vt, «w- ^ *t ^ r 'rf'Tvrfe ^ h t 1 ^fatvt, fa«nWt ^q w arreq ^ m jffaT ftPTcTT ^ , \ - v ft jl, ___ «> f »>■ *jt$tt % f ^ stott *reft %w m mftft ^t*T T hH i*^i ^ qr 5?>#t f?prr$srti^ fw ^t?tt | ^r sftfe % 1 » r ^ ^ r 3 r w , %fa?r fcq?W R foy vt «ffarf m m t f i *r$ * r t # M t ^fwpfr ?^t sr«r %vr, jftawr»ff ^ T O r r ’f «nTo^rot^?ro % fan?, far*vt€r*r?r ftr ’*pss>

tter *f? tf 3* % S V f W i H T ^ ^ ! W t fotrrm f a art f ? f t | ^ | ft? w r f w i f , ff*w» fV rf^ V 5$ vwssnpfr ftr m * a $fewf rx||1 urn «rcr ^aprrft t o 50 *mcrtr ’VrfFTT fa f r r % ^T % fo£ w 60 sprfs ^ r »ri4r^ft arr^r *Refr fW 3SH$ I ? «TF*r i&facT aft Sfnfst *t t % ft H t tfffPTT ft? f«THt ^t 4 v r «p? ^ I fV ^ ^wrnrr *rt 5 ?ft ftnrr sr fWRrr1 1 ^TRT ft ?TPcft % 1 ^ff if^t w # ^r 5Ht ir v^tr ^ 5f^r | ? fW rtftor fnff,#wtet% *^if gfaw ^% qv^iftfft^«re # 0 sfto «nf o ?pt t o vrf ?rt i$»ir w sth itt:^, jftaFrcr w ^ «ftr^ *r $ 1 ^ W tiift ^r«r **sr % sfa» fafaRT, *ft ^rt1 'ssrif ^ r w l f t f ^ f t o «ft* inf© it ^rrtNf wr^swfi fo r % 3fqr anft va& i t # sap^T vr ^ awwr vd*im arRftt 3o3 &*G ., 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75 304

IT^To trif O I^rsff ffTfT JBftr w l W % vf *rNt ftwrr | fV wtff ft «ttw w & i ftrftr- ^ « r - v p %^t ^ «M w ! ^r «n ^ ^fnff % % far* %q^^T*TT,^5rpTf*wTqrr% arft vr w r m 1 *nft f*prr 11 wr vnr #t *Fft m m *r ?R wft % % «r%- itpt sftfffr^rt s*r?rc$ w t t i wt f^nr Wrfafw trNWvr %f m m w n r f t ^ w ,wxtx firm ^ rrn r i t *rpf»r v?5Tr ^ r t t 3TR ^ ? tfT faftr ?Tf *ft — | v?w%r«r, f^nif vt w s r n r wtffarfam vr rfTJ- >pr fv WTorr^e TTfro w f t a ^ m ^ v ^ tt ‘Tim zwm ftift ft. 5vr«ff 'Tt f r o * f=nrr% ^ far tt vt anrpTT, ^nff %, ^rwr ^r ^»TRT «rr fv i ^ i w % w n % ^ T r %tir fa ? gf*r irfaRflnft tflx v^xmx *r f t , ir rpmRT ir bt^t t t rfr ?nft *m¥£ tnp q m I »frfw?r 3ft, ht** z % ^rrr ^ *rtefr -tH'iifv ifpffvtimrr »r*rr, i n w d tit w^t^r | i fw to, %f«R w* $ fa Prf^ *r? ^rrf t » WT^ fVcTTT «F^rnr ft ^TTTT iTTTarfaft ftsfn* “wrfr i?*m& 3itt qjT^r^q fv f w w$r % fqwft wi *fWT, ^ ? tt It, w^r fa*ft 3fPW«nwr«fiT^rf3r% % ^TT gt I STT ATT *$T * W m t Xtft fsrwfcTT «rterf^n % fa rro fit f*V *% | fV T? W * ft I trim %ft fr I wr *r Tgt tfr ^ofranfr, w t ’fr® *mf« ft* ?tW *iX f l f k %«forcff*rr qmw^tnq; sw*n*&*$t^rfW rr fa?wV %n *m wr *r *rwr *r fawr mWt w m fvq ft ^ v *rr ^ i ^»rr* frn^twrw * m aft, w(5t mf^wr f t 4 K w qwm f?/* 305 D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896SAKA ) ( D .G ., 1974-753o6

«i5t Ir «n winfefl fffafT^r ir ^ farsrT ^rrcn t, ^a^nrR fftr frn v s *t ^ f t srar % *ft swft ffi% % stt% % ?rr«r fam T O ^ f<* i ftrar cftrr^V * t f t o 3TRTT | ? *t*fr 1117 afSSif f »^tV 5 5TT0T f® ^^*fiTcTTf^T?fr»rt i f*r*Fr w «r»r1 1 % ^tt t facrfr facpfr faSffiT $ ST'reft fa?*TcT *T ^*TW £1 sF^fqT fn if iff t I *PF S^cfT f I cT^ % f ^ T W T d *Ft ^rf « ftf^% s#qraT*f ?nf 0 %o jprrr?r 's r t ^ ^ ^ o i ^ r o ^ o «r-3^'riTflro fr¥t ^ nft ^>f cHfT fa ^ ^ q^rw wft far?? ^ qTfr 1 1 f^r^rf snr ^iri*^$^r*l'm s»T5»rr i *FF£fr^ ^ r f^^rr t aw ?np «rnr ^rr n|t t t t t ^t ^arTT spr ^'rf f?rrr 1 4 . 00 SWW r=r sfft f>1 r qr fa»n tot «tt fa **rf- «TT3i ^ ?RXB WPTOTCr, fTTO^Xt ?TtfT3t ^ft f^r^cT % F^rcr ^ * T ^STT* ?rk ^r ^rrr ?r^ | ^ tr i ^rfswm *r *m f froirrf oft ^ r v t *ft f*RT fror tot ^ i * g mfff *rr*ft fawnft ^fr w # ^ v^rr fa $t tdwft %, ^ftift % H ’ft f^r ^r famrfr % «rr^ t r vr 1 1 %Ppt "^nn^arT ^ fa tot *t$ |^ ^«rr%^«ft^rwrr*rr ^ f?mrr f^ra- ?^t | f«p 5tt 1^=5 ffeer twrtTvr ^Rn f fftr frrrw^T f rpqrarr n^V fi(t#9r w ?ft n f 1

[«ft • fr *rr«r«m *m ^ t $trr xtm »nft fo*rr *rt *ft *f*Rr *fv*nir | mre ^TTTt cRS> ^TTST ^frf^PTT 3JT * *W faff ST? ft ^rqr ^ 5nwf ^ |» ^rcrcr frfi< ^ cnrr *#t mv«ff ^t

K jjjS—X* |t|A q?P sricr *$?r srlr forr 1 1 w m r t f a m *r(fa> ^ ^ V Ju ^ u^"*sy J1** ^ ^ !*)*> ±jJ - 4 *rra*ft ^ ^ ^ jpt fspfrr «pt# ^ ^tfararsft 1 nprpfe’fft f^nr srfffawi ^ * .s* V JX* f ^ t t U |£#} fa % fr * ft fa^n n*«rr fta r «rr m m % " ^ ^ ijV f

5PTT T O T «TT, ^ tft 3Tt % sr*|ir9 f*w r -<* t*j »* ^ i )V ’>• rr^T fa^TcT * W W stiTV ^f3f W>f>T ^^5 U>4«5)W«») ^■frrrrr I # W T f ST^^FIT f*T % V *«f ))^ U^*5 ^ *V* ^ t o t ^srr" ’rift sftr irfr srw? tft <4 *A?y* A* ^jrdjX?^ frsrr t ?rrfo ?rr^r % fair

5 5 tfr * f r f t ^rrrr 1 i c>* « ^ -a # «rrfaT 3 fsttstprt *frr?rr gr fo *f - *>** ^ -P y^31^ i.

5r> *NY* f, J?Tt f t t * U » »j u ! 5Uf c 4 f^rart srnr

*naff % ¥PT % m i w<*z i t w O -Jttft jjjf - i. y» j j J *)

% fSFTNi, WTO anrnfTT faWfi t5 C?f ^

fafafcTC fSFfFh 3ft i ^***3) H ^ W * ^ v « m r v h 1 s rrw i^ tv t i T ifzx ^ r * ^ ^J> itfp w r *r* f^ ^ *rro $ ^nrpfr wrr% |J U ^ ^ > 4 * * «l w r t f ^ s r , tf-rm , vfa tft*rc fr m * M J «5U ^ >* ^ 3o9 D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, (SAKA) 1096 D G , 1974-75 310

U * ^ ij>* ~ * sJ ^ .

f J *5 ** ^ j c ^ & u * . ^ W > fW At*

tS~&S3 *$ Jt " J ^ fc >« fi* ))J * ^ tjfy *•& J4 d *

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C i & o 3f^** J* -er c P J3 1 tj***)* yH »l ^ V >* 313 D .G , 1974-75 V A IS A K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 DG, 1974-75314

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mJi ij'H ' 4^ ^ j V v-*a®* a * ^ ij^ *5 >* ^ J v r * *

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- jrd fs J <* wji cr*^ wJ5 H ^ l T^ JS *.±*y £>& 4.^ i, yijl ^ |j^ <** J < c.»“ ^ “ V

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I ^ 1 «t*r ^ir% m m \Jf$ j .* * >£f ^ | q>rfonr *ft 3i>r w t ^ ff )<*> fr ** ct* \ w m wit wf |fv w «i>t sr^r * t ^ wflfisniw ^ ^ L>** L>flW^ ^ ^ ?iT?wwr*»RfaRT *s >> *-? fc-ijJ* U J i-i+J m 3I> WTtwta I 1T R W^WTcT 2 -w* ^ ^ | at *f ^ ?T «(®?nr 5 wt?tt g % •— £ jfiyita cJiiL ^ war *rr ^?rT qlr «rt ^t 1* i> * *rT»nrar htv m * : ^ m^crr uit xJj yt **JU. ^ y fy ii wrat% f^jjtferferr ,> ^ ^ -1*5iJ+ tS J i^f W -oijS t ^rMrm fa* jrst fro |1 *r J* S-~w f? U** l—^ ) ) ^ ^ ^tt fV ^"fer ^ fw f®%fatf^rT«n, Hwfcfa^w^forr CjJ* ^ ^ y* «L>#5 yS «it 1 v ' *? ^ ^ f-fi

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*r tstf % *rm t frqT^Y I if^ T f^rq ?nf% iftr « n ^ r r*tto % flHKURT ^TcTTg fiRT fiWTT- qR^t^frfffrt^JT^ 1 ^^rrft^r f^cT^TT 5TTT# % T O ?TRT3r % «fhPT *tct % ^?r *r v w t r *> fter1 *f wft in r ^ fim g r 1 1 ^ r fa ir * m # farjft^ f , ?ft f f w rf% «frc ^fPpr ^ ^ fk*^[ u A w tt 3^ ^PT TOT ?T^r ft y^RTT | I w^wrt f2^T, ^ft ^ ^ ^r frr to i 1 ^?r vt f^r *r^ % V9RTT fa* «TT^T % WTnTT, fafT ^ O i^fo ^B o tfhc ^fto qTTo fto ^T9T it 1 wsr if *nr« fft ir^nm 3n^ ^r stft ^ wtm r ^*ro % forar?? * ftr f*rr 1 i j w r ^ fo rr smT ? ^ r «fT ^ r % ir w qj’fr fw *rft 1 § fE r?it^ ft fa«rrar «rre© qtro i»*ro

m^w y w t s m t i w r t ' % ^ * > w * «w r % tt Jf fo-qifon ^r irnfr fw w rqr $, tflr ^ % giftx s w f w *rnf ft, #t ff^sft **r i%“ r f i M V W f i t & r vfor fit f 1 w W R T -^ ^ f^ r foariW T iT«^rar % f*r swftrwr wr |t to t ft ? $*r ^3^^f^TW R T ^rrf^ri firwifirnl fit, fik *fcsrr fttft fit, ^ t i r m w r f t ? «fT qwr |, arffr «tttot wt urarc fiwrr smrsft ft, f w # f*r firs <|g^r % *pt qjfr w Ir w t| ; frFfffmw ^ fT^r ^rrw r

mpft qi€f *ft trmhFTT f*% ? 1 f?T % Hwmff if %*t »r% imr fit *ft t o *reta fit fitft m f ; ^ | % f*rrtt T% ITTHT gfhPT 5TT«R ft 1 iftr 3r?t a* «ft *Wt fr c s v1 fvt svt f f ?ft ^f> « d w *ift ctr£? | ; fstfforffK rtf urotwfft*rr? 5JTTVR ^ f!^r t ff? ^ w forr ^ 5W?f ff?fT 1 1 *RTsm ??rfw t ? *rt % f f r *n*rsr9r Tff $*r ?r vn r tft fffeift fT^ftt »r f ^ n m fT ft t p rrft ^TBFpnraP *frc $*nft vfip rtW fv f^fir **mr irtr «rrfo q© ^ snnr 095 l s —12 323 1*974-75 AFML 39.1*7* D.G,. 199^75 $H

[*& WT W ITT W «T*] f a m f j w

*emr 5f ftrcrt ^ fa*rr t » ^ ^ f° ^r« f t * m tpznt'^t m m | f a f n # w rfm srft i vtm m $rr *ff qff fa*rr m t - y at — ^_ ^ -■ #». .. | 7 V* % iraim Tren^wr w w w i w v cw nf f w winrexiiif rmr t»wwm,5fafe«5ww *nr *rt w f *nre w T7w«r % !•— « r f o tr0 ^ «rrf* *rwfrr % *n*r% f i *rterft**farcf t •ft® tr^c 5r f t w^r f - f ^ wmftv fvfti % w «rr fa qfa «rrmft it i*t qftwwf # « r w r ^ ^ ^ l (h f3T3Tt*r ^ s*r nT*f flw tr ,— wtctrr: ^fthvht, o. «L ~V. ♦. .. ■ . *• ■ ^JX-f * *«■ » fcr f t 3i5m f t sw sHt tw*ft wmvt r«5?T W w , ' w W TT¥ M F ’W t n ’T, if—arrfw, *f*wr

t o t | fa ^ r «r f ^ ^ r f . srra qn ^rr?r 335 D G > W f M * VAISAKHA 9, 1890 (SAKA) D.G., 1974-75326

apt f^PFfvr sTT^T ^ T T ^ T % , arTO ^t ?mrR apr% m v f fawr | 1 v t ^nr «ft fasrf ^ f fa STFff ^TcT 1 1 %faff f *ff§ffr srr^rr g fa feygM H Sr jftTOTTft 5Rf spT 3!p^R ^ sftr *r^r *fft w r 5RcTT cr; fcTrTq 'n fa ^ % #3 ^ crnr^r ^r ^»rt 1 ?t r f^ rr % nlW itt, o ito trjfo srrf© ?TTfotro^e ?f\r ?nfo tfto TTjfo ir ^TT f© #3 qft t^t n f^r% Tg cr*mr TH^rt tt m r *r ant 5ft far ^»r ^r % fasrt^ ^ tt i xsr ?nffff *FT I Tfar ffsft ff^teff ^rt q ro |, t ^ r ^ s*ffte f fa % f^rrff ¥V «rrff gffff ? *r«£ 1 ^ t t «r ^ ^grrrar ^ 1 1 Srffar % f^nr tfrfir<=riTra % ff«ft-ffrw ^ |, ^ % — sflr ^rft :=TTf w a^ff «PT?r t ?o t * t o % ?fk %r^ %— ^8 to ? fasrnff «m fwntff fa;*? srtr it rrfrf- * m aqr^r ^ - ^ r fW m %, wg5r-«F!%3fr ffffa?* ffrwa t, ?rj s ^ ^ r* r^ fw | ? t vh: ^^frcff ^ sr fagr vm ffw t ^nfrsr^r sntft ^ fffft ^ $ t t o *re?t t ? — ^rr^ft f f m *r i *ftr t fa forr# fartf vr srran *ftr »ft*ft1 # w t ff^teff % ^ ffwn: ^r ?n^r *^ffT WcTT I fa srtr ffttft WTT % fairer ?fk ^rf?r % q^r «rc % ^tht I**tffR ft ^m t W % m?rT % fawn> t o t w it t, w> ^ ¥ fro w $fcfr |1 ^ % fsnm> % 1 w m f?rK % t %?tt TOT % rm fa % fa=TT fa srif ^ f l arr wk*t «R & aft **HW fawT ? ^rr, ^?r % f ^ gr^mrrm ^t 1f$t *RS#t t | * r *mt ff ’UTffr «ftr vt ^fHvt«y D jG., 1974*75 APRIL 29, 197* D.G., 1974*75

[sfr in srm*] ?t t . f t |t *t ?v ; ^ r r r f far t o q r «Tf g rr «mrww q-l$ rr v t w o t r 1 1 1 ftp | fv arar %?r srrfa *rk w r r ^ ^ sn^ff »Tft?r *?t arra *ft | I 5?r fa rj t *rnr?n£"H r*r«r % ^fnrJf m t q g m Ir sppr far %m v * wr % f7^ n -cfHi ^ jfW jfl «ft f^T ^ % «pt $m w ^ i ^r w t spy *rr4 ?rw 2C2t spt % farwr 1 ?rrT 3*IT I %i»Fi W WTVff 8f.«*T ^^r*T»TT ?pr ^ a p wr? *r*j*

3*r^rr % farrr ^ | j fr ^rjff % «rr< «Tf» S&t£t *ft STTcT sflr ^TT ^T^nT f*r srrr Ir Tafts' ?p?sr t fv ^r ift arft »?f *r3r wraro qifonife V T ST5 ' f f f>» ?rTc? ^HTf■< if *nf *ft srt^r ^faer % k m 5rrf?r w r ?rV f^r ^ rft st'tb'tt ^ fn € r ip sfararcr s y a r e r r m *r 1 m r Tt rrV:<^rrf: sfr*' ?rrfa**T u rf «fF, sraFnret w'r |?^r JT^r Tfr t. ^fr ^ < cTT tt^t r srm ff *rrP*IT f^TT^ W m x tfrrw*n%m*r fa m< wrr ^ farr I, T^TT Jfgt ^JTTrfiW I i 3^ vr « fw ft ? wffa T^r «rr srfirerpr t ^ fa ^ T¥r si srrrw ^ r % w . fw v %Tfrr ^rf^T i ^ **5rt*t M R . D E P U T Y - SP E A K E R : Before I call the next speaker, 1 want to if, apf a jf* £ gfT «n?r $ t* i % convey an Important message to the %0T ^ I ^ «qR: ^ Wm T7 q5t, Bouse. f[T sn5T $ «T& | I S*rfa*T% tt A few days ago, some Member* f?r^fff^ ^ 3TFT apf raised a questiona b o u t the legality i and constitutionality of holding the 339 D G > 1974' 75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-76330

Presidential Election and tfce Minister « w r (t starflr *tt «rwrCf % anr ^fkvft of L a w had agreed to make a state­ ment. Now, he has volunteered to v< irc*n^K f^TT «ncfT | to if come and make a statement in the ^<«x1 V^TR- ^35TT», T O qfX^Ff Ulf<— House at 6 P.M . or soon alter the 1 guillotine of the rest ol the Demands. wrJY frfci?r ^ ^ra?r t ^rrat jffR ^f 3ft | ^r- This is the information X am giving qo 29 ^ aft w w C t ?i>r «r to the Members so that they may not T^TT Sir, say that they have been caught by surprise. ^ p rtt 5»>R «JT 1 TO^t fllxar ^ 3 R *?fr «ft, w f «Hr1 isfaq n> *ro? Shri Chavda. ^T«JT ^ TOWit IW&Rt J^f^t, a w %o tpi0 «i*f? ) : | 1 %*r # | 1 «KV€ fgsst if 1 *rsrw if TT^qfr t o t ^ 5PTT 3f a f e TTTO7 TT t 1 31 *rn®f ^ cTie^^PT f w r | eft ^<+t < ^ | f? ftrqr^ifesr ? m r ^ ^resr *rw m % §q afafafa | 1 m 3RcTT % ^fT ^ J q?TT St ^ **fo &n w :gcrofh5' fan, *rq vftzz tit \**m if « r t ^ j w t t o t t ^ *r t if *ft ffrsR- % *r§*Y % ?m 31 VI q=^TZRft % ?rr?t^i TO^t5rn^%f^-?i>rfrnt 1 ^ it t » at # i fa * m t o w w w m f$\ % fazft % iHli vx n % f?T^ «m* ^ \ ^ sfr ^TfT$ w ^ far 9r=srrsraT *vfa ^f^BFRT* * W § 1 t o % f%q VRqW^pr ?rr ^ * n w H V ^ ^ % fwq ^ w |?rr «it 1 v ft W f t 5TRT I %ftx ^ % m sr: to^> tf^mrr ^FRTT | fa % ^ ^nar ^ ^ ^fwr | to^V ^rrf^ iw rt *nIT t o ^ ^ ^ 1 srff s§?r %f*&t ?nw 1 yxvrCt 9ft»r ^F W lf cp; i t s i r r | sr^r ^ t o r »t 3rtr4T st^r w r *\J *rt? ?nfa*T- ^3R T I ^ 3Rgrr «R «ft >RRR foff % «PT JPT*T *tt W R t 1 9 7 3 7»nT I W 'RRcT flXVR i4Y aR?ft % «> TT«R T tl SW fa fR *t, *PT% ?CTTO H$t 1 1 to^V ^ to! if r^r % %i O , $frm *r ^ 1 to if fro ?r? ^ ^T?r 3|> fRqiMIt §<* * T O it sn*f § f I TO% $if 5TOT I ^feR> 9T "'PR 3|> jftRT V llw lr%ft* 5fro% m w m # & frroif ^^r?ft * w n r faq qfaalr WRTT | ( TO it SHft 5PP $9 ifgt §«t t t *p r | s r w * «IRsT 'RT^K % if ^feR ^ *RT I ^ S|»T fa eitrCt^ | *rtr to ^ t ^srrf^r qr«r ^a, ^ | *?tf5TT» W&r- % m x fa&t t , ^ w r

^ v n '* $ 1 * k * f c r 5T|r t • ^ t , D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1971 D .G , 1974-76332 :

{5 t £«> ^ trTT^r f*iq^ VtrfT J fa? tjW ’pprttf w $ dltrx v m «r^r gTTFRtt| i ^ K t q ^ - t ii^nft qi ft> 1 1 ^ «r^tft w ft $ far snffw *TWr ^ sM f$*w?n: i w % stpt f a w n r *rr'T & z*r w^Tct | %far*T »Pcnfcr 152 ?rnav m forr qr, ?r *ft $rr ^ ^ f *ft? Irfa^ ?fanCt q>w ^r «r^ v*t $t mr ? t *hr> *ftK %ai?r17 srra fair w1 v r t r ^ : w qr, s r e*r*4 r w * ^ R f t fa t ^Rcr ?r^ tt 5rnr?it | far srfa *ft, g * t «jt i W ^ V ? ^aF-m5TT fafT vr TO ift «?: tfv&jfe faWr fa n t w i t ? w f t ? «r ^Ys fam 5 n w at trrt * t «ir far $ fw wrfonfoqf *t fm i «rnr ?nf^crr vt^rtt *p»? vfi atnrnr1 1 ?Srf#3Tt fa ^ J F T *T|t #TT ^ifetr * U vm fa^fV «R5fr ^ r r j far far^nr ^ftwW ^ tfcft & i q>Rr4f5fr-WFR ftw ^ ^ t f o i W H % t ?ft t ^ T qit ^rTRfT T^t |, %far?r «w «rrr ^ t srr^rr g f*r ?it t f e fw « r t| J~s?r «fCr # f t ^ t I fair ^r «m i? sftfat 1 fox at fotfT q- Sffit, f ^ T % Jffc ST50 jn^fT *ft t at ^ra>> t *^t %^ | ^farfT Iff ff* % W T W «fr f^spftFT $TT ^frsH'f a t ^R?f t 'r^r q>r v m # ?$■ $Tcfr, *te r «j*r ^ £ h t , fafffc w ^ qir | 1 srnr *ft ^fa^r ^frsiq'T % s r ^ *Fffcita 4?raT |, ^^t- »rrat *r |cr *r ^c?rr t , tftft s b r ^ 4 rift s t o 3«rc 3tft ^ r % «r i ^ «>rr £, Trf ?lw $cft| 1 t?it»rff$g[ff *ret? far ff**nr J^t ^TTcTT t I WF3T 5*T Ot 1VT cTTO f B ^at I ^ T ^Rt T O ^rrt %fa?r iff sm ^ ^ w m z I *irot % f a t 135ft g f a - far t o t t m w p t ar* Sfc * ^ ***** *V fa’TT? % favTSFT ^T*T 4>",('fT WTf^Ti %fa>*T ^ 3 | 1 ?rm t fofta t ^fTSRTtitr ff( ar^f 3t?tt «nr ^t ^?t%, g*it y» vr wfr^HfW vt t a *17,^1^ 1 969fo a ? n it i ^^rocT t 9 fa f? *? r t - fr iH ^t * r fa^rr i «mt w ftfv r z t *$r faw f^m?r t- safat far^ft $■ ^ h t t srnrtt%, ^rfa^r *ntft ^ o n ^rmt w x m i ^ t t g fa? dm m t , *n*r i f r t % v & f a t $ » *w ararf t* f m w r ^fat-gw ^ qr |« v m q^«TT *Cn *m | , %m i t ^sttt m% «r ^ wtnr i ?ft»r far T O n t 5® TO T <

«ft ^ lftr : w « r % «ft ^ftar- 9» S *rfa* i *lr^r5rt|m%^rT^f(r1 f |, ^ T ¥3 *r fc«rRr ?T|t w r flit m x t m |, ^r% fa* « F ^ I %[%T ^ q^r ^IcT Jfcf^ *r aanw fcrr g 1 «rr^r cfH: Ir ^ r r f f a ^ «t|t n^prr qw?mb- ?pr 3 m ^ fa?ft # ?r^?> ^ Vt— ^?m-. «ft vwr (?fw fosft) ^nwrer vt ern; % ft *rr w f r ^ w r *i r^ftTT «n*rtr ^ft % ^ft ^0 ^ -To) % ft— ^r ^?ft vt f?fT t— $ ittf* flfjrffrr?T|ft % fa?n ^rffrr t ?rfa* tT^r ^ t t fa srnnt % «rr? fa % srfT *t

v% MfT^fsr *ft m r'* * ft | , ^ fa x t se fTT nm

ijr irm *t«r«w. ^^rr^TT^ tt t $ *n 1974-75 APRIL 28, 1874 D.Q., 1874-75 3#

[tit tfrftr yw t] f a f a «ft ffrnforcrr, frrtit yrffr titK

?, £ — ■me snrrcrarfcnftnfi^t # ftq w r |(t *TT %*RT fk q w r $t, *ffprrf % ^m*r »r^f ?frprr ^sit w ?rr | i tRur % ^t?r +' Mfinf v t g fr^ % T ’prcm , fa$R frtfT ?wr ?ft $ 3?R *wp ^ t r «iRhr % *rt*fi ^ »vt mr-w*m w it w*t, w fVqw^r trr^ ?ttot t ( urn w nr«rfw t o t & t o w *ic ft f , * safift‘ *FT ^ tjt q^lT ^ ^ ti\m vor f i 3fr?ft J ^TfVrT 31^ srf »TR fiFPFt v n N t we ^ r % fo r * t $*r 7 *t$ | , ^ tit ip rc iw *rWEt fff *nr t o ift qnwr «rr,*p r 6 *rft% *ft ;3’*l%‘ VPRTtft, fTffW tFRTfft Wl %* v t 3F5 3R f^TT m f t w r r s r# «r*?rT T O R f tin. v ih n fn ft % f^TT Tpprrt tit WT $ I *? *W *T T *T *4 « p w t ^ 1 1 « w w qnerr *nRrr $ fa $*mfts t o r ^ir^Rfr vrfigq ’btVt irw m fw vrib wt t fa I F ^ f t 5WTT *ftr wfimr frrnww & w *rra arg^r N tt % o ?f*trt tpftt xta «nr g ^ «rfERp «ffsw tit ^ % $ *3TRrr ^tt^-tt g »m| % ^r«r ^ ^ 'rrffe1 f n * n tirr % qtf^r ^ ^ j t | 3ft % mrftvr ^ vsr8| 337 1W**75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-78338

f t t f it wit «nf | ^?hpt ?rt w r | i(k-# 5** ? fa t ^ ^ryvt ?w %?r f t wwr *fcnwftr *t i «npr % wr t i 3f|t ?np warrcr^r wrrrfr *t t *3 «w(t*rr t wgfoff % vr *htft%, vt 0t 3R?rr ^ r r OTfaspRfwrit sft t wrt1 1 w v t ^ i «n|r jpp $$rcr *s% fsrq wro *flr f t w if f k qrr^r mm $ «wv f^rq ^ p tt ^Ft ^ssr * *ft»fi * t s rfir* ^rrsnr ^ r nJ5t% =rrf^q #fvw ^ to tr: eftf^TT i f 1 % f% f^rq "TO: frqwR % srf^r ^r^ff w f t f i trf* ufaf? * th r fa * grwjf ft ^rr ft tfczt? * r * r ^Ot f^ff % ?fi% % * R f "fWr t fwarftt * t ?wr #3 ^rrcft | i ?nrm t o r *r£t «ft i fasr%*fit ft, * t q^r qw fwT «rr f^ ^ t t ?Tft ^ tt^ tt f 1 y® *r rrr ?Vt WRf Wft fTTSFR" ^RfWPT f>TT fa*t *rq, y® w f »rq, k r r r ^ M *rrf?q, ^ f^r ^ r «r TT^qrfr % It wn?t jtr * r ?rr *rq i ft f r q * *j*r o t t % fq-q 5rm, wf ^ « w t ^rn? ^ *Pfft t I ttf fafaft * t srnr ww vt wm | ftf«Rw **f 3PFOT t ? WT f*T!Tt ^TiTT sfa ^ t «PKtft TOt ^qtr ^»rfw 'Sfcrcr ^n5t *£r% ? ^ srnfre ?T?T*T ?TW^r3T Wff «f«WWW ft?ft t ^T^f: smff wte rer #, q * fafaww anrr *T, 4 f ww i v tt ft* ift ■qv ffoirc’ arrr w, ^rcrcft * rt wprn $ ? frHr 1 rer «r * wt*T m vrr ait Swr | faq «rr*r vdtfr *rr f® f«rr 5ft mft $*m $ ft* $> WPT 5T3RT «TW *flT?t f fa ? *3*1% m% » 3ppc fwr ^t*ft ^ifi?q T O WT*#2 ImT fCTT *«R t «At v«ft §?Rt ^»nff tc fjp^rr 1 tt^r ^r fWV $ i wwiw # ^ $*rV ■gwwm4T rik N f r inrsr^rr snrsr ^r wmft Ot ?r^-R t fftftw % *r«p«r t * r m t o v x %% I «ftr ^ 9 qfT f^T *Nt | WVt rftw frm % WTW ^ttt f ® *r?% « wt«fr ^r wrfw^irf^n 1 ^tttt fafr «ftfir ^ ^ ftr ^ wtm fw T%n t rik m fKtm tit ft** 399 D jG i 19^4*75APRIL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75 340, [sft 91% rtPT] rft frcff | w r f m «rrf«n=r wnfk f w aft m m * t snm t ?ft v r s$*rcrm * m x W ?TT^ $ *frft ^ |

f w t *flr wt«t ^ fr t T ^ r ^ 3ft fasrr s rtf, «ft awwynr %*t «ft*r ?ft 3tt*t % *n i s*r1 n v j n n ^ 3ft % fT«r * 5T5T «rt f^rr 3T3T % %*T ^ F W fa*T, 3T5T ^ ^ ^ t^ t 1 1 ^ faarr, p- #3 ntT I far -J^T% g®?n#^r ^ fafrfw apT wr fa*n t r f ^ ^ a r % y f<6arifTi ?ft ?ftr % # d w r ^ r arr « r t «pt w*p*f sft?; «Ft qf^T f^rr w »mr^T % ^TT *»rvifti?w ’T’yrvt wr «w r psitr ttfrtfm 3ft ^ ? r 13ft ^ #ft 3n?m T^r *pt ^ ?rw% f t «RT3ft w w r v t e m f a z r r ^ t ^ ( « i « i m ) S ^ t qTcff «r^ m * ^rr' & & * m f t = ^ tt 3pfr ^f^otnto^V *ft w x w ^ 1# ^f%?r vt- fH r ^if^tT m fa vstrm^r f^r ?ft, m f w f^rfar m r ?pr ^rrt1 l^TWhr rTTPft y'f q k ^ ^r f ^ft £> t n T ? m ^riar, (wr^w) ^ eft ^RRT farr t Ttf n p q k m t& m , 3 5 ^ ^ T O VTTW Wffa f WTCT? f ^ i T ?rrK,vft 'sm x

w f 1 * ’err^TTffSp snrKra tinker’s damn, except perhaps for the Sikhs, because although they are com­ f% TsaT % f%q: % *rd % £ paratively small, fortunately for them f^TT % j r t srr? m v r m f they have got the capacity and they have the inclination, to go out into Tfa *pt %x m b $ i the streets, which is what Government responds to. srrffen: *r vg t vfdT gf fo I only want to refer to two or three aft fafanrO irm r^fw measures takenby Government—con­ i ^ qr t?r srnr i srpFfto templated by Government— and cal­ stfsrcr H t , m*ft

SHR I F R A N K A N T H O N Y ; O n 29th' 91®3T % ^T«T ^ *T *FT of May 1973, I had written m to y *r »m ^ f i i i friend Y. B. Chavan, the Finance Minister, and had drawn his attention to cl. 6 of the Taxation Laws (Amend­ SHRI TRANK ANTHONY (Nomi­ ment) Bill 1973. It is an utterly cri­ nated— Anglo-Indians) : Mr. Deputy- minal, iniquitous provision. In 1962,. Speaker, I have given notice of a cut Government brought in a provision.. motion to draw attention to the ero­ I think it was Morarji Desai who did sion of minority rights and the ruleit. I took him to Jawaharlal Nehru of law. and Jawaharlal tried to make him see a little sense. He did see a little sense. First of all. I want to deal with the In 1962 when the amendment' was increasingly desperate position, espe­brought, it was prospective, effective cially of the smaller minorities. I am from 1st April, 1962. It was to the aware of the nauseatingly repetitive effect that minority trusts and charit­ professions of solicitude for the mino­able institutions would after that date rities. W e get them day in and day not get the protection of sec. 11, that out. But if they are analysed, you is exemption from income tax of the will see— good luck to them— that monies they could find. It meant that they are directed to the Muslims and*after 1962 no religious minorities—no to the Scheduled Castes. Good luck Muslims, no Sikhs, no Christians, no to them for these professions of soli­Anglo-Indians— could found charitable- citude. The'reason is obvious, becauseinstitutions . unless they were- to be today the sole consideration in politics taxed out of existence. But I got is just politicking, vote-catching. The Jawaharlal to persuade Morarji not to Muslims and the Scheduled Castes make it protrospective. so that at least being numerically fairly sizeable, can the trusts? formed before 1962 were be decisive with regard to certain of not affected. They would still b e the seats. So these professions aretreated as public charitable institu­ reeled off day in and day out. tions and w e Sot exemption fronfr income tax. So fav m the smaller minorities are concerned, may I say this with great But what do you do now? Youbrinsr respect and without qualification that in* this evil provision:It is not onlr the Government could not care a prospective, but it isretrospective. So 343 D -G> 1974-75 APRIL 2ft, 197* D.G., 1974-75

[Shri Frank Anthony] do not pay income-tax. The Hindus will have these trusts because they ^11 our trusts, whether founded 100form 85 per cent and they will say years or 200 years ago, come withinthat these are for the poor, and they the net and the monies that we are will keep them for the Hindus.But giving to our people poor destitude how can a microscopic minority say ladies and young people—you are it is a public trust for everybody? W e going to expropriate, it into the have to say that it is for themselves. coffers the bottomless coffersI the o But as soon as they say this you Government. Don't you realise and garrotte them and you destroy them. feel the shame of it? Cou single only the minorities out. You'talk about secular democracy and a pluralistic society: this is a I was a member of the Constituent country of religious minorities. But I Assembly. I had the privilege of do not know who has thought of this; bsing there. One of the fundamental some moron in the Finance Ministry. rights the framers of the ConstitutionIn the name of secular democracy you gave was art. 26. What is article 26’want to destroy us. It gave religious minorities the right to found charitable and religious Then, look at the other inquitous -trusts. That is what the framers gave.piovision. It is already there, God But today with all your mouthing of knows, some of us do work outside. secular, democratic professions, youW e build things worth ciores of want to destroy only the religious mpees for poor people. I had built minorities. up a few lakhs for 'my poor old ladies; a central relief fund, and you brmg in this evil provision of income-tax on In 1962, when the amendment was charities I was getting contributions, on the anvil. Minoo Masani and I from my people, small contributions, attacked Government W e said why so that I could help my destitute old are you doing it? Even to make it ladies What do you do? You bring prospective is iniquitous. Now you in the income-tax provision If I make it retrospective. All our trusts manage"to save Rs. 5,000, you grab the are going to be destroyed and you whole thing away. So, I had to scrap will do nothing about it .because you m y central relief fund for m y oldi want mcney. as I said, for the bottom­ ladies. Are you not ashamed of your­ less pits of the Government coffers. selves and of your professions of secular democracy? Instead of encour­ Then, another inquitous provision aging us. a small minority, in our is this. Government will deny it, but seSbf help, you seek to desttrOy us I am not that kind of small-time law­ because Government do not care a yer who does not understand thetinker’s damn. Government does not implications. What is the effect of give one pice to my ooor old ladies. this? Government singles out onlyGovernment does not give one pice to the religious minorities for the des­my poor, Anglo-Indian orphans. I do truction of their charitable trusts andall that. I do not ask you. institutions. That means only the Hindus— that is what it means—only A N H O N M E M B E R : It is not true. Ihe Hindus will be able to have charit­ able and religious trusts, public SHRI FRANK ANTHONY: It is trusts, free from income-tax becauseverv true. W e do not take one pice tho Hindus constitute 85 oer cent ofbecause if w e take one pSce you the population The Scheduled Castes immediately garrotte our institutions. art* already exempted. So. they can I had to close down our Central Relief have Scheduled Castes trusts whichFund because as I said, you want' 345 M- VAISAKHA 9, 1896(SAKA) D .G ., 1974-78346 everything for the hungry maws of to me. Apart from the that their the Government, you want to tax children cannot get jobs, can you everything; you want to destroy the blame them for finding cattle-boats minorities, and you'will not even and getting out of this country? Bril­ allow us to help our poor. liant boys and girls 'go there, and they aie asked: “Has your father been Let ’me say a word about the resident in Bangalore, Mysore, for 15 increasingly desperate unemploymentyears?” The boys says, “No, Sir. H e position. It is hopeless so far asis a Central Government servant; minorities are’ concerned. W e haveliable to transfer.” Then the reply the Annual General Meetings of niy is. “I am very serry.” The father has Association. I have an M L A in each got his property in the State, his State. Everyone of them, without father had property in the State. They exception, tells me, “The employment say- we are sorry; your father was exchanges are cess-pools of corrup­not iesident for15 years; you cannot tion.” They are riddled with corrup­ get admission in the College. N o w tion from top to bottom. And what you compound it with this criminal happens to a small minority? You do hostage of the Andhra Pradesh for­ not care, and our numbers are toomula. 1 used to sit alongside Dr. small for you to care. An Anglo- Shyamaprasad Mookerjee in those Indian cannot be registered without days, and I alone opposed Govern­ paying Rs. 500 to be registered, and ments to giving this criminal hostage get an appropriate place he has to pay when Government was creating Rs. 1,000. So, they do not go to them:Andhra Pradesh. It was Pandora’s the employment exchanges are so box. Government are going to split riddled with corruption that they dQ the country into watertight compart­ not go to them. ments cultural and linguistic enclaves. Now with the Andhra formula, you Then, what have Government done? are going to atomise the country dis- Government has compounded this trictwise. Then at the same time you scourge ot unemployment by this cri­talk in a mealy-mouthed way: com­ minal hostage of the sons of the soil mon citizenship, national integration. movement. I accuse the Government It is bad enough when you had resi­ not only of encouraging but of sanctify­ dential qualifications; now you are* ing the sons of the soil movement, going to have residential qualifications, the greatest scourge which could have districtwise. been inflicted on this country. What have you done? In the public sector, 15.00 hrs. you have said that 80 per cent of the Finally, as a lawyer who everyday jobs should go to the sons of the soil. has to deal with these matters, I want The railways have sent out a ciicular. to refer only to one particular aspect You had entered into collusion with There is this sinister, steady erosion the Shiv Sena to give it to the Maha­ of the rule of law by the Govern­ rashtrians, and who are the Maha­ment. I am talking about the cynical rashtrians? Not the people who werecontinuance of this fictitious emer­ born and bred there but those whosegency. In 1971 the war was over. You mother-tongue is Marathi. You have still continue the emergncy? Article entered into an alliance with these 352 contemplates a grave emergency people and your greatest criminal affecting the security of the country, hostage is this. threat of war, external aggression, etc. Is there a grave emergency now? What about your 8ix-Point formula You are facing a little trouble with In regard to Andhra Pradesh? I knowthe Nagas, a few of them there and what has happened so far. People some Mizos there. It is the confession from Bangalore and other places come of the inept and utterly impotent 3 4 7 i>*G » 1974-T5 APRIL 28, 1934 D.G., 1974*75

{Shri Frank Anthony] the lot of the Indian citizen, without character if you say; because the any ground being given, to rot in jail Nagas give you a little trouble, the and to rot in jail without trial. give you a little trouble, there­ fore, there i» an emergency, Under W hen the Government talks about article 353. during emergency, you rule or law and constitutional methods have superseded the federal character it is like Satan quoting scriptures. of the Constitution. You can give How can the Government talk about executive directions toany State; you this? You have crucified the rule of can legislate on any subject in List law; you have crucified and suspend­ IX. All our precious fundamental ed every fundamental right of this freedoms are contained in article 19. country. The violence that is happen­ freedom of speech, freedom of expres­ ing is because you have lost all credi­ sion and freedom of association free­ bility, all democratic credibility, all dom of jobs. All are suspended. credibility as maintainers of the rule Tomorrow if somebody wants to in­ of law. Because you have crucified dulge in some political gimmickry and today it is Government by gimmickry the rule of law and you continue to do so. it is an invitation to the people and you take a swipe at the press, at large to follow extra-constitutional what can the press do. They will methods, to go into the streets. come to me and say; Mr. Antony, you argue the cases very well, please take up this case. I will not be able to get it admitted. The Courts will say: what can we do: Article 19 is sus­ pended. There is no freedom left in this .country except the freedom of the Indian citizen to rot in jail with­ q r i*ff- out trial. I do these cases under the ^ *fr stt# i Maintenance of Internal Security Act and the D I R . almost every day. The srr D I B is a draconian and unprinci­ pled. Tt provides for the “subjective f , % ’ rnprr s f t # *fr- satisfaction” of whom? of pettifogging district Magistrate. T use the word srg jffmrrtfa* *tptin m w ‘pettifogging’ advisedly because your district Magistrateo are at back and 3RFT JTifr r tt i M L A and every Minister. It i*? the District Magistrate’s subjective satisfaction. W hen we go to thp S H R I F R A N K A N T H O N Y ; Sir, on Supreme Court, they use a catch-all a point of clarification. This is deli­ phrase,security of the State public berately false. M y friend is speaking order. The Supreme Court gavs- we out of ignorance. I was not a G S O . I are helpless,w e cannot just do any­ used to sit in the opposition. thing, however malafide or however baseless it may be Under the Defence of India Rules one does have to give SHRI DARBARA SINGH- You are any ground. The preventive deten­ privileged to say anvthmg, any false tion is bad enough in all conscience, thing you can say. W e are not GSOs. but vou have to give the grounds. If one ground is bad or irrelevant the SHRI FRANK ANTHONY: You read Court strikes it down. But under themy speeches made before Independ­ Defence of India Act and Rules !t is ence. 349 D.G., 1974r75 V A I S A K\ H 1996 A CSAKA) D*GU 1974^75390

15.97 hrs. ^ ^r ?rw J t i f M * ! ftwr % ^*r -sftT ^T «T(7 O T R

ot % asmr o t spt tFHKvi 1 1o t i^r rift T T ^ft^FrRT % «7*r-*rT«r sfa.frqrc%?rr »r* i o t rit rift t t vr ^ , ^ t , OT VT 9fTcT vt # ^ ^ «T3T ^ I f>T t ft* «W^M| % f t fpr ?r>rfqft w 9f>> OTtf £, tt ir t if ^ % T ^ r t ^t*t 11 o t tt^t fcaR io»n?rir f^ w r Ot tt« ttj- -tfwrrct srrr «FT ^ ^ f % Nfbrc t,?r? 27.4«rT^w?r ^rift !p?fr s n f £ i ?*r *r frr ^ w r «ft 1 1 ^fV*t ^ p tt *t>y! >|T®FcTT ^ f*fr ^*t> ®fV ttstr* ir ♦frt^rprtt ^ r % srrn % f?n?m I rift are 3fr STTE ^ rf^ T % 5f?T ^ ft *TfN*1id TT «TJ^T fsFfp'T^TTft t, f>f^^rR qT r|TTT ott ^r ^rr «r? 1 ?n^r 1 t ^,^^faFC5r£F?rasrt rift f^r*rt3TT ift I ir OTT *r 20, 25 *rF=T q^T *n n ff v r fa n n r srtaT «rr, tft ?iw r ?Tft «ft 1 ?n% t »ftw OTT ZfT *rrft f f 11 OTT *TpT »T f'm rik ^»t ?rr??tf%T tr^r it ^r^ft ^ t I rift 3ft 3 * % *R t OTT t , Iff *rt ^ wrr^r 1 1wrrrwr % %, OT^T I I ^ ngr %. i t SFTTfST, # 5SR- SfT# ifrt r v m W w t wk wr I ifr w Jr ?nrsprr ^ *raft Weft 11 S&rcfr % ^ t ^ ?fhc cr *m t t m t w ^swwar % ?rft *rc tfft ^ j t, ^>^^vfarcnstanr rift ^ ^ | t o t rrw i f ; * m t JK «ffT^T ^T pFW 11 rit$*PT riV I w f t 351 » .G ., 1974-75 APRIL 2d. 1974 D.O., 1974-78 34^

[*ft w r r r frifr) «r * t t i *$ jV f, $*mw, ^ai't^w ?wr ^ f.- ^ V K t f SFW i i* s £ tsrft 11 wfe m n « tm »r «fit€ a t | X t ^ t » * n *r tft tot 11 *mr *sf^w ^?nT 5 ^ ^cRTH ?lt * P W ^ t ^ I T *IT * t fcg i * ft* r * r % f a * ^ ci> vnrr* «pt ^ r ft ?rf^r % «rrfT 3tt% snr *t$ | i *r®$ *?■$ «rrr^^^’tsi>i>F^^rt ^iffT ^ 3TT^ 1 1 «RT %m ^ T T ^FTT I f f-f. ?ft W R ’P t^ t aR/TT $ W t r 11 % r m5raT% $ m , B^ft «tt \w $ t f»-onrr(t ’crrat 1 1 * ^rrf^rcr § f f i

^f^TF|W»r *t, 3rfew flt^TT crr^rvH sta p ro foft $r §m 11 t I ^ ^45PTPT W 5RTT T^T | r flX4>K %5 9 ^ctstht faq far> 11 W ^'t f^T3T% % f?TC» ^PRit N Y ^ T R *rr «n* *t * § f s m * $ h t * t f 1 t w ♦ T *p$?JT5|f if qft q ^ r ^ ^ n ^ r § t »Tf 1 1 A ifa s t «T5 7 | S ^ fit ^>TT | 3|9!t *TT ^V SgfcTCRJ * J r * apY ^ |«TT «ft ^ Jfr^rr ^>rr 1 ^?t> »r 1 1 sansT *tt3*i <8rr^ % faq HT*t iro$ 1 fr'firR ^"tn 1 ti^rf^V R ' fwiTw5 v r *ww m i § ^nfsniT ^ v*Fm% V& *& *r « T f 1 1 HT*T% %tt ?$t $ * »it^ ft? ait | ^ rw r %* *r ^ , s fa F 5 « w t *t q#r & *nk £, aft ater ^ ^ ^ t ^it ^ .f tm ’R if t 1 VRcTvrr | g^5V * fairer toV1 f 5 f? w ? n ^ R t % *r *? $ b *> w r r g 1 q y fa v iH % ^ r% ftrq ^ tf iw r HIT |l *T TOT f ^ f ^ h rfcrn «?r1 ^ wfewr «crr?% 3SPPT ^fWvTRT VT WTfRT ’TS^TT gpRir to r 11 1 loo-i600 fostro I »^ T O f ^ ^ r r 1 1 w m rat prOr «IT «Ttr «TP¥% 1200-1700 folT |» | isrrefa'tsn^r, q*R>%^ , ***- 3?T*t*rm$ ftr ^T^t1800 f * T W , £ ^ ^ $ f t $ f e r £ t eror$ff 1 q v f w r ?t fppar | : ^ ^fr #hw ap'tinf t *n*i “Most of these officials are In States" f r r a ^ - ^ W T * 0 ? $ f %ftr?T HTq-TO wvr «ft * S 11 ft’WT ^t f^R «m% ftpf * in^rr 11 *m -xm 33% ^ r | :


v r 1% Jf1 ?rf Efafa^r, jhhhitf % «*T% 3Tft JftSIW *** ®*n«T f I 5t « T flft

wr%%foRT$$t tf»r*TT*fhim ?*^t HftfM ^t ^>W f , *F& % fall TO *tf q&M at ,^5tqv wnft iW t *rrfi^ip ^ k m g * w *f «r fa t «r>t W ^ t % wwr, « m i « w m ^HV^nrrsitoiiffo^Q «rrr%^iif *aft v*tf *rw fncar ( at «njY to t f 1 • 353 D.G., 1874-75 VAISAKHA 0. (SAKA)1896 D .G ., 1974-75354

. «ftr % ^T*r ^ 11 siWt ^Iftw- Vr^¥?WTi;r5S3! ^r*Trgra t 3*T%falTJ'f-^FT f> rr % stpt% ^ srT'PRt fatfYtit farnrsrc sstht 1 g>rr ?TT7^r9H f?RT t I ‘ m *rrc%m f z * * S1IRI PILOO MODY (Godhra). Mr. «ft srn*% % m *!>»>% m 1 Chairman, "Sir, having listened to the 3T§ 5T^Vtit £l T?H ^T ? T t fa ^ r- debate so fair I have found that speakers from the Congress Benches, W T ^ §*TT £l ^TfT-Trt 5r 3 7 ^one after the other, have got up to defend the canse 0f democracy m thiu |f t ^a^h7r?rwr7%5rrTiqr%country. W hen I listened to the fan fantep-t tt*t *nrr ^rf^r speeches, 1 began to wonder whether they are referring to India or to some stir ^>n> *r sprr 3 fe *m f ^ttt ^rrf^r1 other country that they see in their di caviis m*r i»> *r# & f f ^ n r f a f a *3 ^ ^ r * i ^tPfst stft ?u *tpr tt & softer Ea>_h one of them has iaid that democracy has survived and flourished *tfi% 1 1 srrr ar * f r s«r in this count! y I must admit that »TW5 it T3 jf r>1 ?ptt\n ^ $rm this is not my reading of the situation at all. If 1 may take you back some­ tit ^ r r £ sr *rRPRrr? %fe*rrcwhat, for the finst 18 years of our Independence, democracy survived in *i> §fr ?>■??>%, irsT this country purely as a result of the w ? t T?rr £ ?itT 71t ' ; charity 0f Jawaharlal ‘Nehru. Jawahar- lal Nehru, for his many fault#, had a $> ^ *r nr * t f*r*r certain kink about democracy and that kink was that he wanted the whole qrctfte ^ T T ^ m t ^ k world to realise and know that he *ro>rs *r fro t farr Hnsr ftrsrr «ir was a great democrat. This is what Jawaharlal Nehru’s attitude towards gj> S ? ^ r fir m *\m tit himself India and the whole world was. A nd that is w hy democracy fa*T WT ?TTW ^T?r I ^mTtiRT survived during the first 18 yeaio of s>r vfr

^ ^ stft *fr i & for Unfortunately, for Jawahailal Nehru S*r *v irrtfW r *r fsRR ^ 1 and for India the democracy that was there for the first 18 years of his life was not democracy which was intrin­ sically strongwbuilt around the insti­ *r^Fn> til *r vfam p | tutions that make democracy a mean­ ingful thing But it was there for the * *fa*rn: % r t f ^ i r , f^j> 3 great Mughal to dispense as and when V TR ?T fh-qr ofrrr | $> he thought it was In jeopardy.

fo n jtrt mfeSr 3 ^n>> The Institutions of democracy, starting with the Presidency, the ^ *rfar*rti< ?T» ^ srmr f^F^- 1 Parliament itself, the Cabinet system. 5^^?>tt«f>> ^ ?wt 3.qr Opposition parties, a fearless press, an independent judiciary, public opinion <(V «rf^r fq% ?ft *i>rsift ^ in the country, are the institutions on 65* LS— 13. 355 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75 356

LShri Piloo Mody] think that tHis basic hypocrisy of saying lhat they want to distribute v, hich democracy survives and thrives. wealth can only be brought about if These institutions are built In such a they are prepared to distribute power. fashion that no temporary aborration, A n d how should they distribute no temporary popularity of an indivi­ powerT I am not asking any one of dual, such as, the “Indira wave”, no them to give up their power. All that hurricane, no tycoon, nothing can I am saying is, give up doing things shake the foundations of such a demo­ that you cannot do; give up this busi­ cracy. That democracy continues ness of centralised planning. Let there irrespective of a massive mandate and be a plan for every district of this is handed over when the mandate country; let the plana be implement­ ceases to be a mandate such as the ed by the district administration.Jjet situation is today. Democracy GUrvives theie be a total decentralisation. After and something else takes the place of all so much money is allotted year the mandate that was originally given. after year for development of the dis­ This, to me is the survival of demo­ tricts; whether it is done through a cracy. Five Year Plan or whether it is done through an Annual Plan or whether W hen 1 heard J^r. Bhagwat Jha it is done through the budgetary pro­ Azad saying that you can stillscream, visions of the Central Government or you can shout and you can still say whether it is done through the budge­ whatever you like and, therefore, he tary provision of the State Govern­ is satisfied that he h&s given sufficientments. it is that much money that proof of the fact that democracy exists filters down to the village. Unluckily, in this country, to me it is a meaning­ the money is going through the less exercise. W e have come to a leakiest pipe or pipeline that has over state in our lives when, no matter heen devised, and by the time the what w e say and how hoarse w e cry. water finally reaches Ihe districts, there is nobody who can report us;there is nothing left at the othor end there is no way by which we can pro­ of the pipe; it hap all been taken ject our ideas because the independent away Money is bring spent, India means of mass communication has alsois a fabulously rich country: there is teen neatly bundled into the govern­ no ‘•hortage of anything in this coun- mental sector. trv: the only thing that we lack is good intentions and good men to run our affairs. Therefore, even develop­ Thece people for the last so many ment becomes meaningless in this years, have been shouting in the name country And w p hear the hoarse cries of socialism. But I cannot understandt>uoh as w » heard at the Congress h o w they intend to bring about socia­ Working Committee meeting recently lism in this country. They say thatthat they do not pet the oartioipation socialism implies a fair deal for everyof the ppople in the process of plann­ one which implies that there should ing How is it nossible* Somebody be a distribution of wealth. But the sitting in D^lhi. somp nunk kids pre­ distribution" fcf wealth without the pare a position paper- that position distribution of power is a meaninglesspaper becomes the philosonhy of the exercise; it is an exercise in futility.ruling party and thereafter the man This brand of socialists, in particular,in the village is expected to have an depends on concentrating all power appreciation of and rapport with, this into their own hands. With the con­ pofition paper that has been prepared centration of power that is going on by hal^ducated, h'rtf-illiternte. half- by the Congress on the one side, how baked individual*? who masquerade in is the distribution of wealth ever to the name of leadem of the Congress take place on the other? Therefore, I Partv 357 D 'G ‘> 10^4-75 VAISAKH^ 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-75358

Therefore, if there is to be any SHRI B. V. NAIK: Yea. Quito » reversal of policies, it must start witrserious question. the outflow of power. If only the money earmarked for each district is SHRI P IL O O M O D Y : Because there handed over to the district and it isis no intrinsic strength left in them, eaid ‘You do what you like; you do the institutions of demoracy have what, you think, is best for the dis­been eroded. People no longer have trict’, then at least half of it will be faith in the Congress. Read your properly utilised and you will see the papeis, it is not worth the time you results of their development, the spend on it. Come to Parliament. As tangible results, from day to day, from1 said, an isolated activity goes on week to week, from month to month divorced from the needs, requirements and fiowi year to year. And you will or the aspirations of the people. Take associate the people with the processthe radio. People listen to it only for of development. Instead of that you what Lata Mangeshkar sings, not for have plans and a thousand people what Indira Gandhi has to say. jilong the lines to interpret, to alter, to sanction, to re-sanction and there­ Then go to the other institution, the after the whole series of files that arebureaucracy. W e have to-day em­ created to be dealt with on any parti­ ployed 20 lakhs of people. Sardar cular subject. The whole exercise of Saheb just now said that they were over-worked and, therefore, there is th e Government has become meaning­ a backlog W e have employed 20 lakhs less T h e reason why Indian demo­ of people. Their only job from morn­ become totally meaningless c ra cy h as ing till night between 6 cups of tea is is because we have a sort of facade to say ‘No’— ‘No’ to the citizens when­ here where debates are supposed to ever he comes to them. You want a ta k e place, but I do not know how bottle of milk— ‘No*. Want a ration much of what I have said is ever card? No. Want to build a house? absorbed by the Minister, I do not No. Want to build a factory? No. know how much of it is ever consi- Want to go abroad? No. Besides say­ rto”ori Does anybody meet and say, ing ‘No’, they do not know what to “ So and so btis made a good sugges­ say-- tion ; why don’t we implement it’ ”

Is something ever discussed in the MR. CHAIRMAN: Now, there is no Cabinet except rubber-stamping what time. has already been decided somewhci e- flse? As long as we continue with SHRI P IL O O M O D Y : I think it is this piocess to hear these gentlemenquite wrong that you should be setting talking in terms of how safe is demo­a bad example, because, if any one cracy in this country is something thatwants to sp?ak, you say, ‘No’. You frightens me. I tell you quite truth­ also are a victim of the same man*a fully. I do not think that this struc­ that ha? spread in this country, that ture of democracy will outside this is, to say *No\ whereas in the rest Parliament. I do not Ihink that this of the country it is easy to turn a- structure of democracy may even tur-‘No’ into an ‘Yes’; only it costs you a vice the next six, eight or len mo'iths little money. because their is no strength left jn this structure and there is no resili­Therefore, the entire system-- ence left in this structure. SHRI DINESH CHANDRA GOS- SHRI B. V. NAIK (Kanara): Are WAMI (Gauhati): The hon. Member you serious? may now say ‘Yes’ and sit down. SHRI PILOO MODY: Yes, quite serious. Is your question a seriousSH R I P IL O O M O D Y : This is the question? concern of these people for democracy. 359 DJG., 1974-75 APRIL 29. 1974 D.G., 1974.7ft 3601

[Shri Piloo Modey] nity in this country and another reli­ gious community. Z want to sound * Therefore, the entire system is builtnote of warning to the Home Minis­ on obstructions, obstructing the citizentry. It seems that this type of speeches from doing what he wants to do, and coming from people like Shri Frank as long as you do not remove theseAnthony, particularly, in tbe sensitive* obstructions and you do not startsnak­ areas of this country, are creating not ing saner laws, we are doomed. only difficulties in the sensitive regi­ Because the origin of these difficultiesons but are to-day creating a grave starts with the so-called policy plan­danger to the security and integrity ning of the Congress Party which of this country and I hope that the somewhere in 1955-56 look the country hon. Home Minister will take note of along the wrong path to progress and it Shri Anthony spoke on many has resulted in a plethora of laws, things. I will come to them later on. some contradictory to each other, laws which this Home Ministry was expect­ The country is faced with many ed to administer, a plethora of lawsproblems. Whatever Mr. Poloo Mody which are contradictory to each other,may say, the fact remains that the with the result that nobody to-day stiucture which we have cherished, knows whether he is within the low orthe democratic foundation of the outside the law or where he is. I thinkcountry, has deep roots but it is lac­ the time bas come when the laws of ing attacks from many quarters, from> the jungle would h*e preferable to the the right extremists and the left ad­ laws made by thesejunglees. venturists. I will not go into the de­ tails of all the strategies of these SHRI DINESH CHANDRA GOS- parties as my time is short. But it i& W AM I (Gauhati): I startm y speech time that we, sitting on this side of with a small anecdote. One day a the House and the Government, have m w and junior preacher who was toto seriously ponder over this question, deliver his maiden sermon went to theas to why it is that in this particular senior preacher and asked him. ‘Lookmoment the right extremists and the here. I am going to deliver my maiden left adventurists have become so alert sermon. Will you kindly give me some and active. How is it that these force hints and training?' The senior prea­(who have no popular backing) have cher asked, ‘All right. Which passagesbeen able to create a sort of situation of the Bible or the religious books .irein which the democratic foundation you going to preach’ He gave him itself has boen threatened. How is it that passage. The senior preacherthat the youth, the students, the youn­ made certain side notes and told the ger generation of the country, are not younger one, ‘Go and follow my side approaching the problemsof our coun­ notes. You will be ha\ing a very try with a constructive approach? M y successful speech ' He came and foundown reading is this. If you look to the- in the side note comments like, Here, entire situation of the country,you the arguments are very strong. Speakfind that it is the vulnerable section of emotionally.’, ‘Here arguments arcsociety, it is the down-trodden section emotional, therefore, strive to bungof society,— the section which has be­ home vour point by raising yournefited tbe least from independence finder’ Then, lastly, it was side- for the last 25 years,— has stood by m-irkrd, ‘Here, arguments are verythis system. The aspirations of the wnak So yell like hell» and that is vulnerable sections are very limited. precisely what Shri Frank AnthonyThev have felt that because to a cer­ di'l this afternoon. I can tell Shri tain extent their conditions have im­ Fiank Anthony that he cannot protect proved, this system will one day be the interests of the minorities in thisable to fulfil their limited aspirations country by creating a cleavage between which they posses®. Because of the one section and one religious commu­ development of science and technology, 3&1 D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1898SAKA ( ) D.G., 1974-75362 education, communication, etc. the moving like a ‘bullock-cart’. Our ideas world has become today a very smallerand aspirations are growing at a iastei jplace to live in. The younger gene­ rate but our achievements are growing ration in their heart of hearts want toat a slower rate. K .achieve what their compatriots of the

[Shri Dinesh Chandra Goswami] a number of persons who are sus­ tfa/it suddenly to-day the people fcre pected to be linked Up with these agitating? M y own feeling is that it is secret activities. The persons arrest­ not because of scarcity or rise in pricesed under the Defence of India Rules but because they find that in spite of were brought here for interrogation,. our talk about scarcity we can get Police expect that the interrogation everything in the market at the arti­ will lead to more clues to secret ficial price. This is something which activities of certain foreign powers is agitating the minds of the people. in the N . E. region. Police believe that a number of local businessmen are also connected with such anti­ The complaint is that we talk of national activities.0 scarcity. But, even though there is scarcity, everything is available in the It has come for the first time in the market. While a section of the popu­ papei. From the time that I have lation who .have enough money can come to this House I have times with­ get all the luxurious articles, the out number, lepeated to Ihe Home others do not get them. Therefore, I Ministry that the North-Eastern region feel that if you want to do away with is a very sensitive region and it is the this Reeling, then you must take steps region in which you can create a sense to see that profiteers and hoarders andof instability for all times to como other persons are brought to book. I because there are .various castes, com­ am not saying that nothing has been munities, linguistic differences* so on done. But, I have a feeling that the and so forth. administrative structure has not suffi­ cient inbuilt provisions to punish them. Why is it that in Kanpur when 22 To-day we find that there are difler- people have died due to glucose injec­ ences of various nature in the North- tions, even now, we have not been able Eastern region I have no hesitation to bring before the House a legislationin saying that these alleged disputes by which we can give the punishment have been engineered by some inter­ equivalent to the punishment that we ested parties. Already Assam was give to a murderer. divided. It has been divided with c le a r ly defined demarcated boundaries As you have rung the bell, I do not And, under no circumstances should ■want to take much time. I shall pass at this present juncture anything be* on to some of the problems regardingdone to see that Pandora’s bo*- is open­ the North-Eastern Region. You have ed again in the name

that the Home Minister will take note For example, the Commission could of all the points raised by me while not examine Col. Tada who wag en­ replying to the same. trusted by General Terauchi, Head of the Japanese South East Command, to SHRI SAMAR GUHA (Contai): Sir, draw out the secret plan for Netaji’s since I got the opportunity to enter escape, when the Commission visited into this House of the People, I pledg­ Japan. The Commission also could ed myself to a sacred mission to com­not examine Mr. Kishi of Tokyo, who mit this Government to unearth the wrote to Shah Nawaz Committee that mystery about Netaji Subhas Chandra he definitely knew till 1948 that Netaji Bose With the cooperation of M em ­ was alive. The Commission also could bers of all the parties of both the not examine a Japanese who claimed Houses the Netaji Enquiry Commissionto know that Gen. Sidei, who was en­ was set-up. I have not an iota of trusted t0 escort Netaji, was alive after doubt that Netaji did not die in p’tane the alleged plane crash in which Gen. crash. The whole story is a myth.Sidei was reported to have died with But I wanted to establish it through Netaji. a judicial enquiry. (2) The Government did not make The Netaji Enquiry Commission hasany worthwhile attempt to persuade completed its proceedings but ratherthf Government of Japan to hand ‘incompletely’. T h e Chairman is going over war-time documents about Neta’jL to w rite the report. I will enumerate The Government of Japan supplied the reasonsas to w h y I have used the only a book written by Gen. Kawabe word ‘incompletely’. of Burma Command on Netaji, which contained only his recollections about Sir, I had written a letter to the ‘Chander Bose’. Prime Minister saying that the Gov­ ernment i$ reluctant to cooperate with (3) The Government did not inform the Commission. In reply to that the the Commission whether efforts were Prime Minister wrote to me: made by them to find war-time docu­ ments about Netaji from the Govern­ “I have your letter of the 3rd ments of U.K., U S .A ., Russia and January...... I received your letter China. The Governments * o U .K and of 21st December also. But since it U.S.A. did make inquiries soon after mainly concerned the Ministry of the reported plane crash to verify Home Affairs, I passed it on to my colleague, the Home Minister, with whether the news of Netaji’s death was a camouflage to cover his escape. a request to send you a reply.” No effort was made to ^ trace Mac But, unfortunately, the request that Arthur’s reported telegram to Mount- was made by the Prime Minister her­batten in which he informed the latter self remains unheeded. I have not got that “Bose ha« again escaped.” Netaji any reply from the Home Minister ashad a lot of correspondent with the ye1. I want to keep on record how Government of Russia as his last plan reluctantly the Government cooperated was to go to Russia, But the Govern­ with the Commission: ment did not make any request to so-friendly a Government, like that of (I) The Government supplied aRussia, to furnish all war-time docu­ large number of documents to the ments and other informations about Commission very late, only after itNetaji, although many reports were completed its inquiry work in South published that Netaji was kept -as a East Asia and Japan, except Formosa.war-piis^ncr inside a Siberian concen- These documents contained many vital tiation camp. informations, but the Commission could not undertake follow-up actions (4) The personal file of late Pandit due to late delivery of such documents.’Nehru, which was reported to contain 367 D G > 1974-75 APEIL 29. 1974 D.G., 1974-75 368

[Shri Samar Guha) Government did not want to disclose many informations about Netaji, like all the documents to the Commission. Chiang Kai-shek’s inquiry report about Netaji, report of Indian Mission from (6) The Government did not make Nanking regarding Netaji, a reportedany serious effort either to send the letter written by Neta'ji himself to Commission to Pakistan to examine Pandit Nehru fiom Manchuria, the Col. Habibur Rehman or bring him to report of an American correspondentIndia. The statement made by Col. of ‘Chicago Tribune’, Mr. Alfred Wagg Habibur Rehman to the Defence Intel­ etc, has not been supplied to this Com- ligence , at the time of the Red Fort mision. Why? Trial has either been destroyed or withheld from the Commission.

(5) Government have supplied only(7) The 75-pase report of Shri B. copies of some original documents, C- Chakravarty, who was deputed by without affidavit. Many pages of such the W ar Secretary, Government of documents are either missing, or des­India. The statement made by Col. troyed or have been withheld from the Combined Services Detailed Interroga­ Commission. There are many gaps intion Centre (SSD IC ) to interrogate at serialising the pages of these docu­Red Fort in 1948 Col. Habibur Rehman ments. I give you a few examples. and others top-ranking IN A officers, First, about the secret file No. F. 23and doctors and nurses who claimed to (156)/51-PM in an attached note, ithave treated Netaji in Taipei hospital has been stated that these papers haveand the high Japanese irtilitary person­ been “destroyed”. nel who planned Netaji’s escape, and whose report of interrogations was These files ere as follows: scrutinised by the highest British Mili­ tary Intelligence sent from England S. Nos. 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 4-A, 6-A,and counter-signed by Col. Stevenson, S-A. in charge of the Indian section of CSDIC, and which was submitted to S. Nos.-16A.UO note No.D|S-8fl66the U K Government and the Govern­ dated 24th August, 1953 from Pment M ’s of India as well on 39th Decern* Sectt. to Shri Mobd. Yunus, M EA . ber, 1945 and which concluded that 'Col. Habibur Rehman told lies or the S. No. 17A,— U O note No. D.3788- Japanese Government concealed tacts’ 8EA /53 Shri Mohd. Yunus, M E A — the Government of India did not (SEA. B R ) to P M ’s Sectt. submit this vital document of the S. No. 27-A— Memo No. 2|53| 19713)CSDTC to the Commission. If it is mis­ 601 (151) dated 13th October, sing 1953, or destroyed, the Government did form Shri Mohd. Yunus, US. M EA to not make any effort to get it from the P M ’s Secretariat; and Government of the U K . This docu­ ment would have revealed many vital Notts Nos 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,facts 18, about Netaji-mystery. » » 24 Jo 26 and 29 (destroyed). As for the P M ’s Secretariate Files, the (8) Correspondence between Pandit No. of the file is 12(226) |56-PM Nehru re­ and President Chiang Kai-shek garding “Investigation into circum­ about Netaji and the inquiry made by stances leading to the d^ath of Shri President Chinag Kai-shek at the re­ Subash Chandra Bose (since destroy­quest of Panditji, through the Mayo* e d )”. of Taipeh regarding the alleged plana crash, the findings of which contradict­ More lists of files and notes mis­ed the death report of Netaji have not sing or destroyed can be added, butbeen submitted to the Commission. these instances of destruction of vitalCopies of these correspondences are documents are enough to show that thestill available in the archives of the D.G., 1874*75 VAISAKHA9, 1896 (SAKA) D.G., 1074-75370

Government of Formosf, whichthe same crashed plane carrying Netaji, Latter is readyto send to the Govern, which were submitted to the Shahna- ment of India, provided an official re­ waz Committee by Col. Rehman, wexe quest is made for the purpose. Butactually photographs of three separate the Governmentof India have declined crashed planes having dissimilar fea­ to write to the Government of For­ tures of the surrounding terrains. The mosa. Commission could also get positive roof from the Government of Taiwan MR. C H A IR M A N : The hon. Member that a plane crash took place with Japanese military officials at the re­ may pass it on the hon. Minister and ported place, as allegedly involving he would look into it. Neaji, in 1944 and notm 1945. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Then, (9), the Government of India inhibited the M R. C H A IR M A N : Please conclude. Netaji inquiry Commission from acting freely while it visited Taiwan. The SH R I S A M A R G U H A : I have spe­ Minister of External Affairs. Shricially prepared this. This is of very Swaran Singh in a letter dated A u­ very great significance lor the future. gust 14, 1973 wrote to me stating: The Commission could further secure “As we do not "have diplomatic re­ official death certificate and cremato­ lations with Taiwan, neither the rium certificate issued as that of Neta­ Government of India nor Judicial ji, but would have found that these bodies appointed by the Government certificates were actually oi a Japanese of India can enter into direct or soldier and not of Netaji. Finally, the formal contacts with the Govern­ Commission would have got all the do­ ment of Taiwan and its departments cuments and reports of finings of a .. .It was natural that we should number of inquiries conducted by the suggest to the Commission not toGovernment of Taiwan about the al­ make any formal approach to the leged olane crash involving Netaji Taiwan authorities and to make an and the copies of the correspondence independent enquiry without enlist­ between Pandit Nehru and President ing the formal co-operation of any Chiang Kai-shek as well, which would official or non-official body there..'*. have finally convinced the Commission that the plane crash theory involving “The Commission in its judgment Netaji was a planted story to ensure accepted this suggestion’1. safe escape of Netaji. The Commis­ sion would have found, on the basis But strangelyour S T C and M M T C of such documents, that any further are having trade and business withinquiry was unnecessary and could Taiwan worth crores of rupees, disre­have straightway concluded that Neta­ garding the qualms of diplomatic for­ ji’s death story was a myth. malities. , Will it be overdoing it if I say that If the Commission was permitted toby not permitting the Commission to seek the co-operation of the Taiwan seek the co-operation of the Govern­ Government, it could secure official ment of Taiwan, the Government of meteorological reports from the Tai­India can be accused of sabotaging the pei Airport Authority which would main objective of the Commission? have definitely proved the untenabi- lily of the plane crash theory involv­ (10) The complete copy of Mount- ing Netaji. Xt could get photographs batten’s Diary about Netaji and a do­ of the Taipei airport and its surround­cument that was purposely left by the ing terrains which would have conclu­ Government of Japan at Saigon at the sively established that the three pho­end of the war. although they destroy­ tographs of the alleged ruins of theed all other documents, intending to D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 39. 1974 D.G., 1974-75 37a

LShn Samar Guha] MR. CHAIRMAN: You have focus­ mislead the Allied Army about the -al­ sed attention now. leged death of Netaji, were not sub­ mitted to the Commission. SH R I S A M A R G U H A : In two mi­ nutes I will conclude. (11) The report submitted by Mr Alfred Wagg, a correspondent of the (15) The secret documents pertain­ Chicago Tribune to Pandit Nehru m ing to transfer of power to India relat­ early 1946 after his investigationsed atto Netaji and facts about the undis­ Saigon and Taipei about the plane closed chapter of Maulana Azad’s book crash story, in which he challenged itsIndia Wins Freedom, which reportedly veracity and provided Panditji with a contain matters regarding Netaji stUl photograph of Netaji reportedly taken remain secret even for the Commission. after the date of alleged plane crash has also not been supplied to the Com­ (16) Dubiously, the Government mission by the Government. changed three Secretaries and many members of the staff of the Commis­ (12) A very important Japanesesion during the lai»t three years and who was a high military officer dur­now, at the penultimate stage of fina­ ing the war and who knows many lising the report, the Government have things about the Netaji mystery, isstrangely changed almost the entire living at Rajgarh in a Japanese Bud­ staff of the Commission without giving dhist temple under an assumed nameany plausible reason fur such steps. of ‘Bikshu Sato’. But the Government made no effort to produce him before The Government of Japan left many the Commission. hints to disbelieve Netaji’s death story. The unsually photo-minded Japanese (13) The Government conducted could not produce any photo of the many inquiries about Netaji for many dead-body of Netaji to convince the years along the Himalayan frontier,Allied Powers about the report of particularly during 1962 Indo-ChineseNetaji’s death, as the reported death war, the reports of which have alsoof Netaji was just a mere fiction. The been withheld from the Commission. death certificate and crematorium cer­ The Government have also conducted tificate supplied by the Japanese Gov­ inquiries about many ‘Sanyasis’ inernment ,as purported to be that of India, but only partial reports of thoseNetaji, were found, after scrutiny, to inquiries have been sent to the Com­ be that of a Japanese soldier. The mission. death certificate of General Sedei, the Manchurian expert of the Japanese (14) Whether Netaji’s name was en­Army, who was given the assignment listed as a war criminal or not, aboutto escort Netaji to a safe destination, which the Government gave many after careful examination, was discov­ misleading informations to Parliament.ered to be a fraudulent certificate. As revealed from the Files of the Ex­ ternal Affairs Ministry supplied to the Commission according to four Confi­ General Fuziyara, the highest liaison dential Notes (i) No. 136|ASW datedofficer, working as the link between 20-12-67, (ii) No.-375-FS167, (iii)Netaji’s No. Azad Hind Government and HAGjl51|2,67 and (iv) No. NY (PM)the Government of Japan significantly 352(14)/67. it is clear that the Govern­told a friend of mine in Calcutta that ment did not make -serious efforts to“the Government of Japan left enough conclusively know whether Netaji was hints about Netaji, and it wasthe res­ declared as a war criminal, This issueponsibility of the ^Government of India is very pertinent to understand whyto pursue the matter.” It isk n o w n Netaji did not reappear after the the country what the Government 373 W74-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1886(SAKA) D.C., 1974-75374

Of Free India did for the greatest Re­ If the development of nuclear weap­ volutionary Pilgrim of the Indian ons represented the beginning of one Freedom. age or one era, an increased consci­ ousness of the environment and- its MR. C H A IR M A N : Your time is up. limitations may be the beginning of another. A vicious circle, a vicious SHRI SAMAR GUHA: I am finishing environment in which popular wrath I have firm reasons to believe that theit manifested is infinitely a more story of Netaji’s death is a myth. Inpowerful force for destruction than hit historic that journey in quest of In­nuclear might. The greatest danger dian freedom, before Netaji got into .the to the continuance of a good and sta­ Frontier Mail at the midnight of the ble government is a stage in which the fateful day of 17th January, 1941, thepoliticians are looked down upon. Indian pilgrim paused for a moment to utter a few significant words, and In the good old days, crimes of the told his nephew, “Sisir, either I willtype now coming to light were very return during the war or it may takerare and unusual. W e had the Indiar even more than 20 years after themonarchy, the British monarchy and war.” then the Indian Independence, but ne­ ver before had we such an alarming Sir, I shall conclude by saying what situation of law and order. The law Sardar Patel said at a meeting in Cal­ and order situation of this country Has cutta, at Deshapriya Park, in February,been growing from bad to worse, while 1946,'‘Bhagwan, Hamare Netaji ko it should have gone from good to bet­ wapas do." "God’ give back our ter. It is indeed a very sad commen­ Netaji.” tary on the performance of the Indian administrators in the democratic set* 1 may recall, before finally conclud­up. ing what Rabindranath Tagore said. He said: “Tomar asan shunya aji; He 16.09 hrs. veer! pum a karo!”— "T h y throne is lying empty. Oh the Hero! Thou adorn Sir, many problems are raising ugly it today r" heads and we must solve them disp­ assionately. For instance, there are As I said, I consider Netaji’s deaththe spiralling prices of all essential story in a myth and I shall believe that commodities; the students* unrest, pub­ he is in the world of the living. lic anguish, law and order, the non­ availability of essential commodities, SHRI KARTIK ORAON (Lohar- rampant corruption. Today we find d:\fia)- Mr Chairman, Sir, I rise tothat 45 per cent of our Indian popula­ support the Demands for Grants fortion is living below the poverty Jlne; the Ministry of Hom e Affairs. This 30 Is per cent of the poor people live in the ntosl important Ministiy in the Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, and 50 per Government in the sense that is res­cent of the poor people live in Bihor ponsible for the actions and ommissionUttar Pradesh, Madhya pradesh and of ohe Ministries, and therefore, thisAndhra Pradesh. It is right of Ministry has the onerous responsibilityevery citizen to discuss public of guiding the destiny of the nation affairs frankly and freely but such today. discussion must never be directed towards inciting the public to indulge Today, the entire country i3 in a in loot, arson and violence. If thev state of turmoil. W e are living in a do so, then deterrent punishment must society which Is plagued by the scour-be given. The question of party or ge o* materialism. There are cases caste of or group should not arise. In violence, loot and arson all over the the eyes of law everybody should be country, as a matter of course, parti­treated equally. It is rather a pecu­ cularly the oases In Gujarat and Bihar.liar situation that is developingto 375 D -G > 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75376

[Shri Kartik Oraon] cai squabbles. It will take « thou­ sand year for them to enter theperi­ our country. W e call ourselves a st­phery of philosophy or politics. To-­ rong democratic nation. W e shoulrt day we hand over the reins of Gov­ hang our heads In shame because not ernment to men of straw of whom only have we miserably failed in pro­ no trace will be found after a few viding two square meals a day to every years." citizen in the country, but we have also failed to create confidence in the minds of the people free from fear. It Don’t we think that it is a challenge is not the change in civil or criminal to Indians as a whole regardless of law or law of defection or Constiu- party affiliations. Let us see to what tional law but a law of convention extent we can get over the present based on strong national 'character,situation. Once again I request you which is the need of the hour. The not to misunderstand me but take it greatest breeder of national characterin the spirit in which 1 have said it. is the sense of justice and a human belly well fed, which we failed to es­ The Hom e. Ministry has a special tablish. responsibilty for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. I must congra­ W e are at the threshold of a crumb*tulate the hon. Home Minister for hav­ 'ling economy and it is about time for ing brought a sub-plan for thedeve­ all political parties in this country tolopment of the tribal people under sink their differences and put theirarticle 275 of the Constitution. Sub­ heads together to sort out the prob­plans have been asked for from va­ lems that face the country. It is not rious StateGovernments. I want to the problem of any political party. It suggest only one thing. Most of the is the problem of the country. At the time the amount which is allotted to time of the national struggle, most of the states by the Centre for the deve­ the political leaders of various partieslopment of Scheduled Castes and Sche­ were all Congressmen. They wereduled Tribes is diverted to other pur­ known as Indians and as Indians theyposes. M y request is this; if you are fought for the liberation of this greatgoing to provide any outlay under this country. I am reminded of what Sir sub-plan, please ensure that this out­ Winston Churchill said. Please do notlay is non-divertible to things which do misunderstand what I say. not form part of the sub-plan.

At that time every Indian was con­ Thfcn. in regard to the scheduled sidered to be a Congressman. Whilecastes and scheduled tribes, we had opposing the Bill to grant Indepen­ the Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes dence to India, introduced by Mr. Order (Amendment) Bill. This was Clement Attlee in the British House of discussed in 1970. Then, it has 8on® Commons, Sir Winston Churchill hadInto cold storage. Many scheduled this to say : castes and scheduled tribes have been deprived of the facilities which they “Liberty is man’s birthright. Howwould ­ have received by now. Four ever to give the reins of the Govern­years have passed. I hope something ment to Congress at this juncture iswill be done to bring this up so that a -to hand over the destiny of hungry larger number of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes can take advantage of millions to the hands of rogues, ras­ the privileges. So far .as scheduled cals and free booters. Not a bottle castes and scheduled tribes are con­ of water or loaf of bread shall es­ cerned, sometimesI feel they ^ ar cape the taxation. Only the air will scheduled not for development but tor be free and the blood of these hungry exploitation. The way to wWcih they millions will be on the head of Mr. are being treated makes mefeel eo- Attlee. India will be lost in politi- 377 D G > 1974*75 VAISAKHA 9, (SAKA)1696 D.G., 1974-75378 :.

W e come to know that there are some Then, I would like to make another caoes where in spite of the best inten­point. In Bihar, there was one super­ tions of the Prime Minister and in spiteintendent of police who was, without of the best intentions of the Home any Cabinet decision, made to uncere­ Minister, the officers feel that it is notmoniously hand-over charge at . the their duty. They do not share the res­instance of some of the politicians, big ponsibility with the Minister. This ismotion and corrupt politicians ot what I feel. Bihar. Then, Sir, my friend Mr. Bhagwat Jha Azad made ' st I will give one instance where 1 am reference to the Godda Integrated rather surprised to find how Govern­Development Committee where he said ment could try to refrain from helpingthat all the big shots are associated. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled That part falls in the Chota Nagpur Tribes where they have got a way to Santhal parganas region. This region help. For instance, there is the DAN1is the richest area in India. One-third (Delhi Andaman and Nicobar Islands) of the mineral wealth of the country service Rule. According to Rule 31 ofcomes from this area. But, the people D A N I Services, promotion to Grade Iin the area are the poorest. They have officers from Grade II officers i.s to all be sorts of dissatisfaction. The Gov­ on the basis of merit with due regardernment of Bihar set up the Chotta to seniority. Now, by giving one grad­ Nagpur Santhal Parganas Autonomous ing higher tha officers belonging to Development Authority. But, this is scheduled castes and scheduled tribesjust a show piece. They are not have an opportunity of being giving any funds. There is no autho­ promoted. But, during the last 13rity, nothing of the kind. I would years, the Ministry of Home Affairs,request the hon. Minister of Home have not been following this rule. Affairs to see that if the State Govern­ They have been following something ment is not looking after them, then, else. They have been following what the Central Government should step is. called ‘seniority-cum-fitnesS method’in and try to adopt the same formula So as to deprive these schedule castei.e.. six point Formula, as they have and scheduled tribe officers of theiradopted in the case of Telangana. promotion. Then, Government of There is no difference. The problems India issued another order. This wasare of the same nature. by the Cabinet Secretariat (Depart­ ment of Personnel) dated 27th Novem­ Then, I would like to refer to another ber 1972. Under this,Government matter. Sometime back, I mentioned issued instructions introducingreserva­ about the traficking of tribal girls tion to matter of promotion to be from Orissa. From the industrial area, made on the basis of ‘seniority-cum-of Ranchi, there had been traficking of fitness’. This coveredall closes. Class tribal girls to Xrrah and other places. I, II, III and IV posts. Under these orders, the officers belonging to sche­I would like to mention only one duled castes andscheduled tnbes were other point and 1 would not take much to get reservationin matters of promo­ of your time. The point is, we have tion. They stood a v e r y good chance already completed two decades of and they had an edge over others. But, planning and we have always said that now, the Ministryof Home Affairs— I w e have been trying to improve the do not know whether it is a fact is living conditions of our people. The contemplating to go back again to the First Five Year Plan spelt out the rule ‘merit with due regard tocentral objectives of planning with seniority’. This isthe way of having initiation of ‘a process of development circumventive designs to obstruct orwhich will raise the livmg standards prevent the scheduled casteand sche­ and open out to the-people new oppor­ duled tribe officers from getting theirtunities for a richer and a more varied due share. This has got to be lookedli!e. Obviously, we have not been Into. able to reach our pre-determined tar- 3 7 9 D'G.t 1974-75 APRIL 29* 1974 D.G., 1974-70 380

[Shri Kartik Oraon] authority vests with the generalise administrators whereas the responsi­ gets. Our Prime Minister said in Aprilbility to deliver the goodsis with the 1971: field functionaries, that is, the techno­ crats or the specialists. If there are “W e do not have all the time in shortfalls or failures. It is either the the world. W e must make a dent in engineer who gets the blame, or is it the next three years or four yearsthe Minister who gives an explanation at the very most.*' in Parliament, and the generalist- administrator goes on merrily without Now three years have passed. I perso­any direct involvement of public nally think we have visibly failed in accountability. To day the engineers cashing her popularity. Even though have got the responsibility while the w e have got very stable Governments,IA S officers have got the authority we have not been able to cash her without any responsibility. popularity.

Since independence, during the last It has been rightly said that power 27 years we have had many trials andwith responsibility is democracy, errors. W e have experimented andpower without responsibility is auto­ gained results W e have had failurescracy and responsibility without also. power is bankruptcy. The techno­ crats come under the last category and hence bankruptcy in our plan imple­ Indian polity, I believe, by now is mentation. mature enough to arrive at objective conclusions even on issues which generate controversies and conflicts. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Shrimati For instance, we in India today are Indira Gandhi a*nd our worthy Presi­ •still thinking a lot about o*r bureau­ dent have all the time laid so much cracy. There is a wrangle betweenstress on the dignity and status of the the bureaucrats and technocrats.technocrats in the present context. But During the British regime we had thewe have not been able to do anything Indian Civil Service, the I»dian Edu­ for them. W e are doing things light- cational Service and the Indian Service heartedly. W e are not realistic or of Engineers, Indian Medical Service pragmatic in our approach. and so on. Now that our country is development-oriented, it is all the In Specialists and Generalists, edited more necessary that these servicesby F F. Ridley, it is stated:' should be restored But that has no* been done. “None of the. countries has any­ thing like our Administrator class, During the British xeginie the ICS generalists in function and genera­ ■officers were the backbone of British lists in background in India they imperialism. In the changed context nre Specialists in function, Genera­ the concept of administration shou’d lists in background. Recruitment to change. During the British regime higher Civil Service on the basis they had to carry out the orders of of an entirely non-vocational edu­ the masters. Now they have to carry cation is rare. out the will of the people. This is the difference. In America, a man trained in sciences and the professionals based In any task of national importance, on the sciences finds it easy to move authority and responsibility must go up into higher administrative posts. together. Under the existing adminis­ A large proportion of senior offi­ trative set up, authority and responsi­cials have qualifications in engineer­ bility do not go together, since the ing, the sciences, business and public D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, (SAKA)1898 D .G ., 1974-75382

administration, medicine and law Therefore these thing have to be The Federal Services is one of the taken in the correct perspective. specialised offices doing either spe­ SHRI R. P. U L A G A N A M B I (Vel­ cialists jobs or general administrative- lore): Mr. Chairman, Sir, we are today work in offices in which their parti­ cular knowledge is considereddiscussing the Demands for Grants under the Control of the Ministry of essential. Home Affairs. I would like to bring In Sweden, where juristsoccu p y certain important issues before this many of the policy posts, profession­House. als m turn fill many of those in the Under the Chapter “Offiical langu­ top management of public services. age” in the Report for the year 1973- In France, the prolessionals hold 74, a the Ministry of Home Affairs have large share oi the directional poststaken many steps to introduce and im­ in those branches of the administra­pose Hindi in all fields of the Central tion for which their training hasGovernment Departments. According prepared than to the diiectives issued by the Home Ministry, even the international agree­ The Aus-ralian system i" one inments should be translated into Hindi which profcss.-onals are dominant, itand the correspondence of the Central is heavily weighed to give prefer­ Government with all the Department* ence to the Officer who can demon­ should be increased from 30 per cent strate competence in his particularto 50 per cent. Even for Hindi trans­ job Specialists generally enjoy lation, there are targets fixed, that is, parity of esteem, in some cases60,000 standard pages should be trans­ their prestige is actually higherlated into Hindi. than that of generalists. As a rule career opportunities are at; good, if What about other 15 languages en­ not better and salary scales i reshrined in the Constitution in Eighth often advantageous. Schedule? There is nowhere any men­ tion made about the development of “Can one tell a man that he must translation in other languages of inter­ remain a Scientist or ‘rig’ 'the sys­national agreements or of Central tem to this end, when be wants to Government correspondence to be become a manager, particularly if translated into other national the m«mager enjoys a higher status,languages. exercises more power and receives As regards the implementation of a a higher talary?’’ two-year phased programme for the progressive use of Hindi for the year No service should be treated as in­ 1973-74 and 1974-75, the Home Min­ ferior or superior. The goal of social­ istry has issued a directive that in the ism can only be achi^ e J ' if the Union Territory of Delhi, which is different sections of the community the capital of India and new schools work together in a spirit of coopeia- to be opened after 1-1-74 should not tion and mutual assistance. The Gov­ have English as the midium of instruc­ ernment must come abo> e petty pi e- tion but they should have either judices and take a realistic deciv-ipn in mother-tongue or Hindi as the medium the matter of fixing the pay-scales. It of instruction. They 'iiould not have has been rightly/pointed out to fome English as the medium of instruction members of the Third Pay Commis­in the Union Territory of Delhi which sion: is the capital of India. This is an indirect imposition of Hindi on non- Pay-scale is not merely provi­Hincfi speaking people. sion for the needs of the employees but a impetus for efficiency aud an I have received many complaints instrument for social change.’ from the employees of the Central 38b D.G., 1974-79 A P R IL 29, 1974D.G., 1974-75 384.

[Shri ft P. Ulaganambi] imposed in such an indirect manner. Government and the employees of the It is against the promise given by the Railways that the Home Ministry hasPrime Minister in this House. issued many directives to impose Hindi Whenever we demand State autonn- as a condition for, the Congress people say that the The pxomotions of some of the non- D M K ’s demand is for Secession, for Hindi speaking employees were separation. The Tamil Nadu Assembly overlooked because of their not know­ recently passed a Resolution urging the ing Hindi or not attending the Hindi Centre to amend the Constitution for Classes conducted by the Department.establishing a truly‘federal set-up with Such is the state of affairs prevailingfull State autonomy; the Resolution in the Home Ministry. It is againstwanted the State to have autonomy to the assurance given by the hon. Primesecure the integrity of India, to promte Minister in this House the economic development and to enable the State Government to have This Report is published in both theclose contact with the people and to languages, English and Hindi. I have function without restraint That is no objection to its being published in the fundamental idea behind our de­ £nghsh as well as in Hindi But the mand for State autonomy. W hen w e Hindi words should be in Hindi langu­ arc demanding State autonomy, you age. Here, it is published— Govern­are saying that it is a demand for ment of India (Bharat Sarkar). The secession, for separation Mr. Sheikh words “Bharat Sarkar” are publisnedAbdullah demands autonomy for in English letters. So also isJammu and Kashmir. The Central Published-Ministry of Home AffairsGovernment is prepared to discuss it (Gnha Mantralaya). The words with him. What are you having is “Griha Mantralaya'* are published indouble standard? Mr Sheikh Abdullah English letters You can have "G r’haat one time was asking for more than Mantralaya” but not in English let­ State autonomy: now he has come ters When this thing was introduceddown to this level, and the Central in th^ House, we opposed it. Our Government are prepared to have Prime Minister promised in thi? Houseparleys with Mr. Sheikh Abdullah that they would replace it W e are not SHRT ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: objecting to have it in both English Kashmir has a special status and Hindi. But we are objecting the language in which the Hindi words SHRI R. P ULAGANAMBI: Why? are published You can publish H ;ndl Even Mr. Vajpayee. .. words in Hindi language, not in SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE- I English letters So, this is against theam saying. Do not blame me promise given by the Prime Minister SHRI R P ULAGANAMBI The in this House If you go on inr\posingCentral .Government have no compunc­ Hindi in this manner, directly or in­tion to discuss with Sheikh Abdullah directly imno‘-ing Hindi on all Gov­ who once demand >d self-determination ernment Departments and even But they have not got the guts to dis­ through Parliamentary paoers, I tellcuss the question of State autonomy you that what happened in 1965 maywith a duly elected State Government be repeated You know what happen­ Thev are discussing, negotiating and ed in 1965. Tamil Nadu was inalso wooing .. turmoil At that time I was a student SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE leader and I was one of those many Behind thp purdah. victims who were beaten by the police. I was imprisoned. There are lakhs of SHRI R. P. ULGANAMBI: I do not young peopV who are prepared to know what is going on behind the shed their blood against imposition ofpurdah. Mr. Vajpayee may be know­ Hindi The tigers are sleeping. Doing because he met the Prime Min­ not try to awaken the sleeping tigers.ister recently. I look only from M y request is that Hindi should not beoutside. 385 D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) D.G., 1974 ..75

The DMK is second to none in Tamil Nadu Government because­ patriotism. We have already proved there is no difference between it. In 1962 when India was aggressed our demand and Sheikh Ab-· by China,' our late lame.:ited leader, dulla's demand?.·... (Interruptions) Aringyar Anna, set aside our demand In w hat manner the powers can be for separation and we rose as one shared and what are the powers that nation. gain in 1965 when there was should remain with the Centre and an aggression from Pakistan and also what should go t o the States, and what in 1971, we made ou stand very clear. powers they are prepared to offer to We collected Rs. 6 · crores and handed the States-- all these may be sub- over to the Prime Minister .... . ject for negotiations. Hon. Members from the ruling party talked of de­ SHRI UMA SHANKAR D1KSHIT: fending democracy and our friend, That is why he became so popular. Shri· Darbara Singh also talked that democracy is in danger and it should y SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI: M be· defended. Here, the Home Min­ demand is: Wh do ou doubt our y y istry's report says: sincerity, why· do you doubt our bona fides? "Several political parties organ­ SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: ised agitations on issues like price No; we do not. rise, shortages of foodgrains and essential commodities, unemploy- SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI: Then ment ...... etc." why not enter into a discussion? Why not invite and a.pen a discussion? It i- stated in the annual report, 'sev­ The Government of Tamil Nadu had eral political parties'. I do not know· appointed a Committee under the whether by· that it includes the Con­ chairmanship of Shri Rajamannar and gress Party or does it exclude the· it submitted its report. The report has Congress Party ? been circulated to all Members of Parliament .... Our hon Defence Minister; Shri Jag­ SHRI K. S. CHAVDA: I have not jivan Ram, stated a recently,-.- this received one. is the press report:

SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI: I am "Shri Jagjivan Ram, Defence prepared to supply it to each and every Minister yesterday warned that the Member of Parliament. It was sent to slightest abridgemeJ1t of the demo­ the hon. Minister. The Resolution cratic rights in the Congress Party passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly would pose a great danger to the· , has also been sent. The Tamil Nadu democratic .set up of the country." Government have written many times. ... But so far nothing has happened. Why He meant that the danger was not not invite them and open a discussion so much from the Opposition parties and appoint a committee to deal with as from his own party. So, the danger this? to · democracy is not from the Oppos­ ition parties. .'It is from our own We demand State autonomy be­ party' he has stated. I do not know cause that would enable the States to comments the hon Home Minister devote more attention to the economic has on this. The danger to demo­ development of the people in the cracy is from the ruling party itself, States. So, my appeal to you is that which we have witnessed already-­ you should not have any · suspicion through what happened in Andhra, about our demands. .While you can what happened in Gujrat and what is enter into negotiations with Sheikh now going on in Bihar :and what hap­ Abdulla cannot you talk with the pened in Orissa and U. P. 655 LS-14. 38 7 X>.0., 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1074 D.G., 1874-75

SHRI K. GOPAL (Karur): Tamil The problems of the scheduled Nadu also. castes and scheduled tribes are in­ creasing day by day. The Govern­ SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI: Never. ment of India appointed the Elaya- That will not happen because in perumal Committee on Untoucha- Tamil Nadu the Congress Party is notbility to go into the economic and the ruling party. educational development of the Sche­ duled Castes and they submitted a So, the danger to democracy is only report with many recommendations. from the ruling party and not from The Commissioner for Scheduled lhe opposition parties. Castes and Scheduled Tribes is submitting every year reports Then coming to the concept of Union Territories, several Union Territorieswith many recommendations. Shave been given statehood, even But the Government of India have not come forward to implement those re­ small territories were given. I do commendations. This Government not know why they are having either does not have the guts to do it Union Territories when the Home Ministry is unable to maintain law and or the heart to do it. This problem order in the country in spite of De­is a national problem and it is not fence of India Rules being in force. the problem of anv particular com­ T. demand that the concept of Union munity. In persuance of one of the Territories should be re-considered.recommendations of Elayaperumal I request that all the Union Territor­Committee Report, the Government ies should be conferred State-hoodof Tamil Nadu passed an amending including Pondicherry. Bill to abolish the Hoieditary priest­ hood. But it has been struck down Then, Sir, apart from the Army, un-by the Supremt Couit. The Tamil *der the Home Ministry’s control areGovernment ha«? asked the Central Assam Rifles, Border Security ForceGovernment to bring forward an the Central Reserve Policc and the amendment of the Constitution in this Central Industrial Security Force.matter. So, I request the hon. Min­ T h e CISF is created to give protection ister to consider all those problems as to industrial units. If industries arenational problem^ and not as prob­ located all over India, why should it lems of *ny particular community. be kept under the control of the Cent­ ral Government? It should be man­ ned by the State Government «o that SH R I D B A S U M A T A R I (Kokra- they can easily go to assist and helpjhar): I support the Demands for 1n the maintenance of the security of Giants of the Ministry of Home the industries wherever thev areAffairs. This Ministry deals with not located. only with the maintenance of the law and order but this Ministry is in With regard to the Border Secur­charge of internal security of the ity Force, instead of guarding our bor­Indian Union and assists the StateGov­ ders, they are raping the Harijan girls.ernments in its security and also the You know the incident in Meghalaya welfare of the Scheduled Castes and "where the Harijan girls were raped bythe Scheduled Tribes, which is a most the Border Security Force and physi­important subject. Unfortunately the cally assaulted-- Department of the Welfare of SC and ST has been kicked like a ball from SHRI M MUTHUSWAMY (Tiruch- here and there. At one time it was •engode): Even in Tamil ttadu. with Education Ministry, then with L a w Ministry, then with Social Wel­ SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI; If such fare Ministry and now it has come to things happen in Tamil Nadu, we will the Home Ministry. In those days *ake stem action. this was with late lamented national 389 D.G., 1974-75 V A IS A K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 D.G., 1974-7539 c

leaders like Mr. Gobind Vallabh Pant Sir, the important question is how and Shastri ji. Now it* has come under to develop these Scheduled Castes the charge of my esteemed leader and the Scheduled Tribes. Mr. Uma Shankar Dikahit who is be­ ing assisted by his two able colleagues, 1 have visited as Chairman of the Mr. Mirdha and Mr. Moshin. Now Committee many of the areas in India, .many of my friends have spoken about especially, the areas predominantly in­ the scheduled castes and scheduled habited by the scheduled castes and tribes and so I am not going into the scheduled tribes people. I find that •details But I would like to make a education still requires to be developed few points on this. among them. They are not developed compared to the tribals living in the bills of Alssam where missionary Before independence the percentage schools are functioning and there the of literal y for the whole of India was percentage of literacy is upto 66 per five only Now it is 29.45 per cent,cent. In Meghalaya it is 66 per cent for the general, and tor the Scheduled in Nagaland it is 65 per cent and in Castes it is 14 71 per cent and for Lusai the Hills it is about 62 per cent. M y Scheduled Tribes it is 11.29 per centobject m saying all this is this. U n­ M y contention is, this. Before inde­ less you educate them by starting pendence the general section of peo- Ashram in missionary type schools, ’ pie took advantage of the welfare ac­ how can you develop them. tivities. Before independence the per­ centage for scheduled castes and W e have repeatedly been requesting scheduled tribes was nil when the the Home Minister to increase amounts geneial figure was five per cent for of scholarships for pre-matric as also the whole of India. to post-matric students. It is hear­ tening to find the answers given by Now the development of the Sched­ the Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has Shri Moshin. He replied in answer been incorporated in the Constitution to one question on 19th December, and a Constitutional provision is for 1973 that it has b$en deceided to the development of the Scheduled increase the post-matric scholarships Castes and Scheduled Tribes a specialto Scheduled Castes and Scheduled officer had been appointed. He is Tribes by 50 per cent with effect from known as the Commissioner for 1st April, 1964. At the same time, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled same Deputy minister contradicated Tribes. The reports submitted by himthat when he said the following-I am are discussed here in this ry to say that— He says: Every year the reports are stereo- trped You and the hon. Members of “The question of enhancing the the House have chosen it fit to appoint rate of scholarships for post-matric a Parliamentary Committee to go into students is also receiving the atten­ the developmental activities for the tion of the Government.” welfare of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. I was the first He said that they had already dec­ Chairman of this Committee and I took lared in public at a conference of the my office on 18-12-1968 The FirstScheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Committee submitted 19 reports. Thethat they would increase the quantum “Second Committee submitted 24 reportaof posf-matric scholarship amounts by m all I have again become the Chair­ 50 per cent. man of this Committee for a second Shri Moshin in reply to a question term. But I doubt whether the re- said that the Government’s attention porte are being taken note of by the has been drawn to it. It shows that Minister and the Ministry for imple­ they are not at all serious in thinking, mentation. I do not know, why. 39I D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1974 D.G., 1974-75 392

I Sr.:·i D. Basumatari ] sons of the soil even, and reluctantly C0m ing to employment, Shri Frank lately in 1966 they had accepted the A nu,,,:1y's community was getting the principle of r·~·.;ervation for S cheduled b g 1;es~ numher in the matter of em- Ca, +,: s ;c::d So:=' .eduled Tribes, 2nd that ;Jl n\·:,·,·-·,·,t in Br itish timeG. No; two tc•J .,fter ::. good deal of correspondence cfr,·.:,:·~in ents !rnve been reserved for 1~e, ·x:::>:,;1 the H e !11e Ministr y and the th'2r:-: tail way:, and communications. R ::: ,:, '.""' 13 2. r:k c: Inrli2.. I am nention- T h~r-:- the peTcentage of peop1e em- in :: i :·,2 r:c rn1nle of the Resen ·e Bank ployed may• not re less than 80 per only, but this is the attitude generally cr·n'. c;i' his comm,mity people. But in i:l :tlmost ::il! d cpart:!nent-s I have r egc1 . ,: :o scheduled tribes, it is not exmnined. Ti,en, '.ake the case of even l per cent- it is 0.29. In the case Ail' India oT the Indian Airlines. They 1 of :;lheclulcd castes, it is 2.39 per cent are c1 lso very a llergic even tn t :c con- cnly . We lrnve been thinking of cept of r eservation for Scheduled developing the areas of these people Castes and Scheduled Tribes. When s0 as to bring them on par with the I mention all this in the Committee advanced sections of the society. Sir, meetings, they thought that the gov- I was one of the members of the Con- ernment itself is injecting poison stituent Assembly, and I know how into the administra tion and creating w e had blessing5 of the Father of the a situation of bad blood-bath in the N ation Mahatma Gandhi, who wanted Indian body-politic and so on so forth. t hat there must be special provision So. I · would say that there is article for 2 ~servation for the scheduled 335 w hich has also to be taken into castes and Gcheduled tribes. We were consideration. I would like to point given reservation for 10 years first. out that article 335 does· not stand in And then, w hen our Constitution was the way of making available opportu- framE:d, Dr . Ambedkar felt that it was ni' ies for recruitmeat to the services n ecesrnry to extend thi,s period fur- for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled thei. Similarly we now feel that it Tribe,;. The framers of the Constitu- should be extended still further. Now, tion did not m ean that at all. Article 335 ;:;ays: it h~s 1Jeen extended upt0 30 years. D l'.'v"lopment of ,scheduled castes and scl1~d« 11.: d t.-ibes needs to be stepped ''The d ".irns of the memhers of up. the Sch ~duled Castes and the Sche- dul(:cl T ribes shall b ,~ taken into c:onsid0ration. consistently with the I ha\·c no ray of doubt regarding nrnint211:mc(~ of effi ciency of admi- 1.lw , ' .. - .· :i ly of th:, ;\-1inistry or tlle nist r ;,: Uc,n. in the making of appoint- sinccr:t:· r, f o;; r leaders like Shri Uma m c: 11 t::; to services and p osts in con- S h,:u:k , r Dikshi'. :;nd Shri Ram Niwas nection •.vith the affairs of the Union 0 Mh:lh· • B ut the q ue-stion is about o:· of c1 StJte.". imr:emenhti() n. Who implements it? It i,; the 1.rnreauc:·ate who implement Jl,fa intcn,,w·0 01' d ncicncy is not meant it. ..l.5 rhairman :Jf the Committee en 0,11:,· ' ~r f,cberl ulcd Caste~ and Sched- the '-velfa1·e of Sched uled Castes and til ed 'L1h-:~. At present we find t hat S cheduled Ti·ihes, I have been exam- whenever the question cf c:rployment ining t!1e various Ministries and the ni' '3chf'duled C:istf' s or Scheduled variv:· · u~iblic und:::·taking,s including Tribe" corn~s up. we are tol ·1 ·\·~a· suit- the :'~.-;,:,rve Bank of India. You will able candidates are not available un- be ni:·p;·ised to know that the Reserve der the plP.a of thi~ Article ·who says B ar,;: of India haYc submitted a memo- that suitable c ::i. ndidat0s are not avail- r anc1·:,,, to us where in they have able? It ;s not the D ep uty lVlinister m ade 50 per cent of the post are to or th~ Mini·ster of State or the Home be 1 esE' '.Ted for the staff candidates, Minister. but it is the appr,inting thut is for the sons and relatives of authority which says so. That is why the tkpartm ental officials not for the the percentage of Scheduled Castes 393 D C , 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1696 (SAKA) DG, 1974.7*5 and Scheduled Tubes in the field of M R C H A IR M A N This will not be employment is slow I would ^there­ tolerated, not from the Chair fore, request the hon Home Minister t0 see that this article which stands in the way of employment of Sched­ SHRI D BASUMATARI So I say uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes can­ wi h heavy heart that what all I didates is suitably amended said the other day which the Minister Then, there is the question of the characterised as not correct is coriect tubal blocks W hen I raised thia I have stated what I have said from point in the Home m the form of a my expenence and fromr&y knowledge question, Shri Mirdha had said that and I repeat that what I have taid is what I was aaymg that only 25 per rue and correct .cent goes to the benefit of the tnbals was not cmrect In the tubal blocks, no doubt Government spend a lot 1 o MR CHAIRMAN Let me make a money lor the development of Sched­ if quest The Minister is to reply at uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes I >15 P M Therefore, the question of rio admit this But if ' ou look at the lime is there Otherwise, I do not Uaual development of the Scheduled mind members speaking even longer. Cartes and Scheduled Tribes which W e have on the Congress side about has taken place >ou will find that G speakers still and on the opposition only 25 per tent only has gone to Mde about 5 I am in the hands of their benefit Foi instance, * road is the House If you want the Minister constructedas a result the area which to speak latei on it is foi you Mas not accessible beer tries accessible Ten >ears before in a tribal block of 504 tnbals people li'-mjj in that area THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT­ had lands o* their own Today, after ARY A FAIRS (SHRI K RAGHU- the construction of the road, I find that RAAIAIAH) The guillotine comes at thev have no land*5 of their own, be­ b p m He cannot speak later cause thti*. is no law under which their land can be pi otected And who are the tribal-, who aie now living m lulls other than Assam’ Except the x m r*\) t ibals of Assam and the tribal people of the hills of other parts of Assam,Jp^TSR- ST|rT 93T ^ fat* tnbals who were in the plains had been pushed up there hy he t sahukars «r f tt anr^T ind monej lenders t t -qVr fa$r*r» % You must see the fate of these peo­ faT» 55tt% t f r - 3fn?rr Tfwr ple I ask Shri Mndha whether he has got any machinery to look into ft amwiT i if *F9V ^ what I have said that only 25 per tent benefit goes to the tnbals I fr s t v t t o I a'-suie him that if he corner 'with me over there, he will find that roads do not go to the tnbal villages, roads go only to the land which have been pos­ fit *P7T I cTT^^r \ sessed by the geneiai category or other people SH R I P IL O O M O D Y The Minister w'tctt i farr must speak at 5 15 Cancel the Cong­ ress speakers and have the 5 opposi­ *itt r *r r m | ?fr «r£, ^ £i tion speeches— What have you deci- «fc i s ITCT I ied’ D.G., 1974-75 APRIL 29. 1974 D.G., 1974-75 396

MR. CHAIRMAN: We will stick to ^®nt ?'Pr «nft *f s w * Sr *j$t fa the original time-table. Shri A . C. % h ^rfarrtftvftK ^ftsra* **5nrf tf Das. srr^rgrgpT w pi TO*r-**ft w i^ w i «tiv ; ^ V W , i g m i i qjf? ft T O f i i ?Trr^rr^rf(,#r3p?f p f r %-

*t ^ 1 1 w k^ r W c f rI fj^fr*ftr ^qn^r w ^ r r f i f^r bpt wrftsr ‘ *\j irsara^r ir flf it % fSR 5>dT #, ^rfN? ^>rr t « StTW^sftfo- % 5F3TT ^ fczn srrc enfo snforTfFm, *rn%%% yif^TRft *ftr ffcspff ^ ?rif«R7 % f^r ^T^rm ^ z ^ f o r c t %Cft fareat ^rrfw^f st w $> W f ?, W ’tRT^d SH'T m z 1 ^rf^r *rrr srT^Fsrwr | sftr ^ t, t?T |, ^ t—

^ t r t snrr | fa ^ s R f % *nra farcr qfcvmw Po t 57ff ftpr 1 3F3T | fa*rar % fax’ f^nt ra>

f 1 ^ *fa«r $terr $ $$ 4m ^ 3ft fTlg+K j, #

*t «TcfRTT | i *r*ft ^ ^"trrjr fn% S ^?»r ^ f[, ?rf«R «rrsr I w t t | —

r^f> ^ r f 1 200 q w , 300 t o 1 3r 4 *t vfa: *rftr 5ft»rw frrpprd % ^ p r t ^ v^prtx % fa vrow ^

6 5 snra % faTCT IH f a> »ra3ife u r B73T % t ‘ sfa«r £1 ^ t s r r ^ nv »rt?r t ^ fr qtsft 1 1 to t* m f® mf^rm> ^fWf vt ?^TRSfrr i w % f w ^ ^— #f«R fW’Tl ^ |— JTtn % * p ft 5®FrPT 5RT s it f> I ? ji ^ m 3 2 if t r vrf?T3r wm t 39 7 D,G., 1974-75 VA1SAKHA 9,(SAKA) 1896 D.G., 1974-75398

*?t 50 w r r 1 1 m ^ | ^ ^ q f? ifcsnr SFft Op ^ » r r f % t «rts o v & % y r T^ M ’ f t srr^r^— ^ ? m % ^r?r «p r ^ w i t n ^ 32^r^^PT^r wfv^rf-fatr ff^nr?frrwnwiftwt TOTT $ I ?ITC*fr ^ F T 5Tf^r 1 |f5T*rr^t f^rr^ tft *n? ?ft ’spr *r$r *rcrm—2 w i t ^ I , ^ f ^ r ^ ftrsftTOsr frrvr

^fV7T ?f t t T ? 1 ^ *r«r srcsr | ft: ^ ^ri f f^T f^TT^ ^f#T ^ 5 F r^ « T ^ t^ n T T O T 5 fk f^ T f3ffT *V | srf 2 ffW T >T 10 fWTvf FPfa- It #£lfrq*T STOl’ 1 ^ 3ri^ ^ «fr f ^ r r f W 3TPT I SPF *FTrT W? ?r^fft «TT I ^TT ft: f® TOftWT ^‘t f f ^nft^r fi^fr 4, ^>r% f # ^ | eft T ftr* STOTT* 50 WTT ’GR’ ^TrTT T3T, ^ T ap^rt ^ forsn nr^r ^rnr stf^r, ^r#r ?fr # it o t ^? r s ^ r ie t t srnr % ^r 14srPrsrer ^ ftr ftft f , # ? f ^ r : bereft'n ft> ft5nr f i 3ps% W rrrftr ^rerr $ » f , ^ r^ ft 5^ f , ^ |t *wt fftarr f JT'T^r ^t 9% 1 ^ i 1 ^fi?r if | , f»r *T W T 5hTT £— -*TFT 5rhr*TT^qT#f, f — WFT^ f ft» affT WT «RT f r o t ft? ftr#*ft ^ r r f 1 *5ftfafc$5*r*ftar*ffr tircBt 1 fjprrr m s r t a ^ t ?nro «th *ni*£ ^t?tt ^ tit g 1 ^ rt ^ ^ tr* 1 1 frr°r ftri , $*rft dro sft ^ ?r«F?r ^'fTT %tm % ^ vt flrigvncf ^ f, ^ r % ?ft*r | swt ^ r ^ m m f «fk ^?nft % w h r ■sM dr ^ t v * *n$ % sptffrr^f^sr if vrcrr | fat o h t t w r ^ ^tt ^ r w rr f

[*fr w r * n r ] MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Kraieah Marak and then Shri Birender Singh. 5 ® 5PT«T Rao-each five minutes. 33T* t ~ * * % f a * *g?f t * SHRI BIBENDER SINGH RAO: *r*nc «rnrt o ar«i (Mahendragarh): I should have m y allotted time. I did not speak on any fforar «fr s a> q im r ^ t demand. t o t * ^€ t s w i M R . C H A IR M A N : Your allotted time is 9 minutes for Independents—unat­ qtegt % W fror, *firer s n ^ w t tached; that has all been exhausted |-% r *rnr*t fate t o t $, already. %f*R2n^r *f* m ^ ^ qi% 11 SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: I firtf * m V t a n r % $V farar t % i have not spoken on other demands. There is something wrong with the 17 HT^Df % ^ITfe^TOY % T O SR office m calculating the time for mem- ^ T g— vjt 5=f^t ^atr t fa beis; it is bad. fw fa % | *TT T$m fa% I I 5RT srrfc- MK. CHAIRMAN: You can discuss w rfm f I t w ' f ^racT tft % il in the Business Advisory Commi­ % fp r ^ ^ r *> ^rsrr *r w r $>?rr t SHRI K MARAK (Tura): Mr. ^STR% TFFT3 ^ ’K ^ ^ 0 " V Chairman, I thank you for the oppor­ tunity to bring certain deplorable con­ ^TfT®l ^TT g- ^ irtWT ditions pi cvalent in the hill-tribal sfiY % ^ |, ^*rc %*r q?r m ^ areas of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Naga­ 37% w *TRT | , 3TCW ^FTCT 3&J% land, Arunachal Pradesh and other backward States to the notice of the f *rtr tfta t *rT*r % so < v r Central Government. * foflrr* ?T * ^ 11 w % ?rnq sft $*r 17.00 hr* ^ *t»r mrwR $> Tt gra sztft T^i^n ^rfpr i The Commissioner for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes made various observations, suggestions and i ecommendations for improvementot ^fosrc *ik vrf^ifsTEfr % fatt­ the conditions of scheduled castes and e r ^TKT % WTCT glf ^ r % ^ r plans such as Tribal Research Insti' tute, Cultural Research Institute, sur­ ?rf^r sp ?tpt ? m qrr foar vey v r and study by the research staff * v * n % % far far 3r *r% | of the Commissioner for scheduled castes and scheduled tiibes. But, there ^ 5FTT p« t w r wit ^ is little or no mention of such plans ART ^ t, fsw t H f % ^ tnw i and institutions for the scheduled v r ?n? % castes and scheduled tribes inhabiting the north-eastern regions of small ^Cr ?jten « * r W 5En3?R < n % % states and territories"mentioned ^rnr ^ k t ^ r r above. Th« people of these areas are 3R7# wrfi^ * very much aggrieved for not getting D.G., 1074-75 V A 1 S A K H A 9, S 1896 A K A ) ( D.G., 1974-75402

-the due share i o his benign attention. point of view. It is the genuine Practically, they have not felt the desire of the democratic people to be very existence of such a Commis­ grouped together with their Kith and sioner so far. kin, separated by imaginary boundary line, drawn by the British Govern­ There are more than a lakhs ofment for their own convenience of scheduled tribe people living in the administration, but practising the plain districts of Assam, the kith andsame social life and culture and hav­ kin of those living in the hill districts, ing the same tradition and custom. who are not recognised as scheduledIt is a natural desire to be associated tribes, and as such, they are not enti­with an administration run in their tled to the privileges offered by the own language and an aspiration for Central 'Government. For instance,educational, social and economic deve­ there are more than a lakh of Garoslopment according to their own genius. living in Goalpara, Kamrup and other Their desire to live together, to grow plain districts who are still deprived oftogether and work together is a whatever privileges being enjoyed by corollary of the accepted principle of creating a linguistic State. The their brothers and sisters in Garo Hills demand had been voiced even before district of Meghalaya. independence, after independence, and The fruition of Independence and during struggles for Hill State by democracy h»s not taken place to an interviews, by memoranda etc. The appreciable extent in those hill areas reticence of the Central Government and social suppression and economicand the Assam Government has stagnation are still unbridled and created a considerable frustration and rampant in these remote parts of thedespair amongst the said border peo­ country. The closed and separatistple, and is also responsible for crea­ policy of the British Government is tion of complication and unpleasant still holding the fort in these hill repercussion. areas. If the democratic Government of independent India does not give W hen the people started holding a special and sincere care, the stagna­meetings and resorting to peaceful, tion, suppression and injustice will notdemonstration fo voice, their demand move out of these areas and the gap and to register their protests against will remain as wide or even wider the backdoor attempts of the Assam between the scheduled and the non­ Government to impose Assamese scheduled. The no-progress or littlelanguage upon them, the Goalpara progress state is due mainly tosub-divisional authorities... improper and partial implementation of measures so far undertaken by the M R . C H A IR M A N : Please co­ Government, lack of sense of import­operate. How long will you take for ance and urgency, inadequate * provi­ reading all that? sion of funds and want of zeal.

MR. C H A IR M A N : Are you going to SHRI K. MARAK: Two 01 three read the whole thing? You make the minutes only. points. Otherwise, your time will be up. MR. CHAIRMAN1: How many more pages have you? SHRI K. MARAK; The demand of the Garos living in the contiguous SHRI K . M A R A K ; One more page border areas of Goalpara and KamrupOnly. districts of Assam for inclusion of 360 Garo villages in Garo Hills district of M R . C H A IR M A N : No. no. You Meghalaya should be treated as a make the points and conclude. You national problem and should be can lay the page on the Table, Now , approached from the humanitarian Mr. Jamilurrahman. 403 a .G ., 1974-75 A P R IL 29. 1974 D.G., 1974-75

SHRI K. MARAK: o k a i f * r f t * * $ f t wrong decision of suppressing the movement under false accusation and i t r t f * ( t 1 1 v s m f t ara& rcfV f t uncalled for provacation and started a wanton show of force, which was srft *^trt f *n& f t * f t , not justified at all under the circums­ tances. faiT i, m ft* ’TrfvRrpr % M R CHAIRMAN: Another Member wiTfi vr^^*nn:tft|taT^t«»T i is to speak. Please conclude. Thank S*rnft v f i x % m *r ^ $ %sn?nfif you very much. ^ ^

«it fa 5T?rf %ws %mt m x njv tk ^ 3§?r fft% 3T*TT ^ ^TftR ^FT ^ErCV g?Sf» *rtr & faftrcjY ft f&mzx ft % fRT^ % 9 after, »a m crtr t ^ lO r f t fwtijt ft m $ » v sft ^ vr ^rt ^ qr ^ f, t A ^ t o g f \ x wxm | f t x «r i t ^ fa fcRTft *TPT $ f t «ft ^ f t ?rra ^ i ?nf?rv t * * m r |f | i vr *r *t «rf $ i v x t| ^r fa f A ; % ^»mr ^ i ^fa w forafc f t finfrnfai ( « n w ^ ) f *u fo *n ft | f\x m f t fatft ?iVc vx

nff fain ^rr 11 aw w- i^rr r far ai>*«f t 4 5% ?}>r 3f?T gft" *F WFfcT fT*^ftS ? ft * ^RTfr ^ ^5t m rnr *fit *r?rrf ^r fail w v w , tn€f * forr ft * f T*1 ^ ^ 33T*r tt ^r#r ^ ^ru »tk t o ercf *t *pt| w r c *%t \ « f t v x ^5*F ^ STP1 $ r f F T w v t m A w r ^ c T l t ? uf?R>iY 5®nr *§t % i t W ^ ?pt ^JRTjfWX 7t ^ , UT8rf*r # f e i l T O T f w ^ r ^ r f*TJT% m ^^TFSTcT ^5TT 7% ^ I t • 435 D G , 1874-75 VAISAKHA 9, (SAKA)1896 D.G., 1974.75 4od

?r ^ sfftY $sft I ^ ^ T T t 1 *j^ sfftr t fa f»T fjR pA- f^ranrar # snro't far * fa? fcfT fa 7T?7 spt ®F*ft, ^ R f r srter sft ^Rq» ^ if? f % sfft fww % *r*r qr; fa&- jftyreggg^yMqi q «Pt *rcrar qjqrc ft* ^ ^ # ^?rrr 1 f m w € t ^^Fnrpft vr 3f f r r %*t w f 1 3 * ^FfV | fa * * * > farft ?n:f Ir f a r m sfttft ^ % f® *ft»r ?nfr <*r *mr 31W I ^TPT ,f^itr»T W ^tvFT apT % ^ fa ’T ifhjer | ftr?^ ^nm rt ^r afar ^ f ® fo^»nrCt 'Rrtnr r«p %xrrr W f r q r % , *rV gT*r * r u s r fjpr (irfr ^c t qrr j f i f , ffSSR sfk i|*T*PTrc *far ^r *tptt % in^rw »prcrs vr ^1 t *»f *rar t «ft*ft % sfta 1 ^ qit^r ?pt i 1 fa r % - vtf «rni ?nn: ^Br^"t< ^ ^t ^ret ?fk ?R frpT W fw f 5f^T ^tt t 1 m q^sr c fr ^ q r ^ ft i r t f r ^r $*r f’Tf'T^ vr5 ^ n ^ t ^ e t t t k ^ f T % 3n = m r r w r 1 ^ r : grnr | 1973 ^ 5r ^r qacr? $ 1, ?ftr *[fa fairp- vr ^ f^ fr o T ijBW- ^vt ifx «pt ^Rf?t *rt, faffpflf 4 r< *\ ^ ^ r % ^ n : q r ^ % ^ f t w r r m r %ftr it S * W V T W I sn?T^ fsnfTT*T- «nro tj^o q^ro fNmNt qfw^ .407 D'G •# 1974-75 A P R IL i9. 1974 D G ., 1974-75468

,*m?wrf 11 ^rr g fa? im fwcr^f 5f T^TW srxffnpT qf, ^ r % ^ wrrfW

^ forf t r o re srrnwtft % ^ w t q w m w n ^ (^f«rrsT»rr) : iftx *rn? ^r forte ^ faur1 ^ n rfH Tnsr*ft ’T’Tsr ’TsnqfT 5* fafa^'t % f* »T3r srnft wft T^T I WVT T * ?T% % fa*r ste v«*r t o w t o ?tIt »t 1 % =sfrf??Ti f> f i ' r^{4 3pr -r T

tranffl wgtai sra *n ^ f tt , TP?t f*5 TSTr rT 1 «rf^p jfi y^T'ft i *pi»j^ ^ m r ^ t*t ’■it ? m taT t o i m«r ?ftr sfr y rwH> ftrfiffsr «T?w v* *m 5.30 t 7" •Tffr ^5fT^«rr eft #*r v t ^ 1 ^ »n t Tf^PT g't, sf^o tTTfo ^ n r ^n r r1 *ts£ i^ n ^r«r#t fc, q^o |t, ?rto ?rrTo«fro 5V, ^ r f ^ wr* i f a m ii, Yjifr^T fsqrTtrrs «TT

*$ **1 apftaTsm* m ?rm, *rre w r q p f f ^ *ft r o f a f ^ r *rr^r ^ itp ’o ^ o rr*r© ^?r ?r«r1 ^rm ^ fFmrft w ^w -i ft WRfTd 5f fcsrr | t f k ’tstctct srk TfT t, ^rf^T ^fFHTRt > ^ft^T5ft ■ftr^ir * « r t1 fa r **ff *$t jftriTVT^ ^ ?>ft *prc?r ** *r t o t t o t , u? f arn^r I 4


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4jr« ^5^ ^ c-I i£U - <£ ^ ui5 r V J ))’ uSL* ^ a . <* UjS ^Uf V 7 J3 H i.)5 H^;*5 'jH y c ^ «X« *, fJti ^ ^1 V — ^ 4^ i y&ijh 4tL)^>A*,»■»».!.« L_Sj ^ jlZi> ^J) - A, ^ S x *3 " £ ^ £ S*H a>l,fc* ^ ^ »jl^ jJ ^ yjU »r—*1*- cjJ «-s~* O** <-►*■* ~ *£~ y* - u?*" »’ V» *'~ - ^ c5« yS J>IL ) * *J •*’)<£) ^ y V IIvr ,>f - ^ tnr *JU 1_j5t'^* \j** J ) 45^ ^ 'Ck- ^ u

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)>! *** j^-V* • 4hm U fi 415 1074-75 APRIL 20, 1974 D.G., 1974-75 416*

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•j*8* ’ ,j * ^ >* «■* » f ^ [ .y t * l**'* <*. <£_)i3a» l_£.U -U*jL*. U a ^ SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO (Mahendragarh) : Mr, Chairman, Sir, m*j•*! “ u^*1?’ “)' ** <=§ u5>3>^ ^£ the Home Minister carries a very important charge, and someof the ^Jki ^ t* ^ t - ^ moie important responsibilities which ho has to du^haige are maintenance > d " u>* W * * of internal pecuritv, law and order, (‘indication ol corruption, national c / " lj-v *■>’ '~*re d - J ^ integration, election- and leoigamsa- (X ^ j$** fo r ***> tion of SUte? In some of these m.ittnn, I btl.c\o, the achievements - 1£nJj j ^ jJ of the Homo Ministry aro not very creditable 1 will mention onlv i few - J'-i 3^ J * of them

V* \Jli *W*~ In the matUr of national integra­ tion, it is necossi*i\ that there should u*^ -<* **j J t ± i* r( bo a uniform uvii code as provided for in the Constitution. But, unfortu­ - J L * ^ y . >jf 6 ,j*a nately, aititle 44 of the Constitution has been completely ignored by Gov­ , >'«.» A n » * ^ y A ernment It is also necessary for purposes of national integration that there should be a link language for ** L-k'k ))f ))5) ^ the country and that the official >^1 )jf fj— .s-da*. ^ cw bu. language which is Hindi s”hould be progressively introduced and should *» ^< *H 3 ^ ’U be treated as the national language. Articles 343 and 344 provide for the “A * ^ ^ki *> >5 ^ j* /j- appointment of a Commission and a 4 *7 D G ‘>19 74-75 VAISAKHA 9. 1896 (SAKA) D.G., 1974-75418

Committee of Parliament, but I do 1 would suggest that Hindi should no* think that anything tangible has be made compulsory to be learnt in been done. all States of the South as a secondary language and one language from the Very strange things are happeningSouth must be learnt in all the schools in ther country and yet, the Home in the northern States as a secondary Ministry has not been able to put itslanguage so .that the nation may soon foot strongly down to stop this. In integrate (Interruptions) The Eas­ Tamil Nadu we have recently seen tern States also should do the same.... that a resolution was passed by the Assembly, unanimously, that States M R C H A IR M A N ; Your time is should have autonomy. It is not a over. question of autonomy, jt is a step towards demanding of secession, and SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: what is worse, in Tamil Nadu there No, Sir I have not even started. i«s so much allergy to Hindi... (Inter­ ruptions) What are you laughing? The other point that I want to make They are giving pensions to people was about the question of the Prime who took part in the Anti-Hindi Minister's award on Chandigarh. You agitations. Is this the way of run­kindly bear with me for 2 or 3 minutes.. ning a government in the Union of India? M R. C H A IR M A N : I think this is the And yet, the Home Ministry which last point you have to make. is responsible for making Hindi as the official language is keeping silence.... SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: (Interruptions) It will soon be, if the Then, one or two more. Government takes proper steps...... Four years have elapsed since the SHRI B P. ULAGANAMBI: You Prime Minister’s award was announc­ please ask my friend togo through ed. Chandigarh, under that award, is the Constitution. Hindi is not at all to go to Punjab next year. Haryana a national language. It is only an has no capital yet and the transfer of official language. Fazilka and Abohar which are Hindi­ speaking areas is linked up with the Commission which is to be set up to go SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: It into other boundary disputes. More is the official language of the country. than four years have Passed but no Commission, has been established. W e SHRI R. P U L A G A N A M B I; Please have seen the fete of Mahajan Com- go through the Constitution before missoion. There has been no imple­ speaking. % j mentation of its recommendation so far W e also know what was the fate SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: of the Shah Commission Report. So Other languages are only the regional my request___ languages Hindi is the official language and the national language A N H O N . M E M B E R ; Also on Nar­ of the country. The official language mada project only is the national language of the country... SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: So, m y request is: the question of A N H O N . M E M B E R ; All languages Fazilka and Abohar should not be are national languages, linked with the setting up of the Commission for other boundary dis­ SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO: putes. and for transfer at the time Call it official language or any of implementation of the recommen­ language you like. dations of that Commission. W e do «55 LS— 15. ^19 D .G ., 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75420

[Shri Virender SinghRao] f % «fWt fftr fafjgtf % not know when the Commission will «vrr «pt wnw «iU G r o wvdx | w nffc be set up and when its recommenda­ tions will be implemented. Therefore, * ifcft * *ft w t i t f 1 * t f r I suggest that if Chandigarh should go | f a f * * U N tit i*f t o * t T O f%WT | to Punjab, then Fazilka and Abohar simultaneously should go to Haryana. i f t r T O T T til v * froT t fcfa* At least they should both be turned f *

f c ? r m r ^ t% i *^ncf 5t o f m n f a r ^wftff ^ i t o t « m 421 D.G., 1874-75 VAISAKHA 9, 1896SAKA ) ( D .G ., 1974-75422

*rortr f fa ytrtfc % $? *$r ^H?brt ?w t fararf sft qr $*r sfWf q r ITW.faT t $ 1 m ^ r w fa j 1 1 ^ «nR ^rrft m t unr ? t W f m t tit to p wrrr ^ fa^T ?ft t%w|iw%iT^t*rc«nT

V f «IT I ^ T O 1 ^r w n r ffarr 'arrff?, ^carmr ^r ^tpt5^^JpSRFt# «R^rI ^rt qr % » * w f a ^ «ranr ^fa^Tf® 5fr»T*GT^titfss*n*r«pr ^ra* s^- «i!^r S w ffar % ^ T T 5J W SR T ^ I f * R T i n f r *&£m m m x % snrr j w Jjfi*FHT?r. ?ifrar «Pt ?ns^t ?Rpf ^W t 1 w ar 1 ^ 5® f ® y R w n p t «mpft 1 ^ r t o sf^r cit ?rra^ «p?r ^ 3H=^ vrvfh : *r 3pH ^ «rrfar^q$»[faF*rt 1 *sr%*rc SJTPT^^TiTfaPinf ^WW% W ^ ft *FffT fTTT ^ ,n h 5 W R V*fh?H PH*»«n f w r ffw t ^ ^fT 1 1 ^ nrV ?rPs^ ^JTT^rfcrrfa^; *»^wycw w *n ssNrt ^ *f^ t,% fa^ 3r w r f r n r f h : far ^ ?nre.*«r sr^f^ftr xnr^r ^ w

^ T $ | *rf*FT srr^r ft 3Rif »rt | ? ^ ^nt ^rf 1 1

ifr ^ t fa? ^ 1978 srv ^rr $t*n *f ^ r r g far itpt v* *n fr wreff to » %f*FT v r d w *r «Ft$ *fr q’T fansrefr snr^-s*tft ^ ^ r % ^ft cRv^tmRft v n rt ^ P t fm % % # 1 fa ? ^nmr% h^pt, t(v w fh r *r^f vt^tw sm ^ srrft fvrtt *r ^ far utt ^r us*fii3r % faiq fara% ^ r m x^r^fqixl ^iftnfl ^r?Rr m iw* i $ r 1 * r a r t far ^ r fir t o M R. C H A IR M A N : Mr. Satyanara- «rt tit* *tz$ 1 yana Rao, you may ask questions at ffl^T 1 * ^ crr g far «nw f the end. I shall allow you to do that. SHRI M. SATYANARAYANA RAO «f»5 afar sr?*pf^t £% ^ (Kanmnagar): Sir, you are doing a *rawT =rrf^1 greatest injustice to me.

*Thc speaker not having subsequently accorded the necessary permission, ihe docun.ents were not treated as hid on th; table. .23 D .G ., 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974D.G., 1974-75 424

MR. CHAIRMAN; Where is the That is all what I want to spy, „ time?

SHRI M. SATyAffAHAYANA RAO: THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS 1 must .be given time. Otherwise 1 (SHRI UMA SHANKAR DtttgHltf): won’t allow the Minister to speak. Last year, ai this time, when I came M R . C H A IR M A N : You go ahead. to this House and requested for the passing of the grants under the con­ SHRI M. SATYANARAYANA RAO: trol of my Ministry, the problem up­ I want only two minutes and I shall permost in our minds «nd toefore the finish ‘my speech in two minutes' time. country was that of Andhra Pradesh, and the six-point formula had been M R . C H A IR M A N ; Sir, when there formulated. Thereafter, the consti­ is agitation then only the Government tutional amendment Act was passed- wakes up. You know what has hap­ It was necessary that the majority pened to Telengana-Andhra. of the States should pass resolutions ratifying it. The House will be glad I am very happy that the Home to know that recently, the majority of Minister was successful in formulat­the States have ratified it by resolu­ ing the Six-Point formula. W e were tions. In the meantime, the Ministry also to some extent satisfied. So far of Education has gone into the subject as I am concerned, I am not satisfied. of planning the Central University at But, at the same time, I may tell you Hyderabad and all the necessary for­ that we will not create a problem for malities have since been completed. you. The fact of the ratification has been W e wanted a Central University conveyed to the President of India for this region. You know the pro­and I am glad to announce that within blems of these people. Telengana is a short time, the decision to setup the the most backwardregion. This Gov­ Central university at Hyderabad will ernment promised to give us at leastbe taken up. Rs. 400 to 500 crores Only recently when the Prime Minister came to our I would also ilke to take this op­ region, the people were anxiously portunity to assure the hon. Member expecting from her that she would who spoke last and the House that make an announcement about this. we bland by the six-point formula Unfortunately she has not made any and there is no question of our going mention about it. W hen she was back on it. As for the figures, I need asked by a responsible member of the not go into the kind of figures that Congress, she said that she will do the needful if the situation demands. he has mentioned. I had spoken m I want to tell the hon. Minister that this House, Mr. Pant also had spoken if this is the kind of atiitude that he here and in the other House, and we takes, he will again see the agitation. hove committed ourselves. I do not want to go into the details of all the You may be under the impression commitments that we had made. But that people are satisfied now and no I would only any that all the commit­ agitation will come about. But, I ment-? that we had made would be would like to warn you that although earned out subject to any legal for­ the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradeshmalities or other procedural difficulties is making his own efforts to see thatthat might cause delay, but the delay there is a stable Government in also will not be allowed sft far as it Andhra Pradesh and that develop­ lies m our power to prevent it. mental activity takes place there, that is not the case there. I request the Government that the agitation that Today, the central fact or the his­ was witnessed by us should not betorical fact of the situation is the repeated again. law and order situation. It is true 4 * 5 D G " V A l S A k H A 1#, lm {SAKA) D.G., lV74.7S 42 6 ih»t it arose out of, And it hag still 13 trying to appropriate to himself the i&i^h ttf'ty with,, th8 condition of power*, of ft dictator and so on. What shortages of commodities and highkind of allegation is this? prices and prices which are suli rising. <3tevern*nentof India and the SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU- Where Gdvetttane*its of the States have been have I saiii^it? endeavouring to their utmost capacity to tackle these problems. Along with SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: this problem, so far as *ny Ministry Does he expect the bead of an armed is concerned, it is also essential that police organisation not to make him­ law and order must be maintained self responsible f o r .... m the country.

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Thai One unfortunate development that is not correct. has taken place recently is that de­ liberate attempts have been made to divert the attention of the Govern­ SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: ment of India from solving these That is the first sentence. About other problems and to aggravate the law persons he has said other things. and order situation. You would have seen, Sir, that in State after State, N ow he has to ensure and enforce discipline among the Force, to com­ instead of-- mand respect from them___ SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU; Aggra­ SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: On a vated by whom? point of order. I have got a copy of the letter-- SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: By Opposition parties, and particular­ ly parties like the one headed by Shri SEVERAL ’HON. MEMBERS: No, Jyotirmoy Bosu. Every time there isno. a discussion m this House, Shri Jyoti­ rmoy Bosu revels in a kind of phras­ SHR I J Y O T IR M O Y B O SU : No lying eology and in a kind of condemnatory on the floor of the House. Iha/e got personal and other attacks, assessina-a copy of the letter here. The hon. tion of character and other kinds of Minister has chosen to misleadthe methods designed to demoralise theHouse. I have written in the letter: forces which have to keep law and order in the country. “Under rule 353, I hereby give no ice that during the Home Minis­ try’s grant debate I shall be men­ Today also he has mentioned cer­ tioning the following names: Shri tain high officers and other officers Rustoraji, Director Geheral . . . who have very high reputation and Against these persons there are whose integrity has never been doubt­ charges of misuse of funds, corrup­ ed. He had written a letter to me and tion and malpractice on various m ihat letter which he sent to the counts . ” Speaker and through the Speaker to m e .. . SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: No, Sir H e is misleading the House. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BQSU: Four days ago. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Here is SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHTT a copy of the letter. Let the Secre­ In that he mentions the name of the tariat provide the original. It is dated Director-General, and he says that he24-4-74 0X7* 1974-75 APRIL *9. 19*4 D.G* 1974-70 43*

SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: SHRI JYOTIRMOY 908(7; You He If misleadin*the abuse. The A** should hav* seen it long ago. This portion which applies t» B u s t**# doeswas tfven to the Secretariat lour days not refer to that. So far as the otherago. officers are concerned... SHRI UMA SHANKAIC DHCSHIT: I read the copy where in the first pro. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Do ntt tion this was so. If that Is not so, I mislead the House. stand corrected. SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: MR. JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Ah...... You read it. 17.4ft tor*

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU; Let the [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] hon. Chairman read it for the benefit SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: of the House. The great House Minis­The important test is ... ter is in the habit of doing this. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: It is SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: not clear. W ho told the lie before the Author important fact... House? That is the point before the House. I had written to the hon. Speaker a letter which says.. . . (In­ SH R I J Y O T IR M O Y B O S U : I ask terruptions). What is happening in you to read that letter. this House? The hon. Home Minister tells certain things which are absolu­ SHRI PILOO MODY: Who is the tely (Interruptions). Sharam■. • liar? SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: Let him not use unparliamentary SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: language. He is vitiating the entire What are you? atmosphere Interruptions ( ). The im­ portant point about this complaint is MR. CHAIRMAN: When the Minis­ that two letters were received, one ter is speaking, I do not want anyone in March and the other in April. Both to disturb him in between-- were anonymous. Normally in the Home Ministry, we do not take, notice SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU; Kindly of such complaints .. (Interruptions). read the letter. M R . S P E A K E R : No interruptions please. MR. C H A IR M A N :. If there is any issue you want to raise, I will allow SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: On a it after the speech is over. Otherwise,point of order. w e will be eating into the time. There­ SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: fore, you must co-operate. WhateverBoth were anonymous. points you have to raise, I will fully listen to you after the speech is over. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: On a Will ‘ you kindly co-operate? In the point of order. meantime, I will read your letter. M R. S P E A K E R ; No point of order. S H R I J Y O T IR M O Y B O S U : Please SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: You read it___ O n a point of order. have allowed many ‘poi’nts of order.

M R C H A IR M A N : In the meantime, MR. SPEAKER: No. I will read it first. Then I will read S H R I N O O R U L H U D A : You are it to the House. First I must read itquoting from Shri Jyotirmoy B utfs myself before I read it to the House.letter. 439 »»-» VAMAKHA 0, ISM (SAKA) OX?., 1974-75 43o

SHRI UMA SHANKAR DfUUKT: and a direction which will destroy No, I « n no* quoting from his letter. all that constitute the norms and traditions of parliamentary democra. W e have received two tetters about cy. One would not have been sur­ the BSP, one in March and the other prised if such efforts were instigated in April. Both are anonymous. only by those who do not really have Any faith in democracy. A matter SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: To of far more serious implication is come out with untruth every day— that even those who profess faith in it is a trial of our patience (Interrup­parliamentary democracy have also tion*). taken a prominent part in these effor­ ts to undermine the democratic lif? SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: in the country. In these circumstanc­ There are two communications es, it becomes the unpleasant . .d unavoidable duty of Government to deal firmly according to the l&w with SHRI JYOTIRMOY B03U' On a the law and order situation whose point of order logical outcome can only be to over­ whelm democracy and destroy our M R SPEAKER* You have raised Constitution __ some points. You expect them to leply At the same time, you have SHRI PILOO MODY Whom is he no patience to listen referring toAlnterruptions) The first was an anonymous letter, then, it is an anonymous charge SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU He ab­ used me M R S P E A K E R No interruption^ please , SHRI UMA SHANKAP DIKSHIT No. SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT Even while the country is faced with SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU On a difficult economic problems, attempt*, point of order are often made and threats are being given to aggravate th ese problems The tasks of the different State Gov­ MR SPEAKER No please. These points of order are just meant forernments are not going tob e easy interrupting during the coming months I would request the House to extend its moral support to the States in dealing firmly SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU The with these tnoblems so that democia- hon Minister has said that I have cy and our Constitution are nat im­ described the Director General, BSF,perilled (Interruptions) as a big dictator and all that. I have not written any such thing in my let­ SH R I S A M A R G U H A * Moral sup­ ter which I have addressed to you port to immoral politicians ' on 24th April I had said- Under rule 358, I hereby give notice SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: Reference was made to our relations M R. S P E A K E R . I am not allow­ with the Government of Nftgaland and ing this. I am really very sorry thatthe overall situation in the acr%» to is interrupting Him. eastern region. More than one boa. Member referred to this subject The House will recall that I had statedId SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: no uncertain terms that certain d e ­ Efforts are being made to give the ments in the country bad east ^ Jaw and order aspects a dimension even before the elections were held on 431 D .G ., 1974-75 A P R IL 29,l M D.G ., 1974-75 432

[Shri Um a Shankar BikshitJ SHRI 6. «. BANEBJIS: What the character of the elections in Naga­ about -the rape? (Interruptions) land, whether t|»f*y iyiU’ be free and fair. This counter has anen viable S H R I UUA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: Wherever there is any wrong commit­ reputation for strict adherence to the ted by any officer, all such cases are best traditions of democratic Ufa If being examined. In the particular case any example was needed—let Mr. Piloo Mody note this—the elections in referred to by the hon. Member, the persons cdhcemed are under arrest. Nagaland would be one such. I do Enquiries are being made, and the not have the time to go into this as­ pect in greater detail, but after the law will take its own course. elections, the U D F formed a govern­ There will be no variation allowed in the situation. ment in Nagaland. It was an Oppo­ sition party and it had got two more votes; there were 12 Independents of The whole question is this. Some­ which seven joined them. thing happens in a large organisation which is spread in various parts of the country. You cannot prevent SHRI JYOTIRMOY. BOSU: Why everything in advance. But the im­ did you not broadcast them over the portant thing is that the Government All India Radio? does respond to situations quickly and takes strong and suitable action. SHRI UMA SHANKAR DEKSH1T: Well, broadcasting is something that Reference was made by Shri will cause unnecessary envy and jea­Jyotirmoy Bosu to the notice of lousy on your part, and I want to avoid Railway strike. W e are still engaged all that sort of thing. Now , after the in a sincere and earnest effort to elections, the U D F has formed the avert the strike. Negotiations are go­ Government in Nagaland. The Mani­ ing on and I do hope that wiser pur People's Party also formed a coa­councils would prevail and the strike lition government in Manipur. We may not take place. But all the same wish them well, and like any other if our efforts do not bear fruit it must government in a State, they can be be understood that this House and the assured of our full support and co­country would expect the Government operation. to maintain a minimum level of essen­ tial traffic.. (Interruptions). The non­ movement of foodgrains and other It is a matter of gratification that essential commodities will seriously the U D F Government in Nagaland jeopardise the economic life in diffe­ has reaffirmed its allegiance to the rent parts of the country. So the Constitution O n another occasion, I Government are determined to ensure had informed the House of the dis­ that the minimum level of traffic is cussions I have had with the Chief not disturbed. A ny attempt to inter­ Minister of Nagaland. W e and the fere with the maintenance of such es­ country as a whole would be only too sential minimum traffic will have to happy in extending our support to all he firmly dealt with under the law. well-conceived measures the Govern­It is precisely for such a situation that ment of Nagaland may take for the Parliament enacted the Mainte­ maintaining peace and order in that nance of Internal Security Act. The State, and for rapid development. use of M IS A in order to cnsure sei- Our efforts and our policy all alongvices essential for thie community can­ have only been in this direction, and not be objected to.. (Interruptions). there ’is no reason w hy any doubts should be entertained about our atti­ SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: On a point tude to the Government of Nagaland. of order. 433 D -G.> 1974-75 V A IS A K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 D .G ., 1974-75434

M$t. S P E A K E R : There Is »o point SHRI J Y O T IR M O Y ® O S U : I have of bitler. raised certain basic issues.

SHRI’ S. M. BANERJEE: Kindly MR. SPEAKER: Every minute, you hear me. Nothing is lost by hearing raise some issue and you interrupt me. the proceedings. This is pure inter­ ruption. ' MR. SPEAKER: Let him finish his speech, only a few minutes are left. 1 SHRI JY O T IR M O Y B O S U ; Sir. on am not going to listen to any point a ixunt of order. ol order now. (Interruptions) SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Are you going to guillotine at 6 P.M.? Will you Sir, on a point of order. stick to that schedule? M R. S P E A K E R ; No point of order. M R . S P E A K E R : I will have to. Not at all. You are deliberately W hy not? interrupting the proceedings. The point of order is meant only to inter­ SHRI S M. BANERJEE: The Law rupt the proceedings. I will not Minister is to make a statement atallow the point of order which is 6 P.M . I have seen it in the Notice purely meant to interrupt the pro­ Board. ceedings. Everytime, you get up and interrupt the proceedings. I am not MR. SPEAKER: It is after that... going to allow it (Interruptions). (Interruptions)

SH R I S. M . B A N E R JEE : If they SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: are serious in negotiations, w hy theySir, from West Bengal one of the hon. have issued this letter on 7th April.Members said that a Bill had been They are arresting the Railway em­ sent to the Centre by the West Bengal ployees and the leaders of the unions Government dealing with prevention under the Defence of India Rules and of adulteration m food and drugs and M ISA. Do they want to settle the he complained that no action has been matter? taken. I may inform the House that President’s assent to the Bill was SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: We given and it was communicated to want to know whether a letter was the West Bengal Government some issued or not. time ago. Probably, this gentlemen did not know it I hope he will be M R. S P E A K E R : I will not take satisfied that this was done. notice of any interruptions in the pro­ ceedings. May I appeal to the Oppo­ Sir, several Members referred to sition not to use such tactics. Every- the welfare measures taken to help time, you do it the backward classes and there was also mention about the pre-matric SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: and post-metric scholarships. I will reply to all these questions, if the gentlemen on the other side, do MR. SPEAKER: You have only half not disturb me. a minute left.

M R . S P E A K E R ; Only one man is SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: holding us to ransom. All of us areWith these words. I am glad to com- so helpless Either we go to the mend the Demands to the unanimous extreme or he accepts our advice. acceptance of the House. D,G., 1974-75 APRIL 2ft 1974 D .G ., 1 M 4 9 436

M S , S P E A K E R : W e w ill now take MR,, SPEAKER:: Thep, 1 pot Cut up fee Cut Motion* Noa. 1 to IS, 27, Motions Nos.9i to 19 moved by$Bxri 28, SO to 41 Mid 45 to 47 moved byR V. Bade to the vote of the Bouse. Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu. Cut motions Nos. 99 73to were put and negatived, 1 8 .* k » . MR. SPEAKER: Now. I put the SHRI JYOTIRMO.Y BOSU: I want Demands relating to the Ministry of m y cut motion No 7 to be put separa­ Home Affairs to the vote of the House. tely. The question is: M R S P E A K E R * The Question is ‘That the respective sums not That the Demand under the exceeding the amounts on Revenue Head ‘Ministry of Home Affairs’ be Account and Capital Account shown reduced to Re. 1 ” in the fourth column of the Order Paper be granted to the President [Bugging of the offices and residences to complete the sums necessary to of the leaders of Congress-opposed defray the charges that will come political parties (7)] m course of payment during the vear ending the 31st day of March, SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU We 1975, in respect of the heads of want division demands entered m the second column thereof against Fernands MR SPEAKER All right Let the Nos 45 to 56 relating to the Minis- lobbies be cleared N ow the lobbies tiy of Home Affairs” are cleared The question is The motion was adopted “That the Demand under the Head Ministry of Home Affairs’ be re­ M R S P E A K E R Now, I put all the duced to Re 1 ” other outstanding Demands fBugging of the offices and recidence>? SH R I S M B A N E R J E E Sir, I rise ft the leaders of Congres't-oppowd ( n a point of order political parties (7)] M y apprehension was correct The motion was negatived M R S P E A K E R : N o point of ordei M R S P E A K E R I will now put cut at the time of Guillotine It is all motion Nos 8 to 15, 27, 28 30 toguillotined* 41 and 45 to 47 moved by Shri Jyotir­ moy Bosu to the vote of the House The question is

The aboie cut motions weie put and That the lespective sums not negatived exceeding the amounts on Revenue Account and Capital Account shown M R S P E A K E R I now put Cut in the fourth column of the Order Motion No 26 moved by Shrx Frank Paper be granted to the President Anthony to the vote of the House to complete the sums necessary to defray the charges that will come Cut motion No 26was put and nega­ in course of payment during the tived. year ending the 31st day of March, 1975. in respect of the heads of M R . SPEAKER- I put cut motion*; demands entered in the second Nos 48 to 55 in the name of Shri column thereof against*— Dasaratha Deb to vote. (1) Demands Nos. 13 to 17 relat­ Cut motion* Nos 48to 55were put ing to the Ministry of 6bm- end negatived. municatiora; 437 1^74-75 V A I S A K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) D.G., 1974-75438

(2) Demand No. 27 relating to (19) Demand No. 106 relating to the Ministry of External A f­ the Secretariat of the Vice-Presi­ fairs; dent.”

(8) Demands Nos. 28 to 39 relat­ The motion was adopted. ing to the Ministry pf Fin­ ance; [The motions for Demands for Grantw, which were adopted by the Lok Sabha (4) Demands Nos. 40 to 42 relat­ are reproduced below— Ed] ing: to the Ministry of Health and Family Planning; Demand No. 13—Afinistry of Com­ munications (5) Demands Nos. 43 and 44 relat­ ing to the Ministry of Heavy “That a sum not exceeding Rs. Industry; 66.77.000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs. 2,29,17,000on (6) Demands Nos. 63 to 65 relat­Capital Account to be granted to ing to the Ministry of Irriga­ the President to complete the sum tion and Power; necessary to defray the charges which will come in course of pay­ (7) Demands Nos. 66 and 67 relat­ ment during the year ending the ing to the Ministry of Labour; 31st day of March, 1975, in respect of (8) Demands Nos. 71 to 73 relat­‘Ministry of Communications’ ” ing to the Ministry of Plan­ ifetaAND No. 14—Overseas Communi­ ning; cations Service (9) Demands Nos. 74 to 77 relat­ ‘•That a sum not exceeding Rs ing to the Ministry of Ship­ on Revenue Account and ping and Transport; not exceeding Rs. 3,16,67,000 on (10) Demands Nos. 81 to 83 relat­Capital Account to be granted to ing to the Ministry of Supply the President to complete the sum and Rehabilitation; necessary to defray the charge*? which will come in course of pay­ (11) Demands Nos. 84 to 87 relat­ment during the year ending the ing to the Ministry of Tourism and 31st March, 1975, in respect of Civil Aviation; ‘Overseas Communications Service’.”

(12) Demands Nos. 88 to 92 relat­D e m a n d No. 15— Costs and Teleffra- ing to the Ministry of Works and phs-'Working Expenses Housing; “That a sum not exceeding Rs. (13) Demands Nos. 93 to 95 relat­312.21.67.000 on Revenue Account ing to the Department of Atomic be granted to the President to Energy; complete the sum necessary to de­ fray the charges which will come (14) Demand No. 98 relating to in course of payment during the the Department of Electronics; year ending the 31st day of March, (15) Demand No. 102 relating to1975, in respect ot •Poets and Tele­ the Department of Space; graphs— Working Expenses.”. (16) Dmeand No. 103 relating D toemand No. v6—Posts and Telegraphs Sabha; —Dividend to General Revenues Ap­ propriations to Reserve Funds and Re­ (17) Demand No. 104 relating payment to of Loans from General Re­ Bajya Sabha; venues

(18) Demand No. 105 relating to “That a sum not exceeding Rs. the Department of Parliamentary on Revenue Account AflUfs; aftd be granted to the President to 45 9 D.G., 1074-75 * A P R IL 29/1*974D.ti., ' 1074-75

(Mr. Speaker; Dem an d No. 30— Union fearcisc Duties i complete the sum necessary to de­ “That a sum not exceeding Rs. fray the charges which will come on Revenue Account in eourse of payment during tht* be granted to the President to yemr tnding the 31st day of March, complete the sum necessary to de­ 1075. in respect of ‘Posts and Tele-fray the charges which will come graphs- Dividend to General Reve­ in course -of payment during the nues Funds and Repayment of Loans, year ending the 31st day of Marrh, from General Revenues’.” 1975, in respect of ‘Union Excise D e m a n d No. 17— Capital Outlay on Duties’.” Posts and Telegraphs

D e m a n d No. 31— Taxes on Income, “That a sum not exceeding Rs. Estate Duty. Wealth Tax and Gift on Capital Account Tax be granted to the Presidentto complete the sum necessary to de­ “That a sum not exceeding Rs. fray the charges which will come on Revenue Account in course of payment during the be granted to the Presidentto year ending the 31&t day of Mjrch, complete the sum necessary to de­ 1975, in respect of ‘Capital Outlayfray the charges which will come on Posts and Telegraphs*." in course of payment during the year ending the 31st riav of M n n h , D e m a n d N o. 27— Ministry of External 1975, in respect of ‘Taxes on In­ Affairs come, Estate Duty, Wealth Tax and “That a sum not exceeding Ra Gift Tax*.” , €2,63,06,000 on Revenue Acount and not exceeding Rs 26,00,00,000 D em an d No. 32— Stamps on Captial Account be granted “That a sum not exceeding R* td the President to complete the 5,18 74,000 on Revenue Account and sum necessary to defray the not exceeding Rs. 59,80,000 on charges which will come in Capital Account to be granted to course of payment during the the President to complete the cum y*ar ending the 31st day of necessary to defray the charge^ 1975, in respect of ‘Ministry of E x ­ which will come in course of pay­ ternal Affairs’.” ment during the year ending the D e m a n d N o . 28— Ministry of Finance 31st day of March, 1975, in respect “That a sum not exceeding Rs of ‘stamps’.” on Revenue Account

be granted to the President to ’ D e m a n 4 No. 33— Audit complete the sum necessary to de­ fray the charges which will come “That a sum not exceeding m course of payment during the on Revenue Account year ending the 31st day of M m ch. be granted to the President to 1975, in respect of ‘Ministry of Fi-complete the sum necessary to de­ nance’.” fray the charges which will come in course of payment during th» D e m a n d No. 29— Customs year ending the 31st day of Mai-’h “That a sum not exceeding Rs 1975, in respect of ‘Audit*/’ 14,71,16jp00 on Revenue Account be granted to the President to D e m a n d No 34—Currency, Coinage r omplete the sum necessary to de­ and Mint fray the charges which will come m course of paym ent during th*» “That a sum not . exceeding ]Rs year ending the 31st day of Mtrch on Revenu*, Aceount and 1975 in respect of ‘Customs’.” not exceeding Rs. 14,11,08,000 on 44* D.G., 1974-75 VAISAKHA 9, (SAKA)1896 D.G., 1974-75442

Captial Account be gi anted to ment during the year the the President to complete the sum 31st day of March, 1975, in respect of accessary to defray the charges ‘other Expenditure of the Ministry which will come in course of pay­ of Finance’.” ment during the year ending the 31st dayof March, respect D e m a n d N o . 39—L o a n s to G o v e r n ­ of ‘Cuirency, Coinage and Mint’.” m e n t S e r v a n t s , etc

D e m a n d No. 35—P e n s i o n .- “That a sum not exceeding Rs. on Capital Account “That a sum not exceeding Rs. be granted to the President to on Revenue Accountcomplete the sum necessary to de- be pianted to the President to fia\ the charges which will come complete the sum necessary to de­ in course of payment during the fray the charges which will come je.u ending the 31st day of March, in co.’ise of payment during the 1975,m respect of ‘Loans to Gov­ yoar ending the 31st day of March, ernment Servants’.” 1975, in respect of ‘Pensions’,.” Dem and No. 40— Ministry of Health D e m a n d X o . 36— Op t i u m a n d A l k a l o id and Family Planning F a c t o r i e s “That a sum not exceeding Rs. “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 45.95.000 on Revenue Account on Revenue Account andbe granted to the President to nol exceeding Rs. 53,74,000 oncomplete the sum necessary to de­ Capita Account be granted to fray the charges which will come the President to complete the sum in course of payment during tli'1 necessary to defray the charges year ending the 31st day of March, whirh will come in course of pay­ 1975, in respect of ‘Ministry of ment during the year ending the Health and Family planning’.” 31st day of March, 1975, in respect ‘Opium and Alkaloid Factories’." Dim a n d N o 41—M e d ic a l a n d P u b l i c H la i t h Demand No. 37—T r a n s f e r to S tate anjj U\’ion T e r r it o r y GovrRNMENTS “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 41> .33,37,000 on Revenue Account and “That a sum not exceeding Rs. not exceeding Rs. 19,59,26,000 on on Revenue AccountCapital Account to be granted to be granted to the President to the Presidentto complete the sum complete the sum necessary to de­ necessary to defray the charges fray the charges which will come which will come in course of pay­ in course of payment during the ment during the year ending the \ear ending the 31st day of March, 31st day of March, 1975, in respect 1975, in respect of Transfers of to ‘Medical and Public Health’.” State and Union Territory Govern­ ments’.” D i m a n d No. 42—F a m i l y P h n m m . “That a sum not exceeding Rs. Demand No. 38— Other Expenditure cm Revenue Account and o f the Ministryof Finance not exceeding Rs. 16,67,000 on ‘That a sum not exceeding Rs. capital Account be granted to on Revenue Account andthe Presidentto complete the sum not exceeding Rs 204,72,75,000 necessary on to defray the charges Capital Account to be granted to which will c&me in course of pay­ the Presidentto complete the sum ment during the year ending the necessary to defray the charges 3lst day of March, 1975, in respect which will come in course of pay­ of ‘Family Planning’.” D ,G , 1974-75 A P R IL 29, 1974 D.G, 1974-75

[Mr Speaker] D e m a n d No 65—Power Schemes

D e m a n d N o 43—M in i s t r y o f H iaxy “That a sum not exceeding Rs lSDVbTRy 9,29,6?,000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs, 58,51,46,000 on ‘That a bum not exceeding Rs Capital Account be granted to 24.02.000 on Revenue Accountthe Presidentto complete the stun be granted to the Presidentto necessary to defray the charges complete the sum necessary to de­ which will come in course of pay­ fray the charges which will com** ment during the year ending the in corurse of payment during the 31st day of March, 1975, in respect year ending the 31st day of Match of ‘Power Schemes” * 1975, in respect of ‘Ministry of Heav^ Industry” ' D e m a n d No 66—M in is t r y or L ab o u r D fm and N o 44— Hl a v l In dustries ‘ That a sum not exceeding Rs 45,97,000 on Revenue Account That a sum not exceeding Rs. be granted to the President to on Revenue Account andcomplete the sum necessary to de­ not exceeding Rs 26,79,02 000 fray on the charges which will come Capital Account to be granted u m course of payment during tht the Presidentto complete tht sun \ear ending the 31st day oi March necessary to defray the thar^t s 1975, m respect of ‘Ministry of La­ which will come in course of pay­ bour’ ” ment during the year ending the 31st day of March, 1975, m lespect D e m a n d No 67—L a b o u r and E m i l o y - of ‘Heavy Industry* ” m e n t

D em a n d No 6J M in ist r y oi Ik r h * ‘That a sum not exceeding Rs TION AJiD P0Wi.R 24,52 09,000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs 1,68,78,000 on “That a sum not exceeding Rs Capital Account be granted to 3 78,05 000 on Re\ enue Account -mdthe President to complete the sum not exceeding Rs, 5,96,67,000 necessary on to defray the charges Capital Account to be granted to which will come m course of pay­ the President to complete the sum ment during the year ending the necessary to defray the oharges31st day of March, 1975, m respect which will come m course of pay­ of ‘Labour and Employment" ” ment during the year ending the 31st day of March 1975, in respect D e m a n d No 71—M in is t r y of P l a n i n g of ‘Ministry of Irrigation and Po­ wer’ ” “That a sum not exceeding Rs D em a nd No 64—W a t ir and P oy\ lu 9,60,000 on Revenue Account D i.VHOPMi.NT be granted to the President to complete the sum necessary to de­ That a sum not exceeding R* fray the charges which will come 9,68 45,000 on Revenue Account andm course of payment during the not exceeding Rs 1,53,77,000 year on ending the 31st day of March Capital Account be granted to the 1975 m respect of ‘Ministry of Presidentto complete the sum ne­ Planning’ ” cessary to defray the charges which will come m course of payment dur­ D f m a n d N o 72—Statistics ing the year ending the 31st day of March, 1975, in espect of ‘Water and “That a sum not exceeding Rs Power Development” ' 7 24 27,000 on Revenue Account be 445 D.G., 1974-75 V A I S A K H A 9, (SAKA) 1896 D.G., 1974-78446

granted to the President tocomp­ Demand No. 77—Road and Inland lete the «um necessary to defray Water T h a n s p o h t the charges which will come in Course of payment during the year “That a sum not exceeding ending the 31st day of March, Rs. 86,14,000 on Revenue Account 1975, in respect of ‘Statistics’.” and not exceeding Rs. 12,70,08,000 on Capital Account be granted to De m an d N o . 73— Planning Commission the President tocomplete the sum necessary to defray the charges “That a sum not exceeding Rs. which will come in course of pay­ on Revenue Account bement during the year ending the granted to the President tocomp­ 31st day of March. 1975, in respect lete the sum necessary to defray of ‘Road and Inland Water Trans* the charges which will come in port’ ” course of payment during the year ending the 31st day of March.

1975, in respect of ‘Planning Com­ D e m a n d N o . 81—D£j *a »u m i n t of mission’.” S u p p ly

D e m a n d No. 74— Mi n i s t r y of S h i p p in g “That a sum not exceeding AND TRANSPOKT Rs 17,28,000 on Revenue Account “That a sum not exceeding Rs. be granted to the President to on Revenue Account becomplete the sum necessary to defray the charges which will granted to the President to Comp­ come m course of payment during lete the sum necessary to defray the year ending the 31st day the charges which will come in of March, 1975, in respect of course of payment during the year ‘Department of Supply’.” ending the 31st day of March, 1975, in respect of ‘Ministry of Shipping and Transport’.” D e m a n d N o . 82—S u p p u l s and D e m a n d No. 75— Ro a d s D is p o s a l s ‘That a sum not exceeding “That a sum not exceeding Rs. 51,46,75.000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs. 56,18,57,000Rs. 6,25,58,000 on Revenue Account on Capital Account be granted to be granted to the President to complete the sum necessary to the President tocomplete the sum necessary to defray the charges defray the charges which will which will come in course of pay­ come in course of payment during ment during the year ending the the year ending the 31st day 31st day of March. 1975, in respectof March, 1975, in respect of of Roads’.” ‘Supplies and Disposals'.”

Demand No 76—P o r t s , Light Houses and Shipping D e m a n d No. 83—Departmfni of Rehabilitation ‘That a sum not exceeding Rs. 11,36.49,000 on Revenue Account“That a sum not exceeding and not exceeding Rs 150,50,09,000Rs. 21,77,26,000 on Revenue Account on Capital Account be granted to and not exceeding Rs. 4,43,33,000 the President tocomplete the sum on Capital Account be granted to necessary to defray the charges the President tocomplete the sum which will come in course of pay­ necessary to defray the charges ment during the year ending the which will come in course of pay­ 31st day of March, 1975, in respectment during the year ending the of Ports, Light Houses and Ship- 31st day of March, 1975, in respect pingV’ of ‘Department of RehabilitationY’ 447 D'G* 1974-75 APRIL 29, 1974 D .G ., 1974-75448

D em a n d N o . 84^— M in is t r y o r T o u r is m complete the sum necessary to and Civ il A v ia t io n defray the charges which will come in course of payment during “That a sum not exceeding the year ending the 31st day Rs. 27,29,000 on Revenue Account of March, 1975, in respect of be granted to the President to Ministry of Works and Housing’.’' complete the sum necessary to defray the charges which will come in course of payment during D e m a n d N o . 89—P u b l i c V>ovk s the year ending the 31st day of March, 1975, in respect of “That a sum not exceeding 'Ministry of Tourism and Ci^il Rs. 42,39,37,000 on Revenue Account Aviation’.” and not exceeding Rs. 9.98,03,090 on Capital Account be granted to the President tocomplete the sum D e m a n d N o . 85—M eteokot oc.y necessary to defray the charges “That a sum not exceeding which will come in course of pay­ Rs 7,07,26,000 on Revenue Accountment during the year ending the and not exceeding Rs. 1.25,50,00031st day of March. 1975, in respect on Capital Account be granted to of *Public Works’.” the President to complete the sum necessary to defray the charges Dfmand No S>0~Water Supplya n d which will come in course of pay­ Sfwerage ment during the year ending the 31st day of March. 1975, in respect“That a sum not exceeding of ‘Meteorology'.” Rs. 63,42,000 on Revenue Account be granted to the President to D e m a n d N o . 86— Avjation complete the sum necessary to defray the charges which will “That a sum not exceeding come in course of payment during Rs 12.15,17,000 on Revenue Accountthe year ending the 31st day and not exceeding Rs. 19,79,89,000of March. 1975, in respect of on Capital Account be granted to ‘Water Supply and Sewerage’.” the Presidentto complete the sum necessary to defray the chargcs which will come in course of pay­ Dkmand No 91 -H oubiN G anp Urban ment during the year ending the Development 31st day of March. 1975, in respect “That a sum not exceeding of Aviation V’ R<\ 6,77,46,000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs 8,18,71,000 D e m a n d N o . 87—T o u r i s m on Capital Account be granted to “That a sum not exceeding the Presidentto complete the sum Rs. 2,49,62,000 on Revenue Accountnecessary to defray the charges and not exceeding Rs 5.26.67,000which will come in course of pav- on Capital Account be granted to ment dunng the year ending the the President tocomplete the sum 31st day of March. 1975, in respect necessary to defray the charges of ‘Hou' in g and Urban Develop­ which will come in course of pay­ ment’.” ment during the year ending the 31st day of March. 1975, in respectD e m a n d N o . 92—S t a t i o n e r y and of Tourism* ” P r i n t i n g “That a sum not exceeding D i m a n d N o 88—M i n i s t r y o f W o k k s Rs. 15,89,08,000 on Revenue Account an d H o u s i n g be granted to the President to “That a sum not exceeding complete the sum necessary to Rs. 35,46,000 on Revenue Accountdefray the charges which will be gmnted to the President to come in course of payment during * 4 9 D O > 1874-78 VAISAKHA 8, (SAKA)1896 D.G., 1974-75 4 5 0 the year ending the 31st31i day which will come in course of pay- of March, 1975, in respectresp of ment during the year ending the ‘Stationery and Printing’ 31st day of March. 1975, in respect of “Department of Electronics” '.

D e m a n d No. 93—D e p a r t m e n t or Atomic E n e r g y D e m a n d No 102—D e p a r t m e n t or S p a c e “That a sum not exceeding Bs 90,46,000 on Revenue Account "That a sum not exceeding Rs 17,48 91,000 on Revenue Account be granted to the President to and not exceeding Rs 5,92,36,000 complete the sum necessary to on Capital Account be granted to defray the charges which will the President tocomplete the sum come in course of payment during necessary to defray the charges the year ending the 31st day which will come in course of pav- of March, 1975, in respect of ment during the year ending the ‘Department of Atomic Energy” *. 31st day of March 1975, in respect of Department of Space’ ” . D e m a n d N o . 94—A t o m i c E n e r g y

R e s e a r c h D e v e l o p m e n t an d I n d u s ­ t r i a l P r o j e c t s D e m a n d No 103—L o k S abh a 'That a sum not exceeding “That a sum not exceeding Rs 30 46,97,000 on Revenue AccpuntRs 2 58 37,000 on Revenue Account and not exceeding Rs 49,47,07,000be granted to the President to on Capital Account be granted to complete the sum necessary to th« President tocomplete the sum defray the charges which will necessary to defray the charges come in course of payment during which will come in course of pay­ the year ending the 31st day ment during the year ending the of March, 1975, in respect of 31st day of March 1975, in respect*Lok Sabha” * of 'Atomic Energy Research, Deve­ lopment and Industrial Projects” ’. D e m a n d No 104—R a j y a S abh a

“That a sum not exceeding D e m a n d N o . 95—N u c l e a r P o w e r Rs 1 14 52 000 on Revenue Account S c h e m e s be granted to the President to “That a sum not exceeding complete the sum n^ossary to Rs 25,49 98,000 on Revenue Accountdefray the charges which will and not exceeding Rs 29,78,52,000come in course of payment dunng on Capital Account be granted to the year ending the 31st day the President to complete the sum of March, 1975, in respect of necessary to defray the charges

ment dunng the year ending the D e m a n d No. 105—D e p a r t m e n t or 31st day of March. 1975, in respect P arliamentary A f f a i r s of *Nuclear Power Schemes’ ” “That a sum not exceeding Rs 13,94000 on Revenue Account D e m a n d No. 98— D e p a r t m e n t or be granted to the President to E l e c t r o n ic s complete the sum necessary to “That t sum not exceeding defray the charges which will Rs. 7,80.69,000 on Revenue Accountcome in course of payment during and not exceeding Rs. 3,33,98,000the year ending the 31st day on Capital Account be granted to of March, 1975, in respect of the President to complete the sum •Department of Parliamentary A f­ necessary to defray the charges fairs’ ” 655 U h - I« 45r Presidential Election APRIL 29, 1974 Presidential Election 452 (Stat.) (Stat,)

UEMAND No. 106-SEcRETARIAT oF THE SHRI H. N. MUKERJEE ( Calcutta­ VICE-PRESIDE.NT North-E'ast): It' is a matter which goes to the root of the parliamentary "That a sum not exceeding procedure. (Interruptions) should Rs. 3,70,000 on Revenue Account w not have the courtesy of being to e be granted to the President iEtimated early enough? complete the sum necessary to defray the charges �hich will MR. SPEAKER: It was intimated come in course of payment during early enough. . the year ending the 31st day of ,March, 1975, in respect of THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ 'Secretariat of the Vice-President' ''. ARY Aa,AIRS (SHRI K. tRAGHU RAMAIAH): We have got practical 18.10 hrs. difficulties in making ministerial state­ ments. Suppose a decision is taken by STATEMENT RE: PRESIDENTIAL the Government during the course of ELECTIONS the day and if we do not make a state­ MR. SPEAKER: Now the .statement ment and · spmething appears in the by the Law Minister. press the next day, then the members would point out that we did not take SHRI SEZHIYAN (Kumbakonam): the House into confidence. On a po'int of order. Has the Minister the right to make a statement in t.lie MR: SPEAKER: Yes. If the Minister House like this without its being put does not make the statement today on the order paper? and something appears tomorrow in the press, then you will all come out MR. SPEAKER: The other day we saying that he did not take the House had arranged that, at least two hours into confidence. ·what the members before, the Minister would intimate wa_nted W?S his statement, arrT �r fcti m-i ?fq.:� q""{ converted into a non-existent institu­ fflrrf �I � cf>� ���T cf>T � tion. We have stultified ourselves by guillotining everything. . (Interrup- �"f� l�T�lTi'l° cfiW�T fcti ��) tions). ; mi� ?{n: q-,: -,cm ;;rri:r 1 �rq- il:Tc!iT "ifi;;r i ct T�� cf>){ r;·ami �1 � 1 MR. SPEAKER: GuiltOting is done as a matter of procedll!e.(. llilt � fat&t�t �t'3fqtit( rcrrf�,r�) : �m +fTlfffi �V"qrf mer� � · om: m;:rr SHRI H. N. "MUKERJEE: ....We have the exhibi�o·n ,of the Lok Sabha �I 6 ofjl � ofR�"f I being treated ·1�� this . cavalier fashion by the Goyernment. If the Minister !Sit ml·"' f�i : if·�m Q.��r of Parliamentary Affairs cannot cfiW�T Ni 6 � �� � � �"f �RT arrang the programme better, he �I should not be where he is. MR. SPEAKER: nptice. was MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Samar G-uha. given. Two hours, .notice vias. given. A Minister can make a statement at SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU :(Diamond any time. In spite of that, we agreed Harbour): Sir, we have come pre- that he would give notice. pared .... (Interruptions). -.• 453 Presidential. Election VAISAKHA 9, 1896 (SAKA) Presidentio.L 454 (Stat.) . Election (Stat.)

MR. SPEAKER: I have not called Under Article 62(1) . of the Conati- you, Mr. Jyotirmoy Bosu. I have h;tion an election to fill a vacancy called Mr. Samar Guha. This gentle- caused by the expiration of the term man is holding the House to ransom. of office of the President is required Some remedy should be found. How tu be completed before the expiry of long can we tolerate this? I have used the term. This House is also aware the word ·'Gentleman' for you in spite that the Gujarat State Legislative of my wishes .otherwise .. ... (Internip- Assembly was dissolved on the 15th tians). day of March 1974.

SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: I will A question has been raised as to call you, 'Hon. Gentleman'. whether election to the office of the MR. SPEAKER: You do not know President can be held notwithstanding with what a heavy heart I have used the dissolution of the Gujarat State it. Assembly. SHRI PILOO MODY (Godhra): Had The Government is prima facie of the you preferred to call him as an 'Hon. view that on a true and correct inter- Member', then you would not have pretation of articles 54, 55, 56, 62 and had to go through all this pain, because 71 of the , Constitution, the electoral an 'Hon. Member' does not have to be college consists only· of the elect- a gentleman; ed members of such of the . L egislative AssemblieB of the MR. SPEAKER: I stand guided by States as are in existence at or bef.ore you, Mr. Piloo Mody. You will use the expiry of the term of office or the this word 'honourable' for the Spe:iker President. However, a contrary ,, iew also; in this sense! has been expressed both inside and outside this House. SHRI SAMAR GUHA (Contai): I wanted to draw your attention that Questions of far-reaching irnportanct! just now in your wisdom you said ihat have arisen as to the composition of for some special reason you h ave the electoral col lege where Legislative allowed the hon. Minister to mak~ the Assemblies of one or more States stand statement. Now, the Minister 0i cl,ssolved and in view of the fact that Parliamentary Affairs also said some- a question cf great public importance thing very significant. He made a ha£ arisen: t.h~ G .., v,2: rnmcnt has rle- significant point and said that if some- c id2'1 to re,:ommend to the President thing appears in the Press tomorro·,.,·, to obtain the opinion o[ the Suprerl1' the House should not take it otherwis2. Court und·2r article 143 of the Cc,n;;;t It immediately creates an impressrnn in tution ... , . us that already the Law Ministel' has made some. kind of a statement to th2 SHRI MADHU LIMAYF;: Very goo Press .. SHRI H. R. GOKHALE ...... as I MR. SPEAKER: Not at all. g,ffds i.he true ;,rid cOiTcct interpret SHRI SAMAR GUHA: .. .. Only ju,-;t tion of articles 54, 62, 71 and the otl to forestall our criticism about -that, r ,lcvant provL,ions of t'.12 Const.Hut he is going too make this statement so far as the:; con_cc rn the electiJn and that is what. is occurring to me. the Pr0sident to fill up the v a·~,1 caused· by the ~xpiration of the t THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE; of office of the President. AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H. R. GOKHALE): This Ho1Jse is 2.warC' SHF.l PILOO i\;: ODY : 1' * that the term of office of the present President of India cx;pires on the 24th MR. SPEAI:LR': It will not g, August, 1974. record.

------· ------· ------.··· ···- . -----. ..Not recorded. 455 Appropriation APRIL *9. 10*4 (tto. 2) Silt, 104 4$*

18.19 hit.

APPROPSaiATION (NO. 2) B ILL* 1974 wrt * n * irwflrm w m sarcT £1 16 1971 THE MINISTER OP FINANCE (SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN): faftrcft % t r o I beg to move lor leave to introduce a Bill to authorise payment and appro­ srcrit i t fairer fa ?* * r fonr wi priation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the s3rvices of the financial year TO % 1TO SMfc fa*T t I 1974-75. vr f » f $ m w r r M R . S P E A K E R : Now, the question ^rnpTT j i is:

“That leave be granted to intro­ “Your suggestion to give effect to duce a Bill to authorise payment and supply of F F O of higher viscosity appropriation of certain sums from limit immediately on issue of the and out of the Consolidated Fund of amendment to ISI specification is India for the services of the finan­ not acceptable. The very intention cial year 1974-75.” of asking for a 2 months period before effecting the change in the viscosity is that during this period, The motion tvas adopted the necessary trials can be carried out before finally accepting the SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: higher viscosity. I introduce the Bill.

I beg to movef that the Bill to In fact one of the I.N. Ships has authorise payment and appropriation reported that on 6-8-71 and 11-10-71, of certain sums from and out of the F F O of viscosities higher than 90 Consolidated Fund of India for the and less than 100 was supplied st services of the financial year 1974-75,Madras and that the burning of be taken into consideration this oil had presented considerable difficulties. The above wrong supply MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: has resulted in continuous emission of greyish smoke from the funnel “That the Bill to authorise pay­ and various other consequential ment and appropriation of certain operational difficulties. Continuous sums from and out of the Consoli­ emission of smoke from the ship's dated Fund of India for the services funnel apart from giving the posi­ of the financial year 1974-75, betions of the ship to the enemy, can taken into consideration” completely hamper the flying opera* tions on an aircraft carittr" Now, Shri Madhu Limaye. *% w r f o r w irra3 1* 1 1 t w anr 1 aft £r 'T h e above experience has made WTIpTT ^T^TT it, all the more essential that ex­ tensive trials should be carried out before a decision can be taken.

♦Published in Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part If, Section2, dated 2^4-74- f Introduced/Moved with the recommendation ofjthe President. 457 Appropriation VAISAKHA 0, 1806(SAKA) (No. 2) Bill, 107445 $

The ill effects of burning F F O of ftmrrt o t | , ^ qffr, higher viscosity in Naval Ships des­ s s ^ft«T w r *r q^rrirsrst cribed in para 2 above had already been reported to the Indian Standard ^ ? i *pnftr * n w £ i *? %

Institution by N H Q The Indian fa rr snnftaFrtht *r faTcfr Standard Institution has also been *ft, ^rfr^Ts r *nrrt* t « requested to hold w abeyance the promulgation of the amendment to ’ T W f c f a f> cTPT HT«T $ *TT*T^T «TfT 1S-1593-60 for the period of f the *rr | 5? 3 fr * r : f t s r n m d | present emergency and lform all the *TPcT Tt ^C5TT ^TcT^^ ^PTT t


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«ra f%r«rr «rr tfr* ^ scmr *r>n «n irwreT^rffR7?, *t ^rwr f ’(t 500 fa STJT «p- 15,000 ,^o ^flr ^rO?r t f?rn T^tt 5r spT sftfajnr t fon i w r THtf^TfT ?jt -irr jfr^r ^ r t ^V

^ r s r r ^ r m ^ ft ^ t j r t % m z * cn? % q'Prf apt sr>^fT ^r»r $ fa 500 5?W *TT% TT^f % % m V ^5T g c R W f?TT#ir1 fo* fan arw *fk 3* it % 5IWST T|^R*r, *rT SSTTTT'7' ^T'fFT^ f ® T3T sfte 10,000 *o srfo $Jf> ^ 5R f e m 5m r I ^rr ^ r ^ *T«T^r ? w ^fr spsr^rr | ^ gfayry’T^ t t n ^ r 5prr ?TP7rflFr fc*rr «rr fT

% tt t o t t t * =We r ^ T TfrariT % w l r r h m wYr ^fr «ffrfefaar**r f*r^ ^ T 3r*r#^;r ^ gfr w*t$ srnr?* i U w «ft Wf^Ft ^t ftfty+g ?t f^xrr $»sn^r | *ri srrf^ m* »w «ft Appropriation VAISAKHA 9, 1696(SAKA) (No. 2) Bill, 197446 2 fff itfofff *rm q-farrr sftr ff*/trrjm , f'/??rr, *rrfc # 0 $ 0 <£tftafcwrt v> * * t torrTf^rn-^t w r v f k f I «fhC if srTJRT ^cT T | fo Vf irr *tm i w t fa *fpr ^nrnr ^ ffirnr f^rr ^mnrr iftr f |*rfa

ttt^ «n*rnT t m % m *n SHRI S. R. DAMANI (Sholapur): I s*r€r7=nn^p- *rr spt|T^tftt t 38 000 would like to ask one question. What is the annual productionof thea* t t rr fsnfr s m *sr i m *companies? Iff ffi^rft ^wrfwf % srnrf % if «ft «W W "l i t l«T «Pt 5TRT W T $ffr s r m fT*rr'q w w ^ r % i f cftff^ff^rvtiw rw 3?K tr^TtSsr 3 ^ Jffft ^ % 5r*rr 1 ift 3tft ^rrcrr% w n ft 1 w fT ^r ^ whtft «TW9T ff( t^ r wi fffft if# fonrr jpT w n r ^ ®rr fto rnr° £to, # v t ^ r n ff % srr^ ^ ?r?rr trfr ^ n f Iff % Trpft ir ?rtr 3ft $trrfr w fa t ft«ft ?fk f® 5^rr#gr % iron: «r if *rra* 3%irr srfa18,000 s * ffrfsFr f^trr «rr fav r^T t jwt «nr

^0 ^ ^ ^tftt $ I ¥fk 5rfcT ff .^t m«rr t ‘ts r n r ^4 w* r ^t, vtf

18, 000^0 vt ^ vmft ff * s

[«ft *rar ftnnf] t i irrsr «rrr nir*£few ( ^rarf jf, 5t ^0 %o * w tft JfrJrft *|ft STRT *f 3T^t T3T Tfrjf V fffa $ Ta^fT^F^^nr’ErVf TO*#qr ^ m «nfc»r w r r $ ifN: ^srm ^ fv ^ ^ Ir ^T3»?r ^rrr^r r^firrsfttf f^JTfarr ^ w ^ w f t f a f a ^ O T f t ’TsrFrr ^r'prr tin *vtf qrfarrSfe#v3t#t ?r> ^ ^ r ^ swTsr fe n w t f ^ f^rr? - i*p rr*5 * *r qnsrr ^ t f , ?ft | 70 3TTJ?T f t ^ f ^ f a * t t ^ £ i $j?t*

3 T ^ T 5RTTI ?FTTT3r f^7I^FT, ^ ^ 5fTT f cf' t, tPFT ^T TT tTTT

r«*n< ft £~£f % c?ct ^ *jttt | « fir =rr f a w arr?r >f‘ r

W % j f t ^ r arr *r**?t T j f r ’ T O ^ jr n r ?iefr v t s n f w it o t I ’ *w *r srftjmr frswr ’tftffcft «ft «r«j f>w$ . wr ^ ^ i | 250 TdJ TO aft # vt f vhc w r ^ ^WT « TTOfe* *T^ ^ JTf f ?ft ^ f fa «rnr% ft 4 «fk ^r if ^t «rerr ^Rfr |, wr an v * ?Tf wrcr ftotft mfa *m # % m 5(t^t *nft, ?ft f ?rg[t |fa |»^rn r# eosrfcmrr^rnfrr^fTw n ,P^ft i 465 Appropriation VAISAKHA 9,1896(SAKA) (No. 2) Bill, 1874466 SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): sincere in arriving at a negotiated Mr. Speaker. Sir, with your permis­settlement with the railway employees. sion, I would like to mention three or I welcome that. 1 take his statement lour poin'a. Three or lour days back,a 0 correct and honest. Butit that was we had a meeting, members of the go, why was the letter issued from St ending council ol JC M . They met the Home Ministry on the 7th April. the Finance Secretary and his other 1974011 the threatened all-India strike collegues and come decisions were by the railway employees wherein it tak* 1 to remove the anomalies found has bten stated how the leaders should in me Third Pay Commission Heport. be arrested and put in jail under Some good decisions have been taken. MISA? The' relevant portion of the One of the decisions is that the Pay letter reads; Commission’s recommendations regard­ ing grant of children’s allowance “The provisions of the Mainten­ which adversely affected the Central ance oi Internal Security Ac£ Government employees should be (.MISA) could ,be profitably invoked withdrawn and should not be imple­ while undertaking preventive mented in the ca»se of the existing action.” employees*. That was really a good decision. The Finance Ministry wasIt is really a sad commentary on their waiting patiently for the Finance assuiances. W hen negotiations are Minister to reach India back from going on in the country, and all the Malaysia and issue a statement. I leaders Qi the workers are trying* would request the hon. Finance Minis­ whether it be the convener of the ter to ’make a statement in this House Coordination Committee, Shri George so that the necessary orders might Fernanades be or the President of the issued for the benefit of the Central All India Railway Workers Union, Government employees. Certain Shri S. A . Dange or the representative other decisions were also taken. Iof the other federations and associa­ hope the hon. Minister will take this tions. when they are honestly trying opportunity to make an announcement to have a negotiated settlement, this regarding them also in this House.letter dated 7th April. 1974 was But no decision could be taken reard- issued. At that time, there were no ing house rent allowance and city negotiations, and only statements were compensatory allowance. Our demand being issued that it was a politically .is that the Pay Commission’s recom­ motivated strike. Further, orders mendations regarding house rent have been issued in tne letter to allowance should be implemented in arrest the following categoriesot all fairness from 1st January, 1973.persons: The railwaymen are going on strike. I hope that they will definitely wel­ “Activists and militants amongst come any decision if it is implement­ the railway employees who are ed from 1st January, 1973. I hope theknown to be taking prominent part hon. Finance Minister will kindly in planning and organising the make the statement as early as possi­ strike and who are likely to indulge ble. in intimidatory activities against other railway employees who may During the time when Shri Um a not be willing to participate in the Shankar Dikshit was replying to the strike.” debate on the Home Ministry’s D e­ mands. I wanted to invite your kind Persons other than the railway attention to the letter issued by the employees who are influentialwunong Ministry of Home Affairs. ShriUm a railway employees or actively insti­ Shankar Dikshit wanted to convince gating them to participate in the the House that Governmentwere very strike." 055 L S-17. <|p7 Appropriation APRIL 29, 1974 (No.Bill, 2) 1974 468

, [Shri S. M . Banerje©*] jSo. not only employees but others also SH R I S. M . B A N E R J E E : I will con­ who are trying their utmost to bringclude m two minutes. pboul a settlement are also sought to So 16 the Cabinet prepared to con­ he arrested. sider tnis. 11 the unanimous recom­ mendation of the bonus Review Com­ In all fairness, 1 would request thatmittee is that those who are m the De­ ihis better should have been with­ partmental undertakings should also drawn by Government. The hon. be given Bonus, how can Bonus be Minister should have explained to thisdenied to the railway employees— House the necessity of having issuedwhen theie ai’e so many working in that letter. The M IS A is already in the public undertakings who are given $heir armoury, the D IR are in theirbonus? Unless this matter is decided prmoury, and there are other nefariousand a solemn assurance given, it will pieces of legislation also in their be difticult for anyone to suggest to armoury, under which people can be the railway employees that they arrested, workers can be arrested should not go .on strike. I am one of Without assigning any reason whatso­ those who sincerely want a settlement. ever. W hen their armoury was full But 1 would urge upon the hon. of these arms, where was the neces­ Minister to rise above the suspicion sity to issue this letter of 7th April that it is politically motivated. The 1974? railway employees are not indulging in politics. The leaders might be Let me make it very clear that the connected with politics. It is the railway employees and their leaders demands of the railway employees are genuinely for a settlement. But which are troubling them for going unless something is done and there is on strike. The railway employees a step by Government, it will be helped m 1962, in 1965 and in 1971. difficult for anyone to suggest to them They stood like one man, whether it not to go on strike. The Railway was the defence employee^ railway Minister is trying his best. I have' no employees, P & T employees or other doubt about it; I compliment him for employees. They will again unite for that But what about the other any eventuality. So let not the strike Ministers? be castigated as politically motivated. That is what I would request him. MR. SPEAKER; You gave only one point, about the P a y Commission Today is the 29th. The strike will r ocommendat10 ns. take place on the 8th. Negotiations are going on. I urge upon Govern­ SHRI S. M BANERJEE: No I was ment to realise the gravity of the not allowed to speak on this. I was situation and not damn the strike as told not to interrupt. So I did not politically motivated. interrupt hhn. Another point, j have already written to the Hom e Minister. I took MR. SPEAKER- I Vender if that a letter and representation from the could be connected with this. Here is U P Census Employees Association, a definite point which you wanted to Lucknow. The services of 200 census raise. employees are going to be terminated on lfit May 1974. I took up the matter SH R I S. M . B A N E R J E E : I wrote with the Cabinet Secretariat six about bonus also. months back. Their services were extended and they were given 3 MR. SPEAKER; This is what is months extension. But on 1st May, given here. 1974. the day on which Parliament 4 69 Appropriation VAISAKHA 0, 1896 {SAKA) (No. 2) Bill, 1974 47o

will not transact any business, Mayment of limits or the problems of Day, a day of international solidarity readjustment of accounts or fresh of the working people of the world limits m respect of any large account and of the country, these200 employ­ are invariably placed before the Board ees are going to lose their jobs. Theyof Directors and" it is not a Branch have been working in their own Manager who takes up these matters departments. Only to accommodate for the sake of a decision at his level. the deputationiats, these200 people I would like to say that the Punjab *1 e going to be thrown out. 1 make National Bank is certainly aware of it a fervent appeal on their behalf. I and I think they have sent some have already written to him.1 wanted instiuction team which has also gone to interrupt him and get some sort ofinto some of the irregularities which assurance. But I did not do it. Now are being rectified. in all humility with all earnestness and honesty at my command, I appeal As far as the general question on behalf of these employees who whether w e can make the bouncing have worked for more than2i or 3 of cheques per se a cnmma oflenee, yeais. Due to their labours, theis concerned this was one of the

[Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan] ftW ^T'TP- wrek

Then, there were three or lour m * *r«fV t o 1 1 «wr ^ s.*r *rtr? points, mentioned by the hon. Member. SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: 55 ™prr?pr As far as the Petroleum andChemical* $ ssttw> w rr Ministry is concerned, I thinkthis question was raised by thebon. *R3>nr sflr stift spr # ^rfnrTMember with the Defence Ministry also, and they have told him that srarr 1 * 15# ?r> they will go into the case and find sveft sjfr ?rnr ^rr %, ^i\'- out the facts. faW SteWf «rV TU §£ =5ff3fT As far as the truck business if concerned, he mentioned certain *tt 1 m r f f t w w «rir?sr*r*r v<7 specific fa** cases; four specific case*.

^rrrnn j iru>rruption

SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN. M R , S P E A K E R . Let him answer. When ho ib making a profitable sug­ SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: gestion I must take advantage of Natuially I got notice this morning discussing this matter a little in depthand I U led to get as -much information with him Certainly I would welcome as possible With the things that I this suggestion because I am in searchhave, I cannot give a detailed and of such resources. satisfactory answer, but I can give him some information on the points #ft fawi* r ? *r*T -sT'Tittr he mentioned He referred to ‘ some specific cases about the trucks. M y Sjfarw I'n ffr *ff far^rr ? information is that these eases have SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: been refei red to the State Govern­ As far as the other suggestions arement s for investigation and I hope we concerned, I cannot undertake to give will get a report as soon art possible. a detailed answer. I know these are As far as the resale of trucks at a some of the cases where the factspremium is concmed, I may say that have to be verified, and I do not want this -matter has been considered by to make a statement which would the concerned Ministry and they have unnecessarily commit the Government issued orders restricting the resale. one way or the other. ‘It is therefore felt that it would be advisable to impose comprehen­ 1967 t r f sive control on the sale and redis­ tribution of commercial vehicle*. % forr *rr1 ft?* Tr However, it was considered with a fa rr «rr fa*rr «rr i vift view to securing equitable distribu­ tion and availability at a fair price i t r t ^rf^TT nr) of commercial vehicles, aban should be imposed on resale withinthe i r f a w r *rn> £ i srre m s t r t w period of two year8from the date 1 1 of the originalpurchase. Accordingly the Government issued an order called the Commercial Vehicles s w t *r r snfcr Restriction and Resale Order of 1JM ft 1 w > tzvz 8 under the Industrial Development and Regulations Act of !9B1 on lltt* January 1974.** 473 Appropriation V A IS A K H A 9, 1896(SAKA) (No. 2) Bill, 1971474

SH R I M A D H U U M AYE ; It i8 daily not accepted. Before saying that we being violated. I gave you four are not accepting any point. I wanted instances. to have some discussions with them on the different problems. If you SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: want an announcement about the Now you have raised a new point. I agreed points we can consider that have explained the Governmnt policy. also. I quite agree that it would have been good if the Minister could be present M K. S P E A K E R : I think that in here, but 1 would certainly convey the future when a notice is given in points that he has raised. advance, the Minister concerned should be* present in this House. It is embar­ Mr. Banerjee has been tirelesslyrassing for the Finance Minister, raising the important points about because he can answer on behalf of the implementation of the Pay Com ­ his own departments and not others. mission Report. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): SHRI S. M. BANERJEE; We are There was no notice. waiting for you to make the announ­ cement. SHRI MADHU LIMAYE; There was. How do you know? SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: I need not repeat all those things. As far as Class II, Class III and Class IVSHRI K. LAKKAPPA: During the are concerned, detailed instructionsdebate, he mentioned all the names. (Interruptions) and notifications have been issued.

SHRI S. M. BANERJEE; That was MR. SPEAKER: I made the not my point. In the meeting of the observation. That is over. Anomaly Committee, same decisions have been taken and I want you to THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ make an announcement about them. TARY AFFAIRS (SHRI K. RAGHU SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: R A M A I A H ): Sir, in this case. I under­ stand notice was given only to the Some of the points were discussed at that meeting with the representatives Finance Minister. I, myself, have no notice. M ay I request you that in of both sides. I shall find out what is the conclusion of the meeting. I can such cases you may direct the office tell the hon. Member that before we to give notices to all the Ministers take a decision in this matter, I am concerned? going to discuss it. M R. S P E A K E R ; I really do not SH R I S. M . B A N E R JE E : It wars know where the fault lies. I will decided at the meeting that you would examine this and we will set some make an announcement in Parliament procedure for future. about certain decisions which were already reached. W e are waiting for SHRI K. NARAYANA RAO you to announce that. (Bobilli'i: Sir my humble submission is this. If notice has been given relat­ SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: ing to a particular item concerning a There is no difficulty about announc­ Particular Ministry, this should he ing the decisions. I thought that if confined only to the Ministry con­ the Government were to make a state­ cerned and he should not bring in all ment, it should make a statement on points covering the entire grant of all the issues, whatever points werethe working of the Government. That accepted and whatever points were cannot be. 655 LS— 18. 475 Appropriation A P R IL 29, 1974 (No. 2) Bill, 1974476 Re. ff. A . H . SHRI MADHU LIMAYE- We are Clause 2, 3 and the Schedule were passing demands relating to all the added to the Bill. Ministries Clause 1,the Enacting Formula and SH R I K . L A K K A P P A Sir, you the 11 tie were added to the Bill. should giv" specific... SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN: M R. S P E A K E R : Don't assume my Sir, 1 move: powers also. I am in a better posi­ tion. 1 ’must say that there are many “That the Bill he passed.” points which do not concern the Finance Ministry; they also concern M R . S P E A K E R : The question is: the other Ministries. W e will see and “That the Bill be passed.” set some procedure for future There is nothing of a sort of a dispute. W hy The motion was adopted. should you be worried about it?

19 0£ hrs. Now, the questions is: KL HALF-AN-HOUR DISCUSSION “That the Bill to authorise pay­ M R S P E A K E R What aDout Half- ment and appropriation of certain im-houi Discussion’ Mr. Shenoy do sums from and out of the Consoli­ \ou want that this should be taken dated Fund of India for the services up now? of the financial year 1974-75 be taken into consideration.” SHRI P R. SHENOY (UdipO* No objection if it is taken up tomorrow The motion was adopted. M R. S P E A K E R ; This will be taken W e shall now take up the Bill clause up to morrow if we And time Other­ by clause. wise. this will be taken up on a subse­ quent date. The question is; 19.01 hrs. “That Clauses 2, 3 and the Sche­ d u le stand part of the Bill.” The Lok Sabha then adjourned Ml Eleven of the Clock on Tuesday, April The motion was adopted. 30.1974/Vatsakha 10, 1896(Saka)

M G IP N D -M—65? L S .- i7-6-74—4)7#.