Population and Sexuality: the Hollywood Connection
SPECIAL COMBINED ISSUE-VOL. XI INDEX Volume XI Number 5/6 May-July 1983 ISSN:0091-3995 Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S. POPULATION AND SEXUALITY: THE HOLLYWOOD CONNECTION Norman Fleishman Director, the TV Project The Center for Population Options Los Angeles, California [/n recent volumes, the SIECUS Report has discussed the ways challenging opportunity then; it still is, 10 years later, and as far in which sex education is provided through parents, teachers, as I know-as a full-time occupation-it is unique anywhere in therapists, medical schools, church and community groups, the world. There are scads of lobbyists in political circles, youth agencies, disability organizations, gay/lesbian groups, spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually. In enter- and many others. This issue highlights a powerful source ofsex tainment, there is just me. education that has only recently become the object of re- Looking back at the IO years of my work as an “outsider,” search and scrutiny-the medium of tetevison. Concernedsex- an educator-lobbyist in Hollywood, two experiences stand uality professionals are now coming up with important ques- out. Both are related to the person who pioneered in the tions: What can be done to ensure that the millions of viewers blending of controversial social issues with entertainment TV- are exposed to accurate information and positive attitudes Norman Lear. The first centered around the making of an epi- concerning all aspects of sexuality? How can trained and sode of A// in the Family. Michael (“Meathead”) and Gloria knowledgeable experts in the field exert a positive influence work through their fears and doubts, have richly textured on television program content? Who will lobby for increased searchings and quarrels (some of them, of course, hilarious), coverage of important sexual health issues? and conclude with Michael’s going to a hip (“Let’s boogie!“) Obviously, one issue of a journal cannot begin to answer physician for a nearly on-camera vasectomy.
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