V,.','-'jo ' . .a-. .. . > ' : T N “ ' ' ^7 .’CM PAGE FOURTEEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1964 jianrlf^atrr Areraga Daily Net Preai Run F»r tho Weok Eaded Ths Wmthffir ...... ' wuaaal at U. R. WaaOw Angnat 14, 1984 Mias Kaunl Sbstar, daughtar PWr early taalgM; of Uieiua M. Boatar at Wan>iag, Mn. Im m t FiiAt; ev ’ About Tow n (ocmariy at MancheMer, is an Woman KiUed, 1 0 ,8 4 1 laadiaaM tamuO mai route to laplr, TVricey. where she quila am aaal; has taught for the past eight Member at the Audit Tharaday maatly A MO, u a r e y HunUton. wma ■ Buieau at Ofareulatlaa bom Au«. 7 in Andiorace, AUaka, years at the American Collegiate [ues ,'S. by ahaurata; b l| A to A.2.C. and Mm. Henry U Mad­ School for Junior girla A grad­ Notes from Early Meetings Manche$ter—^A City of Village Charm den, The paternal (randpareiiU are uate of Manchester High School Mr. and Mre. Henry H. Madden of and Mount Holyoke College, Mias East W indsor Traffic 4M B. Middle Tpke., and the nia- Foster taught in Crosanore, N. C., .VOL. LXXAL n o . 277 an Page li> MANC1IESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1954 (TWENTY PAGES) PRKX FIVE CENTS ternal (randparenta are Mr. and School and Hillyer Oollege, Hart­ Death Brings Charge M n . 8. Belltnghlrl of 293 Spruce ford. She entered Hartford Semi­ Dispel Many Bolton Stories Of Negligent Homicide St. nary for a course in theology ;v and for a year was assistant in Robert Jacquea, 20, of 85 W. H iJisco A marriage license application the Biblical History Dept, at Farm Price Wellesley College. She assumed Center St., haa been charged with EDC Nations Send was Sled in the Hartford Bureau of negligent homicide In the traffic Vital SUtiatlcs yesterday for Pat­ her present position in August, death of an Eaat Windsor woman COMBINATION WINDOWS a ii DOORS rick J. Mahon of Hartfoid and 1944, S lid this was her third leave in that town last night Bill Awaits U.S. Vivian M. tfautenbach of 85^ Char­ of absence. Police said hia car struck Mrs. ter Oak 8 t . Bva Edaoit. M, as Mie walked \ THE NATIONALLY^ ADVERTISED PRODUCT Leaders to Voice A. 1. C. Marjorie C. Keegan of 49 across Route 5, just over the South "'7 Ardmore Rd., is home on leave Wiiidaor Town line, about 8 p. m. THAT MEANS QUALITY Ike Signing for 30 days. She has loen stationed Jacquea haa been released on in England for the past 10 months. 31,000 bond pending hia appear­ Dismay at Change ance in Eaat Windsor Justice ^FOn DEMONSTRATION AND ESTIMATE - Washington, Aug. 18 — LECLERC Felix L>. Sambogna, son of Mr. Court, which haa been scheduled Farm legislation calling a halt FUNERAL HOME and Mrs. D. Sambogna o f 45 Cot­ for Sept.'15. , CALL to war-bom rigid, high- price State .Patrolman W. Clayton Brusgels,,Belgium, Aug. 1 8 ^ «««k • compromise formula In U n its tage St., graduated from the 30- (flP)— Leaders of the six E u ro­ Brtiaacis. 8upports>^eaded for a White FUNERAL week Primary Observer Training Oaiser of the Hartford bar­ Many obaervera doubted that an racks said Jacques, was driv­ R.J. LYONS-MI-9-7382 House welcome after a hectic Course at Harlingen Air Force pean Army nations converged acceptable formula could be work­ Base in Harlingen, Tex., Aug. 11, ing north and claimed that on the Belgian .capital today dispute that routed disgrun­ SERVICE Mrs. Edaon walked across the road ACWIIffT FOR ed out for the six-nation army, in Walter N. Aviation'Cadet Samboipia has been for crucial talks on the French which' a rearmed West Germany tled Senators from bed early sent to James Connally Air Force into'the path of hia car. Mrs. Ed- today. Ike Signs Up Leclerc, son was a resident of the Post demands imperiling the pro­ would pool her troops with those Ike C laim s Base. Tex., for 14 weeka of ad­ THE BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. of France, Italy, Belgium, The & a 44-28 poat-mldnight roll- Director vanced observer training. Road Trailer Camp and was re­ jected European Defense crossing the highway after a brief WEST HAETFORD. COgN. Netherlands and Luxembourg. callr climaxing a session of 14 >4 Conimunity - (EOC). U. 8. offlciala in 'Washington al­ hours which also saw action on Seoul Objects 23 Main inrect, tCancbester viait with friends, police said. The Zipser Club will hold its an­ From all aides opposition mount­ ready had expressed fears that the much other legistation, the Senate Power Pact nual outing Sunday, Sept. 9, at Gaiser’a report said the woman A Product of F. C. Russell C ^ , Geyeland ed to French Preinler Pierre Men- Call MI-9-5869 was dead on arrival at Hartford long-nurtured EDC plan, first pro-, marked final congressional ap­ the Garden Grove on Keeney dea-France'a proposals for major posed I'n October, 19M, by France’s proval on the Eiaenhower adminis­ Street Members are requested to Hospital where she had been taken revislona in the ElDC treaty.,. But by the Maple Hiil Ambulance serv­ then defense miniater, Rene Pleven, tration’s request for a recess and' D ata O p en obtain their tickets'' early. They reports from Paris asld Ilendea- was doomed. a showdown in the morning. ice. France would tell his oolleaguea at can be secured at the clubrooms Other NntioM Opposed Rnaaell Prateass Actloh To Move Now Mrs. Ekison lived at the trailer the Foreign Mlnistera' Conference on Bralnard Place.' camp with her husband, Norman, So far the five other EDC na- Sen. Rusaell (D-Ga),. bitter op­ W^ington, Aug. 18 (/P)— opening here tomorrow that only ponent of flexible and'lower price an employe of the Hamilton hia new European Army plan could Uona ihad given evidence of nothing President Eisenhower says HALE'S Miss Mildred Simpson, librarian Standard Propeller Division of but opposition to the French pro­ supports, protested furiously. He Washington, Atig. 18 <^P)— Diptomatic sources said today of the Whiton Memorial Library, ' be appi^ved by the French Na-. demanded a test vott on Know- the books are o]jen for inspec­ United Aircraft. tional Aascmbly. posals. Critics contended they rob­ the United States is considering withdrawing three divisioiis Headquarters announces that two motion pic­ bed the army plan of much .of ita land’s request' to quit without a tion of a controversial power tures will be shown in the audi' Meets Spank vote. from the Korean mainland but a Pentagon spokesman aaid Mendea-France arrived by train ■upernational aspect. All argued contract in the TV A area. “the Army has no knowledge of any early withdrawal o f FOR torium Thursday afternoon at 2 the amendments would require new This brought angry exchange o'clock.. The films are entitled from Paris and immediately ar­ and lengthy explanations from Democratic National Chair­ troops from Korea.” The chairman ^------—— ...... ranged for a conference with Bel­ parliamentary approval by the man Stephen A. Mitchell says of the South Korean National Aa- *The Biggest Bears,” and "Swee­ four nations—alf but Italy and Knowland and Democratic .Teader gian Foreign Miniater Paul-Henri Lyndon B. Johnson (Texl while ■embly reported in Seoul, however, ney Steps Out" The latter was France—^which ratified,the he’s glad Eisenhower is ready filmed in the Bronx Zoo and the Spaak. The Belgian la playing, a their. aaaiatiuita put to efnergency to disclose “ the whole story that tpia nation plana to take three j chief role in an attempt to recon­ pact. The West Germans.- 'con­ of Its six diviaiona out of Korta.by | Stump Tou r bears in Alaska. Children five calls for absent SenaYors. behind the Dixon-Yates deal.” years and over will be welcome fliR-[onoiiionino cile Mendea-France'e. EDC propo­ sidered the proposals raised new Knowland iiuiatei] he believed the end of the year. i to attend. .. sals - with existing treaty provl- discrimiitatioiui against them. there had been an .infermal agree­ ^Mitchell’s latest blast at the Diplomatic offlciala in Wash- i ■ioni. The Dutch in a Foreign Office ment for no record votes during 'power tontrftct cafiie in a state­ ington, declining the uee of their | Hints Asian In thia..connection diplomatic in- statement earlier this week went the night. Johnson conceded that ment he issued In Chicago last names, said they did not know of INCLUDES: • NEW LINING • BLEED BRAKE UNES formiuita in London dlscloaed that on record , iiv o'ppoaition to Men

f- . ViiV V' / •■ V

N.. PAGE TWO :iANCHESTER ;StlENING^ERALD. MANCHESTER. C O I^. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18.1964 BIANCHESTE^ EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18,1954 P A G E T H R n U ft tamlMO Giirlalii: lows Hall. It waa tharafora Totad Possible to Solve Review C6mbine» to aerva a baked ham, catered au; i^ T HARTFORD Route 5 ple have thought. Highway Oom- dio at 340 Main St., directly south ford, junior at Mancheeter High FHMS^iirau T per and permit the mambara mtealoner G. Albert Hill h'aa real­ School of Dancing of the State Armory. It will be School, will eetye as studio pianist Husbands! Wim! invite their huabanda or frianda. Directors Authorize Funds Pq»or W eather known as the Gertrude G. Tjrler this season. n j U n BULBS, OASESr i Red-Ban Impasse Picnic, Meeting ised the need for a wider Bridge Various other details of the affair FAMILY DRIVE-IN s« winj»r School of Dance. Friends may drop Mrs. Tyler and several o f her Gtt Ptp, Vi«; Fid YiM|ir : MOVIES, rABTS ^ and haa presented the problem to Plans Ppen House British Reporter Finds were diaepaaed. CHILDREN UNDER It FREE Slows Project the deaigners of the bridge: There in at tfteir conveniences between advanced pupils were ,ln New York TkooMadt of couplos on orook, maa oat, o i- (OMUaMd from Face Om ) Mystic Review, No. 2, Woman's To Relocate Skywatch Post is the posaibility that the center 7 and 9 o'clock tomorrow evening. this summer, atudythg the new Iwottfa J)nt boonuo botfr ioeka koo. For Boor Mias Anna Wolfram won the al- TONIGHT ttirongh SATURDAY rorasof Mia^ aftor Or Om tm Toaio Benefit Aaan., comblni^ its'annual tendance prise, and the group dia- strip and the curb ftrips could be Gertrude Gairdner 'fyl«r. well Sanford Brown, son of Mr. and dances and routines' under several TrblHj. (joataia iroti for prat ruppIroaoBf have been convicted xinder the picnic Slid second business meet­ peraed -with many expreulona of used in constructing another Iwe. known local teacher, of dance arts, Mrs. Calvin T. Brown, of 82 Scar­ of the outstanding teachers. izo oa)r Mf. At oil Smith Act, which make* it a crime Red Chinese Courteous ing of the month last night at the thanks to Mri^ Vlncek for Inviting M 1! M 's YotuHf III BfAtninn musicai T H E Hembera of the Civil Defense^^d concluded by aa^ng they could The sidewalks, however, codld n.qt invites parents of her pupils, and borough Rd.. a pupil of Frederick to teach or advocate forcible over­ home of the treasurer, Mra. Irene them, aa she has done many ttmea Skywatch operation wlU have an be purchased for $1M. Repairs Bei^g Done be used because they are of others interested, to “open house” Werner, will provide piano music About half a million Americans throw of the government. The amendment to outlaw (Continued from Pago Ono) Vlncek, 148 Lydall St. Tn-enty- in the past. student prince obeervxtion poat on the roof of the When objection to the $2,000 lighter weight concrete. at her new, centrally located stu­ during the irceptlon hours. San- have peptic ulcere.' Read Herald Adra. administration'^eaye making Oom- Party memherahip, Hui^pl aeven members and, two guests, CIH.-.SC0PE police station as a reault of action was raised and discuaeed. Director Around Clock Mrs. Vincek's mother, Mra. Ida taken last night by the Board of Harry Flrato said "Let’s do some- rnuniet Party membership direct­ fered the aame ' provision with the delcgsUon. John Ridley a ta rria g S S. J ! ly punishable would only drive the Over the objeettona of Republican Yost, and her daughter, Mra. Elea­ XXrectora thliig. We’ve been kicking this One of Connecticut's lafgfsf laa a a a a uimMiBuaawraaiiiaawuiiBmBaiBBKmiiiiDBMWBBaRiaMaMaiaaiBBBBaBigBgiaaiiaiBaaaMBWfflBBiagMiBRMHgi ^ ^ of the Liondon Dsily Telegraph, nor Rodonis of Ellington, were ANN ILYTH-EDMUND PURDON A t ita meeting the Board author- armind." * a* , Reds underground, make martyrs leaders, It was added tooths Houae conveniences, the (Charter Oak of them, and wash out years of bill by a vote of 4 1 - ^ reported that former Prime Minis­ present. > AND THE SINGING VOICE OF ‘ teed town officiafe to proceed with 'Die only oppostti(m to allocating The comUnation^meaaure then ter Clement Attlee, left-'wlng It was a beautifur evening, but plana for an obeervatlon building $1,000 edme from Director Jacob Bridge, is undergoing ita first ma­ Q^v€rL Sia^^ftpA. anti-Communist effort under ex­ Miller who said ” I don't see how isting laws. shot back toHhe JHouae on a vote leader Aneurin Bevan, and two just a little too windy and cool, iARIO LANZi and allocated gr.OOO fropi the capi-. jor doctoring sin(?e it waa built 12 SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS IN KEITH'S AUGUST FURNITURE SALE of 81-1. The House handed the ad- for 8\ipper outdoors. Tables were Aim CONDITIONED______tal reserve improvement fund to we can appropriate $1,00C in the The Senate bill, first passed others of their party discussed face of this (Sheekey’sji estimate.” years ago. For the past two and mtniatration itf^aecond setback of set up in the garage .,and the Joaa Crawford jSii^BaBeran THRILLING CO-HIT' pay for the work, much of which last week 85-0,' was revised in the foreign trade yesterday with the The observation to^er is noUi one half weeks the State Highway House Monday after administra­ the day by approving the latest hamburgers and frankfurters \i-ere Mrrilaa Haydra C. MHcball will be volunteer labor, the Board Maintenance has been rej^ring Senate versk^, 208-100. It did so head'of that ministry in the Peip­ cooked on the fireplace In the tear “JOHNNY “GOaiLLA hopee. l(x;ated atop the Odd Fellows tion prodding to take out the part O C IT A E " AT LAaOB’* BARBARA Building 'but the location 'has the two lane road over the Con­ Given On C.O D. Deliveries by Bdoptlidf a motion of Rep. Dies of the house. The n^embera T rrh. James Shaekey, town engineer .making membership in the Com- ing government, Y^H Chi Chung. 1:15 rrrh. S:U-1«:N proven unsuccessful for several necticut River which te used by mdnist Party Illegal. (D-Tex),/instructing House mem- R id lej^ s^ o had'been 'n China brought baked beans, salada In and acting general manager in the hundreds of people every (toy. iMra of 4 conference committee to variety, relish, delicious banana Sri. 1p.m. “Haiti, at Ik. Cowboy.” t a n w y c k abaenge of General Manager Rich­ reasona. It has been said that some The House substituted a provi­ before Cie^ Co^munlat takeover, SBB...'Hiat .1 F .a r ’—‘Baclaa Blrad* S '^ volunteer observers have quit CD The repair project waa sched­ sion to deprive the party of all accept' the Senate amendments. bread and assorted cakes, which, ard Martin who le vacationing, ee on V- Rubber gave this description of Peiping beeausA.of the location and would uled to be completed during. Pratt timated the coat at t2,5fi0, but the its rights, privileges and immu­ under the Reda: with watermelon, topped off the GEORGE return if tJiA post le located on the and Whitney Aircraft’a vacation \ nities under the law. Those would 4oum__ Republican______I>ader Hal- While much of Peiping life re­ meal. Hot tea and coffee waa Board felt that figure was unduly present police station. period, but rainy weather slowed include the right to sue in the l ^ k of'indiana later tolc^ewsmen mains t.iuch the sanie as it did served, also punch for those who g AN D ER S high. the work and the men are still RANGE & FUEL OIL courts, enter into contracts and .•however, that the InstrOctlon waa before the. Communist revolution, preferred it. It was adjudged to be a Move Next Meath drilling the concrete, with hopes of appear on election ballots. not binding and he felt there Still a great deal actually has hem one of' the beat picnics ever held Oonetructlon will not get under finishing the project very soon. But when the measure earns was a chance to cut out the pro­ clian'jed. To anyone who -vaa in by the group. GARY'liaiERRILL^ way until the police and court Kelley Sajrs Drug According to the State Highway back to the Senate yesterday, Aen. vision making Communist Party China before, it seems astonishing President Mra. Bessie Farris move from the building and into Commission, the scars and bumps Humphrey (D-Minn) assaijM it membership a crime. that waitera reftise tips rather conducted the business session and the reconverted almahouae in about Penalties Adequate In the road were caused by Ure LIVING ROOM FURNITURE The BOLAND OIL CO. as “ a powder-puff approach.” He haughtily. The laughter and gaiety all officers responded but one. Mra. W i t n e s s M u r d e r a month or tlx weeks According to chains and heavy traffic. 'Fhc said it left tlie party m^ihbership of streets has for the moat part Mildred Tedford of Hilliard St. In­ Now Throaah Wodaraday To remarks inade by S(ieekey last highway commissioner says the Clarmaflcspo .night the Highway D(fpt. and the Hartford, Aug. 18 (A*)—Connecti­ untouched. . A b o u t T o w n gone. vited the Guard Club to hold its -S COINS IN ADDiD FUN FOR ALL "KIDS" COLOR CARTOON “holes which hsve been chewefd in fEL MHdMl 34320 Author of the ori|;i'nal Senate From the walla o f moat build­ meeting at her home Friday of Planning and Zoning Dept, will cut’s State Police Commissioner the concrete'; have to lie drilled THE FOUNTAIN” believes that any increase (>f g o o d / I I^ e a r The Mary Cushman Groiq> of ings saturnine portraiu of Mao next week. PMans were discussed move Into^ the prejient police ata- and cleaned off until, a raw con­ riBO “ E A C IN a BLOOD” tion. Adaptatibn ^ Uie biiUdihg penAlties for violating the state crete surface le reached and then the Second Congregational Wo­ Tze-Tung, Stalin, Malenkov and for a food sale in the near future Molotov glower down at passing for the new departments Is esti­ narcotic laws would only make It new concrete is added. Since the / men's League, will meet tomor­ and Mra. Muriel Auden was ap­ multitudes. pointed chairman of the commit mated at about $6,000, Sheekey tougher to get convictions. bumps and holes are small the i row evening with Mrs. Jack Ckimmisaioner John C. Kelley drilling is required so that the Mercer, 417 Woodland St.', to Bookshops are crammed with tee. said last night. Communist books and I was aur-. The Board approved the plans expressed his opinion yesterday at patches will hold. | formulate plana for its part in Mrs. Merle Laufo reported on a conference of law enforcement the October Fair of the League. prised this morning when going the supper to be served on the Hey Kiddies submitted by Sheekey with minor In order to avoid as much t r a f-. late to breakfast in my hotel to occasion of the rally on Tuesday changee auggeated and one major officials called by Gov. John fic as possible the work on the A BIG SUMAfER SPECIAL! Lodge. Hie'State’s chief executive find almost theaentlre staff con­ evening, October 19, In Odd Fel- change. bridge Is done from 9:30 at night Mr. and Mrs. John E. Beebe, wantpd to knpw, he totd. the con­ until 6 o'clock In the morning. 528 Manchester Rd., Esst Glas- gregated there, having their - Sheekey had propoaed to ele- morning instruction in Marxism FOB YOUR REGULAR vata the chimney by about 12 feet ference, whether the statutes cov­ When the basic patches sre made tonhuryi formerly of this town, an oil and fine gravel surface Is from the local commiaaar. to bring It above the observation ering the aale and distribution of sre spading their vacation in narcotics should be given more applied. This'will make a non-skid Msxlco. They flew down and ex­ /^IR C ' > VD/T/Q/V^O THURSDAY, AU6a 19, KIDDIE SHOW deck which will be on the roof of Generally the city la cleaner MANC-HESTER the propoaed new etructure. After teeth. surface. Oiling has to be done in pect to retuni by airplane. than it waa and public buildings diacuaslon, the Board and Sheekey Justice Kenneth F. Wynne of the the da-y time so that from 9 a. m. such as the forbidden City Tem­ EASTWOOD DOORS OPEN l:Se—SHOW STARTS 2 P. M. concluded It would be poaeiMe to until 6 p. m. the road is oiled and The Adult Bible Study and D M iV e - 9 PL 1 State Supreme Court of Ekrors, ple of Heaven, the Lama Temple Terrific—On Our Giant Screen BOL-nCN NCTT^K go ahead with the building and U. S. Atty. Simon S. Cohen, chiefs graveled. / Prayer group of the Talcottville and various pagpdas of Peiping A C o C ' r f -y-Tf/l decide later If It te necessary to of police from throughout the Police Control Trafftc Conjpegational Church will meet are beautifully Icept with paint­ A REAL RIG WESTERN! raiae the stack. Traffic has been considerably this even ng at 8 o’clock at the State, and federal narcotics work renewed and gardeda J.as Crawford J»tf.ry Haat.r Director Walter Mahoney point­ agents; who participated in the slowed up by this repair project, home of Mr. and Mra. H. P. Red- around tliem banked with flo'w- Sl.rll.f Haydra prbra Paart HELD OVER! LAST 4 DATS ed (Hit that In the summer when but State Police have been con­ field. AT. REGULAR PRICES! session: agreed that the present ers. “JOHNNY "rBiNCKSR o r the obMrvation deck will be most penalties are adequate. trolling the district so as to avoid People Poorly Dressed O l'ITA B ” THK N ICE” often used, no fumes will be com­ Some minor amendments were any accidents. A report from the The Auxiliary to Disabled ing from the chimney. In the win American Veterans No. 17, will On the: whole. the - people are la c .is r ■-■'la Calsr suggested, but generally, the en­ State Police at the Hartford Bar­ ter observers will use the enclosed racks says that not one accident enjoy a potluck supper tonight very poorly dressed, but even high > : t M 1:U . 8:M ' RETURN^-TEXAN forcement officials said that the building and can keep windows has occurred on the bridge since at the Beebe cottage. Coventry government officials obviously licUBBIU-INIUB-IBUI — ALSO — \ changes made in the narcotics consider it the thing to appear nmiiBHUM closed on the chimney side laws by thel9Sl General Assembly the repair started and the .traffic Lake. The groi^p will leave at -Ring of Fear” Cinemascope Sheekey pointed out that the 8:30 from the VPW Home, Man­ only in depressing looking dunga­ are strong enough to meet the is moving "ve'.-y smoothly." ree auits. Thefe are still fright­ chimney is oh the south side of the drug problem in (Connecticut. The work how being done on chester Green. Po-ke-no and prop(teed building and prevailing other games' will be played fol­ ful Sights of poverty but there The conference provided Gov. the bridge has nothing to do with shown Nightly at 1:45 P. M. winds which come from the north Lodge with an answer to a charge widening the bridge aa some peo­ lowing the meal, of whlclt Mrs. are no beggars in the streets. west. would tend to blow fumes Martha Miller la chairman. Mrs. Although I waa earnestly and fre­ away from the observers. made recently by A. A. RIbicoff, $298.00 Value! — AND — Hartford attpmey and Democratic Anna Steward Is In charge of quently Informed that "new IJL I Object to Amount transportation. China*' js dping^ everything for Before the vote to allocate $1,000 candidate for governor, who urged children even her«r ,in the capitgl D R IV E -IN /’/'/'.^///’ HELP JUD6E THE BIKE CONTEST for the job passed, Director Harold that dope pushers who ..sell to ATLANTIC ARTS. of the country, there are obvious ^ MMJNTUlfNPIKt*NiWllfGTOlBF^ inlnors be ^ven life prisem sen HIsli Mreel / Good HboIHi Thought S NEW CONTESTANTS TO BE SELECTED rDirkin^on had moved $2,000 be Two Piece sig^hs of starvation amongst many 1 UGMWHT ------set aside for the work, but both .tencea. < Roller potbellied, naked little boys and WINNER WILL BE PICKED NEXT THURSDAY ILOCK ISLAND Mahoney and Director Matthew Ob girls sitting apathetically beaide Paton felt the price was high. . nSCHMAN NOMINATED KMdlea eater the Junior Chamber of Commerce -Talent Show" SppfUilly DctimiM your first Autumn Hot gutters. 2 ACTION COLOR HITS!/ At one point in the discussion New Haven.'Aug. 18 (A*)—Former State Sen. Jacob Flschman was FAMILY VACATIONS ^ 1 9 8 CHECK Everywhere there ars soldiers Fna and prises. Wlnnera will appear in Big Kiddle Show Reine. Director Helen Fitzpatrick strenu­ SUITES all fully armed with automatic- ously objected to the fact that' nominated by ninth district Dem Wetk Moatli SeSMB All colors. In V e lv e t weapons and even grenades. This, .‘‘TANBANYIKA” Sheekey did not have an itemized ocrats last night to oppose State Sperial 8 Dayo, 8 Nlchti One of the most fabulous values we have.«ver offered! A VAN HEFL*1N Sen. Leonard Levy (R) in the No­ Few Opealato Left 'OUR HEARIN I was told, was because invasion Is list of second-hand materials avail­ Fkoae HaroM J. Dwyer MI. 8-UM sensational August Sale savings opportunity in finer always feared from Formosa whose RUTH ROMAN able. vember election. Flschman was B. F, D. t. Aadorer, Cobb. quality, custom built Living Room furniture . . tailored guerrillas— or bandits as it Is more “APACHE DRUMS" Sheekey listed the items orally defeeCed by Levy in 1952. in 100*^ NYLON wtth luxUriqus AIRFfjAM RUBBER 5 3 -9 8 and J g -S S TODAY AT polite to refer to these irregulars STEPHEN McNALLY cushions! Beautifully styled. See them Thursday! here—have recently been increased Personal Hearing Ser\-tce and given more arms. Around the STARTS SUNDAY SOS Main Street airfield on the edge of the city an electric fence has been put up and HNAL CLEARANCE OF Telephone MI-S-62S1 “JOHNNY GUITAR" Choite Of 3 Styles . I guarded every few yards by sol­ Manchester, Connecticut diers. “LITTLE FUGITIVE" TELEVISION Whereas iii the old days soldiers All Summer Hats were considered the scum of the CHILDREN "“ I,*"'FREE ' Custom Built Suites earth In China, now they are given ! Ni w inqionils lJM)'’st Hl.i / ijriiund ftrp i BACK TO SCHOOL • FIELD STONE an honored place and apparently PROGRAMS OR a great many privileges. They are « • SAND well fed and their uniform, - al­ IVideo Everyday—All RlghU Reserved—H. T. Dlcklijaon * Co., Inc. though unaesthetic, is made of LUXURIOUS CHAIRS 5 0 * = and All Better Than Illustrated. • GRAVEL good material. They also get free Cinderella fall fashions: medical attention and Some help S T A T E O TODAY Three styles in two piece Living Room Suites aa pictured, MiUinery-^econd Floor • LOAM la provided for their families dur­ carefully tailored, with decorators, rope fringe base. ing .the period they are serving in Handsome 18th Century Chairs as shown below, all in Duhip Tracks For Hire the armed forces. Moat look husky 'ACTION^IANLS#! Dan River cottons NYLON with FOAM RUBpER coMtri)ction!.7> and somehow achieve a dedicated Better See 2 Hiec6s $198 look when seen marching along the TEL. Ml 9-7906 street. Tiw J W H A U ^ G u n g a Motorsli TV frosted with white! I;...... MAwcHeim c o m *< BOB WRIGHT CiMir, Sharp, StooMy UHfa DUPONT NYIX5N Is completely mothproof, is fads resist­ Personal Notices D in VHF Racoi^anfram * , ant. wears like Iron! The beautiful Jacquard Boucle covers acUttn MRY GRANT-VICTOR MclAGLEN dUlant 5taNon» in these suites and Chairs promise long service . . . beauty you never thought poesible 'at these amazingly low Keith Resolution df Sympathy • JIOUGIAS fAIRBANKS . little sistei prices! 277 IRO AD MIt^ 1124 , IN M EM OnV of nob*Tt U SlephVn- )0AN FONTAINE SALES and ■on who died TuoadBy. August to. 1954. T t L E V I S I 0 N RADIO Once aKaln death has Invaded our SERVICE midst and called to the h ^ v en ly home rnw.aMM.uruaairMa-awiMMB" tfiMnimr ■ f . big $i$ter ^ ^ ^ *98 a dearly b e lo v ^ brothey< The Golden "■ I" Ji . I...... Gateway has opened wide to welcome Ohaaaal ■ (faraarly 8) Maw B arra, Don't .Miss. These him. to the New Jeru^^iem. .He waa a Goaa: 1:88 (88) BIG PICTI BK .true friend and alw^s ready to asalat Ckaaael M Haw Brltala, Coaa. 8:88 ( I) STBIKE IT BICH -Warrra in the welfare of hts comrades. Chaaaal U Halraka, Maai. Hull. Iio.t And Whereas the all wise and merci­ Chaaatl tS Waiwbary. Coaa. (II) BBEAK the bank- Bert ful Master of tb^ Universe has called Chaaaal Ct lyriasfleld. Maaa. Par)CB our beloved and respected brother ’ (il) SC.MBF.B IN THE PABK Keith Savings! home, and he having neeri a true .and FBHiaYL ; . V j = E a MYS - (88) BADGE N.. TU ^ faithful com/ade In our.clitb. - ^ . 4 5 i:ee ( 8) BILL’S CABTOO.tS ■’-Starrina Jacic Webb We resolve to send sincere conddleitre hs be sent to the bereaved fam­ A BIG SUMMER FILM FESHVALt AT REGULAR PRICES (88) OCT WEST with Bill Whalen ’ LIBERAL BUDGET TERMS ' ily. o!^ to the local paper' and on« (81) CBCLB ED'S TTN CLtJB drafted dn the ‘ininutes of our. club.-*' 8:18 ( 8) PINKY LEE 8BOW t SPECIAUST IN Firiwale (W> JOLLY OKNE BRITISH AMKRICAN CI.UB. IN 1952- “HIGH NOONV.. 8:88 < 8-81) M08VDY DOODY TIME KITCHEN REMODELING , / David Maxwell, P;*esldenl. (U) FILM Fred D. ^aker, Rec. Secretary. 8:tt (U) TOWN CBIEB , '' TIeSdrry 8:88 < 8) THIS IS JCDAISM PERSONALtZED ~ B * U i Corduroy IN 1953- “SHANE”- (M) NEWS AT SIX-Pete Stoner (88) FILII FLOORS, Ine. ------and - (81) INIWBOY PLAVaoCBB m Main S t—TeL M M LS.U G . l:U (88) THE BABI.Y SHOW — •'Out of The Storm” (UI FILII *!*• < » y MV LITTLE ___ Cinderella takes . ■'S- .-.v..': (88) WBATUBNAN —Starrlna Gale t k * P a n e it —Bill MaHIn , Fkrrell . wonder-waahing, > 8:18 (U> SrOBTS-Blll Keatlns (18) rVH GOT A SECBET — D r u $ N6W FLAYING > (84) t^TEBFBONT - %aatoo preahrunk ■ If you want to sew fashions for fhe „ -Foeter 18:M ( 8A8) BOXINQ BOCT ' Dan River cottons... whole famlly-in fabrics that in persoB STUDIO CLOSED Andrewa sparkles them with . show off your dressmaking skills, choose AUGUST 23id thru snowy collars... adda coi-duloy. Crompton's corduroys AUGUST 28Hi wonderful whimsical extras . - ;si sszgfrD'EW"'***’** - are faahion-fiair fabrics that wear FBOB bain- Le/I : 'Na'trln Trio constructions to choose from, MmwwfprrfwitiKinn motion 41« Mala St. Ml-S-StSS (18) THE NEWS AT ELEVEN — , RifiAt; gajr plaid with a pair o f A Pete Stoner triple-puff pockets and ita.v«ry own too. Pinwales in lush, splid colors NIpHTCAP EDITION 8:18 ( t) srOBTSCOPE-Sj-d Jaffca .. EDITION—Rav Drury Aft Your Children Going to HpM^lal Saturday Matinee 2:80. picture (88A8) DKAOUNE EDITION 11:18 MOONLIGHT MOVIES Cinderella pencil in a slot, for dresses, separates, suits, (81) sroB'nr views .. WEATHEB-John Quill Camp or School? All Homrn puirhaalng one ticket ( 8) WEATHEB FOBKCAST tl:U (88) THK LATE SHOW fiscs 4 to 6x and 7-12. — can purchase one man*k, ticket ( 8) WOBLD NEWS TODAY Regularly $119.50 Regularly $ I 19.50 coats, leisure clothes, childrenswear, might! (tt) ABBA HEWS—Sporta "Pirate, of Capri’* ORDER NAME TAPES NOV^! $119.50 Value! at half price. (U) .LOCAL NEWS—Fred Cwyar <*•> WRESTLING FBOM BAIB- men’s sport ahirts. And don't forget your (8t> WOBLD NEWS TONIOBT I»i#8 f t) NIGHT OWL THEATEB 100 Fpr $1.50:^ ISO For $1.45 T:88 ( 8) CAVALCADE OP ABEBICA ^ "Hard Guy" home, too. You can dress up your ^ Icgilj^lng Mon., Aiig. 23 “Purl at (he OK Coral" II: « (U) PBRVCK8 Queen Ann Barrel Chair Luxurious Club Chair (88-H) CAPTAIN VIDEO 1:88 I I) NEWS Iron on or sew .cm. C2(olce. of black, blue, T Cushion Barrel Chair (81) WKATBEB—Jobn Quill windows, beds and chairs in rich, handsome, 481) LITTLE SHOW red ink on white tape. Tailored In Dupont NY­ In Dupont NYLON with , stunning period repro­ (U> JOBN DALY—Newa Tamarraw’a Dartim. BiaMlahta LON with fabulous Foam FOA.M RUBBER! Low, duction in NYLON with easy to take care of liorduroys. (88) BABOE AND JEFF *!*• < •» DOCBLE OB NOTBINO • NOTION DEPT. AS ORIGmUiY DONE (81) TEE WOBLD WE LIVE IN 1:88 (U) BIG PAYOFF Rubber Chishion. Deep luxurious comfort in a FOAM liUBBER cushion. WEATBEBVANB - Carall 8:M ( 8) FIBST LOVE channel back, graceful $ 8 9 5 0 finer quality Chair, at a 1.50 Lovely colors to harmon­ $ 8 9 5 0 , BROADWAY! Jobert 8:88 lit) BETTY WHITE SHOW MMeHM Queen Anne base. A love­ (jramatic August Sale ize with your^.preeent fur- i f ( I) CONNECnCI'T SrOTUGBT lU) MATINEK ly addition to any home! saving! nUhinga. ••• , i . W (U> SOLDIEB’S FABADE . COOOHoOMKBPINf 11 tPW < wmiHC Arlene Fruicla BURT LANCASTER (8S48) DOVOLA8 EOWABDS b TBK NEWS .19 (81) WOBLD OP BB. BWBBNBT SHOP THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 FREE PARKING IN KEITH'S PRIVATE PARKING LOT yd. ( S41) NEWS VABAYAM— JoAb - f f i S t k M M CameroB Swayse '■ (18) TYW TOP TTNBS SHlRTn :iORCHE$TRA (18) DANCE INTKBLI'DE EXCLUSIVE WITH US ( S-8SA8)VCE BED SEELTON w—- BB- CAST0F35-FUlLXBfff PETERS (81) TV BOCB — “The Grand KELLER'S*""*”STREET EESlRVATlOHS -TURHtR72fft Tour" y o r MANCHFSTEn Li

G rM B 8 Uu b|w Seats available tor ail perform- S o o 'm M M -iMac.i M B car^ ^ i aaiwa ■aaiweB. It Is recofiaaaended that G. E WILLIS and SON, I nc. Green G lTM/4pritk . . A HEdlTlANCASTER PRESENTATION, thaJUKHAUeo. jroa make year reeervatleaa StBBips Given ^ earty. Limited jnnaber e f tiek- j j i t TheJWHALCco With Cash Sales :i b • :--u MI'H ‘ t h i ^ n i i w i eta wU be beU fer wlafiew aale. PLUS! BIG CHASE . 4 . 'i: 1 ^ 3 N

: 9 PAGB FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18,1954 IIANCHESTFR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1954 PACK RYC tion In tha aendcs to, tubercular ‘W W C H tB x im Swppard Back Hospital Notes L odge O ffe r s paUenta." W H A T -«1 « Dfmy Radio SAWED FROM DROWNING THE PRINTING OFFICE WTfO—I M I . XIOM A D M r m Z ) TXBTBRDAT: Mrs. P lan to Q ire Fairfield, Aug. 17 (8V-An East In Jail; Faces Eainabeth Royster, S62 Adams St.; Norwalk woman, Mrs. Cecilia OF. Mrs. Dottle Cratty, 14 Mountain Spangle, 50, was rescued from H m (ntnin aclMdulM^ St., RodeviUa; M ra Barths Clif­ lAT—N em ; N M t Watch Murder Count F or State III drowning yesterday afternoon near a n by tb* ramo oianac*- IC—The Beat of Groucho ford, 320 Woodland St.; OcU Dor- Penefleld Rsaf after aha had swum a n aubjact to cbaasa WDRC—Crime PbotoKrapber say, 14 A rdi et.; William Duncan, \ WGTH—Red Sox yi. Washlnstoo about 1.000 feet from shore. She (OonOaiied fFom Page Oaa) Jr., 55 Autumn S t ; Mra. MartBret (Oonttnned fran Png* Om ) waa rescued by two fishermen who WM. H. SCHIELDGE * '^ A Y -N e w a ; Nlcht Watch ustaiflKMi, RFD 1, Rockville; John noted her exhaustion and lifted her • f e ) r—Mem S^>lkaBMPUai Hop WTIC—The Beat of Groucho Common Pleas Judge Arthur H. W. Smith, 14 carter S t;.R obert ly advanced plan to transfer WOCC--HM»ta RerM , , WDRC—Clime Photofraphe into their boat. She was treoted W X M ^D ftrolt v»_Cnev*l»nd Day Set 9:15 a.m., Friday, for the Edwards, 148 School St.; Mary chronically 111 patients from men­ for shock and exhaustion at St. WTI(>-BwMMW WUe WGTH—Red Sox va. Waahlngton BUen Grxieka. TiHland; Richard Vincent's Hospital. ------^RecorSlBliop WHAT—Newa; Night Watch arraignment of Sheppard, who will Eberle, RFD 3, Coventry; Richard tal hospitals to whatever vacant Burton's gives you more WGTU—Jack’* Waxwork* r ■ a WTIC—Theater Royal then enter a plea. Slnce< hi# flrat Dsdyga, 39 Horton Ct.; Maurice beds are available in all of the WILL BE CLOSED WDRC-Jack Caraon ’ WHAT—N em Polka Hop WGTH—Red Sox ra. Waahington arrest July SO, Sbappard ha# main­ Wadden. 57 Cooper Hill S t atate tuberculosis aanltorla. WCO^Baoord Bavu* t:U — ADMITTED TODAT: Mnr. Joan fashion for your money W'KNB—Detroit tb Cleveland W H A T-N em ; Night Watch tained hi# innocence and clung to That procedure waa recom­ Meet Burtori*8 School Advisors W Tlb-etalla Dallaa w n c —Theater Royal his story that a prowler killed hi# diesaneU, East Hartfa-d; Robert STANLEY TOOLS WDRC-Keoord Sbop mended in a recent Joint report FROM WDRC—Jack Caraon wife and injured him in a fight. Gorman, 691 Porter St.; Carl by three officials concerned with AND HARDWARE WGTH—Jack’* Waxwork# WGTH—Red Sox va. Waahington Royce, 555 Lydall St.; Harry Var- I*:r‘ When deputies came and advised the prdilem. They are Dr. John J. *'v?HAT—News Polk# Hop Sheppard of the indictment, he ley, 208 Woodland St. W. H. ENGLAND WCOC-^eocrd Reviaw WHAT—N em ; Night Watch Blaako, commisaioner of rilental McOaa Molly Jumped up from the table to go, DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: health: Dr: Sidney Shindell, medi­ AUfiUST 21 through AUGUST 29 W ioiiB-i:>^lt ▼* aeveUnd WDRC—Mr. Keen Charles Mathiason, 56 Valley S t; LUMBER COMPANY /I WTIC-Wtddtfww A 4^—vTAWA*«‘ Hrown “ but they told him to take his cal director of the Commiasion on WDRO-Hacord 8bop WGTH—Red ^ x v*. Waahington Clifford Oallaban, 21 Horton Kd.; Tel. MI-9-0X44 UilA— > time. He did not take long. . the Care and Treatment of the W G nl—Jack * Waxwork# WHAT—N em ; Night Watdb George Ecrobert. 26 Foster St.; sa.in. rustling WTIC— Heart of Newa The osteopath and his parents Chronically 111, Aged and Infirm, “ JfetT:-«lU Polk# Hop displayed no emotion as hand­ Melvin Ecckes, 88 Hills St.; John WCCij-Racord Review WDRC—Mood* for Romance Dougan, 44 Gardner S t; Darbara and Dr. Paul S. Phelps, director of WKNB—Detroit va Cleveland WGTH-Red Sox v*. Waahington cuffs were slipped over his husky the Tuberculosis Commission. WTIC—Tb* Woman M :l* - wrists. Starkweather, 74 Apcl Pi.; Mir. Season - Spanning WHAT—Nit* Watch Alexander Noble. 34 Walnut St.; "The more , I-consider the ques­ WDRO—Record Sbop w n c —Keep to the Capitol His mother rushed to fill a tan tion,” the Governor told Stanley, WGTH—Jack'# Waxwork# WDRc—Mood* for Romanaea paper shopping bag with a red Carl W. Howland, 54-B CCiestnut WGTH—Red Sox v*. Waahington St.; Mrs. Oiarles Poulos, WllHman- "the more I- doubt that it is de­ ^’t^ A T -W eatera Caravan U:4A— sweat shirt, blue hobby trousers sirable o j effective to use bits and WCCC—Recoi-d Review WHAT—Newa; Nit* Watch and other clothing. She tucked in tlc; Mrs. Raymond Morin, North WKNB—Newa: Sport* pieces of each of the kevei'al of TEENA6E w n c —Keep to the Capitol some oranges and bananas. Coventry: Chaiies H. Vaughn, Ar­ WTIC—Juat Plain BUI WDRC—Mooda for Romanaea lington. Va.; Mia. Harry Grjut, your five, sanatoria for this pur­ WDRO-Newa WGTH—Red Sox V*. Waahington Sheppard kissed his mother as WGTH-Jack # Waxwork# Ekist 'Hartford; Miss Rose Ann pose. It seems to me that s u ^ a UM- they stood in the ffont hall. His hodge-podge program might not WHAT—Newa; Night Watch father grasped his hand and said: Wochomiirka, West ' WllUngton; V ^ i^ iA T —Waatern Caravan w n c —Nem Mrs. Artliur Lalime and son, 144 accomplish the result, that we FAVORITEI TAFFETA WOOC-Reoord Review "Take care of yourself, son.” WDRC-Newa want, and might, at the same WKNBr-BaaebaU Matinee WGTH—N em Wearing a tan leather jacket Green Manor Rd.; WiUiaon Moore, WTlO—torenao Jonea over a charcoal gray suit, he kept 4 S. Grove St., Rockville; Mrs. time, work an unnecessary hard­ \ ■WDRC—Record Shop WHAT—Night Watch CHARMERS GTH—Jack'* Waxwork# step with deputies into a waiting Philip Linderson, Jr. and daughter, ship ,pn the Institutions involved S W n c-N ew a of World Coventry; Mra Howrard Bugbee with possible resulting deteriora- . (, WDRO—Radio Almanae automobile and was sped to the ■ n , / WHAT—HaU of Record# WGTH—Sporta Report county Jail. and daughter,' SoUand Avenue,. WCCC—Record Review U:W- WKNB—Baeeball Matinee ------— ■ Watch . There he showered, changed Rockville; Forest WUliama, 63 WTIC—Mualcal Program Seranad# clothing and waa returned to his Summer St.; Mm. Lswla Briming WDRC—Memoir ------r Sagl# old cell on the fourth floor, after and son, 54 Lodge Dr. MsckSwfcHs WGTH—SUver IMS CHARGED TCHIAT: Mra bfewa Swells WHAT- being brought for booking. 'what—Baa < * Raoprda Drfenae Atty. William J. Oor- Donald Sadroainaki and daui^ter, MARJORIE DUELL BEHE BOSLISCH $70.98 WOpO-Beoord Rml«w. WDRC 76 Garden S t; Richard-Ladyga, 39 97 WTOB-Baaeball...______Raqoaat Mafia## rigan waiting for him, complained Your subfeen advisor Your dress, coat advisor w n c—Magical Program. that "it was unnecessary -to pick Hbrtoh Rd.; Patrick Dougan, 253 WDRO M#a##y. TUloa Highland St.; Mrs. Richard Forde WOTS-Snrza^# him up now,” since he waa,out on Hoover Appointed bond. and daughter, 224 Main S t; Mra. WHAT- p*w> Corrigan, whose petition for Joseph Tonski, 447 Main S t WoS j- food Bvenlng. Good Koala BIRTHS TODAT: A son to Mr. W#m; Sport* Under Seef’etary ball won Sheppard's release Mon­ day, said he would seek release on and Mra. Richard Bates, South WDI bail again at the arraignment. Coventry. WG'__ (ODStteoed Fags Om ) * ‘?feAT- Serenad# W( ‘ Good Muale buic disagrMjMnt over Uri^s re ported betweeii Hoover, on the one •2 Wintg-Badio Aim haqd, and Blaaidtawer and DuUea TGra-n«anen on tha other. ' ''H- Once ogaiii we mode a lucky The Preaident and the Sacretary purchase and you reap the Moale have said that tariffs ntust not Hm fireyhewii W « j . Ym .Sbv# «n4 Saval fl(h brawn benefits! Entire supply will ___ Gle# O ob be allowed tp hamper the flow of iMibardo Imports froih trade-hungry naUpna Oae Roaaf leoHisreppar go on sole tomorrow at a leet tboae countries ha fonced to Way Trip turn to the Soviet bloc to aeU their MfaHBis. F fa b ...927J5 $49.23 price tjiot saves you $1.00 | Good Moaio goo^, 'Hoover was understood to New Y ork ...... 2.70 4J0 on every pair. Come see j have felt duties should be high Bangor, Me...... 9.10 16.40 SETS them, you'll love their style WORO-LoweU Tboihha enough to reflect the difference JaekseoviOe, Flo. .. 2L25 S8JS \ WGTH-New# ^ between wage rates paid American eWeago, m . .... 20.80 8745 ...depend on us for their woihera and those paid foreign It will pay you to replace every piece of tired out bedding In WHAT—B ern : Soppar B«r>n#d* Oeotcr Travel \ ‘ workers producing the game at quality! wccc.^><)od iSveims G ^ ibiaia yoor hooM and enjoy the matchleee sleeping comfort of foam Agamy WKNB—Bvenlng Shraaad# \ ■ tlClM# rubber. . . . A full 4 ^ ” tUek mattreaa of white latex. Blatch- 498 BfalB St J Apparently, however, whatever Fheoe MI-t-8080 the differences may have been on Ing box spring designed by oar 1:1S— this point, they were not atrong bedding engineera to provide prop­ WHAT—Sanpar Seranad# anou^ to bar Hoover’s promotion DONNA LaVISTA DORIS GASLIARDONE WCCC—Good Bvenlng Good Knale er Bopport and standard (; R E Y H O U N D 903 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER WKNB—Evening Serenad* the more important Job. height . . . Firm, cod, non-aller- Your sportswear advisor Your lingerie advisor WTIC—Note# and Quotea ^ i t b , In a letter to. Dullea, aaid WDRC—Peter Lind Haye# gtc comfort We’ve lots more to WGTH—J. Tandercook of hiS Teasons for resigning: PORTRAITS BY JOSEPH P. NAYLOR STUDIO . Nl am more overextended tell you when you visit ua. WHAT—Supper Serenad* phyalcall^and financially than I WCCC—Good Evening. Good Kuala WKNB—Evening Serenad* had realised, and I cannot afford w n c —Newa ot the World to give up the employment con­ TWIN sn * Burton’s, O n - The - Spot Experts Henry Rosenfeld's exciting,excitinc. party- WDRC—Peter Lind Hayea tract which I nave been offered.” This waltz-time taffeto frock by Jr. WGTH—Gabriel Heatter USUAUY $119.50 will help you select your school wardrobe from the Vues is candlelight bare, with curvy, going taffeta is rich, rustling, and WHAT—N em : Supiler Serenad* Phinea# - T. BarSujn, showman amazingly priced! Its full-circle skirt WCCC—Good Bvenuig, Good Goo MualQ and circua owmer. born in grand and importaht^ashions.now assembled here at flattering bodice to malcO^^the most WKNB—Evening Serenade IS cord-banded . . . its flattering w n c—On* Mon’* family Bethel Conn. NOW $ 7 9 . 5 0 Burton's— hand picke'^for your approval. Gome in of your figure, circle cord$\to mold ,WDRC—C. CoUlngwood bodice is low-scooped! Sizes 12 to '' WGTH—In the Mood and visif with our school ^visors^—as they are expert­ the midriff, and the added Dparkle (8. Red. black and blue. WHAT—N em : Supper Beaenad* ly trained to co-ordinate your every need. of rhinestone pins, shirred bow-tied WTIC—Newa Game r FULL SET WDRC—FBI—Peace-end War sleeves, hidden pockets. Sizes 7 ^ c WGTH—Squad Room BARLOW’S TV USUAUY $139.50 In Manchester it's lurton's fgr school fashions S:U- 15 WHAT—New*; Supper Serenad* w n c —New* Game SALES ond SERVICE WDRC—FBI—Peace and War WGTH-Squod Room RCA — iMidix NQw $ 9 9 * 5 0 WHAT-GoIng Formrd WTIC—Spend A Million Admiral Meteroki WDRC—21iJlat ^Precinct BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED WGTH Red Sox va. Waahington Tabes, Antennas and S:U— New Nub mid WHAT-GoIng Forward Snpplies WTIC-Sp#nd A Million Sotiifg(Rtien if, of ceurM, guaremttod WDRC—aut Precinct W QTH-^ed Sox va. Waahington 1089 Tolland Tpk, Bnckland (NEAR pollINT BIDES) Sloop. Ship /n Sh ore TeleTisioo Provnuns. Teh MI-3-5095 On Pass Two C o R ier 539 Main S t MI-9-«SS5 ttb| Eapecially for you who love.fine tweed.s THREf CHEERS FOR THESE BACK-TO-SCHOOL WOOL SKIRTS 0 ' MID-SUiMMER SAVINGS and textures—bombed woven gingham / flashed with textured stripes . . . laun- DIAMOND'S ARMY and NAvV ders'bright, with no need of an iron. PLAIDS-PLEATS-FLANNELS and TWEEDS Two-way 'kerchief-back .collar . , . tidy ROYS'. ARMY FATIGUE barrel cuffs' . . . stay-down shirt tails. Rich deeptones . . . lit.by lustrous'pearl' LUGGAGE ■ 1- PANTS buttons. Sizes 30 to 40. \ with largo pockats From HOUSE’S ;49

Sixoi A to I S \

Army Fatigne , CYM BAGS CAPS6 $ 1 .9 8 4 9 e Ideal For Washable School

MEN'S ARMY Fashion - Wise Price - Wise School - Wise •

— \ . Mb-.* For Back tp School or All - wool Flannel ^ ■ r 4 AND^ Vaerrtion Travel •ST JUMPER ZIPPER FUES A TOP GRAIN OR RUFF REAL lASKETlAU - COWHIDE AND PLASTIC I: SNEAKS SIZES AND MODEL^ ,

FOR MOST OCCASIONS , s '»• • I , All-wool flannel jumper with sailor collar, MODERATELY PRICED contrasting bow tie, contrasting button­ Wash4bl4, spot resist­ Yarn dye washable flan-' hole trim on both the- blouse anrf slim ■ / ■ ant, pinkie resistant nel 4 gore skirt in light yFour gLre walker skirt in Tweed, walker skirt in skirt . . . in grey with bright] red trim. gored plaid swing skirt, gray, dark. gray. Sizes dark gray, oxford, brown *t w e a d, gray Sizes 10-16. DIAMOND'S . pleated! red^ and green J O to lb. brown. Sizes 10 to 18.' twaad.'Saes 10 to 16. plaid.jflii<‘ Si^ei^ $5.98 $5.98 J ' ■ ARMY am NAVY CEH01ISX&S0N \ \ n W MAW ST. V I \ - MANCHESTER I In WE GREEN STAMPS r t Charge it ^ Bud jet it Yes Indeed! iia ia B ‘ 4, T ' ,, 1 ^ S '"."'''', A \ Ti4 f" ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN« WEDNES'DAY, AUGUST 18,1954 PAGE SEVEN P^GE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY, AUGUS? 18, 1954 'I ...... ' ------■^ T ' ville was matron of honor and voting. President Emerson Pow- $27 on the first count and oif being peaceful, tt is legitimate on the exchanges; wholesalers are Ireland Native’ , .Mra. Lorraine Speifcer, Mr. and RockviUe^Vernon George Foster, also of Rockville,, Pay Hike Voffe nsll of CIO vjiocal 288, said: fillkoo second. l®aiirlfPBtpr'“ for us to sey they rea’ly don't beginning to drop their, price; Droodles 'Mrs. Johnston McKee, and Nor­ was best man. Following a wed­ We’Ve turned It down. I fion’t Paul Aceto of Sherbrook Drive. IP YOU ARI INTERESTiD IN AN mean it; it is wise for us to keep soon a drop in price will come into man C. McKee who lives with his ding trip to Maine, tlte couple plan know wliat’s going to be the out­ Glast^ibury, was fined $12 for vio­ mother. \ come of the vote taken- by the lation d r ^ le s of the road. Corntnr) IfpraUi our guard up and reatlv, agninst the retail stores. Perhaps, In time, By ROOER PRICE Surprise Visitor to make their home at 49 Moun­ LUCKY LADY LAUNDERETTE Vernon Board of Education tain Street, Rockville. Slated by 4,500 AFL. But I don't know why they’d’ Richacd41. Folsom of Coventry Pt’BUSIlED By TUE the po.asibllily oj deceit atid even the five cent cup of coffee TO SEEk RENOMINAtlON 9 MAPLE ST. (Main and Maple, Opposite PlMWt) accept it. . Motel, Coventry, charged with HCRAU) PRINTING CO.. INC. Announce Engagement WALTER K. ERGUBON change; but we .cannot rule ottt tlte will come back, tUhovigh we Mrs. Mary Smyth of Belfaat, , Westport, Aug. 18 (.D-^tste TEL. MI-e-83I2 — MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Helm Atom Workers At the II Blrcet possibility, either, that enough would hate to go without - our Northern Ireland, who recent!;^ ar­ Reps. Henry Ferne 2d and JoMph To Discuss Tuition Issue of Mountain Street, Ellington, have « 21-cent hourly raise, the AFL 19 Albert T. RyobiJ o f 57 Goodwin Maiifhi'sU'r. Cmin V. Serena sajr they plan to fight St., charged with, violation of making tike peace could help morning break until' that day rived on the New Amsterdam of announced the engagement of their cent*. 'When negotiating' col­ THOMAS F. PKROUSON, for renomination at the RepiibiL daughter, Mias Maureen Ruth Fidollty finest qufility of diamond United States. The churches which / ‘ Kling Is the fabulous quality furniture you always lee tour. Second, it is an issue becaiise in losih:; itself in devotion to Ipiild- Ing up God’s kingdom, not ’with Rear Muale Before and After the Show the Manchester known! Easy Payments In- are being erected as part of the the PresidenUal order that the "Crusade for Wooden Churchea" dream of owning . . and suddenly find you can! - Ke.vei^eless. even though they brick, mortar or endowments, not Orivci-lB Theatre. / vited- are ready to do more oC.the-same contract be given to a apeciflo pri­ in a divided house, hut fn the Jewelers— SUveramitha will replace some of the German Each piece .is carefully fashioned from inside to out vate enterprise firm is somewhat churchea which were destroyed thing, tho British are unaasy and hearts, minds and souls of those 4158 Main St,—MI-9-4298 during World War II ahd are form- . from front to the very backs! Every inch of it is nervous over the present .Attlee unusual, and probably unwise. The committed to its care will some day lose Its life or at leatt its tise- ■ jng a "Spiritual Wall” against the SOLID mahogany excepting the scrolls on the single tour. One reason is that UUs is the record may reveal ‘ hat apme v-nof ulfnose to God. dpread.of Communism. The local J.30 CENTER ST.— (Cornw of Church) Atixjliary Unit wax a contributor dresser mirror which are of necessity mahogany first great piece of ice-breaking ficial search for a low bidder was Our Lord promised eternal life to SINCE 1 9 0 0 THE KNOWN NAME, THE KNOWN QUALITY to this cause. veneered. Each piece has the old time charm . . between Chjna and the West. An­ conducted 'before .this order wa-s all who believed in him. Are. not Legiob-..Installs Hebron Officers other factor is that one. reason decided upon. But, on the surface, niany people lulled into complac­ The destination of the Mystery inspired by Colonial Chippendale pieces . . that ency who believe they lelievc? Ride held by Dobosz-Ertel'4.abqc- the Commimist world seent.s to the govci'nmcnt ha.s ordered this Wlio could really believe in Jc.su.s assures a lifetime of enjoyment, for this furniture contract without competitive bid-i Hsnsen Unit" No. 14 on Aug. 11" welcome it is becnu.se it see.s aii Christ and not love God? Love re-: was the Americhq Legion Hoone In never goes "out of style!" opportunity to' split-- the United ding. Since the government, in quires proof and obedience ta Hdbron, where installation of of­ God's' laws Is the proof most Rtatfs and Britain h^’ the process this action, was t'lining toward ficers of the Hebroq Poet took needed. - *“ place, M in Jennie Batx, Peirt Dis­ o f tvooing CiitiUn.’ Ahd fa th e r the fiee enterprise theory, it is Let the Russians have their ant regrettable^ tliat it did not make trict President, and the follow ing From New England's reason is that Attlee and his com­ hill phitpaophy and let ua have m e m b ^ of the local unit i'nstalled panions., no. matter how they' con­ the enterprire-involved really free . God- flnrt In our churches, first in .the newYifncers: Mri. Eileen'Kl^- and fom potitive. No. one, except oar homes and first In our affec­ erty, Novak, duct themselves, ho matter how tions. When our Father’s house fearlesid'y they emphasise demo­ the company receiving, the con­ Anna Mrs. Hermeti-. ia no longer divided against Itself Dorothy Allen best known mill«*« Chest tract, Will really be saUafied that Hoermann,' cratic, western principles in their Uion the Russians may see the and Mias Akn Gworek. 107.00 discus.sinns with their Gommunisl •what jioa bmen involved here . Is light and tern to God. Reller.porpaler-,1 to Meet MAV.H. ■V, boists. are making themselves sit­ free enterpnae, The Burpeh Women’s Relief \ 1- 'Rpon.sored b>’ the Manchester Corps will m e ^ a t the GAR Hall ting ducks for Conimunist piopa- The.sc two i.'C'ucs arc.legiUmatc. Council of Churches. The lone ' is a plulosophical Wednesday evempg at- 8 p. m. The ganda efforts. meeting will beVfollowed by a The Commimfsts, asstfrediy’, will ideological is.sue., on whicit wc / birthday social, ^ t b Pippin will be ptakthg big capitaVRUt Uieir think the President is right. The How To Hold I be in charge. XVA should, be mainlniupu, as an Peach Fce\lval courtesy to Attlee, and they will ' A Peach Festival'^11 be held Casual 39.95 outstanding -ex{>erinioni, wtUiin FALSE TEETH be picturing" his visit as' recogni­ • Saturday evening on the lawn of ^ Dresser Base I l 6.50 tion of their ou-n importance in Uihits. Tlio other le *R issue of ^ More Firmly In Ploco the Vernon Methodiat^Church on the worfd. Tltey will be tcslng it, proccilUrji, in w'tiTll we tend to Do vour ’fsiu teeth aunoy and ein- Route so, Dobsonville. live festival Mirror 39.95 barraaa bjr aUpplng, drafiplnt «r «ol>- ia aponaored by the Women’s So­ erer.vwhere;' to bolster;-their, own J,hink the Ehaenhower adminislra- bllng when you eat. laush or taUcT \ Just sprinkle a little FA8TEETH on ciety of Christian Service. ‘•peace’crusade." And this Is the lion- has 1;oen wrong. It would your plates. This alkaline tnon-acldl One of the highlights of Lhe fes­ have been-belter to let private .en­ powrder holds false teeth- more nrmljr angle about which the British, ahd more comfortably. No Rummy, tival will be a "Parcel Post\ sale. Bed even those who believe in coexist terprise coJ'ipelc opei’l^' for this gooey, pasty tsste'or feeling. Does not Among the many articles aeht to sour.' Checks "piste odor-’‘ (denture the church for this Mie are gifts 65.75 ence, are nervous—Uie fear that privatjb ehteipriae opjiortunity. breath!. Clet 'FASTBETH today at Attlee and his companions wUl.be Tlte third ia.sue now ittised in any drug counter. •Yised" by the Coiiimunljst.s in a connection witlv tliis lonliact' is manner whicli is false, so far a.s not. legitiiiv-tc. It i:; tltc insimia- Rubtroid R ooR h s jSee what you save! rMl Commimi.st jiurposes and tac U.iuce a -con­ ail this niay'be doing tb the Coni spicuous piece Of favoritism in an in '*nMm** pemff \ i ■ ■ i . ■ - ' . muniatK, It Lonly the Cor>mi:msts could while he -.suRgests iV, and which lioWtHWIABOItMir gain and only the .V-‘esl tkmld lose many DertiOcrafa in Cor.giesa re­ Sofa Beds ^ from Uie Attlee toiir and alL thgt ject quite' a.1 veliemently M do the Corvette carpet is made especially for a limit­ goes with It. ' Republican.s. Most of" th'e aniehr ed number of stores so you'll find it exclusively It's a Bdd! But the CommimisU, assured­ inlchdetl in all this, is- atiU. stick­ 1 at Watkins in Manchester. Its random'texture NeM an extra “Ruest bedroom’’ for visit ly, arc influent iijg themselves and ing to Mitchell himBclf, as it givas a plain effeef-so desirable with mahogany u I I relatives dr Vacationing friends? This Sirh,- . .fre.scribing a future pattern t>f iJiouid. m mpn.s Sofa-Bed changes your living room 18th Century furniture and rich upholsterings. den into, a bedroom in a twinkle. Converts to behavior for tbemselcTs by tlie 3-TRANSISTOR very fatJl. that they are ataging Coming Down Yet it is easy’to care for . . seldom shows foot­ a bed without moving the sqfa,.rug oj' tables ' all thik' elaborate pageant y of prints or shading. "'X (so saves furniture and floors from scratch­ Coffee prirea arc coming down. es). Storage for bed clothes inside. Smart coexistence.. Two things seem niaip y respon- This has to be true even if we checked coveringpillows extra. rtbl*;"Kor one' thing,. Brazil has •'Roy«l.r* WIND-JAC " ; are to concede that t'here is noth­ been selling lo'sa coffee to tis. And ing, except utter, unscrupuluus for Early American that coffee which wa.s once sup­ NEABIN6 AID blackness in all Comuiumat hearts posed to be in such shorty supply JAUNTY SPECTATOR COAT f. • * ★ Operatiri for only ISf a and minds, even if all thta pageant is lieginning, to pile up, antr Brazil month isMcad o f Iff to lOf Corvette is stocked right here at Watkins in for old-type vacuum- is nothing more than a pagtoitl- wants to move it. a ia y 12-foot width in three of today's most wanted tube aids! The ideal jacket for campus and .sportswear .. ..smart yet For- whatever the ftommunisis aie, T or a .second Uting. a formal colors • • Dover Gray, Suburban Green and all this high Miundinj; talk about ★ Life-like aound. truer and report from Washington labeled clearer ihaa aver! rugged because the fabric ia mfide by Reeves. Windmill coexistence does nut’ ’ niake it Nutria Brown. The casual Kigh-and-low. loop the coffee situation \vh."‘. it really ★ 1 he om "A " battery last, a pile is just the right texture for ensembftn^ with easier for them to start a m.-vv was- -a ertation. o f the specular full month . . . no '‘ I " bat- Faahion-s gives dash to this rain repellent Win^-Jac with war, or to sell such a new war to teor.. .rawer bet tery changes I maple, cherry, pine, and quaint Early American tors. a quilted plaid lining, detachable hood, huge pocket and their own people, and :U1 thin ban- Having the ga-ne labeled, on - o’ey i-shnot 'vety rtedtke th’e price of coff?e, Brari' I ' ' 4 W u close this A gon 's mouth in . haa Juggled its foreign exchange , left; Tri-tone grey or brown^ with slide clusters ol pieotx. >■ ' adds 8 spacious effect to any room. lAnd it 'innn*$ I;. *eee, rittuwetaoves.^ ^ i systenU in orfier to make the dol- comes in stunning colprs'that blend so perfect­ Center: Ploid skirt-of-mony-'colors, boa-pleated oN roupd. iithe Conttmirtints jiei-stst in lar ^go a little funjii{r,>«»d buy a ly with mbdern upholsteries and blond woods . . the ninticms and saying Ilttleimure coffee, in Bi-azil. , R.'ght: Ponels of knile-pieots in block, novy or g re y. ' Nufrii Brown, Suburban G^een and Driver 1 of jpeare, the mbra they But the v.v-rat o f the coffee Jag ('■- : 8 ^ fitonimitted to keep to N owsr. it 'is droppia^ V .-I A ;A'\ " /

■4 ■

MANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEB, CONN- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1954 PA6EN 0II >4 UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18.1954 [ ‘■'V \ PAOi; EIGHT jama and jellies at the Nathan are spending a few days visiting former Prime Minister Clement Coventry Hale (immunity Center. Proceeds Melon Eating Contest with their son, Keith V. Roae and H i Mai BrtliiH (1) ^ A ttim and seven other British' L«^' Named Chairman w ill go toWard mipportlng and On Playgrounds Tonight his fam ily near Utica, N. Y. borttu had choaen to taka off dh maintaining the building used for Daughter Bora numerous community service pro­ a flying visit to Red China. Skywatch Schedule For Theater Party $374,716 Bid Lowest A watermelon eating contest A daughter. Donna Marie, was When John spoke o f G M ^any .FOR EXPERT jects througout the year. bom -yesterday to Mr. and Mra. is this week’s special event Tuimcoat Jolted Allies dutined to become a'field oTradto- 4-H dubs to Meet sponsored by the Recreation Bernard Noble of 290 School active death If there fa/war, his Thursday, Angnat 19 i Mrs. John Shea, 245 Main S t, . WHEEL ALIGNMENT — WHEEL BALANCING The Little Scisssoio 4-H Sew­ St., Manchester, formerly of this For North District School ing Club w ill meet tomorrow at 3 Dept, at the playgrounds. The MAI words seemed direct.ed/at Britain Midnight - 2 a. m...... Thomas Wilde RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING contest w iir start at 6:30 to­ towii. The grandparents are Ed­ la ticket chairman in this area for p. m. at the home of Mrs. Arthur SCHOOL-BOUND as well. 2 a. m.' • 4 a. m. • • ...... Floyd Chapman COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE night 'at each of tl.e nine play ward Noble of Manchester, former­ 4 a. m .'- 6 a. m.‘ ...... Volnateeis Needed a theater party to be held at the Johnson on Ripley Hi- to prepare ly of 0)ventr>’, and Mr. and Mra. With ‘PoUtical H-Bomb’ It is acknowledc^ in iW utem Coventry, Aug. 18 — (Special)—^j»the Friday night tocial at the areas. dlplomatlo circle^Uiat for many 6 a. m. - 9 a. m. ; ...... Volunteers Needed Oakdale Musical Th ea tre In W al­ for taking part in tl c 4-II toiyn Harry Peterson of 26 Gardiner St., SEE The School Building Committee Nathan Hale Community Center. fair Sat\irday afternoon and eve­ Due to the large number of Britons as for Germans, co-exiet- 9 a. m. - Noon ...... Mr. and Mis. Willard Small lingford for the benefit o f the Manchester. (K stoi n ite ls the eecMHl of t^ro» Glib and dapper. Dr. John Is announced last night that Robert Plan Oet-aepualnted Miecting ning at- the Church Community participants anticipated for the DRESSES ence with t l ^ Soviet bloc looks Noon - 3 p. m...... Mrs. Gertrude Uriano, Mrs. Shir* Visiting Relatives •rtteleo fo r afternoon papers treated as a distinguished guest Women’s Auxiliary of tha Conn. Glenn Builders, Inc., of West T h e parent-members’’o f th^ co­ House. ^ event,, all children who vrish to like the one hope of r,'rvivai in the )ey Galligan Karen Little is spending this THArU MAKE THE GRADE pogtmr OemMjr'a cre»t'Beeni1t.v by the Soviet Zone regime and ap­ Chiropody Socletyv Hartford submitted a low bid of The Green Thumb 4-H Garden enter must register at the therntohuridar age. Their Island 3 p. m. • 6 p. m...... Alayne Murphy operative nursery and kindergar­ week with relatives in Plalnvllle. ■^nflT* the flight of Otto John to pears to relish the West's conster- Proceeds from the sale o f tickets CLARKE MOTOR SALES "■ $374,716 for the construction of ten are planning a get-acquainted Club w ill meet at the home of Mrs'. playground nearest their home realm m j^ t become a sitting duck 6 p. m. - 8 p. m...... Ann Maison, Eugene Mastrangelo E M t). nstion. He and ex-Field Marshal the proposed 16-classroom school Donald C. Smith tomorrcAv at 3:30 before 5 o’clock today. STYLES BY JOYCE ANN FASHIONS for Soviet H-bomb annihilation. 8 p. m. • 10 p; m...... Harold Glean, Michael Glean for the performance will be used 301 BROAD STREET ML9-20i2 Meeting Sept. 1 at 8 p. m. in the Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ Friedrich Paulus. defeated Nazi in the north district. Four other p. 'm. to discuss participating in Dr.'’ John boasted L.at he will 10 p. m. - Midnight ...... York Strangfeld to establish an annual scholarship Nathan Hale Comntunity Center entry corrtspoodent. Mrs. Charlsi STRIPES . . . PLA ID S . . . S O U D COLORS By HANEBL DB I^VCE conmjander at Stalingrad, are how builders submitted bids for the the lair Saturday. enpdse "secret agreements" to the Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquartera, Munici­ for high school students planning claaaroom. Freaident Mra. Doni^d L, Little, telephone Pilgrim 2-6231. propaganda pals in the Red "peace project. Peterson; vice president, Mrs. Jean Health Council 5ieetlng SIZES 7-14 Bonn, Germany, AUg. 18 Uf) — European Arm y pact at some fu­ pal Building, Manchester, bn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaya, toi'atudy chiropody. . sponsored by the 4-H tiriyn com­ camp.* The school will be built in two F. Roy; secretary, Mra. Erick The Adyi.sory Health Council Dr. Otto John'* treaMn to the ture date. Dut this 4s alt.-ia'l the from 1-5 p. m. Civil Defense Telephone Number: 9-9068. This will be the first scholarship mittee in the Church Ooirimunity — X . __nn„.i Paulus is writing to survivors of eight-room sections, .conpected by Anderson; - treasurer, Mrs. John will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. at only thing he has said since his of its kind in the state. House. Previous years a sinailar GIVE H ER ; W est is » kind of political hydtorj^j),^ German officer corps in the a 50-foot corridor. Besides the 16 Howland, will be in general charge. the home o f Mrs. John A. Hill­ desertion that has not made West­ The auxiliary of the Conn. Chiro­ supper was served in conjunction < gen bomb. ~Bonn ~Republic, inviting them to the only way to contend with the , class rooms it will include a gen­ Final preparations for the opening man,' secretary. ern officials ‘ flinch. , pody Society haa selected the night r / / with the annual 4-H town fair. / • In four weeks since the Bonn do their utmost to kill the ElDC Growth of t’irm tax problem in Manchester is to eral purpose room with a kitchen o f classes on Sept. 8 will be made. ) .Make Herb Vinegars CHANEL NO. 5 The confirmed fact is that the of Wednesday, Aug. 25, when "Caii This year, on Saturday, a light' ; Rophblic'a security chief—a noted and to agitate for reunion with incresse ' the Grand List without and facilities for physical educa­ There are atill vacaheiea in ^he The second of three meetings on cafeteria supper will be ser ved available at from EDC treaty has no secret military Me Madame” w ill be playing at tion instruction. It will dlso be making herb vinenars will be held ■ protego t(t the British Secret Ektst Germany on Russia’s terms. clauses. Out there is an under­ Told by Spencer increasing expenaea and he urged afternoon classes o f both groups. during the fair here. , that local resident* should do what­ tha Oakdale .Musical Theatre, for used as an auditorium. An adminis­ Thursday at 12:45 p m. at III ! Ssrolco — deserted to the Soviet Paulus dangles the prospect of standing connected with it that To be installed over the weekend WELDON’S SIZES 3-6x FROM S1.98 ever possible to bring new indus­ its benefit performance. trative unit will also be included Caprilands Herb Far.n with Mrs. Koae* Visit Son 901 MAIN STREET Zone, his explosive case has: revived careers for the officers in has not yet been officially made Lirge Group of Htts will be the rebuilt and repainted Mr. and Mrs. Wilton L. Rose * “I, Poisoned Allled-Oerman rela- A local company, which started try Into town.. The newly-organized auxiliary Is In the building. merry-go-round donated "by Mr. Adelma G. Simmons as hostcs.s. a new national aTmy and. harks pciblic. Ih is provide'* permission FORMERLY AS HIGH AS 67.98 - tions and strengthened Russian back to historical periods, when with two en>pIoyes and now hires designed to further the goals of The four, other builders were and Mrs. Adam G. Quandt, Sr. l^ose interested a to bring A Fine Selection of for Allied security ani intelligence the Ooiln. Chiropody Society. ALL COLORS AND SIZES Joseph Nastn Co., Of Willimanlic, . diplomacy. German power in Europe was, 65 people, has beco-.ne one of Man­ PALLOTTI APPOINTED Stuart Latsha, diairman of the white or wine vinegar and quart organizations—Brltlah, French, - Hartford, Aug. 18 (8F^—Francis Tickets for the benefit perfor­ y with a bid of $381,648; Frechette jars.' Herbs will be furnished. CHUBBY DRESSES Shook EDC Project based on alliance with Russia.’ In­ and American—-to. continue to chester’s leading industries ex-, equipment construction commltteie , g. Shaken the European Arm y telligence sources estimate East plained W. Robert Spencer last P. Pallotti was promoted from mance may be reserved by calling and Floryan, with a bid o f $40t,- vrill.be in charge. Mrs. Latsha will White Sox vs. Dodgers Sizes 7»i-14ii function inside W est Germany Mrs. Shea. SUMMER SUEVELESS 410: R.vF. Jones with k bid of The Jttle League White Sox and project, (EDC), which faces the Germany’s armed forces at pres­ after restoration of German sover­ night in his talk to the Rotary prosecutor to judge of the Hart­ paint a swing given by the ford City and Police Court yester­ $405,262; and Hartford General will play the Dodgers tomorrow CHUBBY SUB-TEEN . Ivench National Assembly’s cru- ent at 130,000 men. eignty. The reason is that for an Club at the Manchester Country Quandts which will be installed day, and the judges o f the court Construction Co., with n bid of. at 6:15 p. m. at the Robertson DRESSES d d l vote in a couple o f weeks. Dr. John is expected to become indefinite period to come, 250,000 Club. Spencer explained that the when completed. then -selected James F. Collins to $405,523. School field. S. Throym grave suspicion that a weekly commentator on the big American and 14)0,000 British concern, Spencer Rubber Co., BLOUSES, 2 fsr replace Pallotti as prosecutor. John M. Tyler, committee chair­ Latsha will donate hia time in 4-H Holds Corn Supper 10^i-14t,^-Jrom $3.98 an German and 4nicd intelligence Communist radio station, Deutsch- troops are due to remain here, started, ita biKineM Li the manu­ making a live doll toy bed and facture of rubber bands and re­ Both men are lawyers, and they CHKED*::::« AS? man, said the committee is ex­ About 200 persons were served organlsationa may contain other jgnder, with his political messages while 12 German divisions are be­ 0 6 tremely pleased with the low bid carriage to be ready when school during the corn supper recently ceived as one \of its first orders, are scheduled to be sworn into Soviet double-agents. beamed at West Germany. ing raised to serve in a 6-po**'er TH AN K HEAVENS! Most attacks opens. The parent-member group Girls . . . come to an order for 10,000 pounds of rub­ office on Ihursday morning; Pal­ are acid indigestion. When it strikes JAN millinery asi ■» o f the Glenn firm. Their bid was Phase and Oottop . 4. Humiliated Chancellor Kon­ His song is pitched in a differ­ European"' Arm y .alongside the FT’S will furnish necessary materials. Marlow’s for your ber tends from the U. S. Na'-y. lotti fills a vacancy created by the take Bell-ans tablets. They contain linder the $13 perVsquare, foot rad Adenauer’s government and ent key than Paulus’. but it means Frencii. Remainder of the playground and SLIPS Rifbber bands were manufac­ resi|:nation o f John J. Bracken, the fastest-acting medicines known average for school construction, a m a r t regulation high Allied officers, who had the same thing for Russia. 917 M A IN ST. WEARINGAPPAREL classroom equipment will be in­ in many atylan tured until 1048 when it wa,s Republican candidate for State at­ to doctors for the relief of heartburn Tyler said. MOORE gym aults. worked here with John" for years He declares former Nazis 'arc and gas. Gat Bell-ans today. 25«. Between Manchester Trust and Manchester Savtiiga Bank stalled by Lataha the lat.ter part PlaRnihg to Build? found necessary to diversify the torney general. Before the committee can award Wonderfully aturdy, fram $1.2$ . in top-secret anti-Communist es­ back in governmental power in r 'X- of the month. — SEE — pionage. Airmail Assigned business witi; other rubber prod­ a contract it must , obtain ap­ aaaferlEed and col- Bonn— the percentage actually, is Food Sale Saturda.v ' / ’A H>e human suffering from Dr. ucts in order to etay in buriness, proval of a Federal Housing and less than in East Germany—and Mrs. Leo T. Leary will be W. H. ENGLAND orfaat. Adjualable John’s defection ranges from that Incorrigible German mllitar- To Base ill Texas he explained. A t present the rub­ Home Finance Committee in New ber company- produces various York City, since the town has ap­ chairman of the food sale Satur; LUMBER COMPANY belt to aaaure a Sturdy tragedy to trlviar: .Mts are plotting with the United day from 11 a. m. on of fresh hofne 1. Dead by his own hand, U, S. molded rubber products besides a plied for federal funds totaling Tel. MI-9-0244 BACK TO SCHOOL "CHECK" LIST trim walatline. States to attack the Soviet Union. baked foods, garden vegetables, PRE-TEEN coimterintelUgence Capt. W olf­ Fifth Air Force, Korea—A. 2. C. big supply of rubber bantis. H15.668 to aid the construction of Dr. John calls on West Germans Raymond E. Michaels, 10, the son SKIRTS E. Hoefer is still a mystery to imitate the. British, who he says In closing Spencer stated that ^building. of Mr. and Mrs. John Michaels, 279 said a report would be X $298 figure- The German-born natural- "are atriving to find a modus N. Main St., haa completed his ■ubmlHed to the New York com­ iaed American had been John’s Vivendi with the Communist half tour o f duty in Korea and will mittee ronmedlately and a reply $0.98 BLOUSES school chum in boyhood. He shot of the world. leave shortly foi^' an assignment at should b X re tu rn ^ in about a $ !• $ himself when qtiestioned by other And he repeats dramatically 24 Hour CIC offtcers in Berlin three days Reese Air Force Base, Tex. A week. The X c a l committee will SlXM 10-12-li what many of his countrymen al­ clerk in the billeting office at then award tnV.,.contract for con- Sizes after John'a treason. .Hoefer’s ready fear—if there is another blind, 85-year-old father, a retired Seoul City A ir Base, he furnished Ambulance atructlon. 10-18 war, German.v will be, obliterated billets for transient personnel, in­ The bids which wbra opened last Wlesbeden educator, haa been by atomic weapons at its very shielded from the news of his sui­ cluding troops from the Republic Service night do not includeXbe cost of start. of Korea, ’Hialland, Turkey and Don’t bo conffustd with all tho spodal mattross iiuyss” Horo is our wouitrful lo w grading, landscaping, roadways or cide. The timing of John’s treason is REG. $3.98 2. Mrs, Lucie llarlen John, other UN countries passing equipment including furnli)u;e. The one of its most disturbing features through this airport. costs of these items will be edvered *■' seven years her 46-year-old hus­ tO' Allied diplomats, .(^osely as­ band’s senior, has beei\ left strand­ Airman Michaels enlisted in the PERMA-FIRM hy Crimsoi Shitli - - OMtiiorad tho fiuast mattross iu today’s market by contract later, the commlttre sociated Vrith the British secret ed by him In the West. For her, A ir Force in June 1952 at H art­ said. X much public sympathy is ex- service, for' 10 years, he bolted ford, and was stationed at OUs Zone Change Asked , eastward just when Britain and the W t iavlti you to soo*its many foaturas wMoh put it iu its owu elass. iu avarythiny • pressed. A ir Force Base, Mass., before com­ A group of property owners 3. A half dozen nightclub cuUes United States -had hit a postwar ing to Korea. He hak been awarded peak of dissension in their grand along Route 44-A In North Coven­ Pair are bereft o f tbt companionship of the Korean Service and the United FOR YOUR P R p a iO N try Monday night appeared before Start your Dr. W olfgang .Wohlgemuth, the alliance. ^ Nations Service ribbons, Heac^- exoapt its low prioa. . x John Atmalleid U. 8. Policy • Pally iqalppaa the local zoning board to discuss ‘ ’parlor Bolshevik” who squired quarters. Fifth Air Force an possible zone changes in their youngster John in. bis car into Berlin’s So­ Natty, in blue suit and wine-red nounced. * Caaiplately AAodara tie. he appeared last week on a area. off on the ( viet sector the Gening of July 26. A lifetime resident of Manches­ ^ » lamiadln^ AvallaMa y The group was advised to pre­ Ihrice married, author of a book flower-decked Elast Berlin state to ter, the airman attended Manches­ sent a written request for such a road to on hot trumpet playing and patron assail what he called the "war ter High School. Continuing his change, outlining the property in­ mongering’’ United S ta tu and its Wm. P.Quish DURING OUR e t Kurfuerstendamm gay spots, studies in the A ir Force, he earned 1 Mum volved and the proposed uses. The .knowledga Wohlgemuth has not risked a re­ best German friend, (^anoellor his high school diploma through board infoi'med these property well-protected turn to hia lucrative Western Adenauer, to 400 world newsmen. the United States Armed Forcu PHONE Mlfehtl 3*5940 ! AUGUST SALE $ owners that it will call a public medical practice. • It was almost the very Jiour that Institute. — hearing to consider such a request Plain Bark CloHi from head to tow! (W ell ! if it Is presented in written form, Robert H. Wilcox, board chair­ and Kqurod Uke care of the last item man, said yesterday. . - Cromspunt with the best-m*4e, fiawt- Bupper Canceled There has been a cancellation of fitting little show the baked bean supper which was • ^ to hdve been served Friday night in townl) I ■ , in the vestry of the First Congre- Sixes! EVERY OK USED CAR i gationar Church by the Woman’s 'W in^Blue, Hunter, Infants throngh Service Guild. „ Teenagera Rose, Gfwn, Uhaf* From m - Name Chairman x trense, ^Yellow, . Mrsk A i Samuel LeDoyt haaheea S 4 .5 0 ^ named chairman of tho food sale Brown. Greih^.vsler at CARTER CHEVROLET Pen»9-fin» Sept. 18 to be held by the South and White. 6 ^ 72 i Coventry firemen’s auxiliary at inches long. BCPRTLY FITTED AT Mattress or the district firehouse.^ Assisting r-* with general arrangement will be IS A I Mrs. Frederick Flaherty arid Mrs. Box Spring ! L. Leo Landry. i • M1.SS Cora H. Webb, Tolland 1 . county home demonstration agent, t r a v e r s e am mm gave a talk on suggestions for RODS 98c to. . \ P o s n i K s m m making articles, for the group’s CUSTOM QUALITY November bazai'. Mrs. Jo.seph Main Floor— Shoe Department Eichner and Mrs. Leo T. Leary were hostesses at the meeting at­ MADE BY ONE tended by 22 persons. A to t^ o f 105 articles have been donated for THE TEXTILE STORE the Novemlier bazar. The pro­ jects are for the fire company A. L. SLOCOMB, Pi-op. OF AMERICA'S benefit. Mrs. Walter F. Hiltgen and Mrs. 913 M AIN STREET TEL. MI-3-5844 Edward Schultheiss will be the \- OLDEST AND auxiliary’s volunteer workers at N ot only wiH you find H w m e o n buoutiful on H m outsidt but you \wiU morvol at H m parformcmet \ FINEST NAMES AIR-CONDITIONED / f g h r o y o u . After all it*^ your Back! / ..■it* . 4 Hioso OK Usod Cor volaor M 4RMA

CLIPPER CRAFT Slihitl, uH^ SLACKS y CHEVROLET/ NYLON CORD SUITS • GABARDINES 2 PAIR • CHECKS Blue>i[nnt For Tonnorrow 1948 BUICK , 1953 CHEVROLET ^ 1-3 O F F ! m . 9 5 • CORDS ^ r - Spedal 4-Door. ■ R4vUo,.. « C i| C 2-Door. Radio, . heatw. Here's the plan— an attractive hpiBe On o well landscaped lot. vl^ell heater. Very olean. Uke-ndw! . . . $1495 V ^ ' S a v e $ 5.95 laid out and styled to suit yolTr^'Wn neetfs.. If alLcan be yours if you ' G fi THE BEST SLEEP OF-YOMR LITE Now' . ^ 2 2 a 0 0 Reg. 133.^0 CUFFED REG. $7.95 Pr. FREE have saved enough for a moderBre down payment and .can meet our reasonable requirements for ih-Savihgs Bank'mortgage. It will pay 1951 CHEVROLET 1952 CHEVROLET 1951 CHEVROLET COMPARE THE DE LUXE FEATURES • GUARANTEED FOR-10 YEARS against atnic- .V- torsi defects. - ' you to call and talk things over with us. ' r De Luxe 2-Door. Heater, De Luxe 2-Door. Heater, A C Club Coupe. Heater. Nice OF THIS RESILIENT MATTRESS Friday radio. A real value. $1095 low mileage. two tone. $975 SPORT SHIRTS T E r S H I R T S • SCIENTIFIC, PERFECTLY BALANCED INNER- • HANDSOMELY -TAILORED AND FINISHED THROUGHOUT with sn exclusively designed, at­ •SHORT SLEEVE w -x August SPRING for comfortable head-to*toc support. • SOLID COLORS 1952 FORD tractive border. • OPEN WEAVE. $1 .09 ■ C A c 1949 CHEVROLET 1950 (CHEVROLET • IN N E R O LL PRE-BUILT BORDER keeps mattresa • SPECIALLY DESIGNED MATCHING BOX SEERSUCKERS. X • SMALL. MEDIUM. 20th ^OPEN SATURDAYS 9 A.M. to 12 NOON •4-Door. Radio, heater, De Luxe 4-Door. Heater. Convertible Coupe. Radio, ^ A A C . in shape and prevents sa gfin f. - SPRING for just $39.95. Enjoy complete sleeping KNITS hW V a ' Fordomtlc. ^ I An excellent value. $645 beater, white walla. ^ 0 7 9 LARGE 2 p ;h l rtimfort on a resilient foundation of heaviest gauge • SANFORIZED 3 for o SISAL INSULATING PADS provide lasting re­ steel coils, each one expertly band'-tied 8 ways. 3 f o r To silience. ' ‘ ■ V q l u e $ 1.00 • CUSTOM. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION backed by > $1S 8 to $195 $ 5.00^ $ 2.0 0 o EXTRA LAYERS of white cotton felt. 40 years o f specialization. •i 4 P J N . A MUTUAL SAVinOS BAHK A ll Carter OK Used Cars are “ Carterized” for safety, NYLON PLISSE MADE BY THE M.AKERS OF THE FAMOUS DR M A H IS O N MATTRESS HOSE performance, value. Each and every car is honestly SPORT SHIRTS ' ’ THE ONLY ONE IN MANCHESTER — 923 MAIN STREET described. THE ONLY MATTRESS DESIGNED BY AN ORTHOPEDIC PHYSICIAN • c o n o N s • SHORT SLEEVE ____^ DepoalU mud* on or befoiw th« tfUi'oI any month •RAYONS ' $ 1 . 9 8 draw UitMwat tram tho Irat at tha maath. REE . . . {ust drop p cord lo Him Hero ond wo wW tond you a cobw rv. x* w w at your favorite •ELASTIC TOP • SOLID COLORS 1 AU CURRENT RATE 2i% Your prosont cor liioy bo tho poymont. !» « » . OWrol AND WHITES 3 f o r r CtPOJI Poll “ Parrot Shoe i\- 01JARAN' ruo . DEPOSITS OVER Am ngo GM AC fin«min9 in our showroom if you Reg. 55c aedSSc |i^00 Reg. $238-$ lis ^ $ 5.85 IN HJI1 / dosira. Dealer S2O.O0(LO0O w Sarrtag Manehmtiir and Vicinity - CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED- - PAY WEEKLY er MONTHLY FREE TO ALL THF KIDS For Ovar 45 Yanra.\ B v igtt FROM CLARABELL ’ w • r - T — GIFTS ANADI_Alire V y g o s h gviM i i / CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. PHONE AfifiMltS IwIMiRbiW fw A ' HARHAC Mltohol FURNfTIME DEPARTMDiT "D IST IN 6 tIVB MEN'S WEAR" ’ .A m e i i ^ E i p i t o I ^ v 311 M A IN STREET 9 -5 2 3 S l i v i M VJ Whoro Vo« C«o Shop hi Ak-CooBMoood Comfort 944 MAIN ST. NBia TO ARTNUR DRUG LNCHESTER -Ir.f // \ -.V , V'- - >T. ♦*7.Sy’J%TWSi

V »r 1'.'

r t' u years. Hls e00,000 la aaticipatloii of taxes Ulllan Nocker and MisS Bessie Into charges exchanged between mendations for the contract. akepticlsm in Ckmgreas. MeSn.whlle, the President got a the Board of Education and Ele­ October meeting, waa to Intenrtfy meetings. THOMAS COUA CONST. GO. ed. home today and tomorrow from McCarthy and Secretary of the Mitchell said of the handling of bill cariylng out hls sweeping news mentary School Principal Gabriel activity, by any means, to rid knowledge and aatlafactlon.’'^ p'besent salary is In the •vicinity of aurliw the fiscal year Just begun, Brookman, both of Manchester. 7 to 9 p. m. Sen. Gore (D-Tenn), 'voicing Shortly after the petition, men­ $5,700 per year. Chairnuut McDermott interrupt­ attUMriasd laaulnff of $800,000 in Two divisions—the 40th and Army Stevens and their aides. the power contract: doubt, said "I think you would program to. open the way for a H. Reuben came to a surprise end­ themselves of the present Super­ 45th—already have been sent She was a member of the Wo­ ‘"^ e White House shut off the IHivate atomic power Indiutry and ing last night when Reuben ten­ vising Piincipal. One pofsibility tioned in the tetter was made pub­ Thk^Voung educator has a B.A ed the two and stated, “ We'll bar bonds to saftind the Water Dept., man's Society of the South Meth­ Williams said he has informed have to go to a bank in New York, and M.A. degree froir* Ne\^York the press and public' from our Buichaaad a M-acre parcel on the back to the United States. Sen. Watkins (R-Utah),' head of competing syndicate. It was a an office in the budget bureau and to bolster Bluropean defenses with* dered his resignation. mentioned in connection with this lic, Reuben signed his contract ^or If the withdrawal takes place, it odist Church. clear preference of a favored more dsta on nuclear weapons. Mid way through .the regular plan was an Investigation of the the coming year, and he and the University and la cunently work­ meetings if this continues" toWB'a wateraiied, greated a right- The funeral will be held tomor­ Council Leader tha. Special Censure Charge In­ a ^certain power lobbyist in' Wash­ ing toa’a i ^ his Ph^D, in educa­ Miner was equal to the occasion and released aaother, and would be under the same Presi­ vestigating committee, of his de­ group'". . . the awom teatimony ington to get the whole story.” He The House put Congress’ final monthly board meeting, George E. petitions by townspeople to ex­ board, agreed that a concentrated dential order' which brought the row from the T. P. Hollorah Fu­ shows a shocking story.’’ approval on the long-debated Graff, superintendent of schools, ercise every effort to retain the effort would be made to iron out tion. \ and asked, "Do we have something voted to Install a storm sewer on neral Home, 175 Center St., at cision not to. accept a committee declined to elaborate, but aaid he In recalling hia work locally, to hide or fear?" Order was re­ • u c n lt Btrset wtbi the benefiting first two divisions back from Ko­ Limited to Year fee even though the aix-man Renewing his attack, the Demo­ did think MltoheU's figures were meaaui-e by voice vote yesterday. advised John McDermott, board present Supervising Principal any differencka and restore har­ IV BARGAINS -TO O BET! rea. 2 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. Fred R. chairman, that he had received a when he failed to renew hla con­ mony to the school system. Reuben trJiea piide in the co-cur- stored and no further steps taken property owner paying half the Edgar officiating. Burial will be group had set aside $10,006 to cratic leader propounded 10 ques­ right. • , • The Senate had accepted the com­ rlcular prograi.i hq act up. This to limit attendance at the meet­ Trade now—1954 Westingbouaa Regular ...... fSlSffS President Eisenhower's an­ grant McCarthy's request to pay tions to which he said he hopea promise version Monday. letter since the last meeting and tract . . , this ia an attempt tq Public and Press Banned Gabriel H. Beobea coots • nouncement of plans to cut back in the East Cemetery. (Coattnned from Page Oas) wished tg read it aloud. try to ahow that community Immadiataly aftar Graff finished program consists of after school ings. 31” ..,Mahogany ‘Console, UHF .Trade in S75AS OMh Surpioa Benall Friends may call at the fungral for a lawyer of his own choos­ the President "will make sure PASS ‘CATCH-ALL’ BILL But Chairman W. Sterling. Cole and evening gclivilietMor elemen­ Shortly after the session opened Although borrowing in anticipa­ Army strength in Korea was is­ that the public gets the answers.” 'WashingtOB, Aug. 18 /Ul have to borrow nsre These questions concerned vote and-seat to President Eiseu- notice he intends renewing a fight members while others listened at­ to have been discussed aq well. tion, board member Vincent 'place in the basement. : VtCA. Victor Mahogany Console. Regolnr ...... $$85.95 He called the withdrawal of two Mrs. Susan Taraowski Jurgens the councU'a 90-member central ing in the employ of the commit­ tentively without showing emotion One member of this group ap­ Krzeaickl moved that the board go Under his direction a Parent teaching position waa Interviewed. than uaual this year because thp tee that is trying Sen. McCarthy,” whether the Prasident .ordered the hower a 11,669,000,000 catch-all next January over disputed patent When the meeting was reopened Teachers Assn, prosperkd and^ he After listening to Daniels and dis­ 3l”/U H F equipped. (Our regu- TVnde In .... .fl5M S diviaions “an initial step” and said Mrs. Susan ^rnow ski Jurgens committee. Its chief Interim gov­ AEC to make the . contract provisions which prompted mucli as Groff read the letter. pears to thoroughly engulfed into executive session. The motion to everyone Chairman McDermott cash .vurpluB from last year is U.S. ground forces in Korea would of 31 Main St., New Britain, died Williams said. "You can't be Mc­ supplemental bill—one of the The full text of the Reuben let­ with the project to rid'the ehdd udth the -Fred Thxall. aaaistsnt superin­ little boy look. Full-skirted, tendent of the Water and Sewer elasticized waist line, and wide Dept said the town owns several hem. Short sleeve cotton . knit parcels m the area for which no cardigan with htatching trim. .Mflnite boundaries are known. He' Sizes 7 to 1$-^...... $8.95 up said it U cheaper to buy any land avallabla without an exact de­ [B] Authentic western fit scription than to pay to have It denim Jacket for school or play. hr 6ae it —oad surveyed. Guaranteed washable, sanfor- BeWiSsa Bights < lied throughout. Also complete The right-of-way will go to the 'selection of corduroy and rayon Connecticut Power Oo. for $1,S16. gabardines in new fall shades. rip 0: tear., \ I t rune from Porter Street acroes Sizes 3 to 6x . $2.69 up KaMtfAt ora pur the town’s Oak Grove property to Sizes 7 to 14 $2-98 up 6aett tkaat hr cMMtea, CHILDREN'S SHOESI Ckaa Bras. MQL 71m Board voted to release any 4EST FURNITURE EVENT. VALUES 8AL0RE IN DRIBS. OIESTS, fC] Pj^nta—an all time favor­ BOYS’SHOP Hghts It might have to a storm ite for school in Hockmeyer aawer right-of-way from Ensign RORES, QJiRRIARES AND STROLLERS AND BABY BATHS corduroy, washable wool-like' Btrset to lisrlsn Street. The town rayons, 100% wool, rayon gab­ BO longer has any use for the ardine, wool gabardine' and Hfht-of-way., miracle nylon fabrics. -> Estimated coet. of the Summit Sizes 3 to 6 x . $3.9.1 up Street storm sower is $12,080 and BUNNY BEAR Sizes 7 to 14 . $3.95 up: &SON Stanley Bray, the property owner YOUTH BEDS I IM C ______who wdll benefit moot by its instal­ (DJ Complete selection of long W E GIVE GREEN STAM PS lation, agreed to pay half the coet. REG.$3S.OO PE LUXE sleeve polo ghlrta-r^rew necks, Ha had originally' agreed to pay turtle necks, convertible col­ «3,600. lars, zippered necklines in. Bray ag ra^ to the equal split NOW iaids, solids and atripes. after most members of the Board tifes 1 to 3 x . $1.19 up admitted the town had some obli- m Sizes 3 to 6 x ..91.49 up ndlon to drain Bray's land at CoBvarta to caKarat. Blaatio Sizes,7 U> 14 ...... $1.49 up Buinmit and William Streeta be­ cause it has caused .atqrm water $ 1 0 .9 3 fabriea. Co«plete\^Wttit pada to collect there, hut insisted the and hnmpers, carrjina h^odlea area historically has been wet and hook ov'er arms. and ' has had a brook running through it. Reg. $37.50—Now $23.98 Objects to Waiving BMk Reg. $50.00—Now $29.98 '•Oiwwaaaawi '^■VEplllll In another action last night’the $C .98 Board tabled ' the question <.cl Wax and Maple whether to waive the requirement RE6. $7.95... V for bids on the purchase of 13 fire '' a NOW hydrants. Chief objection to walv- T u s t Week! PRE 1 ^ bids came from Director SUMMER Helen Fitspatrieg who told Thrall, •Tm quite perturbed about this. POOLS S«Draw*r ' o f. all the deMrtrnants, yours Is SLEEP continually ' uking for bid and inflatables. Just a tialf MAPLE CHEST $29.98 waivers.” •, ^ ■ ■•.-v." dozen M L STROLLER s*a -. ~ ' Thrall had "'recommended the f4*Uniw«r,'' Uu tl« »*4 •" !rm m UMb trim SH tm* J waiver ab the 'town could buy E>d- MHffi oHm m sM* in W AdJuataMe back ang MJ^PLE CHEST $24.98 »ti SfC MW** dly hydrants, the type it hae used foot rest. Collapsible. l^LLPAPER ■ s iijtp Mnoe l$2fi. $10.30* "OoxTT $25.40 The Board received, a letter \ ^ 0 x 1 6 $20.60 from the Housing Authority of Rtg. $17.n 7.60x15 27.40 13J0*I Manchester stating that the term DELUXi SUPER^CUSHION 6.40x15 21.55 10.7S* Of one of its members, Robert J. OFF • 7 8.00x15 30.10 15.05* Boyce, expires this month. The NOW 6.70x15 22.60. 11.30* appolntfflrtit o f. a successor . was WE ARS MOVING OUR i 31.40 1$.70* put on the agenda for the next exch^ve 3-T Rayon Cord the tough­ 12.53* 8.20x15 BMeUng. - , . BABY ACCESSORY . Right now, if you don’t, wak too kog, 7.10x15 25.05 The Board set Sept. 17 as the you can nuke this outstanding tire dra est rayon tire cord ever made. Replace data for a meeting with the Zon- DEPARTMENT : $10.98 tag Boai T of Appeals and the * These are not just ordinary tires! l l i ^ ’re worn, unsafe tires NOW with Goodyear Town Planning Commission to DeLuxe or DeLuxe Super-Cushions _ SAViww ON WHITE SIDSWauai diaeuaa recommended capital Im- . - 7- ■■■ Goodyear, quality«—first choice with provaments. 25% to THAYER C AI/r 1/a ON WALLPAPER motorists everywhere. Their overall con- while this great sale is on — while you BABY O H WC /2 FOR EVERY ROOM gtruetion is without compare. And, for can SAVE with SAFETYI A , , _ ------—. ______««fh," m m i Equipment 'Bought 40% off KNOTTY PINE 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 extra strength, they feature Goodyear’s 6.50x16 131.10 $ 15J5* For Asphalt Plant ON FOLLOWING ITEMS: CARRIAGE UNFINISHED CHESTS 6.40x15 26.40 13.20* 7.60x15 Smoothly saaded, ready for $ 2 * 4 9 J DONT WAIT . . a YOUR 010 TIRES WRl^ BRAKE THE DOWN FAYMENTl 33.55 I 6 J 8 ’ JHangera, Blankets, Bath Duchess spriag gear, oil- ftalahlag. ^ WALLPAPER .70x15 27.70 I3 J5 * Tba Nuaadorf Sand and Stone Towel Sete, Jar Sets, Plas­ leas wheels, eoUapsIhle. l o y OHS bEEdte 9 « t o m btmdls* frot. 8.00x15 36.85 18.43* Co> has purchased an $83,370 T-8.} Reg. $$4.95. Por Room 7.10x15 Asphalt Plant from Hetharlngton tic Feeding Dishes, Bottle 3- Drawtr ... $14.98 Ovsr 250 buEcHM fo ehooM from. *Rooffl lots 30.70 I S J 5 ’ 8.20x15 sad Berner, Inc., of Indianapolis, Holders, Training Cups, As low vsm a m for IRQ tires! SALE ENDS SEPT.4th! Dsd.. accorcUng to a salas contract Diapers, Carry-all Bi$^ 4 - DiHWBir . . . $19.98 SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE In the Town d erk ’a office Etc. NOW $25.98 5- Df«w«r ... $24.98 OVER 50 DIFFERENT ITEMS' Reg. 89c. Your choice Each i ■ . of the equip- ^ Id toast up an NIGHOLS-MANGHESTER TIRE, ING. GOODYEAR SERVIGE STORE lit Boniig plant at the Nura- STOR»>-1999 MAIN ST.—MI-S-4047 ___.gnsral bonk off N. Main WE GIVE/S & H GftEEN STAMPS! 7 ffitraet Tha plant, tha largest in the NJ . RECAPPINQ 8HOP-r296 BROAD ST.—Ml-9-4334 713 Moiii St.T-f«l. MI-9-S390 ■tata aaat of tha Gbnnectleul river,’ to get into opera^n \ Tnmt dUvga Blau UNicirctx IM A O rST .—. «1 r r . HIGH SCHOOL LEHNEIPS ETUNTIC STATION WYMAN’S OULF SERVICE STATION HOUYWOOI SE|I\(I0E CENTER Haights. Pa. iff)—lUch- ' bicycle was stolen XEIXTHONK W-d-figSd 704 MbIr Sf., Meechester—Td. MI-9-8079 24 Mol* St.—noM M|.«4U$ 342 Eat CwMr St—rim . M .t«S7 baiA yard and returned nUEBDEUVEKT Inter wUh tha rear SHEKWIH-WlLUAm DIE FAIR 719 MAIN STREET JWL M I-3.U 3S 'it* ' V A / . < "J- ■ t. ^ ^ ? E L V 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1864 / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18.1954 PAGE T his bid security In the Onibunt of RANGf EDC Nations Voice Landscaping Bids five per cent of his hid in form of that for th* R*J>ublican nomination. Otizens Group Plans Acceptance of Streets certified check or bid bond from a Hibicolf Is Against Seeks Reelection Harrison Wins Nod for th* House of Representattvs* Didmay at Change Invited'by Towa surety company authorized to do FUfL OIL to succeed Harrison. Wyoming’s business in this state. No bids State Income Tax Tn Wyoming Race only member of th* Houa*. may b* withdrawn foe a period of GASOLINi E. Keith Thomson, a state r*pr*r Endorsing Candidates (Coatbraed from Pag* Oaa) Approved by Directors Sealed bids are being accepted 30 days after the opening of the f sentativ* from Cheyenne, held a t24-eS8 TEL. M I-8-filfl at the General Manager's office bids, th* invitation says. ' COsaMaMd from Pag* Oae) (OdatiaBefi fNas Pago Oaa) slender lead. With uaofflciali re­ eign Ministry source In Rome said for landscaping the Waddell M A 1N 8T . ■liWCHKSTEE Foreign Minister Attllio Piccionl J. ■' turns in from 412 precincts, Thom­ • Parlor Meeting Series Pass Motion to Assess Maguire's tract. It was an inter­ School, according to an announce­ BANTLY OIL .aandal obligations “la to make won the nominatldn for the S-year son had 7.245; Frank Emerson. would reject the proposal* at the pretation by the Building Dept, of I nMI \\S . I\i BtaU government more eHlctent ten* unopposed and had lit­ Evanston business man. 6,360; Tom Open TonightElect Police Arrests Brussels meeting. G>st of Improvements this action which brought the Mid­ ment today from the Park Dept. COIN FOLDEftS Nicholas', Ossper, 3,364; and Mark dle Heights question to the Board's The Invitation to bid states that n i ^ COIN APPRAISAL . I '1 \ ■ \ '. ! ' I r I find, keep our economy expand- tle trouble' anowing under an A member of the Belgian Cabi­ To Property Owners specification* are on file In the of­ tag.-; Oox, Cheyenn* rancher, 3,007. Mrs. Benson, Gipson Patrick Daly, 17, of 116 Dem- net said after an emergency meet­ attention. oppone.^t fpc fke period from elec­ In the Democratic house race, Middle Heights Subdivision does fice . of the superintendent of TEL WItrlirll 9 4S9S RiMbotf, a former congressman tion day untU Jan. 1, the remain­ Committee Leaders ing St„ was served a warrant by ing today his count^ could ac­ In Middle Heights parks. Deadline for bids is Wed­ Sam Hilly, mayor of Rawlins, Sgt. Milton Stratton yesterday, cept some of Mendes-I^ance's pro­ differ from the Maguire Tract, HOMY SHOPPE TEL ROCKVIl Lf S 21 77 and uhmicceaaful candidate for der of the term to which Sen. Les­ gradually was extending his lead. issued by the Glastonbury Police posals, including scaling down however, In 'that the layout of nesday, Sept. 1. Cor. Csatet aad GrlswaM U. 8. Senate in the November 1952 ter Hunt, Democrat who killed The XanChester ClUzen'a Com­ The Board Of Directors last night Eiach bidder must deposit with election, is' m..ilng against Gov.' Returns from 397 precincts gave Dept., charging him with reckless duration of the treaty from 50 to voted to accept a quit-claim deed streets and lots was approved by himself, had been elected, TuHy 5,045; L. G. (Pat) Flannery mute*, formed during the epirited driving. The alleged' offense oc­ 20 years. the Board of Selectmen In 1921 and am John Lodge, Republican. Milward Simpson, Cody attorney of Fort Laramie, 3,415, and John flfht over the Keeney Street curred May 16. 'There was no official statement for BMrl, Hillside, Cole, Asylum, filed in the office of the town clerk. The Democratic candidate said and business man, won UUi .Re]pu1iH Sullivan of Laramie, 3,336. Alice Schocd, etepped into local polltica Theodore Pearson of Lerittown, from West Gennany and Luxem­ Radding, Farmington, and Buck­ Lota in the tract are lota of record. that In th* past six days, he had lican nomination fbr governor,' de­ Hammond of Cody and G*orge W. REG. 6.95 FOAM LATEX PILLOW. 19 x 27-in. with |> Q 0 sp■ an ^ e r them with the The Board sJso passed a motion The difficulty in getting the per­ "among theeo were ouV lovely liam (Scotty) Jack, a Democrat date for the regular term. O'Mi- elected cS-chairman of the com­ ai'gument that even a much-modi­ to assess the cost of any improve­ mit arose because Ralph Cowell homes and our excep.tohaily high who has held a number of state honey hsd 11,188 votes from 412 REG. 11.95 KITCHEN CART with chrome piatgd han- fSOt mittee lastN ^ht, said today a Public Records fied army plan was better than ments along the .now unimproved sought a permit for a lot on the standard of living. Many o f^cae office* and more recently has been precincts,'a 10 to 1 margin. He aeries of "p«dpr meetings” will no army at all,' and that the EIXJ portions of those roads to abutting west side of Buckingham Street new Nutmeggers readily admitted vice president of the Rocky Moun­ hod 15.088 votes in the uncontest- dies and lets. .1 large shelves. Enamel finish. 7 * 0 0 begin tonight. pact as now drafted cannot win property owners. A special act which is Just outside the subdivi­ they were also attracted by the tain Oil and Oaa Assn. ' Warrantee Deeds permits the town to make such ed race. The "parlor meetings’’ are gath­ Cheney Brothers to Zion Evan­ ap’proval in his National Assem­ sion and not a lot of record. The abeenee ot a State Income tira The Republican prlmaryNCil- Harrison will be on the ballot in REG. 27.95 6-YEAR CRIB. Full panel all hardwood O O O f i erings of ten or a doSen persons at gelical Lutheran Church, property bly. assessments. action of the Board last liftht in here." Harold A. Tin1((agtoB maxed a. bitter, name-calling fight November against O'Mahoney for J with easy-working dro^de. Adjuatable spring. iL iC oO O homes of the memhe^pf the ex­ Correspondents in Paris said One third the cost of sldewslks accepting the deed to the streets Riblcoff said, In his major talk, \ between Harrison and Edwin T. the short term also. I on West Street. ecutive committee of the citisens' E. David Willerup and Eleanor the Premier had surveyed the As­ and curbs! if and when they are clears the way tof Cowell to get that "our State has many things Harold A, TurkingtonXone of Kerr, Cheyenne attorney who re­ Jsck, the Democrats' candidate group, also named last nig^t. sembly and figured the treaty as installed, would still have to be a-permit. i f ' i 't to offer, particularly to industry.” the four incun’bent Republican signed as Republican state chair­ for governor,' .made an Impreraive REG. 9J15 CRIB MATTRESS. 48-coiI inherapring unit 0 Willerup j formerly Eleanor Emim- home by the town, however. He noted that "Connecticut's Mrs. Benson said personi^ who uel) to George D. Hubbard nhd It stands would be defeated by a members of the Board of Direc­ man to make the race, showing In overwhelming D. A. ' f softly paddjtd. Waterproof plastic cover. O o O O signed the petitions circulated Arlene P. Hubbard, property at vote of about 290-260. The action of the Board.may fig­ lack of an Income tax makes this On the basis of unofficial returns Dexter, a Casper business man. , tors, announced today his intend during the height of the school 848 Center S t\ French sources said Mendes- ure in the Maguire tract contro­ 7 a particularly desirable state in from 412 of the state’s 669 fight will he invited to the parlor John P, Paplh^au and Dorothy France believes a treaty amended versy, since the Middla Heights RURBISH and ASHES which to establish an Industry. tion to sMk reelection. precincts, Harrison had 10,87! In a recently invented battery REG. 6.95 AtJTO CRIB easily converts to handy |p O O meetings and bvitations will- also L.\ Papineau to Raymond A. Hoff- as he proposes would secure ap­ Subdivision is similar in some re- In seeking new Indurtry, we should Turklngthn has served as a vote*: Sam C. Hyatt. Hyattsvllle used to harress.^ the sun by use of car seat. Dudk body with soft plastic covered pad. O o v O be extended to others. proval of a majority of the Lower REMOVED stress the fact that we do not tax member of the town's legialative cattleman and former president of silicon coated strips, a square master and Emma E,. Hoffmaster, specU to William Maguire's large state income." One of the. circulated peUUons property on Grandview Street. House's entire 627 members. Only -tract- In the eastern section of General cleaning at,, oellars body for nine'y^ears, starting with the Ammcdh National Cattlemen’s yard, of silicon-coated material Is REG. 14.95 CHROME HIGH CHAIR converts to a 4% 0 0 called on General Manager Rich­ ' Kaspbr Saslela and xJohn 8a- this majority can override an ad­ town. and attics. Prompt service— 1/ ^ ^ while touring theatatc, Rlbicoff the old Boar^\Of Selectmen in Assn., 5,364; Kerr 4.759; William sufficient to power « desk lamp. ard Martin to go forward with aiela. to tgarence John Lawie and verse vote in the, French Senate, The Board has taken the stand Reasonable rates. continued,' he had visited many 1945. He /as chairm''j and mayor J. Taber, Cheyenne, 461. youth chair by rcaioving plastic tray and brackets. IX o O O plans drawn by Arnold Lawrence Elizabeth Aqquila Lewie, property the Council of the Republic. that the streets in the Maguire CaHMI.0.97S7 communities where industries had of the Board of Directors during E. D. (TedK Crippa, a Rock for the school. The other was a on Birch Street. The French premier was report­ tract are not town responsibility, . failed or moved South. - Many the years of 1948-1952 and *s Springs Reuubliban, is now the FREE DISHES WITH DINETTE^ 5-pc. Chrome Set ed planning to tell the conference cottons for the 0 0 0 0 petition which would have forced Certificatea of Incorporallonv but Maguire says they are by other towns which never befqre presently serving as secretary. Senator and will ttnrt until his equals our 99.95 seta and U-pe. Dinnerware Set. O < 0 0 a rrferendum on an ordinance To Dillon Sales and Service InC-,^ the amended treaty still would virtue of the fact that he dedicated had factories now seek them A strong supporter of the gen- successor is elected.'^'^Mppa. ap­ 7 compelUng Martin to go forward to- do business as new and used' achieve these four major goals: themrto public use and they have new sources of money with which -eral manager form of goverument,, pointed by Rogers to the vacancy If the petition had been filed with hutomobile dealer and.to do auto­ West Germany would be found been accepted by the public for school-bound to build sorely needed schools, he 'nlrkington said todey he felt it made by Hunt’s death, ''<^d not REG* 15.95 EXTRA DINETTE Chair. Slipover type 14% 0 0 the town cleric. mobile service and repair- In'friendship to the west; a West said. was'4^* form of government German contribution to western use. run. ■esthe* ee* NeeMog JlaOsaod wK* backs protect walla. Soft rubber padding in scats. I A o O O Committee Members To Dillon Realty Co., to do busi­ Cases Differ "Many of these towns would be for a town that has grown to the ' Af the time Rogers conceded ness as real estate brokers. military defense would be pro­ Ideal locations for small manufac­ size that\Manchester Is today. The group last night elected an vided; Chancellor Konrad Adenau­ The Board has forbidden the is­ ■es our 8olsotlon Simpson’s election as. esndidate for RESINOL SAVE |1 6 ON SWIVEL ROCKER. Completely re- 0 O sscecutive comsolttee constating of Building Permits suance of any building permits in ’SaekioSehoe/^ In th* fabrics esntor turing plants. Many of them have "In spith'.of recent actions to governor, the attorney was leading Mrs. Gloria Benson and Charles F. To Joseph Rossetto, 58 Delmont er's government would he upheld 'tM OfNWNr the labor,. they have the transpor­ the contl-ary, the Board is a 4 to 3 with two-thirds of thq bal­ volves—ideal for TV. Duran plastic and fweed. St., to build two 2-*tory, 6-room in Ita pro-western poljcy; a start tation facilities knd they have the Gipson, co-chairmen; Mrs. Edna would be made* on a European policymaking ' group and not an lots counted. Rogers was running Weiman, secreUry; Mrs. Barbara dwellings on Henry Street at |12,- - Connecticut manner of living. administrative ohe,” TUrkington second In the six-man contest. 405-COIL DE LUXE MATTRESS equals 59.50 na- 0 0 0 0 political organiution. ^ lee They could offer much to an in­ ICimick, treaauren: Glenden Dun­ 000 each. Reports from Paris said Mendes- stated. "The Board'1^; supposed to The tightest of ther aces for the tionally advertiaed mattregaca. Raypn damask cover. ^ 7 # 0 0 lap, Kingston Wilcox, Mr*. Rae To Camillo Gambolati, 212 Mc­ dustry and they could receive support him instead.'bf trying to top Wyoming political Jobs was Kee St., to build three one-story France would accept amendmenta ruiuBEVEMiBi RIDERS much in return,” he said. Wilcox, WUUam WhlteliUl, Laura to his amendments ohly if they ap- arsiime his functions." ^ REG. 24.95 SHELF HEADBOARD covered in wash- 0 0 cooper, William Minnlck, Richard 5-room dwellings on Lyneaa St., ^ At LOW PRIOT8 4 "When new industry comes to Turkingtbn’s statement 4«as an • t |12;000 each. pear.Hl likely to find favor In the AUTHIKTIC a community it boosts the grand able plastic. Conventeint shelf holds radio or books. A I e O O Berggren, Mrs. H. A. Huffleld, Mr*. Natlational Assembly. WISTitN obvious reference to the action of Lucille Gipson, Mrs. Jgmes Beck­ To Andrew Ansaldl to build a ^Arttar Drufi Stonsl COWSGY list, it provides Jobs, it aids local the five-member Bowers bloc who with, Victor Herring. J. Hugo Ben­ m -story. 5-room dwelling on When hydrogen bums, Water 1* PANTS business and it stimulates home rejected proposed plans for thb REG. 9.95 BED FRAME of sturdy angle atecL Ad- 0 0 N. Fairfield Street. 89,000. e building. All these. things mean fORO DEALERS son, C. E. Scipal, Philip Uzanss, OertiScates of Devise formed. Vh d k A A dL ▲ JL Keeney Street School and forced justablc—fits any size spring. Plastic casters. # * 0 0 LesUe Buckland, Mrs. Bert Carl­ nsnt nv more revenue for, the town." the firing qf architect Arnold son, Samuel Pearl, Goldie Pearl, Estate of Charles E. tathrop to He realized, he said, that hot all Lawrence. Susie U Briggs. Manchester, prop­ SANSOBIZm towns want industry, "Each town FURNISHINGS REG. 10.95 KITCHEN STOOL with chrome plated 0 0 0 Dr. Elmer Diskain, Dr. Barney erty on Burnham Street. has a personality of its own. Each His decision to seek reelection Wichman, Atty. Jay E Rubinow M V S THK was reached shortly after an item tubular steel legs. Plastic covered scat and back. 7 a O O and Mrs. June Caaella. Estate of Josephine Smythe euAtANTim COTTONS For The SCHOOL BOUND town should decide for Itself how Finley to Arthur and Francis' •' best to maintain that personality.” in The Herald last week stated he lUBG. 9.95 BABY STROLLER with strong steel frame, 0 0 0 Ten other persons were tenta­ Smythe, property on Spruce' CASH SNuonniNo "Some towns prefer to remain had not at thkt time made up his' tively named to the executive lONOWCAIINO 36 ” SANFORIZED DAN RIVER GINGHAMS S9c yd. oxcliiaively residential. Others mind. Telephone calls and per­ aluminum finish. Dock body—removable canopy. O e O O group pending a check of their Street. I. NATION>WIDl C llS ir . O v*r 800 sonal visits by many of his sup­ Estate of Paul Hauamann to fkklmSmfmvSt alllHatod oflk** in U. 8. sad. Canada. ^ want to retain their ' residential A-1 USED CAR Sxpmrt watch rapair willingness to serve, Mra Benson Florence H. Spaulding and Grace lTtto.llMlJSSto.nn * nature but at the' same time add porters urged him to run again, SAVE $30 ON 2-PC. LIVING Room Suite in O O ■aid. .< 1 . CWfTOM-nmR 10MI8. Loan fitted 36^ SANFORIZED PLAID GINGHAMS 69c yd. pointing out that his years of ex­ sorWea fa kolp yov A. Majeaka.'property at BisseU and t t t t to M*d* and inebma. Aik for ''S Step substantially to their grand list. layon-mohair Jacquard frieze. Heavy boucic fringc.1e . l 4 7 o O O Adopt Slogan Spruce Streets. Hk25 This Can be done in much the same perience are a valuable asset to Quid*'' to ladudng monthly payBMnla. 36” ABC FINEST PRINTS 59c yd. the town. SALE The Manchester CitiMns* Com­ Marriage licenses manner as Westchester County is mittee has adopted the slogan "End X PAtt MkVKl to ompleyad poeplo. A native of Manchester, Turk- CUAMNCE REG. 6.50 BROADLOOM—New textured weave in richi.. John M i^ n Casey of Hartford A •! $100 tm/fi $)S.40 wliwi 4 . sstou-vnir tOAN. Phono first. 36” QUADRIGA PRINTS 54c yd. doing it, by bringing In industry ^ ral, leaf or casual designs. 9, 12’ widths. Sq. yd. Municipal Paralysis in Manches­ and Claire Mhrie Fallot'of Man­ isiwfhr to —m Get mero with th* 4—thoot, headquarters rather than manu­ Ington was educated in and grad­ Missiag dates?'.. ter.” Mrs. Benson said tpday the chester, SepL 11, St. James' •iMy iRstoUaiMll •! tIO.OS wtHo, com* ia lodayt facturing plants." uated from the public schools in Misting trSias? SaaThoMond group is dissatisfied with the fact Church. loon* fias to $S0O DIAMOHD'S He referred to the movement of 1920 and hMj worked in town REG. 8i95 BROADLOOM—SuperiorBROADLOOM-—Superior quality, h>ng-wea.long-wear ^ that the town counsel's opinion's Green Sutinps ever since. FPr the past 14 years SALE Nothing is more are ihsregarded and that the gen­ John SasielB, 178 Birch St., and large business offices out of New Irritating tiM a wateii that Many ODior Outstanding ripple texture. Hides soil. Solid colors. Sq. yiL . . . Margaret Catherine Barber, 34 Given With York City into the suburban areas. he ho* been associated. with tlie wA*t keep good tisae. To pro­ eral manager's hands are tied ia Oak St. ARMY NAVY "We can capitalize on this trend G. E. Keith Furniture Co. He i more ways than one.” Caah Sales served the local rationing board tect t^aecuracy of your watch REG. 7.75 BROADLOOM—Super-atrengthBROADLOOM—Super-strength frieze. ^ 3 3 Notice of IntentioB to Sell FINANCE CO. 997 MAIN STREET toward decentralization if we NOWWItUlABOkM/ Sola Spocials at Youx She said the group feels the park­ Walter P. Chambers and Bea- work.,together,” he : continued. on the gasoline panel during have it inspected at least cine* Long wearing; resists footprints. Solid colors. Sq. yd. ing proUem, the sewage disposal trici A. Chamber* to Raymond A. "The ztate can play a major role World War- II. For a number of s year. ^ 'U do this Cor yon lant, and the Keeney School quea- M S M A IN V f t 2nd F I. Ovtr W sohvortli’fi, MANCHESTER years he was on the staff of Man­ fim . You’U he. amoaed at how 9 X 9” ASPHALT TILE—Can be laid directly on concrete. ^ _ Novak, stock of merchandise at the Mi S jm H 8 ^ • Ask far tlw YES N lA fi^ In bringing these businesses to a Word Stora Now Son are three of the problems that Hartford Road Drive-In. Claims to community. The governor, working chester High School as instructor much better ronr watch wiU Marbleized, L t colors He, Med. 9c Dark e a ...... OC should have been solved. OKN THUISOAY fVENINCS UNTIl I PJW. for, the band, and orchestra and run after it isoesned and oiled. Atty. Jay K. Rubinow, a mem­ be filed with Atty, John R. Mrosek, twn Mto a wMMh d (II wmnitlu lew with the local selectmen and, the 923 Main St. . T O IE SORE. SEE McCLURE • TO BE SURE, SEE McCLURE chamber of commerc*, can rfrve organized the . first, high schboi If repais ate needed oiar expert ber tit the executive group, led an band fh' town. PlufgM $•«•» REft. ,85c WARDOLECM—Heavy, best-grade enamel "W g unsuccessful court f i^ t to force as a salesman for the community. serrioe will put things tipit. He has many agencies through Officially a member of the Sal­ AND , ntlN 9WN8MI you can buy. Wide pfttem choice. 9’ wide. Sq. yd. .... # d C Martin to go ahead with original vation Army, he played in the plans for the Keeney School and an which to work and he has many See ot about gettiur the amsto attempt to unseat local Democratic personal contacts which can be band .and served as bandmaster SaptiB Tanks . ing nsw Elgin Dnra Power used to attract business.'; for many years. He is a member leaders on the school issue. McCLURE PONTIAC / of the Masonic Order, the Tall MashiM Glaanai Maiaspring lot yam watch. Receive Support ^ TO 8EEK SEAT IN CONGRE.SS .Pedars, . the Washington Social Mrs. Benson said the group..hB8 Club, the British American Club Septic TankR,’ D ^ n SHOP NOW WHILK PRICiS ARK RKDUCKD AND SKLICTIONS ARK COMPLKTK ■J already received pledges of 'bian- J y \ Hartford. Aug. • 18 (gV-Mayor Fields, Dry Wells 'and XANCHESTER’S NEW PONTIAC DEALER Dominick DeLucco, back here, and the Manchester Improvement cial support and this morning re­ Sewer Lines Installed F. E. BRAY ceived a check from ^'anonymous 1 from a tour of Italy, hSs reiterated Assn. He is married to the for­ MANCHESTBK’S OLDEST V ■ — PRiSENTS ITS — donor. She said a professional jnib^ 9 l his desire to run for Congress in mer Winifred Larder and has six and Repaired. ESTABLISHED JEWEl.ER Ucity mhn has offered his services'. G 1956 from the First Congressional children. District but with qualifications he 117 Mala St—TeL Ml-8-sei1 Mrs. Benson reported that rep­ said that he would not oppose Rep. Wm. F. resentatives from all sections of Stetn Tlioatar BnlMlag town wmrii_present at last night's Thomas J. Dodd qf West m rtford, Advertifie in The Herald— It Peyt meeting. 'The next meeting is for the Democratic nomination. [ WE DO EXPERT ■cheduled for Tuesday. He said yesterday that if Dod$l der Steele & Son dines the nooUnstlon "my hat is FOR YOUR OLD WORKING in the ring," His interest in run­ I f i m TUNING 6B3 VERNON ST. ning for Congress stems, he said, TsI. MI-9.0B31 or About Town fn>m his desire to help Italy, I KEMP'S, Inc. MI-9-7842 where Communism is a serious r 168 Main St.—MI-3^5680 WASHER ON A 1954 threat. . Ih ▲ A A A A (fik 4h d HJalmar Carlson and Kenneth 824-838 TEL. MI-8-81fil Kelson, deacons of the Covenant- MAIN 8T. Congregational Church, will be MANCBE8TEa in charge of the midweek service » 'AN Modeb--Immediate Delivery-— 2 and 4 Door Sedons, Station Wagons^ . I^OW$8.89 ' i „ Convertibles, Cotalinos / JACKETS REG. Va l u e s to iu.95 WANDELL- i/£ PRICE NOW $6.89 160.96 R EFR IG ER ATO R ii‘ REG. 144.96 GAS RANGE ANDERSON 72.95 CAMNKT IRONKR ■oi- PRICES START 1 5 4 . 8 8 1 2 4 . 8 8 Building Low B u i Ratea WHITE DRESS SHIRTS - $ 1.89 AUTOMATIC ^ s i gned for tmol kitchens— enly 25 be wMae 23-in. roll62.88 Aak aboDt Terms Compact 30-‘m. Go* Range—{.deal for smol Unexcelled (n 6 t a l l s iz e s a n d SLEERfE LENGTHS) yat with hifi f.4 cw. ft. eapatWy. Full-wWih Contractors kitchen*. 33-in. ewenized even and giant pefi- $2260 Service freezer stores 31'A lb*, of food. 2 handy daar Lew aski* priee for Caldaet Ifeaer. Ire* a . week’s waak while sttkag down tskss'mack KnMnnQHVQiniiiwCMl iiii WASHER out broiler. Concealed fiueretcant lomp, elac- . AltonfieRS-RsniodsliR^ shahre* kaap smafi itanM ki nosy raoch. Ffonty less tkae tkaa kaad Irealag. Kae* . eeatrel Me ctock and timor, 2 appKanc* oiiltals buRl .r.' ill- of taN bettfo sforag*. Iksk obaut Ttvan. tos^^ka^^ l^^^’IW ^ tatlc keat ssatraL **Biisiiic88 Built On ONLir $ 10.00 REMEMBER! 1/3 OR MORE OFF Info backgword. Ask about Word* Tdnas. Customer Satisfuetion” DOWN DELIVERS! On T-Shirt*, Sj)ort Coats, Walking Sborta, Swim Wear, Pajamas, Hosiery, ...... _ ' Full lasurunce Coverage Come Prepared to Do Busineaa Footwear, Robes, Neckwear, Sweaters, U nderw ^ and Hata. TeL MI-9-3033 or IXtora S;lSa:M. Thari^ 1H f:S* 69.95 CANISTKR CLKANKR 162.9S SKWINO MACHINK 31.9s OIL HKATKR TeL MI-3-6651 irre* rarfclazlBear Of Oar Store After 5:00 P. M. MItcheN 64.88 14 7.8 8 26.88 S2 .Biddwki Road 9-4S4S r. Cons. McCLURE PONTIAC New, sOlrirnt Oaalster naaasr at law aah Efflefsat feve^sIMe rotary aawliw aettoa— n ta ts 1-b>2 skMo. *r bsoatii,' 373 MAIH ST., M AHCHBTQt Piles. Cwaplsts with fall sat *11 aaw at law sale priee. Attractive ekalr-coato Etlriant stasl radlatss galtb. psnsWat IVICI S T O M MEN'S WdAR. meat* far every rteaahig tee* aole eohiawt la walaat or amksgaay veaeer. for bfot- t-fo. wt-typ* fosiam kaa aM p ylhk p*|Mr dssst bage aad aaeaejr sta i Graiot attsckawatl*. 24-yr. warraaty. Ask ring srafi eost-lrfoi gaosa (tag. Baae tm l SEE M e c t ^ R E 'lE ^URE, SEE IdeCi U R S Carryiag eaee lasladsA Ask abept * "^ ^ * *1 ta foewa J Beid Herald Adys. .arnfe., t ta»u»( la uul. ASK AROUT WARDS CONVKNtSNf MONTHt^Y PAYMKNT PLAN POR A ^A ^C K - r T ------/ , ' / ' ------— ■ \ t!

lOtJRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHES1|!R, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,. WEDNF^DAY^ AUGUST 18,1?64 PAGE ■ T W , 1U0NERVai.B POLKS BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNYr o N ! BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORH PUZZl I Expert Photo FlnlaklBg Sale On Through Saturday Answer to Previous Puzzle THE FALLOT STIJDIO. 70 E. Gaily colored "Hopaiong -COa- Mrs* V u Ji Transportation It A N s V 1 V 8 Sense and Nonsense O nter StrccL la ao sure you will sidy” LUNCH Boxr-s roomy ■ FT O R 1 R d N agree with them In Judging their enough' to tote a well balanced W H Y D O Y l i e N W 7 f c IRA r fl PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE scho^ meal are on sale at WEST­ 1 • 5 A ■ d IR 6 fains BLUE ACB08S 3 Sediment r R ■ w N K U Wm Televiaton la the only industry i aoul. Thay would talk to aaeh excellent that they sincerely in­ ERN A irro ASSOCIATE s t o r e ; 4 Kind ol tire ' iT f vite you to bring your next roll of 615 Main Street. Replacement 1 Greyhound V J X w d c 7 V aUU in its Infancy and getting' other about the beauty o f . hia p u T MS**** 5 Cavity I k S A w K younger ell the time (Sylvia Ly­ harmonies and the uplifting influ­ film there. No effort ia spared i ;H9*GMOS bottles are sold aep- 6 Sultanic 1 ft o A w ' L iste d b y along every step of the processing arately. PICNIC SUPPLIES are j4 ,o n * » 4 Stcsm— rJ ons, quoted by Leonard Lyons). ence of hia symphonies. Often u i r e r decrees h K V '• . L u K V the au’eetneaa of the music sent to bring out the very beat your SLASHED IN PRICE Just in time UP 8 Valley A o 7k1C L. ¥ w ■1 camera ■ produces. for Labor p ay weekend and vour MS*'*'* 7 Through A A M ¥ ' . • T Joe Blow tears down furrowed cheeks. But 12 He uaei hU 8 Smiles broadly « P Jaunts to Country Fairs this Fall, f U A i F * k ■ ■ ¥ fi| I didn't murder that honking alas! they never thought to, tell \ tail (or 1 G u fi T k L. 1 FT 1 the playe.'! they did not know for Vm 'II bounea with Energy PICNIC BASKETS fitted with trsnsportation k T A E ft Imk T ¥ blight At the end of a perfect day (or plates, cups and flatwear for 4 are Who leans on hia horn ^at each what his heart waa longing. iUEDUCED to $4.79 reg. $6.25. < ISSkinoriflce iJr’*”*" One morning it was announced dosing Out Major AppUsnees ' a difficult one) take the wdtple 29 Advantages 43 City in traffic lighL If you are planning on a new School Yi'ardtoba for Boya New Tole Craft ItenM familF to the DAIRY <)UBEN But if ever they catch the guy that he would play no more after Thrifty Sswing For You A LittI* Dutch Maid Watch the vacuum bottle you isuecay ifiWtird 31 Two-seated Oklahoma that service; that his decision was GAS or EUBCTBIO RANGE, Shop C. E. HOUSE A ' SOVS . Santa is still at the beach but BAR, 488 Hartford Road or 307, 16 Those rousint Who did this laudable homicide, soon CSiristmas giving will occu- W, Middle TTpke. to choose a delici­ take along on picnics! Keep it bicycle 44 Gudrun’s final, and another organist must Wringer WASHING MACHINE clean! Every so often pour a solu­ 33 Refute husband TTUs public aervice for alt who or a HOT WATER HEATER be | 8C H W L NEEDS. Trouaem, py much -. thinking. At THK ously refreshing and nouriahing ride. be secured. After the service a tion of baking soda and warm 38 Sampled 46 Misplaced aura to visit WESTERN AUTO ■ shirts, aUo niggM JOHNSON PAINT CO.. 699 Vfain MUJL SHAKE enhanced with I'll back up hia alibi! woman who had enjoyed all hia water Into the bottle and ahake; 40 Foolish person plant ASSOCIATE STORE, 619 Main /h o o s and Ked sneak- Street, NEW ARRIVALS m REAL FEUrr AND JUICE. Pic­ music thoroughly went up to him, ture-pretty BANANA SPLITS and rinse a few times with clean water ifsKn.rwVu.pg"',''”" 41 Disguises 47 Great Lake —Berton Braley StreeL now and partake of un- »yn» T-shlrU. TOLE CRAFT make posaible dis­ and said, very earnestly, ,"I am There are inany bargalna on Jack­ S'l? N D A B 8 are topped with and 'invert to dry. 22 Sea eagles 28 Wind 42 Go up in an 48 Sailor sorry you will not p lay' for us uaual savings dUe to their tinctive home accessories to keep 24Bazaar A Boston apinater waa shocked CLOSING OUT OF MAJOR AP- ets and abort sleeve shirts priced or give. Simply match the num- FRESH froaan Strawberries, instrument airplane 50 Winglike part longer. I have enjoyed your mu­ to fit your pocketbook. Remem- Raspberries, or golden Pineapple Chicken Gisaards and GiMcts 26 Transported at the language used by workmen PUIANCES line. All merchandise bera on oil paints to numbers on M r*. Van Jaknton, Bmmig sic so milch. It het^d me great­ ' ber HOUSE’S BOVS’ SHOP. spears. Keep a HALF GALLON All meat with no bone or waste by water repairing telephone wires near her ly; it soothed and comforted ma la fully guaranted.' Browse tho sketched design and your fin- makes CHICKEN GIZZARDS and Him,, CoH/omia, wift *f tm 1 lahetL results will have n profes­ DAIRY qUEEN in your refrige­ 27 For i i 5 -cr l e r home, BO she wrote to the tele­ when I sorrowed. I have thought through the store and check on GIBLETS from the LYNN POITL- promintntlinen/ man* alar, m sm asis> 30 Light phone company. TThe manager hoiiM needs during MIDSUMMER G. E. Two-Door Refrlgerstoro sional air. HANGING PICTURE rator; it is packed wrlth whole riantlfi in Ik* Pi many times 1 would tell you what milk goodness. TRY FARMS, SOS Main Street, a ■f , 32 Assented I” A inrmediately asked the foreman an Inspiration I have received. SALE ending- Saturday. If you are planning the pur­ TRAY $2.98. WASTE BASKETS frugal and mHiriahing mealtime “ I cbogae Blue Bonnet U ef* 34 E<)ulp apln on th6'}Sb to make a report, and through your music. I thank you chase of a new refrigerator in the $2.98, DESK BASKET $1.98, suggestion. Cut-up poultry parts IT" 6 r a c k Dimpeties Add Color S S L o ^ d ' • A here's what.the foreman said: for“lt." Fleale Tline' Kaowa No Season near future, Uie two-door G. E MAGAZINE $3.98, CHIP­ are featured aa usual together With garine (or three eonvindng PENDALE CANAPE TRAV $2.98 In seleaing DEAPBRV FAB- 36 Worm "Me and Spike Williams were • / The young man's voice faltered, PICNIC ESSENTIALS are RE­ REFRIGERATOR for 1954 aa seen FRESH EGGS, The store is equip­ sons. Ita sunny-awect flavor aikl r ' 1^ 0 or HANGING TRAY $3.98. All RIC ao many faetora must be 37 Insect C| on this Job. I waa up the pole and the tears rushed to his sight­ DUCED at the BUDGET CEN­ In the Electricar Dept. of .J, W. ped and operated to maii(taln high­ amooth-spfeading qualltp i items are finished in a saUn soft taken into, conaideralion: color, in. H MtA IMM. t 39 Offers and accidentally let the hot lead less eyes, as he whispered, "Oh, TER, '91 O nter Street, Just in Ha l e c DRP. has many appeal­ est standards of sanitation and delight 08 at the Ubie. TiMa, h r fall on Spike—suid it went down ing features. - Adjustable RE­ black enhanced with touch of rim weight of 'material, textur* and 40 Notion __- Why didn't you tell me sooner? time for the big Labor Day week-- pattern. T* r have a wride selection cleanliness; an inviting place to white it’s loaded with nutritioR 41 Mouse genus his neck. Then Spike looked up end, to enjoy "October’s bright VOLVING SHELVES for instance gold. EIGHT NEW DESIGNS ahop. especially valuable to childrm— "We eerve the lonseat hot doge in town!" W/ I too needed comfort and inspira­ of florals, landscape or seascapes at THE CHENEY BROTHBES, 42 English r at me and said: 'Really, Harry, tion.'’ blue' weatheV’ riglit through In­ bring everything Instantly intb food-energy and both vitamiaa A P you must be more careful'," view and eaaj^each. no more make choosing only one* rather, REMNANT SALESROOM .where novelist ft dian Summer daylT Fitted PICNIC over 3,000 yds. of R E M N A N T' The Inquirer and D—it coats little. It daft* BASKETS. GRILLS, JUGS and forgotten, pushed to the back difficult. OUT OUR WAY R. w i l l i a m s o u r BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 45 Wraps N The man who has only half a DR.\PERY FABRIC ia available nitely given you all 3: Flfivor* 49 Implies 5T ys A young man waa organist in related long-handled tools for spoilage. Two deep vegetable Nutrition, Econornyf’ 'v. mind to do something never more crispers holding H bu each. plus After applying^ mascara, use a in Cotton, Rayon and Silk, at 95c 51 War god one o f the principal churches of a n^lpulatlng a tasty hamburg or to $3.95 per yard. This YARN than half does it . the spacious racks on door fur­ cotton-tipp^ stick to rub away 52 Fodder ST" JI ft ar Texaa city. He waa a fine musi­ frankfiirt are displayed. Add to DYED material originally sold for THArMSHOOUP ’ HE l e f t t h e I HB sh o w ed U$ cian, but, being blind, was unable ther expand the storage capacity. specks on the lids. aevtoRTHTwo storage place i p your outdoor equipment now and $3.50 to $6.95 por yard. , TH6 MA30 R OIDMT AH5WEK c a m p LASTf HOW TO Did A H(S to read In tfw faces of hia audi­ Tontuny A-B-C-D-E-F-Q — SAVE. Keep butter at your individual COSMETICS BLUE GILLS. BUT g’EAR TRAP 93 Vegetable w WE OAEEY ALL 3 CaNT CPMVIMCE REVEIUe TODAV, ft3y$/— /P AII6HT- 54 Nothing w ence the great pleasure hia music what comes after G7 spreading preference i with the Bnek-to-Sdioel Shoe* MAVSEHC V E 6 T E C D A V Ifc Jimmy—Whla! All age-groups from Kindergar­ Want a . delicious topping foe LEADING BRANDS HE STAVED AT VOUR CAMP ALL 95 Revise waa giving. He waa master of Every woman, but partcularly B irrrE R conditioner , with sugar cookies? Before baking, THE OFFICE OF HI HT.I HIE PLAMIM 6 0 TDFP -»W E*RE C?M 56 Augments the organ. His caressing touch the woinan who has passed 40, the z e r o -c o l d FREBinER TOP ten to'College may be comfortably 6 HOPS 6 OUR WAV HOW it So & fitted with SHOES of top qu^ity, sprinkle the cookies vrith two m u 6HORB6 THE FEAMj 57 ObUin on the keyboard sent out through When you're too busy to smile, should treat her face and neck aa eipbark on the new. Adventure of tablespoons of finely chopped nut- 6 0 iti& T 0 6 E E I F preparing and' stoijing frozen style and desirability from MONT­ DR. JOHN B. SHEA DiDMT Ke e p ita great pipes' the songs of hia then you're too busy. one. Always use .the same meats mixed with a quarter cup of HOME .THERT'5 a I , DOWN sr si h cleanser and lubricating creams foodz. R ^ . $529, deduct $190 fa.' GOMERY WARD OCRMPANY. The '100 AWAKE CHILDREN’S GREENBANDS at sugar and a quarter teaspoon o f CHIROPODIST THK0U6H (Sei^ZLVl 1 Uncovered sr a> IT on your neck as you use oh your trade-in allowance. ' ‘llie '1953 G. cinnamon. This amount of top­ IH IT' 3 Atop N C ^ N IV A L BY DICK TURNER face. E. model, also two-door. Is now $3.98 in sizes 8>.s to 3 are a real THE , good ' buy and include a wide ping will be enough for a regular $379.95. t w o ^ p flour Bugar-eookis recipe. MANCHESTER DELIVERIES WILL BE CLOSED Enamel PrblecU and Bfoutifles variety of styles, saddles, oxforio MONDAY and THURSDAY Klteheas,,IlathroonM, Woodwork and loafers; the RI|Z>BANDS at u I. Before sudsing looped, pile or $4.98 combine superior materials Mirrors Do MiraevloUs Things lAYLESS FROM AUGUST IS BUGS BUNNY The versatile aikyd enamels hooked rugs; baste a six-inch strip For a home. They can brighten a have conquered the traditional and workmanship. Real husky ox­ DIAFER SERVICE UNTIL AUGUST 24 % of muslin along one edge. Then, fords for the LITTLE BOY size y halt, introduce a feeling of spa- hazards which wall and woodwork 5 0 0 4 when you hang the rug to dry. you 10-3 shoe are top .quality at budget ciotimess and depth to a amall C d l AD-3-1248 For finishes face in the kitchen and can fold the mus)in strip over the price $3.98. "Grenadier” shoes for room, or add interest to an other­ "Ethical Diaper Service” bathroom, reports MR. WILLARD line and fasten It with pins•in to that the BIGGER BOV styled “Just like Delight your - little lassie with wise barren w-all. Look over the MARVIN, MANAGER of the local there will be no grooves made in this 15-inch Dutch' Miss! A sew selection at WATKINS, 953 Main the rug itself. This practical bib apron goes to­ Dad's” are of fine supple leathers SHERWIN-WILLIAMS branch. gether with a minimum of time- that take a gleaming shine, reg. easy, s(fft, stuffed doll is dressed In Street, during their SEMI-AN­ 719 Main Street / and effort—takes Just a yard of ;7.98 now $5.98: The JUNIOR BD%’ knitted'frock and perky Dutch cap. NUAL SALE and enjoy the sub­ "In no Other rhoms in the -home Get "Model Haane” OnrpeUng fabric in the smaller sizes. will be pleased with grown up It is easy, knitting too for the stantial savings. Some are stately Is the finish so constantly ex­ ‘ Sunday, in West Hartford, the Pattern No. 8155 is in sizes 14. styles and' rugged quality in hl.s dress Is done in'plain garter stitch. and decorative, others framed in posed to attack,” Marrin said. "House of the Tear” opened for 18, 18, 20; 40, 42, 44, 46. Size 16, size range 6-11 at $5.89 to $9.95. Patterh No. 5004 contains trac­ maple for quaint charm. HOME OF GOOD BEDDIHO "T lie kitchen and bathroom are publib inspebtion. Elegantly and 1 yard of 39-inch. High and low’^ SNEAKERS for ing tiottem for doll, embroidery moisture areas. Heat, humidity, tastefully furttished to portray For this pattern, send 30c in GYM at $2.49 to $4.98 have cishlon directions; knitting instructiOn.s Keep Their Beverage Hot SUPER VALUES FOR AUGUST moisture—that's a pretty formi­ model home decoration, wall-to- Ck>ins, your name, address, size de­ inaole and arch support. The for garments; and making and Pamper and pleahe your faihlly and guests with INDn'IDUAL m dable combination of factors.” ' wall SMOKE OitAY carpeting is sired, and the Pattern Number to fashion-conscious JUNIOR MISS finishing dilutions for doll and 79.9S OE LUXE MATTRESSES ^SALEFEIOB 1 Research chemists developed a used in living room. THE MAN­ SUE -BURNETT, THE MAN demands eye-appealin’, styles ;n clothes. CARAFETTE8 complete \rith / wholly new type of aynthetic CHESTER CARPET CENTDt. CHESTER EVENING HERALD, her size 4-6. She'll chose SOFTEES Send 25c in Ooins, your name, table trivet from HARRISON’S, AND lOX pRINGS 849 Main Street. Rag. $t.S0 each e*ie ^ 'mamel to withstand these kitchen 308 Main Street, features this 1156 AYE. AMERICAS. NEW slip-in oxfords with hand-detailed address and the Patterni Number Extra firm andTiiiedliiHn firm. $ 4 9 . 5 0 WMVMCmtEBS6CT CStAV - ^ and bathroom conditions, Marvin lovely practical shade in n COT­ YORK 86, N. Y. touches In brown, red, tan, or to ANNE CABOT. THE MAN­ now only 99c during LAST THREE fo T A WLO A\AM» DATS OF ITH ANNIY'ERSARY added. TON TWIST at $4.95 a aq. yard, ITie latest issue o f Basic Fashion black suede. Or, pick popular sad­ CHESTER EY’ENING HERALD, 49.9S OE LUXE MATTRESSES 8AUB PRICE Withstands Serubhlng reg. $7.95. Labeled a FACTORY —fall and winter '54—is colorful, dles or clasaie loafers, all top 1156 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW SALE. t ALLEY OOP On Guard BY V. T. HAMLIH . "This aikyd enamel haa a film stimuUting and a complete guide YORK 86, N. Y. AND lO X SPRINGS SECOND becauae of a^sUght im­ quality and low priced $3.98 to As Ckuiaing Season Apprenrhes ■o tough it can be scrubbed re­ in wardrobe planning for a new $5.98. . The colorful' 1654 Needlework HiTSRIfiHTI YOU GOT I DONfT CARE WHOSE' perfection, you. can hai^y see, this Save time and effort this can­ luHt for comfort. $ 3 9 . 5 0 ...YOU 3 3 : peatedly,” the local merchant durable springy floor covering season. 25 cents per copy—send for Album, contains 5d pages of lovely IWANTCHA NOTHING MAN THIS DUMMkOPF/ AW RGH T, HEAR ^pointed .out, ."It washes as easily it now. designs, "hqw-to'’ sections on ning season., with a Wear-ever SAVES YOU MONEY with no one O. E. WxMilng Machines FRUIT A N D VEGETABLE SALBFEIdB TDU 66 ENf T O S W I , IS. I CHOP YM t o YOU 6CMARE TO SAY ’COOUKIjSlpE ap a refrigerator. Moisture simply (he wiser. TTry turquoise, gold Whatever your reofon may 1^ needlework, helpful room illustra­ 39.9S FU U OR TWIN SIZE IGOT WANT TO' W FRENCH FRigS.i HEAD. 'PRESS complete with w o o d'e n "c ttt'n 'b l penetrate the tough and pink with it as model hoqie - "Laay Snsans” Reduced for delaying th^ p*ircha.se of a tions and directions for 8 gift pat­ BOLEJCR at $2.50 from Mouse- INNERSPRING MATTRESSES $ 2 4 ^ 9UMPIN HEARI GRROOFA coating. experts did. n eed ^ washing machine, you’ll be terns.' 25 cents. TO TILL The buffet or dining table that wares Dep't. of J. W. HALE "Yet, no sacrifice was made in Loasta a handsome EAZY SUSAN Interested in the O. E. AITTO- CORP., to extract Juices, remove SOUD ROCK MAPLE SALE PRICE the Important function of paint to Colorfni Garmeat Begs Is usually surrounded by contented MATIC WASHER that is PORT "English Cottage” Tableware skins and pits without peeling. In RUNK REDS beautify the home. Actually the Save cleaning bills, keep an or­ guosts. Especially is this true when ABLE. Ideal for small kitchens During LAST THREE DAYS addition the FOLEY FOOD M HX you can simply roll Jt out of the aikyd enamel makes the kitchen derly closet and add beautlflil col­ B is l a z y SUSAN ha>' colorful OF 9TH ANNIVERSARY SALE, at $3.25 will rice, mash or strain A rog. 119.9$ vohw! $ 7 9 . 5 0 / ' bkthroom glow with color." or to boot writh Odora-Whitmor boke-and-serve OVENPROOF way for storage; no expensive' Ih- the charming tableware imported foods quickly, makes delicious Marvin reported his company GARMENT BAGS, $1.98 each, DISHES that spin on a quiet ball stallatioit fees requlr^. Priced' from England 1s marked HALF applesauce. Covered Aluminum ‘ 1085 Main B r i i e A i l * e laarn features a subdued luatre enamel from Notions Counter o f J. W. bearing base to nerve hot or cold $329.95 in Electrical Dep’L of ).W. PRtOE at HARRISON’S, 849 KETTLES are here. 17 q't. $6.00, Street OCWWJf IHC. MI-^>» o i this, type (Kem-Olo') which Ts HALE CORP. These handsome refreshment tidbits. Reg. $6.98 no*v HALe CORP. See the G. E. Main Street. Colorful "Engliah 16 qt. $5,50. COLD PACK CAN- also recommended for woodwork containers are fashioned of $4.99 at HARRISON’S, 849 Main WRINGER m o d e l at $129.95 Cottage” realistically detailed are NEBS are arriving. throughout the house. It comes in Chromspuir quUtod 'Taffeta In Street, during LAST THREE contplete with PI'MP. If you have fashioned, into Teapots, Sugars 24 ready-to-use colors, in addition .yellow’, rose or green, with full DAYS OF 9TH ANNIVERSARY an old washer to trade, pubtract $30 from above price. and CTreagfiers, Cookie Jara and ” H8ve you got tomething to make a girl irretistiblt? Some* to white, matching the colors of length zipper. Choooe the SUIT SALE. Milk Pitchers. Children drink the firm's Istex-base wall psint thingGoa I ssa ^9that la ^a ^5 awill as s 11 saamake la meforgat ^ ^ ^ evarything— _:awe_ sbut her s money?’ a i or DRESS B.4G holding: 8 gar­ more milk when poured from . (^ p e r Kem-Tonh).. By'intermix­ ments each or the big 16 garment ILTien preparing for a day-long these delightfully quaint servers. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES' Koep pillcwB fresh and comfort picnic, insure the freshness of the There, There! BY EDGAR MARTIN ing colors, literally , hundrpiM of JUMBO BAG. Keep your ward­ able by fluffing them daily and al­ Only 99c for the Teapot. BUZ shades are possible in tiie synthetic robe free of dust this efficient lowing them to air for a few hours sandwiches by sealing the edges K )« BY ROY CRANR enamel. \ way;/ p/ : oh tl of the waxed paper w’ith a hot , I the day you change their covers. iron after wrapping them. Leafy vegetables, such as spin­ j i 7 Mftm ST. SAYCL, 'YAUt CMTE I ach, must be washed thoroughly <9000 MlYfOOVCMt MN(6-nC Manchestar, Conn. HMtTgKSOFWNDDriNCTUa Fhwo Toning and Repair before cooking to remove sand and vocw*. THtAWy WR0M6 WOMAN, gUZ. Increase your enjoyment of good' soil.. Then you needn’t put water music by keeping your pIa;io and in the pot; enough clings to the other musical instruments properly leaves to cTHE B E A C H THAT INEARP ME Mm I m ir§ RW rfM L plaids they are sparked with chalk act moisture. Then, using your wv4A-!r AND STAVED M U S T -B E . mLCRTAMLYJ NEMM-BOTm iTMtSATERRIBLE iK N O wfirW white accents. Little, girls love to lipstick brush, draw a .clear, natu­ DIO YOU DO] ‘ U N D ER TNATITHKAS -^OAlMSfMiri AWSTYf BEEN\S 0 R E NED HAVE Combined Thf Remaining Summer W O I^ LD so fM LS MORSE nPNT j aftIT GOT fNBE LET-DOMMFOR ALET-MWNFOR twirl and watch a full skirt billow ral lipline. When you’ve finished WHILE 1 W A T E R FOR BEING T M K K R ip T M M iriN W IIBAminEPMRB()FELTAL0TM)R5£ out. Mothers appreciate the deep RUN AT IWLEAFniRKKEO UTE! ANPf • DERTBOOyfMIE ME.TOO! 1 WAS applying, your lipstick, toudh your WAS ON T H R C C RECORD M BROKE POUMf/lllUTHE IMI * NEUAMOTNAT/ f ITNAD! IT V WEREAaSETIO •USTiR BROWM hems. School starts 3 weeks from Ups with a drop of perfume, to ^ \ V A C A T I0 N II VESTERnW-AFrERAUjWUASIfAE.INArS I COlWTMGONIT Stock Of Both Our Stores For One FINAL M I N U l l S J WnHKITNAS IT pmrr srAKrDpROMityNauLPVE KiDTMEniMrSOFF SHUTTING ilSBl today. , help it set. ' MIS 6»ifi$M6!^H0W AUKyS (30M’ INE NAG ITSELF' ^C0LUK9HALFHiff miLMMENITCAME mouth FOR KEE ' WGETHBE-IDOLWE? ,AR0(MP OK track! M LAST! CLEA^NCE SALE. , At These Prices We . % 'fc. SCHOOL DAYS Feel That — .A ^ af»;s 4 5 's and 7 ^' lA M B O R E E .--ij'/ SALES MUST IE NNAL M OKIAAN ...... Rolpli MortEriff

(^iailtificflilly by our ^EY: THERE . a 4 a. a a 4 RosMiory CiooiMy CAPTAIN EASY Beneficiary M AGNIFICEm ORSESSION ...... Viet«r VoEiig BY LESLIE TURNER > b e <.k i ,RS AND fllS FRlENDf ^ P oin t Fitting pioiie -- j Criais! I \ BY MERRILL"C. BIAISSER H6 (2FTBN 5P0KB OF VOU T0 IA6, CINNAMON SINNER ...... ,.. Tooy iM iiEtt All BATHING SUITS off 'I Pur OFF ^ EA>V. H6 NBVHt fOUaOT TW TIME Butter Browns are perfect 800001 shoes. I'Ll Iter A Lim e OtC DAV TM \ YOU *AVEP him FBOU A BeK*6*K. BULL'S-Eyi/ CoKnaou'ibLMSeLF, TheyH wear anci wear, land come up L0N6 M THE CARiaBfiANl ...... W 0S .6O CALM.CALM-- ; XAAEANriOHAME Bua's-m/ shining. And you can’ttniy them unleaa vaniNLiiorTaic. NON m s they fit ,L. really fit. Three gehmtionB VahM to 48E8 . m ak o o! f of younfMen have grown u|> in Butter DRESSES 4.00 up INCORPORATED 1 .a. •• Btiawiu, America’s favorite (diildren’s ... ■ ahoea. Bring your youngsters in right FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE i away. 763 Main St. Green, Stamps Given TeL MI-.3-5680 1 BLOUSES ,_Valuea to 12,95


f.’ 7Q.5 Main S t OPEN 9 fo 5:30 — SXtURDAY 9 to 4:45 / »Manc|cster CLOSED WEDNESDAYS (At Tfemehdous Reductions

'u . # ' .V . . X ' .

SN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCCTSTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, ^ U ST 18.1964 PAGE SEVSMTSBir t o : ' dfd Wins Legion Tourney, Blank New ^ to 0 I Pittsburgh No Longer Playing Dead ^gainst Top — - I ' — ------^ f V I - * ------Iter t v Willard Displays Pitching Arm to Auiftt and Winners Get Ford Motor Co. Plaque Chuck Willard Bests Diirocher Glad Do You Give Up Gustav? Pirates Clip Brooks Schaefer Award to Softball Kings Tinn er Choice Big Fight To See/X Phils Over Andrews Hawthorne on Mound For Fifth Straight T . . Chain Cancels Orders Giant Skipper Admits WdterweighlB fai TV For Equipment Needed 'Three Runs in Bottom Fat Cushion Gone; By BEN PHUEOAB t tnlng his hitting streak t« IS Feature from Chicago The Clincher i Half of 8th Inning Mays Hitting Agaiir Aaaockited Pnaa Sports Writer games. For Rocky'Ez Bout Three years ago Branch Rickey "Opcrati(» treadmlU” continued Ring Tonight al 10 Mew (S) Decides Issue; E^ch In the American League. Tbe New HoIlywtMx), Aug, 18 (/r> A Na- e rbl ! Naw York, Aug. 18 (fPl—He’s not Invited a group of sports writers to York. Yankees won their eighth in Chicago, Aug. 16 (ff)—

on the CSeveland In- McMally. rf .... hurgh will see the 1954 Worid sion after a disappdinttng fUng ment which was to have been used Rtrappiflg Chuck Willard waa er of the New York Oianta haa AtaiMk who came from behind in to televise the Marciano-Charles H. B*l«. >h . . . . Series la by television. But the old against tha mlddlearaigbWjs a 8-1 Lacovara. 2b .. the pitching and batting atai- for not exactly counted hia club out thd iBsi nf the ninth and nippi^ favorite to beat A1 prlseinght for National’s Theaters Iron*. 1( ...... of the National League Race. maeter’e aunaxtng aseortnient of Detroit 4-8 fee. their seventh Palm*ro, rf 0«rar H. Cowan Post No. 3 of Superior, Wla, In their in 18 cities. L/lnfo...... • w 0 0 0 0 0 "I):know we've loat that fat graying veterana and fuxxy-cheek- straight. National's announcement said Stamford, Conn.,- which annexed bout at Chicago Stadium cushion we had,” he sighed today ed youngsters apparently are go­ Both Chicago teams won lloublt- The match wiH be televised^ , the cancellation resulted from a Total* ...... 32 0 4 24 the American Legion Regional 2 aa he prepared to send the Oianta ing to have a lot tb say about headers. 'The Cubs arhlpped Cln-" dhvute with theater Network Tele­ 'C«aB*cll(til - gional Tournament ever staged in games in front of Brooklyn, 44 sottlag 'Turner in the event ul* '4. Xllwauk** 1. 'fore the seasem opened, and. Hof- in Juno. Phys* iana mid t:i«y hasa- at third base for the Cubs. Jim eighth frame when Coach Bill five hits as Frank Thomas drove 11th game since joining tha Oardi- porod his briathlng. pitching performance for Stamford against New Jersey at Mt. Nebo. Pendleton. 28, a might handy extra America* man to hia pinch, hitting chores. In three of the four runs, nals in late June. Chatter The Nutmeggera woii, 3 to 0. N*w York II. PhllsdriphI* 1. O'Meara's charges punched across "I just wanted Lockman to take One Fall in Mat Draw hand to have around, wa,s for three And Show Moves to Omaha Clrv*l*nd 4, D*lrolt 3. three runs. The bottom of the bat­ AntonelH Wins Brooklyn scored twice in the Chlrsfo 3-3. BalUmor* 0-t. it easy for a few daysl' continued years a Triple A short-stop. Thom­ ting order started the fireworks,' Johnny Antonelli^ also traded first inning on a araU, a single by Softball Championship LEGION JVNIOllS will play Bo*ton 4, Wa*hlnaton 3. Durocher. "I told him I wsinted Gorgeous George Grant failed to^ After the bell the contestanta son broke in as a third baseman New York—(NEA)—If Archleaw;ivbst. , hKearns, best known aa the BTAMUNGR Bunt Starts Rally ewe:y by the Braves during the 1 ^ Wee Reese and a double by two baseball games over the and waa Just that in the Giants' America* him to taka a complete rMt and back up hie chargee of the past staged a little warfare in the cen­ winter, won his 18th game against Walt Moryn. Surkont walked sev­ Moore lives long enough, the Pld kanmr of Ja ck Dempsey, with W Pet. OBL Billy Drueht seventh man in tha not play any ball. Also, . Henry The Northweetern Vets of New weekend. Saturday afternoon the Milwaukee May Not Win, never-to-be-forgotten run down the order, led off the frame by otil- three weeks that he would pin the ter of the ring before police and three losses for the (flants. Bobby en in the first five innings.but only whom he sacked Shelby, MoiU., in C1*\'cl*nd .., ...... S3 .716 Thompson will be back at third Great Zuma in straight falls if the referee separated the pair. Britain, behind the two-hit pitch­ locals play New Britain in the stretch in 1951. Globetrotter of the Gloves will get N*w Ydrk ...... 81 .488 3 •«KKmg a biiiit dowm the third base Hofman drove in four rune adth his firat inning pass to Junior Gil- Hardware Kings 1923, is t^ n g the fourth edition Chlcaco ...... base.” they Were matched again,. George Opener A Thriller ing of ace right hander Henry Ra- Hardware City and the same two Milwaukee possesses a corking another fight at ...... 74 .AT) 9 line. He was sacrificed to. second. a pair of homers and a single. Wil­ Uam hurt him. In the fourth he Thnlght But They’re Club of Future of Moore alid Maxim to Omaha far Delroil ...... S3 .448 31 Durocher knows that this is the ha(i a chalice last night lb the fea­ Opening bout between Tony lie Mays smashed a , triple and (hicha,’downed the East Hartford teams wiH meet Sunday at 2:30 double play combination in Johnny Madison Square Waahincton . .438 Willard then stroked a liner over atruek out Duke Snider with the Mew Britala Veto 44) CYO VO. Harm’s Camera. 9 —ML the Centenniaisthere in September^ ...... 48 33<] time he must'use to pull hia club tured wrestling bout at M t Nebo Enoa of New Bedford and Gus three singles hi four times up, nm - at Uf. Nebo. Local players are Logan, 27. and Danny O’.Conhell, Garden. The bloody battle will put Omaha 'Bo*ton __ 48 .417 34<3 second base that Lenny Lacovara bases loaded and taro out Talcotti^ 6 to 0 lost night at the ABRHFOA K Nebo. Moore real­ ralladciphia ...... 38 .336 44 up. The Oiuits otill have five more but had to be content with epllt- Johnson of Minneapolis, was WoI*kl, 3 b ...... 3 a asked to meet tonight at 6:30 at ’ New Ydrk— (NEA—It has been 26,^bacl:ed up by Jack Dittmer, 26. right back wher^s(t started. BaUlmore just missed with a deaperale leap. Charter Oak Park in the finals of Martin, lb .... Docl's Driveila vo. Watanit who would play second base regu­ ly was quite ...... 39 .331 45 games at home before they shove tlng a fall with Zuma before time slightly terrific. Referee Woro­ Ht. Nebo for a special meet- Maxim is always available while MatUaal Duehl dented the platter with the off fc-r the west Sunday night the National Softball Congteas Chmura, If. c . Street Grill, 6:15—Charter Oak. said and written that Anheuaer- larly for several other big league promising com­ N*w'\'ork ...... 71 .417 — Aral run and Willard raced to sec­ ran out. The show, promoted by nick, after being belted out of tha Pastor*, cf ... rs *"»• ______Moore can only talk^Rocky Mar­ Their victory over the Phillies, the BA Sports ActivlUes Inc., ropes by Johnson, disqualified the Biandrocha, rf "V FairfleM’e vs. Mdriarty's, 6— Busch would build a Cardinal em­ outflts. ing from behind BrookI}'!) ..,, ...... 7(1 3 ond when centerflelder Carmen Tournament Charter Oak. ciano and Don Cockell.^ Milwauk** ,, ...... 44 .579 4 ‘, plus Brooklyn's loss to the pesky attracted the beat turnout of the Swede after.24:20 of the first fall Walra*. lb ...... A PAIR of eye-glasses in a pire that would make people forget . First Baseman Joe Adcock, who to whack Harold ulate Moore, the first „ Phlladripkla ...... 48 .491 14',* Palmero booted the bail. After The win for the Veta gives them Slraceskl, ** ITankaea v a Dodgerq. 9 —’Whd- Johnson on the Cincinnati ...... 54 Pittsburgh Pirati. ^ stretched their outdoor season. number. There waa plenty of fast the right to represent Connecticut Corn**, e ...... brown case- were found last night those that won pennanta in cluoters wrote new lines in tha record book history to bop blokes while .475 14L • why it took a that he haa never lost to a heaW- TODAYIB GAMES There were other good signs: every time the bare-footed Zuma Enoa-but was knocked to the can­ ceremonies, foUowing tha game, Total* ...... J...... 81 9 U 31 10 0 tact Tom Turner, or Ernie Dowd. they'll tell you that Milwaukee al­ Jay to Johnson weight. number two. -Carella stole seconii 1. Johnny Antonelli, Ik-Hicher's TatoeMs (9) United HeUuxIiat va f i g hi t e r of Americaa' and then started a steal of thlrfl. put his educated feet to work, vas. The crowd roared when John- Stephen Bohan, branch salae man­ ready has Btich 1 team on the flckl. The other pitchers run from "They're easier for him than the sNew York at Philadelphia (nlfht) — “stopper," went the distance for George, with the marcelled locks, aon called Enos -a name and the Standings ABRHFOA B lAitheron, 6:15—Robertson. Moore's caliber 4kuke a fine running catch to rob ager for the F. and M. Schaefer Ltchata. If ...... 8 0 0 '' BIAKECP GAMES in the Amer­ ' The Braves may not eat up suf­ "^d OM) T* Kellner CA14). Pitcher Hawthorne threw to sec­ Team w L Thanday, Aog. IB Joey Jay , a huge, IB-year-old bonus 19 years to make light-heavyweights,'' s t r e s s e s rolt at Cleveland—Aber the first time aince July- 28. settled down and gave out with two ran out of the ring and down Pet. Gary Koaak of a poimibla double. Brewing Co., presented two beauti­ Klernan. lb ...... a 0 ican Little League, announced to­ ficient lost ground to win this time, (4-7) or ond and the fleet-footed Carella Fairfield Market 7' 0 1.000 Aceto, 3b .. ..8 0 Second Congo, va North Metb- baby, to Ernie Johnson, the strong the Garden. Arrhie Moore Manager Charley Johnston. "He HoerfM4*13) V* Wyn 116-9). 2. (Willie Mays, who carried one t>f his better performances. the oiale to the dressing room with Games Tonight ful trophika to each of the team day by Commissioner Tom Turn­ but they definitely are the club of Chlcaio at BalUmor* tmahO— Con- went to third, and when Karl much of the hltti.vg load in the Moriarty Brothers 3 3 .500 Gleason, sa . 8 0 odist* 6:15—Robertsoa middle man who is 30. In between W h e n he did nearly killed Nino Valdes, belted Frantz tossed wildly to the base, However, Zuma, the crowd favor­ Enos pounding Johnson. The latter Next regularly scheduled Na- captains. Walter Jjbo and Bob Mc­ Wasnwicx,''ct...... 8 er, are as.follows: Tonight—Yan­ the future. are towering Gene Conley and put Bob Baker, Bert Whit^urst. *uecra_ (>,-,J) «) or Martin (4-8,(4-8T\v» Laraen ‘ early-seasbn success of the chib, ite, pinned the Hollywood Honey come up with a black eye. American Legion 3 3 .500 Red Sox va CardbuOt, 9—Wad­ finally get his shot, it appeared (3-lI).16). X ' Carella scored. The erran t. throw Uonal League game U tonight Kinley representing the Schaefer Bordlert. l b ...... 3 S kees vs. DoHgers{ Thursday—Red Half In Early 20’s Chet Nichols, 23; Bob Buhl. 26; has been tapering off, but went in 27:08 vrith a aeries of body Man. Auto P arts 1 7 .125 A. Pawolald. c ...... Ir 0 deU Field. that the International Boxing Club and the 250-pound Abbl CesUc. He Boaton at^Waahlnston (nl(ht>T-Nlxdn wound up In the bleachera. That Hooded Zebra Kid, all 270 pounds when Moriarty Brothers coUide Co., were on hand from New York Wilson, e ..... Sox vs. Cardinals; Saturday—^Red No fewer than 12 key athletes Lew Burdette, 27; and Dave Jolly, dropped Bob Satterfield flat on (4-10) V* McOtrmolt 44-13). fbur-for-four, including a triple. slams. George came back after of him, and Chief Black Hawk, . 1 0 Manchester Trust va EDn. 9— Henry Aaron Eddie Mathenv merely waa tossing him an off­ ^aU*aal C(unpleted the day's scoring. with the league-leading Fairfield to present plaques t<5 the team DeGresorlo, rf .c... . 1 0 Scat vs. Dodgers Tuesday, Aug. 24 are in their 20'a. half of them in 29. his back, starched Jimmy Bivins Duroche** even emerged some­ 51:09 to square the match. He mode a good impression with their . An eight-run rally in the top of Ostrout, rf ...... 3 0 Charter Oak. season bone. You wondered where Philadelphia acNew York—MroxinekI Thf lo.vers had two fine acoring the fifth inning gave American Le­ Market. In the American League managers and coachea. McKinley, ..1 0 North fcnda va Bast Hanrotwi —Red l|ox vs. cardinals. the early 20’s. They're really going and Boardwalk Billy Smith three (0M>) or Dickaon (7-V4) v* Maglta (11-41, what of a prophet. Before the achieved the fall with the help of outfits, and also. had enough to the Dodgers wUl face the Yankees W. Pawolskt, r f ...... The Braves have everything they had been hiding him all those _ Brooklyn at PUlRtHtrah (nicht) — oppoftunitiea in the alxth ' and gion a 10-2 victory over cellar of the public relatlcma office for the McGee, p,...... 1 0 Bom bera 6—ML Nebo. to be something to see when they were the Scotsman on two sound now—pitching, .power, a stout de­ years. put of four. Smith hopped out of game, he had mused; the ropes when Referee Leo Woro­ take, two of three falls from Roland at WaddeU FieliL Starting time for brearera, also passed out miniature Lehne**, p ...... 1 0 grow up. especially the 22-year-old Brakine (16-10) va Thte* (3-3) or Pur- eighth staniuui but couldn't get a dwelling Mamfiiester Auto Parts Friday. Aag. 29 STAN mUNSAl shot a 75 in ankles^ With Thompaon fit, Charley fense and speed and flgure to get Popular In Spots the ring, told his manager to fight key (8-8). man home. New Jersey had -men "Maybe WllUe will get hot." nick was counting three seconds. Meeker and Antonio Leone in on both contests ia 8 o'clock. softballs to each player of both the Connecticut State Golf Assn. home run thumper, Eddie Math­ He waa right. Several bobby pins, chidden in to assure themselves of third place Total* ...... 34 0 3 31 4 '8 Manchester Auto Parts va''^ Grimm would have four infielders, better. They are players with Archie. 8t. L,ouia at Milwaukee (night)—Had- ah', first and second in the aijith, Australian tog-team semi-final. Americaa Lcqta (19) clubs. Vet* ...... 800.800 0-9 Tournament yesterday at West ews. and the 2Q-year-old clean*i.p With all his ability, the Incon­ dix (16-8) va Spahn (1S-10>. George's locks, mangled by this in the National Uttle League Morlarty'a 9—Charter Oak. in the outfield and a center -‘ielder. whom a manager can play ball. gruous, 37-year-old Moore has be­ Beat At IM Pounds Cincinnati at (Thlcago—Drew* (3-1) va and 'o n .second and third in the Next week-Gypsy Joe will return Veta Score Eariy T a lc o lt*...... OOOOmo-0 Hartford. Stan - tied four others man, Henry Aaron. Del Crandall Bill Bruton, 24, who plays the time, failed to help in the final in the main event. Hia opponent staindings. Ha*fc“n"*ik '*•••• J t 1 0 0 V *0 RBI. CTimura. Biandrocha. watraa St. Bridot's va United Motked- Headed by Bruton, wik has stolen come popular in only two places-^ ^ "Moore hasn’t bothered to get Cole (3-4). eightlL each time with two down. H sehell, 3b ...... 8 1 8 0 3 3 0 The Veta wasted no .time as they Raducha, Martin: 3BH, Pastore; BB, ist, 9:15—Robertson. for second place. has taken hio place as the finest position like an inhelder. nine minutes before time expired. will be announced later this week. Paloetta Wins Seventh 24 times, they get around the Australia, which he hasn't visited In shape for heavyweightii. He Each time cleanup batter Buddy Last NighVs Fights c ...... 4 1 1 4 0 0 0 tied into Moe McGee's offerings in Raducha 1, McGee 9;' SO. RadiKha 7. Brown and Beanpre v a BQoq 9 all-around catcher in- the . National Folceita, who waa again the ...... *18 18 0 1 Lohnes* 8. McGee 1; Hit* off. Raducha Converted Shortstop bases. There isn’t a heavy-footed since 1939.' aqd Argentina. Per­ weighed 189H pounds when he Ke,nders failed to come through. choice, to work the hill, went the Meehan, 3b ...... 4 1 8 0 1 0 3 the initial frame. Ted Wolskt, Ed —Charter Oak. League at 24. knocked out Whitehurst in early Willard did not give up a hit right hander held hie opponents 2 for 0 run* in 7; McGee 9 for 9 runs In The old pappy guys In the Suda- Young Aaron spent part of a member of the party. Evert Cran­ haps it la because Archie the League Leaders Fort Wayne, Ind.—Ckurmen Ba- route allowing only two runs on yhitj- lb ...... 4 3 8 11 0 0 1 Martin and Henny Chmura hit 4: Lohnese 3 for 0 run* la I; HBP, minor league season as a short- dall, the catcher, has good'speed. Gypsy . never remained long June. Until Mike Mchlally beat out an in­ scorelesh thereafter. five hits.' He gave up two bases on S: M ,...... 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 back to back singles to score the Raducha (Wilson): L, McGee; fioorer, Eksard Oiartaa ax-keav,. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ville group are Warren Spahn and "Moore's best fighting weight field chopper in the fifth. On the ■ilto, 150V&', Canastqta, N. Y„ Yanks Regain The winners tallied once in the Fylef,, W ...... 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Conran: Time. 1:40. Andy Pafko, the one / throwing atop and his only complete season And the young Braves aren't enough, in one place that he did Americaa Lcagac stopped Ronnie Harper, 15241, Lo- balls while fanning six. It was his PonUllo, rf ...... J 0 0 q 0 0 0 firat tally. A bunt by Joe Pestore champion, won 42 amateim would be 180 or sHf^tly more, but other hand, Hawthorne allowed bottom of the first, but it was a Kel*ey, If ...... o 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAINTS aspirin tablets and the other still in organized baseball as a second going to tire in the last Sixteenth. not become more in demand ^ Batting—Nor*n. N«w York. .347 gam, W. Va.. 2. seventh victory of the season. forced Martin at third’ for the first and lost none. Ho then * ‘ baseman, where more than one this country. those whp suspected he couldn’t Minoao, Chicago, .327; Avila, Cl*v* but on.e bingle in the. first six big second inning jhat sent the The game waa a pitchera’ (hiel out, but Frank Szandrocha rapped turn pro. stirring up trouble at 3"’. Jim Wil­ do 1-75 for Johnson didn’t know land. .334; ro x , Chicago. .318; Mantle, frames,' Chick ClaHt's one baser Detroit—Bob R oasie, 1 5 0 4 : First Place Yankees oD'-their way. Four more TotaU ...... 80 10 18 18 . t " i 4 CYO and Cameras W. H. ENGLAND son. 32, Is the only other member veteran scout insist he still, be­ - Moore fights them in series, be­ N*w York. ..312. Cedar Rapids, la., outpointed '(• up 'til the fifth inning when the llaach**ter Aato .Fart* ft) i out a base knock to score run num­ longs. The remarkable Mobile lieves in doing business at the A r c h ie and weijght-making. He RUna—Majill*. N«W’York. 100; Mlno= to M t in the second.. bad a two- ■cores in the third, and another Legion unleashed a terriffle at­ ab r b o a a rbi ber two. A sacrifice fly by Ed Wal­ LUMIER COMPANY of the tribe above 30. *o, Chicago, S3; Fox. Chicago. 89; Yoat, hit Mutout going until .Stamford Chuck Price, 1464. Detroit, 6. StandUin six in the fourth made the game a D. Simmon*. 3b .... 4 O' It is doubtful that’Bobby Thom­ kid'a left flelding- Improved with same old stand. He flattened John- weighed 202 pounds when he tack on Earl Blihv'ell, poundihg Viol. If ...... '...... 3 f ras brought' in another tally and Tangle Tonight Tel. MI-9-0244 .^ n , whom he spotted 12 years, in started training .and it took two Waahington. 86; Avila, CI*V*jand, 43. unloaded.in the eighth. " W L PcL complete rout. Meanwhile, Gerry son, 30, could make the outfield the added responalbiUties of bat- Run* Battrd In—Dohy, Cleveland, 94; him . for eight rims on six hits to feovett l b i o it was 3 to 0 for the Vets. the fifth of a set which undoubt­ months for him to get down to Mlnoro. Chicago. 89; B#rra. New York, Only New Jersey extra base hit Yankees ,,,,,■•*,•••*4 8 .571 Rothman, Bob Seelcrt, and Bruce take,the game away. Baakenrille, e ...... 8 0 Raducha made hia presmee lARSTOWSAYS: edly will be continued. the 173 he weighed. Twenty-nne 84: Mantle. New York ,M; Roam, of the gbme'was Len Lacovara's Cvdinals ••••••••••••8 3 .500 Fish were all talcing a . blasting U. Simmon*, c f ...... 3 0 Herm’9 Camera, with a ***' Cleveland, 85. Leading hitter was Dave White, Wojnarowics, 3b, p .8 0 known as be struck out the aide in percentage point lead over the Doing so, Moore restored his bid pounds off his frame, that'h noth­ triple with, two down in the aev-' - Red Sox ,8 3 .500 from Yank stickers. Legion slugging first baseman, Howe*, * * ...... 3 0 the bottoh of the first. In tha sec- No hunting is permitted with­ ' Hlla—Fox. Chicago. 164: Minoao. Chi­ Grivb. 8b ...... 1 1 British Americans, will be out to “ITSTHETHUTHr in one-half mile of the paved road sparring mate, Tiger Joey Maxim, ing, and I ask'you if it looked like cago. 143: Kuenn. Detroit and Buaby. enth. Lacovbra was the only play­ CARTER’S Dodgers ...... 2 8 .400 Mike Rothman, the Cards’ re­ who belted two singles and a O' 0 ond and third, the teiU flre-biUler O M lat^ . r f ...... 1 0 0 0 from Pleasant Valley, Arlz., to the Cleveland Sandman, as the the frame of a light-heayyweight? Waahinmon. 141; Berra, New York, 138. er to get moiY than one hit, add-K ceiver, was hit on'the elbow by a towering home run over the center- BW»eII. p ...... 1 0 set the Talcotte down In order: In keep its first place lead tonight Double*—VernonVernon, Waahington.— • 36; Coach Harold Geer’s f ir a t foul ball and had to be token out 0 0 when the Photos tangle orlth the WE HA^YE A SPECIAL Grand Canyon National Park. number qpe challenger for the Archie's a heavyweight, that's Minoao, Chteieago. 34; Kuenn, Detroit. •ing a single to his triple. \ field fence. It was his third, round Sinith* P •aceeaaeeae X 0 0 0 the fourth New Britain coUectejl ' Two USGA Amateur golf cham­ light-heavyweight leadership. . what he Is. Berra. New York and Yoat, Waahlng- round: champions, th e Yankees, of the game. Before the night was tripper of the season. four hits and with the .help of two St. James’ CTO at Mt. Nebo In a PRICE ON A FEW 7H HP. b Moore and Maxim put them to ton, 32. . Ddsel Ford, son of Henry Fordi WORK CLOTHES moved bock into first place last over, three other players also had TotaU ...... 38 8 k 18 7 « 1 Two Leiague ancounter. Game time FINAL CLEARANCE pions turned professional at early "Johnny,- Come - Latelys don’t Triple* — Runnel* Waahington. 14. John Haskell, I%n McGehan, and ^Zlon ...... 100 180-10 errors and a paksed ball, added AND 15 HP. EVINRUDES ages, Lawson. Little when 25, and sleep in St. Louis. They practical­ know that Johnny Dundee used to Minoao. Chicago and Vernon. Wathing- said that golf is. a game where night with an easy 17 to 3 tri­ been hurt. Bob H e^tt volunteered winning huriar Falcetta all collect­ Auto Part* .,...■...... 001 100— 3 throe more runs to their total, le 6 o'clock. Gene Littler at 23. ly broke the .bank in Ogden, Utah. come down from 150 to 126'. My lon. 12: Tuttle, Detroit and Mantle, you “have to beat-3?ourself V iore For Painters, umph over the Cardinals at Wad­ to catch for the injured Rothmop ed two hiU apiece. BUI 'Vlot, L i ^ making it 6 to 0.' , ' ) . These two teams ^ v t tangled New York. 10. you can beat anybody-’“else.'' dell Field in an American UtUe and did a fine job behind the plate. HR, White; DP. McGehan and White; twice already this seaaod. and MEN’S REGULAR and RUMMER SUITS Connie-Mack ha* been with the. They fought the battle of the last brother, Jimmy, told me that Jem Lovett and Rudy Wojharowicx all LOB. Auto Part* 9. Legion 10; BB, Fal- Raducha, neyer in roal serioui Home Run*-^Dob)r. Cleveland.- M7: Weather worries a race track. League conteek. Lariry Bates, Hank Pedemonte, Philadelphia Athletics since 190J. resort.in Miami. Driscoll, the great English feather, Mantle. New York. 34: Wllllama. Boa- Carpenters, Plumbers got base knocks for tha Auto 0**5?,. 1. . BWacii 4. trouble, had the Taicotts stajhg- both games were thrillers. The ^ Fourth Edition ^ ton, 33; Blevera, Waahington, 31; Roaen, The Yonkers, N. Y. Raceway had Skip Marsh, the Yankee ace. Ed Dell, and Marsh all contribtited Pc.rts whUe Dave Hdwea laced two Smito■*■••• ••• •* 3; • SO. m FalcetU awowex aaea W-4. Wojnarowics v888^88 V t first contest ended In a 3 to 2 Always an accommodating gentle­ blew up to 165, and they had to 3. Bldwell 2; HIU off, Wojnarowlea (3) Ing a t hia fast-breaking curve's Being SoM At Fpcfoiy Prices . Now Jack Kearns, .manager of Cleveland. 30. to ra.'Ui'face the long stretch with went the route for hia fifth win of two hits apiece to the Yankee at- hits In a losing cause. draw, while last week the Photod man, he shortened his McGlllicuddy peel all that w e ig h t off little Rivera, Chicago. 14: _Mlnoao, Chicai If l49JJiW ’C tack. , - for 1 run In 8 Inning*; Bldwell (7> for and drops. The East Hartford name to Mack so that it would fit Maxim, further makes Jesse James bodies." Stolen Baaea—Jenaen. Boaton. f?: 700 ocblc yards 'of clay And 600 the season. He was in trouble only ' Outstanding defensive play was 9 run* In 1 1.9: Smith (3) for 0 run* in came up with a gama-wlnning once, in the first frame, when the Tonight the Dodgers and Yan­ gang had no threats going at any a sedreboard. look ^ike a novice at robbing the Archie Moore gets around the 13; Fox, Chicago and, Buaby, Waahing­ yards of top soil, after a summer IHAiiEvff 0 made by Viot, Auto Parts' left 1 M : HBP, Filer. Vlot: U, Fraluit Ume as they couldn't get good rally to edge tha Churchboys, 10 ton. 11. I dovnpour. Cards got to him fo r thrae runs on kees ti^ le at Waddell Field at 6 fielder, who \yent far to his left to VacanU; L, Bldwell; Scorer, M acF^ to 9 .' > country in a station wagon srlth pitching—(10 Declalona) ■ — . Feller. three mts and two errors; The o'clock. lane: Time. 1:30. wood on Raducha'i offeringa.- SUITS SUITS this legend on Jhe door: "Archie ClevelantT 10-3. .483: Cbnauegra. Chi­ Heavy Stlcken Jimmy Blanchard will toe the cago, 14-t...434: Grim, New York, 14^, - Yaakaca (17) slab for the Cameras, while Howie Regular Weights ^Summer Weights Moore Enterprlsea, Inc.... S t noTda. New York. 10-3. .769.'* .... ab r - h o a e rbi third to firat, Ed Dorns, Red Cose, Chmura with t h m for four waa Meleako. aa ...... l 0 0 0 0 0 0 the heavy sticker for', the Vets. Lautenbach or Bill England wlU Louis, San Diego, . Toledo,’ New .800; Lemon, CHeveland. 17-5. .779; Rey- Bate*, aa ...... 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 Northies Engage hard-hitting Walt Kogakowaki. REG. 59.50 ...:. NOW 39.95 York, Miami.” ' Mrikaoota— Turley. .Baltimore, -130: Wolaki, Martin and ; S(raceaki be on Ufa mound for the CYO. REG. 49.50 ..... NOW 34.95 Do You Knoio How Truck*. Chicago. 137; Wynn. Claveiand, Campdaeo, if. 3b 4 3 '1 0 0 0 0 Slid Pinky Hobenthal wlU hold REG. 55.00 ..... NOW 36.95 > REG. 45.00 ..... NOW 29.95 Omaha is to be addisd. —- 114; Plerce.^Thlcago. 107; Hoeft, ..De­ Harah, p ...... 3 4 3 0 4 1 0 down Starting poattlons. also chipped in with ttVo hits • ------troit. 1(I0.„ PedeDinnte, lb .i....2 1 3 10 0 0 0 Bombers. at Nebo apiece, for the Taicotts, Jimmy REG. M.00 NOW 34.95^ MaNanal Leagae DelL c l ...... 4 2 2 1 0 1 3 Jake Banka, the T w ilig h t Gleason and Tony Aceto were the PiersaU Sidelined REG. 39.95 ..... NOW 26.95 BatUnr — Bnider, Brooklyn. .349: Cowtea, rf ...... ,., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leagues' leading sticker, will be In Mtialal, 8t. Lout*. .340: Mueller, New SImler.irf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 '0 ‘ The .East Hartford Bomliara, only players who could solve the REG. 47.50 ..... NOW 29.98V REG. 33.50 ...... NOW 23.95 Duff Appoiiitei^ 1V)r*lem*bli.’ Sb 'I^^IO 6 6 .6 6 0 S- left field. Along elde him will be slants of Radqcha. York, .384: Maya. New York, .331 Veneala. If ...... 1------1 0 0 0 . 0 - 1 _ long one of the top baseball out­ Paul Qroobert and Bob Sullivan. With Arm Injury REG. 42.50 ..... NOW 24.95 REG. 32.50 ..... NOW 22.95 Bchoendlenat. Bt, Louie. .330. bans*, c...... 4 1 1 7 0 0 0 Cliff Magnuson. regional com- X n I i r * f t n n S t a f f Ri«a-Mu*'ial.- ilaT Bt.at: LouI*. 97: Snlder. fits in the state, will be In. town All three are good men with Uie l U U R ^ U Iin rirookiyn, ts.- May*. New York. 90; baveg. 2b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 bat. . , , niikalcmer for the Congress, wishes i ' . ' t'" ' . 7, . Aahburw ^lladelphla-and Moon, Bt, ^Becln^th, 3b....*.|..-. 3 9 1 0 0 8 S tomorrow evening to fa^ the to thank the RecroatioivDept.. for Boston,. AUgl 18 IdPi—Boaton August plans to bring some of Louia. 88. j Total* ..f...,.....25 17 11 18 4 3 3 North Ends, a member of the Ipcal its fine Job on the fields, The Her­ Red Sox outfielder Jimmy PiersaU ^ H O E S -Storrs. Aug. IB, (Sn—-Tha ap;^ Run* Baitedln—Huaial. Bt., Louia, I Cardlaal* (3) the top, teams in I the state into ald for the coverage they gave the hustled back from Waahington to-, miM TRUNKS 108: Snider. Brooklyn. 99:-■'Hods»e» Sadd. If ...... 0 0 0 0 Twilight League. The gam* WiU town'if tomorrbw night's game day for examination of His throw-' Summer Styles pointmant of Lloyd Duff as haad ______Brooklyn. 34: lOuaxewaki. k so Cincinnati, B. Krauae. If ...,-,,.1 0 0 1 tournament, the Schaefer CU., for be played at Mt. Nebo and wfll get draws well. the beautiful awards, the teams Ing artn, apparently Injured in Are] determined On A Whiskey ? coach of track and citiea country i»ui*. . 142: V. RoUunan, c ...... 1 1 1 0 underway at 6 o’clock. '' REG. 18.95 NOW 14.80 New Flnlev. aa ...... 3 1 1 2 who participated and the fans who "onday night's exhibition game and W0RKIN8 SHORTSS^QRTS and aadiatant prpfaaaor in the j )B)r. Krauae. 3b . . . . 1 1 0 -2 Local faiia arill Well remember REG. 13.95 NOW 9.95 oer. Brooklyn, 158; 0 0 4 gave their support. th the New^Tork Giants. physical education department,. Muaiai.. It. ‘Louie,- 153. Plant Perennial Seeds Now SSHSJirrt'- ^ i 0 the' teams that repreaented' East EVINRUDE Double*—KInet, Chlcaso, Bell. Clticln- Yeiidfday*B Stars REG. 11.95' ^ • ^•’n • • r 4 NOW 7.95 has been announced by the. Uni­ G. Rothman, p ,.l 0 1 Hampton In the Semi-Pro Baseball REG . 4.95 ...... NOW ii i r READ THIS*YOU’LL SEE WHY ngll and Thoma*. Plltahurgh. 31; <7urrj'. rf .. „. 1 Tournamwt here a few years ago versity of Connecticut. Snider. Brooklyn and Bchoendlenat, St. Hamilton, rf .. 0 _ 0 Lout*. 30. , ; For Next Yeat Beelerf. p. rf .. 2 when the' Britiah Americana and Batting—W illie Mays, New Fleet win REG. 3.95 • • i • • a NOW 2.89 Duff, 30, assistant track coach Triple*—Hamner, Philadelphia. 11: Turner, lb. If . Hamilton Standard wo6 and than KEDS FLEISCHMANN’S Giviss YOU Bnider, Brooklyn. 9; Aahbum. Phila­ S II s 0 *0 York Giants, tripled and hit three at the University of Pittsburgh, Flab. p. cf I Q 0 0 0 went on/to H^chlta. Kanaap to slnglee in four times a t. bat as NOW 2.39 delphia and Moon, and Bchoendlenat, Si Calnen. r f ...... 0 0 REG. 5.95 NOW 3.99 REG. 3.50 • 4r • a •• succeeds Carl Fischer who asked Loth* a. 0 0 0 compete in the national tourney. Ue Giants defeated Phlladelj^ia, to be relieved of hia coaching du­ Home Run*—Maya. Naw York. 37; It’s the aMOtpapn- THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY! Kiuaiewakl, Onlclnnall. 36. Bauer, C3il- ToUUa...... 23 3 5 15 5 7 .1 Regular liaeap rj ties in order to devote full time 3B. Dell, Campoaeo. M. Rothman; SB. (Tooch Benile Augiut wUl have Opportunity fStga. S3: Madhew*. Milwaukee. tt; THIS IS THE REST TIME OF trauac; SAC. CantMaeo. Pedemonte, Pitching—Howie PoUct, Chi­ Isr' {aaily-fiehiag ^ to his job as associate professor Hodfea, Brooklyn and Mualal, St. I^ is, Jllmer. Venexle: DP, Yank* 1, Card* hia regular North End crew on cago-CUbe, mapped a 10-game toe­ of physical education: r in hietnfyl SLACKS 20% OFF SLACKS 30% OFF whiskey taxci arc determined by **S(olen Baaea—iSruton. Milwaukee. ;34; 1; LOB. Yanka 11. Card* 4; BB. Marab hand. Ernie Noeke, the Northies ing streak by hU club with a five- Plan Indoor Track YEAR TO START A NEW LAWN 8, Rothman 4, Seelert it Flah 1: SO, ’", Regular Weights Proof.- Proof tells you a |rhiskcy'i ftondv, Chicago. 17; Temple. ClncimiB- liarah 7, Rothman 3, Seelert 1. Fiah 3; ■ce, wUI toe the slab, tvhile August hit, 5-0 shutout over the Cincin­ 1951 PONTIAC 2-DOOR Flcetwia is powerM Summer Weights With the appointment of Dpff tl, 14: Moon. 81. Lout* 13;,, MatheWa HBP, Hamilton; L, Rothman wUl catch hia.. bHerlngi. From nati Redlega, Milwaukee, Aahburn, Philadelphia^ apd Radio, heater. baek-«g Bgbta, hydromatle. BeanUfnl block. —feu TH k.pb—yet “strength’*—its alcoh'olic-^’olume. the qnlversity plana to resume an Jablonakl. Bt. .XMii*. 8. Tlie.higher the Proof, the huher the indoor track program a fte r' a Pitching—(10 declalona) — Anionelll, COMPLETE W EH AVEU M Ea wsighe only a b w four-year lapse. New York. 14-3. 887; I>*e*. Brodkljm, '29.000 ORIGINAL MILES SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL taxes, fleischmann’i —at. a' full 90 8-3. .737; Conlev, Milwaukee, 1»S. .704; poands more thaa Duff, married and the father of Merer. Brooklyn. 9-4, .493; Lawrence, - FERTILIZER AND SEED Short Sleeves Proof—pays the U. S. Government two children, waa ' eduedted at 81. Ixnil*. 11-8. I , RADIATOR ■eat “firaa'* It's SPORT SHIRTS Oberlin College god Ohio Stats Btrikeout* — Roberta, Philadelphia. REG. .4.95 ...... tNOW 2.89 11.03 more per case than 86' Proof 143; Haddlx.oSt. Louia. 181: Krakl^, UW N SEEDERS AND ROLLERS milu fom rl Ami it’s Univeraity and farved with the Brooklyn. 137: Anionelll, New York, lOt: REG. 3.95 ...... 4... NOW 2.49 ' One lot. Values to 4.95. brands. Yet FlCischmann's cos/s you Army for. three yeara during Bpahn, MilFaukee. 1(0______SERVICE For Only ‘ less than many brands of lower Proof! World War II. Me was a varsity REG. 3.50 ...... NOW 2.19 football and. basketball player and Biggest payoff in history for a y jo a c im i# . REG . Z95 ....._____ NOW 1.79 NOW $1.49 This is because Meischmann believes trackman gt Oberjin, and a track horse at Hieleeh race track was • CLEANING hNb*MAW400e ^eed frost rroUfag star a t Ohio State. Hg was run­ not for a win. but for a place bet. GET COMFO FOR COMPOST FILES ari*. in giving you the most flavor and en­ Mtopl It’sdtoow* ner-up In the Natlosial AAU Baal paid 484 to 1 for finishing •REPAIRING ONE DOLLAR T-SHIRTS joyment for your money. With most (jecathlon In 1946 and 1947. * second Fsh; 4, .1932. | CANNING AND FREEZER SUPPUES board motor of Aa DRESS SHIRTS blends today no more than 86 Proof, •RECORING feroroi Ceam ia fK Knitted Mith ooUars, it’s easy to zee 'why Meischmann's, Ventilated. MOO REG. 4 .9 5 ...... NOW 3.19 with ksjhigh 90 Proof, is the best WITH 'HIE PURCHASE OP AN ELECTRIC REG. 3 .9 5 ...... NOW 2.49 REG. 4.50 ...... NOW 2.98 blended whiskey value you can buy. QMNERAL0 MLECrMlO PrMipt aanhiB t o r LAWN| TRIMMER FOR ONLY 11294.00 REG. 2.95 ...... NOW 1.98 Try it yourself—today I to omt ofootoOf steftMl Extn brte tnde-iii thU «9di RAI^GES — REFRIGERATORS — WASHERS ••r fBpiilr japsHsHSM^ V REG. 2.50 ...... NOW 1.59 R EG . 3 :9 5 ...... NOW 2.79 Seeing Is Belie¥ing * \ - —Am cleaniaf oat gUiA'bfi’ NO SALESMEN—VERY LOW OVERHEAD forfiiaqr; ^ OF®!? 8 to 9—SATURDAY 8 to 6 MEN'S $4.03 $2.53 ALL DAY SUNDAY 8 to 8 b r o w n : 4 5 QUART PINT B if Tradt-In AUowaiiceo—No Caih Down 7 BEAUPRE SHOP XT* / " MANCHESTER ^ rg BRUNNER'S OPEN S ^ M ^ 9 P. M. ' CALL MI«$-6101 BLENDED WHISKEY * 90 PKOOF . (S« GRAIN JtEUTRAL SPIRITS Acgeiw lY e ii Ogwlty»'e Next Ve VKtMMi^ m EAST CENTER ST* THE PLEUCHMANN DISTILLING C0RP0RI^I^N,.PEEKSKILLi.N.Y. KOOKVHXB BOAD, XALOOXXVI^AMO

!■ .. ( \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN..' WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18,1954 PAGE MlMBIIIir . .. PACai^CiHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1964 Hoosthold Goods 11 Hofisss Far Sals '72 Fsr Sait 72 Hs Far Sals 72 Suborban For Sals 75 Wanted...B tsl Estoto 77 ' 1 AiridBiobaw for- Salt 4 Anto DriTinc Sdiool 7-A H«atiiiC-^-PhmblBf 17 Help wanted»Blak 36 Artidet For Salt 45 HoosshoM Goods 51 HooseiioM Gooii 1.1 r o o m f o r RENY— Near Cen- PRIME USTINGS THREE BEDROOMS, Uvtog room, WAREHOUSE POINT — Route 5, UBToras Wa n t e d — CLKANINd AND INSTAUJNft i AUTO DRIVINO instruotion from LENNOX FURNACES snd warm WANTflZ)—Stock and delivery ALL ALUMINUM comWaation NORGE—Oaa range, refrigeratdr, teri Gentleman pvaferrad. 87 XCANCHESTBR . . . Pra-wor Capa cabinet kltcbm aOd laiga aon- ■maU 8room dwelling; lot 158 x condition. 32 Can- twodOmlly. thfoa fawny, OET READY FOR THE LABOR your home. Insured dual control air heating. Earl Van Camp, ML clerk. Full time poeitiea. H i^ dowa and doon, ■olf-otoitogf'aava Limited number of gas both in Foetey St MI 8-5U1. — Cod on a bus Une. Four down and MANCHESTER, (tooUdg* S t— porch. Large lot. MI 88706. ISO. $9J)90.. AascleiaiAsMtoiate Realty, Booi laupwty- Bavo moay SEPTIC TANKS ind CESSPOOIS I S i m i f M car. Larson Driving School. ML 84644. school graduate only. Apply in heat, Comfort, convenience, last a ranges. . Clearance at hi^ terbury it., Manchester. room for two up. Timken heat, 6 axcaUent rooms, Ctepa Cto. Com­ Broad Brook. Tel. Windsor Locks, bUMTSi ifcetEMW -Smi DAT WEEKEND WITH A 84076. Mraon, Kiddle Fair, 1089 Main Ilfetims. Free demoninatian. CaU TWm BEDROOM. Central. Kitch­ firaplace, nice groimda. Immediate bination storm windows, 90’ x lOO* PROBLEMS? We have Capa Osda, NA. 8-4739. Pleaaa 'caU Georga L. GrasiaiUo. otgmfiaoMaa of TRAINED EEWAffl IPBOUUJRR GUARANTEED Plumbing and priiie. en privUeges. Gentlemen. Parii- ranch and colonial homaa to aU — ------^ WARRANTEED CAR FROM anytime. BiU l^wny, ML 84016. occupancy. Sensibly priced at well traad lot, outdoor fireplace.' Realtor, M lteb ^ 85678. UP otoag tha aiMat msdera equipeeet aod iUwrtitMmiits heating. Jobbing and new work. OAK CaHNA a oa et and buffet. Ing. MI. 8-4734. $13,800. price ranges. For further informal ANDOVER LAKE —6 room year- B C m oi Job at g LOWER PEICat c h a m b e r s f u r n it u r e MI. 9-5079. Adjoining lot 130' x 142’ included Heuy straat BROWN-BBAUPRE Motoreyclcs— Blcycles ^ Joaeph SkeUy. MI. 8-8014. RUG WOOL and remnants. In- tlon, caU The Johnson BuUfU^ around house,-.8 bedrooms, bath CLASSinED ADVT. atrurtioiiaatruetioiia in making beautiful SALES NEWLY d e c o r a t e d , Baoutifnlly in the attractive price of- $13,000. BUS DRIVER tor achoed trans- t w o -p i e c e Living room oulte. MANCHES’TER . . . A modified MARLBORO—7 room Colonial Company, 958 Mato Street. with riwwer, large living room WAMTED-Single and multi-fam­ o Naw water DEPT. HOURS ' ------I t GIRL’S BICYCLE, good com^tion. pmtation. CaU MI. 84316. braidedfed rugani thatC add distinction furnlohed and opocloua room. Tba 87436; evenlnga XO. 94019. with fireplace. La^e lot with nice ily homaa for ready cash huyara. THIS IS WHY MI. 8-7116*. 881 Summit St.. Man­ Millinery-^Drisnnusldiis 19 A t The Green Any reasonable offer accepted. In­ ranch atyled home with five rooms conveniently located on main high­ 8:16 A. M. to 4:M P.AL IMS Plymouth Oub/ Coupe—One to any horns. Oan’a Rug moat complete light bouaekeeptog down and two up. Only three years •hado traaa. Phone PI. 3-7998. X totgagos arranged. CaU AGB . . . nSrs piM|^ cfil owner. Radio, heaw. All good chester, Conn. ^Meott Ave., RockvlUe. MI-3-5187 quire 33 West Center St. faciUtita avaUabla to ManchaMr. way near lake. 2 car garage, bam. ____^ ^ tautnUed DRESSMAKER, alterations on old. Largs corner lot with shade chicken coop, 100’ x 320’ tot Large R ealty^. XU 82393. rw m it^ wmter frtm y o«r M eKinnerin e V____ ^ M s . tiras. Sava. j Hours: 10 to 5 MAPLE TABLE, almoet new, Alao You WiU marval at tlte claanllneaa Lots For Sals 73 , COPY CLOSING TIME BICYCLES, new, used, bought and coats, suits, dresses, skirts, etc. THE PERSONAL at this building. ChUdrMi accepted. trees. Basement garage. Within ■hade trees. A real buy at only Wanted— Real EsUte 77 X eellar. (1) Prosapt Serries 1M3 Dodge Coronet dub Coupe- sold.W.M. Repairing «.,Uand ,«WU,iding.rebuild'— Call MI. 86kM.- ONE LIFETIME aU c«q>per hot 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. her Items of furniture for sale. OantroL Priced to reasonable two blocks of ihe Bowers school. $9,900. ANDOVER—Approximately thrae • New' ‘‘reetpreel* sewer (2) QoaUty Worit POR CLASSIFIED ADVT. I. 9-0976. Priced at $18,500. Low mileage. Radio, heater. Ek- Free pick:k up anda delivery within FINANCE C0MJ»ANY water atorage SO.gaUon tank, one you’U gaapl Ba ours and sa« thla MANCHESTER — CentraUy lo­ acraa at cleaxed land, ideal for nr READY to buy, aaU, axchaugo SIGN (3 ) .Resaonabis MON. THRU FRL trm clean. Sava two mile radius. Manchester 54” Youngatown steel cabinet sink, FRANK’S IS buying and sailing oM. Mrs. Docaay, 14 Arch St cated 8 room (tolonial o ff Stoat that tome to the country, (toll • Plagged eewer Cycle Shop, West Middle Turn­ MoTinc>-TiracldBg good used furnitura and antiquaa, BOfTON . , . Present ownera have real astate,"mortgagea arranged, 10*.S0 A. M. 166 will tmptoy oevaral men aa branch three caat Iran steam radlatora. FLORENCE oil Snd gaa combina­ Center St. An establlshad income ACS Ttealty tor particulars. ML (tonault Howard ■ R. H aa t^ a, ed eieetrieolly. ISSAFi. . >11 SUM IM l Dodga 3-Door Sedan—Radio, pike. MI. 0-3088 or 0-SS03. S torsft 2 0 aU exce^ atovea and electric re- f u r n is h e d outgrown thla baautiful custom Advertising SATURDAY 9 A. BL manager traineaa. Must ba High CaU MI. 87636 after 6 p.m. tion stove. Like new. MI 88418. Room tor rent, near. property but ideally act up for 82893. Agaocy, XO. 81107. heater, daric green finiah. Extra /frigaratora. 430 Laks St. Open J Main St. Oentlaman preferred. 9 built ranch home. Six large rooms urge family. Oipper plumbing, KD*S SIGN CO. clean. One owner. BOY’S 36” COLUMBIA bicycle with AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO., SclywlS c h ^ ggraduate, college training CHILD'S OOL80M triej^e, excel­ t o l , ML ‘ 86660. Hazel St. M l. 8317D. plus an additional room that can HARTFORD, Stontogton St. Two all aRachmenta. Good condition. local and long distance moring, llenraUa. Age 33-38, must have YOU’LL ENJOY many hiq>py hours Ruaco windows and doors. Large r e a d y b u y e r s waiting. Fbr tin- tooB ooorauxKut m ix lent condition. CaU after S. MI. with one of our reconditlMied used ■erve mdat any naed. Oarage in 2nd floor porch, 2 car garage, 80’ lots, cleared. All faeiUtiea and madiiua action lis^ you r^ ro^ ^ M lteM 3-S248 Coil McKINNEY BROS: ■■ Am wciAnD IM l Plymouth Suburban—Heater, 137 Preipect St packing, storage. CaU ML 841M, car. ’This position offers a splendid 89650. - BARGAINS In new and used appU p l e a s a n t Front room, twin beda. ancea. Terms and trades. James televluon seta. AU guaranteed. baaemeht Ameelte drive. Extra X.-150’ lot. Priced right. utUiUea. Ownar caUed out of state. with tha Albert J. Gatto seat covers. All good tires. One Hartford CHapel 7-1431. op p ^ u n ityty Inin the consumer CentraUy located. Referencea re- large lot with plenty of trees. An Make ua an otter. CaU ACB Raal- ton . CH. 0-6490, avenlnga ML SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY owner ear. Good trades. fu w ioIce field. Salary-car, allow­ PLENTY OF hot weather ahead. A, Woods Appliances, 888 Csntsr $29.95 up. One 12%” R ^ conatUe, quirad. Call MI. 94764 morninga. CONSIDERING WINDSOR? TEL. XOteken S-580S- 1S8 1 8 $ PEAEL ST.. MANC Dial MI-3-5121 Business Serrlccs Offered 13 MANCHESTER - Package Deltv as is $15. Benson’s, ,m c., 1085 Ideal location to .zolaa a family. ty. x a . 83393. 84949. JA. l-SOgO. Read Herald Advs. ance-insurance. Other benefits in­ Be prepared with a cooling fan or St. MI 8131S. Price is 837,500. 8 room ' all brick home excel-; IMO Chevrolet De Luxe 3-Door— ery. Local tight foiCHiig and clude group life Insurance, vaca­ better aUU a % or % h.p, air-con­ Main. PLEASANT ROOM for couple. lently remodeled througikiut by GLASTONBURY, (todar Ridge — Jet black. Heater. Clean all the FURNITURE RefialaMng. antique package deUv^. Refrigoatocs, ditioner. Cloaing out our present WANTED Kitchen inrivUegea. Alao afaigle profesaioiial decorator ownar. R u8 Acre Iota with view, auburban furniture a qieelalty, obaiis caned tion, liberal savings a^ retire­ BELGIAN ORIENTAL 9 X 13 rug. T.J. CROCKETT way. washers wid stove moving ment plan. ■lock at betterter thithan discount ■■ house RsUible, Honest, Person room. 54I Mgh m gh Street.Str* MI.------9-9138. ber tiled cabinet kitchen, bath and rustic aetting. Buy iniow, prices Lost and PMmd and rushed. Anson F. Tboep. r :la 80753. prices. Benaon'a, 1085 Main. Tel. TO TAKE OVER Seven months ql4. Sacrifice tor Broker ara increasliig. Town A Country Phone Mltcbell 84785. $85. MI. 9-7470. laundty, combination storm win­ IMS Plymouth Special Da Luxe 88790. UNPAID BALANCE ! ROOM FOR Rent. GSntleman, Office; MI-85419 dows, copper plumbing, wall to Realty, Inc. AD. 8-9399. Evas. AD. VOOm>-« Mtam wto win wax, 4-Do6r—Radio and haatar, seat Apply S A. M. to 5 P. M. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ■hower. Private antrance. Parking 8-0687. waMi and claan oat sroor car for WIRINO INSTALLATION of all ’TRAV-LER Portable record player, Residence: MI-87761 wall car^t entire 2nd floor in­ Service Shoe Special covers. Three to choose from. Pslntlng-^speriBf 21 ONE TOBACCO wagon. Albert -W. $17.63 ■pace. Inquire 101 Chestnut St. cluded. Owner has purchased larg­ ' H . Bor aanrico tMcpIiaaa MX. types. No^Job too smalL PeU» Schendel, 187 Gardner St. ML volume control, like new. Very MANCHESTER—cape Cod, six AMESITE / Bvanlng Hours by App^tmsnt 8 Complete SdlSt. !■ 1S48 Plymouth Special Da Luxe Pantalnk. 40 Foster stiaet. Phone INTERIOR AND Exterior painting. 80465. reasonable. XQ. $4169. VERY PLEASANT room for gen­ er quarters and has aet a remark­ BUILDINO LOT, 9 milea toom All work guaranteed., TFor esti­ Rooms of Brand New finlahed rooms, oil heat, auto­ ably low Bale price o f $14,900. A 4-Door—Radio, haatar, new seat Mitchell 8-7808. Furniture tleman. Parking, At 373 Main St matic hot water, aluminum com­ Mancheater. Inquire 5 Hawley St. m ix FUfDSR OF gda cron , in- covars. Extra clean. Low price. mates caU MI. 8-8800. Monday through Friday M l. 8-4071, house full Of surprises. Should ap­ 6 INCH WORK SHOE oer4 >tlon 196S,” plcaa* ra- GONDER’S T.V. fiervioe. availaMa Beautiful Westlnghouse Elec. Musical InstramMts 53 bination windows and door. Ga­ peal to Hamilton employes. BALL CANNING JARS. ExesUent Refrigerator rage, corner lot. well landscaped. (TOVBNTRT—BuUding lot, 100 x DRIVEWAYS tuia. lU w atd. CaU m . a-0457. any time. Antenna oonvarsitRV. condition. MI. 87067. NICE CLEAN, Comfortable room, Off South St. Shore privUagaa. Ideal for carpdrterO, plumbers, electf8 MERCURY IMS tWo-door. Excep­ EXTERIOR PAINTINO ONLY. ML Beautiful Bedroom Suite. TWO USED cornets, complately ExceUent condition. Direct from For Appointment and Further 115. ?hileo^fACt<)^supervised service. very central, bathroom floor. Rea­ xa. 8te605. •taos and contractora. UMT-OItAT Hear atripad Uttan tionally clean, good family car. T et 8-1888. 154 PER w e e k , part time, 3 Beautiful Living Room Suite overhauled and put in exceUent sonable. Tel. MI. 87887. owner. CaU for appointment. MI- DetelU Call William McBrida EXPERTLY INSTALLED with front douMa pawa.< CaU MI. MI. 9-04M. hours daily, 8 m. or evenings Boats and Accessories 46 Beautiful Dinette Set condition. One exceptionally fins - 8-7180 or 88593, - . Xa-3-4816 CORNER LOT 59 x 177 at Water­ M4M after 5:30. BULLDOZER AND Loader work. PAINTING, Exterior and interior, snd al/.day Saturdays. We will Beautiful "De Luxe” Range old violin, full size. Kemp’s, Inc. front Heigfate, Oovantry. Itoough 1961 MERCURY, Fotw door oedaii< Landscaping and grading. Reaaon- paperhanging. Ceilings refinish hire 6 men who want to earn ex­ CLOSE OUT Before my vacation: RofMOS Without Board 59 CAPE COD, alx finlehed roome, J. WATSON BEACH and CO. Instead of Westlnghouse Elec. one knotty ptoe, new tile bath­ heavy lumber for framing a five lustrous Mack tm 'over beautiful aMe rates. No Job too smaU. Call ed. WaU paper books on request tra income. Profit sharing basis. 6% h.p. 1953 C hris-O aft out­ Refrigerator if you prefer MEDIUM SIZE upright piano. Hartford JA-2-2115 room house. Picnic tame, raw- Poms Sot Power ReSed AlUMMmesmciits maroon body.r. Fully aqulroedI with ML 9-0650 after 5 p.m. Estimates given. Fully insured. (Manchester area). Apply in per­ board, A-1, worth over $100. Only Make offer. CaU 335 Parker St room, copper tubing, complete In- Realtors Appraisers Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linolsum R(X}M FOR Gentleman. 41 Garden eulatlon, aluminum aiding, ven8 boat, lake privileges, $>Q0. CaU $ 7 9 8 Merc-o-matlc, heater, radio, rear Call Edward R. Price. MRchell ron. Personnel Division, Martin- |76. Brand new 12 h.p. Bucca Phone MI. 3-8817. MI. 9-0593. Abe: Parideg Lets— Teoeis Ceerfs— Wefci DR. R. FISHKR, CMomatriat, and seat speaker, curb buffers, grille GUARANTEED Tim quality tele­ 81008. and a Few Other Articles S t Tel. MI. 9-9748. tian blinds, carpeting. Propeirty FOUR AND FOUR Flat and 5 r. Optician, formarly Parry Corn., ISS Albany Ave., neer run leaa than 1 hour. For­ EVER YTHING Joiaa Umar.' gumds and seat covers. 18,000 vision service. CaUs received, be- Hartford, TOuraday, 7:30 p. m. ward, neutral, reverse, 66 Ibe. completely fenced. Ideal foi room single. Lot 166 x 168 In- TWO LOTS, Second Lake, Bpreclated. $19M night ML 81847. Private Instmetlons 28 q^ckly. Traded for a 25 h.p. BALANCE PRICE ly $100 month rent. Good loca­ x a . 9-7875, Tenet en eeged if dedred. Straat, Hartford, Second Floor. buy it. Will accept trade. DRIVERS’ APPUCATION8 being ONLY $488.26 THREE EVENING gowns, yeUow, light houeekeeplng facllitlee. MI. tion. Only $18,000. Ctorlton W. Tal. CH. 7 -tm . WHUNO INSTALLA’nCBf and i Evlnrude. Barstow'a, Just north green and white, slie's 11 to 14. 84779. • Goodyear welts, tempered ateel ahoaka. copper treated thread, Bank financing available. MI. taken for experienced dumpimp tme tmek of PostOffice. Free etorage untU wanted. Free WEST SroE—$14,500 Hutchins, MI 86133, 9-4694. eork aoles and heela, rawhide lacco, no nails, non-nurktog stoika A U INSTAUAYIONS SUPERVISED SY 8-4838. pair of small electric rntpUances ACCORDION a n d ^ g j^ taught in delivery. Free aet up by our own Phone MI. 3-5395. ydax home. ML i drivers. Muat be good hard work- TWO -SINGLE men are looking for Resort Property For Sale 74 w elt and fixtures. CUrence O. Smith, era with exceUent driving record. reliable men. . Small place, 5 rooms 8 and 3. MANCHESTER, Hamlin St. Duplex. CHEVROLET8,1M7-1068, tw odoors 31 Knox St Phone ML 84438. GIRL’S COCDA brown winter coat, one gentleman to share their etx 9 and 9, large rooms, large lot, Ajqriy at Thomaa CoUa Conatme- Banding Materials 47 n 6 p a y m e n t s t o BANKS size 13. In exceUent condition. MI. « room furnlahcd apartment. Cen­ 6 il steam hast. Naw 2 car garage^- BEAUTIFUL 'YEAR round home, DIAMOND'S and four-doors, de luxe and stand­ tion Oo., 351 Broad St., Manches­ OR FINANCE COMPANIES All uUUtlea and on bus Une. Lot oil heat, two-car garage. Good in­ four rooms and bath, (hnder Demaio Brothers ard models most with equipment FURNITURE Repairing, reflniah- Bonds—StodD8« 84166. traUy located. AU utilities includ­ ter. F ra m in g...... p e r M $ 99.50 P))one Me Immediately ing fuUy equipped kitchen avail­ 78.65 X 383, Also extra lot- 60 x come. Hoo’ard R, Hastings Agen­ block, (tolifornia . stucco finish. ESTABLISHED 1920 Bob Oliver has a good clean guar­ Ing; used furniture and antiques Mortgogen 21 Flush Ctear Stain Hartford CH-74358 cy, Msnchbster. Ml. 9-1107 any Steel windows, furnace, iasulation. anteed ua^ car to suit your bud­ bought and sdid. Furniture Repair able. xn . 8-6419. 123. FIRST AND aecono oMrtngaa WANTB3>—Helper in wash room. Doora ...... as $ 7.50 After 7 P. M;’ CH-6-4690 Wanted—To Bay 58 time. Artesian well. Furnished. Lake- CALL NOW— A N Y im K get Bank financing. Maiw are Service, 'Talcottyille. MI. 8-7M9. Opportunity for advancement. Ap- Redwood V Joint front, Lake Pocotopaug, East A R M Y a n d n a v y Zigmund Oosds/ Prop., formerly bought for our own aeoount Fast, See It Day Or Night 29 SUNSET STREET—S room local one oWner cars at Ceienter 1^ In peraon. Miq>le Dry Cleaners P a n elin g ...... per M $175.00 I f you have. no means o f trans­ USED BIKES, all sizes. Free pick- LARGE ROOM for rent on XC^e NEW COLONIAL—$16,000 Hampton, Ctonn. Call 80. ’ 87116, Motor SMes, 461 Main. of Watkins B rothel confldidential servica. Maimhaater A Launderera, 73 Maple St. single, enclosed porch. New MABchfistor in-S-7691-Hartford CBapd 7-M17 DSDIT TOUIt.dwn car. Minds or Investment Coip., 344 Main street Clear Pina Casing , -per M $ 6.90 portation, 111 send my auto for up (ind delivery WHhln two mUe street. MI. 87094. '^ 1 Summit St., Mancheater, Conn. 597 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER fumitura in sow own yard. Bast you: No obligation. — radius. Manchester Cycle Shop, Six room brick and frame. TUe warm air oil heat. Older home. MANCHESTER T.V. SOrvice, radio ML 85416. Windows, complete . .from $ 12.00 Two car garage. Needs interior at qm y oqmpB^l tor ren t ML ’68 8TUDEBAKER CHAMPION and T.V. speciallata since 1984. Plain L a t h ...... per M $ 35.00 166 West Middle Turnpike; ML bath, oil heat, firaplace, lavatory S-7US. g n n ununiT s^. Mancliaa- SaWsien Wanted 36-A 83098, 9-3503.- R(X}M FOR RENT for gentleman. down, cloae to atorea and achool. decorating throughout. Lot SO x Babarbsa For Sals 75 HARDTOP CONV.—Lustrous House sendee call 18.50, ML We Carry A Complete Une Of 43-45 AIDYN ^ ^ " h a RTTORD 1(W. $8,9to. Six room ranch, at­ tm . C o m 86660 or MI. 8-4607, Bosinesn Opportnnitiss 32 BuUdlng Materlala 91 Foster St. tu-tone. Fully equipped Execu­ UNIVERSAL Lightning Rods, Inc., WANTED—2' combination or tached garage. Radiant heat. Va­ VERNON—Two family duplex, 9 tive car. SAVE. wants experienced men for direct Our New Warehouse ONE OE REFRIGERATOR, $60; JAMES J. ROHAN and SON WARTED-^da to Travilara In- STONE, BRICK, fireplace and ce- lOCATED in Eaetera Connecti­ screen doors. 80*4” x 32”. ’Two or TWO FURNISHED rooms for cant. Good condition. Large lot and 4, copper plumbing, hot water , from yicin- 51 FORD TUDOR Two tone aelling of lighting protection for one GE refrigerator, 135; one light housekeaplng.- Adults. Ap­ X Realtors soranca Oo., Hartford,; ment work. Cul Ml 9-8451 or tD cut large buildings operated by NA’nONAL BUHDERS’ Frigldaire, $to; one Stewart-War- more full ecreens, 50^” x 82." Reduced to $14,700. Can be seen oil heat, storm windows, laige lot, Ity Haralock S t, bouia S tp^m . Mue. Radio, neater. Ve: the suburban home. Approximate ply 10 Depot Square. Apartment by appointment only. Georga 'L fuU price, $11,000. (toll A.G.B. 8-6043. one oym er aa furniture, appliance ly 40% blmmteaioa—perfect fit SUPPLIES ner, $40; one Serirel gaa, $15. La- Call MI 3-8312. 617 i f i ^ o r d Road SO. SdSU. claim. and grocery bUalBest Excellent \ 1 • Telephone lOtchell 8-7433 Graaiadio Realtor, MI 9-5878. Realty 0>. XO. 83$02. ' ad pow( for storm window or insulation M l state Street Flapime Appliance, 15 Oak St. <81 CHEVROLET BEL AIR bank* references. Reasonably North Haven, Conn. JOB. I*IX Marry you if you will ^ , HARDTOP—Two tone grey, mower sales and service. Motors Salesmen. Apply at 81 Walnut St., Boons Without Board 59 Apartments—FU ta^ 3 BEDROOM ranch, 1 yr. old. HICKORY HILLS H om ea- Rt. 9, Join the CItisana Oommlttea of priced. L. Marian Arbour, Real­ Rartford, 0 (^ . Teiephonea CHestnut 8-2147-89 Andover, Conn. Where every home Hmutiful throughout . .|1095 tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and tor, Chapel 7-2787, Chapel 7-0978. TWO BLUXJI’RIC 46 cup coffee 53 MODERN four room home, plaa- Trees, fuU ccUar, plaster. Ifanchastar and help to “Bnd delivery servioe. Gibson’s Garsge. PLEASANT, Clean rooms at tha Tmements tered walla, Timken oU heat,h< Screens, slorm windows, ideal for. ia different. 4 and 5 room ranch Municipal Paralyais in Mandiaa- ’51 STDDEBAKBR LAND- urna. Phone M l. 85386. (Tenter. Single or double. Gentl8 typea. % to 8 acre lots. DrUIcd ML 8-6013. EXTRA INCOME — Chemical THREE ROOM unfurnished apart­ aluminum atorm windows; clean children. Must sell. Owner leav­ tar.” Tai. MI. »-»4U, MI. 9-7US or CRuiutR—Immaculate. Auto­ Help Waiitc$-«- DiSBumds—Watch! men preferred. 16 Wadsworth St. and naat, fanead yard, near ing state. No agents. Phone own­ wella, plaater, fuU flnUfied base­ matic, fqlly equipped. Priced manufactinrer with bank and C, of ment with garage, on Bolton MI. S-6t3S, and anroU today. Mary. ANTIQUES Refinisbed. C. referencea is able to offer ve jMMe or Femsle $7 Jewelry 48 USED . GAS range. Very reason­ school, stores and bus. Only er for appointment. MI 3-6543. ments. H. W. baseboard rsdiatien, reasonably. FRONT ROOM, centrally located. Road, Vernwi. AU modern con- F.H.A. and V.A. mortgage avaU- done on any funtiture. ’neman, liable man or , woman an excep­ able. Inquire at 19 Benton St. veniencu. CentraUy located. Near $9,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml. ’51 CHEVROlinr CONV. — Lus­ 189 South Main St Phone ML DISPAt IshER, 6 a. m. until noon. UDONARD W. YOST. Jswtter, ra Continuous hot water. Parking. 85183, 84694. XCANCHESTBR able. Buy direct and' save, H, Aatonobiks for Sale 4 tional opportunity. No selling or palra, adjusts watebas axpartly. church, bus Une and atoraa. Adults This Messi^e Is Important To You Must know town. City Cab, 58 Pur. ONE 7 FT. Frigldaire refrigerator, Gbntleman preferred. MI. 87139. WEST SIDE—7 years old. Love­ Hartley, BuUder. XO. 9-0976. trous green. Pmyer glide. Fully aollclting, thla la not vending. THU only. Write Box K, Herald. equlm ^ like ne^ inside and neU Place. tteaaonabla petoso. Opfu daily. recent model, priced right for MANCHESTER — Six room ranch, ly six room Colonial in good con­ BBFORX TOO Buy a used car interview men or women to super­ Thursday amningk 189 SpruM FURNISHID living room and cloaed-ln breeseway, 2-car garage, BOLTON—Five room ranch on Baa Oormaa Motor Balas. Boick out raced to save's^ money. ESAIRS by vise this eensatiohal business, quick sale. One 6'■ rrigidalre, In bedroom. Kitchen to share. FIVE ROOM flat with atinporch. dition. OU heat, combination R. Wolcott on tninger and auto­ MAN OR WOMAN Wanted to col strset. MItcheU 0-4887. excellent ninnlng order, just right hot water oU heat, fireplace, 3 aluminum storms, recreation room, large lot. OU heat. Baaemant ga? Balaa and Barvioa, 3S5 Main 50 CHEVROLET 3-DOOR—FuUy (hdy $675 cash immediately re­ lect small monthly accounts, part- Clean, cheerful. Reawnable rent, Good location. Available Oct. 1st. rage. Abundant shade trees, matic waiUiing maemnes, vacuum for cottage or i extra room Write Box Q care of Tbs Herald. baths, nice large rooms, fuUy in­ amesite drive and garage, large HERE IS PROOF THAT TODAY IS THE TIME straat MltdioD S-tSTI. Open ava- equipped. * ...... ^v.. 1685 cleaners, motors, small ^ipti' quired which la secured by Inven­ time In Manchester. No exper­ Kemp’s, Inc.'’"'-^ ca ll MI 3-5937. sulated, beautiful ahruba and flow- $14,300. Madeline Smith, Realtor. ninjia. tory and to those appointed should Garden—Farm—Dsiry yard. Ideal for children. Convenient ’48 W ILLYS BTATTON WAOON— ances. Welding. 180 Main Street ience. Car necesaary.. CaU New ANTIQUES bought,’'bold. Furni­ era, also wonderful lawn; the to school and bus. Make an ap:- MI. 81643. 6 cylinder, overdrive. I%one MI 86678. have a set income by servicing Haven. SPmee 64947. Prodnets 50 Bosineas Loeatloiis,i TO OET YOUR DOULAR’S WORTH IH A OOOD USED ONLY DOUOLAS wfll aeil you a local accounts once a memth. -For ture, glass, china, pewter, prints, landscaping of thla property would poihtment to see this today. Price ENFIELD — Near HamUton. Fine ’47 PONTIAC DE LUXE interview send three references books, stamps, coins, Jewelry, ' For Rent 54 eoet $8,000 to duplilicate. Muat be $15,500. lata modal car as low as tits ^VEBB’IIB’S TV - 17 Miqile St, |8 par WANTED—PuMlc-apirtted cIUm im CUCUMBERS, pick your own, 75c Notice seen to be eppreclated. Low down Cape (tod, investment. City utiU- down. Wa do not ask you to take STREAMLINER CLUB and phone number to American of Manchester to Join the CiUsena a basket. Bring your own basket,' guns. Baitey’s Antiques, 383 ties. No development. Fair price. GAR AT MANCHESTER MOTOR SALE( INC. houseSe caU. All work fully guaran- Main St. MI 8•5003. ------peyment. ’ITie Johnoon Building FRANCES K. WAGNER, Realtor a loan from a bank or finaaco COUPE—Gray, fully equipped. teeilxCall ML 04685 for quick Products Co., 806 B. 18th Ave., Committee of Manchester in the Sullivan Ave,re, 800 ft. from Route Invitation to Bid XfANC»ESTER, XtAIN Street ThompaonvUle. RIverview 5-il94l. One owner, gave. North Kanaaa City 16, Mo. Co., 088 Main St. X a. $-7436. eve- , MI-0-0028 company to oomplata your down honeat'bervlce. fight to ’’End Municipal Paraly^ 5, East Windsor. Phone JA, 5-0044 HOSPITAL Bed with detachable ’The Coventry PTA requests bids ■tore. 13’ X 45’ . I d . 94144. nlnga x a . 9-001$. paymant Posltiraly only MtS ’41 MERCURY. 4rDOOR .... ISO In Mancheater.” Enroll today. or Windsor Liocks NA. 8-6454. approximately 600, H Pte. of ITERNON — Near school, WUbur BARBER SHOP, excellent location. ■idea In good condition. MI- BEAUTIFUL—T h r e e bedroom Cross Highway, 6 room ranch down buys a iStS ear, 1186 bu^m a DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, T^L^lO. 89413, MI. 87U8 or MI. 9-4117. Milk daily for uso at the P-obert- ranch house with attached ga­ Here ore the reasons why Y O U 18B0, ISM boys a 196S. No additioa- Many Other TV Choose Fromi copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Dttfng good business. Ownsr selling Pi c k YOUr own tomatoes, 60c AIR-.-CONDITIONED offices, cen- MANCHESTER Gunnison home. Large lot, excel­ for health reasons. TeL Rockville aon and Center Schools, the rage. Tile bath, fireplace, plaster­ lent . condition. Price $11,500. al alda notes or loano. Wa guaran- guru, etc., repaired. Shears, basket. J. Dixon Farms, 659 Hills amount to be subject to dally' trdl' ly located. Phone XO. 9-9779.’' 7 room sfngle, 2 car garage, ed walls, radiant heat. Combina­ taa to sail under tba abora terms E-Z Terms 5-4786. St., East Hartford, near Manches $2,000 cash. Financing arranged kmves, mowers etc., put mto con­ changi!', ' nice lot. Excellent location. Priced tion windows and screens, V e n e ­ GAIN by buying now • • • with notes as low as |t0 rbombly. dition tor coming needs. Bralth- Sitoatlons Wanted— ter line. 1500 8Q. FT. INDUSTRIAL space, rig h t—$15,500. (toll 0-4 p.m. Manchestermchi Xa. Notice Specifications aa foUows, Grade ■uitabla for aihaU manufacturing tian blinds. Front terrace with 3-5820. • Oaod credit is our only raouira- CHORCHES MOTORS waitp, 63 Pearl street Feoule S8 A certified, Homogenised Milk to 9 room Colonial Bowers School iron rail. C^overed pine paneled n m t Domjas Matcn.,tSt Main. Help Wmntcd— Ycflutle 85 EATING and canning tomatoes. or warahouse. Vicinity Manchea so Oakland Street Grace’s Stand, 670 H^ronHe Ave., fnvitatfoa to Bid be usOd. Chocolate Milk 'to be ter. Ml. 85366. section, complete with a. nice else patio in rear. Plenty of shade VERNON: $1,000 down, $66 month­ WANTED — Bbtpsrienced waitress. whole Milk with syrup added. ’Two lo t trees. Near new school. Priced to Prices Lowest fver SMS CHEVROLET fOrdor sadan. MASON—Fieldstone a specialty, E. Glastonbury. ly, total purchases price $11,500. Fbone MI-8-M83 Apply in person. Center Restau WILL CARE for chUdren days In The Coventry Board of Educa­ refrigerators to be fujmiidied. Two BUILDINO FOR Rent, 38 x 16, full ■ell quickly. Moving to Califor­ 6 room ranch type home, no cel­ Oood tires, clean car. Excellent .JVatb. Phono MI. 88307. m y home. CaU ML 9-8801. VERNON mnaing condition. Douglas rant, 499 Main Street. PICK YOUR own peaches. Bring tion requests bids on the delivery wagons; for carrying milk cases, to basement. Suitable tor office; bar­ nia. See the owner at 66 Con­ lar, . vary large rooms, automatic own containsr, $1 a basket. 488 of Fuel to the Center School be furnished. Milk to be delivered ber shop or store. Inquire 36 New 5 room ranch. Nice size stance Dr. ' TERRiHC SELECTION lECAUSB Motors, Sn Main. H A 1 RADIO-TV Service. Service SALE GIRL, experienced, for BABY. SITTING, reliaUa middle- lot. Full basement, fully insulated. oil heat, automatic ' domestic charge . . Tel. ML 86660. Gary Keeney St. and Robertson School by metered no later than 9:00 A.M.' Starkweather St. water, on bus line, lot 81 x ISO. 1948 CHEVROLET Qub coupe. Call 18 00 hosiery and handbags, in Man- aged woman, afternoon or eve­ truck, of 35,00O gallons more or Price—$12,800. SIX R(X)M ' Cape Cod exterior, 19a-1940, OLDER Chevr«tiets, at 836 Skist Middle Tumpiiiike. lamonaco. ning. MI. 9-7887. Bids to be submitted to Mra. M. The Johnson Building (to., 95$ OF HIGH NEW CAR VALUE cheater'a newest and modem air less—first of No. 3 fuel oil'-and Fowler, CSiainiian PTA Lunch ranch style Interior. Extras in­ Main St, MI. $-7436, evenings XO. conditioned ahoe store. Salary jdua Soinmer Homes For Rent 57 We have mthy. other listings clude stainless steel double sink, PLYMOUTH 1968 Cranbrook four Hoosehold Goods 51 second of No. 5 fuel o’’. Theee bids (tommlttee. Coventry, Conn, and to for you to choose from. 9-0018. WASHING MACHINES repaired. nommlsslons. Full time worit.t. AiAp­ are to be returned to the office of be receiv'd not later than 6:00 screened porch. Asking $13,500. THOROUGH "SAFETY TESTEp" door sedan, fully equipped. Call ply to'Morton’s Shoea, 775 Main CURTAINS Laundered and ironing GLENWOOD Four bumer gas Co l u m b ia l a k e — Available Manchester MI. 84138. Phone MI. 89767. done in my home. MI. 87887. the Coventry Board o'* Education, P.M. August 24, 1.954. Phone In Today—MI-94297 Owner x a . 9-(h71. (XIVENTRY-Authentic eight room, UNUSUALLY Ifice 1940 Chevrolet St., Manchester.Ml • ■ stove, two bumer heating unit, care of Royal O. Fisher, by 6:00 through Labor Day, two room cot­ colonial, in beautiful condition. USED CAR FOUCY— TRAINED oven regulator, light, aalt and pep­ ’The PTA reserves the right to tage. MI. 94752. E A E REALTY NICE FOUR ROOM home, beauti­ Gtoan, well preserved. Many other, SMALL DEALER with big values RUBBISH and ashes removed. Gea- WUjL c a r e for two I ChUdren in P.M. on August 25, 1954. reject any or all bids. Hie House of Complete ExceUent heating, alx fireplaces; older cars. 1841 Chevrolet club era! cleadeaning of attics, cellara and OOLLElGiE GIRLS, to . make their per. Any offer accepted. MI. ful condition, $3,900. 15 minutes 1947 Ford H-ton pickup. It’s a lown camptis clothea. Take ad­ my home whUe mother works Royal O. Fisher • Mrs. M. Fowler COVENTRY LAKE, Oottagea, furn­ Real Estate Service considerable acreage, subatantial G. M. MECHANICS coupe. Douglas Motors, 888 Maiit' "good one. 1947 Mercury, (3) real yards. Csll M and M RubUah rS' Tel. MI. 9-9086. 7 94400. Supervising Principal from town. Four room home with cash required. Maddock A deVos, moval. Ml. 89757. vantage of Crompton Corduroya ished, four rooms, gaa conven­ Edward Dupre, Broker attached garage. Sale price $6,000 Realtors, JA. 24255, cveninga AD. nice cars. 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline at 95c yard; or all wool skirt SERVEL Refrigerator deluxe iences, weekly. Aug. .31 through 1946 CHEVROLET sedan. HeatOr, spdan, good and clean, 1960 Chev­ MARRIED WOMAN dtoires ’ part- — 61,000 down. Also 6.room Cape 34132. , WE MUST LOWER pUR radio, 1846 Oldamobile six coupe, POWER BURNERS Cleaned and lengths $3.96-84.75 each. Colonial time typ^ or edlphone ' work. model, automatic defroster. Bot­ Sept. 18. PI. 34835. MODERN SEVEN room,EngUah Cod seUing at $8,100. with $1,600 rolet 3-door and a 1951 Chevrolet Remnant Shoppe, 115 Center St. tled or city gas. ExceUent condi­ hydramatlc, new rings. No down 44oor, both cars very clean. 1951 adjusted . by trained technicians. Proferably mornings. Over teir colonial, in exceUent condition. down. Many other listings of all BROAD BROOK—Brand new five payment, |4.90 weekly. Cole 34 hour burner service. Lassen tion, 31 MUford Road.^^,. FOR EXFERT SEPTIC TANKS kinds. Sensibly priced. Ellsworth rooms and expandable attic, color­ STOCK OF USED Dodgd sedan, looks uid runs like HOUSEWIVES, Need extra mimeyT yean with Travelen Ina. CaU MI. Wanted To Rent 58 Steam heat, firaplace, knotty, pine Motors.’ ML 80880. new. Oakland Motor SalAs, 367 Petroleum. Phone MI. 94131. 8-7682 morninga. • AND kitchen, conveniently located near Mitten Agency, Realtor. MI. ed bathroom, hot water baseboard We have an income plan to help bus and school. Priced to seU. 3-6080. radiation, lot 100 x 200, low down C AR S lEFORE SEPT. 1 TO BE SURE see Mcaure for A Oakland St. Tel. MI. 80485. Open you. Reliable, meat appearing THREE ADULTS want four-flve evenings. Hoosohold ServlceB« HOUSEWIFE Desirea work at PLUfiSED SEWERS room apartment, unfurnished. Muat be eecn to appreciate. Con- payment. Associate Realty, Broad wmulorful deal on a^ew 1964 mothers of achoed-age children can home, typing, addreaaing, mall- Notice GRACIOUS 1940 Colonial home. Six Brook. Tel. Windsor Locks. NA. Offered 13-A quaUfy. Write Box H, Herald. XCanchester. Cal) MI. 3-7496 be­ tadt Alice Oampet, Realtor. XO. Pontiac or a good will used car. 1968 CHEVROLET sidan. S4dan, power iug- and general clerical woric 9-4543. extra large'' rooms, many extras 3-4739. DEUVERY WITHIN 12 HOURS T ^ trades. MeChire Pontiac, 878 Wanted aealed bid to Paint tween 10 a.m. -1 3 noon. including indirect lighting, panel­ glide, very clean. ’Tut^e combina' SERVICE ON all makes sewing Write Box, M, Herald. North Coventry Community MACHINE GLEANED GUARANTEES THAT PROTECT YOU Main. Tel. ML 84646. Open eve tien. Douglas Motors,-$33 Main. FOUR OR FIVE room rent, two MANCHESTER—Six room Garri- ing, mercury switches, walkin WAREHOUSE POINT (tonter— An- aings ’til 10. ’machines. Also electrifying. Worl DENTAL A36I8TANT, exper­ House.' Contact Keith- Reynolds, closets, attached garage, split rail done in your home. Sichel, MI. ienced. kfl; 89779. Septic Tanka, Dry Wells, Sewer adults and nine year old girl. ron colonial with attached garage. old 7-room house 'with extra lot, ‘Doffs—B frd s-^ e ts 41 Coventry. RFD 8. Tel. PI 24784. Built In 1940.. Entire property in fence, ISO’ lot, trees, terrace, city water and sewer available. A 1963 NASH Ramltier Country BEFORE YOU Decide to buy 89419. Day pbona Ml. 86171 Unee Installed — Cellar Water­ Write Box A, Herald. new or used car dr<9 in and see CALCULA’TOR pperatm wanted for proofing Done. exceUent condition and conven­ choice central location. Only $6900. Associate Realty, Broad chib, beautiful two-tone ’ green. THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet YOUNG MAN with wife and two iently located. Plenty of Indoor $19,800. Uarlton W. Hutchins, MI. Brook. Yel. Windsor Locks. NA. Here is a list of some of the FUUy equipped with Radio and Dick or Milt at Dickensixi Motor FLAT FINISB Holland window gei^al office' work. Elxperience Sales at Center A Cooper at., or ahadea, made to maasui^. AU - - Iferred but no easential. Write Center, 995 Main St, invites you TB» MI^9-3980 children would like six room and outdoor living. Call tor fur­ 9-5132, 6-4694. / 3-4789. heater. As shiny as the dsy it to visit pete of aU kinds. Con­ M cKin n e y i r o s . house. Just transferred here by ‘'at Dickenson Amoco, 559 Main St. metal Venetian blinds at k new B, Herald. Notice 890 MAIN STREET SEWERAGE DISPOSAL OO. ther information and appointment was purchased. Inside is immacu­ MI. 94373. necticut bred Parakeets. MI. RADIO aad ohe ,of the major tire manufac- to see.. Alice Clampet, Realtor. Us^d Cor Values we bffer. . . O^erBO. late. Has a conservatively driven low price. Keys made wHIIa you 9-4278. Houra Monday through In accordance with the require- \ /| ^ | J | # C NAOIO aad 189-183 Pearl S t, T et MI-8-8S08 wait Marlow’s. WOMAN TO C i ^ for school teach- V l \ a n i 9 t e l e v is io n turem. Phone JA 7-8125 between Phone 9-454$. 33489 miles. Can obtain bank rates 1960 DODGE H ton panel truck. er’s baby; hours 11 to S:S0. Refer­ Friday, 10 to 6:80, Saturday 9 to mehte of the Zoning Regulations 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. if desired, Will accept trade. $1195 of the Town of Manchester, Con­ o^er "Safety-Tested" Models fof Delivery New paint Job new battery. In WEAVING of bums, moth holes ences required. MI. 94109 after ! 6; Wafineaday cloaed at 3 p.iq. S. or best offer. ML 8-4538. very good condition. Ml. 84166. p.m. . . A H. Green atampa. necticut. the Zoning Board o f Ap­ RELIABLE BUSINESS couple de and tom clothing, boiaary runs, 4- peals wiU hold a public hearing sire 4. 5 or 6 room unfurnishedjnui ‘ GOODBYE TO PAINTING 1950 Ford Custom 8 Cylinder. This Je$ 19tt MERCURY four-door, radio, Imadbags repairad, tipper re­ TURTLES, Hamaten and Mexican on August 33, 1954 at 8 PA f.' in rent. References. CaU xn. 9-5384, 1S4I P on ti^ Streamliner S.Cylinder black fottr' door sedan has a new en- 1952 OhUmoMto De Laxe-^Yr* placement, umbrellas repaired, WANTED Salesgirl, full time when you biiy this newly Door Sedan. Blue. The claseto “tfi* beater, ovedrivc. Priced below Aato Accesaorles—Urea 6 work.-Experience ndeessary. Ap­ Jiunping beana. Tropical flah and the Hearing Room of the Munici­ 9 a.m . to 9 p.m. shingled Cape Cod home at Pour O o^ Sedan. Dark green. This gtne and Is bothbotli IIIimmneu- competition. Really clean through­ men’s itiUrt collars reversed and ply in ^rson.i’Paris ^rtain Shop, accessories. KeUy’a Aquarium, 39 pal Building on the following ap- WANTED Mitemc^e:ls n benuti- late and fully . Built Up with experience In other phases of BUDOl3VT CENTER XfANCHESTER -> Owner trara Call MI-3-4112 86010, JA. 7-8660. roofs, gutter work, root, ch lm n ^ Job shop woric. 91 Center Street Zone B. ferrotf out of state, muat aaertflea . 394S PONTIAC four door, black. John F. Howard for psnntealon PrwiacitOM Good CQhtftion, radio, heater. MI. DRIVINQ matrucUona from your repaln. Free eMlmetea. Ray 55 hour week. Complete groUp MI-S-4I64 to uaa une room in garage for o f­ lovely Six room Cape Cod. ML 944W between 5 and 7 p.m. hooM, Dnal-oootrol Inaureo car, HageiKM^ ML 83314. Ray Jack- and ratlrement plan, company 8$e85. MANCHESTER—WaU kept ax- son. MI. 86835. fice at IS4 Oakland Street (rear ' Williaantaua Manchester Motor Sales standard or autonmtlB. Cati M a» paid. ROYAL AND Bmlth-Oorona port­ of), Raaldence Zone A. pandable Capa Cod with dormers, 3969 GHEVROLar da luxe Fordor. chaatar OrlviWikf AcaCaniy. PL $1,000 DOWN, THREE bedroodi ROOFING, Sldlng and carpaatry. Excellent working oondlUons in able and ataadard tarpawtltara Dorothy Bubb ahd, OamtUe ranch, fireplace, largo roonv>, pic- plastared walls, flraplaca, hot Fkiost ftshkm it modtrito prict mirk thost charmiiii trsdi- Radio, haatar. Full prtca $596. M846. Toil Uas. T modem air-conditioned ahop; All makas of adding marblmg. Parker for permiaaion to conduct water ell hast, amaatte driva, OMglaa can't hs hast for valua. Alterations and...... addltiona. O tfi. tufa window, hi|3i elevation, fuU Inge. Woekmanahlp guaranteed. sold or routed.. Ropoln «a ,«D claaaes In ceramics and to aell eallar, garage, o m acre, nraea, ■craana and storm windows. tkmal d6$i|RS--cr6at6d by bnptrmi ind shmni txckisivtly htrt. p o i j l u Motors, 888 Main. MORTLOCK'S DRIVINO School. makin. Morlow*a -Loot oonfidanoe quickly restored A. A. Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn suppUes tor aama at SSO Middle ■uborban. Caritou W. Rutchina, Ownar leaving stata wants Imme­ ABA TOOL and IblG CO., Inc. Turnpike West, Residence Zone A, diate sale. Pricad to aeU. Eacott hKhisk nilHKO far u t f taiigis| ATTSBNTTON PRATT St Whitney by a qkillad, eoiirteaua Instructqr. street MltcheU 8-4850. 1895 ToUand TuiOplka fLAOSTONB. Stone ter woUa. xa. 86183, 84664. .3961 Pontiac 33 paasan- Peter F. Gannuto for special ex­ ' Aganey. XI1.8T6S3. O P B I V B12 Wbit Cnelor S». lioease included, hiaured, dual houno Sraate, firopioeoa, ale. Pol- 8room ' ' G ood lUBBiiig eaa||. contrallad standard snS hydroma WANTED—Miui to work in service ception to ebnvert SM e family CUTE EXPANDABLE fing and' Chimneys 16-A ton Notdi Quarry. M*. 94617. dwelling Into two-faatly dv home, .fieldatone fro^ MANCHESIER—Finlay St, flva ToLMI-V-4427 i tie cima ML 948M- » ■tation. Muat be experienced. Ref­ roorno. two carcar' garaga. LsrgaLarj ILL 84713. 'FPIO RperiiHilng In repair­ erences iMuired. Hbun 4 p.m. to BUY DIRBCT and oav# valuobio kt 878 Ly4sU Street, wlt)> paneled wall, ' alui BAIXARIP8 IHUVINO lOOL — denoe Zone. L atorma, .tile bath, diapoaal, laatobapa^ tot with toenty |»f i M . ■ ing roofa of all klndk Alas: how IP p.m ., 'Saturdayat 13 noon to 10 doUan on natlonaUy advertised abada traaa. Outdoor firaplace.' E. A. Johnson P al exoelient m«- “Manrhaater’g a Ownar* roofa Gutter work. Chlniineye ^m. Sunday porit if desired. ahuninum windows, doora, Jalau- AU paraona intereatod may at­ I woaher, atone .terrace, awniaga. 0 - • V' Ottttfiad by AAA and Board of tend this hearing. , \ aero, nicely landacmped, aubuf- OU bast, oom{mplately- Inaii^tad. 5M MAIN STREET M. ESTER irieaned. repaired. 36 years" ex­ Wages and commiaalou paid to a ■iea, porch oncloouraa. Vloit ' our Wtodrara TaL MZ- Vsqr rsA. an. Wa offer o training, sx- perience. Free eeUmatea. ChU g o A man. (Sas- Van for interview ■howiooin, Winter .Seal o f Oon- NINO B O i^ or APPEALS kao. Otoy $13J90. Ctoton 'W. 110 ^ mottaode. ML Bowtoy. vManrtieaUe gRtehaU at Van’s Service Stefion, 437 Bait- M c t l^ ,. 4U Mala H. Stuak, Chainnaa ML 8 « 8$. 8-58IL ■, ford Road. Np ||hana caila. tar. ML 845IS. N. Lupian, Secretary / I-' » •4 — f j m r ^ n a r r r WEDNESDAY^ AUGUST 18,1954 y iTwaf* Daily Nnt PrwM Rim £ . n r tha week Rndad n«WMtk«; V- Angnnt 1 6 ,1N4 I nr II. & Wa ^ 4lie ^ 4ivn Noa-PoUtical PlaMs Mayor Sherwood Bowers 10,841 wetn£ D bKI XL KIMM mafi M lu passed out plunu to members r sf «M Aaiit CkOMciM l i Putnam, mcmbara of of the Board of Directors and I ef OwsInUen , MancltMter High School faculty, a few other persons last night, Manchester— A City of Village.Charm will arrive at Idlewlld Airport in but no objMtion was raised i from any quarter because the New Tortc Saturday morning af­ ter a two montha tour of Europe. plums were strictly “non-po- VOL.LXXnLNO.278 aa Pngn.U) lltfcal’' according to the MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1954 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PUCE nVB CEMCi mayor’s own description; The Spiritual Life claae will Bowers, who g^rows fruit as meet thla evening at 7:30 in^ the a hobby, brought baskets of a'parlor of the S o i^ Meth- Bradshaw plums to the .Board fXtlit: Church. meeting last night and handed Differences the fruit around du^ng' a re­ France Pleads Sgt. Major David Addy win be cess. Plums must be late this In charge of the gospel open air season‘d because last y i u the evening at 7:30 of the Ironed Out U. S. to Seek NeyKt^er jury service this mayor brought some to the Salvation Army. budget hearings aiid this year’s budget hearings ate over. Several streets in town were Case on EDC On Red Ban without street lights for about three hours last night wind the Washington, Aug. 19 stieet light circuit was brwen by Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Howland Brussels. Belgium, Aug. 19 (/P)—Fraich Premier Pierre a defOctive fixture at Newman and and family have returned to their Senate-House emferees esme home in Wyckoff, N. J.. after Mendes-France said today that if his proposals for changing valley Streets. Linemen of the the European Army Treaty are rejected France might awing up with A compromise Anti- e Agaii^t Lattimor^ spending two weeks with Mr. How­ HALE'S Cpnn. Power Go.' located the Communist bill today by in another criais to a leftist gbvemment aimilar to the pre­ tBO"hie and repaired the broken land’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred dropping a provision nuking fixture. A. HowjAnd. 71 Strickland 8 t war "Popular Front.” The Popular Front woa a coali­ mere membership in the Com­ Carl Panciera will return ,to tion of Sociolistb and Radical So- munist party punishable by Ithaca College, New ToVk, in Sep­ 'clollsta headed by Soclallat Leon Withdrawal fine and imprisonment./ Guard **TRk^ Ten** at NiRMtic Camp \ tember where he will take over the Btum. Ita policy waa aoclal reform In ita place, they put A clause Idea Power GIVES YOU rather than Marxiem. But the pe­ Will Offer duties of assistant house manager saying a person who la 4 member SAM YULYES ^ of Phi Mu Alpha, national music riod waa marked by wideaprwd of a Communist-action group shall fraternity. Slnrolled in the School atrikea and other diaordera. May Involve be subject to the t>enaltiea provided Emphasized of M«iuaic, Panciera is the son of Mendea-France made hla etate- in the IMO Internet Security Act. G r^ d Jury SHOE REEAIRIN8 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Panciera bf ment to a- aix-natlon meeting of The I860 law, of which Sen. Mc- 226 Parker S t foreign mlniatera convened ti> dia- esrron (D-Nev) was the author, 15 Maple Street cuaa changes in the Xhiropean De­ New Tactics provides that membera of Com- By Warren fense Community (EDC) Pact, New Facts Mrs. L^da N.- Richmond o f 23 His remarks were relayed to i)eWb- WAshington, Aug. 19 (/P)— Biro Sti and Miss Helen L Rich­ men by a German eourcc. By the ChicABO, Aug. 19 (JP)— Wnshington, Aug. 19 CLOSED mond of 608 S. Main St, have re­ account of thia Informant: The U nit^ StAtei will pull Waehlagtox, Aug. if (P) — a Chief Justice Earl Warren turned to town after an enjoyable two-thirds of its ground The Government will s ^ s H ie French Premier said the oonpremise bUI outlawing the said today that “ if we are to ALL THIS WEEK five-day tour through several of present, treaty has no chance of strength out of Korea in the Oonmiunist party seUed throogh new perjury indictEient the New England states. At Bel­ being accepted by the French achieve a peaceful world, it fast, Maine, they called on Mr. and next few months in carrying Cexgresa today nxd wext to Pres against Owen Lattimore, con­ Re-Openingr Mon,, Aug. 23 Parliament, due to start debaUng will be accomplished through troversial Far Eastern spe­ Mrs. Burt Knight of 1«5 Pine’ St., It Aug. 28^ He said he had drawn out a new military strategy Meat Blsexkewer for aignature. who spend their bummers there; ideas rather than arma­ cialist; U. S. Attorney Leo A. his proposals foit revision to find to mount a flexible defense ments; througli a sense of and at Wayne, Maine, they visited bomb way of salvaging some­ against Communist China and Rover anpounced today. with Mr. and Mrs. Bdvrard O’Mal­ thing from the idea. j munist-ecUon groups ebell be justice and mutual friend­ Thurman .Arnold, formor tad- ley, formeriy of this town. Mrs. at the same time build up a barred from defense pionta, from ships rather than with guns oral Judgo witaoervos as oooriMl to O'Malley, was otu of tha first lead­ PreSlete Criele central strategic reserve at 8 H O N 1 employment by the federal gov­ and bombs and guided mis­ LatUmora, dockiiad comment' on ers of the Women's Society of He declared rejection of hie home. ernment and from obtaining i Rovor’a anaouaeomeat for tho, Tt MAKE Christian Service at tha South proposals would certainly reetilt siles.” MaUUMOttNfS In thia lergeat peacetime re-de­ passport. time bolng, saying'k* might have Methodist Church. in a negative vote in the Parlta-; ployment of American forces, en- - In addition, if they toll , to regis­ Speaking' at the dedication of a atatement later in the o4y. Lot- FOR A ment This could be followed, he nipunced .yesterday, four full divi- ter with the Attorney General as the new two million dollar head­ Umon remained riJot^ rtoeirrtag LOAN argued, by a crisia in the North sibns vriU be withdrawn from required by law, they ore subject quarters building of the Amriicen inquiries to Arnold. ' \ Atlantic Community. All this Korea,. Two divirions and smaller to Imprisonment for Ive years and Bar Assn, the Chief Justice said: ladletod lx 1962 \ 1^U l B ’ SOO Now Is To Trade would be a victory for the Rua- units will return to the United to a fine o f |IO,000. "Gur American system like all In December, 1962, a nderal Engagem ent biaift, he assert^ — a victory States, and- Gkinawa and Hawaii others Is on trial both at home and grand Jury ladictad Lottiiliopro, McCorron, a member of the con­ abroad. The way it works; the "which would coat them nothing.' will be strehgthened by one divi­ ference committee, said the com­ onetime For Eastern offalra ad- AHMvnt AUMMtoHofMHHtMy NymEfifs f^ri A French source, when told of sion each, manner in which it solves the viaer to the State Dept, on seven •flOAN thia version, said "that sounds promise blU "mokes certain that problems of our day; the extent 12 MO. I2MO. j 20 MO. Griffith'DooHttle Although the wholesale reshuffle all of the provisions and penalties counts of perjury growing out of • M t a n OK,” to which we maintain the upirit hie eworn testimony before tho ise lens S AM 1 Zn Mrs. Mary Griffith of South of ground strength will leave two of the internal security act shaU of our ConsUtutlon with ita BiU of see tear UM 1 1V.U Shortly oftsr Mendea-BVoncs less divisions in the Western Paci­ prevail.” Senate latcrael Security aubcoxt- see 4T.4I sv.e< 1 so** Coventry announcea tha engage­ That Old Stove for One Of spoke, however. Dutch Foreign Rights, will in the long run do fic, defenee officials interpreted it Administration doubts about mittae. hw9t«cl»« klee ef tepeywnmt mmM* eO eltiffpi. ment of her daughter, Mtaa Mary Minister J. W. Beysn bluntly said more to make it both secure and Two to thoee counta, including TbtJEff!need m feempt ptMtiMy fEfmtEiE. as completely in step with Preat- earlier versions of onti-Commimist the object of adulation than ths Sllwbeth Orifflth, to Kenneth A. the French proposals were not ac­ dent Biaenhower’a clear-cut Arorn- legislation hod been based on con­ the key one—that he had when ho m m O N I • WRITt • er VISIT Doolittle, son o f Mr. and Mra. ceptable to his government. number of hydrogen b'ombs we sold iw never wOe a Oommuniat ing Tuesday agoinat any Red at­ cern that it might destroy the stockpile.” Kennsth T. Doolittle of Newington. Beyen said that Mendea- tempt to Invade Chinese NeUonal* reglstraUon provlkons of. the in­ aympxthiser or promoter to Red nNMecMi.«e. Miss Griffith la a student at ] XYsnee’s statement this morning ist-held Formoaa. ternal security act and Iramper Preceding the dedicatory exer­ Intereste—later were thrown out MANCHESTER Windham High S^ool. These had mode a "totally different im The new military thinking lays prosecutions for conspiring to cises for the Assn. Center on the on appeal on too ground that they DooHttle ia a graduate o f the presaion” than the text of the pro­ increoaed stress upon flexIbUlty teach and advocate the forcible University of Chicago campus, were too vogue. MSm USUI • • Im ud SlMt University of Connsctlcut. posed changes. Tha note on the •I M m . Tw m . WW. frl. *>M M i.JO and the Importance of tha western overthrow of the yovernmenf un­ there was a csremoniel procession Rover eeid he win not appeal to thuniar* ViM MS* SWwiVeirs The date of the wedding has not changes was tronssnitted through Pacific defense line nmning from der the. Smith act. of more then 500 leading Judges, the Supreme Court for rMBototo- “ *— wUSsMts vU Rvetfby been set. diplomatic channels lost Saturday. The Philippines in the south The secUoit .of the bill making isi^ers end educators t/om ths ment to those two counta, hut in­ SpaSk Dtoeoamged Cenfer to the Rockefeller Me­ stead win offer new evtdeaM te x Paul-Henri Spook, Belgian (Cextixaed ox Page Eight) (CoxUaxai ex'Page Tire) morial. Chapel. the dedication grand Jury beginning Sept 18. XVireign Minister and Preaident o f was aNrighlight of the Associa­ Ooxqectleat Nxttexol Onordemex ef toe lS»to Reglxsext, dSrd Dhialex. take x break d ^ ^ l totoaro Rover said the evMence wtn in­ the Conference, appeared dis tion’s onhual convention. clude “certain xspecta’’ to Lxtti- couraged as the group broke up on rtfle-eqnad tacUee at Stoae’e Roaeb, Niantlc, wkere toey were ex Mvoone yeeterdny and today. Tke more’s ewom teetimony heCora the '-after a meeting of olmoat two Cites Detecta troops are part of the ngkaeafe 550 men wke knve keen txklxg twe weeks’ axnuner tndxlng to r — committee M February, I9U, which Warren said that lawyers know Lndge axd on scfcetotod to return hoou Sxtxrday. See. tomerrow*e Herald fer pictxree end story ex were not Included in the origiaal. tioura on general aspects of the Manchaater max wkq/nro membera ef the lOSto. c iw s provokedi by Mendes Prophets o f Doom Hit better than ipost people of the de­ Indictment JYaape's propoaed changes. fects in the American administra­ Should the grand Jury y/Um addi­ Speak refused to make any tion of Justice. He added: tional chiigea agatoet statement, saying it was too early "Some of thsae defects we know Rover aaid, the procedon wfll By President at Fair no4r. W e know that in some 83rd ess to know what might develop. H io to ask that they be < mlniatera planned to oontlnpe the 'mir country a citisen con- 'e general discussion this oftarnoon. H|a case tried withlq four ayjjjgtgggj! Springfield, RI., Aug. IS if) ^SProatdent he la "eUk end W 9 know thia system End Hangs on In any event, Rover aaid, tha Gnly 15 men attended thia morn­ President Eisenhower declared to- ' ing's meeting. The ministers Ured of Uatiraig to the clock-oku-k means a dinial o f JusUoe to liti­ government is prepared to bring day "the country is getUng pretty of the prophets of doom.” gants. W e know also that mU- Union Lettimera to trial on tho five la-- sought an intlihata atmosirtiere for lick and Ured of crooked fanse peU- a free discussion of their views. Then, by way of explonauon, os Bons of people ore flnaholelly un- Three Big Bills mainlng counts. tics.” He also eeid he personally ia he put It, he told a story about eUe to obtain adequate legal ad­ The orlginel indtetment grew out And Can SAVE You West Germany and Italy had Uirte "sick end tired of lld^ening to the Abraham lincoln, the Republican New York, Aug. 19 (ff>).-The General Electric Co., said to­ to 12 days to stormy tSbtinwny by npresentativee preeent, and the clack-clack of the propbeta pt vice er to protect their rights in Washington, Aug. 19 (P)—The ’other four nations — France, Bel­ party's first President. the courts, and that thia, too, la a day it had reached agreement with the CIO International lAtUmorc .as part to the commit- doom” , Lincoln once related, Xlisenhow’- sectmd session of the 83rd Oon- tee’e Inveatigatkm to the Instituto gium, the Netherlands and Luxsm- Eisenhower’s remarks were in denial of Justice. greae reached ite final stages to­ Union of Electrical Workers (lUE) on a new contract calling er said, that a man had built ouch ”We know that civil liberties to Pacific Relafione (IPR), a pri­ notes prepared for a apeech at a a crooked fence that a hog trying day, with only three major met- for a wage iiicriwse averagi^ slightly more than 5 cents vate reetarch organisation. Latti­ (CentlMied ex Page Twe) RepuUicon Day celebraUon at tha are^jtoe often violated end that to get -through tt became so con­ tera to be disposed of before a an hour. The announcement olao^ more edited an u*R pubUcaUen; niinola State Fair. fused that it concluded it woe al- wlMHlwer that occurs, something said the new contract will provide “ Pacific Attain." The Preeident’a oddrasa in on is 'calipped away from the foun- final gavel on ell legislative busi­ A Handful wxya coining out on the wrong side ness. improvements in holidey end vaca­ The committee, then beaded by outright political atmosphere waa of the fence. dsUoa of our Instiltotions. W# tion pay end other bsneflta. Sheppard Gise Sen. McCarran (D-Nev), called the opening gun in an edminiatre- know that in some -states a man The three ore a compromise for­ *17)6 union claima to repreaent V . W ork Losjam AppSeaUe Tedny , eign aid bill providing 13,781,000,- Lattimore “a conscloua arUculata Uon drive' to:m eintain RepuUUcen charged with a felony U.not guar­ nu>re then 100,000 employes in instrument to the Soviet con- control of Congreas, TSiat story, the Preaident went anteed the services of a lawyer. 000 in nbw cosh, a bill to ben the about 60 of the company’s 100 or on. Is ” appUcobls today because Commiimist Party, and a bill to Seen Shattered Hdrecy.^’ Slows Probes With the fell OongresMonol We' realiu that that is a rem­ more plants throughout the Unit­ Sen. McCarthy (R-Wts) once re­ elections coming on, the Presji^t certain poUUclani, despite t&e nant of another day. broad|a 4nd liberaliM the Social ed States. facts, seem to be coming out on Secunly systbni. ferred to the former Johns Hopkina urged his audience to returnrturh n i - <- "livery true lawyer is interast- A union spokesman s4id lUE By Palm Print Univenity prtoeoaor as the top Of Money mole membera of the House to Con- the wrong side of the economic Stgiilng Pbitobk- Tonight S|>RCftmRkep36 ilnto McCarthy negotiaUona would recommend Soviet os^onage agent in the coun­ AIRLINER grees end to increase' the state’s fence.” ^ ad in the improvement of the 4d- Therff,inrasIX chance ell of these minietretlon. qf Justice. With could be passed and sdnt to Presi­ that the union’s GB conference' try. Lattimore labeled that atata- repraaentetlon in the lewmaking That was on obvious allW m to Cleveland. Aug. 19 (to—A Cuya­ ment “ pure moonahina.,.” . y+'r Waehington, Aug. —Two b o ^ . contentions by some Dsuocrati adequate research we con dent Eisenhower tonight; Some board, meeting here Sect. 2, ac­ hoga County official toya ideaU- cept what he called a "revised'’ ' .Lattimore has dented vigorously Senate invcetlgotlona involving Lxxchee With Oov, Stixttox that the odminietraUon was Read­ of the lawmokera-thought tomor­ ftcatlon of a palm print found in Sen. McCarthy were thi^tened (CoxtlBned ex Prig* Twe) row was more tiksly for the wind­ company offer. the lokefront home where pretty that he never was a Communist or Before hie addreas, Blaenhower. ing the nation into a depreasion. A company . spokeomon eo.d Red eympathiser. with achedule-upietting delays to­ bed hin^/At the home of Gov. Elsenhower then went on to say up, and a few pessimists still ex­ Marilyn Sheppard woa murdered day, but epperehtly not because of pected the seaslon to, run over to there had been some “changes In -knocks the propa from imder a de­ Raver Doesn’t Ekibemto William CU'Stratton with Joeeph that it semns to Jiim that "the language” In a proposal made by Rover did not elaborate -oa tha disputes o v tf . the controversial T. Meek, the Republican'candidate cduntry is getUng pretty sick and early next week. v fense argument of her oeteepeth I ... Wisconsin Republiet^. TRe way the legiiletion has the company lost May but that husband. new aspects of the case, but said for the Senate: Meek, bidding for tired of crooked fence politico.” they "did not change the meaning the eddltionei evidence he vriU Leaders of both Senate groups the' seat now held by Democratic Reviewing the record of Oon- been taking a surprise turn at the The print, which had puazled in­ eeid the stumbling block waa un­ News Tidbits last minute, there was Just no sitbstanUaUy.” preeent bean on Lattimore’s al­ Sen. Paul Dou(Tiaa,‘ recently won neSs and . hie administration, the vestigators since Mta Sheppard’s leged promotion of Oommunism expectedly difficult work. Eisenhower’s endorsement. President declared that on the Called froBi AP Wires triUng. In 'on official - onnoiwcement, battered, body waa discovered The Senate Investigations Sub- . When legislative business la GE sold:, and Commuplst IntereeU. . ; Elsenhower few here (his morn- credit ride, in the field of foreign July 4, belongs to her 7-year-old ' Ha said he bad raaeon to btlievo ' committee which'conducted the 36 Ing frdm Washington and was affairs, the war in Korea, has completed, the House will be able "The settlement consists to a son. Chip, assistant County Prose­ deya of McCsrthy-Army hearings greeted at the oliport by Stratton, come to on end. i to quit until January. But the wage increase of 2.68 per cent, cutor John J. Mahon said yaattr- Just about gave up hope of reach­ Secretory to State Dullaa cox- averaging slightly more than 5 (Coattexog ori Pago Right) other nilnoie Republican leaders He also mid that the Indochina sMerbig brief atopovee in Japan on Senate may come baejk^'later te day. J- ing a verdict by the end «f this and Gov. .^George Craig o^ Indiana, sStUement "while not necesSorilv dispose o f. the recommendations cents n hour and ranging .from Now. Mahon said. Dr. Samuel week-r-the date Cbainnan Mundt way tiOck from conference In Phll- of its special committee on the 4 cents to 8 cents and more on also a RipuUican. ipjAnea to weld eight-nation South­ H. Sheppard con'% uae the print (R-SD) had set for a windup. In his speech at the fair, the (Oenllnned ox Page Sevexteex) motion to censure Sen- McCarthy hour, plus improvements in holi­ to support his story a stranger A HMrlnge May Ite PoetpoSed east Aria Defense alliance . . , (R -W is). day and vacation pay and other Senate Rppublicen Leader Know- benefits. woa in the house the morning of V ’ And a special SenaU^ommittee Senate-House conferees agreed the murder. Sheppard has been in­ BiiUelins Here’s a big G-B .1 headed by Sen. Wlitldns (R-'UUdi) land bloeke coxSrination of fellow on the compromise foreign aid "The contract will run until Sept. Cailfornlen priMidsnt Xlsenhower dicted on a charac of. first degree Range --loaded with' to study a proposed resolution of appropriation yesterday, nnd it 16, 1968, when the'pension and in­ murder. from tli* AP Wirts cfhaure against McCarthy indl- Lift M ill (anlMO QNiiain nominated 4e assistant secretoiry was expected to whip, through surance agreements win be open G-B feetures, inchid-, of Air Force. He says a prowler murderad-bis eated i^ may have to postpone the both, branches today In . short for negoUaUon. 31-yeor-old wife, end ^expectant lag puihbuRQu and start public hearings beyond , New York, New Haven and order. This is the final money bill;' ’ ’This mokea tha Slot union' to vthS) schedule^, premiere Aug^SO. Horjtfbrd Railroad to reduce eeato mother, and then injured him when CHARGES 15 AIRMEN HERD •cw.{iuge saasitr AAOMi 4tl o f the searion. accept the eoinpanyk offer. ., The he enewered her cell for kelpi- WoehtagtoA Aog. 19 UP>—Thx McCarthy- oimouncbd be would Laborites, Ileds Agree pxseexnr lorae within Ijaw Tork However, -tha two other big Increases juhdar this agreement will even i t a very rSa* Authqritiea had collected printe exited Stoteo taStay toaxaHy enter no protest against a de­ state By 4i rnuch oS IS cents a charged Hie Criixaoo CaxmanxMe •oaable price, and on ferred start of the censure hear­ trip effective Sept. I... Threatensd fCextinued ex Page Tblrtoex) from doeena of persons who might SPEEDSTER (OenHnxed an Page Hight) have been in. the house before ob­ ore holdtag 15 Axxirirxx alrmex easy terass.^ AUTOMATIC ings. delay in construction of Sikorsky. oe "poSHexI prisexerA” A de> XMword Bennett Williams, Mc­ Oil Trade Advantaees Aircraft’s S17 million helicopter taining those to the .youngs ter, whd 1 PUMMIHONUANM Carthy’s counsel, said "We have plant in Stratford averted in Su­ _ '1 "'W • hod been 'at a sununer comp in no plana to ask for a continboneri* perior Court by eettlem eef o f Suit Pennaylyania from the morning to TWs is axetber of tbewtrode betwefn the two countries the killing until lost week. aslttod at toe but it would be "working UAder brought by adjoining property ot.Geaeva toe nro xEvx. Come In Now! WeTI fiffve You pressure," he;eald, if he had to stories by the Lexden Dnily l>ele- would benefit both—and moreover owners. Alcide de Giasperi Dies Police fingerprint expert Jerome get ready by Aug. SO to start to traph eorreepexdext aceeaspeaytog would help world peace. American atomic cannon plunges C. Peolklng said It woa the only SUA\MER CLEARANCE toe Lxber PxirW gfexp ex Its vlalt Lu mid both rides agreed that by Aixerirexe, fer as McCoriby’s defender. off 12-fooi. rood embankment' near legible print found after the e f' «wsur, wke have lexchaagad Mundt sold in an interview be to CMxa. The Triegiaph la ox ail trade embargos on China Schongau, Germany, injuring three bludgaoning. It waa on a desk^in should be eliminated, then quickly At Home in Pjforth Italy ■taee toe The Best Deal You'ye ih te r Been still sees some hbpq of getting Ixdepexdext-OexeervxilTe news- U. 8. ortUleryinex ;i . . Hundreds the study. Where papers hod beep out a venUet by Saturday. ■Pspsr.) ' , ■ added: of police gxxrd Muxich’s strike* Strewn.;ond drawers pulled out.' Famous Make Bathing Suits "What we mean is that China EXPLOSION SIPS NYU But Sena. Jackson (D-W esh) benxd fnotoriee to jirevent iciest Belie 'Vol SugonA^ Italy, A i^ .f pro • wastAa, ______Sheppard reaffirmed his idno- Neta Yerk. Aag. It UTI—Ax By JOHN BSDLET 1 trade authorities would like to see of rioting yeatertoy which injured mtddle-of-the- road cense yeaterday la a 900-word Offered 19 ,(P)—Alcide de Oosperi; the Christian Democrat party- exphielaa rocked toe New York ■va’-- (Caattaxed ox P a ^ jpeyeati Peiping. Aug. 19 Uti—Oommilv 411 embargoes lifted xnd a mem­ 21 persons. Italy’s •) niet (^ na’a lUrector of trade with ber, of the delegstKui (unneimd) icon old''statesman who led Italy la r g e s t-^ little more then a Valveratty ckeixical eagtaeero Sizes 10-46. Not all sizes and colors in all styles. Former preaid ent HerbeA out of poltwar chaos and onto the month ego. ex Pxge RigM) lag bxUdlag la toe Braxa today, the west, Lu Shu-Chong, told me. agreed that indeed they shouIiXlex- Hoover Mlected by Steuben Society in an interview that little in the cept for direct instruments of path of democracy, died today of a He ended hie 7Mi yaera as heed reportedly lajxriag ax xxister- to AmeiW to recrive first Btexbex heart attack. mtaod, xnsBker^tojtopta^xikx ■ jlEG, $8.^5) ...... , N O W $ 5 .9 5 High UN Po8t Set way of strategic material is war. The other delegates didn’t Awxrd . . ...Dclawpre RepubUopns to- the Italian government ra year coming to China from Rrltoin,' but dimgree. We therefore feel that Death come to the eight-time ego, in July, 1963, after losing a CIO Vote on Yage launch hard-hitting campaign to Premier os he rested here in his confidence vote in the ' Italian at toe Ualvanity txmpM to tax (lE G . $ 9 .9 6 A n d $ 10 .9 5 ...... N O W $ 7 .9 $ British ships ore b rii^ g steel. all barriers to {trade should be elect pee-Btoexbewfr Senator and For Ralph Bimehe lifted and we thi ik the delegates North Italy mountain rett'eat. for parliament. But his party oupplled FOR COMPLETE $|ITISFACTION matela. mochtacry endjnnerel in Congressman next No'-’embeV. from Rome and the political wars Imperils. AFL’g Bid duatrlel efulpment to auna from really .egret, sii a China hasn’t Some 6.000 werkere in iji S.- oucceeding cablneta and o'prote-.'f' i|EG. $12.96 ...... N O W $ 5 .9 5 any intenUtm getUng instru- in which he had battled without gee of De Gaaperi, former Interior l^tSE PASSES AID BOX United NaUons, N. T „ Aiig. 19 West Gfriaeny, Belgium end owned El Tonients copper mine in Woaklxgtax, Aag. IS (A SWITCH TO ' (P)—U.N. Secretary General Dog manta o f war BriU ln." respite for nearly a decade. Minister Mario ScelbA now holds Gok Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 19 0P>— France. Santiago, Ghilt etrlke after wage His passing robbed the causa of the premiership. HexM pMsed JA aStt to REG. $14.95 ...... NOW $10:95 Hommorskjold is slated to | an­ Lu said China ould like to Im- talks eaUapee By vtotng to. accept a previously- Lu mid hla government feels port from Britain 'raw materials. European Union of one of its Scelbx- Ixfenxeg rejeeted 6-cent hourly wage in­ Hixxte today x M nounce the appointment today of ".that West Germany^ Belgium, Strike vote nearly a month ago stounchest supporters. Italy’s REG. $18.95 and $19.95 ...... NOW $12,95 Ralph JT. Bundle and r. Russian os aax-ftlToue meUle, electrical gen­ A messenger brought the news crease. AFT, atomic pro^tion 5(4 bUSoa doSoM France end othen aeem to be more is cxBed fer Mexday by 10,000 struggle ngoinst (Tommunlsra loat global xdStaty xad I t . the No. X men in the UN. Se£re- erating pionta, v4rtous sorts of- membwa to International Union of the death before dawn to Seel- workers put ths aqueeoe on dis­ interested ia business with Chine mochinery mesUy in the field of one to...... - its hardest flghtei • 'eit. ba and the Premier hurried from turbed d G leaders who eoid today peogfxm tar toe yoae eadtag to toriat. o f .Mine, Mill A Smelter workers Although it was known the 7S- ALL SALES FINAL • GENERAL W ELECTRIC If You Take Advantage Of U N .' informonta eoid Hon^- than la Britain , . . hmvy Industry, locopooUvas, rail- his own vacation spot. FtuggI, to the AFL vote would niot block their mM-lSSA The tabol Mta riNtor against Anacondp Copper Mining yaar-old leader’s health was foil­ the scans to the death to hU old S99 xdWex dritaro fhort ot qiarskjold at a midmorning news Weet Oerxxm Trade Hiked w4y wagons, ehipe, trucka. core, Co— Governor -Lodge visits demands for p 16-ceat boost lome Buni "Last year, pa compared with rafrigereUng pleats, textile ma­ ing, there hod been no public hint mentor. The AFL workers put teeth into Preoldext Hamilton Standard Propeller Com­ he WM aertously ni. Gnly after his Gne to the first to send condo­ u d L Tehernychev, a Soviet who the year before, our Impoeta from chinery. chemical fertUixen and pany in Windsor Locks for tour of their leadere’ recouiriMndaUoa» by Sportswear--Second fTooc APPLIANCI^ FROM West Germany increased ia volume death was it revealed that he suf­ lences to De Gosperi’a family was voting obout.8 to I in secret ballot OOffTRH o u t 19 OHNTB This. Offer To Trade-In nos been assistant secretary geu- OMdicinol drugs.” plant and to-preseint special fered a beort attack a week ago. . / arol for security council affairs, more then nine Oifies.” He added that Chine could pay Pope Pius Xn, from whoto Ro­ yatoerday to accept the' 6-eent New York, Akg. 19 charter, certificate. His condition was not considered man Catholic flock the CTirlstion 4 ^ e hike auf gestlon handed down 19