V,.','-'jo ' . .a-. .. > ' : T N “ ' ' ^7 .’CM PAGE FOURTEEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1964 jianrlf^atrr Areraga Daily Net Preai Run F»r tho Weok Eaded Ths Wmthffir .............................. ' wuaaal at U. R. WaaOw Angnat 14, 1984 Mias Kaunl Sbstar, daughtar PWr early taalgM; of Uieiua M. Boatar at Wan>iag, Mn. Im m t FiiAt; ev ’ About Tow n (ocmariy at MancheMer, is an Woman KiUed, 1 0 ,8 4 1 laadiaaM tamuO mai route to laplr, TVricey. where she quila am aaal; has taught for the past eight Member at the Audit Tharaday maatly A MO, u a r e y HunUton. wma ■ Buieau at Ofareulatlaa bom Au«. 7 in Andiorace, AUaka, years at the American Collegiate [ues ,'S. by ahaurata; b l| A to A.2.C. and Mm. Henry U Mad­ School for Junior girla A grad­ Notes from Early Meetings Manche$ter—^A City of Village Charm den, The paternal (randpareiiU are uate of Manchester High School Mr. and Mre. Henry H. Madden of and Mount Holyoke College, Mias East W indsor Traffic 4M B. Middle Tpke., and the nia- Foster taught in Crosanore, N. C., .VOL. LXXAL n o . 277 an Page li> MANC1IESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1954 (TWENTY PAGES) PRKX FIVE CENTS ternal (randparenta are Mr. and School and Hillyer Oollege, Hart­ Death Brings Charge M n . 8. Belltnghlrl of 293 Spruce ford. She entered Hartford Semi­ Dispel Many Bolton Stories Of Negligent Homicide St. nary for a course in theology ;v and for a year was assistant in Robert Jacquea, 20, of 85 W. H iJisco A marriage license application the Biblical History Dept, at Farm Price Wellesley College. She assumed Center St., haa been charged with EDC Nations Send was Sled in the Hartford Bureau of negligent homicide In the traffic Vital SUtiatlcs yesterday for Pat­ her present position in August, death of an Eaat Windsor woman COMBINATION WINDOWS a ii DOORS rick J. Mahon of Hartfoid and 1944, S lid this was her third leave in that town last night Bill Awaits U.S. Vivian M. tfautenbach of 85^ Char­ of absence. Police said hia car struck Mrs. ter Oak 8 t . Bva Edaoit. M, as Mie walked \ THE NATIONALLY^ ADVERTISED PRODUCT Leaders to Voice A. 1. C. Marjorie C. Keegan of 49 across Route 5, just over the South "'7 Ardmore Rd., is home on leave Wiiidaor Town line, about 8 p. m. THAT MEANS QUALITY Ike Signing for 30 days. She has loen stationed Jacquea haa been released on in England for the past 10 months. 31,000 bond pending hia appear­ Dismay at Change ance in Eaat Windsor Justice ^FOn DEMONSTRATION AND ESTIMATE - Washington, Aug. 18 — LECLERC Felix L>. Sambogna, son of Mr. Court, which haa been scheduled Farm legislation calling a halt FUNERAL HOME and Mrs. D. Sambogna o f 45 Cot­ for Sept.'15. , CALL to war-bom rigid, high- price State .Patrolman W. Clayton Brusgels,,Belgium, Aug. 1 8 ^ «««k • compromise formula In U n its tage St., graduated from the 30- (flP)— Leaders of the six E u ro­ Brtiaacis. 8upports>^eaded for a White FUNERAL week Primary Observer Training Oaiser of the Hartford bar­ Many obaervera doubted that an racks said Jacques, was driv­ R.J. LYONS-MI-9-7382 House welcome after a hectic Course at Harlingen Air Force pean Army nations converged acceptable formula could be work­ Base in Harlingen, Tex., Aug. 11, ing north and claimed that on the Belgian .capital today dispute that routed disgrun­ SERVICE Mrs. Edaon walked across the road ACWIIffT FOR ed out for the six-nation army, in Walter N. Aviation'Cadet Samboipia has been for crucial talks on the French which' a rearmed West Germany tled Senators from bed early sent to James Connally Air Force into'the path of hia car. Mrs. Ed- today. Ike Signs Up Leclerc, son was a resident of the Post demands imperiling the pro­ would pool her troops with those Ike C laim s Base. Tex., for 14 weeka of ad­ THE BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. of France, Italy, Belgium, The & a 44-28 poat-mldnight roll- Director vanced observer training. Road Trailer Camp and was re­ jected European Defense crossing the highway after a brief WEST HAETFORD. COgN. Netherlands and Luxembourg. callr climaxing a session of 14 >4 Conimunity - (EOC). U. 8. offlciala in 'Washington al­ hours which also saw action on Seoul Objects 23 Main inrect, tCancbester viait with friends, police said. The Zipser Club will hold its an­ From all aides opposition mount­ ready had expressed fears that the much other legistation, the Senate Power Pact nual outing Sunday, Sept. 9, at Gaiser’a report said the woman A Product of F. C. Russell C ^ , Geyeland ed to French Preinler Pierre Men- Call MI-9-5869 was dead on arrival at Hartford long-nurtured EDC plan, first pro-, marked final congressional ap­ the Garden Grove on Keeney dea-France'a proposals for major posed I'n October, 19M, by France’s proval on the Eiaenhower adminis­ Street Members are requested to Hospital where she had been taken revislona in the ElDC treaty.,. But by the Maple Hiil Ambulance serv­ then defense miniater, Rene Pleven, tration’s request for a recess and' D ata O p en obtain their tickets'' early. They reports from Paris asld Ilendea- was doomed. a showdown in the morning. ice. France would tell his oolleaguea at can be secured at the clubrooms Other NntioM Opposed Rnaaell Prateass Actloh To Move Now Mrs. Ekison lived at the trailer the Foreign Mlnistera' Conference on Bralnard Place.' camp with her husband, Norman, So far the five other EDC na- Sen. Rusaell (D-Ga),. bitter op­ W^ington, Aug. 18 (/P)— opening here tomorrow that only ponent of flexible and'lower price an employe of the Hamilton hia new European Army plan could Uona ihad given evidence of nothing President Eisenhower says HALE'S Miss Mildred Simpson, librarian Standard Propeller Division of but opposition to the French pro­ supports, protested furiously. He Washington, Atig. 18 <^P)— Diptomatic sources said today of the Whiton Memorial Library, ' be appi^ved by the French Na-. demanded a test vott on Know- the books are o]jen for inspec­ United Aircraft. tional Aascmbly. posals. Critics contended they rob­ the United States is considering withdrawing three divisioiis Headquarters announces that two motion pic­ bed the army plan of much .of ita land’s request' to quit without a tion of a controversial power tures will be shown in the audi' Meets Spank vote. from the Korean mainland but a Pentagon spokesman aaid Mendea-France arrived by train ■upernational aspect. All argued contract in the TV A area. “the Army has no knowledge of any early withdrawal o f FOR torium Thursday afternoon at 2 the amendments would require new This brought angry exchange o'clock.. The films are entitled from Paris and immediately ar­ and lengthy explanations from Democratic National Chair­ troops from Korea.” The chairman ^---------------- -—— ......... ...................... ranged for a conference with Bel­ parliamentary approval by the man Stephen A. Mitchell says of the South Korean National Aa- *The Biggest Bears,” and "Swee­ four nations—alf but Italy and Knowland and Democratic .Teader gian Foreign Miniater Paul-Henri Lyndon B. Johnson (Texl while ■embly reported in Seoul, however, ney Steps Out" The latter was France—^which ratified,the he’s glad Eisenhower is ready filmed in the Bronx Zoo and the Spaak. The Belgian la playing, a their. aaaiatiuita put to efnergency to disclose “ the whole story that tpia nation plana to take three j chief role in an attempt to recon­ pact. The West Germans.- 'con­ of Its six diviaiona out of Korta.by | Stump Tou r bears in Alaska. Children five calls for absent SenaYors. behind the Dixon-Yates deal.” years and over will be welcome fliR-[onoiiionino cile Mendea-France'e. EDC propo­ sidered the proposals raised new Knowland iiuiatei] he believed the end of the year. i to attend. .. sals - with existing treaty provl- discrimiitatioiui against them. there had been an .infermal agree­ ^Mitchell’s latest blast at the Diplomatic offlciala in Wash- i ■ioni. The Dutch in a Foreign Office ment for no record votes during 'power tontrftct cafiie in a state­ ington, declining the uee of their | Hints Asian In thia..connection diplomatic in- statement earlier this week went the night. Johnson conceded that ment he issued In Chicago last names, said they did not know of INCLUDES: • NEW LINING • BLEED BRAKE UNES formiuita in London dlscloaed that on record , iiv o'ppoaition to Men<fes- Knowland had proposed this but night after Eisenhower thad told any timetable in the proposed • ADD BRAKE FLUID • REPACK FRONT WHEELS the Britiah government had sent a France’a demands. An Italian For- said he had control of only hia own his news conference he is as­ {tons. They added that there .Rfrald Photo W lU IA M S message to Mendea-France yes­ vote and/that any Senator could tonished at Mitchell’s criticism of not yet been any firm deciaion on Fleet M ove SAM YULYES By JOSEPH A. OWENS DRUM SERVICE ADDITIONAL terday urging the French Premier (CMtlnued ea Pago Twelve) demand h record vote. the way the matter u’as handled. the matter. If the summers were shorter pertaining to Bolton. Since the he kept the public records in­ OIL SERVICE Apparently satisfied thht he had Debate Started Rnckuc PhUlp Han, minister from the DRUMS TURNED S1.S0 Each The ruckus was stirred Up on Republic of Korea, said Korean Taipeh, Formosa, Aug. 18 and the winters longer—Mrs.
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