BSAs,%.4%6%2'!$%2).' 2³5.)/.$%02).4%-03 \\ SODEHOTEL Avenue E. Mounierlaan 5, 1200 Brussel/Bruxelles WEGBESCHRIJVING | ITINÉRAIRE

Driving directions:

Coming from Mons - Charleroi - Gand - Antwerpen / Amsterdam Follow the Ring Airport. Take exit 3 . You are now on the Boulevard de la Woluwe. Follow this boulevard direction UCL St Luc and turn on your left on the 4th traffic light. You are now on the Avenue Hippocrate, where you turn in the first street on your right, which is the Avenue Emmanuel Mounier. The hotel is on your left. Coming from Namen - Luxembourg - Paris Follow the Ring Est direction . Take exit 2 Wezembeek-Oppem Kraainem. You are now on the Avenue de Wezembeek. Follow this street on your left direction UCL St Luc. Turn right in the avenue Emmanuel Mounier after the fourth traffic light, just after the Jet station and the Quick fast food. You will see the hotel after a small kilometer on your right. Coming from Liège - Cologne Follow the E40 and take exit 20 Kraainem Woluwe. Take the boulevard de la Woluwe on your right and turn left in the Avenue Hippocrate after the first traffic light. Take the first street right (Avenue Emmanuel Mounier) and you will see the Sodehotel on your left. Coming from Brussels City Center Metro 1B - direction Stockel: exit Alma or Vandevelde Bus line 42 & 79 (Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc, Av Hypocrate)

Gent / Oostende Antwerpen




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Tervuren Mons