BRU Chapter Two Report (PUBLIC)

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BRU Chapter Two Report (PUBLIC) ENVISA AVIATION & ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Brussels National Airport Study of the impacts on the environment with regard to noise pollution – Chapter Two Report Study of the impacts on the environment with regard to noise pollution (BRU) Prepared for: Final Version (Public) Federal Public Service 31 May 2019 Mobility and Transport Ted Elliff – Coordinator Tel: +33 1 71 19 45 84 By ENVISA (Paris) Email: [email protected] 310519 Chapter 2 2/242 Study of the impacts on the environment with regard to noise pollution (BRU) Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 12 1 Introduction & Context .................................................................................................................................. 17 The Belgian Paradox .............................................................................................................................. 17 The Belgian Judicial System ................................................................................................................... 19 Local Context........................................................................................................................................... 19 Addressing Noise within the Airport Business ................................................................................... 21 2 Judicial Timeline (Revised) ............................................................................................................................. 22 3 Impacted Communities .................................................................................................................................. 39 Actie Noordrand ..................................................................................................................................... 41 AWACSS .................................................................................................................................................... 44 Boreas ...................................................................................................................................................... 47 Bruxelles Air Libre Brussel .................................................................................................................... 49 Burgerforum Luchthavenregio ............................................................................................................. 51 Coeur Europe .......................................................................................................................................... 53 Comité Tervueren-Montgomery ........................................................................................................... 55 Commune Woluwé-Saint-Lambert (conseil communal) ................................................................... 56 Commune Woluwé-Saint-Pierre (Bourgmestre) ................................................................................. 60 Flemish Brabant Airport Region Platform ........................................................................................... 63 FreeAirSchaerbeekEvere ....................................................................................................................... 65 Leuven Rechtdoor vzw ........................................................................................................................... 70 Milieusteunpunt Huldenberg/Hart voor Huldenberg ....................................................................... 73 Pas Question ........................................................................................................................................... 77 Piste 01 ça suffit ...................................................................................................................................... 78 UBCNA – BUTV ........................................................................................................................................ 80 Wake-Up Kraainem ................................................................................................................................ 83 WerkGroepLeuven (WGL) ...................................................................................................................... 85 4 Airport and its Stakeholders .......................................................................................................................... 89 Brussels Airport Company (BAC) .......................................................................................................... 90 310519 Chapter 2 3/242 Study of the impacts on the environment with regard to noise pollution (BRU) skeyes (Belgocontrol) ............................................................................................................................. 92 airportmediation .................................................................................................................................... 94 Governments and Administrations ...................................................................................................... 96 Brussels-Capital Region (RBC) Government ............................................................................... 96 Bruxelles Environnement ............................................................................................................ 100 Belgium Slot Coordination .................................................................................................................. 104 The Airlines ............................................................................................................................................ 105 BATA ............................................................................................................................................... 105 IATA ................................................................................................................................................ 109 Belgian Cockpit Association (BeCA) .................................................................................................... 110 5 Health Impact Considerations .................................................................................................................... 112 Evidences on Health Impacts from Aviation ..................................................................................... 112 WHO Guidelines.................................................................................................................................... 114 Aviation’s Response and the Way Forward ....................................................................................... 115 6 Wind Criteria and Preferential Runway System (PRS) .............................................................................. 118 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 118 Basic Concepts and definitions .......................................................................................................... 119 Preferential Runway System (PRS) ..................................................................................................... 121 Wind Roses at BRU ............................................................................................................................... 125 Runway use and PRS statistics ............................................................................................................ 129 Legal Context ........................................................................................................................................ 131 Modification History at BRU ....................................................................................................... 131 Legal timeline ................................................................................................................................ 134 Environmental Impact of Wind Component Speeds ....................................................................... 135 Wind Criteria Examples from other Airports .................................................................................... 137 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol ...................................................................................................... 137 Barcelona El Prat Airport ............................................................................................................. 137 Brussels South Charleroi Airport ............................................................................................... 137 Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport ............................................................................ 137 310519 Chapter 2 4/242 Study of the impacts on the environment with regard to noise pollution (BRU) Copenhagen Airport .................................................................................................................... 137 Dublin Airport ............................................................................................................................... 137 Frankfurt am Main Airport .......................................................................................................... 138 Helsinki Airport ............................................................................................................................. 138 Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen
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