North Cotswold Villages Childswickham, Murcot, Broadway and Leedons Parks, Aston Somerville, Willersey, Hinton in the Green, and Bretforton

Over 20.000 hits in 2019 V i l l a g e N e w s November 2019

And don’t forget STOP PRESS on the website

Send emails to [email protected]

Visit the Childswickham website

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 Childswickham Church St Mary the Virgin 10.30am Carol Strotten, Churchwarden 01386 852312 Ralph Deakin, Churchwarden 01386 854605

Families and children are always welcome at St Mary’s, do come along and join us


3rd Nov. at 11.00am – Holy Baptism. The Revd. Jo Williamson to conduct. 10th Nov. at 10.30am – Remembrance Day Service. Carol Strotten and John Thompstone 17th Nov. at 10.30am. – Morning Prayer. Mr Clifford Cocks will conduct. 24th Nov. at 10.30am. – Holy Communion. The Revd. Michelle Ward, Vicar of Broadway, will conduct.

Cleaning Contacts Childswickham Coffee Rota

Carol Strotten, Churchwarden 852312 th Nov 8th Mrs Barnett & Oct 27 Margaret Flanagan & [email protected] Mrs Saville Jane Allen

Nov 22nd Mrs Bindoff & Ralph Deakin, Churchwarden 854605 Nov 3rd Joan Barnett + 1 Mrs Braithwaite Bell ringers: Nov 10th Len Wood + 1 Dec 6th Mrs N Simms & Tower Captain, Graham Lee Mrs R Simms 01386 858422 Nov 17th Angela Kirk & Pat Hackett Dec 20th Mrs Hackett & Mrs Kirk Nov 24th Maria Oni’s team

Some very special places

English Cathedrals are popular! Not only are their congregations on the ‘up’, but 10.5 million people visit them every year. Some describe being ‘ambushed by the atmosphere’: or of how ‘something at this place has got me.’ Despite our secular age, 240,000 prayer candles were lit in York Minstar, last year.

Maybe it is beautiful music: or the experience of being able to touch and handle things that you would never be allowed near in a museum: perhaps it is a sense of history in an ongoing story of a 900 year old building. People are finding that one doesn’t have to subscribe to a particular faith in order to experience what it is like to don the character of a modern pilgrim.

For 2020 the British Pilgrim Trust has devised a walking route along the old pilgrim roads of , to places such as Canterbury, Hereford, and Bury St Edmunds. Or, if that sounds too strenuous you can visit any Cathedral bookshop and acquire a ‘Pilgrim Passport’ that you can have stamped at every Cathedral you visit.

Just a thought! Ioannus


This Community led project is sponsored and funded by Childswickham Cricket Club and County Council (via the New Homes Bonus) with support from Childswickham Parish Council and the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.

As a local group, the “Friends of Brook Street” has commenced with the aim to enhance the wildlife, landscape and accessibility of this important area of communal open space within the village.

Brook Street, an ancient footpath running through the village (from Farmers Lane to Buckland Road) alongside the , is registered common land which is actively used and loved by Childswickham residents. Brook Street is also identified as a site of Regional / Local Wildlife Importance.

Over the years Brook Street has slowly declined losing many of the mature trees through disease and age. As a consequence, much of the biodiversity and amenity has been lost. Overgrown hedges and uneven surfaces make the footpath inaccessible to many young and elderly residents.

For some time, local residents have voluntarily given their time by mowing and cutting back old growth. However, while this wonderful support is fully appreciated and will hopefully continue, volunteers have not been able to address the underlying causes of the areas decline.

Therefore, the aim of the project is to enhance the existing footpath and to create a space of quiet enjoyment for residents and visitors alike. The necessary work to be undertaken and ongoing management of the area will protect and enhance the flora and fauna biodiversity.

Under the guidance of a Graduate Forester (village resident Andrew Woods) and input from others, the Friends of Brook Street, has produced a budgeted plan to include;

• New Tree Planting and Tree Maintenance • Stump Removal • Hedge Trimming / Bank Management • Spring Bulb Planting

In addition to the above, we hope to improve accessibility, amenity and education;

• New Bench • Wildlife Interpretation Board

As this is a long-term commitment we really encourage all ages to take part, especially children as this will be a wonderful opportunity to work together and manage a shared community asset. The Friends of Brook Street will be arranging bulb planting, habitat creation and other fun activities.

We are also seeking volunteers this winter to assist with the management and implementation of the works, so if you have some spare time or a specialist interest please do get in touch!

To register your interest and for future updates please contact; Paul Brazier [email protected] or on 01386 858812. In the near future, we hope to be able to post more detailed documents on the Village Notice Boards.

On behalf of the Friends of Brook Street.


Meetings of the Broadway History Society are held monthly on the third Monday of the month (except December) in the Lifford Memorial Hall starting at 7pm. Membership costs £10 p.a. (£15 per couple) and non-members are welcome to all the meetings - £3 on the door. Refreshments are served during the meeting. The talks leading up to the end of 2019 include:

Monday 18th November: Doug Eyre will be giving an illustrated talk entitled 1941, HMS Broadway and the Capture of the German Naval Enigma Machine. The US Destroyer was commissioned as HMS Broadway in 1940 and refitted as a convoy escort, serving in the mid-Atlantic passage during WW2.

Monday 9th December: Hailes Abbey and the Mystery of the Holy Blood a talk by David Haldred on the holy relic received by the Abbey in 1270 which is believed to be a portion of the blood of Christ and how it transformed the Monastery into one of the most important pilgrimage sites in England.

Apart from hosting talks, the Society conducts small pieces of research on Broadway’s history and publishes articles and images on the website and the Society’s Facebook page and its Twitter account (@BroadwayHistSoc).

If you would like to join the Society either pop along to one of the meetings/talks or contact Mary Smith tel. 01386 853278.

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 Day Time Activity Contact Monday 7.00pm–9pm Carpet Bowls from 2nd September Robert Simms 01386 853752 Tuesday 9.15-10.15am Keep Fit Tess 01386 858796 10.30-12.00noon Yoga Aston Colley 01386 870893 6 pm-8 pm Puppy Training Sue 07857 277184 Wednesday 10am- 12.00noon Quilting Georgina 01242 820423 2pm – 4pm Evergreens 2nd/4th week of month Dawn Bindoff 01386 858769 7pm – 9pm WI (1st & last week) Pam Folsom 01386 859397 Thursday 7pm – 9pm Dancing Ballroom Kleo Tanner 01386 858905 7pm – 9pm Parish Council (not April, June, Aug. and December) 01684 773236 Friday 9am-12noon Art Group Claire Watson [email protected] 10am-12noon U3A winter months only 2nd Friday

Charges Main Hall Residents £6.50 Non Residents £11.50 Helen’s Room Resident £6.50 Non Residents £11.50 Snooker Residents £4.50 Non Residents £5.00 For more information and to make a booking please contact Anne Wood 01386 854955 See web site for Rules and Conditions

Childswickham WI CARPET BOWLS st The WI meet on the 1 Wednesday of every month Mondays at 7.00pm from 7.15pm in the Village Hall in the Childswickham Memorial Hall on Atkinson Street Childswickham

Give the President, Pam Folsom a call on 07712 Everyone welcome 682452 to try a Free of Charge Taster


Membership is open to all members of the National Trust and to volunteers at any of its properties. If you are interested in making the most of your National Trust membership, why not join your local supporter group to enjoy talks and lectures, visits and coach outings, special events and fund raising. We have a vibrant team and a strong membership. Any surplus of funds raised goes to assist local National Trust properties in conservation, improving our heritage and looking after the environment.

 Coach outings to places of interest.  Six meetings a year with talks and lectures.  Annual lunch with after dinner speaker.  Christmas Lunch.

The next meeting will be held on 17th October when Glyn Jones will be talking to us about the Shakespeare Trust Gardens.

On 21st November ‘A Chat with Simon Nicholas’ Countryside Manager, Sherborne Park Estate, including his involvement with BBC Springwatch. (Preceded by the AGM)

 28 November - Christmas visit to Waddesdon Manor.

To join, contact our Membership Secretary on 01386 593085, or for more information telephone 01608 659215 or 01608 658157

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 Welcome to the North Cotswold U3A ‘Now I understand why the North Cotswold U3A is known as “The Friendly U3A’ (Freda) ‘My life can be divided into two parts, before the U3A and after the U3A. The “after” part is so much better’ (John) ‘I don’t know how I ever found time to go to work’ (Leslie) ‘Walking, reading, taking photographs, painting, improving my French, improving my cooking (not difficult this!) – the NCU3A fills my life with so much interest and pleasure’ (Margaret)

The first age is learning at school, the second is learning at work and the third age is when that is over and you can learn whatever you like. Our name can be misleading. We are not remotely like university students. We do not sit exams. It is all about friendship, keeping active in body and mind, and enjoying our leisure hours in ways that our parents would have envied.

Membership is only £22 a year for a couple or £12 for individual. A general open meeting is held at Willersey Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 2.00pm and usually finishes by 4.00pm. Our open meetings are open to visitors. We welcome a donation of £2.00 for members and non members.

Groups meet throughout the week, mornings and afternoons, at this hall or other determined places. As usual there is the website for more information.

Next Open meeting Thursday, 14th November

Recycling – Kate Booth from the Environment Agency.

Are you interested in gardens? If you would like to hear interesting talks on a range of garden related topics then come along to


Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month in Childswickham Memorial Hall from 10:00am

The programme for 2019-20

November 8th Adrian James Heavenly Beauty, Earthly Delight – Gardens of Paradise

January 10th Frank Hardy The All Year Round Garden

February 14th Nina O’Hare The Market Gardening Heritage Project

March 13th Tom Price How to Grow and Re-flower Orchids

April 10th Tim Goodwin The Fosseway Garden Centre

Cost is £18 for the whole season or £4 per visit. (Membership of U3A required)

If you would like more information please contact Jackie Emsley 01386858342 or email [email protected]

Potholes – now deeper than the Grand Canyon If you hate potholes, here is a statistic that will give you grim satisfaction: the combined depth of potholes in England is now 15 times that of the lowest point in the Grand Canyon. Plus, a new pothole is reported every 43 seconds.

In all, nearly 700,000 potholes were reported on the highways over the past year. That is a 13 per cent increase on the previous year, according to data obtained by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). As most local authorities define a pothole as any dip in the road surface that is 40mm deep or more, that means that the combined depth of the past year’s potholes would reach 28km. This is 15 times deeper than the Grand Canyon, and three times the height of Mount Everest.

No wonder that last year more than £1.9million was paid as compensation to motorists whose vehicles had been damaged by a pothole. Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 Supercentenarian Grace Jones remembered as Broadway Care Home launches Award

HC-One’s Brompton House Care Home in Broadway, Worcestershire, was honoured to launch the Grace Jones Award, in memory of the former oldest living person in Britain on what would have been her 113th birthday.

Grace’s family, friends and staff at Brompton House were keen to remember the supercentenarian, nicknamed Amazing Grace.

Born in Liverpool on 16 September 1906, Grace Jones lived through two world wars, the reign of five monarchs and all three Olympics. Her secret to long life was enjoying a drink of whiskey and water every night before she went to bed.

Friends and family have joined together at Brompton House for a birthday party in memory of Grace, filled with colour, sparkles and balloons as they know she would have wanted.

Entertainment on the day included a performance from Grace’s daughter, Deidre McCarthy, who played a number of Grace’s favourite songs on the piano.

Colleagues at Brompton House also decided to launch the Grace Jones Award at the memorial party, which is a new annual ‘positivity in care’ award, for any member of staff who demonstrates Grace’s love for life and sheer positivity. The award will be presented to a deserving winner on Grace’s birthday each year.

Grace’s daughter, Deidre McCarthy, presented the award to the first ever winner, Holly Armstrong, Wellbeing Coordinator at Brompton House. As part of the award, Holly received a cash prize and afternoon tea at Buckland Manor, which was organised by Deidre.

Zoe Miller, Home Manager at Brompton House, said: “Grace was a truly amazing and inspiring lady who touched the lives of so many living and working here at Brompton House.

“Grace was such a positive influence to many of her fellow residents, never failing to put a smile on people’s faces, so we were delighted to have launched the Grace Jones Award in memory of such an amazing lady.”

SIGNPOST AGM WANTED PLEASE! Monday, 11th November Volunteers to deliver the Village News to at 7.00pm

Mount Pleasant and Leedons Park in the URC Church,

Please contact the editor on 859625 if you can help. All Welcome

Cotswolds Christmas Artisan Food & Craft Fair

Pop a note in your diaries for Friday, 29th November (4.30p.m.-8.30p.m.) & Saturday, 30th November (10.30a.m.-3.30p.m.) and come along and enjoy the Christmas Artisan Food & Craft Fair at the Lifford Hall.

A varied selection of local artisans will be selling a great range of quality products from gin, wine and cider, chocolates, preserves, Christmas cakes & puddings to ceramics, textiles, glassware and jewellery, to name but a few of the wonderful items that will be available, offering the perfect opportunity for a bit of Christmas shopping or to treat yourself!

Sample some of the best locally made food and drink or take in one of the artisan demonstrations, such as Christmas wreath making or gift box making, which will be scheduled throughout the two day event, and admission is free!

For further details: 01386 853530 Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 LOCAL WALKS WITH THE COTSWOLDS VOLUNTARY WARDENS NOVEMBER 2019

Where the Windrush rushes – Tuesday 29th October - Moderate Another in our informal series about how a parish fits into the wider Cotswold environment, perhaps giving some answers about why this lovely place is here and why it has developed the way it has. Bring suitable refreshment. 3 hours: 6 miles. Start: 10.00 am Temple Guiting village car park. OS Map ref: SP 089 278.

Windrush, Wardens Way Circular – Walk 4 – Tuesday 5h November - Moderate The last in a series of four circular walks encompassing the Windrush and Wardens Way. We will leave Winchcome on the Windrush Way and return via the Wardens Way. Hopefully we will get lovely views down the Sudeley valley. Bring a packed lunch. 4.5 hours: 8 miles. Start: 10.00 am Winchcombe Back lane car park (£1 all day) OS Map ref: SP 024 285.

Hidcote Hike – Thursday 7th November - Strenuous An excellent walk, much of the trail being stone tracks. We start at HIdcote, which will be closed, and head for Chipping Campden and Ebrington passing the large mansion style house of Foxcote. End with glorious views over Ilmington and a scenic descent to Hidcote. Bring a snack and a packed lunch. 5 hours: 10 miles. Start: 10.00 am Hidcote NT car park. OS Map ref: SP 176 428.

Hills and Churches around Oxenton Hill – 8th November - Moderate A hilly walk passing the churches around Oxenton and Crane Hills. Great views on a clear day. Please bring a drink/ snack. 3 hours: 6 miles. Start: 10.00 am Park carefully in Alstone village. Meet at St Margaret’s church. OS Map ref: SO 983 325.

Power around Guiting – Tuesday 12th November - Moderate This circular walk starts at the ancient village of Guiting Power. We climb up the Cotswold Hills to get views to the north and west (weather permitting). Dropping down into the river valley, we come to the village of Naunton with its famous dovecote. Bring drinks and a snack. 3 hours: 6 miles. Start: 10.00 am Guiting Power village car park (donation) OS Map ref: SP 094 246.

A Three Village Walk – 19th November - Strenuous A walk with several ascents but no significant climbs. We visit the villages of Cold Aston (also known as Aston Blanc), Turkdean and Notgrove via the Macmillan Way, Diamond Way and Way. Refreshments available after the walk in The Plough, Cold Aston. 3 hours: 6.5 miles. Start: 10.00 am Village green, Cold Aston. OS Map ref: SP 129 197.

PLEASE use appropriate footwear as some walks may be steep and muddy in places. EASY - Length may vary but terrain is mainly flat (level); MODERATE - includes some hills and rough ground. STRENUOUS – may be rough underfoot and ascents and descents may be steep.

We welcome guide and hearing dogs - sorry, others not allowed.

Walks are free although we do invite donations to help fund our conservation and improvement work. The Wardens run a full programme of guided walks throughout the Cotswolds. For more information see or Tel: 01451 862000, also for any changes to arrangements such as due to extreme weather.

These may be funny, embarrassing, and…oh, just read them yourself. Enjoy, and share them with someone who needs a laugh!

The history teacher was trying to impress upon her class the advantages of peace and disarmament. “How many of you boys object to war?” she asked. Up went several hands. “And why is that, Charles?” she went on. “Because wars make history,” Charles responded soberly.

Reporter: “What do you think is the trouble with farming these days?” Old farmer: “Well – in my day when we talked about what we could raise on 60 acres, we meant maize, not bank loans.”

While out in the town, I saw an elderly couple holding hands while they were walking. As they approached, I commented on how romantic it was. The man replied, "We have been holding hands when we go out in public for years. I have to. If I let go, she shops."

A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year old daughter to answer it. "It's the vicar, Mum," the child said to her mother.

S M I L E S E L I M S Then she told her caller: “Mummy can't come to the phone right now. She's hitting the bottle."

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 CHILDSWICKHAM QUILTERS

CHARITY COFFEE MORNING Bethan was born in 2004 with a serious heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome - in short, only one side of 18th November 2019 her heart works. The condition is incurable, and until relatively recently, the prognosis was very poor. Surgeons have now from 10.30am until 12noon developed 3-stage surgical techniques that can prolong life, all be it a high-risk procedure on such young babies. She underwent open-heart surgery at the world-renowned £2 entry (for Shoe-box appeal) Birmingham Children’s Hospital (U.K.) at 3 days old and spent the first 4 months in hospital. RAFFLE in aid of M.S. Now Bethan is a happy 14 year old who is full of life despite the severe disabilities she is faced with. Bethan has raised around £22,000 for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital since EXHIBITION 2004! OF CHARITY QUILTS

Please support our Craft and Gift Fair again Details below. Yoga to Relax & Revive

Gentle movement and relaxation.

Beginners welcome.

Childswickham Village Hall Tuesdays 10.30-12.00pm,

Bretforton Village Hall Tuesdays 6.30-8.00pm.

Broadway Lifford Hall Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm.

Enquiries Aston Colley 01386 870893

Sudoku 27

Each line, column and square must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

One’s easy and the second’s more difficult.

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 HALLOWEEN

1. What word beginning with letter C describes a large metal pot used by witches to brew potions and cast spells? 2. Which large orange fruit is associated with a Jack O' Lantern? 3. What traditional Halloween activity involves children dressing up in scary costumes and calling on neighbours’ houses? 4. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal a method of transport popular with witches: CKBRMOSOTI? 5. Traditionally, what are the two colours of Halloween? 6. What colour cat is a symbol of Halloween? 7. What mammal is able to fly and is associated with Halloween? 8. What traditional Halloween game involves a tub of water and apples? 9. What date is Halloween celebrated? 10. Complete the following witches chant: double,

double, toil and ...?

A picture to colour Where in our world is this? worldis in Where our

A B C D E F G H I J          ☺ K L M N O P Q R S T           U V W X Y Z ? .         SECRET CODES Using the key above can you de-code the following joke?

            

   

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 St Peter’s Church, Hinton on the Green St Mary’s Church, Aston Somerville Service: 2nd Sunday at 11.15am A service of Holy Communion is held on the 2nd Sunday of alternate months at 4pm.

St Michael & All Angels, Broadway Sundays 1st, 2nd & 4th Parish Communion 10.30am 2nd & 4th Holy Communion (BCP Said) 8.00am 3rd Morning Worship alternating with Iona service 10.30am 5th Parish Service 10.30am Wednesdays Holy Communion BCP 11.00 am

Broadway United St Saviour’s Roman Catholic Church, Reformed Church Broadway

Sunday Service Anticipated Sunday Mass at 5pm on Saturday 10.30am — 11.30am Weekday Mass at 10am on Tuesday and at 11am on Friday 77 High Street, Broadway

War and remembrance

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, when the Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked the German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. The Allies’ victory became the turning point for World War II in Europe.

This year also marks the 100th anniversary of the first Armistice Day (now Remembrance Day). It was in 1919 that King George V had issued a proclamation calling for a two-minute silence at 11:00am on 11th November, to remember the members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty.

Dday Coast Minute Landings Normandy Silence Allied Victory Lost armed World Lives Forces War

Britain Two America Armistice Canada King France George German Remembrance

60 years of the M1

The first stretch of the M1 motorway opened 60 years ago this month, on 1st November 1959. The first motorway service station opened at the same time – Watford Gap, a rather successful attempt to confuse motorists, as it is not near the town of Watford, but close to an obscure Northamptonshire village of the same name.

Technically not the first piece of motorway in Britain – that was the Preston bypass, later part of the M6, which was built the previous year – the M1 was Britain’s first full-length motorway, running from what is now Junction 5 (near the town of Watford) to the current Junction 18 (Crick).

The advent of motorways meant the end for town-to-town or church-to-church navigation over long distances, with an emphasis on ease of travel. Engineers who designed the road estimated that about 20,000 cars would use it each day, but the real figure today is closer to 140,000.

The M1 is now 193 miles long, from Staples Corner in London to Hook Moor, Leeds. It was completed 20 years ago, in 1999.

At first there were no speed limits, central reservations or lighting on motorways, but a temporary limit of 70mph was introduced in 1965, and this was soon made permanent.

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 The Two Minute Silence In 1939, the two-minute silence of Armistice Day was - 100 years ago moved to the nearest Sunday to 11th November, so that it Schoolgirls in 1918 were warned that would not conflict with wartime production. This tradition they might never be married. So many continued after World War II – Remembrance Sunday is prospective husbands had been killed in still marked with a national service, and by special services World War 1, that their chances could be in most churches throughout the country and beyond. slim. It’s hard for us to imagine the Americans mark Veterans Day instead. slaughter. The total number of both civilian and military casualties is Fall of the Berlin Wall – 30 years ago th estimated at around 37 million people, The Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago this month, on 9 ending only when the Armistice took November 1989. East Germany reopened its border with effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the West Germany, allowing its citizens to pass freely through eleventh month in 1918. the checkpoints. Workers began demolishing the 28-year- old wall the next day. The idea of a ‘Two Minute Silence’ originated in South Africa. The first minute was to be a time of thanksgiving Earlier that year serious unrest in Eastern Bloc countries for those who had returned alive, and the second minute such as Poland and Hungary had put pressure on the East was to remember the fallen. It was taken up by King German government, which had also been dealing with George V, writing, “it is my desire and hope that at the hour demands from its own citizens, led by a determined when the Armistice came into force, there may be for the ‘swords into ploughshares’ church movement for peace. brief space of two minutes a complete suspension of all The wall was relatively low but heavily fortified, separating our normal activities.” the democratic Western countries and the Communist countries of Eastern Europe throughout the Cold War. East It had an immediate impact. An observer wrote, “The German border guards were authorised to shoot anyone whole World Stands to Attention. From the Indian jungles attempting to escape into West Berlin. More than 100 to Alaska, on the trains, on the ships at sea, in every part people died in that way, but hundreds more were killed of the globe where a few British were gathered together, trying to cross at other border points. the Two-Minute pause was observed.” rd German reunification took place formally on 3 October The Great War was said to be ‘the war to end all 1990. wars’. But it wasn’t. About three per cent of the world population were to die in World War 2. Today’s 11th One of the casualties of the building of the wall in 1961 November commemoration now incorporates all wars. was the Church of Reconciliation, which was separated from most of its parishioners and eventually demolished to The Royal British Legion describes the Act of make it easier for Remembrance as a deeply personal act available to guards to shoot everyone, acknowledging the service and sacrifice of the potential escapees. Armed Forces and their families, across all conflicts. The same site now The Cenotaph was erected temporarily in Whitehall for a houses the clay-built peace parade for Armistice Day in 1920. After a Chapel of tremendous nationwide response, it became a permanent Reconciliation, structure, and in the following years war memorials were consecrated in 2000. created in other British towns and cities.


Fabrics and Interiors

NOW OPEN at Unit 12, Craycombe Farm Retail Park Road, Fladbury, Worcestershire WR10 2QS

• Fantastic collection of home interior fabrics available off the roll at amazing prices. • Sourced directly by us from some of the world’s best producers. • Unique fabrics, many from design houses. • We stock beautiful linens, silks, cottons, tweeds, linings, some upholstery fabric and FR lining, Interlining and much more. • We offer a free home survey to local customers, professional making up service, design advice and lots of ideas from our very experienced team so come along at any time to chat about our favourite subject – fabric!

COME AND SEE US at the new store or you can ring us with your enquiry on 07521125010 Alternatively e-mail us: [email protected] or [email protected]

OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm (winter 4.00pm) Sunday 11.00am-3.00pm Monday Closed Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 Bretforton Driving School - Learn to drive automatic cars.

Hi, my name is Pete Leach. I am a DVSA qualified Driving Instructor and I teach automatic and manual lessons. I am also a DVSA approved Driving Instructor Trainer.

My Partner, Lorraine Young is a fully qualified Driving Instructor who teaches automatic driving lessons.

Startin Young Driving School - Lessons for the Under 17s.

We host lessons once a month at Throckmorton Airfield for 14-17 year olds.

For further information please contact Telephone:- 07706 123744 Email:- [email protected] Website:-

FREE VALUATIONS Viewing: from 9.00am — 5.00pm at the Wednesday,29th October Old Boys School and 26th November Winchcombe GL54 5EE Sale days: from 10.30am Thursday, 30th October Monday to Friday 11am-4pm and 27th November and every 2nd Saturday Telephone 01242 603005 of the month 11am-3pm [email protected]


A professional dog grooming service where our number one priority is your pet.

Lucie is ‘City & Guilds’ qualified and operates from a well equipped parlour in Broadway.

Please contact 07807 666859 or

Pick up and drop off available to fit in with your busy lifestyle.

Going away on holiday?

I can have your pooch staying with me in the comfort of my own home.

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019

HINTON PEST CONTROL LTD A local Company with 15 years of C A B Pest Control Experience Speedy Response to Domestic Calls Citizens Advice Bureau Commercial Quotes Available at SignPost in Broadway Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Carpet Moths/Beetles, 01386 859029 Biscuit Beetles, Ants, Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles. Sessions usually last Thurs in month 1.00pm – 3.00pm Fully Insured, BPCA/RSPH II Qualified Staff Very Competitive Rates

Telephone: 01386 41762/ 07775 168666 Website :

Your local, legal specialists offering quality MOTS & SERVICING professional advice in the following areas:- CLUTCH FLY WHEELS TIMING BELTS BATTERIES EXHAUSTS WELDING • DIAGNOSTICS Residential and Commercial ALL OIL & SUNDRIES Conveyancing • Bespoke Will Drafting Service (to include WE CAN COLLECT & DELIVER CARS LOCALLY free drafting for over 55’s* ) COURTESY CAR AVAILABLE * terms & conditions apply • Probate/Administration of Estates WE ARE A FAMILY RUN BUSINESS AND WANT • Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of PEOPLE TO TRUST US ALL THE WAY. Protection Matters OUR SERVICE COSTS START AT £95 AND WE ONLY CHARGE FOR THE WORK WE DO AND FOR THE TIME WE TAKE ON THE JOB For further information or to book an WE DO NOT BOOK TIME AS SUGGESTED BY CAR appointment please contact our office. MANUFACTURERS Tele No. 01386 858107 Fax 01386 859454 Station Road, Broadway WR12 7DE Email [email protected] T: 01386 858117 M: 07972 506248 Web site

The Old British Schoolroom, 47b High Street, Broadway, WR12 7DP

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019

BLUE CABS Andy Tyrrell, Handyman

of Broadway Every household has that list of jobs that you just don’t have time to 07770 175 175 do, and they certainly don’t do themselves. Well, I’m your man. Airport and Station Transfers in comfort From a simple lightbulb change or a door that sticks to kitchen fitting Best rates and reliability and garden landscaping, no job is too big or too small.

Many aspects of property maintenance covered. Credit and Debit cards accepted For further enquiries call me on 01386 642945 or 07971086487 Local and long distance

Hares Tree Work & Garden Services Alan Aston Motor Engineers A local independent company. First For Service NPTC certified and fully insured.

Tree Surgery & Felling Eastwick Garage Hedge Cutting Eastwick Drive Garden Clearance Evesham Worcs. Tree & Hedge Planting WR11 2LG For more information, please call Tele. No 01386 760700 Dave on : 07790 794 321

The Perfect Venue from only £11.50 per hour If you’re looking for a spacious venue for your event or activity, our hall in the beautiful village of Childswickham could be just the place for you.

Kitchen facilities - Snooker room available-Separate meeting room- Parking-Disabled facilities



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Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 BUZZ ELECTRICAL LIMITED


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The Fleece Inn The Cross FOOD AND DRINK Bretforton Only the finest locally sourced ingredients WR11 7JE and ales. 01386 831173 [email protected] WHAT’S ON The focal point for music and entertainment. Open All Day. Food served Mon – Sat 12noon-2:30pm & CELEBRATE 6:30pm-9pm Sundays 12noon-8:00pm. Whatever the occasion we’ll make it special. Booking recommended – call 01386 831173 SLEEP Dogs and families welcome Enjoy a night’s stay at the Fleece.

For A Beautiful New Kitchen Just Change the Doors

Transform your kitchen by replacing your doors, trims and/ or worktops

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OR visit our Showroom at 42 The Tything Worcester WR1 1JT

Please don’t forget to mention the Village News when contacting our advertisers.

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019 North Cotswold Country Dining Childswickham Inn & Brasserie Childswickham WR12 7HP

Keep checking the website for entertainment information as booking early will avoid disappointment

STEAK NIGHT Every Thursday SUNDAY LUNCH 12 noon– 6.00pm FISH FRIDAY Every 3rd Friday

Next issue DECEMBER 19/JANUARY 20 Deadline November 10th 2019