Acta Biomed. - Vol. 91 - Suppl. 7 - June 2020 | ISSN 0392 - 4203 ACTA BIOMEDICA SUPPLEMENT Atenei parmensis | founded 1887

Official Journal of the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences of Parma and Centre on health systems’ organization, quality and sustainability, Parma, Italy

The Acta Biomedica is indexed by Index Medicus / Medline Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), the Elsevier BioBASE, Scopus (Elsevier) and Bibliovigilance Novel therapeutic approaches for tumors of the central nervous system Guest Editors: Salvatore Savasta, Sabino Luzzi

Free on-line Mattioli 1885 Pubblicazione trimestrale - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma DCB Parma - Finito di stampare June 2020 - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. Pubblicazione trimestrale - Poste Italiane s.p.a. Sped. in A.P. Acta Bio Medica Atenei parmensis founded 1887

Official journal of the Society of Medicine and Natural sciences of Parma AND CENTRE ON HEALTH SYSTEM’S ORGANIZATION, QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY, PARMA, ITALY free on-line:

EDITOR IN CHIEF ASSOCIATE EDITORS Maurizio Vanelli - Parma, Italy Carlo Signorelli - Parma, Italy Vincenzo Violi - Parma, Italy Marco Vitale - Parma, Italy

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LINGUISTIC ADVISOR EDITORIAL OFFICE MANAGER PUBLISHER Rossana Di Marzio Valeria Ceci Francesco Covino Mattioli 1885 srl Casa Editrice Parma, Italy Mattioli 1885 srl - Casa Editrice Società di Medicina e ­­Scienze Naturali Strada di Lodesana, 649/sx, Loc. Vaio Strada di Lodesana 649/sx, Loc. Vaio Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria 43036 Fidenza (PR), Italy 43036 Fidenza (PR), Italy di Parma - Cattani Building, 2nd floor Tel. ++39 0524 530383 Tel. ++39 0524 530383 Via Gramsci, 14 - Parma, Italy Fax ++39 0524 82537 Fax ++39 0524 82537 Tel./Fax ++39 0521 033730 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Volume 91 / Suppl. 7 June 2020 Mattioli 1885 srl-­ Strada di Lodesana 649/sx 43036 Fidenza (Parma) tel 0524/530383 fax 0524/82537 Original articles 5 Innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors: the road to a tailored cure Direttore Generale Paolo Cioni Alice Giotta Lucifero, Sabino Luzzi, Ilaria Brambilla, Chiara Trabatti, Direttore Scientifico Mario Mosconi, Salvatore Savasta, Thomas Foiadelli Federico Cioni 18 Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology: classification, recent Formazione/ECM advances, and translational challenges Simone Agnello Sabino Luzzi, Alice Giotta Lucifero, Ilaria Brambilla, Mariasole Project Manager Magistrali, Mario Mosconi, Salvatore Savasta, Thomas Foiadelli Natalie Cerioli Massimo Radaelli 32 therapies for high-grade gliomas: from the bench to the bedside Editing Manager Anna Scotti Alice Giotta Lucifero, Sabino Luzzi, Ilaria Brambilla, Carmen Guarracino, Editing Mario Mosconi, Thomas Foiadelli, Salvatore Savasta Valeria Ceci Eugenio Nadotti 51 The impact of stem cells in neuro-oncology: applications, evidence, Foreign Rights limitations and challenges Nausicaa Cerioli Sabino Luzzi, Alice Giotta Lucifero, Ilaria Brambilla, Chiara Trabatti, Distribuzione Mario Mosconi, Salvatore Savasta, Thomas Foiadelli Massimiliano Franzoni

61 Potential roads for reaching the summit: an overview on target therapies for high-grade gliomas Alice Giotta Lucifero, Sabino Luzzi, Ilaria Brambilla, Lucia Schena, Mario Mosconi, Thomas Foiadelli, Salvatore Savasta executive commitee of 79 Targeting the medulloblastoma: a molecular-based approach THE Society of medicine Sabino Luzzi, Alice Giotta Lucifero, Ilaria Brambilla, Simona Semeria and natural sciences Mantelli, Mario Mosconi, Thomas Foiadelli, Salvatore Savasta of parma President Maurizio Vanelli 101 Advanced pharmacological therapies for neurofibromatosis type Past-President 1-related tumors s Almerico Novarini Thomas Foiadelli, Matteo Naso, Amelia Licari, Alessandro Orsini, General Secretary Maria Luisa Tanzi Mariasole Magistrali, Chiara Trabatti, Sabino Luzzi, Mario Mosconi, Treasurer Salvatore Savasta, Gian Luigi Marseglia Riccardo Volpi Members O. Bussolati A. Mutti G. Ceda P. Muzzetto G. Cervellin L. Sarli G. Ceresini V. Vincenti N. Florindo V. Violi A. Melpignano M. Vitale

Acta Biomed 2020; Vol. 91, Supplement 7: 5-17 DOI: 10.23750/abm.v91i7-S.9951 © Mattioli 1885

Original article

Innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors: the road to a tailored cure Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Sabino Luzzi1,2, Ilaria Brambilla3, Chiara Trabatti3, Mario Mosconi4, Salvatore Savasta3, Thomas Foiadelli3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: Immune tolerance, immune escape, neoangiogenesis, phenotypic changes, and glioma stem cells are all responsible for the resistance of malignant brain tumors to current therapies and persistent recurrence. The present study provides a panoramic view of innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors, especially glioblastoma, aimed at achieving a tailored approach. Methods: PubMed/Medline and ClinicalTri- were the main sources of an extensive literature review in which “Regenerative Medicine,” “- Based Therapy,” “Chemotherapy,” “Vaccine,” “Cell Engineering,” “Immunotherapy, Active,” “Immunotherapy, Adoptive,” “Stem Cells,” “Gene Therapy,” “Target Therapy,” “Brain Cancer,” “Glioblastoma,” and “Malignant Brain Tumor” were the search terms. Only articles in English published in the last 5 years were included. A further selection was made according to the quality of the studies and level of evidence. Results: Cell-based and targeted therapies represent the newest frontiers of brain cancer treatment. Active and adoptive im- munotherapies, stem cell therapies, and gene therapies represent a tremendous evolution in recent years due to many preclinical and clinical studies. Clinical trials have validated the effectiveness of antibody-based immunotherapies, including an in-depth study of bevacizumab, in combination with standard of care. Pre- clinical data highlights the role of vaccines, stem cells, and gene therapies to prevent recurrence. Conclusion: Monoclonal antibodies strengthen the first-line therapy for high grade gliomas. Vaccines, engineered cells, stem cells, and gene and targeted therapies are good candidates for second-line treatment of both newly di- agnosed and recurrent gliomas. Further data are necessary to validate this tailored approach at the bedside. (

Keywords: Cell-based Therapy; Glioblastoma; Immunotherapy Malignant Brain Tumor, Target Therapy.

Background median survival of 12–14 months and a 5-year overall survival rate of less than 10%[80,79]. Treatment of malignant brain tumors remains one The relative lack of success of treatment revealed of the greatest challenges in oncology. the necessity for innovative techniques. GBM therapy Glioblastoma (GBM) represents 60%−75% of resistance is attributable to high rates of cell growth primary malignant brain tumors[87] and has an an- and angiogenesis, intrinsic heterogeneity, the presence nual incidence rate of 3−4 cases/100,000 people each of glioma stem cells, and many molecular mechanisms year[18,56]. associated with anomalous signaling pathways that Despite primary multimodal management with recognize and adapt to ongoing threats[25,3,72]. gross total surgical resection followed by chemora- Progress in genetic studies, identification of mo- diotherapy, GBM still has a dismal prognosis with a lecular abnormalities, and advances in regenerative 6 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. medicine offer new insights for the development of new therapeutic approach has been tested in many clini- therapeutic strategies tailored to specific molecular tar- cal trials and has demonstrated its enormous validity gets in different pediatric and adulthood central nerv- in combination with conventional surgery and radio- ous system (CNS) pathologies[61,75,21,23,55,60,73]. therapy (RT). Advanced cell-based therapies are cat- Regenerative medicine is a broad field that en- egorized according to the type of medicinal product compasses a range of bioengineering approaches and involved. This technology-based classification for advanced therapy medicinal products; among these, treatment of GBM includes the somatic cell, gene cell-based therapy is one of the most attractive thera- modification, and editing[53]. peutic platforms[53,44]. The aim of this study was to summarize innova- 1 Somatic cell therapies tive therapies for malignant brain tumors. The most recent advances in chemotherapy (i.e., targeted molecu- This approach involves propagated or differenti- lar agents, virotherapy, engineered cells, and stem cell- ated human cells that were autologous, allogenic or based and gene therapies) are discussed in detail, also xenogenic[45], purified, and administered for thera- focusing on the future challenges of a tailored approach. peutic purposes. Somatic cell technologies include two forms of treatment: immunotherapy and stem cell- based therapy[53]. Methods 1.1 Immunotherapies A comprehensive literature review was conducted using PubMed/Medline search engine with combina- The rationale for the use of immunotherapy to tions of Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms and treat malignant brain tumors is supported by evidence text words. of a better prognosis together with a high level of ex- The MeSH terms “Regenerative Medicine,” “Cell- pression of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and CD8+ Based Therapy,” “Chemotherapy,” “Vaccine,” “Cell and CD4+ T helper and regulatory T cells (Tregs)[52]. Engineering,” “Immunotherapy, Active,” “Immuno- Immunotherapy is active (checkpoint inhibitors and therapy, Adoptive,” “Stem Cells,” “Gene Therapy,” and vaccines) or adoptive (engineered T or NK cells)[53]. “Target Therapy” were used. They were combined with further MeSH terms: “Brain Cancer,” “Glioblastoma,” 1.1.1 Active immunotherapies and “Malignant brain tumor.” Our research included articles for a historical re- Checkpoint inhibitors view of CNS tumor therapy and then focused on ar- ticles on novel therapeutic approaches and emerging Checkpoint inhibitors are at the forefront of the techniques. The results were further filtered based on immunotherapy revolution, with real survival benefits their titles and abstracts to sort the most relevant arti- in multiple solid tumors. They are categorized as chem- cles, and a descriptive analysis was performed. otherapy drugs, which carry out their function in spe- The limits used included a publication period of cific stages of the cell cycle, or antibody-based therapies. 2015–2020 and articles published in the English language or translated to English and pertinent to neuro-oncology. Alkylating agents

First-line treatment is based on temolozomide Results (TMZ, Temodar®), an oral alkylating agent with 100% bioavailability and the ability to cross the blood-brain Cell-based therapies barrier due to its lipophilic properties. TMZ modifies DNA or RNA via alkylation of guanine and adenine and Cell-based therapies represent a new frontier for causes mismatched base pair, G2 phase arrest, and cell the treatment of malignant CNS tumors. This new apoptosis. The activity of TMZ closely depends on DNA Innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors 7 repair programs, such as O6-methylguanine-DNA clinical trials, and it is currently approved in addition methyltransferase (MGMT), a demethylating enzyme. to RT and adjuvant TMZ for recurrent disease, show- MGMT expression influences the efficacy of TMZ, and ing significant improvements in survival[17,36] (htt- methylation of the MGMT gene, which is located on ps://, #NCT00501891). 10q26, is a strong predictor of tumor sen- Concurrent use of irinotecan, a chemotherapeutic sitivity and better outcomes after treatment[93,59,32]. agent that inhibits topoisomerase I, and bevacizumab The major limit of TMZ is rapid in vivo hydrolytic has shown a synergistic effect in phase II trials with a degradation, which requires frequent and massive doses, 6-month increase in survival[29]. increasing the risk of potential adverse effects. Several The best studied immuno-targets include pro- recent studies tested the possibility of combining conju- grammed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and its ligand, gate TMZ with polymer scaffold molecules to prevent PD-L1, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), its rapid clearance and improve tumor uptake and an- T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (TIM-3), titumor activity. In 2015, Fang et al. demonstrated that and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1). the conjugation of TMZ with copolymers (a polyethyl- The PD-1 receptor is expressed on activated im- ene glycol-chitosan graft) increased the TMZ half- mune cells, and their ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, are and incorporation into tumor-targeting cells[20]. expressed on the surface of dendritic cells and mac- For patients with evidence of tumor progression rophages. Physiologically, the PD-1/PD-L1 interac- after first-line treatment, second-line treatment in- tion promotes immune cell regulation, triggering the cludes a TMZ re-challenge or PCV regimen, which apoptosis of T cells and minimizing chronic autoim- consists of procarbazine, lomustine (1-(2-chloroethyl)- mune inflammation. PD-L1 overexpression on GBM 3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea; CCNU), and vincristine. cells with PD-1/PD-L1 upregulation is a system of Despite the approval of these therapies for recurrence, immunity evasion in the tumor microenvironment as there are insufficient clinical trials demonstrating suf- negative feedback for T cells to inhibit the activity of ficient therapeutic effectiveness[76]. cytotoxic CD8+ lymphocytes[91,10]. Many phase III clinical trials have also demon- Nivolumab, a human IgG4 subtype target- strated the efficacy of 1,3-bis(2-dichloroethyl)-1-ni- ing PD-1, has been tested for its safety and efficacy trosourea (BCNU, carmustine, Gliadel®) wafers, a in phase II and III clinical trials and was also com- biodegradable polymer containing a chemotherapeu- bined with bevacizumab (https://www.clinicaltrials. tic agent, implanted during surgery at the tumor site gov, #NCT03890952). In addition, many anti-PD-1 to locally provide a therapeutic dose of BCNU. This antibodies (pembrolizumab and cemiplimab) and anti- technique, combined with RT and systemic TMZ, in- PD-L1 agents (atezolizumab[43], avelumab, and dur- creases survival by 8 weeks[2,54]. valumab[4]) have also been approved for GBM. CTLA-4 is an inhibitory receptor on the surface Antibody-based therapies of T cells that binds the CD80 and CD86 ligands on antigen cells to downregulate T cell activity. Ipilimum- Antibody-based therapies aim to overcome the ab, a human monoclonal IgG1 antibody for CTLA-4, ability of GBM to escape the immune response, re- is the standard therapy for metastatic melanoma and is maining effective against the tumor. used in combination with PD-1 inhibitors and other The therapy is based on human monoclonal anti- immunotherapies for recurrent GBM[41,57]. bodies (MAbs) that directly target specific molecular Recent studies have investigated the development ligands to interrupt aberrant cellular pathways and ac- of antibodies against TIM-3[13,33], a surface receptor tivate the antitumor immune cascade. expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and IDO1, an A milestone agent in this group is bevacizumab intracellular enzyme, which are both involved in T cell (Avastin®), a MAb that targets vascular endothelial exhaustion in GBM[66,95] . growth factor A (VEGF-A), which blocks the action Several MAbs, such as anti-EGFR agents (ce- of VEGF and inhibits angiogenesis, counteracting tuximab and nimotuzumab) remain under investiga- tumor growth. Bevacizumab has been tested in some tion[27,84]. 8 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al.

Vaccines Engineered T cells

The addition of standard anticancer vaccine thera- Therapeutic application of engineered T cells in- py has greatly improved long-term survival in patients cludes chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell and the with GBM. Numerous phase I to phase III trials of T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic T cell therapies. vaccines against glioblastoma are being conducted. Autologous or allogenic CAR T cells are obtained The most relevant target is epidermal growth from the blood, integrated with the CAR gene by ret- factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII)[15]. The EG- rovirus or lentivirus vectors, induced to replicate with FRvIII peptide vaccine, rindopepimut (Rintega®), was interleukin 2, and then transplanted. These engineered tested in phase III clinical trials, which showed its ef- CAR T cells expose the chimeric receptor, which se- fectiveness in combination with standard chemother- lectively binds molecules expressed by neoplastic cells, apy (, #NCT01480479). promoting destruction[26]. CAR tested for A double-blind, randomized phase III trial tested glioblastoma therapy mainly target EGFRvIII[39,58], the efficacy of rindopepimut for bevacizumab-resistant which is a growth signal for adjacent tumor cells; hu- patients with recurrent GBM[86]. man epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) Another peptide vaccine was studied in a phase II [1,28]; and erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular clinical trial, which targeted human leukocyte antigen carcinoma A2 (EphA2)[11]. (HLA)-restricted Wilms tumor 1 (WT1) in patients TCRs are expressed on the surface of human T with recurrent GBM[31]. cells and commonly bind the major histocompatibil- A dendritic cell vaccine (DCVax-Brain) was ap- ity complex (MHC), which has an antigenic function proved in Switzerland for the treatment of GBM. It on infected human cells and, thus, allows activation of is composed of dendritic cells with purified tumor- the immune system. The TCR is composed of an alpha specific antigens or tumor cell extracts[64,65]. Ex- (α) and a beta (β) chain, which are isolated, mutated, perimental studies on the administration of this vac- integrated into a viral genome for replication, and in- cine for newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM remain serted into patients’ T cells. Therefore, TCR transgenic ongoing, and some of these trials have demonstrated T cells are potentially suitable for directly activating an increase in vaccine effectiveness if boosted with the the immune response against tumor cells. tetanus/diphtheria toxoid vaccine[51]. Another ongoing phase II clinical trial is testing NK cells the Personalized Cellular Vaccine for Recurrent Glio- blastoma (PerCellVac2), which employs autologous NK cells have a small therapeutic role in GBM tumor cells combined with allogeneic peripheral blood because of the excessive expression of MHC class I mononuclear cells as antigens (https://www.clinical- molecules and HLA ligands on cancer cells, which, #NCT02808364) bind inhibitory NK cells and killer immunoglobulin- Heat shock proteins (HSPs) were designed as like receptors (KIRs), negating NK cell activity[35]. vehicles to present tumor antigens for a personal- Several studies have reported the use of allogenic ized peptide polyvalent vaccine, which was obtained NK cells, which cannot be recognized or inactivated by purifying HSP-96 protein complexes from pa- by the MHC I or HLA of tumor cells, and the use of tients’ tumors, showing promising results in recurrent antibodies for KIRs with the aim of increasing the ef- GBM[8]. fect of NK cells. Another effective therapy is the use of specific NK receptors, which cause tumor cell apopto- 1.1.1 Adoptive immunotherapies sis when activated. Navarro et al. tested the transplan- tation of autologous NK cells expressing KIR2DS2 Adoptive immunotherapies are truly a cell-based receptors as potent tumor killers[24]. In addition, strategy and consist of engineered T cells, natural killer Yvon et al. studied the role of TGF-β in the inhibi- (NK) cells, and natural killer T (NKT) cells. tion of expression of NK activating receptors, such as Innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors 9

NKG2D[94]. They investigated the dominant nega- self-renewal capacity and the ability to repair and con- tive TGF-β receptor II (DNRII) on cord blood NK trol the tissue’s functions. cells and evaluated their ability to kill glioblastoma In the nervous system, neural stem cells (h-NSCs) cells via retroviral transduction[94]. have been identified to be responsible for the regenera- In addition, a new type of CAR (CAR-KHYG-1) tion and differentiation of neurons and glial cells, and targeting EGFRvIII and capable of inhibiting cell- they are involved in tumor responses[49,12]. growth and apoptosis has been developed. In 2004, Staflin et al. reported a study on the an- titumor activity of h-NSCs expressed by the intense NKT cells production of TGF-β[77]. The h-NSCs can also be integrated via a viral genome, with genes codifying Invariant NKT cells are characterized by the co- tumor necrosis factors or IL-12 and, due to their ex- expression of T and NK cell markers. The activation treme migration capacity, can also be exploited as de- of these cells in culture with autologous mature DCs livery vehicles to deliver materials to the tumor site. pulsed with a synthetic glycolipid α-galactosyl cera- The extensive tumor tracking capability of NSCs and mide can be used to enhance NKT cell cytotoxic activ- the tumoricidal potency of IL-12 are thought to ren- ity against GBM[16]. der exceptional therapeutic benefits[50]. Several studies have reported the role of miR-92a In the periphery surrounding GBM, there are in the development of cancer tolerance against NKT glioma stem cells (GSCs), which have an enormous cells via the production of an immune tolerant IL-6+ role in tumorigenicity and metastasis and high rates IL-10+ NKT cell phenotype and inhibition of CD8+ of recurrence after treatment as well as in the develop- T cells[81]. ment of resistance to treatment. GSCs express CD133 on their surface, and a Hybrid NKT cell therapy novel therapeutic strategy is to selectively target this marker using lentiviral vectors (CD133-LV)[5]. The Autologous Lymphoid Effector Cells Specif- The revolutionary technique of Cell-Systematic ic Against Tumor cells (ALECSAT) technology was Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment proposed by CytoVac A/S (Hørsholm, Denmark) to (Cell-SELEX) leverages selective aptamers that bind treat many solid tumors. This treatment takes 26 days to and are internalized by GSCs, leading to destruc- and involves the transplantation of autologous T and tion of the GSCs[34]. NK lymphocytes, which are activated ex vivo. Autolo- gous lymphocytes and monocytes are isolated from the blood, and the latter are induced to differentiate into Gene Therapies dendritic cells (DC). DCs and lymphocytes are cul- tured and generate activated T helper (Th) cells, which Gene modification technology directly introduces are treated with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine, a DNA-de- genetic material carried by viral vectors into human methylation agent, to express cancer/testis antigens cells, inducing in vivo infection. Ongoing phase I, II, (CTAs). The CTA-expressing activated Th cells stimu- and III trials employ adenoviruses, , and late non-activated lymphocytes, and ultimately, CD8+ lentiviruses as carriers to introduce vectors into human cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs) are obtained. Cancer genes that codify therapeutic factors or enzymes. cells that do not express the antigen are destroyed by The most useful technique exploits the insertion of activated NK cells[89]. the thymidine kinase (TK) gene via the herpes simplex (HSV) into the GBM cell genome. This action 1.1 Stem Cell-Based Therapies has an immediate consequence of superficial expres- sion of HSV-TK, an optimal target for antiviral drugs Stem cells are immature undifferentiated (acyclovir, ganciclovir, and valacyclovir) (https://www. cells, which are found in every human tissue, with, #NCT00002824). The results of this 10 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. novel approach (i.e., suicide gene therapy) were shown Tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors by a randomized phase III trial with the application of adenovirus-mediated gene therapy and HSV-TK in The most involved pathway is that of TKs, which patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma after re- are enzymes that regulate cellular processes, prolif- section[7,30,82]. eration, differentiation, and oncogenesis. TKs phos- Adenovirus vectors are used to inject the p53 phorylate the tyrosine residues of some receptors and gene into GBM cells to replace the normal p53 path- intracellular proteins, activating a cascade of second way[40]. Another example of virotherapy is the use of messengers involved in many cellular mechanisms. poliovirus (PVSRIPO), as shown in a phase I clinical EGFR is one of the most important targets, since trial, which replicates and selectively destroys tumor it is overexpressed in 40–60% of GBMs, and the typi- cells and spares healthy tissue[42]. cal mutation is EGFRvIII, resulting in increased cell proliferation and invasiveness. The available EGFR TK inhibitors are gefitinib Genome Editing Therapies and erlotinib, which are currently administered as monotherapy or combined with TMZ and provide This approach is based on wider DNA manipula- minimal benefit for GBM treatment[70,37,63,68]. tion with the use of nucleases, which can modify and Platelet-derived growth factor receptors (PDG- regulate genomic loci to achieve therapeutic effects. FR) are also aberrantly overexpressed and activated in Meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), and GBM, stimulating tumor growth and angiogenesis. activator-like effector nucleases (TAL- Imatinib is a TK inhibitor of the PDGFR that was ENs) are the most commonly adopted nucleases. tested in a phase II trial showing no significant ben- ZFNs and TALENs are enzymes with two do- efits (, #NCT00049127). mains: one destined for DNA-binding and the other Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an for DNA-cleavage[92]. They can be delivered to tu- intracellular protein kinase involved in cell growth mor cells via or ex vivo, and selectively mod- signaling through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, ify target genes and introduce exogenous DNA for normally implicated in the pathogenesis of high- therapeutic purposes. grade gliomas. Many clinical trials on recurrent GBM One of the most advanced genome editing thera- tested mTOR inhibitors (sirolimus, temsirolimus, and pies adopted is the (CRISPR)/Cas9 system, which everolimus) and a PI3K inhibitor (buparlisib) and dem- was originally identified in . The Cas9 nuclease onstrated these agents to be inactive, with unfavorable protein functions as molecular scissors, cutting and al- toxicity and low tolerance in patients[68,90,88]. tering the DNA itself, which induces specific genome In addition, TK inhibitors directed against mes- changes. Cas9 programming is performed through enchymal–epithelial transition (MET), the fibro- specific guide RNAs to target specific genetic mate- blast growth factor receptor (FGFR), BRAF mutants rial represented by CRISPR sequences, with a much (V600E), and the Ras–MAPK pathway, which are in- more specific and effective action than other endonu- volved in glioma cell growth, spreading and apoptosis, cleases[19,74]. are under consideration.

p53 Replacement Target Therapies The p53/ARF/MDM2 pathway is aberrant in The most avant-garde and revolutionary thera- 84% of GBM cases. The mutation of p53 is a gain of peutic route against malignant CNS tumors is target function mutation that deregulates cell proliferation therapy. This therapeutic strategy focuses on GBM in- and apoptosis. A revolutionary strategy is PRIMA-1 trinsic targets and pathways involved in tumorigenesis (2, 2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-3-quinuclidinone), which and cell growth maintenance. is a small molecular weight compound capable of Innovative therapies for malignant brain tumors 11 restoring sequence-specific DNA binding to the ac- phenotype of GBM, and the biotechnological revolu- tive conformation of p53 proteins, the normal function tion in medicine, involving neuro-oncology and other of p53, and tumor cell apoptosis. The applicability of fields[69,14,22,46,48,47], have paved the way to new PRIMA-1 in clinical practice remains under investi- therapeutic prospects, personalized treatments, and gation[85,9,62]. novel drugs that specifically target tumor cells. Applications of biotechnology, and specifically cell-based therapy, have allowed the use of strategies Discussion based on somatic cells, immunotherapies, staminal cells, and genome manipulation technologies. GBM is the most aggressive CNS tumor and has Immunotherapies have led to an essential break- a poor prognosis, high recurrence rate, and high mor- through in the management of high-grade gliomas. The tality rate. The standard of care provides gross total goal of this approach is to achieve synergy between the surgical resection, followed by a regimen of concomi- increase in the immune response and the simultaneous tant/adjuvant TMZ combined with RT. inhibition of the tumor’s immunosuppressive mecha- Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment; re- nisms. Checkpoint inhibitors and MAbs are mainly finements in neurosurgical preoperative planning administered together with RT, as this combination and intraoperative imaging, such as neuronavigation, modulates the tumor microenvironment in favor of and image-guided surgery, such as fluorescein- or immune stimulation and recruitment of immune cells. 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)-based intraopera- In addition, vaccination strategies with the choice of tive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have helped an appropriate target, combined with immunomodu- to define tumor margins and maximize the extent of lators, is a promising lead for more durable responses resection[78].­ in patients with GBM. Several clinical trials demonstrated that maxi- Adoptive immunotherapy is part of a broad ex- mum surgical resection (i.e., at least 95% of the pansion in immuno-oncology. The administered engi- contrast-enhancing tumor mass) improves progres- neered T and NK cells allow bypass of antigen presen- sion-free survival at 6 months compared to subtotal tation and stimulation of a primary immune response, resection[38,71]. directly targeting specific antigens through CARs. In 2005, Stupp et al. designed a standard chemo- The focal point of therapy is the development of new radiotherapy protocol based on the results of a phase CARs designed to bind selective and appropriate cell III study conducted in 85 centers with over 573 pa- surface antigens. tients with GBM. They compared the results of treat- Among somatic cell technologies, the stem cell- ment with only RT and RT plus 6 cycles of concurrent based approach is also used. This approach involves TMZ, and the 5-year survival rates were 1.9% and autologous cells, free from immunological risk, and 9.8%, respectively. 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Original article

Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology: classification, recent advances, and translational challenges Sabino Luzzi1,2, Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Ilaria Brambilla3, Mariasole Magistrali3, Mario Mosconi4, Salvatore Savasta3, Thomas Foiadelli3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: Adoptive immunotherapies are among the pillars of ongoing biological breakthroughs in neuro-oncology, as their potential applications are tremendously wide. The present literature review com- prehensively classified adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology, provides an update, and overviews the main translational challenges of this approach. Methods: The PubMed/MEDLINE platform, Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) database, and website were the sources. The MeSH terms “Immuno- therapy, Adoptive,” “Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy,” “Tissue Engineering,” and “Cell Engineering” were combined with “Central Nervous System,” and “Brain.” “Brain tumors” and “adoptive immunotherapy” were used for a further unrestricted search. Only articles published in the last 5 years were selected and further sorted based on the best match and relevance. The search terms “Central Nervous System Tumor,” “Malig- nant Brain Tumor,” “Brain Cancer,” “Brain Neoplasms,” and “Brain Tumor” were used on the ClinicalTrials. gov website. Results: A total of 79 relevant articles and 16 trials were selected. T therapies include chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cell therapy and T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic therapy. Natural killer (NK) cell-based therapies are another approach; combinations are also possible. Trials in phase 1 and 2 comprised 69% and 31% of the studies, respectively, 8 of which were concluded. CAR T cell therapy targeting epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII) was demonstrated to reduce the recurrence rate of glioblas- toma after standard-of-care treatment. Conclusion: Adoptive immunotherapies can be classified as T, NK, and NKT cell-based. CAR T cell therapy redirected against EGFRvIII has been shown to be the most promising treatment for glioblastoma. Overcoming immune tolerance and immune escape are the main translational challenges in the near future of neuro-oncology. (

Key words: Adoptive Immunotherapies, CAR T Cell, Immunotherapy, Malignant Brain Tumor, NK Cell

Background to a new era, which is considered purely biological due to its entirely molecular approach (1). Therefore, the The rapid development of applied biotechnol- World Health Organization (WHO) has profoundly ogy in both diagnostics and therapeutics has led to a revised the classification of central nervous system progressive but dramatic transition in neuro-oncology (CNS) tumors, which now involves biomolecular as- from an old era, which was purely based on the me- pects that widely distinguish primitive neoplasms for chanical, physical or chemical features of conventional diagnosis and prognosis of the disease and, especially, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, respectively, the responsiveness to therapy (2). Immunotherapies Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology 19 are among the main pillars of a biological approach to The aforementioned main terms were combined with malignant CNS tumors, with the rationale of enhance- further MeSH terms: “Central Nervous System” and ment of the neuroimmune response against neoplasms “Brain.” through selective immunomodulation. Immunothera- A further free text search was conducted using the pies of CNS malignancies involve three straightfor- combination of the terms “brain tumors” [text word] ward strategies: checkpoint inhibitors, vaccines, and and “adoptive immunotherapy” [MeSH]. adoptive cellular immunotherapies. In contrast to Only articles in English or articles translated to checkpoint inhibitors and vaccines, adoptive immuno- English published in the last 5 years and pertinent therapies necessitate the injection, grafting, or implan- to neuro-oncology were selected. Review articles and tation of a cellular product into the patient (3). Thus, editorials were included, whereas case reports were ex- adoptive immunotherapies are cell-based therapies, or cluded. An additional sorting was conducted based on cytotherapies, which are considered a part of the on- the best match and relevance inferred by the titles and going biotechnological revolution in neuro-oncology. abstracts. The concomitant tremendous evolution of - On, the search terms “Central al medicine and nanotechnologies, both propaedeutic Nervous System Tumor,” “Malignant Brain Tumor,” to a clinical development in pediatric and adulthood “Brain Cancer,” “Brain Neoplasms,” and “Brain Tu- population (4-7), has led to an improvement in bioen- mor” were used. No restrictions for drug name, coun- gineering techniques, which have involved gene thera- try, recruitment status, or study phase were applied. pies more than immunotherapies in the last few years. Based on the identifier, duplicated studies were The spectrum of the potential applications of adoptive excluded, and only trials regarding adoptive immuno- immunotherapies is incredibly wide, is not yet thor- therapies were selected according to the interventions. oughly investigated, and offers a theoretically huge The retrieved trials were summarized, and the current number of possible strategies against CNS and other phase of the studies was highlighted. A descriptive tumors (8-19). analysis of the most relevant studies from the overall The aim of the present study was to comprehen- literature search was reported. sively review the literature on the current role of adop- tive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology. The future perspectives and challenges of this approach were ana- Results lyzed in detail. 1. Literature Volume

Methods The search retrieved 310 articles and 24 clinical trials. After the implementation of the exclusion crite- An online literature search was conducted with ria and removal of duplicates, 79 articles and 16 trials the PubMed/MEDLINE (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm. remained. platform and the (https:// database, which reports privately 2. Classification of Adoptive Immunotherapies and publicly funded clinical studies worldwide. For the MEDLINE search, the Medical Subject Heading Table 1 reports the classification of adoptive im- (MeSH) database was used. munotherapies for malignant brain tumors. The MeSH terms “Immunotherapy, Adoptive,” “Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy,” “Tissue Engineer- 2.1 Engineered and Activated T cells ing,” and “Cell Engineering” were selected. For each MeSH term, the search was restricted to specific sub- Engineered T cell adoptive immunotherapies in- headings (i.e., the classification criteria and clinical clude chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy employment of adoptive cellular immunotherapies). and T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic therapy. 20 S. Luzzi, A.Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

Table 1 - Classification of adoptive immunotherapies for malignant brain tumors Cell Engineered Effector TCR transgenic T EGFRIII IL-13Ra2 T CAR T (re-directed against) CD133 HER2 EphA2 Allogenic NK Antibody-mediated blocking of KIR Antibodies against EGFR (ADCC) Transplantation of KIR2DS2+ genotype NKs NK Immunoligands binding NKG2D receptor Cord blood NK cells transduced with (TGF)-β receptor II (DNRII) NKs’ exosomes CAR NK targeting EGFR variant III NKT Autologous NKT expanded w/ autologous mature DC loaded with the NKT ligand α-galactosyl ceramide Hybrid Autologous NK + CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (ALECSAT)

T: T lymphocyte; NK: natural killer cells; NKT: T lymphocyte-natural killer cells; ALECSAT: Autologuos Lymphoid Effector Cells Specific Against Tumour; CAR T: chimeric antigen receptor; EGFRIII: epidermal growth factor receptor variant III; IL- 13Ra2: interleukin-13 receptor α2; CD: cluster differentiation; HER2: human epidermal growth factor 2; EphA2: erythropoietin- producing hepatocellular carcinoma A2; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; ADCC: antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; KIR2DS2: killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and short cytoplasmic tail 2; TGF: transforming growth factor; DNRII: dominant-negative receptor II; CTL: cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

2.1.1 CAR T Cells tested several CAR genes, namely, epidermal growth CAR T cell therapy is based on an ex vivo expan- factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII) (23-25), in- sion of leukocytes, and the engineering of these cells terleukin-13 receptor a2 (IL-13Ra2) (26-29), CD133 aims to form a chimeric receptor powered by selec- (26), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 tivity for neoplastic targets, which is several orders of (HER2) (30, 31), and erythropoietin-producing hepa- factors higher than its naïve form, and the autologous tocellular carcinoma A2 (EphA2) (32). Lymphode- or allogenic transplant. pletion prior to adoptive transfer of tumor-specific Interleukin 2 and anti-CD3 antibodies and gam- CAR T lymphocytes has been reported to be among ma-retroviruses and lentiviruses are used for the acti- the key factors enhancing the expansion and efficacy vation and proliferation of T cells and transfection of of the transplant, mainly by means of the abolishment CAR genes, respectively (20). of regulatory T cell activity and competing elements of The oncolytic capability of these cells, as well as the immune system (cytokine sinks) (33-35). their proficiency to overcome immune tolerance, lies in the chimeric nature of CAR, which involves single 2.1.2 TCR Transgenic T Cells receptor antigen-binding and T-cell activating proper- TCR transgenic T cell therapy involves the isola- ties. CAR T cells are redirected against a specific pro- tion of the α and β chains of the TCR, with the latter tein expressed on neoplastic cell membranes, and the binding the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) neoplastic cells are thus selectively killed (21, 22). Con- on the cellular membrane, their manipulation aimed sequently, the specificity of CAR T cells for a specific to enhance the selectivity and specificity for specific type of tumor largely depends on the types of trans- tumoral antigens, their insertion into retroviruses or fected CAR genes. Adoptive immunotherapy for ma- lentiviruses, the amplification of the viral vectors and, lignant brain tumors, and primarily glioblastoma, has patient infection (36-38). Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology 21

2.2 Natural Killer (NK) Cells express a dominant negative form of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β receptor II (DNRII) specifi- The spectrum of the possible molecular mecha- cally for gliobastoma (42). DNRII makes these cells nisms of NK cell-mediated adoptive immunotherapy immune to the detrimental effects of TGF-β produced is highly variable. by the microenvironment and causes immune escape of the glioma cells. 2.2.1 Allogenic NK Cell Transplant The rationale of allogenic NK cell transplant lies 2.2.6 NK Cell Exosome Mimetics in the inability of these cells to recognize MHC class I Evidence of the efficacy of NK cell exosome mi- molecules and human leukocyte-antigen (HLA) type metics against malignant brain tumors was derived A ligands expressed by glioma cells, which ultimately from in vitro and in vivo studies. NK cell exosomes are enhances the oncolytic effect. Transplantation of the endogenous nanocarriers that can enhance the biologi- cells belonging to the immune system has been report- cal activity of NK cells against tumors. ed to be less affected by the risk of rejection than other allogenic transplants, and this concept is the backbone 2.2.7 CAR NK Cells of allogenic immunotherapies (39). The CAR NK cell line targeting EGFRvIII was produced according to the aforementioned mecha- 2.2.2 NK Killer Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor nisms described for CAR T cells and has been success- (KIR) Antibody-Mediated Blocking fully employed for glioblastoma (43). Antibody-mediated blocking of inhibitory cell Regardless of the type of approach used, NK cell KIRs has been associated with a dramatic increase in adoptive immunotherapy for glioblastoma has been NK-mediated killing of neoplastic cells, mainly due to combined with the mAb9.2.27 antibody, which is able the inhibition of the well-known negative regulatory to inhibit angiogenesis through the secretion of inter- properties of this receptor of the NK cell function (40). feron (IFN)-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α (44, 45). 2.2.3 Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Figure 3 displays an overview of the main mo- (ADCC) lecular mechanisms involved in NK cell-based immu- ADCC has been employed to treat glioblastoma notherapy for glioblastoma. and classically uses EGFR antibodies. The fragment crystallizable (FC) region of the antibody binds some 2.2.8 NKT Cells activating receptors expressed by NK cells, ultimately CD1d-restricted NKT cells have been reported to leading to apoptosis. CD16 (FcγIIIA), KIR have a fundamental role in both the innate and acquired two domains, short cytoplasmic tail, 2 (KIR2DS2), immune responses against tumors. Differences do exist and NK Group 2D (NKG2D) are the most studied among CD1d-restricted NKT cells between type I and among these receptors. The KIR2DS2+ genotype has type II, which have invariant Valpha14 and heterogene- been reported to have the greatest cytotoxicity and ous non-Valpha14 receptors, respectively (46). non-negligible inhibition of angiogenesis in experi- The immunological escape of malignant CNS tu- mental models (41). mors from NKT cells occurs through the high level of expression of microRNA-92a and an immune tolerant 2.2.4 NK Cell Immunoligands IL-6+ IL-10+ NKT cell phenotype (47-50). An ap- Immunoligands able to selectively bind NKG2D proach aimed to overcome the immune tolerance of receptors have also been tested (41). glioma cells includes the expansion in culture of NKT cells using autologous mature dendritic cells (DCs) 2.2.5 Retrovirally Transduced Cord Blood NK Cells loaded with the NKT ligand α-galactosyl ceramide, Yvon et al emphasized the properties of cord which effectively stimulates murine and human type I blood-derived NK cells retrovirally transduced to NKT cells (46, 51-53). 22 S. Luzzi, A.Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

2.3 Hybrid Therapies

Autologous Lymphoid Effector Cells Specific Against Tumor cells (ALECSAT) therapy (Cytovac A/S, Hørsholm, Denmark) is an epigenetic, thus not involving DNA manipulation, cancer adoptive im- munotherapy under investigation for glioblastoma and prostate and pancreatic cancer. The main steps of ALECSAT therapy entail the following distinct phases: isolation of lymphocytes and monocytes from the patient’s peripheral blood sample; culture and dif- ferentiation of monocytes into DCs; co-culture of mature DCs and lymphocytes to create autologous activated T helper (Th) cells; induction of CD4+ Th cells with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine, a DNA-demethyl- ation agent, to express cancer/testis antigens (CTA- Th); addiction of CTA-Th cells to non-activated lymphocytes to obtain activated and expanded CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) effectors; and injection of autologous NK and CD8+ CTL effectors (54). Figure 1. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- Activated NK cells are directed against glioma cells als according to the study phase that do not express the antigen. The ALECSAT im- munization protocol lasts 26 days. Strengths of this approach are the population of secondary lymphoid organs for a long-lasting effect and the wide variety of tumor antigens.

3. Clinical Trials on Adoptive Immunotherapies

Out of 16 clinical trials, 69% were phase 1, and 31% were phase 2 (Figure 1). Most of them are still ongoing in the USA and China (56% and 25%, respec- tively) (Figure 2). Only 8 of these studies have been concluded. Three involved ALECSAT immunother- apy. The first two ALECSAT trials (NCT02799238 and NCT01588769) aimed to evaluate the toler- ability and efficacy of this therapy, whereas the third trial (NCT02060955) compared its efficacy to beva- cizumab plus irinotecan. To date, no results have been released for any of these trials. A phase 2 completed study on CAR T cell receptor immunotherapy target- ing EGFRvIII for patients with malignant gliomas expressing EGFRvIII (NCT01454596) concluded that this approach effectively and safely reduces the Figure 2. Pie graph showing the distribution of the selected recurrence rate of glioblastoma after standard-of-care clinical trials according to study location treatment, specifically by means of the elimination of Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology 23 glioma stem cells (55). The remaining completed tri- therapies in neuro-oncology is remarkably promising als tested the efficacy of alloreactive CD8+ cytotoxic but remains insufficient to be considered immediately T lymphocytes or the combination of adoptive T cell- applicable in daily clinical practice. Most of the trials based immunotherapy with other immunomodulators, are in phase 1, and most of those in phase 2 remain such as aldesleukin, a lymphokine produced through ongoing or incomplete. CAR T cell therapy has a val- recombinant DNA technology using a genetically en- uable rationale for brain cancer, and this rationale is gineered E. coli strain containing an analog of the hu- likely the main reason why this approach has fostered man interleukin 2 gene (56-60). Positive results were much attention. An addition reason is the tremen- reported for some of these combinations. Table 2 sum- dously positive results of this approach in hematology marizes the clinical trials on adoptive immunothera- and other fields, where CAR T cell therapy accounts pies for malignant gliomas. for more than 25 years of cumulative experience (75- 77). In glioblastoma adjuvant therapy, CAR T cells redirected against EGFRvIII have especially shown Discussion positive results (23-25, 55). ALECSAT immunother- apy also has received much attention, even though no Recently, neuro-oncology has experienced a land- consistent data have been reported apart from a good mark transition from a mechanical era to a biological safety profile (54). era (61-63). Most adoptive immunotherapies involve thera- A concrete aspect of this evolution is the last peutic depletion of regulatory T cells (Tregs), as an im- WHO classification of CNS tumors, which originated munomodulatory approach, based upon the assump- from the advances in genomic profiling and proteom- tion that both thymus-derived and inducible therapies ics (64) and led to an improvement in their overall that play a role are involved in the immune tolerance management in terms of diagnosis, prognosis, and, es- of glioblastoma (78, 79). pecially, adjuvant therapy. Adoptive immunotherapies for malignant brain Despite the refinements in neurosurgical tech- tumors face a non-negligible number of translational niques in neuro-oncology and other fields (65-73), the challenges, almost all of which converge toward the progression free survival and the overall survival for need to overcome the immunological tolerance of patients with high grade gliomas remain dismal. This glioma and the immune escape of glioma stem cells. aspect has justified the compulsive search of adjunc- Several factors are responsible for the immune toler- tive biological therapies based on the new insights in ance of glioma cells, which are primarily the lack of neuroimmunology. tumor antigen expression and the subsequent loss of Theoretical application of adoptive immunother- the tumor immunological phenotype. This aspect is apies and implementation of clinical trials have been deleterious for the success of both T-cell based and possible due to the tremendous advances in somatic vaccine immunotherapy. Thus, aberrant nitric oxide cell biotechnologies (74). These technologies involve synthase 2 is gaining more interest as a further po- manipulation of the allogenic or xenogeneic immuno- tential therapeutic target. For TCR therapy, the main logical cells to obtain a cellular product that is trans- limiting factor is the mispairing between endogenous planted as a living drug. A straightforward and practi- α/β and transgenic α/β TCR chains, and no clinical cal classification of adoptive immunotherapy is shown trials have been established for malignant brain tumors in Table 1 and is essentially based on the immunophe- (38, 80). An NK cell-based approach recognizes that notype of the cellular product. A classification scheme the lack of the representativeness of these cells within like this has a strength mainly in pursuing a modular the tumor microenviroment is its main limitation (81). approach of biological immunotherapy, often involv- The main reason for this limitation seems to be the ing the combination of different immunophenotypes high representativeness of the MHC class I molecules with a subsequent potential synergic effect. The overall and of the HLA ligand type A on glioma cells. Both of level of evidence of the efficacy of adoptive immuno- these molecules can interact with inhibitory NK cells 24 S. Luzzi, A.Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. CH CH CH CH U.S. U.S. Locations (continued on next page) Status invitation Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Enrolling by Enrolling Recruitment 1 1 1 1 1 1 Study Phase Study Arms Immunogene- T (IgT) Cells modified Against Glioblastoma Multiforme Phase I EGFR BATs Phase I EGFR BATs in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Tumor-infiltrating Tumor-infiltrating T Lymphocyte (TIL) Adoptive Patients Therapy for with Glioblastoma Multiforme Memory-Enriched T Patients Treating Cells in or with Recurrent Refractory Grade III-IV Glioma Pilot Study of Chimeric Autologous Switch Receptor T Cells in Modified Glioblastoma Recurrent Multiforme Combination of Combination and Immunization Radiotherapy for GBM Recurrent (InSituVac1) TIL TMZ radiation Intervention/Treatment Intervention/Treatment Anti-PD-L1 CSR T cells CSR Anti-PD-L1 Antigen-specific IgT cells Antigen-specific HER2(EQ)BB ζ /CD19t+ Tcm EGFR BATs with SOC RT and with SOC RT EGFR BATs Combined immune adjuvants and immune Combined 20 18 40 20 30 42 # of Pts. # of Pts. Estimated Enrollment Enrollment Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Multiforme of Brain Glioblastoma HER2/Neu Positive HER2/Neu Malignant Glioma Glioma Recurrent Refractory Glioma WHO Grade III Glioma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Multiforme Condition or Disease High Grade Glioma; Glioblastoma of Brainstem Glioma Malignant Glioma, Glioblastoma Identifier NCT03170141 NCT03344250 NCT03347097 NCT02937844 NCT03392545 NCT03389230 5 4 # 3 6 1 2 Clinical Trials on Adoptive Immunotherapies for Malignant Brain Immunotherapies Gliomas Adoptive on Trials Clinical 2. Table Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology 25 DE DE SW U.S. U.S. Locations (continued on next page) Status recruiting Recruiting Active, not Active, Completed Completed Completed Recruitment 1 2 1 2 2 Study Phase Study Arms Genetically Modified in Treating T-cells with Recurrent Patients or Refractory Malignant Glioma Randomized Phase 2 Study to Investigate ALECSAT Efficacy of with GBM in Patients to Compared Measured Avastin/Irinotecan A Phase I Study to Investigate and Tolerability ALECSAT Efficacy of Administered to Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients (ALECSAT-GBM) T Cell Receptor CAR Immunotherapy for EGFRvIII Targeting with Malignant Patients Expressing Gliomas EGFRvIII Autologuos Lymphoid Lymphoid Autologuos Effector Cells Specific Against Tumour as Add (ALECSAT) to Standardon of with in Patients Care Glioblastoma PBL PBL ALECSAT ALECSAT Vaccine Therapy Vaccine 2-specific, hinge- IL13R α 2-specific, Intervention/Treatment Intervention/Treatment Autologous T Autologous lymphocytes, optimized, 41BB-costimulatory optimized, Anti-EGFRvIII CAR transduced CAR Anti-EGFRvIII CAR/truncated CD19-expressing CD19-expressing CAR/truncated Anti-EGFRvIII CAR Transduced Anti-EGFRvIII Transduced CAR 92 25 23 18 62 # of Pts. # of Pts. Estimated Enrollment Enrollment Malignant Glioma Refractory Brain Neoplasm Brain Recurrent Neoplasm Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Malignant Glioma Condition or Disease Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Gliosarcoma Identifier NCT02208362 NCT02060955 NCT01588769 NCT01454596 NCT02799238 # 8 9 7 10 11 Clinical Trials on Adoptive Immunotherapies for Malignant Brain Immunotherapies Gliomas Adoptive on Trials Clinical 2. Table 26 S. Luzzi, A.Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. U.S. U.S. Locations (continued on next page) Status Completed Completed Recruitment 1 1 Study Phase Study Arms Cellular Immunotherapy Study for Brain Cancer Phase I Study of Cellular for Immunotherapy Recurrent/Refractory Using Malignant Glioma Intratumoral Infusions of GRm13Z40-2, Allogeneic An CD8+ Line Cytolitic T-Cell Genetically Modified the IL to Express 13-Zetakine and HyTK and to be Resistant to Glucocorticoids, with in Combination Interleukin-2 Alloreactive CTL Alloreactive Therapeutic allogeneic Intervention/Treatment Intervention/Treatment lymphocytes - aldesleukin 6 10 # of Pts. # of Pts. Estimated Enrollment Enrollment Condition or Disease Gliomas Anaplastic Anaplastic Astrocytoma Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma Mixed Anaplastic Glioma Glioblastoma Multiforme Malignant Meningioma Anaplastic Astrocytoma Anaplastic Ependymoma Anaplastic Meningioma Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma Brain Stem Glioma Ependymoblastoma Giant Cell Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Gliosarcoma Grade III Meningioma Meningeal Hemangiopericytoma Glioma Mixed Pineal Gland Astrocytoma Brain Tumor Identifier NCT01144247 NCT01082926 # 12 13 Clinical Trials on Adoptive Immunotherapies for Malignant Brain Immunotherapies Gliomas Adoptive on Trials Clinical 2. Table Adoptive immunotherapies in neuro-oncology 27

U.S. U.S. U.S. Locations Status Completed Completed Completed Recruitment 1 2 2 Study Phase Study Arms Cellular Adoptive Cellular Adoptive Using Immunotherapy Genetically Modified in T-Lymphocytes with Patients Treating or RefractoryRecurrent High-Grade Malignant Glioma Cellular Adoptive Cellular Adoptive in Immunotherapy Patients Treating with Glioblastoma Multiforme Biological Therapy Surgery and Following Therapy Radiation in with Patients Treating Primary or Recurrent Astrocytoma or Oligodendroglioma : programmed death Ligand 1 chimeric switch receptor; death Ligand 1 chimeric programmed switch receptor; PD-L1 CSR : temozolomide; : Aldesleukin lymphocytes autologous lymphocytesautologous Intervention/Treatment Intervention/Treatment sargramostim, therapeutic sargramostim, Aldesleukin, autologous tumor autologous Aldesleukin, cell vaccine, muromonab-CD3, muromonab-CD3, cell vaccine, Biological: therapeutic autologous Biological: radiotherapy ; TMZ 3 83 60 # of Pts. # of Pts. Estimated Enrollment Enrollment : peripheral blood lymphocytes; Tumour; cytotoxic PBL : CTL : Effector Cells Lymphoid Specific Against Autologuos : ALECSAT Condition or Disease Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Identifier NCT00730613 NCT00331526 NCT00004024 # 14 15 16 : preparation of genetically modified autologous central memory enriched T-cells a chimericreceptor consisting (Tcm) expressing antigen of genetically preparation central modified autologous memory ζ /CD19t+ Tcm : HER2(EQ)BB enriched and zeta complex antigen receptor chain (BB ζ ), T-cell factor 2 (HER2) variableof an anti-human epidermal growth fragmentof the that is linked to the signaling domain vari - factor receptor EGFRvIII: epidermal growth factor; epidermal growth T-Lymphocyte; EGFR : Tumor-infiltrating TILtruncated: cluster (CD)19; of differentiation RT:T-cells; EGFR Bi-armed Activated EGFR BATs: ant III; : interleukin-13 α 2; receptor IL-13R α 2 : United States;DE: Denmark. 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Original article

Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas: from the bench to the bedside Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Sabino Luzzi1,2, Ilaria Brambilla3, Carmen Guarracino3, Mario Mosconi4, Thomas Foiadelli3, Salvatore Savasta3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Uni-versity of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: Gene therapy is the most attractive therapeutic approach against high-grade gliomas (HGGs). This is because of its theoretical capability to rework gene makeup in order to yield oncolytic ef- fects. However, some factors still limit the upgrade of these therapies at a clinical level of evidence. We report an overview of glioblastoma gene therapies, mainly focused on the rationale, classification, advances and translational challenges. Methods: An extensive review of the online literature on gene therapy for HGGs was carried out. The PubMed/MEDLINE and websites were the main sources. Articles in English published in the last five years were sorted according to the best match with the multiple relevant keywords chosen. A descriptive analysis of the clinical trials was also reported. Results: A total of 85 articles and 45 clinical trials were selected. The main types of gene therapies are the suicide gene, tumor suppressor gene, immunomodulatory gene and oncolytic therapies (virotherapies). The transfer of genetic material entails replication-deficient and replication-competent oncolytic viruses and nanoparticles, such as liposomes and cationic polymers, each of them having advantages and drawbacks. Forty-eight clinical trials were collected, mostly phase I/II. Conclusion: Gene therapies constitute a promising approach against HGGs. The selection of new and more effective target genes, the implementation of gene-delivery vectors capable of greater and safer spreading capacity, and the optimization of the administration routes constitute the main translational challenges of this approach. (

Key words: Gene Therapy; Glioblastoma; High Grade Glioma; Suicide Gene Therapies; Virotherapy.

Background to the development of new and more sophisticated treatment options.6-12 Gene therapy is among the most High-grade gliomas (HGGs) are by far the dead- attractive therapeutic approach for malignant brain tu- liest primary brain neoplasms.1, 2 Despite the evolution mors, primarily glioblastoma (GBM). The rationale of of the different therapies, prognosis of these tumors the gene therapies lies in reworking the gene makeup remains poor, with a median survival ranging between in order to yield therapeutic effects. These types of 12 and 15 months, and less than 10% of the patients therapies propose transferring and manipulating target surviving at 5 years.3-5 In line with the urgent need for genes, resulting in ceasing the progression of cancer new and more effective approaches, the increased un- and contextually enhancing the antitumoral immune derstanding of the glioma genetic landscape, together response.13-16 The engineering of delivery agents, in- with the tremendous advances in biotechnologies, led cluding viral vectors, oncolytic viruses and non-viral Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 33 nanoparticles, constitutes an essential aspect of the 2 General Aspects gene therapies.17-19 The literature review herein reported is an over- A common aspect of the gene therapies lies in view of the gene therapies for the treatment of high- the need to introduce the genetic material into the grade gliomas. The rationale, classification, advances, target cells. This is achieved by means of specific bio- limitations, challenges, evidence from the clinical trials logical or manufactured carriers differentiated by size, and future prospects of gene therapies in the neuro- tumor tropism, transduction efficacy, oncolytic ef- oncological field are also discussed. fect, pathogenicity and immunological potential.20-23 Viral and non-viral carriers are the methods common- ly used, each of them having advantages and draw- Methods backs. Among non-viral carriers, nanoparticles and liposomes have been tested. Table 1 reports an over- An online search of the literature was conducted on view of the vectors tested24 (Table 1). the PubMed/MEDLINE (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm. and (https://clinicaltrials. 3 Classification of Gene Therapies gov) websites. On the PubMed/MEDLINE search the MeSH A proposed classification of the gene therapies in- (Medical Subject Headings) database and free mode volves the distinction between the suicide gene, tumor search used with the terms “Gene Therapy”, “Ge- suppressor gene, immunomodulatory gene and onco- netic Strategies”, “Gene Modification Technologies”, lytic therapies (virotherapies). ­“Genome Editing Technologies”, “Immunomodulation Table 2 summarizes the proposed classification of therapies”, “Suicide Gene Therapy”, “Tumor Suppres- gene therapies (Table 2). sion Gene Therapy”, “Oncolytic Viral Therapy”, “Na- notechnology-Based Gene Therapy”, “Viral Delivery 3.1 Suicide Gene Therapies Strategies” and “Virotherapy”, with the following key- words: “High-grade gliomas”, “Malignant brain tumor” The suicide gene strategy is based on the in- and “Glioblastoma”. Only articles in English or translat- troduction of a transgene into the tumor cells and ed into English, published in the last five years were pre- the concomitant systemic delivery of a prodrug. The ferred, sorted according to the best match and relevance. transgene, namely the “suicide gene”, codifies for one On the website the text words or more enzymes capable of converting the adminis- were “Central Nervous System Tumor”, “Malignant tered inactive prodrug into its oncolytic equivalent.25 Brain Tumor”, “Brain Cancer”, “High-grade gliomas” Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase (HSV-TK), and “Brain Tumor”, used in the field “condition/dis- Cytosine Deaminase (CD) and E. coli-derived Pu- ease”, without restrictions for drug name, study phase rine Nucleoside Phosphorylase (PNP) have been the and recruitment status. A descriptive analysis of the most studied suicide genes in GBM therapy. A further retrieved trials was reported. amplification of the therapeutic effect of suicide gene therapy comes from the so-called “bystander effect”, consisting in the possibility that the encoded gene and Results the apoptotic signal also affect the neighboring non- transduced cells through the gap-junctions and further 1 Volume of the literature complex molecular mechanisms.

The search returned a total of 120 articles and 56 3.1.1 HSV-TK clinical trials. After the implementation of the exclu- sion criteria and removal of duplicates, 85 relevant ar- The HSV-TK enzyme is involved in DNA rep- ticles and 45 clinical trials were collected. lication and catalyzes the phosphorylation of some 34 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al.

Table 1. Comparison between viral and non-viral vectors

Viral Non-viral Vectors AV HSV RT AAV Liposomes Size (nm) 100-200 120-300 100 20 20-200 Cargo dsDNA dsDNA RNA ssDNA dsDNA/RNA Transport Capacity (kB) > 5 30-50 10-15 < 5 +/- Transduction Efficacy + ++ +/- - + Oncolytic Effect Yes/No Yes/No No No No Immunogenic Potential ++ ++ +/- +/- -- Risk of Mutagenesis No No Yes No No

AAV: Adeno Associated Virus; AD: Adenovirus; HSV: Herpes Simplex Virus; RT: “++”: very high; “+”: high; “+/-”: medium; “-”: low; “- -”: very low.

Table 2. Classification of Gene Therapies for Malignant Brain Tumors

Immunomod- Suicide Gene Tumor Suppressor Genome Editing Strategies ulatory Gene Oncolytic Virotherapies Therapies Gene Therapies Therapies Therapies Enhancing antitu- Gene encoding Restoration of moral immune re- Replication-competent DNA editing and a prodrug antitumoral genes sponse throughout virus capable of infect Mechanism rearrangement through- activating­ function through genes encoding and replicate in tumor out specific nucleases enzyme their replacement immunostimulat- cells ing factors HSV-TK p53 HSVs ZFNs IFN-β CD p16 Oncolytic CRAds TALENs Genes Nucleases viruses MV (CRISPR)/ PNP PTEN IL-2, IL-4, IL-12 PVS-RIPO Cas9 system CD: Cytosine Deaminase; CRAds: Conditionally Replicating Adenovirus; HSV-TK: Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase; IFN-β: Human Interferon β; IL: Interleukine; MV: Measles Paramyxovirus; PNP: Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase; PTEN: Phosphatase and Tensin Homologue; PVS-RIPO: Recombinant Nonpathogenic Polio-Rhinovirus; TALENs: Transcription Acti- vator-Like Effector Nucleases; ZFNs: Zinc-Finger Nucleases.

nucleoside analogue antiviral prodrugs, such as gan- retroviruses and adenoviruses.28-34 Cerepro® (Ark ciclovir (GCV), acyclovir and valacyclovir. The intro- Therapeutics; UK and Finland) and adenoviral vec- duction of the HSV-TK gene into the tumor cells, via tor-based HSV-TK/valacyclovir were studied in some a non-replicating herpesvirus or adenovirus, makes preclinical and phase I/II clinical trials (www.clinical- them susceptible to antiviral drugs, finally halting the, #NCT03603405, #NCT03596086), where . they proved to increase the patients’ overall survival, The prodrug is activated by the HSV-TK and in- also with a good safety profile. corporated into the DNA of the tumor cells, where it causes damage to the genome and tumor apoptosis.26, 27 3.1.2 CD Since 1991, multiple phase I and II clinical tri- als tested the HSVTK/Nucleoside-analogue system CD converts 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) into 5-fluo- in GBM treatment, conveyed by replication-defective rouracil (5-FU), which exerts its antitumor effect, Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 35 irreversibly inhibiting the synthesis of DNA.35, 36 Sev- cytomegalovirus promoter (CMV), in which the E1 eral preclinical and phase I-III clinical trials tested gene is replaced by the p53 gene (AD5CMV-P53).46-48 the efficacy and safety profile of CD/5-FC for high Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer showed an grade gliomas (#NCT01985256, #NCT01156584, oncolytic effect against recurrent GBMs in many #NCT01470794).37 A further enhancement of the cy- phase I trials, where it was administered by stereotactic totoxicity comes from the combination of CD/5-FC injection, resulting in a median progression-free sur- with Uracil Phosphoribosyl Transferase (UPRT). The vival of 13 weeks and an overall survival of 43 weeks synergic antitumoral activity of both these enzymes (#NCT00004041, #NCT00004080). has been reported to also potentiate the effect of con- ventional radiotherapy of GBM in the animal model.38 3.2.2 p16 In 2012, Tocagen Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) tested a new non-lytic retroviral replicating vector encoding Regulating the cell cycle at the G1-S transition CD, called Toca 511, for recurrent HGGs.39 In combi- is p16.49 The adenovirus-mediated restoration of its nation with standard chemotherapy, Toca 511 showed function proved to reduce cancer growth, but also to a 6-month survival rate of 59% (#NCT01156584, counteract the spreading of GBM cells through the in- #NCT01470794).40 hibition of the matrix metalloprotease 2 activity within the tumor microenvironment.50 3.1.3 PNP 3.2.3 PTEN PNP converts fludarabine, an adenosine ribonu- cleoside, into toxic 2-fluoroadenine, the latter able to PTEN suppression is found in about 40% of inhibit RNA replication. Several studies proved the high-grade gliomas, resulting in a dysregulation of the long-term benefits of PNP gene therapy. Through the downstream signaling pathways.51 antibiotic-based suppression of the intestinal flora, Some studies proved the efficacy of the restora- which limits the conversion of the prodrug, it is theo- tion of the PTEN function, via adenoviral vectors, in retically possible to enhance the efficacy of PNP gene inducing tumor cell apoptosis and modification of the therapy.41, 42 tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, adenoviral-PTEN strategies showed 3.2 Tumor Suppressor Gene Therapies an anti-angiogenic response in preclinical surveys.52, 53

Tumor suppressor gene therapies aim at the res- 3.3 Immunomodulatory gene therapies toration of the suppressed function of the antitumoral genes through their substitution with functional equiva- High-grade gliomas acquire a high resistance to lents. p53, p16 and Phosphatase and Tensin Homologue the standard treatments thanks to immunosuppression (PTEN) pathways are frequently mutated in high-grade mechanisms. gliomas, consequently resulting in the loss of both DNA Immunomodulatory gene therapies are aimed at repair and the regulation of cell proliferation.­ 43 boosting the antitumoral immune response, through- out engineered viruses which deliver immunostimulat- 3.2.1 p53 ing cytokines.16, 54, 55 Many cytokines have been selected because of Playing a pivotal role in DNA repair and cycle-cell their capability of recruiting immune effectors. Ade- arrest is p53. It is found to be inactivated in 25-30% noviral-mediated delivery of the human interferon β of primary GBMs, and 60-70% of recurrent ones.44, 45 (IFN-β) gene was tested in some clinical studies.56-58 Tumor suppressor gene strategies involve a In a phase I trial, IFN-β was stereotactically in- non-replicating adenovirus, combined with the troduced in the tumor microenvironment before its 36 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. resection, resulting in increased cytotoxic T and NK HSV 1716, deleted in both copies of the γ34.5 cell activity (#NCT00031083). gene, was tested, in combination with standard surgery Another immunomodulatory strategy used the and intravenous dexamethasone, in a phase II clinical recombinant parvoviruses as a vehicle of IFN-gam- trial for childhood and adult HGGs (#NCT02031965). ma-inducible protein 10 (CXCL10) and TNF-alpha, Recently, a new oncolytic mutant HSV (rQNes- showing a synergic effect against GBM cells in the tin34.5) was engineered to express the infected cell protein mouse model.59 34.5 (ICP34.5). rQNestin34.5 showed strong oncolytic Non-replicating adenoviral-associated virus activity against high-grade glioma in a phase I clinical (AAV) and HSV were used to carry the interleu- trial, with a good safety profile (#NCT03152318).67 kine-12 (IL-12) gene in experimental models, result- ing in a local antitumor effect. 3.4.2 CRAds In 2005, Colombo et al. tested the efficacy of the local injection of HSV-TK/GCV and IL-2 for recur- ONYX-015 and Ad5-Delta24 are CRAds modi- rent malignant gliomas. It resulted in a 12-month pro- fied to selectively target glioma cells. gression-free survival and overall survival of 14% and ONYX-015, deleted in the E1B 55K gene, is 25%, respectively.60 able to replicate in p53-deficient cells. It was tested Okada et al. also investigated the synergic effect in a phase I clinical study, where it was directly in- of a retrovirally transduced IL-4 and HSV-TK gene in jected into the tumor cavity after surgical resection glioma models, obtaining positive results.61 (#NCT00006106).68, 69 As a rule, the near totality of immunomodulatory Ad5-Delta24, deleted in the E1A protein, repli- therapies demonstrated better results when adminis- cates selectively in Rb-deficient tumor cells.70-72 It was tered in combination with conventional chemotherapy. studied in a phase I trial for HGGs (#NCT03896568). In another phase I trial, it was engineered to express an 3.4 Oncolytic virotherapies integrin-binding RGD domain (#NCT00805376).73

Oncolytic virotherapies are based on the activity of 3.4.3 MV specific replication-competent oncolytic viruses (OVs). They are able to, first, infect the tumor cells, second, lyse This approach involves a modification of the at- them, and third, evoke a strong immune response.62, 63 tenuated oncolytic MV, derived from the Edmonston OVs act as a biologic anti-tumor complex, which vaccine lineage, targeted to making it capable of selec- is independent from the transfer of genetic material. tively binding the EGFR vIII expressed on the surface Oncolytic HSV, conditionally replicating adenovirus of tumor cells. (CRAd), Measles Paramyxovirus (MV) and recom- Two phase I clinical trials tested the effective- binant nonpathogenic polio-rhinovirus (PVS-RIPO) ness of MV in recurrent GBMs (#NCT00390299, have been used in this form of anticancer therapy. #NCT0296216). Carcinogenic embryonic antigen (MV-CEA) and the human thyroidal sodium iodide 3.4.1 Oncolytic HSVs symporter gene (MV-NIS) were added to enhance its antitumoral action.74, 75 HSV G207 and HSV1716 are the main engi- neered HSVs used in the treatment of malignant glio- 3.4.4 PVS-RIPO mas. HSV G207, deleted for the γ34.5 gene, selectively targets replicating cells.64, 65 In many phase I/II clinical Oncolytic PVS-RIPO is an attenuated type 1 Sa- trials, HSV G207 was locally administered, with lim- bin poliovirus in which the internal ribosomal entry ited evidence of anti-tumor activity (#NCT00157703, site (IRES) has been replaced with the IRES of human #NCT00028158).66 rhinovirus type 2.76, 77 PVS-RIPO targets and destroys Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 37 glioma cells with a classic oncolytic mechanism.78 Data level of evidence for HGGs.83 Liposomes have been collected from the PVS-RIPO clinical trials confirmed used mainly for carrying the IFN-β encoding gene. the antitumoral activity, however, limited by low toler- With the aim of facilitating the transport through ability (#NCT02986178; #NCT01491893). the blood-brain barrier, some molecules have been added to the liposomes. Angiopeptide is an example. 4 Carriers The combination of IFN-β and standard chemother- apy resulted in a more favorable outcome.84 A recent The carriers of genetic material used in gene ther- study tested the efficacy of the combination between apies are viruses and nanoparticles. the liposome-angiopeptide-vector, associated with the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) 4.1 Viruses gene, and the paclitaxel.85

Many viruses have proven to hold a specific neu- 4.2.2 Polymers rotropism, which makes them perfect vehicles for targeting the glioma cells, transferring gene copies, Polymers are macromolecules capable of binding codifying antitumor factors and, ultimately, fulfilling DNA through electrostatic interactions. the therapeutic action.79 Gene modification strategies Polyethylenimine (PEI) is a linear polymer, added have also involved engineered and replication-defec- with poly-ethileneglycol (PEG) in order to improve tive viruses. These are capable of delivering specific penetration into the tumor, used for the delivering of a transgenes, reprogramming genetic expression and TRAIL gene into glioma cells in mice.86, 87 selectively lysing the tumor cells. Basically, two viral The PEG-PEI polymer was further improved by types have been progressively selected, namely, repli- introducing the integrin-binding RGD domain.88 cation-deficient and replication-competent oncolytic The poly-amidoamine polymer (PAMAM) was viruses, the former being by far the most widely tested. conjugated with nanoparticles and viral Tat-peptide, Replication-deficient viruses are characterized by the and was used to deliver anti-EGFR and IFN- β. These removal of viral replication genes, and their replace- polymers resulted in a reduction of tumor progression ment with transduced therapeutic genes. Conversely, both in vitro and in vivo.89-91 replication-competent oncolytic viruses normally in- fect the cancer cells and replicate until causing the death of the tumor cells. 5 Genome editing therapies

4.2 Nanoparticles In the field of genome engineering, the genome editing technologies provide for a wider scale of DNA Nanoparticles are non-viral vehicles coming from manipulation, which is performed throughout specific the tremendous evolution of the nanotechnologies, nucleases. which are able to carry some genetic material directly Nucleases are able to rearrange the genome as into the tumor cells.80 Liposomes and cationic poly- well as correct or silence some gene functions, thus ex- mers, loaded with DNA and RNA, have been plaining their therapeutic effects. investigated as candidates for gene delivery.81, 82 Never- Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription theless, these strategies ought to be considered as still activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and the largely experimental. novel CRISPR-Cas9 have been the most frequently examined.92 ZFNs are enzymes consisting in a zinc 4.2.1 Liposomes finger DNA-binding domain which selectively binds and edits a target gene within complex genomes. Synthetic lipid-based particles, also called as li- Similarly, the TALENs can be delivered by plasmids posomes, are the gene carriers to have achieved the best and used for site-specific genome cleavage.93 38 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al.

The most advanced strategy includes the bacterial (CRISPR)/Cas9 system. Cas9 protein is able to cut and modify a selected gene, under control of CRISPR sequences, resulting in a more exclusive genome reprogramming.94, 95 Overall, this is a very promising field that is likely to foster the next generation of CNS gene therapy.

6 Clinical trials

Out of 45 clinical trials, 64 % were phase I, 18% phase I/II, 16% phase II and 2% phase II/III respec- tively (Graph 1). Oncolytic virotherapy, suicide gene therapy, tumor suppressor gene therapy and immu- nomodulatory gene therapy and were tested in 49%, Graph 2. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- 29%, 18% and 4% of them, respectively (Graph 2). als according to the type of gene therapy. Table 3 summarizes the clinical trials on novel gene therapies for HGGs. (Table 3). development of revolutionary therapeutic approaches for a wide range of neuro-vascular and neuro-oncolog- 96-99 Discussion ical pathologies. The identification of those mutations which are The current biotechnological revolution, the pro- mainly responsible for the malignant behavior of gress made in translational medicine and the advances HGGs has been the starting point for new and tai- 54, 100 in neurology and neurosurgery have resulted in the lored therapies. Gene therapies are designed for delivering and/ or editing specific genes directly in the tumor genome. They ultimately destroy cancer cells, also enhancing the antitumoral immune response.

Translational Challenges

The selection process of the target genes to be transduced or replaced is greatly limited by an intrinsic genetic heterogeneity of the GBMs, but also by the progressive accumulation of mutations during the ma- lignant progression. The major translational challenges of the gene therapies may be summarized in the wid- ening of the spectrum of target genes within the tumor genome, improvement of the transduction efficiency of the carriers, and optimization of the administra- tion routes. The major weakness of all the virus-based gene therapies lies in their immunogenic and inflam- matory potential, which can be limited through the Graph 1. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- 101, 102 als according to the study phase. tailoring of their dosages. The risk of insertional Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 39 Locations CHN USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 47 15 62 12 52 15 62 36 17 NA Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients

ADV-TK/GCV, ADV-TK/GCV, Systemic Surgery, chemotherapy Interventions Gene therapy, Gene therapy, Chemotherapy, Surgery Ganciclovir, ADV/HSV-tk, ADV/HSV-tk, Valacyclovir ADV/HSV-tk ADV/HSV-tk, ADV/HSV-tk, Valacyclovir, Radiation ADV/HSV-tk, ADV/HSV-tk, Valacyclovir - G1TKS Ganciclovir, Cell Producer VNa.53 Line ADV/HSV-tk ADV/HSV-tk, ADV/HSV-tk, Valacyclovir, - Temozolo Radiation, Nivolumab mide, Toca 511, Toca FC Toca 511, Toca Malignant Glioma of Brain Malignant Glioma Conditions Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Glioblastoma Malignant Glioma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma AstrocytomaAnaplastic Malignant Glioma Astrocytoma, Grade III Astrocytoma, Malignant Glioma Recurrent Ependymoma Recurrent Brain Neoplasm Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma AstrocytomaAnaplastic Glioblastoma Neoplasm Metastasis Neoplasm Malignant Glioma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic I I I I I I II II I/ II I/ II Study Phase Status Completed Completed Completed Recruiting Active, not Active, Recruiting Completed Completed Recruiting Recruiting Completed

- Vala + + + + SBRT Valacyclovir Title Outcome Improves of ADV-TK High-Grade Glioma Recurrent Gene Therapy in Treating Patients Treating Gene Therapy in WithTumors Primary Brain Phase 1b Study of AdV-tk Withcyclovir Combined Radiation Therapy for Malignant Gliomas + HSV-tk Chemotherapy for Recurrent GBM A Phase I Study of AdV-tk Therapy in Combination Prodrug With Therapy Radiation for Pediatric Brain Tumors Phase 2a Study of AdV-tk With Phase 2a Study of AdV-tk Standard Therapy Radiation for (BrTK02) Malignant Glioma Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Treatment Gene Therapy for the Brain Tumors HSV-tk and XRT and Chemo - and XRT HSV-tk therapy for Newly Diagnosed GBM GMCI, Nivolumab, and Radiation and Radiation Nivolumab, GMCI, Patients With Treating Therapy in Newly Diagnosed High-Grade Gliomas Study Replicating of a Retroviral Given Intravenously to Vector Surgery Undergoing Patients for Recurrent Brain Tumor NCT00870181 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT00002824 NCT00751270 NCT03596086 NCT00634231 NCT00589875 NCT00001328 NCT03603405 NCT03576612 NCT01985256 1 # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table 3. Clinical trials Gene therapies on for high-grade gliomas 3. Table 40 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. Locations USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 54 58 19 20 24 13 39 403 Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients Toca 511, Toca FC Toca 511, Toca Interventions Toca 511, Toca FC Toca 511, Toca Toca 511, Toca FC, FC, Toca 511, Toca - Temozolo Lomustine, Bevacizumab mide, Dose Escalation of Ad-hCMV-TK, Ad-hCMV-Flt3L Ad-P53 Ad-P53, Xeloda, Key - Xeloda, Ad-P53, Opdivo truda, Ad5CMV-p53 gene, gene, Ad5CMV-p53 Surgery, Cisplatin, therapy Radiation Ad5CMV-p53 gene Ad5CMV-p53 Glioblastoma Conditions Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic Malignant Glioma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Recurrent Head and Neck Recurrent Cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Metastatic Solid Tumor Metastatic Solid Tumor Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Recurrent Head and Neck Recurrent Cancer Head and Neck Cancer I I I II II II I/ II Study Phase II/ III Status Completed Completed Terminated Active, not Active, Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Terminated Unknown Title A Study Replicating of a Retroviral With Combined a Prodrug Vector With to Patients Administered Malignant Glioma Recurrent Study Replicating of a Retroviral With Combined a Prodrug Vector Undergoing Patients Treat to Surgery Malignant for a Recurrent Brain Tumor The Toca 5 Trial: Toca 511 & Trial: Toca 5 The Standardin of Care Versus FC With High Recurrent Patients Grade Glioma Combined Cytotoxic and Immune- Combined Stimulatory Therapy for Glioma Safety and Efficacy Ad-p53 of With Combined Checkpoint In - hibitor in Head and Neck Cancer Safety and Efficacy of Intra-­ Ad-p53 Arterial and Intra-Tumoral With Capecitabine (Xeloda) or in Liver Metastases of Anti-PD-1 Head and Recurrent Tumors Solid and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer S0011, Gene Therapy & SurgeryS0011, in by Chemo & RT Followed Newly Diagnosed Cancer of the Mouth or Throat Gene Therapy in Treating Patients Treating Gene Therapy in With Head and Neck Recurrent Cancer NCT01156584 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT01470794 NCT02414165 NCT01811992 NCT03544723 NCT02842125 NCT00017173 NCT00003257 11 # 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 41 Locations USA NA USA USA USA USA 2 35 48 36 NA NA Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients Ad5CMV-p53 gene, gene, Ad5CMV-p53 Surgery Interventions - adenovi Recombinant rus-p53 SCH-58500, Surgery Oncolytic HSV-1716, Oncolytic HSV-1716, Sur - Dexamethasone, gery Interferon-beta Ad-RTS-hIL-12, Ad-RTS-hIL-12, Veledimex M032 (NSC 733972) Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Conditions Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Recurrent Childhood Recurrent AstrocytomaAnaplastic Multiforme Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Recurrent Childhood Recurrent OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic Childhood Recurrent Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic Childhood Giant Recurrent Cell Glioblastoma Childhood Recurrent Glioblastoma Childhood Recurrent Cerebri Gliomatosis Childhood Recurrent Gliosarcoma AstrocytomaAnaplastic Oligoastrocytoma Gliosarcoma Recurrent Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Recurrent Multiforme Anaplastic OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic Progressive Glioblastoma Glioblastoma Progressive Multiforme AstrocytomaAnaplastic or Gliosarcoma I I I I I Study Phase I Suspended Status Completed Completed Terminated Active, not Active, Recruiting Recruiting Title Pa - Treating Gene Therapy in With Malignant tients Recurrent Gliomas Gene Therapy in Treating Patients Treating Gene Therapy in With or Progressive Recurrent Brain Tumors Oncolytic HSV-1716 in Treating Treating in Oncolytic HSV-1716 With Refractory Patients Younger High Grade Glioma or Recurrent By That Can Be Removed Surgery Dose Escalation Study to Deter - mine the Safety of IFN-Beta Gene of Grade Treatment in the Transfer III & Grade IV Gliomas" A Study of Ad-RTS-hIL-12 in Subjects WithWith Veledimex or Malignant Glioma Glioblastoma Genetically Engineered HSV-1 Genetically HSV-1 Engineered of Treatment Phase 1 Study for the Malignant Glioma Recurrent NCT00004041 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT00004080 NCT02031965 NCT00031083 NCT02026271 NCT02062827 19 # 20 21 22 23 24 42 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. Locations USA USA NA USA 9 15 18 65 Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients G207 Interventions G207 G207 G207 Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Conditions Supratentorial Malignant Neoplasms Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Astrocytoma Tumors Neuroectodermal PNET Cerebellar Primitive Childhood Brain Neoplasms - Neo Malignant Cerebellar plasm Medulloblastoma Recurrent Virus, HSV Glioma Malignant Glioma Malignant Glioma Glioblastoma AstrocytomaAnaplastic PNET - Neuroec Primitive Cerebral todermal Tumor Embryonal Tumor Malignant Glioma Astrocytoma Glioblastoma I I I I/ II Study Phase Status Recruiting Recruiting Completed Completed Title With HSV G207 in Children or RefractoryRecurrent Cerebellar Brain Tumors HSV G207 Alone or With or HSV G207 Alone a Single Dose in Children Radiation or Recurrent With Progressive Supratentorial Brain Tumors Safety and Effectiveness Study of Virus, in Tumor-Killing a G207, With Brain Recurrent Patients Cancer G207 Followed by Radiation Ther - by Radiation G207 Followed apy in Malignant Glioma NCT03911388 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT02457845 NCT00028158 NCT00157703 25 # 26 27 28 Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 43 Locations USA USA USA USA USA 2 0 37 37 108 Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients Single intratumoral of DNX-2401, injection Interferon-gamma HSV-1716, Dex - HSV-1716, Surgery amethasone, Interventions Cisplatin, Fluorouracile, Fluorouracile, Cisplatin, ONYX-015 rQNestin, Cyclophos - rQNestin, Stereotactic phamide, biopsy DNX-2401, Tumor Tumor DNX-2401, Removal Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma Glioblastoma Recurrent Childhood Recurrent AstrocytomaAnaplastic Conditions Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Malignant Glioma Malignant Glioma Recurrent Childhood Recurrent OligoastrocytomaAnaplastic Childhood Recurrent Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic Childhood Giant Recurrent Cell Glioblastoma Childhood Recurrent Glioblastoma Childhood Recurrent Cerebri Gliomatosis Childhood Recurrent Gliosarcoma Brain Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Oropharyngeal Cancer Malignant Astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic Ependymoma Ganglioglioma Pylocytic/Pylomyxoid- Astro cytoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Central Nervous System Diseases I I I I I Study Phase Completed Status Terminated With - drawn Recruiting Completed ) for Recurrent ) for Recurrent γ Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma or Gliosarcoma Glioblastoma Brain Tumors Title Treating in Oncolytic HSV-1716 With Refractory Patients Younger High Grade Glioma or Recurrent By That Can Be Removed Surgery ONYX-015 WithONYX-015 Cisplatin and Patients Treating Fluorouracil in With Head and Neck Advanced Cancer A Study of the Treatment of Treatment A Study of the With Malignant Glioma Recurrent rQNestin34.5v.2 DNX-2401 (Formerly Known as Known DNX-2401 (Formerly for Recurrent Delta-24-RGD-4C) Malignant Gliomas DNX-2401 With Interferon Gamma (IFN- NCT02031965 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT00006106 NCT03152318 NCT00805376 NCT02197169 29 # 32 30 33 31 44 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. Locations USA ES DE NL USA USA USA USA 36 31 18 20 46 23 61 122 Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients

Oncolytic Adenovirus Ad5-DNX-2401, - Therapeutic Conven Surgerytional Interventions DNX2401, DNX2401, Temozolomide H-1PV delta-24-RGD delta-24-RGD adenovirus Modified Measles Virus, Modified Measles Virus Lumbar Puncture Carcinoembryonic ­ Expressing Antigen- Measles Virus, ­ Therapeutic- Conven Surgerytional Recombinant Recombinant nonpathogenic ­ polio-rhinovirus chimera (PVSRIPO) PVSRIPO Recurrent Anaplastic Anaplastic Recurrent Astrocytoma Conditions Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Recurrent Glioblastoma/ Glioblastoma/ Recurrent Gliosarcoma Malignant Glioma Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Glioblastoma Recurrent Tumor Recurrent Brain Tumor Medulloblastoma, Childhood, Childhood, Medulloblastoma, Recurrent Recurring Glioblastoma Anaplastic AstrocytomaAnaplastic Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor Medulloblastoma Recurrent Glioblastoma Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma Anaplastic Glioma Mixed Glioblastoma Recurrent Malignant Glioma Glioma Malignant Glioma I I I I I II I/ II I/ II Study Phase Status Recruiting Completed Completed Completed Recruiting Completed Active, not Active, recruiting Recruiting Title Oncolytic DNX-2401 Adenovirus With Recur - Patients Treating in High-Grade Glioma rent - Temozolo Virus DNX2401 and Glioblastoma mide in Recurrent Parvovirus H-1 (ParvOryx) in PrimaryWith Progressive Patients Mul - Glioblastoma or Recurrent tiforme. Safety Study of Replication-com - (Delta-24- petent Adenovirus With Recurrent rgd) in Patients Glioblastoma Modified Measles Modified Measles Virus (MV- Young and NIS) for Children With Medul - Recurrent Adults ATRT or Recurrent loblastoma Viral Therapy in Treating Patients Treating Viral Therapy in With Glioblastoma Recurrent Multiforme PVSRIPO for Recurrent Glioblas - for Recurrent PVSRIPO (GBM) toma PVSRIPO in Recurrent Malignant in Recurrent PVSRIPO Glioma NCT03896568 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT01956734 NCT01301430 NCT01582516 NCT02962167 NCT00390299 NCT01491893 NCT02986178 34 # 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 45 Locations NA USA IL USA, USA, TW 0 0 1 12 Enrollment Enrollment # of Patients # of Patients PVSRIPO, PVSRIPO, Atezolizumab Interventions Polio/Rhinovirus Re - Polio/Rhinovirus (PVSRIPO) combinant New Castle Disease Virus SGT-53, Temozolomide SGT-53, Malignant Glioma Conditions Malignant Glioma Glioblastoma Anaplastic Astrocytoma/Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma/ Oligoden - droglioma Gliosarcoma Glioblastoma/ Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid of Brain Tumor Medulloblastoma Ependymoma Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocy - of Brain toma of Brain Tumor Embryonal Recurrent Glioblastoma Recurrent Sarcoma Neuroblastoma I II I/ II I/ II Study Phase Status With - drawn Recruiting With - drawn Terminated Title and of PVSRIPO Combination WithAtezolizumab for Adults Malignant Glioma Recurrent Phase for 1b Study PVSRIPO in Malignant Glioma Recurrent Children New Castle Disease VirusNew Castle Disease (NDV) Multiforme in Glioblastoma - Sarcoma and Neuroblas (GBM), toma Phase II Study of Combined for and SGT-53 Temozolomide Glioblas - of Recurrent Treatment toma NCT03973879 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov NCT03043391 NCT01174537 NCT02340156 42 # 43 44 45 CHN: Cina; DE: Germany; ES: Spain; IL: Israel; NL: Netherlands; TW: Taiwan; USA: United States of America. USA: Taiwan; TW: Netherlands; NL: Israel; IL: Spain; Germany; ES: DE: Cina; CHN: 46 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. mutagenesis is a further major hurdle. The viral geno- The transfer and manipulation of the target genes toxicity, namely the potential activation of oncogenes involved biological carriers such as adenoviruses, due to an incorrect transduction, can be decreased by HSVs, retroviruses and AAVs. The advances of na- manufacturing self-inactivating vectors without their notechnology have led to the recent introduction of own promoter.103, 104 The route of administration of liposomes and polymers. these drugs is also a concern. Since most viral vehicles The future of gene therapies is represented by the are characterized by a too rapid systemic clearance, selection of new and more effective target genes, along stereotactic or endoscopic minimally invasive admin- with the engineering and manufacturing of non-viral istration routes have been proposed, with the same gene-delivery vectors, given that they are capable of a advantage already reported for other pathologies.105, 106 greater and safer spreading capacity.

Ongoing Trends and Future Prosepects Acknowledgements

One of the most promising genetic approaches is We want to thank Giorgia Di Giusto, Engineer, for her the restoration of the physiologic antitumor function of invaluable technical support during data collection and analysis. oncosuppressor genes or interleukins, such as p53 and IFN. Similarly, the encouraging results of the suicide Conflict of interest: Each author declares that he or she has no commercial associations (e.g. consultancies, stock ownership, equity gene and oncolytic virotherapies justify their increas- interest, patent/licensing arrangement etc.) that might pose a con- ingly large role. It must be stressed, however, that to flict of interest in connection with the submitted article date none of these therapies have proven their effect as a monotherapy. The near future should also focus on References the engineering of better carriers, capable of leading the 1. Jiang T, Mao Y, Ma W, et al. CGCG clinical practice guide- therapeutic effect due to their smaller size, lower toxic- lines for the management of adult diffuse gliomas. Cancer ity and immunologic potential, as well as improved cell Lett. 2016;375(2): 263–273.­ penetrance compared to viral vectors. Nanotechnolo- canlet.2016.01.024. gies came into aid with biocompatible nanoparticles, 2. Ricard D, Idbaih A, Ducray F, Lahutte M, Hoang-Xuan K, Delattre JY. Primary brain tumours in adults. Lancet. liposomes primarily, whose known advantages have 2012;379(9830): 1984–1996. 107, 108 been reported. The ideal carriers should be capable 6736(11)61346–9. of a wider tissue distribution. The advances in genetic 3. Ostrom QT, Gittleman H, Liao P, et al. CBTRUS statisti- engineering will make it possible to personalize the cal report: primary brain and central nervous system tumors treatments, according to patient and tumor genetics. diagnosed in the United States in 2007–2011. Neuro Oncol. 2014;16 Suppl 4: iv1–63. The development of new administration routes nou223. improved therapeutic protocols and concomitant 4. Stupp R, Hegi ME, Mason WP, et al. Effects of radio- immune-boosting strategies will optimize the gene therapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide therapies. versus radiotherapy alone on survival in glioblastoma in a randomised phase III study: 5-year analysis of the EORTC- NCIC trial. Lancet Oncol. 2009;10(5): 459–466. https:// Conclusion 5. Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al. Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblas- Gene therapy is the newest approach among the toma. N Engl J Med. 2005;352(10): 987–996. https://doi. org/10.1056/NEJMoa043330. tailored therapies for malignant brain tumors. 6. Cheng CY, Shetty R, Sekhar LN. Microsurgical Resec- The suicide gene, tumor suppressor gene, immu- tion of a Large Intraventricular Trigonal Tumor: 3-Dimen- nomodulatory gene, and oncolytic therapies have been sional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). most widely tested in clinical trials, although the total- 2018;15(6): E92-E93. 7. Palumbo P, Lombardi F, Siragusa G, et al. Involvement ity of evidence about their effectiveness is still at an of NOS2 Activity on Human Glioma Cell Growth, experimental level. Gene therapies for high-grade gliomas 47

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Original article

The impact of stem cells in neuro-oncology: applications, evidence, limitations and challenges Sabino Luzzi1,2, Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Ilaria Brambilla3, Chiara Trabatti3, Mario Mosconi4, Salvatore Savasta3, Thomas Foiadelli3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: Stem cells (SCs) represent a recent and attractive therapeutic option for neuro-oncol- ogy, as well as for treating degenerative, ischemic and traumatic pathologies of the central nervous system. This is mainly because of their homing capacity, which makes them capable of reaching the inaccessible SC niches of the tumor, therefore, acting as living drugs. The target of the study is a comprehensive overview of the SC-based therapies in neuro-oncology, also highlighting the current translational challenges of this type of approach. Methods: An online search of the literature was carried out on the PubMed/MEDLINE and websites, restricting it to the most pertinent keywords regarding the systematization of the SCs and their therapeutic use for malignant brain tumors. A large part of the search was dedicated to clinical trials. Only preclinical and clinical data belonging to the last 5 years were shortlisted. A further sorting was implemented based on the best match and relevance. Results: The results consisted in 96 relevant articles and 31 trials. Systematization involves a distinction between human embryonic, fetal and adult, but also totipo- tent, pluripotent or multipotent SCs. Mesenchymal and neuronal SCs were the most studied for neuro-on- cological illnesses. 30% and 50% of the trials were phase I and II, respectively. Conclusion: Mesenchymal and neuronal SCs are ideal candidates for SCs-based therapy of malignant brain tumors. The spectrum of their possible applications is vast and is mainly based on the homing capacity toward the tumor microenvironment. Availability, delivery route, oncogenicity and ethical issues are the main translational challenges concerning the use of SCs in neuro-oncology. (

Key words: Cell-Based Therapy, High-Grade Glioma, Neuro-Oncology, Somatic Cell Therapy, Stem Cells

Background (4-10). More recently, in the CNS as in other systems and tissues, the regenerative property was clarified as A large part of modern neurology rests on the being attributable to the existence of ‘stem cells’ which, seminal work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, which in by definition, are immature undifferentiated cells hav- 1913, demonstrated for the first time in the history of ing a capacity of self-renewal. The self-renewal capac- medicine that neurons can regenerate equally to other ity practically consists in the fact that one of the two tissues (1-3). Since that time, this along with other daughters arising from the progenitor cell can differ- pivotal points, has led to several steps forward in a bet- entiate into any other specialized cell of a given tissue, ter understanding of the pathophysiology of several with the remaining one instead maintaining the tissue- illnesses affecting the central nervous system (CNS) specific stem cell heritage. The possibility of growth, 52 S. Luzzi, A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. regeneration and repair of a given tissue is entirely “clinical employment” and “therapeutic use” were the attributable to the subsistence of this cellular popula- subheadings of the MeSH database search. Only ar- tion, which seems to hold and play regulative func- ticles in English or translated into English, published tions, while also being subject to a functional control in the last five years, and regarding the field of neuro- within its specific microenvironment, also referred to oncology were selected. Based on the best match and as ‘niche’ (11-22). Currently, no field of medicine can relevance inferred by the titles and summaries, a fur- be thought as immune to the enthusiasm coming from ther sorting was carried out. the potential applications of stem-cell therapy, which On the finder, the search terms can currently be considered the fully-fledged backbone “Brain tumors” and “Stem Cells” were used in the of regenerative medicine. “condition/disease” and “other terms” fields, respec- The neuro-oncological field has been among the tively. No restriction for country, recruitment status first to be interested in the stem cell revolution, mainly and study phase were applied. A brief summary of the because of the kinetic and qualitative aspects which retrieved trials was reported focusing on the status and this specific cellular population has in common with phase, separately from the results. tumors, namely, the high replicative rate, lack of con- tact inhibition, as well as capability to origin teratocar- cinomas in mice, to cite just a few. However, in recent Results years, the explosive volume of the literature about the use of stem cells in any field of neuroscience, on one 1. Volume of the Literature hand, and the dramatic increase in the qualitative and quantitative spectrum related to the stem cells on the The search returned a total of 1,802 articles and other, have unavoidably led to confusion, especially re- 81 clinical trials. After the implantation of the exclu- garding the line between the preclinical and clinical sion criteria and removal of duplicates, 96 relevant ar- level of evidence. ticles and 31 trials were sorted. This study is aimed at an updated and comprehen- sive overview of the theoretical and practical impact of 2. Overview and Systematization of the Stem Cells the stem cell-based therapies in neuro-oncology, along with the assessment of their clinical level of evidence, 2.1 Origin limitations and future challenges. Based on their origin, stem cells may be classified as embryonic, fetal or adult. Methods Human embryonic stem cells (h-ESCs) originate from a blastocyst inner cell mass. They hold atypi- An online search of the literature was carried out cal cell cycle regulation, which explains their unlim- on the PubMed/MEDLINE (https://pubmed.ncbi. ited potential of propagation in culture, specific set of and websites (https:// markers, lack of contact inhibition and maximal po- On PubMed/MEDLINE, both the tential of differentiation (14, 23-27). Typically, they MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) database and free are known to form teratocarcinomas in nude mice (23, mode search were used to carry out a search of the liter- 28-30). ature combining the following keywords: “Stem Cells” Fetal stem cells come from fetal blood and fetal [MeSH], “Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy” [MeSH], tissues and form blood cells, tissues and organs. Um- “Regenerative Medicine” [MeSH], “Cell Engineering” bilical cord blood, veins and matrix are sources of fetal [MeSH], “Genetic Therapy” [MeSH], “Gene Trans- stem cells, along with the amnion and placenta. Um- fer Techniques” [MeSH], “Central Nervous System” bilical cord fetal stem cells have yielded great interest [MeSH], “Brain” [MeSH], “brain tumors” [text word] because they are readily available, inexpensive, multi- and “Stem Cells” [text word]. “Classification criteria”, potent and immune from ethical issues (31-36). Stem cell-based therapy for malignant brain tumors 53

Adult stem cells are present in all differentiated ages (54-60). Both adult h-NSCs and h-ESCs are re- tissue (37-39). They were isolated for the first time in lated to specific biomarkers of embryogenesis and adult the hematopoietic system, but subsequently also in the neurogenesis (61). A further, more recent class of stem adult CNS (40-44). Adult stem cells have been re- cells is represented by the human-induced pluripotent ported to have tremendous plasticity and an equally staminal cells (h-iPSCs). They derive from genetically extensive regenerative capability. The main strength of reprogrammed adult somatic cells, thus making them this type of stem cell lies, first, in its theoretically high theoretically unlimited in number. They also have prov- availability for autologous transplantation, and second, en to have the same potential of pluripotent cells (62- in its absence of immunological complications (45, 46). 64). Both of these aspects account for the reasons why h-iPSCs have aroused the maximum interest among all 2.2 Plasticity stem cells, being that there is a theoretically inexhaust- ible source of pluripotent cells. Stem cells may also be classified according to their plasticity. This systematization entails the distinction 3. Evidence on the Effectiveness and Safety in Neuro- between totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent cells. oncology In principle, the sole and unique totipotent cell is the zygote along with its progeny (47). Every somatic The highest clinical level of evidence about the ef- cell, embryonic and extra-embryonic tissue included, fectiveness of stem cell-based therapy consisted in 31 comes from the totipotent progenitor cell. In contrast, clinical trials, for a total of 1,103 patients recruited, the pluripotent cell, also referred to as h-ESCs, since summarized in Table 1 (Suppl Table). Of these, 30% it originates from the blastocyst inner cell mass, may were phase 1, 50% phase 2 and 7% phase 3 (Graph stem from all three of the germ layers, giving birth to 1). Most of the trials were executed in the U.S. (60%), ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal tissues, but it whereas 32% were multicentric (Graph 2). To date, does not stem from embryonic or extra-embryonic tis- only 64% were completed (Graph 3). In 24 trials sue (22, 48). Multipotent cells, belonging to the three (77.4%), peripheral blood stem cells, namely hemat- germ layers even in the embryonic stage, are capable of opoietic cells, were involved, with the aim of assessing giving birth to a vast amount of cell lineage which, in their effectiveness in counteracting the myeloablative the past, was thought to generate lines belonging exclu- effects of the chemotherapy against malignant brain sively to the same tissue where they reside. Neverthe- tumors. In 4 trials (12.9%), h-NSCs were tested ba- less, this assumption has been recently questioned (49). sically as carriers for oncolytic viruses (3.2%), or also Being present also in the adult age, multipotent cells as drugs in a genetically modified form (9.6%). In 2 sustain auto-regeneration and allows tissues to repair further trials, tumor-derived stem cells were used for a themselves after damage. There are four known main vaccine (Graph 4). In all cases, stem cells were used in types of human multipotent cells, namely, mesenchy- association with a defined chemo-radiotherapy proto- mal stem cells (h-MSCs), neural stem cells (h-NSCs), col considered as standard of care. Only 2 trials have bone marrow stromal cells, and olfactory ensheathing tabular results available. Both of them studied the ef- cells. Within the CNS, h-NSCs have been isolated fectiveness of radiation therapy in achieving a signifi- from the three sites capable of a neuronal turnover par cant increase of progression-free survival and overall excellence: the adult ventricular-subventricular zone, the survival of glioblastoma, secondary to the inclusion olfactory bulb and the hippocampus (50, 51). At these of tumor peripheral margin encompassing the tumor sites, h-NSCs have been proven to differentiate into stem cells. Both were able to prove that this strategy neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, as well as be- adds benefits and has a good safety profile. ing responsible for the maintenance of the homeostatic Most of the evidence about the effectiveness of and regenerative processes (52, 53). The h-NSCs hold the h-NSCs-based therapy, however, belongs to a pre- a restricted neural differentiation capability, which is clinical level (65-74). Apart from h-NSCs, h-MSCs practically committed to specific subpopulation line- also have been widely tested for their potential use in 54 S. Luzzi, A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

Graph 1. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- Graph 3. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- als according to the status als according to the location

Graph 2. Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- Graph 4. Pie graph showing the distribution of the type of stem als according to the study phase cell tested Stem cell-based therapy for malignant brain tumors 55 the treatment of CNS malignancies, often with posi- migration inhibitory factor-CXCR4 has been recently tive results being obtained in animals (75, 76). reported to be among the main pathways in migra- tion and homing in this specific population of stem cells (93). Even h-iPSCs are thought to hold chemo- Discussion tactic properties toward the glioma cells, although with mechanisms that are still largely unknown (94). The rationale at the base of the use of stem cells For all of these types of cells, the migration property for treating malignant CNS tumors lies in various is significantly conditioned by the tumoral microenvi- aspects. These cells are theoretically capable of: sur- ronment (95). The selectivity of the stem cells, acting rounding the glioblastoma and inhibiting the spread- as organic delivery vehicles toward the tumor, is para- ing of the tumor (77, 78); being selective deliverers of mount for overcoming the immune tolerance and im- drugs (79); transferring retrovirus-mediated transgene mune escape of conventional chemotherapy, and has against tumors (80); delivering adenovirus-mediated even been brought into play for pathologies other than tumor necrosis factor genes inducing apoptosis (79, CNS tumors (96-98). Once inside the tumor, stem 81); carrying oncolytic herpes simplex viruses (82), cells can deliver toxins, anti-proliferative drugs, pro- and so forth. apoptotic, anti-angiogenetic and immunomodulat- The aspect common to all the aforementioned ing agents, prodrug activators, nanoparticles and also potential mechanisms is the intrinsic homing prop- viral vectors, the last two with the goal of infecting erty of specific types of stem cells toward the neural and killing the neoplastic cells (99). These approaches tissue (83). The homing also involves the great apti- may also be combined with one another or used with tude of these cells to migrate into the ‘niches’ of the conventional chemotherapy in order to enhance the tumor, which are the sites where the tumor stem cells overall effectiveness of the stem-cell therapies. The reside, giving rise to recurrences both in malignant route of administration of the therapeutic stem cell is gliomas and in other CNS tumors (22, 84-86). The a concern in the management of these therapies. In homing property regards particularly the h-NSCs and localized brain tumors that underwent surgical gross h-MSCs, which have been, not by chance, the most total resection, the residual tumor cavity may be con- studied lineages in this sense. From a molecular stand- sidered as an elective site for direct release of these point, the most known pathway at the base of stem drugs. Conversely, diffused, bilateral or advanced CNS cell homing is the complex CXCR4 receptor-stromal tumors present more challenges in their treatment, and cell-derived factor 1 ligand (CXCL12), which is cou- the possible routes of administration can be stereotac- pled with a G-protein (87). Typically, this complex is tic or endoscopic. Endoscopy in particular is the means expressed at a high level at sites known for their neu- by which the stem cell is delivered into the ventricular rogenesis, namely, the subventricular zone, olfactory cavity, with this technique being moreover considered bulb and the hippocampus. In the mouse brain, the as something new in addition to the known advantages pattern of migration of the therapeutic stem cells to- coming from this minimal invasive approach for other ward the tumor site has been reported to be similar neurological and neurosurgical pathologies (100, 101). to that of h-NSCs (77, 88). Further mediators of cel- The results of the present study have highlighted, lular migration, through the interaction with specific however, that the near totality of the evidence arises receptors, are the stem cell factor, the platelet-derived from in-vitro or in-vivo data on animals, therefore, growth factor BB, and the vascular endothelial growth they have to be considered as being part of a still pre- factor (VEGF) (89). In particular, quantitative and clinical phase. None of the reported trials have been, qualitative variations of the VEGF and interactions at the current time, conclusive about the effectiveness with chemotactic factors Ang2 and GROα have been and safety of the stem cell-based neoadjuvant therapy associated with the tropism of h-NSCs, but also affect for brain tumors. Even today, several factors limit the a wide range of vascular pathologies of the CNS (90- use of stem cells in the current therapeutic protocol of 92). In regard to h-MSCs, the complex macrophage CNS tumors, with these aspects representing, at the 56 S. Luzzi, A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. same time, the major challenges of the stem cell-based Acknowledgements therapies. A primary factor to be considered is their availability, which is undoubtedly higher for h-MSCs We want to thank Giorgia Di Giusto, Engineer, for her and h-iPSCs, when compared to h-NSCs, for the rea- invaluable technical support during data collection and analysis. son that a precious source of h-iPSCs is the adipose tissue. The same concepts can be extended also to the numerous ethical issues affecting mainly the h-NSCs, Disclosure - Conflict of Interest and affecting the h-MSCs and h-iPSCs to a lesser ex- Each author declares that he or she has no com- tent. The theoretical possibility of a xenogeneic source mercial associations (e.g. consultancies, stock owner- of stem cells should be considered as a further possible ship, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangement solution to most of these issues in the future . With the etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connec- advent of the i-PSC, a large part of the problem re- tion with the submitted article. garding the use of stem cells has been partially solved, and significant steps forward have been taken in the Conflict of interest: Each author declares that he or she has no context of the translational field. 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Original article

Potential roads for reaching the summit: an overview on target therapies for high-grade gliomas Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Sabino Luzzi1,2, Ilaria Brambilla3, Lucia Schena.3, Mario Mosconi4, Thomas Foiadelli3, Salvatore Savasta3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: The tailored targeting of specific oncogenes represents a new frontier in the treatment of high-grade glioma in the pursuit of innovative and personalized approaches. The present study consists in a wide-ranging overview of the target therapies and related translational challenges in neuro-oncology. Methods: A review of the literature on PubMed/MEDLINE on recent advances concerning the target thera- pies for treatment of central nervous system malignancies was carried out. In the Medical Subject Headings, the terms “Target Therapy”, “Target drug” and “Tailored Therapy” were combined with the terms “High- grade gliomas”, “Malignant brain tumor” and “Glioblastoma”. Articles published in the last five years were further sorted, based on the best match and relevance. The website was used as a source of the main trials, where the search terms were “Central Nervous System Tumor”, “Malignant Brain Tumor”, “Brain Cancer”, “Brain Neoplasms” and “High-grade gliomas”. Results: A total of 137 relevant articles and 79 trials were selected. Target therapies entailed inhibitors of tyrosine kinases, PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, farnesyl transferase enzymes, p53 and pRB proteins, isocitrate dehydrogenases, histone deacetylases, integrins and proteasome complexes. The clinical trials mostly involved combined approaches. They were phase I, II, I/II and III in 33%, 42%, 16%, and 9% of the cases, respectively. Conclusion: Tyrosine kinase and angiogenesis inhibitors, in combination with standard of care, have shown most evidence of the effectiveness in glioblas- toma. Resistance remains an issue. A deeper understanding of the molecular pathways involved in gliomagen- esis is the key aspect on which the translational research is focusing, in order to optimize the target therapies of newly diagnosed and recurrent brain gliomas. (

Key words: Glioblastoma; Malignant Brain Tumors; Neuro-Oncology; Target Therapy; Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors.

Background multimodality treatment including surgery, radiother- apy and chemotherapy.5, 6 High-grade gliomas, with glioblastoma (GBM) The significant resistance of GBM to therapy being the progenitor, are the most lethal primary brain is related to the heterogeneous genetic landscape tumors of all because of the certainty of recurrence of the tumor. High-grade gliomas harbor recurrent and mortality.1-4 As a matter of fact, the median overall molecular abnormalities which are involved in the survival is no longer than 15 months, despite current maintenance of the cell’s cycle and growth, the tumor 62 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. microenvironment, pathological angiogenesis, DNA status were selected. Filtering included articles pub- repair and apoptosis.7-10 lished in the last five years, in English or translated into Advances in genetics and the studies of epigenet- English. A descriptive analysis was provided. ics in many pathologies affecting the central nervous system (CNS) have allowed the molecular characteri- zation, as well as the identification of the anomalies in Results the cellular signaling pathways11-14. The same insights have been of utmost importance also in neuro-on- 1. Volume of the Literature cological field, GBM first, where they led to a better understanding of tumor progression and cancer drug The search retrieved a total of 178 articles and 148 escape.15-20 A deeper understanding of the malignant clinical trials. After the implementation of the exclu- GBM phenotype has recently improved the knowl- sion criteria and removal of duplicates, 137 articles edge about the biology of cancer, which is the starting and 79 randomized and non-randomized clinical trials point for identifying specific biomarkers and for de- were collected. veloping new agents for targeting specific steps in the About the clinical trials, 33% were phase I, 42% transduction pathways of glioma cells.21 Novel tailored phase II, 16% phase I/II and 9% phase III (Graph 1). therapies include drugs aimed at counteracting the ef- Table 1 summarizes the most relevant clinical trials on fects of the neoplastic genetic deregulation, pathologi- target therapies for high-grade gliomas (Table 1). cal angiogenesis and growth factor receptors; the latter with their downstream signaling pathways. 2. Classification of The Target Therapies An overview of the target therapeutic strategies and challenges in developing effective agents is report- The target therapies are mostly categorized ed as follows. ­according to the targets, which, in their turn, include molecular alterations and oncogenic signaling. The


The search of the literature was performed on the PubMed/MEDLINE (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm. search engine, with combinations of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and text words, and on the website (https://clinicaltri- The MeSH terms “Target Therapy”, “Target drug” and “Tailored Therapy” were combined with the MeSH terms “High-grade gliomas”, “Malignant brain tumor” and “Glioblastoma”. In addition to original articles, our research involved reviews and editorials. The sorting of articles was carried out focusing on the most relevant studies chosen according to titles and abstracts. On the database the texts words “Central Nervous System Tumor”, “Malignant Brain Tumor”, “Brain Cancer”, “High-grade gliomas” and “Brain Tumor” were used for the field “condition/dis- ease”. Only trials regarding target therapies, without re- Graph 1. Pie graph showing the distribution of the selected strictions for localization, study phase and recruitment clinical trials according to the study phase. Potential roads for reaching the summit 63

Table 1. Clinical Trials on Target Therapies for High-Grade Gliomas. # of Patients Study # Conditions Interventions Status Locations Identifier Enrollment Phase Brain and Central Nervous 1 NCT00025675 105 Gefitinib 2 Completed USA System Tumors Brain and Central Nervous 2 NCT00016991 53 Gefitinib 2 Completed USA System Tumors 3 NCT00238797 Glioblastoma Multiforme 36 Gefitinib 2 Completed SW Brain and Central Nervous Gefitinib, 4 NCT00027625 n/a 1 Completed USA System Tumors Temozolomide 5 NCT00418327 Malignant Brain Tumor 48 Erlotinib 1 Completed FR Glioblastoma Multiforme 6 NCT00301418 11 Erlotinib 1, 2 Completed USA Anaplastic Astrocytoma Carmustine, BE, FR, Brain and Central Nervous 7 NCT00086879 110 Erlotinib,­ 2 Completed IT, NL, System Tumors Temozolomide­ UK Lapatinib, Newly Diagnosed Glioblas- 8 NCT01591577 50 Temozolomide, 2 Completed USA toma Multiforme Radiotherapy Brain and Central Nervous 9 NCT00099060 24 Lapatinib 1, 2 Completed CN System Tumors 10 NCT02423525 Brain Cancer 24 Afatinib 1 Completed USA Afatinib, Te- 11 NCT00977431 Glioblastoma Multiforme 36 mozolomide, 1 Completed UK Radiotherapy Glioblastoma Multiforme 12 NCT01520870 49 Dacomitinib 2 Completed ES Brain Tumor, Recurrent 13 NCT01112527 Glioblastoma Multiforme 58 Dacomitinib 2 Completed USA Cetuximab, 14 NCT00463073 Malignant Gliomas 32 Bevacizumab, 2 Completed DK Irinotecan Depatuxizumab mafodotin (ABT- 15 NCT01800695 Glioblastoma Multiforme 202 414) , Temozolo- 1 Completed AU mide, Whole Brain Radiation Depatuxizumab mafodotin Active, not 16 NCT02573324 Glioblastoma Multiforme 691 3 USA (ABT-414) , recruiting Temozolomide 17 NCT04083976 Advanced Solid Tumor 280 Erdafitinib 2 Recruiting USA Recurrent Adult Brain Neo- 18 NCT00049127 64 Imatinib 1, 2 Completed USA plasm Imatinib, 19 NCT00613054 Glioblastoma Multiforme 27 1 Completed USA Hydroxyurea 20 NCT01331291 Glioblastoma Multiforme 36 Bosutinib 2 Completed USA Glioblastoma Multiforme Temozolomide, 21 NCT00601614 119 1.2 Completed USA Gliosarcoma Vandetanib 64 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. # of Patients Study # Conditions Interventions Status Locations Identifier Enrollment Phase 22 NCT00427440 Advanced Malignant Glioma 61 AMG 102 2 Completed USA CN, FR, DE, IT, Onartuzumab, 23 NCT01632228 Glioblastoma Multiforme 135 2 Completed ES, SW, Bevacizumab UK , USA Glioblastoma Multiforme AMG 102, 24 NCT01113398 36 2 Completed USA Gliosarcoma Bevacizumab Bevacizumab, 25 NCT01632228 Glioblastoma Multiforme 135 2 Completed USA Onartuzumab 26 NCT00606879 Advanced Cancer 46 SGX523 1 Terminated USA 27 NCT00607399 Advanced Cancer 46 SGX523 1 Terminated USA Brain and Central Nervous 28 NCT00784914 12 Temsirolimus 1 Completed USA System Tumors Adult Glioblastoma Multiforme 29 NCT00016328 33 Temsirolimus 2 Completed USA Adult Gliosarcoma Recurrent Adult Brain Tumor Brain and Central Nervous 30 NCT00047073 13 Sirolimus, Surgery 1, 2 Completed USA System Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme Erlotinib, 31 NCT00672243 32 2 Completed USA Gliosarcoma Sirolimus Everolimus, Brain and Central Nervous 32 NCT00553150 122 Temozolomide, 1.2 Completed USA System Tumors Radiotherapy Brain and Central Nervous Everolimus, 33 NCT00085566 System Tumors 61 1.2 Completed USA Gefitinib Prostate Cancer Buparlisib, 34 NCT01339052 Glioblastoma Multiforme 65 2 Completed USA Surgery Buparlisib, 35 NCT01473901 Glioblastoma Multiforme 38 Temozolomide, 1 Completed USA Radiotherapy Buparlisib, Bevaci- Active, not 36 NCT01349660 Glioblastoma Multiforme 88 1, 2 USA zumab recruiting Malignant Gliomas 37 NCT00590954 32 Perifosine 2 Completed USA Brain Cancer Brain and Central Nervous 38 NCT00005859 136 Tipifarnib 1.2 Completed USA System Tumors Adult Giant Cell Glioblastoma Tipifarnib, 39 NCT00049387 19 Temozolomide, 1 Completed USA Adult Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Adult Gliosarcoma Brain and Central Nervous 40 NCT00015899 53 Lonafarnib 1 Completed USA System Tumors Potential roads for reaching the summit 65 # of Patients Study # Conditions Interventions Status Locations Identifier Enrollment Phase Temozolomide, 41 NCT00038493 Glioblastoma Multiforme 23 2 Completed USA Lonafarnib Pediatric BRAFV600E-mu- Active, not 42 NCT01748149 40 Vemurafenib 1 USA tant Gliomas recruiting Glioblastoma Active, not 43 NCT02345824 3 Ribociclib 1 USA Glioma recruiting Metastatic Malignant Brain 44 NCT02896335 30 Palbociclib 2 Recruiting USA Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme Ribociclib, 45 NCT03834740 24 1 Recruiting USA Brain Gliomas Everolimus Astrocytoma, Grade III Zotiraciclib, 46 NCT03224104 81 Temozolomide, 1 Recruiting SW Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Brain Tumors Astrocytoma, Astroglioma Zotiraciclib, 47 NCT02942264 152 1, 2 Recruiting USA Glioblastoma Temozolomide Gliosarcoma Cholangiocarcinoma Chondrosarcoma Active, not 48 NCT02073994 170 Ivosidenib 1 USA, FR Glioma recruiting Other Advanced Solid Tumors Active, not 49 NCT02481154 Glioma 150 Vorasidenib 1 USA recruiting

Glioblastoma Multiforme Bevacizumab, 50 NCT00884741 Gliosarcoma 637 Temozolomide, 3 Completed USA Supratentorial Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Temozolomide, Active, not 51 NCT00731731 Adult Glioblastoma 125 1, 2 USA Vorinostat recruiting Temozolomide, BE, DE, Brain and Central Nervous 52 NCT00128700 20 Vatalanib, Radio- 1, 2 Completed IT, NL, System Tumors therapy SW 53 NCT00108056 Glioma 26 Enzastaurin 1 Terminated USA 54 NCT00190723 Malignant Glioma 120 Enzastaurin 2 Completed USA Brain and Central Nervous 55 NCT00503724 System Tumors 32 Enzastaurin 1 Completed USA Neuroblastoma Brain and Central Nervous 56 NCT00006247 33 Semaxanib 1 Terminated USA System Tumors 57 NCT01229644 Glioma 10 Crenolanib 2 Terminated USA Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma 58 NCT01393912 55 Crenolanib 1 Completed USA Progressive or Refractory High-Grade Glioma 66 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. # of Patients Study # Conditions Interventions Status Locations Identifier Enrollment Phase Adult Giant Cell Glioblas- toma 59 NCT00305656 Adult Glioblastoma 31 Cediranib 2 Completed USA Adult Gliosarcoma Recurrent Adult Brain Tumor 60 NCT00326664 Recurrent Glioblastoma 55 Cediranib 1 Completed USA Cediranib, 61 NCT00503204 Brain Tumor 20 1 Completed USA, UK Lomustine 62 NCT00704288 Glioblastoma Multiforme 222 Cabozantinib 2 Completed USA Glioblastoma Multiforme Cabozantinib, 63 NCT00960492 26 Temozolomide, 1 Completed USA Gliosarcoma Radiotherapy Brain and Central Nervous 64 NCT00337207 55 Bevacizumab 2 Completed USA System Tumors Malignant Glioma Grade IV Malignant Glioma Bevacizumab, 65 NCT01740258 69 Temozolomide, 2 Completed USA Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Gliosarcoma Recurrent High-Grade 66 NCT00271609 Gliomas 88 Bevacizumab 2 Completed USA Malignant Gliomas Glioblastoma Multiforme Bevacizumab, 67 NCT01290939 Cognition Disorders 433 3 Unknown USA Lomustine Disability Evaluation Bevacizumab, 68 NCT01860638 Glioblastoma Multiforme 296 2 Completed AU Lomustine Glioblastoma Multiforme Bevacizumab, 69 NCT00884741 637 Chemiotherapy, 3 Completed USA GliosarcomaSupratentorial Radiotherapy Bevacizumab, 70 NCT00943826 Glioblastoma Multiforme 921 Temozolomide, 3 Completed USA Radiotherapy Adult Glioblastoma Multi- Olaratumab, 71 NCT00895180 80 2 Completed USA forme Ramucirumab Adult Anaplastic Astrocy- toma Adult Anaplastic Oligoden- droglioma 72 NCT00369590 58 Aflibercept 2 Completed USA Adult Giant Cell Glioblas- toma Adult Gliosarcoma Recurrent Adult Brain Tumor 73 NCT00093964 Glioblastoma Multiforme 81 Cilengitide 2 Completed USA Potential roads for reaching the summit 67 # of Patients Study # Conditions Interventions Status Locations Identifier Enrollment Phase Adult Giant Cell Glioblas- toma Cilengitide, 74 NCT00085254 112 Temozolomide, 1, 2 Completed USA Adult Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Adult Gliosarcoma Cilengitide, 75 NCT00689221 Glioblastoma Multiforme 545 Temozolomide, 3 Completed USA, DE Radiotherapy Glioblastoma Multiforme Lenalidomide, 76 NCT00165477 Gliosarcoma 23 2 Completed USA Radiotherapy Malignant Gliomas Marizomib, Newly Diagnosed 77 NCT03345095 750 Temozolomide, 3 Recruiting AU, BE Glioblastoma Radiotherapy Adult Anaplastic Astrocy- toma Adult Anaplastic Oligoden- droglioma 78 NCT00006773 Adult Giant Cell Glioblastom 42 Bortezomib 1 Terminated USA Adult Glioblastoma Adult Gliosarcoma Recurrent Adult Brain Tumor Bortezomib, Brain and Central Nervous 79 NCT00998010 25 Temozolomide, 2 Completed USA System Tumors Radiotherapy AU: Austria; BE: Belgium; CA: Canada; DE: Germany; DK: Denmark; ES: Spain; FR: France; IT: Italy; NL: Netherlands; SW: Switzerland; UK: United Kingdom; USA: United States of America majority of approaches are directed against signaling The most widely studied tyrosine kinase receptors are pathways related to cell proliferation and glioma in- the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), the vasion, angiogenesis and inhibition of apoptosis.22-25 platelet-derived growth receptor (PDGFR), the fibro- ­Table 2 reports the classification of the target therapies blast growth factor receptor (FGFR) and the hepato- used for malignant brain tumors (Table 2). cyte growth factor receptor (HGFR). All of them are constantly overexpressed or mutated in GBMs. Tyros- 2.1. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors ine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are molecules which bind the aforementioned receptors, blocking their down- Tyrosine kinase receptors consist in an extracel- stream signals. lular ligand-binding and a transmembrane tyrosine ki- nase domain containing sites for autophosphorylation. 2.1.1 EGFR Upon the binding of its ligand, the receptors undergo dimerization and phosphorylation of specific tyros- The EGFR gene is amplified or overexpressed in ines, those become binding sites, recruit proteins and 40% to 60% of the primary GBMs, whereas loss of activate downstream intracellular pathways, ultimately exons 2 to 7 (EGFRvIII) is present in 40-50% of the resulting in tumor maintenance and proliferation.26-28 cases.29-31 68 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al.

Table 2. Classification of Target Therapies for Malignant Brain EGFRvIII mutation leads to a ligand-independ- Tumors ent kinase activity and, accordingly, an EGFR-path- way overactivation, resulting in increased cell prolifer- Target Therapy ation, invasiveness and resistance to chemotherapeutic Biological Role in 32, 33 Candidate Drugs Target agents. Gefinitib (Iressa®) and erlotinib (Tarce- GBM va®) are approved TKIs directed against EGFRvI- EGFRvIII Proliferation, II. Three phase II clinical trials (#NCT00025675, PDGFR migration, invasion, TKIs #NCT00238797, #NCT00016991) highlighted the FGFR and resistance to efficacy of gefinitib, pointing out a progression-free apoptosis HGFR survival at 6 months (PFS-6) of 13%.34 Erlotinib PI3K Growth, metabo- lacked success as a monotherapy, but enhanced the ef- PI3K/AKT/ AKT lism, proliferation, ficacy of chemo-radiotherapy, especially if associated mTOR Is mTORC1 migration with temozolomide (TMZ) and carmustine at a dose 35, 36 RAS/MAPK Cell cycle of 150 or 300 mg/daily. Similar results have been FTIs maintenance and reported for lapatinib, afatinib and dacomitinib.37 BRAF V600E proliferation In addition, two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) MDM2/ p53Is Cell cycle progres- are under observation. Cetuximab, a chimeric murine- MDM4 sion and resistance to human IgG1 Mab that binds the extracellular EGFR pRBIs CDK4/CDK6 apoptosis domain inducing tumor apoptosis.38 As a monothera- Metabolism, pro- py, it demonstrated a PFS-6 of 9.2% and an increased IDHIs IDH1 liferation, invasion, overall survival (OS) of 5 months. In combination angiogenesis with bevacizumab and irinotecan cetuximab, it showed Dysregulation a PFS-6 of 30% and a median OS of 7.2 months.39 DNA transcription, HDACIs Histones expansion of gene ABT-414, an EGFR-directed MAb conjugated to mutations an anti-microtubulin agent, had a PFS-6 of 28.3% in VEGF-A Blood vessel forma- monotherapy or when combined with standard temo- tion, proliferation, zolomide chemoradiotherapy (#NCT02573324).40 VEGFR1 AIs therapeutic resistance Tumor microenviron- PKC 2.1.2. PDGFR ment maintenance Cell adhesion, migra- IIs Integrins PDGFR gene amplification is found in nearly tion, metastasis 15% of GBMs, and the receptor’s overexpression, Homeostasis, growth Proteasome which leads to tumor growth and angiogenesis, is fre- PIs and resistance to complex apoptosis quently associated with transition from low- to high- grade glioma.30 Imatinib is the most famous PDGFR AIs Angiogenesis Inhibitors, EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; FGFR: Fibroblast Growth Factor Recep- inhibitor, used in many hematological tumors for its tor FTIs: Farnesyl Transferase Inhibitors; HDACIs: His- activity against the mast/stem cell growth factor recep- tone Deacetylases Inhibitors; HGFR: Hepatocyte Growth tor (c-KIT), and oncogene fusion protein BCR-ABL. Factor Receptor; IDH1: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1; IDHIs: Many phase II clinical trials have proven that Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors; IIs: Integrin Inhibi- tors; mTOR: Mammalian Target of Rapamycin; mTORC1: imatinib monotherapy failed to improve PFS-6 or Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 1; PDGFR: OS in patients with GBM,41 but resulted in a good Platelet- Derived Growth Receptor; PI3K: Phosphatidylinos- response in combination with hydroxyurea.42 itol 4,5-Bisphosphate–3; PIs: Proteasome Inhibitors; PKC: Sorafenib, vandetanib, dasatinib and bosutinib are Protein Kinase C; TKIs: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors; VEGF-A: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A; VEGFR1: Vascular other PDGFR inhibitors. However, many clinical tri- Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 als have failed to demonstrate the efficacy of dasatinib, Potential roads for reaching the summit 69 both as monotherapy and combined with radiotherapy, demonstrated a radiographic improvement in 36% of TMZ and lomustine.43, 44 the patients, a PFS-6 of 7.8% and median OS of 4.4 months.57 2.1.3. FGFR Sirolimus has been tested in combination with surgery (#NCT00047073), gefitinib in 34 recurrent Erdafitinib, a selective FGFR TKI, showed prom- glioma patients, and erlotinib (#NCT00672243), ising results in patients with GBM harboring onco- demonstrating moderate effectiveness.58 genic FGFR-TACC fusion.45, 46 Everolimus was studied in combination with ge- fitinib (#NCT00085566), bevacizumab or chemiora- 2.1.4. HGFR/c-MET diotherapy. A phase II clinical trial tested the com- bination of everolimus, TMZ and radiotherapy versus HGFR, also known as c-Met, amplification/ conventional standard of care (#NCT00553150). mutation has a role in promoting gliomagenesis and However, mTOR inhibitors have not demon- drug resistance.47, 48 Crizotinib, specifically designed strated significant clinical activity, if not in combina- against c-Met, has given some results in combi- tion with other treatments. This is due to their selectiv- nation with dasatinib.49, 50 Analogous results have ity for mTORC1 and not mTORC2, ensuring only a been reported for SGX52351, 52 (#NCT00606879, partial blocking of the mTOR function. #NCT00607399). Conversely, onartuzumab and In fact, two novel ATP-competitive mTORC2 rilotumumab (AMG102) basically demonstrated no inhibitors (CC214-1 and CC214-2) are under investi- clinical benefits.53, 54 Two phase II clinical trials have gation, in order to overcome the resistance of mTOR been completed, one with AMG102 as monotherapy inhibitors.59 (#NCT00427440), and the other with AMG102 plus Other promising strategies involve the selective bevacizumab (#NCT01113398), both for patients PI3K inhibitor, buparlisib, which has an antitumor ac- with recurrent high-grade gliomas. tivity, especially when associated with bevacizumab in patients with recurrent GBM.59 2.2. PI3K/AKT/mTOR Inhibitors Perifosine is a novel selective AKT inhibitor, cur- rently tested in some ongoing trials. A phase II study The Cancer Genome Atlas analysis highlighted investigated perifosine as a monotherapy for recurrent the presence of PI3K/AKT/ mTOR signaling path- malignant gliomas60 (#NCT00590954). way dysregulation in 50-60% of GBMs.55, 56 The ac- tivation of phosphatidylinositol 4.5-bisphosphate-3 2.3. Farnesyl Transferase Inhibitors (PI3K) regulates the activity of many kinase proteins, such as AKT. It transduces the signals to many down- Following the activation of TK receptors, the stream intracellular effectors, like the mammalian tar- intracellular RAS protein family undergoes post- get of rapamycin (mTOR). A fundamental intracellu- translational modifications and triggers multiple effec- lar protein is mTOR, involved in cell growth signaling tor pathways, including the RAF and MAP kinases and tumorigenesis. It is composed of two subunits, (MAPK) involved in cell proliferation, differentiation mTORC1-2, with different roles, and mTORC1, par- and survival. ticularly involved in the transition of the cell cycle from However, translocation of RAS to the cell mem- G1 to S. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) brane requires a post-translational alteration catalyzed approved three mTORC1 inhibitors: sirolimus (Rapa- by the farnesyl transferase enzyme.30, 61 mycin, Rapamune®), everolimus® and temsirolimus®. Farnesylation is the limiting step in RAS activities Temsirolimus has been evaluated in some sig- and the specific farnesyl transferase inhibitors (FTIs) nificant clinical trials; one of these was a phase II lock all its functions upstream, and consequently the study involving 65 patients with recurrent GBM. It intracellular RAS-RAF-MEK-MAPK pathway.62 70 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al.

Among these, tipifarnib (Zarnestra®), exhibited Novel agents directed to CDK4 and CDK6 dem- in a phase II trial, had modest efficacy as a monother- onstrated strong antitumor efficacy in RB1-wild-type apy or after radiotherapy, in patients with newly diag- GBM, such as ribociclib and palbociclib. nosed and recurrent malignant gliomas.63, 64 Ribociclib was tested in a phase I trial for recurrent Lonafarnib, an FTI, was tested in a phase I clini- glioblastoma or anaplastic glioma75 (#NCT02345824); cal trial in combination with TMZ and radiotherapy, palbociclib was employed as a monotherapy for brain with promising results65 (#NCT00049387). metastases76 (#NCT02896335). Zotiraclib, a multi-CDK inhibitor, has been ex- 2.3.1. BRAF V600E plored in clinical trials for newly diagnosed or recur- rent gliomas (#NCT02942264, #NCT03224104). RAF kinases, also triggered by the RAS system, are involved in intracellular growth pathways and 2.6. Isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 inhibitors stimulation. Several studies reported the presence of BRAF Isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutation is V600E mutation, especially in infant gliomas.66 Ve- one of the most frequent abnormalities found in high- murafenib, a BRAF inhibitor, is under investigation grade gliomas, and according to the World Health Or- in a phase I ongoing trial, for children with recurrent ganization, is a new classification of brain tumors also BRAFV600E-Mutant gliomas67 (#NCT01748149). having predictive value of treatment response. This mutation consists in the gain-of-function with the production of D-2-hydroxyglutarate, which interferes 2.4. MDM2/MDM4/p53 inhibitors with cellular metabolism 77, 78. Ivosidenib, an IDH1 in- hibitor, is being evaluated in a phase I ongoing trial, as The dysregulation of p53 signaling pathways is a monotherapy, for advanced solid tumors including found in more than 80% of high-grade gliomas. The IDH-mutated gliomas (#NCT02073994). p53 is fundamental in cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis; mutation results in clonal expansion of tumor cells and 2.7. Histone deacetylases inhibitors genetic instability.68, 69 In 20% of the patients, the p53 inactivity is due Histone deacetylases (HDAC) are enzymes in- to the MDM2 or MDM4 overexpression. MDM2/ volved in the regulation of histones, which are proteins MDM4 inactivates p53 and consequently leads to loss that organize the DNA structure and regulate gene 30, 70 of cancer suppression. transcription. Therefore, an effective strategy rationale is to re- HDAC inhibitors have an emerging role in the store the p53 activity, by molecules targeting MDM2 treatment of GBMs, potentially promoting the apop- or MDM4. Preclinical studies demonstrated the suc- tosis of the cancer cells.79 cessful suppression of GBM growth with several Vorinostat, an oral quinolone HDAC inhibitor, is 71 MDM2 inhibitors, including RG7112, RG7388 being studied in phase I/II clinical trials, as a mono- and AMG232 as well as many others in progress therapy in recurrent GBM,80 and in combination with (#NCT03107780). TMZ, showing good tolerance and giving promising results81 (#NCT00731731). 2.5. CDK4/CDK6/pRB inhibitors Panobinostat, Romidepsin and other HDAC in- hibitors are still under evaluation. The altered function of retinoblastoma protein (pRB) contributes to gliomagenesis in 78% of the 2.8. Angiogenesis inhibitors cases and the overexpression of CDK4/CDK6 plays a fundamental role in the modulation of this pathway, The tumor’s microenvironment, together with involved in cell growth.72-74 pathological angiogenesis and neovascularization, play Potential roads for reaching the summit 71 a fundamental role in the development and progres- The significant antitumor potential of bevaci- sion of high-grade gliomas. zumab has been proven in many studies, using it as Acting as managers for the angiogenesis process, a monotherapy or in combination with lomustine as well as for a wide range of CNS vascular patholo- (#NCT01290939) and radiochemiotherapy.90, 91 gies, they are mainly vascular growth factors of all the Combinations of bevacizumab with the standard vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and of care were examined in two phase III clinical tri- its receptors, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, found on the als, AVAglio92 (#NCT00943826) and RTOG- 082593 glioma’s endothelial cells.82-85 (#NCT00884741), and although both demonstrated Efforts to downregulate this pathway have been encouraging results in PFS survival benefit, bevaci- pursued through the development of agents directed to zumab remains only an alternative treatment in the VEGF/VEGFR, which not only block neoangiogen- recurrent setting. esis, but also have an effect on the vascular phenotype. Another promising agent is aflibercept, known The inhibition of VEGF signaling also changes as VEGF-trap, a recombinant product fusion protein the vessels’ diameter, permeability and tortuosity, de- which has been studied in phase II trials with a PFS-6 creasing tumor hypoxia and consequently disrupting of 7.7% and median OS of 3 months.94, 95 the survival mechanism in glioma cells as well as in- creasing chemotherapy delivery and radiosensitiv- 2.8.3. Protein kinase C ity. 83-85 Protein kinase C (PKC) is implicated in activa- 2.8.1. VEGFR tion of the angiogenesis process, cell proliferation and constitution of the microenvironment, therefore, it is a Several studies evaluated VEGFR inhibitors for potentially attractive therapeutic target. patients with newly diagnosed, as well as recurrent Enzastaurin, a potent PKC inhibitor, demonstrat- GBM. ed in a phase I/II trial a 25% radiographic response Vatalanib has been tested in phase I/II stud- and a PFS-6 of 7% in GBM.96 ies in combination with TMZ and radiotherapy Tamoxifen, a modulator of the estrogen receptor, (#NCT00128700). Cediranib demonstrated no clini- has been described as a PKC inhibitor and was tested cal benefits in a phase II clinical trial as a monother- in GBM therapy with a median OS of 9.7 months.97, 98 apy (#NCT00305656), yet there was greater benefit together with lomustine in a randomized phase III study86 (#NCT00503204). 2.9. Integrin inhibitors Cabozantinib is a promising agent against VEG- FR and MET signaling, evaluated in two phase II The integrins are transmembrane proteins which studies involving newly diagnosed (#NCT00960492) bind multiple extracellular ligands and mediate cell and recurrent GBM (#NCT00704288). Ramucirum- adhesion and migration. They are expressed at a high ab and icrucumab are new MAbs under evaluation, level in malignant glioma cells and play a central role directed to VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-1, respectively.87 in the angiogenesis, development, invasion and me- tastasis of the tumor.99, 100 Integrin inhibitors are being 2.8.2. VEGF investigated as a means of reducing this mechanism. Cilengitide, which competitively inhibits integrin The most relevant of the VEGF inhibitors is bev- ligand binding,101 has been evaluated in a phase I/II acizumab, a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody study stand-alone;102 or in a phase III trial, associated against VEGF-A, which in 2009 received FDA-ap- to TMZ and radiotherapy, resulting in a good im- proval for the treatment of recurrent GBM, after the provement of PFS-6103 (#NCT00689221). high radiographic response rates (ranging from 28% to Thalidomide and lenalidomide, which interfere 59%) achieved in two clinical trials.88, 89 with the expression of integrin receptors and have an 72 A. Giotta Lucifero, S. Luzzi, I. Brambilla, et al. antiangiogenic effect, are being studied for GBM ther- Accordingly, the target therapies developed on the apy, with results that are still unsatisfactory.104-106 basis of the above have detected molecular abnormali- ties, and have made use of pharmacological agents tai- 2.10. Proteasome inhibitors lored to specific mutations, specific to tumor subtypes. Typical genetic alterations of GBMs are the over- Proteasomes are proteins with enzymatic ac- expression of the tyrosine kinase receptors, especially tivities involved in the regulation of homeostasis, cell the EGFR, PDGFR, FGFR and HGFR, dysregula- growth and apoptosis. tion of PI3K/AKT/mTOR and RAS/MAPK path- Bortezomib (Velcade®), the most used protea- ways, as well as p53 or pRB mutations.30, 116, 117 some inhibitor in the oncological field, has also been TKIs have long been investigated in several clini- tested for GBM therapy in combination with chemio- cal trials with disappointing results. Despite the ex- radiotherapy107 (#NCT00006773). treme specificity of these agents, they were not effi- The pan-proteasome inhibitor, Marizomib, is cur- cacious as a monotherapy, thus the current approach rently undergoing phase III evaluation in newly diag- consists in the combination of multiple molecular nosed GBMs108 (#NCT03345095). agents within the same targets or between separate pathways.33, 118, 119 PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and farnesyltrans- Discussion ferase inhibitors show low tolerability and safe profiles during clinical studies, but have a synergistic effect The present literature review highlights the cur- only in combination with standard of care.58, 120 rent role of a series of target therapies, especially ty- Likewise, agents directed at restoring p53 and pRB rosine kinase and angiogenesis inhibitors, in the treat- activity gave encouraging results in association with ment of malignant CNS tumors. chemotherapy and whole brain radiotherapy.76, 121 The Several steps forward have been done in the re- newly discovered alterations in metabolic pathways, cent years toward a deep understanding of complex including IDH1 and HDAC enzymes, seem to be up- pathophysiologic pathways associated with a wide and-coming targets. Currently, anti-angiogenetic drugs spectrum of neurological and neuro-oncological pa- are among the most promising. They focused on the thologies of adulthood and pediatric age. 109-111 Never- blocking of VEGF/VEGFR,122, 123 along with compo- theless, the lack of success of the standard of care and nents of the tumor microenvironment, such as protein the still largely dismal prognosis of patients affected by kinase C, integrins and proteasome complexes.89, 124, 125 high-grade gliomas dictate the urgent need of new and Despite the rationale of the target therapies, the more effective therapeutic approaches. vast intratumoral heterogeneity and GBM cell plastic- In this scenario, the improved understanding of ity have caused a rapid shift toward resistant tumor genome mutations underlying the GBM phenotype phenotypes, the latter responsible for the failure of the has led to greater insight into the biology of the tumor, therapy.126-128 at the same time providing the opportunity for design- Additionally, the route of drug administration still ing novel and personalized treatment strategies.82, 112, 113 presents a limitation for the efficacy of these therapies. Data from the Cancer Genome Atlas project 55 Recent progress has been made through the use of ste- revealed the complicated genetic profile of GBMs and reotactic or endoscopic techniques for the intrathecal recognized the core signaling and transduction path- administration of pharmacological agents directly into ways commonly involved in the growth, proliferation, the tumor site, also benefiting from the minimal in- angiogenesis and spreading of the tumor.114 vasiveness of these approaches, well evident also for A further tangible aspect of these advances is the lat- other neurosurgical pathologies.129-131 est World Health Organization’s classification of brain Last but not least, the immunological tumor tumors, which integrates data from traditional histolog- microenvironment, composed of glia cells and lym- ical analysis with biomolecular connotation obtained by phocytes, consistently modulates tumor sensitivity to specific genetic analysis and characterizations.115 treatment.132-134 Potential roads for reaching the summit 73

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Original article

Targeting the medulloblastoma: a molecular-based approach Sabino Luzzi.1,2, Alice Giotta Lucifero1, Ilaria Brambilla3, Simona Semeria Mantelli3, Mario Mosconi4, Thomas Foiadelli3, Salvatore Savasta3 1 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 3 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Background: The lack of success of standard therapies for medulloblastoma has highlighted the need to plan a new therapeutic approach. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the novel treatment strategies based on the molecular characterization and risk categories of the medulloblastoma, also focusing on up-to-date relevant clinical trials and the challenges in translating tailored approaches into clinical practice. Methods: An online search of the literature was carried out on the PubMed/MEDLINE and websites about molecular classification of medulloblastomas, ongoing clinical trials and new treatment strategies. Only articles in the English language and published in the last five years were selected. The research was refined based on the best match and relevance. Results: A total 58 articles and 51 clinical trials were analyzed. Trials were of phase I, II, and I/II in 55%, 33% and 12% of the cases, respectively. Target and adoptive immunotherapies were the treatment strategies for newly diagnosed and recurrent me- dulloblastoma in 71% and 29% of the cases, respectively. Conclusion: Efforts are focused on the fine-tuning of target therapies and immunotherapies, including agents directed to specific pathways, engineered T-cells and oncoviruses. The blood-brain barrier, chemoresistance, the tumor microenvironment and cancer stem cells are the main translational challenges to be overcome in order to optimize medulloblastoma treatment, reduce the long-term morbidity and increase the overall survival. (

Key words: Adoptive Immunotherapies; Medulloblastoma; Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma; Target Therapy;­ Wingless Medulloblastoma.

Background Current multimodal therapies, including surgery and radiochemotherapy, lengthens the long-term Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common survival to 60-80%, but 33% of children diagnosed malignant pediatric tumor, accounting for 15-20% of die in five years, the median survival for recurrent childhood brain neoplasms.1 MB usually occurs in the MBs being less than twelve months. Treatment also posterior fossa and has a high risk for early leptome- leads to severe and debilitating long-term complica- ningeal spread at first diagnosis. tions.2-5 80 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

The persistence of high mortality rates and severe neuro-oncology were selected and then sorted based side effects of standard treatments has highlighted the on the best match and relevance. need for more effective and sophisticated therapeutic On the website, the search strategies. terms were “Medulloblastoma”, “Pediatric Malignant Advanced molecular research and whole-genome Brain Tumor”, “Pediatric Brain Cancer” and “Pediatric sequence analysis in many neurological and neuroon- central nervous system Neoplasms”. No restrictions for cological pediatric central nervous system (CNS) pa- drug name, study phase and recruitment status country thologies6-9 has made it possible to deepen the under- have been applied. standing of the heterogeneity and genome make-ups A descriptive analysis has been reported about the of MBs, resulting in the novel classification under- most relevant studies of the overall research. pinned on different molecular features.10-15 The subgroups have substantial biological differ- ences, express specific markers of prognosis leading to Results a more accurate risk stratification, and underly distinct deregulated signaling pathways, exploitable as poten- 1 Molecular classification of MBs tial therapeutic targets.4, 16-18 Breakthroughs of risk-adapted interventions Based on histopathological characteristics, the based on molecular characteristics, including target World Health Organization (WHO) classified MBs agents, immunotherapies and stem-cell strategies, in classic, desmoplastic-nodular, with extensive nodu- have made it possible to plan an effective personalized larity, anaplastic, and large cell types.19 approach and have reduced long-term morbidity. Several cytogenetic studies and the increased un- In this article, we outline the molecular landscape derstanding of the pathophysiology of several CNS of MB subtypes, along with prognostic markers, and pediatric pathologies 20-22 and, within this context, the examine the ongoing transition toward the innovative biological heterogeneity of MBs have been translated molecularly targeted strategies; focusing on the thera- into classification refinements. peutic options currently available, most relevant clini- The four subtypes, based on genome sequenc- cal trials, and future challenges in the management of ing, DNA analysis and phenotypic profiles, are as it newly diagnosed and recurrent MBs. follows: wingless (WNT), sonic hedgehog (SHH), Group 3 and Group 4.16, 23-25 This novel molecular subgrouping has potential Methods prognostic implications, so the current risk stratifica- tion divides the MBs in “low”, “standard”, “high”, and An online search of the literature was conducted “very high risk”, based on age, presence of metastases, on the PubMed/MEDLINE (https://pubmed.ncbi. histologic phenotype, prognostic molecular markers, platform and the web- and especially, molecular subtype.16-18 Table 1 and 2 site ( For the PubMed/MED- report the molecular and prognostic classification of LINE search the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) medulloblastoma (Table 1 and 2). database has been used and the terms “Target Ther- apy”, “Molecular Classification”, “Adoptive Immuno- 1.1 WNT-MBs therapy”, “Cell-Based Therapy”, “Stem Cell Therapy” and “Tailored Therapy” have been chosen; combined WNT proteins play a central role in cell growth, with the following keywords: “Pediatric Brain Tumors”, proliferation, motility and homeostasis. The pathway “Pediatric Central Nervous System tumors”, “Brain tu- is triggered by β-catenin protein and various kinases as mors in childhood” and “Medulloblastoma”. transduction enhancers. Only articles in English or translated into Eng- In 85-90% of the cases, the WNT-MB subgroup lish, published in the last five years, and concerning harbors a point mutation in exon 3 of the CTNNB1 gene Targeting the medulloblastoma 81

Table 1. Molecular Classification of Medulloblastoma16-18, 23-25, 32, 82

Molecular Subtype WNT SHH Group 3 Group 4 Proportion of MBs 10-15% 25% 25% 35% Age Distribution 10-12 years old Bimodal, < 5-> 16 years old < 3 years old Children Male/Female Ratio 1:1 1:1 2:1 3:1 Midline, Fourth Ven- Cerebellar Hemispheres, Midline, Fourth Midline, Fourth Ven- Location tricle Vermis Ventricle tricle Histology Classic, rarely LCA DN, Classic, LCA Classic, rarely LCA Classic, rarely LCA Metastasis 5-10% 15-20% 45% 30-40% Recurrence Rare Local Metastatic Metastatic Driver Genes o CTNNB1 (90%)- o TERT (83%) o GFI1/GFI1B o KDM6A (13 %) WNT o PTCH1 (45%) -SHH (30 %) o SNCAIP (10%) o DDX3X (50 %) o TP53 (13%) o MYC (10-20 %) o MYCN (6%) o SMARCA4 (25%) o SUFU (10 %) o PVT1 (12 %) o CDK6 (5%) o TP53 (12.5 %) o SMO (9%) o SMARCA4 o GFI1/GFI1B (5-10 o MYCN (8%) (11%) %) o GLI2 (5%) o OTX2 (10 %) Chromosome Aber- Monosomy 6 (> 80%) Loss 9q (PTCH1 locus) Isochromosome 17q Isochromosome 17q ration MYC status + + +++ - 5-year Survival > 90% 70% 40-60% 75% DN: Desmoplastic-Nodular; LCA: Large Cell/Anaplastic; SHH: sonic hedgehog; WNT: wingless

Table 2. Prognostic Classification for Medulloblastoma82

5-year overall Risk Categories Molecular Profile survival Non-metastatic WNT-MBs Low Risk >90% Localized Group 4-MBs, with loss of chromosome 11 and gain of chromosome 17 Non-metastatic SHH-MBs without p53 mutation Standard Risk Group 3 non-MYC amplified 76-90% Group 4 without p53 mutation and loss of chromosome 11 Metastatic SHH-MBs MYC amplified High Risk 50-75% Metastatic Group 4 Metastatic Group 3 Very High Risk < 50% SHH-MBs MYC amplified with p53 mutation MBs: Medulloblastomas; SHH: Sonic Hedgehog; WNT: Wingless

which renders the β-catenin resistant to degradation and Less frequent driving genetic alterations concern leads to an upregulation of the WNT pathway.18, 26-29 the DDX3X, SMARCA4 and p53 genes, with a fre- In 70-80% of the cases, the monosomy/diploidy quency of 50%, 26% and 13%, respectively.32 of chromosome 6 and the overexpression of MYC e WNT-MBs are the least common, accounting MYCN proteins, markers of worse prognosis, results for 10%, with a peak incidence in 10-12 years, and al- in the activation of the WNT signalings.30, 31 most equal male/female ratio.32 More than 90% have a 82 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. classic histology, location in the midline of the fourth SHH-MBs have an intermediate prognosis with ventricle and relatively rare metastasis (5-10%)33. 5-year overall survival of 70% after standard treat- This group has the better prognosis, with more ment.16 than 90% of 5-year event-free survival.33 1.3 Group 3 1.2 SHH-MBs Group 3 MBs represent 25% of all cases and are The hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway is in- mostly characterized by amplification of various pro- volved in the proliferation of neuronal precursor cells to-oncogenes: GFI1/GFI1B (30%), MYC (16.7%), and is fundamental for tissue maintenance and regen- PVT1 (12%), SMARCA4 (11%) and OTX2 (10%).18 eration. Additionally, fibroblast growth factor, tyrosine HH ligands bind the receptor protein patched kinase receptors, and their consequent downstream homolog 1 (PTCH1) and activate the intracellular signaling pathways, such as PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ cascade of smoothened (SMO) proteins. ERK, are frequently deregulated. Isochromosome 17q Among mammalian homologs of the hedge- is present in 25% of SHH cases and among those with hog, the aberrant upregulation of the SHH signaling MYC amplification (10%-17%), are strong indicators pathway promotes tumor formation in about 30% of of poor prognosis. MBs.18, 23, 24, 34 Group 3 is limited to children (3-5 years old), The typical activating mutations for the SHH with male predominance and classic, anaplastic or subtype include the TERT in 83%, PTCH1 in al- large-cell histology.18 most 45%, the modulator suppressor of fused homolog This is the group with the worst prognosis, as me- (SUFU) in 10%, and SMO in 9% of the cases.35-37 tastases are present in 45% of the cases.16, 23 In the SHH signaling pathway, SMO activates the downstream target gene FOXM1, a GLI tran- 1.4 Group 4 scription factor, which activates genes for mitosis, in- cluding PLK1 and MYCN. Group 4 is the most common, accounting for The expression at a high level of FOXM1/PLK1, 35% of MBs, with no age prevalence and high male MYCN and GLI 1 and 2 are also prognostic markers predominance. Isochromosome 17q occurs in 80% of and potential therapeutic targets.29, 38, 39 the cases and the mutation of the KDM6A gene is Other molecular characterizations typical of frequently detached (13%).41 The KDM6A encodes for SHH-MBs are in genes coding for ErbB family pro- a histone demethylase enzyme and is located on the teins, such as EGFR and ERBB3, deregulation of the X-chromosome, explaining the male predominance of p53 and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and the deletion Group 4. of chromosome 9q (PTCH1 locus), which modifies Additionally, MYCN, cyclin dependent kinase 6 the transcription of CDKN2A/2B, known as tumor (CDK6) and NOTCH1, 2, 3 are commonly ampli- suppressor factors. fied. The expression of the NOTCH network is di- In many cases, these mutations suggest the con- rectly linked to therapy resistance, because it regulates comitant presence of a hereditary genetic disease such the tumor’s immune response and maintains the tumor as Gorlin syndrome, associated with mutations affect- microenvironment. The overexpression of cytokine re- ing the PTCH1 and SUFU genes. The SHH sub- ceptors and their downstream signaling, such as the group, 25% of all cases, has a bimodal age distribution, JAK-STAT pathway, estrogen-related receptor γ, and less than 3 and more than 16 years, with equivalent Fc receptors are found in this varied genomic land- sex ratio and the majority has nodular/desmoplastic scape, not yet fully explored. histology.16, 40 They are frequently located in cerebellar However, this subtype has an intermediate prog- hemispheres and vermis, and metastasis are not com- nosis, like the SHH-MBs. However, leptomeningeal mon.16, 34 spread occurs more frequently (30-40%).16, 18, 23 Targeting the medulloblastoma 83

2 Target Therapy target oncogene growth factor receptors, including the epidermal growth factor (EGFR), the platelet-derived 2.1 HH inhibitors growth factor (PDGFR), the fibroblast growth factor (FGFR) and the hepatocyte growth factor (HGFR) The most investigated target approach concerns receptors, which are involved in the cell’s maintenance, the inhibitors of the HH pathway and the first one differentiation and metastasis. discovered was cyclopamine. It binds the transmem- MB TKIs therapy involves imatinib, gefitinib, la- brane domain of SMO and definitively suppresses the patinib, dasatinib, sorafenib, sunitinib and erlotinib. growth and proliferation of the tumor’s cells.16, 42 Imatinib, a PDGFR blocker, prevents the migra- Although having excellent premises, cyclopamine tion and invasion of MB cells; it has been investigated did not show efficacy when applied in vivo, but led to in several clinical trials, showing good ability for over- the development of many molecules with the same coming the blood-brain barrier (BBB). drug-like properties. They were vismodegib, saridegib, Erlotinib has been proved in two clinical trials, sonidegib and erismodegib, all having improved phar- combined with chemoradiotherapy, especially for re- macokinetics and lower toxicities.43, 44 Vismodagib, an current MBs (#NCT00077454, #NCT00360854). SMO antagonist, was approved by the FDA and test- A phase I study demonstrated the efficacy of sa- ed in some phase I and II clinical trials. Many of these volitinib, inhibitor of HGFR, in primary brain tumors, are ongoing and are evaluating the efficacy of vismo- including recurrent MBs (#NCT03598244). degib combined with standard chemotherapy in chil- Many phase II clinical trials are focusing on pa- dren and adults diagnosed with recurrent or refractory tients carrying FGFR mutations by administering MBs (#NCT01601184, #NCT01878617). A phase erdafitinib, an oral pan-FGFR inhibitor with promis- II study on vismodegib, conducted in 2005, enrolled ing results (#NCT03210714). 43 patients (12 affected by SHH-MBs) and showed a 6-month progression-free survival in 41% of the SHH 2.4 PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors patients (#NCT01239316). Sonidegib and ZSP1602, orally bioavailable The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway controls cell drugs inhibiting the SMO pathway, are under clinical growth and dissemination. Target agents directed evaluation. against PI3K have given satisfactory results. The PI3K and mTOR signaling pathways in- 2.2 Bromodomain inhibitors (BET) hibitors, such as fimepinostat (#NCT03893487) and samotolisib (#NCT03213678) are tested for pediatric A recent therapeutic strategy involves the bro- CNS tumors. modomain proteins, which bind histones and modu- Wojtalla et al. reported the antitumoral potential late gene transcription. BET inhibitors, such as JQ1 of combination therapy involving the humanized anti- and BMS-986158, have been tested in many clini- IGF-1R antibody, R1507, with PIK75, a class IA PI3K cal trials in order to evaluate their safety and toler- inhibitor, in recurrent MBs and neuroblastomas.48 ability profiles45 (#NCT03936465). In the BET fam- ily, the BRD4 protein is being evaluated as potential 2.5 CDK4/CDK6/pRB inhibitors therapeutics target against advanced MYC-amplified MBs.46, 47 The pRB plays a fundamental role in cell-cycle ar- rest and apoptosis. The dysregulation of the pRB signal- 2.3 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) ing pathways is found in many MBs, resulting in clonal cell expansion. The pRB inactivity is caused by the over- Tyrosine kinases enzymes catalyze the phospho- expression of CDK4/CDK6 suppressing agents. rylation of tyrosine residues on specific receptors, ac- The restoration of pRB activity is an effective ra- tivating the intracellular transduction pathways. TKIs tional strategy. 84 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

Novel agents directed against CDK4/CDK6, targets are the VEGF/VEGFR, copiously expressed such as ribociclib and palbociclib, proved to have in WNT and SHH-MBs. Anti-angiogenic therapies strong antitumor efficacy, also in combination with the applied for MB involve bevacizumab, a humanized SMO inhibitor, sonidegib (#NCT03434262). IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against VEGF-A, Palbociclib is evaluated in a phase I clinical trial in combination with conventional chemotherapies52, 53 in combination with irinotecan and temozolomide for (#NCT00381797, #NCT01217437). children with central nervous system (CNS) tumors (#NCT03709680). 2.9 Topoisomerase inhibitors Ribociclib and everolimus is tested in chil- dren affected by recurrent and refractory MBs Topoisomerase I and II are enzymes involved in (#NCT03387020). DNA replication, cellular senescence and apoptosis. Irinotecan, topotecan and camptothecan are directed 2.6 MDM2/MDM4/p53 inhibitors against these enzymes. Topotecan and irinotecan have the same phar- p53 is a fundamental protein regulating the cell macodynamics, but different pharmacokinetics; to- cycle and inducing cell apoptosis. It is mutated in al- potecan easily crosses the BBB, demonstrating, in most 40% of MBs, facilitating the proliferation and many stand-alone clinical trials, (#NCT00112619, spread of the tumor. p53 dysregulation is found in the #NCT00005811) or also in combination with chemo- WNT and SHH groups, resulting in a 40% reduction therapy (#NCT02684071), increased survival.54-56 of 5-year survival and is considered one of the leading Indimitecan and Indotecan (LMP 400), both causes of treatment failure. MDM2/4, which induce topoisomerase inhibitors, are still under evaluation. p53 degradation and negatively regulate its activity, are also promising therapeutic strategies.49 Nutlin-3 selectively binds MDM2, inhibiting p53 3 Adoptive Immunotherapies degradation. In 2012, Annette et al. proved in vitro and in vivo the antitumor activity of nutlin-3 against MBs.50 3.1 Checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs)

2.7 Chemokines inhibitors The success of CPIs to augment the immunologi- cal response against many solid tumors has generated Chemokines are pivotal in tumor growth and in interest in the applicability also for MBs, especially in sustaining the tumor-related microenvironment. the advanced stages. CXCL12 chemokine and its CXCR4 receptor are Two anti-PD-1 agents, pembrolizumab and overexpressed in many CNS tumors, and significantly nivolumab, are under evaluation for pediatric tumors. higher in MBs. An ongoing phase I clinical trial is assessing the safety In 2012, Sengupta et al. demonstrated the pres- and efficacy of pembrolizumab in progressive and re- ence of CXCR4 in WNT and SHH-MBs, but only current tumors, including MBs (#NCT02359565); an- SHH subtype harbors the CXCR4 overexpression.51 other phase II trial is evaluating the efficacy of nivolum- AMD3100 (Plerixafor), a CXCR4 antagonist, ab in pediatric brain tumors (#NCT03173950). has been tested in one phase I/II clinical trial, com- The B7 homolog 3 (B7-H3), an antibody im- bined with chemoradiotherapy, for several CNS tu- mune checkpoint inhibitor directed against T-cells, mors (#NCT01977677). has been tested in a phase I trial in combination with radiotherapy, and for advanced metastatic MBs 2.8 Anti-Angiogenesis agents (#NCT00089245). APX005M, an IgG monoclonal antibody di- MBs are characterized by a thriving pathological rected at CD40, has been designed to stimulate the angiogenesis and, consequently, potential downstream anti-tumor immune response. It has been tested in a Targeting the medulloblastoma 85 phase I pediatric trial (#NCT03389802) in patients For pediatric brain tumors, several types of OVs with recurrent and refractory primary malignant brain have been investigated. tumors and has also shown an excellent success rate in Genetically engineered herpes simplex viruses combination with nivolumab. (HSV), rRp450, G207 and M002 revealed antitumor Indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase (IDO) is an en- activity and prolonged survival in mice xenografts of zyme, overexpressed in many tumors, which regulates aggressive MBs cells.57 the tumor microenvironment and enhances immune A recruiting phase I trial evaluated the engineered escape decreasing T-reg activity. Indoximod, an IDO HSV G207 for children with refractory cerebellar inhibitor, has been studied in two different phase I/ II brain tumors58 (#NCT03911388). pediatric trials with concomitant use of temozolomide The measles virus expressing thyroidal sodium io- (#NCT02502708, #NCT04049669). dide symporter (MV-NIS) has been engineered in an ongoing phase I study testing its efficacy in pediatric 3.2 Engineered CAR-T and NK cells recurrent MBs. MV-NIS is administered intrathecal- ly59 (#NCT02962167). Engineered T-cells expressing artificial chimeric The highly attenuated recombinant polio/rhi- antigen receptors (CAR-T) are largely employed in novirus (PVSRIPO) recognizes the CD155 receptor neuro-oncology, posing challenges in finding tumor- expressed in the MBs tumor cell microenvironment. associated antigens. It is used in a phase I pediatric trial, administered by HER2 is usually overexpressed in MBs, and pre- the intracerebral catheter for WHO grade III and IV clinical studies are testing the efficacy of HER2-CAR malignant brain tumors (#NCT03043391). T-cells in mouse models54. Phase I of the PRiME clinical trial evaluates At the Seattle Children’s Hospital the Brain- a two-component cytomegalovirus specific multi- Child-01 phase I trial was conducted, which tested epitope peptide vaccine (PEP-CMV), administered autologous CD4+/CD8+ T-cells lentivirally trans- after temozolomide, in pediatric patients with recur- duced to express HER2 and EGFRt (truncated form rent MBs and high-grade gliomas (#NCT03299309). of EGFR) CARs, delivered by catheter in the tumor resection cavity or ventricular system, for recurrent or refractory HER2+ CNS tumors (#NCT03500991). 4 Clinical Trials on MB Therapies Another phase I trial proved the EGFR806 and EGFRt CAR T-cells for patients with recurrent/re- Out of 51 clinical trials, 55% were phase I, 33% fractory EGFR+CNS tumors (#NCT03638167). phase II and 12% phase I/II (Graph 1). Target thera- NK cells are fundamental in immune response, pies and adoptive immunotherapies were tested in recognizing tumor cells without specific antigens. In 71% and 29% of them, respectively (Graph 2). Table 3 an ongoing phase I clinical trial, propagated ex vivo summarizes the clinical trials on new therapeutic strat- with artificial antigen-presenting cells, NK cells have egies for MBs (Table 3). been administered directly into the ventricles in recur- rent and refractory malignant posterior fossa tumors (#NCT02271711). Discussion

3.3 Oncolytic viruses Despite the refinements in neurosurgical tech- niques, concerning both neuro-oncology and other The main advantages of oncolytic viruses (OVs)- fields, present standard of care for MBs, including based immunotherapy consist in the selective replica- maximal surgical resection followed by adjuvant radio tion within the tumor cells, inducing lysis of tumor and chemotherapy protocols, fails to recognize hetero- cells and releasing neoantigens to the tumor microen- geneity within MB subtypes, resulting in low efficacy, vironment, thus activating the immune cascade. high recurrence rate and risk of long-term toxicity.60, 61 86 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

1 Molecular Subgroup-Based Tailored Strategies

1.1 WNT-MBs

WNT signaling was the first identified. However, no drugs directed against this pathway have been ap- proved as an alternative to standard therapy. Only two molecules have been tested, namely norcantharidin, which blocks the WNT pathway, and lithium chloride, which stabilizes β-catenin and re- duces MB progression.62-65 The reason for the lack of success in inhibiting the WNT pathway lies in the fact that it seems to be involved in vascular dysfunction and BBB disrupting, therefore increasing the penetration of drugs. Fur- ther issues are the various developmental processes, Graph 1: Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- including physiological tissue regeneration and bone als according to the study phase. growth.66, 67 As a matter of fact, inhibition would result not only in reduced chemosensitivity, but also would have long-term complications. No further targeted therapies have been developed, and clinical trials have focused especially on decreasing the doses of radio- chemotherapy for low- or standard-risk WNT-MBs (#NCT01878617, #NCT02724579).

1.2 SHH-MBs

Among the target therapies, agents directed against the SHH pathway gave the most promising results. Most SHH-MB patients harbor PTCH1 or SMO mutations. SMO inhibitors, primarily vismod- egib, demonstrated their efficacy in several trials.68 Mutations of the SMO downstream pathway, such as SUFU or GLI1, make the SMO inhibitors in- effective. Several clinical trials increased the develop- ment of drugs directed against BET, SUFU, c-MET, CDK4/ 6 (ribociclib) and MET (foretinib) inhibitors, used in combination for overcoming therapeutic re- Graph 2: Pie graph showing the distribution of the clinical tri- sistance. als according to types of therapy. In SMO-mutated MBs, PI3K signaling is usually increased, and the combined use of SHH-inhibitors with PI3K blockers also has a rationale.69, 70 Finally, Challenges come from the need for distinguish- planning tailored therapies, made with a combina- ing molecular subgroups and identifying patients for tion of HH inhibitors and TKIs, proteasome and whom a personalized treatment approach would be chemokine inhibitors, may present a future opportu- recommended. nity in the management of this tumor group. Targeting the medulloblastoma 87 USA CN USA USA UK, SW, I T, FR USA USA USA Locations 22 65 12 31 24 625 108 34 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment - Te Sonidegib, mozolomide ZSP1602 Vismodegib Vismodegib Vismodegib, Vismodegib, Temozolomide Vismodegib, Vismodegib, Chemiother - Radiation apy, Gemcitabina, Gemcitabina, Ribociclib, Sonidegib, Trametinib, Filgrastim Vismodegib Interventions Medulloblastoma Medulloblastoma - of Esopha Adenocarcinoma gogastric Junction Small Cell Lung Cancer Neoplasm Neuroendocrine Glioblastoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Recurrent Childhood Recurrent Medulloblastoma Adult Medulloblastoma Adult "Medulloblastoma of the Sonic Activation Hedgehog (SHH) Pathway" Medulloblastoma Central Nervous System Tumors Recurrent Childhood Recurrent Medulloblastoma Conditions I I I II II II II I, II I, Study Phase Completed Recruiting Completed Completed Terminated Recruiting Recruiting Completed Status A Phase II Study of Oral LDE225 With Hedge-Hog (Hh)- ­ in Patients Relapsed Medul - Activated Pathway (MB) loblastoma A Phase- 1 Study of ZSP1602 in Partic Tumors With Solidipants Advanced Vismodegib in Treating Younger VismodegibYounger in Treating With or Refractory Recurrent Patients Medulloblastoma Vismodegib in Treating Patients With Patients Treating Vismodegib in or RefractoryRecurrent Medulloblas - toma StudyVismodegib of in Combination - Temozolo Versus With Temozolomide With Medul - in Patients mide Alone With of the loblastomas an Activation Sonic Hedgehog Pathway A Clinical and Molecular Risk-Di - Newly Therapy for rected Diagnosed Medulloblastoma SJDAWN: St. Jude Children's Research Research Jude Children's St. SJDAWN: Hospital Phase 1 Study Evaluating Molecularly-Driven Doublet Therapies With Adults Young and for Children Recurrent Brain Tumors GDC-0449 in Treating Young Patients Patients Young Treating GDC-0449 in With Medulloblastoma That is Recur - to Previous Respond or Did Not rent Treatment Title NCT01708174 NCT03734913 NCT01239316 NCT00939484 NCT01601184 NCT01878617 NCT03434262 NCT00822458 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 # Table 3. Clinical trials new on therapeutic strategies for MBs Table 88 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. UK, IE UK, USA USA USA USA USA UK, ES UK, TW Locations 48 95 143 52 34 76 103 45 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment Erlotinib, Erlotinib, Radiotherapy - Te Erlotinib, mozolomide Carboplatin, Carboplatin, Dasatinib, Etoposide, Ifosfamide Lapatinib, Lapatinib, Surgery BMS-986158 Sonidegib Sonidegib Sonidegib Interventions Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Central Nervous System Tumors Central Nervous System Tumors Lymphoma Pediatric Brain Tumor, Solid Tumor, Childhood Solid Tumor, Rhabdomyosarcoma Neuroblastoma Hepatoblastoma Glioma Astrocytoma Medulloblastoma Medulloblastoma Basal Cell Carcinoma S Medulloblastoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Advanced Solid Tumor Advanced Solid Tumor Cancers Conditions I I I I I I, II I, I, II I, I, II I, Study Phase Unknown Completed Active, not Active, recruiting Completed Recruiting Completed Completed Completed Status Erlotinib or in Combination Alone Treating With Therapy Radiation in With Refractory Patients or Young or Tumors Relapsed Malignant Brain Newly Diagnosed Brain Stem Glioma - Erlotinib in Treat and Temozolomide With or Recurrent Patients Young ing Refractory Solid Tumors Dasatinib, Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Carboplatin, Ifosfamide, Dasatinib, Patients Young Treating Etoposide in With Malig - Metastatic or Recurrent nant Solid Tumors Lapatinib in Treating Young Patients Patients Young Treating Lapatinib in With or Refractory Recurrent Central Nervous System Tumors Study of the Bromodomain (BRD) and (BRD) Study of the Bromodomain (BET) Inhibi - Domain Extra-Terminal Cancer tor BMS-986158 in Pediatric A Phase I Dose Finding and Safety Study and of Oral LDE225 in Children - to Assess Prelimi a Phase II Portion nary Efficacy or Refrac - in Recurrent tory MB Dose Finding and Safety of Oral With Advanced LDE225 in Patients Solid Tumors An East Asian StudyAn of LDE225 (Sonidegib) Title NCT00360854 NCT00077454 NCT00788125 NCT00095940 NCT03936465 NCT01125800 NCT00880308 NCT01208831 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 # Targeting the medulloblastoma 89 USA USA USA USA Locations 144 30 49 36 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment Samotolisib Fimepinostat, Fimepinostat, Surgery Erdafitinib Savolitinib Interventions Childhood Hematologic Neoplasms Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors - Astro Anaplastic Recurrent cytoma Glioblastoma Recurrent Malignant Glioma Recurrent Medulloblastoma Recurrent Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Glioma Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Childhood Hematologic Neoplasms Advanced Malignant SolidAdvanced Neoplasm Recurrent/Refractory Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Glioma Recurrent/Refractory Malig - nant Glioma Recurrent/Refractory Medulloblastoma Primary Central Nervous System Neoplasm Conditions I I II II Study Phase Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Status in Treating Brain Tumors Brain Tumors in Treating PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor LY3023414 PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor LY3023414 With Relapsed Patients Treating in - or RefractoryTu Solid Advanced or Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin mors, TSC or HistiocyticWith Disorders (A Pediatric PI3K/MTOR Mutations Trial) Treatment MATCH Fimepinostat in Children and Young Adults Young and in Children Erdafitinib in Treating Patients Patients With Treating in Erdafitinib Relapsed or Refractory Solid Advanced Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Tumors, or HistiocyticWith Disorders FGFR MATCH (A Pediatric Mutations Trial) Treatment Volitinib in Treating Participants With Participants Treating in Volitinib or RefractoryRecurrent Primary CNS Tumors Title NCT03213678 NCT03893487 NCT03210714 NCT03598244 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 20 19 18 17 # 90 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. USA USA USA USA Locations 35 100 49 1500 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment Palbociclib Palbociclib, Palbociclib, Temozolomide, Irinotecan Palbociclib Ensartinib, Ensartinib, Erdafitinib, Larotrectinib, Olaparib, Palbociclib, Samotolisib, Selpercatinib, Selumetinib Sulfate, Tazemetostat, Tipifarnib, Ulixertinib, Vemurafenib Interventions Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Rhabdoid Tumor, Rhabdo - Rhabdoid Tumor, myosarcoma Neuroblastoma Medulloblastoma Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Glioma Ewing Sarcoma Childhood Neoplasms Advanced Malignant SolidAdvanced Neoplasm Childhood Hematologic Neoplasms Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Conditions I I II II Study Phase Terminated Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Status Palbociclib Isethionate in Treating Treating in Isethionate Palbociclib - Pro With Recurrent, Patients Younger or Refractory Central Nervousgressive, System Tumors Study Of Palbociclib Combined With Study Combined Of Palbociclib Patients Chemotherapy In Pediatric With Recurrent/Refractory Solid Tumors Palbociclib in Treating Patients With Patients Treating in Palbociclib Relapsed or Refractory Rb Positive Non-Hodgkin Tumors, SolidAdvanced or Histiocytic Disorders Lymphoma, With Alterations in Cell Activating MATCH Cycle Genes (A Pediatric Trial) Treatment Targeted Therapy Directed by Genetic Therapy Directed Targeted Patients Pediatric Treating in Testing With Relapsed or Refractory Advanced - Lym Non-Hodgkin Tumors, Solid or Histiocytic (The Disorders phomas, Trial)” Screening MATCH Pediatric Title NCT02255461 NCT03709680 NCT03526250 NCT03155620 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 24 23 22 21 # Targeting the medulloblastoma 91 USA USA USA Locations 97 30 45 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment Bevacizumab, Bevacizumab, Fludeoxyglu - cose F-18, Irinotecan Hydrochloride Temozolomide, Temozolomide, Plerixafor, Radiotherapy Ribociclib, Ribociclib, Everolimus Interventions Glioblastoma Childhood Oligodendro - glioma Childhood Spinal Cord Neoplasm Childhood Brain Recurrent Stem Recurrent Glioma Childhood EpendymomaRe - Childhood Medul - current loblastoma Childhood Recurrent Ependymoma Child - Recurrent hood Medulloblastoma Childhood Cerebral Childhood Cerebral AstrocytomaAnaplastic Adult Giant Cell ­ Adult Glioblastoma, Glioma, Adult Gliosarcoma Pineoblastoma Adult Medulloblastoma Adult SupratentorialAdult - Primi tive Tumor Neuroectodermal (PNET) OligodendroglialAdult Tumors Adult Ependymoblastoma Adult Malignant Glioma - Tera Atypical Recurrent toid/Rhabdoid Tumor Childhood Recurrent Ependymoma Recurrent/Refractory Diffuse Glioma Intrinsic Pontine Medulloblastoma Recurrent Central Nervous System Embryonal Tumors Conditions I II I, II I, Study Phase Completed Completed Recruiting Status - Treat Bevacizumab and Irinotecan in With Patients Recurrent, ing Young or Refractory Glioma, Progressive, or Ependymoma, Medulloblastoma, Low Grade Glioma Plerixafor After Therapy Radiation and Patients Treating in Temozolomide With Newly Diagnosed High Grade Glioma Ribociclib and Everolimus in Treating Treating Ribociclib in and Everolimus With or Refractory Recurrent Children Malignant Brain Tumors Title NCT00381797 NCT01977677 NCT03387020 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 27 26 25 # 92 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. AU USA USA USA USA USA Locations 83 19 77 3 112 108 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment Irinotecan, Irinotecan, Temozolomide Topotecan Topotecan Intrathecal Methotrexate, Topotecan, Cyclophos - phamide Nifurtimox, Nifurtimox, Cyclophos - phamide, Topotecan Bevacizumab, Bevacizumab, Temozolomide, Irinotecan Hy - drochloride Interventions Medulloblastoma Glioma Primary- Lym Leukemia, phoma Unspecified Childhood Solid Tumor Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Childhood Hematologic Neoplasms Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Recurrent Childhood Recurrent Ependymoma - Childhood Atypical Tera toid/Rhabdoid Tumor Embryonal Tumors Metastatic Malignant Brain Neoplasm Recurrent Childhood Recurrent Medulloblastoma Medulloblastoma Neuroblastoma Recurrent Childhood Pine Recurrent - oblastoma Childhood Recurrent Supratentorial Embryonal Otherwise Not Tumor, Specified Recurrent Childhood Recurrent Medulloblastoma Conditions I II II II II II Study Phase Completed Terminated Completed Terminated Active, not Active, recruiting Active, not Active, recruiting Status - Te of Irinotecan Combination and Withmozolomide Brain in Children Tumors. Topotecan in Treating Young Patients Patients Young Treating in Topotecan With Meningitis Due Neoplastic to Tumors or Solid Lymphoma, Leukemia, Topotecan Hydrochloride in Treating Treating Hydrochloride in Topotecan With Meningeal Cancer Children Previous to Not Responded That Has Treatment" Phase II Study of Intraventricular With Re - in Children Methotrexate Malignant Brain or Progressive current Tumors" Study of Nifurtimox to Treat Refrac - Treat Study to of Nifurtimox tory or or Relapsed Neuroblastoma Medulloblastoma - and Irinotecan Hydro Temozolomide chloride With or Without Bevacizumab With Patients Re - Young Treating in or Refractorycurrent Medulloblastoma Neuroectodermal or CNS Primitive Tumors Title NCT00404495 NCT00112619 NCT00005811 NCT02684071 NCT00601003 NCT01217437 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 33 32 31 30 29 28 # Targeting the medulloblastoma 93 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Locations 45 120 180 110 42 181 154 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment APX005M Iodine I 131 monoclonal antibody 8H9 Nivolumab Pembrolizumab Irinotecan, Irinotecan, Temozolomide, Vincristine Irinotecan Adavosertib, Adavosertib, Irinotecan Interventions Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Sarcoma Neuroblastoma Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Ependymoma Pineal RegionTumors Choroid Plexus Tumors Atypical/Malignant Menin - gioma Medulloblastoma Lynch Syndrome Lynch Malignant Glioma Brain Neoplasm Recurrent Recurrent/Refractory Childhood Ependymoma Pontine and Diffuse Intrinsic Medulloblastoma Glioma Recurrent/Refractory Medulloblastoma Constitutional Mismatch Constitutional Repair Deficiency Syndrome Unspecified Childhood Solid Specific Protocol Tumor, I Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Childhood Central Nervous System Tumors Conditions I I I I II II I, II I, Study Phase Recruiting Unknown Recruiting Recruiting Completed Completed Recruiting Status - Phase I Study of APX005M in Pediat ric CNS Tumors Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibody Patients With Re - Treating Therapy in CNS or Advanced Recurrent, fractory, or Leptomeningeal Cancer Immune Checkpoint Immune Inhibitor With Select Rare in People Nivolumab CNS Cancers Pembrolizumab in Treating Younger Younger in Treating Pembrolizumab Progressive, With Recurrent, Patients or Refractory High-Grade Gliomas, Gliomas, Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Ependy - Tumors, Hypermutated Brain or Medulloblastoma moma Temozolomide, Vincristine, and Irino - Vincristine, Temozolomide, With Patients Young Treating tecan in Refractory Solid Tumors” Irinotecan in Treating Children With Children Treating Irinotecan in Refractory Solid Tumors Adavosertib and Irinotecan- Hydrochlo With Patients Younger Treating ride in Relapsed or RefractoryTumors Solid Title NCT03389802 NCT00089245 NCT03173950 NCT02359565 NCT00138216 NCT00004078 NCT02095132 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 # 94 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al. USA China USA USA USA USA USA Locations 70 10 12 36 36 140 81 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment

- SCRI-CAR B7H3(s); B7H3-specific chimeric an - tigen receptor T (CAR) cell NKG2D-based NKG2D-based T-cells CAR Natural Killer Natural Cell Therapy EGFR806- specific chi - meric antigen (CAR) receptor T cell HER2-specific chimeric an - tigen receptor T (CAR) cell Indoximod, Indoximod, Radiotherapy, Temozolomide, Cyclophos - phamide, Etoposide, Lomustine Indoximod, Indoximod, Temozolomide, Radiotherapy, Cyclophos - phamide, Etoposide Interventions Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Colon Cancer Colon Glioblastoma Medulloblastoma Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrent Ependymoma Recurrent Recurrent Medulloblastoma Recurrent Central Nervous System Pediatric Tumor, Central Nervous System Pediatric Tumor, Ependymoma Medulloblastoma Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Glioma Glioblastoma Malignant Brain Tumor Malignant Brain Tumor Ependymoma Medulloblastoma Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic Glioma Tumor Primary CNS Glioma, Glioblastoma, Glioblastoma, Glioma, Gliosarcoma Conditions I I I I I I II Study Phase Recruiting Not yet Not Recruiting Active, not Active, recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Active, not Active, recruiting Status Study of B7-H3-Specific CAR T Cell StudyCAR of B7-H3-Specific Locoregional for Immunotherapy - Glioma/Dif Pontine Diffuse Intrinsic fuse Midline or and Recurrent Glioma Refractory Central Nervous Pediatric System Tumors - Immuno T-cells CAR NKG2D-based With r/r NK - therapy for Patient G2DL+ Solid Tumors Expanded Natural Killer Expanded Natural Cell Infusion With Patients Younger Treating in Recurrent/Refractory Brain Tumors EGFR806-specific CAR T Cell CAR EGFR806-specific Locoregional for Immunotherapy or Refrac- EGFR-positive Recurrent Tumors CNS tory Pediatric HER2-specific CAR T Cell - Locore CAR HER2-specific for HER2-pos - Immunotherapy gional itive Recurrent/Refractory Pediatric CNS Tumors Pediatric Trial of Indoximod With of Indoximod Trial Pediatric Chemotherapy for and Radiation or Newly Diag - Tumors Relapsed Brain nosed DIPG" Study of the IDO Pathway Inhibitor, Inhibitor, Study of the IDO Pathway for Temozolomide and Indoximod, With Progressive Patients Pediatric Tumors Primary Malignant Brain Title NCT04185038 NCT04270461 NCT02271711 NCT03638167 NCT03500991 NCT04049669 NCT02502708 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 # Targeting the medulloblastoma 95 USA USA USA USA Locations 30 12 46 15 # of Patients # of Patients Enrollment PEP-CMV ­ Polio/ Rhinovirus Recombinant (PVSRIPO) Modified Mea - sles Virus HSV G207 Interventions Recurrent Recurrent Brain Tumor Childhood Malignant Glioma Recurrent Medulloblastoma Recurrent Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Astrocytoma, Anaplastic OliOligoastrocytoma, - godendroglioma Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor Medulloblastoma Ependymoma Pleomorphic Xanthoastro- cytoma of Brain Tumor Embryonal Malignant Glioma, Glioblas - Malignant Glioma, Gliosarcoma toma, Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor Medulloblastoma Recurrent Medulloblastoma, Child - Medulloblastoma, Recurrent hood, Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Conditions I I I I Study Phase Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Status PEP-CMV in Recurrent MEdulloblas - in Recurrent PEP-CMV Glioma toma/Malignant Phase for Recur - 1b Study PVSRIPO in Children Malignant Glioma rent Modified Measles Virus (MV-NIS) for Modified Measles Virus (MV-NIS) With Re - Adults Young and Children Medulloblastoma or Recurrent current ATRT HSV G207 in Children With Recur - HSV G207 in Children or Refractoryrent Brain Cerebellar Tumors Title NCT03299309 NCT03043391 NCT02962167 NCT03911388 ClinicalTrials. Identifier gov 51 50 49 48 # AU: Australia; IE: Ireland; ES: Spain; CN: Cina; FR: France; IT: Italy; SW: Switzerland; TW: Taiwan; UK: United Kingdom; USA: United States of America USA: United Kingdom; UK: Taiwan; TW: Switzerland; Italy; SW: IT: France; FR: Cina; CN: Spain; ES: Ireland; IE: Australia; AU: 96 S. Luzzi, , A. Giotta Lucifero, I. Brambilla, et al.

1.3 Group 3 of the presence of fenestrated vessels facilitating the penetration of drugs.64 The dismal prognosis occurring in Group 3 MBs, Concerning strategies aimed at overcoming the made an urgent development of targeted therapies BBB, possible routes of administration are intrathecal, necessary.53 The increased expression level of the MYC stereotactic or endoscopic. These routes make it possi- gene, found in about 10-20 % of Group 3 patients, ble to deliver drugs directly into the tumor cavity, and confers a very poor outcome. FDA approved peme- as for other neurological and neurosurgical patholo- trexed and gemcitabine along with standard chemo- gies, they have the advantage of minimal invasive- therapy for this category. ness.72, 73 Many clinical trials also demonstrated the effi- A valuable alternative comes from nanotechnol- cacy of palbociclib, CDK4/6 inhibitor, PI3K inhibitor, ogy, which uses polymeric nanomedicines that are able BRD4 inhibitor and anti-vascularization therapies in to easily cross the BBB.74, 75 monotherapy or in association with standard treat- In addition, several studies have highlighted the ment for MBs of Group 3. presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in malignant Alternative strategies, applicable to this subtype, brain tumors, which have self-renewing capabilities. include immunotherapies, mainly those that exploit The high incidence of dissemination and recurrence engineered T and NK cells. associated with MB is mainly attributable to the pres- ence of CSCs. They have been reported to also be re- 1.4 Group 4 sponsible for therapeutic resistance.76, 77 A further ongo- ing therapeutic approach targets the MB-CSCs, with The genomic heterogeneity of Group 4 is not agents directed at targeting specific pathways, such as clearly understood, and this constitutes the major limit CD133, SHH, PI3K/AKT, Stat3, and NOTCH.78-80 in the development of target therapies. Yu et al. tested the Seneca Valley virus-001 (SVV- It has been mainly immunotherapies, with CPIs, 001) which can infect and destroy the CSCs, express engineered T and NK cells and OVs that have been CD133, and results in increased survival.81 tested, with results that are still quite limited. However, the current amount of knowledge on For those patients with relative activation of MB-CSCs is still not sufficient for bedside application. NOTCH signaling, a novel therapeutic opportunity is the administration of MK-0752 and RO4929097, both inhibitors of transcription of the NOTCH Conclusion genes.71 Advanced genetic studies resulted in the identifi- cation of prognostic factors of MBs, which have been 2 Ongoing Challenges and Future Prospects translated into a risk stratification and an updated classification. The new genetic subgrouping provides The main limitations in the development of an ef- the possibility for refining MB treatment strategies fective MB tailored approach are primarily the over- and developing novel molecular-guided clinical inter- coming of the BBB, the tumor microenvironment and ventions. the tumor stem cell response. Target agents directed against SHH, PI3K/AKT/ The route of drug administration is still an issue in mTOR and TKIs have been tested with favorable re- the management of these therapies. sults, especially in SHH-MBs, whereas adoptive im- In 2016, Phoenix et al. highlighted that the gene munotherapies have been proposed for recurrent or expression patterns applied to tumor subtypes deter- refractory MBs. mines the configuration of the BBB, which avoids The high genetic heterogeneity, especially of drug penetration and reduces chemoresponsiveness.64 Group 3 and 4 MBs, the presence of CSCs and the WBT-MBs seem to have a better prognosis because BBB, are all responsible for chemoresistance. Targeting the medulloblastoma 97

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Original article

Advanced pharmacological therapies for neurofibromatosis type 1-related tumors Thomas Foiadelli1, Matteo Naso1, Amelia Licari1, Alessandro Orsini2, Mariasole Magistrali1, Chiara Trabatti1, Sabino Luzzi3,4, Mario Mosconi5, Salvatore Savasta1, Gian Luigi Marseglia1 1 Pediatric Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Department, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana, University of Pisa, Italy; 3 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Surgical Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy;5 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Unit, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract. Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant tumor-predisposition disorder that is caused by a heterozygous loss of function variant in the NF1 gene, which encodes a protein called neurofi- bromin. The absence of neurofibromin causes increased activity in the Rat sarcoma protein (RAS) signalling pathway, which results in an increased growth and cell proliferation. As a result, both oncological and non- oncological comorbidities contribute to a high morbidity and mortality in these patients. Optic pathways gliomas, plexiform neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) are the most fre- quent NF1-associated tumors. The treatment of these complications is often challenging, since surgery may not be feasible due to the location, size, and infiltrative nature of these tumors, and standard chemotherapy or radiotherapy are burdened by significant toxicity and risk for secondary malignancies. For these reasons, fol- lowing the novel discoveries of the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to cell proliferation and tumori- genesis in NF1 patients, emerging drugs targeting specific signalling pathways (i.e. the MEK/ERK cascade), have been developed with promising results. (

Key words: NF1, Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor, MPNST, Optic Pathway Glioma, Plexiform Neurofibroma, Selumetinib, Mtor Inhibitors

Background (NIH) Consensus Development Conference identi- fied the diagnostic criteria (1987) (Table 1), which are Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal still in use nowadays (4,5). The clinical hallmarks of dominant tumor-predisposition disorder that is caused NF1 are highly heterogeneous, and encompass non- by a heterozygous loss of function variant in the tumor malignant and malignant features. The former com- suppressor gene NF1. The average global prevalence is prise pigmentary abnormalities (multiple café-au-lait 33/100,000 individuals, varying among different coun- macules, axillary and inguinal freckling, Lisch nodules), tries from 12.8/100,000 in Russia to 104/100,000 in neurofibromas, skeletal deformities, hypertension and Israel (1–3). neurocognitive deficits. Risk of cancer in NF1 patients NF1 was first described as a multisystemic dis- is 2 to 5 times higher than in the general population ease by Friedrich Von Recklinghausen, in 1882. Nearly (6,7). Malignancies can develop within or without the one century later, the National Institution of Health nervous system. Nervous system tumours include: op- 102 T. Foiadelli, M. Naso, A. Licari, et al.

Table 1. International Diagnostic criteria for Neurofibromatosis type 1 (4)

NIH Consensus Development Conference Diagnostic Criteria for NF1

1. 6 cafe au lait macules over 5 mm in greatest diameter in prepubertal individuals and over 15 mm in greatest diameter in postpubertal individuals

2. 2 neurofibromas of any type or one plexiform neurofibromas

3. Freckling in the axillary or inguinal regions The diagnostic criteria for NF1 are met in an individual if two or more of the 4. Optic pathways glioma following are found:

5. ≥ 2 Lisch nodules

6. A distinctive osseous lesion such as sphenoid dysplasia or thinning of long bone cortex, with or without pseudarthrosis 7. A first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or offspring) with NF-1 by the above criteria

tic pathway and brainstem glioma, glioblastoma, and therapies are highly demanded. In this review, we will malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST). briefly summarize the recent advances in the patho- Patients with NF1 also show an increased risk of tu- physiological understanding of NF1-associated tumors mours developing outside the nervous system, like and the available evidence for new emerging drugs. gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), breast cancer, leukaemia, phaeochromocytoma, duodenal carcinoid and rhabdomyosarcoma (8). Altogether, these clinical Genetics and pathophysiology of NF1 manifestations heavily affect life expectancy, which is in average 8-21 years shorter compared to the general The NF1 gene is located on chromosome 17q11.2 population (6,9,10). and encodes a 250 kDa cytoplasmatic protein called Resective surgery is the first line therapeutic op- neurofibromin. About half of the cases are sporadic and tion for most of the NF1-associated oncological com- due to de novo mutations. The germline mutation rate plications. However, satisfactory results are not always of NF1 is some 10-fold higher than that observed for achieved due to local extension and invasion of vital most other inherited disease genes. Currently, over areas, tumor size, and risk of postoperative regrowth. 2600 different inherited mutations in NF1 have been On the other hand, the use of chemotherapy and ra- reported in the Human Gene Mutation Database diotherapy is limited by high toxicity rates in NF1 pa- (HGMD®) as a cause of NF1 (11–16). tients. Furthermore, chemo- and radiotherapy should Neurofibromin is a large multi-domain protein be strictly reserved to highly selected patients, when that acts as tumor suppressor. Neurofibromin includes other therapeutic options (including watchful waiting) a guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase)–activating pro- are not possible, and discussed with both patients and tein (GAP) domain. GAP stimulates a GTPase activity caregivers for the significant risk of developing second- intrinsic to RAS to inactivate the signal transduction ary dysplasias and tumors later in life, due to the intrin- pathway by converting RAS–guanosine triphosphate sic tumor-predisposition of this syndrome. For these (GTP) to RAS–guanosine diphosphate (GDP) (17). reasons, in the era of precision medicine, novel targeted This negative regulation of RAS reduces cell prolif- Pharmacotherapy for NF-1 related tumors 103 eration and differentiation by forestalling activation of the age of 1-year. When NF1 is suspected, annual the downstream signalling pathways phosphatidylino- monitoring until late childhood is necessary because sitol 3-kinase/protein kinase B/mammalian target of 97% of the children with at least one feature of NF1 rapamycin (PI3K/AKT/mTOR) and rapidly acceler- will eventually meet the diagnostic criteria by the age ated fibrosarcoma/mitogen activated protein kinase / of eight (31). Skeletal deformities are frequently de- extracellular signal regulated kinase (RAF/MEK/ tected during infancy, while CALMs and axillary/in- ERK) (7,18–21). Neurofibromin also regulates adeny- guinal freckling usually appear in childhood, and other lyl cyclase and lowers the levels of intracellular cyclic typical signs and symptoms, including neurofibromas adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) via RAS-depend- and lish nodules, only develop after puberty (Figure ent activation of atypical protein kinase C zeta (22). 1). Of note, also cognitive impairment and learning, This protein is widely expressed in different organs and memory, or attention deficits, are diagnosed lately dur- tissues, with high levels in the nervous system, and es- ing childhood (32–37). Early diagnosis is thus crucial pecially in neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, mi- to appropriately manage the neurocognitive and psy- croglia, and Schwann cells (23,24). cho-social issues and to reduce morbidity and mortal- From mutational analysis, the majority of ger- ity with preventive and therapeutic strategies. mline NF1 mutations are predicted to be inactivating, Development and severity of clinical features of resulting in almost complete absence of transcript or NF1 can vary between individuals, but usually follow protein (25). Pathogenic mutations have been identi- a common timeline. Café-au-lait spots can be detected fied in most of its 61 exons, and include complete gene early during infancy, while skinfold freckling develops deletions, gene-disrupting chromosome rearrange- later in childhood. Cognitive dysfunction has a high ments, smaller deletion or insertions, nonsense muta- impact on NF1 children, since school-age children tions, amino acid substitutions and splicing mutations with NF1 have higher rates of developmental delay (26). As a result, loss of neurofibromin expression leads and cognitive impairment than their pairs, and many to increased RAS activity and cell growth (27,28). of them carry a concurrent diagnosis of attention defi- Some manifestations associated with NF1, such cit/hyperactivity disorder. Moreover, one-third of all as cognitive problems, result from haploinsufficiency children with NF1 have a mild to severe autism spec- of NF1. Other clinical features require an additional trum disorder. Typical signs and symptoms of NF1 as somatic mutation, resulting in biallelic NF1 inactiva- neurofibromas and Lisch nodules usually develop only tion, as seen in the development of café-au-lait mac- after puberty (5). Plexiform neurofibromas are detect- ules (CALMs), neurofibromas, GIST, glomus tumors, ed on clinical examination in approximately 27% of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia ( JMML), bone individuals with NF1. However, these tumors do not dysplasia and pheochromocytoma (25). Furthermore, always cause symptoms and may be clinically silent, mouse models of MPNST have shown that biallelic especially when they reside deep within the body (5). inactivation of the NF1 gene may not be sufficient for About 15-20% of the patients will develop a glioma. tumour formation and that additional genetic altera- Patients with NF1 are also at risk to develop other ma- tions such as mutation of TP53, CDKN2A or SUZ12, lignancies in adulthood, like gastrointestinal stromal are required for the progression of MPNST (7,29,30). tumors, pheochromocytoma, duodenal carcinoid, high grade glioma and breast cancer.

Clinical evolution of the oncological complications in NF1 Low grade tumors

Most of the signs and symptoms of NF1 develop 1. Glioma progressively from childhood to adulthood, and are rarely seen at birth. About 46% of the patients with About 15-20% of children with NF1 will develop sporadic NF1 do not meet the diagnostic criteria by a glioma, with a median age at diagnosis of 4.9 years. 104 T. Foiadelli, M. Naso, A. Licari, et al.

Figure 1. Clinical evolution in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). ADHD: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; ASD: autism spectrum disorders; CALMS: café-au-lait macules; GIST: gastroIn- testinal stromal tumors; JMML: juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia; MPNST: malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour.

Optic pathways gliomas (OPGs) are pylocitic astroci- The second most frequent CNS tumor in NF1 tomas arising from the optic nerve, they can be unilat- patients is brainstem glioma, which represent about eral or bilateral, and are the most frequent form (66%) 17% of all tumors in children with NF1 (42). Other of NF1-related gliomas (38,39). gliomas are rarer, typically develop later in adulthood, OPGs can involve every part of the optic nerve and can involve all areas of the brain (37,43–48). from the papilla to the optic radiations, with differ- ent symptoms according to the location. NF1-related 2. Neurofibroma OPGs are usually asymptomatic, slowly growing and non-aggressive. However, symptoms of tumor pro- Neurofibromas are benign peripheral nerve gression may include decreased visual acuity, abnormal sheath tumors composed of neoplastic Schwann cells, pupillary function, decreased colour vision, optic nerve fibroblast, blood vessels and mast cells. According to atrophy, proptosis or other complications due to com- their location, they can be divided in four types: cu- pression of the surrounding structures (i.e. between 12 taneous, subcutaneous, spinal and plexiform. Cutane- and 40% children with chiasmal OPG develop pre- ous and subcutaneous neurofibromas develop during cocious puberty) (39,40). Postchiasmatic OPGs pre- childhood or early adolescence. They are benign tu- senting before the age of 2 years or after the age of 8 mors, and have no malignant potential (8). Spinal neu- years tend to be more aggressive and should therefore rofibromas develop from the spinal foramina and can be carefully followed up. Although the 5-year overall cause nerve roots compression or spinal deformities survival for patients with low grade glioma is 85%, (i.e. scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis and vertebral body anom- progression-free survival for those with unresectable/ alies). When symptomatic, they can cause both mo- residual disease requiring treatment is significantly tor and sensitive neuropathy and should be surgically lower (40%) (41). treated (8,49). Plexiform neurofibromas (PNF) are Pharmacotherapy for NF-1 related tumors 105

Figure 2. Signaling pathways and drug targets. AC: Adenyl cyclase; cAMP: Cyclic adenosine monophosphate; AKT: Protein kinase B; GPCR: G-protein coupled receptor; GTP: Guanosine Triphosphate; MEK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase; ERK: extracellular signal-regulated kinase; mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycine; PI3K: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase; RAF: Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma; RAS: Rat Sarcoma protein; R-TK: Receptor Tirosyne Kinase

benign nerve sheath tumors that can be found in 30- Malignancies 50% of NF1 patients (50). They are mostly congenital, and arise from the deep peripheral nervous plexuses. 1. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor As all neurofibromas, they are slowly growing, but can often become large and bulky, developing in complex Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MP- and infiltrative shapes (51). PNF can occur anywhere NST) are rare, biologically aggressive soft tissue sar- throughout the body, but particularly in extremities, comas derived from Schwann cells or pluripotent cells thoracic and pelvic region, and tend to surround and of the neural crest. About 22-50% of all cases are as- invade nearby tissues and structures (i.e. bones) caus- sociated with NF1. The median age at diagnosis is be- ing pain, disfigurement, neurologic impairment and tween 20 and 40 years (10-20 years earlier compared motor dysfunction (51,52). Furthermore, PNF have to the sporadic cases). MPNST usually arise from a a 8-15% lifetime risk of malignant transformation in pre-existing PNF. MPNST most commonly develop MPNST (53–55). Therefore, surgery should be con- in the limbs (45%), the trunk (34%) and the head or sidered early and all patients should undergo a careful neck (19%) (51,58). The clinical presentation is usu- presurgical evaluations, especially when PNF become ally characterized by a rapid enlargement causing symptomatic. Unfortunately surgical outcomes are of- mass effect and neuropathic symptoms, such as par- ten dissatisfactory, especially when only partial resec- aesthesia, motor weakness or radicular pain. The prog- tion is attainable (56), with post-operative re-growth nosis for NF1-related MPNST is poor, with a 50% rates that can reach 44% (57). of early metastatic involvement at diagnosis (mainly 106 T. Foiadelli, M. Naso, A. Licari, et al. in the lungs) and a 5-year overall survival of 35-50% applicable. Unfortunately NF1 related GISTs show a (59–61). As for other soft-tissue sarcomas, the best variable but generally incomplete response to the ty- curative option is complete surgical resection, which is rosine kinase inhibitor Imatinib treatment (64–69). often not feasible due to location, size, and presence of metastasis. Furthermore, relapse rate is high and there 3. Pheochromocytoma is a lack of alternative therapeutic options (59). Ad- juvant radiotherapy might be used to reduce local re- Pheochromocytomas are neuroendocrine cat- currence but needs a thorough risk-benefit evaluation echolamine-secreting tumors, and occur in 2-2.9% of for the heightened risk of secondary malignancies (62). patients with NF1. Median age at presentation is 43 Standard chemotherapy remains a treatment option in years (range 14–61 years) (70). This tumor is usually locally advanced or metastatic MPNST patients. It solitary, benign and localized in the adrenal glands, bi- usually includes a combination of doxorubicin, ifosfa- lateral in 17% of the cases and metastatic or recurrent mide, and etoposide, but response rate is usually poor in 7.3%. Adrenalectomy remains the primary treat- compared to sporadic MPNST (17.9% vs 44.4%) (63). ment of pheochromocytoma, with the entire gland being surgically removed in order to achieve cure. No 2. Gastrointestinal Stromal tumor differences have been described in the treatment and outcome of NF1-related pheochromocytoma com- Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) is a pared to sporadic or other genetically determined mesenchymal tumour that primarily arises in the gut forms of phaeochromocytoma (i.e. Multiple Endo- mucosal wall. Unlike sporadic GISTs, those associated crine Neoplasia type 2, Von Hippel Lindau syndrome, with NF1 usually lack somatic mutations of CD117 Hereditary paraganglioma–pheochromocytoma syn- (c-KIT) or PDGFR-A (platelet-derived growth fac- drome, Carney’s triad) (70–75). tor receptor A) (64,65). Instead, biallelic inactivation of the NF1 gene results in constitutive RAS activa- 4. Breast Cancer tion, increasing the downstream mitogenic signalling through the MAP kinase cascade. Interestingly, gain- Although rare in patients with NF-1, few stud- of-function mutations of c-KIT also activate many ies have shown that women with NF1 are at a higher downstream signalling pathways including the RAS– risk of developing early onset breast cancer with ag- MAP kinase cascade, suggesting a common pathoge- gressive behaviour and a poorer prognosis, compared netic mechanism in both sporadic and NF1-associated to the general population. Cancer management is not GISTs. As other tumors, NF1-associated GISTs have well defined in this population, these lesions are usu- unique clinical features, compared to sporadic forms: ally treated with a combination of surgery, chemother- they occur in younger patients (mean age at presenta- apy, and radiation in relation to the stage at diagnosis, tion 52.8 years), are multiple (60%) or develop in mul- although risks of secondary fibrosarcomas may be in- tiples sites, are smaller in size and with low mitotic creased by radiotherapy in this vulnerable population activity, and occur mostly in the duodenum or small group (76–79). bowel. They are usually asymptomatic and inciden- tally detected during routine investigations. Surgery is 5. Duodenal carcinoid the only modality that can offer a permanent cure of GIST, and complete surgical resection avoiding tumor Carcinoid tumors of the gastrointestinal tract are rupture and injuries to the pseudocapsule is the initial neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Most of the cases of treatment for primary and localized GISTs when the carcinoids are sporadic, but approximately 26% of all risk of morbidity and death from surgery is accept- carcinoid tumors occur in patients with NF1, with able. The aims of surgery include complete resection the most common site being the periampullary re- with macroscopic and microscopic negative margins gion. Mean age at presentation is 47.9 years, with a and functional preservation by wedge resection, when 59% female preponderance (80). Clinical symptoms Pharmacotherapy for NF-1 related tumors 107 are multiple, and vary depending on the tumor size, neic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation remains compression and dissemination. The most common the therapy of choice for most patients with JMML, presenting symptoms are jaundice (65%) and abdomi- and should be recommended to any child with NF1- nal pain (31%). Biologically, the most common type mutated JMML (91–93). of peri-ampullary NET in NF1 patients is somato- statinoma (40%). Surgical treatment is recommended: pancreaticoduodenectomy is the first choice approach Emerging treatments for nf1-related tumors for well-differentiated ampullary carcinoid >2 cm and for ampullary neuroendocrine carcinomas, while local Standard chemotherapy regimens are weighed by tumor excision can be considered for carcinoids <2 cm. the toll of toxic effect that sometimes may lead to a In patients who are not eligible for surgery, chemo- discontinuation of therapy. Precision medicine is an therapy may be considered. Options for management approach that takes account for the characteristics of of grade I and II tumors include octreotide, lanreotide, NF1 related tumors. Below an analysis of the current mTOR inhibitors (everolimus), and peptide-receptor standard therapy and new, emerging drug for glioma, radiotherapy (80–84). plexiform neurofibroma and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Table 2 illustrates novel target 6. Rhabdomyosarcoma therapies that has been used or are currently under in- vestigation. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most fre- quent soft-tissue sarcoma in children, and can be dis- 1. Glioma tinguished in alveolar and embryonal subtypes. Less than 1% of patient with NF1 develop RMS, and all Despite the behaviour of this tumor is usually have a embryonal histology (due to the known role not aggressive, specific treatment might be necessary of RAS activation in the pathogenesis of embryonal- in case of tumor progression and clinical symptoms. type RMS). The median age at diagnosis is 2.9 years, The mainstay treatment is chemotherapy. Indications significantly earlier compared to sporadic RMS (5 for radiation therapy and surgery are less frequent in years). Frequent locations are pelvic and orbital. These NF1-associated gliomas. On one hand, radiotherapy patients tend to develop early non-metastatic RMS, it’s not recommended because of the heightened risk most often in the pelvic sites, that appear to be geneti- of secondary tumors and moyamoya syndrome (94- cally similar to sporadic cases. Complete resection is 95). On the other hand, most of the times this tumors the best curative option and treatment does not differ are not surgically approachable for a complete resec- from sporadic cases (85–90). tion, although a palliative debulking might be needed under specific circumstances (e.g. vision loss, corneal 7. Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia exposure due to proptosis, or pituitary localization) (95,96). Carboplatin and vincristine are the recom- Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia ( JMML) is a mended first line chemotherapy for OPG (97-98), unique, aggressive hematopoietic disorder of infancy/ and the treatment protocol should always be handled early childhood caused by excessive proliferation of by a specialist oncologist. Second line drugs include cells of monocytic and granulocytic lineages. Although vinblastine, vinorelbine and temozolomide (99-100). JMML is an uncommon complication of NF1, it is Other options combine TPCV (thioguanine, procar- estimated that patient with NF1 have a 200-350 fold bazine, lomustine, and vincristine) and weekly vinblas- increased risk of developing JMML, compared to the tine (98). Recently, a phase II study of bevacizumab general population. Moreover, this association may be plus irinotecan was conducted in children with recur- underestimated because patients with JMML may die rent low-grade glioma, NF-1 related or not, to meas- at an age at which children do not manifest sufficient ure sustained response and/or stable disease lasting ≥6 clinical signs to make the diagnosis of NF1. Alloge- months and progression-free survival, the results of 108 T. Foiadelli, M. Naso, A. Licari, et al. that study show that this therapeutic strategy could be of fact, the medical treatment of PNF hasn’t found its useful (101). keystone yet. As for many NF1-associated malignan- All cited regimens seem to be effective but classic cies, radiotherapy is not recommended because of the chemotherapy exposes children to toxic effects such as risk of secondary malignancies (including radiation- myelosuppression, allergic reactions, peripheral neu- induced MPNST, which typically have an even worse ropathy, constipation, secondary malignancies, and prognosis).Similarly, chemotherapeutic agents are not infertility. Although effective, radiotherapy increases used because of their mutagenic nature and all drugs the risk of secondary malignancy, ototoxicity, endo- that have been used until now have shown little evi- crinopathies, and neurocognitive decline (102,103). dence of efficacy (56,62,110). Among new emerging drugs, Selumetinib has Among alternative treatments, interferon (INF) shown promising results in the treatment of NF1-asso- therapy has been reported in various studies (111,112) ciated OPG. Selumetinib is an oral selective inhibitor as an effective tumor-stabilizer. Jakacki and colleagues of MEK 1 and 2. This inhibitor locks MEK1/2 into an (111) eventually reported a 15-20% volume decrease inactive conformation that enables the binding of ATP in 29% of the patient. INF is safe and tolerable, and and substrate but disrupts both the molecular interac- may be useful to reduce neuropathic pain. For this rea- tions required for catalysis and the proper access to the son, a therapeutic trial of at least 6 months might be ERK activation loop (104). First evidences of efficacy recommended, even if it will rarely be resolutive. The for selective MEK inhibition came from mouse mod- efficacy of Thalidomide (113) is less clear, as in a single els of NF1-deficient acute myeloid leukaemia, where study on 12 patients it showed a minor response in it induced tumor regression (105-106). In 2017, the only 33%. Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium completed a phase Since neurofibromin controls cell growth by I trial of Selumetinib in 38 children with recurrent, negatively regulating the mTOR pathway activity, it refractory, or progressive paediatric low-grade glioma, seems reasonable to use mTOR inhibitors to man- establishing the recommended phase II dose as 25 mg/ age NF1-related tumors (18). Sirolimus is a safe and m2 twice daily. Five of 25 patients treated at the recom- well tolerated mTOR inhibitor that has been used to mended phase 2 dose achieved a partial response (41). lengthen time to progression with fair success (mean Simultaneously, in a phase I trial, 17/24 (71%) patients increased time to progression: 4 months), but unfor- with NF1-associated PNF showed partial response tunately failed in achieving a significant response in after treatment with Selumetinib (107). Both trials tumor shrinking or pain relief (114). showed tolerable toxicities and equal recommended Sunitinib malate is a powerful, highly selec- treatment doses. A recent phase II multicentre trial tive Tyrosine Kinase receptor inhibitor with activ- (108) with Selumetinib has shown at least a partial re- ity against c-Kit, PDGFR, and vascular endothelial sponse (≥50% tumour reduction on MRI) in 40% of growth factor receptor (VEGFR), which are all im- the patients with NF1-associated low grade glioma. plicated in the pathogenesis of MPNSTs. Preclinical These preliminary results suggest a comparable efficacy studies showed that Sunitinib can induce reduction in to conventional chemotherapy, with a higher tolerabil- PNF number and size, decreased mast cell infiltration, ity, manageability and safety profile (109). diminished fibroblast collagen deposition, and reduced metabolic activity (115). A phase II trial with Suni- 2. Plexiform neurofibroma tinib was prematurely terminated because one patient died for uncertain (but possibly drug-related) causes At present, the only curative option for PNF is (NCT01402817). resective surgery, and it should therefore be considered Meanwhile, other protein kinase inhibitors have as soon as possible, whenever applicable. However, due undergone clinical trials for the treatment of PNF. to their infiltrative nature, eventually involving vital A phase I trial (116) with Sorafenib, a protein ki- structures, and tendency for regrowth, surgery might nase inhibitor with activity against RAF, PDGFRb, not always be performed. Unfortunately, as a matter c-KIT and VEGFR-2, showed scarce tolerability at Pharmacotherapy for NF-1 related tumors 109 substantially lower doses than the MTD, in children toxicity profile may allow early prolonged treatments with refractory PNF. On the contrary, Pirfenidone, an (122). oral anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory agent, dem- Finally, there are several ongoing trials with onstrated good tolerability in a phase II study (117), selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors like Nilotinib although it did not demonstrate clinical effectiveness (NCT01275586), Trametinib (NCT03363217) (123), and was not warranted further evaluation in children or Cabozantinib (NCT02101736), and mTOR path- with progressive PN. Similarly, Tipirfanib, which se- way inhibitors like Everolimus (NCT01365468). lectively inhibits HRAS, did not offer significant ef- ficacy compared to placebo (118,119). Imatinib Me- 3. MPNST sylate, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with antineoplastic activity, targets c-KIT ligands secreted by biallelic The recent understandings in the pathogenesis NF1-inacrivated Schwann cells and is able to decrease of MPNST have led to the development of preclini- the volume of PNF in mouse models (120). A phase cal mouse models for the study of targeted agents and II trial with Imatinib reported a 17% response with a precision medicine. Unfortunately, most of these trials ≥20% tumor reduction, although a few study limita- have been inconclusive, but several other are still on- tions (i.e. relatively small sample size and significant going. In a recent phase I/II study (124) Sirolimus was heterogeneity of the selected population) may have used in combination with Ganetespib, a novel inject- underestimated its therapeutic effect (120). able small molecule inhibitor of Hsp90, to treat MP- Among emerging drugs for NF1, so far Selu- NST. Despite the promising preclinical rationale and metinib seems the most promising for the treatment tolerability of the combination therapy, no significant of PNF. In a recent clinical trial on 24 patients with responses were observed. Alike, several other mecha- PNF (107), 71% showed partial tumor regression af- nisms of actions are currently under investigation. ter a median follow up of 18 months, which is sig- These include the use of small molecules, like PLX3397 nificantly high if compared to the response rates of (an inhibitor of CSF1 and KIT) used in combination imatinib (17%) (120) and interferon-alpha-2b (29%) with mTor pathway inhibitors (NCT02584647) (125), (111). Moreover, all patients showed evidence of some or modified BET inhibitors to overcome resistance in degree of tumor reduction, with a response that re- MPNST (126). Knowing that many MPNST arise mained stable without disease progression in 15/17. from previous PNF, however, the best approach would The most frequent toxic effects involved mainly the be to prevent malignant degeneration in high risk pa- skin and the gastrointestinal tract, with a side-effect tients. In the future, the identification of risk factors, profile similar to adults (121), or an asymptomatic early biomarkers and eventually disease modifying increase of the creatin kinase (107). Very recently, a drugs (like the promising Selumetinib) may radically phase II trial with Selumetinib in 50 children with change the natural history of these aggressive tumors. inoperable PNF evidenced a 74% rate of partial re- Neurofibromin 1 (NF1) accelerates the conver- sponse (defined as a ≥20% volume decrease), with a sion from active Guanosine Triphosphate bound RAS stable response in 56% after approximately one year to inactive Guanosine Diphosphate bound RAS. RAS (12 therapy cycles). In this study only a few children signalling transduces extracellular signals from ligand- showed disease progression, and most of them (5/6) activated receptors (Receptor Tirosyne Kinase and G- had experienced a dose reduction before progression. protein coupled receptor). Loss of neurofibromin re- Notably, in addition to tumor shrinkage, 68% experi- sults in elevated RAS signalling. GTP-RAS activates a enced improvements in neurofibroma-related compli- multitude of effectors protein, including the RAF and cations such as pain or functional limitations. Toxic the MEK/ERK signalling cascades, which promote effects were similar to those evidenced in phase I, and proliferation, and the PI3K/mTOR pathway, which always reversible. Taken together, these results iden- promotes growth and cell survival. tify Selumetinib as the most promising drug for the treatment of PNF, since its high tolerability and low 110 T. Foiadelli, M. Naso, A. Licari, et al.

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