North American County Board Gaelic Athletic Association Annual Convention Orlando, FL November 7-8, 2014

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North American County Board Gaelic Athletic Association Annual Convention Orlando, FL November 7-8, 2014


North American Board Gaelic Athletic Association

Annual Convention Orlando, FL November 7-8, 2014



Table of Contents Page 3: Agenda Page 4: Standing Orders Pages 5-12: Motions Page 13: Officer Nominations Pages 14-16: NCGAA Report Pages 17-25: Development Report Pages 26-46: Registrar’s Report Pages 47-61: Treasurer’s Report (NACB General Account) Pages 62-66: Treasurer’s Report (NACB Development Fund) Pages 67-68: Secretary’s Report

*Pro and Youth Officer reports are separate attachments

*PRO Report has been appended to this version PRO and Youth Reports have been appended in this version



2014 NACB Convention Agenda Friday, November 7, 2014 7:00 pm-9:30 pm Club Forum (NACB business & presentation by Munster Council)

Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:30-9:00 am Registration of Delegates 9:00 am Welcome Address Gareth Fitzsimons, Liam O’Neill, & Robert Frost 9:45 am Adoption of Standing Orders 9:50 am Presentation of Reports o Youth Officer o Games Development (NCGAA & Hurling) o PRO o Registrar o Treasurer o Secretary o Chairman Other Business 12:00 pm Lunch 1:15 pm Motions Election of Convention Chairman/Secretary Election of Officers for 2014 Adjournment of Convention



NACB Convention Standing Orders

In order to carry out the proceedings of the Convention without delay the following Standing Orders will be observed.

1. The Proposer of a motion or an amendment thereto may speak for 2 minutes, but not longer than 2 minutes.

2. A Delegate speaking to a motion or an amendment must not exceed 1 minute. A maximum of 2 delegates from one club may speak on a motion.

3. The Proposer of a motion or an amendment may speak a second time for 1 minute before a vote is taken, but no other delegate may speak a second time on the same motion or amendment.

4. The Chair mat at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently discussed call on the Proposer for a reply, and when that has been given, a vote must be taken.

5. A Delegate may, with the consent of the Chair, move “that the question be now put,” after which when the Proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.

6. No motion, other than that properly before Convention, shall be considered.

7. Suspension of Standing Orders may only take place with the consent of two thirds of those present and voting.

8. Any motion seeking to amend or change a Bylaw must have a majority equal to two thirds of those present and voting. A simple majority of those present and voting is necessary to alter a Regulation.

9. The Chair of each Divisional Board shall be entitled to one vote. Each affiliated and registered Club present shall be entitled to two (2) votes even if only represented by one delegate.

10. The Chair may change the order of the items on the agenda with the consent of a majority of those present and entitled to vote.



North American County Board ~ Gaelic Athletic Association Convention Motions

Motion 1: NACB

1.f.(i) Ladies Football and teams shall register with the NACB Registrar, through the Divisional Committee Registrar, its players, officials and colors players no later than June 10th. All affiliating and/or registering clubs shall be required to register at least 13 (thirteen) eligible players.

1.f.(ii) All Ladies club affiliations and/or registrations shall have reached the NACB Registrar's address, no later than June 20th.

Amend to read:

1.f.(i) Ladies Football and Camogie teams shall register with the NACB Registrar, through the Divisional Committee Registrar, its players, officials and colors players no later than April 30th. All affiliating and/or registering clubs shall be required to register at least 13 (thirteen) eligible players.

1.f.(ii) All Ladies club affiliations and/or registrations shall have reached the NACB Registrar's address, no later than May 15th.

Motion 2: NACB

1.(ii).c Registering Players: All players shall be individually registered by listing on the registration sheet the player’s name, place of birth, code and grade, plus the last 4 digits of the player’s Driver’s License # (e.g. either Irish or US) and/or Passport #(e.g., either Irish or US). Non Irish players who have never previously registered with an adult GAA club may register with an NACB club on or before August 15th. Non Irish Born players must be clearly identified and all players’ grades listed.

Amend to read:

1.(ii).c Registering Players: All players (Resident, Sanction, American Born, Non Irish) shall be individually registered in the online registration system by listing the player’s names, type of registration, country of birth, code and grade, photo, plus the last 4 digits of the player’s US Driver’s License # and/or Passport #. All Sanction players must register with their Passport. Non Irish players who have never previously registered with an adult GAA club may registrar with an NACB club on or before August 1st. A player’s registration is not accepted until all necessary information is entered into the online system.



Motion 3: NACB

1.(I) All divisions must maintain a digital division registration book. The four major cities (, Chicago, Western and ) must also have a Divisional Registration Book that must be signed in person by each new player before that player's registration can be accepted.

Amend to read:

1.(I) All divisions must maintain a digital division registration book that must be shared with the NACB registrar. All players must have a completed player’s registration form and signed NACB waiver on file with their division before that player’s registration can be accepted. The divisional registrar must enter the player’s information into the divisional book and online registration system within 7 days of receiving the forms.

Motion 4: NACB

1.(j) The Divisional Registration Book must be brought to the NACB Playoffs by the Divisional Registrar to verify signatures.

Remove rule and replace with:

1.(j) The Divisional registrar shall compile all completed player’s registration forms and signed NACB waivers into a Divisional binder or scan into a divisional file that is to be shared with the NACB registrar. The divisional binder and/or file must be brought to the NACB playoffs by the Divisional Registrar to verify signatures.

Motion 5: NACB

1.(g) Once verified, the NACB Registrar will, within two (2) weeks, print, sign and mail back to the Divisional Registrar, and also put online a copy of the official (home based) Registration list received from the Divisions.

Amend to read:

1.(g). Once verified, the NACB Registrar will send an electronic copy with NACB registrar signature to the club and divisional registrar. Any club in the NACB area may request a copy of a club’s official resident registration list.



Motion 6: NACB Youth Committee

Amend By-Law 5

In accordance with Rule 3.21 & 3.22 T.O. 2013 the Co. Committee shall appoint the following additional subcommittees whose membership and functions shall be as set out in Bye-Laws:

(h) Youth Committee: It shall consist of the Youth Officer (as its Chair) and 6 other members elected, by Youth Clubs at the Annual Youth meeting, from candidates nominated by the various Youth Committees throughout the NACB. Subject to the overall authority of the NACB this committee shall initiate and coordinate all youth activities within the NACB area.

Amend to read:

In accordance with Rule 3.21 & 3.22 T.O. 2013 the Co. Committee shall appoint (with exception of the Youth Committee) the following additional subcommittees whose membership and functions shall be as set out in Bye-Laws:

(h) Youth Committee: It shall consist of the Youth Officer (as its Chair) and 5 other members elected, by Youth Clubs at the Annual Youth meeting, from candidates nominated by the various Youth Committees throughout the NACB. Subject to the overall authority of the NACB this committee shall initiate and coordinate all youth activities within the NACB area.

Motion 6: NACB Youth Committee

Amend By-law 7(b)

The AGM shall elect the following officers who shall hold office until the end of the next AGM: Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Assistant secretary (if needed), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer (if needed), PRO, Registrar, and Youth officer.

Amend to read:

The AGM shall elect the following officers who shall hold office until the end of the next AGM: Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Assistant secretary (if needed), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer (if needed), PRO, Registrar, and Youth officer. The Youth Officer must be involved in the Youth program in his/her divisional area.

Motion 7: NACB Youth Committee

Any city who does not have a Youth Program in place by December 31, 2015 will forfeit their balance in the NACB escrow account to their respective Division. The balance will remain in the NACB escrow account and distributed to Youth Programs within each Division as deemed appropriate by the North American Youth Committee.



Motion 8: NACB Youth Committee

Any Division who does not have a Youth Program in place by December 31, 2016 will forfeit their balance in the NACB escrow account to the North American Youth Committee. The balance will remain in the NACB escrow account and distributed to Youth Programs within NACB as deemed appropriate by the North American Youth Committee.

Motion 9: Naperville HC—Central Division That the following sentence of Section 4(c)(v) of the NACB Regulations be stricken from the rules: “Teams from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Philadelphia are restricted to playing only American-born players AND players who can prove permanent residency in the USA prior to 10 years old, in competitions at these levels.”

Motion 10: Denver Gaels—Southwest Division Amend Regulation 7(d) as follows:

Original: (d) In junior competitions with 4+ teams. All teams knocked out in the first round of competition at the NACB playoffs must partake in a shield competition if time and facilities permit that shield competition to be officially scheduled.

Amend to read:

(d) In junior competitions with 4+ teams. All teams knocked out in their first game at the NACB playoffs must partake in a shield competition if time and facilities permit that shield competition to be officially scheduled.

Motion 11: Denver Gaels—Southwest Division Current: 20 (k) NON-PARTICIPATION PENALTY: (i) A club that qualifies, and refuses to play, at the NACB Playoffs, will be fined up to $2500, and sanctioned at the discretion of the Committee in Charge. The club shall stand suspended until all fines are paid and other conditions fulfilled. (ii) A club that enters the NACB playoffs and fails to attend will be fined up to $2500 and sanctioned at the discretion of the Committee in charge.

Amend to read: 20 (k) Non-Participation Penalty: (i) If a club who has entered the NACB playoffs and withdraws more than thirty days before the first day of the NACB playoffs, such club may be fined in an amount to be determined by the 8


Hearings Committee, up to $1,500.00. The club shall stand suspended until all fines are paid and other conditions fulfilled.

(ii) If a club who has entered the NACB playoffs and withdraws less than thirty days before the first day of the NACB playoffs, such club may be fined in an amount to be determined by the Hearings Committee, up to $2,500.00. The club shall stand suspended until all fines are paid and other conditions fulfilled. (iii) In the event a Hearings Committee imposes a fine upon a club for violation of this Bylaw 20(k), such fine shall be split evenly between the Host Committee and the club who had been scheduled to play the withdrawn club.

Motion 12: Tipperary HC—Northeast Division

Currently under the Heading 4-Sanctions, section (C) Hurling, subsection (i) Senior, the rule states:

- Each team shall have no more than 7 NON-RESIDENT players on the field at one time.

Amend to read:

- Each team shall have no more than 8 NON-RESIDENT players on the field at one time.

Motion 13: Aisling Gaels—Central Division


Ladies football and Camogie teams shall register with the NACB Registrar, through the Divisional Committee Registrar, its players, officials, and colors, no later than June 10th. All affiliating and/or registering clubs shall be required to register at least 10 (thirteen) eligible players.

Amend to read:


Ladies football and Camogie teams shall register with the NACB Registrar, through the Divisional Committee Registrar, its players, officials, and colors, no later than June 10th. All affiliating and/or registering clubs shall be required to register at least 10 (thirteen) eligible players. (Resubmit into 2015 Regulations as the date was changed to April 30th for Ladies football and Camogie teams since last Convention.)



Motion 14: Aisling Gaels—Central Division NACB REGULATIONS

4. Sanctions (d) Ladies Football (i) SENIOR:

Each team shall be limited to no more than 7 NON-RESIDENT (sanction) on the field at one time.

Amend to read:

4. Sanctions (d) Ladies Football (i) SENIOR:

Each team shall be limited to no more than 7 NON-RESIDENT (sanction) on the field at one time. Each Senior team shall select 3 additional NON-RESIDENT (sanction) to be named as RESIDENT players by June 10th.

Motion 15: Aisling Gaels—Central Division NACB BY-LAWS

NEW RULE: REGRADING: Ladies Football

All RESIDENT players who participated at the Senior or Intermediate level in the previous year shall be automatically re-graded to Junior level on January 1st, for the upcoming year.

Motion 16: Aidan McAnespies—Northeast Division

Amend to read: O.G. Part 2; Rules of Specification Rule 2 (v) A Substitution may only be made during a break in play, after the player has given a substitution note to the Referee, or in the case of an Inter-County Senior game, to the Sideline Official. This shall also apply to a Temporary Substitution allowed under Rule 1.5 (b), Rules of Control - Injuries: Blood/Concussion.

1.5 INJURIES (a) Injuries: General - Play shall not be stopped for injury to a player, except in exceptional circumstances to enable a seriously injured player to be treated on the field or removed from the field of play. All other Injuries shall be treated off the field of play. (b) Injuries: Blood - A player who is bleeding or who has blood on any part of his body, playing attire or playing equipment, as a result of an injury sustained during play, shall on the instruction of the Referee, immediately leave the field of play to receive medical and/or other attention. He shall not be allowed to return to the field of play until the bleeding has stopped, all blood has been cleaned off and, where possible, the injured area has been covered, any blood-stained playing attire has been replaced and any blood-stained equipment has been fully cleaned. In that circumstance, a Temporary Substitute may be used, and the following acts shall not count as substitutions under Rule 2.4 (i) and (ii), Rules of Specification.



Injuries: Concussion: A Player who has received a blow/hit to the head (a suspected concussion) shall immediately leave the field of play to receive professional medical attention. He shall not be allowed to return to the field of play that day and should seek professional medical attention before he plays again.

(1) The use of the Temporary Substitute for a player instructed to leave the field under the Rule. (2) The return to the field of play of the injured (blood) player as a direct replacement for the Temporary Substitute. (3) The return to the field of play of the injured (blood) player as a replacement for any other player if the Temporary Substitute has previously been sent off or substituted.

Motion 17: Aidan McAnespies—Northeast Division

O.G. 6.11 (c): Authorizations and Sanctions, as outlined in (a) and (b) above, are available only to players who are current members of Clubs in . Members of Clubs in Britain are not entitled to such Authorizations or Sanctions and if such a Player obtains an Inter County transfer to a County in Ireland, he shall not be eligible to obtain an Authorization or Sanction within twenty four weeks from the date of transfer being granted.

Amend to read: O.G. 6.11 (c): Authorizations and Sanctions, as outlined in (a) and (b) above, are available only to players who are current members of Clubs in Ireland. Members of Clubs in Britain are not entitled to such Authorizations or Sanctions and if such a Player obtains an Inter County transfer to a County in Ireland, he shall not be eligible to obtain an Authorization or Sanction within two weeks from the date of transfer being granted.

Motion 18: NACB 12. REGISTRATION (a) Each club shall register with the NACB Registrar through its Divisional Registrar according to the NACB requirements set out in NACB Regulations. THE NACB fee for registration for all clubs shall be $400.00. The registration fee for a newly formed club shall be $100.00 for the first three years , and it will revert to the current registration fee after that time.

Amend to read: Each club shall register with the NACB Registrar through its Divisional Registrar according to the NACB requirements set out in NACB Regulations. The NACB fee for registration shall be $40.00 per player, registered online on or before April 30th each year. The registration fee for newly formed clubs shall be $350.00 for the first two years, and it will revert to the current registration process after that time.




Based on $40 per registered player at approx. 4500 Gross - $180,000

NACB - Regular operating account. $ 65,000 (37%)

G.L INSURANCE - Umbrella Policy for all 9 Divisions. $ 20,000 (12%)

GAMES DEVELOPMENT - $ 20,000 (12%)

YOUTH - Youth escrow account $ 12,000 (7%)

CROKE PARK DUES - $ 12,000 (7%)

RIEMBURSEMENT TO DIVISIONS - Based on number of registered players,

Central $ 8500

Mid Atlantic $ 3000

Midwest $ 4000

Northeast $ 8500

Northwest $ 2500

Philadelphia $ 3000

Southeast $ 3500

Southwest $ 5000

Western $ 7000

TOTAL - $45,000 $ 45,000 (25%)

All Divisions would be required to submit a financial report annually showing how their funds were allocated.

Nominations to Host 2015 NACB Convention: In keeping with past practice, this item will be open to the floor for nominations.



North American County Board ~ Gaelic Athletic Association Officer Nominations 2015

Chairman: Gareth Fitzsimons

Vice Chairman: Bernie Connaughton

Secretary: Tim Flanagan; Mary Prendiville; Paul McCarthy; Liam Moloney

Treasurer: Paddy McDevitt

Registrar: Lizzie O’Connor

PRO: Mark Owens; Barry Colton

Youth Officer: Liam Hegarty

Central Council Delegate: Malachy Higgins; Eamonn Tohill; Paul McCarthy; Peter Murray

Honorary President: Bill Flanagan; Joe Lydon



Convention Reports NCGAA Report

Northeast Every year we talk about the growth of our games on US college campuses, but this year we can really boast about it thanks to the explosion in the number of new clubs in the Northeast region. Our decision to prioritize the Northeast for the 2013/2014 academic year has been vindicated and we thank Simon Gillespie and his team for the professional job they did in getting the NECGAA up and running with regular games for collegiate teams, and for doing such an impressive job of hosting the nationals. This has raised the bar once again and presents a serious challenge to the hosts in 2015.

Midwest A number of issues in our Midwest region in the last season have been cleared up with the regional committee now under new management. University of Pittsburgh, with their close ties to the American based Pittsburgh club, is doing extremely well and Purdue has a decent size squad. IU is growing steadily with the formation of the Irish-American student association on campus. Also, GAAGo gave the IU team the capability to get together and watch the All-Ireland final together in HD. Middle Tennessee State University are clawing for numbers but getting there. Midwest startups this year are the University of Michigan at Dearborn, Notre Dame, who are currently working with the university to become a club. There are stirrings of potential clubs in Minnesota surrounding Minneapolis.

Northwest We welcome the impressive new hurling club at the University of Montana and congratulate them on winning the national championship in their first year of business. They have become terrific ambassadors for the game despite having no local opposition, and are taking the initiative to develop youth and adult hurling in the region, opening up the potential for more NACB- affiliated clubs in the near future. Our decision to host the 2015 national championship at the University of Montana underlines our commitment to developing in this new frontier territory for the GAA.

Colorado Thanks to Kim Tessean, we are seeing the beginnings of new clubs at Denver University, CU Boulder, CU Denver, and Regis University, Denver. We are working closely with Kim to provide assistance and guidance. As of this writing we are in the process of establishing a formal regional committee for Colorado. This has great potential since the schools are all so close together and would be in a prime position to play regular games. There is also a good chance of at least a combined team making it to nationals.



California In 2013/14 there was a reasonably smooth regional championship that was won by Stanford, however the single-handed running of the regional committee was not optimal. This has since been addressed by the formation of a proper regional committee for the 2014/2015 academic year. Cal has recruited over 20 players already, numbers at Stanford are set to hold steady, while UC Davis still hovers on the edge of being able to field a team. The regional committee is assisting Davis wherever possible, and will this year increase the number of games by adopting a “Scandinavian” championship format whereby the winners are determined by their performance in a series of tournaments rather than a series of one-off games. This will hopefully better motivate teams to travel and make the competition more interesting. While the existing clubs seem to be in reasonably strong shape, there are no signs of expansion on to new campuses at this time.

National Our national championship tournament in was the largest ever, sporting seven hurling and five football teams compared to only four hurling teams and no football teams last year. Most of this growth was due to the collegiate football clubs that have appeared on the East coast, and for the first time we needed two fields to get all the games in. 39 games were played over two days in Paddy’s Field in Woodlawn, and . Iona College became the first national collegiate football champions, while Montana took the hurling title.

Hurling teams at nationals: University of California, Berkeley (Cal) University of Montana Indiana University University of Pittsburgh Iona/Kean (joint team from New York) St Thomas Aquinas College, New York University of Connecticut

Football teams at nationals: Iona College, New York Kean University, New Jersey Boston College St Joseph’s University, Philadelphia



Looking Ahead Our national hurling championship on the Memorial Day weekend will be hosted at the University of Montana and the football nationals will be hosted in the Northeast on a different weekend. This is because when the location was selected, the distribution of hurling and football clubs was quite different. While hurling clubs are spread throughout the country, football clubs were all in the Northeast, meaning it did not make much sense to haul all of those clubs to Montana when they could more easily play against each other in their own region. However, the emergence of football in Colorado will change things and hopefully the two competitions can be reunited into a single event once more next year. Technology continues to make our task easier. We already use internet video conferencing through Google Plus which eliminates teleconferencing bills and is more efficient than voice- only conferencing. We use the Zoho cloud service for project management. We collaborate on documents using Google Drive. We move our money around using PayPal rather than checks in the mail. For registration we have adopted LeagueApps, a cloud service that can be integrated with online payment of registration fees, and we are looking in to using the same system to handle Alumni Association payments. This year has shown what can be achieved when clubs based in New York and elsewhere pull together for the greater good of our games. We have long seen cooperation between the New York GAA and the North American Board at youth level through the Continental Youth Championships. We are now getting good results at collegiate level through the NCGAA. I would hope that this illustrates the benefits further cooperation between the New York GAA and the North American Board at club level where I believe the greater good of our games can be served if we run them on a national basis.



Report on the Activities of the Hurling Development Committee in 2013

Summary 2014 saw a continued upward curve in the growth of Hurling throughout the board area.

I would like to thank the NACB for their continued commitment to Hurling Development

In 2014 the NACB continued an equipment rebate program for our new clubs and NACB supported our nationwide Hurling Development Tournaments.

Spring of 2014 every Hurling club in the country had an opportunity to purchase Hurling goal nets including a soccer goal sizing.

In March we had Referee Tutor training and Coach Tutor training all of which is helping clubs to work towards self-sufficiency on coaching and Referee development.

Hurling clubs across the board area are working hard recruiting, coaching and growing their clubs incorporating Camogie and Youth programs.

I do not have up to date 2014 registration numbers.

From 2013 Registration Figures

41 registered Hurling clubs (There are 4 New Affiliations for 2014) Total 45 Hurling Clubs.

The most successful clubs and the clubs that are growing all have one thing in common.

When regular games are played Hurling is thriving.

Most cities and indeed individual clubs play “Club Leagues” and that may be in the form of 7,9,11 or up to 13 a Side.



Regular games with appropriate levels of competition provide a platform for many aspects

Games, Games, Games…..All players want to play games Club leagues allow the experienced player to continue skill and game play development. Club leagues allow for “Rookie” players to learn in a competitive environment learning at the same rate as fellow “Rookies” Club Leagues are a training ground for Referees. Club Leagues provide a social aspect that is vital for recruitment and retaining of Adult players. Most Hurling clubs also work towards a travel team to play in tournaments and Hurling clubs across the board area have continued to play a great number of tournament games outside of the NACB playoffs.

Review of the Board Areas

Northeast. 2014 there was a continuation of Junior C Hurling championship played in the Northeast division. Portland Maine, Barley House Wolves, Hartford and Worcester, Ma. Junior C champions Worcester were worthy NACB nation Champions.

The Philadelphia division had competitive matches with Allentown and Na Tioraidhe Good Hurling Development Tournament in Allentown in May and an Allentown club league is in place.

Southeast, In 2013 I highlighted the Southeast as a Hurling growth area.2014 there has been great strides. Tournaments were held by: Atlanta, Greenville, Charlotte(SE Div Championship 2014), Augusta, Charleston, Orlando and Raleigh.

Junior Play: Greenville and Atlanta had junior games/coaching attached to their tournaments. Greenville and Atlanta have begun regular junior training. We hope to encourage all clubs to go in the youth direction.



Fall Leagues: Atlanta, Greenville, Charleston and Nashville started fall home leagues to try and keep momentum and gain members. These have proven to be very popular and coincide with better hurling weather here.

Reffing: Scot Cooper (Orlando) John Watson (Nashville) and Ryan Shrum (Charleston) are now qualified tutors. Reffing courses will be scheduled over the winter.

Mid Atlantic Baltimore and Washington both have strong club playing Hurling and Camogie. A strong Washington DC team won the Junior B Premier Nationals. Hampton Roads (New) are now assigned to this division. More competitive games would help in this division. Midwest, Akron Hurling fly the flag here but Pittsburg are improving and both cities have Club leagues playing 20 + Hurling games in the division. Central. The Central Division is very strong with 12 Hurling Clubs playing regular City leagues and area Tournaments. Many of the 10 clubs have two travelling squads (two grade levels) and are consistent travelers to the NACB Playoffs.

There are two new Hurling affiliation from Central with Fox River and Naperville Hurling.

Both new clubs have immediately started a Youth program which is very encouraging.


Denver Hurling is the standard in our biggest geographical division.

San Diego, Austin and Los Angles, Pocatello and new club Colorado Fenians are the Hurling entities.

Games are a problem without clubs playing city leagues due to geography.

The Texas clubs all are showing a new emphasis on Hurling and this must be an area of emphasis for 2015.


St Josephs and San Francisco Rovers are working hard to grow hurling alongside the Senior Clubs.



St Josephs were new Junior Champions in San Francisco for 2014 and went on to win Junior B at Nationals.


Seattle are continuing their growth and have a successful city league.

The Cascade Hurling League is 4 clubs competing with the potential for 7 competing clubs by 2015.

I must make mention of fantastic efforts by Terry Lynch and the Seattle Gaels on the introduction of Hurling and to area High schools.

Seattle were also part of an Irish TV program in 2014…Well done to all!

Senior Hurling

At the senior grade Galway Boston were victorious beating a game Naomh Padraig team in the NACB final.

Nationwide the Senior Hurling grade did not have a banner year with poor championships in San Francisco and Chicago. I understand that there are always highs and lows in the measuring of any progress but senior grade hurling is hurting badly from a dearth of “home-based players” In no way would I distance myself for the conversation as my own club in Chicago is front and center of this issue where the club is suffering badly. I would encourage the Senior Hurling clubs to embrace American born players and grow a Home-based through our emerging youth players.

Report on the 2014 Boston.

Summary Numbers of hurlers and hurling games played at the 2014 playoffs was very impressive.



Men’s hurling accounted for 33 out of the 94 games played at the Playoffs, representing one third of all games played. Including camogie games, the total number of hurling games has grown to 44 games, representing 46% percent of the games played at the 2013 Playoffs.

Junior C Worchester wins a competitive grade at the 2nd opportunity Junior B St Joseph’s win over Barley House following up their 1st San Francisco win. Junior B Premier the second year of the grade was successful with Washington win over Chicago Cusacks. Junior A This is still a problematic grade with mismatches in all of the Games. A strong Vancouver team beat Boston Wexford in the final. Senior A good final following an excellent Semi Final won at the death. Galway Boston overturns their Boston loss to beat a game Naomh Padraig in the final.

The Shield competitions in Junior Hurling has always been a success but needs a shot in the arm to reinvigorate the clubs and the board to return a very worthwhile competition to a place of prestige.

In 2013 I emphasized two aspects of the Hurling playoffs. Improving Standards of play and Improving Refereeing standards.

Both points of emphasis held up in 2014

Very good fundamental skills were evident from all teams and I believe that more competitive games across the board area, coupled with improved standards of coaching are adding greatly to our games.

Clubs are working very hard to improve coaching and general gameplay on the field and NACB should continue to support this.

Many clubs/cities are running highly competitive city leagues with multiple teams (8+ teams in some cases….regular games are improving standards)

Improving Refereeing standards were continued for 2014. Prior to the Playoffs we circulated a request for hurling Refs and this put a Refs panel in place for the playoffs.



100% of the Hurling Refs at the Playoffs are from our Board area.

We will continue to have local Referring as a priority. Referees need games to improve and this will be a point of emphasis for 2015.

The HDC will actively support tournaments and Club leagues with Refs and improve our training, assessment and tutoring of Refs.

Camogie and improving standards.

While the Camogie clubs have always worked hard I think that 2014 saw the highest jump of games played and the highest jump of Standards in the game across the board area.

Many of the developing clubs grow hurling and Camogie hand in hand (most club leagues are Coed)

The game of Camogie is now played more than ever and more and more tournaments have a full Camogie schedule with more ladies and very well played games.

All of this bodes well for hurling in the NACB area, the playing numbers and the numbers of supporters generated by hurling is contributing in no small way to revenue from registrations, gate receipts, merchandise purchases, etc.



Intermediate Hurling

At convention 2013 we established an Intermediate Hurling grade by a vote of the clubs.

NACB did not introduce this grade for the playoffs and the old problems showed up at Junior A hurling with badly mismatched games.

I would ask the NACB to revisit the grading of clubs and work towards correcting the issues at Junior A in particular.

The current junior a Hurling is contested by clubs with 100 percent Irish-born players on the field (and includes clubs from the larger cities/divisions). This will create a gulf in standards at the junior a level if not addressed in the short team.

From 2013 presentation “The new Intermediate grade would do two things: o It would enable the larger cities to maintain their second tier of hurling (Intermediate) and allow those clubs to continue to compete at the playoffs against teams of similar standard. o It will also enable the newer clubs and clubs who have competed and won at the lower grades to progress and to compete with clubs of a similar standard.”

Establish am intermediate grade (with Sanction players on a sliding scale from Junior B up to senior).

Report on Youth Hurling in 2014

Summary The nationwide hurling program is progressing with the larger cities expanding their current programs and the newer clubs getting youth programs off the ground.

At the CYC we saw new clubs play and compete very well at the Youth hurling.

In 2014 many Hurling programs purchased “plastic Hurleys “which boosted equipment inventory for relatively cheap rates.



The HDC are receiving and responding to youth hurling enquiries.

The new hurling programs (and indeed the existing programs) need a lot of help with coaching resources and guidance with avenues for good quality equipment at the keenest pricing.

The Hurling development committee is fully committed to sourcing the best equipment at the best pricing available.

Report on 2014 College Hurling

Eamonn Gormley and the Nation College Committee have a report for convention today but some Hurling Highlights.

Montana is progressing through the National College Hurling program and the HDC are working with the Montana Hurling club to expand their Hurling success throughout the state of Montana. Pittsburg Hurling is working hand in hand with Pitt University to grow both the college players and the local club. With many of our young hurlers graduating into colleges I envision many new programs and strengthening of existing college programs. o 2014/15 will see many of the original youth hurlers going to college for the first time.

In Conclusion

Hurling across the board area is in a good state.

New hurling clubs are forming and affiliating, while existing clubs are growing and improving at a fantastic rate.

I thank my fellow Hurling Development committee members. NACB and our Hurling committee must refocus ourselves to continue on our upward trend with Hurling and keep in touch with our clubs to determine where the areas of assistance are needed. “Competition is the lifeblood of the game and with city leagues and intercity competitions running hand in hand I believe that this model will continue the improving standards.”



We collectively, the HDC, Divisional Boards and the NACB must continue to provide games programs for youth and adult hurling.

I thank the NACB and Munster GAA for their continued support and I look forward to working with you all in the upcoming year.

A lan obair deanta A lot of Work done !

Nios mo le deanamh. A lot more to do !

Ar aghaidh linn. Let’s Go!

Thank you,

Beir bua agus beannacht

Colm Egan Chair Development Committee 2014



Registrar’s Report

It has been my pleasure serving as your county registrar this year. First, I would like to thank all of the divisional and club registrars for your time, patience, and effort that you have given this season; it has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you. I was very fortunate to have nine hardworking divisional registrars step up to the plate this year; together we all worked as a team and took on a new registration system! Each club deserves to pat their divisional registrar on the back because they took their role serious and tackled all your inquiries and headaches!

The NACB implemented a new online registration that caters its specific needs. The system took some time to build, as many companies had no idea what the GAA entailed. I did find a company that was willing to step out of the box and take the risk to create a personalized system. The divisional registrars came together at the beginning of April for a divisional registration workshop in Chicago. As a collective unit, we sat down critiqued the system, created a registration guideline and user guide, to help roll out the system smoothly to the clubs. Each divisional registrar held a training to show the clubs what was required for registration this year. I know that the system isn’t perfect, and we did have some hiccups throughout the year, but at least you will be able to see a more thorough report this season than in the past.

We had 6 new clubs register with the NACB this year: Naperville Hurling Club (Central), Kalamazoo Hurling Club (Midwest), Tacoma Rangers Men’s Football Club (Northwest), Charleston Hurling Club (Southeast), Nashville Hurling Club (Southeast), and Flagstaff Hurling Club (Southwest). Our total 2014 membership this year was 4, 919. There were a total of 126 clubs registered which consisted of 177 teams (83 men’s football, 24 ladies football, 58 hurling, and 12 camogie). I have attached each division’s detailed report with specific membership breakdown. This was one of the perks of having this system in place so we can start tracking our own data, and find trends that will help develop a stronger GAA association here in North America.

The NACB playoffs ran very smoothly at the registration end. Thank you to all of the clubs for getting your team panels into me in a timely fashion! This allowed me to have everything organized when you arrived at the tent, and allowed the players to focus more on the game and not on their registration. In the 2015 season, I will request a photo of every player to be entered into the system so that they can be used at registration for the NACB playoffs.

I will definitely say, and this year I had several people who never knew what registration entailed, support my thoughts, that registration is a tedious job. It does require all club and divisional registrars to take their commitment seriously, and examine their registrations accurately, so that we will continue to have successful seasons with more fire on the field and not in the registration tent! I want to thank all of my fellow board officers for their time and commitment and wish the new board the best of luck for the coming year!



2014 North American Registration Report

North America Total Membership

Division Number of Clubs Number of Teams Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club/Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Central 28 39 15 4 16 4 993 189 16 29 12 96 71 557 2 21 Mid Atlantic 10 12 4 2 4 2 371 79 6 27 3 7 0 242 7 0 Midwest 14 15 10 2 3 0 410 28 3 8 5 0 5 346 3 12 Northeast 22 41 22 5 13 1 1260 558 19 49 6 198 116 292 5 17 Northwest 6 7 2 1 3 1 213 45 0 1 6 0 0 157 4 0 Philadelphia 6 10 8 0 2 0 216 72 0 15 1 20 2 98 0 8 Southeast 13 13 4 3 5 1 333 92 0 19 3 0 0 194 19 6 Southwest 14 21 8 5 6 2 567 159 7 10 6 3 2 337 20 23 Western 13 19 10 2 6 1 556 244 4 34 4 61 42 161 0 6

Total NACB 126 177 83 24 58 12 4919 1466 55 192 46 385 238 2384 60 93



2014 North American Registration Report



2014 North American Registration Report Central Division Total Clubs: 28

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

CuChulainns Sr. 12 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 Erin's Rovers Jr. A 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 4 Fox River Jr. C 23 0 2 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 Harry Bolands Sr. 25 9 0 1 0 7 7 0 0 1 Indianapolis Inter. 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 Indianapolis Jr. A, Jr. C 39 5 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 0 Indianapolis Jr. C 36 7 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 John McBrides Sr., Jr.A 74 31 1 6 0 15 7 12 0 2 Kansas Jr. C 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 Kansas Jr. C 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 Limerick Sr., Jr. A 37 9 2 1 3 15 6 1 0 0 Madison Jr. C 27 7 0 2 0 0 0 18 0 0 Michael Cusack Jr. B Premier 51 5 0 3 3 0 0 37 0 3 Milwaukee Junior 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 Milwaukee Jr. B Premier, Jr. B 63 2 0 2 0 0 0 59 0 0 Na Aisling Gaels Sr., Jr. A 84 6 9 1 0 9 25 31 0 3 *Naperville Jr. C 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 5 Padraig Pearses Sr., Jr.A 69 34 0 6 1 13 9 6 0 0 Parnells Sr., Jr. B 51 18 0 0 1 11 0 21 0 0 Patriots Jr. A 27 0 0 0 0 2 0 24 1 0 Robert Emmets Junior 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 Robert Emmets Jr. B, Jr. C 30 1 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 St. Brendans Sr. 28 8 0 2 2 9 7 0 0 0 St. Brigids Jr. A 35 6 1 0 0 4 5 19 0 0 St. Louis Jr. C 33 3 0 0 1 0 0 29 0 0 St. Louis Jr. C 19 3 0 0 1 0 0 15 0 0 St. Marys Sr. 23 6 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 Tir Na Lochanna Jr. C 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 1 Quinns CFD Jr. D 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 Wolfe Tones Sr., Jr. A 40 18 0 4 0 11 5 2 TOTAL 15 4 16 4 993 189 16 29 12 96 71 557 2 21



Central Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Mid Atlantic Division Total Clubs: 10 Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Baltimore Sr. 25 2 0 0 0 0 0 22 1 0 Baltimore Jr. B 47 15 0 3 0 1 0 28 0 0 Baltimore Jr. B 31 2 0 0 0 0 0 27 2 0 Baltimore Jr. A, Jr. C 60 25 0 3 0 1 0 31 0 0 Hampton Roads Jr. C 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 2 0 Mason Dixon Jr. C 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 DC Gaels Junior 24 0 4 0 0 1 0 19 0 0 DC Gaels Jr. B Premier, Jr. C 55 19 0 8 1 0 0 27 0 0

DC Gaels Jr. B 26 1 2 2 0 1 0 19 1 0 DC Gaels Jr. B 53 15 0 11 2 3 0 21 1 0

Total 4 2 4 2 371 79 6 27 3 7 0 242 7 0



Mid Atlantic Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Midwest Division Total Clubs: 14

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Akron Jr. C 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 6 Albany Rebels Jr. D 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 Buffalo Fenians Jr. C 35 2 0 2 1 0 0 30 0 0 Cleveland St. Jarlaths Jr. B 33 2 0 0 1 0 0 30 0 0 Cleveland St. Pats Jr. C 39 2 0 1 0 0 0 36 0 0 Columbus Naghten Jr.C 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 Detriot St. Anne's Jr. B 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 0 Detriot Wolfe Tones Jr. B 41 2 0 0 0 0 1 38 0 0 *Kalamazoo Jr. C 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 Pittsburgh Banshees Jr. A 28 1 1 0 0 0 1 25 0 0 Pittsburgh Celtics Jr. A, Jr. C 49 8 0 5 2 0 3 26 1 4 Pittsburgh Pucas Jr. C 29 1 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 2 Rochester Erins Isle Jr.C 35 3 2 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 Sycracuse Jr. C 23 7 0 0 1 0 0 15 0 0

Total 10 2 3 0 410 28 3 8 5 0 5 346 3 12



Midwest Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Northeast Division Total Clubs: 22

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Aidan McAnespies Sr, Jr. A, Jr. B 59 40 0 0 0 10 5 4 0 0 Aramagh Notre Dame Jr. A 66 42 0 2 1 10 3 7 1 0 Barley House Wolves Jr. B, Jr. C 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 Boston Shamrocks Sr., Jr. A 55 6 5 4 0 7 7 26 0 0 Christophers Sr. 49 16 0 2 1 7 8 15 0 0 Connacht Ladies Sr. 36 10 0 1 0 9 7 9 0 0 Connemara Gaels Sr., Jr. A 79 35 0 5 0 13 13 13 0 0 Cork Boston GFC Jr. A, Jr. B 73 55 0 4 0 4 2 8 0 0 Donegal Boston GFC Sr., Jr. A, Jr. B 87 55 0 4 0 16 7 5 0 0 Eire Og Sr. 42 15 10 2 0 2 1 11 1 0 Fr. Tom Burkes Sr., Jr. A 69 30 0 1 1 18 6 4 0 9 Galway Football Sr., Jr. A 57 31 0 0 0 16 6 4 0 0 Galway Hurling Sr., Jr. A 50 28 0 3 0 10 6 1 0 2 Hartford Jr. C 24 5 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 Hartford Jr. C 13 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 Kerry Sr., Jr. A 89 54 0 10 1 13 5 6 0 0 Portland Jr. C 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 35 1 0 Shannon Blues Sr., Jr. A, Jr. B 91 21 0 5 2 16 9 38 0 0 Tipperary Sr., Jr. A 44 20 0 0 0 14 3 2 0 5 Tir Na Nog Sr., Jr. A 51 12 4 0 0 4 17 13 1 0 Wexford Sr., Jr. A 48 29 0 0 0 12 5 2 0 0 Wolfe Tones Sr., Jr. A 68 37 0 5 0 17 6 2 1 0 Worcester Jr. C 30 5 0 1 0 0 0 24 0 0

Total 22 5 13 1 1260 558 19 49 6 198 116 292 5 17 35


Northeast Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Northwest Division Total Clubs: 6

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Columbia Red Branch Jr. C 29 5 0 1 3 0 0 20 0 0 Seattle Jr. 42 5 0 0 1 0 0 36 0 0 Seattle Jr. C 29 16 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0

Seattle Jr. B 36 12 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 Seattle Jr. B 42 3 0 0 1 0 0 38 0 0 *Tacoma Rangers Jr. C 18 2 0 0 1 0 0 13 2 0 *Tacoma Rangers Jr. C 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 2 0

Total 2 1 3 1 213 45 0 1 6 0 0 157 4 0



Northwest Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Philadelphia Division Total Clubs: 6

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Allentown Jr. C 33 3 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 Kevin Barry's Sr., Int., Jr. A 44 16 0 9 1 7 0 11 0 0 Na Toraidhe Jr. B Premier 39 13 0 3 0 0 0 23 0 0 St. Patricks Sr., Int., Jr. B 58 21 0 3 0 13 2 18 0 1 Tyrone Jr. C 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 7 Young Irelanders Jr. A 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 8 0 2 0 216 72 0 15 1 20 2 98 0 8



Philadelphia Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Southeast Division Total Clubs: 13

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Atlanta Clan Na Gael Jr. 31 3 0 0 0 0 0 22 2 4 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Jr. B 22 7 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Jr. B 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Jr. B 22 13 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 *Charleston Jr. C 22 0 0 2 0 0 0 18 1 1 Charlotte James Connolly Jr. A 49 18 0 4 0 0 0 27 0 0 Charlotte James Connolly Intermediate 25 1 0 1 0 0 0 22 0 1 Greenville Gaels Jr. C 17 2 0 0 2 0 0 13 0 0 *Nashville Jr. C 20 0 0 2 0 0 0 18 0 0 Orlando Jr. C 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 Raleigh CuChulainns Jr. B 46 13 0 5 1 0 0 26 1 0 Cayman Islands Jr. B 21 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 Cayman Islands Jr. B 28 22 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0

Total 4 3 5 1 333 92 0 19 3 0 0 194 19 6



Southeast Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Southwest Division Total Clubs: 14 Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Celtic Cowboys Jr. B 17 13 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 Celtic Cowboys Jr. C 29 17 2 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 Celtic Cowboys Jr. B 41 3 0 0 0 0 0 32 6 0 Colorado Fenians Jr. C 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 Denver Gaels Jr. 21 1 0 0 2 0 0 18 0 0 Denver Gaels Jr. C 18 2 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 0 Denver Gaels Jr. B Premier, Jr. C 70 12 0 0 1 1 1 55 0 0 Denver Gaels Jr. B 28 2 0 0 2 0 0 24 0 0 Fionn Mac Cumhaill Jr. B 37 3 0 1 0 0 0 21 2 10 Fionn Mac Cumhaill Jr. C 41 18 0 0 0 0 0 14 4 5 *Flagstaff Jr. C 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 Houston Gaels Jr. C 33 18 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 LA Wild Geese Jr. C 51 28 0 5 1 0 0 10 1 6 Na Fianna LGFC Sr., Jr. B 41 3 5 0 0 2 0 30 1 0 San Antonio Jr. C 32 5 0 0 0 0 0 23 2 2 Setenta San Diego Jr. B, Jr. C 48 28 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 St. Peter's Jr. C 27 6 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0

Total 8 5 6 1 567 159 7 10 6 3 2 337 20 23



Southwest Division Membership Registration



2014 North American Registration Report Western Division Total Clubs: 13

Club Men's Football Ladies Football Hurling Camogie Number of Members Resident Players Non Club Players Intercounty Transfers Club to Club Transfers Sanctions J1 Visa Sanctions American Born Non Irish Social Member

Clan Na Gael Intermediate 32 6 4 0 1 2 4 15 0 0 Eire Og Jr. C 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 Fog City Harps Jr. A 51 16 0 0 0 4 5 25 0 1 Michael Cusacks Sr., Jr. B 38 13 0 4 1 13 2 5 0 0 Na Fianna Sr., Jr. A 47 28 0 2 0 9 8 0 0 0 Naomh Padraig Sr., Jr. A 42 30 0 7 0 2 0 3 0 0 San Fran Rovers Jr. A 26 23 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Sean Treacy Sr., Jr. A 62 26 0 6 1 11 12 4 0 2 Shamrocks Inter. 40 15 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 Sons of Boru/Celts Jr. A 51 0 0 3 0 2 0 46 0 0 St. Joseph Jr. B 40 23 0 4 0 6 3 1 0 3 Ulster Sr., Jr. A 38 25 0 8 1 4 0 0 0 0 Young Irelanders/St.Brendans Sr., Jr. A 56 39 0 0 0 8 8 1 0 0 Total 10 2 6 1 556 244 4 34 4 61 42 161 0 6



Western Division Membership Registration




Prepared and Presented by Patrick McDevitt, Treasurer 2014 NACB ANNUAL CONVENTION November 15, 2014 ORLANDO FLORIDA



2014 Balance Sheet and Financial Statement

Starting Balance from 2013 $ 72,755.90

Income 2014 Affiliations 79,453.00 2014 Play Off Deposits 14,000.00 Other Income $ 69,642.32 TOTAL INCOME 163,095.32


EXPENSES Total expenses $ 170,599.89

Balance $ 65,251.33

Youth Escrow Funds $ 36,600.00

Balance in the bank account $ 28,651.33




All Ireland Tickets Hurling $ 17,250.00 Football 17,250.00 Hurling Replay $ 9,750.00

All Ireland Ticket Total $ 44,250.00

Fines/Appeals $ 4,200.00

Sponsorship from O'Neills-2013 $ 6,917.72 Sponsorship from O'Neills-2014 $ 7,205.00 Premium Sports Inc $ 1,000.00 Croke Park Refund $ 750.00 Canadian Income $ 5,319.60 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 2014 $ 69,642.32

2013 from Affiliations $ 79,453.00 PlayOff Fee $ 14,000.00





DIVISIONAL Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Canada 2,000.00 Central 10,700.00 2,365.00 6,100.00 Mid-Atlantic 3,700.00 522.00 - MidWest 4,400.00 960.00 3,850.00 Northeast 8,500.00 2,544.00 - Northwest 2,100.00 285.00 250.00 Philadelphia 2,400.00 564.00 2,600.00 Southeast 3,200.00 726.00 2,750.00 Southwest 4,000.00 1,296.00 3,700.00 Western 4,900.00 1,191.00 3,850.00

TOTAL DIVISONAL $ 43,900.00 $ 10,453.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 79,453.00




CANADA Club Reg Member CP Insurance

2000 TOTAL

CENTRAL Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Chicago Fire Depet 400 250 Cu Chulainn hurling 400 250 Erin's Rovers Ladies football 400 250 Harry Bolands hurling 400 250 Fox River hurling 100 250 Madison hurling 400 250 Indianapolis hurling 400 250 Indianapolis camogie 400 Indianapolis Football 100 John McBrides mens football 400 250 Kansas mens football 400 250 Limerick hurling 400 250 Michael Cusacks hurling 400 250 Milwaukee hurling 400 Milwaukee camogie 400 NaAisling Gaels ladies football 400 250 Padraig Pearses mens football 400 250 Parnells mens football 400 250 Patriots mens football 400 250 Twin Cities football 400 250 St. Bridgids ladies Football 400 250 St. Louis hurling 400 250 St. Louis camogie 400 St. Marys camogie 400 250 Robert Emmets hurling 400 250 Robert Emmets camogie 400 Naperville 100 250 Wolfe Tones mens football 400 250 Chicago Celtis youth St. Brendans mens football 400 250 Central Board 350

$ 10,700.00 $ 2,365.00 $ 6,100.00 $ 19,165.00




MID-ATLANTIC Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Baltimore camogie 400 Baltimore ladies football 400 Baltimore hurling 400 Baltimore mens football 400 Mason Dixon mens football 400 Hampton Roads hurling 100 Washington DC camogie 400 Washington DC Ladies football 400 Washington DC Mens Hurling 400 Washington DC Mens football 400

$ 3,700.00 $ 522.00 $ - $ 4,222.00

MIDWEST Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Akron 400 250 Buffalo 400 250 Clevland St. Jarlaths 400 250 Clevland St. Pats 400 250 Columbus Naghten 100 250 Detriot St. Annes ladies 400 250 Detriot Wolfe Tones 400 250 Pittsburgh Banshees ladies 400 250 Pittsburgh Celtics 400 250 Pittsburgh Pucas 100 250 Albany Rebels 100 250 Kalamazoo 100 250 Rochester Erin's Ise 400 250 Syracuse 400 250 Midwest Division 0 350

$ 4,400.00 $ 960.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 9,210.00

NORTHWEST Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Columbia Red Branch hurling 400 250 Seattle gaels hurling/mens 400 Seattle gaels ladies football 400 Seattle gaels camogie 400 Seattle gaels mens football 400 52 Tacoma Rangers 100 Northwest Disision

$ 2,100.00 $ 285.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,635.00 53


NORTHEAST Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Aidan McAnespies GFC 400 Armagh Notre Dame GFC 400 Christophers GFC 400 Connemara Gaels GFC 400 Cork GFC 400 Donegal GFC 400 Galway GFC 400 Hartford GFC/HC 400 Kerry GFC 400 Shannon Blues GFC 400 Wolfetones GFC 400 Boston Shamrocks LGFC 400 Connacht Ladies LGFC 100 Tir na nOg LGFC 400 Eire Og LGFC 400 Barley House Wolves Hurling 400 Fr. Toms Hurling 400 Galway Hurling 400 Portland Marauders hurling 400 Tipperary hurling 400 Wexford hurling 400 Worchester hurling 400

$ 8,500.00 $ 2,544.00 $ - $ 11,044.00

PHILADELPHIA Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Allentown Hibernians hurling 400 250 Kevin Barrys mens football 400 250 Na Toraidhe hurling 400 250 St. Patricks football 400 250 Tyrone football 400 250 Young Irelanders 400 Divisional Board 350 4 Youth clubs @$250 1000 $ 2,400.00 $ 564.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 5,564.00




SOUTHEAST Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Atlanta Clan Na Gael Mens hurling 400 250 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Ladies football 400 250 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Ladies camogie 400 250 Atlanta Clan Na Gael Mens football 400 250 Charlotte James Connolly mens football 400 250 Charlotte James Connolly ladies football 400 250 Greenville Gaels hurling 100 250 Charleston GAA 100 250 Orlando Hurling 400 250 Raleigh CuChullains football/hurling 100 250 Nashville TN Mens hurling 100 250 Divisional Board

$ 3,200.00 $ 726.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 6,676.00

SOUTHWEST Club Reg Member CP Insurance

Austin Celtic Cowboys football JrC JrB Football 400 250 Austin Celtic Cowboys football JrB Ladies Football 400 Colorado Fenians hurling 100 250 Denver Geals hurling/football Jr.D 400 250 Denver Gaels Hurling Jr.B & Jr.C Denver Gaels football Jr.B 400 Denver Gaels camogie Fionn Mac Cumhaill Dallas football Jr.D 400 250 Flagstaff Arizona hurling 100 250 Houston Gaels football 100 250 LA Wild Geese football 400 250 San Antonio football 100 250 Na Fianna San Diego LFFC 400 250 Na Fianna San Diego LFFC-Youth Insurance 250 Setenta San Diego football 400 250 St. Peters San Diego hurling 400 250 SouthWest Division 350 SouthWest Division-Youth 350 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,296.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 8,996.00




Member WESTERN Club Reg CP Insurance

Clan Na Gaels 400 250 Eire Og 400 250 Fog City Harps 400 250 Michael Cusacks 400 250 Na Fianna 400 250 Naomh Padraig 400 250 Rovers 400 250 Sean Treacys 400 250 Shamrocks 400 250 Sons of Boru/Celts 400 250 St. Josephs 100 250 Ulster 400 250 Young Irelanders/St. Brendans 400 250 Divisional Board 350 San Deigo YOUTH Insurance 250

$ 4,900.00 $ 1,191.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 9,941.00




Indianapolis Meeting November 15th 2014 $ 9,191.42 Congress Dublin Feb 2014 $ 9,378.20 Youth Escrow 2013 $ 6,200.00 Youth Escrow 2014 $ 5,900.00 Play Off Fees Money Towards Youth $ 8,000.00 Escrow $ 4,100.00 Youth Escrow $ 5,100.00 Legal Fees $ 3,743.25 General Liability Insurance $ 17,958.00 New Registration System $ 8,175.50 Armagh IRL Camogie Convention $ 1,595.14 Annual Croke Park Membership $ 10,506.00 Registration Training Gaelic Park $ 2,332.54 Central Council Meeting -Croke Park $ 2,724.62 PrePlay Off Meeting -Canton $ 1,544.67 Boston Finals $ 19,822.67 Communication/Mailings $ 1,933.33 Mulcahy, Pauritsch, Salvador & Co., Ltd $ 1,800.00 Fed-Ex Shipment O Neills $ 91.85 Hurling & Football Tickets $ 33,329.20 Hurling Replay Tickets $ 10,353.90 Clevand GAA -50% refund amount $ 1,500.00

Refund to the Canadian Team $ 5,319.60



Indianapolis Meeting November 15th 2014 Alexander Hotel $ 2,847.93 Flights $ 3,188.00 Travel $ 883.41 Printing $ 2,272.08 TOTAL $ 9,191.42

Congress Dublin Feb 2014 Hotel $ 2,039.32 Flights $ 7,338.88 TOTAL $ 9,378.20

Youth Escrow -2013 Allentown $ 100.00 Boston NE Minor board $ 2,300.00 Buffalo $ 100.00 Chicago Minor Board $ 1,500.00 IFHYL $ 1,400.00 Philadelphia $ 600.00 San Diego $ 200.00 TOTAL $ 6,200.00

Youth Escrow-2014 Chicago Minor Board $ 1,500.00 Buffalo Fenians $ 100.00 IFHYL $ 1,200.00 Boston Northeast MINOR $ 2,200.00 Philadelphia Minor Board $ 500.00 San Diego Youth GAA $ 400.00 $ 5,900.00



PlayOff Fee PlayOff Fee Money towards youth -2013 $ 4,000.00 PlayOff Fee Money towards youth -2014 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00

Youth Escrow- 2014 Orange County Wolfhounds $ 3,600.00 Youth Escrow- Cleveland $ 1,500.00 $ 5,100.00

Youth Escrow-2014 $ 4,100.00

Legal Fees Michael Brady $ 830.00 Check # 1355 $ 491.75 $ 2,421.50 TOTAL $ 3,743.25

General Liability Insurance $ 17,958.00

New Registration System $ 4,088.00 ADD notations $ 4,087.50 TOTAL $ 8,175.50

Armagh IRL Camogie Convention $ 1,595.14

Annual Croke Park Membership Membership- 2014 $ 10,506.00 $ 10,506.00

Registration Training Gaelic Park $ 2,332.54



Central Council Meeting -Croke Park Flights -Mark Owens-April $ 1,292.00 Flights -Malachy Higgins July $ 1,432.62 Refund pending from Croke Park regarding Malachy Higgins $ 2,724.62 PrePlay Off Meeting -Canton Flights Gareth S. Tim Flan. Lizzie O Connor $ 1,188.00 Hyatt Hotel -2 Rooms $ 356.67 $ 1,544.67

Boston Finals Flights for Refs Dave Slevin, Maurice Connolin, Colm Egan, James Tracey $ 1,656.36 Flights for Finals Mark Owens, Gareth FitzSimmons, Lizzie, Tim F. Eamonn Kelly, L Hegarty $ 2,898.12 Fee for Referees for the finals Jason L, Trevor K, Ger D, Thomas K, James T, Rob R, Paul Mc, Colm E $ 3,175.00 Nobby W, Mike F, Jessica C, Tom R, Bertie P, Tadhg L, Niall D, Brian G, Dave S, Mark A Food $ 1,802.37 Hotels Hotels -Hilton Egan O Farrell & Liam Costigan $ 1,819.48 Hotels -Sheraton-Colm Egan & Janes Tracey $ 645.52 Medals $ 6,325.82 Video -Geromine Quinn $ 1,500.00 $ 19,822.67



Communication/Mailings UPS-Office Expense $ 30.79 Loop Up/Communications xpenses $ 1,902.54 $ 1,933.33

Mulcahy, Pauritsch, Salvador & Co., Ltd $ 1,800.00

Shipment O'Neill Gear to Mark Owens $ 91.85

Hurling & Football Tickets Cost $ 33,109.23 Fed-Ex Charges $ 219.97 $ 33,329.20

Hurling Replay Tickets Cost $ 10,012.15 Fed-Ex Costs $ 341.75 $ 10,353.90

Refund paid to the Canadian teams $ 5,319.60

Clevand GAA -50% of the total fines paid $ 1,500.00

Total Expense Detail $ 170,599.89



2014 All -Ireland Tickets DIVISION FOOTBALL HURLING Hurling Replay

Central 31 31 31 Mid-Atlantic 10 10 10 MidWest 15 15 15 NorthEast 25 25 25 NorthWest 6 6 6 Philadelphia 6 6 6 SouthEast 11 11 11 SouthWest 15 15 15 Western 15 15 15 134 134 134

Honoury President 2 2 2 Chairman 2 2 2 Vice Chairman 2 2 2 Secretary 2 2 2 Reg 2 2 2 Treasury 2 2 2 Pro 2 2 2 Youth 2 2 2 16 16 16

All Ireland Tickets Income Hurling 17,250.00 Football 17,250.00 Hurling Replay 9,750.00 44,250.00

All Ireland Tickets Expenses Hurling 16,554.62 Football 16,554.62 Hurling Replay 10,012.15 Mailing 561.72 43,683.11



2014 Balance Sheet and Financial statement Development

Starting balance from 2013 $ 22,708.68

Income Grant from Croke Park $ 37,604.20 San Francisco Youth $ 1,932.00

Total available Assets $ 62,244.88

Expenses Total Expenses $ 54,166.60

Balance $ 8,078.28

Funds owed to the development account $ 9,611.85

Projected Ending Bank Balance $ 17,690.13



Summary Expense Report

San Fran Development Meeting $ 10,180.95 Referee Tutor Training $ 10,457.86 Hurling Development Tournaments $ 3,923.89 General Administration costs $ 2,042.76 Coach Tutor Course $ 8,524.08 Coach/Referee Foundation Courses $ 1,102.47 Minor Team Development $ 14,471.85 Equipment Rebate Program $ 1,102.50 Charlotte Tournament $ 1,474.19 International Development Committee $ 886.05

$ 54,166.60



San Fran Development Meeting Flights $ 3,660.63 Food costs $ 873.95 Hotel $ 3,558.37 Hotel Munster $ 1,688.00 Rental Fee (Pastoral Center) $ 400.00 $ 10,180.95

Referee Tutor Training - Chicago Flights for Tutors $ 3,814.58 Food -Dinner $ 531.52 Food-Lunch $ 706.18 Hotel $ 4,143.76 Printing Costs $ 1,261.82 $ 10,457.86

Hurling Development Tournaments Allentown $ 863.78 Chicago $ 525.00 St. Louis $ 807.55 Greenville $ 863.78 Northwest $ 863.78 $ 3,923.89

General Administration costs Plaque Presentation (Gathering) $ 139.83 UPS $ 1,332.97 Certificate Printing $ 546.96 Bank Charge $ 23.00 $ 2,042.76



Coach Tutor Course - Chicago Food -Dinner $ 589.15 Food -Lunch $ 706.18 Hotel $ 4,558.98 Flights $ 2,669.77 $ 8,524.08

Foundation Coach/Referee Courses Pittsburg $ 445.98 Cleveland $ 326.61 Syracuse (Clinic) $ 329.88 $ 1,102.47

Minor Team Camp Accomodation/Food $ 3,000.00 Accomodation/Food $ 7,435.32 Buses/Van rental $ 2,456.00 Marathon Sports $ 1,136.90 Van rental/First Aid Kit/Car Service $ 443.63 $ 14,471.85



Equipment Rebate Program Corvallis (School) $ 302.50 Houston Gaels $ 400.00 Hampton Road Hurling $ 400.00 $ 1,102.50

Charlotte Tournament Referees Dave Slevin $ 670.63 Patrick Kenny $ 465.56 Mike Flanagan $ 338.00 $ 1,474.19

International Development Committee Croke Park Hotel $ 131.15 Flight $ 754.90 $ 886.05

Income Owed/Pending: payments balance owed San Francisco-Food $ 1,932.00 Chicago-Food $ 1,178.75 Northeast-Food $ 801.55 Philadelphia-Food $ 1,257.75 San Diego-Food $ 94.30 Buffalo-Food $ 330.05 Indianappolis-Food $ 141.45 $ 5,735.85 $ 1,932.00 $ 3,803.85 Total Cost $ 14,447.85 Less funds owed $ 5,735.85 Owed by 3 accounts $ 8,712.00 $ 2,904.00

Projected Ending Balance after funding is received: $ 17,690.13



Secretary’s Report

A Chairde,

I would like to begin my report by first thanking my fellow NACB officers for all their hard- work and assistance during the past year. It must be recognized that being on the board requires not only a true dedication to the GAA, but also requires sacrificing personal time to complete the work before us. Each officer is a volunteer, yet they easily put in enough time to rival the hours of an employee and they do so in the most professional manner possible. With that said, it has been my honor and privilege to have served as secretary of the NACB for the past 2 years and to have served as an officer on this board for a total of 7 years. While I would like to continue on as secretary, my increased responsibilities at work no longer leave me the necessary “free-time” required to adequately dedicate to this position; therefore, I am not seeking re-election as county board secretary.

Once again, the NACB had a very busy year. Last year’s convention saw the election to the board 3 new officers whom have never served before and the election of a new chairman from amongst the current group of officers. With a 50% officer change it took the board some time to adjust and get everyone up to speed on the Five Year Plan, day-today operations, and work ahead of us for 2014. Fortunately, the new officers took to their roles quickly and the board was able to full its responsibilities without any issues. I would like to particularly thank Mark Owens for his hard work as the new PRO. In his first year, Mark has redeveloped our approach to marketing and attracting new sponsorship, and I have no doubt that we will see the greatest benefit of his hard-work and marketing skills come to fruition in 2015.

I would like to also congratulate John Cunningham and the rest of the Northeast Division on the successful running of this year’s NACB Finals. As always, Boston played the part of a great host to everyone who traveled near and far for the games. Thanks must also be given to the referees and match officials who did an outstanding job, and also to the field marshals for keeping the games on time. This year’s Finals saw the least disruption and issues with the schedule than ever before.

Finally, I would like to also congratulate Liam Hegarty on his outstanding work as a first-year Youth Officer. Liam used this past year to re-organize the NACB Youth Committee and develop a clear vision for the role and responsibilities of this committee. His hard-work will help to strengthen our youth programs and grow Gaelic Games at the grassroots level. Congratulations must also be given to all our youth teams who participated in the CYC in New York this past July. It was another successful event, though we are all looking forward to its return to San Francisco in 2015.



While 2014 was a very busy and in many respects a very successful year, we must not forget to focus on improving our Association. As I stated in my report last year, the NACB must look at developing a better structure for our clubs to operate within. This includes developing regional tournaments, continuing to support the training and development of referees in all divisions, and most importantly the realignment of divisional boards to better reflect the need and logistics of playing competitive games. We continue to throw new clubs into divisions simply due to the fact that their borders are close to an already functioning division. This practice is neither logical nor practicable. If the GAA is to grow in this country then we must start by providing proper structures for our clubs to operate within so that they are all ensured of getting an adequate number of competitive matches, support in development from both the divisional board and NACB, and can actively participate as members of their own divisional board. Furthermore, I encourage all delegates to support Motion 18, which is being presented by the NACB. This motion will help to provide sustainable income for the NACB, while shifting the financial burden away from clubs. The income generated will help to fund regional tournaments, referee training, club development, and an array of activities that will enable our games to grow and our clubs to flourish. If we are to take the task of restricting our Finals and divisions seriously, then we must give the NACB the means to carry-out this task.

Again, it has been my honor and privilege to have been an officer for 7 years on the NACB. I wish the incoming board every success and thank all those whom I have served with for their support, hard-work and dedication to our great Gaelic Games.

Slan go foil, Tadhg O Flannagain Runai, CLG Bord Meiricea Thuaidh


NACB PRO Report Mark Owens

Convention 2014, Orlando

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Website 2014

Slight redesign – more modern look • Manger (Irish based company) • More user friendly • More appealing • Analytics • Ability to upload ref reports • Ability to upload team sheets

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Website Stats YTD

Tracking visitors • Jan 1 2013 – Sept 30th 2013 18,143 visitors • Jan 1 2014 – Sept 30th 2014 28,168 visitors

Increase of 55.26%

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Website Stats – August 2014

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Website Stats – August 2013

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Facebook Hits

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Sponsorships

Work in progress for 2014

• Sponsorship committee – brainstorming

• 3 active sponsorships in 2014 • O’Neills Sportswear • Premium Sports • SISU Mouthguards

• Currently working on 3 genuine sponsorship deals for 2015

• Have a lead or a contact?

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Sponsorships

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Around the NACB

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 Around the NACB

NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014 NACB PRO Report, Convention 2014

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