US Gaelic Athletic Association

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US Gaelic Athletic Association US Gaelic Athletic Association 2018 Annual Convention Gaelic Park, Chicago November 9th-11th ………………………………... 2018 USGAA Convention Agenda ................................................. 5 USGAA Convention Standing Orders ............................................ 8 Minutes of 2017 USGAA Annual Convention ................................ 9 Youth Officer Report .................................................................. 27 Registration Report .................................................................... 41 USGAA PRO Report .................................................................... 69 Hurling Development Committee Report ................................... 77 Games Development Report ...................................................... 95 Referee Development Plan 2019 .............................................. 115 Treasurer’s Report ................................................................... 119 Secretary’s Report .................................................................... 141 Insurance Report ...................................................................... 159 Per-Member Registration ......................................................... 163 Motions submitted for 2018 USGAA Convention ...................... 165 Officer Nominations for 2019 ................................................... 187 2018 USGAA Sanctioned Tournaments ..................................... 188 2018 USGAA Champions .......................................................... 189 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 3 ………………………………... 4 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... 2018 USGAA Convention Agenda Friday, November 9, 2018 Evening Session ● 8:00 pm-10:00pm: o Presentation of Reports: ▪ Youth Officer ▪ Registrar ▪ PRO ▪ Hurling Development ● 10:00 pm: Adjournment USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 5 ………………………………... Saturday, November 10, 2018 Morning Session ● 8:30 am Registration of Delegates ● 9:00 am Welcome Addresses: o John Bridges (Chicago GAA) o Gareth Fitzsimons (USGAA) o Jerry O’Sullivan (Munster GAA) ● 9:30 am Adoption of Standing Orders ● 9:35 am Minutes of 2017 Convention ● 9:50 am Presentation of Reports o Games Development o Referee Development o Treasurer o Secretary o Chairman ● 2018 USGAA Club of the Year ● Other Old Business ● 12:00 pm Lunch 6 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... Saturday, November 10, 2018 Afternoon Session ● 1:00pm Resumption of Convention ● Roll Call ● 1:15pm Address by Niall Erskine (Chair, GAA World Committee) ● 1:30pm Motions ● Election of Convention Chairperson/Secretary ● Election of Officers for 2019 ● Any other New Business ● Adjournment of Convention USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 7 ………………………………... USGAA Convention Standing Orders In order to carry out the proceedings of the Convention without delay the following Standing Orders will be observed. 1. The Proposer of a motion or an amendment thereto may speak for 2 minutes, but not longer than 2 minutes. 2. A Delegate speaking to a motion or an amendment must not exceed 1 minute. A maximum of 2 delegates from one club may speak on a motion. 3. The Proposer of a motion or an amendment may speak a second time for 1 minute before a vote is taken, but no other delegate may speak a second time on the same motion or amendment. 4. The Chair may at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently discussed call on the Proposer for a reply, and when that has been given, a vote must be taken. 5. A Delegate may, with the consent of the Chair, move “that the question be now put,” after which when the Proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken. 6. No motion, other than that properly before Convention, shall be considered. 7. Suspension of Standing Orders may only take place with the consent of two thirds of those present and voting. 8. Any motion seeking to amend or change a Bylaw must have a majority equal to three fifths of those present and voting. A simple majority of those present and voting is necessary to alter a Regulation. 9. The Chair of each Divisional Board shall be entitled to one vote. Each affiliated and registered Club present shall be entitled to two (2) votes even if only represented by one delegate. 10. The Chair may change the order of the items on the agenda with the consent of a majority of those present and entitled to vote. 8 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... Minutes of 2017 USGAA Annual Convention November 10-12, 2017 Virginia Beach, Virginia. USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 9 ………………………………... Friday November 10th, 8pm. Youth Officers Report – presented by Liam Hegarty. Report was adopted as presented. Registrar’s Report – presented by Lizzie O’Connor. Report was adopted as presented. PRO Report – presented by Brian White. Jen O’Brien asked about the future of the Magner’s sponsorship; This was addressed by Gareth Fitzsimons. Vincent Beach enquired as to any future changes to the USGAA Logo; Brian White addressed this matter. Report was adopted as presented. Update on 501(c)3 Regulations -- presented by Liam Hegarty. At 9:30pm the meeting was adjourned until Saturday, November 11th 10 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... Saturday, November 12th, 9am: Meeting was convened at 9am by Gareth Fitzsimons Opening addresses were made by Gareth Fitzsimons (on behalf of USGAA), Jackie Trudell (on behalf of Coastal Virginia GAA) and Ambassador Dan Mulhall, who all welcomed the delegates and wished them a successful convention. Standing Orders were adopted. Minutes of 2016 NACB Convention (Held in San Diego, California) were adopted. Bereaved: A moments silence was held for those that passed during the year. USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 11 ………………………………... Presentation of Reports: Games Development Report – presented by Rob Tierney. Report was adopted as presented. Hurling Development Report – presented by Colm Egan. Report was adopted as presented. Referee Development Report – presented by Hugh Duggan. Report was adopted as presented. Treasurers Report – presented by John Young. Jen O’Brien enquired as to whether Divisional Officers were covered by the USGAA Liability Directors-and-Officers clause. Gareth Fitzsimons committed to reviewing and providing a copy of the Policy to the Divisions. Report was adopted as presented. 12 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... Secretary’s Report – presented by Paul Keane 1. Paddy McDevitt outlined an Insurance issue encountered by a Sanction Player getting treatment under the Croke Park mandated Travel Insurance Policy. Gareth Fitzsimons agreed to bring this issue to the attention of Croke Park. 2. Paddy McDevitt enquired as to the involvement of USGAA in the upcoming Fenway Park event being hosted by the GPA. Paul Keane outlined the various attempts at engagement with the GPA on the matter. After much discussion and contributions from John Farrell, Colm Egan, Gareth Fitzsimons, it was agreed to refer the matter to Central Council. Report was adopted as presented. Insurance Report – presented by Paul Keane Report was adopted as presented. USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 13 ………………………………... At this point, it was agreed to address the Playoff Host Charter as the next order of business, and present the Development Awards after lunch. Playoff Host Charter – proposed by USGAA This was adopted as proposed. Other Business: 1. Tracey Rivera enquired as to whether O’Neills and Masita could place Sponsorship Logo’s on Referee’s jersey’s. Gareth Fitzsimons responded that this was in conflict of GAA’s Official Guide, and that he would look into whether it was allowed under LGFA and Camogie Association Rules. 2. John Farrell brought up the matter of Bernard Reidy’s request for payment for 1,000 NACB medals. Gareth Fitzsimons and John Young outlined the situation, and commented that should USGAA receive written confirmation of an order for the medals in question, then USGAA would pay the requested amount. Failing that, the best that can be offered is an amount equal to the scrap value of the medals. 14 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... Chairman’s Address: Gareth Fitzsimons addressed Convention, with comments on USGAA affairs in 2017. 2017 Business was deemed concluded at 12:00pm Break for Lunch at 12pm USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – 15 ………………………………... Convention resumed at 1pm Registration of Delegates: After registration of delegates and Roll Call, it was deemed that 164 votes were counted as present and entitled to vote. USGAA Development Awards: Club Development Awards were presented to the following clubs: Boston Shamrocks Patriots, Chicago John McBrides, Chicago Milwaukee Hurling Club Naomh Padraig, San Francisco National Volunteer Achievement Awards were presented to: Eoin O’Donovan, Padraig Pearses Craig Wagner, Hurling Club of Madison Anne Marie McCormack, Aisling Gaels Chicago 16 USGAA National Convention 2018 – November 9th-11th 2018 – ………………………………... New Club of the Year awards were presented to the following clubs: Notre Dame, Philadelphia Winston Salem Providence
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