Rbcs) in Both the Sinus and Cord, Histiocytes Werc Swollen by a Granu}Ar Substance in the Cytoplasm and Also Many Secondary Lysosomes
The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealth Health Sciences JUOEH20(1)!11-19 (1998) 11 [Original) Pathological Study Splenomegaly Associated with Cadmium-inducedof Anemia in Rats Tetsuo HAMADA', Akihide TANIMOT02, Nobuyuki ARIMA!, Yoshihiro IDEL, Takakazu SASAGURI2, Shohei SHIMiVIRI2, Yoshitaka MURATA', Ke-Yong WANG2 and Yasuyuki SASAGURIL' 'Dopartment of'Surgical Pathotogy, University llosPital ?Dopartment qf Palhology and Cell Biotogy, Scheol of' Adlrdicine, (1itib'ersity of Occapational and Environmental Health., .lapan. }'dhatanishi-ku, Kiialp,ztshu 807-8imr, .1apan Ahstract : Splenomegaly was observcd both in male and R)malc Spraguc-Dawley rats after 1 week of exposure to CdC12 (O,6 mg (:d/kg/day), Sp]een weight reached about double that in controls by 8 weeks of Cd exposure. Histopathologica] cxamination of the enlargcd spleen rcvcaled that iron- and lipid-laden histiocytes were clustered in tha periarterial lymphatic sheath, and the red pulp appeared to be expanded. It is noteworthy that electron microscopy rcvealed markcd poikilocytosis and Hcinz body formation in red blood cells (RBCs) in both the sinus and cord, Histiocytes werc swollen by a granu}ar substance in the cytoplasm and also many secondary lysosomes. Thesc morphological findings indicatc that degradation of damagcd RBCs induced by exposure to Cd might bc promoted in the splccn and possibly cause splenomcgaly, This RBC damage-hcmolysis-splcnomegaly sequence is also considered to be associated with the etioiogy of Cd-induced anemia, In addition to the abnormal RBC degradation, nuclel of ]ymphocytes in thc Cd-cxposcd spleen exhibited high elcctron density, consistent with a preapoptotic statc suggesting the immunosupprcssive effhct ofCd. Kay woralf :spienomegaly, poiki]ocytosis, Heinz body, cadmiurn, anemia, (Received 18 November 1997, accepted I9January 1998) Introduction Cd was reported to cause anemia in dogs as early as 1896 [1], and subsequently, anemia was found in humans after Cd exposure [2].
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