Security Council Distr. GENERAL S/15965 8 September 1983 ORIGINAL8 ENGLISH


Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to forward herewith the position of the Government and people of Indonesia with regard to the incident involving the destruction of a South Korean air liner on the morning of 1 September 1983, as reflected in the statement made by Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, in on 3 September 1983 and in those made by other Indonesian officials. 1. The downing last week of a South Korean civilian air liner by Soviet military aircraft has aroused shock and indignation among the Indonesian people. They were deeply saddened by the loss of life of 269 innocent passengers and crew members. These sentiments have found expression in statements made by Members of Parliament as well as in spontaneous demonstrations, inter alia, by members of the Indonesian pilots' association, civil aviation workers and students. 2. Indonesia views the shooting down of the civilian aircraft as a serious incident for which the Soviet Upion should bear responsibility by at the least providing a full account as to what happened on that fateful day. Indonesia further believes that, as the Soviet Union possesses the necessary technological capability to prevent such an occurrence, there appears to be no justification for the shooting down of a defenceless civilian aircraft even though it might have strayed into the airspace of the Soviet Union. 3. In assessing the incident and its implications, the Indonesian Government is solely guided by its serious concern to ensure the safety of civil aviation and the strict adherence,by all States to the relevant international conventions and agreements. It would, indeed, be most regrettable if East-West tensions were to be further exacerbated by this tragic incident. Indonesia, therefore, joins others in calling for a thorough investigation to provide clarity to the situation and to assure that tragedies of this kind do not occur in the future.

83-22616 0767s (E) / . . . S/15965 Englirrh Page 2

4. The Government end people of Indonesia join with the rest of the international community in erpreseing their profound sympathy end eincere condolences to the bereaved families of those who loet their livee. We hope that this tragic incident will mxve to underecore the imperative need for all to scrupulouely obaerve the sanctity of the rules end regulationa governing civil aviation.

I should be grateful if you would kindly have the text of this letter circulated ee e document of the Security Council.

(Signed) Ambeseador Permanent Repreeentetive