Why Iot Is a Marvelous Work of Art
Journal of Literature and Art Studies, January 2021, Vol. 11, No. 1, 62-70 doi: 10.17265/2159-5836/2021.01.010 D DAVID PUBLISHING Covers and Contents: Why iot is a Marvelous Work of Art Peter L. Hays University of California, Davis, USA iot (1924) was a remarkable artistic achievement. Following collages in the works of Picasso, Braque, and Gris, publisher Bill Bird created a collage of newspaper headlines on the cover of that slim volume that linked to the collage of vignettes within that Hemingway wrote. Both depicted a world losing traditional values, torn by war and despair and increasing commercialism. Subsequent Hemingway book covers by Scribners, at least until The Old Man and the Sea, emphasized sales over art and had little to do with content. Keywords: Hemingway, iot, collage, modernist art Introduction The cover of Ernest Hemingway’s 1924 in our time—behind the lower-case title, lower-case author’s name, publisher’s colophon, and lower-case press name—is a collage of newspaper snippets.1 Only 170 copies of the book survived pristine printing on handmade Rives paper, of the 300 planned, with 120 having the watermark of the paper appear under the frontispiece. 1924 was an advanced year for Cubist collages by Picasso and Braque, both of whom incorporated bits of printed material, often newspapers, into their works of art (“collage” from the French for “to glue”). Picasso’s Still Life with Chair Caning (1911-12) features imitation chaircaning on oilcloth surrounded by a frame of actual rope, and on the chair caning one can read the letters J.O.U., which can be a pun on jouer, to play, which both artists were doing with their collages.
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