November 2012

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November 2012 in a nutshell November 2012 Peanut trends insight from the Peanut Institute There’s no doubt that peanuts and peanut butter are adored by many Canadians. In fact, research indicates that peanut products are so popular that nine in 10 Canadians reported having peanuts and/or peanut butter in their homes. With many health benefits, lots of flavour and endless cooking possibilities, what’s not to love? Not only are peanut products a Canadian favourite, they’re also a global favourite. Recently, the Peanut Institute held an event at the Culinary Institute of America where details of the common uses of peanuts around the world were highlighted. Below are some unique culinary highlights: • In West Africa, a peanut sauce made with onions, garlic, peanut butter or paste, along with vegetables like carrots, cabbage and cauliflower, is served by itself or with chicken; people (particularly in Mali) also use peanut butter or paste in a meat stew called maafe; in Ghana, spicy peanut butter soup (nkatenkwan) is a favourite, along with peanut candies/ snacks called kuli-kuli; peanut powder is used as a coating for kebabs in Nigeria and Ghana. • In Malawi and eastern Zambia, peanuts go into relishes to accompany nshima – rolled balls of the nshima cornmeal cakes are dipped into the relishes; thick peanut butter sauces in Uganda accent rice and other starchy foods. • Latin America also provides some examples of ethnic peanut applications: in South America, peanuts go into sauces that accent meat dishes, especially rabbit; in Peru peanuts are roasted with chilies and blended with roasted onions, garlic and oil for a sauce to go with boiled potatoes (papas con ocopa, famous in Arequipa). • Indonesia sees peanut sauces factoring into vegetable dishes and salads like gado-gado, pecel, karedok and ketoprak; peanut sauce is also served with satay. • In India, peanuts are roasted and seasoned with salt and chili powder as a snack; for dessert, peanuts are processed with jiggery; they also go into salads and stews, and peanut oil is common for cooking. These unique uses for peanut ingredients represent a retail opportunity to capitalize on new products, displays and promotions. Source: Food Product Design Go nuts for better health As one of Canada’s most beloved snacks, peanuts and peanut butter continue to show their nutritional powerhouse benefits. As pointed out in a recent article from The Sydney Morning Herald, they deserve some serious health credit. Continued on page 2 in a 2 nutshell Go nuts for better health Continued from page 1 Nuts, in general, can promote heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes and help lower cholesterol. They’re also helpful in lowering the risk of heart disease, as well as some forms of cancer by providing essential vitamins and minerals, and may even reduce cognitive decline. Let’s not forgot what nuts do to help control our appetites, too. Their mix of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibre will help you feel fuller longer, so you’re snacking the healthy way. It’s key to watch out for those tasty but non-nutritious treats like chocolate-, caramel- or toffee-covered peanuts that won’t provide the same nutritional benefits. When it comes to peanut butter, experts say to look for spreads that contain the fewest ingredients possible. What’s important to remember is that nuts contain the good-for-you-fats. In fact, many studies have found that as nut consumption increases, body mass index decreases. Enjoy a handful of nuts a day as a snack, or added to meals. Source: Sydney Morning Herald U.S. peanut growers learn about the Canadian marketplace November 7-9, 2012 was a busy and exciting time, as peanut farmers from Florida and Georgia travelled to Toronto to learn about the Canadian retail market and experience the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair first-hand. During their visit, Michael Davis and John Harrell had the opportunity to partake in a Canadian marketplace overview presentation, tour various retail stores and attend the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair where they helped staff the Peanut Bureau of Canada booth to disseminate information about quality U.S. peanuts. And, of course, they paid a visit to Toronto’s iconic CN Tower. Our guests had some encouraging things to say about their experiences: “I was impressed with the Canadian retail stores we visited and with the quality of the products. It was also interesting to learn that Canadians have different peanut and peanut butter consumption habits than the U.S.,” said Michael Davis. “The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair was a highlight of my trip and it was great to see the hub of consumer activity at the Peanut Bureau of Canada booth.” John Harrell said “The store visits were great. I’m from a very rural part of the U.S. and we don’t have any stores that compare and are less than 200 miles away. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair was a great surprise, especially in a modern urban city like Toronto. To have a fair in the city that can bridge rural and urban life, where people can see animals, equipment and meet some of the people that produce the food they eat is the story everyone wants to tell and hear. Peanuts and peanut butter taste great and have many nutritional benefits so they appeal to almost everyone. It’s great to share those messages and give people reasons to eat peanuts more often.” in a 3 nutshell Why people are going nuts for nuts As we enter into primetime snacking season, there’s nothing better than a handful of crunchy, tasty and healthy peanuts that are sure to win over your guests. And, as good as nuts are, they’ve moved beyond the cocktail crowd. In a recent L.A. Times article, nuts are described as “an economical source of protein being used in every course of the meal for all kinds of eaters: as flour for the gluten-averse, milk for the lactose-intolerant and even as a snack for people watching their fat intake.” This drastically counteracts previous views that nuts are high in fat and calories. Yes, they contain fats, but they are the good-for-you fats that contain the multiple health benefits. Continue reading for more information on what nuts can do for your health. You might be surprised at what you can learn! Source: Health & Nutrition Corner: Mom’s nut consumption tied to fewer allergies in kids There’s no question a mother would go to great lengths to • The mothers had provided information about how often ensure her child does not develop allergies. But, imagine if they ate peanuts and tree nuts, such as almonds and a mother could consume particular foods to help lessen the walnuts, during pregnancy. chance her child would develop allergies. A recent study is • At age 18 months, the researchers found that the kids trying to prove just this. whose mothers ate peanuts were less likely to have The study, based on 62,000 Danish mothers and conducted asthma. by Ekaterina Maslova, a researcher at the Centre for Fetal • Fifteen per cent of kids whose moms ate peanuts more Programming at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, than once a week, for instance, had asthma compared found that the children of those who ate peanuts and tree to more than 17 per cent of kids whose moms never ate nuts while pregnant were less likely to develop asthma or peanuts. allergies than the children whose mothers avoided nuts. The study results were published in The Journal of Allergy and • When other asthma risk factors were taken into account, Clinical Immunology. the researchers concluded that kids whose mothers ate peanuts regularly were 21 per cent less likely to develop The study results support the recent withdrawal of asthma. recommendations that pregnant woman should avoid nuts because they might raise a child’s risk for allergies to the • At seven years old, this same group of kids was 34 per nuts themselves and for other hypersensitivities like asthma. cent less likely to have a diagnosis of asthma than kids There is little research available that indicates that peanuts whose moms had abstained from peanuts. should be avoided by pregnant mothers, yet the fear still exists. This is the primary reason for conducting the study. • Similarly, mothers who ate tree nuts more than once a Below is further information about the study: week had 18-month-olds who were 25 per cent less likely to have asthma and wheeze than the moms who avoided • The research team collected survey responses from the nuts, although this difference appeared to more than 61,908 Danish moms who gave birth between fade as the kids reached seven years 1996 and 2002, and analyzed their kids’ medical records old. at the ages of 18 months and seven years old. Continued on page 4 in a 4 nutshell Health & Nutrition Corner Continued from page 3 • Peanuts appeared to have no effect on whether kids developed nasal allergies, and the children of moms who frequently ate tree nuts were 20 per cent less likely to have allergies. The research team concluded that the findings are further assurance that moms-to-be don’t need to avoid peanuts and tree nuts, though the team did state that the study doesn’t prove that nuts are actually protective against asthma and allergies. Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Marketing and Merchandising Peanuts and Entertaining There’s no doubt about the incredible U.S. peanut harvest Peanuts and entertaining go hand-in-hand, this year, not to mention the exceptional quality of the especially during the holidays.
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