Serving the Mariner since 1786 Journal Winter 2019 London International Shipping Week | Vessel ReplacementA Royal Project Appointment | Oban Winter Festival Journal Contents WINTER 2019 | ISSUE NUMBER 115 1 Welcome from Mike Bullock 3 Message from the Chair Mike Brew 22-23 4-5 Health, Safety and Environmental Update 6 Operations Update 7 Vessel Replacement Project 14-1512-13 16-17 10-11 8-9 Maritime Insurance 8-9 10-13 4 London International Shipping Week 12-15 14 18 Heritage Trust Update 18-20 16-17 Museum of Scottish Lighthouses 18 ALK Visits North Coast Lighthouses 12-15 19 12-15 Book Reviews 20 The Keeper of Eilean Glas 22-23 20-21 HES to Review Scotland’s Historic Lighthouses 26-2724-25 24-25 Lighthouses of the Isle of Man 20 © If you’d like to reproduce any articles or photographs in the Journal, please 29 contact the editor Oban Winter Festival
[email protected] or write to: Fiona Holmes 84, George Street, 30-34 Edinburgh EH2 3DA. Spotlight on our People Cover: Muckle Flugga Lighthouse Disclaimer: Published articles are not Photo credit: Robert Ionides, Electrical/ necessarily the views of the editor or 35-36 Electronic Technician the Nothern Lighthouse Board. Appointments/Leavers/Retirements More than Lighthouses - Another important, albeit somewhat A big thank you must go to RLK Barry less glitzy, achievement is the Miller for sourcing and organising the culmination of a huge amount of making of the new weather vane. behind the scenes work to prepare and transition NLB to meet the latest Once again I have been telling NLB’s International Organization for unique story to the public through Standardization’s (ISO) requirements.