Jog-O-Thonapril 7 to Use That Area, Must First Have Ing Government Appropriations
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FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Fresno, Colíf. Vol. XXXlll, No.23 Thursday, March 8, 1979 Disco workshop here SqturdoY for doncers of oll levels A disco danc'ing workshop time permits. The session lasts Clark and Wolfman Jaek televÍ- featuring nationally known from I0 a.m. to 12 noon. sion shows. IIe is a fivetime dancer Buddy Schwimmer will Session 2 is for intermediate popular dance champion and he be held in the Gymnasium on dancers and includes the basic and his partner plaeed second in - Saturday, March 10. The day- pattern. Salsa, twostep, disco the National Disco Dancers 'long workshop will include foxtrot and the tango hustle with Contóst sponsored by the "Merv instruction in partner and non- rope variations will be presented Griffin Show." partner disco. as time permits. The session is Participauts are asked to bring 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.--. thtee separate sessions will be from to socks or wear ballet slippers or adfanced provided for dancers at all levels Session 3 is for the tennis shoes. Tickets are priced dancer and includes the and for all ages. Dancing steps ' disco at $7 per session for the general included are the twostep for basic pattern and the New York public and $6 per session for Rope variations will be disco foxtrot and tango h-ustle, hustle. students and persons 60. permits. The the Latin hustle, and the New taught if time third from 3 5 p.m-. Tickets are availi¡ble Yôrk hustle. session lasts to at the Schwimmer, who will instruct Office of Community Services or Session I is for novice dancers all three sessions, currently and includes the basic pattern operates two dance studios in the and the Latin hustle. Salsa and Los Angeles area. He has rope variations will be taught as choreographed both the Dick Petition circuloted to limit stote spending People soliciting signatures for ,permission from the dean nf Deakins, upon confronting him one e¿use or another is not an women, Ms. Doris Deakins. asked that he leave, "I told him Dancer Buddy Schwirnrner. uncommon sigþt here. the er cafeteria foyer is a good location Greg Cox did not, he and his to bec¿use of the const¿nt flow of associates have been eirculating 8S students, there's one catch, a petition all semester to get a far as I know, he never showed." however, the person who wishes constitutional amendment limit- Monday he was back, again Jog-O-ThonApril 7 to use that area, must first have ing government appropriations. without permission. On Saturday, April 7, R¿tcliffe a participation ribbon and a Stadium will be the site of the certificate of achievement. Those INTHIS ISSUE second annual FCC Jog-O-Thon. who collect $25 or more receive a Participants will walk, jog run commemorative T-shirh partici- one hour as far as pants who collect over $.100 or wheel for t Pgt'3 they can go. fhey will try to get receive the T-shirt plus a European art to be studigd.. "' o " " " " " o t "" t " "" t as many sponsors as possible, distinctive one-of-a-kind belt A hilafiOUSly fUnny fnOVie. o.................. r. o.... o.. o .Pg.A each of whom pays 10 cents or buckle. The five runners who more a lap. collect the most donations will Do you use the Carger Gonter?...........o....... ¡o......Pg.6 Last year's event attracted 50 have their names engraved on a ASB support sought for CgnteÌ.i.................... o..... Pg. 7 runners and 100 sPectators and brabs plate." lcultt3. earned $2,250. All proceeds will go toward the Letters;\üh¿tls a ...... o.... -.. o..... o. q.......... Pg.8 purchase a ôoncert organ for "We would like to double our of Rarn golfees lead Valley Conferenceo. i..... o. o. o o. o....... Pg. ll participation and moneY this the FCC Theatre. year," èaid Franz Weinschenk, The music department will Forrner Moonie speaks out.............o.....oo....o. ....Pg.L? associate dean of humanities and present a three-heur musical the advisor for the Jog-O-Thon. jamboree during the running Weinschenk went on to say events. "There will be many prizes for There will be two heats, the contestants and spectators. Run- first at 9:30 a.m. and the second ners who collect up to $25 receive at 11. Thursday, March 8, 1979 ACTIVITIEIS CALENDAR The Mueic F¡rmere (ASB Tennis (Men's) FCC vs. Troin iumpirg--greol sponsored) 12 noon, ThursdaY' American River, 2 p.m., Friday, I\iarch 8. Patio east of Cafeteria March 9. Sacramento MECHA - 12 noon, Thursday, Swimming - FCC vs. Delta, 3 sporl t¡ll first bod doY March 8, Committee Rooms A & p.m., Friday, March g, FCC pool B Boy Area Dance Clinic - 10 a.m.-5 Gotf - FCC vs. COS, 1 p.m., p.m., Saturday, March 10, FCC As I approached the crossing Thursday, March 8, Plaza Golf gym by Leura Batti rail the train was only a few feet Course Editor M¡¡¡gini - vs. Tennie ('Women'e) FCC vs. B"""b¡il FCC COS, 12 noon, March 10, Euless Park äi:.iç Sacramento CiIy, 2 p.m., Thurs- Saturday, There's a new sport at FCC scene in day, March 8, FCC courts Tr¡ck & FieÈ - Valley Confer- and you don't necessarily have to Superman, where Young Clark be an athlete to try it, you just Keht jumps across the tracks ence Relays, 12 noon, Saturday, have to be lucky. the sport is right before the train goes bY. March 10, Modesto train jumping. lennis (Men'e) FCC vs. I hate to shatter your illusions Sacramento City, 2 p.m. Thurs- March 9 - Reel World-"Casa- The other day I had to park in guys, but you're not Superman, day, March 8, Sacramento blanca" the dirt lot loe¿ted across the so why try to act like it? There's no shame in waiting a few' railroad tracks, near the north- - SpringPlay-"Plazä minutes for a train to go by. Enablqr Club 2-4 p.m March lS1? east corner of campus. Thursday, March 8, Committee Suite" Room A got could One of these dais someó'ne's As I out of mY car I ch - S prin g laza gonna jump you Mzt t2-24 Play -"P hear ¿ tiain coming. I didn't let it too late and Suite" know what they say, "Bctter safe FCA - 7 a.m., Friday, March g, bother me, it's no crime to stand CommitteeRoomsA&B and wait for a train. then sorry." March 23 - Reel lVorld-"We're No Angels" Tennie (lVomen'e) FCC vs. American River, 2 p.m., Friday, March 31 - Audubon Film Societv March 9, FCC Courts NEIíS BRIEFS Fresno Autoromo Morch 8-ll The '22nd annual Fresno The show times are today from Autorama begins todaY and will 3' to 1l p.m.;, Friday and run through SundaY. Promoter Saturday, 11 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.; Blackie Gejeian has brought in a and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. total of $2,000,000 worth of custom cars, úans, boats, road- The Autorama is being held at cars' the fairgrounds, Com- RII'IPîGE sters, motorcycles, sPorts in the leriders, and antiques. merce and Agriculture buildings. S¡m Tull L¡ur¡Brtti . J¡lie Eenitez Ilenry Gutietrez Ken E¡loe Dennis Holseybrook Lori Lru Robbie Wood¡¡d Kinberly Cronwell, I)oug E¡milton, 'MikeJon llruee, Rlcåud Johneon, NNT.EIYS Mc0ormick, Don¡r Poln¡¡, TYPINC SEBVICE Tim Sheeh¡n, offers efficiency, quality and Are you a SENSIÎIVE or Nelle Shutrn¡¡, person who Myre Sugge prompt service.. CARING sort of quite into the social Ptul Fendl, Jrr¡n Q¡¡2¡1s6, For..more information c¿ll doesn't fit m44r2.' mold? Would you be interested in BiU S¡h¡tdii¡n becoming part of an encounter Juli Keprelian group, of like-minded people with psþ l¡ng MENI - IYOMENT similar feelings? Why not submit JOBS ON SHIPSI American. your own ideas and suggestions - The Rrmpage ie publiehed every lturedey 4> Foreign. No experieùce required. and let's think about getting by Freeno City C,ollege Jour¡dien 5 cl¡re Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. together. IVrite: DEAN, P.O. The Snrnmer job or career. Send Box 335, Friant, Ca. 93626. Be Renpoge office ie i¡ SC-21f . Phone 442-46fi) ext.8262, $8.00 for information. SEAFAX, sure to include your name and 1l0f E. Univereity Ave., Freeno CA 9374f Dept. 8-6 Box 2049, Pori return address, please. Angeles, Washington 9EÍ162. Thursday, March 8, 1979 Europeon clrt, music w¡ll be studied in new course college credit is Iceland. Some slides of One unit of European art and music will be bourg and enrolling in "EurG the Únited States also will be available for exoloreã in a special studies class pea¡ Slides." The class lllhat a exhibited. Arts on about tttât Uegins MbndaY, March 12' ivill meet from ? to 9 p.m. on Alex Molnar Music instructor will Mondays for nine weeks. Regis- will present and exPlain slides "These slide Presentations now progress and give knowledge tration is in from his recent sabbatical triP to students extra prospective students &re ¡e' catoef as an in EuroPe. Art Europe. The emphasis of the õf art treasures ininde¿ that they should be students will esPe- coursì wiI be on ihe music and and music registered prior to the fhst class' ciatty profit from seeing these artworks of Austria" Switzer- .meeting. P land, Germany, Italy, Luxem' slides," Molnar said. fumy 0fficer Life as an ArmY officer is full and eatiefying.