Regional Seminar on Basel III and Implementation Challenges March, 14th – 15th Seminar venue: Avenida Paulista, 1804 – Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP, Central Bank of Brazil. Hour: 9am to 6pm. Info contact At CEMLA: Serafín Martinez Jaramillo Advisor E‐mail:
[email protected] Phone number: +52 (55) 5061 6690 Yazmín Pérez Enríquez Economist E‐mail:
[email protected] Phone number: +52 (55) 5061 6649 At Central Bank of Brazil (BCB): Ana Virginia de Araujo Pinto Advisor | Central Bank of Brazil Corporate University (UniBC) E‐mail:
[email protected] Phone number: +55 (61) 3414 2295 | +55 (61) 99231‐6842 Dress Code: Formal dress. Language: English and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation. Transportation Transportation from the airport to the hotel will be responsibility of the participant. Provisions during the seminar: During the event will be provided lunch and coffee‐breaks location (morning and afternoon) in the seminar’s venue. On the first day, March 14th, at 7:00 pm, will be offered a dinner in a steakhouse near the Central Bank. Visa and entry requirements: Visa’s information should be searched on the embassy or consulate of Brazil in your country, or in the page of the Foreign Affairs of Brazil:‐para‐viajar‐ao‐brasil The customs services are made in the first Brazilian airport on the arrival. Therefore, if arriving in São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro to connecting flights, the baggage will be inspected in these cities. If necessary, we authorize the participant to complete the identification customs formulary by the telephone contact of CC@B: +55 61 3414‐5082.