
OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE NO. 340 PANSER NEWS Pampisford's Community Newsletter

Inside this issue: Harvest Festival Pampisford Hall Party The Pampisford Archive

www.pampisford.org.uk Village Diary Oct 2016

Sun 2nd 4.00pm Harvest Festival Parish Church followed by tea in the village hall Sun 9th 11.15am Morning Prayer Parish Church Thu 13th 7.15pm Parish Council Meeting Village Hall Sun 16th 11.15am Holy Communion Parish Church (Traditional BCP) Mon 17th 7.30pm WI Harvest Supper Village Hall Wear pink for Breast Cancer Produce and food bank Sun 23rd 11.15am Morning Prayer Parish Church Tues 25th 8.00pm Pampisford Society Village Hall Business & Social evening Sun 30th 10.00am Joint 5 Churches Eucarist Whittlesford at St Mary and St Andrew

Nov 2016

Sun 6th 4.00pm All Souls Service Parish Church Music, readings and prayers Light a candle for a loved one Sun 13th 10.00am Remembrance Service Parish Church Sun 13th 11.00am Remembrance Sunday IWM Duxford Mon 21st 7.30pm WI Meeting Village Hall Gilbert and Sullivan with Ann Datson Tues 22nd 8.00pm Pampisford Society Village Hall Peter Jackson from Scotsdales Garden pests and diseases. 2 of 20 Sunday 2nd October Harvest Festival 4pm in the church followed by refreshments in the Village Hall

Donations of produce can be left in the church porch Friday or Saturday and will be distributed to Orchard House afterwards.

Included with this edition of the Panser News is a housing needs survey that the Pampisford Parish Council is undertaking to better understand the housing needs of our residents.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete. Please either fill out the form attached and return to 1 High Street, Pampisford or complete the survey online by 31st Oct 2016 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VHM5NMQ

The more responses we have, the clearer vision we will have about what sort of future you want for our village.

Thank you, Aureole Wragg for Pampisford Parish Council

Bin collection dates OCT 2016

Mon 3rd Black Mon 10th Green/Blue Mon 17th Black Mon 24th Green/Blue Mon 31st Black

3 of 20 Pampisford W.I. September meeting report

Held on Monday 19th September in Pampisford Village Hall at 7.30pm

Our speaker Ruth Pym, who is a volunteer at Little Hay Prison, explained a group of four volunteers visit the Prison to train prisoners to do high quality paid needlework, the soft furnishing and products are sold by Fine Cell Work, the prisoners receive payment for their pieces of work, calculated on the size and hours spent completing an item, this gives them a chance to earn and save money, also boosting confidence, hope and self- discipline,

Currently there are 30 British Prisons with prisoners doing Fine Cell Work, during one calendar year approximately 500 work on various projects, hand stitched cushions, quilts, gift ware and accessories. Many of the items are commissioned works, and designers and artists give special commissions, so standards must be high. Ruth advised us to check out their website at www.finecellwork.co.uk

Next month is our Harvest Supper on Monday 17th October, please bring a glass, bowl for soup and pudding and spoons, the committee will provide the food. A speaker from Bead of Courage from Addenbrooks will inform us on the work carried out by the charity. Please bring items for the Produce Stall.

Old Ron’s Rural Ramblings

The Allotments starting to look a little empty . All the early spring crops have been eaten , the Onions and Garlic have been harvested and strung and the Potatoes have been lifted. Now the weed seeds are trying to take over the bare soil so the trick is to let them germinate , green up a little then hit them hard with a hoe . 4 of 20 Thanks to the warm showery weather we have been having i"ve had to carry this out twice but this should mean that next seasons crops , some of which will be planted quite soon , will have little competition from weeds . Talking of preparing for next season , my Farm Yard Manure ( FYM ) has been delivered and sits at the top of the Allotment in a giant steaming heap waiting to be spread over the ground during the winter months. A heap of FYM is very attractive to wild life as a winter refuge , non more so than Grass Snakes who lay their eggs in the heap in anticipation of the heat generated by the FYM hatching out their eggs .

Grass Snakes are fairly exotic but a Humming Bird Hawk Moth really is . I spotted one in my garden this week hovering in front of a cluster of Phlox flowers . It really does look like a Humming Bird with fast beating wings and a proboscis that looks just like a Humming Birds curved beak . Look it up on Google it really is impressive.



Saturday 5th November Hinxton Road, Duxford by the level crossing. Just follow the signs from Duxford.

Spectacular fireworks display professionally produced by ‘White Lightning Pyrotechnics’, huge bonfire, BBQ, cakes, drinks, mulled wine and glow necklaces.

Gates open and food from 5pm, Bonfire at 5.30pm, Fireworks at 6.30pm. Gates close at 6.15pm

Tickets available from The Whittle Shop, Whittlesford, and Ickleton, Thriplow and Duxford shops from 17th Oct Adults £3.50, Children £2, Family £10 in advance. £4, £2.50 and £12 at the gate. Pre-school children free! Plenty of free parking 5 of 20 The Pampisford Archive

I recently received some enquiries about Pampisford and realised that some more recent residents, may not be aware that there is a large body of material on Pampisford available. This is lodged in the Collection (CC) based in the Cambridge Central Library as the Mayo Archive on Pampisford. Broad details can be accessed online but digitising is really needed, for better online access.

I deposited all the work I had done on the village and surrounding areas over a number of years, with the CC some time ago. Various local groups in the village gave help in funding the expenses of compiling the Archive. Importantly, much of the work would not have been possible without the very generous contributions made by many of the older residents of Pampisford. Some are no longer with us unfortunately but pictures of them can be found in the Archive slides. The Archive is contained in 3 large boxes, totalling some 60 files on a large range of subjects, such as:

Pampisford Hall and Gardens Pampisford Places St John’s Church Local Archaeology Pampisford Mill People and Places Pampisford Brewery Village WW1 The Village Schools The Basque Children Village Maps Eastern Counties Leather Newspaper Cuttings Parachute Club Dispute History of Pampisford Linton Workhouse Pampisford in Pictures First copies Panser News Joe Brand’s Diary WW1

6 of 20 There is fourth box containing a comprehensive slide collection showing the village “Then and Now”, through the years. Included is a thumbnail index of the slides. Once again, it would be a great benefit (if it becomes possible in future) to transfer the slides to disc efficiently, with more up-to- date technology?

The above book is not in the Archive.

To be frank my memory is not as good as it was and I have forgotten about some of the material that I put together over the years. If anyone has any questions about the village etc, it’s much better to access the Archive in the Cambridge Collection but allow for some time. There’s a lot there. The people at the Cambridge Collection are a friendly lot.

I am sure there are still things to research on Pampisford, for those who might be interested but there is no point in going over old ground that has already been covered, unless you can add to or correct information already collated.

If you want a flavour of the old village, I recommend reading Joe Brand’s Diary kept during WW1. He was the village postmaster at that time. And was first to receive telegrams etc. about villagers serving in the forces.

Olive Mayo


SEASON of mists and mellow fruiulness! Close bosom‐friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch‐eaves run; To bend with apples the moss'd coage‐trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, And sll more, later flowers for the bees, Unl they think warm days will never cease, For Summer has o'er‐brimm'd their clammy cells. from ‘To Autumn’ by John Keats

When I was at school I learned this poem by Keats and I have had it my mind over the last few weeks as we bask in the beauful early autumn weather. My heart and mind are moved to give thanks to God for the beauty and fruiulness of our countryside and these words of Keats seem to epitomise an English Autumn. Every me I walk the dog I see many large and shiny conkers with their burnished perfecon as they tumble to the ground and their close fing spiky green shells break open. Squirrels and school children alike rejoice to see these appearing.

At the start of October we gather as church and village communies to give thanks to God for the Harvest and the Pampisford Harvest Fesval service takes place at 4pm on October 2nd followed by a celebratory tea in the village hall. These community gatherings are an important way of coming together, whether our faith in God is an important part of our lives or whether we are impelled by a vague need to give thanks in the company of our fellow residents.

With love and prayers, Revd Caroline Tel: 01223 835253 email: [email protected] 8 of 20 Pampisford Hall Party

I am sure that the rest of the village will want to join me in thanking Mrs Killander for her kind and generous invitation to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday at Pampisford Hall on Sunday 4th September. To be able to do this in her beautiful arboretum whilst enjoying her hospitality of Pimms, sandwiches and cakes, together with the background of pleasant orchestral music, made it a truly memorable occasion.

Mrs Killander was anxious that in thanking her I should make it clear that much of the credit should go to Anne Judd and her team of supporting helpers, who had worked tirelessly to make the occasion the success it clearly was.”

With thanks on behalf of the village, Peter Draper

On the following two pages are a selection of photos taken on the day by Jonathan Warren and Mary Hunt. TH

9 of 20 10 of 20 11 of 20 12 of 20 Every month South Cambs police are presenting a crime prevention event in one of our villages. Very successful events have already been put on in Great Shelford, and further afield in Melbourne, Papworth Everard and Foxton among others. These events are for the general public to come along and speak to officers and also be offered for sale various crime prevention products. It is an informal evening presented as a drop in and a chance to meet your local policing teams. The next one will be at the village hall in Ickleton on Wednesday 12th October between 5pm and 8pm. It is open to all. It would be great to see you there.

Chris Wiseman PCSO police station

Also if you have concerns…

The Police and Crime Commissioner offers regular one to one meetings across the county. If you have an issue you would like to discuss, you can book a 15 minute appointment. Please email: [email protected] or phone 0300 333 3456 to make an appointment: 13th October, 11:00 am til 1:00 pm, at Sawston police station.


“Bells September 2016 – No ringing arranged for this month.”

13 of 20 Halloween

Halloween has its roots based on the Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who occupied 2000 years ago what is now Ireland, the and France, believed that on the night of October 31st the dead returned to the earth. They would light bonfires and wear costumes to try and scare the ghosts away. Trick or Treating has now spread from the U.S. and Canada to the U.K. but other countries have also had their own traditions. In Czechoslovakia chairs were placed by the fireside, one for each living member of the family and one for each dead. had a tradition to leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the table before bed to welcome the spirits and in Hong Kong they celebrate Yue Lan (Festival of the Hungry Ghosts) and sometimes burn pictures of fruit or money to bring comfort to the spirit wold. TH

14 of 20 Village Hall Matters

During August, members of the Village Hall Management Committee cleaned out the two porch cupboards. We swapped stained chairs for cleaner ones, and swept all the cobwebs etc. away. There was another crew out side who trimmed the shrubs by the fence. Afterwards, we had a bring and share supper and had a meeting for our next fund raising event !

The annual inventory of the kitchen was done at a later date. There are just enough cups left, 60 in all, one for each chair! Please put crockery and cutlery back in a clean state and also clean the oven if it used. Our cleaning firm do not cover these issues. BP


Chairman: Aureole Wragg Clerk: Michelle Facer, Tel: 01223 832298 Present: Aureole Wragg, Bill Gysin, Justin Marsh, Gina Warren, Anne Judd, Graham Berridge. Michelle Facer (Clerk)

1. Apologies and reasons for absence. Joanne Hudson personal, Tony Orgee, Peter Topping

2. Declarations of interest with regard to items on the agenda. None

3. To sign and approve minutes dated 14th July 2016 and 11th August 2016. Unanimously approved & signed by AW

4. Matters arising from previous minutes. Council Devolution – consultation ends 10th October, should councillors wish to comment.

5. Reports by County and District Councillors: Peter Toppping: Reported that changes will be made to the style of the next Liason Panel meeting in order to make it more collaborative, with more time for Q&A. Further meetings for area parish councils will be held to discuss the subject of devolution and community hubs will be held on 20/9 at 6pm at Melbourn Hub, 21/9 6pm at Linton VC and 22/9 15 of 20 Continued next page at 6pm at Histon & Impington Pavilion. Tony Orgee: Reported on the recent Cambridge Access Study and the subsequent proposed congestion reduction package. Discussed further proposals for requirements and responsibilities for the Cambs and Peterborough area to take place in September, and will also discuss the results of a local MORI poll. Decision should be make towards the end of October. The Boundary Commission will publish results of the local council election wards in October. County Council reps have been reduced; Pampisford remains in Duxford’s division. Full details of the reports can be found on the council website.

6. Planning Applications: None to report.

7. Tree Works: Unauthorised tree removal Hammonds Close. SCDC Planning actioned. MF to chase progress.

8. Finance: Unity Trust Deposit Account as of 30th July: £2294.93 Unity Trust Current Account as of 30th July: £17541.62 Total Money going out: £302.40, Total Money gone in: £0, Income: £0

9. Bills: Mica hardware, Ridgeons, ACRE, BHGrounds Maintenance. Pay: Due to online banking error June pay for Anna Lovewell £88.04 plus £16.04 expenses, Michelle Facer £266.36. July/Aug pay for G Oglesby £81.28 plus £10.85 expenses, Michelle Facer £284.41

10. Pensions – Automatic pension enrolment letter to go to staff - GB

11. Housing needs survey- The council reviewed GW’s draft survey. MF to action edits in time for the survey to go out with copies of the next Panser News and set up on Survey Monkey. Replies to a box outside AW house.

12. Pampisford Archive- Still ongoing.

13. Highways: a) Review of meeting with Highways dept - JM / BG met with Karen Lunn to discuss various road safety options including a village entry fence with a sign (words tbc). Most options too expensive to implement at the cost of the Parish Council and not deemed a priority for Highways funding.

16 of 20 Continued next page b) Quote for drop kerb Brewery Rd recreation ground – MF to speak to KL regarding options for a drop kerb or other possibilities to aid road safety that can be provided by Highways funding. c) Road Safety/speeding issues and Speedwatch- AW asked GW to obtain Speedwatch contact to organise setting up volunteers to take part. MF to investigate possible grant for a speed sign and to request RTA information from Cambs Police. MF/GW to find out the date of the next Police Forum meeting.

14. Estate Business: a) Repairs and survey of the Village Hall – AW confirms issue ongoing. b) Church Lane Rec Lease. AW to review the registry paperwork and get certified copy of the lease. c) Drains issue ongoing - AW c) Picnic update – Letter of thanks for a wonderful event to be drafted to Mrs Killander from the council - AW.

15. Playgrounds: a) Weekly inspection sheets JM provided. b) Zipwire - JM/GW confirmed that the zipwire appears to be repaired. JM to look into a maintenance schedule. c) Dogs – BG to organise new sign regarding no dog walking on Brewery Rd recreation ground, but directing them to Church Lane. MF to ask previous clerk if there are any spare dog mess bins.

16. Grounds Maintenance: a) Fingerpost sign due to be delivered at the end of the month – MF to check with Highways regarding siting. b) Path in front of Bungalows 3-5 Glebe Crescent – ongoing. c) McDonalds bins – BG to get quotes to install bins. d) Contact District Council regarding overflowing bins on A505 layby – MF.

17. Recent Meetings: Highways meeting BG/JM.

Future Meetings: ACRE AGM Tuesday 27th September Ely, 2.00pm - 5.45pm. Meeting Close: Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 13th October 2016

17 of 20 Why not hire Pampisford Village Hall for your special event ?

Modern facilies, Meeng room and outdoor area in pleasant rural seng Pampisford Village Hall ‐ Funcons, Recepons & Pares For all enquiries and bookings please call 01223 833635

18 of 20 Grace Upton is available for Babysing. Good with children of any age (especially toddlers or small children). Available every day at any me (apart from school hours). Call 01223 832305 for more informaon!

19 of 20 Sunset over Sawston PANSER NEWS is financially supported by in-house fundraising, donations from various village groups and our advertisers. The ideas and opinions expressed in Panser News are not necessarily those of the editors.

This month's Editor: Trudy Hill [email protected]

Next month's Editor: Helena Marsh [email protected]

[email protected] Article deadline: 20th October

Coordinating Editor: Chas Hunt [email protected] 0777 3213814 20 of 20