Cambridgeshire. I
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'DIRECTORy.J CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 3 LINTOH UNION. Hundred of South Witchford :-Coveney, Grunty Fen, 'Babraham Ickleton Haddenbam, Manea Chapelry. Mepal, Sutton, Stretbam, Balsham Linton Welches Dam, Wentworth, Wilburtoo, Witcham, and oCarlton-cum-Willingham Little Abington Witchford. 'Castle Camps Pampisford Hundred of Staine:- Bottisbam, Great WilbrahamJ Duxford Sawston Little Wilhrabam, SwafFham Bulbeck, Swafi'ham Prior I Great Abington Shudy Camps and Stow-cum-Quy. Great Bartlow Weston Colville Hundred of Staploe :-Burwell, Cbippenham, Fordba~ Hadstock (Essex) West Wickham Isleham, Kennett, Landwade, Snailwell, Sobam, and Hildersham West Wratting Wicken. Hinxton WhittIesford • Hundred of Thriplow :-Foulmire, Foxton, Great Shel Horseheath ford, HS1'I!Iton, Hanxton, Little Shelford, Newton, Staple NEWMARKET UNION. ford, Thriplow, and Trumpington. Ashley-eum-Silverley Landwade Hundred of WetherJey:-Arrington, Barrington, Barton, Bottisbam Lidgate (Suffolk) Comberton, Coton, Grantchester, Harleton, Haslingfield, Brinkley. Moulton (Suffolk) Orwell, Shepreth, and Wimpole. Burrough Green Newmarket All Saints Hundred of Whittlesford :-Duxford, Rinxton, Ickleton, Burwell Newmarket St.Mary (Snffolk) Sawston, and Whittlesford. <:heveley Ousden (Suffolk) Huodred of Wisbeeb :-Elm, Leverington, Newton, Out <:hippenham Snailwell well, P~on Drove Chapelry, Thomey. Tydd St. Giles. Dalham (Suffolk) Sobam· UJlwell, Wisbech St. Mary and Wisbech St. Peter. Dollingl:am Stetchworth Exning(Suffolk) Swaffbam Bulbeek Cambridge Borough & University:-All Saints, Holy iFordham SwaHham Prior Sepulchre, Holy Trinity, St. Andrew the Great, St. Andrew "Gazeley (Suffo\k) WestIey Waterless the Less, St. Benedict, St. Botolph, St. Clement, St. Jslebam Wicken Edward, 81. Giles, St. Mary the Great, St. Mary the Less, Kennett Wood Ditton St. MichaeJ, and St. Peter. Kirtlin~ Ely City :-Ely CoIlege~ Ely St. Mary, Ely Trinity, and Ely Westmoor Fen. NORTH WITCHFORD UNION. The County Lunatic .A~lum, situated at Fulboum, 18 a Henwick March handsome building', ill the Elizabethan style, erected a ta <:hatteris Welches Dam eost of about £40,000, in 1858 and enlarged in 1877-8; Doddington Wimblington it will accommodate about 330 inmates; George Mackenzie Manes Bacon M.D. medical superintendent; Henry Archer, clerk I& steward. WHITTLESEY UNION. Her Majesty's Prison is situated on Castle hill, in the Whittlesey St. Mary & St. Andrew parish of Cbesterton, and was erected in 1804, on the WISBECH UNION. site of the old castle; Barnabas Gibson is governor; Rev. <llenchwarton (Norfolk) Tilney-com-Islington (Nor- Edward Ventris M."'. chaplain; Messn. Bumpsted & Hills Elm folk) surgeons. Emueth (Norfolk) TilneySt.Lawrence(Norfolk) CORONERs.-For the County. Frederie Barlow, 60 St Leverington Tydd St. Giles Andrew's st. Cllmbridl!e ; deputy, J. N. York, High st. New Newton Upwell (partly in Norfolk) market. For th6 Iale of Ely, J. H. Barker, Wisbeeh; -outwell (partly in Norfolk) WalpoleSt.Andrew(Norfolk) William Marshall (southern division), Hill house, Ely. ..Parson-Drove Walpole St. Peter(Norfolk) Terrington St. Clement (Nor-Walsoken (Norfolk) MEMBERS OF PA.RLU.MENT POR THE COUNTY. folk) West Walton (Norfolk) Right Hoo. Henry Bouverie William Brand, D.L., ;r.p. Terrington St. John(Norfolk)Wisbech St. Mary Speaker of the House of Commons, Speaker's House, "Tilney All Saints (Norfolk) Wisbecb St. Peter Palace of Westminster.. London 8.W. & Glynde, near The foIIowinll; is a list of the hundreds in the connty, with Lewt!s, Sussex; Beojamin Bridges Hunter Rodwell, esq. .the parishes contained in them :- Q.C., D.L., ;r.p. 68 Eceleston square 8.10.;. 1 New court, Hundred of Armingford: - Abington-in-the-Clay or Temple, London e.c. & Ampton ball, Bury St. Edmond's, .Abington Pigotts, Bassingbourn, Croydon-eum-elaptoo, Suffolk; Edward Hicks esq. Wilbraham Temple, Cam .East Hatley, Guilden, Morden, Litlington, Melboum, Mel bridge & 110 Jermyn street, London ,.w. .dreth, Royston (part of), Shiogay, Steeple Morden, Tadlow, Wendy, and Whaddon. POLLING PLACES POR CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Hnndred ofChesterton :-Chesterton, Childerley, Cotten Appointed. porsuant to "The Ballot Act, 1872." onJ an~ary ham, Dry Drnyton, and Histon. 2nd, 1873. Hundred of Cheveley :-Ashley·cum-Silverley,Cheveley, Bassingbourn Landbeach ~aints, Hottisham Linton Kirtling, Newmarket All and Wood Ditton. Brinkley . Newmarket Hundred of Chilford :-Babraham, Castle Camps, Great Camhrid~e Sobam -Abington, Great .Bartlow. Hildersham, Horseheath, Lioton, Caxton Swavesey Little Abiogton, Pampisford, Shudy Camps, and Wt:st Gamlingay Whittlesford Wickham. Harston Hundred of Ely :-Downham aod Littleport. POLLING PLACES POR THB ISLE Oil' ELY. Hundred of FIendish :-Cherry Hinton, Fen Ditton, .Fullbourn All Saints and St. Vigors, Horningsea, and Appointed pursuant to U The Ballot Act,1872," on November '1'eversham. 12th, 1872. Chatteris Gorefield Hundred of Longstow :-Bourn, Caldecote, Caxtoo, Crox: l>oddington Haddenham ton, Eltisley, Gamlingay, Great Eversden, Hardwick, Ely Littleport Hatley St. George, Kingston, Little EYersden, Little Grans Friday Bridge den, Longstow, aod ToCt. Hundred of North Witchford :-Chatteris, Doddington, • OFFICERS OF THE ISLE OF ELY• .l\larch, St. Mary aod St. Antlrew, Whiltlesey. Chit'f Constable ofIsUJ Con,tiLbulary., Captain W. Brown Hundred ofNorthstow :-Girton, Impington, Landbeach, Ferris, Ely ,Lolworth, Long Stanton, All Saints, Lon,,; Stanton St. Clerk to the Committee of Vuitor8oft'h8 Cambridgeshire, Michael, .&ladingley, Milton, Oakington, Rampton, and ~ Waterbeach. Isle ofEly BoroughofOambridge LwnaticAsylum, Clement Francis, esq. Cambrid~ Hundred of Papworth :-Boxwortlt,Conington, Elswortb, Coront:r for the Hundred of Ely t South part of the .Fen Drayton, Graveley, Knapwell, Over, Papworth St. Hundred of Wit(!hford, WilIiam Marshall, esq. Ely Agoes, Papworth St Everard, ~wavesey, and Willingham. Coroner for the Hundred of Wubech t North part of Hundred of Radfield :-Balsham, Brinkley, Burrougb the Hundred of Witchford, Joseph Hurton Barker, Elm ...areen, Carlton - cum - Willingham, Dullingbam, Stetcb Surveyor of Bridgu ~·c. Richards Heynolda Rowe, Cam worth, West Wratting, West Waterless, and Weston bridge .colville. Trtalurer, Roberi Dawbaro,jun. esq. March ]..