2014 New York Physician Workforce Profi le 2014 Edition The New York Health Workforce Data System School of Public Health University at Albany, State University of New York New York Physician Workforce Profi le 2014 Edition School of Public Health, University at Albany State University of New York 1 University Place, Suite 220 Rensselaer, NY 12144-3445 Phone: (518) 402-0250 Web: http://chws.albany.edu Email:
[email protected] New York Physician Workforce Profi le, 2014 Edition i ii Center for Health Workforce Studies PREFACE This report is a profi le of the supply and distribution of physicians licensed in New York State based on information compiled by the Center for Health Workforce Studies. With presentation of physician workforce data at several aggregate levels including state, region, county, and specialty, the report is intended to provide useful information for policy makers, educators, and other interested parties across the state. This report was prepared by the Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS), by David Armstrong, Rakkoo Chung, Stuart Daman, and Gaetano Forte. Funding for this report was provided by the New York State Department of Health. CHWS, established in 1996, is based at the School of Public Health, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY). The mission of CHWS is to provide timely, accurate data and conduct policy-relevant research about the health workforce. The research conducted by CHWS supports and promotes health workforce planning and policymaking at local, regional, state, and national levels. The views expressed in this report are those of CHWS and do not necessarily represent positions or policies of the School of Public Health, University at Albany, SUNY, the New York State Education Department, or the New York Department of Health.