Candidates Accelerate Electioneering
RE5PON5IBLE REFRE5ENT/ Candidates Accelerate Electioneering (UNICOL I, out cliff STUDENT GOVERNMENT Candidates lot' ASB executive and legislative po- lots for two representatives to Student Council. kins (SPUR), Bob Atmstrong Election Board Heisterberg. sitions are in the Gnat stages of electioneering for next A new rule set forth by the ASB states, "that write-in candidates are duly elected only GRADUATE RACE week's elections. when he receives at least the required number of votes Three graduate students are in the race for two A maze of campaign posters, handouts galore and which equals the number of signatures required on the graduate representative seats on Student C'ouncil. They hand shaking candidates will greet students now until petition to run for office. are Ray Kunde (SPUR), Patty Givens t UNICOL(, and after the polls close at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday. Richard Epstein. QUALIFICATIONS have filed petitions for senior repre- Ken Lane, ASB election chairman, predicts 3-4,000 Nine persons Harold Kushins (UNI('OL), Dick students will vote in the upcoming election. Last year The present petition qualification for executive sentative and include J. Fraser (SPUR), Larry Collins a total of 2,818 cast ballots. officers is 100 signatures, and council representatives Miner I SPUR), J. Ann Latiderback (SPUR), Polling places will be located in front of the col- must have 50 signatures. (UNICOL), Jack Grady, Lowry (SPUR) and Vincent Con- lege bookstore, on Seventh Street, In front of the Campaigning tur ASB Presidential votes are, ac- Margaret Leshin, Gil . cafeteria and on Seventh Street across from the cording to their ballot positions, Gene Lokey (UNICOL), treras I.
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