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Contentsofmineralelementsandc 원예과학기술지 17(6):742-746. 1999 some basic information on grafting and the relationship between scions and rootstocks. Contents of Mineral Elements and Cytokinins in Xylem Sap of Two Oriental Melon Cultivars Affected by Rootstocks Materials and Methods Growing the Plants Kim, Sung-Eun*․Jung, Ki-Hwan1․Lee, Jung-Myung1 Oriental melons of ‘Keumdongee’ and National Seed Management Office, and Dept. of Horticulture, Kyung Hee University1, ‘Tongilhwang' were used as scions and 7 Suwon 449-701, Korea squash cultivars and one melon cultivar *corresponding author were used as rootstocks. Scions were sown ABSTRACT Contents of mineral element and cytokinin in the xylem sap of on February 2nd, 1998 and grafted onto ‘Keumdongee’ and ‘Tongilhwang' oriental melons were compared with those in squashes or melon on February 13th by oriental melons grafted onto 8 rootstocks. The effect of grafting on the fruit tongue-approach grafting (Lee, 1994). On quality of oriental melon was also investigated. Flesh firmness varied with March 13th, both grafted and own-rooted rootstocks. Soluble solids contents in the placenta tissue of grafted ‘Tongil- plants were transplanted and cultivated in hwang’ were higher than that in the ‘Keumdongee’. Electric conductivity of the soil in a plastic house. Plants were pinched xylem sap in own-rooted plants was higher in ‘Keumdongee’ than in ‘Tongil- at the 8th node and four lateral shoots hwang’, but it increased in ‘Tongilhwang' once they were grafted. The sap volume per plant was greater in ‘Keumdongee’ than in ‘Tongilhwang'. The were allowed to grow as main vines. Two mineral concentrations varied considerably depending on the rootstock used. fruits were allowed to set and grow on Xylem sap of grafted oriental melons contained a higher amount of mineral ions, each vine. Mature fruits were harvested on - - especially NO3 and PO4 , than did the sap in own-rooted plants. The increase May 16th, 64 days after transplanting, and in the mineral levels in sap due to grafting was most apparent in ‘Tongilhwang'. their characteristics were examined. The Xylem sap from both ‘Keumdongee’ and ‘Tongilhwang' contained trans-zeatin experimental design was a completely (t-Z), trans-zeatin riboside (t-ZR), and dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR). Small randomized design with three replications amounts of isopentenyl adenine (IPA) and isopentenyl adenine riboside (IPAR) and 5 plants per each replication. The were also detected. Trans-zeatin riboside was the most abundant, followed by t-Z. Cytokinin concentration in ‘Keumdongee’ was not significantly influenced by measurement data was analyzed using a rootstock type used, although the highest concentration of cytokinins in ‘Keum- SAS program. dongee’ was obtained with ‘Chamtozwa’ rootstock. However, the cytokinin con- centration in ‘Tongilhwang' increased with grafting irrespective of rootstock type Collection and Mineral Analysis of used. Xylem Sap Additional key words: electric conductivity, grafting, immunoaffinity column, Xylem sap was collected 2 weeks after interspecific hybrid squash fruit harvest on May 30th (78 days after transplanting). Own-rooted plants were cut Introduction been analyzed to assess the ability of the off at a position 25 cm above the ground, root system to absorb and transport nutri- and grafted plants were cut off 20 cm Oriental melon is commonly grafted to ents to shoots (Clarkson, 1991; Widders above the position of the grafting. The few cucurbitaceous plants which are resistant and Lorens, 1982). Another important drops of bleeding sap from remaining stem to soil-born diseases or nematodes, and function of roots is the synthesis of plant base were discarded and the cut surface are tolerant to adverse environmental con- hormones such as gibberellins, cytokinins, was washed with distilled water for 10 ditions such as low temperature (Lee, and abscisic acid (Itrai and Birnbaum, minutes. Xylem sap subsequently bled at 1994). Commonly it is grafted to interspe- 1991). It is well known that cytokinins are the cut surface was collected in a flask cific hybrid squash (Cucurbita maxima × principally synthesized in the roots and precoated with silica and wrapped with C. moschata) or pumpkin (Cucurbita mo- transported to the shoots through the aluminum foil. After a 12-hour period of schata), whereas gourd and squash have xylem (Letham, 1994). Since various envi- collection, from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM, the been used as rootstocks for watermelon. ronmental factors such as light or rhizo- volume of xylem sap was recorded and the However, there are some problems such as sphere condition induce noticeable changes sap was stored at -20 ℃ for analysis. The low sugar content in fruit, large numbers in the level of cytokinin in xylem sap mineral composition of the sap was of fruits with internal breakdown, and (Borisova et al., 1990; Kuraishi et al., 1991; analyzed using ion chromatography (DX- excessive shoot growth when squash or Segreeva et al., 1990), this hormonal fluc- 500, Dionex) after dilution 50 times with pumpkin are used as rootstocks. The tuation is considered to reflect the physio- distilled water. deterioration of fruit quality in grafted logical condition of the roots. plants has been associated with the differ- Despite the importance of the grafted Quantification of Endogenous Cyto- ential uptake of mineral nutrients by the seedlings in vegetable cultivation, there are kinins in Xylem Sap rootstocks (Kato and Lou, 1989; Masuda few studies of the movement of hormones The xylem sap was initially purified et. al., 1986; Yamasaki et. al., 1994). and minerals. The purpose of this research using XAD-2 Amberlite column to exclude Concerning root function, xylem sap has therefore was to determine the mineral mineral nutrients, and the elute was composition and the levels of endogenous passed through immunoaffinity column ※ This research was funded with the help of a Korea Research Foundation grant to S. cytokinins in the xylem sap of own-rooted (Lee et al., 1999). The immunoaffinity E. Kim. and grafted oriental melons, and to provide column was prepared with rabbit poly- 742 KOR. J. HORT. SCI. TECHNOL. 17(6), DECEMBER 1999 Table 1. Effect of different rootstocks on fruit growth characteristics of ‘Keumdongee' and ‘Tongilhwang' oriental melonsz. Flesh Fruit Fruit Width of Size of Soluble solids Cultivar Scientific name firmness length diameter placenta flower scar content (%) /Rootstock -2 (kg․cm ) (cm) (cm) (cm) (mm) Placenta Flesh Keumdongee oriental melon Own-rooted Cucumis melo var. makuwa 2.02 bc 12.3 ns 7.83 ns 4.00 b 3.67 ab 12.57 ns 7.43 ns /UR-1 C.y moschata × C . moschata 2.08 abc 13.4 8.00 4.83 a 3.67 ab 11.43 10.00 /No. 2 C. moschata × C . moschata 1.99 c 13.1 7.53 4.17 ab 5.00 a 10.93 9.13 /No. 8 C. moschata × C . moschata 1.93 c 14.0 7.80 3.93 b 4.33 ab 11.50 9.67 /Chintozwa C. moschata × C . moschata 2.28 ab 13.1 7.67 4.20 ab 3.67 ab 11.30 8.53 /Chinkyo C. moschata × C . moschata 2.29 ab 13.1 7.93 4.30 ab 3.00 b 11.70 9.07 /Sintozwa C. maxima × C . moschata 2.14 abc 12.5 7.67 4.10 ab 3.67 ab 11.70 8.73 /Chamtozwa C. maxima × C . moschata 2.09 abc 12.7 7.67 4.07 ab 4.33 ab 11.67 9.40 /Melon Cucumis melo 2.33 a 12.7 7.77 4.10 ab 3.33 ab 11.80 9.33 Mean 2.14 13.0 7.80 4.16 3.82 11.62 9.03 Tongilhwang oriental melon Own-rooted Cucumis melo var. makuwa 2.63 b 14.7 a 8.80 ab 4.03 ns 4.33 ns 12.27 b 8.40 ns /UR-1 C.y moschata × C . moschata 2.76 b 13.7 ab 8.00 bc 4.30 4.33 14.80 a 9.13 /No. 2 C. moschata × C . moschata 2.87 b 13.4 ab 7.90 c 4.13 3.33 14.47 a 8.53 /No. 8 C. moschata × C . moschata 2.87 b 14.1 ab 8.33 abc 4.07 4.00 14.50 a 8.87 /Chintozwa C. moschata × C . moschata 3.15 a 13.0 b 7.93 bc 4.30 3.33 14.53 a 10.20 /Chinkyo C. moschata × C . moschata 3.17 a 13.3 b 7.93 bc 4.03 3.17 13.33 ab 8.33 /Sintozwa C. maxima × C . moschata 2.75 b 13.6 ab 8.37 abc 4.20 4.00 14.87 a 8.27 /Chamtozwa C. maxima × C . moschata 2.85 b 14.4 ab 8.80 ab 4.27 4.67 15.13 a 9.00 /Melon Cucumis melo 2.83 b 14.2 ab 9.00 a 4.17 4.00 13.60 ab 8.37 Mean 2.88 13.8 8.34 4.17 3.91 14.17 8.79 zMean separation within columns within a cultivar by DMRT at 5%. yCucurbita. clonal antibodies to keyhole limphet hemo- rootstocks than by using any other root- However, such differences usually did cyanin (KLH)-cytokinin conjugates. Each stocks, or than was obtained for fruits from not have any significance since all the polyclonal antibody was collected, titer own-rooted plants. Soluble solids content plants were grown with frequent pruning determined and, after protein A column was higher in fruits from grafted plants and pinching to secure the uniform growth purification, coupled to an agarose ester than in those from own-rooted plants. of fruits. The xylem sap yield was higher support (Affi-Gel 10, BioRad) according to Shoot fresh weight differed considerably in ‘Keumdongee’ than in ‘Tongilhwang'. the procedure of Davis et al.
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    Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 111 / Monday, June 9, 2008 / Rules and Regulations 32431 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE program. Finally, we proposed to make (a), because they appear to be the same. irradiation available as a phytosanitary We agree that these three treatments can Animal and Plant Health Inspection treatment for additional species of fruit be combined into one and we have Service flies. revised § 301.32–10(a) in the final rule We solicited comments concerning accordingly. 7 CFR Parts 301 and 305 out proposal for 60 days ending November 19, 2007. We received two Quarantined Areas (§ 301.32–3) [Docket No. APHIS–2007–0084] comments by that date. They were from In this final rule, we have updated RIN 0579–AC57 a State agricultural agency and a private § 301.32–3, ‘‘Quarantined areas,’’ to citizen. The comments supported the incorporate a different approach to Consolidation of the Fruit Fly rule. One commenter did, however, listing quarantined areas and notifying Regulations suggest a few minor changes. They are the public of changes to those areas. In discussed below. the proposed rule, we described a AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health The commenter, noting that we had mechanism by which we would Inspection Service, USDA. proposed to revise the definition of core quarantine an area by providing written ACTION: Final rule. area to describe an area within a circle notification to the affected entities in surrounding each site where fruit flies that area, and then follow up by SUMMARY: We are amending the have been detected using a 1⁄2 mile amending the regulations to add a regulations to consolidate our domestic radius with the detection site as a center description of the quarantined area.
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