IMACK pilpv ( -74(?), 1h inor,u SA"rnr

NORT!! 1)CVIL GOWNSMAN DERICK" :Inducer's Own Newspaper Since 1887 ,„ VOLUME 71 NUMBER 40 ANDOVER, , JULY 10, 1958 PRICE 10 CENTS TY GUNS" •

STEEL Norma Jean Peatman To II ENT DOORS 54 „„,,,,„ Spend Year In Austria Miss Norma Jean Peatman, POND IN GOOD daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peatman of Cutler rd., will leave SHAPE FOR SUMMER later this month for Austria, where IIaggett's fond is about she will be an Exchange student 10 inches below high water for one year. mark — "The best situation She is going under the program the pond has been in for many years", according to 11ater Supt. Donald Bassett. Ile said the early spring rainfall, which filled the drought — depleted pond, to overflowing, provided as 'OP much rain as might ordinarily be expected through a full season.

Storm Blamed For House Fire A brief, but violent thunder- lightning storm Tuesday night LS left most sections of town without power during the evening and was blamed for a serious fire at the • • home of John P. Toomey on Brown STORIES AT THE LIBRARY — Children's librarian Margaret Lane kept the rapt attention of st. A two-stall garage and breeze- MISS NORMA JEAN PEATMAN these young folks Monday morning, during one of the summer story hours. So intent on the story way were destroyed and one wall sponsored by the United Church were most of the youngsters that even the sudden appearance of a photographer failed to dis- of the house scorched by flames, of Christ, through the Interna- tract them. (Staff Photo) according to Deputy Fire Chief tional Christian Youth Exchange John Cole. 'The fire was dis- with headquarters in New Windsor, Dr. Wooten To covered by neighbors, after it Md. Fifty High School students Goodwin Will Accept Work apparently smouldered for an hour from all over the or more inside the garage. Flames have been selected to go for one Head Division leaped high as the heat generated year of study. Six girls and two enough force to blow both doors Dr. Arthur L. Wooten has been IF State OKs Brook Money boys will go to Austria. Miss open. One neighbor played a appointed general manager of the Peatman will sail on the Arosastar, garden hose on the side of the Division of Ileichhold Engineer Clinton Goodwin of a student ship which will leave Dunn Awarded Haverhill, who drew up the original house and received credit for New York July 25. ding a house, Chemicals, Inc. helping avert more serious ,damage Ile will have his headquarters plans for controlling Rogers Brook Miss Irmagard Michl, daughter in 1955, has agreed informally before firefighters arrived. know local at the Ballardvale plant, where he Week At Camp of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Michl of with the Board of Public Works to The alarm was sounded at 8:42 has been working as the division's Eisenstabt, Austria will arrive in !asy mortgage Daniel Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. continue with the project if the p.m. for the blaze, resulting in a Technical Director since 1957. Robert Dunn of Andover st., Bal- state comes through with $175,000 (Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page eds. l'he new division manager, who re- lardvale, was awarded a one week ceived his doctorate from the in matching funds. campership at Camp Onway. Ile Goodwin told Board members University of Michigan in 1948, last week attended Camp Onway Monday night that he will charge has been connected with RCI con.: with other members of Troop 76 the same percentage fee — an Litterbugs Make Residents tinuously since 1943, when, as a and was awarded his "Blue 0" overall 9.8 percent — as he had junior at the University of Ala- and Swimming Merit Badge. agreed to charge in 1955. He es- bama, he joined the Production This campership was given to timated the contraction cost, based Dread Saturdays - Grant Control Department in Tuscaloosa, Troop 76 for good scouting, Chris- on a low bid of 8248,888.80 in Ala. Ile was one of the group in tian fellowship and cooperation 1955, at slightly over 8300,000 charge of the laboratory there and was given to Robert by the today. His fee would be 9.8 per- during his final undergraduate staff of Camp Onway and Troop cent of the construction cost, less year at Alabama. 76 junior leaders. The junior some 812,389 paid him by the In 1944, he worked at the pilot leaders are John McIntyre, junior town for work done on the project assistant scout leader and senior (Continued on Page 12) three years ago. patrol leader William Butler. lie said the plans must be Troop 76 again won "Camp checked and some changes made LARGE SELECTION Honors" for the week and the because conditions have changed OF PICNIC SUPPLIES following accomplishments were since they were drawn. 'This would awarded: William Batchelder; AND GRILLS be included in the overall fee, he "Red C" and swimming merit indicated. ER bade; William Butler, swimming The Board has not yet heard COLE PAINT merit badge, personal fitness from the State Division of Water- 1,; MAIN STRETT TEL. 1156 badge, cooking badge and "Blue ways, which gave verbal promises 0", Donald Brouck, first class that the state would come through IANK scout and swimming merit badge; with the matching funds as soon METHUEN, Ronald Carbon, "Red C", and as letters had been received from first class scout; Harry Dustin, "Red C", Clayton Smith, first (Continued on Page Six) class swimming badge; Paul Bolter, "Red C" and first class (Continued on Page Six) 3 On List For Police Sgt. To the Editor of the Townsman: from the picture should be men- TREE SPRAYING The Selectmen are expected to "The enclosed photograph, tioned however. 'The papers, appoint a new police sergeant which were taken on Chandler strewn from a passing car, were Insects can MURDER your/ tomorrow. rd. on a recent Saturday, give a found to all be less than a week priceless shade trust Selectman Stafford A. Lindsay said he anticipates action on the good idea of why the residents old. This would indicate that of Beacon st. and Chandler rd. they came from the home of a Your DEPENDABLE ESTIMATES part of his Board, after receipt of a list from the state Civil Service hate to see Saturday come and neat housekeeper who doesn't source for Doctors GRATIS Commission. are glad to see it go. A book let old newspapers accumulate Named on the three-man list could be written on the subject around the house and who, you ber. . • • prescriptions and were Alfred Robb, 98 Main st., of the weekly pilgrimage to the may be sure, would not appreciate. Andover dump, but since a picture is worth 1848 with a grade of 91.53; George a stack of papers scattered over an Art .. • " Household Drugs Porter of Memorial car., grade of a thousand words this letter will her own lawn. If she would .just 90.40; and William F. Tammany, be kept short. caution her hubby to please use Yes, we specialize in the 15 Brechin ter., grade of 85.67. "One observation not evident care in loading his trailer or compounding of prescrip- With the appointment of a fifth trunk for the weekly trek, we who, tions. But we also carry sergeant, it has been reported that CALL 1943 live on Beacon and Chandler ample stocks of drugs and one will be assigned to permanent would be so-o-o grateful. sundries, nutritional aids, investigation work. D. W. Grant sickroom supplies. Make this your Family Drug Store —a dependable REAL ESTATE )*P RENT THE source for your varied OUR ONLY BUSINESS TASTEFULLY FRENCH household needs. JOHN HEWITT NEW ANDOVER ON Iland-carved Almond Wood Group of furniture beauty D.A.V.HALL RITA HEWITT SEE PAGE 11 DALTON Nssociate Realtor 40 Park Street 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER . for Weddings, Ban- PHARMACY Buying — Selling Stubip Shoppe Cross St. l_uwieru e quets, Get- Together s, etc. MAIN AT PARK ST. Property Management 124 ILL. MU 5-5121 TEL. I07 THE TOWNSMAN TEL S. 973-1834 Oolorl Ele•1.111•• CALL AND. 702 OR 8553

LIER JULY 10, 1958

,OF.ST PARISH F •T ATE 1,11.1 F. IS $77,840 P F.RSO NA L Mr, and Mrs. estate of Arolur Cad .er. ...ersw on toe 1. O'Hara '-mover is $77,8-40.- of Rivet st. spent ,as: New York A,t 4f toe West (. .n,tch last P,5, :-. an inventors filed City. ,rr.lo g were the gift of Sev in tae Re.:.,:ry of Probate. fie had 111000001)0000copecooccom1 dr ter in rnernor• personal property worth $39,840.- ceorge M, it was stated and realty Jlu ar,r-raised at S3P.,rfiri. tr. O'Hara, woo died ,ass Ali. girraNc. ANDOVER • r.e-i,eatned SAI.J.J., to friends Asuovtu e.atives and gave toe residue PLAYHOUSE -.5 ossesscons to a niece, O'Hara, and a nepnew, TowssmAs jose;..r. E.harles O'Hara, both of Established 1 Dorchester, after hequeatoinz COWBOY realty at 37 Lincoln st., for life to Glenn Ford - A--, r'os-‘ his sister-in-law, Mrs. Dora O'Hara of that town. 1 pon her death, Mr. O'Hara's set forth, this realty INVISIBLE BOY is to he to a friend, Rent, — 0-e Eyews•er .ioer Andover, provided that ,17 ART CINEMA DAYS • toe upkeep expenses of - toe tea. estate at .37 Lincoln st. L. Young -.ode tne sist er-in-law occupies

SMILES OF ...emeNSIMMatamr NATIONAL EDITORIAL A SUMMER NIGHT ASSOC7AT B or- B e re-s•o- 1 ' Cadet COCieceocceeciceppoe00000 Mr. ant h $50 to $2,000 808 Gre 1N was on ANDOVER FINANCE CORRI- SPiis DEN 1 his dill& Wrest Parish Tel. .1443 Institutt DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS COMPANY Mrs. Saran Lewis exercist Sophia Lo-e- _ Per.ins Ballardvale Tel. 267%1 Kenn( %;:,. Ruth Green of Comp Musgrove Buil Jing attender Sbawsheen Tel. 1943 RETURN TO WARBOW (Entrance A so Fro,- Lobby He was New General - - - Rifles, Phil Corer — Catherine McLeod SG. N,L: , ER 19 EUECTRIC the busi SPECTACULAR BUT BRIEF - Flames shot out of these ADDING MACHINES and Sab ADDS wooden air vents at the Marland Mills Wednesday afternoon, SUBTRACTS 100100 was sp MULTIPLIES July 3, but firefighters quickly brought them under control, Fire s C.I. Copecii. 1104 Plus Tax niisher, PACE PARKING ON runtsts Chief Henry L. Hilton said fire came up through the wooden member vents from tne drying room below, where there had been a brief A. K. Thomas Co. years; ai 17. , Cs...4m St MU MP NU 11111 average electrical fire. (Staff Photo) he won I to spea Last year the company factored claimed Finger Elected nearly $15,000,000. This year it event pi is factoring at the rate of approxi- At dr mately $25,000,000 annually. received Bank President Twelve years ago, when the America] Louis S. Finger, vice president local men launched Boltaflex for zenship' and treasurer of the Andover upholstery in their office and sioned Savings Bank, has been elected warehouse in High Point, it was lence r president by the Board of Trus- through associations formed as a Cornpetil tees. He also becomes a member result of selling to the furniture award. of the Board of Investment. and allied industries that they varsity Hartigan harmacy The meeting also accepted the became acquainted with the Raw- member re. 'C06 resignation of Burton S. Flagg as leigh company. ball teat president, a post he has held Now they have purchased stock, football ....ov,. MASS since 1917. convertible bonds and options on '[his fal Named to succeed Mr. Finger as stock, which if exercised, will ul- his stud You May Pay Your Telephone Bill Here • president and treasurer is timately give them over 55 percent Technolt throe Newcomb, who also was of the stock of this rapidly grow- erected to the Board of Trustees. ing firm. The transaction was SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS completed early this month and it promises to take the company True Motoring Safety Bought Into high in the field of finance, na- WHICH MAN PASSED tionally. N. C. Business THE N. P.* TEST? Can Never Cost Less! Daniel E. Hogan Jr., John Bol- PERSONAL ten Sr., and John Bolten Jr., all Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Bisset and • s,sEIt PERCENT of Andover and Samuel S. Dennis son, Billy, are enjoying a motor trip to Canada. The poised, smartly-dressed man at 3rd., of the law firm of the left of course. You con tell at a GET NEW Hale and Dorr have been elected glance . and that's why the Ninety• directors of the J. N. Rawleigh PERSON-I-WISE Percent Test is so important. People company of High Point, N.C., a EMPLOYMENT AGENCY judge you by what they sett (some• firm which specializes in acting. times that's all they ha.. to go on) 477 ESSEX ST., LAW. MU 6.1371 as a factor for the furniture in- and ninety percent of what they i.e dustry. Various Positions Available of you is what you wear. The fresh A factoring firm purchases ac- • Managerial • Industry:1 finish of drycleaned clothes is more counts receivable from manufac- • Stenograpn:c . Draft:, ; than on extra touch . . t he a taxer GENERAL in the buttonhole. It's on integral part turing concerns. OUR HELP AMIABLY GIVEN of good grooming. The state of your clothes tells volumes about the kind TUBELESS TIRES of person you are. In fact, your Fill in Your Old (Jetties never stop talking about you. ON TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET LENOX CHINA PATTERN New riding comfort, quicker Twice a year Lenox produces these stops, plus the extra SPECIAL ORDER PATTERNS If / our pattern is listed below, order those much strength of Nygen Cord and wanted pieces now! YOUR the extra mileage of new Orders received by July 31 CLEANER IS YOUR Hi-Density Rubber . . . all will be delivered in October. CLOTHES BEST yours in The General Tire. Only the patterns listed are available on special FRIEND order. Current Lenox patterns are available from Drive in today. Get the most open stock at all times. in safety . . . on terms to Arrowhead Cinderella Mystic REMEMBER suit your budget. Athenia Country Garden Nocturne We are exclusive Ajents for Aurora Daybreak Nydia 'CRAVENETTE" Water- Oak Leaf Maroon Repellants in this area, Autumn Fairfield Check and send in your gar- Pavlova Avon Fairmount ments that require this kind TUBELESS TIRE Peachtree of service . today. Bellefonte Hanover Pinehurst HEADQUARTERS Bellevue Maroon Lyric Priscilla Blue Ridge Malmaison Sonnet Blue Tree Mandarin Southern Gardens Bradford Manor Springfield Cascade Ming Stanford Cattail Ming-Temple Trio Lustre Celeste Ming-Coupe Victoria CLEANSERS FAY & DRISCOLL Full price information upon request. 223 ANDOVER ST. 576 HAVERHILL ST. LAWRENCE MU 3-3131 Orders must be placed by July 31st. LAWRENCE YOUR GENERAL TIRE DISTRIBUTOR TEL. MU 5-5842 Inc. DAILY PICK-UP AND OPEN TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 Andover Gift House 10.12 PARK STREET TEL. 1822 DELIVERY IN ANDOVER 8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 10, 1958 3 HAL $5,150,000 ESTATE d Mts. Wt,lia r . • countries for courses in home hall; Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Cadet Earned Estimated worth of the estate of Bus Bid Went st. spent ,a,t economics, nursing and library anti daughters, Nancy and Patricia City. Abbot Stevens of No. Andover is science. Several Awards $5,150,000, it was disclosed when To James Lowe of Islington; Mr. and Mrs. Roy OFJOCCCCCroecyceoac In addition to courses leading Russell and daughter, Janet of cl Judge John V. Phelan approved James Lowe, on his low bid of to a master's degree, the School his will in the Probate Court in $5,125 plus 37 cents per utile of Library Science will provide Andover; Mrs. William Riley and Salem and appointed Horace N. above the daily 75 mile maximum, refresher courses for men and Miss Phyllis Duncan. Stevens Jr., of No. Andover, a was awarded a school bus contract women already working in libraries cousin, and the Old Colony Trust by the School Committee. and give opportunity for spe- ARAM Co. of Boston as co-executors. The contract was awarded sub- cialized training, according to The testator, who died May 15, ject to Lowe meeting all specifica- Kenneth I.. Shaffer, director of BARNARD signed the testament last Jan. tions, however. Ile had told Supt. the School. DWSSMASI 13 and gave most of his tangible Edward I. Erickson and other mem- Among those attending the I A personal property to his widow, bers of the Committee he will ES.7, S-111,1 Library School is Carol A. Des- Since Mrs. Dorothy II. Stevens of No. establish residence here by fall. Roches, 77 Maple ave. Sessions N Andover. All of his stock in J. P. Lowe currently lives in Methuen run through Aug. R. Stevens and Co., Inc., was left with his wife and children. S 1930 Iii to the Abbot H. and Dorothy II. A provisional award, to the next FAMILY COOKOUT Stevens foundation, created for lowest bidder, was voted in case Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Russell and U Serving N charitable purposes in 1953. Lowe can't meet the residence re- son, Warren, of Chester st. en- His personal property has a quirement. lie is William Watson. tertained at a family cookout R YO111. C value of approximately $5,000,000, Attempts to contact Town Coun- recently with the following attend- the judge was informed, and his sel Vincent A. Stulgis during the ing: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hall A EV (1 1.‘ Y realty has been tentatively Committee meeting were unsuc- and Jane, Fred, Ruth and Virginia appraised at 8150,000. cessful, thus the decision to award Legacies totaling $600,000 were the contract to Lowe subject to • DIAMONDS • N Insurance ONAL EDITORIAL left to the Lawrence General the specifications. C e 1ASSOC'!AT Hospital, the North Parish in North Need KENNETH L. PAUL Andover, the Stevens Memorial MISS DesROCIIES 'JOHN H.GRECOE E Cadet Kenneth L. Paul, son of library in North Andover, the North AT SUMMER SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Paul, Summer programs at Simmons Jeweler — Optician 36 MAIN AT BARNARD ST. X300000CCCCODoecoocl Andover Historical society, Phil- College have attracted students MR Great Pond rd., No. Andover, 40 MAIN 830 Tel. 202 — Eve. 1214 lips Academy in Andover and from 21 states and six foreign ST. PHONE lws was one of 83 cadets to receive . )RRE51' , 04 BEN rs his diploma at Bordentown Military Half of Stevens' adjusted gross arish Tel. 2445 Institute's 73rd commencement estate was placed in trust for his Mrs. Sarah Le.i, exercises Tuesday, June 10. widow with other funds. Ile vale Tel. 267M Kenneth, a captain in command directed that his residence and of Company C in the Cadet Corps, Mrs. Ruth Gr..en grounds on Osgood st., No. And- \Istuisix.) attended B.M.I. for eight years. over be maintained, and that Edge- teen Tel. 1943 Ile was a member of the Landon wood farm there be continued as Rifles, the crack drill unit; was w General ... a business. ELECTRIC the business manager of the Sword His realty and farm were left ADDING MACHINES and Sabre, the annual publication; in trust to Phillips academy along with the residue of the estate, but NAM was sports editor of the Skir- TIMES plus Tax misher, the newspaper; was a the realty is to go to the cousin, VNICEC. PaING ON MMUS member of the Press Club for five Horace N. Stevens Jr., upon the K. Thomas Co. 'ears; and maintained an academic death of the survivor of the testa- Comm.. S1 OW ,117 Nn VSISI average of 84.25 per cent. In 1957 tor's widow and his sister, Mrs. he won the Isaac Thorne impromp- Caroline S. Rogers of No. Andover, the will said. T ansAional tu speaking medal and in 1955 claimed the Palmer Davis current 4\ event prize. Homemakers Saw At the current exercises Paul co 'tons received the New Jersey Sons of Floral Exhibits American Revolution "Good Citi- zenship" medal, the Non-Commis- The Suburban Homemakers Club sioned Officers' General Excel- met June 12 at the home of Mrs. lence medal and the Company M. E. Collins, 15 Linwood st. Competitive Drill first place Mrs. Charles Arnold, a tnember award. Kenneth earned Junior of the Andover Garden Club, de- varsity athletic letters as a monstrated several flower arrange- member of the Little Army base- ments and instructed the group on ball team as second baseman and different displays, after which football squad as a half-back. Mrs. Collins was hostess at a tea. This fall 'Paul plans to continue In the evening, the group en- his studies at Drexel Institute of joyed a barbecue with the hus- Technology, , Pa. bands as guests. Herbert Fordham, member of the Waltham Field Station, gave a lecture on shrubbery. Twenty-four people attended, with Mr. and Mrs. PJI\124 I . Collins as hosts. ICH MAN PASSED The next meeting will be held THE N. P.* TEST? ,ept. 18. A later announcement %MAcoiv. will be made as to the time and NINETY PERCENT by Lerner place. and Loewe poised, trnartly•dressed mon at ft of course. You con tell at o RECEIVES AWARD . and that's why the Ninety- Miss Judith Hall was recently . Test is so important. People awarded the Junior Camp Award you by what they see (some ut Merit at the Boston University that's all they ho•k to go on) ROBERTA Sargent Camp at Peterboro, N.H. inety percent of what they 00. Thru July 12 One girl receives this award each is what yew wear. Th. Fresh 0 year and it is voted by the Faculty of dryclooned clothe' is mots and Student body. The award is an extra touch . a Rower integral part based on Scholastic ability and buttonhole. It's on all round school activities. Miss nd grooming. The state of your t tells volumes about the kind Ilan is the daughter of Mr. and your WA 2-850U BOX 62, Beverly Mrs. John W. Hall Jr. of Dascomb 1130f1 you ore. In fact, never step talking about you. or Elander G Swanton, Inc. rd. and will enter her senior year at Sargent in the fall.

HOUR DRY CLEANING 4 SERVICE AVAILABLE YOUR SILK — COTTON - CLEANER IS YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND , DRESSES 79c Expertly Dry Cleaned and Pressed EMEMBER Agents for are exclusive Water- AVENETTE" ellonts in this area, ck and send in your par- FREE-Mothproofing ts that require this kind left: one-piece blouson favorite . . today. iervice with white Peter Pan collar, twin pockets, three-quarter sleeves. Red/black plaid. Marvelously washable. 7 to 15 SHIRTS 21c right: plucket-fronted sheath LAUNDERED 8. REFINISHED sporting a perky bow-tied collar, "stye tabbed 3/4 sleeves. Red/black plaid. For sizes CLEANSERS 7 to 15 220 AMDOVER L AWR El!CE CITY MU 5-5842 DAILY Plu• r CLEANERS & DYERS 8 PARK :LIVERY IN .1. STREET ANDOVER


Norcester in tustrialist and former Mr. and Mrs. Illri•ii "slit• was active in and Subscribe to the Obituar y... cit), councilor, family of (.11.iniller arr ?lathy civic and charitable organiza- enl B inh the SIRS. I MILY Ill 11. itiotitle. tions in Vtortester. their cottage at Ilip, 1 \Ir.. ,1,1(0 I he funeral of Besides her parents and %. , !tiff, t for,er \n lover kilker band, she is survived by two son, Mr . Sirs. Joseph ., I . t, Juls ( "ink!), and 3 e-t e Permanent George F.. Duffy II and David N. Miss trace Ganley of Ikashington, '1111Z , .hurch, Guaranteed Results Duffy, both of Minneapolis, Minn.. D. C. have returned to their home A r Dr. II is .171 GreeleN . Director mass. Electrolog ists a daughter, Cornelia, wife of after enjoying a vacation Preston, rector, off ii fated and with Mr. ERMA RHODES — Andover James 1. Ustheimcr of Man- and Sirs. Philip \100ar of Lowell banal was in that efts. chester; also .1 sister, Mrs. David st. mrs. Duffs was born in Andover Masen, Miss ('earl I.eete of Palmer, is time datii‘thter of James N. spending several weeks with litatieth kinnea0 Balker. " her sister, Mrs. I.awrence (homes of Every FRIDAY At , in after -oved to Ilor e otrtarteonerti Bailey rd. ner ^arria:e Doff, Friends of Charles 'Newton will RICKEY'S be sorry to learn that he is ill at - FISH - r---SAKRETE his home on Boutwell rd. Mr. and Sirs. Ernest Fieldhouse FRIED CLAMS Ce have returned to their home on River rd., after spending the - CHIPS - 80 lb. 1.65 weekend with friends in Spring- field. EAT OR TAKE HOME BAG Miss Anna Neninger of Irving. 11 a.m. — 7 p.m. Tel. MU 6-6149 ton, N.J. is enjoying a visit at For Quick Service the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phone 3012 W. Taylor of Chandler cir. — Next to Depot — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Head and family of Rolling Ridge rd., are vacationing at Provincetown. FREE Parking for our customers at Eidam•s Mrs. C. A. Payne and her daughter Anne of 'Theodore ave., • CHARGE S BUDGET • LAY-AWAY are enjoying a two weeks' vaca- Open FRIDAY and Tuesday Id 9 Carlene Ann Erickson, tion with Mrs. Payne's mother Mrs. daughter of School Supt. and W. J. Austin of Fort North, Texas. Mrs. Edward I. Erickson, 43 Miss Isabelle 'Bobbie has re- turned to her home on Shawsheen Whittier st., became the bride ral rd. after spending a week with came of Thomas M. Darby, son of , t friends at Hallowell, Me. John Darby, 19 Washington 1,„etwa MISS JOYCE L. MMIAT Mr. and Mrs. Gayton Abbott of IN Mowat Somerville, were Sunday guests Simon — ave., June 28 in St. August- ,ung snop Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Mowat ine's Church. (Look) of Miss Marion Abbott of Cedar rd. •Lie o of Pine st., announce the engage- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thumser imour • ART SUPPLIES • CAMERAS • DARK ROOM roent of their daughter, oyce Sally Anne N1cCourbrie, cousin of River rd., spent the past week Elaine, to Earl E. Simon, son of of the bridegroom, of King's Park, with relatives in Garden City, EQUIPMENT • DEVELOPING • PRINTING Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Simon, 577 N. Y. and Miss Elizabeth Edling L. I., N. Y. Haverhill st., Lawrence. of Schenectady, N.Y. The flower Edward Tyzbin of Lowell Junc- Wa 270 ESSEX ST. LAWRENCE (Ne=t to we.ner's ,...1342 Miss Mowat is a graduate of girl was Pebecca Newhall, niece tion rd., is a medical patient at Lowell State Teachers College of the bride. The matron of honor the Massachusetts General and is a music supervisor and Wa and bridesmaids were gowned Hospital. band director in the Andover "Lob GEO. W. HORNE CO. alike in pink, blue and yellow Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks of Schools. Mr. Simon is a veteran be requi brocaded taffeta sheaths, with River st. visited with Mr. and LAWRENCE, MASS. of the U. S. Nary and is attending Works b large bouffant bows in the back. Mrs. 0. T. Collins of Townsend TAN AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK Lowell State Teachers College. Harbor recently. Manilla( Their headpieces were lace Charles Jacobson of Andover tie in I SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING caplets and they carried ivory st., Ballardvale, has joined Mrs. the 10-i Telephone 7339 Established 1854 fans with matching colored mums. 113irths• • • Jacobson and son "Cheeky" at Secre The best man was Franklin S. SAGASER — A daughter, Cathe- Melvin Village, Lake Winnepe- mented Coyle of Providence, E. I. and rine Anne, July 1, at Lawrence saukee, for two weeks. formatic Water General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. the ushers were Thomas Knowlton Mrs. John Birch and children of Donald Sagaser, 195 Holt rd. The of Beverly, David Newhall, Tewksbury st., and Mrs. Theodore plain tI Announcing .• brother of the bride, of Cambridge, inch fin mother was the former Janyce Demdkowski of Lowell Junction main. I Westcott. Miles Pendleton of Andover and rd., Ballardvale, are vacationing other I DEYERMOND — A daughter, Robert L. Dea of Newton. at Naples, Me. fire oc SPECIAL for July & August Corene Napier, July 1, at Lawrence A reception followed the cere- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Znamierow- system General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. mony in the Church vestry. ski and sons, Jerry and Joseph, posed Robert Deyermond Jr., 1 Howell The bride is a graduate of and Miss Blanche Znamierowski from tl 817.50 st. The mother was the former E. Burlington, Vt., High School and of Lowell Junction rd., spent Sunday at Beaver Lake, N. H. there, tI orene Thompson. the University of . She would bi Permanents oni, '10.00 MALESNIK — a daughter Jul). has taught in Alburg and Middle Bassi bury High Schools for the past CREME LA\OLI% .2, at Bon Secours Hospital, to GEORGE A. PARKER standar( Mr. and Mrs. Richard Malesnik, three years. from I Complete hair style cut and Creme rinse. 11 Binney st. The mother was The bridegroom is a graduate HEATIU routine Evelyn Kmiec. of Phillips Academy and Union !:DITIDNING inch m 5 Lowell Street COX — A daughter July 3, at College, Schenectady, N. Y. and Industrial and Sneem 'kirk present Bon Secours Hospital to Mr. and has done graduate work at Boston stand-131 15 POST OFFICE AVE. ANUOVER Shawsheen Villa; e Mrs. Vincent T. Cox, 7 York st. University. Ile is a mathematics eight-in Peggy TEL. 2( The mother is the former Dorothy and science teacher at Hebron to be us Barry. Academy, Hebron, Me. But if sure, he For Appointment DeVRIES — .A boy born July 7 After a wedding trip, the Evening Appointments not wot at Children's Hospital, San couple will live in Hebron. Available Coll Andover 1639 the bui, Francisco, Cal., to Dr. and Mr,. Bassi Pieter A. DeVries. Mrs. De\ ries PLUMBING the fire is the former Josephine Bernardin, today's Personals... that a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and SIrs. Gerald Brent and the an A. Bernardin of 11 .Abbot st. son, Jimmy, of Burnham rd., spent needs o the weekend at Pagus Bay on Lake Eventua IVI I;innepesaukee. plant it luta, etre • • • Miss Janet Sherry of Ballardvale than di The Shoet You Love To ,i.e In is employed for the summer at HEATING eombine MeCOL BRIE — NI ‘%Il SLE Girl Scout Camp Weetamoo, West- Before the cnancel of the ford. Burlington, Vt., Methodist Church Miss Lucille Sherry of Coral REPAIRS Saturday, June 21, Miss Susan Gables, Fla., is vacationing at JULY Tillotson Newhall, daughter of the home of Richard Sherry, 247 RENOVATIONS Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Newhall Andover st. of Burlington, became the bride The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Rosen- NATION-WIDE of Robert James McCourbrie Jr., bled, with their youngsters, will INSTALLATIONS son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mc- leave tomorrow by plane for Courbrie of Andover. The Rev. Kansas, to visit Mrs. liosenblad's Calvin S. Malefyt performed the family. CLEARANCE louble-ring ceremony, assisted • CALL 128 I IN= Mr. and Mrs. Grant Silva and by the bride's uncle, the Rev. their daughter, Judy, have returned Lucius 0. Tillotson. to their home on Maple ave., after Given in marriage by her father, spending the weekend at York W.H. the bride was gowned in white Beach, `le. L,rocaded taffeta fashioned with a V neckline and short sleeves. JOSEPH E. STEELE "Thi, The floor-length skirt fell in un- MASON out'!" pressed pleats in the front and FIREPLACES FLANTENS swept out in a full-length godet CHIMNEYS ERICK. STEPS WELCH in the back, caught by a many- Anything in ice Masonry line looped bow at the waist. She wore TEL. MU 8-8586 or 8-7932 COMPANY Di and her mother's floor-length veil of after E.: . " 7" imported French silk illusion TI' '6 with a wide lace border attached to Brussels lace crown. She carried white roses centered with Summer Clearance Swirl pink sweetheart roses. The matron of honor was Mrs Rodney W. -.,ter of the Regular styles as :r: le. „.•ri Dresses and Sportswear nationally advertised $9.95 to $11.95 '-• HERMAN TAYLOR MOVERS Rath colla~taid

• Summer Hours REINHOLD'S HERBERT KRAUSS 261 bEAC J,- STREET 13.15 MAIN ST. TEL. 78 AND. 1785 — MU 6-6654_ THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 10, 1958 5 rind Sirs. l'.aworth • ELECTED TO !oily of chaniiI, ir., are Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN the simmer BOARD OF DIRECTORS 111011(11S at ottago at Itig Island l'orid, Hollis I'. Fowler of Andover, retiring president of the Merrimack ANTIQUES RESTORED ind Mrs. Joseph Valley Chapter of the National Furniture repaired and Hetinisned ( "knit!), and in Antique or Modem Finishes race („knley of Washington, Association of Accountants, was have returned to their home elected to the National Board of Free Estimates njoyin,.! a vacation with Mr. Directors of the National Associa- Philip klonar of Lowell tion of Accountants at the annual John S. Gail meeting held in Chicago June 23, TEL. MU 3-6702 Pearl Leete of Palmer, is according to Leo Measter of New- rig several weeks with her buryport, chairman of the local Mrs. Lawrence !homes of delegation. The 39th international rd. accounting conference of the ads of Charles \ewton will National Association of Account- ry to learn that he is ill at ants was held at the Conrad Hilton ne on Boutwell rd. in Chicago, June 23-25 with a re- cord attendance of over 2,500 NEXT TIME - TREAT and Mrs. Ernest Fieldhouse members from the Association's YOUR CAR TO OUR returned to their home on 137 Chapters located throughout rd., after spending, the this country and front over 60 id with friends in Spring- foreign countries. ALL - POINT , Anna Neninger of Irving- VACATION SCHOOL I.J. is enjoying a visit at A very enthusiastic group of kme of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph young people gathered at the West GREASE JOB for of Chandler cir. Church Vestry Monday morning for and Mrs. Arthur Head and the opening session of the Daily WITH VEEDOL LUBRICANE of Rolling Ridge rd., are Vacation Bible school which will ming at Provincetown. last for the next two weeks. Over C. A. Payne and her 40 were in attendance and there FREE er Anne of Theodore ave., were a staff of 18 Teachers. The PICK-UP & DELIVERY ijoying a two weeks' vaca- Rev. Hugh Penney is in charge. ith Mrs. Payne's mother Mrs. Children from Kindergarten age Call Phil or Joe ,ustin of Fort Worth, Texas. through the sixth grade are in- Isabelle Dobbie has re- cluded in the enrollment. to her home on Shawsheen OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ter spending a week with DAILY 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; at Hallowell, Me. PROTECT and Mrs. Gayton Abbott of SUNDAYS 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. IN PARTIAL USE - The Indian Ridge playground was partially in use this Monday, as BABY'S were Sunday guests youngsters played around town equipment leveling off the last of 28 loads of fill dumped into s Marion Abbott of Cedar rd. the old school site. The grader made quick work of the and Mrs. Thomas Thumser remaining piles of fill, while a small HEALTH - amount of playground equipment was set up and used. (Staff Photo) 'er rd., spent the past week GIVE THE NEW ELM STREET relatives in Garden City, MOTHER A N. Y. come from the river, or possibly The committee set July 15 as the Wants Info On from a reservoir of water pro- date of the next meeting and Gift Certificate ,ard Tyzbin of Lowell June- cessed through the filter beds voted to invite the finance com- Service Station d., is a medical patient at there. The capacity of these is mittee to sit in with them to hear from Massachusetts General Water Supply millions of gallons daily, Bassett the informal report. JOE CONNOR, Prop. :al. "Lots more information" will explained. Supt. Erickson was authorized and Mrs. George Sparks of PRIDE'N JOY 15 ELM ST. ANDOVER he required by the Board of Public Board member Francis Reilly to write to the state department of DIAPER SERVICE st. visited with Mr. and suggested that no additional education and seek waivers on D. T. Collins of Townsend Works before it gives the Raytheon MU 8-5454 TEL. 712 Manufacturing Co. permission to water be given the plant until some teachers in the system who r recently. some cooperation is given towards do not hold certificates. rles Jacobson of Andover tie in an eight-inch water line to the 10-inch Haverhill st. main. a study. lallardvale, has joined Mrs. The attention of Board members son and son "Chucky" at Secretary Albert Cole Jr. com- Fettes Celebrate Is It ENOUGH? mented about the amount of in- was also directed to a shortage of Village, Lake Winnepe- water in Shawsheen Heights last e, for two weeks. formation needed, after hearing 50th Anniversary You probably have fire insurance in an amount you Water Supt. Donald Bassett ex- week, when insufficient water . John Birch and children of pressure resulted in dripping, N1r. and Mrs. Lthirles I, ettes, 5 plain the firm already has a six- thought would be enough to replace your home if it ;bury st., and Sirs. Theodore instead of running, faucets. Buxton ct., recently celebrated burned. But how long has it been since you checked cowski of Lowell Junction inch fire line running off the same their 50th wedding anniversary. main. Cole pointed out, as did The Raytheon matter was left 3allardvale, are vacationing up to Bassett, but Board members 'They were married in the Free that amount against today's high building costs? What ales, Me. other Board members, that if a Church July 3, 1908. Both are you paid then isn't what it would cost you today. We fire occurred, with a sprinkler pressed strongly for additional and Mrs. Gerald Znamierow- details, and hopefully suggested natives of Arbroath, Scotland and system operating from the pro- can write the additional insurance you should have nd sons, Jerry and Joseph, that further cooperation from Ray- came here in their early 20's. posed eight-inch line and hoses You may need it tomorrow. diss Blanche Lnamierowski theon towards an overall study Mr. and Mrs. Fettes have 10 right now. front the six-inch main already owell Junction rd., spent might go far towards solving the children: James of Lawrence, y at Beaver Lake, If. there, the amount of water pressure problem. Frank of Connecticut; Evelyn, wife would be practically non-existent. of William McLay, Marion, wife of SMIALT IFILACC., IINC. Bassett said the firm has a NEWS FROM THE Andrew MacLachlan, Dorothy, wife ORGE A. PARKER standard six-inch main running SCHOOL COMMITTEE of Walter Lonardo, Muriel, wife of from York st., which supplies A contract to make repairs to John Fleming, all of Lawrence; 91i_d4449100 ..odice routine water needs. The six- the chimney at the Central Ele- Edith, wife of William St. Cyr, BANK BUILDING ANDOVER TEL. AND. 870 inch main off Haverhill st. at mentary school was awarded to Manchester, N. H.; Florence, wife Sustrial aria Seer Anrk present is supposed to be for the American Chimney Corporation of Jerome Lavoie of Connecticut; stand-by fire protection. The new on its low bid of $1,282. The con- 'ST OFFICE AVE, ANDOVER June, wife of Thomas McGowan of eight-inch, he continued, is also tract was awarded after Supt. Billerica and Miss Joan Fettes of TEL. 2610 to be used only for fire protection. Edward I. Erickson informed the F. A. IIISCOX Co. Andover. Hut if there is insufficient pres- members that he had investigated The couple has 28 grandchildren sure, he said, the sprinklers would and found the firm to be thoroughly 60 MAIN ST. ANDOVER 21 and five great grandchildren. not work on the upper floors of reliable. Mr. Fettes recently retired from the building. The Mobile Electric Company the 'Tyer Rubber Co., where he Bassett also commented that of Revere was awarded a contract was employed for 45 years. PLUMBING the firm had been told previously to make repairs to the electrical TURKISH that a study of water supply in system at the junior high school. the area, and of the eventual The contract will cover work on Work Party needs of the firm, should be made. the first two floors. Contract TOWELS Eventually, he continued, the prices are $1,568.75 for the first For Pre-School — for the beach or camp. plant will use more water daily floor and $4,500 for the second Heavy, thirsty terry in than does the rest of the town floor. The next parents' work party of all colors ... by Field- HEATING combined. Much of this would Member William A. Doherty felt the Free Church Co-Operative that the entire building should be Pre-School will be held Friday, crest, Martex and Calla- subject to electrical repair at this July 11, in the Lower Parish Hall way. :PAIRS time but the board decided to put of the Church at 8 p.m. At that the matter off until possibly time parents will complete the iNOVATIONS December before repairing the finishing of large hollow blocks Fieldcrest Maytime Tovvel, third floor. In this way, the main- for use in the school. Old clothes, tenance appropriation will not be paint brushes, old dabs of paint 22 x 44 Bath Towels ea. $1.00 ISTALLATIONS seriously affected and money will from around home and scraps of 16 x 28 Guest Towels ea. 594 be available for emergency repairs sandpaper will be in order. 12 x 12 Wash Cloths ea. in the fall if necessary when Mrs. Raymond Durham, 17 Kenil- 294 classes reopen. worth st., reports that quite a few Colors: Pink, Blue, Gold and Charcoal CALL 128 The Harding Uniform Company registrations have already been was awarded the contract to supply received. Mrs. Durham, the School the school department with uni- treasurer, urges parents who are Martex Westminster Towels W.H. forms for the band at a figure of interested in having their children 85,175. attend the school to have their 24 x 46 Bath Towels ea. $1.98 A communication from John M. registrations in to her at once to 16 x 28 Guest Towels ea. 984 Kemper of the salary evaluation avoid disappointment. The size 12 x 12 Wash Cloths ea. 494 "This isn't chat I meant by Veins committee, reported that an infor- of the class will be limited to out'!" mal report would be available at 20 pupils. Colors: Rose, Mocha, Red, Dark Green and Sand WELCH the next meeting of the committee. Callaway Bowknot Towel.. COMPANY Dine here, avoid your HOME kitchen chores 22 x 44 Bath Towels ea. $1.79 FURNISHINGS Then have a good time F.J. LEONE CO. 16 x 28 Guest Towels ea. 984 out - of-doors. 12 x 12 Wash Cloths ea. 49 arance 430 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE Colors: Rose, Yellow, Green, Pink, Blue with TAKE OUT SERV/CE metallic michelin border. portswcar SPECIAL SALE! Printed Beach Towels AIR CONDITIONERS and FANS Size 36 x 70 - $2.98 - $5.98 Wen9C6114' APE STRIPED BEACH TOWELS (?tat Size 36 x /0 $1.98 to $4.98 rte :.,: 1111VAY6 133 6. I z 5 1 NORTH ANDOVER /2 PRICE Same Prices Prevail At Both stores — Andover and Lawrence


LEADERS IN SCOUT of the Rainbow Girls. She has tor kept the fire and police de- WORK NEEDED Lowell Attorney been a member of the All Girls partment radio equipment in opera- Any woman who would like to Band for four years. tion (luring the power failure. be a leader in Girl Scout Troop Seeks Nomination 110 this coming fall is asked to 1fti•r a tour of the far-flung GOODWIN WILL contact Mrs. Hobert Demers of Fifth Conigessional District, ACCEPT WORK 29,208 Dogs In Mar land st. embracing 29 cities and towns, (Continued from Page One) 1tty. William II. Sullivan of Essex County Lowell, has formally announced the Selectmen. The town had to his candidacy for the Democratic promise it would not hold the state Not counting those which are responsible for the engineering nomination for the office. in kennels, there are 29,208 because the work was not done licensed dogs in Essex County, Atty. Sullivan plans to stress under state supervision. Such a according to the annual canine the success and outstanding re- 236 ESSEX ST. LAWRENCE letter was written and the Hoard license report issued at Salem by cords attained by other young expects to hear soon that the County Treasurer 'fliornas 2 SO. BROADWAY LAWRENCE men in public life, such as Sena- state division has allocated the Duffy of Lynn. tit' tor John F. Kennedy, who was This figure represents an in- Everything For necessary funds. ,Itt.r elected to Congress at the age Goodwin pointed out at the crease of 614 over the figure of of 29. last year he said, adding that the meeting Monday that some sections "'rout) Atty. Sullivan was born in of the work could be deleted from "dog license year" runs from FLOORS & WALLS Icing Lowell, April 26, 1929, a son of the project, depending on how April 1 to March 31. There were Joseph E. and the, late Ilelen 16,953 males, 2,339 females and - wilt bids come in. A former appropria- 't. Jut BROADLOOM Reynolds Sullivan. His father is tion tied down the project in such 9,916 listed as spayed, the report widely known as head of Sullivan set forth. Kennel licenses issued a way that only a finished job III a.r ATTY. WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN could be done. And when bids in the 34 communities during Large selection of 12 Ft. 1957-1958 total 182, Treasurer hers Brothers, one of the leading exceeded the local appropriation, invite Width Rolls - Priced from Semi A nnual Duffy stated, listing them as 144 printing firms in the East. no work could he started. The Hoar t 5,1.99 Sq. Yd. of the $10 Atty. Sullivan is one of nine $175,000 voted Oct. 22, 1956, variety, 31 of the $25 kind and 7 of the $50 category. CII children, all of whom are resi- except as it requires matching funds from the state, is not so Dog licenses in Andover total Clearance dents of Lowell. lie graduated 1458, the report recited. • ! from Lowell schools, Georgetown thoroughly tied down, thus allow- FLOOR TILES II sit University and Georgetown Uni- ing part of the work to be done. versity Law School in Washing- Gave Party lessor Large selection of Vinyl, Sale ton. A member of the Massachu- STORM CAUSED lieadi Rubber, Cork, Asphalt, setts, Federal and District of BROWN ST. FIRE For Billy Hickey 12:30 Inlaid, Plastic. Priced STARTS THLHSDAY Vridaj Columbia Bars, he is a success- from 6'2/ ea. (Continued Irons Page One) evenir Please Shop Early ful practicing attorney with Little Billy Hickey, son of Mr, long run for fire equipment. Brown WEI offices at 174 Central st., Lowell and Mrs. Joseph Hickey of Lowell (Fri nite til 9*) st. is very close to the Tewksbury ings I Ile is a veteran. Junction rd., celebrated his first line. Water pressure was stepped birthday at the home of his aunt Ball WALL TILES for best selection up at the pumping station, in a DUNN AWARDED and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Donat successful effort to keep pressure Bourassa of Ballardvale st., No. SUN Large selection of Plastic, You Know Our Values! WEEK AT CAMP available in the area. In other Wilmington, Games were enjoyed ship Steel, Vinyl, Ceramic . (Continued from Page One) years, firefighters have been by the children and refreshments, Churcl Cork, Metal. Priced from scout; :;ary Norris, "Blue 0", hampered in that section by a lack including a birthday cake were 31 ea. In Andover first class scout and cooking of pressure. served. daught merit badge; Philip Coates, "Red Although the fire was brought Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Miss BUDGET, IF YOU WISH C" and swimming merit badge; under control in about 20 minutes, Alfred 'l'allini and children, Donna, flames were visible some distance speak; PAY AS LITTLE AS $1.00 A WEEK Wayne Moore, swimming merit Donald and David; Mr. and Mrs. away. Many residents, driving Intyre badge; Kent Warner, "lied C", Robert Bourassa and daughter, along Lowell st. toward the fire, Mertnir swimming merit badge, cooking Karen; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker; said it looked as though the entire is wel merit badge and personal fitness Mr. and Mrs. Donat Bourassa; Mr. NIS house was in flames. merit badge; Allen Taylor, Pioneer and Mrs. George Kesselak and Deputy Cole said smoke and So Easy to Shop badge and swimming merit badge; children, Michael, Mark and Mary 1917 water damage occurred in the home SUN 236 Essex St. Lawrence So Easy to Park John McIntyre, forestry, personal Ellen; Harry Bourassa; Mr. and fitness badge and "Blue 0". and some furniture stored in the Mrs. Albert Frederick and children, servic 92 So. Broadway Lawrence ALL SALES FINAL Harland Moore, along with Scout breezeway was burned. There were Diane, Edward, Donald, James at given Master James Butler and Troop no cars in the garage. The Toomey Maureen; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph will I Committeemen Chairman Alco family has been on vacation but Hickey and the guest of honor. from Taylor, attended Camp Onway. Mr. Toomey was contacted in Gloucester during the evening and RETURNS TO ICELAND NORMA PEATMAN returned to Andover. AIR BASE Although the fire was the most Airman First class John A. D GOING TO AUSTRIA serious result of the storm, most avail (Continued from Page One) Goff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis residents were without power Goff of Ballardvale st., has re- Andover July 18, and will live for during the evening. Electric turned to his station at Keflack quet! one year in the home of Mr. and clocks stopped at 7:20 p.m., some- Air Force Base, Reylcjavilc, Ice- Mrs. Peatman. She will attend And- what before the actual storm hit land after spending a 15-day over High School. the town. furlough at his home. Miss Peatrnan has been active Merrimack-Electric Co. officials The airman also has twin in the West Church all her life, said a main feed line in Tewksbury brothers who are members of the having had perfect Sunday school was struck. knocking out power armed forces. Private Charles K. attendance for many years. She to most of Greater Lawrence. Goff, USMC„ stationed at Camp has been active in the Pilgrim Lights came on in most sections Lejeune, N.C. and Chief Peter J. Fellowship, recently having been after 8:30, but again went out COAT GIVES Goff, serving aboard the USS S1 1 2 elected Secretary of the organiza- around 9:30. Jupiter, C.N.S., in Yokosuka, tion. She is also Treasurer of No serious damage was reported Japan. Rl Lawrence assembly No. 15, Order to the police station but many re- OR MORE COLORS sidents called to report their power NAMED ASSISTANT AT ARE YOU DISSATISFIED off. One manhole on School st. MIAMI UNIVERSITY WITH YOUR TELEVISION started to cave in and the depart- Alan R. Petty of Memorial cif., RADIO OR PHONOGRAPH - ment placed a wooden horse at the a June graduate of Merrimack site. A small washout on Shaw- College, will study for his It's Amazing /Atm... let us re-air it sheen rd., near the sunken section, master's degree at the University Ne also required marking for the re- of Miami this fall. Ile has re- MU LTAKO LO R a resi• stant to grease mainder of the night. A wire on ceived an assistantship in che- stains, inks, crayon. dirt smudges, alcohol, and Elm st., inspected by the fire mistry at the Florida institution. F department, was found to be in fruit acids. COMMUNITY place, but a large porcelain insu- OUTDOOR DANCE RADIO TV PHOiiO SERVICE lator had been destroyed. The Ballardvale United Church , LA MU 2.;048 Emergency power from a genera- Guild is sponsoring dances at the Cle; MU LTAKOLO R can be scrubbed with Andover st. playground every plar Saturday night. Disc Jockey will soap and water or standard household detergents. non be Hoy Sharpe. en) PERSONAL MU LTAKOLOR resists wear, chipping, Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, cracking or fading is a harder and thicker ( EASIEST PAINTING EVER! formerly of Lawrence, are now film than ordinary paint. residing at 424 Andover st., Ballardvale. the easiest to apply yet ... MU LTAKOLOR makes maintenance of surfaces a simple task since ''touch up'' work of self-smoothing--no brush marks... arty minor damage can be done at any time with- out detection. and THRIFTY TOO' ;

MU LTA KO LOR us a superb finish for sheetrock, wood, masonite, cinder and cement use on woodwork, cupboards, _ block, plaster and other basic surfaces. porch and lawn furniture . ,17-7\„ Doug Howe about this question: SUPER MULTAKOLOR i, the perfect finish for poor surfaces because of its texture and depth of "On our vacation trip, my be more at ease color mind would GLOSFAST. any damage INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ENAMEL if I knew that breakage, van- DO-IT-YOURSELF PROJECTS The Decorative Enamel of 1000 uses ... from glass dalism, water overflow or TAKE ON A NEW PROFESSIONAL bursting of water pipes covered by in- '275per would be your new LOOK Use it Everywhere ...Indoors and Out! surance. Does U Homeowners Policy cover ANOTHER GREAT PATTERSON-SARGENT PRODUCT oll such damage?"

45 MAIN STREET P.or the answer to your in- questions, consult. TELS. 102. 1727 45 MAIN STREET surance DOUGLAS N. HOWE HILL'S HILL'S TEL. 102 — 17?7 52 Main St. Tel. 2208 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 3, 1958 7

the fire and police de- HOLIDAY COOKOUT HELD MONTH'S MIND MASS radio equipment in opera- Mr. and Mrs. 1,eo Pimpare of A month's mind requiem high ng the power failure. Want Light At At Tilt CHURCHES River st., ,Ballardvale held a Mass will be offered at 7:30, family cook,out on the holiday Saturday morning in St. Augus- Main & Morton with the following enjoying it: tine's Church for the late Mrs. a08 Dogs In lire North I'arisli Church cored for during the service in the Anna P. Humphrey. - Kindergarten and Nursery rooms. I lie state has been requested to Mrs. Grace Morris, Mrs. Dorothy MONDAY: 9 a.m. Second week install a blinking caution light at Morin and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ix County the corner of Main and Morton sts., John Mc K inn oh and family and NII1Y: I) .i.m. 11orning service of the Daily Vacation Church It is a Pleasure to Learn counting those which are School. following a conference between Oscar Evans all of Salem; Mr. and Woor,hip with sermon. Miss Rita the selectmen, police chief and at nnels, there are 29,208 I, of Andover will be the THURSDAY: Women's Union Mrs. Richard Berube and children d dogs in Essex County, Picnic. members of an Andover Service of Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Club committee. D and G ng to the annual canine Andover Baptist Church McKinnon and family of Danvers report issued at Salon, by Christ Church Selectman Stafford Lindsay said DONALD 1. RYDER, Pastor and Mr. and Mrs. I,eo Pimpare AUTO SCHOOL Treasurer Thomas V. 11)1114 D. MC)SES, Hector the result of the meeting, in addi- ;old family. FRIDAY: The Youth Fellowship tion to requesting the blinker, f Lynn. 1 \DAY: The Sixth Sunday YOUR ONLY figure represents an in- Trinity. 8 a.m. Holy Comma- will leave the church in the after- will be to post Main st„ School noon for the st., Elm st., Lowell st., Ilaverhill Window Shades—Traverse Rods of 614 over the figure of n. 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and FIRST ar he said, adding that the region for a weekend of camping. st. and Shawsheen rd. for 20-mile Venetian Blinds s,rmon, Mr. Bill. Sermon Title: On On Sunday they will worship at the speeds. LESSON license year" runs from !teirig a Friend of God, "Abraham Cleaned—Re-taped—Re-Corded $2.00 to March 31. There were Cathedral of the Pines. Frank I.. Brigham, Irving J. was called the Friend of God" males, 2,339 females and SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Sunday Whitcomb, Joseph Doherty, and St. James 2:23. A competent baby- Morning Worship will be conducted Douglas Howe attended for the S.A. Shiepe Co., Inc. MU. 6-3212 isted as spayed, the report -,itting service will be provided at th. Kennel licenses issued by the Rev. Donald J. Ryder, Service Club. 227 Hampshire St. — MU 2.7403 337 ELM ST , I AsMENr1 10 a.m. in the Parish House. Mem- pastor. There will be special Chief David Nicoll explained 34 communities during bers and friends are cordially 358 total 182, Treasurer music and the topic of the morn- later that the state must survey a invited to attend the Refreshment ing message will be "Ihe First light location and a request for stated, listing them as 144 Hour after the 10 a.m. Service. $10 variety, 31 of the $25 Resurrection". A Sunday Church this action has been made. The id 7 of the $50 category. Christian Science Society School for Beginners and Prima- state traffic men will also be licenses in Andover total ( 6 Locke Street) ries is conducted during worship asked to express an opinion on the he report recited. Sl ,NDAY: 9:30 a.n,. Sunday School. following the children's sermon. 20-mile zones, he said. I l a.m. Church service. Subject of Nursery is conducted in the par- sonage, 24 Central st., for infants Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN ye Party lesson sermon: "Sacrament". and small children. Beading room, 66 Main st. open 12:30 to 4 p.m., Monday through Cochran Chapel STORE FOR Billy Hickey REV. A. GRAHAM , Mloist- MEN and BOYS Friday, except holidays. Friday How le Billy Hickey, son of Mr. evenings 7 to 9. SUNDAY: 7 p.m. Vesper Service. WEDNESDAY: Testimony meet- GENU, NIC .s. Joseph Hickey of Lowell South Church Christian Science on rd., celebrated his first ings 8 p.m. REV. FREDERICK B. NOSS, Pastor Heals cid/in Age,6 ay at the home of his aunt itallardvale United Church /(0 uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Donut v. RALPH A. ROSENBLAD, Pastor SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Morning Wor- Ti..1,0PCD AWIPI &kWh C 0.0•NV ;se of Ballardvale st., No. ship conducted by the Rev. George SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Morning Wor- Sherer Noss PhD. Services during- igton, Games were enjoyed ship at the Tewksbury Street TV SERIES for Everyone children and refreshments, July will be held in Fellowship Church. Our Greeters will be Mrs. Large assortment of "Palm ing a birthday cake were Hall. Channel 5 - Sun. 10 a.m. ISilliant Batchelder and her NOTES: This notice will be the Beach" suits. Cool, comfortable I. daughter Gail. The soloist will be Channel 9 - Sun. 5 p.m. $4500 sts included Mr. and Mrs. same for all Sundays in July. Channel 7 and luxurious. Wide selection of Miss Gail Smeltzer. The summer Alternate Sun. 8:30 a.m. colors. I 'I'allini and children, Donna, speaker will be Mr. Daniel Mc- St. Joseph's Church d and David; Mr. and Mrs. Intyre whose subject is, "The (Ballardvale) t Bourassa and daughter, \leaning of Atonement". Everyone SUNDAY; Mass at 9 o'clock.1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker; is welcome. Confessions heard before Mass. ad Mrs. Donat Bourassa; Mr. Mrs. George Kesselak and west Parish Church St. Augustine's Church en, Michael, Mark and Mary REV. HUGH B. PENNEY, Pastor REV. HENRY B. SMITH, Pastor Harry Bourassa; Mr. and SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Summer SATURDAY: Confessions 4 to filbert Frederick and children, service of Worship. The sermon 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m.. , Edward, Donald, James at given by the Rev. Hugh Penney SUNDAY: Masses 6:30, 8, 9, 10, en; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph will be entitled "Standing Apart 11 and 12. from life". Children will be y and the guest of honor. St. Augustine's Holy Name So- ciety will receive Holy Commu- URNS TO ICELAND PRIVATE nion in a body at the 8 o'clock BASE Mass. man First class John A. DINING ROOM son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis available for parties up to 118 Free Church ... Wedding Receptions, Ban- of Ballardvale st., has re- REV. HORACE SELDON, Pastor quets • for every occasion. i to his station at Keflack SUNDAY: Rev. Egbert W. A. orce Base, Reylcjavilc, Ice- Jenkinson, guest minister for the after spending a 15-day month of July, will preach the igh at his home. airman also has twin second sermon of the theme “The ors who are members of the Drama of God's Dealing with Men," entitled "What Job and his Friends I forces. Private Charles K. USMC„ stationed at Camp Do Not Know." The text, taken ane, N.C. and Chief Peter J. Charles from the Book of Job will be serving aboard the USS STEAK HOUSE "Have you considered my servant er, C.N.S., in Yokosuka, Job?" Donald Amy, organist, will RUMP STEAK FOR TWO play the theme from Chorale in E by Franck and Laus Deo by Du- IED ASSISTANT AT $6.25 bois. There will also be special VII UNIVERSITY FULL COURSE DINNER music by soloist Miss Emma an R. Petty of Memorial cir., Phone Law MU 2-7732 Stevens who will sing "Consider une graduate of Merrimack and Hear Me" by Pflueger. Nur :ge, will study for his ROUTES 125 - 133 sery service will be available for er's degree at the University Near Airport, No. Andover small children during the service. diami this fall. He has re- ed an assistantship in che- y at the Florida institution. Free your lawn of pesky weeds— MOOR DANCE Use Scotts wonder-icorliing granules Te Ballardvale United Church d is sponsoring dances at the Clean out ugly dandelions, . . . a burglar with his tapering jimmy should•force some door aver st. playground ever, plantain, pennywort, other or window in your home, or crack your office safe? What if a fire rday night. Disc Jockey will non-grass weeds with one should destroy your valuables? toy Sharpe. easy application. People come in here every month, subsequent to some loss. tSON AL r. and Mrs. William Wood, Scotts offers you a choice They had been receiving safe deposit literature. They had intended terly of Lawrence, are now of two proven products — to rent a box but had continually put it off. ding at 424 Andover st., either gives you complete ELEAN,NO MING For less than the cost of your daily newspaper, you can have lardvale. READY TO SPREAD - power to knock out weeds NON-BURNING the benefit of all the protection afforded by our convenient safe without harm to grass. deposit vault. Delay may prove costly. Rent a safe deposit box today! Easiest, most economical lawn treatments with the Scotts SPREADER 4-XD ® Weed Control mag- —makes y ou the lawn expert ... ic in clean, crisp granules. AMPLE PARKING SPACE jev you will put down needed 2,500 sq ft - $1.95 materials as evenly and accurately as 5,000 sq ft - 3.75 ,oug H owe any pro ..• just dial the number. question: FEED-same con )ut this 16 inch $12.95 WEED & /Bay State MerChants 18 inch $16.95 trol plus rich, grass fertilizer. NATIONAL. BANK On our vacation trip, my 2,500 sq f t - $3.45 find would be more at ease 5,000 sq ft - 5.95 I knew that any damage oto glass breakage, van- 84 MAIN ST., ANDOVER . AMPLE FREE PARKING alisio, water overflow or SPACE AT REAR OF STORE ursting of water pipes - ANDOVER DELIVERIES TEL. 1199 could he covered by in- DAILY - urance. Does your new Built to last for tomeowners Policy cover years and years TELEPHONE MU 6-4105 IN LAWRENCE III such damage?" 23b ESSEX ST. - 590 ESSEX ST. - 29 BROADWAY Cor. ESSEX ST.

MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 'or the answer to sour in- BRUCKIVIANN'S GRAIN — PAINTS — CEMENT — HARDWARE ;unmet, questions, ronsult DOUGLAS N. HOWE 158 SO. BROADWAY — LAWRENCE 32 Main St. Tel. 2208 8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 3, 1958 (Fa; story hours. The next two hours will have for themes stories EDITORIAL THOUGHTS from far away, and stories near at Valz Describes Methods hand, in that order. Committee Faces Merit Decision Poppet Br, tMakers 'Imarionette making group oluo:piSof Th When the School Committee was forewarned, last week, To Measure Merit puppeteers at the libraryibrary will have their boarc To the Editor of the Townsman: graded regularly, The first of last meeting on Tuesday that an informal report of its salary evaluation committee morning, Seim' "Since announcing my belief these is parents, the second the frotn . ((tarn II:3f1 o'cloc=k. This group will would be ready July 15, it must have recalled to mind the that it's about time we should do older students. A parent's judges Th prepare a play to be given in the something to recognize and re- ment is apt to be conditioned by Lain bitter disappointment felt after the March town meeting. fall to other boys and girls. ward superior teachers, I have his child's performance; parents whicI For at that session a considerable portion of the pro- been asked by a number of people are notorious for saving face by The stick puppet group will her posed salary increase — designed to put the teachers on a whether it is possible to set up blaming a poor student's record have one more morning for work, Stead such a plan. July 16, and will prepare the play' basic schedule prior to consideration of a merit system — onbe the teacher. If I had to choose tion "My answer is that of course it which they have selected to be dema tween these two I would say given one week later, July 23, for were defeated. And since that time, operating within the is possible, unless one has a for ki built-in hostility to such a plan. that the older pupils have the their friends. limits set by the voters, the Committee has been unable to sounder judgment. To this day, at Po Every teacher knows that a hostile New Books At The Library Wars, pupil is an unreachable pupil. least a third century after the Recent additions to the Memo- grant the increases it had planned. men': With this single exception, there fact, I believe I could describe rial Ilall Library include the with affection my own best teach- for u Now the committee of educational experts is due to re- is no mystery in a merit system. following books: Degas Dancers, ers — as can most adults. We could ceive "To begin with, many millions Browse ( first fully documented port again — this time with the long-awaited merit report. do worse than have our older the I of white-collar workers in busi- study of Degas as a great master students classify their teachers. Schot But from what the School Committee spokesmen said at ness and industry are now on a of the ballet — 300 illustrations). From this it is clear that wish( merit plan of some kind. Such a 'The Actress, De La Torre town meeting, it appears obvious that the merit plan will measuring a teacher's ability is head( plan makes sense wherever the thrilling story of Sarah Kemble nothing new. go on from the basic schedule, rather than be substituted individual rather than the nature Siddons; Dictionary Of Antiques for it. Thus Committee members must be in a bit of a of the job establishes the quality "There seem to be two methods And The Decorative Arts, Boger Elei of the performance. Antagonism is of ranking people: subjective and — a book for decorators, dealers, quandry. found chiefly in those organiza- objective. Although the subjective museum visitors, anyone who is On For it is obvious that the merit system, in whatever form tions whose purpose it is to pro- approach is unscientific, it is in interested in arms and armor, rugs, Jul very wide use and the results are ecclesiastical art, textiles, glass, it is reported, can't take up where the basic schedule tect their weakest members, rather Balla than to improve the efficiency of more satisfactory than one might wood, marble, etc.; The Puritan the E leaves off. There was much hue and cry at the town meet- their more competent members. expect. The sounder approach is Dilemma Morgan — the problem of Tau caste ing over the merit plan — many residents putting them- "In the teaching field, even a to set up a list of criteria by Puritanism as it affected John cursory examination will show that which each teacher is graded. A Winthrop and New England has Schoc selves on record for one, without first adopting a basic a great deal of performance refinement of this approach would concerned all men of principle: Nth of ti schedule. They thought merit raises for teachers qualify- measuring already exists. I will consist of weighting each criterion does man remain with a society mention six areas. so that the eventual score would which he considers follows the advis ing under a merit system would be better than first grant- "Isn't it safe to assume that our be the result of a two-dimensional wrong moral path? The Long Haul Mei ing all teachers a raise and then adding merit increments. teachers' colleges measure the analysis. West, Waggoner — first complete open `teaching ability' of their students? "I know a case where both account of America's rollec Obviously the School Committee felt differently and pre- If not, those teachers' colleges methods are being developed. First building era, the 25 years between Busir sumably continues to feel that its proposed basic sche- which are tax supported are due the teachers were asked to isolate the Old Cumberland Road and the Liber for an agonizing reappraisal. two groups: the superior and the railroads. The Middlesex canal memb dule should be adopted before a merit plan. "From the day that a new inferior teachers. Then the princi- near Boston is included; Beyond socia MB The special committee — including Headmaster Kemper, teacher faces his first class to the pals were asked to do the same The Cabin Door, O'Kane — a day of his retirement, he is en- thing without knowing the rankings book to read in odd moments, a bac Mrs. Crane of Abbot Academy and Very Rev. Vincent Mc- gaged daily in the business of made by the teachers. The degree portions or chapters, with a tion Quade, 0.S.A., of Merrimack College — plus members of accurately measuring his students' of unanimity thus subjectively quality of serenity; Week-end basin performances. arrived at surprised everyone. In- Pilot, Smith-humorous story of a F. ' the teachers' group, have no doubt prepared a reasonable "It is quite inconceivable that cidently, the teachers were much man who found a hobby on doctor's Camb and workable plan for merit increases. any teacher can work for any tougher in their ratings than were orders, and made it flying; Seven length of time in any school the principals. Next, this commu- Years' Solitary, Bone-a must book, Paf And they probably have determined some method of without appraising his fellow nity developed a 'performance the story of a remarkable woman judging merit and establishing a system for the judging teachers. This needn't be sub- rating scale' with ten criteria, kidnapped and imprisoned in Hun- each of which was weighted 1, 2, Bei that will not fall prey to influence or pressure. jective. An English teacher in gary on espionage charge, and grade nine has an objective or 3 to arrive at a performance how she defeated the terror of Met No matter how reasonable or efficient it may be, the measure of the quality of the score. It is expected that this darkness and solitude; Peril and Balla question remains — how can the plan be put into effect if English teacher in grade eight scientific approach will not Promise, Johnson — an inquiry Frida whose pupils he takes over and seriously alter the high unanimity into the freedom of the press The I it is predicated on adoption of a basic schedule, which the whose capabilities he can eva- already arrived at subjectively by which states that 81 percent of the voters chose to turn down? luate. two groups separately. our cities have no "opposing" latest "The most important area of "One reason why such a plan newspaper; Work And Contempla- statio We trustingly hope that the merit plan is workable, with- measurement is in a school sys- will work is the simplicity of the tion, Steere — a Quaker theologian Att, out waiting for the town to adopt another basic salary tem's administrative staff. A scoring objective. Only two groups and teacher offers plea for the Georg principal who doesn't understand need be segregated: superior and lost art of contemplation; Ever- Steph schedule. For that might take a mighty long time and we the strengths and weakness of inferior. All other teachers stay in green And Flowering Shrubs For Donal shouldn't wait longer than the next town meeting to put a each of his teachers is a principal the 'average' category until moved Your Home, Cloud — this new Willie in name only. As teachers' either up or down. book takes into consideration Frank merit plan into operation. teachers, the principals are the "The purpose of all this must every possible need of home- Robe' key persons in the appraisal of not be lost in the mechanical makers — sun, shade, soil, etc.; dore their teachers' performance. To details. This move is not teacher- The New England Vegetable Gar- nik. Good Work suggest that our principals are oriented but community-oriented. den, Ogden — simply presented Our hats are off this week to Officers Warren Maddox incapable of doing the job for Rewarding superior teachers is information easily followed by average home gardener. and Richard Caldwell, whose quick action prevented an which they are being paid is quite not the end but the means. The unfair. A principal who can't do justification is that the end re- Here are a few of the books re- armed robbery from turning into injury and possible death. this with fairness is a principal sult is a superior school system. cently added at the library: Fic- in need of replacement. A superin- The stakes are now much too high The two officers arrived at the Howard Johnson res- tion: So Brief A Spring, Manceron; tendent interviewing new teachers to continue to operate on a catch- taurant on Route 28 just as a lone bandit was commanding obviously uses some kind of yard- as-catch-can basis. The time has The Sergeant, Murphy; Nigh March, Lancaster; Exile And The King- come to function on the basis of the assistant manager to turn over all the money. Testi- stick by which to measure each dom, Camus; Kick Of The Wheel, educational efficiency by built-in candidate's worth. Sterling; Breaking Point, Presser; mony at the man's preliminary hearing revealed he had design." "There are two other instances The Midwich Cuckoos, Wyndham; Dino G. Valz warned that men with shot guns were stationed at the where teachers' performance is The Fancher Train, Bean; The doors. Several patrons were standing around the cash Darling Buds Of May, Bates; The the Committee before. Appointed Guide, Narayan; Scramble Six register while the robbery took place and about 100 were were Edward Shattuck, Hugh Bul- Hurricanes, Moore; The Revolu- lock, the Rev. Charles A. Branton, At The Library in the establishment. tionary, Schoonover; Edge Of The 0.S.A., Mitchell Johnson, Joseph Desert, Cheshire; The Old Blood, It's obvious that there was considerable danger — for a M. Hargedon, Howell F. Shepard Coming Events Mittelholzer; September Moon, panic-stricken attempt to get away might have sent bullets and Harvey G. Turner. JULY Moore; Come With Me To Macedo- The Tyer Rubber Co. workers 12 Library closed all day Satur- nia, Drohan; 'The Prisoners Of flying around the restaurant. who went on strike the past few day during summer. Combine D, Giovannitti; The Caldwell walked right up behind the man, told him to days are gradually returning to 14 Story hour for boys and girls, Winthrop Woman, Seton; The Choir their jobs. Some went back last 10:15-11 a.m. Invisible, Hauser; 0 Genesee, drop his gun and, as the man turned around, reached out night, some today and more will 15 Last class for making mario- O'Daniel; The Widows Of Broome, Modern and took the gun away from him. Maddox, coming in the do so the first of the week when ettes, 10:15-11:30 a.m. Upfield. Non-fiction: their jobs are ready for them. The 16 Last class for making stick Chess Openings, Griffith; The ley; rear of the establishment, was an obvious deterrent to strike was called over a 25 per- puppets, 10:15-11:30 a.m. Coming Of The Green, Wibber up hasty action on the robber's part. cent pay raise demand. Vacation loans still in effect; Puzzle-Math, Gamow; G!? Three members of the So. Main books not in special demand may Socials For Every Month, Kirk; Someone commented after the story had appeared in the st. gypsy band were sentenced be taken in any quantity by adult The Great Explorers, Wright; and fined S25 apiece in Lawrence Nht- newspapers that gunplay surely would have resulted if the readers for the summer, not due Masters Of Deceit, Hoover;ig District Court, as the result of a until Sept. 15. crawlers, Addams; Harvard Case

situation was repeated in some other communities, where free-for-all in an Essex st. store Summer Hours at Histories In Experimental SSci ence, occupied by one of the families. , Algebra For The officers wouldn't wait for a man to turn around with a gun The Library Conant; Linear During the summer months the Undergraduates siurdoch ; 10 Years Ago — July, 1948 in his hand. It's a tribute to these officers' quick thinking The history of Phillips Academy hours for the Memorial Hall Am Not A Christian, Russell; r Library are as follow: main read- ke,ilson — a that they effectively disarmed and arrested the man with- in World War II, just published, is Ameri ca t hqu a ing room open daily Monday an impressive record of the s f Et:EeRrarjazz ege. out precipitating a gun fight. through Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 school's contribution to the nation. ihov iyleew nar Roundtable Group It was edited by Leonard F. p.m. The Children's room will be Ccti ds s James. open on these days from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and again from 2-5 The Andover Civil War Round- Veterans who are eligible to table which has met at the Down the Years with The Townsman rent a home in the new housing p.m. Both rooms will remain closed on Saturdays. Memorial Hall Library once a project may get applications at The Ballardvale branch will be month during the fall and winter, 30 years Ago — July, l9as cut fr,,tu $1.75 a day to $1.50 the town clerk's office. has closed for the season. The Instruction in water safety, open as usual, Mondays and George A. Higgins is acting daily. Thursdays, from 2 p.m. to 5, and fall opening date will be Monday, town, treasurer in the absence of Quite a crowd gathered en swimming and lifesaving is part Sept. 15, at 7:30 o'clock.. Any of the activity at Pomp's Pond again from 6 to 8 p.m. the treasurer, George A. Parker. the square yesterday afternoon person interested in the Civil har this year. Adults as well as Story Hours t t At the horse races at the to watch a band of llungarian willb be most wwelcome at children are urged to sign up for The story hour for Monday comes her Rochester Fair Grounds Tuesday gypsies, as they paused on their meeting. The group the classes, which will also be morning, July 14, at 10 o'clock t afternoon, Milian) H. Higgins' way to Lawrence. The band had onthe third Monday evening given at Hussey's Pond. in the library, will have for its Knoxie 13 won second place in been driven by police from Malden. the eie hth. Lt. Col. John M. Kemper, new theme stories of enchantment. Any the 2.18 pacing class. They were said to be the lowest child who has ever thrilled over Vacation headmaster at Phillips Academy On Milian' Doherty is building a class of gypsies in the country. Miriamitd Putnam of the and the Rev. A. Graham Baldwin, the adventures of magicians, Misss carriage shed for Thomas Morris- 25 Years Ago — July, 1933 enchanters, magic spells and shieermi inaul Halli,v.ara Library sey, the local stable keeper. A completely new Finance Com- school minister, were recipients of honorary degrees from Williams secret potions will be sure to annual Employees at the West Parish mittee has been appointed by enjoy Miss Lane's selection of Cemetery went on strike Tuesday, College at the 159th annual com- Moderator Frederick Butler. None stories. All little people are Subscribe to thehe T stating that their wages had been mencement. of the men have ever served on invited to attend any of the Mon-

'- 11111.11r -

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 3, 1958 9 y hours . The next two Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Spencer, man Lake, Warrensburg, N. Y. Eaton for this two-week period I have for themes stories Will Retain Mrs. Donald Hayes and Mrs. Among the members of Brownie TOWNSMAN CLASSIFIED iway, and storie are Susan and Betsy MacMackin, s near at Donald Wrigley. Troop 59 attending Camp Maude ADS BRING RESULTS hat order. Jean Ellis and Ann Moss. I akers Bradlee School trionette making group of I he Bradlee School will be Youngster Saved s at the library will have hoarded up - but retained by the By Quick Action it meeting on Tuesday tie hool Committee for possible July 15, from 10:15- future use. His father's knowledge of artifi- clock. This group will The Committee decided to re- cial respiration saved the life of play to he given in the tain control of the structure, a Malden youngster at Foster's ier boys and girls. which will be vacant this Septem- l'ond last Saturday. tick puppet group will ber when the South School opens. Dennis Neale, 26 Talbot st., more morning for work, Steadily increasing school popula- Malden, was discovered in the and will prepare the play tion and uncertainty over future water by his father, Norman, in ey have selected to he demands were cited as reasons an unconscious condition. Prompt week later, July 23, for for keeping the building in reserve. measures on the father's part re- nds. Post 2128, Veterans of Foreign sulted in the year-and-a-half old ilts At The Library Wars, had received the Select- youngster being conscious by the additions to the Memo- men's assurance that its request time the ambulance could reach the 1 Library include the for use of the building would re- camp. Taken to the Lawrence hooks: Degas Dancers, ceive serious consideration, if General Hospital, the lad was Stock up now! Your favorite, ( first fully documented the building was released by the released after treatment. Attend- cool, refreshing, vitamin-packed juices at Degas as a great master School authorities. The Post ants Edward King and Alfred Ilet - 300 illustrations); wished to make the building its Desrosier administered oxygen Summer's lowest prices. Better hurry ! tress, De La Torre headquarters. to the boy during the trip to the story of Sarah Kemble hoital. CLOVERDALE - Our Big Value Brand of Quality Juice Dictionary Of Antiques Police officers Warren Maddox Decorative Arts, Boger Elected To Serve and Jacob Jacobson investigated. for decorators, dealers, ORANGE JUICE FOR 95c 4 CANS6 98c visitors, anyone who is On Executive Corn. in arms and armor, rugs, Julie liarberian, 5 Chester st., Personals••• "Yor" Garden - From Pure Concord Grapes Your Choice - Pineapple - Grapefruit itical art, textiles, glass, liallardvale, has been elected to the Executive Committee of Kapp* Mrs. Karl Haartz of High Plain Pineapple- 4 tarble, etc.; The Puritan C6A.N., 79c l'ati Phi, the sorority of North- rd. is taking a summer course of Grape Juice 6 c6zs 89c Dole Orange Morgan - the problem of study in Philosophy of Education eastern University's Evening Blend of Tropical fruit Jukes im as it affected John and United States Government at For a Cool Refreshing Drink and New England has School of Business. Miss Barberian, a past officer Tufts College summer school. oz d all men of principle: sorority, will act as an Miss Elizabeth Heinz of High Punch 4 CANSLimeade 4 CANS n remain with a society of the Hawaiian 65c Birds Eye 45e Plain rd., is at the Langford mmmmmommtimommimmmommmmimmommemmmmu...... ,...... M.Mmmmememmomoomommmoommommiommomommommy moom tttttttttttttttttttronm/11.1 ,,Ii“ e considers follows the advisor in her new position. Membership in the sorority is !louse Kennebunk, Me., for the oral path? The Long Haul open to all women students en- summer months. aggoner - first complete rolled in the Evening School of Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold and Week-end Meat Specials ! of America's canal Business and Evening College of family of Shawsheen rd. spent the era, the 25 years between Liberal Arts. Approximately 90 weekend with relatives in Bridge- Cumberland Road and the ton, Me. r. The Middlesex canal members take an active part in social events and charitable work. Miss Marilyn Davis of Center ;ton is included; Beyond for st. is spending a two weeks' ibin Door, O'Kane - a Miss Barberian is studying CHICKENS read in odd moments, a bachelor of business administra- vacation at Ilidin-Hy Ranch, Sher- tion degree in liberal arts and or chapters, with a FRYERS or BROILERS of serenity; Week-end business. She is employed at the Plump, Meaty, Tender — 21/2 to 31/2 LB Average mith-humorous story of a F. W. Woolworth Company in Just a nice ride found a hobb on doctor's Cambridge. READY TO COOK LB 39c and made it flying; Seven (14 miles) to the ,olitary, Bone-a must book, Pack 76 Visited TOP ROUND, Choice Grade Reduced 24c Freshly Ground Lean Beef 'y of a remarkable woman d and imprisoned in Hun- Bedford Base "hallmark of t espionage charge, and e defeated the terror of Members of Cub Pack 76 left delightful dining" Steak LB99c HamburgLB49c s and solitude; Peril and Ballardvale at 9:45 a.m. last mm, ttttt m vvvvvvv vvvvvvv mlommmmtmommummtm ttttt Immummm mom mmemmmommommm mmmmmummummmmmn ttttt 111..111110/1111.1111,1i.111111,.. tttttttt Johnson - an inquiry Friday for the Bedford Air Base. to freedom of the press The Pack was taken on a tour of Farm Fresh Produce! ANOTHER states that 81 percent of the base where they saw the ALLENHURST ies have no "opposing" latest jets, visited the base fire ?er; Work And Contempla- station and the parachute shop. THRILLING Eiere - a Quaker theologian Attending were Richard Cignoni, now celebrating acher offers plea for the George Bentley, Gordon Castor, 4th annual Blueberries FIRST NATIONAL FIRST 't of contemplation; Ever- Stephen Hall, Donald Hayes, knd Flowering Shrubs For Tremendous Savings on Donald Wrigley, Bruce Spencer, STEAK FESTIVAL Tru-Blu Berries come, Cloud - this new William Spencer, Edward Smeltzer, open all day ... famous LIBBEY "Safedge" takes into consideration I rank Orlando, Henry Wrigley, Plump, Fresh and Sweet every day possible need of home- Robert Hall, Colin Sherry, Theo- Extra Big Beauties - sun, shade, soil, etc.; Demers and Mitchell Slobod- dore Route. 114 DANVERS iw England Vegetable Gar- nik. The group was escorted by 'gden - simply presented PINT tion easily followed by BOX home gardener. 29c glasses are a few of the books re- GENUINE added at the library: Fic- • Brief A Spring, Manceron; 50c VALUE rgeant, Murphy; Nigh March, ter; Exile And The King- Peaches ONLY :amus; Kick Of The Wheel, Ripe and Juicy Sweet ;; Breaking Point, Presser; idwich Cuckoos, Wyndham; Freestone - Tender 'ancher Train, Bean; The ; Buds Of May, Bates; The Narayan; Scramble Six ines, Moore; The Revolt'- each LBS , Schoonover; Edge Of The start saving for the 49c NOW Cheshire; The Old Blood, ttttt 1111111.1100111111 ttttt ttttt 111111 ttttt 11 ttttt 111.111111111111111111.1111111111111111110,11 ON SALE olzer; September Moon, ttttttt • A new glass each --Cash Saving Specials! , ..... Come With Me To Macedo- home you want to own week. Start to build kohan; The Prisoners Of Snow Boy — Fresh Baked to D, Giovannitti; The your set now ! ,p Woman, Seton; The Choir 36 Count Owning that house will require quite a bit of Cookies le, Hauser; 0 Genesee, CELLO 39c • Charming, authentic cash. The best way to acquire this money is to Vista-Pak el; The Widows Of Broome, reproductions of Modern Warm Weather Favorite Non-fiction: save a stipulated amount every pay day in a I. collectors' curios by Openings, Griffith; The Systematic Savings Account. 1Q T 14 oz Of The Green, Wibberley; Orange Drink 2 Hi-C CANS 53c C) 1 famous designer, -Math, Gamow; Group ON SALE CL.,49.0* Freda Diamond. For Every Month, Kirk; We'll help your account grow by paying you Finast - From Pure Concord Grapes JULY 14 '


1..1170,- I. H of the rIeneral LIA. point Just north of the TewItt.hury Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN IOC MacMillan et ux, Dascomb and LEGAL Ter. I.d., .is amended, Chapter 7 I H E.ine lfannistcr rds. of the Acts of 1951., as amended, and IN ANIMVI:It 1-red W. I la: COMMONWEALTH Doyle to W. Clare tit' MASSACHUSETTS :section I 6(c) of the Federal Aid The Western 1)11/1sion at a point Brooks et us, Oriole rd. SUPPLIES! Highway Act of 1956, Pl. 627, the about 0.1 of a mile south of the Law- ART Department of Public Works Bessie Alice Trott to Rose !Soucy. ()IF III. %RING U\ I •epartment of Public Works will give rence 1.1tie Ogden, at Ilaggett's Pond. EVERYTHING ... BUT EVERY- (1 public hearing at the City Hull In IN NONTII ANI/OVEli ST All. L 55 HI "US !ban W. Trott et ux to !lose THING THE AMATEUR ANU PRO- IN I tiNt LI.- IFIEVihSlti RY- Lowell, on Tuesday, July IS, 1958, The Western I Ivislon at a point Ogden, at Ilaggett's Pond. FESSIONAL ARTISI REQUIRES, at 2:30 i'.M., to all persons interested about 0.1 of a mile east of the bridge %Nam% I it-101)It III AN1► ( ► YER Charles W. Warren to Hose LAWRENCE in the matter of laying out a new over the . Ogden, at Ilaggett's Pond. CALL OR VISIT limited access State highway as a Plans will be on exhibit for one If. II Route 8) Edmund II. section of the Outer (felt Interstate hour before the hearing, with an en- Taylor et ux to AWRENCE'S LARGEST ART ursuant to the provIslons of ass- Houle In the Cities of Lowell and gineer in attendance to answer William A. Russell et ux, off AND HOBBY CENTER t ion 5, Chapter PI of the General Stevens cir. Lawrence and the Towrm of Tewks- questions in regard to same. :.ass, Ter. to., as amended, SP, ' .r. William A. Russell et bury, Andover (1110 North Andover front By order of the Department of Public ux to Ed- mund II. Taylor et ux, Stevens a point on the Chelmsford-Lowell Works, ALLIED Line about 0.15 of a mile east of Gor- MANY E. McMORROW ham Street northeasterly about 12.0 Secretary Harry 0. Blaisdell et ux to 110- bert E. !Inward et ux, off Argilla PAINT (OPLAYDON'S miles to a point on the Lawrence- Boston, Mass., July 1, 1958. rd. Methuen Line about 0.2 of a mile STORE Flowers F or All Occasions east of East Haverhill Street, crossing I.ouise Goguen, Est., to Helen M. Comeau, Topping rd. and South 34 various streets as follows: Topping ter. AMESBURY ST. LAWRENCE 35 LOWELL ST. TEL. 70, LOWELL Theodore C. Woburn Street just south of its in- Hamblet et ux to Roscoe E. tersection with Circuit Street E. Dake et ux, Han- croft rd. Boylston Street at its intersection William A. with Circuit Street Hopkins et us to Marguerite M. Sprague Avenue just southeast of Lucy, Chestnut st. Its intersection with Boylston Street TEWKSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nimno of Main Street, Route 38, about 0.2 of California are vacationing at the a mile southeast of the Lowell-Tewks- latter's parents home, Mr. and Mrs. bury line Charles Dwyer of Pearson st. Cross Coal Co. Clark Road about 0.25 of a mile north of its intersection with Trull Road ES r 1864 Trull How about 0.5 of a mile northeast of its intersection with FUEL. AND RANGE OIL Clark Road North Street about 0.35 of a mile' Jut Word, southeast of its intersection with Andover Street Andover Street, Route 133, about A 0.25 of a mile west of the Andover Miss Edith Williams, daugh- .a c Town Line ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. ANDOVER emp Williams, 173 Lowell st., was Road about 0.4 of a Fed tow by graduated with Honors from "Dek-O-Rate" JACK SPIRES mile northwest of its intersection with TEMPLE'S SelE Wooa Hill Road Burdett College, Boston, at this Hood Hill Road about 0.4 of a mile STOP CRABBING, ry ISN'T ceremonies held recently at TOP TEN THEY COME SO LASY north of its intersection with Haggetts DOWN HERE ILL BET EVERY PLACE THAT HAS Hall. Miss Wil- n THE ZIP AND MORE 2IP WHEN \\oe! WHEN A DOG CHASES THAT PLEASES THE Pond Road Do ‘kotiK A CAT IT wALH.S. liams was honored for out- Kann Twins CUSTOMER AS DOES High Plain Road about 0.5 of a mile southeast of its intersection with standing work in the executive tdy PATRICIA WC ooci Hill Road secretarial field. Perez Prado 'Du Route 93 about 0.35 of a mile north YOUNG AND WARM award SPIRES' of its intersection with High Plain REALTY TRANSFERS AND WONDERFUL James J. Furey et ux to Robert by th Road Tony Bennett instal Greenwood Road about 0.25 of a E. Piercy et ux, Road from And- SPLISH SPLASH lardvi mule south of its intersection with over to Reading. Alexander If. Henderson et ux Bobby Darin being Leage Road The Chandler Road about 0.25 of a mile to Ray A. Foss et ux, Marion ave. LEFT RIGHT OUT OF YOUR HEART 0th southeast of its intersection with Mabel G. Griffin to James A. Patti Page Kelly North Street YAKETY YAK sandr, Beacon Street about 0.25 of a mile $1930 south of the Lawrence Line 0ED IffSp The Coasters o*si of Le, Cemetery Road about 0.2 of a mile ':'3U'RE MAKING A MISTAKE The Platters south of the Lawrence Line 4 repree North Main Street, Route 28, about A THE SHEIK OF ARABY COMBS 0.2 of a mile south of the Lawrence SELL Lou Monte Board Line MAYBE YOU'LL HE MINE and rit1141T&WALLPAPERit Union Street about 0.15 of a mile INSTALL 94 Connie & Lee totals 0.02,t.P141""t' TOURA/NE PAINTS •Acalian. WALL PAPER south of the Lawrence Line W NO CHEMISE PLEASE d1t-1 34371 LAWRENCE SERVICE 43 HAMPSWIRE raw COMMON STREET 'e.inthrop Avenue about 0.15 of a Jerry Granahan Ce northwest of the bridge over the GUARANTEE Rej .;:-..rwsheen River North Parish Road about 0.2 of a 40)._ rirtrE7-1;±.. Se{ mile west of the bridge over the I de it you have a Shawsheen River 4ssocumoli HAROLD NORTH ANDOVER H. An candid N 11 Massachusetts Avenue about 0.15 GARBAGE R TRASH of a mile southeast of the briage over BUCHAN nomint PHINNEY Fount. the Shawsheen River and di Sp 0 sal problem Middlesex Street just east of its RADIO - TV includ intersection with Massachusetts RECORDS Ile McNAILLY terms Avenue SAL ES & SERVICE Perry Street about 0.1 of a mile fives, east of its intersection with Massa- PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 1950. chusetts Avenue 211 NO. MAIN STREET 26 PARK ST. TEL. 1175 has si life i YOU NEED AN Beverly Street about 0.1 of a mile TEL. AND. 121 south of its intersection with Suffolk le -Serenade slated ELECTRIC Street Suffolk Street just west of its in- C A LC I RATON tersection with Marblehead Street AUTOMATIC HOME Sutton Street just east of the bridge over the Shawsheen River DISPOSAL UNIT LAWRENCE Incinerator Road about 0.15 of a mile east of its intersection with Marston Street This proposed highway will also cross the following lines of the Bos- ton aria Maine Railroad at other than grade: 154" IN LOWELL .t., The Division at a /Guaranteed by- point about 0.2 of a mile north of the Good Housekeeping Tewksbury Line *ft.. , sisoft The Lowell-Andover Branch 'it a

ONLY $995 DOWN Wendell Berman T ON BUDGET TERMS in AGENCY ni ARTHUR FLYNN - PARTNER li; th Just WRAP IT - DROP IT - • INSURANCE FORGET IT! See the new Calcinator ag Underwriters For Every that disposes of bones, food scraps, da Known Insurance. rags, frozen food and mile cartons C( - practically everything except • REAL ESTATE Li silent - A W...)VE- BY MAYFLOWER Is REALLY SAFE frx cans and bottles. Clean - Hundreds Of Listings -1111E BETTER efficient' Costa only pennies a week to • RESIDENTAL kN> use while it helps you to happier, `CTRICI • INDUSTRIAL modern living. D • ACREAGE BEGLEY- MAYFLOWER • FARMS • RESORT PROPERTIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVINU P. F. BEGLEY COMPANY MERRIMACK-ESSEX ELECTRIC CO. <„, 294 Essex St., Lawrence PACKING -CRATING - SIORAUE PART OF NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM .. ‘lf TEL. MU 3-3111 Offices Also 62 SPRINGFIELD ST -'0,8 SIGGIST BOSTON . . . SOU 11-i BOSTON MU 2-1372 ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP ,O,Sfe010 P-DRTLAND, MAINE • LAWRENCE mANCHESTEH, N.H. - - - - THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 10, 1958 11

et us, Dascomb and IIARSS ATTENDED Lowell Junction is covered with rds. PHYSICS CONFERENCE an oil scum that makes it im- V. Doyle to W. Clare John S. Bars:4 of Hidden Field possible for the area's children it, us, Oriole rd. recently attended the Conference swim. Alice 'Trott to Rose in Physics at the University of Ilaggett's Pond. Colorado. The conference was . Trott et us to Rose sponsored by the College Entrance MASON F. ARNOLD Haggett's Pond. E x am in at ion Board. Independent Sales Agent W. Warren to Rose INVESTIGATE RIVER Speci.ilizing in Haggett's Pond. COMPLAINTS I II. Taylor et ux to The selectman are investigating ENGLIs11-1111I,T A. Russell et ux, off a complaint that the !liver in GR Ds ir. Foreign & Domestic A. Russell et ux to Ed- REDUCE USED CARS Taylor et us, Stevens Enroll Slendroller Class Before you buy, take ad- ). Blaisdell et ux to Ro- SLENDRO vantage of my 25 years of loward et ux, off Argilla automobile sales and service SLENDERIZING SALON experience at no cost to you. 351 ESSEX ST. LAWRENCE Goguen, Est., to Helen 15 Elm St. Tel. 2321 tu, Topping rd. and South TEL. MU 3-2832 .er. ore C. Ramble' et ux to E. E. Dake et ux, Ban-

.' A. Hopkins et ux to e M. Lucy, Chestnut st.

nd Mrs. Leo Nimno of a are vacationing at the iarents home, Mr. and Mrs.

Dwyer of Pearson st. IR


ALL THAT ROOM — This is the newest parking lot at Raytheon in Shawsheen Village. With .a capacity of 900-1,000 cars, plant officials feel certain it will take care of the needs of all employees. Residents of the area have asked that new parking regulations be adopted by the ARROWDART $4.00 town and enforced, to insure maximum use of the lot by employees of the firm. This week the TEMPLE'S Selectmen adopted the suggested regulations, an account of which will be found elsewhere in the most popular collar style in America this issue. TOP TEN Wherever you go, the best-dressed men are wear- later had an automobile dealership ing Dart, the shirt that gives so much fashion, such WHEN Dow Co. Gets there. comfortable fit. Tailored in contour-shaped lines in Kalin Twin, BASEBALL TEAM Water Contract WILL MEET WITII GETS MORE HELP a regular length non-wilt collar with cord stitched PATRICIA MONIES COMMITTEE The Andover Vets baseball edges, smart French front. Finished with button Perez Prado The Dow Co. of Methuen was The Selectmen will sit down team, one of the hottest in cuffs. In fine "Sanforized" broadcloth. YOUNG AND WARM awarded a contract Monday night with the Monies Committee Friday, the League at this writing, is AND WONDERFUL by the Board of Public Works to July 18. particularly grateful for the Tony Bennett install a water line from the Hal- Selectman Stafford Lindsay said increased public support. lardvale well to the second well the group wishes to discuss SPLISH SPLASH It recently was reported being installed nearby. methods of implementing a town Bobby Darin that financial assistance was The firm's low bid was $1670. meeting vote to collect all money LEFT RIGHT Other bidders were George inadequate, compared to DUT OF YOUR HEART in a central location. Kelly of Lowell, $2300; A. Dele- collections at other fields, Patti Page sandro and Sons of Hyde Park, APPOINTED CUSTODIAN and failed to meet the game YAK ETY YAK $1930; and Cannavino and Sons Chester Bajak, 11 Pine st., was expenses. since that time, iaaitter & "Swanton The Coasters of Leominster, $2520. appointed a school custodian at there has been a marked im- INCORP ORATED :PRE MAKING A MISTAKE The Camp, Dresser and McKee last week's School Committee provement in the public sup- Platters representative at the meeting re- meeting. His appointment is sub- port, according to managers tt; ject to receipt of a physician's of the team, both in attend- rHE SHEIK OF ARABY commended the Dow Co. to the Lou Monte Board, after tabulating the bids statement after an examination. ance and monetary support. and checking the various sub- AYBE YOU'LL BE MINE. STEAM CLEANER me Ownership Lee totals. Tower Motor Parts Corp. Connie & The Mr. Hasty was a former resident NO CHEMISE PLEASE has been awarded a contract to of the Vale. Jerry Granahan Rep. Anthony supply a steam cleaner to the Capt. Robert C. Cowan, con- Board of Public Works. The firm's nected with Headquarters WESTAF OANS rr bid was $734.95 for the machi- Division of MATS, has been trans- Seeks Election nery. ferred from the Kelly A.F.B. in San Antonio. Texas to the Travis State Representative Charles PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hasty of A.F.B. in California. Capt. and HAROLD H. Anthony of Ilaverhill will be a candidate for the Republican White Plains, N. Y. have been Mrs. Cowan, former residents, will reside at 331 So. Orchard ave., nomination for State Senator in the visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James 'HINNEY,p Fourth Essex District, which Nicoll of Clark rd., Ballardvale. Vacaville, Cal. includes Andover. RADIO — TV He has served four consecutive RECORDS terms in the House of Representa- SALES & SERVICE I i tives, since his first election in IMPM1111111, 1950. A native of Haverhill, he PARK ST. TEL. 1175 has spent the greater part of his life in that city. lie was asso- nade ciated with the show industry and

ti 7 A Home of your own is one 'of the finest investments you can make. A modest down payment, moderate monthly payments, covering inter- est, principal and real estate taxes, ONE DAMAGE SUIT bring you complete, debt-free home DID IT ownership in a reasonable time. ti This poor fellow's say- Come in and we will be glad to show ings were wiped out over- night by an unexpected "Tastefully French" you how to finance your home con- liability suit. Don't let this happen to you. For veniently and economically. adequate protection against financial loss from Hand-carved of solid, 2-inch Almond Wood. damage suits, get our Suitable for the finest country estate, yet Comprehensive Personal chairs from this Group can be had for as low Liability policy. as $49 each. See them at: `1-.•t-EALlY SAFE' MERRIMACK ■ COOPERATIVE Bank FLOWE1. DOHERTY, THE STUDIO SHOPPE NCE MOVIN( Insurance 264 ESSEX ST. TEL. MU 3-0830 124 CROSS ST. LAWRENCE IP ANY TEL. MU 5-5023 LAWRENCE STORAGE AGENCY 4 MAIN STREET :" OPEN EVENINGS "HOME FINANCING IS OUR BUSINESS'S al 2-1372 I'LL. 260

1 11 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 10, 1958 as general sales manager 1948, while studying for his doc- went in 1953. of the DR. WOOTEN TO company, correlate the torate at Michigan, he was also Since then he has been named activities of all product sales managers and HEAD DIVISION engaged in research on chemical successively director of phenolic will act in conjunction (Continued from Page One) production for 11C1. Later he research, technical director of with the chemical sales and technical Executive Committee on all policy plant in Detroit, being transferred worked on thermo-setting Plyophen director of the New Englund denisinns affeeting sales. to the Research Department two phenolics, becoming assistant division. years later. From 1916, through manager of the Plyophen Depart- - - — Dr. Wooten lives with his Adams To Seek family on Karlton cir. Ralph T. Urich, former manager Senate Berth at Hallardvale, has been appointed , vice president-sales and will 15 Stratford rd., headquarter at the 11C1 executive will attempt to regain the State Senate scat he vacated two years building in White Plains, N. Y. ago. Mr. Urich joined !ICI in 1939, Xunbaten since which date he has held Adams did not seek re-election in the Fourth Essex District in positions in the Technical Service Departments of both the Color and 1956, but has announced he will be a candidate for election this Resin Divisions; has served as fall. His name will appear on the Republican ballot in the primary in September. jruneral dome Ile serves now as administrative Rn"DRIVE-IN assistant to the !Massachusetts DR. ARTHUR L. WOOTEN I 1840 F Commissioner of Public Works, at NOW THROUGH SATURDAY sales manager of the chemical an annual salary of $10,985. Ile •••rt P. Newman — I. Woodward Color Division; general manager was appointed to that position by "THE LONG HOT of the New England Division, and former Gov. Christian A. Ilerter. Ito lastly vice president in charge of Prior to that time, he had SUMMER" the New England Division at Hal- served from 1953 to 1956, inclu- 3. t p1 1..1 McCrea — loan Weldon lardvale. sive, in the Senate. A veteran of Ar, toyer, COMPLETE TY GUNSIGHT RIDGE In his new position at White submarine service in World War Plains, Mr. Urich will function II, he is a former athletic instruc- tor at Phillips Academy, Exeter. cL,rded ,. FUNERAL SERVICE On the Campo i. The Fourth District includes of Amesbury, Andover, Boxford, Phillips Georgetown, Groveland, Ilaverhill, MALCOLM E. LLNDGREN Academy Merrimac, No. Andover, Salisbury de: :r11,11, and West Newbury, plus No. Read- ,tunic f DONALD E. LLNDGREN cAndover Inn ing in Middlesex County. at c,.-,ding . ti A "Treadway Inn i3:133,i33W Rebekah Lodge To I.S3ex I e,at. 1,3 18 Elrr, Street Tel. 2072 1 `,111y Luncheons 12 to 2 - Dinner 5:30 to 8:30 Hold Grocery Sundoy Dinner 12 to 8 Sale Toe; win: the Indian Ridge Rebekah Lodge ways as Wedding Receptions — Bridge L un. lire n, - 13un duets 136 will meet at the Square and :Lon will Compass Club hall July 15 at Tel. 903 — ROBERT N. I PAZ ER. Manader all imrpi 7:45. GIFT SHOP OPEN 12 to 8 DAIL Y ways are Following the business meeting, over. there will be a grocery social. Members are asked to bring an heating item for the sale. mantels, tures, Sa TOWNSMAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY electric Pcrscnals... other fix Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin of nature a Del Ray Beach, Fla., are visiting hereafter ARBORISTS BUILDING N,ATERIAL ELECTRICIANS Al I STATE Mrs. Irwin's mother Mrs. Grace standing Holt of Haggett's Pond rd. the full DD 1 Ray Doyle of Chandler rd., is this mart AMALIA ANDOVER REALTY spending the summer months as are or cc TREE SURGEONS, Inc. LUMBER - PAINTS AGENCY Counsellor at Wilder-ness Camp be made Archie A. Gunn Norridgewock, Me. Teri. A TREE SERVICE WITH A REAL ESTATE Mrs. Archie West of Blood rd., WALLPAPER MASTER ELECTRICIAN said pi SENSIBLE ATTITUDE 3 Lowell St., Shawsheen Village is spending a month with her to any TOWARD COST HARDWARE Hir ing for TEL S. 702 or LAW. 8.4241 daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. assessme AND. 1848 011 Burners — Light — Power Donald A. MacNeil, Mgr. Walter Stewart of Hough's Neck, anu othe Quincy. SPORTING - GOODS MOTOR & APPLIANCE liens it Mrs. Patricia Hogan and chil- dollars Ic BUSS AMMUNITION - TARGETS REPAIRS have returned W. Shirley Barnard dren of Shirley ave., told by t TREE SERVICE 41 PINE ST. TEL. AND. 920 to their home after spending place of J. E. Pitman Est. several days at Cousins Island, titer ' 38 Years Experience Me. sale. 63 PARK ST., ANDOVER REAL ESTATE A Complete Tree Service Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN Karla Haartz of High Plain rd., J. H. Buss, Sr. Te,. TEL. 664 4E34a Main at Barnard Street is enrolled for a month at Meadow 11. Russ, 'r. Telephone 202 Brook Camp, Meredith, N. II. LANDSCAPE SERVICE Captain and Mrs. George Snow CARPENTRY WORK U.S. A. of Baltimore, Md. , aore re- 1 re TREE SERVICE cent guests of Mrs. \ ',man HEATHERFELLS Matthews, high Plain rd. by Comrnoi FOR ALL YOUR NURSERY BRADLEY DODGE CARPENTER WORK LANDSCAPE SERVICE REAL ESTATE H. ROHRBACH CHOICE OF FINE ESSEX, ASSOCIATES REMODELING SUNSET ROCK ROAD TEL. 192 AND. 2529 MU 7-7029 FOODS AND LIQUORS To al: Walborn, Mas.sachuseas OR Bring L, Your Garden Problems estate of ANDOVER REPRESENTATIVE LOUIS SCANLON'S of Anciwit ROOFING CALL 1943 FOR A petl ALBERT R. RETELLE ON THE ANDOVER LINE* said Cot A, , CERT. MASS. ARE$ORIST Fred E.Cheever instrurner Reservation Road will of si LAUNDRIES REAL ESTATE SERVICE STATION Ill J1, 'liH Tel. And. 841 ED. OTTO 21 MAIN STREET of Essex executor 'FELS. 775 & 1119ti TEL. AND. 1396 QUICK SERVICE Here To Serve If you AUTO REPAIRS Wet Wash Or your c • FREE ESTIMATES • M. Murray Dried and Folded John ,iPbearani L' Gulf port belt IN tsl 10 OUT BY EDWIN J. K. C. KILLORIN Super Service noon on 1959, thi CLARK MOTOR SHIRTS 6 FLATWORK REALTOR Witnes. FINISHED 77 Main St. Andover lull's, El CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Tel. 2272 •hir fay Bed Spreads & Shag Rugs AUTHORIZED CARPENTER TELEVISION SERVILE 1( CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH BUILDER ESSEX For Efficient, Courteous SALES and SERVICE HOME REPAIRING MC Service and ACTION! BOB'S C & REMODELING LAUNDROMAT PAINTING and BODY WORK I List f.xclusivei) u By vi IN OUR OWN SHOP PORCHES ENCLI,JL:.. 24 ESSEX ST. ANDOVER T V SERVICE Power mortgage Jalousies or Screen,-; TEL. 3005 R. C. SIMMERS RADIOS & PHONOGRAPHS 41 PARK ST., ANDOVER REAL - TY, IN FREE ESTIMATES :,NCE Tel. Andover 333 TEL. AND. 2254 CENTS AD TAKER August TEL. AND. 1318-J Essex t RADIO & TV SERVICE 839, Pm P ,%!•.TIN(3 GENERAL CLEANSERS c. :-.)YERS RESTAURANTS unciersig MULLIGAN'S breach PARK ST. REPAIRING qcicirr BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME RADIO & TV LAB. closing GARAGE JENNEY —CLEANSING- SCLITH BROADWAY, LAWRENCE Public 46i4lEf iMFOli- GAS 8 OILS PRESSING light So - -- NOW! TEL. LAW. 30396 August, 33 PARK ST. TEL. 240 - TAILORING— hereinal BECK & DAVIS TRAVEL Hood, BEAUTY SHOP MEN'S AND LADILY and sin in said PAINTING CONTRACTORS AND OVER the Ica Interior d. Exterior has bee CALL 1169 TRAVEL BUREAU by insir Agency tor All Airlines and rec FREE ESTIMATES 844, Pc Slander E Swanton and Steam Ship Lines tz5 1p • as folk 56 MAIN ST. r- FEL I EL. 775-108 ANDOVER CALL OLiver 8-4636 No... ST V-" Off re :I MAIN A ce 66 Main Street Te: or GLenview 8-0510 tap. iover -o-op; ANDOVER, MASS. ,irdlvER MASS


THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 10, 1958 13 tl sales manager of the correlate the activities 11111( I t. 1•.'S SALL duct sales managers and LEGAL NCI- lit t.STA'rE in conjunction with the ICES lip virtue "nil in execution of the CLASSIFIED ADS Committee on all policy Power of Sole contained in a certain affecting sales. \IIIICTG %GEE'S SALE mortgage given by CRYSTAL. REAL- •-- 11. RE.1 ESTATE ner of I...v..•11 and TY, INC., to THE BOSTON FIVE Personal a Services Offered is ,x...tution of the [toad in Andover, Essex County, cf.flTS SAVINGS HANK, dated ns To Seek •,1 ...le contained in a certain Massachusetts, being shown as I.ot August 30, 1956, and recorded with WEDDING INVITATIONS AND a o w,. by CRYSTAL 11EAL- 2 on a plan entitled "Ilan of Land Essex North District Deeds, Book complete line of Wedding Station- HAVE LAWN MOWER - Will travel! to Berth i • :TON EIVE ClNTS in Andover-Muss., Owned by cif YSTAL 841, Page 255, of which mortgage the ery. Fine selection of papers and Rate by hour or by the job. Call HANK dated April 22, 1957 HEAL'TY, INC., William T. Thistle, undersigned Is the present holder for type-faces. Prompt service. The Earl J. Lye at Andover 1966. Wants, 15 Stratford rd,, C-16-3-10-17 nipt to regain the State with r:ssex North MS- C. E. - dated August 195r., recorded breach of the conditions of said mort- ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, 70 Main ;at he vacated two years ....tit, Hook 853 ['age 80 of with Essex North District Deeds, to gage and for the purpose of fore- St. Tel. 1943-1944. A-TI CALL. DONALD DUSTIN, And- ,ortgage the undersigned is which plan reference is hereby made closing the same will be sold at over 141-W for odd jobs.. Attics, did not seek re-election ..nt holder for breach of the for a more particular description. Public Auction at 10 A.M. Daylight Lost and Found yards, barns and cellars cleaned. Saving Time on the 5th day of August, 'ourth Essex District in .1i, of said mortgage and for Containing 45708 square feet of Pick-up and dump truck available. land more or less. 1958 on that portion of Lot I not has announced he will ,nose of foreclosing the same ANDOVER SAVINGS HANK pass C-'I'F I.• sold at Public Auction at Also excepting therefrom the follow- partially released from said mortgage book No. 69241 has been lost and ididate for election this WINDOW CLEANING. Venetian o'clock, A.M. Daylight Saving ing parcels of land which have been on Lowell Street, Andover, Massachu- application has been made for pay- name will appear on the blinds cleaned and repaired - nn the 29th day of July A.D. released froni said mortgage by instru- setts, all and singular the premises ment in accordance with Sec. 20, in ballot in the primary Floors washed and polished - on the premises hereinafter ment dated June 20, 1958, and re- described in said mortgage, excepting Chap. 167 of the General Laws. ber. Storm Windows put on - Awnings corded with said Deeds as instrument therefrom the following parcels of Payment has been stopped. ,es now as administrative all and singular the pre- removed - Paint washing., COTE S described in said mortgage, No. 758, June 27, 1958. land which have been released from H-10-17-24 to the Massachusetts Window Cleaning Co., Tel. MU- Four (4) certain parcels of land said mortgage by instrument dated oner of Public Works, at wit: ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass 2-3020. C-TF' ,:ertain parcel of land with the with the buildings thereon situated June 20, 1958, and recorded with I salary of $10,985. Ile book No. 56412 has been lost and 1,,lifias thereon situated on Green- on Greenwood Road, Andover, Essex said Deeds as Instrument No. 757, application has been made for CHAIN SAW RENTALS and small inted to that position by ,. a Road, Andover, Essex County, County, Massachusetts, being shown June 27, 1958, and therein described payment in accordance with Sec. engine repairs. All makes of lawn , v. Christian A. Herter, ,taichusetts, being shown as Lot as Lots 3, 4, 6, and 7 on a plan en- as follows: 20, Chap. 167 of the General mowers sharpened. Equipment to that time, he had plan entitled "Plan of Land In titled "Plan of Land in Andover, "Five (5) certain parcels of land Laws. Payment has been stopped. Service Co., Buxton Court off om 1953 to 1956, inclu- with the buildings situated on Green- As Mass. Owned by: CRYSTAL Massachusetts, Owned by Crystal B-26-3-10 Lewis Street, Andover. Tel. Anti. the Senate. A veteran of wood Road, Andover, Essex County, ..V.TY, INC. William T. Thistle, Realty, Inc., William T. Thistle, ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass 3075. C-'I'F service in World War Massachusetts, being shown as Lots dated August 1956, duly re- C.E." dated August, 1956, recorded book No. 64257 has been lost and a former athletic instruc- 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on a plan entitled THE SEWING CENTER - Teen- .r,:ea with Essex North District with Essex North [District Deeds, as application has been made for age girls sewing instructions, illips Academy, Exeter. "Plan of Land in Andover, Mass. p,..lbary of Deeds, Plan No. 3339 of Plan No. 3339 of 1956, to which plan payment in accordance with Sec. basic and advanced sewing. ourth District includes Owned by Crystal Realty, Inc., Wil- I '4 `,,;, to which plan reference is reference is hereby made for a more 20, Chap. 167 of the General Classes starting at close of Andover, Iioxford, heresy made for a more particular particular description of each lot. liam T. Thistle, C.E." dated August Laws. Paynient has been stopped. school. Call Marjorie Kidd, And- Nn, Groveland, Haverhill, ae,riptIon, and containing 30,690 Lot 3 contains 32,079 square feet 1956, recorded with Essex North Dis- 11-26-3-10 over, 789-W. C-TF , No. Andover, Salisbury trict Deeds, as Plan No. 3339 of utuure feet of land, more or less, of land; Lot 4 contains 31,737 square Newbury, plus No. Head- 1956, to which plan reference is here- accor,ung to said plan. feet of land; Lot 6 contains 31,050 Services Offered DRESSMAKING and alterations. ddlesex County. title see deed of George H. square feet of land, and Lot 7 con- by made for a more particular des- Specializing in children's clothing. et ux, duly recorded with tains 30,690 square feet of land. cription of each lot. Lot 3 contains GENERAL. WORK - LANDSCAP- Mrs. C:.A. l'iquette, 6A Burnham ;ah Lodge To .sex North District Registry of Also another certain parcel of land, 32,079 square feet of land; Lot 4 con- ING, Cellars and Attics Cleaned. Rd.. Tell Andover 2035-W. C-TF Book 839, Page 159. being part of Lot 1 on said plan, tains 31,737 sq. feet; Lot 5 contains Grade A. Loam, Sand, Filling and bounded and described as follows: 31,395 sq. feet; Lot 6 contains 31,050 Stones. Garbage removed. 'I'. Grocery Sale 'F a ts conveyance is made together Cesspool Service with the right to use the streets and Beginning at the Southwesterly sq. feet; Lot 7 contain, 30,690 sq. Romano Trucking, Tel. Andover Ridge Rebekah Lodge feet. ways as shown on said plan in corn- corner of Lot 1; thence turning and 946-J. C-T1, CESSPOOLS, ETC., PUMPED out meet at the Square and "Also another parcel of land, being mon with others entitled thereto for running in a Northerly direction along and chemically degreased and part of Lot 1 on said plan, bounded ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING Club hall July 15 at all purposes for which streets and the Westerly boundary of said Lot 1, desoaped. R.E. Andrews & Co. and described as follows: Services rendered, part time. Taxes are used In the Town of And- 200 feet to the Northwesterly corner and systems. Reasonable. No ob- Tel. Amlover 3499, TF ing the business meeting, "Beginning at the Southeasterly of Lot 1; thence turning and running ligation. Call Mr. Hackett, Andover corner of Lot 1; thence turning and ,11 be a grocery social. Including as a part of the realty all Easterly along the Northerly boundary 2094-M. C-TF running in a Northerly direction along Help Wanted-Female h are asked to bring an r.euting apparatus, plumbing, ranges, of Lot 1, 149 feet more or less to a the Easterly boundary of said Lot 1, the sale. mantels, oil, gas and electric fix- point in the Northerly line of Lot 1, Commonwealth of Massachusetts 208 feet to the Northeasterly corner PROBATE COURT' HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT will tur,,, screens, screen doors, awnings, which point is 50 feet from the North- baby sit any time during July and and gas refrigerators, and easterly corner of said Lot 1, measured of Lot 1; thence turning and running Docket No. 258594 Westerly along the Northerly boundary Essex, ss. August. Call Shirley Warshaw, isonals••• fixtures of whatever kind and on the Northerly line of Lot 1; thence Andover 2152. 11-3 of Lot 1, 50 feet; thence turning and To all persons interested in the ad Mrs. George Irwin of • at present contained in or turning and running in a Southerly running in a Southerly direction, 208 estate of RUTH M. URICH late of Beach, Fla., are visiting ,reaf ter placed in any building direction about 208 feet more or LADIES. IS EXTRA money needed? feet, more or less to a point in the Andover in said County, deceased. win's mother Mrs. Grace tanning on said premises prior to less, to a point on the Northerly side You can become a successful Avon Northerly side line of Lowell Street A petition has been presented to Rep. in your neighborhood by laggett's Pond rd. :se full payment and discharge of line of Lowell Street, which point is which is 50 feet from the Southeast- said Court, for probate of a certain friendly calls. Pleasant, dignified loyle of Chandler rd., is this mortgage in so far as the same 50 feet from the Southeasterly corner erly corner of said Lot I measured on instrument purporting to be the last part-time work. Call MUrdock the summer months as :re or can, by agreement of parties, of said Lot 1, measured on said side will of said deceased by RALPH T. said side line of Lowell Street; thence 8-2686 or Wakefield CRystal or at Wilder-ness Camp e made a part of the realty. line of Lowell street; thence turning URICH of Andover in the County of turning and running Easterly on the 9-2296. 11-10 Nock, Me. Terms of sale: and running Westerly on the side line Essex, praying that he be appointed side line of said Lowell Street, 50 1rchie West of Blood rd., Said premises will be sold subject of Lowell Street by two lines measur- executor thereof without giving a feet to the point of beginning." Dogs, Cats and Pets rrO tding a month with her to any and all unpaid taxes and ing respectively 82.03 feet more or surety on his bond. To wit: and family Mr. and Mrs. assessments, tax sales, tax titles less and 67.97 feet to the point of If you desire to object thereto you "A certain parcel of land with the DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPPIES d.ewart of Rough's Neck, ana other municipal liens and water beginning. or your attorney :Mould file a written buildings thereon situated on Lowell For Sale. AKC Champion Line. liens if any there are, One Thousand To wit: appearance in said Court at Lawrence Road and Greenwood Road, Andover, Ely, Jenkins Road, Andover. Call Patricia Hogan and chil- dollars in cash will be required to be A certain parcel of land with the before ten o'clock in the forenoon on Essex County, Massachusetts being North Reading 4-4488. M-3-10 ihirley ave., have returned paid by the purchaser at the time and buildings thereon situated on Lowell the fourteenth day of July 1958, the shown as Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on it home after spending place of sale. Street and Greenwood Roau, Andover, return day of this citation. a plan entitled "Plan of Lana in And- Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- days at Cousins Island, (- Essex County, Massachusetts, being Realtors Bier terms to be announced at the over, Mass. Owned by: Crystal Realty quire, First Judge of said Court, this sale. shown as a lot marked "Lovejoy Inc., William T. Thistle, C.E.", dated nineteenth day of June 1958. DOUGLAS N. IIOWE REALTOR, Haartz of High Plain rd., Farm" on a plan entitled "Plan of THE BOSTON FIVE CENTS August 1956, to be recorded herewith JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. 52 Main Street, Andover, Phone ed for a month at Meadow Lovejoy Farm, West Andover, Mass. SAVINGS BANK with Essex North District Registry of Lloyd and Sherman 2208, evening Phone 2423. John Franklin, C.E." duly recorded amp, Meredith, N. 11;tgned) ROBERT T. LAWRENCE Deeds, to which plan reference is 316 Essex Street S-Tf in and Mrs. George Snow Asst. Treasurer with Essex North District Registry hereby made for a more particular Lawrence, Mass. 26-3-10 f Baltimore, Md., were re- Present holder of said mortgage. of Deeds, Book 510, Page 600, to description of each lot. Wonted to Buy uests of Mrs. Newman 3-10-17 which plan reference is hereby made Commonwealth of Massachusetts "For title see deed of George Ff. rd. for a more particular description. PROBATE COURT a, High Plain Winslow et ux, duly recorded with A\ I IQUES OR AN) MING old. There is excepted from the above Docket No. 192468 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex North District Registry of Marble-top, Walnut, Grape ,nil described land so much land as was Essex, ss. PROBATE COURT Deeds, Book 839, Page 159. Rose-carved Furniture, Glass, conveyed to Agnes Davidson, by deed To all persons interested in the Docket No. 258758 "Including as a part of the realty China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, iOICE OF FINE dated December 9, 1948, recorded with trust estate under the will of HENRY 61;i ..„ ss. all heating apparatus, plumbing, Prints, Frames, Guns, Coins, Essex North District Deeds, Book W. BARNARD late of Andover in said )S AND LIQUORS To all persons interested in the ranges, mantels, oil, gas and electric County, deceased, for the benefit of Furniture Etc., William F. Gra- estat 718, Page 127. e of ANNA P. HUMPHREY late fixtures, screens, screen doors, MABEL PARADISE BARNARD and ham Jr., 165 Golden hill Ave., For title see deed of George H. 1 Andover in said County, deceased. awnings, electric and gas refrigera- others. Haverhill, Mass. Telephone Haver- UIS SCANLON'S Winslow et ux of even delivery and A petition has been presented to tors, and other fixtures of whatever The tenth account of said trust has hill Drake 23708. Will call to look. THE ANDOVER LINE record herewith. said Court for probate of a certain kind and nature at present contained been presented to said Court for TF Including as a part of the realty all instrument purporting to be the last in or hereafter placed in any building allowance. heating apparatus, plumbing, ranges, PHILLIPS ACADEMY GRADUATE will of said deceased by FRANK J.A. standing on said premises prior to the If you desire to object thereto you buying picture frames, old desks, mantels, oil, gas and electric fix- or your attorney should file a written ERVICE STATION HUMPHREY of Andover in the County full payment and discharge of this jewelry, dishes, dolls and marble tures, screens, screen doors, awnings, appearance in said Court at Lawrence of Essex, praying that he be appointed mortgage in so far as the same are top furniture. Tel. Lawrence, Mur- electric and gas refrigerators, and before ten o'clock in the forenoon on executor thereof. or can, by agreement of parties, be dock 8-3072 or write 22 Lowell other fixtures of whatever kind and the fourteenth day of July 1958, the Here To Serve .. If you desire to object thereto you made a part of the realty." Street, Boston, Mass. U-TF or your attorney should file a written nature at present contained in or here- return day of this citation. p John M. Murray Terms of sale: Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- 1PPearunce In said Court at Newbury- after placed in any building standing Said premises will be sold subject quire, First Judge of said Court, this Gu I I port before ten o'clock in the fore- on said premises prior to the full Television Service to any and all unpaid taxes anu sixteenth day of June 1958. Super Se, . , r r noon on the twenty-eighth day of July payment and discharge of ibis mort- assessments, tax sales, tax titles area JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. FREE ESTIMATES on television 1958, the return day of this citation. gage in so far as the same are or can, other municipal liens and water liens ti by agreement of parties, ,be moue a ToMlinson & Hatch, Attorneys repairs. Television Radio Labora- 'hitt..., JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- if any there are, One Thousand Dollars 301 Essex Street tories. Tel. MU 3-7726. Authorized sure, First Judge of said Court, this part of the realty. ($1,000) in cash will be required to Lawrence, Massachusetts for Jordan-Marsh service. Y-TI third day of July 1958. Terms of sale: be paid by the purchaser at the time 26- 3- 10 Said premises will be sold, subject _EVISION SERVICE JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. and place of sale. 10-17-24 to any and all unpaid taxes and Other terms to be announced at the assessments, tax sales, tax titles and sale. RESIGNED FROM MORTGAGEE'S SALE other municipal liens and water liens THE BOSTON FIVE CENTS LAND COMMITTEE CESSPOOL BOB'S OF REAL ESTATE if any there are, One Thousand Dol- SAVINGS BANK Albert Cole Jr. has tendered his By virtue and in execution of the lars ($1,000) in cash will be required By: ROBERT T. LAWRENCE resignation from the town-appointed V SERVICE Power of Sale contained in a certain to be paid by the purchaser at the Assistant Treasurer PUMPING Land Committee. The group is riri mortgage given by CRYSTAL REAL- time and place of sale. PHONOGRAPHS 10-17-24 responsible for seeking land in Electric Drc,n Cleaning s& TY, INC., to THE BOSTON FIVE Other terms to be announced at the various sections of town for TOWN OF ANDOVER 2254 CENTS SAVINGS BANK, dated sale. future municipal uses. The . AND. PUBLIC HEARING August 15, 1956, and recorded with THE BOSTON FIVE CENTS Selectmen accepted his resigna- R. E. ANDREWS A Public Hearing will be held in Essex County District Deeds, Book SAVINGS BANK tion but took no action on filling the Selectmen's Office, Town Hall, Tel. Andover 3490 10 & TV SERVICE 839, Page 160, of which mortgage the By: ROBERT T. LAWRENCE the vacancy. Andover, Mass., on Thursday evening, undersigned is the present holier for Assistant Treasurer July 17, 1958, at 8:15 PM to act on ULL1GAN'S breach of the conditions of said mart- 10-17-24 the application of the ANDOVER 'lugs and for the purpose of fore- TOWN OF ANDOVER HOUSING AUTHORITY for a variance 10 & TV LAB. closing the same will be sold at PUBLIC HEARING in the Zoning By-Laws to allow the H BROADWAY, LAWRENCE Public Auction at 10:30 A.M. Day- A Public Hearing will be held in light Saving Time on the 5th Day of building of a multiple dwelling on a TEL. LAW. 30396 • the Selectmen's Office Thursday eve- CURRAN & JOYCE COMPANY August, 1958, on Lot 5 of the premises lot with un area less than that re- ning, July 17th, 1958, at 8:30 PM to hereinafter described on Greenwood by the Zoning By-Laws. act on the application of ALPHEL Roau, Andover, Massachusetts, all BOARD OF APPEALS TRAVEL LeTOURNEAU for a variance in and singular the premises described E. ALFRED W. FULLER -MANUFACTURERS- the Zoning By-Law to permit the in said mortgage, excepting therefrom Chairman location of a single family dwelling ANDOVER the f°11")wing parcel of land which gate of issue on back land in the rear of a lot has been released from said mortgage July 10, 1958 1VEL BUREAU owned by him on the east side of SODA WATERS by instrument dated October 31, 1956, ncy for All Airline. rina recorded with seta Deed Book Osgood Street. Russell Lewis of Laurel In. is BOARD OF APPEALS J Steam Ship Lines 144, Page 449, and therein described a Representative of the Farm and and GINGER ALES as follows : ALFRED W. FULLER World Affairs Committee and he is N ST. TEL. 775 Chairman now in Jamestown, No. Dakota. ,ever, M A certain parcel of land with the July 10, 1958 • JULY 10, 1958 14 THURSDAY 11411 ASIIDOVIti) IOWNiMAN Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN SHAWSHEEN HYLANDS SEWER STARTED Lowell st., near the inter- I PO 111111111110 NEN section at NO. Main st., will he tied up for several (lays, I . NOW as the Shaw sheen Ily- lands THRU SATURDAY sewer line is started. Tina Louise Rork beg an Mond ay morn- fe, ing on the new line, with GOD'S LITTLE AC': F. traffic diverted away from the Co-Feature excavation. %later Supt. Ben Johnson Donald Bassett said another few days will be required to FORT BOWIE finish the Lowell st. section. SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY AN, Don Murray 127 MAIN ST. FROM HELL TO TEXAS tEL. 2125 PAUL'S Co- Feature 25 Years' Experience Jeffrey Hunter Remodeling Dressmaking COUNT FIVE AND DIE Alterations Sunday at 8 p.m. Coats and Presses. Ladies' Suits, K iddies' Beauty Conte s t Made to Order

FUN IN THE SAND — One of the prime attractions at Central Playground is the sand box, where children find lots of enjoyment. Tunnels were the order of the day Monday, with the youngsters in this picture concentrating on that phase of building.

Ballardvale rd., with the following members of the Shawsheen Village family members attending: Mr. and Improvement Association appeared Fuel, Gas Bids Mrs. Ernest Anderson, and Mrs. before the Board to suggest the Arthur Roggee, Mr. and Mrs. additional measures. The resi- Were Awarded Burton Batcheller and children, dents, speaking for the Associa- Leslie, Jo Anne and "Skipper"; tion, said further control of park- Contracts have been awarded Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson ing was necessary, to drive em- by the Selectmen for varying a- and daughter, Robynn; Mr. ployees of the firm into the new mounts of fuel oil and gasoline Mrs. William Batchelder andand parking area, which has ample for the year. daughters, Gail and Gwen; andand capacity for all employees' cars. OFF 1 The Stewart Oil Co. of Lupine Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb ton Mond rd. was low bidder on 3000 gal- daughters, Judith and Sandra. Improven lons of range oil, at .109 per International Guests gallon delivered. Other bidders were Cyr Oil Co., .114 and Brien Will Attend In Local Homes Oil Co., .135. Eleven guests from Canada and The Brien Oil Co. received a School In France Great Britain will be entertained Mr( contract for 8500 barrels of No. 5 Miss Alma Grew, daughter of Dr. by families of South Church this oil, for use in the school system. and Mrs. James Grew of Phillips weekend. The low bid was 33.3585 per Academy, landed at Le Flarve last South Church is one of the barrel delivered. Other bidders week, having sailed on the S. S. greater Boston Congregational 11 14 were the Andover Oil Co., 33.3589; Nieuw Amsterdam to attend the Churches to offer hospitality to and the Dalrymple Oil Co., 33.3895. advanced Summer School in France delegates to the International WHEN IS A FAMILY SECURE? When your savings in WOLCOT The Cyr Oil Co. was low bidder operated under the auspices of Council which has been in session CAN KE at Hartford, Conn., July 3-10. ready cash amount to a year's salary, you are financially and received a contract to supply the Northampton School for Girls, The S Northampton, and Ecole Champ- Hosts to these international prepared for almost any family emergency. So say the approximately 70,000 gallons of tied resin lain, a French camp in Vermont. guests will be Mrs. Alvin J. Zink, No. 2 fuel oil for use in various economic experts. that fie Alma, who has been a student at Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Gilcreast, municipal buildings. The low which Abbot Academy, was one of 22 Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay J. March, A savings bank is the best place to save, price was .0054 cents per gallon plaints fi girls from almost as many different Mr. and Mrs. Wilson R. Neisser, plus the Boston tank car price at so drop in and open your account have bee independent schools who were Mr. and Mrs. Dixon B. Penick and time of delivery. At the present The 5 selected for this advanced French Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Zandt. today. It's the wisest investment you prices, this would be a total of same nu Course, after having studied at can make in your family's future. .1004 per gallon. Other bidders during tit included the Brien Oil Co., .1095; the Summer School of French on INTERESTING TRIP the Northampton School campus or Mrs. Mary Gibson and her The nt and the Howe Oil Co., .101. both situ, A contract to furnish about having been recommended by their daughter Ruth of Shawsheen rd., schools. Girls who have made a have recently returned from a been cl 58,500 gallons of gasoline for use odd for in town vehicles was awarded to good record in French at their interesting vacation trip con- respective schools are eligible dected by the Cartan Tour. They other str, the Cyr Oil Co., at a low price of sidents s 13.8 cents a gallon for regular and for the European study which left Boston by American Air Line centers about Le Montcel, a well- for Chicago June 28 and from ANDOVER deliverie 17.3 cents a gallon for high test, difficulty known French independent school. Chicago they traveled by train to plus applicable taxes. Quantities document Besides the weeks spent at Denver, Col. .Where they climbed of high test and regular will be It has determined at the times of de- Ecole du Montcel, the group will Pikes Peak and the Mt. Cheyenne SAVINGS BANK the stree livery. take a trip by autocar to the Trail. On the latter Trail they ex- Riviera, and one through Norman- perienced a severe hail storm S.,ANDOVER - NORTH ANDOVER - METHUV and thus seeable FAMILY COOKOl T IIELD dy, Brittany, and Touraine. They which caused washouts on the The Anderson Family Cookout sill sail for home late in kugust. Trail. They arrived home Saturday, the numl was held Sunday at the home of July 5. always Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb on Announce New AIR-CONDITIONED . ACADEMY Regular dividends help your savings grow Parking Rules A * All deposits insured in full by law Whether Additional parking restrictions BARBER SHOP PRI around the Raytheon plant in SOD SERVICE Shawsheen Village have been im- 90 main St. Andover (Near A&P) you table is new or old, posed by the Selectmen. SP it should be protected. After consulting with Chief David Nicoll Monday morning, the Our /3, Board made the following deci- sions: elithlef Plate Glass Two-hour parking on the north pr side of Ilaverhill st., between York pint st. and the railroad, a change from the former unlimited parking Tops status. Alwi There will be no parking on the to brit south side of Haverhill st., be- tween York st. and the railroad. pres are good insurance against This also was unlimited. on us Two-hour parking allowed on burns, scotches and stains. Burnham rd., both sides, from I York st. to the railroad bridge, a We will make tops to your change from unlimited parking. On Fleming ave. there will be measurements or patterns. two-hour parking on the right hand side and no parking on the left. Tel. MUrdock 3-7151 for Both sides formerly were two-hour further information. parking. The decision to place further regulations on parking in the lta,theon area came a week after Lawrence Plate & DAMORE'S Window Glass Co. SHOE SERVICE MJSGROVE BLDG. MA IN sT. 417 Canal St., MU 3.7151 ANDOVER Fi alit Class Shoe Repo' mg Mi WORK DINE WHILE