2.972B TOTAL SPENDING $3 BILLION in VISITOR SPENDING 14% 17% 20% 21% 28% $412M $502M $591M $619M $848M Lodging Recreation Transportation Retail Food & Bev
TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY FACTS NORTH DAKOTA’S TOURISM INDUSTRY SALES Visitor spending brings outside dollars into North Dakota’s economy, generating tax revenue, additional business revenue, jobs and a more diverse 22.6 economy. MILLION ANNUAL VISITORS $2.972B TOTAL SPENDING $3 BILLION IN VISITOR SPENDING 14% 17% 20% 21% 28% $412m $502m $591m $619m $848m Lodging Recreation Transportation Retail Food & Bev. TRAVEL AND TOURISM IMPACT ACROSS THE STATE Travel and tourism creates jobs and generates sales in every county of North 2,977 Dakota. The industry spans nearly a dozen sectors, including lodging, retail, RELATED real estate, air passenger transport, food and beverage, car rental, taxi services, BUSINESSES travel agents, recreation, museums, parks, sports events and others. Under $2m $2-4m $4-8m $8-16m $16-30m 45,646 $36-80m JOBS $110-400m $400-850m MARKETING TOURISM MARKETING HALO EFFECT MATTERS Effective tourism advertising improved consumer perceptions. This “halo effect” of tourism marketing not only lifts visitation but positively impacts key economic development measures, like the examples shown below. $3.17 million advertising investment influenced 7% Lift 354,000 trips and 12% Lift $328.3 million in visitor 12% Lift spending — a direct result 13% Lift of ND Tourism ad campaign 8% Lift 9% Lift 2019 media coverage secured 722 national AWARE OF ND TOURISM ADS UNAWARE media placements reaching 2 billion people! OUTDOOR RECREATION ATTRACTS VISITORS AND WORKFORCE More than 1 million visits The #1 reason people travel to North Dakota is to experience the to NDtourism.com, with outdoors. Annually, this includes more than 63,000 nonresident anglers, 23,000 nonresident waterfowl hunters and more than 800,000 visitors to 222,848 click-throughs Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
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