At the Court-House, at the City of Exeter, and County of the Same City, On
310 rn Softer, Win?, and Spirituous Liquors, both in the Tow Sarah Atkins, Widow, late of Dartmouth, Devonshire, out of and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. business, formerly Ironmonger (sued as Sarah Atkins, Ex- Bartholomew Covvell, formerly of Charlotte-Street, Nort Sliields, Northumberland, afterwards of Low-Street, Sout! Shields, Durham, and afterwards of Bell-Street, Nortl Shields aforesaid, Cooper and Publican, and lately residinj Baker and Grocer. at furnished lodgings in Newgate-Street, in the Town ani Thomas Williams, formerly of Heavitree, Devon, Plumbery County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cooper. Painter, and Glazier, afterwards of Union-Street, Friar- Anthony Dagg, formerly of the Wall Knoll, In Newcastle Street, Bhickfriars-Road, Surrey, Labourer, and late of upon-Tyne, and carrying on the business of a Grocer at thi Exmouth, Devonshire, Plumber, Painter, and Glazier. Ouseburn, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland John Wiuln., formerly of Bishops Teignton, then of East and also the Quay-Side, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Linen Teignmoiitli, then of Dawlish, then of West Teignmonth, Draper, and late of the Wall Knoll, in Newcastle-npon and late of Dawlish, all in Devonshire, Captain in the Royal Tjme, Labourer. Nary. Elizabeth Hay, late of Dean-Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Joseph Bowden, late of Ashburton, Devonshire, Victualler Milliner, Straw-Bonnet-Miiker, and Dealer in Boots and and Farrier. Shoes. William Twogood, late of Awliscombe, Devonshire, Farmer. Joseph Harvey, formerly of Blackwall South Shore, Gates- Elizabeth Parker, formerly of Stoneliouse, out of business then head, Durham. Journeyman Paper-Maker, and late of the of Stoke, and late of Devonport, all in Devonshire, School- Milk-Market, Sandgate, within the Liberties of Newcastle- mistress.
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