Protocols* (Local Environment for Activity and Nutrition-- Geographic Information Systems)
LEAN-GIS Protocols* (Local Environment for Activity and Nutrition-- Geographic Information Systems) Version 2.0, December 2010 Edited by Ann Forsyth Contributors (alphabetically): Ann Forsyth, PhD, Environmental Measurement Lead Nicole Larson, Manager, EAT-III Grant Leslie Lytle, PhD, PI, TREC-IDEA and ECHO Grants Nishi Mishra, GIS Research Assistant Version 1 Dianne Neumark-Sztainer PhD, PI, EAT-III Pétra Noble, Research Fellow/Coordinator, Versions 1.3 David Van Riper, GIS Research Fellow Version 1.3/Coordinator Version 2 Assistance from: Ed D’Sousa, GIS Research Assistant Version 1 * A new edition of Environment, Food, and Yourh: GIS Protocols A Companion Volume to NEAT-GIS Protocols (Neighborhood Environment for Active Travel),Version 5.0, a revised edition of Environment and Physical Activity: GIS Protocols at Contact:, Preparation of this manual was assisted by grants from the National Institutes of Health for the TREC--IDEA, ECHO, and EAT--III projects. This is a work in progress LEAN: GIS Protocols TABLE OF CONTENTS Note NEAT = Companion Neighborhood Environment and Active Transport GIS Protocols, a companion volume 1. CONCEPTUAL ISSUES ............................................................................................................5 1.1. Protocol Purposes and Audiences ........................................................................................5 1.2 Organization of the
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