Index of Food Distribution Articles

This list of papers is presented in subject classi- Warehousing, Transportation and Physical fication form following the Super Market Institute infor- Distribution Management mation Service classifications for their monthly index The papers included are for proceedings issues of service. Food Distribution Research Conferences from 1962 and The following additions have been made to the SMI include all Food Distribution Journal Articles through classifications: 1972 including the October 1972 Proceedings Issue. Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Copies of all these issues are available through the Con sumeri sm and Providing Food for Poor Food Distribution Research Society, Inc. People A I ist of all of these publications is presented at Groups-Retail Cooperatives, Voluntaries, the end of the Index. Other Wholesalers, Franchises and Individual articles may be listed under more than Brokers one classification if the content is such as to concern Top Management and Research Management two or more classifications. SMI classification titles Training, Education and Getting Research for which no article appears were not included. Adapted

Categories Used:

Accounting and Controls Grocery Handling Advertising Groups - Retai I Cooperatives, Vo Iuntaries, Other Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Wholesalers, Franchises and Brokers Bakery Manufacturers and Manufacturer Supplier Relations Bantam, Convenience and Drive-In Markets Meat Brands Merchandising Buying, Ordering Procedures and Inventories Mergers Checkout Operations Nutriments Other Than Standard Foods Consumerism and Providing Food for Poor People Packaging Credit and Del ivery Personnel Administration Customer Behavior Patterns and Characteristics Prices and Price Spreads Custwnar Relations and Services Produce Dairy Products Public Relations Del icatessen Restaurants, Snack Bars, Etc. Dietetic Foods Sales Promotions Discount Stores and Discounting Sanitation Displays Store Con structi on Ecology Store Location EIectronic Data Processing Store Management Financing Store Operations Fish and Other Seafood Store Supervision Food Distribution - Foreign Countries Other Than Canada Top Management and Research Management Food Distribution - Training Government Controls, Investigations and Legislation Warehousing and Transportation journal of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 3 ACCOUNTING AND CONTROLS BANTAM, CONVENIENCE AND DRIVE-IN MARKETS

Control Iing the Performance of Reta i I Food Store Convenience Stores: Past and Present Managers - Theodore W. Leed, University of Massa- Reuben Guberman chusetts and Kenneth G. Abrahams, Food Marts, Inc. Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol, II, No, 2 4th Food !3i stribution Research Conference September 1971 October 1963 Fast Food Store Location Factors: A Comparison With Developing a Management Information System Location Factors - Harold G. Love, Burt Hambl eton, President, Associated Grocers University of Kentucky of Seattle 12th Food 13istribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No, 1 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 Prof itabi Iity of Convenience Market - Dairy Departments Distribution Strategy and Cost Anal ysis Ulrich C. Toensmeyer and Charles L. Witt, Univer- Arthur S. Graham, Jr,, A.T. Kearney & Co, sity of Delaware & Del. Tech. Corn, CoIl. 12th Food Di stribulion Research Conference Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 2 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No, 1 September 1972


The Effect of Retai I Food Advertising on Consumer De- Factors Related to Consumer Loyalty for Private Food cision Making - Dr. Robert Welshr Central Michigan Brands - Joseph D. Brown, Bat I State University University Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. I I 1, No. 2 13th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1972 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Evaluating Advertising and Promotional Programs BUYING, ORDERING PROCEDURES AND INVENTORIES Edward Dai Icy, Purdue University 6th Food Distribution Research Conference The Super Valu Approach to Space Allocation October 1965 Dennis Wuebker, Super Valu Stores Measuring the Effect of Different Levels of Expendi - 4th Food Distribution Research Conference ture for Advertising and Promotion on Sales of October 1963 Fluid Mi Ik and Other Dairy Products - Wendel I Display Allocation and Product Evaluation Routine: Clement, ERS, USDA Frozen Foods in the Retail Store - Charles Crossed, 6th Food Distribution Research Conference ERS, USDA October 1965 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Research in Food Store Advertising in Ten Metropolitan October 1963 Centers in the U.S. - Jack Weber, University of Idaho Direct Order Systems - L,G. Buchanan, 6th Food Di stri but ion Research Conference Kellogg Company October 1965 7th Food Distribution Research Conference Some Problems and Future Needs for Advertising and September 1966 Promotional Research - Kent Christensen, Nation al Emphasis on Demand Forecasting and Production Association of Food Chains Planning - Aaron GI ickstein, WiIson & Company 6th Food Di stri but ion Research Conference 8th Food Di stri but ion Research Conference October 1965 October 1967 Overview of the Total Concept - Gerald A, Fitzgerald, AIR CONDITIONING. HEATING AND REFRIGERATION University of Massachusetts 8th Food Distribution Research Conference Evaluation of Refrigeration Systems for the Retai I Food October 1967 Store - Robert S. Welsh, University of Kentucky Food Distribution - A Total Concept 7th Food Distribution Research Conference Kenneth U. Flood, University of Missouri September 1966 8th Food Di stri but ion Research Conference October 1967 Optimization of Movement for Profit James E. Martin, VPI D ii Ion’s Central Bakery Operations 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Richard Dillon, J.S. Dillon & Sons October 1968 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference The React Study - Dan Barnes, National Cash Register June 1962 9th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1968

January 73/ page 4 Journal of Food Distribution Research Predicting Warehouse Movement Food Distribution in Low Income Areas J,M, Johnson, VPI Donald R, Marion, University of Massachusetts 9th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1968 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Emphasis of Teladata Processing Systems Implications Operation Con sumer Concern - USDA-N ARGUS for the Food Firm - John A. Lever, The Pil Isbury Demonstration - Lewis F, Norwood, Extension Service, Corporation USDA 8th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1967 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 The Role of Food Distribution in Serving the Needs of CHECKOUT OPERATIONS Al I of the People - Distribution Systems for the Poor - Progress 81 Prospects - Donald R. Marion, University Some Criteria for Developing the Automatic Check-Out of Massachusetts John C, Bouma, ARS, USDA 1lth Food Distribution Research Conference 9th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 October 1968 The Role of Food Distribution in Serving the Needs of The Need for anlndustry Product Identifying System Al I of the People - Tackling Malnutrition - Chal Ienge Kenneth Silvers, Sell ing Areas-Marketing, inc. to the Food Industry - Richard S. Gordon, Monsanto 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Company October 1968 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in Advanced October 1970, JFDR, vol. 11, No. 1 Checkout Systems - Development of Universal Codes W’allace N, Flint, National Association of Food Chains CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR PATTERNS AND CHARACTERISTICS 1 lth Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Consumer Attitude Toward Charge Cards in the Food The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in Advanced Distribute on Industry - Thomas L. Sporl eder, Checkout Systems - Harry F. Krueckeberg, Indiana Texas A & M University State University 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No, 1 Cotsumer Attitudes Toward the Food Industry: Price, The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in Advanced Ecology, Consumerism, Management, Slogans, Checkout Systems - An Approach to Automation and Advertising and Store Image - Lanny Hernandez, Checkout - John A. Esserian, Charecogn Systems, inc. University of Southern 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. II, No. 1 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 The Role of the Food Distribution Industry In Advanced Consumer Behavior Trends in the 1970’s Checkout Systems - IMS Experience in Advanced Robert S. Welsh, University of West Florida Checkout - George Enssl i n, Inventory Management 12th Food Distribution Research Conference Systems, Inc. October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 11th Food Distribution Research Conference Consumer Decision Making - James F. Engel, Ohio October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 State University Computerized Checkout - An Update 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Harold S. Ricker, ARS, USDA October 1968 12th Food Distribution Research Conference Ccmsumer Panel - Store Audit - Food Industry October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 Statistics - Wi I I i am T. Scott, A.C. Neil sen Company The Optical Scanner - Friend or Foe? 4th Food Distribution Research Conference William S. Sekely and Richard W. Skinner, Kent October 1963 State University Customer Traffic Flow Studies in Smal I Store Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. II 1, No, 2 Thomas S, Stanely, University of Vermont September 1972 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 CONSUMERISM AND PROVIDING FOOD FOR Food Preparation and Attitudes - Paul Kahn, POOR PEOPLE American Can Company Consumerism: The Issue of ’Dual Pricing 12th Food Distribution Research Conference Paul G. Nelson, Greenbelt Consumer Service, Inc. October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 1 Ith Food Distribution Research Conference A Look at New Stores - A Customer Traffic Survey October 1970, JFDR, Vol. II, No. 1 of Takoma Park Cooperative - Harold H. Hoecker, Consumerism: The Issue of Dual Pricing University of Maryland Dermot P, Shea 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 11th Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Journal of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 5 Proposed Consumer Research Projects for the Food DAIRY PRODUCTS Industry - James M. Carman, Consumer Research Institute A Iternati ve Systems of Handling Mi Ik in 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Dr. Eric Oesterle, Purdue University October 1968 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Store Layout and Product Location - Vital Factors October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, .No, 2 Affecting Food Store Sales - Michael G. Van Dress, Profitability of Convenience Market - Dairy ERS, USDA Departments - Ulrich C. Toensmeyer and Charles L. 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Witt, University of Delaware & Del. Tech. Corn. CoIl. October 1963 Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol, II 1, No. 2 The Use of Customer Traffic Studies in Store Design September 1972 Lowel I Mohler, Kansas State Board of Agriculture 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference DELICATESSEN June 1962 What is Quality? - Marie Ferree, University of Safe Handling of Delicatessen Foods California Don Rishoi, National Sanitation Foundation 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2


Consumer Attitude Toward Charge Cards in the Food Health Foods - A Suppliers Viewpoint Distribution Industry - Thomas L. Sporl eder, Texas Heinrich N. Schmidt, Loma Linda Corporation A & M University 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 DISCOUNT STORES AND DISCOUNTING CUSTOMER RELATIONS AND SERVICES Discount Strategy in Food Retai I ing Managerial Economics and Customer Satisfaction Kahandas Nandola, The Ohio University, Athens Edgar P. Watkins, Ohio State University 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 The Future of Discounting - Nathaniel Schwartz, Managerial Economics and Consumer Satisfaction Super Market Merchandi sing & Discount Merchandiser Edgar P. Watkins, Ohio State University 5th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Operation Consumer Concern - USDA-NARGUS DISPLAYS Demonstrate ion - Lewis F. Norwood, Extension Service, USDA Trends in Display: Refrigeration: In-Store Environment 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Donald H. Jones, C.V. Hill Refrigeration Company October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference Performance: From the Consumer Viewpoint October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No, 1 Edgar P. Watkins, Ohio State University ECOLOGY 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 Ecology: Consumer Viewpoint Store Image - A Management Tool Doris Behre, Acting Director Consumer Affairs Market Edgar P. Watkins, Ohio State University Place Ministries Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol, 11, No, 2 12th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1971 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 The - Friend or Foe of the Community Ecology and the USDA Program - Dixon D. Hubbard, Joseph K. Tanaka, Hussman Refrigeration Co. USDA 11th Food Distribution Research Conference 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 Tomorrow is Today - Glen R. Johnson, Jr. Solid Waste Management in Wholesale Food Distribution Clark Equipment Company Centers - Robert S. Stearns, SCS Engineers Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 2 12th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1971 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1

] anuary 73/ page 6 Journal of Food Distribution Research You and We and This Business of Ecology FOOD DISTRIBUTION - FOREIGN COUNTRIES OTHER Clyde H. Vadner, Philadelphia Coca-Cola Company THAN CANADA 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 Food Distribution Research for Developing Countries Martin Kriesberg, FEDS, USDA ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING 11th Fmd Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No, 1 Computer Applications: Off-Line Order Entry Food Distribution Research for Developing Countries - Doug Richardson, Elm Farm Foods Discussant - Milo G, Lacy, California State Poly- 12th Food Distribution Research Conference technic Coil ege 11th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No, 1 Current Limitations of EDP - Howard L. Green, Howard Food Distribution Research for Developing Countries - L. Green & Associates, Inc. Discussant - Donald L. Long, VPI 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Emphasis of Teladata Processing Systems Implications Food Distribution Research for Developing Countries - For the Food Firm - John A. Lever, The Pillsbury Discussant - Robert S. Welsh, University of West Corporation Florida 8th Food Distribution Research Conference 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference October 1967 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1

FINANCING Recent Changes in Food Distribution in Japan and Current Research Projects - Shoj i Nakamura, Capital Planning Strategy - Leonard W. Arentsen, President, Store Engineering Inc., Tokyo Arthur Anderson & Company 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1971, JFDR, Vol. II 1, No. 1 Financing Food Distribution in the 1970’s - Consumers FOOD DISTRIBUTION - UNITED STATES Cooperative - Robert Morrow, Greenbelt Consumer Services, Inc. The Changing Market Structure of Grocery Retailing 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Leon Garoi an, Oregon State University October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference Financing Food Distribution in the 1970’s - Financial June 1962 Institution Views - Charles J. Morss, Jr., New lx’he Food Industry -2000 A,D. Revisited England Mutual Life Insurance Company Jarvis L. Cain, University of Maryland 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 2 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 September 1971 Financing Food Distribution in the 1970’s - Wholesaler Food Retai I ing Beyond the Supermarket and Retailer Relations - Daniel Bartz, Dan Bartz & Daniel 1. Padberg, Cornel I University Associates 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No, 1 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Happenings in United States Food Distribution A System for Evaluating the Profit and Investment Will i am Applebaum, Harvard University Performance in Food Stores - Eric C. Oesterle, Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 2 Purdue University September 1971 5th Food Distribution Research Conference Highlights of the Eighth Annual Report of Food Chain October 1964 Operating Results 1962-63- Professor Wendel I Earle, Cornel I University FISH AND OTHER SEAFOOD 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1963 An Experiment in Retai I Fresh Seafood Merchand ising The National Agricultural Library Serves the Food Samuel M. Gillespie and Steve M. Loomis, Texas Industry - Abraham 1. Lebowitz, USDA A & M University 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 2 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No, 1 September 1972 Panel on Food Industry Statistics - Their Development Fresh Seafood Distribution - Don Long and Charles W. and Use - Curt Kornblau, Super Market Institute, lnc, Coale, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 4th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1963 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2

] ournal of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 7 Panel on Food Industry Statistics - Their Development New Concepts in Warehousing - A Retai I Owned and Use - Paul F, Krueger, Bureau of the Budget Cooperative - Lou Fox, Associated Wholesale 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Grocers October 1963 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Panel on Food Industry Stati sties - Their Development October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 and Use - Charles C, Slater, Michigan State New Concepts in Warehousing in the 1970’s - University Voluntary Wholesaler -0, Dean Hubbard, Kimball 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Grocery Company October 1963 10th Food Distribution Research Conference A Projection of Changes in Food Distribution October 1969, JFDR, Vol, 1, No. 1 William Applebaum, Harvard University New Research Guidelines on Brokerage Firm Manage- 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference ment - Robert L. Bull, Dennis Hawkes and Harry June 1962 Krueckeberg, University of Delaware Research Sources Avai Iable Through Private Firms 4th Fobd Distribution Research Conference John E. Lewis, Marketing Factors, Inc. October 1963 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Progress in the Wholesale Field -0, Dean Hubbard, October 1963 Oklahoma State University The Role of the Distributor, Economic Studies in 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Grocery Retail ing Today - Andral I E. Pearson, October 1963 McKinsey & Company What is Ahead in Wholesale Food Distribution 5th Food Distribution Research Conference Louis Fox, Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. October 1964 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Trends in Food Distribution - Terry L. Crawford and October 1965 Leland W. Southard ERS, USDA 12th Food Distribution Research Conference MANUFACTURERS AND MANUFACTURER-SUPPLIER September 1971 JFDR, Vol. II, NO, 2 RELATIONS

GOVERNMENT CONTROLS, INVESTIGATIONS AND C Iassif ication Scheme for Market Strategy LEGISLATION Dr. Thomas Sporl eder, Texas A & M University 13th Food Distribution Research Conference The Government’s Role in Labels and Labeling October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Dr. R.D. Knutson, Agricultural Marketing Service, Emphasis on Manufacturing - Ellis M, Saums, USDA General Foods Corporation 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 8th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 October 1967 The Political Climate for Food Distribution in the 1970’s Clarence G. Adamy, National Association of Food MEAT Chains 10th Food Distribution Research Conference An Ana Iys is of Central Processing of Fresh Meat October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Marvin D. Volz, USDA 4th Food Distribution Research Conference GROCERY HANDLING October 1963 Consumer Acceptance: Frozen Meat Research Design Breakage and Damage in Retai I Food Stores and Paul Kahn, American Can Company Grocery Warehouses - James J. Karitas, USDA 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. 111,No. 1 October 1963 Controlling the Quality of Meats Egbert deVries, Liberal Markets GROUPS - RETAlL COOPERATIVES, VOLUNTARIES, 13th Food Distribution Research Conference OTHER WHOLESALERS. FRANCHISES & BROKERS October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Economic Costs and Problems for Alternative Meat The Changing Organization of Wholesale Fruit and Packaging Locations - Hugh Leach, University of Vegetable Markets - Alden C, Manchester, ERS, USDA Missouri 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 6th Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1965 Fast Food Franchising - Fool’s Gold or Fortune? Extend ing Shelf-Life of Meats in Retai I Stores Robert S. Glover University of Georgia William C. Stringer, University of Missouri Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 2 6th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1971 October 1965

J cmuary 73/ page 8 Journal of Food Distribution Research Frozen Lamb: Consumer Product Characteristic Ratings MERGERS and Repeat Purchase Behavior - Thomas L. Sporl eder, Texas A & M University Antitrust Impl icat ions of Contemporary Food Production Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. I I 1, No, 2 and Marketing Issues - RonaId D. Knutson, AMS, USDA September 1972 Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol, Ill, No. 2 Frozen Meat Technology - Harold J, Tuma, Kansas September 1972 State University Implications of Conglomerate Mergers to Food Distri- 12th Food Distribution Research Conference bution in the 1970’s - Discussant - Agricultural October 1971, JFDRt Vol. Ill, No, 1 Economist - Paul E. Nelson, Jr. ERS, USDA How to Upgrade Your Retai I Meat QPeration 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Lowell Mohler, Kansas State Board of Agriculture October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Implications of Conglomerate Mergers to Food Di stri - October 1965 bution in the 1970’s - Discussant - Federal Trade Just Three Daya Case Life - Fresh Meats Commission - Harrison F. Houghton H.D. Naumann, University of Missouri 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1963 Implications of Conglomerate Mergers to Food Distri- Meat Processing Layout - New Con struction and bution in the 1970’s - Discussant - Retail Management Remodeling - Ernest W, Wilson, University of Georgia Vincent Checchi, Checchi & Company 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No, 1 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Meat Programs for Wholesaie Food Distributors Implications of Conglomerate Mergers to Food Di stri - John C. Bouma, ARS, USDA bution in the 1970’s - Position Paper 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Thomas T. Stout, The Ohio State University October 1965 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Technical Problems of Frozen Meats and Frozen Foods: October 1969, JFDR, Vol. i, No. 1 Retail Case Management - Art Perez, Tyler Refriger- ation Company NUTRIMENTS OTHER THAN STANDARD FOODS 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. 111, No. 1 L/ ome Psychology cal Aspects of Synthetic Foods Using Corwnodity Labor Data to Improve Managerial Dr. Jarvis Cain, University of Maryland Effectiveness in Retail Meat Departments 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Leland E. Ott, ERS, and Bruce W. Marion, Ohio October 1972, JFDR, Vol, IV, No, 2 State University Synthetics and Substitutes: The Chal Ienge to the 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Food Industry - Richard W. Skinner, Kent State October 1963 University 1 Ith Food Distribution Research Conference MERCHANDISING October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Synthetics and Substitutes: The Challenge to the C Iassification Scheme for Market Strategy Food Industry - Oil seed Proteins - Present Uti Iization Dr. Thomas Sporleder, Texas A & M University Patterns - M. Dean Wilding, Swift and Company 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 1 Ith Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Economics in Store Layout and Design Gordon R. Peterson, Super Val u Stores PACKAGING 11th Food Distribution Research Conference

October 1970, JFDR, Vol. II, No. 1 Dimensional Standardization of Shipping Containers, Merchandising Research - Its Values to the Food Pallets, and Transport Equipment - Donald R. Stokes, Industry - Robert W. Muel Ier, Progressive Grocer ARS, USDA 5th Food Distribution Research Conference 11th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 The Personality of Turnover - Michael M. Pearson, The Expanding Role of the Food Distribution Industry Bowling Green State University Into Greater Standardization of Package, Product, Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. II 1, No. 2 Container - Virgil Ronsberg, General Mills, Inc. September 1972 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Space lJtil ization and Produce Profitabi I ity Research October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 R,W. Hoecker, ARS, USDA 5th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964

Journal of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 9 The Role of the Department of Commerce Under the PRODUCE Fair Packaging and Labeling Act - Eric A. Vadelund, U.S. Bureau of Standards Central Packaging of Produce 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference Paul Shaffer, AMS, USDA October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference A Study of Containers Used for Fresh Meat June 1962 George James and B. Hunt Ashby, ARS, USDA Central Packaging of Produce Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. I I 1, No. 2 Paul F. Shaffer, Ned Harwell & Associates September 1972 ‘6th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1965 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION A Company Approach - Pete Purcel 1, Bruce Church, Inc. Anal ysis of the Factors Affecting Turnover Among 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Manufacturers’ Salesmen - John A. Ridley, Scott October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No, 1 Paper Company The Economic Feasibi Iity of Marketing Mechanically - 5th Food Distribution Research Conference Harvested Asparagus in October 1964 Richard W. Stammer, Rutgers University An Analysis of Supermarket Managers’ Knowledge of 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Human Relations - Ernest Barbel Ia, Daitch-Shopwel 1, October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Inc. Perishables Distribution in the 1970’s - Refrigeration 5th Food Distribution Research Conference Requirements for Perishables - Robert E. Hardenburg, October 1964 ARS, USDA Ccmtrol I ing the Performance of Retai I Food Store 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Managers - Theodore W. Leed, University of Massa- October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 chusetts, and Kenneth G. Abrahams, Food Marts, Inc. What We Know About Objective Tests of Quality 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Dr. Alley E. Watada, Agricultural Marketing Research October 1963 Institute, USDA ,Determ in ing Management Potential 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Vincent J. Veninata, Michigan State University October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1963 PUBLIC RELATIONS Using Commodity Labor Data to Improve Managerial Effactiveness in Retai I Meat Departments The Supermarket - Friend or Foe of the Community Leland E, Ott, ERS, and Bruce W. Marion, Ohio Joseph K. Tanaka, Hussman Refrigeration Co. State University 11th Food Distribution Research Conference 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. II, No. 1 October 1963 RESTAURANTS, SNACK BARS, ETC. PRICES AND PRICE SPREADS Centralized Deli Kitchens - Ray Rose, J.S. Dillon & Consumerism: The Issue of Dual Pricing Sons Stores, Inc. Paul G. Nelson, Greenbelt Consumer Service, Inc. 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 1Ith Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Fast Food Franchising - Fool’s Gold or Fortune? Consumerism: The Issue of Dual Pricing Robert S. GI over Dermot P. Shea Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 2 11th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1971 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Future of Convenience Foods - A Drug Chain Food Prices in Low-Income Areas - A Second Look Robert A. Reed, Peoples Drug Store Donald R. Marion, University of Massachusetts 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 9th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1968 Future of Convenience Foods - A University Pricing and the Food Retailer - Paul E. Nelson, Jr., Milo C. Knight, University of Maryland ERS, USDA 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 9th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1968 Future of Convenience Foods - Supplier John D. Oxley, McCormick & Company 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1

[anuary 73/ page 10 Journal of Food Distribution Research Institutional Food Distribution Research Safe Handling of Delicatessen Foods John C. Bouma, USDA Don Rishoi, National Sanitation Foundation 4th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1963 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in insti- Sanitation and the Food and Drug Admini strat ion tutional and Service Foods - James T, Gow, Jr., Phi lip Decamp, Food and Drug Administration Supermarkets General Corporation 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 11th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. 111,No, 1 October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in Inst i- STORE CONSTRUCTION tutional and Service Foods - Chester G, Hall, National Restaurant Association Economics in Store Layout and Design 11th Food Distribution Research Conference Gordon R. Peterson, Super Valu Stores October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 11th Food Distribution Research Conference The Role of the Food Distribution Industry in insti- October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 tutional and Service Foods - Bert C. McCamman, Jr., A Look at the New Stores - Bruce W, Marion, Ohio Management Horizons, Inc. State University 1lth Food Distribution Research Conference 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. II, No. 1 June 1962 SALES PROMOTIONS A Look at the New Stores - James F. Ritchey, Cornel I University Effect of Features on Sales in Reta iI Food Stores 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference Sidney Brown, ERS, USDA June 1962 6th Food Distribution Research Conference A Look at New Stores - A Custrnner Traffic Survey of October 1965 Takoma Park Cooperative - Harold H. Hoecker, Evaluating Advertising and Promotional Programs University of Maryland Edward Dailey, Purdue University 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 6th Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1965 Store Design and Layout for Management Decisions Measuring the Effect of Different Levels of Expendi - ~ Clyde Cunningham, University of Missouri ture for Advertising and Promotion on Sales of 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Fluid Mi Ik and Other Dairy Products October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Wendell Clement, ERS, USDA The Use of Customer Traffic Studies in Store Design 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Lowel I Mohler, Kansas State Board of Agriculture October 1965 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 SANITATION STORE LOCATION Extending She If-Life of Meats in Retai I Stores William C. Stringer, University of Missouri Fast Food Store Location Factors: A Comparison 6th Food Distribution Research Conference With Grocew Store Location Factors October 1965 Harold G. Love, University of Kentucky How to Organize and Operate a Qua Iity Assurance 12th Food Distribution Research Conference Program - Harold J. Rafsen, Pres., QUAD Corp. October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Frontiers for Store Location Research October 1972, JFDR, Vol, IV, No. 2 Wi I Ii am Applebaum, Harvard University Just Three Days Case Life - Fresh Meats 4th Food Distribution Research Conference H,D. Naumann, University of Missouri October 1963 4th Food Di stri but ion Research Conference October 1963 STORE MANAGEMENT Operation Consumer Concern - USDA-NARGUS Demonstration - Lewis F. Norwood, Extension Managerial Economics and Customer Sat isfaction Service, USDA Edgar P. Watkins, Ohio State University 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 Protecting Meat, Poultry, and Eggs During Processing Dr. A.W. Brandt, University of California 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2

Journal of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 11 STORE SUPERVISION STORE OPERATIONS

Performance Objectives for Food Retai I ing The Application and Use of Work Sampling in Dr. Ted Leed, University of Massachusetts Agricultural Marketing - Leland E, Ott, USDA 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDRt Vol, IV, No. 2 June 1962 Better Control of Labr Expense Rates by Budgeting TOP MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Man Hours - Don J. O’Neill, The Grand Union Co. 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference Cha I Ienges for Research in the Future of Food Distri - June 1962 bution - Ed Schnuck Supermarkets Budgeting for Profits - Earl H, Brown, Michigan State 6th Food Distribution Research Conference University October 1965 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference Chal Ienges in Food Distribution June 1962 Malcolm J. Reid, Reid Stores, Inc. Efficiency in Store Operations With Emphasis on Low 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Income Areas - Don R. Grimes, Don R. Grimes, Inc. October 1968 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Chal Ienges to Food Distribution Research in the 1970s October 1968 William Applebaum, Harvard University Emphasis on Retailing - Milton W. Segel, Viking 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Foods, Inc. October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 8th Food Distribution Research Conference Change - Farm Marketing’s Secret Armor October 1967 Kermit Bird, ERS, USDA Equipment and Research Needs for the Retai I Food 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Industry - Robert L. Cottrel 1, The Co. October 1965 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Current Supermarket Institute Research October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Wil lard R. Bishop, Super Market Institute Handling Sol id Wastes in Supermarkets and 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Convenience Stores - Dr. Harold S. Ricker, October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Agricultural Marketing Research Institute, USDA Economic Efficiency and Social Responsibi Iity 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Paul Cifrino, Supreme Markets October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 5th Food Distribution Research Conference The Implications of Size and Space in ‘‘ Low Cost” ctober 1964 Retail Food Distribution - Harry F, Krueckeberg, / ntrepreneursh i p in the Food Industry 1972-2000 A.D. University of Delaware Jarvis L. Cain, University of Maryland 9th Food Distribution Research Conference Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 2 October 1968 September 1972 Improved Methods of Receiving at Retai I Stores Equipment and Research Needs for the Reta iI Food M. Zulebackaer, Industry - Robert L. Cottrel 1, The Kroger Co. 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 The Low Cost Store - A Profile - Eric C. Oesterle External Forces Affecting Market Behavior and the and Galen G. Blomster, Purdue University Theory Related to Them - Winn Firmer, ERS, USDA 9th Food Distribution Research Conference 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference October 1968 June 1962 A Systems Analysis and Scheduling Procedure for Funding the Research for the Expanding Role of the Retail Food Firms - Theodore W. Leed and Leslie G. Food Distribution Industry - R.W. Hoecker, ARS, USDA Young, University of Massachusetts 1 lth Food Distribution Research Conference 5th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 October 1964 Improving the Performance of the Food Distribution Using Conmod ity Labor Data to Ireprove Manageri a I Industry - Gordon F. , Massachusetts Institute Effectiveness in Retai I Meat Departments of Technology Leland E. Ott, ERS, and Bruce W. Marion, Ohio 12th Food Distribution Research Conference State University October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 4th Food Distribution Research Conference Leadership-Fol lowership Patterns in Retai I Food October 1963 Prices - Paul E, Nelson, Jr., USDA Work Load and Time Study in Retai I ing 7th Food Distribution Research Conference Ben B. Seligman September 1966 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 ~anuary 73/ page 12 }ournaJ of Food Distribution Research Planning the Future for a Fami Iy Business / xtension - 2000 A,D, - Position Paper William J. Vastine, Texas A & M university Jarvis Cain, University of Maryland Contributed Papers Issue, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 2 13th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1972 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 Prognosti cations for the Future - C Iem Kreckl er, Comments on - Extension -2000 A.D. Tom Boy, Inc. William W. Wood, Jr., University of California, 11th Food Distribution Research Conference Riverside October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Progress and Profits Through Research October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 Ned Fleming, The Fleming Company, Inc, Getting Food Distribution Research Applied in the 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 1970’s - An Industry Research Approach June 1962 Egbert DeVries, Liberal Markets Research by the Trade Press - George KI ine, 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Progressive Grocer October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No, 1 7th Food Distribution Research Conference Getting Food Distribution Research Applied in the September 1966 1970’s - The Trade Association Role Research in Food Distribution - Donald P. Lloyd, Dr. Vernon W. Pherson, Supermarket Institute A,ssoci ated Food Stores 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 4th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1963 Getting Food Distribution Research Applied in the Research in Food Distribution: Public Agencies 1970’s - The University Role Robert L. Bull, University of Delaware Sykes E, Trieb, Kansas State University 7th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1966 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Research Management - Harry F, Krueckeberg, Uni ver- The In-Store Training Concept - Sykes Trieb, sity of Delaware University of Georgia 5th Food Distribution Research Conference 13th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No. 2 The Role of a Chain Retailer in Today’s Changing Personnel Training in the 1970’s - The Educational Urban Society - Paul Scott Forbes, , Inc. Organization Approach - J. Nei I Raudabaugh, 9th Food Distribution Research Conference FES, USDA October 1968 10th Food Distribution Research Conference Some Thoughts on Selecting a Consultant October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Dr. Harry F. Krueckeberg, Indiana State University The Real Problem of Food Distribution Research Research and Service Capability Listing Edward M. Harwell, Edward M. Harwell Company JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 3, November 1972 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference True Efficiency in Retai I Food Distribution: A Case June 1962 Study in Preparing for Long Range Growth Personnel Training in the 1970’s - The Business Walter F. Friedman, Walter Frederick Friedman Viewpoint - Van D. Spurgeon, Wetterau Foods and Company Institute 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 October 1969, JFDR, Vol, 1, No. 1 What is in the Future for Food Di stri but ion Research and Extension Activities - Panel - Harrison Huls, WAREHOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION Ned Fleming, George Baker, Ray Hoecker, Milo G, Lacy Are Backhauls Profitable - James M. Catel, 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Daniel J. Barty and Associates October 1965 7th Food Distribution Research Conference What Price Quality - Dale Peterson, Manager, Cal i- September 1966 fornia Division Associated Food Stores Basic Transportation Economics - Wesley R. Kri ebel, 13th Food Distribution Research Conference Pennsylvania State University October 1972, JFDR, Vol, IV, No. 2 7th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1966 TRAINING, EDUCATION & GETTING A Case Study in Transportation for a Wholesa Ie Food RESEARCH ADOPTED Firm - David E. Moser, University of Missouri Communicating Research Facts to Line Personnel 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Harvey L. Weisberg, Super Markets, Inc. October 1965 7th Food Di stributton Research Conference September 1966

Journal of Food Distribution Research ] anuary 73/ page 13 Consolidated Ordering and Delivery Systems for Perishables Distribution in the 1970’s - The Future Small Retail Food Stores - Dr. Harold R, Ricker, of Cryogenics in Refrigeration of Delivery Vehicles Agricultural Marketing Research Institute, USDA G.F. Hagenbach, Union Carbide Corporation 13th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1972, JFDR, Vol. IV, No, 2 October 1969, JFDR, Volt 1, No, 1 Costs for Servicing Wholesale Grocery Orders of Perishables Distribution in the 1970’s - Mechanical Different Sizes - John C. Bouma and James J. Refrigeration for Delivery Vehicles Karitas, ARS, USDA Clinton W. Phillips, National Bureau of Standards 5th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Emphasis on Manufacturing - ElI is M. Saums, Perishables Shipping - Robert F. Guilfoy, USDA General Foods Corporation 7th Food Distribution Research Conference 8th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1966 October 1967 Planning for Profits in Grocery Warehousing Emphasis on the Origin to Consumer Path Ransom A, Blakely, Cornell University E. Grosvenor Plowman, University of Maine 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 8th Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1967 Problems in Delivering Food to Low Income Urban Emphasis on Wholesaling - John C. Bouma, ARS, USDA Areas - Dale L. Anderson, Agricultural Research 8th Food Distribution Research Conference Service, USDA October 1967 12th Food Distribution Research Conference An Introduction to the General Foods Market-Centered October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 Distribution System - R.F, Pite, General Foods Corp. Reduction of Distribution Costs Through Automatic 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Order Filling - H.C. Blake, Admos, Inc. October 1965 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference Logistics Subsystems - A Practical Experience June 1962 Donald E. Nordlund, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. A Report on the International Institute of Refrigeration 8th Food Distribution Research Conference Meeting in Karlsruhe, West Germany October 1967 Marvin D. Volz, ARS, USDA Management of Routing and Scheduling Company 6th Food Distribution Research Conference Trucks - Wesley R. Kriebei, Pennsylvania State October 1965 University Store Deliveries - George Schrade, The Fleming Co., Inc. 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 7th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 September 1966 New Concepts in Food Warehouses Systems Analysis in the Food Industries Irving M. Footlik Alden C. Manchester, ERS, USDA 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962 October 1969, JFDR, Vol, 1, No. 1 New Concepts in Warehousing - A Retail Owned Systems Concepts for Moving Food Products From Cooperative - Lou Fox, Associated Wholesale Manufacturer to Retail Shelf Grocers David P. Herron, FMC Corporation 10th Food Distribution Research Conference 5th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1964 New Concepts in Warehousing in the 1970’s - Volun- The Total Distribution Concept - Arthur S. Graham, tary Wholesaler -0, Dean Hubbard, Kimbal I General Foods Grocery Company 6th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1965 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 The Total Distribution Concept for the Wholesale A New Emphasis - Robert Bell, Oshawa Wholesale Ltd. Warehouse - Dick Jones, J.M. Jones Company 7th Food Distribution Research Conference 6th Food Distribution Research Conference September 1966 October 1965 Perishables Distribution in the 1970’s - Containerized Transportation Logistics - Inner City Handling in Future Delivery of Perishables Dale L, Anderson, ARS, USDA F.S. Macomber, A.T. Kearney & Co., Inc. 12th Food Distribution Research Conference 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. Ill, No. 1 October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 The Unit Load Explosion - John J. Strobel, Better Perishables Distribution in the 1970’s - Engineering Management Services Improved Refrigerated Del ivery Vehicles 7th Food Distribution Research Conference Wi I Ii am Goddard, ARS, USDA September 1966 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No, 1

January 73/ page 14 JouzrIaJ of Food Distribution Research Unit Load Handling From Warehouse to Retail Stores S. Robert Si Iverman, Stop & Shop, Inc. 5th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 Unit Load Handling Into Grocery Warehouses Herbert T. Thornton, 5th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1964 What is Ahead in Wholesale Food Distribution Louis Fox, Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 6th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1965 The Role of Food Distribution in Serving the Needs of All of the People - Distribution Systems for the Poor - Progress and Prospects - Donald R, Marion, Univer- sity of Massachusetts 11th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 The Role of Food Distribution in Serving the Needs of All of the People - Tackling Malnutrition - Challenge to the Food Industry - Richard S. Gordon, Monsanto Company 11th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1970, JFDR, Vol. 11, No. 1 Food Distribution in Low Income Areas Donald R. Marion, University of Massachusetts 10th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1969, JFDR, Vol. 1, No. 1 Efficiency in Store Operations With Emphasis on Low Income Areas - Don R. Grimes, Don R. Grimes, Inc. 9th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1968 True Efficiency in Retail Food Distribution: A Case Study in Preparing for Long Range Growth Walter F. Friedman, Walter Frederick Friedman & Co. 12th Food Distribution Research Conference October 1971, JFDR, Vol. [11, No. 1 The Real Problem of Food Distribution Research Edward M. Harwell, Edward M. Harwell Company 3rd Food Distribution Research Conference June 1962

Journa] of Food Distribution Research January 73/ page 15