Year Book 1924
YEAR BOOK of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1924 /a (Recons6,,_, Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION • TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the II. S A. Denominational Maps and Charts are Helpful to Evangelists and Workers The Law of God Chart Printed on a good quality of cloth, and readable at a good distance. Size, 36 x 52 inches. Price, $1.50. The Law as Taught by Roman Catholics Together with some assumptions made by the Papacy in declaring its right to change the Law of God. Printed on cloth, size, 36 x 46 inches. Price, $1.25. New Prophetic Chart This chart will be found a great help in explaining the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. Contains illus- trations of the Great Image of Daniel 2, the Beasts of Daniel 7, illustrations of the Sanctuary, the Three Woes, and the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation, etc. Printed in five colors on a fine quality of muslin, and comes in two sizes : 36 x 48 inches $2.00 48 x 72 inches 3.25 Seventh-day Adventist Missionary Map of the World A new map just printed, showing the extent of our work throughout the world by indicating the location of our sani- tariums, schools, publishing houses, mission stations, and other centers of influence throughout the world. This map should be on the walls of every church, sanitarium, college, academy, and other institutions. The map is 48 x 84 inches in size, and is printed in five colors. Price, $4, postage extra.
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