Realfood Campaigns Final Draft Hopefully
Edition 2 Welcome back Realfooders! This edition, as you can guess from the fantastic pictures, is all about vegan kids. We have recipes, health advice, book reviews and articles written by and about vegan children. We answer common questions on health and nutrition, so take a peek inside to find out more. We also include our regular campaign updates, our vegan pester power ideas, updates on “Beautiful Vegan” what products are vegan and what are not. We keep you up to date with vegan events in the UK, and encourage you to send in details of your own food fairs, displays, cooking demos etc. And in this issue Heyutang, our expert on Chinese traditional medicine introduces us to his lovely daughter, He Suqing, whose name means, appropriately, “Beautiful Vegan.” Jay Salinger,Jay Salinger, lifelong lifelong vegan, vegan, having fun £1 havingat fun the at World the World Camp Camp All truth goes through 3 stages -- First Editorial it's ridiculed. Then it's violently opposed. This second edition of the magazine is packed full Finally it's accepted as self-evident. of news and events from the world of veganism. As well as reporting on all the positive aspects of veganism, we will be looking at the various attacks on the diet emanating from the main stream media. Why include this negative criticism, some might ask. Well, because it is important for any movement to understand what is being said about it, and to analyse where this stuff is coming from and why. In this edition you shall find out how the meat industry manipulated a supposedly “scientific” report to make vegans look bad, and how it backfired on them, as well as hearing from vegan parents, and a vegan kid.
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