Painted by Rachel haRt, age 13 No. 134 SEPTEMBER 2000 £1.50 Quarterly “...They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain” (Isaiah) The Official Journal of the Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological Society Founded by Philip L. Pick Registered Charity No. 258581 (Affiliated to the International Vegetarian Union) Administrative Headquarters: 853/855 Finchley Road, London NW11 8LX, England. Tel : 020 8455 0692 Fax: 020 8455 1465 E-mail:
[email protected] Assistant Editor: Shirley Labelda The Jerusalem Centre: Rehov Balfour 8, Jerusalem 92102, Israel Tel/Fax: 972-2-561-1114. E-mail:
[email protected] Friendship House (Children’s Home) POB 1837. Mevasseret-Zion 90805. Tel:972-2-5337059 Hon Solicitors for the IJVS Israel: Shine, Hunter, Martin & Co. 119 Rothschild Boulevard. 65271. Tel Aviv Australasia Convener: Dr Myer Samra Victoria Secretary: Stanley Rubens. 12/225 Orrong Road, East St Kilda. Vic 3183. NSW Secretary: Victoria Nadel. 6/3 Ocean St Bondi, 2026, NSW Representation in most Western Countries PATRONS Rabbi Raymond Apple (Australia); Justice Zvi Berenson (Israel); Mordechai Ben Porat (Israel); Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Choen (Israel); The Count Gentile, K.O.C., K.O.L., K.S.L. (U.K.); Rabbanit Goren (Israel); Prof Alex Hershaft (USA); Dr. Michael Klaper (USA); Prof Richard Scwartz (USA); Rt Hon The Lord Weatherill P.C, D.L. (UK); Prof Louis Berman (USA). Honorary President for the Americas: Rabbi Noach Valley Honorary President, Israel: Rabbi Dr David Rosen Honorary President, Australasia: Stanley Rubens, LL.B Chairperson: Naomi Fellerman Honorary Secretary: Shirley Labelda Honorary Auditors: Honorary Treasurer: Michael Scott & Co Michael Freedman FCA ADVERTISING RATES Full Page £100 Half Page £55 One-third Page £45 Quarter Page £30 1"(full width) £15 $200 $110 $90 $60 $30 CONTENTS JVS Art Competition 4 Tai Chi in Prospective 19 Society News 5 The Facts 22 Philip L.