United States Patent (19) (11) 4,310,524 Wiech Et Al
United States Patent (19) (11) 4,310,524 Wiech et al. 45 Jan. 12, 1982 (54) TCA COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR McMillen et al., Fed. Proc., 38,592 (1979). RAPD ONSET ANTDEPRESSANT Sellinger et al., Fed. Proc., 38,592 (1979). THERAPY Pandey et al., Fed. Proc., 38,592 (1979). 75) Inventors: Norbert L. Wiech; Richard C. Ursillo, Primary Examiner-Stanley J. Friedman both of Cincinnati, Ohio Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Millen & White 73) Assignee: Richardson-Merrell, Inc., Wilton, Conn. (57 ABSTRACT A method is provided for treating depression in a pa (21) Appl. No.: 139,498 tient therefrom and requiring rapid symptomatic relief, (22 Filed: Apr. 11, 1980 which comprises administering to said patient concur 51) Int. Cl. .................... A61K 31/33; A61K 31/135 rently (a) an effective antidepressant amount of a tricy clic antidepressant or a pharmaceutically effective acid (52) ...... 424/244; 424/330 addition salt thereof, and (b) an amount of an a-adrener 58) Field of Search ................................ 424/244, 330 gic receptor blocking agent effective to achieve rapid (56) References Cited onset of the antidepressant action of (a), whereby the PUBLICATIONS onset of said antidepressant action is achieved within Chemical Abst., vol. 66-72828m, (1967), Kellett. from 1 to 7 days. Chemical Abst, vol. 68-94371a, (1968), Martelli et al. A pharmaceutical composition is also provided which is Chemical Abst., vol. 74-86.048j, (1971), Dixit et al. especially adapted for use with the foregoing method. Holmberg et al., Psychopharm., 2,93 (1961). Svensson, Symp. Med. Hoechst., 13, 245 (1978). 17 Claims, No Drawings 4,310,524 1.
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