


Alpha^ and beta^blocking agents: pharmacology and properties


receptors have been separated into alpha and beta groups, which have then been further subdivided. Agents have been developed that block each type of receptor with varying degrees of specificity between the sub-types, leading to differences in pharmacodynamic profile. A more recent innovation has been the development of multiple action beta-blocking drugs, ie, those not only blocking the beta receptors but also posessing a peripheral vasodilator effect that may be due to alpha blockade, beta-2 stimulation, or a vasodilator action independent of either alpha or beta receptors. • INDEX TERMS: ALPHA BLOCKERS; BETA BLOCKERS; • CLEVE CLIN ] MED 1991; 58:33 7-350

HE CONCEPT that binding of Rosenblueth suggested that a transmitter released at to receptors leads to differ- sympathetic nerve endings produced either inhibitory ing responses was first described by Langley, or excitatory responses as a result of combination with who in 1905 noted that a cell may make sympathin I or sympathin E at the receptor.3 Tmotor or inhibitory substances or both, and that "the The current classification of alpha and beta respon- effect of a nerve impulse depends upon the proportion ses is based on the classic work of Ahlquist,4 who of the two kinds of receptive substance which is af- studied six sympathomimetic amines and found two fected by the impulse."1 In 1906, Dale reported that patterns of reactivity. One group of actions, mediated ergot blocked the excitatory but not the inhibitory ac- by what were termed "alpha receptors," were principally tions of .2 In 1933, Cannon and excitatory. The excitatory actions included vaso- constriction, as well as contraction of the uterus, ureter, and nictitating membrane. But alpha actions also in- cluded inhibitory actions, such as dilator pupillae and From the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Col- lege and Middlesex School of Medicine, University College Lon- intestinal relaxation. The most potent agent at these don, England. receptors was adrenaline, followed by noradrenaline. Address reprint requests to B.N.C.P., Head, Department of Clini- In the second group, mediated by what were termed cal Pharmacology, University College London, 5 University Street "beta receptors," inhibitory actions predominated. (The Rayne Institute), London WCIE 6JJ, England. This article was produced by Consultants in Medical Education, These inhibitory actions included vasodilation; and Inc., Manhasset, New York, under an educational grant from relaxation of the uterus and bronchial smooth muscle. Schering-Plough International. There was also an important beta-excitatory action,

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TABLE I nism, inhibiting noradrena- EFFECTS OF RECEPTOR STIMULATION AND BLOCKADE line release, contain pre- synaptic receptors of the al- Organ/Iissue Receptor Stimulation causes Blockade causes pha-2 subtype.5 More re- Blood vessels Constriction Dilatation cently, investigations using (resistance vessels) Constriction Dilatation animals have identified fur- Dilatation Constrictio? n Heart Contractile forcet ther subtypes of alpha re- Heart rateî Bradycardia ß,>ß2 ceptors, as well as alpha-la, AV conduction? AV conduction! Contractile forceî Contractile force! alpha-lb, alpha-2a, and Spleen «i Contraction Relaxation alpha-2b receptors.6 M sphincter pupillae «2 Dilatation Contraction Thrombocytes ß, Skeletal muscle Tremor Anti-tremor beds, such as the cerebral arteries of the dog, alpha-2 From van Zweiten.11 AV, atrioventricular; Î, increase; !, decrease receptors are more numer- ous than alpha-1 receptors.7 By comparison, the human TABLE 2 ALPHA AGONIST AND ANTAGONIST SELECTIVITY forearm has both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors.8 Receptor stimulated Receptors also vary in Agents or blocked Application their tissue and synaptic lo- Agonists cations. The receptors in Noradrenaline (neurotransmitter) + + Vasoconstrictor (a, + 0i2) «2 vascular smooth muscle Adrenaline (neurotransmitter) + a2 + | Vasoconstrictor (at + a, Vasoconstrictor (a,), decongestant (a2) that mediate the nerve im- Antihypertensive (central a2) >a, pulses are postsynaptic re- Azepexole (B-HT 933) ceptors of the alpha-1 sub- B-HT 920 Antiglaucomatous (experimental) UK-14, 304 Experimental pharmacology type, whereas the receptors that mediate contraction in Antagonists a. + a, Pheochromocytoma preoperative response to hormonal stim- phase (a, + a2) ulation are extrasynaptic XX, Vasodilator (af + 0i2) 5 Antihypertensive (peripheral Ctj) alpha-2 receptors. In vas- cular smooth muscle, the alpha-1 receptors are lo- + Antihypertensive (peripheral Olj + ßj & ß2) ß, ß2 cated in the adventitial lay- Experimental pharmacology er; the alpha-2 receptors are diastereoisomers || found closer to the interior, where they respond to cir- 9 From van Zweiten." culating catecholamines. In the central nervous system, different functions cardiac stimulation (Table I). was the have been identified for alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors. most potent at the beta receptor; adrenaline The adrenergic postsynaptic receptors in the central was also effective. nervous system are predominantly alpha-2. Stimulation Subsequently, the alpha and beta receptors were fur- of these receptors produces a fall in and ther delineated. The alpha receptors were subdivided bradycardia. Central alpha-1 receptors, demonstrated into alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors. Both alpha-1 and by receptor-binding techniques,8 may mediate alpha- 2 receptors are found on the postsynaptic mem- baroreceptor reflex function. Alpha-1 blockade of these brane, where is mediated. The nerve central receptors may be the reason that the alpha-1 endings that function as a negative feedback mecha- blocker prazosin does not produce reflex .10

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Agents that are active at adrenergic receptors may TABLE 3 be classified by their alpha activity. and BETA AGONST AND ANTAGONIST SELECTIVITY are alpha-1 ; clonidine and Receptors its analogues are alpha-2 stimulants; noradrenaline and stimulated or adrenaline stimulate both alpha-1 and alpha-2 recep- Agent blocked tors. Prazosin, doxazosin, terazosin, and are Agonists alpha-1-blocking agents; yohimbine and rauwolscine Noradrenaline (, neurotransmitter) Adrenaline (epinephrine, neurotransmitter) + + + g, <*2 are alpha-2-blocking drugs; phentolamine blocks both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors (Table 2).5,6'11 Isoprenaline (isoproterenol) (metoproterenol) The beta receptors have also been divided into beta- 1 and beta-2 receptors. More recently, beta-3 receptors have been described in animal studies.6 As with alpha receptors, beta receptors also differ in their distribution and function. Beta-1 receptors predominate in the human heart. However, beta-2 Antagonists " receptors are also present, constituting 35% of the beta and other receptors in the right atrium. For example, beta recep- > nonselective beta + blockers ß, ß2 tors mediate increase in heart rate and force of con- traction and increase in conductivity. Among the ß,>>ß; many responses mediated by beta-2 receptors are relaxation of vascular and bronchial smooth muscle. Adrenergic agonists and antagonists can be distin- guished by their beta reactivity (Table 3). The agonist From van Zweiten." dobutamine is relatively beta-1-selective, although it also stimulates the beta-2 and alpha-1 receptors. strictor impulses needed in the erect posture to main- is a specific but for the beta- tain blood pressure are blocked by the irreversible 1 receptor. Noradrenaline is much more effective on binding of the inhibitor to the receptor. the beta-1 receptor, whereas adrenaline stimulates On the other hand, if the block is competitive and both types of beta receptor. The antagonist the dosage is appropriate, the increased sympathetic propranolol is the most widely evaluated nonselective activity associated with standing is likely to result in (beta-1, beta-2) blocking drug and atenolol, the most sufficient reversal of the alpha-receptor inhibition so studied of the beta-1 inhibitory drugs. No beta-2- that a postural fall of blood pressure does not occur. At blocking drug is clinically available. high drug dosage, however, even the competitive block may be sufficient to prevent adequate compensatory ALPHA-1 RECEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS vasoconstriction and, therefore, a fall in blood pressure occurs on standing.13 Classification Several alpha-1-blocking drugs have been evaluated The alpha-receptor inhibitory drugs can be clas- for use in hypertension: prazosin,1415, terazosin,16 sified into the noncompetitive (eg, phenoxyben- doxazosin,17 and .18 Another alpha-1-block- zamine) and the competitive blocking drugs. The com- ing drug, urapidil, may lower blood pressure by an petitive agents may be further divided into additional effect, stimulation of central (5- nonselective (alpha-1, alpha-2) and alpha-1-selective HTla) receptors.19 drugs, such as prazosin, which are currently used in hypertension. Mode of action In noncompetitive alpha-1 blockade, the drug is Alpha-1 blockade lowers the blood pressure because irreversibly bound to the receptor.12 Therefore, in the vasoconstrictive action of noradrenaline, released physiological conditions where increased alpha-1- by the nerve impulse, is blocked at the postsynaptic mediated vasoconstriction is required, as in standing, alpha-1 receptor.14-17 The alpha-1 receptors also medi- the noncompetitive alpha-receptor-blocking drugs, ate the influence of centrally generated sympathetic alone or in combination, result in a fall in blood pres- tone responsible for the control of blood pressure. sure. This fall occurs because the increased vasocon- The alpha-blocking drugs used in hypertension are

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alpha-1-selective;20 they do not block the alpha-2 blood flow.23 All alpha-blocking drugs might be ex- receptor. Because the prejunctional alpha-2 receptor is pected to behave similarly. Experiments with intra- not blocked, the alpha-2 receptor-mediated inhibition arterial doxazosin, given at the time of renal angiog- of noradrenaline release (a negative feedback mech- raphy, revealed an increase in renal blood flow.24 anism) can occur. Tachycardia and release are Although oral indoramin reduced blood pressure, the not produced, as noradrenaline is not increased. accompanying decrease in renal vascular resistance By contrast, if a nonspecific drug (with alpha-1- and was more than enough to compensate for the fall in alpha-2-blocking effects) is used, alpha-2 blockade re- blood pressure, producing an increase in effective renal sults, with an increase in noradrenaline output that plasma flow and glomerular filtration.18,23 antagonizes the postjunctional alpha-l-blockade. Noradrenaline produces increased beta-receptor Cardiovascular reflexes stimulation, resulting in tachycardia, and an increase Alpha-1-mediated vasoconstriction is needed for in renin release occurs.14,16,17 the reflex increase in tone necessary to maintain Some studies suggest that acute and chronic effects blood pressure in the erect position. Because alpha-1- of alpha-1 blockade may differ. An increase in heart receptor-blocking drugs act by inhibiting this alpha-1- rate has been demonstrated after the acute administra- mediated vasoconstrictor tone, it is possible that, even tion of an alpha-1 -blocking drug.14 In acute single-dose with competitive agents (in larger doses), alpha-1 studies with alpha-1 blockade, some increase in renin blockade cannot be overcome and the increase in and noradrenaline have also been noted. This finding sympathetic tone may be inhibited enough so that a is in contrast to the absence of these effects with pro- postural fall in blood pressure results. This may be longed administration of such drugs as terazosin.16 seen in particular with the first-dose phenomenon, in Chronic administration of doxazosin also has little ef- which time the circulation is especially sensitive to fect on renin levels.17 alpha-1 blockade. While a postural drop of blood pressure is not often Hemodynamic effects a clinical problem, the standing pressure tends to be The alpha-1-receptor inhibitory drugs lower blood lower than the supine pressure with use of alpha-1 pressure by reducing peripheral resistance.21 These inhibitors, as has been reported with prazosin25,26 and drugs have both arterial and venous effects. The doxazosin.17 Symptoms of postural , such arteriolar dilatation produced by alpha-1 receptor in- as dizziness, can result in discontinuation of treatment hibitory drugs increases tissue perfusion and tends to with prazosin,14 terazosin,16 or doxazosin.17 increase cardiac output. On the other hand, the reduc- tion in venous tone causes venous dilatation, which First-dose phenomenon results in venous pooling and decreased venous return If commencement of alpha-1-receptor inhibition is and tends to reduce cardiac output. Overall, cardiac too rapid, a first-dose phenomenon may occur. Because output is usually unchanged acutely with alpha block- the circulation is especially sensitive to alpha-1 block- ade, but cardiac output is raised in the long term with ade at initiation of therapy, the necessary reflex in- such treatment,21 whether with prazosin,22 terazosin,16 crease in sympathetic tone may be sufficiently blocked or doxazosin.17 These alpha-1-blocking drugs do not to produce a postural decrease in blood pressure. This generally lead to tachycardia, as there is no presynaptic phenomenon was a considerable problem in the early alpha-2 blockade.14,17 stages of prazosin use when, after the first dose, symptoms of severe postural hypotension occurred.27-29 Regional blood flow In several instances, loss of consciousness occurred, Alpha blockade can affect regional blood flow. suggesting a specific effect on cerebral blood flow. In a Alpha-1 blockade would be expected to increase pe- later study, however, prazosin did not appear to alter ripheral blood flow. Although evidence is lacking with cerebral blood flow.30 prazosin,14 data for indoramin demonstrate increased The first-dose phenomenon is dose-dependent.28,29 blood flow in the skin of the legs and in the calf itself.18 A low starting dose of 0.5 mg, particularly if given at Renal hemodynamics may also be altered by alpha bedtime, is likely to cause minimal (if any) dizziness. blockade. Some reports have held that oral prazosin When prazosin is administered chronically, an increase has no effect on renal hemodynamics or glomerular in systemic blood volume probably occurs,31 and exces- filtration,14 but others found a small increase in renal sive sensitivity to the alpha blockade declines.

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Other factors in addition to the commencing dose influence the first-dose phenomenon. A low-sodium Cholesterol Ratio ** diet provokes the effect, whereas a high-sodium diet abolishes the phenomenon.29 Also, the prior ad- ministration of a beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drug may HDL-C * increase the fall in blood pressure associated with the initial dose of prazosin.32 Total LDL-C+ Effect on lipids Cholesterol VLDL-C Triglycerides Alpha-1-blocking drugs favorably affect the lipid -0.7% +12.5% +20.3% +0.9% profile, an important cardiovascular disease risk fac- tor.17 In general, these drugs decrease total cholesterol, -4.5% low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and triglycerides, and raise the FIGURE 1. Percent changes in baseline levels after 12 weeks ratio of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) to total of therapy with prazosin. Total cholesterol and triglycerides cholesterol. were essentially unchanged and LDL and VLDL decreased. HDL and the cholesterol ratio increased significantly. From 33 Prazosin produces a fall in total serum cholesterol Kokubu et al. 35 (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01) and in LDL and VLDL, as well as an increase in cholesterol ratio (Figure 1).33~37 It probably reduces triglycerides, but some studies have reported no ef- TABLE 4 CLASSIFICATION OF BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR 33,34,36,38 fect. In a 1-year study of prazosin in post- BLOCKING DRUGS menopausal women, Lithell and associates39 found no change in the lipids. But, prazosin, like propranolol, I. Nonselective beta blockade was shown to decrease lipid deposition in the aorta of 1. Non PAA, eg, propranolol, Sotalol, timolol 2. PAA, eg, Oxprenolol, pindolol, cholesterol-fed rabbits.40 Another alpha-1-blocking drug, terazosin, sig- II. Beta-1 Blockade nificantly decreases cholesterol and the LDL and 1. Non PAA, eg, metoprolol, atenolol, 2. PAA, eg, practolol VLDL lipoprotein fractions and increases the HDL/cholesterol ratio.37,41 Likewise, doxazosin in- III. Nonspecific Vasodilation 1. Vasodilation by alpha blockade, eg, , labetalol creases HDL and the HDL/cholesterol ratio and 2. Vasodilation by partial beta-2 agonism stimulation, decreases total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.17 eg, dilevalol (withdrawn) 3. Vasodilation independent of alpha or beta receptors, eg, prizidolol (withdrawn) BETA-ADRENERGIC-BLOCKING DRUGS PAA, partial agonist activity Classification The currently available beta-adrenoceptor-blocking the term "cardioselective" is now considered obsolete. drugs are all competitive inhibitors. They can be clas- The property of membrane-stabilizing activity (also sified on the basis of differing pharmacological proper- termed -like or local anesthetic effect) does ties: beta selectivity; presence or absence of intrinsic not appear to be important, except when beta blockers sympathomimetic activity (ISA) or partial agonist ac- are used as eye drops and MSA should be avoided. For tivity (PAA) and membrane-stabilizing activity example, the d-isomer of propranolol possesses the (MSA); and vasodilator activity (due to alpha-recep- same MSA but not the beta-blocking effect of racemic tor blocking, beta-2 partial agonist, or direct (ordinary) propranolol. It lacks the antihypertensive vasodilator effects) (Table 4).42,43 effect and anti-anginal action seen with racemic Nonselective agents block both beta-1 and beta-2 propranolol.43 receptors, while other drugs have a selective action on the beta-1 receptors. Beta-1-selective drugs were pre- Competitive inhibition viously termed "cardioselective," reflecting their pre- For competitive antagonists like the beta- ferential effect on the heart in contrast to certain other adrenoreceptor blockers, the degree of inhibition or tissues, such as bronchial smooth muscle. However, as blockade depends on the receptor occupancy, which in both beta-1 and beta-2 receptors are found in the heart, turn depends on the ratio of the concentration of

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Beta blockade opposes the beta-l cardiac effects of the beta-agonist isoprenaline, such as exercise tachycar- dia. For equivalent inhibi- tion of exercise tachycar- dia, the beta-l-selective drugs show far less an- tagonism of the cardiac ef- fects of isoprenaline than do the nonselective agents, either with or without ISA.48"52 The reason for this difference is that beta-2 receptors, present in the atria along with beta-l receptors, are not blocked by the beta- 1-selective agent.51,53,54

FIGURE 2. Mean changes in FEVj (left) and pulse rate (right) in five "responders" following This difference in the ef- a beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug and subsequent response to isoprenaline. Open bars, 2 hours fects of beta-l-selective post-beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug; hatched bars, 2.25 hours post-isoprenaline From Ben- and beta-nonselective an- 46 son et al. tagonists does not appear to be due to unopposed agonist to antagonist. A series of dose-response curves beta-2 vasodilator activity from isoprenaline following to the beta-agonist isoprenaline in the presence of beta-l-selective blockade. Such a fall in blood pressure increasing doses of a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist (eg, could indeed produce vagal de-inhibition from beta-l labetalol) can therefore be constructed. The curves blockade, leading to vagally induced cardiac accelera- show a parallel shift to the right, with the same maxi- tion and minimizing any antagonist cardiac blockade mum response being obtained after the various doses of of isoprenaline. However, this explanation appears un- antagonist by increasing the dose of the agonist.44 That likely as the difference persists, unaffected by prior is, as the dose of antagonist is increased, the same administration of atropine to block the vagus55 or by degree of blockade can be maintained by increasing to prevent any fall of blood pressure.51 . >1 : 1. JL. - 1-KO omr»IML- ni t-ko onfAnict- \1A Ar^ca Jo /-Amnlai-iiliT . L1LC UUCia.LLUU niv uiiivunv vi utc u^^im^c« A uvov to y uv- H-OA-LLULLa ClLaU LUVU1VC blocking in terms of exogenous stimuli, as an increase adrenaline (beta-l, beta-2), such as smoking56 or in- in agonist overcomes the blockade. sulin hypoglycemia, are increased when the beta-2- Besides inhibition of exogenous stimuli (agonist), mediated vasodilator action of adrenaline is an- beta-blocking drugs also inhibit endogenous stimuli. tagonized, leaving unopposed adrenaline beta-l This is most clearly shown by inhibition of the beta-1- vasoconstriction and a more marked increase in blood adrenergic effect, exercise tachycardia, and the rise of pressure (Figure 3). Nonselective beta blockade an- tagonizes the beta-2-mediated vasodilator of systolic blood pressure on exercise.43 adrenaline, in effect converting the action into that of Beta-l selectivity noradrenaline (beta-l).57 Beta-1-selective agents produce different effects As might be expected, these pressor responses in- than nonselective beta blockers. Beta-l-blocking drugs volving the liberation of adrenaline are affected dif- produce little or no beta-2 inhibition. Beta-l selectivity ferently by beta-l-selective blockade.58 The pressor is important because the increase in airway resistance is responses to a combination of coffee and cigarettes less than with nonselective blockade and inhibition of have been reported to be attenuated by atenolol, beta-2-mediated bronchial dilatation is markedly re- which does not block the beta-2 vasodilatory effect of duced (Figure 2).45"17 However, it should be emphasized adrenaline, whereas neither of the nonselective block- that even beta-l-selective drugs must be regarded as ers oxprenolol or propranolol had any effect.59 potentially dangerous in asthmatic patients.47 Beta selectivity also has metabolic consequences.

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Whereas alpha-blocking Adrenaline Adrenaline drugs favorably affect (xg/min ftg/min serum lipids, beta blockade can adversely alter these cardiovascular risk para- 3 meters. Beta-1-selective A Systolic (%) drugs lead to less of an in- blood pressure crease in LDL and less of a 25 n fall in HDL than do non- 20- selective agents.42 Beta-1- selective agents do not ap- 15- pear to prolong insulin hypoglycemia, whereas 10- some prolongation occurs 5- with nonselective drugs.42 60

Lastly, beta-l-selective 0- r """f agents do not impair the metabolic changes in muscles associated with ex- A Diastolic (%) A Forearm (%) ercise to the same degree as blood pressure blood flow 30 -, seen with nonselective 30-, 42 drugs. 25- 20 10 20- PAA or ISA 0- Beta blockade produces 15- 10- decreased heart rate and cardiac output. The addi- 10- 20- tion of intrinsic sym- 30 pathomimetic activity 5-

(ISA) or partial agonist ac- 0- tivity (PAA) would be ex- pected to oppose the beta T r blockade. It has been A Mean (%) A Vascular (%) arterial pressure resistance shown that, when a beta- 120-, adrenoceptor blocker has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity or partial agonist activity, a number of dif- ferent pharmacological phenomena result, most notably modification of hemodynamic effects.61 A drug with a significant de- gree of ISA ameliorates the 1 1 r effects of beta blockade, 8 16 24 32 16 24 32 resulting in a lesser fall in Time (min) resting heart rate62,63 and Time (min) cardiac output64,65 and, at least partly because of this, FIGURE 3. Percent changes in blood pressure, heart rate, forearm blood flow, and forearm a lesser reduction in vascular resistance induced by stepwise increases in epinephrine infusion after long-term treat- ment with propranolol (solid line) and metoprolol (dashed line) in five hypertensive patients. peripheral blood flow.66'68 From Houben et al.58 (ns = not significant; otherwise P < 0.05)

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The reduction of blood flow with a non-ISA drug, Vasodilatation from alpha-1 blockade with prazosin whether beta-1-selective or nonselective, is largely a produces a fall in peripheral resistance at rest or during compensatory response to the fall in cardiac output. exercise and may increase the cardiac output. The However, a drug possessing beta-2 ISA will also exhibit hemodynamic effects of the combination of beta peripheral vasodilation action from stimulation of blockade plus prazosin are similar to those caused by beta-2 vasodilator receptors.69 An ISA-possessing drug labetalol (beta blockade plus peripheral vasodilatation may even increase heart rate if the level of sympathetic from alpha-1 blockade): less of a fall in heart rate or tone is low enough, as during sleep. With high levels of cardiac output than that seen after beta blockade alone exercise and full doses of the drugs, a beta-blocking and, instead of an increase in peripheral resistance, a drug with ISA reduces exercising heart rate less than a reduction.21,76,77 non-ISA drug.52-61 While effects vary with the dose, the physiological The presence of ISA also has nonhemodynamic ef- conditions under which measurements are made, and fects. In asthmatic subjects, the modest beta-stimulant the ratio of beta-blocking to vasodilating properties of action on bronchial smooth muscle is not important in the drug, research indicates that the hemodynamic this context as these patients are potentially sensitive effects of various beta-blocking vasodilator drugs show to any receptor blockade.70 However, when an ISA a similar pattern. In animal studies, the nonselective is stopped, no post-beta-blocking drug beta antagonist propranolol increased peripheral resis- hypersensitivity is seen, in contrast to non-ISA tance and reduced cardiac output, whereas the multi- agents.71,72 This difference is due to the fact that a drug ple-action agent carvedilol showed a reduction of which possesses ISA "down-regulates" (decreases) beta peripheral resistance, accounting for the fall in blood receptors, whereas non-ISA drugs increase receptor pressure, while cardiac output was affected little.78 In populations. Lastly, evidence exists that the possession hypertensive patients, propranolol resulted in in- of ISA results in less of a disturbance in certain meta- creased peripheral resistance and a fall in cardiac out- bolic processes, such as the metabolism of liver-meta- put, and carvedilol has been shown to produce a fall in bolized drugs.73 In particular, lipid metabolism is less forearm vascular resistance.79 altered, with less increase in VDL or decrease in Unlike the situation with beta-adrenoceptor-block- HDL.42 ing drugs without vasodilatory properties, the fall in blood pressure from carvedilol was not associated with MULTIPLE-ACTION BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR BLOCKERS a fall in renal blood flow. A decline in renal vascular resistance compensated for the reduction in blood More recently, a group of beta-adrenoceptor block- pressure, maintaining renal blood flow.80 Investigation ers has been developed which, in addition to beta in patients with angina showed a tendency for vascular blockade, possesses significant peripheral vasodilator resistance to fall at rest and to be affected only a little activity. The initial drug of this group, labetalol, was on exercise with carvedilol, in contrast to the in- first reported in the early 1970s.74,75 Prizidilol, which creased resistance with propranolol. Carvedilol also followed next and was widely studied, was withdrawn had little effect on cardiac output, either at rest or because of animal toxicity. This agent has been fol- during exercise, whereas it was reduced by lowed by a number of other multiple action beta block- propranolol.81 ers,43 including , and and the Celiprolol also caused reduced peripheral resistance more widely studied carvedilol, celiprolol, and and no reduction in cardiac contractility in dilevalol (the latter was withdrawn recently because of animals.82,83 Likewise, hemodynamic studies in man its association with liver toxicity). revealed that celiprolol did not reduce cardiac output at rest and it led to a fall in peripheral resistance.84""87 In Hemodynamic effects an investigation of patients with ischemic heart dis- These multiple action drugs show hemodynamic ease, doses of celiprolol that caused a small fall in properties that might be expected from the combina- exercise tachycardia of eight beats per minute were tion of beta-adrenoceptor blockade and peripheral associated with a 7% reduction in cardiac output and a vasodilator action.21,76 Administration of a beta-block- small (9%) increase in vascular resistance. The beta-1 ing drug without partial agonist activity leads to a fall antagonist atenolol, at a dose resulting in a 10 beats- in heart rate and cardiac output and an increase in per-minute fall in exercising heart rate, caused a 16% peripheral resistance at rest or during exercise. fall in cardiac output and an 18% increase in systemic

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vascular resistance.88 Celi- prolol reduced forearm vas- cular resistance and in- N-696 Acebutolol Dilevalol Urapidil Doxazosin creased blood flow.89 +0.20 Despite the fall in blood pressure, renal blood flow 0 c was maintained due to the co-a-P O-- E -0.20 reduction in renal vascular

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mechanism of carvedilol: the relaxation it produced in the rat aortic strip preparation was not inhibited by -80 incubation with the beta-2-blocking agent ICI 118551.98 Some evidence exists, however, that beta-2 0) ® agonism contributes to the vasodilator effects of celiprolol, dilevalol, labetalol, medroxalol, and pin- E -60 55 dolol. Relaxation of isolated guinea pig trachea (beta effect) by dilevalol and labetalol was inhibited by the c nonselective beta-blocker propranolol.105 Baum and 'C>D Sybertz106 found that pretreatment with the beta- "O -40 c agonist propranolol in ganglion-blocked anesthetized CO X dogs inhibited the fall of blood pressure from pindolol and dilevalol, suggesting a beta-2 dilator component. -20 w However, propranolol did not affect the fall in blood CD O) pressure from the direct vasodilator hydralazine or the c CO beta blocker vasodilator prizidolol. sz 1 O -0 Similarly, propranolol was observed to block the fall in blood pressure from pindolol in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and to reduce the effect of 106 Figure 5. Reduction of hand vein diameter by noradrenaline labetalol and dilevalol. The dilator action of before (open bar) and 1 hour (hatched bar) and 3.5 hours dilevalol in the vascular bed of the dog was completely (solid bar) after oral administration of Carvedilol, 50 mg. From blocked by propranolol.106 More recently, it has been 102 Beiz et al. found that dilevalol increased aortic compliance (beta- 2 action), and this effect was inhibited by They used equivalent antihypertensive doses and propranolol.107 measured the postural hypotensive effects of alpha-1 In animals, medroxalol was not affected by beta-1 inhibition. Intravenous prazosin (alpha-1 blockade), blockade from practolol, but its blood pressure-lower- labetalol (combination of alpha and beta effects), and ing effect was partly inhibited by propranolol, with its (inhibition of neuronal release of beta-1- and beta-2-blocking activity.95,108 Celiprolol noradrenaline) each resulted in a more marked pos- possesses weak beta-1-stimulant activity but tural effect than seen with carvedilol. predominantly has a beta-2-stimulant action.85 It has Notwithstanding these animal observations, been shown to down-regulate beta-2 receptors of evidence of alpha,-receptor inhibition in man has been human lymphocytes, typical of a beta-2-stimulant ef- seen. Studies of single doses of the alpha-1 agonist fect.109 The relaxant beta-2-type effect of celiprolol and phenylephrine in normal volunteers revealed an inhibi- pindolol on human arteries and veins was reduced, tion of the pressor effect by intravenous carvedilol, though not completely abolished, by both sotalol and while responses to single doses of angiotensin were not propranolol (beta-1, beta-2 antagonists).108 affected.100 Similarly, when dose-response studies to phenylephrine were performed, oral carvedilol in- PERIPHERAL VASODILATION hibited responses, but did not alter the pressor effect of angiotensin.101 Carvedilol also inhibited the constric- Although multiple action drugs may exhibit tion alpha effect of noradrenaline on veins (Figure 5).102 evidence of an alpha-blocking or beta-2-mediated Other multiple-action drugs also exhibited some vasodilator action in animals or man, the peripheral alpha-1-blocking activity. Medroxalol inhibited the vasodilation is not necessarily fully explained by this pressor responses to phenylephrine in animals95 and property. Doses that produce an equal blood pressure- man.1 1,104 Weak alpha-2-blocking activity has also lowering action in the pithed rat were used to con- been suggested for Celiprolol on the basis of animal struct a series of dose-response curves. The alpha-1 experiments. 82,85 antagonist prazosin (0.15 mg/kg) resulted in a 23.3-fold shift of the alpha-1 agonist methoxamine dose- Beta-2 agonism response curve and a 9.9-fold shift to noradrenaline; Beta-2 agonism is not part of the vasodilating with the alpha-1, alpha-2 antagonist phentolamine

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(2.8 mg/kg) the shifts were 30.6 and 44.8, respectively; in other patients. with carvedilol (0.37 mg/kg) the shifts were only 4.27 A possible correlation of the effect of beta- and 2.78, like the effects of the direct vasodilator adrenoceptor blockers on the blood pressure with dihydralazine (1.1 mg/kg), which resulted in a 2.85 and renin levels has received most attention. Buhler and a 2.81 shift.98 Dihydralazine produced a 10.2-fold shift, associates111 found that patients with high-renin levels with a flattening of the curve to angiotensin II; the responded best to propranolol, normal-renin patients other agents were without effect. less well, and low-renin patients had a poor response. Further evidence supports the existence of vasodila- Hollifield and associates112 also found that propranolol, tion independent of alpha blockade or beta-2 stimula- at a relatively low dose of 160 mg a day, readily lowered tion. Other animal investigations performed by Strein the blood pressure in high-renin patients, while higher and associates97 and by Bartsch and colleagues,99 dis- doses of propranolol (320 to 960 mg/day) lowered the cussed above, confirm some dissociation of the an- blood pressure in low-renin patients, independent of tihypertensive activity of carvedilol and alpha-1 block- effects on renin level. Some investigators have found a ade. Research data also support a direct smooth good correlation between renin levels and response of muscle-relaxing effect for celiprolol. As noted pre- blood pressure to a variety of beta-adrenoceptor- viously, its relaxant effect on isolated human arteries blocking drugs,110 whereas others have not found such and veins is not completely inhibited by beta block- a correlation.43 Leonetti and associates113 found that a ade.108 Evidence of a bronchodilator effect inde- relatively small dose of propranolol fully suppressed pendent of beta receptors has also been found.85 renin but had little effect on the blood pressure, whereas only a larger dose (above 40 mg/day) caused a

BETA BLOCKADE IN HYPERTENSION significant fall in diastolic blood pressure. Similar find- ings were obtained when propranolol was given to 114,115 Although beta-blocking drugs have been in use for patients already on the diuretic chlorthalidone. It 66 over 20 years, their antihypertensive mode of action is was noted by Man in't Veld and Schalekamp that, not completely clear. Blood pressure is lowered regard- while beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs with no in- less of the presence or absence of the associated proper- trinsic sympathomimetic activity lowered blood pres- ties (beta-1 selectivity, ISA, and membrane activity), sure and renin levels, those with ISA, like pindolol, although a high level of beta-1 agonism reduces the also lowered blood pressure but had little effect on antihypertensive effect. Moreover, the membrane-ac- renin activity. Finally, some have observed in patients tive non-beta-blocking isomers are without antihyper- not fully responding to the angiotensin-converting en- tensive effect. zyme inhibitor captopril (which suppresses the renin system), that the addition of propranolol lowered It seems clear that beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs blood pressure.116 lower the blood pressure because of their beta-1-recep- tor-blocking action. Several explanations have been Those beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs that have a suggested for the hypotensive effect of beta-adrenergic peripheral vasodilatory effect have this additional blockers, including the following: direct action on the mechanism to lower the blood pressure. The central nervous system; adrenergic neuron blocking, vasodilator action lowers peripheral resistance, in con- possibly via presynaptic beta-2 receptors; anti-renin ac- trast to the effect seen with beta blockade alone. The tivity; increased vasodilator prostaglandins; effects presence of beta blockade inhibits the tachycardia often secondary to reduced cardiac output; and resetting of seen when a direct vasodilating drug is used alone. baroreceptors. Resetting of baroreceptors may occur be- The antihypertensive effects of beta-blocking cause beta blockade produces reduced cardiac activity agents are complex. These effects have yet to be fully and therefore reduced pressor peaks in response to clarified, but obviously a variety of interactions are various pressor stimuli. However, the exact mode of involved. Opposing alpha and beta effects and com- action remains unclear.110 It may be that in some pensatory cardiovascular mechanisms, including the patients a particular effect may be more important than renin-angiotensin system, need further investigation.

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