Cows, Elephants, Dogs, and Other Lesser Embodiments Ofatman Reflections on Hindu Attitudes Toward Nonhuman Animals
.?- Cows, Elephants, Dogs, and Other Lesser Embodiments ofAtman Reflections on Hindu Attitudes Toward Nonhuman Animals LANCE NELSON The wise see the same [reality] in a Brahmin endowed with learn ing and culture, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and an outcaste. - Bhagavad Gita 5-18 The Deccan Herald of January 25, 1999, reports lessly and unharmed in the lap ofone astonished that, a few days earlier, in the town of Shakara member of the audience after another. When puram near the South Indian city of Bangalore, the function was over, it departed. The human a group ofdevotees gathered to hear a talk on the participants were most impressed. Surely, it was Bhagavad GFta by a famous scholar, Bannanje concluded, this was a visit from Hanuman, the Govindacharya. He was visiting from Udipi, a famed monkey god and hero of the Ramaya1Ja, Vai~t:lava pilgrimage center of great sanctiry. As who-in addition to being famed for his un part of the function, the pa1J4it's new Kanada matched prowess in battle-is known for his translation of the much-loved Hindu epic the perfect mastery of Sanskrit grammar.! Was he Riimaya1Ja was being formally released to the there to scrutinize the new version of the story public. As Govindacharya alighted from his ve in which he figures so prominently, and to sig hicle, proceeded into the hall, and ascended the nal his approval? As a ciraiijivi-a "long-lived" stage, an adult monkey followed dose behind. one, a near immortal-Hanuman is believed The organizers tried to shoo the monkey off the to appear wherever the Riimiiya1Ja is being read platform, but it refused to budge, so they de and honored.
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