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The Pri nce Ge orge’s Pos t OMMUNITY EWSPAPER FOR RINCE EORGE S OUNTY SINCE A C N P G ’ C 1932 Vol. 89, No. 18 May 6 — May 12, 2021 Prince George’s County, Maryland Newspaper of Record Phone: 301-627-0900 25 cents PGCPS Leads State in Green School Certifications By offiCe of CommuniCaTionS Prince George’s County Public Schools upper marlBoro, md. Wise, Jr., fairmont heights, (april 26, 2021)—prince gwynn park, largo, laurel, george’s County public Schools k-8/middle schools: acco - (pgCpS) continues to lead the keek academy, Judith p. hoyer state with the highest number of montessori, oxon hill maryland green Schools certifi - elementary schools: allen - cations. This year, three schools wood, Catherine T. reed, dodge phoTograph CourTeSy pSi epSilon omega ChapTer earned new certification and 23 park, edward m. felegy, flint - Front: Benita A. Swindell, Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter of AKA and Pearl Elegance Foundation joins Oaklands Elementary schools were recertified, raising stone, green Valley academy, School Principal Jewel Preston and chapter members as they unpack more than 25,000 PPE items donated by the sorority. the total number of green Schools hyattsville, James h. harrison, to 141—nearly 70 percent of all marlton, maya angelou french schools systemwide and more immersion, montpelier, prince - than 20 percent of the 672 active ton, deerfield run, lewsidale Prince George’s County Sorority Chapter maryland green Schools. The maryland green Schools “green School programs em - program, sponsored by The Donates Thousands of Personal Protective power our students to be hands- maryland association for envi - on in understanding their local ronmental and outdoor education environment and to become re - (maeoe), is one of the most rig - Equipment Items to Laurel Elementary School sponsible stewards of our earth’s orous and comprehensive green By raCine TuCker-hamilTon oaklands elementary has a total stu - essary ppe supplies like masks, hand san - resources,” said dr.
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