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MHS Vote Winner U


JCNDAY, 'MAY 25. 1953 ' FACE EIGHTEEN i®attrlif0tPir Sttfttina iS^ralb Average Daily Preaa Ron Foe Um W«^ Eaded The Weather The project was erected at the May XS, 1958 Merry-Weds of the Second Con­ Temple Chapter No. ,53. OES, Fonoaut at D. S. Waatber Bonaa will meet in the Masonic Temple Paul Jones Heads close of World War II at the cost LET US FILL YOUR gregational Church will follow Stores to (’dose Greenhaven of $400,000 and slated for dis­ About Town their monthly supper-meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. The annual f Ulondy, cool tonight with aewt- memorial service will be observed mantling in five years. It has been 10,965 W ed n esd ay ,. a t. d:30 p.m, .With, .a Ne w..Qiiireh G rotup extended’ severat times- by -legis-' " M aaber oMber AodK .terad .ahourwa..Wetoeaday scavenger hunt. The committee la rind offlr'ers 'ar'e requested ffi w ear: W etlnesda V PiMj Bill-Passed w arm er. liyxnan H. Ford, president of the white. Mrs. Margaret Hair and her lative action, however. Half the Bo m m of CIrealatliiM r Pioneer Parachute Company, has charge is Mr. and Mrs. George Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond committee will serve refreshments Paul Jones was elected presl- cost of construction was born by Hanchetter-~-A City of Village Charm been named by Governor Lodge to at the social period. Manchester stores, The life of Greenhaven, the 82 the state and-half by the town. membership on a 54-member Con­ Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley denl of the newly formed Men's unit temporary housing develop­ necticut Committee of the 50th M atteson. Club of the Community Baptist which ordinarily temain ment. ha's-'been extended until July Called for and delivered Harold David Garrity, 141 Pit­ Church, Friday evening. Other VOL. LXXIL NO. 201 (ClaaMflad AdvertlaliiK aa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 28, 195.3 anniversary of Powered Flight. closed on Wedne.sday after­ 1.,. 19.5.5, by a bill passed in the promptly at no extra (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS ■He Acts His Age,” a film from kin street and Mary Patricia Ca)- officers elected include Harold laghan attended the Mon.soii noons, will close this Wed­ State Legislature. charge. \ Koger Preston of 21 Lilley street the State Department'of Kduca- Livingston, first vice president; Academy senior promenade .Sat­ Robert Johns, second, vice presi­ nesday as usual, according; The Board of Directors recently has been elected secretary of Phi tion, has been secured for the meeting tomorrow at 1 p. m. of urday night at the academy. dent;^. John Larsson,: secretary; to Mrs. Martha Stevenson, appropriated $20,000 for repairs at PINE PHARMACY Delta Mu fraternity at American the Washington-South School and Harry Baskind. treasurer. i the development contlngfent upon Train Hops Elevated Tracks \ IntamaUonal College, Springfield, executive secretary of the extension of its life. Bid for. re­ Tax Issues Child Study Group, in the Wash­ Mi.ss Beverly Southw ick, home Speaker for the evening was Dr. CALL MI-9.9814 ROK Balks M ass. ington school library. This will be economics teacher at Manchester .I.‘ Maurice Hohlfeld. associate Chamber of Commerce,. painting the Greenhaven hoihes '51 O LDS "9 8 " the final meeting of the sea.son. High School, 'was recently enter­ professor of linguistics at the Ken­ All stores will remain have been received by the Housing' Manchester Lodge No. 73. A.F. Authority of Manchester and will X. Election of officers will be a part tained at a dinner party at nedy School' of Missions of the HoUday Co«pe — ‘Hydramatle, Over Allied Again Split and A.M., will hold a stafed com­ clo.sed on Saturday, Me­ be opened Wednesday when the of the business. Altnaveigh Tea Room, Stoirs, by Hartford Seminary Foundation, radio, lieater white wall tlrea, munication at the Masonic Temple where he specialixea In African morial Day, Mrs. Steven- authority meets at 7:30 p.m. at the tomorrow night at 7:30. At the a group of high school teachers. leather latfrer. Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ Miss Southwick will become the Adult Literarcy Education. .son said. housing office, 80 Waddell road. conclusion of the business meeting, ters, will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. With Dr. Hohlfeld were two na­ 1t o t | i 0 i n t Truce Plan Lodge Men the officers of John Mather Chap­ hride of John W. Fisher of West UM iiimiM iiiiniiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiHmmiiiimiimiimiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiniiiiiiiij in Odd Fellows hall. Officers are . N. J., on June 28 at Ih” tives of Africa who are now study­ ford High School, studied at Bates ter, Order of De Molay. will ex­ asked to wear white for the an­ ing at the Hartford ' Seminary. APPLIANCE SERVICE emplify their degree work for the First . .Congregational (Thurch in College and re) — Hartford, Conn., May 26— members of the lodge. As the lodge members. They are requested to in the British Territory, and the 1 is the sponsoring body of John necticut. His Rotary fellowship AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE Authoritative South Korean (/P)—The breach between Re­ bring flowers, representing their Members and friends of the other from the Republic of Liberia. took him to the University of Mather Chapter, Worshipful Mas­ individual colors, and myrtle. The Both are studying the American fiources today revealed that ' publican Governor John For ter Graham L; Clark is desirous of Manchester Federation of Demo- 'B irm ingham In s titu te of. E d u ca­ I Lusier-ShftR Dnf GluRiRg f. - •Plot standing social committee will (latic Women's Club are invited methods of teaching adult educa­ tion. in England. After completing I I the - secret new Allied truee -Lodge and his— party was a good attendance and extends an serve refreshments. tion under the sponsorship of their, a Ysur Hslpslnl AeuUsncs htft invitation to all Master Masons to to attend the monthly meeting of his studies there, he was invited to ‘ = CLEANER, .SOFTER CIXITHER, BRIGHTER plan would give the United wider today after House Re­ respective governments. They sl.so flout h Africa w'here he spent two l5 COLORS. NO ODORS, NO SHRINKAGE IHts BSWi kew b te«1sfy.»felf*sd attend. the county federation Wednesday will study at Syracu.se University • m i l Nations General Assembly publicans rammed through to The "We Two" group will hold a t 7:4.1 p. tn. in the auditorium of months traveling and speaking to = FOR PICKUP CALL Mitchell t-5172 Mrvlts. Gsnulns Hstpslnt pertt. the final say in determining passage a three-prfrt tax pro­ Army^s Atomic Cannon in Action its monthly meeting tomorrow at and Cornell University before re­ various Rotary Clubs. Members of the Women’s Club of the Hartford f'ourant. Btoad turning to Africa. the fate of war prisoners who gram which Lodge had Rom anian 6:30 p. m. in Concordia Lutheran street, Haitford. Rep. Philip P Manchester are reminded of the Church. No further meetings will With the aid of the two young dinner tonight at «;30 at the Laing of Wind.sor will talk about Past Chief Daughters of Helen FRIENDLY CLEANERS, INC. refuse to return to their Red branded “unfair and discrim­ be held until September. Mr. and men. Dr. Hohlfeld demonstrited David.son Lodge. No. 98. D ol S. homelands. inatory.” Emanuel Lutheran Church. Mrs. Edward Walters. Mr. and current legislation under discu.s- the methods used in teaching 1$ M A P IJ: ST.— 147 M IDDLE T U R N P IK E W EST ABC APPLIANCE CO. sion in the .Stale Legislature. will meet tom orrow at 7:1.5 w ith 10% Discount at Theae Cash and Stores, . The informanta srild the proposal The program, passed last night. Aide Named Mrs. William Oess and Mr. and reading and writing to the illiter­ Mrs. Margaret Brown of 20 Arch Qmrry Miss Fae Moeller will be guest ate African natives. 5 21 Maple St— Tel. MI-9-1578 handed the Communiata yesterday Is designed to raise an estimated Mrs. Arnold Kleinschmidt will street. $44,000,000 in new revenjie to bal­ speaker at» the final meeting of the serve a potluck supper. The guest A vote of-ihaftks was given the ''iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiimmmiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiimiiii- at Panmunjom waa clearly unac­ season of Center Church Mothers Hadassah to Hear following committees who .-,et up ceptable to the Republic of . ance a 1953-55 state general fund speaker will be Arthur Anderson budget of $245,300,000 and to wipe As Culprit Club. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the of this town, who returned this fireplaces and tables on the l.-iwn One government official called it Federation room. Miss Moeller "nothing but an Allied defeat by out a $9,500,000 deficit of the spring from the mission field in Year End Reports for the affair: Jones, Anthony Ya- i present biennium. who is a family life specialist, cono. Larsson and Livingston, i the Communists.” Tanganyika, Africa. He will also A coalition of Democrats and Washington, May 26—(/F) works with the YWCA groups at show pictures. The proposal also incorporates the University of Connecticut. The final Hadassah meeting of some features of previous plans of­ Republicans which wss expected —The United States order^ Jantzen Sportswear and Swim Suits to back one phase of Lodge's Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, No. this year will be held tomorrow fered by both the Reds and Allies, today the “immediate depar­ The Tyler. Circle of the North Rotarians to Hear counter-proposal collapsed sud­ 2046 VFW, will meet tomorrow at night at 8 o'clock at Temple Beth said the sources, who would not denly. ture” of a Communist Ro­ Methodist Church will meet Wed­ Sholom. Following final reports of allow use of their names. 8 p.m. at the Post Home, Manches­ After passage of the program, manian diplomat. It said he nesday evening at 7:45 at the ter Green. Delegates will be elected the year's events, a musical pro­ Of Social Studies For The First Big Holiday Weekend Of The Year Offers No Comment church for its annual meeting. gram will be presented, featuring reports were widespread that a tried to blackmail an Amer­ to the state convention in Norwich. The UN Command—which re­ strong attempt would be made in ican citizen into spying for June 26. 27, 28, A t fl p.m. m em bers Mrs. Jay Rubinow, Cantor Melvin portedly requested the news-black­ the Senate to rew’rite the measure of the Post rind Auxiliary will hold Etra and Robert Richardson, one Robert E. Durtn of East Hart­ s. out on Monday's truce session— more in line with the governor's the Romanian government! a joint memorial service in tribute of Manchester's most accomplish­ ford. a teacher of social studies would not comment on the plan. It wishes. The state Department said, the to their deceased members. ed young pianists. at William Hall High School In even refused to acknowledge the The three tax bills which were diplom at, C hristache 21ambeU, la- Refreshments will be served by Weal Hartford, will discuss high­ offer was made. sent to the Senate would: gallon flrat secretary, ''attempted to subvert" V. C. Georgescu, a Miantonomoh Tiihe No. .58. Mrs. Jtiles Karp. Mrs. Daniel Kar­ lights of his Rotary Foundation Some observers in Tokyo said Increase the corporation tax lORM, will meet tonight at A lin, Mrs. Phillip Harrison. Mrs. fellowship when he speaks at the - the Allied proposal possibly is be­ from three per cent to four per naturalized American citizen of o'clock in Tinker Hall. Important Irving Handler. Mrs. Israel Good- Rotary Club meeting tomorrow at ing used as tempting bsit to Red Romanian descent. May 20 in New cent for the calendar year. 1953 York, bu.siness matters will be discussod stine, Mrs. Milton Gottlieb. Mrs. 6:30 p. m. a t the M anchester Chinai whtefr has long wanted to onl.v. Country Club. Officials-survey damage, May 24, after two of three ears of a "The price offered for this col­ and nomination of officers for the Sanol Solomon and Mrs. Harold get into the United Nations. north-botind Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railway train left Increase the sales tax from Feingold. Dunn, a graduate of East Hart- laboration was to be the welfare coming term will be made. By accepting the plan, they said. the track at a curve In downtoivn Chicago. Car at right was Jarred three, to four per cent. It would give Red China a toehold of Mr. Georgescu's minor cone and to a leaning position after leaving rail*. Center car also left track. Increase the unincorporated their possible restoration to their In the General Assembly—^through Nine persons were Injured, none seriously. business tax from $1 to $2 for WE ARE NOW TAKING the bark door. parenU," the department said. each $1,(XH) of gross biunness.' The Georgescu's sons, (Jonstantln, Communist Peiping Radio for incieaae would be effective on 19. and P eter, 14, are atiil in Ro­ ORDERS FOR the second straight day threatened gross business over $50,000 yearly. mania and have been refuaed per­ Monday’s truce meeting in a A bill lowering taxes on Con­ mission to join their parents In Hale’s Clearance reserved manner—in contrast to necticut insurance companies the United States. Morrells Ready previous denunciations of the Al­ House Passes Bills passed the State Senate at 12:30 Georgescu, who waa former gen­ lied proposals. a. m. (d.s.t. I today, ending a eral manager of Romano Ameni- o f Ik .said the UN seven, hour, and 15 minute filibus­ c6no,.n..«ubaidiary.Qf Btaadat(L.OU te Eat HAMS \ for secret talks“ for the sake of ter by protesting Democrats. In of New Jersey in Romania, report­ tree discussion," but did not say On Labor, Welfare the longest State Senate session ed Zambeti's proposition to the the Allies made a new proposal. In many years. FBI and the State Department. •ad PLUMP 101012 Ll. The truce talks were recessed The insurance companies bill The department said it "care­ after Monday's session until June 1 was one of a huge bundle of fully verified" hie information ai)d SUITS, COATS —apparently at Allied request so Washintfton, May 26—{/P)—The Hou.se pas.sed ami .sent to measures acted upon In the ses­ sent a terae note to the Romanian EVISCERATED Red negotiators can send the plan the Senate today bilKs appropriating: $1,080,706,461 for the sion w’hich didn’t break up until legation thia mombig which eaid to Peiping, or even to J^oscow. Labor and Welfare department.s after cutting 10 million dol­ 3:30 a. m. (d.s.t.) today. in p a rt: The South Korean sources said It passed by a roll call vote of 'The Government of the United and lars from President Kiaenhower’a requc.st for hospital fund.s. States has ascertained that Chris­ TURKEYS the new plan reverses the Allies' The money Is to finance the two* ------16 to 12. w ith tw o Republicans tache Zantbeti, Firat SecretaiY May 13 proposal under which agencies for the fiscal year starting pulling out of their ranks to join Ot 34.000 balky North Korean pris­ Ju ly 1. the Democrats in the oposition. Legation, has engaged in activl^ce oners would be released as civilians They were Sen. George Saden incompatible with his status as an Immediately after an armistice. Democrats Defeated - I R-Bridgeport I and Benton H. accredited diplomatic official. Our steru will b* elesud Passage followed last-minute de­ Price Raps TOPPERS The final disposition of these Grant (R-Stamford)- "Therefore, this goveniment Is oH day Saturday, Murno* and 14 .500 Chinese captives who feat of a Democratic-led move to Tile Senate - hoatllities came impelled to declare Mr. Zambetl rial D ^ . refuse to return to Red nile is the appropriate 75 million dollars for after: persona non grata. The legation la federal grants to states for com­ Ike Military 1. A rebellious Republican-con­ requested to nuke arrange!) (Continued on Page Thirteen) modity hospital con.slruction. trolled House had approved and The nunhmoiii cloud formation from history's first atomic artillery shell rises la ^ *ntYg:^irn1i his immediate iltpifctB ft': Ogoa Thun, and Fri. The House decided to stick to its •sent to the Senrite a tax program seven miles away from the 280-mm riliri which «rM| the Shot on Frenchman Flat, a e a r'l^ Vfigas^: 7e ^ .-[-the United States.” sppropriatlon's committee recom­ branded by Gov. John Lodge as Zambetl, one of Romania’s top NlfM i UuHl 8:N mendation for a 50 milll.in hospital Budget Cut "unfsir and discriminatory.’’ diplomats here, came to the United Sabres Thrust grant fund instead of the 60 million 2. The Republican-controlled States in September of 1951. Boxy and requested by President Eisen­ Senate had passed and sent to the Snyder Linked State Department press officer hower. Wa.sbington. May 26—(/!’) Ho’i.'se the main budget bill calling Lincoln White was asked whether Fitted Style.s for general fund appropriations of U. S. Defense Aided Red MIG Loss D em ocrats tried to boo.st the —Representative Price (D.. the State Department’s diplomatic Delectable $24.5,383,000 for the 1953-55 bien­ language meant Georgescu had hospital fund to 7,5 million, the 111.) today termed President nium. a record. To Second Tax Colors been ssked to "spy for Romania.” amount requested by former Pre.si- Pnsenhower’s military budget 3. The legislature had completed \ . / j / / . To Even Dozen . dent Truman .last Jamiary. .They action on a $15,600,000 bonding White replied "certainly. It is \ “an invitation for an enemy By Atomic Cannon implicit in what ia said. What lost by a roll-call vote of 203 to attack.” He called upon Sec­ program to finance various pro­ Reversal Case O JANTZCF# 197. jects. else.” Seoul, May 26 (B U. S. Sabre % jamysn A nother roll-call vote, 237 to retary of Defen.se Wil.son, to During the late hours tl)e Sen­ Asked whether he interpreted jets shot down 12 Communist La.s V’egaa, Nev„ May 26— wllhin the next month at Nevada Washington, May 26 — UP) — the matter as attempted black­ MIGs and damaged another today, 156, boosted by six million dollars “give real assurance to the ate, in conference with the House: the funds recommended by the ap­ American people that defense Approved the highway budget of (IP)—The atomic cannon i.s an Proving Grounds. House investigators today turned mail also. White replied "yes.” boosting their MIG kills this month The State Department described to 51 12 less than the war's one- propriations eornmlttee for federal was the jirimary objective" in $75,949,302. e.stal)Iished reality today in Tc.st director Carroll L. Tyler up a second instance of reversal of paym ents to school d istricts w’ho.se will not disclo.se the nature of the a proposed tax ruling after former 2kimbeti’B imove as an attem pt "to / j Denim Shorts ^2*^^ month record set last September. cutting funds for air power. subvert Mr. Georgescu to col­ Cotton Gabardine Shorts Two sharpshooting pilots bagged population is swollen by military (Continued on Page Eight) America's defen.se plan.s. experiment under consideration, Secrelar.v of the Treasury John W. two MIGs each in savage sky bat­ and atomic energy activitie.s. The And influential Senate Demo­ but inflicates there' is one., more laborate politically with the 0>m- In charcoal gray, faded blue and turquoise. Sizes 10 to 20. crats. declaring open warfare on .N'uclear scienti.st.s have coni- Snyder intervened—this time with murtist regime of Romania to the tles high over . Huu.se voted $66,500,000 for this, , problem Or. Alvin C. Graves, perhaps a million dollars at stake. Maj. James Jabara of Wichita, purpose, the atnount requested by administration military policies, pressed the virtual etjuivalent srientific chief, sid his aides wUh detriment of the United States Sizes 10-20. $ 3 . 9 5 .95 The case, dating back to 1048, Hy Kicks *3'^^ Sizes 34-42. Kss.. the world's first jet ace now President Elsenhower. Former aimed at substituting foreign aid Atom Spy Pair of a standard A-bomb into a •’‘'f"'''' Ruinc hack to the Involved a complex stock transac­ government." serving his second combat tour in P resident T rum an asked for 70 cuts fqr proposed Air Force econo­ miciear workshop at Loa Alamos. Georgescu, told the poignant m ies/ tion by Austin S. Igleheart, presi­ In charcoal gray, faded blue and turquoise. Sizes 10 to Korea, got two and boosted his million. .siieli onl.v 11 inches in diam­ N. M. dent of General Food Corporation, story in a newts conference. He total kills to nine. Maj. Jack E. For the I„abor department Tru­ Indicate MS.A Cuts eter, giving the U. S. a newj and others. , talked with reporters shortly af­ Cotton T Shirts %^.95 to S2|-95 man had recommended $296,818.- .Senators Rus.sell (D., Ga.) and File New Plea There is hardly anything short ter the State liepartment ordered Corduroy Sun Cords Mass of Red Bank. N. J., doubled defense .weapon. of the hydrogen bomb, however, Three Revenue employes testi­ his score with two MIGs. 600 and Elsenhower $284,915,600. Maybank (D„ .S. C.) said in sepa­ fied they favored a ruling that Zambetl out of the country. For the Welfare department Tni- rate interview s they w ill vote w ith­ These appear to be the prin- which could impress observers Nice selection in plain colors or stripes. The Air Force said one of the For Death Stay cipal re.sults of yesterday's highly , nore than this historic capital gains taxes must be paid "Our hope and prayer,” Fine, wale corduroy, sun and water, tested. Sizes KV to 20. MIGs credited to Jabara went down m an Sought $1,786..528,761 and E i­ in the appropriations committee to ...... cannon Georgescu said, "la that wtwld Oyster color. ,/ .succe.ssful first firing of s nuclear shot w'hlch whiatied seven miles in connection with the deal, a stock In a spin- without a shot being fired. senhower $1,722,544,870. cut back Mutual Security adminis­ merger between General Fooda public opinion will save our chil­ -J a b a ra Telated: Another . departmental budget tration-4 MSA) funds :whlle oppos* shell from the Army's. 280 niilli-, across Frenchman Flat, and. ex­ ■Wji.stiingtoh. M ay "26’ — OP) m eter gun. ploded with A-bomb brilliancy at Corporation and' Iglehear't ' Broth­ dren, "Constantm;- 19,' 'a n d 'T rte r,' Bathing Suits $7*^5 to 8 18 95 "I was leadiqg a flight of 4-86's bill came up before the Senate Ing a reduction in aviation funds. Tweedabouts Jiilius and Ethel Rosenberg, con­ Sclenlista Work Hard 500-foot elevatior.. ers, former Indiana and then Dela­ Georgescu related that the plot * , just south of Binuiju at SO.tXM) feet. appropriations committee for a Price, an Armed .Services com­ victed atom spies, asked todsy that ware corporation. opened with a telephone call to him test on a propo.sal to* give blanket But scientist" of the Atomic Jantzen and Gantner suits in cotton broadcloth all nylon We piled Tight in the middle of 12 mittee member suggested in a Chief Justice Vi-son grant them a The b last snapped off .50-foot They said from June to Decern- at his New'’ York home the mom-' Tweed denim in gray. and liylo elastic. One piece or with skirls. Sizes 32 to 44.' to 18 MIGs. The No. 2 MIG in the firing authority to the Secretaries speech prepared for the House that E nergy c:ommi.ssion are not re- | trees and flipped railroad boxcars Ing of May 20. new stay of execution. taxing. )>er, 1948', various specialists ruled UK flight pulled hard and went under of State and Commerce and the "aecounfants" in the Bureau of the The reque.st followed the Su­ slthoiigh the tenth and j "rid Army tanks like toys, reports The caller, a stranger, gave a Attorney General. last scheduled test of the 19.53 I from viewer.*! Indicated. The' full that' the proposed tran.saction me and snapped into a spin. Budget may have overruled Wilson preme Court's action yesterday in s nn varin.i. . , could not be tax-free as asked by name that sounded like "Outa- Check Shorts "The No. 3 man started a slight Several/Republiran Senators pre­ and ignored the Joint CThiefs of refusing for the-third time to re­ spring series is over. With the I effectss on \arious types of Army fTi-heart peter,” the father, said, and claim- / Halters s| oo to s|.98 pull up. dicted in advance of the meeting S taff in .setting the $36, view the Rosenbergs' cs.se. The plsiidits -of defen.*!e leaders a n d i i-.f98trruction. mat»riel rnd cloth- ■ ‘a^ucari- , . .u that ssich a rider would he attach­ legisistfirs ringing in their eai.s, j l9|r "'ill be the subject of .study for Charles E. Tobin, cotinsel to the Checked denim in blue and gray. ^ "I fired a good burst. Smoke military budget for the year begin­ husband and wife are in (he death investigating House Ways and (Continued on Page Eight) Midriff, atrapleaa. Many styles and colors to choose from. ed. Tite House Appropriations ning .Tiilv 1. ■ started to pour from his tail pipe. hou.se in New Y ork's Sing Sing - I . . Means subcommittee, then read That did it,, period. . The MIG. pilot committee Included such s provi­ The figure Is $5,247,128,000 less Prison. ing plans for still another tost Another 2,.52.5 tioppr . came Hy Kicks ' $4.95 sion in the m easure but It wa.s than former President Truman ■ I through maneuvers without re- from bureau files showing that on ejected. Leveled out faat and Two attorneys for the Rosen­ Dec. 21, Snyder called Charles Here is an exciting-' looked for the one I'd seen go Into knocked out on the floor in a close recommended. But it includes an bergs filed a petition in the office —- ^ ^ ------_ I portcfl injury following the bla.st. In checked denim in blue and gi^5’- a spin. I was just in time to see vote, largely with Democratic increase of more than one billion of the Supreme Court clerk, ask­ A flight of 12 B-36 bombers from O'iphsnt, former chief counsel of Bulletins the first MIG hit the ground and votes. dollars for the Armv, largely to fi- ing a stay of execution pending Carswell. .N. M , A ir Force Ba.se i.service, and told him' roared over ‘the r i t e . . . M ore t h a n i ca.se, | from the AP WircB buy! We have dras­ explode. I saw. the pilot floating Senator McCar thy .tR.. Wis.) al- j nance the . the tribunal's ■final artiori on a NEW!— A M E R IC A S BIST STYLED down in his parachute.” so planned to try to g et the com- P rice said $919,134,000 was trim - request for rer«n.*ideration of yea- News Tidbits 20,000 armed forces men received' 29.1 The war's one-day record la~lS trt^ay'a denial. atomic training on land or in the j the Alas showetl, Oliphant called Beach by Natco- kills, one probable and seven dam­ (Continued on Pnge TMrteen) (Continued oo Page Two) The stay petition emphasized a Culled from AP Wires air during the soring scries. |_.Snycier's_offlce and advised a "fa MAYOR CONVICTED tically reduced aged on Ju ly 4, 1952. Today's bag charge by the Roaenberga' attof- The blast's radioactive cloud, vbrable ruling ia in the mill."-. Fan R ivrr, M m s ., M ay M - ..’ was the biggest since May 18 when neys that the indictment of William scooting northeast witit a high Tpbln .

I ' • ; A , J ■ (■'-;; I \ -f t ' V /■ , ' A ; r MOSIV ^ MANCHESTEl EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. MAY 2G. 195S. ■’ ) . MANCHESTER JJVEXING HERALD. JIANCHESTEB. CONN- TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953 ______I k G E T H B K B Emergency Doctors Minister Tells Kiwanians Some Merchants [SIDE gram on June 8, at Cooke’s Tav­ Price, Raps Concordia Church Soroptiliiists Elect ern, Plainville. Rhysicians of the Manches­ •UL D iy u Some Merchants To Stay Open •sc It L. I "S Ross V. Urquhart to Retire Mrs. Charlotte Gray, who is in Words Worth Remembering ter Medical A.srociation who House Fund „pnye Mrs. Ruth^Spencer charge of arrangements, has • 8ENERAL EUEm will respond -tO'«mcrgeno.v cails ' 'Max •Owiky--" Tgraae- Fewer- To Stay Open ■secured- -M iss -'Verntto- * Haynes,- Ike Military tomorrow afternoon ami eve­ JsB * W ym aa "JOHNNY ">^As Captain of State Police prominent member of the Hart­ eration of party strife which.could At least twn Manchester “Here Come* R ev. L lo yd ^F; W orley stores which ordinarily remain ning are Dr. William Stroud, APOLLO" Is Nearing Quota Mra. Ruth Spencer, 17 Cole ford Soroptimist Club to seat the • CONVERSilW OIL BURNERS lead to the philosophy that the tol. 9-4708, and Dr. Robert The Groom” At least two Manchester officers. They plan to leave from good of the party should come be­ closed on Wednesda.y aUerponn RlSa-lS:M street, an executive of' the Spen­ Principal Speaker at will be open tomorrow after­ Budget Cut Butterfield, tel. 9-4242. 8 :U ^\S tate Police Capt. Ross V, Urqu-T stores which ordlnoril.v remain cer Rubber Products Company, the Mary Cheney Library at 5:45 fore the good of the country.. hart, whose home is at 111 (joncord' p. m. Quotes Jefferson noon, It was learned today. Wed. “Trouble Along the Wa*r” ’The successful completion of an closed on TVeidneada.v afternoon Chapel street, was reelected pres­ • HOT WATER AND WARM AIR M em orial P rogram road, has retired from the force I will be open tomorrow after­ The hostess, Mrs. Scher. served From the First Inaugural Ad­ The management of the \%’. (Continued from Page One) 11-room parish house for Concor­ ident of the Manchester Soroptl- strawberry tarts with whipped dress of Thomas Jefferson, Rev. T. (Irani, Co., and McLellan after 30 years, it was announced dia Lutheran Church, Garden and noon, It wna learned today. mist Club, at the monthly busi­ HEATINR SYSTEMS . Rev. Lloyd F. Worley, of the defenae of futur" generations on last night by Commissioner Ed­ The nisuiagement of the W. cream, coffee and confections at a Woi'ley read the following excerpt: Stores Co., said today they med from Naval aviation, in addi­ the recommendations of account­ ness meeting last night at the social tirhe following the meeting. I First Methodist Church of Hart- would remain open. CENTER THESPIANS ward J. Hickey.' | Winter streets, was assured at the T. Groat, Co., and McLellon home of Mrs. Justine Scher, 9 All, tbo. will bear in, mind this tion to *6,090,000,000 slashed from ants. adding machines, and comp­ Urquhart, along with State Po-' final report"“meeting"of'the*C0n- SEALY MAHRESSES ...... $29^95 and up I ford, spoke to the Manchester Ki- Mrs. Martha jSlevenson, Aib.Foree funds. He said that Preoent Stores Co., sold today they Davis Avenue, Rockville. • COMMERNAL aid RESIDENTIAL sacred principle, that though the tometers rather than on recom- |tce Capt. Paul Lanvin, of Wethers­ cordia Parish House Fund Appeal would remain open. Without its (UN) vigilance and I wanians .yesterday noon on,“Words will of the majority is in all cases executive secretar.v of the made'the air power cuts about six mendaliona of men who have spent Mrs. Lillian Guatafson of Ham­ painstaking effort to ease the Manchester Chamber of (>>m- field, who plans to retire July 1,' last night at the church, with Mrs. ^ Martha Stevenson, AIR OONUmONINR j Worth Remembering.” a Memorial to prevail, that will to be rightful billion dollars. Eisenhower has their entire adult careers iii the “ OUTWARD Were honored at a farewell dinner; lin street, who has been treasurer world's political, social and eco­ must be reasonable; that the min­ merce, said yesterday that all said that 80 cents of every defense *20,205 reported pledged toward executive secretary of the for a number of yeoror w*as named nomic tenaiona, we might already Da.v program . study of military problems? . . . at the City Club in Hartford. ’The Lhe *25,000 goal, as 23 teams of ority possess their equal rights, stores which usuatly remain dollar next year will go to the Air "Have we suddenly found out," Manchester Chamber of Com­ vice president. Mrs. Josephine be engulfed in. even destroyed by; AUTOMATIC HEATmO KEMP’S, Inc. \ Rev. Worley began hy rontra- dinner was attended by state po­ canvas.sers presented their final which equal law must protect, and closed on Wednesdays would Force and the Navy (or air power. he asked, "from some mysterious merce, sold yestcrda.v that all Munson will succeed her as treas; BOUND” licemen from barracks from j Reports. World War UI. FINE BEDDING dicting the well remembered words to violate would be oppression . ... be closed tomorrow. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Air source that Rusgta also can be stores which usually remain urer. . —Mrs. John G. Lee, president spoken by Abraham Lincoln in his throughout the state as well aa; They reported that 80 per Cent closed on Wednesdays would t U MAIN STREET TEE. Ml-S-fiMO And let us reflect that, having ban­ Food stores will remain open Force Chief of Staff, on his return cowered by penny-pinching effi­ BOWERS SCHOOL from headquarters. Mra. Julia McCarthy, of Rock­ of League of Women Voters. G ettysburg A ddress: The Wqi'ld ished from our land that religious as usual. from a trip to South America, told ciency b e tte r th an it Can be by an ol the members had made pledges be closed tomorrow. ville, was reelected recording sec­ will little note, nor long remember ' Urquhart- who has been in poor j which assured 80 per cent of the intolerance under which mankind newsmen last night he attended a Air Force which Is equipped to ] JUNE 2 and 3 health for the last two years, re­ Food stores will remain open retary and Mrs. Mary Taylor, cor' WILLIAMS what we say hero, but it can never so long bled and suffered, w'e have meeting of the National Security goal. as usual. deliver the atomic bomb at any | TICKETS fl.Ofl tired effective May 1. He had been responding secretary. Directors forget' what they did here. yet gained little if we countenance Council at which the final decision designated target in the world?" Special praise was extended to Lincoln was 'vrong. said Rev. headquarters captain in charge of are Mrs. Kathleen ’Thompson, a political intolerance as despotic, lasting peace among ourselves and was made to accept proposed fund At Weldon’s, Michaels, Center the junior, or student, pledgers Mrs. Taylor and Mrs, Kathryn Worley. The world has remember­ cuts. Pharmae.v, Center Church and ! nil matters relating to public safe­ who reached 200 per cent of thelr- LOAM as wicked, and capable of as bitter with all nations. ty and liccn.sing. He has already Hendrickson. OIL SERVICE ed whnt he said .and has virtually since the erection of the present- and bloody persecutions ... if there . , These pxcerpLs Rev. Worley " I was there to answer questions, Adheaive and medicated plaster Dairy Queen. Ircen succeeded -by Capt;-Oeorgo- quota with average pledges of The-chib -recently voted to be­ . Dorje. Rloh. Cnltivatedl forgotten the deeds which the hilt I was not asked for my opinion church building in 1899. And as' be any among us who would wish quoted as contributions of a man was invented in 1848 by a Dedham, R eem er. ?32. . come a contributing member of the Grade No. 1 fS.M oa. vA speech commemorated. Ever since, ' to dis.solve this Union or to who strove to gain unity of pur­ and did not give it," Vandenberg Mass., physician, John P. May­ Special praise also was given to important aa the provision of the Grade No. 1 $8.M cn. yA Free Suryey Easy Terms the heart o f the drug store he stated., the phrs.se. “government He will continue. as chairman, of Parish house ItSrlf, the pastor Service Club -Council and haa ac­ j change its republican form, let pose through the uses of Christian said. “'Therefdre I neither approved nard. who dissolved gun cotton in the Hartford County Mutual Fire lion-member parents of children cepted the invitation of the joint Delivered Iii Track 341 BROAD ST.— MltdMl 9-1257 cf the people, hv the people, for ! them stand undisturbed as mbnu- charity and justice. nor disapproved." sulphuric ether, obtaining a fluid attending the Concordia Sunday added, was the wonderful spirit of Load Lota—Order New the people" has been on the lips Insurance Co.'s Volunteer Fire De­ unity in working for Jesus Christ Men'a Service Cluba to attend ' ments of the safety with which As his final quotation, Rev\ Worr He declined immediate com­ brushed on the skin and covered partment Awards Cjommittee and Capt. Roa« V. Urquhart School who had pledged 100 per th eir dinner-m eeting, June 1, mt 7 Bcrecaed sand, atone, fill of the people of the world seeking error of opinion may be tolerated ley cho.se an article wrlttcrix^ by ment on the effect of the cuts. with cotton strips. cent of their quota. The aver­ and in His Spirit which had de­ and gravel deRveroA ha.s accepted the position of th at veloped during this appeal. p. m-. in the Mooonic Temple. that ideal. where reason is left free to com­ President Woodrow Wilson for Tlw Senator Russell joined other committee's contest director. age adult pledge was *89. The gueat speaker will be Edwin NUSSDORF Worth Reitiemberlng bat it. Atlantic Monthly about a month Democrats in scoffing at Secre- <’^ | V [ IN ] Started In 1933 William F. Goss, chairman of H. Danneberger of the E. I. Du­ Rev. Worley said that the word Rev. Worley said that this would Parker Street CONSt. C O . before his death. In the article, •('tary Wil.son's contention th a t air Urquhart joined the state police the appeal committee, expressed Roller Bauishecl Pont DeKemoura Company,' Wil "remember" in the words of Lin­ seem to be the perfect advice to Wilson pleaded for a spiritual re­ jitpength will be built up deapile on Aug. 1, 1923, and, during the his appreciation for the splendid mlngton, Del. PhoM Mitchell *-14M coln started his train of thought those citizens who seem bent upon vival in government. "Our civili­ th^'propo.sed appropriations slash. first year of his service, joined the Case in Court cooperation of Ida cornmittee and ’The local Soroptomista will hold towards the words of others, great driving Communism underground, zation cannot survive materially " I f \ ^ r . Wil.son had found a Danielson barracks. P'our years of all of the 50 worlwrs. Appre­ Street Cisterns their installation dinner and pro­ i t s in our nation's history, whose where its twisted reasoning cannot unless it is revived spiritually," magic formula by which we can later he was promoted to lleuten- ciation was also expressed to the words are worth remembering in be seen and an.swered publicly said Wfl.son. cut our "'plane building program . ant and placed in charge of the A trial was Under way today In Ladies Aid for serving th^ dinner these tr>'ing timer. with logic. and atill iniTea.se our air strength. barracks. He stayed in that post for the meeting. New Bedford, Mass.—(>P)— New The fate of the world, said Rev. the Court of Common Pleas for England cities no longer have cia- Fr.im the Far.twell Addre.sa of Mont Eloquent Plea Worley, seems to be to redognize n Congre.ss oligm to be told about until 1941 when he was transferred Pastor Erich Brandt interpreted R ooted Hartford County over the estab­ terns at street intersections to help deep in the recesses of is the modern President Washington. Rev. Wor- From Abraham Lincoln's First generation late the good advice of j it," Ru.s.sell sain sarcastically. to headquarters in Hartford. He the results of the appeal. He stated le.v cutled these quotations, which lishment of a 25 foot building line fight fire. But Walter A. Luce PINEHURST HOLIDAY SCHEDULE drug store. Through '4.000 years of recorded history Inaugural Address, which Rev. its far-sighted leaders. If Wilson "If he can peiffprm such feats was promoted to captain in 1946. that while the .goal had not been were almost the prophecies of Worley termed one of the most ' of I.,egerdemain. the^ logical se- Urquhart led the invesligatlon.s on the east side of Parker street. attained 100 pet cent, the main of New Bedford, remembers when had been heeded, he said, who The line was established Feb. things to come hy our flrst chief eloquent pleas in literature, he knows hut World War II would qiience would be toN;ut the Air in a number of famous cases, in­ purpose of the appeal was success­ they were found in some New the dispenser of drugs has stood high in the esteem j 25 by the Town Planning Comfhia- CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, MAY SCth executive: quoted; In your hands, my dis­ have become imposribie. and with I Force requests to 10 bllMpn dollars cluding the slaying of State Troop­ fully realized. It would make pos­ England cities. In the days of ( Frown I upon the flrst dawning sion. Green Manor Estates, Inc., satisfied fellow countrymen, and that a fact the present world situa­ I and get twice as much defense." er Irving Nelson by the "Ice Box sible the immediate provision of an the volunteer departments snd For Yoar Shopping Convenience Prior to the Holiday of the community. As the sciences of medicine and of every attemnt to alienate any not in mine, is the momentous Is­ tion would never have come to be­ I Maybank said he, for one, isn't Bandits" on Good Friday, April 6, represented by Jay Rubinow. ap­ 11-room parish house for Con­ hand pumpers they furnished a portion of our country'from the merchandising have advanced, the outward form of sue of civil war. The government ing. I going to vote to spend *5.800,000.- 1928, in Pomfret; the ".silver rob­ pealed the commission's action. cordia Lutheran Church. source of water. re.st or to enfeeble the sacred tics will not assail you. You can have He ended his talk to the Klwan- bery" in Killingly, which led to the Mrs. Ruth Chambers, secretary There would be Increasing grati­ New Bedford lost her cisterns, OPEN THURSDAY asd FRIDAY NIOHTS ty IIMII rEIIEUn which now link together the vari­ i 000 to supply military and othgr the ancient apothecary shop has changed. Rut serr* no conflict without being vour- ie.ns w ith a word of praise for the j as.sistance to U. S. Allies whil^ arrest and conviction of nine per­ to the commission, and Wilfred tude, he said, on the part of mem­ Luce says, when a steam roller FINE WATOHgS SINCE DM ous parts. . . . selves the aggressors. You have sons and the "Garvin murder " In Maxwell- town planning engineer, bers in the ye.srs to come that In was used to install modem pav­ Hence, likewise, they will avoid objects of Kiwants, which by rec­ I reducing the amount available to Ice to the sick is still the very heart of our business. no oath registered In heaven to de­ ognizing the human values, strive : America's own air arm. He said Scotland in 1940. appeared in court today as wit­ the y ear 1953 a group of lo.va! ing. The supports of the cisterns UNTIL NINE the necesslt.v of those overgrown Daughter On Fon'e nesses. Town Counsel Charles workers had worked so well for could not hold the weight of the military estab'ishmenls which, stroy the government, while I shall to better international relations. ! he thinks the MSA program can . \ >SU rU H'rd. H^r« FH.e An All Trchnlrelar . In Monday night’s Herald od, we announced Thursday and Our complete stock of pharmaceuticals is the best have the moat solemn one to "pre­ The attendance prize was won “ IXST OK TMK COMANCHKS” "TreAnar# «if

/ — / V ■'., :U, i.T:.rrTTS553 f-'\, ^'' ^ V- _f : M - i ' ' ‘ . / ' ^ :•/... ' / ' ■ ' ;»i ,yt' \ -PAGP FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONH, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953 MANCHESTER EVENING -HERALD. .MANjCHESIER, ,C0NN« TUEvSDA Y. MAY 26, 1953 firad the history malting Shell at FAGE FIVE About T o ^ Congratulations for MHS Vote Winner U. S. Pefense Aid an angle of 15 or 20 degrees in :MHS to Unveil Plaque rsabhing slightly more than one- HEARING-AID Grade 1 pupils are invited to a so­ Wllmol’s home; Brownies Troop and syrup for breakfast and kabob* Seen in Cannon third of ita maximum range of 20 Coventry’ - >■ cial Wednesday at '8 p. m. at the 69, 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. rri, cooked but-of-idoors for lunch. Sev­ Complexion Care Center School. Present Grade 1 Clioirs of the First and Second Rev. Dr. Fred R. EMgar, minis­ miles. DATTERIES Girl eral 'girls laid a trail to'pass the re­ One ' enthusiastic Congressman mothers and teachers wilhbe hos­ Congregational Churches at 7:30 p. quirement for their second class Jlonoring^SS War Dead ter,of. tJ^eSqtUA. MeJ^pdist, Ouigch., (CsatiBued -From - Faf»'’-OM) ‘'^whw -prefsrrstl • t»"--remain anm y* » For All HMrimr-Aids - tesses. 'Bte program .l&to'.aoquaint.- .’m.--jn-thejriresppctive'aaBPtuaTles'' .WdgeS.-'-'r".,-; -- ...■■ LECLERC will be the ^ 'est speaker at the Scout • Expert at mous said the big gun was worth Resid&ntofNortirCo the parents with the school, its, Frisky Needle 4-H Club from 7 p. ■'As part of the requirements for FUNERAL HOME meeting of the Hartford Kiwanis 100,000 small field pieces. Guaranteed Fresh program and help prepare children m.. to 8:30 p. m. in the home of Club Thursday noon at the City interriat.ional friend.ship fqr second shortly before 3 p.m. (m.s.t.) when 'Be that aa it mayi most observ­ for a happy first .year at .school. Miss N.somi Griffith, leader; set­ Notes cla.sH. troop members are ntaking Free counsel to women Interest­ Walter N. Annual Memorial Day F Club In Hartford. Local Kiwan- all areas were certified safe. Grade 6 pupils of James T. Laid- back party at 8 p. m. in the Na.- Leclerc, Graduate ers agree the future of the atomic ^ To Graduate at West Point stuffed animals to fill a duffle bag ed in achieving eomplete complex­ Exercises to Be Held [ ians are invited, The nuclear s’lell, described as cannon looms as bright.as its de­ law have taken' their clas.s educa­ .than Hale Commiinity Center with to he sent overseas as g ifts, for' , Director less ^han three feet long and but was yekterday.,. tional trip. Part of the 16-acros Leo F. Tremblay and Royden F. Fourteen members of Intermedi­ .refugee children. ion care with the. lea.sl expendi­ I Friday; Main Address St. Joseph's Mothers Circle will weighing about 1,000 pounds, caus­ Coventry, May 26— (Special) — '. First National Stores warehouse Smith,..Tr, chairmen. ate Troop 38, accompanied by lead­ For the past three years Anita ture of time and money will be ed no damage to the.giant cannon. P. ..Spooner of Sou^L'Glastonbury, FUNERAL meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock David Lawrence Motycka, 21, of quit claim, lot.s 14 and 16. section in East Hartford was toured; at ers Miss Martha Gaines and Mrs. Coleman has sjold more cookies given at Pine Pharmacy.'664 Cen­ I By Charles S. House St the home of Mrs. John O'Hare, It was Indicated. Tho .projectile, An Ohio policeman arrested two North Coventry, will be graduated the Hartford Times they saw the 'Msjnrhester Evening Herald Margaret Gaines, and Gloria than any other girl in this troop. v/hich. takes it* , place in the crooks when they thought he waji 13 in Waterfront Heights develop­ ter street, on'Wednesday froni 10 SERVICE 81 Avondale road. This will be 873 Main St., Tel. MI-3-4136 June 2"aa second lieutenant front ment; Walter E, and' Laura M. presses in action; at WTIC they C’overite.Y corrcspoiiilenf, Mrs. Zweci's, sister of one of the troop nation’s fast growing stockpile of drunk and tried to rob hlrii.-'s..^ membeis, recently spent a week a. m. to 4 p. m. by Miss Clair I A plaque in triernory of Man- the laat meetinv of the aeason. the U. S. Military Academy at'' Stratton to Alton Realty Company visited the Ross Miller program; (Tlnrles jE- I-itlle, telephone I’ll- Five members of Senior Troop 23 Main. Street, Manchester atomic weapons, was termed ” a and saw Mt. Whitney from the end at (2amp Merri-Wood. ' Cheater High School .. graduates | West Point. of Manchester, lots 13,'l4, sect. .7, grlm 2-62,SI.\, 1, Charlotte Fayle, Judy Hahsen. Monahan, , special repre.sentative Call MI-9-5869 concentrated capsule of .what once Travelers Tower. A t the Regional . » • . . __ ' . - The- girls arrived on Friday night of Ann DelaAeld, nationally-known who gave their lives in World War Mrs. Burton Loomis, 842 Center filled ah entire bomb bay. Motycka. son of Mr. and Mrs. in Waterfront Heights, second Carole Pigot, Dawna Reaytel and. tract ea.sterly side Round Hill Msrket they saw products being EXTENDBO f o r e c a s t and enjoyed "getting settled" and beauty expert. street, who is sailing for England This phrase wa-: used b> Rep. W. Joseph Motycka, Sr., attended the j playing games before going to bed. Nancy Walsh, accompanied by II will be dedicated at the ariniial local elementary school ?md Man- ' road; Louis H, Hodis, Jr., and shipped both in and out. At the leaders Claire Olds and Emily Miss Delnflcld. creator of the with her' two children on the liner Sterling Cole, chairmen of the Hartford Courant they were .shown On Satiu'day, after the chorea were Memorial Day exercises at the; United States or June 5 for a cheater High School. Dorothy E. Chaiecki to Burton S. Boston. May '?6 (/P) The tem­ finished,, the girls took a nature Smith, had a most enjoyable hike famou.S reducing plan which bears Joint Atomic Energy committee, and Isabella T. Andrews on Pucker a movie b.v Beldcn Morgan of the her name, iia.s now devised a- -cachool, Friday morning, when the' three montha visit with her fam­ in summing up the general views He was active in 4-H work, perature in New England during' hike on the yellow and blue trails, Saturday afternoon, following the street. circulation department on -how an the next five Jiys, Wcdne.sday blue trail from the spring at High­ quick and inexpensive means of ■ honorable Charles S. Douse, a ily, was given a aurprlse bon voy­ of 79 Congressmen who watched played soccer, was a member of. item got into the newspapers, where thtey saw many interesting age party Saturday night by Mrs. the test. "A marvelous new gad­ the Sock and Buskin Dramatic Andrew J. Buckley of East Lyme through Siindav, will aveiage two things, im'luding different kinds of land Park to the garnet ledges, complexion cai'e Yor busy house­ I onembcr of the Board of Education. some of the departments in opera­ to five degrees b( low the soa.sonal just over the Glastonbury line. It wives, student.'' and Vvorking girls John Novak, Mrs. Jennie Lata and get," Cole concluded. Club, the A Capella Choir .jand to Jo.seph E. Duinond of Hartford, tion. the six-mile rolls of paper moss, sorrie. of which was taken will deliver the annual address, normal. Cooler M'ednesday and’ was a beautiful day for hiking and of today. Miss Monahan has Depondoblo, EeMOMleil Principal Edson M. Bailey this Mrs. Alice Van Op.stall. About 25 "Atomic Annie," the nuclear numeruous other extra-curricular lot 21, .sec. A, Hillcrest develop­ ii.scd for the r\.sses, part of the back to camp and 1s being raised. i ■ ment; Sylvester J. and June O. continued rather cool Hie rest of all enjoyed the five mile trek and I yen trained l.y Miss Delafleld per­ ' morning said that the hronse friends and relatives attended the age's successor tc "Big Bertha,” activities. He ha.s been a member next day’s paper. I Saturday noon the tpoop had a hot party and the guest of honor re­ of th. West Point Glee Club for Ploufe to Frank B. and' John P. the Week. ' , I dog roa.st and at night a campfire deemed it good preparation for the sonally to show women in this vi- ' plaque contain.^’ the names of 5.') They had dinner at the Corner longer hike to come when the WINTER COMFORT ceived.. many beautiful personal fow . years., ...... Boynton, Silver Atu'es lot.s 7 and 8. Precipitation ,, luring this period j was held with singing and Stories.,. einity how tins late.st contribution •ahimni- of the-aehool. Parents -are Cupboard branch -of the' 5’WOA. troop goes on a two weeks hiking rtHs. ^ ____ Hi.s parents and brother. .Tohn, Hari'y'I. arid Wanda Meade to Jo­ wtil oh the'jiverage lf)l*M’, "between I f"h'ni'ch services were held at camp to hesiity Culture can b'e adapleJ ' ln\ited to attend the ceremony. seph L. and Hazel D. U'hite r)f The Silver Lane bu.ses were u.scd one tenth and five teiiihs inch trip in Vermont in August. to their persone.l neei's. Funds for the plaque were with his grandmother, Mrs. M. E. to tour Hartford. The trip in was ■Sunday morning, and all were sorry Linne Lodge, No. 712. Knights Tired, Worn-Out Newberry, of Canastota, N. Y., will Hartford, lots 11, 12, l.l, sec. V, oceurring as showers ending late I when it came time to go home donated by members of the faculty, Waterfront Manor; James T. by the school bus of Leo F. Ti'cm- Tuesday night or veiy eaily Wed­ Sunday afternoon. the Claaaes of 1840 through 1951. of Pythias, will meet tomorrow at attend the dinner Saturda.v and biay, return home b.v sv bool, bus baccalaureate and Glee Club con­ Nie.hols of Manchester to ArmamJ nesday morning - -with - ahowers Troop 60 of the Verplanck School and from two local citizens, one 8 p. m. in Orange hall. driven by Floyd N. Wiley. About again by the week end. cert services Sunday. They will Fortier of Gla.stonbury. lot 22. enjoyed an overnight at Camp y^^the parent of a boy whose name is Diseoureged? block Y, Waterfront Park; Georgi* 10 adults accompanied the group.' Merri-Wood last week end. The ‘ Vlnscrtbed on the plaque. i. Mi.ss Marlon W. Brookings of return home Sunday and then mo­ Cub Scouts Pack 65 will riioct The surface of the Baltic Sea How Many Men and Women Gain tor to West Point for graduation M. and Dulcie Arner to Stephen girls planned the menu, which in­ i>erl.v Conveyances country store in the vestry; Cov­ 214 SPRUCE ST., MANCHESTER TEL. MI-3-5095 Said a mink to a friend Enjoy the comfort and conven­ ' reads the names on the plaque. and one good way is to take FER- Warrantee deeds filed at th.’ of H.srlford to Santo Ficaro of entry Fragment Society of the • A poem entitled "Taps.” com- The executive board of the the left being congratulated by didates offered their congratula­ "BEFORE LOSSES HAPPEN. INSURE WITH LAPPEN” Hartford, lota 15 to 20 in Pine Lake ience of dependable automatic James Moriarly, present treas­ tions to Provost over the school's RIZAN, the modem dietary sup­ office of Town Clerk Mildred C. Second Congregational Church at BENDIX — MOTOROLA— RCA "IT'S STORAGE TIME" - posed by Miss Marlon Ca.sey of Atom Spy Pair Manchester PTA Council will plement that gives you each and Hiltgen recording tran.afer of Shores. 10:30 a. m., all-day in the Church heat with a MOR-SUN Worm Air the faculty several years ago in have a meeting tomorrow at 8 urer of the council. inter - communications system Provost was the successful can­ through each room. Provost ac­ every day a full supply of the im­ property ineludr the following: Briefs Community House; Cub Scouts MITCHELL AIR CONDITIONERS FUR STORAGE VAULTS Furnace. There !i a MOR-SUN * memory of these boys, will be re- p. m. at the Waddell School. Tlie parents of prospective didate among six who campaigned cepted their congratulations and portant B Vitamins, with plenty John H. Fred J. Eherle of Windsor to Sally Den 5 Pack 6.5, 3 p. m.. Mrs. Fred ON THE PREMISES model for every type of heme. ■ "cited. File New Plea of Iron to enrich the blood and the Eight-year-old Kathleen McMul­ Earle H. Hutchins, 85 Broad for the post. His plurality over (hanked the students for their Call Hartford 7-1336 for our Bonded Messenger Got or Oil fired. (lall ut for- on the runner-up, Gary Bogll, was full dail.v requirement of that most len, daughter of the late Wesley F. street, w'ho heads the committee support. Provost and Bogli are Important element—Iodine for the Incorporated estimate. No obligation. McMullen, whose name appears on For Death Stay for the testimonial dinner to he about 100. teammates on the baseball team. ductless glands. Start taking FER- Lappen the plaque, will unveil the plaque. given by Odd Fellows and Re- RIZAN today. You must feel bet­ Her mother, Mrs. Margaret C. hekaha to Wilbur D. Loveland, 41 continue through the next few ter-look better—work better and McMullen, is employed in the busi­ (Continued From Page One) Elro street, Friday evening, urges Jobless Total months. rest better. You must be complete­ IISSIRANCE ness office of the high school. all who have hot already made Throughout the state, mean­ ly satisfied In 30 days or your 11 OAK STREET The plaque was secured by Arri- reservations to do so this eve­ while, unemployment continued to money back.— Hale's Dept. Store. TEL. MItcheU 3-5810 T. P. AITKIN go Almettl of the Manchester Me- affidavits Intended to prove the Drops ill Week Price $1.58. Mail orders 10c extra. AIR CONDITIONING Perl Indictment was not timed to ning by calling Noble Grand Ed­ drop off, the state report said. 1 mflx&cdPflfiy morial Company. prejudice the Rosenbergs' trial. Re­ win Palmer of Parker street or Claims were down to 8,762, the HEATING C. S. Aspinwall of Anderson lowest figure since the end of ferring to these affidavits, the re- Uncmploynient in the Manches­ SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR request for a new stay of. execution street. The dinner and entertain World War II, with the exception stated; ment is in recognition of Mr. ter area which has been fluctuating of the last week In November, 6 MeCABE ST. Snyder Linked "The-government in' its -frantic ■Loveland^' long- periorl n f member­ for the- past ■severai- weeks dropped 1952, when "there- were only 8,234.- attempt to conceal its misconduct ship in King David Lodge, 55 off agAin la.st week, it was indi­ 69 CHURCH STREET-# HARTFORU -^ TEL. Ml-3.6792 " “ compounded it by introducing false years. cated by a State Labor Department ^To Second Tax affidavits, which obviously could report released today. only have misled the courts and Police ioday reported these According to the report. 320 OLLIE'S deprived the petitioners (the Rosen­ arrests for stop sign violations persons filed claims for unemploy­ rReversal Case bergs) of the proper consideration Robert F. Monahan, 44, of 38 Ful­ ment insurance. 8.3 per cent less AUTO BODY ATTENTION of their application" for a Supreme ton road, was arrc.sted this morn­ than the 349 who filed during the (Conttnued From Page One) Court review. ing by Patrolman .Milton Stratton proceeding week. ir WELDING "It Is significant that, after a and Warren C. Whitmore, 32. of The,unemployment drop was at­ ir AUTO BODY and two and one-half year lapse, Perl 433 North Main street, was stop­ tributed In part to the rehiring of Chairman Kean (R-N. .1.) said he w-B.s hrmight to trial while the Su- ped yesterday by Patrolman FENDER REPAIRS LADIES! was convinced Sn.vder exerted "un­ 25 workers by a garment shop. CM fiAn DENTAL CREAM porme Court was considering the Thomas R. Graham. due influence" in this case. However, an official of the local j ★ COMPLETE CAR Petitioners' request for a review." employment office, wlio said the Snyder Is now vice president in The stay request also repeated Manchester Chapter, No. 1094, PAINTING charge of finance for Willys- Women of the Mooac. will meet to­ rehirlng was part of that garment | LACQUER and ENAMEL allegations that perjured testi­ shop's summer vacation schedule, j Overland Motors, Inc. In a state­ mony was given at the Rbsen- morrow at 8 p. m. at the British- Miss Clair Monahan THE LID’ S OFR predicted that the fluctuation in' ment issued at Toledo, Ohio, he bergs' trial, and that their death American Club on Maple street. All 8 Grifiwold Street aaid; .scntoncc.s wcie excessive. members are urged to attend. The the unemployment picture would | Tel. MI-9-5025 REPRESENTATIVE OF SPECIAL ' "I have conscientiously served If the Rosenbergs are refused a business will include the election of the government, except foh short new stay, the government may officers. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN! Intervals in private life, for a move to have Federal Jtidge Irv­ Ann Delafield Products great many years in a number of ing R. Kaufman in New York fix Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hooev, responsibllties. In each assignment their execution dati-. 26 Indian drive, attended the re­ WIP LIAM DICKSON & SON WILL BE HERE Removes l|p I t 8SZ Of Decay I have always given whole-hearted cent Morris-Essex Kennel Club O. The stay request was filed i),v .show at Madison, N. J. SINCE IBIS devotion to the public Interea^I attorneys Emanuel H. Bloci. and confidently feel that my services John F. Finert.v. They gave a copy Tomorrow^ May 27 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. have left a good record.” The usual midweek prayer serv­ of their request to the Justice De- ice will be held tomorrow at 7:30 RESIDENTIAL AND GOMMERGIAL Revenue bureau workers testi­ paitment. The department may, fied yesterday that a seiles of p. m. at the Covenant-Congrega­ To give free counsel to women interested in achieving complete if it wishes, ..file a memorandum tional Church on Spruce street. The PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING technical specialists approved an opposing it. choir rehearsal will follow at 8:30. complexion care with the least expenditure of time and money unfavorable tax ruling for John L. ALL WORKMEN INSURED lieban, former vice president of BRING YOUR BEAUTY PROBLEMS HERE AND GET FREE ADVICE Ami Odor-Causing Bacterial (U Schenley industries and a con­ 260 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER tributor to Democratic and Repub­ lican election campaigns. The Notice PHONE MItchdl 9-0920 ANY TIME ITOIHI tuei I WTU6HS $U0S ruling was reversed in Leban’s Pine Pharmacy favor, however. In the office of Pllphant, about Oct. 30. 1950. MANCHESTER MASTER BARBERS 664 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-9-9814 Tobin read from Oliphant’s tele­ phone log that Snyder had called ASSOCIATION Only The Colgate Mby Does All Ihrae! Oliphant four days earlier about is the family -the Leban case. SOUTH END "There is a case I would like to NORTH END ■IF Sudi^M luSe have expedited," Snyder was quot­ SHOPS SHOPS Saves valuable tudty ed as saying. "This must be gotten OPEN ALL DAY OPEN ALL DAY with w ath water far Mirifly cut immediately." repeat utal The call produced a hssty series WEDNESDAY THURSDAY GUMS HOUR BKIDHwIrili'll :Of conferences and telephone con­ sultations among Revenue bureau CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY. MEMORIAL DAY .. and Treasury officials, the log 1n- idicaled. The revenue bureau op­ an - - erates under the Treasury depart­ ment. After this round of tails, Snyder A Home Loan was quoted a.s calling Oliphant ^BUBuRiNMI. again the same day; Oolt wash amaxingly "Louis Johnsyn is interested in . eirt-frea, taap-free. SIDPS MOSl lOOni DECiri fatra Hiara rintingl this thing. If there's anything we RANGE and FUEL OIL can do, let's try to help them oUt." ‘■'Okay," Oliphant replied, ac­ at Savings & Loan cording to the log. 24 Hour Delivery Service ; Johnson had b(?en eased out by Truman a few weeks earlier as Secretary of Defense. Tobin sgld Johnson's law firm represented For 62 yton, sine* 1891, r*sid*nts of Mcmch*st*r and n*arby com* t^han, b u t. had. turned this. case MORIARTY BROTHERS OfeblbvaSii^ ever to another firm headed by 315 CENTER STREET Indt watching ..; itandolpb. .Paul, -one-Unie jreneral TEL. MI-S-51S5 muniti*s him* com* to teyings and Loqii for homf jfiimjifins. Spaoiiing-white.''eea( counsel of the Treasury. ' calTa "wfion vroth f* of armor'*...guarda danal Savat atagi. boauty of cabinall It’s always a pleasure to B*n*fit by our long y*ars of *xp*ri*nc* and vbir^is to arrang* on

H it JU l f U a a j *** **“ • **>« nconomieal hom* loon. Prompt appraisal and s*rvic*. ^ ^ lovely Acrosonic ^inct WHri»ggl tivBi Tag Ml Hwg# BangQH Tati NOW IS THE TIME piano brings into a home. • M A N T .M Z e e .P O U N B AUTOMATie INUT-Orr TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CAPACITT TUB ” $ 2 1 9 9 5 lALDWIN'S SPIRIT PIANO *'**®*‘ “ «n»on- '• TNOROUftH W Ani • TMIIl-TIMB WADR al^ly delighted with its IX T IA C n O N SIIICTOR bceuty o f deeign, end • niXIBlI ONIATION * MMPll INfTAUAnON thrilled with its femous REG. $319.95 • "MO-iTOOP" YOB • riVI-VIAI WARIANTT Beldwin tone. Heppy end OPEN DAILY lO A D IN O ON TtANiMIUION EASY TERMS AMESITE DRIVES proud is the femily that UNTIL 5P.M. Efffieieiit owns one. lust One Brushing with Co^ate’s ' lust One Brushing with Colgate's Removes Brushing Teeth After Eating Reliable Work Aereseeie SpiinHs frem $7tS. Other •plaetf, H*ed Wedaesdaya—Cloaed at Noon. Stops Bad Breath Instantly! Terms Thuraday—B A. M. to S F. M. Op to 85% of Oecay-Causing Bacteria! Stops Tooth Oecay B e d ! •ed reetel retams. frem $471. 34 meefhi te pay. Clooed Saturday. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 Your very first brushing with fiuaraRteed Every brushing with Colgate Up To fo r full mformttiort, clip t h it o i m%d moil to. us Colgate's each morning re­ Scientific tests Over a 2-year Dental Cream removes up to period showed a startling re- Maehina Spread with your Home, oidrtss ond fhotte number moves up to 85% o f the bac­ PHONE: J? 85% o f the bacteria that cause duciionintoothdecayforthose 36 Months teria that cause bad breath! decay! But—if you really OpM MoiAayi UitH ItSI — Tharsltya UatN • P.M. Yes, scientific tests p rove that who brushed their teeth with Fewer Roiled Ml.9^588 want to prevent oecay, be sure . Colgate’s right after eating! In Colgate *Dental Cream stops lo follow the Colgate way! MI.9-4589 bad breath instantly in 7 out o f A" ■ JC? fact, X rays showed no new Scientific tests showed that J cavities whatever for almost 10-cases that originate in the the Colgate way o f brushing WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT AND KNOW HOW mouth! Every time you brush / 2 out o f 3 people. Yes, the teeth right after eating stopped _. Colgate way o f brushing teeth DONT DELAY • CAU TODAY your teeth with Colgate's you m ore decay for more- people clean ybur breath while you right, after eating is tlw best than ever before reported in home method known to help (pavings ^ £oan clean your teeth I >11 dentifrice history! THOMAS COLLA LiAi stop tooth decay I PUiee Yoor .coNsmccnoN oobipant t ■ I Free Free Porkhsg in LotJNext Door (W est) Order Now PHONE MANCHESTER, MI-9-S224 Estiaiatea » h AtUUM IT. NARTFIRO M i l l Ippedta NbM I MANCHESTER SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION- 1 N 7 MAIN S T. 7-’v. ; s..- • V . 7 . 7 '■ s ;V ■ 1 ■ ’ / ..-'f

V MANGHESTEB EVENING HERAjbDi MANCHESTER. CONN, TJUESDAY; MAY 26, 1953 PAGE s n BlANCHESl’Etl EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« TUESDAY, MAY 26, lp53 PAGE SEVEN S J-JLI....1I" !!!WR. I I IV •E(aH” Saturday...... * ' ' •— . pital School of ■ Nuralngf. ■' The Thtir'iday everil'ng.'Jurie •4lh.';\^-’Ken hahdlrit 'through the Manchester editorial has bwn followed by a tivo authority being challenged Notes ^anrl|pB trr and Rlmanoczy; "^hape of Sun­ Ro(^iUi^erh(m Tomorrow night the recently groom attended the Manchester the Tumblebrook Neighborhood Evening Herald Rockville bureau Russian note refusing \to dischss somewhat hy the Governor, con­ .. Ellington Grange has received day."'Dawson and Wilson; "Cos­ organized Booster’s Club will hold High School, served with the Navy Group, will hold a Program Plan­ fessed that they had quiet eve­ located at One Klarhrt street, Austria now. In this 'strategy, Connecticut notice of the annual program at' tume Through :The Ages,” Evans: a rally In Tovm Kail'for the bene­ in World W ar II and Is a m'Xchin- ning session at the hojnc of Mrs. telephone Rockville 5-31.16. lE p p ttin g nings at home, not broken once the New England Grange Building "40 Acres anal No Mule," Giles; fit of the Rockville Little .^.ea^ue. 1st at the A.B.A. Tool A Die Mak­ .Martlp t^ehan. Russia is eluding the test We.stcrn by any telephone rail demanding • PUBUSHRD BT TW ' in West Springfield June '. 7. "We Chose The Islands." Grim- Patrolmen Re^ue^ Woman Anderson-Ruller ing Company of Manchester. The monthly meeting of the ^CTmAEPvPItlMTtNO- OOw-mC,' diplomacy Jiad tried .to, arrange. f.tb a t ibey .yJekl .to. tli«. O ovonur.;, Grange rSttnday -'wtH -be -observed ble; *' --Home;" • Hall; |R f g || 0cfc.VwrJ«iJli|iMals ... .* .Pay scattered Yankee billshave'only • - The maTriage' «f'M isx-Rita 'M'Bo •fcdthefaiTTWStltet^hobd-'wiH”be held D^iways4 IS Bincll Street What we want to talk about first, The suspicion is that the people, with a speaker. Miss Paz Angeles “Dear Dorothy Dtx,” Kane; “Fab­ U M ..nH MMe.Pka Butler, daughter of . Mrs. Frank Mancheiter, Conn. ofw payment each Mrs. Marie Brltner,/president of tonight at 8 o'clock at the First By A. H. O. even though they may theoretical­ of Manilla, Phillppino^.Islands,. ulous Fanny,” Katkov,; “Practical MOO 1 8 .3 8 f 6.74 Si fanned on Roofe^ Pgrcli Butler of 25 Elni atredl to Donald .a t 'We Amesite Equipped For Large THOMAS r. FERGUSON. it want'* to. talk about last. month, ftixsirlft the Dobosz-Ertel-Laboc-Hansen Evangelical Lutheran church. WALTER R. FERGUSON. ly. possess the final, authority, are Membeie.. of East Central P ot Home Repairs and Improve- * 3 0 0 24.2.5 1 9 .2 5 K. Anderton. son of Mr.'and Mrs. Unit No. 14, American Legion Frank C. Parlzek, of Willlngton, Tennis Courts 'or, Small Jobs ' Pnbllihert Russia ia on happier ground; ..in YES MAN eays — ------• \ tl^ey ordered theite ,things bet- not inspired to use ilvoir to involve mqna Grange were present in Bo.t- merits,.'.|^ Popular Science Publish­ -*300 ___ 39.0.5 3 0 .7 0 MAKl UNI ',M.MI Helmar Anderson of 39 Edgerton Auxiliary, announces that, the has been appointed to the Con­ Parking Lots Founded October L W81 this editorial, iii talking about themselves in such dry matters^ In ing Co.: "Mary Lincoln, Biography Abovo- ooyMRRft covof OWtrythinf | XES to 4 out of Rockville, May 26—(Special)—^record for Snlpsic Lake—was street, Manchester, took place at Machine Spread—^Forms tei;, in the cla.vs when thqre was toh when Miss Angeles, who is' a. A, Iran of. 1 1 0 0 'c«m |30.<40-:wb«n MONIHlY PAYMINI present telephone campaign' fpr necticut Aeronautics Commi.s.sion, and Walks , Set—Power Rolled irpublMbed Every BvMinf China, which it knows Eisenhower no 'qu.(^ion where authorit-v re­ fact. It has often beien retharked, Fulbright scholarship student at Of a- Marriage,” Randall; "Only prOfRpHY in 13 coniocwtixo 5 without involv. As usual, Mrs. Myrtla: Whipple, of caught Sunday oy Stanley Dowgri- the rectory of St., Joseph's Church the sale of household products Is succeeding William E. BUtson.. of ^ndaye end Holldeye. Entered «t the sided. in this modern era, whejt-budgets Parent," Rich; "Always the Young »on>blir imtollMORU of SIO.OS M ch. ing employer, ouuidert. If a loan wiU wlcz, of Spring street. Saturday, at 10 o’clock. i e t office et Mencheetcr. Conn., as doesn't dare talk about. Radcliffe. Gollege, addressed the Ellington drove here this morning not spon.sored or connected with NOank, according to-work received Materials and/W'orkmanship Guaranteed and taxes are open to decision^ Strangers.” Sandberg: "Miracle in eolya your problem, coma in or phono Dogewics was trolling the lake Father L. Gomdorowski per­ the American Legion Auxiliary. icond Class Uall Matter. TTils. editorial is then, a piece There w as no vi.sible division of .that not even those supposedly hit New England .Grange Leaders the Hilla,"'Sloop: “Gtilde to Easter, on her wpy to work to pick up her from Hartford today. ' opinion and liolicy betw.een Legis­ Conference. '''■i. today. - You’ll gat prompt servico. . alone when the big trout struck. formed the double ring service. The Tankeroosan TYibe, Improved Governor Lodge made the ap­ Free EstimaLr^Terms To Suit Your Put’s* r - SUBSCRIPTION RATES of maneuver, In which Russia puts In theyr own pocketbooks, by one Living," Wright,. daughter, Mrs. Bernice Moreland, • Payable In Advance lature and Gov^noC; Js'either chal­ M.rs, Jean Arens of Mtjl^le street lean! $39 ta $600 an llgaalwra Alaaa m m ------...... He ■Immediately JllllIVUIBJ, VUl cut Ull off IIICthe muior motor bride was glven.ln marriage by her Order of Red Men will meet to­ pointment of Parzek to fill out the h o m e c o m f o r t . .SIS.50 her own best case fonA'ard, probes proposal . or another . ever . stir* Children's books, fiction: “To of 147 West Main street. But not on his boat; and because of the brother, Henry F. Biitlcr. ' The jP T o 3 Years To Pay ne Tear ...... lenged the olher.'Neit'hej; went to themselves to, any effort to throw has returned to her home from the Keep U.s Free,". Allis; "Juniper night at 8 o'clock at Red Men's balance of Butson's term, whicli is Months ...... 7.7S the people; The ^pple, 'in fact, Rockville City Hospital whebe she so as usual, she found Mrs. Morer size of the fish and. rough, water, it maid of honor was Miss Helen Hall. ends Jbne 1, 19.54. [Tree Months ...... S.M qur weisknesses. and makes her their weight around. Tree,” Baldwin; “I and My Triie .. 1.S0 were not con.sulled. has been a patient-for the pa.st '■THI tomPAHtH that ttffis to bay rn** land perched on the veranda roof—■' took more than one half hour be­ Grinaskl and the best man was Officers of the Tribe announce j e Month ...... own most open commitments . to With tne Allyn House vacant, Love,” Macinnes; “Desire." Selin- stranded. fore .the fish was boated. Henry Butler. Births MORIARTY Bros. Jeekly ...... •• S Neither, for that matter, ■were ten days. that tickets.-for the clambake to At Hartford Hospital a son was ■nsle Copy ...... 06 the cause of peace in tho.se in­ and the people unwflUiig, it is ko; . “ A n n a p u r n s,” Herzog: Quickly sizing up the situation, The bride 'wore a gown with IMAIO BROS. the Legislature or the Governor Wednesday at 3:10 p. m. the' FINANCE C a According to eyewitnesses the be held by the Tribe on June 14th 315 CENTER ST SINCE 1920 stances where she sees division good democratic anarchy which ■."Worid's, Great Religious Poetry," Mrs. Whipple rushed to the Rock­ a bodice,of. Chantilly lai-e with il­ born to. Mr., and. Mrs. John Sizer, MEMBER OF consulted. When, slnle fiscal policy Girl Scovits will meet. In the social Hill. fish first was .thought to be a black are iio'w “available.' ' of Sunset terrace, on May 22. THE prevails in that area of state bnsi- SOe MAIN ST., 2nd n ., Ovtr Woolworth’s, MANCHESTER ville police station for aid. Armed lusion neckline, flowing ballet ina among the western allies--a hart been lietermlncd at the AUyn rooms of the church. Parents of Mltchall 9.74M • Bomord J. CunnInBham, Jr., YES MANagar bass, as it broke water several The Explorer Scouts meet to­ A daughter was born to Mr. and TELEPHONE MANCHESTER MIteiMlI 3.7691 he Associated Press Is exclusively ness which is, afte r all, most with a station wagon borrowed times. Two unidentified men |n a skirt of French illusion tulle: with lUed to the use of republlcatlpn of division she seemingly wishes to House, the commnnrts went for­ specific and factual In its., impact the Girls Scouts are Invited to at­ Manchester Evening Herald El- OfEN THUISDAY EVININOS UNTIl I S.M. night at 7 o'clock at the aocial Mrs. Leland Murphy. RFD 2, on MOBILHEAT news dispatches credited to It or ward to the Legislature and to the tend an Investiture Ceremony from the Bockville Diner and a aailboat assisted bowgewicz In scalloped shoulder length veil. She J encourage and accentuate either on state life. lingtorir.correspondent, Mrs. G. F. loMs Mftfa H rtiMMilt if til Iw m carried white ro.ses with baby’s rooms of the Union church. May 23, at Hartford Hospital. not otherwise credited Governor, and thnt/ik'a.s that. That when the. girls wllL receive their' ladder borrowed from the Town making the catch. Dowgewicz said The Adult Bible Study group Tol. k^ltchtll 3-5135 and also the local news published here. to give her whole peace offensive Berr, telephone Rockville 5-9313. Building, the gallant officers, Ed­ breath. The maid of honor wore a All riKbts of republlcatlon of special wa.s the budget, ^diat was the tax. awards arid . ac)vancements.. Re­ he was fishing with a Spring .rod, of the Talcottville Congregational an immunity from showdown, or ward Quinn and Edwin Carlson, using a 6-pound test line. cotillion blue taffeta bodice gown Talcottville Item s are now dispatches herein are also reserved. It was a lieuiilifiil system, E llin g to n freshments will qe served and a with net ballerina skirt and car­ church which is currently reading to better the nat.ure of the bar­ during the heyda.v of the Rora- social hour follows. arrived at the scene and escorted New Uniforms and studying the "Acta of the Bull service client of N. E. A. Serv* Mrs. Moreland down from her roof­ ried red roses with baby'.s breath. Jmu'Jc ,maf;ilaneed. taxes were al- church at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. and a corsage of pink roses. The The Ladies’ Missionary Society MEMBER AUDI! BUREAU OF By such preliminary Jousting ways^actfiilly designed, and, al­ Sends Farm ers At The Library broke her k*.v in the lock on the their new uniformr for ttie opening of the Talcottville Congregational way out the door this morning, she groom’s mother wore aqua lace CIRCULATIONS. and maneuver on Russia's part, as though state government might Miss Nellie McKnight, librarian of the Little League baseball sea­ with corsage also of pink roses. church meets iij the church social told' police. And, thihkiri'g she son here Saturday.'" The Herald Prlrtlnr Company,. Inc. on ours, may come gradual pro­ have done more tinin it did, it Oiillto Plow ing at the Hall Memorial library an­ Following a reception at Maple rooms for work, worship and assumes no financial responsibility for paid as it ai-nt for \ihat It did nounces the addition of the fol­ could reach the street without help, 824-828 gress toward some meetings and The youngsters will comprise Grove the couple left for a wed­ luncheon. The Brownie troop TEL. Ml-8-8181 typocraphlcal errors appesring In ad­ «l«. lowing new books: she embarked on the roofwey the four teams in Rockville's Little ding trip lb Ontario, Canada and will meet on Wednesday at 3:30 MAIN ST. vertisements and other reading ipaH** some agreements. No one know.s, Fiction, "Funerals are Fatal,” descent. MANCH£STEB In The Manchester Evening Herald. There is no such one source of Ellington. May 26- tSpeciall — League sponsored by the Kosci- Ohio. For her traveling, costume, p. m. in the church social rooms. 824-828 TEL. MI-8-51 in fact, how far either Russia or Christie; "The Intnider," Fowler: Police reports dtd not indicate If powei when it eomes Ifi making up Farmers in this area cast ' a uszko Benefit Society, Polish the bride wore ari eggshell shan­ The Snlpsic View Homemakers MAIN ST. Display advertising closing hours; we ran actuall.y go. Meanwhile, it a budget and. lax program for speculative eye at the skies, today “The Other Elizabeth,'' Gregg; the mother and daughter were to American Citizens Club, Rockville tung suit with white accessorie.s met this morning at the home of 5IA N C H E S T ^ For Monday—1 p. m. Friday. "Daughter of Bugle Ann." Kantor; work on time. For Tueaday—1 p. m. Mor^ay. is im portant that Russia argu-^s Connecticut today. and prepared to go Into their Lodge of Moose and Rockville and corsage of brown orchids, Mrs. Russell Blinn for a session on For Wednesday—1 P- m. “^esday. There is no one party bo.ss who "O Rugged Land of Gold." Mar­ Big Trout Oaught Lodge of Elks. After receiving the "niey will be at home at 25 Elm "Outdoor Cookery and Fun for the For Thursday—1 p. m. Wednesday. its ca.se and makes its points in a fields, so recently sogged by the tin: "Stones of the Hou.se," Mor­ can tell a Connecticut Legislature heavy rainfalls. In most In- A seven-pound, two-ounce brown uniforms the youths were officially street after June 7. Family.” For Friday—1 P. m. Thuradsy. good temper which, if it does not rison: "Second Happle.st Day,” trout, measuring 26 inches long— For Saturday—1 p. m. what it must do. The budget-mak­ stance.s up until a few days ago. With the first big holl< photographed and are now anxi­ The bride attended the Rockx'lle The next session of the Home­ Classified deadline: 10;M a. m. each in itself prove Russia sincere, at ing and tax-levying power which Phillips; "The Plantation.” Pierce: believed to be the biggest on ously awaiting the call to "Play High school and the Mercy Hos­ makers ifi Vernon will be held on day of publication except Saturday- flelds were vast areas of mud and "The Galileans," Slaughter, day of the summer least forbids early judgment that resides in the' Ijegislalure is un- churned earth due to the contin­ S a. m. bo.s.sed. The Legi.slnture makes up Non-fiction, adults: "Making coming up this w eek- she is insincere. uous rains. It was impossible for Your Marriage Succeed." Adams: Tuesday, May 26 its own mind. Peiliaps it still does farmers to even enter because of ride with full protec­ so in response to outside pres­ "Big Change." Allen: "Everyone poor traction conditions. Can, Paint Fabrics," Ashton; "W ^ tion ’round the clock— sures, but tho.se pre.ssure.s are now and year ’round, too!- 824-828 man.v and varied and unpre- Farmers who are machine- Adopted Three." Cady; "How To TEL. MI-S-5161 The Pravda Editorial The Ingenuit^Of Man equipped - those with tractors Think About Econonilc.s." Clark dietable, not centralized. with adequate auto In­ MAIN ST. We are in an era of joustinR There was another amazing The office of the Governor has, and other mobile vehicles--pre­ surance. MANCHESTER about peace, with each side care­ triumph for the ingenuity of man since the Roraback days, been pro­ pared today to try their hand at moted into its own responsiliility cultivation now that the ground fully measuring Us own strategy, demonstrated in Nevada yester­ will permit .travel. In cases day. Atomic destruction was com­ for the budget-making procedure. e'ach side seeking to create ad­ It must now consider the details of where potatoes and com acreage Call IIS today for the vantage for itself, each side seek­ pressed into the space of an ar­ the slate budget as clo.sely. a.s the are runining behind, plantera hope kind of coverage that ing to establish its own moral tillery shell which could be fired Legislature il.self. But if it now to speed up their schedules to take advantage of the hoped-for let-up will give you seciirit.v rightness, and each aide spe­ from a gun. This atomic shell has responsibility, it docs not have power, beyond its own prestige In the moisture. every driving minute cializing in asking the other to be which was fired ye.sterdsy is sup­ and persuasivcne.ss. and remember, above first in the field with conce8sion.>>. posed to have been about half tho Tile result ia that responsibility all else, DRIVE CARE- MAY Russia is taking this brand of strength of the atomic bomb now lies in two quarters, an un­ FI LLY and obey all bossed Legislature and a Gover­ diplomatic and verbal warfare loosed on Hiroshima in 1945. It traffic signs. has taken nearly ten years of re­ nor without more power than that over peace very seriously, as is of recommendation, and no out­ DONT Indicated by the careful, measured, search and experimentation to side power capable of knocking Throw Thom Away polite kind of argument advanced bring about the concentration of their heails togctlicr, as in olden still Plenty Of Wear Left In days. in the latest important Russian this much power in such a nar­ Shoes Repaired Here SALE row physical space. At Hiroshims, This results in Inevitable demo­ document, a page one editorial in cratic dispute. When n Governor's It took a B-29 plane to carry tho R obert J. S m ith MAIN Pravda. budget recommendations are not SAM YULYES bomb. .Now we -have an atomie being-given the-business by an op« l,N.CORPOBA.X.EJ>- . STREET This editorial rath’er skillfiilly 'Sbo« Repetrlng of the Bet­ 963 shell, easily handled, which wo position party,, they get it from ter Kind Done While You REAL EST.ATE — INSURANCE inakes the points open to the RuS' his own party. ,N’o one ever knows GROUND FLOOR can aim more accurately than any Walt. TELEPHON^E MItcheU 9-5241 Bian Bide of the argument at the w hat is really coming out, in the 15 MAPLE STREET Sporting (^oods bomb can be aimed, and which moment. It makes these points in way of budget and taxe.s. Opp. First NAtloaal Store "INSURANSSimiS SINCE 1914** can be shot off in any kind of what is designed to seem a rea­ In the place of the .'Mlyn PerklBg Lot weather. House, where iiiilhorit.v lieyond HARTFORD ( sonable, even a constructive man­ dispute used to reside, it might OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS '/2-GALLON JUG-RE^S^^9 ner. It argues^, about the various This promises to bring atomic Im> thought that aiilhorit.y now ■ processes and proposals of peace power Into the front lines of any resides "In the jM-opIe.'' and It Modem, pour-top design. Fibar-glost . . _ new war. It means that we have was to this supposed aiithorlt.v insulation, raploceobla lining...... l * 4 o Without getting tough with any- '• w . found a way to use atomic power that the (invernor, ia his current ! hody. It is a new kind of Russian dispute with the la-gislatiire, argument—obviously designed, in directly against enemy troops. It turned the other night. It he 89c FOLDING CAM^ STOOL itself, to create the impression means that, if any war of posi­ stirred or motivated aii.vhnd.v, abroad that Russia is .sincere in its tion ever established itself, wc that has not been visible. The M od * from strong, heavy canvas duck. could blast great holes of death two legislative chairmen of the peace offensive. It succeds in find­ Finanre ('omniittee, the leglsla- For ony outing, or utility us*.. ■ a a a a a • 73c and contagion in enemy armie.'i. / \ ing a language which is almost . dlspa.s.sionate in tone. And It means, as well, that, in CANVAS CAMP C O T-R EG . 5.69 time, our own troops would be ex­ In this manner, and with such posed to such weapons. i ^ o u / o Q / k : Sturdy, seasoned frome. Metal ports techniques, the Pravda editorial Jousts and fences with the w’est- One almost wonders whether, enameled. Reinforced center legs...... 4 - 0 0 ern world in a manner quite logi­ then, old-fashioned armies will \ o t / t . . . } cal for Russia. ever be marched into direct con­ CASTING REEL—REG. 3.89 It takes considerable delight— tact with one another for such a Words tow-price bockloih-fre* reel. under the guiae of painful aorroi' contest of sudden mySs death. AdiustobI* drag. Chrome-ploted..... 3.47 MAY SALE —over the fact that Americ' lie ingenuity of man is remark- policy had upaet the truce cart Korea. Here—at least before ou .le cannot even predict Just CASTING ROD—REG. 5.79 Seat Cover Prices Cut— Installed new proposal had been aubmitted ..hat Its effects on the institution — the editorial had us in vulner­ of w ar may be. Oeor, sbong, flexible flber-glou. 3 ' Free—Plus Your Choice of Dress- able position. One can outline, as a possible medium action rod. Cork grip...... 4.44 It takes even more delight in' further test of the ingenuity of Up Items Without Extra Charge playing upon the apparent dif­ man, one capacity which man ha.s ferences between Churchill and not yet demonstrated. That would TACKLE BOX—REG. 3.29 Eisenhower in their attitude to­ be the capacity not to use the Two troys lift automatically with lid. as Most sedans Installed tree ward the peace situation. Churchill wonderful instrument^ of destruc­ 14'/s' long. O f 24 gouge steel...... 2.87 15.88 Is coyly flattered, with even his tion he has devised. reputation as an anti-Communist BEST FIBER covers. Extra-heavy for long wear. Warm-toned being referred to playfully, and CROOUETTSET—REG. 9.75 G.E. Sealed 5*om Headlight Famous Troxel soddl* of plaid pattern blends with any car interior. Green of red plastic the editorial makes it clear that Consolation Prize ffnriher 8 in. maple, rubber-tipped mallets. ** eaes Operalei on 6-volt battery waterproof Vinyl pioitic trim. Save now ond also get two accessories without charge. It thinks Churchill has the right We apologize for being so late Enameled steel rock. 6 Plastic bolls... 0.00 general approach, when he urges in our comments on certain a big power meeting w;ith Rus­ developments, but that, is .the way., Most sedans 22.^8 liisiolted free " * sia. TTie editorial turns down flat­ our garden grows, Wc have to 54.95 SEALED BEAM BIKES ly, however, and. It scemi to us. RIZZUTO GLOVE-REG. 4.95 wait until it happens to us before BEST PLASTIC covers. Tight-woven, lustrous Soran plastic. Smart with merit, his proposal that a we know what ir is like. We are Be>T't or Girl't Terms, 10% dowa Full size pro model. Leather lined. Se­ 49.88 plaid ond striped patterns in rich, sparkling colors can't run or new Locarno-type arrangement quite aware that other gardeners, lect, pre-oiled ton cowhide... he employed- to settle the German who were more adventurous back 4s37 Here’s the popular Hawthorne with General Electric fade. 5ove now and get three dress-up items without charge. problem. in February and in March, m ust sealed beam headlight— fhr.ows a 30 to 50-ft. beam. BUY 4 FOR THE PRICE OF 3 Since the proposed Bermuda have experienced the .same plea-s- A rugged, streamlined tank model bike with plenty of 6.95 PLASTIC TACKLE BOX YOUR-CHOICE ACCESSORIES. Rubber Floor Mat. [b) Plastic meeting represents Eisenhower's ant thrill many, many, many days extras— electric warning horn, Troxel vinyl saddle, effort to forestall Churchill's kind Steering-Wheel Cover. Vonity Visor Mirror. Steering- LIST PRICJES: 6.00-16' LIST PRICES: 6.70-18* ago, and we doff, our, frayed, Water-tight, Brewn-morblaized plostk luggage carrier, chain guard and chromed'parts. of approach to Ru.s.sia, the edi­ straw to them. Nonetheless, if Wheel Spinner Knob. [(} Back-Rest Seat Cushion, 1 TIRE...... 16.95 1 TIRE...... 18.98 torial is against it. '.Since the edi­ us ticuf.. finish. 1 3 ' box with two lift troys'...., 6.44 2 0 ' JUVENILE standard bike and boloncer. ,39.18 they can be .so tolerant as to be­ 4 TIRES...... 67.80 4 T IR E S...... 7 8 .8 0 torial knows it cannot prevent the lieve it and to forgive if, we are meeting, its effort .seepis to, be to just aS happy as if-we were early. S A li PRICE=-4 TIRES: SALE PRICE=-4 TIRES: warn the conference against draw­ GALLON JUG— REGULAR 3.59 _ ing up-anyiritimatum -to' Russia; A day or two before it happen.s; Just right for picnics, camping. Fiber­ This i.s understandable, and if the glass- insulation. Metallic green exterior 0 7 the tall green plant develop.s a r« The ffirimsg now ’Tiva-Ta's’’ 4-Deor Bermuda conference does know its i«cS5»* Pouring spout...... 4 f c . 7 / p. .*» business ir will ..^not try to lay suspicious mixture of foliage and Sadon, esa af' 14 baavtiful madalt is 3 grsot saw tariti. A public tarvica pragraai down any public j conditions that tendril which is not just like the unfolding of another leaf. By thi' la pramala Mfar driving. Russia must meet'. GRIP BIKE BELL-REG. 1.25 \ A REAL EXTRA-QUALITY. FIRST LINE . second day, it shows a glimp.se of hand! Russia knows that the great white at its leading edge, and on world problem we are least pre­ Loud, clear bell built right into a ribbed- TIRE-EXTRA-STRONG CARCASS-EXTRA the third day a white flower Is IN iUYIR PRIFIRINCII rubber grip. Chrome-ploted...... 97c pared to settle is that of Germany. flung open. • IN ICONOMY AND VALUE 1 LONG MILEAGE—MULTI-ROW TREAD Therefore, this editorial devotes The pea in bIo.s.som Is the .sea­ Agaiit this yesr-ss in every sin­ its main space to the German PQ£VZEl IS Important new savings on gaso-- FOR EXTRA "STOP-ABIUTY", EXTRA SAFETY son's first tangible evidence that gle post-war year-more people 1.25 WIRE BIKE BASKET problem, coming out, as any sen­ are buying Chevrolets than any line! Lower over-all costs of the proce.ss of >ield is holding AS operation and upkeep! And sible discussion of the problem other car. For the first 3 months Ekctricolly w«ld«d for oxtro sfrongth. good, for one more annual cycle. again this year, Chevrolet is the must, for the unification of a Ger- atone. Chevrolet is over 20% Standard sizo, handy c a r r y » a B . Everything el.se will come ca.scad- DELICIOUS AS ahead of the second-choice car. lowest-priced line in its field. 1.07 WARDS DELUXE TIRES-DELUXE TUBES manj’ whose peacefulness would ing after; but this i.s the first new Nearly 2 million more people Come in and let us demonstrate be guaranteed. There is in this dis- now drive Chevrolets than any «// the ways Chevrolet is ahead Reg. 1.95 list Prk. .list Prico proof that seed leads to plant and other make. SALE—BALLOON BIKE TIRES 1.66 * 2-gal. can $izo Sot* ^rice Set* Price rus.sion, however, no intimation m-WH of its field. t Tir.* 4 Titmi* 4 ITube* plant to edible yield'. that Russia, herself is really ready Not being in any race about it. Blended of crude, synthetic rubber. VITALIZED OIL. Premium-Grade — equal or superior tonationally to settle the Germgn problem. For pREizasncic! 6.40-13 18.25 73.00 ^34:75 2.35 w-e are able to plan to eat these Firm grip tread. 2 ply construction.... the present, all that is certain is 1.66 advertised oils costing 40c per 1 -qt. con. Sale ends Saturday. 6.50-15 peas the way we like them—not 20.45 81.80 61.35 2.55 that Russia believes we are not • IN THI NEW THINGS YOU WANT! • IN NO-SHIFT DRIVING I when they are prematurely MOM PIOPLI HEAVY-DUTY Vitalized Oil. 10-qf. con regularly 2.49. Best type 6.70-15 18.95 75.80 56.85 2.55 ready to settle if. and do not New Fisher Body styling. New stripped from the'*pod. the size of ■UY CHIVROUTS With an entirely new Power- REG. 6.79 CAMP ICE BOX oil for severe driving conditions. Save now...... 2.22* know how to settle it, all of which "ALWAYS NABISCO-FRESH I" high-compression power with a glide, Chevrolet's farther ahead 3.98 JOE GORDON GLOVE 7.10-15 21.25 85.00 63.75 2.65 raindrops, but after they have makes it safe for Russia to talk THAN ANY pTHIR new ilS-h.p. "Blue-Flame” en­ than ever in automatic driving. swelled enough to wear a pucker A wonderful buy in o select ton cow- Type 1 6 . 8 8 * * Exchange 7.60-15 23.25 93.00 69.75' 2.85 about if. Also try Salty twiit Butter Pratzalt gine in Powerglide* models— A new automatic starting ai^ 47c 5.88 i when served in buttery milk. That,, CAR! and an advanced 108-b.p. hid* glove. Fully leother lined...... Russia knows that one of the 3-Rina Pratzels-Sllm Jans PrsUal Sticks passing range provides (far 8.00-15 25.35 101.40 76.05 3.55 we suppose, will be our consola­ Pretzelattes-Chaese Pretzies Thrift-King” engine in gear­ greater acceleration from a ^ . Perfect for picnics, camping trips. Modem design. COAAAAANDER BATTERY guaranteed 12 months. Al! the power world problems on which we arc shift models. 'New room, new 6.00-16 16.95 67.80 50.85 2.30 tion \pri*e for 1953. standing start and greater pass­ 'Combination of Powerglide auto, All steel construction. Interior of rustproof, galva­ you need for erdinory starting, lighting needs. Save— buy now, most willing and anxious to ac­ Taiavitisn—fvacy Tuatday and Thursday Evtsing durability, new. safety. And— ing ability in city driving. And matic transmission and 115-b.p. 6.50-16 IN ALL THE SHAPES YOU LOVE exclusive to Cfievrolet, in its ATHLETIC SOX—REG. 59o nized steel. Corrugated board insulation and ice con­ 21-45 85.80 64.35 2.60 cept a settlement now is the prob­ TUNf IN THE DINAH SHORE SHOW ON NEC you get far better gatoline ”Blue-Flame" engine optional on f^TANDARD BATTERY xiJarantPi’d **1 nioiith.H. 1‘Ajiials most lem of ^Austria. Therefore Russia, field—new Power Steering (op­ mileage, too, on the regular "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models tainer. Removable top. Overall size 1 6 '/ ix llx l9 *i THE BEST-NABISCO Bodie—Evary Masdoy oad Friday Evasisg 4 0 % wool. Nylon reinforced. Comfort- 3 4 8 orlffinal-equlpmefit baltrrlos. T.v|m' I only ...... O.BS''* ..In this editorial, becomes tnpre tional at extra cost). grades of gasoline. * at extra cost) I *Plut Federal Tex. **Flus Federal Tax and your old tires. tt.M PRETZELS HAVE MORE ! able socks for oil around w#or...... * * * * * lu^trommittal on this issue, re- •Price includes Fed. tav. treaUng into a meaningless ► A* LOW ntICES •^tPrlce Includca old battery in exchaiiHP.- chart* that the West has been re- BAKID BY NABISCO ' ■ / ■ RIVERSIDE DELUXE WHITEWALLS [ m u HiiiHtl* for delay ia aj^rbval of naVio n a i B iK in r coIa ifa n y ( CARTER CHEVROLET CO.; l ine. A L S O O N s A e , H U R R Y - J l i m i t e d TIME ONtY I r B o r a s t A. M. th * A mbM m treaty. And the- ■ I. I P i - . :'■■■ '.V ■ ■ H i m 311 MAIN STREET , ' j W n CHESTER V .

■'IV if; ’ r ■r. i 7 ./.^ /■ •U’

\„ i / P M iE EIGHT MANCHESTER EV,ENING HERAJ.D, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953 PAG& N IN E shakedowns, pilferage, and other rackets on the piers. Nationalists Want and "Go Not Far From Me O Gktd," vinced him of the existence o f a the Church of Jesus Christ and again.H , the hierarchy , of the Engaged' 0, To Wed June 27 Pentecost Sui>day by Zlngarelli. Cost Estimate at $450,000.. omanian "So far as the -United States Tax Issues power beyond his own—God, the you and I are custodiana of this church and the authority of the Deaths Last Night Attorney’s office is concerned, Okinawa, Ryiikyus In explaining the term Holy Creator, the Almighty, the Judge church. On this Pentecost Day let state. A new, glad, warm and won­ such- work as is nece.s.sary to rid Sermon Tells of Spirit, Mr. Simpson pointed out who was ' to become God, the us make room for the Holy Spirit derful experience flowed through Father. in our Uvipg," said Mr. Simp.son! For Keeney Street School I the pbrt . of rackets and other that the Congregational Church the heart of man.” , By .The Associated PreM •crimes' will be eonttnued until the has lid CTeedat requlTenwritafor be.' - Using ' tha''"many examples -of Aide Named Again Split " As Tiran-'sihned'Mr? -Shnpson con­ 'T h e three great ooca'siona in hist Toronto — Theodore Fay Pike, job t.s done," Lumbard,vowed. Taipeh, Forrriosa— Chlang Hofy Sjimt lief but that in the traditional pat­ laymen at work in Center Church, tinued, snd God sought ways to re­ tory when the Holy Spirit was un- 67, general manager of Longrnans. Kai-shek’s Chinese Nationalists tern o f Father. Son and Holy Spir­ in the. local Council of Churches, store him to holiness He .sent usuatly active In the hearts of Green and. Company, publishers, Klpure to Be Basis it, the statement of faith 'sub- In Ihe ^tate. National and World apparently hope that Okinawa and prophets and teachers, and finally Christians were An the Apostolic and a.ssociatcd with the publishing As Culprit Lodge Men Eor his sermon on Pentecost .scrlbed to by the Church states, Jesus, who .showed man God’s Co.uncFls of Churches, the riilni-'iter for Public Hearing Obituary the rest of the RyukyuS, strategic Church, the Medieval Church am', business in Canada for 38 years. Sunday,- Rev. Clifford O. Simpson "The Holy Spirit taketh of the ways o f love and fofgivenc.s.s. A f­ the time of the Protestant Refor­ cnipha-sized the fact that the Hopv Public Records Pacific islands between Formosa Tpiril -Is still at work In the Born in Atlantic City. N. J. Dfe'd June 3 at Verplanck spojie on the subject, "The Holy things of God and revealeth them’ ter the resurrection the Holy Spir­ mation, he explained. ' (Coiftinued From Page One) (Continued from Page One) 'learls of the 370, millions of Chrls- Monday. Medium-Car Cost! to us, renewing, comforting and In­ and Japan, one day will come back Spirit Still Work.s.” at' the 'morn­ it Appeared among the first Chria- 'Tt would be impassible to Sum,, , _5Varranlee Deeds to-Chinese gtile. spiring the souls of men." tia,na br-inping the power, strength ian.s. over the world on this Penle- A $450,000 cost csfimatc for the Deaths ed that he had a letter from the ing servlces._of Center Congrega­ .marize what the Holy Spirit du ost Sunday. PIGTITRE RITNNRR.S prilposed Keeney Sticet- . School two boys. Herman O. Scbendel and Mary Approved a bill authorizing Evidence of. this was provided Continuing to clarify the Con­ and love o f God. through the Protestant Reforms J. Schendel to Herbert E. John.son conslntetion of a 3-mile toll ex- by a letter sent tq Foreign Minis­ tional Church! cept o f the 'ITinlty, the minister wlH be used for the purpose of Uie .Mrs. Ida E. IMckloH The youths had remained behind lowship of Christlan.H In the tion, bfit Its power still pu^he.s o' Yonkcr, N. — (NEA) —Movie in Romania when Georgescu. ia and Selma^ E. Johnson, property prr.ss highw.ay between Windsor ter George Yeh by the , control The Senior Choir, directed by .stated that historically the doc­ church, this Holy Spirit i.s still at puljilic hearinR on the school slated. Mrs, Ida' K. Pickle.s, .57, of 109 acro.sa tlte centuries." stated Mi Q" How large is, the country of stars Arlene Francis and Fred Standard Oil official, came to this on.Sprlng street. Locks and Enfield, including a new Yuan. Free China’s highest watch­ Andrew R, Watson, .sang "Grant trine arose out of man’s experi­ work today. Across the centuries Simpson. "Man finda him.self fre -iberia? io i June 5 at V'erplanck School. Adams street.Widow of William bridge over the Connecticut River. Astaire both have harness horttes country with his wife on business Raymond J. Griswold' and Edith dog body. The letter, inspired by Us Thy Peace,’’ ,b y Mendelssohn. ence. Man’s first experience con­ the Holy Spirit has been guiding and responsible, able to rebe. A 43,000 square miles. 'hc joint subconiraittec on the. ,F. Pickle.s. died yesterday at the betwc.cn Windsor I^ock.s and East. named after them. ool last night authorized Gen- in 1947. He has not seen them since, M. Gri.swold to Lucy-A- H. Thomp­ press reports that Japan, intended J Middle.se.x. Hospital in Middletown. nor has he been able to get Roman­ son, property at 16 Byron road. Wind.sor. Both will cost $6,900,000. to discus.s with the United States • ci^l Manager Richard Martin Born to here Feb, 2, 1896, the daugh­ that figure in the call for.the ian government permi.ssioh to Guerinb J. Miccl and Elizabeth Approved measure continuing the "problem of the Ryukyus," ter of the late B. Carl and Kmma bring them oi,it. R. Mlcci to Charles D. Konrad, the tolls oh the Wilbur Cross and asked Yeh to pay close attention .h irin g . Sandin Benson, she wns a member "1 said ‘ plea.se come right property on Strung street. Merritt Parkways after the park­ to the situation. JIartin said the call must be of the Emanuel Lutheran Churc away’," Georgc.scu said he told the Russell V. Hughes and Dorothy ways have been paid for with addi­ The Nationalists all along have l.snfcd today and a figure- must he She leaves two flaughters. Mfs. caller. S. Hughes to Sidney B. Cushman, tional pioney going toward con­ claimed the Ryukyus were part included. . lie cNplainod tliat the Stuart M. V. Carlson of Manyhe.s- The man arrived in a few min- property on Parker street. struction of mo-e highways. of the. Chinese empire before they Bdnrd of Director.^ could appropri­ ter and Mrs. Americo V. I-ongo of uats, Ocorgdscu said, and handed Lucy A. H, Thompson, Ray M. Approved a bill calling for the were taken by Japan. ate less aft>r the hearing if it Portland; a brolfier. Herbert T. him a photograph. Thompson, Raymond M. Thomp­ issuance of drivers’ license.s every wiinted to. Ben.son, also of Manchgster, and .Althen E. Olaen "Thi.s photograph represented a son. Lois T. Philopena to John F. two years, instead c f annually, and Coneetla R. Bottirello . The $450,000 la an ' nrbitrarj- Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur TL Ol.sen four grandchildren. Another broth­ picture of my two sons, recently Maloney arid Eleanor R. Maloney, on the birthday < f the applicant. " Miss Cniibbtta Rosb Bomcellb’s INTERNEE RELE.ASED $;§)^000 cut from an e.stimate of er.-Harry B. Benson; vice pi-esident of Tttlcott .HUl road. Covculr.y, aiir Riken in Komania " the father' said, propciVY - at Center . street and Approved- a oill increasing t-he engugenient and coming marriage Nrm P s c M CUPPES $MO.OOO siibmitted la.st night Kv of Chenev BrottieKs, died on nounce the, engagement of their "ami on the back of it there was Thompson road. fee for initialed license plates from to Paul Simon Hildebrand, has Arnold Lawrence, architect for the daughter, Althea Elsie, to Fred- Tokyo, AVrdnesday, May 27— April 30. a senteiK e from each of the two Robert M. Thompson. Jr, to $5 to $10. been announced by her parents. . (/P);—The North Korea radio said • pTO.tect. The estimate was not di.s* e-ric R. Ames;^petty officer 3-c, If. The fiineral wdll be held Tlilifs- hoy.-t stating, ‘D'c.r daddy; plea.se John F. Maloney and Eleanor R; The: Senate' also approved and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Botticello, 54 last night an unidentified Aus­ S. Navy, son o f ,\Ir. ami .Mrs. Kav- cii*sed in detail because only three day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the do all you l an to help us’ signed Maloney, property at Center sent to the House bills which Russell street. S h ew ill become tralian civilian Interned at the niond S. Ames of 91 Laurel street. mamhers of the io-member sub­ Emanuel Lutheran Church, with Co.stii and P etei. street and Thompson road. would: the bride of Mr. Hildebrand, who beginning of the war was re­ committee were present. the pastor. Rev. Carl E. Olson, o f­ Miss Olsen is employed at the Georgescu said he told the man Quitclaim Deed Increase the State Police Depart­ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon leased to Russian authorities OPEN A GRANTS ONLY New Meeting Kvpecled ficiating. Burial will be in the United Aircraft Corpoiation and that "MOW that you are prepared Allen Realty Company to Selden ment from 300 to 350 members. Hildebrand of 80 Linden street, on yesterday at Antnng, Man­ CREDIT ACCOUNT AU Day Wed. For Yo Petty Officer Ames is stationed Outlaw bottle clubs, establish­ Another mectirg of the commit- Biirkland Cemetery. to make a deal vith me,” he want­ J. Richard.son, property on Bliss Saturday, June 27, in St. Jamc-s’ churia. Delivered, In Mancheeter aboard the U. .S. S. Mullanev. ' ed ( Cl tain idoiitification. The caller, street. ments which serve setups iginger- tea will be scheduled, it is expe’et- Friends may call at the Watkins Church. ed, to go over the cast estimate. he wont on, prodiieed iredentlala ale, lee and other mixers i to Funeral Home. 142 East Center Attachment Segue members of tHe School in the name of "Chris Zambeti," members bringing their o^vn liquor. street, tomorrow evening from 7 John J. Quattropan! against guaranteed as advertised in \GIRLS' COMBED Building committee present las' first secretary of the legation. ' Direct the Legislative Council to THIS NEW to 9 o'clock. Joseph R. Wright. $1,500 land at night said they would ask Kay OfficiaU of Ton II Vernon and Lydall streets. study the problem of liquor sales to Good Housekeeping Co t t o n p o l o s minors. Goalee, committee cliairman. to Building Permits RUFFLES CHARM call another meeting o f that group Mrs. Martha M. Wilson To See Experts Authorize the Legislative Council Beautify your Uwn \nW\t Seot&si> Mrs. Martha McCormick Wil.son, Jury Wifi Probe To George S. Patten for John to study the advisability of creat­ \ | 0 0 trtapprove the plans. Malerba for alterations and addi­ PIQUE HALTER \ The group met Thursday, ap­ 86, widow of William .1. Wilson. 79 ing a state recreation board. 'Joyce Lane' tions to a dwelling at 464 Hart­ Do It yeursolf , . . walk over the lawn with a r - proved the placement of the school Mill street, died at her home last Oil Sehool Land Crime on Docks Governor Ixidge today named on the site and the building’s gen- night after a short illncs.s. ford road. Former State Rep. Edmund . W. Scotli Spreader — zingo — Turf Builder ii on. A G ay, no-rOi^ blazer stripes j Born in Talecavy, Pa Nov. ll. To D. E. Manning for altera­ O’Brien, Waterford Republican, to 5 9 e er#l layout, but objected to the Several town officials will go brisk return and there is the seed ready to grow. ore o joy tb tu b ...never ' nutnber of Irregularities in the 1866, she had lived in Manchester New York, May 26—ffl—A federal tions and additions to a dwelling serve, on a temporary basis, as his CASUALS for the past 70 years. She was a to New York Tue.sday to confer grand jury investigation of New at 124 Hawthorne street, $.50. legal advisor. need ironing, ^pring-bock parimeter. with a firm of structural engineers Easy alastieizing g-i-v-e-s iaw rence said there were 16 member of the Second Cohgrega- York waterfront crime was ordered To Frank Kos for a one-.storv. O’Brien, who will begin work on cut and fill at the site for the crew n e ck .'S ize \s to 14. i “ breaks in the foundation" of the tional Church.' today. five-room dwelling at Oakwood next Monday, takes over the duties with you for complete com­ ^ ' cX air-foam proposed six room school and there She leaves on" son. Edward W il­ proposed new high school. Judge John C. Knox signed an road, $11,325. of Atty. Charles S. House. Man­ fort. Sunny yellow, pink, " heels and arches son of Manchester; two daughters, Representatives of the firm of order for a special grand jury to be To Walter G, McNally fur al­ chester Republican, who becomes DENIM JEAHS would still be 16 if the school were blue, white. Adjustable. tAanded to IS rooms. He said Mrs. Frank Vittner of Manchesjer Seeley, Steven.son, Value, and empaneled on June 9. terations and additions to a dwell­ a Supreme Court judge In late 'Bonnie Pigtail'. Sobfor- and Mrs;- Harry Salisbury of Knecht viewed the site at Memo­ U. S. Attorney J. Edward Lum­ ing at 6 Morse road, $2,600. July. CUKER V^ddell School has 26 breaks. Ver- ized, bar-lacked, Yantic; one sister. Mrs. Mary Ed­ rial Filed recently and were asked bard, who had applied for the PRE-SHRUNK SHORTS plunck has 24. Sowers has 2.''» as riveted. Sizes 7 to 14. B iflS room building, and the Ver- gar of Stonington- 15 grandchil­ to develop a plan which would order, told a news conference his Wash-easy twill with pleated office would work to rid the port of non-Lydall School, now under con- dren, and 21 great grandchildren. provide for moving the minimum W;! front. Red, navy, black, The funeral will be held at the amount of earth. rackets "until the job is done." white. Sizes 10 to 18. Btfiictlon, has 20. "Since waterfront crime in the Jlna. LAWN Sood rUKf BUILDtIt Joint subcommittee members Holm.es Funeral Home, 400 Main Meanwhile. Victor Frid, archi­ ’46 Olds street, tomorrow afternoon at 2 tect for the school, has drawn new port vastly affects interstate and This choice blend of all per­ The grassfood seedsmen recom­ anfl others present felt the $500.- foreign commerce, it is in many OoiO cost high. Lawrence said that o'clock, with Rev. Arnold W. plans which call for constructing ennial grasses makes deluxe mend, feeds lawns to new vigor, ^ IL D R E N 'S Full price. Tozer. minister of the Second Con* the building and accessory facili­ respects a federal problem," Lum­ Septic Tanks Cleaned health and sparkling color. town in sun or shade. Millions It would cost only $150,000 to ex- bard said. p ^ d the plant to 12 rooms. He gregational Church, officiating. ties on three levels rather than of heavy seeds per [ksund — Feed 100 sq ft for less than a COTTON POLOS Burial will be in the East Ceme­ one. "A t the same time, its ultimate Coif Manchester's Sewerage Specialists poCited out that .$650,000 for a solution can be brought about by 99.91% weedfree. dime. 25 lbs feeds 2500 sq ft l^ o o m plant is below the $715,000 tery. ■ ^ Ray Goslee, chairman of the Nofurol / brown; the active and combined efforts of 1 lb — $1.50 5(bs — $7.35 — $2.50 10,000 sq ft— $7.85 MISSES’ and t(itl cost for the original Bowers Friends may call at the funeral School Building committee, and "JOYCE lANE" home until the hour of the funeral. all the law enforcement agencies white; or block. S A ool which, he said, was built Sherwood G. Bowers, a member on every level city, state and fed­ SAVE TWO WAYS; WOMEN’S ^ ’50 Mercury wfien costs were 1.5 per cent lower. of the joint subcommittee on the eral/’ . ..(1) -.LOW .rRlC’£ ..... -the. most. jtiodecn ..equipment..and .ma*. COTTON POIOS I Expamfbh Plans high school, have const.stentiy LARSEN’S HARDWARE 7•-■ Smooth •eombed'yoi'O' f*■ ■' Sedan. FuH price:: ...... — Q Lumbard appealed to any person chlnerv in Connecticut makes possible a BETTER JOB at a loce-ficd oxford in 1.1though the plans are for a pre.ssed for u.sc of more than one or group having Information on LOWER PRICE. MIDRIFFS < O' more absorbent .\ . bright nt with six rooms and a kinder­ Funerals level in the construction. 34 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. MI-3-5406 waterfront rackets to "come for­ (2) YOUR JOB I.S ENGINEERED . . . all septic tanks. Drain­ soft white leather. multi stripes won't wash out 2garten. the kitchen, toilet facili- Goslee, Bowers and General ward." age and sewer lines are Installed under the watchful super­ tift, heating plant, and other Util- in hottest water. 3 to 6x. Joseph Stratton Manager Ricliard Martin are "Such information will be held vision of a Drainage Engineer. RE.SI'LT: You are protected 10 0 It^s are planned to bo sufficient scheduled to make the trip Tues­ Largely attended funeral serv­ in .strictest confidence.” he said. against costiv blunders . . . A BIG SAVING. An engineered Job Skill-fashioned leath­ f< « a 12 room plant. ices for Joseph Stratton, 44 Gar­ day to discu.s.s the new plan with Lumbard said he applied for the gives y u LASTING AND SATISFACTORY RESULTS. 'BUSY BOY' JEANS ^ h e cafeteria is planned so that den street, were held yesterday the engineers and to learn of any Wonderful «a.v to <*et off ers in a rainbow of '49 Chevrolet $1A7C order on the basis of evidence un­ turnover collar and itifean be expanded to accommo­ afternoon at 1;30 at his late home other plan the firm might have. covered by his office In coopera­ a tan. Many styles to se­ colors, composition Cherry red with con. Sanforized; bar-tacked riv­ clastic crew neck eted at strain 148 Sedan. Full price...... J , E date a 12 room school plant. Law- and at 2 o’clock at St. Mary’s tion with the P'Bl and the Treas­ lect from. soles wear twice os trosting overlay^ citte said a proposal to build a Episcopal Church. The rector of WOM.XN KILLED ury department. Be Safe! ...Be Sure! For DEPENDABLE OIL HEAT... points. 2 to 8. I cueteria which could be convert- the church. Rev. Alfred Williams, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 26— oP) "The recent disclosures of the CALL long os others. 4 to 9. eiP to two cla.ssroonis has been assisted by the curate. Rev. John — .\n Israeli Xmiy spokesman State Crime Commission," Lum­ CHAMBRAY SHORTS Fine quality knit cotton d ip p e d because it would be too said today Jordan armed forces bard added, "coming after many J. Johnson, officiated. Robert Roomy pockets' piped in while. in dorks, brights, pastels. infiltrated three Israeli coastal months of painstaking and expert CMtly. Gordon, accompanied nt the organ iMoUhral Charcoal, novy, soiling aMg Sizes small, medium, large. Hirettor Walter T. Mahoney, liy John Cockcrhani, sang two plain villages last night and left investigation under the able lead­ THE McK in n e y b r o s . 48 Packard blue. Sizes 10 to 20. who attended last night s meet­ solos: "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" one woman dead and five persons ership of Judge (Joseph M. I Pros- MSMTi ewaiiTy roioi tt i# t.tl ing as an observer, favored con- and "The Strife Is O’er ". Burial wounded. kauer, gives some indication of the SEWERAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY Custom sedan. complex nature and tremendous M obilheat cn«le walks instead of black lop was in the family plot in the East SOCON Y-VACUUM HEATING OIL at'the school and at the iiroposed Conietcry. Studies by the U. S. Bureau of scope of the task.” DRAINAGE and SEW ERAGE ENGINEERS high school. He was supported Mines resulted in itimple means of The State Crime Commission Bearers were Thomas Ford, 130-132 Pnari St., Manchestnr— Tel. MI.3-5308 WOMEN’S CALIFORNIA bv'’ Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick, a di- Thomas Wray, David Morrison, reducing the hazard of exploding conduc ted private and public h:ar- anesthetics in operating rooms. ings that brought out stories of BATHING roitor and a member of the joint James McCulliim, Ernest Cole and BATHING subcommittee. Wells Deni.son. a David Neville. MATCHED '48 Plymouth iniimber of the School Building Washington Lodge No. 117. From a DEPENDABLE SOURCE! SHOES SUITS committee who also came as an LOL, of which the deceased was SEPARATES Ciub coupe. Down payment. . . . observer, and Mrs. Natalie Mcln- (’hildren’s _____89c a member, conducted a memorial FOR ALL THE CHILDREN'S to«h opposed Mahoney. ^ .service at his home Sunday night. Misses . . . ____ 89c SUMMER CASUALS CHILDREN'S peneral Manager Martin toki N ew Aero-Falcon . . . 4-and 2-door models . . , powered by s h o r t s .... 1.98 F.A.MILY INFLATABLE PLASTIC POOLS tlie group negotiations %\we still I Women's . . . . .98c LEiLTHIR,5ANDALS ENTERTAI.N.MKNT .VLPHABET the thrifty Lightning 6 Engine . . . 6 1-inch-wide seating, front and PROMPT 2 9 9 under way with two p r o ^ t y own­ CALL o pair Montpelier,. Vt. - ,-Thc JACKETS .... 2.98 1 ^ 9 er^ for rights of way/ from the alphabet has always been med in rear , . . smooth, comfortable "airborne” ride. DELIVERIES i B.\THING C.\PS fully guctranteed againtt 198 'Buiy Beaver' California 47 Studebaker P .school site to Hackrnauack street. Wa.shington for bureaus and agen­ M I-9 -5 2 5 3 SHIRTS...... 1.98 39c lo 98c SI to 7M Novelty open s e n d o li... defect and leakage... Nb price has been Arrived at, he cies but Vermont uses it for social Expert Burner j coiuols. Sponge cuihion unlined for summer comfort. 4-Door, overhaul. Down payment. said. activities. Service! J heel. Multi, white 815 to 3. Sturdy, lightweight Vinythc. Easy to inflate, deflate Women legislators were enter­ Ton, red or white, 3 to 2. tained at the home of Rep. Aline and carry. Bright colors. Size 46 in. x 36 in..x B'/s in. th e blue color of the sky is due Ward of Moretown. Women whose Vinyl Plastic Baach Balls. Guarantaad. 69c. fo_the fact Unit air is not perfectly. names began with the letters A Irin. parent and its particles re- through L were guests nt a buffet SKIP DENT flitl and scatter light, that from supper one night while M through ’48 Pontiac tl»e bl^ end of th.’ spectrum be­ Z attended the next night. SPORT SHIRTS ing most widely scattered. There are 54 women in the Leg­ BUILDINC MATERIALS station wanon. Down\payment. islature. LUMBER FUEL ^55-. C ool, breeze filterin g 7 open-weerv*. broadcloth Prize-Winning Linens .i.’lfi N. MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TE L. MI-9-5253 Y So Cool For Summer \ :■ OPEN DAILY 7 A. M. to .5 P. .M., INCLliDING WEDNE.SDAV 4 AFTERNOO.NS AND SATCRDAYS I’NTIL NOON | 3 9 ’48 Hudsoii i 4-Door sedan. Sanforized, neatly tailored S T l’ DEN’ T ’S and MEN'S "' S :iml VF:.\’S for men's Summer cdhifort. COOL MESH WOVEN RAYON SMART FITjTED FAMILY SIZE Short sleeves, 7 pockets. GALLON PICNIC POLO SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS PICNIC BASKET PICNIC BASKET Have You An Event Woshfost blue, ton, green, JUG WITH SPOUT grey, maize, while. S-M-L ’48 Chrysler $1HOQ i. 159 198 only only 1^’ only 3 2 9 Convertible coupe. JL Complete with 4 forks, 4 Finished to look like wood. MEN'S SUMMER- spoorrt. .Big, roomy bosket Sturdy jug keeps liquids hot Novtily .knit cotton polos " lab-tested 'Penhieigh' g1vev Lightweight metol is easy to Scheduled That Calls with attached hinged lid. or cold. Twisf-lok spout, with tiny windows To kenp carry, easy to keep clean. COOL SLACKS long weor' Handsome os- stoneware lining. Dad cool. Colorful patterns: \ lortment of colors and pot- Full tailored rayon cor, Smoll — Medium — large. terns. Short vieeves. S-'M-l ’50 Buick gab and rayon lua'na . . . FOLDING tt,. ■Sedanetrd-.vimfk»w’.~.R¥..'H.-"Downi^ COTTON CHECK Y A C H f X H A iR 3 9 8 It may be a wedding, a banquet or just an informal PLISSE SHIRTS Sets up quickly, get-together of a society, lodge or some friendly fold* away eatily Summer-light rayon blends 169 ’51 G. M. C. group. to keep you looking cool and neat. Hollywood waist, Pick-up truck. Bright neot checks in cool Lower Prices! Sensational Valnes! zipper fly. Brown, green, piisse Easy to wash, needs WE ARE PREPARED TO grey, blue, tan. 30 lo 42. no ironing Short sleeves, Colorful, comloriable ond 7 pockets Sm-Med-lge convenient Ideol for in­ SERVE YOU TO YOUR doors televiewing or out­ PRICED doors relaxing OI sturdy LOW AS 1 1 4 9 9 5 0 oak, guy striped covering 210 yrt COMPLETE SATISFACTION 'NORWOOD' BO YS' SW IM 522 6 A dainty little playtime dress STRAW HATS STURDY STEEL Ci'cate prize linens with lovely j for a liny miss, that’s cut on sim­ Aaro-Lork 2-Door $«dan, lljt Prica, F.O.t. Tolado, Otiio, Our catering service is set up to be flexible enough TRUNKS apfcer-web motifs and daisy ple pnncc.ss linos with a matching plus Fadaroi, Stata and Local Taxai (If any), Troniperiotton, YACHT CHAIR I bonnet to shade her face. Give Coef style end trim look sr^ ys. Use sparkling white or Sarvica and Handling Chargat, Optional Eqwipmont, Extra. B ig selection of color*, FLORAL pale pastels in crocheting the dia- 1 it an entirely different look with to accommodate any size gathering. Why not coll o4 hate costing m ere.. Ideal far perch, lawn the cute button-on collar. m ^ d motifs and embroider the . print*, and fabric*... laid* ae*ily, cempactly • I^ y a In gay colors. Pattern No. 8815 is a sew-rite The Aero-Lark. . . Lighting 6 Engine... rigid, us and talk over the details? Pattern No. .5226 contains hot- perforated paUeni in sizes 2, 4. 6. welded-unit aero-frame construction . . . | 5 9 / V r lidii transfer for 5 complete de- 8. 10 year.s. ■ Size 4, dress, l'-^ ‘ ^ | 6 9 PILLOWS s iA s (Jov 2 ^pillowcases, ‘ runner yards of 39-inch; bonnet, 7-8 yard: streamlined design to cut wind drag and 6 4 9 BRUNNER’S aiB guest towel), color hart, ma- collar, 5-8 yard.. teSal requirements, crocheting in- For this' pattern, send 30c in add to mileage . . . unmatched visibility. Superbly mode 'executive' 2 1 9 Neot check and print twill Strong ateci fratnr; cool, stActiuns for motifs and edging, coins, your name, addre.ss, size de­ style hols with wove mesh white *rhip-free’ enamel ana guest tow-el). color chart, ma- sired, and the pattern number to with wide elastic waist, finish. Seat anti bark of Packard ■rnd 25c in colris, your name. SUE RI R.NETT, THE .M.\X- and assorted broids. Fit and coin pocket. Popular For dsH-oratlng reninlery heavy duck in your choice ad8rr.-*s and the pattern number to CHESTER EVENING HERALD. comfortably, ore light, and Iota nn Derorattnn Day. nt red. blue or yellow. 358 EAST CENTER S T R E E T ^ T E L MI-3.5191 •A^lNK C’ABOT. M.\NC’IIESTEK 11.50 AVE. A.XIERIC'AS. .NEW cost less. Sizes 6M to 7H.. I; colors. Sizes 1 2 to 16. f.W M M i HERALD. 11.50 AVK. VORY .S6. N. \. Garden Grove EIntk irieft____ ^^12 t* IS. .A<|ERU'.\S, n e w YORK .$8. X.Y. Don’t miss the new Basic Fash­ ^J-septing the new Anne Cabot ion for '53, Spring and summer. , ARNOLD PAGANI, Prop. \ BIG TRADES - EASY TERMS 'K^Mlewtirk .album. Dlwqtions fpr It’s a complete .spring sewing DeCORMIER MOTQR SALES, Inc: mittens, basic Vmbroidery guide for smart, practical ward- 22 MAPLE ST. MANCHESTER - MANCHESTER Bud, gran.! design^ are lobe.s: gift pattern' printed inside . • V PHONES: MI-3-7364 or MI-3-8847 / W. T. GRANT CO. In lAU l">ue, 25 cents.. the book. 25 cents. OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:30 ...... II ...... siclntty, lives off oil, flahlng, trap­ ihe Indo-Cfliina war, and a critical Hebron ping and cattle raising. finiincial situation at home. It sits at the tar tip of a gravel If he cart get assembly approval Colchester Fire road barely topping, the flooded Eflueatioii Meet on the program he lays down, mar.she;. Reynaud then will ■ face even - ..Lagbt. U-aflflc, only, la. allow ed nn.^ greater ^ dltflcnltleii in 'trying "40 ’"'’Weidhasd'ay " \^ctiinrBeitelit the narrow road. Siatefl Monday form, a cabinet from among the €um era-€luh^W Along the way cowmen were 12 M idnight-2 a. m...... Volunteers Neefled perpeibally warring parties. With still lashing at bellowing cattle 2 a. m.-4 a. m ...... Volunteers Needed By Church Aid yesterday to drive them out of the 4 a. m.-6 a. m...... H ow srd Peters none holding a parliamentary ma­ Tolland,^ May 26 (Special)—The jority, only 'a ..coalition govern­ Exhibition of Prints at Fair dare of Phlebitia Is Difficult; water. \A ferry some 2,'i miles 6 a'm . ft a. m. George McGraw, Elizabeth Dzia- Tolland Board of Education will ment can be formed. Disease Tends to'" Come Rack Boys ami 14 HIGHWA , 1 ■ Hsbron, May 26—(Special) —A from Cameron was delayed while dua By EDWIN P. JOBD.VN,. M. D. meet Monday at the Hicks Me­ 9 a. m.-12 Noon ,...... Bruce Miller, Mtcbael A. Glean Reynsud was premier of France IF YOU WANT Bolton, May 26—(Special)—The- past two years has been that half % fund for benefit of a Colchester cowboys in outboards rounded up "Written for NEA. Service , morial School at 8 p. m. ^ 12 Noon-3 p. m...... Lucy B urks when the' German armieS!,._broke Camera Club voted laat night to i the pleasufe.of creating or collect­ Asked to Team family whose entire apartment ati;.Ty livestor'k swimming in the Mrs. Jenanne Manning, appoint­ Phlebitia is the medical term was virtually wiped out, by fire w ater. '3 p. m.-6 p. m...... Robert Diinn. William Handler through in 1940. He, turned "over aponaor an exhibit of prints in the ! ing ti to share the accompllsbment ed at the pre.yious aesalon'. will at­ 6 p. m.-8 p. m ...... used for inflammation of the-lining laat week has been started by the Ploodwaters brought in some ...... W illiam Simpson. B arb ara W allett the government reins to Marshal THE MOST YOU Yankee Street Fair and Hobby i with others. of the veins; thrombophlebitis or tend as a member of the policy­ Wapping. Mn\ 26 -(Special)— St. Peter's Episcopal Church here, snake.s in some Lake Ch'arjes .8 p.- m.-lO p. m ...... Mvra Fitzgerald, Florence Plitt . Henri Philippe Petain.'who almost ■how to be conducted by Bolton ; In the past a great .many Inter­ making board. Mra.. Manning waa 10 p. m.-12 M idnight phlebothrom^sis is the. name ap­ The South ..Windsor Little League according: to announcement by areas, ovt city Police Capt. Wil­ ,.. Rua.sell Wright, Hyatt Sutllffe immediately asked for an armis­ Congregational (Jhurch at the esting keepsakes have bieen on dis­ plied If clots are present .ihside the named to fill out tiie^ term of Volunteers may regi.ster at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal tice. Reynaud. snent most of the Center on June 6. play In thC^show which' might not aliiinni has invited 13 and 14-year-" Rev. H. R. Keen. liam Wiuhwright, said most of Eve.fgtt Van Valkenburg, which veins at the same time. Building, Manchester on Mondaysand Fridaj's from m. w.sr In French and German CAN GET FOR Members "who have prints or! otherwise haVe. been shown to the old boys, from-the Broad Brook The apartment of Mr, and Mrs. them were^ harmless garter Since- inflammation of the lin­ ends in 195.5. Van.Valkenburg mov­ prLsons. public. area to joih the team. Transporta­ John. Powers waa. gutted by fire snakes, blue runners or coach ed to the" Boston area. negativen they "would like to xub- ing of the Veins is likely to bring tion airangerhents may be made of undetermined origin Thursda.y. whips. was a financial success and well , .Rene Mayer’s cabinet fell last- mlt for- consideration may. contact i Crafts and hobbies are both old about • the formation of clots, Mra. Manning, was the first.presi­ and new and those booked to dale by contacting the owner of ' the None of the. family were, at home Elsewhere another day of dent of the 'rdlland Cooperative nitended. Rcynaml Striving Clifford Loomis or William Minor.' thrombophlebitis is probably, at Broad Brook Cleiinei-a. warm and humid weather appear­ They must be submitted no later Include beads, am ber glas.v, silver, at the time. "• Other apartments, Kindergarten Association this past tole ware, hand hooked and.- make the lowered the temperature from 81 Second Selectman Walter H, tional Assembly tomor.ruw to ask • HUNDREDS OF MATERIALS TO 0M005E Flt^M The June 8 meeting will be a inite cause can be found, at alL The Granges .neighboring Jvith Pretty Anita GagUardone is the Mrs, Charles K T'bert, district venger hunt for its program of en­ new Conhectlcuf 'Vegetable Queen: trip to Millington for his sister. at midnight to 63 at 1 a.m. The Anderson. At the town election in for confirmation. “post mortem” of the exhibit with There is increased emphasis to­ Wapping Grange tonight are East October a permanent First Select­ chairman, and De. Robert M.-Ray­ ^till spry desoite his 74 years. a discussion and criticl.sm of prints tertainment tonight. The group Miss Gagliardone, daughter of Others attending were Mr. and cool air extended over Montana, • 1 WEEK DELIVERY IF DESIRED . / will meet at Bolton Center church day on trying to prevent phlehitis Windsor, Columbia, . Manchester man will be named. burn. local ch.ihman of the Con­ Reynsud conferred for 45 minutes ■elected for entry in the show. or thrombophlebitis. This Involves and Andover. Each Grange ached- State Rep. and Mrs. Eugene Gag­ Mrs. Harry H. Kirkham. Mr. and the Dakotas, Nebaraska, Wiscon­ •Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Usher of necticut Division of the American Last night's meeting was one of. parish room a t 8 p.. m. H ostesses liardone. of Bolton, was the rep­ Mrs. Harold L. Gray, the Miners' sin anil Iowa. this morning with President Vin­ will be Mrs. Richard Olmsted and a multiple line of attack, but has uled to fiirni.sh one number for South Willinglon were recent Cancer Society, will, on behalf of cent A'liriol s t .th e Elysee Pslace. • 10.YEAR GUARANTEE the largest in the history of the to be entirely under the direction the program. Mrs. June Park is resentative of- the Manchester aon-in-law and daughter, ^iss But the hot, sticky weather was guc.sts of Mrs. Lucy Usher of Tol­ the local Cancer Society, receive a club vyith 43 people in attendance. Mrs. Philip Dooley. Vegetable and Frui( Growers As- _ Mary Gray and other relatives. promised again today over most of As he left, he told reporters, "the Bolton Public Library will be of a physician responsible for the chairman of the rffreshment com­ land Center. certiflrnte of appreciation award international situation, as well as Gifts James Heller, an Ansoo represen­ patient becaii.se the methods vary -wjclation. ■ ^ . , . Mrs. A lbert \V. Hilding and , Indiana and Gulf slates. • BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED open tomorrow afternoon as usual m ittee. As Vegetable Queen, she will .Mr. and Mrs, G. Roy Brown for outstanding .service in behalf the economic, social snd financial tative, spoke on color photog­ so much, and one must take into Clarence W Johnson daughters, A lberta and LoiSj spent Record readings for the date were have returned from New York of the 1953 C ancer C am paign / raphy. A collection of Ansco slides beotween the hours of 2 and 5 make atar appearances throiighout the w>ekend as guests of Mrs. reported Monday, in many areas of situation rule ont any possibility account other things besides the Funeral services for Clarence city where they were called after Thursday night. of me refusing the offer of the “Gifts of Distinction” were shown with critical com­ p. m. the state during Vegetable Week Hilding's sister, Mrs. Leslie F. the hot belt. It was 100 in Amarillo. danger of developing these con­ William Johnson, a lifelong resi­ the sudden death of Mr. Brown's The award will be made during president of the republic." ment. Many questions were asked B irths ditions. and will compete in St. Louis for Ward in Providence. The Misses Texas, and 102 in Savannah, Ga., A daughter war born to Mr. and dent of Wapping and a well known the national title. brother, James Brown. ceremonies at a meeting of the Parliamentsry observers were Manchester Upholstering Co. and slides from the collections of Once phlebitis or thrombophle­ dairy and 'toha'-rn farmer, were Hilding attended the wedding of a while the hottest spot waa Presidio, Mrs. Angelo Maaeollni. of Notch Tlie Bolton girl Is sn honor stu­ Furlong Flynn is on a business state trustees In the Oakdale Tav­ cBUtious about predicting success Willton’s Gift Shop members as well as a few that had bitis have developed they should held at his home yesterady after­ friend • while there. Texas, w ith 107. trip to the weal coast. . ern. Wallingford, rnd will be pre­ for Reynaud’s efforts. He is recog­ been developed at home were road, on May 21, in the Hartford dent in the 1953 graduating class 48 PURNELL PLACE TEL MI-9-9521 not be neglected, particularly be­ noon with Rev. David Crockett St Manchester High School. She Hebron PTA members and others Generally fair weather was re­ The Sons of Union Veterans of sented by Judge Charies R. nized as a financial expert but his 968 Main S t. MI-9-40] 1 viewed. H ospital. cause of the hazard of a clot the Civil War and t..adies Auxiliary officiating. The burial was in Wap­ waa a runnerup in last year’s Vege­ are reminded of the Tolland ported over most of the country. Ebersol of Torrington, slate eam- conservative approach to present Hobby Fair Opens breaking off and going to the ping Cemetery. County District PTA conference to Light rain fell in Michigan and made their annual pilgrimage to paign chairman. Mrs. Alma Lesniaski's fourth Manchester Cvening Herald table Queen competition from the day economic nroblems may not lungs, rausing what is known a.s Manchester area. be held at the Hebron school around Lake Superior. Thunder- Tolland Sii'nday. The Manchester award is being find favor with the atrong leftist grade reached the climax of two Bolton correapondent, Mrs. Jo­ I seph DTtalis, telephone MItohell a pulmenary embolism. Maneheater Evening Herald auditoriunri, June A business .showera hit sections of New York The meeting of the Picneor Past made for the special event with factions )n the National Assembly. month planning today with the When either condition is sriite. Wapping correspondent, 5Ira. An­ meeting is scheduled first on the state. M'astcr's Association of East Cen­ the most educatiopal value. Reynaiid. an Independent and opening of their hobby fair. Neat­ 8-5A45. treatment Includes absolute rest in nie Collina, telephone Mitchell program, supper from 6 to 7 p.m., tral Pomona Gr.nnge No. 3 was Volunteers in the state cancer president of the .issembly’s finance ly displayed and well-labeled, bed. raising of the leg (if it is the 3-4419. to be followed by a program of held last night with Hillstown appeal have rai.sed far in excess of committee, will forego the usual there are many striking items in leg which is involved) and applica­ TRUSS FITTING entertainment. Supper tickets or Grange. Tolland Grange was repre­ the $38.5.000 quo'a . rounds of talks w accomplished some good, 'aembly to ask investiture. He told has subsided the most impartant Also Abdominal Supports, Elas­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Kirkham Pension Contracts There will h? an audio clinic reporters "quick action is needed." with bagpipes, in junior size: a Old Acqiiaiii lance problem of treatment is to pre­ Charles W. Lathrop June 1 at 9;30 a.m. for all children hard, practical results which I FOR tic Hosiery, and all type# of and children and Mrs. Kirkham's think on one hand protected, the The new candidate tor the pre- Gaelic Bible loaned by the Mc­ vent swelling. Elastic bandages entering school n September. It 824-828 Dermott family; Arabian mosaic surgical appllanoea. Private Fit­ mother. Mrs. Harold L>. Gray, were (Continued from Page One) interests of the United States and mierahip v as expected to ask the TEL. 5n-8-5l«l are particularly helpful in this Accident Insurance weekend visitors at the home of will be held m the health room at n.ssemhly for a broad base of sup­ wooden che.st and a bra..s ciga; Pittsburgh — (.n — When Paul ting Room. on the other built up the strength MAIN ST. kind of thing, but they must be ( Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kirkham Hicks Memori.ll .'ichool. Mrs. Ches­ port to' deal with the problems .MANCHESTER rette set from Arabia; Swedish Benson was serving with the U. S. properly applied. and Real Estate and virtually all the other automo­ ter Pedrizieski may be contacted of NATO in which w’e were all in­ 100 East Center St., MI-9-0S84 of Lenox, Mass., Mr. Kirkham's tive firju.s provide maximum pen­ terested. pressing on France from all aides candelabra. Italian .silver and a Army in Germany he frequently Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis are Quinn’s Pharmacy for an appointment at ft-9178. p air of Italian wooden shoe.s. went to Air Force dances at SAVB DACRON S U lA the forthcoming talks with hard to cure entirely and tend to parents. sions of $12.5 a month. Both this A well-child conference for pre­ —Secretary of State John Foster Mrs. Ira C. Turahen has again and the new S137..50 Ford figure Dulles, on recent NATO con­ Prime Minister Churchill and Collections of dolls, model cars, Frankfurt. One of his favorite come back. When this happens school c)ii1dren will take place President Eisenhower at Bermuda, airplanes, stsmps. rocks and other partners was pretty red-haired treatment is often difficult. It returned to the Hartford Hospital include federal Social Security June 3 at 9;30 a.m. in the social ference. for treatment. She is the Amston hehefit.s. All apply at age 6.5 after science items, Indian rehes, trains Brna - Marie Loeblich of Grosa- may be necessary to remove the rooms of Tolland Federated and pets complete the show. krotzenberg. Inflamed veins by surgery if they Postmistress. 30 yeara' service; The $3.5 boost at C hun h. William James Johnston, at ate Ford will apply to 20-year men Invitations, hand decorated and Benson came home in 1946 and are near the surface. THE HOUSINB AUTHORITY The Community Womans’ Club in verse, were issued to parents resumed work with the Natural­ Reek Infections Source commander of the Veterans of who now will get $115 a month in­ annual meeting with th,’ mother- stead of $80. and schoolmates. The fair was ization and Im m igration S e n ’ice. in A thorough search for sources of Foreign Wars, and winner of the /Uughlei- gct-togethei;..WAS. weU At­ .....’.••'X.-.-....• The pehsidh'pTari. orher' t'han file TftWN 1 COUNTRY WOMEirS OUTLET - sriewed- fTorn IfliSO -to -iftSO '-a.-m .' Pittsbtrrgh: His’job'tnchided inter­ 'fnfecthm 'hr mmatly made; ineitid- -OF THE TOWN OF MMCHESTfR Congressional Medal of Honor, tended. It was highlighted by n who lives in the Burrows Hill Social .Security portion, will be (Formerly of Glaetenbury) by the student body and from viewing applicants for citizenship. ing examination of the teeth and 55% Dacron, 45% \^gin wool! potiuck and travelogue. 1:80 to 2;30 p. m. by parents. - Recently he was examining a list tonsils. TYeatments with small section of Hebron, .will preside financed entirely by the company. The Spring Dance, under the Combinod to giva you luparb over the VFW. state Convention in The revised Ford lontract also Art Rxhibit Planned of applications and noticed one doses of X-rays and the use of one Will accept bids to paint Silver Lane Homes. 174 auspices of the teachers of Hicks The Tolland County Art Asso­ from Gro.sakrotzenberg. Benson suits of extra otrangth and r^ i* Norwich, June 26. 27 and 28. provides other benefil.< not found Memorisl School held ls.sl Friday IT’S of the sulfonamide drugs or anti­ dwelling buildings and one community building. elsewhere in the industry; ciation will exhibit paintings again arranged to handle the Interview biotics may be helpful. ency with wrinklo-proof, rain- Manchester Evening Herald He­ One group of skilled workers this year In the Hobby Show of the and asked about Krna. The prevention and treatment Specifications can be hod at Y’ankee Street Fair. Mrs. Oscar It wasn't necessarj", however, bron correspondent, Mias Susan .500 die sinkers and pattern makers I is being constantly improved. resistant featuresl Rich effects Kreysig chairman of the event, for the Mrs. Davis applying for Pendleton, telephone H.4rrlaan will get 20-cent an hour wage Early rising or mild exercise soon boosts. stated today that the theory on citizenship turned out to be Erna, of tan, grey ond bluel SUiglo* S-88S9. Cotton Pickin’ Time after an operation helps tojirevent 80 WADDELL ROAD The 6,000 retired Ford workers which the arts, crafts snd hobby 1 now rfiarried to a railroad worker the blood in the veins from becom­ breasted p^ch-pocket modetsl will have the option of buying hos­ show has been operated for the 1 and living in Fbttsburgh. ing stagnant. Thia doea not appear Use ths locket as o smort sport pital-medical inaurance at Ford'a Gulf Town Faces group rale. DRESSES coat, tool Otherwise the new benefits in Threat of Floodg the Ford and GM contracts are • WASH SHEERS identical; The new Bureau of Labor Statis­ • WASH PRINTS (Contlnned From Page One) tics price index will .supplant the old index as a guide to pay ratea In • CHAMIRAYS Ing Lake Charles flood, is not so the future. It was in negotiating . . . ihe lellert tiart. Then from optimistic. a conversion from the old to the • EVERGLAZE SAVH VIROIN WOOL It has cautioned that water may all ever the free world come atirk new index that Reuther raised the rommenta ai theae (ren readera Up rise over doorsteps in the streets demands for contract changes to of Cameron, ^vith the rise now ex­ o( THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE • IrecKleloths meet inflationary living costs MONITOR, an international daily pected aometime tonight. So far since 1950. newapaper: tJie tow n Is dry. ' Reuther said the union would in­ • N YLO N S WORSTID TROPKAtS F o recasters b.Tsed th e ir predic­ sist that Chrysler meet the Ford "Tha Monitor is must rend. tions on what fney s.sld was "an benefits in negotiations opening ing lor straight-thinkiHg "W id* SdRctien of Sanbocks and Haltan* awfully big drink of water heading this afternoon. He al.so said the proplt. . . ." down that way." 'UA5V would go hack to GM and “/ returned to school oltor o FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEK END The river crest has flattened out try to "pick up the pension end of lapse of 18 ytors. / uiill got over the marshes and any rise at this package.” my degree from the college, Cameron will be extremely slow, Last-niinute hitches in settling hut my education comos SHORTS PEDAL SLEEVELESS they advised. the troublesome Canton dispute from the Monitor. . . ." PUSHERS BLOUSES l / Y While the French Csjun com­ held up the contract settlement for “Tho Monitor give/ me ideas THE munity of Cameron played a game more than an hopr. for my stork. . . ." up 1.81 up of watchful waiting, thou.sands of Ken Bannon. the UAW's na­ “/ truly enjoy Us com­ 1.81 1.81 Lake Charles home-owr.irs began tional Ford director, said the union pany. . . ." 12-20 12-18 82-88 w cleaning up the flood debris that won pay adjustments in som> job Hundreds to choose from ot very low in the Ughwof apoiled their houses. classifications at the Ohio plant ^ou, too, will find the Monitor CASE To the south, marshlands are and that the company met other informative, with complete world jpricesi 100% virgin wool-worsted tropicals in populot bloated with water poured into union demands. A ratification newt. You will diteover a eon- c o n o N conoN skipper blue shades. Patch pocket mMelsl them by three rivers with dying meeting was set for tonight, tlnirtive viewpoint in every newa SKIRTS POLOS floods. They are the Calcasieu,' the John S. Bugas, Ford vice presi­ alory. FOR Small Mermentau. 10 miles east dent in charge of industrial rela­ I ’te the coupon below for a tpo- of Cameron and the tougher. Sa­ rial Introductory tubteription — tions, said it still would be the Up 1.81 bine 30 rriiles to the we.'t. which end of next week before full pro­ 3 moniht for only $3. 3.00 forms the Texas'-Louisiana bonier. duction could be resumed after 22-80 S-M-L Cameron, with 25 oil wells in the the forgings-shortage shutdowns. TK« C k n iiitB S fignrt MMH*r O r*. N«rwtjr 9l.. l**tRR IS. M«m .. V. t . A. C T 3 SAVB 2.PANT n « « i* icrA m* RN hiirR^RrlRry I l*M -4*. TA* xCIl*^*** ffMMR :^M««Mrr— 7ft UftiMi. I *•*)•*• IS. TOWN I COUNTRY WOMEN’S 8UTLET BRIDGWAY MILLS LICHTWilOIIT SUITS (•ddTM*) 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE—OPEN 9 to 9 CLOSED MEMORI.4L D.\Y, SAT.. MAY .“JO • USED CARS • (rilyl ri»ii Are You Interested In A Good Used Car? '■N SALE ENDS FRIDAY Here are a few facts .You should know before you buy a used car: S84.95 Refrigerator ask about Terms Now is the time to make your selection from GENT^HK ...... f ^ m e t a w n e r . ^ _ tremendous selection c^ iomour 2'Poni ' / . True market 5-alucl ^ suits for wear right now and throirah the summed I Amount of recondition j r . ' I ’V with extra pants included, at NO EaTRA COSTI Tires—ORIGINAI. or RECAP Kg M -W Rafrigarotor hat 11.7 cu. ft. of food ttoroga capacity. Full-width Speedometer—True reading. fraaxar holds 62 Ibt.— full-width frottar troy balow. 3 full-width door shalvos ' Come in before you buy! We will show you the book kaap small itams handy for uta. 3 full^width, 1 half-shelf give 20 tq. ft. of value of any used car." You can buv for less at itoraga space. Twin food frathanars kaap 27 qts. fruit, vagatoblas fresh. Whether you ask for Schmidt’s by the glass \ GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. SAVE! HYLOH CO RK or by the case, of one thing you can always be sure—When you say Schmidt’s 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN— Radio and Hoater OTHER APPUANCES ON SALE 1952 BUICK 2-DOOR— Radio and HRotcr M.W HOME FREEZER 199.95 OAS RANGE you’ll get ’’The Very Best.” .1951 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA— Radio and Haatar 1951 BUICK SEDAN— Radio and Htotcr 13.2 cu. ft. holda 461 Iba. frozen food. JVire basket, 2 dividers for quick, easy 40-m. divided cooktop. Comblnotion 1951 DODGE 2-DOOR— HaatRr. • POTTED PLANTS • MIXED POTS sorting. Convenient light mounted in deck-timar— tignob 1 to 60 min. 20-In. counter-balanced Hd ...... 298.88 1950 BUICK SEDAN— Radio and HRottr ovan has window. Saporota woist-hlgh Here’s one of the "B t Parade” fabrics for Spring cmd broilar. 2 ouHats...... 179.09 Summer 1953. Cool, cool Nylon Cords, that ore styled 1950 FORD SEDAN— Radio and Haatar • BASKETS • FLOWERING SHRUBS right, look right and fit ^rfectlyl Suits thot lough at the BIG CABINET IRONER— 1948 BUICK SEDAN— Heotar • EVERGREENS - AT REASONABLE PRICES weather and retain their smortnessl ■ ^ 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN— Rodio ond Haottr 26-INCH ROLL Doea your complete ironing far faster 234.95 ELEC. RANGE COME IN BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE ANNUAL FLOWERING PLANTS-25c Doz. than by hand while you sit comfor­ tably and merely guide clothes be­ 40-in. cooktop. Oeck centroh 20-hu tween 26-In. padded "floating roll” even, daap weN, opplionca outlat. 7 and chrome plated shoe. S c h m t i l t s Gorman Motor Sales heols for 3 Chromolox top units, daap I V P H A Aak'about terms. Wards low OF P wall. Waist-high broilar...... 214.10 Incorporated McConyille Greenhouses price. V 1M.9S 302 WOODBRIDGE STOEET — TEL. MI-9-5947 TRY ONE GLASS AND YOU’LL AGREE SCHMIDT’S IS BEER AS BEER SHOULD BE I 4 S S M A | H $ tt ,285 MAIN STREET PHONE MI-9-4571 USE WARDS CONVBjHENT MONTHLY PAYMG4T PLAN m EASTHARIfW OPEN EVENINGS UI^TIL 9:00 OPB^N EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 :00 INCLUDING MEMORIAL DAY Maw a a siA t NiaMWAT st o m s « a s n v i , A C SCHi^lDT.ft SONS, INC., PHILA, PA. - ' *; * i ' • ’-I 4 -' - " t -4. hr /•, V - ■ ~L I P A G E TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. C0N?4, TUESDAY. MAY 26, 1953 i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAT, MAY 26, 1953 PAGE THIRTEEN eral government, has encountered southeast of Namal. The Air Force WKNB— 840 n W0 » WTHT—1*S0 serious opposition from the eom- said 22 buildings were destroyed. Vaudals Damage WONS—1410 ff/J /Y ff) i t l t n # V WHAT— MO Betrothed miitee's democratic membership. En gage d Sabres Tlirust WDRC—Ism CAffCA A T VVTIC—1080 Pilots reported three spans of Not one of a doeet) government two railroad bridges and two high­ WCCO—1290 Eastern DsyUght Time WNHC—Cb. 8 PWT money bills has yet gone to the way bridges. In the. - Namal area Jarvis Bulldozer White JSoime. '. .The . House . toaia: c Red MIG Los^ iW«r« d«#troy<^: . . .-iis-k. 4:0e__WTHT--OA. Tinn«y. 4:40—WDR( —Worlo News*Roundim. paased half a dozen to run the Fifth Air Force headquarters WTIC—BackitRge Wife. WCCC--K'ddfe Corner executive branch for the yeiir said Allied warplanes also de­ A $50 reward is being offered WDRC—RobcPt.Q. L<‘wl8;The Record WKNB—News; Your Dog and You. To Even Dozen Shop. i WTHT—Martin Agronsky. starting July 1: The Senate only stroyed 84 buildingt; and 42 per- by the Alexander Jarvis Company WCCC—Vuslc. ' I WTH’—New- one; These blUs. together with .sonnei shelters- for information leading’ to. the ar­ WHAV—News: Polka Hop. I WHAY—Rhythm .Rendezvous. new tax leghslatioVv and the for­ (CoDtlnued from Pafe One) Other Sabre fighter-bombers W O N S — Jack DownHV'i* M usic Shop. WUNS—News W K N B —wnwrs; B aseb all M atinee. 8:15 -W DH(—Shopper* Specials. eign aid program, stand at . the slammed 1.000 ..pound bombs into rest of the person or persona-.who | jl 5—WCCC—N«ws: Mus.c. ^ WTIC—News. • top of the administration's ‘-must" wiped out 90 Communist tnicks, Red anti-aircraft guns northeast have been damaging property and.. W TUT—Betty Cfockfierj ■ WKNB—Phil Hale, list of legislation; destroyed a locomotive, seven bo.x of Kum.song, attacked rail lines equipment o f the company. Jarvis 4:30—W pRC—The Recoix^ Shop. WHAY—Jesting wittv. Wamp. The Preaident'.s request to ex­ cars and a railroad bridge in pre­ and supply areas, the Air Force WTIC------..Yf.uni; wiader .Brown. WO.NS—Yankee. Kxpresk. today said considerable damage WTHT^ddlelie Arnold Tlqte. WTHT—Top O’ the Morning. tend the excess profits "tax . for dawn .strikes, the Air Force- said. said. 4:4.V—VVTiC—The Woman in In MMy l Hpuu. 4:30-WCCC - News: BreakUib.News­ six months to Dec. 31 comes’ be­ B-29 Buperforts smashed a 130- Allied warships pounded Com­ was done to one of his bulldozers / WONS—Jack Downey’i Wtxworki. b oy. M O iv m ^ 0/e § : 00-W DRL—News: Old Record Shop. WDRC—News; Shopper’s Special. fore a decidedly unenthusiastib acre troop and supply area north munist .shore batteries and other bn Hartford road over the week W T IC — Ju st Plain BUI, WTIC—Radio Bazaar. House Ways and Means commit­ of Hamhung on Korea’s east coast instanatiohs on both coasts, the end. W THT-'News. .Jots Girand Show. • WTHT -Pob LIrtvd. Navy announced. WIIAY-rNews; Band bV Demand. 8:55—WTHT—Betty Crocker. * tee Monday. The foreign aid au­ and bombed smaller supply dumps According' to Jarvis, the bull­ WONS—Spt. Preston nt the ’ Yukon. WONS—GabrjcT Heatter. thorization still has not cleared In the same area. dozer was left on a job from Satur­ 0:04-W DRC—Newa WKNB—News;. Baseball Matlneo.— .Senate and Hou.se Foreign Rela- Ground fighting dwindled to I picked up those shoes four day to yesterday. Someone put 6:15-W TIC—Krorit Pase KarrcU. W CCC— 12 H undred anu 90 H its. tion.s committce.s. Once passed, ' 'r • i;S4>— WTIC-^Lnrenzo. .fones. WHAY—News; Morning Star Review. patrol clashes ns the air war times. If I had stopped to think sand Iri the gas tanks ahd oil line, WIIAY—Crosky’s Quarter. W K N B — News. there must be a .separate bill pro-' mounted.in' intensity. that Debbie needed her mother cut the fan belt and stole the seats. WONS—Skykiiip. WO.NS—News. viillng the actual money. WDRO^Memory Lane. W TIIT—Breakfast Club. The opening sky duels flared more than she needed the shoes, I He also said that someone has been W CC C —New.**. M usic. WTIC—Theatei oi Melody. Still pending, too, and schedul­ while Sabres were flying cover for would have left them. breaking into new homes being - i §:46_\VDRC-^urt Maaaejr. 9:15—W DRf —Music, ed for Senate action tomorrow, is 23 Sabre fighter-bombers which built and stealing materials. e y i —Mrs. Putrlria Morrison, of El \YHAY--Ne^. WONS— Ijick Doa'iiey's Waxworka. the President’s plan to reorganize streaked deep into North Korea Monte, Calif., wife of unem­ Anyone with information la ^6wkwsaifs- WTIC—Notes and Quotes. WKNB—Ed Swett Show.Snow. 6;5.V—W O N S —Cecil B m w n, News. 9:30-WTIC—News; YouY ou and Tour the Agriculture department. De- J and bla.stcd a troop concentration ployed welder, who took shoes asked to report it to the office on Child. WKNB-Phll Regan Show. Fallot Plvolo. .splte strong oppo.siti9n to it,, the area on the west coast, 10 miles for needy chlld^____ Dover road. ' . Kveolaic WfT-C*— N ew s: 1290 HU». plan is given a better than even -Kslktl Photo, gjOO— W D H C— News WHAY—Italian Voice. W T IC — N ew ». 0:40—WDHC—Big Crosbv. Mariuti J. Kee.gan - change of getting through.-Forty- Kutli M. Btthlwln WTHT—News; Joe rand Show. 9:45—WTIC—Victor H. Lindlahr. Mr. and Mrn. John \V. Keegan. nine Senate or 218 Hou.se votes Mr\and Mr.s. William Baldwin. W11 AY—Sports. VVTI.W—j'amous Trials. 49 Ardmore rpati, announce the are needed to kill it. 33 Cornell street, announce the WONS—News, WKNB—Vaughn Monroe. j w r r r — Mii.«ir. 9:55-WDHC—News. rngageaneitt of .their daughter, engageirtent o f their d.aughler, W'KNB —New.i: Sport.s Review, 10:00—WDRC — Arthui Godfrey. Miss Maiion Jeanette Keegan, to Ruth MaVle Baldwin, to William L O O K A H E A D 4:1.5— ^V^TlL— ainc ac»:c*e. W THT-M y True Story-. Pvt* 3-c Rudolph Spungin, son of J. Matusha^, son of Mr. and Mrs. W IIAY—.''Upper Serenadi.-. WTIC—Welcome Travelers. Hospital Notes iT ^ y ^ WONS—Patter hv Patterson, WKNB—News; Through The Years. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Spungin Frank Matttt^hak of 176 Gardner w n p c- Urk Zalman, This I Believe. W CCC— 12 H undred and 90 H its. of Hartford. street. W K N B -M u .‘tio By We.ttrm. WHAY—Italian Program. No date has been set for the Both are employed at Pratt and WDIU —Uuv r.ombardo, 10:15- WDLC—Arthur Gortfrev. Patients Todav: 144 WTIC—Weather. W H A Y — M usica Di Qua 'F.dila* wedding. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Whitney Aircrah. WKNB —Accordinp to the Record. 10:25- W TilT—Whispering Streets. Mrs. Helen Middlebrook, 14 Dover The wedding is'planned fnr July Owning: a home has always been 4:30--WTIC—Let (Lorge Do IL 10:30—WCCC—News. 12 Hundred and 25 at St. James’ Ctjurch. WONS -.\iilo Tune Derby. 90 Hit.-* road; George Long, 10 Keeney W TIIT—.Sereno Oammell. .WHA7'—Mt>ment Musicali. street; Mrs. Theiesa Wlllnauer, a vital part of the American dream WCCC—.News: Music. WO.NS—News; Mystery Shoppers. Coventry; Stanley Withrow. 128 can cam irricrest WKNB—Dlnrcr Date. WTIC—D'.uble or Nothing. * — and we have helped thousands And Ihcra't absolutely nothing for you to do. Just hold R O K Balks Lenox street; Earl Paluska, 168 0j4.'i„\VDRC—Lowell Thomas. WKNB—Voice of Manchester. High street; Archie McCollum, 47 Senior W^ek on to your Bonds and let them go on earning! The new Spnrt.b. 10:45- W THT-W her s Girl Marries. realize that dream throuifh a home WTTC—Three Star Rxtra, WHA7’—Musica Dt Qua ’Edila’ Ashworth street; Mrs. Olga F'e.sh- a If you invesfea in U. S. Series E Bonds ten years ago extended earning period applies to any Series E Bond— WHAY—New.s: Supper Serenade. V\’M \ s — \«u ler, 2 Sanford road; Jack Darby, WONS-Sports Digest. ll:00-W TIIT~W e. The Women, Over Allied Events Listed loan, sensibly planned to fit needs MONDAY-FIUDAY. 9 fo 3 those you already own or those you invest in from now­ WONS—Bin JenKins Show. Glastonbury; Carol Ann Slwejt, and have held them, you’ll profit by this new law NOW! u TIC—Strike it Rich. '______\ WTHT—Stork Market Summary; WONS—Ladies Fair. North Coventry; Richard Chakas, For those same Bonds which you expected to mature finally on. What’s more, every Series E Bond you get now be­ I :i>o— W D R L — Beulan. * v n r ? r — / rthm ft<^dfrey. Commencement week for h'lgh and income. 'VOVS c'ultor T„»*wis. Jr. 134 Birch street; Brenda' Andrews, THURSDAY EYE.. 5 to 8 gins earning interest sooner, and at a higher rate. It ma­ W K N B -New.*«; M ^ stely T u n e: 840 school -seniors will begin with the 10 ueats lon^er-at %7<, in 1953 can now earn 3% interest every year for ten more WTIC -Boston Blnrkle. Club. Truce Plan Rockville; Leo Lamaire, South tures earlier and averages 3% , compounded semiannually WTHT -Weather: Capital News. Ii’i-i WTHT We The Women. Coventry; Fred Han.son, 131 Hol­ annual picnic, Monday, June 8, aV SATURDAY. 9 A. M. to 12 years—till 1963—without your even lifting a finger! WKNB—Ne\vs; Perev Faith. WHAY—LTlftlla Canta. lister .street; Vincent Ingraham, Ted Hilton’s Camp in Moodus. A chat with one of our mortffaffe \'’»iN*^ _To1»n-Te«t 11.25— W O N S—.News. it held to maturity. W K N B —Hit of The D ay. (Continurd From Page One) 71 Bridge street; Jan Ostopezuk, A major hurdle In the path of (For Limited Bualneas) W T H T — h linei DaViS. 11:30—W DR('—Gran(, Slam. 7 Cottage stieet; Charles Reardan. this annual outing &re the exami­ officers will show you how we can W D R C —Ju n ior Ml.^is. WCCC-—.News: 32 Hundred snd 90 ^\■KNR— Y ou r Navv Show, H its. last major ro.adb'ork to a truce In 12 Newman street; Mrs. Emma nations for seniors, starting next 7::irt_.WTir -Nows. ■A WTIC—The Phra.be That Pays. the nearly three-year-old Korean Bikernicks, 436 North Main street; Monday. help you, too. W THT—Silver P:agle. WIIAV—Berio Program. WO.Va—Oueen fo» s Dsv. war. Mrs. Lillian Ackerman, Rockville; Other events on the commence­ WONS—<;abrlel Ueatter. Owen Barrett. 37 Westwood WDRC—Jo Stafford Show. WTHT—Turn To A Friend. The ROK .source.a said South ment week schedule include: W K N B -T o p s In Pf.ps. WKNB- Music Out of The West. Korean President Syngman Rhee street; Philip Dowd, 192 School Gift Night, Tuesday, June 9. ^ ; —WDRC— Murrnw. 11:40—W HA7' -Mu.<ort.s S p ecia l; Aule to Mr. and Mrs. Donn Mendell, 89 WTIC - Ro.semary Clooney. - -probably on orders from Rhee. Friday morning, June 12, in the g::u» Vs’ DHi .Mr ami .Mrs. N orth, S p'T ial. Milford road; a son to Mr. and W 'lH r—News; Jack Ber<’h. South Korea's cabinet met State Theatre. _A V Tic.-i;rd. Sk.eUon Sh.ow,... . Tuesday: tout government spokes­ Ura. Preaalv.Shannon..Storrs.— WTHT—Cor.matlon. T2 n5--W KNB-BVng Cro.bby. ------' BIRTHS TODAY; a son to Mr. The Senior Prom will be held bii W I >NS - niKh A ilventure. WTIC—Medley Time, man Dr. Karl Hong Kee said there the night of June 12 in the high W THT—P.-Jul Whiteman Teen Club. W O N S— News. was no discussion of an open and Mrs. James Brennan, 383 Hil­ WHAY Report from City Hall. WTHT—Bing Crosby. liard street; a son to Mr. and Mrs. school. , B-f.-.— W THT—Morton Gould CrtnduMs WDRC—Aunt Jennie. break" between South Korea and the United Nations over truce Henrv Barboza, 38 Drive B. Underclass exams begin June 11 g:4.-;_\VHAY—.Morton Gould Conducts WHAY—Gemma Oil Program. and conclude June 16. School closes DMMt- W D R i'- .lohnny Dollar. 12:2.7— W O N S— M usic B ox. negotiations. He ,»aid tlie cabinet DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: \ WTHT—Town .Veetinc. WTIC—Lenten Messages. did not discu.sa any phase of the Mr.s. Minnie Gustafson. 84 Ham­ June 19. W TH'—Martin and Lewis. 12:30—WDRC— Romance of Helen {alks. lin street; W'illiam Sligar, Staf­ Principal Edson M. Balicy tfxlay \ WoNS Bill Henry. .News; Official T ren t. announced that summer school w-ill Drteetiv*'*. WHAY—LaRosa Program. The ROK informants said the ford Springs; Marilyn Manchester, WHAY—News; Nite Watch. W CCC— News. new Allied plan: 2.13 Hollister street; Mrs. Bernice begin June 24. The sessions arc * v f:!m WDRC—Mv Friend Irma.- WONS—The Women's Page. 1. Drops the Allied May 1.3 pro­ Hagenow, 381 Woodland street; held for those students who failed MANCHESTER TRUST W TK'—Fibber .MeOe and Molly W T H T —News. Alexia Tournaud, 38 Knighton in subjects during the regular If you with, you may still cash any Series E Bond at any WTHT—Krwin Canhem. WTU'—.Marjorie Mills Hour. posal that North Korean POW.s WONS—Songs of Our Time. W K N B — Man on ♦he Street. he freed in South Korea after an street; Miss Shirley Wyberski, 136 school year. time after you’ve owned it for two months. But you’ll be • ;4.5 WTHT—Krw!! Canhern 12:45—WDRC—Our Gai Sunday. Bi.s.sell street: Robert Cole, 129 10:00 WDRC—Louella Parsons, armistice. The Reds bitterly op- Summer sessions this year take WCCC—Music for .Milady. Branford street. on an added signiflcance because wiser to hold your Bonds, just as you’re wiser to hold WTIC- -Two fo~ the Mf»rey. WKNB—The Patters, po.se this. If you want to b« paid your infartst at WTHT—News of Tomorrow. WTHT—We the Women. 2. Retains the Red-proposed DISCHARGED TODAY: Frank of double se.ssions. If’ there were savings in any form. Cash in the pocket melts away, too ^x’nvQ — VrM'k Kf wards W D R C — News, five-nation commi.ssion to take Poliwoda. 221 North Main street; no summer school, a sophomore WHAY—Poli.'ih National Home. W('CC—Manchester Matinee. Mr.s. Mildred Yale and son, Ando­ \ TEL. Ml 3*4171 often with nothing to show for it. But cash in Bond sav­ current income— invest in 3 % Series H \\1 ».\S-.M.i-h- L ov.t s H our. over the 48,.^00 reluctant pris­ falling in a subject would have to W TIIT—Ken and Carolyn. ver: Mrs. Augustine Dancosse, 185 ings is always there— always growing with no effort on So if you are not already one of the millions of wise W T H T —('orirert H(*ur. W O N S— News. oners after a truce. Rctl agents attend both sessions to make up \VDP.C- D -.New.«* oi. All Stations. WHAY—Betty Kimball. who still refuse tb go back to the one sure way to save- -because it saves something out Series H is a new current income Bond available in de­ WHAY- Nite Wateh. WTTC—Ro.bs. The Musical Miller. ! Virginia Cro.ssmpn and son. Ver- 11 :IP_W THT-Fiiwin ('. Hill. - \VDR('^— 7 'ou rg Dr. .Malone. Communism. It was not learned i non: Mrs. Margaret Irl.sh. 4 North of every check 5e/ore you have a chance to spend it. You nominations of .$500 to $10,000. Redeemable at par after 11:15 -WTHT The Late Show. \7’ K N B - Baseball Mntiner*. how long tile conference would School sli-eet; Bernard Noble, 290 WONS—Midnight Matinee. WCCt'—News; Manchester Matinee. take for this malter, but the know, no matter how small your income, you can’t afford 6 months and on 30 days’ notice. Matures in 9 years and WDRC- You ar d the World. WTHT—Paul Harvev. School street. WTIC—News. . 1:4.7—WDHC—Tne tiuiding Light. original UN plan fixed a 30-d.ay not to save something for yourself! So join the Plan today. 8 months and pays an average 3' o interest per annum if II •’’ft wr»RC—S''Tnphonv Hall; News. WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. period. Finally the remaining WTIC To Be Announrrd. W T H T —Gu\‘ L om bardo. POWs in custody , would . he Strengthen your own future and that of your country by held to maturity. Interest paid semiannually by Treasury 77riM> w rrr—New.«: Bohnhd'Rar. 3:54—-W K N B— N**ws: Y'ankee vs. W ash- 'i»mnrr«-o IngtfUi Senators. handed to the UN General As- saving your money through U. S. Savings Bonds. check. Series H may be purchased at any bank, annual 2:00 w Diu -Second Mrs. Burtop. E c m b ly . .Tt:00---W TIC— P ra v er Frank Atw^anl, WCCC—Music. limit $20,000. 4»;00 \VDni* Farm P rog ram . WTIC—The Doctor's Wife, 4. All decisions would be made W lM tC—.1 vtun Tune, i;; WTH" News. W THT-Newa. Toi Hit Time; Secret by majority vote. Tlie ex.ict mean­ \: .. Wi^N.S- Y.inkeee Kxpress. V^'ONS—Connecticut BalIrof>m. ing of this provision eould not be -\ Vnwr P'*tr >i WHAY*—News. Betty KimbAll. 2 :l.i ^ sD R (’ ITII-. .s!p.b DRt —i%'*iigioua Talk. 2:4.7— W D H (— B righter D ay. (Congress Is Slow ! W T IC — News. WTIC -News. Ww'. W H A Y —910 Club W K N B —S|H*rls D’ige.«»t ANNOUNCES 2:.7.7-WTHT-Tup Hit Time. 7 :li0 . N\ - Sew s 3:00--\\ DRC —ililltf»p House. On Ike I ..etrislatioii WC('C—Good M<*mng. Good Music. pA l>e' WONS—Cameo Lady Talks; Wax- Wa)rk.b. \ W THT-Joe Girand. \VD.NS W. ritht rrOCews: Yankee Kx- W T I I T -N r w s ; T op MR Tirne. (Continued F'rom Page One)- • I're.ss. W HA7' N *w s: Rec«.r•• Beautifui. is bogged down in both .Senate and New even beffer! Inve$f more rn WHAY —Neu.s. Om.Coff.e Club. W('CC-.Mus.c. House Labor eommitloes. Con- Don' f expose your family 3:14.— WONiS- -Ncw.'^. . Y’djiky.e,. hxprp.'?. SjJ.7.— \VDR(.— House P^rtv News. A New Owner 7:75- VVTIC -Weather. ■'•-'7VTIC-R.;a(: oT L'ife ...... ■gres.s has-mn yrr- hArd'frofit !h>^" "16 llie rljk oT losing thfif 7 ::ia _ W D n C —O ld Musn- Btuc: New's. 3:34-^WCC.( —New.«; Music. White House on how the present WTIC—B* h t'teele--Morning Watch. W D IK '— Iltujs* l*arty. home, wlifti ,''>Iortgage Re­ WIL\7’—Sa\e A Life Program. law should be changed and Senate J* CesmuiwU rfiwa p«v fnr rAis e*wtiaia||. TA» Trpmwy Dtpurtmmt rfffiAt. i .WCCC—News: Good Mornlnc Music. demption insurance will/ I W K N B —N ew s Phil II.Tlf Show. W T H ’— P. Mper Yourg.b Fam ily. Democrats are insisting on admln- potriohe lA# A A v titing Couiteil mnd 7:4.5- W H A Y —New.-. 3:4.7--W CCf-.lunior Disc .fockey istr.alion recommendations before carry on the payments iff 7:.V4_WON? Weather. W TK'—Right To Happiness.' they start the ta.sk of rewriting your stead. WTHT-Weather. W DRC- Sunshine Sue. 3:.7.7 - W T H T -N ew .b . the 1947 law. For llieir security — and W D R C — It H appens K verv D av. Sen. Alexander Smith (RNJ). your peace of mind —> -in-., 4:04—WCCC—Music. * . Senate l.aibor committee i haii man, 7VDRC—Robert Q. Lewis; .Cliicago- tried un.sueee.ssfully yesterday to '|uire today about low co*t wVlIT-Cal Tlnney, get the job started. But too few 'lortgage Protection. Television WTIC—Bai’kstage Wife. meniher.s turned up, and Smith re- iMandjPstpr lEupnut^ IfpraUr WHA7’—News: Polka Hop. .scheduled the nreoUng for June 3. P .M. Meanwhile, he wa.s said to he eii- Roy Knofla TAINTOR PONTIAC, Inc. >VN!ir culaling a letter to all 13 commit­ A 1)0- Kate Smith, Complete Insuranee f, OO-^TV Teen CluK. House Voles Bills tee members ji.sk ing for "further sjlggestions ” to supillement a dra'tt Service STl.V—Meet the Stars. ARTHUR A. KNOFI.A .T 30— H ow dy D oody. I . i l ...... I T i i i i . l c ! « few laboi numagement law Formerly Balcli-PontiaCj Inc. .,..1: III he sakly-toythe- ...... A xe n tty...... 6;:jru T h e Sport.^p^'pe. - , j leei. staff. This draft, which would 875 MAIN ST.—E.ST. 1921 6:40—Weailirr F'urecast. = PHONES g'<'i - d ’orId News To<.*ayt (Continurd from Pagr One) return jurisdiction to Itie state)^, T.**!*—Supeinnan- over many laboi-manugement MI-S-S440—MI-9-SS9t Z »- Car.-.-.ft :.'lme. 7 •" »'-Mm>*ev Caravan. mittee to pul in a provi.sion aimed probleni.s now re.served to the fed- R 'K>—Y«»ur Rig-fMr.nient. 0 I»la> houst'j o f Stai s. at forcing C. S. .\Ilies to take over n.M)- Su.-pen.-e.L a bigger .share of the cost of the 10:0ft- Two for the Money. K^ean war of reducing U. S. fi- ; MR. ROBERT TAINTOR INVITES YOUR PATRONAGE AND 10 ;.■{«)— Kmt«a."sv ('’lub. 10 4.7—Or the Line Mncing-contributions to the Unit-' 11:00—I’ve Got n Serret. /Cd Nations. PLEDGES AN UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. II..'iO— Herm aij IMcknian. McCarthy said thi.s country has : J 1:4.7— The B ig P icture. been carrying 95 per cent of Ih’e Conway'Wikon, Inc. 12 1.7—News. WE WISH TO EARN THE PATRONAGE OF NEW AND FORMER WHNB burden of the Korean war in men • 4.00— Miracle of Ruldier. and money, and contributing about ' QUALITY SEA FOOD 4 .{!)- Buck Rogrr.s. CUSTOMERS WITH A POLICY OF FAIR AND HONEST DEALING. r»:Of)— Western Theater. 35 per cent of the cost .of key UN ! 6 os)— N ews. organizations. i 117V2 SPRUCE STREET 6-1.7— Karlv Show, The .Senate committee planned to 7 30— New.**. t 7 -17—T'.^a Canteen. flni.sli its drafting t>f the measure Vnur Big Moment. today. The bill may he debated on Announcas the Opening of Manchester's Newest X -,o_ n,,. !»,/ (i;r. the Senate floor later in the week. I p ('r im e Svndicated. O. 3o- Ai mchafr Theater. McCarthy and the administration In .no— Danger. appeared today to have averted In —Snorts truf'srade. possible new friction over the SEA FOOD MARKET 10:4.5—Ttie I,iiat 10 Feet. 11 :iN»— N.-ws. Senator’s efforts to force frlendly FE.ATl’RIXti DAILY 11:!.7—Late Show. w.estcrn nations to curl) or .shut off | Totnurrow WMIC trade with Red China. j LIVE LORSTERS SHAD ROE SALMON A. .M. McCarthy contends that Penta-! 7 ;00—*it)dav. gon and Stale department oi-ders- BONED SHAD CRAB MEAT SWORD 9:00—Test Pattern and Music. 9:4.7— M orning News. forhiil him fiom naming publlcly LOBSTER MEAT SCALI.OPS MACKEREL 10;00—Ding Dnng School. British owned sliips he says have .SHRIMP MEAT HALHU T 10:,7O— 7'our W in dow Sh(*pper. been transporting troops for the' SMEL'TS 11:00—One in Fveev Familv. CThinese Iteds in the Korean war. TAINTOR PONTIAC, Inc 11:30—Strike It Rich. P. M. ^iqCarthy said “ I’m sure we 12:00—Film-Shorts. will" get permia.sipn to name the | 155 CENTER STREET 12:1.7— L ove o ’ L ife. 12:30—Sear.h for Tomorrow ships, and to publish details of I 32:4.7— N a n cy ’s K itchen. U. S. Allies’ refu.sal to embargo MANCHESTER 1 ;30—Garry Moore, 3:4.7— Film Shorts. .shipments to the Chinese Reds of 2:00— Double or .Nothing. goods which this government re­ 2;.30—The Guiding Light. gards. a.s war-'ii.sefiil. 2:4.7—M -ld-A fterroon Newa. 3:Oi>—The iPavoff. Mystery s t i I'l k shrouded the .3:10— W elcom e T ravelers. djUaila! including extent of the » “ ■ Kate Smith '' WKNB pea<-e-making role reported to havf r M. . been played by Vice President 3.30—Action the Afteriioon> Nixon. ; '■ ■ ■ V

PAGE FOURTIJEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 26^ 1953' RAGE PlFTi m TPOONEkVILLE FOLKS BY PONTAIn E FOX FUNNY BUSINESS enlarging fraud, they bolted gft^r for its 48 members, and leave for table diealer. had made arrange­ ever Capacity I can to oppose Com- lies got a good look at It f ln t kr Tt« ••II IM \ (ailing to push through a mbtion Morse Foots List Morse only what no one else ments to talk with his East Ger­ House Bill Allots for secret balloting— raptor than munisYni" ' ' • ’ Since Jarecki’a flight, another wanted.. Each Senator is. entitled man friend acro.s3 the stream yes­ Representative Marchrowicz (D- voice vote as demanded, by Qulr- to at least two committee posts. terday. * Polish pUot haa followed hla □aalESEiisLi ino's (action. On Senate Groups Ex-Retl Sanctuary Mich), who served as the inter­ example. Wlicn the friend (ailed to appear preter. said that for this country aaE3|acsiaE] 'The.birth of the neW pqrty wipea. -MachrowicS’.afid' 'Reftresoatative • □cjcaBuuau on the' opposite - bank, Richter to give 'sahetuary to Jafcekl "wili’ Ankara. Turkey, "May 26- -i/R— out speculation that Romulo would Washington, May ,?6—-(/P)—Sen­ sWam across to find him. Two O'Konaki (R., -Wla.), both Intro­ HORIZONTAL V E R n C A L QC3acifcaiEIC3«l U. S. Secretary of State Dulles, consider reported offers by' Mag- Man Man Terror Washington, May 26 — ()P) — have ia tremendous psychological a c a s a w n o ator Morse, (Ind-Ore./„ who bolted hours later he started to swim duced bills sponaoring Jarackl'a 1 Social flo o r s rounding Up a tour of Middle East saysay to throw his Weight behind, Franciszck Jarocki. the Polish effect behind the Iron curtain/’ 1 Screen actor, c s s a M a a o i back to W est Gorman.v. Two Rus- Moreover, the Congressman admission to> th(s country. To H ow ard----- s.^ (coll.) -3^,, Q a a L i w a and Aslan countries, arrived in the Nacionalistas. the Republican party in .the 1852 flyer who fled his Red-dbmlnatcd election campai^, found himself Leader l8 Slain .sian soldier's suddenly appeared said, it Will give an. incentive to choose between them the Bub- 5 ----- birth 2 Russian river u o o a a i D Ankara today for talks with country in a Ru.'Elnn-made MIG, Judge -The fine is ten dbllars (or at the .extreme foot of the table •and sliot him. many another airman in satel­ committee flipped a coin. O’Konaki occurred in 3 Element □ M o c a a a Turkish leaders who . were ready advanced a loiig step today toward B Q i a w speeding. Teacher—Tommy, spell the word today oh Senate qpmihittee aasigh- Nairobi. Kenya, May 26 i.Ptr-r lite countries to deliver their air­ called "tails,’’ "tails", came up and Bremerton, 4 Auto part with a list of demands for more his goal of American citizenship. a » a a Defendant-- Your Honor, times^ neighbor. Defense Deputy iments. Brltlsh-led security forces have craft and their knowledge of So­ so O'Konaki'a bill.waa the one ^ Wash. 5 Hut American aid.... A Ho.use Judiciary subcommit­ □ H Q U a fe hard; can't you reduce that a X o'n n 'y—N-e-*-K'h-b-‘>'F*- With his former GOP colleagues viet techniques to the Western proved. 8 He also is a 6 War god s a a c a The Turkish Cabinet was re­ killed a dreaded Man Maiiftcrrnrist Socialite’s Sanity tee, and then the fiilL-c.ommlttee, liitle? Teacher — That’s right. Now, almost solid against him, the Sen­ leader known as Brigadier Simba forces. The pleased Wisconsin law­ ra d io----- 7 Sentry D Q a u H a Q a ported to have met for nine hours Hits Anns Plan swiftly and Unanimously approved Judireq-Whal's your business? Tommy,-can you tell me what a ate .yesterday rejected 56-19 {the lion).' Jarecki flew into the Danish maker told, the subcommittee; 12 Iroquoian IM'ixed looker yesterday and to have' prepared a a bill allowing (he, 21-year-old air­ Defendant—I run a small dry neighbor is?-. Morse's five-month fight to get He was .shot down in a cave Reported at Trial island of Bornholm nearly three Indian 9 Weary 27 Oceans 42 Debate . memorandum for Dulleii which Chicago, May 26—(.P)—Deputy man to remain m this,country. "My wife and I have no children goods store. Tommy- Yes, m'am. It's a wom­ back his old assignments on .two where he and members of his gang months ago in a late model MIG- 13 Native metal 10 Dismounted 28 Goddess of 43 Masculine stressed three points; Secretary of Defense Roger M. Jerecki, an alert ybUng man In of our own so we have, sort of Judge—Then, 'I'll make it just an that borrows things. major committees — Labor a'nd. had fled with the hgad of a 15, a Soviet jet fighter the West­ 14 Baked clay 11 Interpret discord nickname 1. The U. S. must strengthen- Kyes said today the .Truman ad­ Mineola, N. Y.. May 26—i.TI— The a blue serge suit, appeared-hrtefly Bdopted this boy and will look a f-, $9.98! ------*N. Armed Services. Sornali native they cut on in a raid ern Allies had been eager to 15 Farm building*® 29 Ratio 44 Among economic aid to Turkey. ministration's effort to achieve a jury in the grand larceny, trial of before the subcommittee. Thrbugh ter him. We would be glad to A kind word is never lost. It When his resolution was beaten, on a European-owned farm.. . Mrs. Ethel Carhact Jones ! Taylor an interpreter, he said he wants tn .examine. The plang was eventual- 16 Mover’s truck^* Gi>d o( love 30 Let it stand 45 Hoarfrost 2. American military assistance partial mobilization in a short adopt him legally. If he were un­ “ The charity of many a person keeps going on and on, from one Morse made no further effort to Tw o ' other Mau Mau raiders has heard a report by two psycia- learn English and "serve in what­ l.Vj returned to Poland but the Al- der 21.” 17 Dry 24 Footless 32 Abated 47 Deduction (or must be continued and must in­ time after the Korea War started animal 35 Tear asunder weight consists, of generous impulse to person to another, until at last i f block his assignment to the com­ were killed ip the same battle. trists who gave the opinion she was' 18 Heavy clude modern weapons, particularly ’’created a state of Indigestion’’ for mittees which the Republican Sen­ 25 Hawaiian 38 Closer 48 Girl's name g iv ^ away... something for which comes back to you again. Simba was dressed in army uni­ legally insane at the time she al­ hammer they have nd further use.’ * jet planes. both the military and for indus- ate majority left for him last Jan­ precipice 39 Since 49 Require try. form with the badges of a legedly stole $10,000 worth of gems 20 Rounded __-s« ■ tVomlrnw Wilson’s Favorite 3. Some solution must be found uary- Public Works and District / ■ 26 First man 40 Dog 52 High card Production fell below assigned when .slain. from a sodialitc friend. 22 Lamprey Oft-quoted Llpierick: to the problem of Middle East de­ of Columbia. Most Senators con­ 23 Anger Honey How did you,, ever get to goals, K»yes said, because after en­ The Mau Mau Is a . secret Defense counsel Arthur M. Levc r ~ As a beauty, I’m not a great star, fense organization. The Turks were sider those groups far less desir­ read the report yesterday with the 24 Separated 1 : r ~ to M the fancy Astorbilt party? during years of famine the mili­ native org^anization which half been said to be disappointed at the at­ able than Labor and Armed serv­ permission of Nassau County 27^eavy Sonny—It was easy. I crashed the There are others more handsome tary was asked sums of money too waging' -a campaign of violence 4 titude of Egypt and other Arab ices. Judge Cyril J. Brown. It said Mrs. gate. by far. large for effective use. against white seUlera and natives -bYeathers in Honey Well, you'd belter not be But my face, I don't mind it, countries who have spurned Invita­ The Oregon Senator had been on Taylor equld not have had a true sleep Kyes characterized the previous friendly to the whites in this so smart and learn how to drive! Because I’ m behind i t ' tions to - set up a Middle' Elast the Labor committee (or all of his knowledge that her ■ acts were 31 Cushion goal of 143 wings by mid-1955 as British colon.y. defense command based on the eight years in the Senate prior to wrong. S f (? 6 ie s 32 Sediment Next time you’ll get hurt. It's the people in front that I jar. "too high for orderly achievement n A '4'/' i6 Suez Canal zone in which Turkey this session, and on Armed Serv­ Mrs. Taylor, 26, has pleaded in­ €49* tF9l ^ 1 33 Rodent,. in the tinae available.’’ Mr.s, Jones used to .save money and other North Atlantic" Allies ices or its predecessor for-seven o f nocent on the ground she W'as in­ T K I » > . 0 1 » - - 34 Palm leaf a H An agriculturist is a person who In a speech prepared for the In­ those years. On Public Works and by making her husband's ties out would have a part. West Gerniaii Is sane at the time of the alleged 35 Genuine owns another business that is land Daily Press Association. Kyes District of Columbia, Morse will S ‘ 26 -SJ ‘He's eonna watch my hat and coat!’ profitable enough to enable him to of her old dresses. Now she hss Dulles and his party flew here theft from Mrs. Margaret C3iew 36 Follower N H called for sufficient U. S. military be at the bottom of the li.st in Welch. support a farm. taken the ties back to make her­ from Prinkipo, a resort island in Killed in River 37 Obscurity strength to meet any situation al­ seniority. The report on her mental condi­ 5 n <• self a bathing suit. the Marmara .Sea where he and his 39 Property item y..:' though. he said, the Ru.sslans lack He has been arguing since Jan­ tion was made by Dr. Harry M. ' 'V'-' Girl - - (an.swering telephone) associates took a day off resting with M.UOR HOOPLE 4t Abstract being lYi basic military materials and facili­ uary that his seniority entitled Eschwege, Germany. May 26— Worthing, superintendent of Pil-, OUT OUR WAY BY J.R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDINCJ HOl .SE i? 34 Marie isn’t in just now. Thi.s is her Bob Hawk sa.vs: An echo is the yesterday. 42 Era ties needed to "assume the risk of him to go back on Labor and f/P)— Ru.ssian soldirrs ahot and kill­ grim State Hospital at Brentwood, only thing that can keep a woman 43 Pompous 110-pound, five-foot-three, blonde, sustained war." Armed Services. ed a West German as he tried to N. Y., and DK Perry M. Lichten­ I S P O B ^ THIS G.LOVE VI H ■9T^ from having the last word. <3|PT<.?--HAk-A^ show blue-eyed sister. The second ranking defense ad­ But the reply from the GOP was swim back acros.s the Werra River stein, psychiatrist of the New York IS BRER RABBIT AW \ KA FF./ -»~My WORD, THIS PNE. IS BRER FOV.' ' 1 AW 6lR AtACAULAY MALTRAVCR6 46 Decayed U! Sheriff Arrests ministrator said the Russians that seniority applied only within after visiting a friend in Ea.st Ger­ Covmty (Manhattan) District Attor­ 6 1 R MACAULAY/ 50 Prince Happiness sometimes sneaks in Assistance given to the weak should never be undorated but that a party, npt to the Senate as a ■ KJOW LET'S SEE HOW , 6V 30VE.' ARE you T h e r e ? you ARE./ many, Border poli. e reported today. ney's office. —- KOVSl W E L L ' 51 Small horse R through a. door you didn’t know often makes the one who gives it there are indications their earlier whole. Senator Knowland (R- HE WORRS IT--FIRST M AJO R HOOPLE ? it is M y % Five GE Pickets The Werra River is the bound­ PCER RABFilT NIOC'S- AN)’ YOU'RE LOORiNiG/ 53 Story you'd left open. strong. mobilization efforts and support of Calif.) told him yesterday that the PLEA6AMT m issio n !, M A JO R ---- ary between the American and Hot breads do not cost much to k ■ r~ SE'Z. "o O O P MAWHINJ'. •-‘ A W P F / W O N 'T,' 54 Duration SI Q the Chinese campaign in Korea are GOP this session had tried to get Russian occujiaiion zones here. OLD POT O' T E A — TO SA V JTH ER make and add a delicious touch to BRER FOX.'* AM' BREC-- yOU-~AM-ER-*- 55 Small shield CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Syracuse, N. Y., May 26—(/P)— taking a toll. the best possible committee jobs Franz Richter, a Wiesbaden vege- a simple and economical supper. ■1 THE (alPT6 EXPECTED FROM THOSE 56 Gaelic' *1 K Five pickets were arrested at two i-ix' A W 6K ED TO ATTEMD STEP IN? —X t F E A R youw 57 German river strikebound General Electric Com­ r IK E BLOOMINJ’ PI BT“ pany plants today as a reported c a u g h t m e , 56 Scottish river -M"'. COROMATlOM; 59 Peru.se 2.209 salaried employes went tr AND A L L OFF-GUARD] work through picket lines that F O R T H E I Sr / R' -J’/IVJ "fHAT ROT NONCE■ were shorter than expected aftci lUiainiUil; SliHhUkn CoMuSw V-t St*rU(kt Mn>« tor Sh a w ,'- yesterday's violence. HEH-HEK/ A- few minor attempts to stop BUGS BUNNY cars of workers were reported. Nine members of the striking CIO International Union of Elec­ trical Workers and four sheriff's New American car deputies were reported injured ‘ yesterday when GE reopened the HMM.' PETUNIA M U * T ^ plants for a recall of white-collar 8E TAKIN' IN TH' PALL I;.!® SAME T'RAY/ workers. Tile injuries occurred, the sheriff’s office said, when cars the European look forced their way through picket lines. One picket, a woman, was hospitalized. By mid-morning today, the com­ Three 1953 Stiidebakers moite sensatieoal pany said 2,209 of the 4,000 white- collar employes had reported for (S e t -^ work at the Electronics Park and in this year’s Mebilgos Ecoaomy R u b I ^ET FOR THE . Thompsom. road .pilants . and two , ... THE SECONJt? SHOW w - BIG PUNCH-' minor facilities. About 130 sheriff’s deputies were on duty. A Studebaker Commander V- 8 with ' ALLEY OOP Macduff Meets Marhelh BY V. T. H AMLIN The five pickets arrested by /orttgH ear flair deputies and held without charge in 9 M y stylet Overdrive was the best e i ^ t in actual gits TYRANT. SHOW TW FACE) IF OF ALL MEN EL6E,I HAVE brought to nine the number ar: TH(XJ B e a r s l a in a n d with n q / holo it, AVOIDED THEE; BUT s k ip it, I WOULDN'T A-HAP A SPOT THIS rested in two days. Amtrican comfort mileage in the 1953 Mobilgas Run. A STROKE OF MINE, MY WIFE /MAC.'LOOK! GET THEE BACK, MY POC... <300P IF I'D A-POUGHT AND CHILDREN'S GHOSTS / THERE'S Sheriff Albert E, Stone said a and handiini eatt SOUL 16 TOO MUCH SAf/^/rZ .pnion attorney had protested Studebaker Land Cruiser V> 8 won the WILL HAUNT ME STILL? I >OUR MAN? CHARGED WITH DON'T MISS A THING! against his arresting pickets and hnytr vihreliatet BLOOD OF THINE holding them for several hours be­ Automatic Drive championship with thobMt fore arraignmenL X BIk and wider treadt The sheriff said he intended to follow ' the same procedure until expantet o f glass actual mileage per gallon of all autoiAatic things quieted down. He added he for big visibility MALCOLM'S LOYAL was not “ playing ball with either transmission cars entered. A Studebaker^ FORCES HAMMER AT side but merely keeping the MACBETH'S CRUMBLING road-bugging stability Champion with Overdrive made an amaylng DCFENSEB. THE NOBLE peace’’. on turns and curves 5?afc All pickets left the gates about MACOUPF RAGES ALONG T. M. »,g . U. t. eM. OH. Every day of the week $ome- THE FRONT SEARCHING mid-moming, shortly before it be­ 26.86 actual miles per gallon. IN I I, HCA 0, n ,M . IH . gan to rain. OUT THE MURDERER thing is happening some­ OF HIS RAMILY. “I'm playinR mostly comody right now. but I'm trying to AH rnoJelt tgtr SluJtitttf AulomaUc Drivt »r OvtrAritu—mnd tIsrt-rtAucimt tinttd iUu—tt $ ftn en t m b t m m ., , , , 1, , , 0 . ,,. T. w. , , , . u.' t . ,r t . OH. loam anougn about wraatling to gat more dramatic partt!" Roiiiulo Promises where that is of direct, per­ \' CHRIS MT,LKIN, Planeteei It’s A Guess RV RlTSS WINTERBOTHAM BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What's She Doing BY EDGAR MARTIN . Stiff Party Fight sonal interest to you. Your CHORGHES MOTOR SALES BO OAKLAND STREET MANCHESTEB FLAY TALK- newspaper Ts your eyes and ElPPOHXHKl^ Wt CtWTWWW W . S «.V W O VV !^ Manila, May 26 -iff) — A diplomat A t a p e RECORDING, WELKIN. ■ AaWtPK m V i S v x g .TOO SIVCA A turned politician and-an-'aggressive WITH THE IDENTIFICATION AtAVBE IT t^ TO MftWt ~1 OftvjVOOG VVTTXT: TXV’lW 1 Communist Huk-biister, both of ears, ever-alert to bring you OV TH R Vt whom bolted President ElpidiO TAP g o n e ... WHVDiD THIS IS CAR AND TRUCK CHECK UP MONTH ..GET A CHECK UP FOR SAFMT MELLO WANTME o r A VGKiO OftVlVODG'. Quirino's Liberal part/, will run FAST the news you should TO HAVE TWIF.DA6LA? against their former boss in the Philippines' November election. know about and understand Carlos Romulo, former ambassa­ dor to the U. S. and former dele­ gate to the United Nations, made . . . whether it is happening certain of that today. He announced formation of the across the street , . . . or Democratic Liberal party with him­ self as the standard bearer in the across the world. For only Nov. 10 election and forecast a stiff ARE PLEASED fight. pennies-per-day, you're al­ Popular Ramon Magsaysay, for­ mer defense secretary who broke IC a p e . 1M 1 by NtA Sofitoo. b»«. T. 1 with Quirlno last February, heads ways "in the know." . . . PRISCILLA’S POP The Pause That Depre.sses BV Al. VERMEER the opposition Nacionalista party TO ANNOUNCE THElR MICKEY FINN A Question! LANK I.EONARD 'ticket and haa started his cam­ I'LL TELUX^OW , MR.’ paign. MDU.,WWATi.yGRIJMBl.V-.l Vice President Fernando Lopez^^ C O M E < V yOU:. Y O U who" joi'n'ed some 200' Romulo sup­ WHEN YOU READ THE u .. . , BACK AT ) I MEAN,..? porters in storming out of Sunday’s T H R E E Liberal party nominating conven­ APPOINTMENT AS AUTHORIZED ,0 'C L O C K .i tion, w ill be the smooth-talking diplomat's running mate. Romulo told newsmen his party ilanrijM ttr lEofttittg i|pralli will be launched June 5 at a rally in Manila. He said he will start / campaigning the following day in MEMBER OF THE AUDIT BURE.M! OF CIRCULATION SALES AND SERVICE the central and southern I^hiltp- O V E R 10.800 CIRCULATION DAILY pines. Quirino, determined to : win an­ DEALER IN MANCHESTER other term in Malacanan Palace where he is ill of bursitis, won the OF lap t t ft nOM Liberal party nomination by ac­ f«r< claim a fte r. Romulo supporters s i e walked out of the convention. T . M. c a p t a in feASY “Evidt YouI.._ BY'XESOE TUft5iER: FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Too Special? lY MERRILL C. BLUSSER OM THE CREST OF THE HILL ARE DOUBLE AT MIGHT I PEEL THEW WHAT GAVE VOU RAWPAR.TS AMD PITCHES OF AM IROM ALL AROUND ME! THEY'RE, THAT IDEAT I HAD TfeRRY La. ■ , a m p AGE CAWPl AND OW EI1EC.V SIDE I PIG BEGlNMIUfi TO TELL ME NEVER EVEN) TORY.' NEVER I H EAR . OLDEST NAME IN RADIO . . . HNEST NAME IN TELEVISION UP IWPLEWEUTS OP BOTH THE 6R0M2B THE RELIGIOUS MEAUlUG , CONSIDERED I'VE eesr FORGET THE AND MEW STONE AGE qYlUZATlOMS! OF THAT GIGANTIC 6VMB0 IT! ^ vjusr the BOYS VOU CAM'T EVICT ME FRO* ^ SCADS O F, WAY SHE a r e THE COTTAGE BEFORE- X . •- HER RECORDS/ .SAN 6 PROVID­ LONG-DISTANCE 21’’ TV CONSOLE *BEMY ING HER LOVe-1 WITH A WITH p:v e r y im p o r t a n t MY favorite SPECIAL h o n o r MAGNAVOX FEATURE platter Gu a r d WHILE SHE'S IN, For thrilling reality of sight and sound, and long- ;t d w n / lived. ti-ouble-fiec performance there's nothing like a Magnavox. And the Holiday 21. in terms of dol­ lar for dollar value, is the greatest TV buy on the market. Come In, see for yourself the steady life­ like pictures, free from glare and annoying reflec­ tions. Hear the superb high fidelity Magnavox sound VIC FUNT It Worked! BY MICHAEL O’MAI.I.EY THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Not So Friendly BY WIXSON SCRUGGS that matchc.s the bigness of the picture. And dis­ cover how icadily the handsome cabinet will ac­ O O TTO M A K E iflOUJN(i» UP t h e w j © w it h t h e MOWENTUAA OF THOLKsHTTWiS, THEIR FEET ^ AAOKE’TUKN.^ HIS BODY, ViCPUCCgEPS IN S5AOTHER1N& TH E ELEVATOR SHOULD P E V| J...1 HOPS ru wnoNO/ T Do yourself'a favor and get acquainted with commodate all the futiire U H F channels. You’ll con­ R J5 6 WOULD, NEVER.’ GETTING TUOOOUT CENTCRVlLLE'NOaO the distinctive flavor of Wrigley’a. Spearmint vince yourself that here indeed Is the Quality tele­ c o m e / HOT ANY BE A TOCHCLV PUCE, BUT , Gum. You’ll gel a kick out of that refreshing world- vision value of the year. Factory equipped with U H F 6 E C 0 N P TH*r WOMAN CERTAINLY GAVE , famous uste. It’ll make your mouth feel cool and in mahogany or blond mahogany. MB A coot. RESPONSE TO AW comfortable. Chewing Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum ^HBLLO' aids digestion and helps keep your teeth clean I too! Today, eieryday, treat yourself to delicious Wrigley’a Spearmint Gum. O HEALTHFUL * 349“ REFRESHING

. D E u a o u s RADIO aiu 1 MALONEY’S 1 M- 1/ . 1 r -\ / ■ -. f '\ > •- \

' PAGE SETTEEN MAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. MAY 26, 1953 K A M C aeS T E R EVENTBrQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CON N. TUESDAY, M AY 26, 1953 , PAGE SEVENTim - ‘ --j es Gaski M , 4 to 0 I Sport^atter mares By EARL W. YOST Vernon^ Wyrostek Batting RSoxOutslug j A Giant Run Is Cut Off Staley and Ford Tops Hi-Trackmeii Damato^s Nine Wij^e Out Early 2-0 Bperte Editor Yanks 14-10; i Milwaukee Deluges Braves Leaders in Major Leagues Suffer Defeat Trounces Aces AL SCROWIEC and Bob Brady-epirea’ group, other men arc Nell In Earned Run Figures • ______afe playing with^ Royal in the Houaton, Harold Davey, Wally Befiieit to Triumph Hartford Dusty League thla.; sea­ New 5'ork, May 26 i/T' A pair* Roy Campanella of Brooklyn, Fortin, Leonard Grace, Ed Horan, Braves Win: Lofte 56 to 48 Decision Moe Pringle HoincrH' son. Surowiec caught the, opening Bill Mitchell. Dan Mullen. Dick With Merchandise, Money of left-handed hit.Ung yetei'ans . meanwhile, had only six hits in 26 game while Brady, a catcher,.play? New York. Muy 26—i/Ti—Gerry He has allowed 16 earned runs in have taken over the major league times up and plummeted to fifth <'CIL RT.\NniNG.S , Nasaiff, Ralph Tyler, Sam Vacah- To Mifidletown High In 13 to 4 Softball ed left field. \ . tl. Tosh Vfneek, Henry Wittke, By BEN PHLEGAB Staley. St. Lotiis CHrdinnl.«i' acc 67 innings for a 2.1.5 average. baiting races. place in the standings a.t .333. He W L Pel. Boston’s Mar\ Grissom, obtain­ Mickey Vernon, whose only .300 GiiRki Has Niiinbrr "Win Messier. A1 Felcetta and Aseoclnted Preea Sports Writer I-ABt of Three Artirles righUiander, has been one of the lost, 26 points and fell behind At West Side Oval Will in Rec League B r is to l...... 9 t .900 ART PONGK.ATZ.is again coach­ ed from the Chicago White Sox or better se.a.son in tfH6 brought Ri.'hie A.shburn of Philadelphia, Fenna Lee Fisher. Night games turned Into night­ Milwaukee, Wi*. — (NEA> National Lrapie'.s better oilchers Windham ...... 5 3 .625 ing Hamilton in the Dusty League mares In the major leagues laat There’a nothing like appreciation last winter, is third at 2.18. him the American League title third with ,3.56, and Jim Green- Hall ...... 4 4 .500 RrUtol (l> this j-ear, and Hi-shoWs up'-in the Manchester High's track team Pringle brothers, Moe.ahd John­ AB 11 IT) A K and one of his pitchers is Steve LITTLE LEAGUE baseball aea- night in one of the wildeat pro­ to stir a ball player. with a .-3,53 average, i.s out in front grass of C?ineinnatJ. fourth with Manchester -...... 4 5 in the American League at .362 .349. suffered its second loss In seven ny; teamed up last night to give i t * Pnier-S. S...... Bellinghiri, former Manchester son will be uahered in $aturday grams alnce they first flipped the Such appreciation they get in earned nm fiRnif-.s. j Meriden ...... 3 6 .333 iyi (Iman. i f . 1. Tom (tolling Says and Johnny Wyroatek of the Phil- the Damato (Construction an ea.sy High righthander. afternoon, Memdrial Day,, with a switches that brought artificial MUw’aukee. Every home run nets Staley, unbeaten since he drop­ Ilespite bis slump. Campy rnn- starts .yesterday at the West Side Middletown ...... 1 7 lOf) Kow a)(”/.vk Jh aflelphia' Phillies has jumped back 13 to 4 win over the Silk City c f. Il l daylight to the big time. a five pound brick cheese and a ' ped the sesiHon's o|iener to Mlhvnii- ; tlnued as tbe league’s top slug­ Oval, as a powerful Middletown doubleheader at the . new Little into fir.st position in tl)c National* Aces. The win was the first in If ____ . ROCKVILLE’S RALPH Schu- . Included in the action were: five dollar bill. Every shutout kee, has permitted only 1.*t earned' He Took Drugs ger, adding two borne runs tn mpke High team took a narrow victory, 'I'lflON', 111 ...... League diamond at the.. Clharter League with .370. By coincidence, two starts for Damato's iii Ret By H.\L TCRKINGTO.N’ mey is playing shortstop with Oak Lots. Cardinals and . Red 1. A modern major league reeord means 10 dollars worth of dry runs in 63 iniiinin for a league' Ills figure 14 ami four runs baited .56 to 48.' The undefeated Tigers, Bristol High .swept it.s two game Mailer, cf ...... cleaning. Wyrostek al.so has gone over the Softball League play at the M u ’lu I .. c ...... Pratt and Whitney again this Sox play In the American League for conaeriitive alrlkeouta. leading 1.89 mark; The 29-year-old In for a total of 47. Rotb are tops headed for their finest track .sea­ From underwear to sport shirts, | Boston, M.iy 26^ i/T' Tommy coveted .300 mark only once be­ (Charter Oak Lots. It was-the Aces' series with Manchester yesterda-v .Ill ...... season. opener and Moriarty Brothers and 2. The longest nine inning game veteran of seven hig league sea- in the majors. son in many years, were given V ...... fly rods to . golf balls, clocks to Collins said today he twice took fore in his major league career. first start. afternoon at Mt. Nebo as Kddie the American Legion clash in the In the history of baaebnll. •ons has Won siv games In a row,. Roseji is tied with Dick Gemert an lipset-scare. by the revsmped pena and season tickets-to . the! drug.s without thinking ’’anything That was in 1951, when he hit .311 Moe Pringle drove tn five run.M Gaski pitclied his final league game •]•,,, ...... -37 SUGGESTION DEPARTMENT National League lid-lifter. Sun­ 8. The Benson’s high In hits for Statistics compiled by the Asso-1 of Bo.ston for the American Indian squad, '(vhich lacked hut for the CCIL champions tn win it Mam’bf».lrr (*!) —Why not try to organize a Twi­ theaters - the deluge hit tlie about it" within three day.s of his for,Cincinnati. with two singles and a home run. .VH R I day, two games will be pisyed at nn American League team. efated Pres^ through la.st night‘a League home run lead w ith aeven little- of handing the’ Tigers their 4 to 2. Gaski registered 1.5 strike-i p light Baseball League for adults? 4. A run scored on a “three base Braves. . The bonanza finally re­ 10-knockdown defeat by light­ Vernon, the Washington Sena­ apiece, while Walt Dropo con­ Brother John scattered eight hits ft 0 1 7 '3 • ? Memorial Field. Dodgers meit quired a middle matt between the games also 'r^veal.s that Whitey weight champion Jimmy Carter in tors steadiest hitter for years, first loss. outs in the contest, one more than i .\ii-i;nu.. cf . 3 1 2 3 0 a Leagues have beert\formed for the walk,” plus a balk. tinues to pace the junior loop In and knocked home two tallies with the Ysnkees and Fairfield Market givers snd the gifted—Joe Taylor, Ford of the New York Yankees their title boxing bout April 24 ■wnrr oiit the bnil fur |l hits in ‘35 This win. gives Middletown the his big bat. he mowed down 4n-the 4^0 white- Alriiijiii.v . v ,. 3 n T 5 n n boys from LitUc League, to Alumni JL One club iiaing 23 players,- top.s the American. League with a runs hatted in with 31. ;; a a . 2 0 (1 plsys the Manchester Auto Parts. the assistant trainer of the club.’ at the Boston Garden. times at bat Inst week and vaulted league title, with Hall High sec­ washing Iasi week in Bi i.slol. Tlie j ' 0 0 0 and to the Intermediate - age equalling the American league 2.06 slate. Ford, although he has Mel Parnell of the Red Sox and Wildness was the biggest fault 4 I 0 Action each day starts at 2 From a gasoline company comes Collins, who suffered a nervous from fourth place to the lop. lie ond and Manchester third. Bris­ j locals (iropped into fourth place-in M an- cei.n. )■ 3 1 0 0 2 n brackets, but liow about the fil-. record. failed to finish his last two starts, Max Siirkont of the Milwaukee of the .Aeee’ Frank Johnson. He a 2 o’clock. 100 gallons of petrol and $50 for stomach when discharged from the. displaced George Kell of Boston, tol High was fourth while W’ind- the standings and mu.'^t heat Mid- — 1 0 0 n Iowa 18 and over? \ Big Max S'jrkont of the, Mil­ has yielded only 11 earned tallies Braves each added a victory dur­ allowed sewn bases on halls, and 1 a a a n 0 an endorsement. A cookie com­ service several years ago, ,s.*id; the 1949 hatting ehanipioii, who ham brings up the rear. League dietown today on the home dia- ii> 0 0 6 0 0 waukee Braves atruck out aeven in 48 frames, dlis record is 3-0. ing the week to top their respec­ was touched for nine hits. Both 3 CHAPTER TWO of the State pany enilorseinent is worth $100 ’’They were pills they gave me fell to second this week at ..3.56 competition In the waning season mond In order to finish at .506, -')’ ■ 3 a 1 1 6 0 RAY DA5I.ATO, sponsor^, of Cincinnati batters in a row, waited tive leagues in pitching with iden­ teams played error-less hall. 1 «i 0 0 n 0 Board of Approved Baseball Um­ and free cookies for the year. Staley, a 17-game winner last when I got out of the Army. The after going only "5 for 3.3" in the now depends upon the leas’ iie in league competition. . o Frankie’s Drive-In’s successful 38 minutea for a rain.storm to aub- tical 6-0 marks. Miller's Restaurant and Deei'.s basketball team the past two sea­ pires Will meet Tuesday night, At the disposal of each Brave season, ha.s a lifetime total-of 70 green capsules were bella donna week. ..\verages are through last championship meet at the New F.-MLlTtE TO MAKE the t win-, T -.ial...... 30 o 5 27 13 K aide, then fanned one more for the wins and 5.5 defeats. His HRA in clash Wednesday night at 6:15. sons in the Rec Senior League. Is ^ n e 2 and 7:30 at Murphy’s Res­ executive is a new car. and the while ones phenobarbital. night’s games. Britain Teachers College next Bill Beverly and Jerry (Tliagnon killings on made-to-oialer double, m 9. taurant, modern record. He won the game, Mkx Surkont, -who’s been a pro­ 1952 was 3.26, 15th lowest in the I took one of each the Tue.sday be­ week. sponsoring an entry in the Rec Vernon also passed Pete Slider WANTS LANGIAM.S will be, the opposing pitchers. play balls wa.s the flifforrnro hr- Ri i.simI ...... tmi on ool 4 the aecond half of a twilight night fessional ball player for 16 of hie senior circuit. fore the fight and on Thursday of Philadelphia, who dropped .to A shift of quarler-milpr Roger Softball League this season. The doubleheadrr. li'-3, for hi.s aixth In Summary: j twcon a 2-1 virtorv and a 4-2 do- Mrmchcyi. : ...... i in o i^v-2 VlNjifY KOHEN Just missed 31 years, never knew it could be Hoyt Wilhelm, who has appeared (the day before the fight). I didn't third at .345. and f'leveland's A1 Brooklyn, Mav 26 oPi Randy Turklngton from his specialty to - . - T Ti____ Rill’S o.'Yilrfl in. Ai*'ni«ny. Balon, team is known as Damato’s Con­ a row. He hasn't been beaten. la 21 of the New York Giants’ 35 Dsmslo'ii (13) feat for the Indian.s. fh irc K'uvalcz.vk; twri-im.***'hit.*, struction. A year ago the same getting '-a major league baseball so good until he got to Milwaukee. think anything about it at the Rosen. Rosen fell to fifth behind Sandy, a 22-year-old middle- the mile brought the Indians AB n H r o A K came across the dish for the iia.^ki; ihrco-bA'*' AU’inany; .«toir>n A gathering of 24,445 of the His 250,000 fellow Poles here games, la right behind Staley with time." Rolfhir 2b ...... 4 n 1 3 II team breezed through to win last Sunday at Yankee Stadium. New York's Mickey Mantle, a .338 wclgh with only one defeat on his needed points In that hitherto 3 VInny leaned, over the railing and Milwaukee faithful braved aix have kept his ample 215 pounds a 2.20 earned run average. The Collins made the statement a MrKT*nn^. Ih ...... 2 0 n M visitors as one out was being made ;^'|"ru,a„.v.'‘'' championship honors. Pst Bolduc baiter, when his average dipped to record, today set his sights on weak event; Adrian Mirhaiid’s i'l. r ...... __ 4 3 5 b b when it appeared two would get plucked a balLfrom the ground but houra of rain and high wlnd.s to stuffed with Klelbasa and Kriska brilliant relief specialist has per­ few hours after Daily Record .330. e> r-iui.- n* Ko\valcz>k te Trarv: Nerms Is seriing as player-coach. Pierre Langlois, the Frenchman Journey from the mile to the half- .1. PrincD\ p ...... 3 2 2 a Pete Mancggia out of the inning to B.-tlnti tf. .M oriatt.v, left on b a s e s , he had to return the apple—upon watch their new peta win both (Polish sausage and sauerkrauti mitted 11 earned runs in 45 In­ columnist Dave Egan wrote that Vvyrostek, an early season lead­ who has been beating most of the mile helped produce, with Mor­ LP*,4liP, A.h ...... 2 2 n 0 0 Maiiclii ster S. Brt.«tol :i: hn.ses ..n balls. games. Rookie Don Liddle hurled a ArrhiK'. 3b ...... 1) 0 0 2 n without being scored upon. Pete orders from a Stadium policeman. and his size 46 frame haa been nings. C o llin s unwittingly "drugged" er when the averages were in the middleweight contenders. But first |■..s-Iii 4. M n tiecg ia a. strik e o tils. tla sk t EDDIE YEOMANS of Andover three hitter to take the opener, gan Porter's leadership, the .Man- 0.9lrr»uf,‘ rf ...... 2 i 0 0 a gave up the other run himself on 1.^. .Matieegi.s .T. passed halls, Alem an)'; Pirate second baseman Danny O’Connell tags out Henry Thomp­ adorned with three hew suits to Vinegar Bend Mizell of the St. himself by taking the capsules stratospheric .400's and even he has a date with Ted Murray of ehester near sweep of that event. R If ...... '.V. .3 o 1 2 0 a has been awarded a varsity base­ 5-1. a walk and long double. ball letter at Trinity College. A ALUMNI BASEBALL League son on a rundown between third and home In the third Inning of t 'e date. Louis Cardinals is third at 2.30, "without the knowledge of his ,500's, belted seven safeties in 15 New York two weeks from now at The trio of Dooley, Sneed and Vinc''nl. rf ...... 1 .3 l ,1 0 a The marathon game came at Max responded with five straight on 11 untainted runs in 43 frames. 3b ...... ---- U 0 M 0 n All the runs were scored singly. sophomore, Yeomans was a regular got off to a flyln;; start last Sun­ New York Giants-Pittsburgh Piiates game at Pittsburgh, May 25. handlers or even his wife" to help tries despite the Phils’ five Ridgewood Grove. "After that McKnight pushed the Tigers into Marlin", rf . -j...... 1 n II 1 II Yankee Stadium, where the Bos­ pitching victories. It could cause He has four victories and one set­ 0 Manchester forged ahead with I'uns outfielder. Bill Ssypalla of Rock­ day at the Charter Oak Lots with The Giants won the game, 6 to 3. a nervous stomach condition. straight losses. ’The splurge added one, we re going after Langlois,” victory, each man capturing two KowaU'zyk's grounder as Gaski ton Red Sox needed three hours a garment shortage. back. Toial-h...... 23 13 9 21 6 0 in the first two inning.s. Bristol got ville received a varsity letter in two fine games and good crowds 19 (Kiints to' his .average and left said his Manager Hyniie W'allman first places. Msnehester’s first.s and 52 minutes to whip New York All Hie other Braves got off to a Virgil (Fire) Trucks, St. Louis Silk (ilv A. F. «4) ;S run in the third and tied it in scored the fourth and final run. track at Trin. on hand for both contests. Another Casey Stengel is the only form­ him seven points ahead of second after he whipped Tu/,o (Kid I were accounted for by Roger AB n H r o A K GASKI F.WNEI) at least one at home for the first time since huatling start, too. This Is no push* Browns’ righthander, is runner-up ; the fifth. When the Belltowners twin bill will be offered Sunday er outfielder now managing in the place Red Schoendienst of the St. Portiiguez of Costa Rica last night Turkington's mile win. Jack Whit- Bji-rkm ,n. rf . I 1 2 0 0 man an inning. He had a string of last August. The score war 14-10, over team Cholly Grimm haa herd­ .3110 0 TONY LUPIEN has reconsid­ afternoon with the first pitch at 2 to Ford In the American League. major leagues. Louis Cardinals, who had .363. at Eastern Parkway Arena. D*'Xt*'r. 36 - - . . added the tie-breaker in the sixth. and Re(l Sox pounded out 20 hits, ed together. If Catcher Del Cran- ham's hundred yard dash victory. Zrmi'nak. r .. 1 1 1 .3 n 0, it was the ninth straight game in five in a row from the seventh ered and will finish out the season o’clock. MAJOn ISAGUE Morgan Porter’s 880 first, Ray Plummrr. 3b . 3 1 C 2 3 o through two thirds of the eighth. high in the American League this, dell's. artn comes around to a ('obb. I f ...... 3 O (Tw h ich they had scored in that as player-manager of Corning N. Desrosiers’ pole vault win. and Ed 303 He set down eight o f the last 12 ROY MrOUIRE, Roy Aitken season. semblance of full strength. It has .Dihn.^on, p .... 0 10 3 0I inning. An insurance tally regis- Y.. in the Class D Pony League. Down by as much aa eight runs definite first division potential. Lynn's first in the broad jump. F'lli?...... 0 n 0 0 0 men to fare him. Two Bristol The former major league first and Pete Maneggia. Manchester The locals operated with captain Tavipian. lb .. 0 0 0 0' tered in the ninth. errors did not figure in the local the Yanks rallied in the late inn­ The Braves can’t help but react C^iTor.an. rf . 1 0 0 0 0 0 baseman had considered retiring High athletes, ali recently under­ .... I'Hl-: AKsUi .ATr.ll Marshall Aitken. normally a ROY M eGITRE and Bcrnie Ale- scoring. went Navy physical examinations. ings and in' the ninth Joe Collins Americas L«a(Br to the crowd enthualaim. An old- Solomon.’«on; li.A 2 n 1 2 3 0 from baseball following the death BatUng—Vcriiun, Washliiston, ..762; heavy, point gatherer, still recov­ Shaw, rf ...... 2 o 1 0 0 11, many combined to get tlie Indians Mancggia gave up eight hits to went all the way around for free. timer like Right Fielder Andy of his wife recently In Springfield, He walked, advanced to aecond and r h.S.'rlHIl.t'.'H RKSl’LTS Kell, Boston, ,3M: Suder. Phllsdeliihln. ering from measles. With Aitken I off and running in the first. M c­ Bristol while Gaski was touched BOBBY KAY of Wampanoag. Na«i.aal .346: Mantle. New York, .338; Rosen, Pafko dives and cornea up with a Tnlal.g ...... 24 A S to o Guire pushed a .single to left field. Vt. third unmolested and scored on a in top form, sn even tougher bat­ OaniAtA g ...... o.*)i luo \ -i.i for five. Wally Clchon of Brooklawn and St. I.ouin 14. Chicago X Cleveland, .330. bail that would have eluded him Alemany followed by belling a long balk by Ellis Kinder. N>w York 6. Plltubuixh X Runs—Mantle, New York. 34: MIndso, In Brooklyn. Every strike against tle. would have been offered Mid­ Arr-n ...... mil 0-- i Manchester had one other threat Eddie Burke of Woodbridge are I triple over Gene Zahnke's head in GEORGE McC.AUGHEY was Maury McDermott, the atarting Milwaukpp 5-10. Cincluiiati 1-3. Cbicaso, 31: Yost, Washlnxton. 26: Jen­ sn opposing batter call’s for dletown, ' Rung in. M. PriniH** 5 .7. that was killed. After McGuire - Connecticut’s three qualiflt rs for Brooklyn 11. Philadflphia k. * sen, wa.shinsion. 24; Kell. Boston and Prinpl'' 2. Pluinmcr 2: iwrwhil.^. left field with one out. Two succes­ high man with the Manchester Bo.ston pitcher, slugged a double stomping feet. A Brave hit brings The summaries follow: RolHur; hom»* run.«. M Pnnek. |pfi on laced his second hit in a row in the the National Profesaiona’. Golfers Amprkran Vernon. Washtniton. 23. sive strikeouts got Gaski out of Police Department pistol team in and three singles in four times at 14. N>w York 10. Runs Bstted In—Dropo, Detroit, 31: them up on.their feet. 100 - 1. Whitham. Man. 2. Sneed. ba.g^.g, Damatn g Silk C’ity A. r. 11 third and Alemany reached on a Association championship tourna­ WaBhinxton 6. PhiladpTphia 1. Vollmer. Washington. .'iO: Msntle, New ha.g*‘g nn hall.g. .7 rrmpU .V .Inhngi^n 7: I the jam. Walks to Mancggia and State League competition during bat. He wore himself out running The shoe industry won’t go Mid. 3. Dooley, Mid. 10.6. saenfiee-fielder's rhoice when Mc­ ment St Blrmir.gham; Mich., in rhiraRo 7. St. LouJa 5. York and Bushy, Washington. 33: g|rikgnijt« .7. rnncli' 3 .Tohngnn 2: um- Bud(4y Cyr opened the second. Jim the past season. Sergeant Henry and had to be replaced cn thj Only xamea arh#'du|pd. Rosen, Cleveland, Robinson. Philadel­ broke' at this rate. ..MUe-rTTurkington. Man..2. .CJar- pirf.. JS’. ra«anl ^Uoin. Xr25.. . . Guire heat the lo.ss to second, July.. 'Thfiy, ...qualified., .yesterday mound in'the sixth; ...... — ...... - phia, and. Vernon;-Washington, 32. The baseball- fever " has - -spread I Moflarty mhved them up h base lin - G.l.skr put a" ffii’id .st rike past Rick Garauder won ■ a" trop h y as the afternoon at the Manchester Coun­ SprinRfiF’ld 7. Ottama 5. siiddahTy ]M! tip' at tha thiralH ta. Mid. 3. Bradley, Man. 4:.53.4. most Improved local shooter. Ser­ The Yankee loss cut their first Hits—Vernon. Washington. (SO; Kuenn, to the Wisconsin State Prison at 440—Dooley. Mid. 2. Lynn, Man. 'a nice saerifice. After Jim Nevins Kopplin and foreed Harry Gris­ try Club. Kxy and Clchon had Toronto-SyraruBP tniRht), Deiroll. 46: Mantle. New York and Bus­ Injury to Curtail alghtha pola, finally ftalahiac i fanned. Dave Balon stroked a wold to hit into a lightning fast geant Ed Wlnzler captained the place margin to 2'i games over Oth^r RamoB i>OBtpon^d. hy. Washington, 44: Kell, Bomon and Waupun. Warden John Burke fifth. 3. Smith. Mid. 55.2. 141a and Burke 142. Other scores STANDINGS Phllley. Philadelphia. 42. single back thro.igh the middle. 6-4-3 double play. That was the team and John Sardella served as the Chicago White Sox. who edged says his ‘ boys’’ haven’t been so r- 220—-Sneed, Mid. 2. Whitham, Sport Schedule were as follows: Stan Staszowskl St. Louis, 7-5. although the W I, Prt. OBL Doubles—Keil. Boston. 14: Itmphlett, stirred up by anything In 15 years. Dark Star’s Career Man. 3. Juros, Man. 23.9. Captain Dick Ko valczyk of Bristol last major threat to Gaski who league secretary. 143. Frank Ssrro 148, Al Labutis Ameritan Boston and Nieman. Detroit. II: Fox. saved Gaski this time as he knock­ bore down and look charge, the Browns threw 23 men into the Npw York ...... 2.3 11 .678 Chicago, Vernon and Busby, Washing­ All the cells have earphones on 880— Porter. Man. 2, Michaud, 149, Alex Hsc’.cney 149, Mike rirvrland ...... 1« 12 .600 Today ed the ball down r.t the outer edge rest of the way. MEMBEB.S of the police pistol fray. This tied an American ton. 10. which they listen to the games. New York, May 26— (ff>)—^The Man. 3. Perrucclo. Mid. 2:12.7. High vs Middletown. 3 Ml. Kundral 152 and Mickey Gresh 156. t^icaRo ...... 22 Ift .595 Triples—Jensen. Washington, 6: Phil- Sports Mirror [ L of the gra.ss. Only one iiin could Boll Biardi was slated to oppose team were Jack Alvei, Red Mc- League record for men used Bo.«ton ...... 20 15 .571 3'i ■ ley. Philadelphia and Werti, 81. 1-ouls, racing career of Dark Star, the Pole vault- ■ Desrosiers, Man. 2. Nebo. • score and a runner was loft on Middletown this afternoon. Hi? Caughey, Gordy Neddow, Sparkey In the only other American , WaBhinRton ...... IJ) 17 .52fi 3; ^tfht players tUd with 3 #ach. The Milwaukee Journal runs a rags-to-riches colt who won the Leonard. Mid. 3. Kiebish, Man. 10'. Wedneaday, May 27 DICK DANIELSON, H