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The BG News April 27, 1990

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Vol.72 Issue 120 April 27,1990 Bowling Green, Ohio High 85s The BG News Low 60°

BRIEFLY New safety director hired Faculty 26-year veteran of Clevelend police force to fill position debates CAMPUS cide victims and barricaded suspects, unique challenge and it seemed like a by Wynne Everett but said he does not think work in Bowl- natural progression." dty writer ing Green will be boring. Dennerll said he plans to spend his Professor honored: It seems crime is crime no matter first several weeks in town meeting campus Firelands College presented its A 26-year veteran of Cleveland's where you are," Dennerll said. "You with administrators, student organiza- Distinguished Teacher Award to police force was hired Thursday to fill may think it's tame or whatever in tions and other city groups to get an Christopher Mrak, an associate the University's vacant director of pub- Bowling Green, but I don't look at it idea of their major safety concerns. professor of psychology. lic safety position. that way." "Just talking to a student when I was racism The award is presented annually to Roger Dennerll, who retired this Dennerll received his bachelor's de- in town earlier, I was told that her a full-time faculty member who week as officer in charge of Cleveland gree in public administration from biggest concern was walking across demonstrates commitment to and Police Strike Force and the depart- Dyke College in Cleveland and current- campus safely," Dennerll said. "That Editor's note: This is the last in a four- exemplifies excellence in the art of ment's Crisis Intervention Team, will ly is a juris doctorate candidate at really surprised me." part series on racism on campus. teaching. come to Bowling Green next week to Cleveland State College of Law. head the University's police depart- He decided to come to apply for the Although he had no specific plans for ment. director's job, Dennerll said, because it improving safety yet, Dennerll said he As a member of the crisis interven- will be a new and different challenge. would consider many options — includ- by Jill Novak CITY tion team in Cleveland, Dennerll nego- "I really am looking forward to com- ing foot patrols. staff writer tiated with possible hostage takers sui- ing out there," he said. "It'll be a D See Dennerll, page 4. The coming of a new decade usually Garbage pick-up: Heavy indicates the coming of change and in- trash pick-up for the city is scheduled strumental changes are necessary on for the week of May 7-11. this campus to dismantle University- Public Works Director Bill Blair wide racism. said the city will collect heavy refuse University faculty and administrators such as couches, refrigerators and have different opinions on what changes televisions left on the curb with other would work the best to help the students, garbage that week. the faculty and the staff become more "Anything they can get to the curb, sensitive to the problem, but they all we'll pick up," Blair said. agree something needs to be done. Blair saia the annual spring pick-up To really get at the problem, the whole was rescheduled this year to coincide society has to change, according to with the end of spring semester when Lawrence Friedman, history professor. students will be moving out. "We are currently in a hellish situa- Census takers: Workers from tion," Friedman said, and "we have to the U.S. Census Bureau will be going elect different kind of presidents" to see door-to-door until Graduation Day to it change. speak with off-campus college students. The workers can be identified by their briefcases and badges and will take seven minutes to record the information at each house or apartment. All information will be kept confidential. State In terms of campus improvements, Friedman said more money should be Plaque planned: Kent State contributed to the Affirmative Action University on Thursday agreed to program at the University. place names of four students killed In addition, more financial help should and nine who were wounded in a 1970 be made available for minorities as well anti-war protest to be dedicated next as more help for the lower white middle week at the site of the incident. class to destroy the animosity between Tb^ university president, Michael the groups, he said. Schwartz, decided to place the Friedman said University officials victims' names on a plaque near the have been doing an excellent job in the hillside memorial after discussing the recruitment of minority faculty and stu- issue with the parents of one of the dents. slain students, Sandra Scheuer of "I am hoping if we can build a critical Boardman. mass of minority students and faculty," whites and blacks will be more accus- Census falls short: tomed to seeing each other and interact- Head-counters at the Chillicothe ing, he said. district office of the U.S. Census "(But) I am sort of reticent to say the Bureau are up to their necks in University can solve something when ... completed census forms. a lot of battles have to take place else- They wish they were up to their where," he said. eyeballs. According to Conrad Pritscher, co- "We fell short of our 70 percent goal chairman of the People for Racial Jus- by 3 percent," said district office tice Committee, the University needs director James Campbell. "This "more whites talking to each other about means a lot more field work and a lot the trememdous and pressing problem higher cost for the census bureau." of racism." The avalanche of census forms Director of Multi-Cultural Affairs flooding the office here a few weeks Jack Taylor agreed, explaining students ago has slowed to a trickle, Campbell must break down barriers between each said. Local workers have fallen short other because many students now "ig- of their quota of completed and nore each other" and come to college returned forms. "just wanting to make the grade." More panel discussions and interac- tion in general will help to solve the prob- lem, Taylor said, adding faculty also NATION need to become more sensitive and in- BG News/Mark Deckard clusive to "present their material in a Swinging non-offensive fashion." Motorists cheated: Some The problem also needs to be brought service stations pass off regular Ted Geraghly lak es a swing at a whiffle ball while catcher Sid Roy reaches for the ball. The two were part of a group of night more to the surface, because "we Ha- gasoline as higher-priced super ven't been sensitive enough and we need who were playing whiffle ball on the courts outside Conklin Hall Thursday morning. premium, according to a D See Racism, page A congressional study Thursday that said "octane cheating" may be costing motorists $150 million a year. The report by the General Accounting office estimated that 9 Locally Jeep percent of gasoline sold nationwide is Telescope parts made mislabeled by half an octane number or more. And in several states where may gain line launch — February 10th, 1996, if you want to believe pump testing has actually proven by Arhtur H. Kotstein a shuttle manifest that goes out that far," said mislabeling, the federal government TOLEDO — Chrysler Corp. will build a new sport Associated Press writer has done little to stop the deception, Thompson, who heads the project's 20-astronomer utility vehicle in Toledo if It can resolve with city, team. the report said. state and union officials a number of issues that could TUCSON, Ariz. — Astronomers may be rejoicing NICMOS, with three cameras and three spec- cut production costs, a company official said Thurs- that the Hubble Space Telescope is finally circling trometers, will concentrate on different day. Earth, but some already are busy making re- wavelengths in the near-infrared portion of the light HISTORY The company is looking for an incentives package placement parts for installation one day by astro- spectrum, which none of the five instruments now from the city and state. It also wants to renegotiate a nauts. aboard the $1.5 billion Hubble can view. Infrared new contract with United Auto Workers Local 12. Three Orbital Replacement Instruments under also is invisible to the human eye. On this date: In 1971, Campus Chrysler's current contract with Local 12 expires in development are scheduled to be swapped for in- Fact Line went into service, prepared struments that astronomers hope will make the Astronomer Richard Green, of the Tucson- to answer questions about food "Frankly, this is the home of the Jeep. Nothing world's best observatory even better. headquartered National Optical Astronomy Obser- service, housing, financial aid, would be more appropriate than to have a new Jeep Rodger Thompson of the University of Arizona's vatories, is a co-investigator on another second- registration, dally locations and times vehicle located in Toledo," said Michael Glusac, Steward Observatory is principal investigator in feneration instrument being developed, the Space of meetings, campus events and Chrysler's executive director of governmental affairs. development of the $80 million Near Infrared elescope Imaging Spectrograph, or STIS. rumors. "We hope the discussions will eventually make that a Cameras and Multiple Objective Spectrometers, or reality/' NICMOS, which he expects to be taken up to the He said the Hubble, originally scheduled for If agreements are reached, Chrysler also will trans- Hubble in about six years. launch in 1963, is "flying technology that's really Compiled from local and wire reports fer production of the Jeep Wrangler model to Toledo out of date." from Brampton, Ontario, Glusac said in an interview. "Our particular part of it is scheduled for 1996 THE BG NEWS

April 27,1990 Editorial The BG News AN EDITOR Al_ CARTOONISTS DlLEHhA

CHOWA8«UT A'TMTl -An independent Student Voice- ON CRM&TALIAFERO? SUN CONTtoL? WHO\ NAW, THE &UYS BEtw An I KIDDING. THAT EDITORIAL BOARD ON THU PMit TOO MUCK PISTOL- PACKIN' FOSSE ALREADY'. HMM. WHAT THE MSA W0W.P F'/ Beth Church Editor fi ABOUT A BLACK Amy Burkett Amy Cole riCAL-RAPPSRWHO SIM& AS*"- SOCIAL ILLS Managing Editor Editorial Editor tt> 8Y rWWRiTlES INA luWtED COUNTRY?,N0Pf Dennis Robaugh IE Wovl* THINK HE 0 LOJIC Christian Thompson » RLAOL AHDCMJ.ME Asst. Managing Editor City Editor RAO ST!!

Andy Woodard Sports Editor Tan prizes and burn penalties && Keeping in tune with tradition, BG News staff writers have compiled a list of University and community figures with whom they have come in contact during the semester. As candy canes and lumps of coal are awarded at Plunge into a heart of darkness Christmastime for those who have been naughty There must be some way out and fell into the abyss of my bed. that," I said. "Oh, opening beer harp. and nice, the spring semester news staff now is of here said the Joker to the And through the tempest of my cans won't harm them," Jesus I padded out to the patio. Beer awarding sun tans and sunburns. Thief... There is too much confu- sleep Jesus came to me. said. "You know Chuck, you cans were spread out like cru- sion going on, I can't get no re- We followed an endless foot- could accomplish more by light- shed metallic mushrooms. • A blazing suntan for the nearly 1,500 students lief... businessman drink my path downward. We passed a ing a candle than cursing the This was the legacy of gran- wine, plow man dig my earth... preacher juggling rattlesnakes. darkness." deur. who organized and attended Unified 1990, attempt- "Don't resist the flow of histo- We passed a crack dealer. We I thought about how trite that "Don't resist the flow of histo- ing to create racial equality at the University. Even ry," said the short man with a sounded. Hell. I am writer, I ry," echoed in my head like a ri- on a small scale, every little bit counts. Charlie Chaplin mustache. His don't deal with cliches. I don't cocheting bullet. eyes glowed with a furnace of deal with them in my life either. • A glowing bronze suntan for all the people in- madness inside his vein- Or do I? I suddenly remebered a con- volved in organizing Earth Week activities. With- straddled skull. He spit with I thought some more. Why do cert I had been to. It was the out a concern for environment, we may soon not be fury the words out of his mouth Word Up we live in a country of ex- Clash. In City. The as if they were maggots. tremes? From glory-hole sex music exploded on stage with able to see the sun. Jesus stood beside me. He clubs hidden in cities beyond the subtleness of a live grenade. didn't say a thing. Around us the morality, to the flag-wrapped, Joe Strummer stood pigeon-toed • Tropical tans go to the members of the grape darkness of the place lept with by Bible beating hyper-morality of and thrashed his guitar with the boycott committee for proving not all BGSU stu- glee. This was a place of sodomy congregations, we live in a fury of an Old-Testament pro- dents have their heads stuck in the sand. and ruin. It was a place that I Chuck warped time. Neither has any phet. really didn't want to be. Travis thing to do with living on the 'KNOW YOUR • A suntan to Bowling Green Mayor Edwin Miller I had sat earlier edge, or holiness for that mat- RIGHTS!!!!!" He screamed for a history of genuine concern for both longtime drinking on the patio of my ter. into a spit-shimmering micro- apartment with my roommate columnist "Come, I want to show you phone. residents and University students. Couch Spud and his two buddies, something," Jesus said. The crowd erupted. There was 01 Jeb and Kane-Man. Together We passed through time. "Do a blonde girl. She was small. A • However, a scorching sunburn is to be given to we killed a case of Old Mil- you remember the column you waif with a Boris Karloff hair the apathetic 96 percent of University students who waukee. We did endless shots of passed a family picnicking in a wrote last Christmas, the one in cut. She became lost in a slam- Tequila. And later, as I was pastoral backyard. We passed a which you juxtaposed the story dance sea. coula not recognize him in a recent BG News sur- turning my stomach inside out, I little girl twirling her baton. I of my birth with scenes from the A boot cracked cruelly against vey. thought,"It doesn't get any bet- asked her what her name was. world?" her jaw. I plunged. I had her by • A golden suntan for presidential candidate John ter than this, Ha, Ha?' She replied,"America." I sort of remembered. the arm. A poor rendition of lady Corrigan for a valiant effort in the Undergraduate That's when I looked into the That was so long ago. Such a "You were talking about liberty. Student Government elections. blackness of the mirror on my very sweet time ago. love," Jesus said. I bullied my way into the front dresser. The window curtains Memories started flooding "OH," I exploded, "GET OFF of the stage. The next thing I • Really mellow sun tans go to the campus police danced like phantoms translu- back to me, like a railroad track ME MAN, DON'T PUT - knew, we were being flipped for NOT stopping the HEMP activist's rally al- cent with moonlight. I saw the disappearing on a silver horizon. TION IN MY HEART!!!" Jesus over the lip of the stage by a though they did not have a permit and allowing inside of a soul. Dorian Gray And like a bad drunk, I needed just looked at me. burly security guard. We lan- them their freedom of speech. gazed into a mirror and what he air. I didn't know what to say. I ded, she crying, me with the • A third-degree sunburn to all of the Founders saw aroused him. Philosophers In the blinking of an eye, Jesus felt like I had seen the two sides eyes of golf balls. Safe. You fig- call the condition narcism — and I were back on campus, sit- of humanity's heart. The dark ure it out. After all, you've got a Quadrangle residents who engaged in blatant acts after Narcissus, who in mytho- ting on a paint-splattered rock side and the light side. brain. of racism in destroying Black History Month bulle- logy could not find a lover to suit next to Peregrine Pond. We I closed my eyes. When I tin boards. him, so the gods in their benevo- were in the middle of a circle of opened them I was alone in my Chuck Travis is a columnist •To Linda Canady, Faculty Senate secretary, a lence damned him to gaze into a woolly frat-rats doing evil things bedroom. I heard the whistle for The News — have a good suntan for maintaining continuity and keeping the reflecting pool and fall in love with their hands. from a train passing through summer; it's going to take you campus informed about Faculty Senate. with his reflection. "They are going to get hair on town. It had such a lonely timbre that long to figure out his col- • A lobster-red sunburn to the members of City I tore away from the reflection their palms if they continue to it, much like a -man's umn. Council for implementing a parking resolution which, in essence, deters the construction of new Greek housing. • A Coppertone suntan to former Faculty Senate Letters officers Ann-Marie Lancaster and Blaine Ritts for standing up for what they believe in and taking a stand against President Paul Olscamp. Dorm security needed have attended, access to dor- around" your hall to get stu- inconvenience and relinquish To the editor: mitories is strictly regulated to dents' reaction to the planned some freedom in order to make • A suntan to Faculty Senate, as a whole, for sup- Mr. Coughlin, I read with con- assure the safety of residents. changes in dorm security. Did certain that all students at Bowl- porting the permanent lecture position as an at- siderable interest your column The present policy at Bowling you ask any of the women resi- ing Green are as safe as possi- tempt to solve the University staffing problem. concerning proposed changes in Green makes it possible for any dents, most of whom are well ble. After all, we all give up • A sun-poisoned sunburn to the University Activi- dormitory security which ap- thief, pervert, murderer, coke- aware of the danger of sexual at- some freedom for the greater peared in The BG News April head or rapist to enter the dor- tack? Did you ask students who good of all — that is why we stop ties Organization for failing to bring a big-name en- mitories at will. I have noticed are afraid to use the showers be- for school buses and traffic tertainer to campus this semester. Surely you are aware that even after midnight, security is cause of the recent appearances lights. • An itchy sunburn for those who pull fire alarms Bowling Green is not a bucolic lax, as students who are sup- of an unidentified male voyeur? during all hours of the night, inconveniencing stu- college town, free from the un- posedly on duty often play Did you ask any students who You are obviously a person dents and causing potential danger. pleasantness and dangers of the cards, watch TV or socialize in have been mugged? Did you ask with leadership and persuasive • A South Carolina suntan to the women's basket- outside world. The fact two the lounge. any students whose possessions abilities. I ask you to please murders occurred during the It is true that lugging your were stolen or who have experi- carefully consider all sides of ball team for overcoming a third-place league fin- current school year in the vicin- "stuff" to the front entrance and enced the fright of having their the issues discussed here and ish to win the Mid-American Conference Tourna- ity of the University certainly having to walk halfway around homes buglarized? Have you use your influence and talents as ment and earning a trip to the NCAAs. attests to this fact. College cam- the quad when you're beat from done any research concerning a means to help create a safer puses, because of their openness a hard day of studying is a the incidence of crime on college campus environment. and the presence of large num- "pain." It is also true that lock- campuses? bers of female students are often ing the doors cannot guarantee Perhaps as a responsible col- Nancy B. Ligh tman. parent The BG News Staff targets of criminals who can every criminal or prankster will umnist and influential campus P.S. I have visited my chil- Photo Editc Greg Horvath Production Sup'r Patrick Michel wander about without attracting be caught. But strict measures, leader, you might consider do- dren at the University of Cincin- Asst Photo Editor Mark Oeckard Production Sup'r Morns Neer strictly enforced would greatly ing some research to find an- nati for five years. Because of Production Sup'r Becky Nussoaum much notice. Asst Sports Editor Charles Toil At other state universities reduce the risk of harm to stu- swers to these questions. I the strict security measures Asst Sports Editor Matt Schroder Chiet Copy Editor Brands Young suggest when you have, you may Kristen Kwiatkowski where my daughter, her broth- dents and their property. there, I never felt unsafe on Wire Editor Chief Copy Editor rwon Qroget see the necessity to accept some Asst Wire Editor James A Tinker Copy Editors Irene Babeaux ers and many of their friends You mention you "probed campus, and neither did they. Friday Mag**** Editor Chr« Dawaon Michelle Banks Matthew Daneman Asst Friday Editor Debbie Hippie Jeff Satdorf John KoNstrand Green Harvest -by Vlllamor M.Cruz Staff Artist Tom Kelsey Anthony Burns Mary Reinkoester

The BG News is puOWhed daily Tuesday through Friday during the academic year and weekly during the summer session by the Board ol Student Publications of Bowling (Veen Stste University Opin*ons expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The BG News The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity employers, and do not discriminate in hiring practices The BG News will not accept advertising that is deemed discriminatory, degrading, or insulting on the basis or race. sex. or national origin

m October. 1989. The BG Newt waa honored by the Society of Professional JoumeJtets as the Nation's Bost Cosege Daily Newspaper

copyright 1989 aU rights reserved Business Office Bowling Green State University 214 West MaH Ph (410)372-2601 Bowling Green. Ohio 43403-0278 Afo, Jut 8 00 am to 5 CO p.m. Vrooltd Uf»n. J ^ Editorial Office Monday through Friday 210 West Hal Ph: (419)372 2803 THE BG NEWS

Campus Life April 27,1990 3 Student housing deficient GSS legislators opt for 'on-campus, apartment style' living units

of Trustees for approval. students are the focus of the leg- by Matt Mlghell GSS President-elect Wayne islation because of their difficul- staff writer Berman said the housing pro- ty in finding housing, Berman posal reflects an anticipated said. A lack of adequate housing at need for graduate housing. "Imagine what these interna- reasonable prices for graduate "We sent out surveys to all the tional students have to go students has caused enough graduate students at the Uni- through," he said. "They arrive concern in Graduate Student versity asking for their concers here and they have to try to ad- Senate to warrant a proposal for and problems," he said. "The just to the new culture, learn the change. information from the surveys city, schedule their classes and GSS senators recently passed hasn't been compiled yet, but we find a place to live — all this legislation calling for a graduate anticipate an orwampus hous- within a week's time." student housing plan to be for- ing need for a good percentage The housing plan is at ground mulated by the central adminis- of graduate students. level in the planning stages, tration at the University. Berman said he did not know Berman said. The plan — calling for "on- how many graduate students campus, apartment-style grad- would be in favor of on-campus "This is just the very first step uate housing" —will then be sent housing. in what will be probably a very to Faculty Senate and the Board International and minority long process," he said.

_ BG News/Mark Deckard Teacher excellence noted Art Destruction Melissa Dirksen (left) and Denise Hrabak take apart an art project outside the Fine Arts building Thursday state of Michigan. He also has acted as clinician at morning. The sculpture was designed by junior Julia Martini as a project for her art 112 class. Dirksen and by Lori MUler Hrabak are also members of the class. staff writer several music conferences and workshops in different states. John Erion — College of Technology. Erion Teachers are the ones who usually have the task joined the faculty in 1966 as an assistant professor of evaluating others, but recently they were the of construction technology after receiving his ones being evaluated. Bachelors in Construction Engineering from Mich- BG promoting bike safety The Faculty Excellence Awards, sponsored by igan Technological University and Masters in Sci- Undergraduate Student Government, recently ence Construction Engineering from Ohio State Consumer Product Safety available for other schools to use were given to six teachers from each college de- University. He has written three books and is a by Lori Miller Commission and the National with the program, said Molly partment for their individual excellence in teach- member of undergraduate academic advising. staff writer uigand service. Safety Council. Ankney, junior health promotion The recipients were chosen from a number of The class, consisting of 17 stu- major and another student in the D John Holmes — College of Business Adminis- University students, in con- dents, was divided into five class. applications submitted by students and other tration. Holmes received nis bachelor of science Kiction with the Wood County different groups such as display Promotions for the program teachers, according to Phil Mercio, chairman of degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1959 ealth Department, are con- committee, contact committee, include a drawing at the end of USG's internal affairs committee. and his doctorate from Michigan State University ducting a bicycle helmet safety promotion committee and eval- the week for a new bicycle hel- Applications were evaluated and narrowed down in 1967. He joined the University in 1965 and be- uation committee, said one stu- met and drawings in each class to a small number of people from each college de- came a professor of marketing two years later. He program for one Bowling Green partment, Mercio said. elementary school beginning dent in the class, Mary Cole, for reflectors and bike bags, has been the recipient of many awards and has next week. senior health education major. Cole said. Qualifications included "teaching style, univer- written many journal articles. Students in the Introduction to Students sent safety materials Prizes for the contests were sity and community involvement and how well donated by Fridrichs Bicycle each teacher got along with students and other fa- :i Steven Lab — College of Health and Human Health Education class have de- to teachers, wrote P.A. announ- cutly members," he said. signed a program for Kenwood cements and put together a dis- Shop in Cleveland, said Chris Services. Lab received his bachelor of science de- Elementary schoolchildren to play with the slogan "Helmets Barosh, junior international Winners received a plaque at the annual USG gree from the University of Akron and his masters help them realize the dangers of are cool, helmets are fun, hel- business major and another stu- banquet earlier this month, Mercio said. and doctorate degrees from Florida State Univer- dent in the class. Recipients include: sity. He joined the faculty as an assistant professor riding bicycles without helmets. mets make you number 1," Cole Keith Dearborn — College of Musical Arts. of criminal justice in 1987, has served on the Sen- About 400 to 500 children die said. Dearborn is currently an associate professor of ate Executive Committee and has written several each year from bicycle injuries The display, which includes Experience was gained musical arts and was previously awarded out- articles and has been the author and co-author of in the and head in- Eictures of the children wearing through this program by both standing elementary school music teacher in the jury is the most common cause icycle helmets and offers tips the University students and the two books. n See Faculty, page 4. of these deaths, according to the of other safety practices, also is younger students. &$&$&0&i0t&0&00$a+i Congratulations and best wishes to the 27 1990 National Student Exchangers! Have a wonderful Summer Writers Needed semester at your host campuses and we'll see CONGRATULATIONS when you get back next year! to the following University of Alabama - Rita Schafer Northern Arizona University • Rosemarie Lukacevic California State University at Chlco Amy Wahl Seniors Martin Seldel The BG News University of Northern Colorado - Sheila Spuhler Michelle Razor Amy Hoeffel Kristen Reeve Western State College • Brenda VanSise Christy Roby Mary Zabo University of Georgia - Angela Murphy Pam Wilson Judy Renwick Kim Williams Wants You! Boise State University - Chris Brossia University of Maine - Farminglon ■ Patti Ragan Norina Columbaro Karin Korpowski Montana State University - Todd Whitaker University of Nevada • Eileen Brady Nicole Ryder Jill Gordon New Mexico Slate University ■ Andrew Balk Stop in 214 West Hall University of New Mexico • Michelle Argle Wendy Dunbar Kathy Kennedy East Carolina University ■ Karen Coats Laura Green Sue Bertsch Julie Miller Anna Mendenhall for an application and North Carolina State - Mary Richert Heidi Hauer Laura Bennett Jodi Myers University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mai Ling Low Gretchen Rust Jenny Adams information. Rhode Island College • Michelle Coles College of Charleston - Maria Martinez Wendy Wesco Tracy Johnson Lori Ebert University of South Carolina • Amy Astorino Deadline: Julie McCarthy Lisa Kolarik Sally Martin University of Wyoming - Carlie Miller Michelle Funderburk The Cooperative Education Office Monday, April 30. Rm. *238 Admn. Bldg. "National Student Exchange Program" We'll Miss You! . j "A Journey of Hope"

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Racism 11 Continued from page 1. Book buy-back begins to sec that we have apartheid Spirit of Arbor here," Pritscher said. by Michelle Banks from bookstore to bookstore, but matter. Continuing education is also a staff writer the main requirement depends Ohlinger agrees that finals necessity, and perhaps im- on whether the book will be used week is the best time to brave provements in the current edu- during the following semester. the book lines. Day continues cational system would be bene- The seemingly endless lines to Gwen Ohlinger, assistant di- "We have a set amount on the ficial, Pritscher said. sell back books during finals rector of the University Book- number of each book," she said. proclamation declaring "Education — in a sense — week may make some students store, said more money will be "In the past, if we sold 200 of a by Wynne Everett Thursday Arbor Day in Bowl- needs to be more self directing,'' want to tear their hair out in given if a book is going to be textbook, then we usually buy city writer ing Green and encouraging he said, because "one reason tor frustration. However, the wait used in the summer, as opposed back 200 of them." residents to participate in the racism and sexism at schools may be worthwhile because stu- to the fall. The number of books is de- The city Is working to plant tree-planting ceremony. and universities in that they fall dents can get the most money at "Books used for the summer termined by class enrollment in the spirit of conservationism "I urge all citizens to plant down in reflective thinking." this time. and fall term will be given a half addition to past book sales. in the next generation with its trees to gladden the hearts Educational institutions are Steve Donnelly, manager of of the regular price if we are not "transmitting information in- Linda McCurdy, secretary for annual observance of Arbor and promote the well-being of Student Book Exchange, 530 E. overstocked, Ohlinger said. Day. Bresent and future genera- stead of developing students' Wooster St., said students hon- "Books that will be used in the Bee Gee Bookstore, 1424 E. Mayor Edwin Miller and 40 ons," Miller said. ability to decide for them- ing to avoid the rush and wait summer will be given a slightly Wooster St., said students second-graders from Ridge "We'll be planting this as selves," he said. until the following semester to higher price." should be weary of books which Street Elementary school our way of celebrating both "The University ought to en- sell back books could end up un- If the books are not to be used come out with new editions planted a Marshall's Seedless Arbor Day and Earth Day," courage (students) to l>e artists able to sell them at all. again, the national resale for every year because they will not Ash tree in the City Park he said. as well as scientists," he said. "Really, it's the worst time books is the price determinate. even be bought by wholesalers. Thursday to observe the con- The Bowling Green com- Manuel Vadillo, director of because I've spent all summer "It's just like a bluebook for servationist holiday. munity has been active with minority student services, said getting all the books ready and cars," Ohlinger said. "Basically the book will have The children each received tree conservation for many the addition of a cultural or La- y fall I don't need any addi- Condition really does not ef- no value to it because the new a seedling kit from Miller and years, Miller said. tino House, staffed by residence tional ones," he said. fect buy back value (except for edition will replace it," Municipal Administrator Col- life personnel, would provide SBX currently is paying full workbooks) unless "they fall McCurdy said. "About every leen Smith to use in a class- The city received the de- important linkages with the price this week for books, Don- apart when they are touched," three or four years, watch out room project. signation of "Tree City USA" Spanish department and Span- nelly said. Ohlinger said. because a lot of publishing com- Arbor Day began more for the 10th consecutive year ish majors. Criteria used in determining Thus, the amount of highlight- panies come out with their new than hundred years ago when at a ceremony Wednesday. Most Spanish majors learn to how much a book is worth varies ing and underlining does not editions." the Nebraska Board of Agri- To earn the honor from the speak the language with a Spain culture designated a special National Arbor Day Founda- accent, rather than an accent day for the planting of trees. tion, Bowling Green is re- from Mexico or South America, More than one million trees quired to spend a dollar for and if they would interact with were planted on that first Ar- every citizen — more than Latino students, "these students American Red Cross bor Day. $27,000 — on the planting and could work with them," he said. Since then, Arbor Day has maintenance of trees in the "The Hispanic community + grown to a nationally recog- city each year. needs to touch base with Spanish nized holiday. With the grow- majors, and majors need to un- ing concern for environmen- "We're iust very pleased to derstand Hispanic/Spanish cul- tal issues, it is especially im- receive the award again," tures," he said. portant this year, the mayor Miller said. "We've done it said. iust about every year they Faculty MID AM MANOR Miller issued an official have had the program." D Continued from page 3. | APARTMENTS ^Robert Mazur — College of I Arts and Sciences. Mazur | are within walking distance to campus received his bachelor of arts de- Do yourself a favor. File your taxes now and file accurately. gree from the University in 1960 9 for Summer 1990 and FaU 1990-91 If you need help doing your taxes, call or visit your local IRS office. and master's in 1965. He joined I the University in 1965 as a (school year. professor of art and is now asso- 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, ciate director for the School of I /Ill F.TA SICMA PHI ETA SIGMA Art and an undergraduate re- (gas heat & water included, cruitment director. air conditioning DPeterann Siehl — College of • Education. Siehl received her CONGRATULATIONS bachelor of science and 4*2 bedroom furnished, 9 month lease for $525 master's of education degrees from the University and her doc- f • unfurnished, 9 month lease for $470 I PHI ETA SIGMA torate from the University of Toledo. She first came to the Resident Manager, University in 1980 and in 1985 I SPRING 1990 became an assistant professor 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. of education. Siehl is also the au- thor of several journal articles I 352-4380 INITIATES dealing with peer counseling I - and suicide prevention. PHI ETA SIGMA PHI ETA SIGMA Dennerll D Continued from page 1. "We'll see what we can do to change that," he said. "If it DO YOU REMEMBER takes a patrolman getting out of the car and walking around, we'll do it. I really don't see how LAST YEAR'S GRADUATION CEREMONY? that should be a student's main concern. That should be our GET THE EDGE main concern." DO YOU THINK Dennerll succeeds William Bess who left the University in THAT THE CAPS 81 GOWNS ARE COLORFAST October to accept a similar posi- WITH tion at Arizona State University. PROM & WEDDING DID YOU KNOW fc» A SALE: >35 THAT THIS YEAR THE SAME THING CLIFFS NOTES, Cliffs Notes give you a greater COULD HAPPEN AGAIN? understanding of the classics More than 200 titles. Learn "2m more and earn better grades / Heniy Grethel as you study. Designer's Collection PO Basons man M sesoi GET A JUMP ON FINALS. . . , Contemporary Classics Stop in and see our selection of study aids. University Bookstore Student Services Building Han's Tailoring Dynasty Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 5:00 Sat. 9:00 - 5:00 & Tuxedo Rentals 354-5944 166 S. Main



Entertainment April 27,1990 Mothra called plethora of popular culture by James A. Tinker Drama, Naked Lunch, Psycho isodes, home movies, images of Blackwood said. Tonight there will be a musi- across the world. staff writer Billy Cadillac, The Resin Fair- American wars, B-movies and Friends of , Moth- cal feast at The Underground, Hatfield is planning to find Az- ies, The Gamellan Ensemble, psychedelic film ventures. rites, may be involved directly 153 E. Wooster St., as Big Hunk tec temples in Mexico, Murray the BGSU Marching Band and with the performers or indepen- 0' Cheese, Psycho Billy Cadil- will be looking for the Loch Ness If you take 100 collective years more. The band is not made up of dently as dancers and groovers, lac, Black Minds of Music and Monster in Scotland, Blackwood of popular culture and throw it Through their performances, just the musicians, but support- Hatfield said. Mothra perform. is going to an island off the coast into a Bowling Green blender Mothra's nourishment of televi- ing staff like Dickinson, sound of Maine to earn cash and join a you just might get local rockers sion, film and literature are and costume technicians Cyndi "There's no distinction be- The Mothra and their Moth- community of artists, Weaver clear in songs like "Crack- Morris and Vicki Sorenson, sci- tween band and audience," he rites will be performing there will be caring for animals in They're like a lot of things, but house," "Hare Krishna" and ence adviser Ken Rix, and Mar- said. "It's just a feast of again next week, but the sum- Deleware, and Feinstein will the band is probably unlike any- others. shall — a snake charmer, friends." mer will send the band flying remain busy in Bowling Green. thing you've ever heard and/or Hatfield said Blackwood "is a seen. plethora of popular culture," With musical influences as and "he's just a channel for the different as Elvis Presley and media escape." The Butthole Surfers, this band Blackwood — who once is a popular culture exhibition dressed as a nun and climbed that thrives on diversity. out of a garbage bag for a show Named for a giant moth who — said the band's lyrics are was Godzilla's enemy in a never the same nor are the way 30-year-old B movie, this band is the songs are performed. "a potpourri of different musi- Other band members said per- cal styles and interests," said formances depend on the audi- bassist Scott Weaver. ence which feeds the Moths as "It's a whole sort of subcul- would a prized garment in a hid- ture that cannibalizes the best den closet. elements of popular culture." percussionist Tim Murray said. Mothra's songs are extended The five member ensemble jams with frequent solo frenzies, includes longtime friends and culminating in a thunderous fu- frequent bandmates David sion — much like a terrific crash Blackwood, vocalist, Roderick at a five-way intersection. Hatfield, guitarist, Weaver, as Musically, the Moths cited well as Ben Feinstein, drum- Kiss, Sly and the Family Stone, mer, and Murray. The Grateful Dead, Black Sab- Band members said Feinstein bath, Jimi Hendrix, Aretha is constantly busy and some- Frankiln, Stanley Clark and The times it is a coincidence he can Tibetan Tantric Choir as style perform, to which he agreed. affectors. "Mothra is my release," When Mothra performs, they Feinstein said. "I'm free every- not only play their instruments time we need to play — our mu- and cavort about the stage like sic just happens.'' many other bands, but usually Among the Bowling Green wear absurd costumes while bands the quintet have been in- Super 8 films are played behind volved with are Trash: A Gar- them. bage Rock Odyessy, Govern- Phil Dickinson and his team of ment of Death, Emerald Rage, Phil's U-neek lighting provide BG News/Jay Murdoch' Braille Radio, Elvis Christ, the visual effects. Images dis- A cosmic experiment in music, culture and communication: Mothra band Hatfield and Scott Weaver. Ben Feinstein was absent. White Man's Dog, Kabuki played include Star Trek ep- members (from left to right) are Tim Murray. David Blackwood. Roderick Campus Live Entertainment ALL COMPETITORS COUPONS HONORED |Pollyeyes 'A Gathering Place"| SAMUEL COOPER POOL 352-9638 440 E. Court MARK'S PIZZA Live entertainment Tom Gorman 10 pm-1 am will be CLOSED for Friday Special - All-you-can-eat soup, salad & pizza only Large 1 item $4.50 11 am - 9 pm painting and maintenance pizza $5.00 $9.60 Double Pizza two 12" 352 - 3551 FREE DELIVEF one item Pan Pizza Extra items 90' POllycvcs Pizza coup. exp. 5/15/90 MAY 6, 1990 THROUGH JUNE 5, 1990 This offer expires 5/15/90 Over 80 Imports ALL COMPETITORS COUPONS HONORED

VIDEO EXAM SPECIAL Sunday. April 22 Thru Thursday, April 26 Sunday, April 29 Thru Thursday, May 3 PRESENTS THEIR Study and Relax in the privacy of your own room at %i I BEST WESTERNER*:. I Falcon Plaza Euchre Tournament GRADUATION BUFFET Every Sunday at DOWNTOWN. (located across from Harshman Dorm) Teams must register by 7 p.m. MAY 5, 1990 $239S per night for 1 or 2 persons Sunday. $1.00 registration fee, 12 - 2 P.M. Includes: 'Early check-in and late check-out limes cards will be provided. 'Continental Breakfast Call for reservations 'Coffee available 24 hours First place $20.00 Ad.ence fwwv»w™ required »M we»»nt veM BGSU 10 at Second place $10.00 372-2596 372-7949 cfiKk-in Not rtfcd (or tunny. Inenos. ano* ottw non-etudtnb) 352-4674 Catch thai Summer Feeling All Summer Apartments ONLY $400. 00 BGSU Seniors The Choice is Yours . . . for any summer lease signed today thru May 4th with this ad. COLLEGE GRADUATE PROGRAMS from R.E. Management GAAAC & TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. 505 ClOUgil API. 8-15 352-9302 Qualify & you will get: • $600 off • No downpoyment -Fall leases also available- • Low downpoyment • Defer first Deferred first payment payment from Beginning May 1st, R.E. Management will be located at • Buy or Lease retail contract date 113 Railroad St. (next to Kinko's). Feel free to stop in and • No previous credit • Buy or lease needed register for the FREE • Both programs are open to graduating seniors 6 months before, or up to 1 year following, graduation. CARRIBEAN CRUISE 353-5751 N. Dixie Highway, B.G. no obligation 244-2161 Across from Woodland Mall March Bonus Winner - Jamey Ciferni THE BG NEWS

BG bats shine in win Falcons hit, while Findlay offense and defense falter Coate said his hitters were gen- A run in the first and a pair of by Matt Schroder erous to BG pitchers when they tallies in each of the next four assistant sports editor loaded the sacks. frames was enough of a cushion "When guys were on base we to give BG win number 21 on the No one can fault the Findlay started swinging at bad pitches season against 15 defeats. Oilers for not putting big num- at some bad times," Coate said. Shortstop Brian Koelling hit bers on the board. "We weren't very selective at his first of two doubles on the But errors and men left on those points in the ballgame." day in the bottom of the first and base are not the categories a Despite having more errors on scored on the first of three coach likes to see his team rack the board than runs across the Shawn Gillenwater hits to give up the large totals. plate, Coate said the mistakes the Falcons a lead they would Bowling Green took advan- were uncharacteristic of his de- never relinquish. tage of six Findlay miscues and fense. A solo homer by designated 11 stranded runners to defeat the hitter Daren Stiles (his first) Oilers 9-5 Thursday in front of a "Most of those errors came and back-to-back hits by Matt sun-soaked crowd at Warren E. early in the game when we just Oestrike and Koelling gave SteUer Field. had some mental lapses. We just Bowling Green a 3-0 advantage weren't playing good baseball after two. The visitors left the bases early on/' the UF coach said. "They did give us some help loaded in the fourth and fifth in- with the errors, but we hit the nings, then filled the bases with As if fielding the ball poorly ball real well today," BG head nobody out in the eighth and and not hitting in the clutch all coach Ed Platzer. came away with just a single ta- day were not enough, Findlay lly. pitchers could not stop the Fal- Lefthander Jeff Brown went cons at all in the first five in- the first three innings on the Findlay head coach Doug nings. mound for the Falcons without allowing a run on two hits. BG News/Greg Horvath "It was good to see Brown But Look come in and have a strong out- ing," Platzer said. "He hasn't BG's Shawn Gillenwater pleads his case to the second base umpire, as Findlay's Mike Santaguida recovers from HAVEN HOUSE MANOR pitched since the Eastern Mich- Gillenwater's slide. The umpire reversed his initial call of out and rewarded Gillenwater the base. D See Baseball, page 7. **********••*•**•* 1515 E. Wooster YOU COULD LEARN A LOT FROM A DUMMY. NEXT TO CAMPUS SUMMER STORAGE **••• BUCKLE YOUR SAFETYBELT. ***** Now Leasing HURRY IN AND FILL OUT SPRING PICKUP AND for Summer & Fall A SUMMER LEASE TODAY FALL DELIVERY - 2 bedroom furnished AT apartments - Laundry facilities in each Greenbriar Inc building 224 E. Wooster - Includes membership to NOW SCHEDULING PICK-UP TIMES AND DATES 332*0717 M-F 9-5 Cherry wood Health Spa Sal »-H Call for price quotes CALL 352-9378 TODAY Preferred Properties 835 High St, 352-5475

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by Jamie Joss The No. 2 doubles team of Brenda Conley and Zimmerman continued to play well, winning their sports writer 13th match of 15 on the season against Rockets' Ambrosetti and Chantel VanDyke 6-0,6-4. When it comes to heated rivalries, the toughest Then, with the Falcons up 4-3, they only needed end of the battle is the defeat. to win one of the next two doubles matches to cap- No one wants to be on that end, but someone has ture the victory. Civ-r the gift to be left with the short end of the stick, or in this But it was not to be. case the racquet. The Falcons' No. 1 doubles Marshack and Pace- Woodard The Falcon women's tennis team had to endure lla lost their edge in a tough three set loss to Don- N.W. OHIO'S LARGEST SELECTION pain and disappointment in a tight 5-4 loss to the nelly and Stephanie Ide 5-7,6-1,6-2. * Toledo Rockets. The match then came down to the last doubles' I bids For the few spectators and the exhausted match. OF COMPACT DISCS! players, it was a though a piece of their heart was BG's No. 3 doubles team of Robyn Monn and ripped right out of their body after the grueling Sara Emdin came back from a first-set deficit to farewell five-hour match. win the first set 7-6. The No. 1 singles BG's Carla Marshack defeated The comeback proved to take too much energy Lisa Donnelly 6-4, 6-3, and improved her MAC re- away from the duo, as they dropped the last two I've been thinking about what cord to 4-1 and pulled into a tie with WMU's Kath- sets 6-1,6-1. to write in this column for the leen Meyer for first place in the Mid-American The Falcons will get a chance to get back on the better part of two months now. Conference. winning track Saturday when they host Eastern Here, it is the second sentence Donnelly had defeated Meyer to break Meyer's Michigan at Keef e Courts. and I'm still having trouble. 18-match winning streak in the MAC earlier this It will also be the last match for seniors Zim- This is a rarity for me — I year. merman and Conley. usually don't have trouble trans- Also performing exceptionally well at No. 2 sin- lating facts and opinions into gles was red-hot Nanette Zimmerman downing D D □ s$ words. Lisa Ambrosetti 6-0, 6-1, and peaking just in time The men's tennis team will end the season on the But this column is different — for the MAC outdoor championships. road at Toledo today and Saturday at Eastern ! it's my last for The BG News, The No. 4 singles player Tisa Pacella beat Rehka Michigan. which makes it a helluva a lot Pudupakkam for her first time in their last three The Falcons will be without senior co-captain harder to write. meetings 6-4,7-5. No. 1 singles player John Green due to academic A$ For four years—that's eight The doubles matches started out with the Fal- conflicts. semesters — I've covered a va- cons winning the first sets, putting the Rockets "This weekend is the biggest weekend of our riety of Bowling Green sports, against the wall. nine-month season," Orlando said. I from voUeyballto basketball to football, presenting the facts V$ and offering my opinions. Now it's time for me to call it quits. I'm lianging up my pen Cavslose.lndianswin | and pad f 01 The News. Fleetwood Mac For those who are wondering, PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Char- fourth in the Central Division, and walked three as the Indians E$ BEHIND THE MASK I still will be around campus, les Barkley had 38 points and 21 was tied at 96 with 4g; w52 left. avoided a sweep in the four NiUiwi SAW Ml • SBIf S THI IIMIT trying to obtain that ever-so- rebounds and Hersey Hawkins Mike Gminski's three-point game series. He wound up allow- elusive degree. While I do that, scored 35 points as the Philadel- play gave the Sixers a 99-96 lead ing three runs on three nits in 6 I'll be working for phia 76ers rallied late in the and they never trailed again. 1-3 innings. WITH theSentinel-Tribune and MAC fourth period to beat the Cleve- Johnny Dawkins followed Candiotti didn't allow a hit un- r*rm Bulletin. land Cavaliers 111-106 in the Gminski s play with a steal and til George Bell blooped a leadoff i But my journalism future is opener of their first-round NBA basket to make it 101-96 with single to left in the seventh. Fred COUPONS not the reason this column is in playoff series Thursday night. 4:05 to go. The closest Cleveland McGriff followed with a single, print. Barkley was 15 of 25 from the got after that was 101-98 and and Greg Myers pulled the Jays I'm writing an overview of the field and Hawkins, a flop in last 103-100 with 3:18 remaining. to within a run one out later past four years, offering thanks year's playoffs as a rookie, was when he drove Candiotti's 2-1 where it's due and poking fun, ll-for-21 from the field and TORONTO (AP) - Tom Can- pitch over the 400-foot sign in either at myself or someone made all 11 of his free throws. diotti took a no-hitter into the center field. else, if necessary. Hawkins was 3-for-24 and scored seventh inning, and the Cleve- Jesse Orosco came on to get It all started in August 1986 only eight points in New York's land Indians held on for a 4-3 vic- the final two outs of the seventh. when I shyly walked into The three-game sweep of the 76ers tory over Toronto on Thursday Doug Jones pitched the final two News 'second floor West Hall of- last season. with the help of consecutive innings for his fifth save, aided fice looking for then-sports edi- The game between the 76ers, homers by Cory Snyder and by a double play after allowing a tor Tom Reed. I wanted to write Atlantic Division champions, Candy Maldonado. leadoff single to John Olerud in sports — so he was the person to and the Cavaliers, who finished Candiotti (3-0) struck out nine the ninth. ask. A few minutes later. Reed en- Baseball tered the office. After some de- liberation, and several questions G Continued from page 6. making sure I was qualified igan series (April 13-14). We'll Alpha Omicron Pi (I'm not sure I was), he gave me count on him this weekend so we the club sports beat. didn't want to throw him too Congratulates their Graduating 1 Looking back, I wasn't a very much today." good writer. But the facts more Freshman Eric Huffman went Seniors times than not were accurate. one and two thirds innings be- At that point in my career, I fore Duane Callo way pitched the Angle Blandina Lynn Hoback never thought I would be where I final four and a third to record am today. But Reed, perhaps his first win of the year. Melisa Close Denlse Hollis a I ALANNAH MYLES the most creative college sports The Falcons did most of their Andrea Erven Cathy Jordan writer I knew (Al Franco was a damage against losing pitcher close second), and Karl Smith Mike Laser (0-2). Margie Gordley Laura Morris and Jeff McSherry, the next two Against the second UF hurler Steph Prim Kelly Richardson 1 sports editors, made me a better Matt Clevenger, Scott Schoemer OS writer. had a sacrifice fly in the fourth Jill Stanton Suzy Thomas Then I became an editor and I and Gillenwater blooped a was working with the young run-scoring triple which center Cathy Wead Lisa Phillips HURTING KIND Andy Woodard-types. In just my fielder Jeff Nagy failed to catch (I'VE GOT MY EYES ON YOUI fourth semester, I was editing off his shoestrings. and making decisions. This weekend the Falcons You've Come A Long Way, Baby! To this day, I've never en- visit Wright State for a four- We'll Miss You. joyed the life of an editor. I don't team tournament from Friday like dealing with the public— to Sunday. Alpha love, Your Sisters they're never satisfied with "If vou have an off weekend in (MOFF what and how we cover Bowling the MAC, like we do, this is an J Green sports. excellent tournament to be in." Anil Anil Anil \o|| AIHI *PJL EACH ITEM ^, As for writing stories, that's Platzer said. an entirely different story. on the purchase of 1 or 2 CD's, pre- I love interviewing an athlete recorded cassettes, LP's or music videos or coach and telling that story hi University Village words. That's whatl want to do Mix or Match I with my life and I feel fortunate & !» that I already know that. (All sale items & specials excluded.) But my stories would not have University Courts Apts. been the same if not for the co- rNEpiiiW - COUPON - EXPIRES 5/15/90 operation of the athletes and SUMMER LEASES NOW AVAILABLE ! coaches. They sacrificed their are now renting time to answer my questions S$iplY (and other reporters' as well). apartments that feature In lieu of just listing every ath- • 9-month and 12-month leases ■ OFF lete I've come in contact with, • One and two bedroom apartments i here are my favorites in my four years. • Heat, water, cooking and sewer included EACH ITEM • Central air ii$2 on the purchase of 3 or more CD's, pre- Most Accessible Coach: Fran • No pets please Clough & Mercer Voll. He will talk to you morn- recorded cassettes, LP's or music videos ing, noon or night. (419) 352-0164 Bowling Green Mix or Max! C See Woodard, page 8. I (All sale items & specials excluded.) ON YOUR WAY TO THE TOP, - COUPON - EXPIRES 5/15/90 STOP HERE FIRST. "Your Music Library" I

wrth optional Gift Qwjj ■*oy *twe* Certificates I tliill Available in 11 Broadway Ave Any Amount! Bedford, OH on the Bedford Auto Mile (216)439-2323 403 S. MAIN ST. 126 N. MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN/FINDLAY DOWNTOWN/B.Q. 1990MX-6$19900/Mo.* The Graduate OPEN 7 DAYS LEASE PROGRAM Easy Approval, Easy Payments. Mon. Thurs 10 om-10 pm Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-10 pm Fri.-Sot. 10 am-10 pm Frl.-tot. 9 am-12 pm •60 montn doted**! lease wiffi ■ fixed pnot purchase option ol $4,577 08 based on 15.000 miles driven par year Excess mileage die/oe ol up to 15 cents » Sundays Noon-5 pm Sundays 11 am-7 pm per mi* over 15.000 miles. First monthly payment, refundable security deposit, end per* lees due upon delivery. T»»es. DO*, end registration not induded. Graduate musi Be from a four year U.S. college as listed m "Barron's Profiles ol Amencan Colleges", have sufficient inoome. and no adverse credit history THE BG NEWS April 27, mo Red's Davis out 15 days Cincinnati center fielder ailing from injury to right knee

CINCINNATI (AP) — The Cincinnati Reds put The Reds were off Thursday, but begin a week- Eric Davis on the 15-day disabled list Thursday end home stand against the Montreal Expos on after team physician Michael Lawhon confirmed Friday. that Davis had suffered a medial collateral liga- Davis said he injured the knee because the con- ment sprain of his right knee. dition of the basepath made him alter his slide go- "There's no evidence of a tear, and it will not re- ing into third base. Piniella said he agreed with quire surgery," Reds spokesman Jim Ferguson Davis' contention that the Phillies had "muddied said. up" the basepaths to negate the Reds' speed. "It will be two to four weeks before he can play, "I think what clubs are doing is mushing it up," depending on rehabilitation." Piniella said. "They did that in Houston the last Ferguson said Davis was put on the disabled list night we were there. retroactive to Wednesday. The injury occurred T'The first step or so, that's where you're afflic- Tuesday night in Philadelphia when Davis stole ted. You can complain to the league ... we'll see if third base against the Phillies. it continues." Phillies team physician Phillip Marone exam- D D D ined Davis and made the initial diagnosis of a Pitcher Kip Gross, who was called up last week, medial collateral ligament sprain. will rejoin the Class AAA Nashville Sounds whan Davis did not play in Wednesday's game, and major league rosters are reduced from 27 to 25 on trainer Larry Starr began treatments of ice, May 1, Piniella said. muscle stimulation and intermittent pressure. One other player — probably a position player, "He has a tender right knee, and there's mild leaving the Reds with 11 pitchers — would need to swelling," Starr said. be released or optioned to Nashville unless Davis' Reds Manager Lou Piniella moved Billy Hatcher sprained knee forces the Reds to put him on the from left field to Davis' spot in center for Wednes- disabled list. day's game, and started Rolando Roomes in left. General manager Bob Quinn said the Red! Piniella said then that if Davis had to miss would keep 25 players on the roster, since that several games, he may try second baseman Mar- seems to be the consensus among major league iano Duncan in left field and put Luis Quin- clubs. ones at second base, depending on how well Roomes responds to the starting opportunity. "We will not be competitively disadvantaged," BG News/Greg Horvath "If Eric's out for a while and they don't have Quinn said. "We're all working on our own, but the anybody to play there, it's fine with me," Duncan way we perceive it, that's the way we're plan- Cincinnati Reds center fielder Eric Davis was put on the 15-day disabled list Thursday for a bruised right knee. ning." Davis had been in the midst of a slump before his injury Tuesday night in Philadelphia. said. Woodard A PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM D Continued from page 7. SPONSORED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF Best Quotable Coach: Moe SHOPPING CENTERS KIDS KIDS HEN-wugTEff Ankney. Most straight-forward coach with some great one- liners. Favorite Coach: Voll. He's an all-around great guy. Looking for an Exciting Career? Most Accessible Athlete: Rich Seeking Fulfillment In Life? Dackin. Would stop and talk anytime. Then you need to prepare to ATTENTION GRADUATES serve and lead others Best Quotable Athlete: Joe Investigate the many advantages Moore. He had the best answers through training at of our college graduate program to follow a game's storyline. Winebrenner Seminary • Favorite Athlete: Jackie Mo- Graduate Degrees for the SPECIAL PRICES FOR ALL tycka. Always had time to talk. Head and Heart Coniart: BG STAFF AND FACULTY Favorite Story I Wrote About: Billy Johnson play ing in front of Admissions Department his brother, who had been in a Winebrenner Theological Seminary life-threatening car accident P.O. 478 last summer, at Eastern Michi- r-inaiay, un nooi\i C- George Ballas Toyota gan. 419-422-4824 £• 137713 CONANT iSTREET ■■ MAUMEE ■ 6893-5000 Jtlal I Mil* South Of Soulhwyc* writr- Reynolds Turns Into Conant. I could go on. But I've gone on SALES. Mon » Tlturs til 9PM • Tues. Wed, Fri. Sit til 6PM long enough- SERVICE: Mon tnru Fn 7AM-6PM • Saturday 7:30AM-SPM And to think I thought this would be difficult, ft turned out rather well, actually. Farewell to all.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT Andy Woodard is sports editor ^^^5ni iii'i'i" " orTheNews. TJV^ There Are Still Openings At... ^OBpoE? NCAA LINE • Campbell Hill Apartments • East Merry Avenue Apartments QAUfT Fashions oil 990 • Field Manor Apartments m ASSISTANT EDITORS ■•'■' ■"'. • Buff Apartments Gene Oeseorcfi re . o mo,ot puoisher ot reference cooks tor I caries workJ- wiae. s seeking conaaates tor eo"o toi positions to oo research ana writ- ing lor our oooks Bocneor s aegree m Engtsh. longuoge a Humanities >s nighty preierrea. college course work ana interest m literature o' many peri- ods is required These ore entry leve' positions that oner advancement op- portt/wes Our oeneM pockoge in- cludes tiexiDie working hours. meo- coi. denial, optcol ana prescription ISSUE... drug insuronce. tuition ossistonce. ■ r ond paid time ort oetween Chrstmos ond New vear s it *iterestea please send resume college transact We Also Have Several Houses Available Ovoiaoei along with o typewritten. nonre'unooie e>posi>ory writing sample or a literary nature fno journa- GREENBRIAR INC lism ancles, poetry or short stones) with salary requirements to Editorial Posilions College Recruiters GALE RESEARCH. INC Penooscot Boiding Detroit. Ml 48226 An Equal Opportunity Employer VW

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□13 weeks for $21.75 ¥<* raster service, call l-800-USA-0001,aa*rorOoersior513 Washington, DC 200*4-7»7« (Sa»e $lt.7S) i-.*,~* ■*.—..n-n .;;**»;f£Zi,"!Zr y-ffi^* "HS'lfJt! **""»• *•"«■ THE BG NEWS April 27,1990 The BG News

Staff Wishes Everyone MCUSSA ruusm (J.^Jk&m/mv^ fM^jA A Great Summer %^^


THE BG NEWS Classifieds

TVPING SERVICES 'MARK PATTERSON' BEDROCK BABE OF THE YEAR UPDATE. . Funnymarv GET READY FOR SUMMER CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Reasonable rates with accuracy YOU REALLY MEAN A LOT TO ME AND I BECAUSE OF OVERWHELMING VOTER Whenever we're not together. I 1S *4 off al non- preacnption sunglasses Cal 352-3987 from SAM to 9PM WANT YOU TO KNOW IT! WE'VE SHARED A TURNOUT. YOU CAN STILL VOTE FOR YOUR find myself wishing that we were Dra Deattla a Archer, Inc LOT Of FUN TIMES TOGETHER OVER THE FAVORITE BABE BY 3 30 TOOAYi TOP 6 Maybe someday when you're ready 1022N Prospect Serengeti " Neona ATTENTION SENIORS YEARS - ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN BABES SO FAR {IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER) II stl be warring lor the guy that WORD PROCESSING Ray Ban' Vuernel GRADUATING May S. 1900 OFFENHAUER. BEST OF LUCK IN ALL THAT BRADEN SCHAVCHOOK, FERN. HORNDOO. makes me laugh I'l miss u this $1 25/page YOU DO ANO STOP TRYING TO RAP TO SO JOHN BURKE. ROB BLAKE. PETER HOLMES summer. Keep In touch. Carrara * FkMjreecenta Keren 874-1573 Penyeburg Love.JuU Information concerning tha ceremonlee on May MANY BABESI - I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BABE WILL BE CROWNEO SAT MTE WIN- If you d Ike to help improve the tves of handi- 5 was matad on Apm 23 to your local campus ONE ANO ONLY? LOVE YAI NERS WILL BE POSTED AT MARK'S. capped children we present you with two op- address (or on-campus maMbox) The Index "•-NICE" Garnet Marathon tions. card Included In this maKng haa your row and PERSONALS C.J (AKA CATHY J, SALLY JESS) 1 ) Ride your bike 3.400 mesa across the seal number on N. This card rmiatbe brought to 'SOCRATES' Wei. you're Imaly doing HI Graduation' I'm so at the Off-Campus Student Center country wtth PUSH America. the cxxnmencernent ceremonies A ssBng ol al Doee 5630 a bat? Maybe we'll try this glad we got to know each other. Don't ever for- Saturday, Apr! 7 Noon to Midnight 2.) Take e study break and treat yourself to students who are attending the ceremonies wfl weekend? Downtown? Stay 'M 2' - Sherry get . Pat, George. Mr. J., faa friend Mr. B For more Info cal 372-8915 or 372-2573 some TCBY frozen yogurt' be posted in the bulletin case by the east doors Road Trtps-to Ohio State, and the night before, Saturday Aprt 28th of the Administration Budding Thla toting dose • SUMMER STORAGE SERVICE ■ Adoption Happily married couple of 14 yean. eleven tunes! - 480 Weal Plaque Road, go left? TCBY and PUSH America mdicate each students row and seat number. Cal tor price Quotas a pick up times Wa promise your child a loving homo and finan- yea. go right? yee. go straight? yaal Which A winning combinatlon'i" 352 5475 cial security Devoted, stay home mom Caring Way? Al our uptown nights and your party awl Members of Women In Communication at the Off-Campus Student Center dad and one big sister Al medical an d legal year. Alan, his look alike and al the other man. Saturday. Apr) 7 Noon to Midnight You are cordially Invited to attend out WICY • SUMMER STORAGE SERVICE ■ Jen. expenses paid. Cal coaect 1 -822-9268 But most of al, don't forget I hate men nights" For more info cal 372-891S or 372-2573 breakfast banquet on Sunday. April 20 at Cal for price quotes a pick up tjmee Good Luck next week on your finals M and T ALPHA CHI OMEGA Me a You, Co Founders. 8 been and Maul! Wa Kaufmann's (Holy Lodge) from 10am to Noon. 362-5475 have to Initiate someone new. Who? I'l re- and on the C.P.A. W-F I know you can do it' Coat wil be only $3.50 for members Please DONIMATES -So what If you have to do It from the hospital" BETA member the tradition! Love you a Good Luck. Happy 24th Birthday come meet our new '90-91 officers and ce*e- • SUMMER STORAGE SERVICE ■ Love. Steve SPECIAL THANKS AND CONGRATS TO: PS Sunday Night -"Lire la Hal". McGrutf-The TODD KNAUSS brate the end of the year' CaH lor price quotes & pick up times Come Stopper 352-5475 MELISSA MOTTICE Love • Tammy "Listening to Higher Sett" LAURA MELTON continued on p. 10 Sponsored by local members of ECKANKAR. DEANNA PETERS CONGRATULATIONS TO MY GIRLS will be held at the Women's Club. 134 N. Pros- • • • BETH a JULIE • • • KIMRIEKS "6 IMAGES OF DISTINCTION" pect St. BG on Sunday. Apr! 29 from 1-4 for The year la almost over- PATTIKUNAR •1 MICHELLE PATTERSON the pubic $2 donation. Topics covering its drawing to an end DAWN WILT •2 CARLETTA RICHARDSON dreams, guidance of Divine Spirit & reaching our We met as total strangers A-Cm-O-A-CHI-O • 3 TONIA SIMMONS highest potential Was leave aa bast ot mends I4MARVISCOFIELD WAITi There's still one week to go- Preferred Properties * ALPHA PHI OMEGA •5 CARL A ROBINSON Cedar Point at test1 Congratulations and Good Luck to 18 TARA ALLEN LOST & FOUND Wal gat you on the Magnum, Bath. the new'90-91 officers I LOVE YOU DEARLY AND IF YOU EVER It's gonna be a blest' Phone 352-9378 President Jim vlles NEED ANYTHING DON'T HESITATE TO ASK! ♦ OETPSYCHED VP ol Service Tonya PHeekl WAY TO SHOW "THEM" HOW IT SHOULD FOUND: brown'tan pert sheppard dog. female. Chris brown nylon colter, at 321 E Merry Sat. 4/21 VP ol Membership Kim Smteek BE DONE! THE SHOW WAS OH SO LIVE! SUMMER LEASING + 3538122 VP of Feaowahlp Robin Landon LOVE, YOUR D.P. ••••MISSINQ"-- Secretary -Wendy Farran "P4HCE" FOX RUN ♦ FOUND CAMERA THE BEDROCK DAS BOOT! Treasurer Janet Watte •DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC Saturday night A 2-Mer German glass boot with a Lowanbrau Historian -Tina Porter •OO-OOP ' OO-OOP • OO-OOP ' HAVEN HOUSE MANOR ♦ It tell out of your car during a "Chinese Fire logo in the the center and "Sea 1839. Sgt at Arms -Mark King DrfT m front of Founders Muncher" on It was taken, "borrowed" or sto- PIEDMONT ♦ Cai 372-3833 CONGRATULATIONS • 0000 LUCK TO: len from BEDROCK in me past law days If KannStropko ANYONE, ANYONE seen It or borrowed It. AXO DEANNA PETERS AXO BIRCHWOOD PLACE ♦ MY FAVORITE CHEERLEADER! CONGRATS JeeaaLyden please, please, please return it" No questions ON WINNING BETA. TWICE! YOU DID A Ruth Pauiefte Eaton HOUSES 4 SERVICES OFFERED asked, and a reward to anyone having into on GREAT JOBI GOOD LUCK ON FINALS. You guys have bean the greatest the last 4 the missing boot GRUB years and a big part of my "thla la college ' ex- All residents receive a membership to ▼ ••KafJMlofl** P.S. SEE THAT, I'M NOT EVEN THERE AND I perience, it won't be the same without you" CHERRYWOOD HEALTH SPA 4). Happy 20th B-dayT CAN STILL OET MY NAME IN THE PAPER. Love a Beat Wishes. RESUMES I love my UttJel MteaChwa BEDROCK ' BEDROCK You're the basil AKA The Little Ragoo Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP ITS BEEN!!! Quality typeset or I'll miss you next year! laser image set Love. Sherry MB., KIRSTEN, MUTHIE HABS. STEPH. from your typewritten copy or LAURIE, AIMEE! WE ARE LEGENDS IN OUR compatible Macintosh program OWNMINOSI •ALPHA CHI OMEGA* 128 S SUMMIT $15 for one page WAY TO GO A-CMI-0 VA GOTTA LOVE mil Don't put ii off any longer1 AT BETA 500 BEDROCK - IB-'tK) BETA QUEEN: GINGER HUME UnlOraphlci TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL. HOLY AFTER RACE: FIRST PLACE 211 WestHaH SPIRIT: FIRST PLACE HOURS. SETTLE CEILING FAN, HELLO 372-7418 POLICE, JAMAICA MOW. A LIGHT WRAP. ALL WE MD THE "BETA THING" THOSE BABES OF THE WEEK. THE SEPT 'ALPHA CHI OMEGA' DRINK-OFF, BROKEN FURNITURE, THE "I'M A BOOT. JABERMEISTER. HALLOWEEN BASH. 'Belinda arvj Amy* NEW YEARS EVE, "YO. YO WHATTA YA CENTER FOR CHOICE II I k>ve you guys' Will you miss my knock? KNOW • WHO THE HECK ARE WE?" BE- r m a • Sher DROCK BOUNCERS. AND OF COURSE, ALL COLLEGE * Abortions thru 17 weeks THE PALS WE'VE MADE THIS YEAR * Morning after treatment •Kirn Jones' THANKS' All personal and private Get psyched for Georgetown! BEDROCK BABES OF THE WEEK (PT. If) Proud to be Pro-Choice Look out Washington D C ■ (an end of the year special addition) STUDENT. AND 16 N. Huron St. Toledo OH Here we come! 1 255-7789 KEVIN DAHL and ANDREW Love. Sherry For the razor escapade Monday Night I' Honorable Mention: The Thunder Bay Boy• - Need a caring response wa had a greet tlmel (Really, you should have WORKING FOR 'Laura* to your pregnancy concerns? •layed: those "I's" mutt be pretty deep by Thanks! You brighten our room and my tret I'm Cal BG PREGNANCY CENTER now!) See you In 3 months! at 354HOPE gonna miaaya! Love-Sher For Wo on FREE PREGNANCY TESTS KELLY HAS and aupporting services Typing 1 _35 per page 354-0371 Stress Busters Trivia Contest HELPED ME TYPING ALL NIGHT? Let us help relieve your load Sponsered by STEP 1 of The Prevention Center: A TO Z 352-5042 For Alcohol and other Drug Abuse UNDERSTAND (A division of Student Affairs) Congratulations Winners: THE DEAF AWARENESS DAY MarvCeth Jacobton. Jontthon Truax, Shan Mor, Traces Lthman, Holy Remark. Tom Ukonogna Rochets Border. Jen-' Brown. Dans Sieger. Brian VsnPsfl. Sun BMMedgt. Shew. Leistner. Jems Mabel Paul Ootser Tom Reuscn. Amy we>, MKMea Monhafl KrWen Snath. WBam Kennedy. Sean Sol Stacey Dif rencleco. Uchele Medan. Kate MounlecaaM. Carolyn Utrtm. Mark Justice. BUSINESS COMMON MYTHS ABOUT Ertot Ctemans. Katrena Funkhoueer. DR. Smth. Chnsta Hoffman. Michael Kleiner. John Erdman. HEARING IMPAIRED PEOPLE Bndgette Btudotn. Scott Ke"y. Todd mdra'

MYTH: Deafness leads Thanks to the following businesses WORLD." automatically 'o on for contributing the prizes: moDiiitv to speaks FACT: Even though hearing Ames SBX mpauments ore a The Arrangement Myles Dairy Queen oarrer to normal Pisanellos Student Rec Center language Record Den Sundance development most Yum Yum Tree BG Bookstore deal people can oe Harts Cains Potato Chips taught some Bob Evans understanding ol orol The Source lanuoge and the Video Spectrum Caseys The Wave Soft Rock aoAty to speak Finders MYTH: Amercon Sgn ••Prizes can be picked up at the Prevention Center, 310 Language is o loosely Student Services, Today, April 27, until 5 p.m., or next structured group ol gestures week, Monday- Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. FACT: AmerconSign A valid BGSU I.D. is required to obtain the prizes. longuoge is a 'rue Answers: Blue sheet: The healthiest way to Onguoge m its own relieve stress is (b) to enjoy quiet lime alone or right with its own set ol with a friend. (The incorrect answers were drink grammatcoi rules a beer, lake a nap. and eat a pizza.) Pink Sheet: the average per capita consumption 'I've broadened my education and expanded my knowledge. Improved my skills. of caffeine in the United States is 200 mg. per It's the perfect job experience to put on a resume or an application." BROUGHT TO YOU BY day. Coffee (b) provides most of it. (The FRIENDS OF THE DEAF incorrect answers were cola, chocolate, and tea.) IXHI ■%/Temporary Bowling Green Thank you to all who returned their 1989-90 BGSU IYBLLL/ Services State University Alcohol and Drug Surveys. eitM tUNy SsmKn -« Tha Kelly GirTPeopIt -Thi First and Thi Bait* EOC M/F/H.V Not m Good Luck on Finals !.'.' Don't Gel Stressed! THE BG NEWS

•O ApiN 27,19*0 Classifieds

ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT llehenee CHEAP HOUSING continued from p. 9 Hey1 Thenks lor the greatest memories I've hed $6,000 pkismonlhi over 8.000 opentnge SPACE NOW AVAILABLE FOR t MALE WANTED 1 FOR SALE with you as a roommate' These past two years Free transportation' Room and board No expe- ROOMMATE DURING SUMMER BRAND NEW could not heve been better! 'Love, Ang rience neceeaary Male or temoleSend$6 95 APARTMENT, CLOSE TO CMAPUS FOR HEADING FO* TNI* SUMMER? J-M to M I L Research. Box 84008-DW. Seattle. •••HELP*" '78 OUemoMe. A/C. rune exoaaant $560 ONLY $130'MO PLUS UTILITIES IT YOU there anyttma from Ctowlmd Detroit, or CN- WA 98124 - Saoalactlon Quejaiyassd. 1*21, rmmle nHdwl tor Fell 90. Ig. Apt own Cal 352-2223 WANT rT. GRAB IT THIS ONE WON'T LAST cago for no more than 1229. or from the EaM Scuba Flea Market Over Fxcnenge May 8th. 9 Mar pd for! Call 2-5415 at 24344 LONG! CALL 372-4341 or 353-7888 IF YOU Coast for no more than $ 180 with AiRHiTCH O APPLY NOW 1877 Buck Skylark, new brakee/tkes. AM FM - 6. Wright Stale Unfv Dayton. Ohio Cal Earn from $7.36 to $12 80 to atari Now Inter- HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CALL ANYTIME (aaraporiodtnConaumarRaporta. NY Timee, I • ATTENTION • cassette Rune exceeent 352-6523 evenings 513-282-5854. viewing for l.t./p.t. aummar poaWona. AASP l*t"» Go') For dttw cal 212-864-2000 or In March ol mala roommote for sub Max or 372 8402 days $400 or beat offer FALL RENTALS wr«»: AIRHfTCH. 27&0 Broadway. St. 100, scholarship program Excessnt raaume expen- through duration ol tha aummar Rant • ence.CalM-F, 10am-6pm. 382-1080 1880 Camero. Runs great Great winter car now available al NawYorh. NY 10026 StSO/mo pkia utilities Polanlial roommalaa Before you leave BG 6360 orb 0.353-9263 muat ba raaponalbla lor themeefvse and should ATTENTION HIRING' Government KM - your WINTHROP TERRACE APARTMENTS Pick up your 1980 K£Yt Bt) WV JLT1A JMLarkln hava no problems keeping up w/rent and uttsty area $17,640 - $68,466. Call 1 A 2 bedroom, furnished ft unfurnished 4 Or 6 sp AM/FM cass . rear defrost, excel paymenta For mora Information • Cal Qrag or 1-802-838-8885 EXT R 4244 24 hr. maintenance laava maaaaga 353-7981 or Cal Tom or Jukar lentcondrnon Only 83.995. cal 353-8677 Aa the achool year enda, IVW* of what it w« be Shelley Zygmunt. ATTENTION EARN MONEY TYPING AT CAMPUS SHUTTLE *e next year without you. I have had eome Before the day we met you.. ller[lanrSprdal 3627422 HOME' 32.000/yr Income potential Detaas, ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHI summer leaaea ateo avakebk} greet tlmea with you I don't know what II do we were on top ol old Smokey, 1 (. rmt* naadad tor Wage Oraen Apia to Iva (1)602-838-8885 Ext T-4244 CLES from $100 Fords. Mercedes Corvet- without you but t wish you el fte beat next year Than we traveled to Daytona wl 3 othar gala lor 00-91 achool year Plaaaa taa. Chavya. Surplus Buyara Guide. WINTHROP TERRACE APARTMENTS ATTENTION EARN MONEY READING Good luck and II nnaa you Your beat friend (neariy got thrown out) and cal ASAP 372 5920 I -602-838-8885 EXT A 4244 end roomie' landed In Cygnet! BOOKS' $32.OO0'year Income potential. Da- For Sole 1988 Womens Schwlnn Wortd Tou- FREE RENT Love ya, Tracy Here's to the rnemoriee and 1 lemale roommata naadad lor SUMMER taila (11602-838 8885 Ext Bk 4244 rtat Org Coal $226. asking $126 Brand New' 1 Bdrm. apt on 2nd St those to come' We love you Ztggy! 1890. Close to campus Greet location! Cal ATTENTION EASY WORK EXCELLENT PAYI Hsppy21st! Karen or Ann 353-9050 Can 353-6656 Take H end III pay heH. KELLY BELLI* Assemble products at home Detaas. (1) BM353-7M4 Love, For Sale: 2 high output speakers 15" E-V.'e CONORATULAT10NSI 1 NONSMOKING MALE ROOMMATE 802-838-8885 Ext W 4244 JftS NEEDED FOR SUMMER AND/OR 90-91 end 3 tweeter a. 100 watts. Price Nag. c.ll You've made ft?? Don't worry cauae, Babysitter needed part time for month of Mey in "Every Little Thing is Qonna Be AHght" SCHOOL YR SUMMER RENT S60/MO Dove at 362-2212. my home One todrjer & one pre-schooler Cat Georgetown Manor Apt* Steemboat. The Florida Keya. not the Snugs, FRAZEEAVE APTS 353 7994 FOR SALE: Large dorm aba frej. Good Price. 1 353-1848OT372 2785 100 - Third Street roof egeinl B—M-' 1 yr. not to Oh Baby Thank you lor making my peal year an 1 or 2 rmt. naadad tor 90-91 achool year Cell 354-7440. 1 bdrm 8 2 bdrm units; bad huh pueai Pay thoee Mb PGH, Preaa extra special one I say we pack up our bags Babyerrter needed Fen Semester in home near Reasonable rales Male or female Cal fully lurnlsned; AC. Box? yeef Sporta Qerden Go Buffalo and fly to Florida Wadda you say? Guess who 1 campus 11:16 - 6:46 M. W Cal 352-9309 Gov't Seized. Surpkia Vehtdee a Haliln from 354 5946. ask lor Cnrlatl Now leasing for 1880-1 Sal, W.V.U camping Walerbede and Mood bethtokkVofyou? after 6pm. $1001 Call for immediate information! I-708-742-1142EXI 1794 and summer 1880. Lighting No Oin'?i Tatlooa and wet Forever yours, 1 rmrrrte. naadad for 90-91 achool year. 70S Bartender S waitress KeesyLynn 7th St Apt. S9. Reasonable rant for spacious Convenient - 8 reasonable T-shirt* Yea Buddy No? What do you Neat, pereonable. and able to work varied tjanraz Roadmaatar 2-aarlaa electilc lead apt Prater nonsmoking rmrrrte. For more Into Call 352-4888 Spm-1 Opm mean noil Thank* for the Bart Simeon hours Apply between 2-4 M-F EM Club 200 gunar $250 or beat offer 372-6427, ask tor eel 353 1952 Ask lor Peggy or Smarmo. hex cut. What's the barbafa # CampbelHalHd Ryan Hay Chicago Bound Grsdsl its been fun! Good Luck) SPRINGS 1 rmt. needed to share 3 bdrm house w/AC DANCERSI Muat be 18 a up Will Train Can L—lug foam, muat eetl: Lincoln Park apL available m May. flood Love Buech beer lady. "I think I'm an atcohosc'' lor aummar plus/or 199091 school year Cal CHICKEN make $1000 weakly. Coma aaa our show drafting tabki/daak $ 100, ska new double met- business 8 social lite location. Call Stave Founders 303 sex fish beer pR. "a few drinks, Karen 352-0130 Fireplace Lounge. Pt Canton 734-9061. ask treas ft box spring $75. couch/alaapar $60. 1312) 848-1084. a tttle nite He" The Cleveland experience 2 non smoking females for 4th St. apt. for next lor Tom recanar. dresser. 3 end tables ft round table flamers at Sundance Soph, year father's day - achool year S120/month a utilities Cal Make oher Cal Bryan at 354-7039 Huge 2 bedroom apartment for Fal '90-81 Energetic lemale to help wean cars. To apply Thte semester haa been the beetl I love you so poorZackl Tanqueray peychoo- from hell 353 9338. ask lor Kely Comer of Troup and Elm 8 1/2 mo lease. muchHoney' Good luck with Flnakil "see that girl in the pink sweeter - she wants cal 362-4324. Ask lor Dean PEAVEY ELECTRIC GUITAR $150. PEAVEY Nice apartment- won't last long. 354-8810. ms". Why cant I be you?. Jurnpin, Jumpin 2 or 3 Fm non-smoking rmta for aummar 2 40 WATT BASS AMP $160 NEGOTIABLE Love always, Laura. Exterior aummar houaa psfnlar naadad. E- INDOOR/OUTDOOR POOL rssro" pink ftarningoe from black diamond. bdrm. close to campus Cal Diana or Brende CALL SCOTT 364 4938 Cleveiend Experienced preferred Car needed 2 Bedroom Apt Avaosbte May 10 Heat Paid "Tru wuv enda In maweige" Progressive, cho- 354-5433 Uaa S., Carole B . ft Sandy N. (2161382-1386 SOFA BED 8410/montn Cal 353-5170 colste babies. "I don't know". laugh rat wabbtt Amy needs 1 or 2 rmta. for aummar. male or m good condition ft clean $26.00 Thanks for being the world's greateet room- buddd . grasshopper When Harry met Ssfy • FREE TRAVEL BENEFITS' AIRLINES NOW lemale 2 bdrm Cal 354-4073 Large efflcisncy. close to campus. Aval. Au- mates lor the past 3 years' I would have never c long talks and a friendship that Is uniquely HIRING! ALL POSITIONSI $17,500 - gust. 12 month lease $285/month ft gas S made it w/out you! ours Thank you for giving me 4 years that wt* DID YOU HAVE A GREAT TIME AT EA8T t $68,240 Cal (1) 802-838-8885 Ext Stereo equipment Heftier DH 220 stereo amp; alec 443 N. Enterprise Apt C CM 352-3998 I love you. Karln always be engraved in my memory. MERRY? X-4244. Hatfler DH 100 stereo pro-amp. $436 or 1-433-4474. P S We must stay m touch after grad cuz II Prince graphite Iannis racquet-like new. 1 Love, Terrl Haras your chance to have your own apart, on miss you m Floods East Merry 516 E Merry #23 It'a available for FREE TRAVEL BENEFITS' CRUISE SHIPS $175 00 CalJohn 354-4479. 7-11pm Large houaa. 3 houaee down from Mark's 140 AND CASINOS NOW HIRING' ALL POSITIONS' four people so cal now at 354-5341 or contact ManviMe Available lor summer or (all SUMMER INTRAMURALS WOMEN'S. MEN'S Cal (1} 802-838-8885 Ext Y-4244 Greenbrter 364-5743 Lisa. Marrtaaa. Bath ft COED SOFTBALL AND TENNIS, AND COED '71 Monte Cario black kit ft axt AM-FM caaa. FREE TRAVEL BENEFITS! CRUISE SHIPS VOLLEYBALL ALL STUDENTS. FACULTY, HELP' Need 1 -2 people to sublease turnlehed corvette rime, white letters. $1500 OBO Need 1 ternele to luttlean apsitjwafrl tor sum- THE LOVE SHACK AND CASINOS NOW HIRING! ALL POSITIONSI mar. Can sublaaae lor entire uemmor of last STAFF AND ALL SPOUSES ARE ELIGIBLE TO efficiency for aummar A/C. dose to campus. 372-6293 CH (11602-838 8885 Ext Y-4244 half Ctoeotocompus call Erykaal 2 5907 PLAY PICK UP INFORMATION AT THE REC laundry ft bare Please ca» 353-8666. Thanks for a great year' CENTER SESSION I ENTRIES ARE DUE BY I need a iupleisr tor thie aummar reefy bad' Need 1 male roommata tor aummar $225 total NOON MAY 24 Help Wanted Top 10 Dow Jones Co mgt po- Tt)« apt has 2 air conditioners to keep you cool FOR RENT Adjscsnt to campus 451 Thuratln Manner Love. Mike sitions, must have a desire to win! Send raaume »10 354-2390 or 372 2434 Ask lor Danny thie summer and tha price la right at $150 to Jay Stabler end asaoc. recruiting and mgt Suzy Thatcher p/month Hay. fust cal me or atop by 724 S. • • S ft V RENTALS ■ ■ NEED 1 OR 2 PEOPLE TO SUBLEASE APT AT Help Wanted On your birthday you wM be 22. Wei make you Cooago*12 354-2797 1 ft 2 bdrm. apta SMI. THURSTIN MANOR FOR SUMMER. CLOSE TO Llx Fergus son For cleaning apta. a misc. fops on May 6-11 Happy 21st Birthday' drink and ernbarsss you loo1 White Russians Mala or lemale roommate needed Own room 8 ft 12 mo. leasee Cal 362-7464 CAMPUS, AC, LOW UTILITIES, FURNISHED. 4 CMI352 7385 MONTHS RENT FOR THE PRICE OF 2. CALL Get psyched to ■OONOONOONOOS and Cape Cods w> be your desght Beware $183/ phjauHrtfea for 90/91 Leeve message BG, Suxy's loose tonight 354-1001 LEAVE MESSAGE IF I AM NOT tonight A feeling IRK 11 Scott 354 4382 LOOKING FOR SUMMER PART-TIME WORK "'Specious Summer Place**" Happy Birthday HOME. Love. Hoey ft Jen IN THE NORTH COLUMBUS AREA? TradaY Close to campus, one bedroom opt $250 mo Treaa MOVING TO CLEVELAND? BG 89 GRAD LOOKING FOR NON-SMOKING Times IS looking lor telephone operators with al utmtlea Incl Cal 372-6640 Need to aubieaae two bedroom apt lor aummar FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE FURNI- excellent phone personalities and some data I960 Cal353-3575 TofcT'HsV'K, You're my kindred spelt Don't ever forget SHED APT IN BROADVIEW HTS CAN MOVE entry experience. Call Hillary at •CAF088EAN CRUISE- NEEDED one female to lease en apartment on The Year In Review that or me Your future wi be tremendous IN IMMEDIATELy |2161 582-9852. 814-436-6681 rfeaeeler today 4th and Elm. Totally furnished two car garage It al started as you wil see, because you are special people You bring a Shooters is now hiring tor al poamons Apply In Rfc Manaoament and a lot more Cal JH at 372-8786 for more on the dale of September two three. Muat sublease for aummar ASAP. Apt. acroaa Mite laughter into the tvea of everyone making person Mon. thru Frl. between 2pm & 4pm 505 Ctough St. 816 rto I opened my eyes. from campus AC. dishwasher. W/D. micro the world s more cheerful piece, ft la for that Apta. lor aummar A tall and gave you another try Cal Courtney 353-8432 or Tammy at 408 N. Summit St. Toledo. OH 43804 Nice 2 bedroom furnlahsd reel on and many others met I em gjed you'l stil avattbte Through countless hours ol Kenny Reeves, 3538038 Speech Pathologist - Ohio ecenaed apaach pa- 8660/person/aamealat 4 people 352-3445 "always" be my friend 362-8302 Much Love, Trscy. and playing wed in the leeves. Need 1 or 2 people to aubieaae 1 t* from ihologist needed to oversee the day-to-day ec- One female needed to sublet Ig ax cond apt 1 we were still together, campus. Large duplex, central air. own room trvMst ol a smal but busy apaach dapt Exp block from campus Renlneg 354 8315 no matter how bad the weather, $260 al summer ask lor Doug. 354-5248 working with adults with mental retardation 1 ft 2 bdrm apta lor summer ft lal 2 1 4 bdrm OMtCRON DELTA KAPPA MEMSCRS: Seven months later we are going away, Salary range $25,000 - $33,000 dap on houaee lor aummar ft lal Alow pats. Cal Preferred Properties is now leasing tor summer We're having a meeting I ft I reefy don't know what Naadad 1-4 people for apt on Ctough St lor educ ft exp. Excelent benefit pkg. includes 361 6600. and fal Fox Run. Haven Houaa. Piedmont, When? Sunday April 2fMh I can possibly say. summer only. Cal lor more Info. Marsha paid vacation. 7 holidays, personal days, sick Bxchwood Place, and others avaeabto' Al resi- Where? 1001 Business Admin. Annex but I LOVE YOUI 354-7422 time, paid hosp. ft a flexible schedule We ere 12 month leases evwl May 16. 1880. dents receive a membership to Cherrywood- Why? Election oi new officers W»E Open bedroom lor one or two people m a lour looking tor a creative, wel-organUed individual 424 1/2S Summlt-Eme apt $ 195 Heelth Spa Call 352 9378 Whet? Free Plzzsl bedroom house lor thie aummar. Vary cheap with good communication skies Duties Include 426 S Sumrmt-3 Br apt $430 ft ulil Interested in an office? Cal M-cheK 352 0781 REDUCED FALL RATES rent Cal 354-7883 direct therapy, evaluation, orientation training, ft 809 Fifth St-2 Br house $450 ( utl Jay-Mar Apartments supervision ol other speech theraptata. Sand 12 month leases aval Aug i 6. 1880: PREGNANT? Choose aoopbon To my two admirers- 2 bedroom AC spacious QUALITY HOUSING resume ft salary requirements to: Marty Pa- 420 1/2S. Summrt-2Br apl S310 ft util Emottonaty ft Finsncteiy secure couple wishes I frank your the two to get a body, a REAL body Starting at $420 Cal 354-6036 Graduate, students, seniors enfoy a house for gans. Anne Grady Canter, 1525 Eber Rd . Hoi- 1236 E Wooatar-3 Br house $650 ft utl . tosdoptmlspt Ca*Karen313-474-9522 Also get a Me. a REAL He' tha aummar Washer/dryer. 3 bedrooms 1 land. OH 43626 0E0. (418)866-8500 Steve Smith - 362-8817 Prout Hsl Buddies -from someone who fuel doesn't care! 1/2 bath. Flax summer schedules Cal Kim at Single room for female, private bath ft cooking - I nave had the beat semester1 You guvs are the 352-7308 Subway lacswss $185/mo incl util Quiet residential Help wanted part/ful time Apply In person at 2 BDRM. APTS. t/2 6LOCK TO CAMPUS. greatest! I'm going to miss you al this summer Track* ft CJ. neighborhood Non-smoker pleaae. 12 mo Roommates needed to lublaaaa 2 bedroom Woodland Mall No phone cats please SUMMER OR FALL. CALL TOM 352-4873 Knshn. Sue, Cory and Lorl. I can't wart W next To the craziest couple I know! lease. Ph 352-1832 or 352 7365 townhouee. ctoae to campus For any or al DAYS OR 362-1600 EVES. ANO WEEKENDS. ;i yoat- Just wanted to wtah you luck next year at summer sessions, rent negotiable Pteese cal SUMMER HOUSE FOR RENT Yourbud. Subway Miami! II maw you guys) Take it eesy' 'Love. Juke or Damaa 363-1807. Directly across the street from campus. CHEAP KeesyLynn Help wanted part/ful time Apply In parson al 2 bdrm turn apt. aval. May ft/or Aug Close to Ang RENT large parking arse and 2 bedrooma 530 SmokxV Mama I non-smokjng 12 yr. old eon Woodland Mai No phone cat* please dwtn ft campus 8 1/2 or 12 mo leeae Free Esat Merry Cal 354-8458 need a place to Iva the first 5 week summer Hal. 362-6368 ft Ml"! mileage. session. Fum. or unturn . male or female rmtea. Summer babysitter naadad. Flexible houre 2 bedroom unlumlshed 12 month lease availa- or none. We can share 1 room • It don't matter. Summer Rentata Transportation required Pleaae cal 353 2969 ble May or August, free air conditioning and Write or call collect Rabbit Spoftord Houaee 4 bdrm. on E Wooater apta. 1 a 2 heal 352-3445. 513-843-2229 7047 Hancock Or Five Parka. taatjnir camp tor children with learning dla- bdrm. on E. Merry. $210/220 for 1 or 2 pso- Ruesels Point. OH 43348 .011111.• near Lake Placid, now hiring ataft. 2 Houses for rent 1/2 block from campus. ple Aleoalngterooms 352-7365. Writ.: 25/5 Troy Rd.. Sch'dy., NY 12309 or Baldwin Ave Available Summer or Fal. Cat It's All Here Wanted a non-smoking lemale roommate for a phone 518-733-1233. SUMMER RENTALS 364-7237. fun 90-91 achool year at Village Green For Houses, apis rooms more Information cal Uaa or Cheryl 354-4555 SUMMER WRITERS NEEDED 4 bdrm. house. Large Irving room. Close to Cal 362-7365 10 NEWS WANTS YOUI campus Available Summer 352 5475 in STOP IN 214 WEST HALL FOR AN APPLICA- HELP WANTED TION AND INFORMATION. 4 needed to sublease fum. spacious apt. Summar Rental Onfy 3 bedroom Ctoae to DEADLINE MONDAY APRIL 30 acroaa from Rodgera. 2 Ig. bdrme. free campus 443 N. Enterprlae Apt. B ween/dry Else onfy rant Nag 353-3112 $300/month Cal 353-7437 or 1-433-4474. Black & White. 250 COUNSELORS and Instructors needed! leaven Work 15 hours to 30 hours par BMak out Ola 7 Private, coed, summer camp In Pocono Mountains Northeastern Pennsyhrenla. Lohl- day aloifcwea. (day. evening and weekend THURSTIN MANOR For quick quality and inexpensive graphic arts services ken. PO Boi 21460, Kenllworth. NJ 07033 shifts). Our company Is seeking employees 451 ThursanAvs. 621 E MERRY see 12011276-0998 to perform unekilled light production work. Acroaa from Otfenhauer Plant location la only 2 blocks from B.Q.S.U. Near Oft enhauer EfAc for 1 or 2 people Acctg and Finance marcs with 3 4 GPA are campus. The rate of wage la $3.80 par hour. If 2 bdrm. fum apt FREE HEAT heeded for fan internship in Dales. TX area. WW Intareated pick up an application at tha office Exceeent Conoroon Available Summar a Fal consider undergrade and grads (Master of Ac- of Advanced Specialty Products, Inc., 428 Prices lor 2. 3 or 4 people John Newtove Real Eatata UniGraohics countancy and MBA/Finance). Pay Clough Street. Bowling Qreen. Ohio. Tele- Cal 364-2260 BJBJBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT m "" •»• • Or-e*- ftm Ur«

SEASONAL LAWN SPECIALISTS We're ChemLawn (a subsidiary of Ecolab - a Fortune 500 company), North America's largest lawn care company, leading the way in a Si billion business. riNTHROP TERRACE As a Specialist in our Perrysburg branch, you'll be 400 Napoleon part of a team responsible for providing service to our customer base, including such duties as making 352-9135 applications, mulching, seeding, and aeration work. Fatmon -.byJohnBolssy To qualify, you'll need:

Y A TOUEAK ACCiam*A-r , * Good interaction with people/ customer Tne ar-i© Kent's Hor*4A*-j fjjObf HkRT FAILLE! service exp. preferred CiO*«axTTet AOr-<-/A>a *Mt*Mr>yfij ffxPtobaU), smi-rai*iG -I've Purr FATr-rair-u Re&ru-4_v rtaxr 7>«eSA£ex. ^*4V * Valid driver's license CV4L4- OA* ^LAf**/ CHANca or aasoA^as PBrat -r>e»r "uieiew^TV i~jcnaKtKv." Caoee, *N»OHC c*ap ? Do *ttxj? Starting salary: $6.00 - $6.50 hr. If you can work a BaT HE«E... AOUJST Z«1 minimum of 3 full days a week (30 hrs.), we are FOr«. Tr-eTi tit COHOuttON anxious to meet you! Apply in person or call: Judy C. (419) 874-3575 ChemLawn Services 26691 Eckel Road Perrysburg, OH An equal opportunity employer. SCHOOL'S OUT FOB WE SUMMER!! Friday/Joe P. Nm 2 ooa Friday Magazine/April 27, MM

From the Street Friday/Joe P. Nunntr What are your plans for the summer?

Sandy Neptune, senior elementary edu- Jeff DiLuciano, senior biology major Carole Bodmer, senior elementary edu- Steven Uviniski, junior VCT major cation major from Maple Heights: "/ from Avon: "Hopefully get a job in my cation major from Kirtland: "I want to from Parma: "/ want to make as much want to begin my teaching career and go held of study because I graduate in travel as much as possible before I start money as possible and party in the flats water skiing as much as possible." May." my teaching career." of Cleveland." Film shows struggle against violence by Bread* Young receives the "man with photo " plaints, to the utter dismay of the threatened, cajoled and banned from and hundreds of others who bring the wealthy classes, who believe the com- his own church. He continues to Tight, About one-third of the way down snap shots and fading hopes of the dis- mon people should remain silent and though, always through passive re- the cast list at the end of the movie appeared of El Salvador. stay in their "place." sistence. Of course, the government "Romero" there is a character credited They come to Romero's cathedral will not allow Romero's continued suc- as "man with photo album." This man from all over the nation, for the people The aristocracy turns away from the cesses. It soon becomes apparent that is only on screen for a few moments, believe and trust the Church and her photographs with which Romero has he must be stopped — at any cost — but he is the reason the film was made. priests with as much fervor as the aris- covered a wall of the church with. If before the peasantry becomes com- tocracy puts their faith into the these people really have disappeared, pletely "intolerable." government. they reason, it is because they were Romero joins forces with Fathers subversives who undermined the Sal- Between 1980 and 1989 60,000 Sal - Osuna and Moranles (Alejandro Bra- vadoran leadership. You see, (hey de- vadorans were murdered. They asked cho and Tony Plana), young priests served every thing they got. for nothing more than the basic free- Video Review who fear the new archbishop will fold doms due all human beings. Yet they to the pressures of the government- What they got is torture — rape, were quickly silenced, before their "Romero" is the true story Archbi- supporting bishops. After Grande's electrocution, mutilation, psychologi- message could reach enough people to shop Oscar Romero of El Salvador death, however, they begin to trust cal abuse, murder. The bodies are dis- overturn the government. (Raul Julia), the man who helped begin Romero, and eventually allow him to posed of in a huge garbage dump the nation's break from the chains of take the lead in protesting the govern- alongside previous victims — and all Archbishop Romero began a Tight government and military oppression. ment. because they took a stand for what that continues today. A fight that will He begins his fight after his close they believed in. continue until it is won. friend and fellow clergyman, Father When Romero takes up the struggle, Rutilio Grande (Richard Jordan), is the people feel emboldened. They too Romero also meets with the violence "Romero" was supplied by Barney's murdered. Not long after, Romero begin to voice their fears and com- of the military. He is beaten and Video.

Editor Christopher J. Dawsoa Assistant Editor Deborah Hippie Staff Reporters Frank Esposlto, Brian Lumley, Donna Sharper Photographer Joe P. Nuaner Editorial Offke 210 West Hall, (419) 372-4967 Cover Design Thomas Kroust i-iMa; ftiM. It ..""»■« tim trta.) <- MNUUT. riMn Hwa, ••* S..HM (*tn SUM Uahmln •" 1~" «»»•» "*nr, tm* im ahhaj wKibi. <»«tttcl» It", ISfS*. Nr-% — Friday Magazine/April 27,19M 3 Things to see and do in the local area where people can watch artwork being Center houses the Ohio Baseball Hall island's shore. These are 30,000 year- by Mlndy Davles created and then purchase it, Bruening of Fame. Here, memorbilia dates back c old grooves and limestone slabs with said. to the early 1900's and tells the stories prehistoric Indian pictographs, Hol- The summer months bring with them The Botanical Gardens will host of Ohio's baseball teams. The Hall of mes said. a time for most University students to "Festival of the Arts" June 23 and 24. Fame is open Wednesday through The African Safari Wildlife Park in work and forget about classes for The event will bring about 200 artists in Sunday. Port Clinton houses a fully operational awhile. However, summer and the all art forms to the area and there will Toledo is the home of many other in- wildlife park with reptiles and bird warm weather it brings is also a time be on-going entertainment both days, teresting places, however with a small shows. The park opens in May and for students to explore their environ- Bruening said. amount of travel, anyone can visit closes in September. ment and discover the delights it may The Toledo Zoological Gardens is some interesting spots in Northwest hold. rated one of the nation's best zoos. Ohio. The Seneca Caverns in Bellevue, For those students remaining in Thirty-three acres is home to 2,000 Kelley's Island measures four by six Ohio offers excitement as visitors trav- Bowling Green for the summer, specimens from over 500 species. The miles and has a population of 130. This el 110 feet below the earth. An under- northwest Ohio is also the home of zoo is open seven days a week and this island is the largest in . Ac- ground river travels through the length many interesting and exciting places no summer the zoo is showing a new dino- cording to Debbie Holmes, Island Re- of the caverns. ' matter what the weather may bring. saur exhibit which will last through ceptionist said there is a lot to do on The Toledo Botanical Gardens is a Sept. 5. the island. According to a Toledo and Conven- 58 acre complex displaying flowers, The Toledo Museum of Art is highly "Kelley's Island has many shops, a tion Center staff member, Toledo gazebos, plants, and trees. regarded by many people throughout winery, and a new quarry which just offers variety in the summer. According to Halle Bruening, the the state. The museum features many reopened," Holmes said. Gardens Director of Development, 28 forms of artwork by both American Kelley's Island rents cottages and "Northwest Ohio offers visitors and acres of the complex are fully de- and European artists and is closed on has Bed and Breakfasts for those who residents a wide variety of places to see veloped gardens. The Botanical Gar- Mondays. wish to stay. Holmes said. and visit; there is almost no limit to the dens has several resident art studios The Lucas County Recreation Glacial Grooves are found along the adventures you may find,"she said. Offering an alternative to alternative by Rose Evans receives. said. By the next show, Higgins said he realize the time the show is aired, 10 ' 'On occasion, when there are too had so many requests that he was un- p.m. to midnight on Friday, affects If you're looking for an alternative many calls, I'm not able to answer all able to play all of them. how many people tune in to the show," to listening to top-40 radio stations all requests. Nine times out of ten, "The flyer was a great idea and defi- Higgins said. "This is a time when a lot of the time, the answer may be closer though, I get to the request and as long nitely picked up listeners, but I also of people are out at bars or at parties." to home than you thought. as we have it on hand at the radio "Classic Flashbacks," a two hour station, I'll play it. If we don't have the radio show that airs Friday nights at 10 song requested, I'll at least try to im- p.m. on WBGU (88.1 FM), offers a provise and play something similar, variation to the usual music that you such as a remake," Higgins said. might hear on local radio stations. Even though "Classic Flashbacks" The program, which is hosted by has been in existence for some time, What is it? University student Steve Higgins, plays Higgins said he feels the show lacks ex- If you can identify ihis classic rock from the '60s to the pre- posure. object, you could win a sis sent, but not the well-known songs that "For a long time, I felt like there gift certificate from Quarter's you may be used to hearing. weren't very many people listening to Cafe. 1414 H. Wooster trxies "Since WBGU is a non-commercial the show because I really didn't get not include tax. graluiiy. or that many requests," he said. "Then, alcoholic beverages). radio station, we are not allowed to Drop your answers in Ihe compete with local radio stations. Be- after checking around, realized that a entry box located in the Bl ■ cause of this, we can't play the same lot of people didn't even know about News editorial office. 214 well-known tunes that most people are the show." West Mall familiar with," Higgins said. To help solve the problem, Higgins Kniries are due each "We can, of course, play music of said he came up with the idea of circu- Thursday. 5 p.m The well-known bands, but we stick to lating a flyer around campus that told winning entry will IK- named al playing songs that might not have been people about the show, what it had to thai lime. If more than one as popular as a band's other songs, or offer its listeners and the time it was correct entry is received, a aired. drawing will lie held to songs that didn't receive a lot of air- determine the winner. play when they came out." The response was immediate, he Kmptoyees of BCiSU Student Higgins, who has hosted the show Last week's winner was Publications are nol eligible for three semesters, said he does not see this as a restriction, however. Stephanie Miller, who "Although there is a limit to some of correctly identified the object the songs we can play I think the for- as a newborn baby. mat of the show is great because it al- lows people to heat music that they Por great lood and drinks, it's Ernest perfecily clear thai Quarters Cafe might not otherwise hear or haven't 1414 E. wooster

S C O V y-w TOLEDOi u L n u u A "The Best In Live Rock-n-Roll" OERA Live Entertainment 7 Nights A Week

Wednesday Thursday Friday and Feel the awesome power of College I.D. Ladles' Night Saturday Night no cover for the reduced Slmkespeare and Verdi. free admission ladles cover Murder. Mayhem. with valid ID before 9:00 Macbeth. BUSCH BY p.m. Verdi THE BUCKET MACBETH Sung in Italian with Fn^/is/i lilies Plus- 8pm Saturday; May 12 Boris Goldovsky on Macbeth Toledo Masonic Auditorium 6:15pm in the Upper Lobby Happy Hour Every Night from 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. In..-on /it ml ion with "What is a Masterpiece" Call (419) 381-8851 I liim.mitirs Department, University of Toledo Byrnegate Plaza Major credit cards welcome. 135 S. Byrne (near Hill), Toledo 531-1311 50% Student Discount \ Season Of Power And Delight _ •.«.* t. « Friday Magazine/April 27,1990 : i 5 Semester from hell inspires column by Christopher J. Dawson Bowling Green winter wimped out, but NOTHING AT ALL!!!! I still think get to pay for the privilege of not being did its best to prevent spring from hap- that Jimmy Buffet or James Taylor taught, and the University concentrat- Well, it's that time again. It's the pening. It now seems that spring is fi- would be awesome shows. Either way, ing on research that will undoubtedly end of the year. Finally. nally here. I sure hope summer won't I hope next year that UAO will concen- never filter down to the undergrads. Not the ultimate "finally," when I be a scorcher, as my little bungalow trate on getting some shows for cam- What do they count for, anyways? can get out of here, but the end-of-the- here lacks air conditioning. pus, shows that the majority of campus Undergrads never get anything pub- year "finally," as well as my final col- It was a bummer that East Merry would like to see, and not shows that lished, which seems to be the only thing umn of this semester. That's right, it's Mania was soggy, but Frazee Frenzy only a few people want. that matters nowadays. Of course, my third Annual Final Column. more than made up for it. That was Let's not forget that we were blessed without educated undergrads, there one of the largest parties I've ever seen, with a visit from the HEMP Tour, would never be grads or faculty, so this and I'm exceptionally glad I got to par- which was going around the country is a destructive chain of events. But we ticipate in it. I'm still in awe of the guy advocating the legalization of pot. It still keep paying for it. who did the three-story beer bong was a pretty cool tour, I must say. I en- Tongnc in Cheek TWICE and was still walking around. joyed it so much that I blew off my The USG elections were the usual Being the bouncer for our party this classes for the day and hung around circus, as everyone took a page from year was kinda fun; people tried every with the astounding amount of BG the Lee Atwater Book of Dirty Tricks. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am ploy in the book to get in to get to our News staffers that were also there. I I won't sit here and rip on all the parti- really sick and tired of school, and beer. I did get a few complaints from admit it, I support them, and I even cipants, though. Any really big de- looking forward to ending this semes- the partygoers inside that I didn't let signed a petition. I wish Brother Jed cisions by the Administration that af- ter. enough cute girls in. Sorry, guys. would have shown up that day! fect students will be made this summer, You've heard of "sophomore It was a disappointment that UAO when most students aren't here. Then slump?" Well, I've got the "junior didn't get much in the way of enter- Speaking of Jed, I was hoping I in the fall, everyone will return and jinx." I'm at that point when one tainment for campus. In one year, we'- could write that we went a whole se- complain, and the USG will Take A wonders if they're in the right major, ve had ... Howie Mandel. That's it. mester without the Brother Jed All- Stand that will satisfy all the students but it's too late to change if they're Yeah, they brought Stanley Jordan, Star Song and Dance Comedy Review, who desire action, though nothing will not, and the far-off future of gradua- and that was one hell of a concert, but but this last week one of his proteges. really be done. Hopefully the USG will tion and the Real World is not so dis- that was part of "Jazz week," and not Brother Rick showed up. He didn't find a voice to stand up for us. tant, and ... well, you get the idea. quite a big campus concert. Why do have the volume, the style, the rhythm, This has been one of those semesters other universities get big-name enter- or the dance steps that Jed has, but he Have you all had enough sarcasm when I just didn't care about my class- tainers and we don't? I saw a news clip promised Jed would show up today. yet? I'm sorry, but there is no way that es, my grades, or anything else. Not a that Indiana University of Pennsyl- He should keep his word, since as a I can go through a year and view these good thing to do when you're looking vania, a rather small university in that holy man, he shouldn't lie. things without expressing an opinion; at going to Grad School, but it's too state is getting the Kinks. Then we had the controversy of the everyone should. We have the freedom late now to regret. Besides, I had to fin- If a small university can afford Faculty Debating Society giving Paul to do so, though at college freedom is ish up my final core classes, and they them, why can't we? Gee, they may not Olscamp a vote of no confidence. occasionally limited in the interest of really stunk. I know it's important to be a "progressive college band," but Reading about the whole affair, I got not "offending" people. Even that is have a well-rounded education and all probably the majority of campus the distinct impression that neither of not too terribly bad though, because it that, but why do most core classes real- would rather see them than some the concerned parties gave a damn forces us to look at everyone's perspec- ly blow? Answer me that, administra- little-known band that hasn't been in about the students here. It's funny, but tive. And that is what counts. Open tors. the business for long. Rumor has it I thought that was the sole reason for a your eyes, open your ears, and open Other than my classes, and my lack that we could have had Meatloaf, or university's existence, to educate stu- your mind. Since the semester is now at of attention to said classes, this has Todd Rundgren. Neither one of them dents. an end, open a can of beer. I know I been a pretty good year. The infamous are bad. Besides, they're better than Apparently I was wrong, but I still am. RESUMES "Don't trust your service to an amateur." The Friday Music Quiz Bring in this coupon by Dave Baskind and recieve free colored paper Since finals are next week, we decided to give you one less final to worry with the purchase of a about. Sorry, folks, no quiz this week. Also, as mentioned last week, "Dr. resume or cover letter. Dave's Incredible College of Musical Knowledge" will not be in session over the summer. See y'all in the fall. Call Karen at National Register (1-866-5200) Thanks to everyone who submitted entries for the quiz, our much appre- ciated sponsors and to all of you who couldn't wait each week to read the next quiz. Let me leave you with one thought for the summer: Keep your feet in the ground, and keep reaching for the stars. Congratulations go out to our final graduate and winner of the 1989-1990 HOWARD'S club H school year, Cindy Wilhclmsen of Anderson. She scored perfect and will receive a prize from Finders Records. Here are the answers to last week's 210 N^Main 352-9951 "summer" quiz: I.GlennFrey RICH MICHELS 2. "She Works Hard For the Money'' was one of the six correct answers 3. Billy Idol BAND 4. Bananarama 5. Bryan Adams Thurs.-Scrt. 6. "I Wish I Had a Girl" or "Hey Baby" C*£f^1 W April 26th-28th 7. "Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles 8. "On Our Own" by Bobby Brown * Mini Pitchers Every Day * 9. "Run, Runaway" by Slade 10. "Stray Cat Strut" by the Stray Cats ft 21 and over, $1.00 com altar 9:30 HOURS: Mo..-SM. NOM 'cil 2:31 ■■ Dr. Dave says, "Hare a great summer." Su*y !:M p.«.'Ul 2:3» ■■■ — 6 ODD Friday Magazine/April 27, 1M* Learning the Japanese tea ceremony byCbaric.Toil Zen Buddhist ritual and today young □ Dress for the ceremony should be guest should then turn the cup so the Japanese spend a day a week for two conservative with men in business suits inscription faces the host, before drink- Although most University students years learning the ritual. and women wearing skirts below the ing the tea in three-and-a half sips, the will never visit Japan, they should not knees. last being a subdued slurp. be surprised if someday they are in- Japanese master teachers will dedi- DBring a modest gift, possibly a box vited to a Japanese tea ceremony in cate 10 years of study and practice be- of gourment candy or plant, but do not The taste of the tea "is very different Ohio, especially if they plan careers in fore they can become certified. After bring flowers. Flowers would detract from American tea," Jones said. "But business. that, they will spend the rest of their from the host's own floral arrange- its very hard to describe that differ- lives learning more about the ceremony ments. ence. It's as different as hamburger According to the state department of and teaching it to young Japanese. DWhen greeted at the host's home, and lasagna." development, there are more than 116 present the gift and offer to remove Japanese firms already in Ohio, with Jones said although the Tea Cere- your shoes. Shoe removal is a Japanese [ ] Next, it is customary to admire the the possibility of many more moving in mony is not directly related to busi- tradition, as is the custom of the host cup while carefully holding and turning quickly. ness, if American business people providing slippers for the guests. it. know the ceremony they know some- DThe ritual then proceeds to the Jones said for special occasions such University Japanese instructor thing about Japanese etiquette and that ceremony room, where guests are as New Years' Day or a new tea room, Akiko Jones said the Japanese tea might help their relationship. seated on a mat or small cushion on the the cup in which the tea is served is ceremony is important because it re- "In Japanese business, knowing the floor. Guests should align themselves usually ancient and extremely valuable. flects some of the main principles of people personally is so important," to the right of the host. Because the ceremony is suppose to the Japanese society and tradition — Jones said. peaceful and tranquil, the converstion harmony, respect, purity and tranqui- According to Jones, the following Jones said Sen Soshitsu, the Grand is kept light. lity. are some basic steps that might impress Tea Master at Ura School in Japan, □ Finally, the host will remove the your host and help secure a friendly re- has been promoting the ceremony to ceremonial tools in opposite order "Those things are very important in lationship. the Western cultures by adding a spe- from which they were used. The host the Japanese way of life," Jones said. i ! Do not be intimidated by the for- cial table or bench. will then express gratitude to the guests "During the tea ceremony it's the ideas mal complexities. Jones said Japanese "They want to promote the cere- for coming and leave the room. that are important. You can take those hosts do not expect Americans to be mony to the United States," Jones ideas and reflect them into daily life." experts in the ceremony, but if they are said. "Therefore they can't expect Jones said the host will usually help In Japanese, the tea ceremony is nervous it will contradict the whole them to sit on the ground." the guest during the ceremony if they called chanoyu, which means "hot meaning behind the ceremony. are from a foreign country, but not if water for tea" or "art of tea." □ If invited, respond to the invitation □ During this time the host and guest they are from Japan. promptly, as a sign of respect and be engage in liked conversation. "If it is a Japanese person who does It was started four centuries ago as a punctual. DThe guests are then expected to not know it, the host might think, compliment the host for the scroll and 'Wow, they're not cultured in the STUDENT TRAINING GROUP RATES AVAILABLE flowers displayed in a setting called the ceremony. Their family never taught WRITE OR CALL COLLECT FOR FREE BROCHURE toko-no-ma. them the ritual.' "she said. "But if it is a foreigner or a student, they will com- It is not unusual for the host to serve promise a little." a light vegetarian lunch, after which SKYDIVING the tea is prepared and served. Jones said the younger Japanese are paying less attention to the Japanese 15199 Grove Rd. It is important that the inscription CLEVELAND customs and ideas — until they enter PARACHUTE 216-548-4511 Garrettsville, Ohio on the tea cup face the guest as it is be- the business world. CENTER 44231 ing offered to be held in the left palm and secured by the right hand. The "Business in Japan is very personal and being personal is very important in doing anything in Japan," she said. "The younger students in high school or college tend to follow more Western ideas. But when they get into a com- pany, they become more involved with the traditional customs and ways of tHE KUDWEST'S PREHUERE life." 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■ Friday Magazine/April 27,19M ODD 7 Reflections on the local music scene by Frank Esporilo with a highly optimistic article before was out before I knew it. There's some guitar. Paul was one of the area's pre- they called it a career. Now Art School potential ownership changes in the miere songwriters during SG's career Cleveland Indians shortstop Felix has bid an abrupt adieu to the scene works which aren't clear enough to and this release will once again display Fermin (with a stellar career batting after five years of blood, sweat, and mention at this time, but the Under- his personal obsessions, insecurities, average of .230 or thereabouts) bashed power chords. The Toledo trio crafted ground isn't going under any time and rage for all the world to see. I can't his first career homer last week. some of the fastest melodic power-pop soon. hardly wait. Though some observers of the Ameri- the area had seen in a good long while can League may see it as unfair for the over the course of two cassette NOTHING YOU'D WANT YOUR YOU DO AND BY GOD YOU'LL Indians to add another power hitter to and a vinyl EP. What's an optimist to CHILDREN TO LOOK UP TO OR MARRY HER: It's been a productive, an already potent lineup, I can cope do? ADMIRE: Sheepish Grin has been re- violent year, one of big changes on the with it. Fermin's fluke round-tripper is ferred to in the past tense for nearly a personal and musical fronts. "Answer- a fitting event to mark the midway SOUL ON FIRE: To answer the year now, but those of you who bought ing Machine" by the Replacements was point of my collge career and the con- preceding question, an optimist could t-shirts might like to know that my favorite song, followed closely by clusion of my second year penning ar- check out the Great Bar-B-Q Gods, a BG-based Major Label Productions Bob Mould's "Poison Years," Husker ticles/reviews/vocabulary workouts Toledo-based thrash-funk outfit who will soon be releasing a single by for- Du's "All This I've Done For You," for this publication. are the area's hottest act as of this writ- mer SG frontman Paul Johnson. The the Commodores' "Brick House," the ing. Visibly led by vocalist Matt Dona- platter was recorded live to two-track Original Sins' "Just 14," and, of I'm trying to get a handle on the hue, whose gyrations call to mind a and will feature a pair of previously- course, another Replacements tune, local music scene, a pursuit which has rodeo clown on acid, the meat of the recorded SG tunes, "Perfect Day" and "I'll Be You." The summer promises filled many of my waking hours for the Gods' mayhem is in the nonstop wah- "Don't Want," and a brand-spankin'- more good tunes and hard manual past two years and promises to keep wah riffs of guitarist Brad Coffin. Bas- new tune that Paul has crafted from his labor, but the Northwest Ohio music my opinionated skull reeling for the sist Scott Shriner's enthusiasm is con- current stomping grounds in Wichita, scene will still be here. But I'm outta next two as well. At the same time, I'm tagious as he perpetually jumps an Kansas. All three are bare-bones af- here. Like the fish, I am gone. trying to figure out how I'm going to imaginary rope while plunking out the fairs, simply featuring Paul on acoustic deal with a summer of ex-Indian slug- funk. Drummer Tim Gahagan keeps ger Joe Carter having 7-RBI games for this whole goulash from running over the San Diego Padres (as he did earlier with solid rhythm work. I keep think- this week) instead of Cleveland's ing of psychedelic Motown, although favorite sons. Enough with baseball, some claim it's metal. Decide for your- music is my chosen fetish, so here goes. self. It's worth the cover anywhere.

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE: GOTTA DIG IT UP: Contrary to Once again, a major force on the any rumors I may have inadvertently Leaving Northwest Ohio rock scene has been started. The Underground, Bowling rent asunder by a tardy Ides of March. Green's main outlet for "progressive" Last year, Sheepish Grin lasted long bands, is not closing. My tabloid in- enough for me to close out the year stincts got the best of me and the word school has Surf on down the never been Dixie Highway to Toledo's so easy. # 1 Tropical It's not surprising that so many students move with Ryder We've got sturdy, dependable trucks in all sizes. Many are automatics, with power steering, air conditioning, and FM on Night Spot lop of the AM. Plus, Ryder can help out with boxes, hand trucks, even moving tips. And we're so easy on the wallet too. Come Live the Beach Call your neighborhood dealer: Otley's Shell Service 354-18IO 462 t. Woosier Club Experience! or Ryder Truck Rental 666-9833 18 and over are welcome - Doors Bust (Perrysburg) (collect) Open at 8 pm 25481 Dixie Hwy. Perrysburg 874-2222__ Bring in Wednesday this coupon is ladies This coupon good for either $10 of a local rental, and receive or $25 off a 1 -way rental. night! l|Wot valid ■m any RYDER iplre* July 31. 19*0 $1 off cover othar dltcount or ollar Men llH'tv JI IAI r\ turn 8 oon Friday Magazine/April 27, 1»0 The Friday music picks of the week Robert Plant: "Manic Nirvana" Es Par- Dance," a song which features Plant's dis- Simon will collide in the jungle, the 1987 and '88 Panorama champions anza/ tinct voice and an acoustic guitar. It both with tape recorders, searching for (and also the subject of a National Geogra- The tall cool one is back with a vengence new latin styles. One of the musical forms phic special about the Panorama competi- and a hell of a lot of energy and talent for sounds closer to a Zep tune than anything which seems to be getting the short end of tion), and the Amoco Renegades, the 1989 being a so-called "rock dinosaur." Darken- else he's done lately. "SSS&Q" (Soak. the stick is steel drum music. There is no champs. Both bands are over 100 strong. ing back to the experimental sound of Shake, Splash, & Quake) features a rock- instrument on the planet that is a happier- The Renegades' song, "Somebody" is one "Shaken and Stirred" combined with the hard drum beat and some good old fash- sounding instrument than the steel drum of the best songs on the album, and shows commercial skill and raw rock power of ioned guitar powerchords, as well as a (not even the banjo!). It's impossible to get why they deserved to win. Their music is sample from James Brown (ala the sam- bummed out listening to steel drum music. pure fun. Anyone who seriously wants to pling on Tall Cool One"). This album consists of tracks of various get into the World Beat should consider "Big Love" has Plant's voice weaving in steel bands from Trinidad and Tobago, the some steel band music; anyone who just wants to have a lot of fun should do the and out of a rollicking, synchopated home of steel drum music. Each year at same. The conga line starts here. rhythm line, and is a pretty infectious tune. Carnival time, the various bands compete ByCJ.Dawson Ditto for "Nirvana," which will undoubted- in the Panorama competition ("Pan" is the "," "Manic Nirvana" fits right ly end up on the radio, with its slick feel, T & T name for steel drums) for the honor in with Plant's musical evolution. Return- thundering bass line, and progressive of being the best. These bands are not Sinead O'Connor: "Nothing Compares ing with his bandmates from "Zen," Chris chords. small; some consist of over 100 musicians 2 U" (single) Blackwell (drums), Doug Boyle (guitar), All in all, Plant and crew have combined playing over 300 drums. Most bands com- Maybe it's me, but I can't see what the Charlie Jones (bass), and in creating a rock and roll piece of art pose and arrange their own songs for their big deal is about this song. I know her new (keyboards), they've combined to create a Anyone who claims that Plant is getting pans. The songs on this album were re- album, "I Do Not Want What I Haven't tight album that combines Plant's wisdom old and should retire in favor of some new, corded live in the panyards — the private Got," is getting tons and tons of hype and I and experience with his bandmates' youth- young groups is full of it. In fact, he sounds practice areas of each band. still think she's got one of the best female ful progressivism. younger and younger every album. "Manic voices in rock, but this song is bland. If s "Hurting Kind (I've Cot My Eyes On Nirvana" should rope in all the diehard The smallest group on the album is the hard to believe that Prince wrote it The You)" is the first single to get airplay, and Plant/Zeppelin fans, as well as new fans Trinidad Cement Limited Skiffle Bunch, purple guy has previously penned quality yes, it does musically resemble "Tall Cool who have just discovered the magic of who number only 19. On this album, they hits for such femme fatales as Sheila E. One," but the resemblence is akin to two Robert Plant's voice. play their arrangements of "La Bamba" and the Bangles, but the streak ends here. siblings... you can see the definite resem- ByCJ.Dawson and "You Can Call Me Al." The 25 mem- It may hit Number One, but there's no blence, but you can see some extreme dif- bers that make up the Silver Stars also edge to it and virtually any female artist ferences. Various Artists: "Trinidad Carnival: have two tracks on the album; prior to could have cranked it out The bite of her Since Plant's music contract must have a Stcclbands of Trinidad & Tobago" Delos 1987, they were employed by Disney landmark 1987 album, "The Lion and The clause that requires one rock anthem per Records World, but they haven't lost their local Cobra," is nowhere to be seen here. Ifs album (on "Shaken" it was "Little by Latin music is reaching new levels of feel. great she's got a hit but "Nothing Com- Little,'' on "" it was "Big popularity nowadays. Reggae, Calypso, Sa- pares 2 U" doesn't tell the half of it where Log," and on "Zen" it was "Ship of Fools") lsa, and of course, Lambada, the forbidden The best tracks on the album are from Sinead O'Connor is concerned. he fulfills the requirement with "Liar's dance; any day now, David Byrne and Paul the largest bands, Phase II Pan Groove, By Frank Esposito Summer films stricken with sequalitis by Brian Lumlcy cipated flicks of the summer: D "Back to the Future III"- A surrounding the original made that the D "Dick Tracy"— Warren Beatty's Western? That's a dead genre in Tin- money-maker that it was. One thing Fluff flicks are what the profit- pet project that he's kicked around seltown. Will the likes of Michael J. that seems obvious is 'hat the flick will inducing period between Memorial Hollywood for years. Due to the suc- Fox, Christopher Lloyd and director surround the origin of Two-Face, alias Day and Labor Day traditionally hold cess of "" and the forthcoming Zemeckis be able to revive this art District Attorney Harvey Dent (Billy in store, and this summer is no excep- comic adaptations of "The Punisher" form? A good majority of this edition Dee Williams) thfit even the Warner tion. After last year's record-setting and "Captain America,"this film has a takes place in Hill Valley, circa 1885. source reported to be true. Robin will summer box office, it seems 1990 will chance of becoming a huge hit or per- Look for the infamous clock tower to finally make an appearance, possibly have to try pretty hard to beat the Year haps a rotten egg the size of "Howard be in its early stages of construction in the guise of Michael J. Fox or Chris- of the Bat. Dramas are a definite no-no the Duck." From early trailers, this and Marty's escape from Indians via a tian Slater. Fox? I sure hope not. But film /oo/rstike a comic strip. It was shot Delorean-driven stagecoach. Not quite Slater seems like a prime choice for the in six colors only, giving it a flat ap- John Ford, but hopefully just as fun Caped Crusader's teen sidekick. His pearance. Look for Al Pacino and anyway. Nicholsonesque performance in Dustin Hoffman as Tracy's nemeses. □ "Robocop 2"— This less bloody "Heathers" proved that he has the sequel to 1987's surprise hit promises ability for far-ranging roles, and he □ "Gremlins 2: The New Batch"— to be more tame and less chilling than could possibly take the camp out of Sequelitis is back, with a pre-season the first one. Scripted by Frank Miller Robin. during the squelching hot months of release to the 1984 blockbuster hit. (responsible for the post-modern retell- This summer will prove to be an in- the year. Few are released, usually be- Everyone's back, including Zach Gal- ing of the Batman saga "The Dark teresting filmic reprisal of last year. ing saved for the more intellectual ligan and Phoebe Cates as the hapless Knight") and directed by "The Empire Sequels abound worse than sunburns Christmas season where the studios air duo destined to save Strikes Back'"s Irvin Kershner, this and the air-conditioned dark theaters all of their Oscar hopefuls. Comedy, from the newest crew of these geneti- tale picks up a few years later where promise to be a needed escape from the sci-fi and action films rule supremely; cally-altered gremlins by the likes of a Robocop has become a normal and re- heat. So plop down your six bucks, if not in original form they inhabit the Donald Trump clone. Rick Baker, spected part of the Detroit Police De- cool off in the theaters, make the stu- silver screen in the guise of a part II, makeup geniusextraordinaire helms partment. Enter one Robocop 2, a dio execs even richer, and enjoy the III, or "Return of..." this new batch, making them much newer and better form of our dear pro- further exploits of your fave character more villainous and reptilian. tagonist. Expect more of Robo- in the wide multitude of sequels that With the lackluster amount of prod- cop/Murphy's past as a human to be will inhabit your local theater this uct available now, the Tinseltown big- D "Die Hard 2: Die Harder"— revealed, as he remembers life before summer. Have a good break and see ya wigs are saving their wad for the up- Take "Die Hard" and place it in an post-mortem. next fall. coming season, with an early jump this airport. Bring back Bruce Willis, Bon- Rumors are flinging around that year to capitalize on the horrendous nie Bedelia, and the rest of the cast of "Batman II" is done and ready to be money makers (upwards of a billion the first one and you've got a thinly- released. According to a Warner Bros, BG News Classifieds dollars) that they have in store for we disguised remake of the original. exec, it's in the can and ready to go, are where it's at! awaiting customers. Kudos for the screenwriter who will get pending approval by the studio. This Here's a rundown on the most anti- rich off this unoriginal story. &V.iVWIrtMMMMMMMM)*lMaMfcM ./,.v/.V.'.V.V.*.V.V, am: Friday Magazine/April 27,1W0 ooo 9

TV Listings (or April 27 - May 4

Because of a new FCC ruling, listings for out-of-town stations carried by your cable system are subject to blackout or last minute changes In programming. We regret any Inconvenience this may cause.

DAYTIMEMORNING APRIL 27,1990 - MAY 3,1990 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 O PM Mag. Business News This Morning Sally Jessy Raphael Geraido Price O Sign-Oil Cont'd FIT. Well Now! Mr. Dressup Sesame SI. CD Sign-Off Cont'd CBS News Toledo 11 This Morning Peo Court 3rd Degree Family Feud Wh. Fortune Price O Sign-Otf Ag-Day News NBC News Todayg Donahue 227 Concentr Golden Girls m Sign-Off Cont'd ABC News Good Morning America g Live - Regis 4 Kathie Lee Sally Jessy Raphael Home m Sign-Off Cont'd Business Homestretch Sesame Street g Instructional Programming 03 Sign-Off Cont'd Homestretch ZooDiiee Sesame Street g Instructional Programming m Sign-Off Cont'd COPS. Ninja Turtles Academy Menace Muppets Success n Life 700 Clue- Larry Rice ED Father News 700 Club Smurfs Daffy Duck Chipmunks Maxie Little House on the Prame Perry Mason Webster

ESPN Varied Getting Fit Bodies Nation's Business Today SportsClr Varied Programs Getting Fit TMC Movie Varied Programs I Movie | Movie

DAYTIMEAFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 o Pnce News Young and the Restless Bold. Bea. As the World Turns Guiding Light Jeffersons Benson Donahue o Sesame St Midday [country Practice Coronation Flying Doctors Wok Taikabout Danger Bay Video Hits Newsday CD Price Newsg Young and the Restless Bold, Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey g Family Ties Cosby Show CD Marsha W. News Generations Days of Our Lives g Another World Santa Barbara Gro. Pains Facts of Life News Cheers g m Home Strangers Loving g All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Joan Rivers Geraido m Instructional Varied Instructional Programming Varied Reading Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Varied QD Instructional Instructional Programming Instructional Programming Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Reading £0 Varied Divorce The Judge Love Con. Win. Lose Laverne Odd Couple Mario Bros. Scooby Doo DuckTales glChip-Dale Highway to Heaven g BD 50 Newsline 1 Love Lucy Andy Griffith B. Hillbillies Gilligan Happy Days Laverne Porky Pig Duck Tales g Chip-Dale Fun House Spoons Charles ESPN Training Bodies Bodyshape Varied Programs Legends of Wrestling Play Ball Brickyard

TMC Movie Movie Movie Movie LOSE WEIGHT Wtxzzr zzt r*n WMCAWWayiOeff* VOW CAW lAfll* LOW Jib* VOuCAHWkVlOK »t» youcAwnmyion nm YOllCAMWMUrtOM Wt» JL'6.90; •umwMC) ■ HOMQUBW •lassesMws,.

354-4500 754 Haiklns M.. B.G. t VISA 10 onn Friday Magazine/April 27, 19M

FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 27,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11.00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag. |candid C. Design, w. Bagdad Spue Dallas News Taxi Arsenio Hall o News Rising Damp Stanley Cup Playoffs Adams Division Final ■ Montreal Canadiens at Boston Bruins Journal News Good Rockin Tonite 0 News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Candid C. Design. W. Bagdad Spice Dallas News Magnum, P.I. a NBWS NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court Mancuso FBI Nasty Boys Hardball News Tonight Show Letterman 9 News ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud Full House Family Strangers Ten of Us 20/20 News Nightline Arsenio Hall m Rod/Reel Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wash. Week Wall St Doctor Who EastEnders Lonesome Pine Special © MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business McLaughlin Wash Week Wall St. Friday Ideas Movie: The Wannsee Conference" Video Sign-Ofl €9 Boss' Charles Boss' Mama Movie: "The Godfather. Part II" Barney M. H s Heroes WKRP After Hours Movie: "The Car 9 Boss' Facts ot Lite Boss' Family Ties Movie: "D.A.R.Y.L." News Santord Jeffersons Fall Guy Esm Baseball SportsLook SportsCtr Ma|or League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced Makx League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced TMC Movie: "Stranded" Movie- "Detective School Dropouts Movie: "Platoon Leader" | Movie: Fnght Night Part 2"

SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 28,1990 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O amwd Dungeons Wonder Basketball NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA o Street Cents Wonders. Anything Disability Gardener Fish'n Driver's Seat Chek. Flag Sportsweekend CD GarWd Dungeons Ragg. Ann Baskelball NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA ID Chipmunks Saved-Bell ALF-tales ALF Young Univ. TBA Movie: Dead End" PGA Goll: USF&G Classic 9 Bugs S Tweety Flintstones Weekend Lose Weight Mega Kitchenmate Natr'l Wht PBA Bowling: Firestone Tournament Wide Work) of Sports 9 Nathalie 0. La. Cookin Cooking Garden Gourmet Old House Workshop Hometime Calligraphy Gentle Dr. Austin City Limits Creatures Great & Small m Vets Only Camping Motorweek Rod/Reel Old House Garden Workshop Hometime Gourmet Yan Cooks Collectors Alexander European Tony Brown 9 Better Home To Prosper WWF Wrestling Work) Wide Wrestling Movie: The Ballad of Josie" New Lassie Batman Batman H s He-oes 9 Fall Guy Movie "The Godfather. Part II" Star Trek New Lassie New Beaver ESM Fishm Hole Gameday Chicago Dog Show Auto Racing: Great Amer. Auto Racing: NASCAR Ravenboats 150 Auto Racing tndy500 Speed Track and Field: Gatorade TMC Movie: "Good Morning. Vietnam Cont'd |Movie: "The Last Startghter" Short Film Movie: The Dream Team" Physical Evidence''

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 I 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News Gateway Research Paradise Tour of Duty News Movie: "First Blood" O Saturday Report Boater Don Cherry Stanley Cup Playoffs Campbell Conference Division Finals News Night Music 9 News CBS News Wh Fortune Cash Exp Paradise Tour of Duty News Movie: "Right ol the People" 9 News NBC News Entertainment This Week Family-Joe 13 East Golden Girts Empty Nest Carol & Co Down Home News Saturday Night's Main Event 9 Insport ABC News Star Search Sunset Beat Movie: "Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown" American Gladiators NWA Pro Wrestling 9 Degrassi Video Lawrence Welk Show Great Performances Great Performances Latenight America With Dennis Wholey 69 WonoerWorks Lawrence Welk Show Wonderful World of Disney Movie: "The Ghost and Mrs. Mut" Martin Mud Sign-Off 9 Boss? Charles Boss? Mama Cops Video In Color Ullman Star Trek Comic Strip Live Fri the 13th Series m Charles Mad House Star Trek: Next Gener. Cops Video In Color UKman Star Trek Jeffersons Movie: The Scartace Mob ESPN Track and Field: Gatorade SportsCtr SpeedWeek Auto Racing: Ofl-Road Saturday Night Thunder Baseball SportsCtr Lighter Side Skiing TMC Physical Evidence" Movie: "Good Morning. Vietnam" Movie: "Fnght Night Part 2" Movie: "The Matchmaker" TrueConf.

y $2 Off Haircuts The BG News -J 5/5/90 Wishes Cveryone fl Healthy and Happy Summer -WAVE r135 1/2 E COURT Friday \{«gazine/Aprii 27, 1W i :i:: i 11

SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 29,1990 11:00 11:30 12:00 I 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Wall SI Jrnl Siskel SportsCtr Basketball NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA NBA Basfcetbai Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA o Coronation Best Years Meeting Place Canada Hymn Sing Journey: A Celebration Movie: 'Robinson Crusoe' Grizzly Adams ID Real Estate Lose Weight Showcase Baskeioall NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA NBA Basketball Playoffs: First Round Game. Teams TBA ID Shut-ins Mass School Quiz Cable Kitchen Snakmaster Witness to Survival Motorcycles PGA Golf: USF&G Classic 8) Work) Tom. Week-David Brinkley Close-Up Business TBA Lose Weight Mega Boxing: Maynard vs. Jimerson Boxing: Doug Dewrtt vs. Nigel Benn m Tony Brown Heritage Adam Smith Wall St Czeslaw MKosz: The Poet Struggle lor Democracy Bookmark Travel Mag. One on One McLaughlin Firing Line Market © Degrassi Newtons Friday Adam Smith March ot the Living Great Performances Nova Lawrence Wek Show Hard Drugs, Hard Choices 88 Grades Lustre Charles Marblehead Pre-Game Major League Baseball: Milwaukee Brewers at Detroit Tigers Out ot Work) Secret ID. ffl American Gladialors Star Trek: Next Gener. Movie: "Rage" Movie: Bringing Up Baby Lilestyles-Rich

ESPN Reporter Gameday Indy 500 Auto Racing: NASCAR Winston Cup Hanes Activewear 500 Auto Racing Water Skiing Track and Field

TMC Satisfaction Movie: "TheChallenge' |Movie: 'The Karate Kid. Part Two Movie: '"Doin' Time on Planet Earth" Movie: Mac and Me

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News 60 Minutes |Murder, She Wrote Movie: "Caroline? News Siskei Insport Arsenio Hall O Bonanza Stanley Cup Playoffs Adams Division Final - Boston Bruins at Montreal Canadiens Venture News Sports Zone Movie: "Kotcti" o News CBS News 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote Movie: "Caroline?" News Movte: "Toughlove" ID News NBC News Movie: "Spooner" True Blue Movie: "Fall From Grace" News Byron Allen Quit 33 Siskel ABC News Lite Goes On Videos Tim Conway Movie: Story ot the Beach Boys: Summer Dreams Editors Snakmaster The Doctor Is In m Lawrence Welk Show Wonderworks Nature Masterpiece Theatre Struggle for Democracy Believers Detense Sign-Off • Chats Workshop Austin City Limits Nature Masterpiece Theatre Prostate Aging Assist Martin Mull Sign-Off S3 Star Trek: Next Gener. Outsiders Wanted Simpsons Married... Open House Booker Natr'l Wht Beauty Lustre

0D Star Search Outsiders Wanted Simpsons Married... Open House Booker Jeffersons Kenneth Copeland Survival

ESPN Track SportsCtr. Baseball Tonight Major League Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Los Angeles Dodgers SportsCenter Tennis: Monte Carlo Open

TMC "Mac and Me Cont'd Movie: "•batteries not included |MOV«: The Karate Kid. Part Two" Movie: "Magnum Force"

MONDAY EVENING APRIL 30,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 1 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag Major Dad Newhart Murphy B. Design. W. 1 Love Lucy: First Show News Newhart iTaxi Arsenio Hall o News Outdoors Danger Bay Allo Allo Journal Stanley Cup Playoffs: Campbell Conference Division Finals SCTV CD News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Mapr Dad Newhart Murphy B. Design. W. 1 Love Lucy: First Show News Magnum. P.l. IB News NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court Two Dads Working Girl Hunter Shannon's Deal News Besf of Carson Letterman €B News ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud MacGyver China Beach Capital News News Nighoine Arsenio Han €B TBA Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Survival Inside USSR Mauna Kea: Other Worlds EasfEnders Nature SD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Survival Inside USSR Red Dwarf Video Served Mystery!

S3 Boss? Chades Boss? Mama 21 Jump Street Alien Nation Star Trek: Next Gener. WKRP After Hours Guyana-Cult 8D Boss? Facts ot Lite Boss' Family Ties 21 Jump Street Alien Nation News Sanford Jeffersons Fan Guy ESPN Sports SportsLook SportsCtr. Motorweek Indy 500 Nat'l Aerobics Champ Swimsuit 90 Barbados Sports Baseball SportsCtr. Indy 500 Brickyard

TMC Movie: Murphy's Romance" Movie: "Red Scorpion" Movie: "Red Heat" Rambo: First Blood Part II See the future. Use a condom

Depart 1-800-332-AIDS (k4U~£4t*• *M6U,QL •*». ■ ■■'■' ■■«... «-» 12 DDD Friday Magazine/April 27, 19»0

TUESDAY EVENING MAY 1,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag. Rescue 911 Movie: Child in the Night" News Newhart Taxi Arsenio Hall o News Babar Stanley Cup Playoffs Adams Division Final - Montreal Canadiena at Boston Bruins Journal News SCTV o News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Rescue 911 Movie: "Child in the Night News Magnum, P.I. CB News NBC NWM Ent. Tonight Night Court Mattock In the Heat ol the Night Midnight Caller News Tonight Show Letterman 9) News ABC News Cur. Atlair Family Feud Boss? Wonder Y. Roseanne Brewsler thirtysomething News Nightline Arsemo Hall 9 All Purposes Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Nova Frontline Forbidden Land EastEnders Law Talk European ffi MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Nova Frontline To Be Announced Served Masterpiece Theatre

60 Boss' Charles Boss? Mama Movie: ■CompromisingPositions" Barney M. H s Heroes WKRP After Hours Movie: "Born Beautiful" m Boss' Facts of Life 8oss? Family Ties Movie: "Baby Boom" News Sanlord Jeflersons Fall Guy ESM NBA ToOay SportsLook SportsCtr Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced Major League Baseball: Teams lo Be Announced

TMC Movie: The Last Starfighler' Movie. Night of the Demons "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Movie: "Bloodsport

WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 2,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag Raisins! Jake and the Fatman Imaginative Commercials News Newhart Taxi Arsenio Hall o News Raccoons Bcomoers World Alive Journal Stanley Cup Playoffs Campbell Conference Championship Game SCTV o News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy! Sydney Raisins1 Jake and the Fatman Imaginative Commercials News Magnum. P.I. CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Unsolved Mysteries Night Court Dear John Quantum Leap News Tonight Show Letterman 6D News ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud Gro. Pains Head Ciss DoogieH Marshall Equal Justice News Nightline Arsenio Hall 6B All Purposes Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Smithsonian Work) Movie: "Eat a Bowl of Tea EastEnders Survival CD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals To Be Announced Eat a Bowl ol Tea To Be Announced Served To Be Announced O Boss? Charles Boss? Mama Movie: Baby Boom Barney M. H.'s Heroes WKRP After Hours Movie: "Forbidden" CD Boss? Facts of Life Boss^ Family TIPS Movie "No Way Out" News Sanlord Jeflersons Fall Guy ESPti Inside PGA SportsLoOk SportsCtr. HR Derby Baseball Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced SportsCtr Baseball Karate

TMC Movie: "Physical Evidence Movie: Against All Odds [Movie "Cop" Movie: "True Believer"

THURSDAY EVENING MAY 3,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag 48 Hours Falcon Crest Knots Landing News Newhart Taxi Arsenio HaH o News On Road Stanley Cup Playotls: Wales Conference Championship Game Journal News SCTV CD News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' 48 Hours Falcon Crest Knots Landing News Magnum, P.I CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Cosby Show Dif World Cheers Wings L A Law News Tonight Show Letterman €D News ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud Father Cowling Mysteries Twin Peaks Primetime Live News Nightline Arsenio Hall €D All Purposes Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Butterflies Mystery! Earth Day Plus 20 EastEnders Spirit ol Place SD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Old House Wild Am. Mystery1 Horizon Served Frontline

63 Boss? Cnarles Boss? Mama Movie. "Revenge ol the Nerds Barney M. H.'s Heroes WKRP After Hours Not Just Another Affair"

0D Boss'' Facts of Life Boss'' Movie: "Jaws 2" News Sanlord Jeflersons Fall Guy

ESPN Thbreds SportsLook SportsCtr LPBA Bowling Thunderbolt Classic Boxing Baseball SportsCtr. Motorcycle Racing

IMC Broadcast Movie: "Alien From LA." [Movie: About Last Night,." Movie: The Seventh Sign Movie: "Dead Ringers"

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