OCTOBER 14, 2019 ASSOCIATES CLASS of 2019 S-2 ASSOCIATES CLASS OF 2019, OCTOBER 14, 2019 225 N.J.L.J. 2738 New Jersey Arbitration Handbook By William A. Dreier and Robert E. Bartkus New Jersey Arbitration Handbook is a firsthand guide to arbitration for practitioners and arbitrators alike, written from the perspective of what an experienced arbitrator looks for in the hearing process. The book provides helpful advice and tips on what you can expect in a typical hearing and what will be expected of you. Reserve Your Copy Now Visit lawcatalog.com/njbooks or call 877-807-8076 ASSOCIATES_COVERS_101915.indd 4 10/12/2015 3:17:33 PM 225 N.J.L.J. 2739 ASSOCIATES CLASS OF 2019, OCTOBER 14, 2019 S-3 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, REGIONAL BRANDS & LEGAL THEMES: EDITOR'S NOTE Hank Grezlak ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR OF REGIONAL BRANDS: David Gialanella LAW EDITOR: Juliette Gillespie REPORTER: Charles Toutant TRENTON CORRESPONDENT: Suzette Parmley ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jonathan F. Erway PHOTO EDITOR: Carmen Natale KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER – MARKETING SOLUTIONS: Vivian F. DiStaso BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE/PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ASSOCIATES Sonya D. Nutter SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Mitchell Cohn SKOOB: Jessica Roelant DIRECTOR OF OFFICE OPERATIONS: Jennifer McCullough CLASS of BUSINESS OFFICE: Carol Rosen IN MEMORIAM: Michael Booth NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR OF ALM EVENTS/SPONSORSHIPS: Donald Chalphin SENIOR DIRECTOR OF SALES - WEST, MARKETING SOLUTIONS: Joe Pavone DIRECTOR OF MARKETING SOLUTIONS, ALM EAST: Carlos Curbelo EDITORIAL & BUSINESS OFFICES: 24 Commerce Street 2019 4th Floor – Suite 425, Newark, NJ 07102 Phone (973) 642-0075 · Fax (973) 642-0920 www.njlawjournal.com • • • REPRINTS
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