
Aachen, coronation in 150 dispute of 61 Abbé Huc (missionary) 125 legitimate 18–19 abdication 50 See also Weber, Max absenteeism 98 avârız 38–39, 41 absolutism 3, 5, 14, 94–95, 185, 190, 194, 202 Avesnes 167 access. See court, thematic âyân 41–48 Adisi (vice-minister of war) 55, 61, 70 See also Nayancheng bailiff 43 Agūi (Qing general) 53, 55–58, 61–62, 70 Baltic Sea 14 See also Nayancheng banner, Chinese 57, 61n28, 62–64, 68, 73, al-Azm 47 78, 118 Albert (Archduke of Austria and Duke of Bordered 57n20, 70 Burgundy and Brabant) 194–201, 197 Mongol 55n14, 56, 61, 66, 118 fig. 4–5, 199 fig. 6, 201 fig. 7 Yellow 57n20, 86 Alexandra (Queen) 24 banner commander. See sancakbeyi Algeria 20 banners (districts). See sancak Ali Pasha of Yannina 47 banquets 148, 153, 180, 220 Aligun (Qing commander) 52–53 Baoding 82–84, 83 fig. 2 allowances 62, 79, 81 Baring, Evelyn (1st Earl of Cromer) Allsen, Thomas 140–141, 144 20, 26 Altdorfer, Albrecht (German painter and Basin, Thomas (Bishop of Lisieux) 160 engraver) 156 Batavia 19, 24 amban 8, 55n14, 114–125 bedel-i tımar 38 ambassadors 6, 2, 158 Beijing 14, 18, 53, 56, 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2, 66, Anderson, Benedict 74 70, 79, 81, 83 fig. 2, 84, 88, 117–118, 124, 144, Anne of (Queen of ) 177 146–147, 205 fig. 1, 210 Antoine de Chabannes (Count of Dammartin) palaces at 144 169–170 See also Forbidden City Antwerp 185–189 bells 172–173 entry of Albert and Isabel 194–201, 197 beylerbeyi 32, 40–41, 44 fig. 4–5, 199 fig. 6, 201 fig. 7 bishop(s) entry of Alexander Farnese 190–194, in conflicts of rank 108–112 193 fig. 3 in municipal disputes 167–168 entry of François (Duke of Anjou) 188 of Antwerp 201–202 fig. 1, 189 fig. 2, 189–190 of 167 See also ceremonial entries of Teruel 110 Anwesenheitsgesellschaft 6, 28 See also Basin, Thomas; Georges archbishop. See bishop(s) d’; Gilles de Luxembourg; Asida (Qing noble) 55, 61 Isidoro de Aliaga; Juan Pérez de la Serna; See also Nayancheng Odet de Coligny assemblies 29, 104–105 Bismarck, Otto von 19 Assum, Johann Augustin 155 Bombay 25, 27n44 authority Bourdieu, Pierre 177 central/peripheral 2, 5, 13, 18–23, 27, 49, Brazil 26 51, 61, 99, 105–106, 117, 165–167, 173, 186 British Empire 14–25, 29, 123

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British India 14, 19, 123 custom(s); Francis I; Francis (Duke of Brittany, duchy of 160–161 Brittany); Francis (Duke of Longueville); Buddhism 50n1, 119, 148, 214–215 François; Henry II; Henry VI; Joyous buddhist clergy 214–215 Entry; Louis of Male; Louis VI; Louis IX; bureaucracy Louis X; Louis XI; Louis XII; John II; John Chinese 17, 51, 54–55, 74–93, 114, 120, of Lorraine; oath-taking; southern tours; 147, 225 tours of inspection; urban privileges; Ottoman 36, 42 William of Normandy Burgkmair, Hans (German painter and Cezzar Ahmed Pasha (Ottoman ruler of Acre woodcut printmaker) 156 and the Galilee) 47 Burgundy, duchy of 165–166, 170 Chambers of Rhetoric 187 burial rites 120–121 Charles of France (Duke of Guyenne and Normandy) 160–161 Calcutta 24 () Canzan Dachen (Grand Minister 160, 166, 168, 170 Consultant) 67 Charles I of Anjou (King of Sicily) 99 capital punishment Charles II (King of Spain) 96 in China 52, 54, 58, 61, 66n44, 90, Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor) 178 91n37, 146 fig. 3 in France 172–173 Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) 95, 99, in the Ottoman Empire 38 150, 178 fig. 3, 192 Catherine de Medici (Queen of France) Charles VI (King of France) 165, 171–173, 177 176 fig. 2 census register 31n2, 39–42 Charles VII (King of France) 163, 164 centralisation/decentralisation 18, 47–48, fig. 1, 171 181 Charles VIII (King of France) 179–180 ceremonial entries 160–202 Chauveau, François (French painter and into Abbeville 168, 180 engraver) 158 into Arles 180 checks and balances 28, 120 into Arras 166–167 Chengdu 61, 68 into Beauvais 167–168, 179n60, 183 chief grand councillor 52, 54, 57 into Bologna 150 chieftain 33, 52 into Bruges 162 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 21 into Châlons-en-Champagne 168 circulation into Châlons-sur-Saone 163, 169 of coinage 36–39 into Compiègne 179–180 of officials 17, 76, 93, 126 into Dijon 174 city rights. See urban privileges into La Rochelle 163, 167, 169 city-state 15 into Messina 150 Civil Service Examinations 55, 76–77, 85, into Nice 150 87, 120, 146 into Paris 163, 164 fig. 1, 165, 167–169, Cixi (Empress Dowager of China) 14 173–175, 176 fig. 2, 178 fig. 3, 179–180 cizye 39, 41 into Rouen 160–161, 172–173, 177, 183 Classics Colloquium 70 into Tournai 181 (Queen of France) into Troyes 171, 179 180–181 See also Albert; Antwerp; Charles of clergy France; Charles the Bold; Charles IV; buddhist 214–215 Charles V; Charles VI; Charles VII; French 163, 169

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Tibetan 121, 125 court, thematic See also bishop(s) access to 6–9, 28, 99, 118, 143, 180–183, coherence, imperial 16–17 228 colonies 13–27 culture 15, 53, 101–102 commoners 19, 79, 100, 131, 135, 140, 163, ecclesiastical 110 210, 213–216, 221 inner/outer 4, 6, 8, 55–56, 231 communication 2, 15, 25–26, 66 travelling 5–7, 26, 138, 144–146, political 94–113 203–224 See also bells; memorials; telegraph See also Anwesenheitsgesellschaft; festival; competition 1, 17, 105, 111, 125, 165, 231 integration/disintegration; kâdı; between officials 69, 73 Reisekönigtum between towns 181, 183 courtiers 51–53, 58, 71, 94–96, 208, 213 Confucian Cromer, Lord. See Baring, Evelyn classics 118, 120, 134–135, 148 currency 36, 38, 39, 50n1, 122–123 critique 134–135, 139 as gift 201, 211 governance 80, 92–93, 120, 134–135, See also silver 139, 204 Curzon, George (1st Marquess Curzon of rituals 7–8, 204 Kedleston) 21n18, 24 Confucianism 120, 135 custom(s) 15, 29 Confucius 134–135 Chinese 147, 203, 209, 211–212, 222–223 Cornwallis, Charles (1st Marquess and 2nd during ceremonial entries 161–168, Earl Cornwallis) 21 182–183, 185–186, 191–196 coronation 150–151, 153, 157 Tibetan 118–121 See also ceremonial entries corruption 51, 62, 88, 90–91, 120, 122 Dalai Lama 115–117, 119–121, 123, 125 Cortés, Hernán 99 Daming 82, 83 fig. 2, 144 corvée 122 Daoguang reign 72–73 council 19, 26, 98, 227 decolonisation 14 Grand 49, 51–58, 63, 69–73, 118, 138, 229 defence strategy 116–117, 119, 123–124 municipal 29, 98, 105, 110–111, 160–162, delegation of authority/power 21, 23, 27, 166–184 49, 73, 97, 106 of Indies 103–104 Delengtai (Mongol bannerman) 66 of state 22, 97 Dinant, sacking of 170 Ottoman 32–33, 42 diplomacy 17, 47, 116, 118 royal, of Madrid 97 disaster relief 85, 87–88, 116 viceregal 107–108, 111 disgrace 49, 72 court, in general 3–9, 14–17, 23–28, district. See sancak 94–95, 150, 158–159, 185–186, 226–232 domestication 94–95 court, geographic Dongfang Shuo (Han scholar) 141 Chinese 4–9, 14, 49–56, 71, 91–93, Doumer, Paul (President of France, Co-Prince 114–115, 118, 134–135, 143–146, 203–206, of Andorra) 22 212–224 Dresden 155 French 3, 5–7, 26, 94, 175, 180–181 Dublin 22, 24 Hohenzollern 14 Dürer, Albrecht (German painter and of Naples 96–108 engraver) 156 of Valencia 96–105, 108–111 1–7, 13–15, 18–21, 151–152, 225–232 Ottoman 42–45 Habsburg 186, 194 Spanish 94–113 Han 134, 137

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Ming 134, 144 firearms 34, 36, 63 Ottoman 30–34 firework display 154–155, 157 Qing 49, 91, 93, 114, 125–126, 134, 144, First Emperor (of Qin) 129–130, 136–139, 203 141, 143 Song 129, 134 Flanders, county of 162, 173, 192 Florence 22, 150 East India Company 19, 25 Forbidden City 6, 8, 24, 56, 70, 144, 147 Ebilun (Qing noble) 51n4, 52 fortifications 179–180 economic reform. See reform Francis I (King of France) 150, 179n60, Edward VII (King of Great Britain and 180–181 Emperor of India) 24 Francis (Duke of Brittany) 160–161 Egypt 19–20, 26, 37, 47–48 Francis (Duke of Longueville) 174–175 Eisenstadt, S.N. 16 François (Duke of Anjou and Eldemboo (Manchu general) 58, 64–65, Alençon) 188 fig. 1, 189 fig. 2, 189–190 67–70, 72 Friedrich August I (Elector of Saxony, King of Eleanor of Austria (Queen of France) 180 Poland) 153, 157 Elias, Norbert 16, 94–95 frontier 7, 16, 231 Elliot, J.H. 96 Chinese 52–53, 72–73, 114–126 Emperor’s Mirror 129–131, 132–133 fig. 1, French 169–170, 179–180 134, 138, 148 Ottoman 31–33, 41 See also Zhang Juzheng See also ghazi emperors Fuchang’an (vice-minister of revenue) Chinese. See First Emperor; Huizong; 51, 54 Jiaqing; Kangxi; Qianlong; Taizong; Fuheng (Grand Minister Commander) Wanli; Wu; Xuanzong; Yangdi; 52–53, 57–58, 63, 73 Yongzheng; Zhengde Fujian 76 Habsburg. See Leopold II Holy Roman. See Charles VI; Charles V; 50, 58, 60 fig. 2, 61n28, 64–69, 139 Maximilian I Gao Shiqi (personal secretary of the Kangxi entry, urban. See ceremonial entries; Joyous emperor) 210–211 Entry; tours of inspection; southern tours Garden of the Humble Administrator ethnicity 11, 50, 114, 211–212, 220–221 (Zhuozheng yuan) 216–220, 222 eunuchs 4, 144, 149 gardens 99–100, 136, 142 Eurasia 14–15, 114, 140, 226 gate(s) 130, 160–161, 165, 167–171, 173, 196, examinations 17, 55, 76–77, 87, 120, 146 215, 231 excommunicate 110, 112 Chang 208, 210, 213, 215, 218 execution. See capital punishment Chongwen 57 extravagance, critique of 129–149, 209, 211 Feng 216 Keizerspoort 192, 193 fig. 3 famine 79, 85 Lou 218 Farnese, Alexander (Duke of Parma, Governor Pan 216, 218 of the Spanish Netherlands) 185n3, Qi 216, 218 190–196 Xu 218 Ferdinand of Aragon (Duke of Calabria) gentry 17, 27, 114 101 George II (King of Great Britain) 16 festival 9, 101, 104, 150–159, 159 fig. 2, Georges d’Amboise (Archbishop of Rouen 195–196, 200–202, 227 and chancellor of France) 180 See also lantern festival Germany 15

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Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles 150 Hešen (grand councillor) 51–58, 65–66, ghazi (frontier lords) 31–33 71, 73 gift-giving 65, 75, 131, 139, 142, 172, 175, 177, hierarchy 6, 9, 13–20, 23, 73–75, 94, 107, 178 fig. 3, 179–183, 193, 196 116, 126, 227, 231 Gilles de Luxembourg (Bishop of Himalaya region 122–123, 125 Châlons-en-Champagne) 168 Hohenzollern court 14 Goffman, Erving 189–191 households governor-general 19–27, 32, 54, 66, 82–84, Chinese 88, 209, 219 86, 190 Ottoman 31–41, 44–47 governors 23, 27, 31–32, 40–46, 58, 61, 72, royal 182 75, 78, 80–82, 86–91, 106, 110, 175, 181, 218, viceregal 99, 103 220–221 See also Imperial Household Department See also amban; Farnese; mütesellim; Taibu; Huang, Ray 147 Tang Bin; Yongbao Hubei 50, 60 fig. 2, 64 Grand Canal 59 fig. 1, 77, 78 fig. 1 Huizong (Song emperor) 138, 142, 144 Grand Council 49, 51–58, 63, 72–73, 85, hunting 5–7, 35, 129, 131, 134, 137–142, 118, 138, 229 144–146, 155 Grand Minister Commander (Jinglüe Dachen) 52, 58, 61, 67 Imperial aides 49–53, 66, 73 grand secretariat (neike) 55n14, 57, 118, imperial authority (domination) 216 218 Imperial Diaries (Qijuzhu) 206, 208–211, Green Standard 117, 123 223 Guicciardini, Lodovico (Italian writer and imperial diarists 208–210, 223 merchant) 186 imperial disposition 206, 209, 223 Gurkha 116 Imperial Household Department 56–57, Gurkha Wars 120–121, 123, 125 70, 86 Gyalrong tribe 52 Imperial Study (Nanshufang) 55, 70 India 14, 19–29, 37–38 Habsburg Monarchy 7, 14, 22–23, 30, Indochina, French 20, 22 95–96, 102, 113, 156, 185–195, 198, 200 Indonesia 27 Haining 205 fig. 1, 218 information 18 Han Feizi (Chinese philosopher) 142–143 See also communication Han River 58, 60 fig. 2 Inner court. See court, thematic hâne 39 inspection tour. See ceremonial entries; Hangzhou 59 fig. 1, 118, 205 fig. 1 Joyous Entry; tours of inspection; southern Hanlin Academy 55–57, 70, 77, 209n17 tours Hanzhong 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2 Institute of Historiography 56 Henan 60 fig. 2, 64, 69, 205 fig. 1 integration/disintegration 16–17, 28, 48, Hengrui (Qing general) 61–63, 65, 68 115–116 See also Nayancheng intermediaries 7, 13, 19, 28, 115 Henry II (King of France) 174–175, 177, Ireland 19, 22 179, 182–184 Isabel (Infanta of Spain and Duchess of Henry VI (King of England and France) Burgundy and Brabant) 194–196, 197 168–169 fig. 4–5, 198, 199 fig. 6, 200–201, 201 fig. 7 heraldry 152, 187 Isidoro de Aliaga (Archbishop) 108–112 Hercules, Gallic 198, 199 fig. 6, 200 Istanbul 14, 37, 42–43, 45–47 Herzog August Bibliothek, (1494–1558) 174 Wolfenbüttel 150 15, 21, 174, 180

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Malaya 15 music, musicians 129–131, 153, 217, 221–222 Mallorca 150 See also Lassus, Orlandus; Troiano, mâlikâne 45–46 Massimo; Verdi, Giuseppe Manchu 17–18, 22, 49, 51, 55–56, 58, 64, mütesellim 44 67, 78, 85–86, 115, 206, 211–224 Myanmar 52–53 Manchuria 61–62, 80, 211 Mann, Susan 77 76–77 (Habsburg empress) 22 Naples 96–108, 150 master of ceremonies 102, 109 Napoleon I 14, 23, 26, 29n54, 48 Maximilian I (Holy Roman Emperor) 156 Napoleon III 14 mediation 7, 13, 19, 28, 115 narratives (court, local, official, unofficial) Mehmed Ali Pasha of Egypt (Khedive of 203–224 Egypt and Sudan) 48 Nayancheng 49–50, 55–73, 126, 229 Meiji Renovation 14 See also Adisi; Agūi; Asida; Hengrui memorials (tiben, zouzhe) 87n27, 87–89, nâzır-ı emvâl (supervisor of revenues) 40 117n14, 136 Necin (grand councillor) 51–54, 57–58, 73 Mencius (Chinese philosopher) 134, New Spain. See Mexico 138–139 New York Public Library 150 mercenaries 45 Nian Gengyao (Qing military commander) Metternich, Klemens Wenzel von (State 53, 54n10 Chancellor of the Austrian Empire) 19 Ninghai 48 fig. 1, 80–81 Mexico 37, 96, 98–105 notables. See âyân Miao Rebellion 50, 54n12, 91n37 Nylan, Michael 143 militia 62, 123, 190–191, 193, 195–196 Mingliang (Manchu general) 58–59, oath-taking 160–171, 174–175, 186–187, 61–63 195–196, 200–201 Ministry of Internal Affairs 26 See also ceremonial entries; Joyous Entry Ministry of Revenue 51, 52n7, 55n14, Oboi (Manchu military commander) 53, 56–57 54n10 Ministry of Rites 72 octrois 182 Ministry of War 55–56, 58, 70 Odet de Coligny (Bishop of Beauvais) Ministry of Works 56, 62n30 167–168 mirrors (genre) 4, 129–131, 132–133 fig. 1, Olivares, count-duke of 96, 112 134, 138, 148, 152, 154, 226 Ortai (Qin official) 66 See also Emperor’s Mirror Ouyang Xiu (Song statesman) 149 Moctezuma 99 monasteries palace(s) 3, 7, 99–105, 228 French 160–161, 183 Chinese 24, 85, 129–139, 143–148, 227 Tibetan 117, 121, 125 in Calcutta 24 Mongolia 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2, 114–115, 118 in Mexico (Palacia Real) 99–104 monopoly of (legitimate) violence 29 in Naples (Palazzo Reale) 99–102 Morgan, Victor 187 in Valencia (Casa Real) 99–101 Mount Tai 140, 142, 145, 203, 205 fig. 1 Ottoman 32–36 Mountbatten, Louis (1st Earl Mountbatten of pardons 72n64, 139, 165–166, 229 Burma) 22 Paris 157–158, 171–173, 184 Mozi (Chinese philosopher) 135 See also ceremonial entries muhafız 41 patronage 17, 21, 82, 85, 97, 215, 229 Munich 14, 153, 155n11 Pedro de Toledo (Duke of Alba) 99

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Jeroen Duindam and Sabine Dabringhaus - 9789004272095 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 12:45:41PM via free access index 241 scribes 32, 35, 195, 223 Tai’an 48 fig. 1, 81–82 Seabra Lopes, Daniel 189 Taibu ( governor) 61–65 sened-i ittifak (Deed of Alliance) 48 taille 180 Seville 18, 150 Taizong (Tang emperor) 136–139, 141, Shaanxi 50, 58–59, 60 fig. 2, 61–62, 144–145, 148 64–66, 68–69, 72n67 Tancheng 78 fig. 1, 79–80, 83n20 Shandong 77–83, 78 fig. 1, 140, 203, 205 fig. Tang Bin (provincial governor) 208n14, 1, 207 fig. 2 212n28, 214n32, 217, 220–221 Shanghai 59 fig. 1, 217 taxation 25 Shi Jin (Chinese general) 69 Chinese 78–81, 86–87, 135, 137, 139 Siam 14 Chinese, in Tibet 121–122 Sichuan 50, 52, 54n10, 58, 60 fig. 2, 64–65, French 171, 179–180, 182 68–72, 123 Ottoman 31, 36, 38–40, 45–46 sicil registers 140 See also avârız; bedel-i tımar; cizye; Sicily 21, 106n32 mâlikâne; octrois; silver; urban privileges Siena 150 telegraph 25–26 silver Tennō 14 American 37 Thailand 14 Chinese allowances 62, 79, 81 The Hague 18 Chinese tax quotas 79, 81–82, 87 theocracy 116–117, 119, 121, 125 Ottoman coinage 36–39 Tibet 8, 55, 66, 68, 72, 114–126 silverware 175, 177, 178 fig. 3, 179 Tiger Hill 208, 211, 215, 221–222 Silvestre, Israel 158 Tokyo 14 Sima Guang (Chinese historian) 131, 136 tournaments 151–155 Sima Qian (Chinese historian) 130, 137 Tours 170 Sima Xiangru (Chinese author) 140, 142 tours of inspection 6, 9, 29, 138–139, 146 Skinner, G. William 80 See also southern tours slavery 24, 121 trade 36–37, 47–48, 77–78, 118, 122–123, smallpox 120 186 Song Yun 117–126 Troiano, Massimo (Italian composer) 153 South Asia 19 Tsarist empire 25–26 See also India Tuscany, Grand Duchy of 22 South Study. See Imperial Study Tzschimmer, Gabriel (chronicler) 155 southern tours (nanxun) 203–204; 205 fig. 1; 206, 207 fig. 2; 208–224 ulemâ 32–33, 42 See also ceremonial entries; Joyous Entry; ümerâ 32–34, 42 tours of inspection urban privileges 160–184 Spanish America 24, 27, 97–104, 113 exemption from taille 180 Spence, Jonathan 79 of Arras 162, 165–167 St Petersburg 14 of Beaune 174 stability 16, 122, 137, 162, 170 of Beauvais 167–168, 183 Stockholm 14 of Bruges 162 Stuttgart 155–156, 157 fig. 1 of Châlons-en-Champagne 171 succession 21, 33–34, 229 of Châlons-sur-Saone 163, 169 See also coronation of Compiègne 171, 180 Suez Canal 25 of Dijon 162, 165, 174 suzerainty 115 of La Rochelle 169 Suzhou 9, 92, 203–204, 205 fig. 1, 206, of Rouen 160–161, 172–173 208–223, 228 of Troyes 171, 179

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to collect tax revenue 171, 179n60, 180 See also Alexandra; Anne of Brittany; See also Antwerp; ceremonial entries; Catherine de Medici; Claude of France; oath-taking; octrois; pardons Cixi; Eleanor of Austria; Maria Theresa; Utrecht 150 Victoria; Wei; Wu (Zhou empress) Wucheng 77–80, 78 fig. 1 Venice 16, 37–38, 45, 47 Wu Sangui (Chinese general) 219 Verdi, Giuseppe (Italian composer) 14 Wu (Han emperor) 140, 145 Veritable Records (Qing emperors’ daily Wu (Zhou empress) 130 records) 56, 58, 66n42, 70, 206, 208n10, 228 Xi’an 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2, 61 Verres, Gaius (proconsul) 21 Xiangyang 50, 58, 60 fig. 2 Versailles 5, 153 Xinjiang 59 fig.1, 68n49, 70, 73, 114–115 vezir 32–34, 36, 41 Xuanzong (Tang emperor) 142 viceroy 6, 8–9, 13–29, 51, 94–114 Xunzi (Chinese philosopher) 142 Victoria (Queen of Great Britain and Empress of India) 22, 24 yamen 24, 82, 88 Vigenère, Blaise de (French diplomat) 152 Yangdi (Sui emperor) 136, 139 visual literacy 187 yang-lian (‘nourishment of virtue’ stipend) 62, 79, 81 Wang Yongning 219–220 Yangtze River 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2, 90, 203, Wanli emperor 129, 131, 134, 147 205 fig. 1, 206, 209, 216n39, 217 War of the Public Weal 160 Yangzhou 59 fig. 1, 139, 205 fig. 1 Watt, John 76 Yang Xiong (Chinese Taoist) 141 Weber, Max 2, 18 Yao Tinglin (Shanghai native) 217–224 Wechsler, Howard 145 Yellow River 59 fig. 1, 60 fig. 2, 84, 205 Wei River 60 fig. 2, 129 fig. 1 Wei (Tang empress) Yongbao (Shaanxi governor) 58, 61 Wei Zheng (Tang chancellor) 141–142 Yongzheng emperor 15–16, 51, 53–54, 63, Wellesley, Richard (1st Marquess Wellesley) 66, 84, 229 24 Yue Zhongqi (Qin general) 52, 63 White Lotus Rebellion/White Lotus War Yunnan 52, 123 49–73, 85, 124, 126 Wilhelm V (Duke of Bavaria) 153 Zhangzhou 59 fig. 1, 76 William II (German Emperor) 14 Zhang Hanchao 58–59, 61, 68n49 William of Normandy (Count of Flanders) Zhang Juzheng (Grand Secretary) 162 129–131, 134, 148 women See also Emperor’s Mirror as concubines 129, 231 Zhengde (Ming emperor) 146 as mothers 59, 62, 130 Zhenjiang 205 fig. 1, 220 in palaces 130 Zhili 59 fig. 1, 78, 82–86, 83 fig. 2, 89, 205 personifying Antwerp 192–193, 198 fig. 1, 212n28 personifying provinces 198, 199 fig. 6, 200

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