Fifth CMSAF Speaks at Osan

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Fifth CMSAF Speaks at Osan Osan people run in Students take part in Weather Today: 54/33 cloudy Seoul Marathon Rube Goldberg contest Saturday: 45/26 cloudy Sunday: 37/24 cloudy Page 12 Page 6 Vol. 49, No. 7 March 10, 2006 Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea ROKAF hosts free concert To show appreciation for Osan servicemembers and their families, the Republic of Korea Air Force Fifth CMSAF speaks at Osan Band will perform with vocalists from the Pyongtaek University and Korean traditional musicians for a By Senior Airman Erin Smith free concert Wednesday at the base theater from 51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs 7-8:30 p.m. Dress is casual. For more information, call ROKAF public affairs at 772-6052. Former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Chief Master Sgt. (Ret.) Robert D. Gaylor, visited Osan last week. During his visit, he addressed the Ration information online Osan Airman Leadership School students, hosted a U.S. Forces Korea members can view their com- Team Mustang "all call" and was the guest speaker at missary spending online by visiting the 7th Air Force annual awards banquet. Members will be During the all call at the base theater, he told a required to enter their social security number, last story about a little boy whose motivation inspired him name, and date of birth to monitor commissary pur- and should be emulated by Airmen today. chase totals and dates. For more information, call the While he was ordering lunch at a food stand, Chief 51st Security Forces’ unit ration control customer Gaylor saw a delivery boy pick up a food order and service desk at 784-5898. run down the street very quickly. He was running so fast, CMSAF Gaylor wondered where he was going Stand out and why he was going in such a hurry. When the boy returned from his delivery, at the same speed at which Everyone must wear reflective belts and devices he had left, Chief Gaylor asked him where he had while in uniform during periods of low visibility gone and why he ran. The boy told him that he went including dusk, dawn, and extreme weather, accord- down the street to a local drugstore and that he always ing to 51st Fighter Wing 36-2901. Heavy fog consti- runs that fast when delivering orders. tutes extreme weather. Everyone with backpacks When pressed to explain his speedy pace, the boy must have reflective material attached to backpack. answered, "people like hot french fries," as if the Members must wear reflective belt in uniform for answer were obvious. Thinking about the customer, personal safety and it’s recommended wear while in the boy made sure the customer received the food civilian clothes. fresh and hot. According to CMSAF Gaylor, it is that For more information, contact unit first sergeants. kind of hustle that all workers should display when doing their work. He then asked Mustangs, "So, are you delivering hot fries?" You heard it here During his visit, the Chief sat down and gave his COMMANDER’S views on a variety of Airmen issues. MiG Alley Flyer: What is your impression of RADIO SHOW Airmen today? The 51st Fighter Wing Chief Gaylor: I think Airmen today have had an commander's radio show, advantage growing up. The school systems are better "Commander’s Corral," airs ) and the media is a great informer. Airmen today are every other Tuesday at 7 a.m. on Mustang Radio much more sophisticated and worldly. Fifth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Robert D. Gaylor 88.5 Eagle FM. The next Commander’s Corral (ret.) spoke at the 7th Air Force Headquarters annual awards will air Tuesday. See Chief Gaylor, Page 5 banquet Saturday. Photo by A1C Gina Chiaverotti The broadcasts feature information on key issues affecting Team Mustang, and offer Airmen, civilians and their families another com- uCommentary uNews munication link to Osan leaders. Women’s History Month Listeners may call during the show at 784- Congratulations 7th Air Force 5555, or may e-mail [email protected] celebrating their contributions 2005 annual award winners! topic ideas for upcoming broadcasts. Page 2 Page 3 uPROMOTIONS Major, senior master sergeant promotion lists, Page 4 Sorties UCI countdown! 25th Fighter 51 days . Squadron Colors fly at Monthly goal Annual goal For more information, 476 5,704 Camp Red Cloud check out the new Monthly flown Annual flown 51st Fighter Wing Unit 140 2,329 n 604th ASOS continues Compliance Inspection 36th Fighter reveille, retreat preparation home page Squadron at: https://wwwmil.osan Monthly goal Annual goal military tradition 536 5,801 cvi/main/UCIPrep.htm Monthly flown Annual flown 149 2,459 (Current as of Wednesday) Check out Chili’s grand opening Thursday! MiG Alley Flyer 2 March 10, 2006 Commentary Commander’s Women: building communities, dreams action line By Airman 1st Class Kara Torres n 1st Operations Support Group 784-4811 Since the beginning of time, women have played an important role in human existence. We are daugh- ters, sisters, wives, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, mentors and teachers. Mothers can magically heal a “boo-boo” with a kiss and a bandage; they say the right things to mend a broken heart or provide a hug or a shoulder to cry on. But women are not only emotional, loving creatures. When American Soldiers were sent to the world’s aid in World War I, women stepped up to the plate to take care of America, rear children, take care of the home -- all while manufacturing and shipping desperately needed items for the war. Passionate women have also disguised themselves as men in order to be a part of worthy causes, such as Joan of Arc during the French Revolution or Sarah Emma Edmonds (aka Frank Thompson) in the American Civil War. History is loaded with headlines regarding women making a differ- nFirst Secretary of the Air Force (1993), Sheila Widnall ence in the world and leaving their mark in the hearts of people for- nFirst female to fly combat missions (1995), Capt. Martha McSally ever. My focus is on the Air Force, where many firsts have been nFirst female space shuttle commander (1999), Col. Eileen Collins recorded in history. According to the March 2002 issue of Airman nFirst female sniper school graduate (2001), Senior Airman Jennifer Brig. Gen. Joe Reynes magazine, the following women made great strides: Donaldson 51st Fighter Wing commander nFirst female Aerial Gunner (2003), Airman 1st Class Vanessa Dobos nFirst woman to cross Atlantic Ocean solo (1932), Amelia Earhart nFirst female Thunderbird pilot (2006), Capt. Nicole Malachowski nFirst woman in the Air Force (1948), Staff Sgt. Esther McGowin Women need not only be recognized and honored for firsts, but The Commander’s action line is Blake should also be commended for their continuing bravery and courage a vital communication tool that nFirst woman to break the sound barrier (1953), Jacqueline Cochran and leadership. gives members of the base commu- n Recently in Iraq, four women helped save a convoy. In another nity a chance to talk to me, and First female chief master sergeant (1960), Chief Master Sgt. Leslie gives me a chance to ensure peo- McGowan part of Iraq, Capt. LeeAnn Roberts, a coalition military assistance ple get accurate replies. nFirst female promoted to general (1971), Brig. Gen. Jeanne Holm training team leader is the only female out of the 8,000 or so on this When you can’t resolve an nFirst female chaplain (1973), 1st Lt. Lorraine K. Potter particular base. Her job is to train Iraqi recruits to protect their own issue through your chain of com- mand, I welcome you to contact me nFirst female test pilot (1974), Capt. Leslie H. Kenne country. with your questions, comments and nWomen became Basic Military Training Instructors (1975) It’s amazing how far humans have come since the beginning of suggestions, via phone or e-mail. nFirst female Air Force Academy cadet (1976), Joan Olsen time, yet we still have so far to go. I doubt there will ever be a day Please leave your name and phone when there will no longer be a “first” record, regardless of age, gen- number if you’d like a personal nFirst women (10) graduate Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training, response. To contact my action line, Williams Air Force Base, Ariz. (1977) der, religion, race or ethnicity. So I encourage each and everyone of call 784-4811 or send an e-mail to nFirst Hispanic female graduates Air Force Academy (1980), Linda you -- man or woman, young or old -- to strive for your dreams, [email protected]. Garcia Cubero accomplish your goals and be builders of communities and dreams! Key customer service numbers Base exchange..............784-4239 Casualty office...............784-6719 Civilian pay.....................784-4586 Diamond GET INVOLVED! Claims office..................784-5828 Osan people can seek Clinic patient advocate...784-8285 Commissary...................784-4496 Tips out volunteer opportu- Contracting.....................784-6683 nities by calling the Inspector General..........784-4995 BACKBACKS When wearing BDU's, only solid color black, olive drab, or Law enforcement...........784-5515 Family Support Center. Legal assistance............784-6713 woodland camouflage backpacks are authorized. When wearing blues, only Military pay.....................784-1851 solid color black backpacks are authorized. Backpacks may be worn over For more information, Military personnel...........784-1845 call Mrs. Bettye Safety office...................784-5109 both shoulders. (Source: 96th Air Force Uniform Board Results, June 2004) Utilities...........................784-4879 Questions? Contact your first sergeant. Robinson at 784-5440. The Osan perspective What was the last book you read and enjoyed? Senior Airman Chief Master Sgt.
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