RUB SCRIPT ION PRICK, PER $2.00 TEAR ENTERED AS SECOND CLAB8 MATTER / IP PAID IN ADVANCE, $1,50. No. 24. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 17, 1903. AT THE ELLSWORTH POSTOPPICE. f aoumiBenuntB. LOCAL AFFAIRS of Bar Harbor, survives, and one sister, Illuminated Stage Pictures. POUNDED DYNAMITE. Mrs. E. L. Curtis, who moved from There have been exhibitions ot pic- Three Children NEW ADVKKTI8KMF.NTH THIS WEEK. Ellsworth to Massachusetts a few years tures, moving and still, In Ellsworth be- Winter Harbor Badly ago. Mr. Suminsby was formerly in the fore now, but nothing so unique in the Injured.! In Earl D Chase. bankruptcy—Est and Bar line has here Winter June 16 Probate notice—Eat James 8 Markoe. dry goods business in Ellsworth picture ever been presented Harbor, (special)— ESTATE! Admr as This three children of James REAL notice—Est Frederick A Sweet. Harbor. He moved to Massachusetts in the Byron illuminated stage pictures morning Admr notice—Eat Roland C Abbott. got any WANT TO 1891. that were shown in Hancock hall Mon- while oat of Exec notice—Eat Mark Frost. \ Broderick, playing doors* BUY hold of a one and one- TO SELL? SOME? Probate notice—E«t Peter 8 Moore et ala. At the annual of the State day evening, and last evening, and will got dynamite cap CC Burrlll—Insurance. meeting be shown this half inches long. Bank statement—Condition of First national council of Daughters of , held in evening. are looking for real estate of any sort; or if you have some real estate bank. The oldest a hammer jf you Westbrook June Mrs. Agnes The pictures shown—and there are over boy, Byrne, got Smith & 11, Brown, like to dispose oi, we’d like to have a talk with you. Our is the Staples, Moody—Musical Instru- 200 of them at teach entertainment—are and pounded it. Ihe cap exploded, and you'd agency ments of this city, was elected State councilor, real estate business: be G A of all three children were badly burned. meeca for local you'll most likely to close a quick and Farcher—Apothecary. and Mrs. Florence Merrill, of Bluehiil, photographs |tage scenes—the striking Owen Byrn—Clothing. Dr. A. E. Small attended them. No trade through us. Reliable associate vice councilor. scenes in a wide range of the most popu- satisfactory Clothing Co—Clothing. v David Friend—Clothing. lar of modern plays. Seeing them is the serious results are feared. C F Davis—Market. Miss Edytbe M. Swan, of Bangor, has nearest approach to actually witnessing Mr. Broderick at one time lived in Bah Harbor: been engaged to sing in the place of Miss C. C. the playB that can be imagined. Ellsworth. t BURRILL, Joe Emery—Log lost. Mabel Monaghan at the high school The pictures themselves are well worth BURRILL BANK BUILDING, ELLSWORTH, IVI E. Bangor: graduation concert to be held In Hancock seeing; they are the largest ever shown LAKEWOOD. Wood A Bishop Co—Ranges and furnaces. hall to-morrow evening. Miss Mary F. here, and the interest in them Is enhanced will be the Harry Bennett and Walter Kief, of Han- Hopkins accompanist. the admirable SCHEDULE OF MAILS by description given by visited friends here last week. Mrs. Frank W. Brackett and son cock, Carl, George as in view. AT ELLSWORTH Turner, they pass P08T OFFICE. of are tne last A salmon was recently caught at the Brookline, Mass., expected To-night is the last opportunity the cL In effect June 15, 1903. of the week. will the summer outlet of Green lake, which weighed four They spend people of Ellsworth will have to see this with Mrs. Brackett’s parents, Gideon S. and one-fourth pounds. Going Kast-6.13, 7,21 a m, 12.33, 4.20'and 6.11 Itogethe r remarkable and unique enter- Cook and wife. Mr. Brackett will A McC. a former resident p m. tainment. This evening’s programme Howard, here, them tor a of two weeks. Going West—11.56 a m, 2.23,5.31 and 10.28 p m. accompany stay includes scenes from DuBarry, Miss now of Rosebud, Montana, met with a INSURANCE MAIL CLOSES AT r08T-0FFICB. serious accident a short time which The return game of baseball between Hobbs, The Prince of Pilseu, Romeo and ago, Going East—7.00 a 3 5.30 and 10 m. 45, p m. the K. O. K. As of Ellsworth and the Y. Juliet, Little Minister, Lovers’ Lane, The resulted in the dislocation of bis shoulder. NATL BANK Going West—11.20 a m, 2, 5 and 10 p m. bear FIRST BLDG., M. C. As of Bar Harbor, scheduled for Merchant of The Sultan of Sulu His many friends are glad to that he SUNDAY. Venice, which was and Ben Hur. is now on the mending band. Mall trains arrive from the west at 6.13 Wyman park .last Saturday, ME. a m, H. A. ELLSWORTH, on account of the will These are June 15. R. 12 52 and 6.11 p m. Leave for the west at 2.21, postponed rain, pictures furnished by Joseph 5-31 and a master of 10.2ffp m. Mall closes for the west at be played next Saturday. The game Byron, stage photography; COMING EVENTS. 2, 5 and lfl p m. between these two nines at Bar Harbor the the entortainment is owned by Charles June week before was wou by the Bar Harbor MacGeacby, and is managed by Caoley & Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 15, The GEO. H. GRANT CO., THE AMERICAN Is on sale in boys. Halpln, who are now making their first 16 and 17, at Hancock hall—Byron’s illu- annual tour of the Maine circuit. minated stage pictures. Ellsworth at the news stands of Roy C Haines, of. this city, who is a The only criticism of the exhibition Insurance and Real C. H. Lei and, J. A. Thompson student at Hebron academy, came home Thursday, June 18, at Hancock hall— General Estate. that can justly be made was that the pic- Commencement exercises of the class of and H. W. Estey. Single copies, last week, and immediately left for Han- ELLSWORTH and BAK ME. tures were not as distinct as could have Ellsworth high school. Concert and HARBOR, 5 cents; cock Point where he will conduct during 1903, subscription price, been desired. This was due to the fact the summer the store at the Point. ball in the evening. Music by Mona- distance in only long tiuphowe._ $1.00 per year advance. that as the electric current here was not In connection with the store are the post- ghan’s orchestra. strong resort had to be had to office and the telephone exchange. enough, Miss Louise Dutton arrived home from the calcium light, which though stronger, The closed their “fir- Fruits oi modern philosophy seem to Emerys home, was not Fire 1 9 the most D Vassar last Friday. strong enough. More powerful The largest 4 4 A I pop-<4 /1—f' | ^TVT \ and went to Hancock be electric currents. lands,” yesterday, has been Is the Xm. 1 ular is the /~i Miss Elizabeth of Deer apparatus sent for. The mana- Company I -f ^ I 1 N| AV Dow, Isle, is Point. and Mrs. leave For the sake of a wager, a remarkable Judge Emery July will remain in the of her Mrs. B. T. Sowle. gers Ellsworth until it is guest sister, 1 (or their trip abroad. Miss Emery is feat of horsemanship was some years ago We have them, ami their policies cost no more than those of small companies. We ready for shipment the last of this week. Miss Elizabeth of ar- and will by a nobleman in give the lowest rates, anil cash settlements. Crippen, Boston, expected to-day, go immediately accomplished sporting rived borne Saturday night for a two to Hancock Point, and Prof. Harry Emery a certain London mansion. He made a CHURCH NOTES. n insurance and weeks’ vacation. will arrive (or the summer about the 26th. bet with a friend that he would ride hla wTV. TAPI FV U. IrtrULI, REAL ESTATE from the floor of the house Tho ladies’ circle of the Methodist Qeorge W. Young, of Hancock, who has UNION CONQ’L, ELLSWORTH PALLS. pony ground His steed re- cburcb will meet with Mrs. James T. represented Adriance, Platt & Co., of Rev. J. A. Scheuerle. to the top and down agftin. a good deal of persuasion to at- oooc<"X<>ooooocPCtaiis»5i»»aoo o+o oooooo<>oooo<>oooaooocK: Cushman afteruoou. N. in this for Sunday, June 21—Preaching service at quired 5 j Friday Poughkeepsie, Y., county tempt the task, bat it was finally per- 10 30 a. m. school at 11.30 a. Albert W. Cushman, chairman of the seven or eight years, has opened a ware- Sunday m. formed, though the damage done to the service at 7 30. stair other board of registration, is seriously ill at house in Ellsworth. He has leased the Evening carpetspnd things amounted to almost |l,000, which had to be paid bis borne on basement of the Manning building on Weekly prayer meeting Friday evening REMOVAL ? Franklin street. by the winner'. the north side of Main street, opposite the at 7.30. Walter J. C ark, jr., of this city, has UNITARIAN. Manning block. opened his fruit and confectionery store SlObnttsniunta. New Store. New Goods. Rev. S. W. Sutton, pastor. at Couteution Cove for the summer. C. F. Davis has moved his meat-mar- Sunday, June 21—Morning service at ket to new quarters in the Masons’ block store Mrs J. W. Tatley, of Montreal, arrived 10 30. Sunday school at 11.45. The lesson I have moved market and on State street, which has been vacant my provision to the summer with her yesterday spend will be a continuation of the study of to the Masonic block on State street. The since The American moved out in 1899. parents, Col. and Mrs. C. C. Burrill. with extracts from his The store and basement have been newly Emerson, writings. store has been fitted for use, and John E. Clark, of Bar is in the East Lamoine— Service June newly my Harbor, tilted aud painted for his use. An office Sunday, new and fresh. I now have city today on business relating to the 21, at 3.30 p. m. all the £oods are has also been put in on the first floor. work that is going on at the postoffice. o ariioi market in the and The basement will be used as a store the best appointed city, Rev. David The postponed Children’s day concert room. Kerr, pastor. to welcome all old will be my patrons on account of at the Sunday, June 21—Morning service at pleased Flag day Baptist The funeral of Sarah A., widow of Capt. new ones. are church will be next 10.30. Sermon by pastor. Sunday school and many My goods always given Sunday evening. Elisha Wakefield, who died last Friday, at 12 m. Junior C. E. at 6 p. m. Concert and the best the market A regular meeting of Sunrise council, was held at the sure to be fresh Sunday family residence, at 7. D. of L., will be held to-morrow evening, Rev. J. P. Simouton officiating. Mrs. affords. Hereafter the business will he run Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7.30. at which the election of officers will take Harvard Greely and Miss Fannie Tower Trenton—Service Sunday at 2.30 p. m.; on a place. most Four children sang acceptably. Mr. Kerr. Williams will at survive—Gilman and John, and two STRICTLY FOR CASH BASIS, Evangelist preach METHODIST EPISCOPAL. South Hancock next married Another son, Frank, Sunday morning; daughters. Rev. J. P. Simonton, pastor. will be as low as is con- at Hancock in the afternoon, and at Mt. was lost at sea a year or two ago. and the prices Sunday, June 21—Morning service at Desert in the Ferry evening. The Unitarian conference of Maine, 10.30. Sunday school at 11.45. Social sistent with first-class • goods. There will be a and sale of ice- held at last was at- €•»?•••»» \\\ supper Bangor week, largely meeting at 7 p. in. » • HIKIMII* (• >' cream, home-made candies and fancy tended. Among those from Ellsworth Tuesday evening, June 23— Epworth articles at the Methodist vestry, Thursday who went were Rev. and Mrs. 8. W. league at 7.30. Mrs. A. M. We have just received a lot of Hair C. F. afternoon and evening, June 26. Sutton, Mrs. A. F. Greely, Trenton—Service Sunday at 2.30 p.m.; DAVIS, Mrs. E. K. Mrs. Sarah Mr. Simonton. Line Suits that sell The Nook summer ia Hopkins, Hopkins, usually foj $7.W. ELLSWORTH. Shady colony STATE STREET, Mrs. Herman E. Mrs. S. CONGREGATIONAL. We are same for th* beginning to arrive. John D. Newman Partridge, Hill, selling low price D. Mrs. F. 8. Lord, Mrs. F. L. Rev. J. Af. / and wife, of New York, are already there, Wiggln, Adams, pastor. of D. C. June and conference and others are Kent, Mrs. J. M. Hale, Mrs. Hale, Friday, 19—Prayer expected any day. 7 30. Ps. 149 50. $6.75. Mrs. C. 1. Welch, and Miss Lizzie M. Os- meeting at Subject: Mrs. John Frazier and Mrs. James Sunday, June 21—Morning service at good. 10.30. school at 11.45. Frazier have returned from Rockland, Sunday “Honest Goods at Honest Prices*’ A Back Number Friend* of Stetson Foster, an old E'ls- where they were called by tbe sudden is our motto. will be interested to learn that death of their sister Susan, wife of Capt. worth boy, Letter to J. h. Brimmer, in our has been will not be found O. M. Grant. bis business In Boston incorpo- Ellsworth. rated under the name of the Foster & under cir- Last night the fire bell was Dear Sir. You know all about shoes. How music store any Saturday Mr. Foster Wiley Co., being president, many customers have you who know anything rung by somebody who wanted to see the Reliable Co. cumstances. and Jesse S. Wiley treasurer. The busi- about 'em? Clothing firemen get out. There was no blaze or HARRY E. CONDON, Manager. ness has also been eularged; to the regular You have bought and sold shoes for years, sign of one, and who rang the alarm is Everything is strictly lines of furniture, draperies and wall and have learned what you know by your cus- a mystery. tomers’ one and not another. paper have been added carpets and rugs. liking sort, liking Cleansing, Pressing and up-to-date, especially find out ’em. L. a cadet at the West The firm’s store is at 39 Franklin street. They by wearing our ••his mastcs's vois«" Martyn Shute, Repairing Neatly Done, easy payment plan. So with paint; but we go deeper. We are 149 Point military academy, is home on a in response to requests from several of years old In the business; and we make, not furlough. He will remain until August. the out-of-town members of tbe high buy—we make a good deal of paint. SMITH & MOODY, He has just finished his second year at STAPLES, school alumni association, who are unable We paint a good share of the railroad and Ceo. A. the Parcher, academy. In tbe tbe steamer properly in the United States, and may (Telephone 53-6.) FRANKLIN STREET to be in town early summer, as well paint the private Yours as The officers of the Hampden academy annual reunion will be held much later property. Wholesale and Retail which was formed well as anybody else’s. l » 1 • I > WWH»W alumni association, than usual, in tbe first week In probably Devoe Lead and Zinc Is your paint. Costs last Friday afternoon elected Judge Lu- All and ex-members August. graduates half as much as mixed paint or lead and oil be- cllus A. Emery preeident, and Chaplain D. have for Business. of graduated classes who creditably cause it takes fewer gallons aud wears twice as DRUGGIST. J Ready H. Tribou one of the We beg to announce to the pub- vice-preaidents. completed one year’s work In the school long. lic that we have leased the F. E. Walker and wife are home are eligible to membership In the associa- Beck Broa. A Co Williamsport, Pa., write L. W. Harry stable on Franklin Mr. Ezra Rathmell had used 11 of a H. Osgood from Fort Fairfield, where Mr. Walker tion, and as only members can attend the gallons and Mail street. This stable has been well-known mixed paint for his house; he re Physicians’ Supplies is principal of the high school. Mrs. E. reunion and banquet It la hoped that all It this with Devoe Lead and renovated, and we painted year Zinc; thoroughly who the winter with who wish to be will send their bought 11 gallons and had 5 gallons left. a McFarland, spent present Orders are now prepared to keep Yours Specialties. them, returned to Ellsworth several weeks names, and fl for life membership, to the truly, First-Class Livery, Boarding F. W. Devoe A Co ago. secretary, Miss M. A. Qreely, without fur- JORDAN, and Feed Stable. 19 New York. ELLSWORTH. WlAINfc. Ellsworth people learned with regret of ther notice. Horses left in our care will receive UNDERTAKER, the death at his home in Dorchester, prompt and careful attention. Please give us a call. Mass., last Wednesday, of Rodney F. Stonington Summer School. Suminsby, formerly of this city, at the Aa has been a sum- EI.L8WORTH. E. W. ALLEN & SON, already announced, age of fifty-eight years. He leaves a m-' school will be held at Stonington, Franklin Street, Ellsworth, Me. widow and two married daughters. A opening Monday, July 13, and continuing WE’VE COT ’EM; »*4*4*»*4 John week. This will the brother, Deputy-Sheriff Suminsby, through the give teachers along the coast a fine opportunity Sftbcrtisnncjits. to take a summer’s outing on one of the EDWIN M. MOORE, beautiful islands of Penobscot bay, and at WE’VE COT ’EM GOOD! dealer In all kinds of the same time combine business with Fresh, aelt,. Smoked and Drj pleasure by attending lectures given by Refrigerators FISH. the best instructors in the country. can be reached by steamers A new lot received. AH Stonington Shoulder Braces “Mt. Desert” and “Viualhaven” from sizes and 4 KENNEDY’S FANCY COOKIES 4 prices. Kockland, or by steamer M t. Desert” Trusses, from Bar Harbor. The steamer “Clmbria” *t PlKJilTURE of every des- and the boats of tbe Crockett line also .1 ust in—10 different kinds. Ellsworth has never before had is new X ciiption. Everything Halibut, Suspensories. touch at the north end of the Island. [Cod, Haddock, Blueflsh.J such a and cracker and we’ll £ furnish excursion tempting cooky display, wager Mackerel, Oysters, Clams, Scallops, We make a of The boats will rates, aiRMp-to-datef Finnan Haddles. 4 specialty Lobsters and and at Stonington will be very there’ll be] a brisk munching of these goodies as soon as their these goods and can supply expenses East End Bridge, • J there being no tuition, and no I Campbell AJTrue Bldg*. with the to be had. small, coming gets noised around. A wide variety of.flavors to choose E. J. DAVIS. you best be secured f ELLSWORTH, MK.| J| books required. Booms should Satisfaction from—all easy to buy. Try a sample pound guaranteed. in advance. Mail orders a specialty. For information address the chairman of the entertainment committee, Annie Thurlow, Stonington. The other members WlSSN. F. are DRUMMEY, BEDDING PLANTS Wiggin & Moore, of the entertainment committee Nellie AT THE Greenlaw and Myra Mills. Public Stenographer DRUGGISTS, ...and Typewiiter... ELLSWORTH GREENHOUSE. Corner opi>. P. O., Ellsworth. To Cure a Cold in One l>ay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Reasonable Prices. Service. rrotnpt Come and see our Pansies. (Irugglsts refund the money if it falls to cure. Gile.' Telephone connection. K. W Grove's signature la on each box. 26c. Office, llai.K Block, Ell.worth. An Echo from CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Dtnt&t ®olnmn. portion was what is now the state of •o they were In no baste to depart At the Tines. fllotual A uguaU is the Louisiana. last when finally they strolled past girl I love, For the Work Jnac 1 have Cutloe m? fate, Ktilc Befctnnlag KDITED BY "AWT MADG*". Our minister at Paris was Mr. Living- the Mr. Adams stopped in front desk, Nor will 21 —Co mm on I Roy. ». H. ter Galala by Doyle. and he bad made fruitless endeavors SUPPRESSING of the cashier and said, "Charge it *rlendahlp prove. stone, So I hut watch sod Topic.—How we may learn to use our Waite. Its Motto: “Helpful and Hopeful.” to purchase a small tract of land which •wori-Eph. vi, 17; Heb. Iv, 12, 13; U please.” New Orl **ns in its limits. At automatic Penobscot's wave la not eo •Elm. it, 15. included THE BULLETIN The knight of the register clear, The of this column are \ A * are her of purposes succinctly President Jefferson ►ent but a eye* Grey, Warfare is both offensive and de- length quietly looked up in surprise; receiving stated in the title and motto—it Is for the mu- C. H. TUetmort ♦ Nor ia Skow began half so James Monroe as a *p cial envoy, with nod from the other two, he made a note dear, fensive. The soldier mast learn to tual benefit, and alms to be helpful and hopeful. Aa this Belfast to me. authority to treat at Madrid as well as at on a tab. make aggressive warfare and also bow> Be inn to. the common good, It Is for the com and with inst'nctions to New Copyright, 1802, by the excitement She Leeds me on and I defend and himself. Defen- moo ose—a public servant, a purveyor of In Pari*, buy J They found considerable aspire go guard S S. McClure Company To find the formation and suggestion, a medium tor the In Orleans and the river outlet for J the office. had no sooner tak- Greenwood tree; sive warfare was more in In it softctts f2.000,000. at They prevalent terchange of ideas. this capacity ♦ ♦* A .lay 1 may be, but admire communications, and Its success depends large- Suddenly to the great surprise of Messrs. en seats than the city editor found it the past than today. The weapons of i"By Her constant on the It in this Com- Industry. ly support given respect. Livingstone and Monroe. NapoLon pro- “Mr. I necessary to come in and ask about offense were such that it was possible munications must be signed, bat the name of Hudson. believe?” bis finance There is a writer will not be posed, through Marboie, the manner a certain elopement story Garland ou her for men extensive armors to protect printed except by permission. “Sir to you; that Is my name.” And brow, by will be subject to or will I e’er Communications approval minister, to sell us not merely New the around from his should be bandied; then one of the edi- Norway stir, nod defend themselves. But no armor rejection bv the editor of the column, but none attorney swung but almost a million mile-4 f or love can never Wayne, I will be rejected without good reason. Address Orleans square desk. torial writers wished instruction con- vow, can withstand the modem weapons of While 1 H julton to her. ill communications to of country, near y all of which bad never a leader for the next is- ■warfare, and hence little attention in "You represent Jeremiah Selkirk?” cerning day's Thb *, been seen a white man. editor entrance Otis is a to recent times has been to this im- Me. by queried the visitor who had drawn up sue, the Sunday gained Prospect admire, paid Ellsworth, I Tbe American commissioners had no of a halftone, and cannot Turner way, portant phase of ancient military life. a chair. to complain poor instructions to buy, aud there was no the editor to IT1 Wade in for my heart's desire. of the Christian's A SI5GLE STITCH. “Yes, sir. I care for his legal Inter- even society managed Ln his description Auburn to Atlantic cable or swift steamship service the threshold. my ships day. armor in the sixth chapter of Ephe- One stitch dropped as the weaver drove ests In this city.” pass by which th*y c.>uld communicate with Mr. Adams, who and sians Paul mentions five articles of de- His nimble shuttle to and fro, The questioner drew a letter from his Meanwhil* appar- Maranacook, Aroostook, in and cut, beneath, V tbe government at Washington. But was not in the least disturbed KaUthdin, Kennebec, and but one of offense. The de- above, pocket, remarking as he passed it over. ently by fense With Till the pattern seemed to bud and grow these two gentlemen took their chances, was read- Madawaska, Seboomook, fensive armor is of the “This will explain why I have c«ied the interruptions, carefully composed girdlei As if fairies had been— and the helping fixed the pecu'iiary terms of the bargain, on he had writ- kloluncus, Sebcc, of truth, the breastplate of righteous- “So.” exclaimed the lawyer after ing proof the ed’toria! One small stitch which could scarce be seen. and signed off hand a of territorial then of and treaty reading a dozen lines. Then, rising, he ten. He made a few corrections, Are Wrathful at my Liberty, B3S*. the sandals security swift- But the one stitch the next stitch dropped pulled acquisition which doubled the domain of to Mr. scoff at dess. tbehshield of faith and the helmet slowly stepped to the side of his caller passed It Hamilton, saying, They Orono, tbe United States. his said in the “Tell me how like it-” And envy’s shown at Amity, of salvation. The only offensive weap- And a weak place grew in the fabric stout. and, extending hand, you The treaty was signed April 30, 1803, and usual conventional “Allow The editor read: Kenduskeag. and 8tew. on is "the sword of the Spirit, which is And the perfect pattern was marred for aye tones, me, nobody in the United States had any glut word of God.” The chief business By the one small stitch that had dropped that my dear Mr.—Mr.”— “Henry James Adams, having pur- Saccarappa, and Sagadahoc, inkling of tbe matter for more than two is name. so the Bulletin in its en- She Knox each charmer at the Christian in this life is to pro- day. "Adams the It is stated chased Evening seen. months. In the I believe.” and decided to And Kennebunk and tect himself from the assaults of the One small life in God's great letter. tirety having publish Norrldgewock, plan. With It is to be hoped that this centenary Adams. I be- the same from takes this occa- jealousy are Greene. •Til one, and his only offensive weapon How futile it seems as ttie ages roll. "Ah, yes—Mr. Henry today, period will incite thousands of young lieve that 1 have heard of sion to Introduce himself to the citi- te the word of God, which was inspired Do what it may or strive bow it can you.” Hope Is the burden of my song, Americans to read about the the Ghost. Error is to be To alter the sweep of the infinite whole? "Very likely. I was employed by tens of St. Louis and to ask them for I'll Acton on her papa; tff Holy explorers of tbe Louisiana purchase, and A Single stitch in an endless web, Mr. Selkirk before he made Paris his a continuance of their generous patron- And If my suit is only Strong, overcome by the truth and evil resisted one of tbe books particularly recom- A drop In the ocean’s flow and ebb. She will not Totnah. the use of God's revealed word. mended is tbe fourth volume of President home. It was In Paris, you have age. cling But the pattern is rent where the stitch is lost Roosevelt’s “The of the West”. I not to make The effectiveness of the sword of the Mining doubtless observed, that purchased “It is his purpose any Then theme shall Or marred where the tangled threads have Harmony my be, Aunt Madge. the property.” radical departure, and the newspaper A white ^irit ln Christian warfare is not to be crossed, Temple within; "And may I ask, my dear sir”— will remain independent in politics, as And from Atlean to ffoabted or questioned. The character And each life that falls of its true Intent Kittcry, "If I will retain services as it has been. As for the news 1 cannot help but Winn. at the word is a proof of its effective- Mars the perfect plan that its Master meant. your legal always Ao Aninjal Story For adviser? I shall be glad to do so." service, the fact that the present pub- MBs. It is the word of God. and here- —Susan Coolidge. Dirlgo and though you stay, Selected Little dear sir, we as well lisher has decided to retain in their va- to lies the secret of its power. It was by Aunt Emma. FolKs "Then, my might Togua 1 will be true, attend to the matter at once. The let- rious the men who have tonpired by God's Spirit, who under- positions giv- For Eden Ilea no other way, Dear Friends: ter states that are anxious to have satisfaction to the former owner Than stood the human heart and life and you en where your smiling Drew. In the absence of any material the transfer take effect at noon on the and to the of this Urge fcasw what would be necessary for particular =Bears’ Good Fortune reading public from which to glean good for onr 5tb, which is this date, and as it is should be a sufficient guarantee A alike to and old their welfare and who also understood thing* city blessing young K Dr. Fow- I took a number of the now 11 o'clock it would be that the occurrences of each will ler’s Extract of Wild MU and knew what would overcome it. column, up May perhaps day Strawberry, nature’s a well to visit the courthouse and have and chronicled. specific for dlarrtnra and AS the word of God it has Young People's Weekly, paper always The been had a nice house which be faithfully accurately dysentery, summer great power —Add. containing good and thia waa these documents placed on the records.” “It has occurred to the publisher that complaint Wu riguuy uaeu. 11 us using aav. thought#, they Tented from Mr. Camel, and they the first selection 1 read: While the few short blocks the there are certain reforma which pswerful and heart searching. Expert* wished to remain there the reat of going might ouruuLiffaAB attorney asked his client if be con- be about if the force 9Wjtrti*tmnrti. ■oee also proves the effectiveness of nma- their days, for they were getting along brought right As soon u wake In the to control of the prop- were wielded. The first of these will Gad's word as a Christian weapon of you morning begin la years sad did not relish the idea of templated personal and Look be the effort to have the course of the Warfare. No better example of this anticipate something bright pleasant. moving. erty. World’s Best Medicine. any new acquaintance you may have made “Such Is my intention,” was the so that the current fact can be recalled than that of the But you know we are not always Mississippi changed m« a possible friend, and on the changes that of Himself. able to have our own reply. will flow north and the microbes the Muter Daring His great come Into life as so everything way your many opportunities. aar is wen. no mailer now iaun will re-enter the sword In thla world, and so It to be drainage canal Chicago twnptatlon of the Spirit was Hopefulness wins sooner or liter. proved ful subordinates may It Is wise for and no Infest this fair but it was a most ef- with the bears. One Mr. Camel be, loDger place.” Bla only weapon, I remarked day “Well,** to myself, “that tbe of a large to “Don’t that some PAINE'S CELERY fective one. To Satan’s argument, “It decided that he would like to live la proprietor you think, sir, per- sounds like our that’s just motto; hopeful, keep in personal touch with those who sons consider it Is written,” He Invariably replied, "It might a—*—a—JokeT” certainly. I will read the next thing carry out bla orders.” summered Hamilton. I* written again." Thus He success- COMPOUND below.’» The document been to blow of the adver- r having passed ua, unr, uui uitf toubuiivu who ffttfly parried every 44 An ounce of good example Is worth a ton of the clerk and the customary certificate some of the most eminent engineers on sary and came off more than conquer- Has Made People Well When advice. Show those arouod you how to live, having been received, Mr. Hudson said the and after due consid- over him. God's word is still effec- subject, only or Instead of telling them so mach about it. A to his “Will you take luncheon eration hare I decided that this shall in off evil client, Other warding and overcom- heart that Is and sincere and a life that Is Every Remedy tive kindly with me?” be the first mission undertaken by the it true to cannot fall short of es principle, helpful- "Thank you, no. I wish that you Bulletin." We may have to use the sword of the ness.111 Has Failed. would accompany me to the office and Then, changing the subject, be com- in two and There was the other half of our motto Spirit ways—by study by me to the who introduce gentlemen menced a series of interrogations con- Paiiie’s Celery Compound cures disease! jaactlce. (1) We must know the word embodied in a few sentences, and I have now are in my employ." cerning the various members of the It has saved the lives of thousands of sufferers. of God. A soldier may be provided inserted the two clear statements here, “X seel” exclaimed the lawyer. "You staff. It has made the weak strong, vigorous, and with all the weapons of warfare, yet that we may be reminded once more of are anxious to get into harness, and 1 A tremble of the building announced happy. If he does not know how to use them tbe true spirit which should dwell in the Paine's the Mood don't blame you. It must be a pleas that the presses had started. Celery Compound purifies he is a failure as a soldier. God has hearts of tbe M. B. fraternity. and builds up the nervous system as nothing lng sensation to feel that one is at the “In here, did you say?” they heard us His but we must Are not the statements in the second else can do; it is the life given word, study head of a pre-eminently great great newspaper.” some one ask. and the door was uncere- and health It in its and before we true? Has it ever occurred to giver maker, depth entirety quotation As walked arm and arm down they moniously pushed open. Overworked and tired wonien stand in ur- can use it We under- that most are not as effectively. must you persons nearly the street were sev- they passed by "Beg pardon, gentlemen, for not gent need of this health giving to stand it and know how to rightly di- ready to offer advice as they get older? prescription eral young men who were running, knocking," hurriedly said the intruder, make and keep them well. All women should vide it. This can only come from Whereas in earlier years we think we despite the weather, spurred on by the “but I was afraid he might make for take advantage of the remarkable power of study. We must use God’s word. “know it all”, and are quite ready to dis- this (2) information gained iu the recorder's the window. You won't do that now, l>cst of medicine for restoring vigor to the Practice gives proficiency. Every temp- tribute our superfluous knowledge to blood and to the nervous office that one of the largest dailies iu will you, Smiley? Glad to see me? strength sy>tem. tation should be met in the strength of others, later on, we wait to be consulted, The all-important for nervous, run down, the United States had suddenly “We thought he was up to something thing we and women is that Paine’s God’s word; every progressive move- and still later, after being consulted, hands. sleepless Celery changed like this,” continued the newcomer, fortifies the whole ment in Christian work or life should are more cautious in the expression of Five minutes later Mr. Hudson and Compound physical system, “for we found pen, ink and pajier in and and the founded it. constant our views of the and our by correcting digestion regulating he upou By prac- subject, opinions Mr. Adams from an elevator stepped his room, also several blank deeds, a nerves, it insures In we of what are the duties of others. sound, refreshing sleep. tice will become proficient as sol- BIO TEARS STREAMED OCT OF THEIR EXES. und in front of an office door stopped description of this property aud several every case of sickness l’aine’s Celery Com- diers ef Jesus Christ in the use. of "the A heart that is kindly and sincere.” and that house himself, and he sent whrd which bore the legend “Editor” letters from Mr. Selkirk, which he se- pound completely and permanently brings we all have one of that sword of the Spirit, which is the word Why can’t kind? came back health. Mrs. Balti- to the bears that they would have to fx-om behind which the sound of cured goodness knows where.” Mary M. Myers, of God.” How many outward friendships there are more, saved Paine’s move out. voices in eager conversation. “What does this mean?” asked Ham- Ohio, by Celery Compound in world w here not a of after the BIBLE READINGS. this particle "Come was the to their failures of able physicians, gratefully Mr. and Mrs. Bear were almost bro- in,” reply ilton, jumping up suddenly like a man a must be writes as follow's:— Deut Vi, 4-9; xi, 18-23; Ts. i, 1-3; sincerity exists! What task It and as the it ken hearted. They did not know what knock, portal swung awakened from a sound sleep by a tj veil ourselves with an I suffered for eight years with nervous Xix, 7-14; cxix. 105: Matt, iv, 1-11; John appearance disclosed one of the reporters who had of to do, for, look as hard as they could, cry alarm. and the common of that which we know we are not! prostration general debility tv, 89; Acts xvii, 10-12; Rev. i, 16; xix, Why * passed them on the way and who was The arrived bis head they were unable to find another bouse newly tapped to women, ami had such pains in my back 1C. should we wish to live other than a sim- red of face and Into which to move. perspiring profusely. with an index finger and winked, then that I could not get around the house. I used p e, sincere life? Why adopt the artificial? "Here is Mr. Hudson now!” ex- several of the When the day came for the bears to said: "He's been like this for five remedies and consulted several The Some of you will not agree with me. claimed a stout from best relief. i. Society's Monogram. out did not know where to short, man, rising years. Thinks that he is a great news- physicians without obtaining any 1 if get they go. One of the many character- cannot expect you to. You will say, a chair and a step Paine’s restored me to strikingly But go they had to, and go did. revolving tuking paper publisher, and the only way we Celery Compound we live our real and out they health. istic things in connection with Chris- opinions feelings forward. “Perhaps you can tell me can him is him I>own the road they marched Bide by keep quiet by letting that tian Endeavor has been its all the time, we shall hurt people’s feel- what has Cbulders here has I also want to say to all mothers monogram. side, while great big tears streamed happened. monkey with a little press which has Read the sentence “A heart Paine’s Celery is a inedi- Pins bearing the letters “C. E.” are ings. again: run so fast that his breath has failed been set Compound splendid out of their eyes. up in his room. But bold on cine for their children.M worn thou- that is kindly”—it is out of tbe abun- him.” by When they reached the top of a hill there! Don’t knock a fellow over!” sands of young dance of the heart that tbe mouth “To make a long story short, I will For about a mile from the house they had Hamilton had pushed him one There be a some people not only, speaketb. may slip imes, tell you that the Bulletin has side was Just left they turned to take a fare- Evening and going down the stairs Diamond in this country, but a life true to principle, combined with been sold Mr. Selkirk to Mr. Adams, well look at It And what do you by two steps at a time, yelling at the top but a kindly, sincere heart, will be a power in and the latter is now in absolute con throughout think? The house had disappeared! of his voice: "Stop the presses! Kill the world. The the world with its influence reaching far- trol.” They had no more than got out of It the edition!” Dyesj^ monogram has ther than its own limited field of action. Too astonished to speak, the editor when a big gust of wind came along A half hour later Mr. John G. Hud- Iky Mates 01H Cloto found a place on Remember an ounce of good example is sank back in his chair, and the silence and blew It down In a mass of planks son, attorney at law, entered the res- «- Loot; Hew. letter heads and worth a ton of good advice.” was not broken until the new ^ and boards upon the ground. Not one pro- taurant across the street aud paid the Direction book end 45 of said dyed e»ni|>le* free. envelopes remained attached to another, prietor soothingly: cashier $11.50. EitDEAVoB The writer of the letter sent piece DIAMOND DYES, CBXZSTIAN scores of unions. following: "This change need not affect you, Mr. Yt. "What a lucky thing for us!" ex- BurlingUu, xosooBAM. nas been used me a pin for Christina* in the form of a unless wish to take the claimed Mr. Bear joyfully. ■'If we Hamilton, you (iol II Twisted. •B untold numbers of convention heart: for I shall be well to had not got out when we did we initiative, pleased Little nine-year-old Rachel, whose badges, and It has given added force -* Rochester, Wink. continue in active of the would have been crushed to pieces.” you charge falling It was te get stories somewhat G. A. PARCHER, ts large quantities of advertising mat- Dear Aunt Madge: news columns. Taking it for granted And, indeed, they would have been. twisted, once heard the conundrum of APOTHECAKY. ter sent out from a of Yes, 1 received your thanks and think a heart that will I would like to myriad press- were for a you remain, the rat and the ear* of corn. It for a tor the M. B. They certainly fortunate, thirty Maine rooms. The Christian Endeavor mono- very appropriate badge Ellsworth, ask tbe hour when tbe next edition ran thus: There were a to little farther on down the road they thirty ears of Is sisters. I will tell you good way raise gram known and recognized the goes to press.” corn In a a money to pay your minister. Every one furnish found the tiger family moving out of bln and rat came along World over. "At 2 o'clock.” Banking. something that she does not want, and then get a real nice house, and the bears *e- and carried sway three ears every I would like to nave a a room and advertise a rummage sale, and sell cured that one and lived there until slight change night. How long did It take him to The Hew Forward Movement. are worth- We made on the fourth page and nlso hare the things for whatever they the end of their days.—Chicago Trib- carry away the thirty ears-' The an- New York state Is leading the list In an editorial in as wish had one here and raised $100 a day for four days. une. put type, and, I swer, of course, was the matter of Increase In the number thirty nights, I wish to say to the lady who lives so near the to some instructions Is what your will earn If give concerning counting the rut's two ears aud one ear money of societies under the "New Forward sea that she can throw her dishwater Into It, the Invested In shares of the A Tfrj Old H»l. typographical features, it might of corn. Maine 1 am to Movement,” The definite proposition that when 1 come to going be well for me to talk with the fort Among tbe treasures iu t.'Je safe cus- Rachel thought this a wonderfully which Is the basis of work in connec- board with her a week. Please find enclosed man.” Ass’n tody of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, good joke aud hastened to tell her old- Ellsworth Loan and MM tion with this new line of as twenty-live cents for five cook-books. activity, While an office was Ida Lame Dieter. is an old, old hat which was found iu boy hurrying er brother, whom she well knew al- stated Dr. Clark, Is “at least a 10 by an tomb and must date buck downstairs for the head of the me- A NEW SERIES Cook-books have been sent. Our western Egyptian ways appreciated anything along the per cent Increase In membership dur- t* oow monthly/ at least u.ubo years. chanical department the editor asked line of a open, Share*, 41 each; the friends must be downeast cooking good joke. Rushing up to him ing first six months of 1903 or be- trying new share. Its simplicity of make has been its his employer if he hud ever been she said: “Oh. Newman, I’ve the payments, $1 per fore the we as this is not the first got time gather in our inter- quite extensively, a resident of that safeguard, for it has no nap or perish- city. best conundrum ever heard. See If convention order from Mrs. Dieter. you national In Denver next for a short WHY PAY RENT able trimmings, such as moths might "Yes, time, many years you can guess it." And thus she went July.” But I have when you can borrow on your corrupt. It is closely akin to what is ago. always kept in touch on: ‘"There was a of I have been very much interested in tbe bag potatoes in a shares, give a first mortgage and now knd#*i as a panama straw hat and with the residents, in whom 1 have bin aud a reduce It everv month Monthly artic'es in tbe number of the Review rat came along and carried Stands For the Bible. May ana Interest together is of such excellent quality that it can taken a great interest.” three payments The Christian Endeavor movement of Reviews relating to the Louisiana put- away potatoes every night. How will amount to but little more be folded or crushed without any harm "Mr. Sill, our foreman,” said Hamil- did than are now for which event was consummated long It take him to carry away the you paying has always stood for loyalty to the cba~e, and in about 10 you to Its appearance. It is also quite us ton as a man appeared on the thresh- whole bag?” rent, years Bible. It aims at a Biblical of April 30, 1803. will type well for use now as old. adapted practical HOME. Christianity, both In character, expe- The Louisiana purchase comprised that OWN YOUR OWN: it was in tbe days of the pharaohs. “Here is a short editorial which I The man who that rience and central section of the United Statrt- complains life Isn’t activity.—Bev. Charles A. great wish run in all editions For particulars Inquire of today,” said worth living ta always the first to make bee’ Cook of New between the river on the Hkkry W. Cushman, Jersey State Union. lying Mississippi Mr. Adams after a B Keeping Track of Ships. hearty handshake. an effort to save himself when danger First Nat’l Bank U, east end the Rocky mountains on the A. W. President. In the course of a year more than a “Also at the top of the first column of threatens. Kino, Box. and from the of Qnii west, extending gulf the editorial substitute the dozen ponderous books are filled at page words wires tAny question may be asked that per- Mexico to tbe British possessions on tbe Telegraph will last for forty years Catha. dains to of Lloyd’s with nothing but the names of ‘Edited and Published by Henry James JUroftaaional any phaBe Christian Endeavor, north. Its greatest width at the north near the seasbure. Iotlie manufacturing ^ work. Address Lock Box their and the dates on Adams’ for the ‘Published $74, Bingh&m- ships, captains phrase by districts the same wires last N. if.j was about a thousand miles; its greatest only ten H. jton. which they touch and leave port. Ev- Jeremiah Selkirk, Proprietor.’” ve rs, and sometimes less. GREELY, length, from the mouth of the Mississippi £)R. No. 71. O. T. A., Toledo, O.—Thai ery known vessel in the world of more “Yes, sir,” said the foreman. to the extreme northwestern point, was Appendicitis is getting to be so editor Is not averse to answering ques-i than 100 tons register has its record in “Please have a proof ready for me common DEjNTI|ST. about two thousand miles. The narrowest 'hat it is more of a mark og distinction to Hons by mail that need a more lengthy) them, and the underwriters can easily in an hour—by the time 1 return from Graduate of the Philadelphia llental College* he run over by an automobile than it Is to class of '76 reply than can be given here. Return turn to the name of any British or for- luncheon. There will be nothing more Kodol Gives cave one's vermiform appendix removed. ELLSWOUTB- should be sent in suchl Strength Mr. Sill. Now, aud •WOFFiCE III GlLKft’ BLOCK. postage always eign ship and tell approximately where today, gentlemen,” further by enabling the digestive organs to digest, The number of in the Closed afternoons until cases. she is Mr. Adams turned as the foreman left employes New Wednesday assimilate and transform ALL of tbe at the moment—'London Tit-Bits. y ■•k municipal service has reached No. 72. F. E. M., Ironwood, Mich.—' wholesale food that may be eaten into the the room, “will you be my guests 45 239, of whom 12,000 are The of the United So-' kind of blood that nourishes the nerves, across the street?” teachers, and headquarters Loss of appetite Is commonly gradual; one 10 000 members of the feeds the tissues, hardens the muscles police and fire de- Subscribe for The American ciety of Christian Endeavor are atj dish after another la set aside. It Is one of the The tenderloin steaks were very ten- men te. *nd recuperates the organs of the entire pt*-t Boston. R»v ",- is the mushrooms with which the Tremont Temple, -*V. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures In- first Indications that tbe system running der, ds E. Clark. D. the ft” Catarrh of tbe down, and there Is nothing else so good for it as meat was smothered were D., _ .Mon, Dyspepsia, unusually movement. Is its prc-* h and all stomach disorders. Sold Hood's Sarsaparilla~the best of all tonics juicy, and the wine had been well iced. N & Moobk. —Advt. y but an done; individual, mind you, by the KILLS WORTH MAKKKTn Atibittfacmmte. THE ROBIN. law ot the same sentiment has no right to hill that THE MORNING CUN Wednesday, June 17, 1903. which destroys the means SHOT FROM SOUTH HAN- whereby he Uvea. ■AINU LAW BKOAK1MMO WK10HT8 AND MKA8CSKS HOT A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh 60 There ia not one word lOriginal.] TO MR. TIBBETTS. said about when pounds, and a bushel of Turks Island salt shall COCK-RBPLY or where Singular that I should be an or under what circumstances officer; weigh 70 pounds. these that I should be COMMENTS ON GOVERN- robins were whether in the marching In the place The standard weight of a bushei of potatoes, OF A killed; STORY VIOLINIST. MJi W,)08TEB North or of a in — South, East or or second lieutenant In the rear of the good order and tit for shipping, is 60 pounds; MENT REPORT8 FACTS VERSOS West, spring fall, summer or of apples, 44 pounds. AND ERROR. winter; whether near a company; that I should be in Santiago SENTIMENT small The standard weight of a bushel of beans In fruit farm or a huudred miles from de Cuba. I have no remembrance of order and fit for Is 62 pounds. one. Now in the name good shipping, Jane 1903. of fair-minded having been we A Brockton Musician Who Found a Sooth Hancock, Me., 6, graduated. Yesterday Of wheat, beets, ruta-bagu turnips and peas, 60 common sense, to which I I would Editor of The American: appeal, w/rc marching to and from the mess pounds; of corn, 56 pounds; of onions. 52 7o the like to ask or and what practical value can this hafl. I pounds; carrots, Kngllsn turnips, rye Irom Mr. Tibbetts’ let- Yesterday got befogged in that Indian 50 of 45 It would appear be in meal, pounds; parsnips, pounds; report determining the relative problem of Be- of barley ana buckwheat, 48 of oats, to The American that be thinks, analytical geometry. pounds; Real Medicine.” wr3 32 destructive habits of this bird to berries how pounds, or even measure as by agreement. “Spring of that' sides, did I get here? I don’t re- from his short-sighted point view, and The prices quoted below are the retail prices insects? at Ellsworth. forth that old gun he member coming—no railway ride, no Farmers can easily reckon from In bringing cracky these The only Jdei we can aa to the what they are likely to receive In trade Friends of Carl F. Edlund His silenced me. I was get time troopship, no debarkation. Impressed by has completely hoping or cash for their products. of year they have been killed is “I indiscreet sentimentalist would might say, you, there. Bob Truman, how that some th Produce. Experience with Dr. Greene’s where, ough sentiment, he to did we of the second class into Country Nervura—Every- her forth and set her up In type in attempts get this Butter. bring excu-e hi, ihe useful beetles. From war?” so that I a eating and butter are both In one Needs a Good Tonic to Tone The American might get this Dairy creamery good Spring Up> it would seem that the was We There la I killing ‘‘Graduated a year ahead.” supply. quote:* Wback at her. nothing enjoy done somewhere from to late “But we Creamery per lb.28 the This of such use- early spring what did come on?” During Month. better than the smashing up Dairy .18 S# System fall, covering a season when it would be and I have a “Lightning express to Tampa, then less old pieces; special grudge Cheese. impossible to get practical data even if over the water in a balloon.” Mr. Carl F. a well known coume of Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood this one, as nothing that has ever Best factory (new) per lb.16018 Edlund, ■gainst they were killed upon a small Best musician of Brockton, Mass., has had and nerve and told him that in on this has so fruit-farm, “Singular.” dairy (new).16 remedy been put print subject Dutch an not soon which dues not appear that were. It There was a ahead with (Imported).90 experience he will forget this of all spring medicines of the or they rattling Neufcbatel.. greatest blinded the eyes dim-sighted, is Be Is the of would cleanse his blood an thus re- clearly evident that every effort was drawing my attention from what had receiving congratulations the and so disgusted Kggs. deceived credulous, made to his numerous friends on his escape. move the cause of his trouble. happened to what was One are scarce and and small fruit happening. Eggs firmer; supply limited are men women the berry growers SHIELD THE There hosts of and practical ROBIN, captain faced about and an order and demand Striking at the Cause. statements of gave good. who are in exactly the same as the one-sided, misleading but while danger. admitting, by this very unfair to march from column into line. We Fresh laid, per doz.22 Perhaps they will learn wisdom from Mr. Edlund at once procured a bottle this report. test that 58 Poultry. of Ur. Greene's Nervura and Me- per cent, of the stomach struggled through tangled bushes, a his experience. began About four years ago, er-Secretary Is scarce. it. The effects were contents was vegetable food and the Mauser bullet spitting here nnd there Poultry taking good very Keen (who, by the way, as the legislative Chickens. 25 soon manifest. When the blood was larger part of that but like the leaves. But seemed to fruit, only raindrops pelting Fowl. 18020 examination showed, possess 4 purified and strengthened the pimples per cent. cultivated fruits, it twilight was coming, and then it was Hay. more sentiment than book-keeping abil- and eruptions soon left his face and will admit that 25 per cent, found dark. The firing ahead ceased. Best loose, per ton.12014 a In or In hla not only that but his health ity) gave copy, part whoe, in Baled. 18 general June and July was cultivated. It It seemed I was worn out; that I had was bird bulletin, of this same report, with j vastly improved. makes no mention of the fact that fruits been with the army from the first and The following letter from Mr. Edlund his endorsement. The people, naturally, No loose straw on the market. being much more and I had been over every inch of the road to Dr. Greene is absolutely as to that easily quickly Loose.10312 genuine, bad a right expect depart- are all the testimonials in digested than insects, the proportion of from the coast to our present position Baled. 18 published ments of nation and state, created and Dr. Greene’s The fruits to that of insects found in the before Santiago. Vegetables. advertising. original ot maintained for the purpose giving cor- Is may be seen on file at Dr. Greens’s stomachs at any time would not the “Will they yield tomorrow, do you There plenty of green stuff In the market— of data on such give office. rect statements matters, think?” rhubarb, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, parsley, correct proportion of the different foods it asked a pale faced boy, stag- tomatoes and We would give forth the naked truth to the spinach. quote: Letter from Mr. Edlund. had eaten. gering up to me, “and let us get out of Potatoes, pk 25 Turnips, tb 01)4 sentiment or unlnHuenced by prej- Potatoes (new), pk 40 Beets, lb 01)4 Dear Dr. Greene: public, Neither does it make any ment:on of a this dreadful country?” "My case S lb 05 Cabbage, 04 “I caifnot ttrank enough for udice, but that such is not the here “Don't potatoes, you your great much more important fact, that such cul- know. I'm suffocating with Bermuda onions, 07 Carrots, !b 01)4 remedy, Nervura. It has cured me from the ought not to take a person of large mental the heat.” Spanish onions, 05 Parsulps, tb 05 pimples and other impurities of the tivated fruits as cherries and strawberries, I to Bee. Lettuce, 10 Beans—per qt— Elies,lood. came to take this through calibre clearly Then was remedy which are too large for it to swallow it dawn. The full moon Spinach, pk 25 Yellow-eye 12 a friend of mine who saw that my blood waa REPORT FALLACIOUS. was in «5 Pea. lo Impure and at once advised me to take whole, the part found In the stomach the sky far to the west, large Squash, Tomatoes, lb 12 Cucumbers, 05 ^08 Dr.Grcene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy. I do not want it under- and round nnd When I first looked “So I a bottle of this medi- No, Mr. Tibbetts, represents only a very email per cent, of pale. Fruit. got great Spring at cine and tried it. At first I had not much that I think “mere sentiment” alone what has been or male worth- it, I thought it a great white bird. I stood destroyed, Strawberries are In the market. To-day’g faith in it, but after my first bottle was gone wondered if it were a responsible (or all tbe croaking* for the less by this bird. It makes all the differ- not bird. No, price la 15. I got another, and then it began to take effect do most wish ence in the world that’s the moon, sure enough. No it doz robin, but this I distinctly under what conditions Pineapples, 15325 Oranges, .353.46 “When second bottle was 20 doz my gone, my this in the is Isn’t, it’s a big bombshell. It is sailing Apples, pk 325 Lemons, 2538 to and when that waa to be understood: That report robin killed as to what it may have 15 12 pimples began dry up Strawberries, Cranoerries, qt gone I got a third. When I had used that and done in its stomach. right for me. As it comes it is turning question has, directly indirectly, Groceries. there were no pimples or signs of any impure black. That shows it’s a shell blood but to make sure that all more towards false impressions to These birds be killed the surely. !b Rice, per lb .060.08 left, was gone giving might during Coflee—per I since then I It comes on and on, passing Itio, .160.25 Pickles, per gal .450.65 took a fourth and have had no the concerning the destructive very height of tbe somewhat directly or public berry season, 35 Olives, bottle .253.76 trouble of impure blood any other blood over our heads and goes down Mocha, habits of this bird than any other writings remote from cultivated and not a slowly 35 sickness. fruits, Java, Vinegar—per gal— “I to tfie rear without Tea—per tb— Pure cider, .20 recommend every person having impure thst have been to the and showing of cultivated fruits found in their bursting. blood to use Dr.Greene’s given public, Japan, .45 3.65 Cracked wheat, .05 Nervura and they There is that Gatling gun again. will be cured and cured. the public thereby has been greatly stomachs, but I will stake my life against Oolong, .303 65 Oatmeal, per lb .04 stay Th-r-r-r-r-r-r-r from left to right, then Sugar—per lb— Buckwheat, pkg .20 “You have my permission to use thistestl* gangrened, and by sentiment and error a nickel that if the same kind of birds at monial, together with my picture, in you* th-r-r-r-r-r-r-r from to left. Now Grau ulated, .05)4 Graham, .04 to the truth. the same time were killed in right Coffee—A & .05* .04 advertising. blinded my berry B, Rye meal, “CARL F. stillness, now a distant grown, un oath, Yellow, C .05 Granulated meal,lb 02)4 (Signed) EDLUND. First, after admitting that it is fond of patch, over 90 per cent, of its food, count- “312 Main St., Brockton, SI ass.” an order, Molasses—per gal— Oil—per gal— and other small this ing what it had rendered worthless to anything, everything—every- .35 .65 cherries fruits, report Havana, Linseed, 8.7'' MR. CARL F. that is horrible. .50 12 EDLUND, A Wonderful Spring 0Ut the false state- obtain would be found thing Porto Rico, Kerosene, Remedy. start8 by making very it, cultivated .60 812 Main Mass. Dear that shriek! Some wo- 8yrup, Street, Brockton, This statement of can be berries. frightful straightforward ment: “Choice fruit readily pro- Lumber and Building Materials. man leaving the starving city. She facts should be a forcible lesson to tected from Its depredations;” but It fails HOW TO BE A SCIENTIST. M— Spruce, 1 25 and some brutal Lumber-i-per It seems that Mr. Edlund was much thousands of people this Now must be Spanish, Hemlock, 11313 Hemlock, 125 spring. to offer tne least suggestions how this pro- the i>cienti*t of that in his blood is the time of the and “By department.” Cuban— Hemlock boards, 12 §13 Clapboards—per M— “run down” health and danger year if be made tection is to that have not been Hum! “Scientist” indeed! To be a true 12 §16 Extra spruce, 24 §26 was in an bad condition. your blood is poor or tai uted by disease, That's fainter, more O Spruce, extremely plaintive. floor, 16320 No. 17318 so fuily tested and condemned as worthless. scientist in one must Spruce Spruce, 1, This trouble manifested itself, as it if your back aches and your head any department first a What an 12 Clear 35 heavens, it's baby's cry. Pise, 315 pine, §60 often in the if feel languid and tired out I greatly doubt if there is hardly a man graduate at the school of Matehed 15 §20 Extra pine, 35360 does, spring by unsightly aches, you practical experi- awful is war that even a babe pine, thing Shingles—per M— Laths—per Id- eruptions of the skin. or in other words if you are “all run ,#mong us berry-growers who Is not ence; to toil with bare hands under the must go down under it! A moan—the Cedar, extra 2 75 Spruce, 2.00 His face was covered with down” act at once and a course endowed with pimples begin enough consistent sent scorching rays of a sun; to earn clear, 2 35 Nalls, per tt» .04 §.06 mid-day mother's doubtless—then stillness—a " and other serious of blood of I)r. Greene’s Nervura blood and ment that he w*ould his 2d clear, 1 85 Cement, per cask 1 50 symptoms glarlly give him the bread by the sweat of the brow’; to '* stillness more awful than the sounds. extra, 1 65 Lime, per cask 95 disorder. Such disfiguring eruptions nerve remedy. life and if the berries could be as •• liberty know what it is to go to bed nights with a No. I, 1 25 Brick, per M 7 §11 are not but indicate a We are marching through these in- *• only annoying his scoots, .75 White lead, prlb .05§.0 Medical Advice Free. easily protected again-t depredation* body quite completely tired out with fernal but suddenly bad state of health and naturally tangles again, Provisions. for the blood a-i can the general farm crop against that manual labor, and all that which is neces- Mr. Edlund began to look around Dr. Greene, great and emerge on an eminence. There is San- Beef la firmer; there has been a rise of about of the but fruit- to some remedy. He soon found that nerve specialist, gives valuable medical crow; every practical sary properly temper sentiment—and and there are the 15 per cent In wholesale prices. Koasts and tiago below Spanish were worse than advice free. Write to him and he knows that there has not corned r»re higher at retail. outside applications will grower yet been th n, if be p .ssesses, naturally, good com- and the works. There is flag outlying tb: tb. useless. While seem to do tell you what you should do to discovered means or device Beef, Pork, they might get any practical mon sense, and not till then, is he a fit on those death in those redoubts long Steak, .15§.25 Steak, lb 1<* good for a time they usually made well. For this service there is no whereby s large area can be protected. candidate for the school of science, where 12 16 lines of low earth. There are driving Roasts, §.25 Chop, matters worse. whatever. 34 Tempi# Cornea, 3 8 3.10 Pigs’ feet, .08 charge Address, KILLED FOR SCIENCE. in due season he should graduate with rockets a friend advised him to take a Mass. storms of bullets and bursting Tongues, 18 Ham, per lb 16 3.20 Then Place, Boston, a d e of a .05 Shoulder, .13 it of examination of honors, cspab filling place of shells, and the muzzles of the Oat- Tripe, §08 Second, tells the Veal: 18 wheie true science is flood Bacon, 330 stomach*, that were kil ed, of course, j required, fully ling guns pour a destroying Steak, 20 Salt 123.13 of his hire. 12 15 for the worthy from the nozzle of a hose. We’ve got Koasts, i03.ll Lard, § purpose of science, which excuses j Lamb: are down there and take them. Yes, tbe killing, aud public sentiment has no If you going to talk about scientific to go Tongues, each C5 Land), 10 to comment the investigation, Mr. do, talk take them if we are torn into slivers. §22 Bilious? right upon propriety of, Tibbets, please, hear Spring lamb, 15y25 as about It in a truly scientific way, and if Why don't they shoot? I'd rather it is to furnish information for the pub- Fresh Fish. Headache? Pain in an occasional shot, see a of smoke lic benefit, and In no oth°r can it be you c*n find anything either national puff Cod and haddock are now In Kodol Dizzy? way good supply. see it. I can It’s or state departments of real merit that than see that silence. Yes, Mackerel, bluellsh und Penobscot river salmon back of your eyes? your are In the market. Fre*h alewlves are in the will side of tie do almost hear it. 3M)tTtiaramtB. he'p your question, marset at 3c each, or 2 for 5c. We quote: Cure liver! Use Pills. There are Ayer’s trot it out. No one would be more All is lively enough now. 05 05 Dyspepsia pleased Cod, Haddock, boom- Halibut. 14 20 to see It than I; but unless you want your volleys near, volleys far; cannon §18 Clams, qt Digests what you eat. horses Sink alewlves, string 15 Lobsters, lb 20 Want moustache or beard a side still further driven in the hole, I ing, men shouting, neighing, Mackerel, each 25 Bluelisb, 12§14 It artificially digests the food and aids your all 25 beautiful brown or rich black ? Use advise you to keep all such “bosh” as that Gatling guns tli-r-r-r-r-ing, mingled Salmon, §30 Nature in strengthening and recon- Fuel. the exhausted or- report In question safely under cover. in one gigantic roar. structing digestive cord ton— E. W. W. “Wire fence nippers here!” Wood—per Coal—per gans. It isthe latest discovereckligest- Dry hard, 5 00^6 50 Broken, '00 aut and tonic. No other “Bring up those guns!” Dry soft, 3 00§5 00 Stove, 7*0 preparation ~ can in It in- or I’ll Roundings per load 00 approach it efficiency. Dye man, Egg, Buckingham’s "Turn about, there, my N. H Too Stingy. 100*125 Nut, 7 00 stantly relieves and permanently cures 50 cts. of druggists or R. P. Hall 8c Co., Nashua, run The enemy is In the o« Casey—A v all the close fish ted ould you through! Buttings, 5 00 Blacksmith s 7 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, misers that iver Oi see Dolan’s the other direction!” Flour, Grain and Feed. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Corn Is firmer to but there are no worst. “Water! Water!” buy, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand changes In the retail prices here. Dra Emmons’ ’tis the trait wid “Oh, God! I’m hit!” all other results of imperfect digestion. to Cassidy—Oh, family Flour—per bbl— oats, bu 50 Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to the of the and $1. sine contains 2 Yu times women, There i-* him. I put my canteen lips 4 25 55 25 Shorts—bag— 1.10 « l 25 Price 50c. Large hundreds of anxious positive, : size. Book al about mailedfre® known to medical science cast a 100 lb 1 30 Mixed small dyspepsia ly no other remedy trait? Nonsense! man who called for water and Corn, bag feed, bag do the work. Casey—The family Corn meal, bag 1 30 1 25 §1 SO Prepared by E C- DeUViTT & CO.. Chicago* that will so quickly and safely who was hit, when most obstinate from Shure. he’d niver trait wan man, let glance at the man Cracked corn, 1 80 Middlings bag Longest and irregularities me to those 1.; any cause relieved immediately. Successguar- the ordered stop _ 0*1.40 alone a family.—Philadelphia Press. captain anteed at any stage. No pain, danger,or inter, who were trying to go back. ference with work. Have relieved hundreds of HITTERY CARIBOU. A. TO C. PARCHER, cases where others have railed. The mostdifli- Vaivim For lllm. Next I was lying on my back, clutch- Vacancy APOTHECARY. cultcases successfully treated by mail,and ben- left side. The in instance. No don't have a sponge to ing a wound in my eficial results guaranteed every “Why you One Week’s Windowings of News, Maine. We treat hundreds of ladles was out like water. A Ellsworth, risk whatsoever. the blood pouring iui x m mo moisten your stamps?” queried Novelty and Nonsense. wnom we never nee. »»iuu the street who had Cuban girl was bending over me hold- lars and fr ee confidential advice. Do not put off man from across A atent has recently been issued to E. Re- to a THE too long. All letters truthfully answered. use the tele* ing my canteen my lips. What, dropped in to lawyer's T. Burrows, Portland, for a screen. CLEANSING member, this remedy Is absolutely safe under a contrast with lv leaves peaceful face! What A x 1 > MEALING CATARRH every possible condition and* positively phone. Sent d Arthur E. a Bath boy who is nono afteralter ill1.1 cucvteffect uponu|>uu the health.»«»>*».«... oy mail, the of the frightful thing called war! Oh, Dunning, cduk ro» Besides the good "(JooC Hen,” answered disciple securely sealed, $2.00. Money letters should be could look Into mine studying music iu Germany, has secured 170 Tre- Blnckstone. "Do you want the job?”— that those eyes registered. Dll. J. W. EMMONS CO., taste in mouth, | of hair the position of organist of the American mont St., Boston, Mass. your ! News. forever! Oh, that that tress Catarrh Chicago church iu Berlin. that has come down and Is blown by

r Mas a t>lflferenee. a of air across cheek might James P. of Rockland, a gradu- We obtain U. S. and Cash There breath my Bussell, ELY'S CREAM BALM promptly Foreign $1,000 Sockson Buskin—How did you like thus lightly touch it during a lifetime! ate of Bowdoin, has been appointed State Easy and pleasant to on toward thoso and enters bis duties my Ilamlet? Again 1 am pushing bacteriologist upon use. Contains no in- forth Premiums bide Stager—Oh. it was your Hamlet, earthworks. They are pouring the first of July. jurtous drug $2,000 that in It is quickly absorbed was it? Well. I did not recognize it ns fire enough now. Singular Miss Florence D. White, daughter of Gives Keliet'al once missiles lam not hit. It Opens ami Cleanses to be State Shakespeare’s.—Brooklyn I.ife. such a storm of Principal and Mrs. Heury K. White, of given away in the the Nasal or of “Look out!” Passages. I Send model, sketch photo invention for f Bangor, who will be graduated from Mt. Allays Inflammation. on * of Maine. Save tags HAY FEVER \ free report patentability. For fr* e book, your Echoes of Argument. “What is it?” Holyoke college this month, will leave in Heals ami Protects the Membrsne Restores thl wrne! last word for Semes of * aste and Smell. Large Size, 50cents. hom these brands. Your Dick—Do you ever get the “A mine! A mine! Run your August with Miss Hazel Stewart, for a hInemstnir,TRADE-MARKS Trial size, 10 cents at Druggists or by mail with wife? lives!” in France. ELY dealer will tell you how your year’s study BROTHERS, 53 Warren siriet, New York. Charles—Oh. yes. but I have to say It to myself when I get out on the street There is a terrible explosion. I am Slow. West Point. Ask him for printed —Detroit Free l'ress. In my bed in barracks at Wabash—How long did it take you to CASNO particulars. The morning gun has just been fired. do that picture? OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICfe but talent Worms?are f— has Many children troubled with Genius ragged cuffs, I am on my left side, and my am on- worms, lying French Artist (proudly)—I and treated fur something else. A few dust*# of WASHINGTON. D.C. w.*,ru ilne linen. like a drum. Bob heart is throbbing gage upon eet for seex months! his Truman, my roommate, is rubbing as You’re True’s worm Elixir WTabasli—Just I thought. will wormslf to wake him- expel theyexist, and provea valu- and Printers. eyes with his fists trying dead slow- over here. I’ve saw able tonic ir there are no worms. 35c. at druggu Advertisers, Publishers Why, f Dr. J. F. TRUE A CO., Auburn, Me. self up. fellers in Chicago turnin’ them things TIME and "I say, what a queer dream Pve k Bob, WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE out while ye wait.—Philadelphia Press. I MONEY u* using had.” I ARIF? Who Have Used Them LnUILO Recommend as the BEST Challeu’s Record “H’m!” look dim to old folks. Rooks. Things They l»u. KIWCI'S ? a Subscription Record, Advertiser’s Record, “Dreamed we were graduated year need have some about ’em Star BUY CLARIONS young eyes Crown Brand Advertising Record, Job Printer’s Record, ahead and In the Santiago campaign.” to let ’em know the world’s the same Correspondence Record. some an old now. Ruled, printed and indexed for quick entry In thousands of cases it’s because “That campaign’s story as It used to be. PENNYROYAL PILLS. no and reference Descriptive circular and rice fresher.” Immediate relief, danger, no pain. cousin or has praised I should want something U*ed lor years by leading apecialiefa. Hundreda ofteati. list on application. Published by mother, sister, neighbor monstla. “The a mine and Ind. A trial will convince you of their intrinaic value E. A. & W. E. that no other kind is Spaniards exploded Rushvllle, iueaae ofauppreaaion. Send ten cents for and CHILD, the Clarion so highly aampla 1* Dover 8treet, New York. blew us all up. It was the morning Messrs. Elt Bros.:—I have been a great book. All Ihug^ietoOrby mail gl.50 box. of. KING MEOICIMf GO.. Cjx 1930. BOSTON. MASS. thought gun. It awakened me.” ufferer from catarrh and hay fever and tried for found no relief On this foundation of reputation good “That’s a trick of dreams. Some.In- many things, but permanent are until I found It In Cream Balm about Our a second will Ely's STEAM work we defy competition. goods cident occupying produce Pauper Notice. LAUNDRY counte- eight years ago, and we have been fast friends but the cannot be a dream running through a mouth. It undersigned gives notice that ht AND BATH ROOMS. Imitated reputation ever since. (Rev ) R. M. Bentley. hereby proves conclusively that there’s no THEhas contracted with the city of Ellworth, feited. Messrs. Ely Bros. .—Find enclosed 50 cents, for the support of the poor, during the ensuing “NO PAY, NO WA8HEE." of other such thing as time.” year, and has made provision for their Don’t be misled the appearance for which please send me your Cream Balm. I ample by “Well, if that’s war I don’t want support. He therefore forbids all persons fioro All kinds of laundry worK done at short u. test. And the and most the one that has stood every your remedy quickest perma- furnlBbng supplies to any pauper on his ac Ice. Goods called for and delivered. kinds—buy any of it. I’ve a mind to resign as soon count as without his written he will nent cure for colds In the head, catarrh, etc. order, pa; H. B. ESTEY A CO., no so Harky 8. as I I the renl for goods furnished. .Tonks. '■ graduate. expect thing Yours truly, Dell M. Potter, End Brldare. Ellsworth. have CLAHIONS write to us. V your dealer does not is no fun.” — Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold Mining Co. Sue-—.— —- Nevertheless I am In the army to- THE AMERICAN'S advertisers \who does not advertise in Wood & Maine. E‘“li‘’hed F. X. HITCHED. letting down the price-bars into the fl ^\it more profitable BISHOP CO., Bangor, day. Thk American: for of bargains. National awirrttannmt*. Bank Statrmnti COUNTY GOSSIP. FROM BAR HARBOR. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED. American. REPORT OP THE <£tje <6U0u>ortt) school Oat of the fifty-six normal grads Labor Troubles Brewing — Warships Gideon 9. Cook anil Wife to Celebrate at Castine this twenty-one of them A AND JOURNAL year, Coming -Local News. Golden Wedding. OONDlTi0. LOCAL POLITICAL Do You 0» are Hancock and Both S. Cook THI* PUBLISHED county boys girls. Bar Harbor, June 18 (special)—A Next Friday, Jane 19, Gideon class this EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON graduates of the advanced year strike by the organised laborers of Bar and wife, who have apent all their long Iron? M. Meed AT are from this county—Fausta Grindle, Harbor Is Imminent; in faot, it is under- wedded life in Ellsworth, will celebrate, called First National of an- M ELLSWORTH, MAINE, of and Amy 8. Perkins, the was to have at home at the fiftieth The new Penobscot, stood that strike order their Bayslde preparation »t Ellsworth, in the State of Main. ** BT THE Castine. at the close of Bf’ _ into effect but of their business gone Tuesday mornlug, nlversary marriage. June HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. and the 9, 1908. Surry is one of the Maine towns whose such was not the case. There has been Invitations have been Issued, F. W. Hollins, Editor and Manager. Peptiron RESOURCES. sense to will be ”at home” to their citizens have the good fittingly more or less friction between the labor worthy conple Loans and discounts. 00 a for six effective and Subscription Price—$2 year; $1.00 celebrate the centennial anniversary of union and the contractors and bollders’ friends from 3 o’clock till 5. is an agreeable, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured month*; 00 cents for three months; If paid U. 8. Bonds to secure ?iS*1 The event is scheduled association for some and not Mr. Cook was born In Waltham In 1830. of this circulation.. 50 strictly In advance, $1 50, 75 and 88 cents her incorporation. time, long combination Premiums on U. 8. bonds. WOOl All are reckoned at three of up-to-date respectively arrearages for August 13. In some way the errone- ago tbe union submitted to the associa- He Is one of twelve children, curative metal, free Stocks, securities, etc. the rate of $2 per yew. wonderful Banking-house, furniture and ^,52181 has abroad that the cele- a for an whom, besides Mr. Cook, are living; they flxl ous report gone tion request eight-hour day. tures. should be addressed his brothers, from all the objectionable Business communications bration is to take place next Sunday, June At a meeting of the builders' association reside in the West. Two of Due from approved reserve agents 15.00301 4m and all money orders made payable to Thb iron Checks and other cash «4*« Is a held June it was decided the con- now well known In this county, features of older prepar- items. Hancock county Publishing Co., Ells 21. Surry law-abiding, God-fearing 10, by dead, Notes of other National banks..... i.i3i » S4N«( worth, Maine. community, which doesn’t celebrate on tractors »hat they would not grant tbe were Sewall, of Lamolne, and George W., ations. Whether taken Fractional paper currency, nickeis and cents. Sunday. union's request. Tbe association pre- of Waltham. 1*33 _ or Form Lawful money reserve in bank, viz pared and sent out a circular letter bear- With the exception of two years spent In Pill Liquid Specie...... 113,8721) commissioners have decided notes.... The county the at issue. In this In California, Mr. Cook has lived all his l903 letter it stated that if tbe eight-hour life In Waltham and Ellsworth. Peptiron urer (6 per cent, of day or circulation;. 2-500 00 Castine and Brooksville must be dis- was nor leave inky were the only point at issue, it might be Mrs. Cook, whose maiden name teeth, any can be Total. continued until such time as it was born In Franklin In 1833. Her in the mouth, **M»00 better to yield to the demand rather than Swan, metallic flavor LIABILITIES Su. Mo. Tu. We Th. Fr. Sa. to the terms of Its operated according have a moved to Waltham soon after her iron struggle. parents is the prepara, Capital stock paid in...... sviiw.,* find have not been and only charter, which they Tbe birth. She was one of six children—two fund.'. unloo, says the letter, demands does not cause con- Surplus ,'3U000 with for the years. all tion that Undivided profits, less expenses complied past twenty that union men be not boys and four girls. The sisters are 2 only employed, taken. and taxes paid. bau~ It is probable that steps will be taken reside In California. The however long National bank notes only on mechanical work but also on living; they stipation, outstanding.. 50,000 00 to re-establish the nerve Due to other National banks. immediately ferry, common that for brothers are one of them was Daniel cures pain, 70485 labor; Sunday and hol- dead; Peptiron Due to trust companies and savings 9 10 as its discontinuance would result in 8 II 12 of • 7 13 iday labor double pay shall be given, and H. Swan, well known hereabouts. For nerve tire, and all degrees banks... serious inconvenience. Dividends unpaid. tbe union also makes other to many years he was a well-known hotel makes the ’..JjJ stipulations nerve debility; I nd i vid ual deposits subject to check 853,ir £ which the association cannot yield. The man of Kennebunk. Demand certificates of deposit. rji**? 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and the eyes Certified letter for the Mr. and Mrs. Cook came to Ellsworth cheeks rosy checks. ’SS Deer Isle is looking for another R. P. D. asks support of the business Cashier’s checks outstanding... after their In and more vigor- route—this one to start from the postoffice men and non-residents in their resistance shortly marriage 1853, bright—the young Bills payable, including certificates 24 feeble. of deposit for money borrowed, 21 22 23 25 26 27 at Deer Isle, running to Dow’s village, to the demands of the union. have lived here ever since. Six children ous and the old less 20.00000 have been born to all of whom are and thence over the Reach road to H. P. In support of its contentions the them, Invaluable to invalids To^*l. *694,435* 28 29 30 Smith’s, thence to North Deer Isle ferry, union urges that consideration should be living, and all of whom are married. and to all neu- 8TATE OF MAINE. convalescents or thence around the Reach to Campell’s given to the fact that high prices prevail Lester S. lives In San Francisco; Eliza- Coutmr Hancock ss:—I, Henry w anemic, and dyspep- Cushman, cashier of the above-named tank Fish and the in Bar and that tbe cost of beth Is the wife of Frank W. Brackett, rasthenic, swear MOON'S PHASES Neck, thence through Creek Harbor, living do solemnly that the abo\e statement to the best of Tint 8:94 Greenlaw district to the of here is much more than in other of Brookline, Mass.; Harriet C. is the tic sufferers. is true my know ledge and bo 1 point begin- places. lief. HENRY W. 6 a. m. In a Ho old— OUSHMAN\Cashier 18 E. was At a attended of tbe wife of Henry E. Davis, In made In two forms: ^Quarter ning. Special Agent P. Boutelle largely meeting ex-Mayor Peptiron Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th mil 10:08 cordialformat ollxlr-at* M «*$1 per» bottle. Q of this J. Is the wife of G. in aromatic VT/i day of June, 1903. tS/Moon y m. 25 over the route last week, and will doubt- union held Monday evening, the follow- city; Mary p. e^on e£3ife LEONARD M MOORE letter was Frank also of Ellsworth; Sadie less recommend the establishment of the ing prepared and sent to tbe Newman, A. (Seal.) Notary flood’s Sarsaparilla, Lowell, Mass.. U. S. Public, route. The other route ou the island builders’ association: Is Mrs. Frank E. Smith; she lives In Gar- Correct—Attest: A. P. WI8WELL, ) It in *• and E. lives In Newton, Mass. Agent In Ellsworths WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1903. starts from Stonlngton. goes opera- Believing we are at the present time facing diner, Hervey Selling L. A. EMERY, Directors. J. A. tion July 1, Howard Ihurlow, carrier. a problem which seems impossible to settle G. A. Parcher, 14 Main Street. PETERS, Ja.i between the builders’ association and the labor OBITUARY. A New Republic ? unions, aDd unless settled at once, must neces- JLrgal Notices from Bowdoin wins the college championship MRS. FANNY S. MILLIKEN. lost. Advices received confidential sarily cause difficulty between the parties, and a is at baseball, Hancock county boy which would be disastrous widow of Nathaniel STATK OF agents of this country in Colombia to the building Fanny E., Capt. Reward. For the re MAINII. of the nine—Andy P. of VF, DOLLARS (M) indicate that there iB considerable captain Havey, interest of the place at the present time, and Mllliken, died at Stoughton, Mans., June turn of a dog, 3 months old. Answers to To the Honorable, the Judge of the Probate 17M tn and for the West Sullivan. Havey had the unusual which we are desirous of preventing. two months, the name of Judy. Yellow with white on legs Court county of Hancock: likelihood of a revolution there as a 9, aged seventy-seven years, Lost in “In and neck. White spot on right hip. represent* honor of being made captain in his junior your circular letter to the press and pub- Mrs. Milliken was born in Matilda direct result of the Panama canal Surry, April Trenton woods. Return to 29 Cottage street. KE8PECTFULLYMarkoe. of he was re-elected lic, you admit you are to concede an Emery. Campbell Philadelphia year, and unanimously willing 11, 1826, and was the last of tive children. Bar Harbor. Job Pennsylvania, that James B. Markoe, late of made this eight-hour day, but other matters of more serl said Philadelphia, died on the proposition by government. in his senior year, and he has the unique She leaves five children to mourn a twenty-ninth ous nature are at and of March. A hound dog, day of Noeemoer. a. d. 1902. It is that if the Colombian distinction of twice the cham- stake, appeal to the reported bringing mother’s death. are: Mrs. Frank ears, tan colored face; black That at a probate court held on the seventh business men and non-residents to assist to They nOUND-Lastlong yellow you black on back; stood of April in the year of our Lord Congress fails promptly to ratify the pionship to Bowdoin. First base is his Davis, of East Boston, Frank Milliken, and white body; mostly day one fight the issue. Now, we ask you, why not about 19 inches high; had on new collar with thousand nine hundred and three, Matilda the states of Panama and though he went to short and was treaty, position, stop submit these other Issues to tbe public by arbi- Mrs. Sarah Waugh, Mrs. Fred Fowler no name on ii. Finder will be liberally reward- Caropbeil Markoe duly appointed execu- Me. trix of the will of James B. Markoe both of which are on the last year, to strengthen a weak spot. He tration ? Mrs. of Stougnton, ed. Address box 20, South Brooksville, and ac- Cauca, Elbridge Hayward, cepted said trust. Is a heavy and during his whole “We are to isthmus, will secede from the main bitter, willing abide by their decision, Mass. That Matilda Campbell Markoe haa re- has led the or tun ed to aaid court, on course either team, been whether for or against our cause. Trusting Mrs. Milliken went to some fZil.intrt). probate oath, an in. country. While it is probable that Stoughton veutory of all the property and estate of said very near the top of the list. Capt. Havey that you will agree to this at once we remain, euch secession would be resisted to twenty years ago to make her home with deceased that has come into her po-a saionor for at Kent’s Hill. He etc.” T3AYING CUTTERS—30 good men in ino- knowledge. prepared college her children. In the years she resided Works some it is doubtful if the re- JL tion *27 and the stone started. That your petitioner Is informed and be- extent, is a most It is believed that tbe builders’ T. W. Yinal- popular leader, though always associa- there, she won the love and esteem of fine on lift and rift. Parke, lieves that certain of said property of said sistance would be successful. strict in His brother haven. Me. decedent hereinafter mentioned discipline. younger tiou will not grant tbe request of tbe many friends. She was a devoted passing by The will or some portion thereof, or some interest northern portion of the Andes is the star on the Hebron academy union to as it is pitcher arbitrate, understood mother, a woman of many virtues, and therein, ia subject to the payment of the cuts off all communication which has the first the jFor Salt. tax It* of the practically team, place among that at tbe meeting of tbe association Bhe preserved in rare measure the qualities imposed by chapter public laws of 1*93 and acta amendatory thereof »nd addi- between these two states and the Maine schools. And there it was decided to take preparatory Wednesday no that endeared her to her children, who are Barn, etc., and one and one-balf tional thereto. rest of the country by land, and the are other Haveys in West Sullivan who further action, but to let matters take well known and respected in their COTTAGE,(Pi*) acres of land at South Hancock, be- That the names of all the person- who are John Wilken, who is leaving thedis- interested in the succession to said know how to play baseball—a little older tbeir course. lougiugto property, Colombian government has no navy. adopted home. trict. Situated on rising ground, on the west and the share of each are as stated in Schedule than these two but “still in the the is bank- boys, It is certainly to be hoped for tbe sake The funeral was held at her late home side of road leading to Hancock Point and A, hereunto annexed. Moreover, government Mount Hesert Ferry, from which it is distant 2 Wherefore your petitioner prays that the ring”. of both parties to tbe that on Porter Rev. Mr. Greer rupt, and could hardly raise the funds controversy, street, officiat- 102^ miles; has a frontage of upwards of 200 actual market value of said property, the per- some way may be found to heal the ing. Among the many floral tributes feet on Long creek, with excellent facilities for sons inter *sted in the succession thereto, and with which to carry on a war. bathing, boating, etc. The rooms are all well the amount of the tax thereon may be deter- CorrcspcnfitncE. breach before it comes to warfare. were a pillow with “Mother” from the open finished, and all the buildings in excellent re- mined by the judge of probate. The two states named would make aud a large standing wreath A determined strike would not be children, pair; the outbuildings nearly all built within Dated this 19th day of May. a. d. iwn. only with “Grandma” from the the than the grandchildren. a There is an supply of clear Mat1 i.os C. Markoe. country larger republic No A Utility for the “Sharper”. a severe blow to tbe prosperity of tbe year. amply spring water. Would make a very convenient STATK OF PENNSYLVANIA. of Costa Rica, and all of the inhabi- South Hancock, Me., June 15,1903. present season, but would without doubt summer or home. Will be sold on permanent PttlLADKLPH!A CotTNTY. MRS. SUSAN M. GRANT. reasonable terms and possession given when tants favor the construction of the To the Editor of The American: greatly influence the non-residents in desired. Apply to John Wilkkn, Hancock. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thii canal. As the two states would be I wish it to be distinctly understood, Lbeir building plans for the future. Susan M., wife of Capt. O. M. Grant, Me., or to the Geo. H. Grant Co., Ellsworth, nineteenth day of May. a.d. 19W. Maine. Thomas S. Cates, divided the canal as I have stated before in words to the Tbe union here Is strong, comprising in died suddenly on Friday, June 5, at her virtually by zone, Notary Public. L. 8. same effect, that while 1 am more than its membership about every home in Rockland, of heart failure. there would be almost two countries carpenter, RCHBDULE A. willing to discuss the robin question to mason, painter and paper-hanger in town. Mrs. Graot was born in Ellsworth Jan- Ergal Ifotias. after the canal was built, and it is •Vomr. Rrtidence. Share "< interest. final in all 1 shall the its phases, not uary 30, 1843; she was a daughter of the Matilda that a and To all persons interested in either of the es Campbell Markoe, Philadelphia, probable peaceful prosper- A which more or less answer to a drift of purely fabricated thought occupies late Wallace E. Moore. She was a mem- tates hereinafter uamed. sole legatee and devisee. ous little which could republic, easily follies, which have no connection with the minds of many people at Bar Harbor, ber of the Free Will Baptist church. At a probate court held at Ellsworth, in and STATE OF MAINE. for the of on the second meet its necessities with the and which flnds county Hancock, Hancock ss.:—At a court held at annuity the question. expression dozens of Besides her husband she leaves one son, dav of a. d. 1903. probate June, Ellawonh, within and for said county, on the which this will as rental times a at about this country pay I have neither the time, disposition nor day time of year Is: Ralph. They have the sympathy of a wide following matters having been pre- first Tuesday in June, a. d. 1903. sented for tne action herein- the ordered: That for the canal, would result from such Inclination so to impose upon the public. “Will the war ships be here this summer?” circle of friends. She also leaves two THE thereupon Upon foregoing petition, after indicated, it is hereby ordered that no- notice be given to all persons interested, by 1 never bad It is not known whet her of the a revolution. Furthermore, any personal yet any staters— Mrs. James Frazier and Mrs. tice thereof be given to all persons interested, causing a copy of said petition and thi- order a of this order to be thereon to be three weeks succea- experience with the “sharper”, there be- American ships of war will come to this John one brother—Lewis H. by causing copy pub- published Frazier; lished three weeks in the Ells- in the Ellsworth American, a newspa- an successively sively no between and can harbor, but it is assured fact that a a Servia did up its business of butch- ing affinity us, only ships Moore, and half brother—Samuel worth American, newspaper published at per published at Ellsworth, in said county of in said that at a with all dis- speak from the standpoint of an observer, of the British navy will be here some Moore, all of Ellsworth. Ellsworth, county, they may ap- Hancock, that they tuay appear probate ering royalty possible pear at a probate court to be held at Blue- court to be held at the probate court room In while it far otherwise with these time early in July. was on on first patch, Within a week king, cfueen, appears y The funeral held Sunday, June?. bill, in said county, the seventh day of Bluehill, in and for said county, on the Last Charles July, a. d. 1903, at ten of the clock in the of a. d. at ten o’clock other fellows. Friday H. Wood received a Rev. W. O. Holman, a former pastor of Tuesday July, 1903, ministers and minor but equally ob- forenoon, and be heard thereon if they see In the forenoon, and be heard thereon if they When any of my opponents get so bard message from J. B. Keating, British vice- the church in officiated. noxious have been “re- Baptist Ellsworth, see cause. personages i'eter a. late or in »aid of Probate. pushed that they are obliged to retire consul at Portland, stating that the Interment was at Achoru cemetery, Rock- Moore, Tremont, O. P. CUNNINGHAM. Judge a new chosen and county, deceased. A certain instrument pur- A true of the and order of moved”; king from the and enter fields of their British North Atlantic and West copy petition subject Indian land. porting to be the last will and testament of court thereon. boosted on to the and affairs throne, own operations, I certainly shall not fol- squadron, consisting of tbe flagship said deceased, together with petition for pro- Attest:—Chas. P. Dorr, Register bate thereof, E. as usual. The presented by Mary Stanley proceed absurdity of low them there. They have “Ariadne”, first-class cruiser of sixteen To the brake on the wagon down the executrix therein named. played put going Moore, FIT notice that the hill la a to the horse, when the Is Albina H. HE subscriber hereby gives second-rate is more themselves out of a game in which guns and carrying 657 men, second-class help wagon Dresser, late of Orland, in said administra- royalty rarely they heavilv loaded. Hut what driver would think X she has been dalv appointed county, deceased. A certain instrument pur- late have shown never had a cruisers “Retribution” and trix of the estate of Frederick A. .Sweet, illustrated. Servia is about clearly they “Tribune”, of the brake to a loaded wagon going porting to be the last will and testament of strikingly applying of Bis bee, Arizona, deoeased, and given each about 350 uphill? If he did, his sensible horses would said deceased, with for half as as with not proper place; and I shall retire them as carrying men, would arrive together petition pro- bonds as the law directs. All persons large Maine, many probably balk. Many a man is In the condition bate thereof, presented Ellen Dress- here on the by Myra demands the estate vanquished, and make no further reply to evening of July 5, for a few of pulling a load up hid with the brake set er, the executrix therein named. having against more inhabitants; no city of conse- of said deceased are desired pr^ent that write. The officer in command Against him. When his stomach Is out of order, Bradford Varnum, late of in anything they may days’ stay. of Penobscot, the same for settlement, and all n iebtefl quence outside of its and the a'lied organs of digestion and nutrition said deceased. Certain instruments Belgrade, cap- the fleet is county, thereto are to make ut im- 1 am still in the field for all other comers Vice-Admiral Sir Archibald L. lu their functions, a friction Is set to the last will and requested pay. impaired up purporting testament and ii. ."-wekt. ital, and not very high standing which has to be overcome in addition to the codicil of said mediately. Julia who will keep reasonably within the Douglass. thereto, deceased, together Juue 1903. the nations. The death performance of daily duties. A foul stomach with petition for probate thereof, 2, among of of the It is that as an act of inter- presented limits question. probable n akes a foggy brain, and the rfian with a die by Aloert K. Varnum, devisee under said will. that King Alexander wipes out the dynasty national courtesy, if for no othet ordered* stomach has often to grope hie way Ella P. Higgins, late of Eden, in said coun- fTTOE subscriber hereby gives notice reason, the adminis- through day's business like a man In the ty, deceased. A certain instrument purport- A she has been duly appointed to which he How his several of our own war will be in ('• Abbott. belongs. long ROBINS PLENTY ON THE VALLEY FARM. ships fog. He forgets appointments. Problem* ing to be the last will and testament of said tratrix of the estate of Roland or successor will last is and tbe harbor at the same time. seem presented to his mind “wrong end to" deceased, together with petition for Jate of Ha' cock. in the county conjectural, Robins are on the probate as tne very plenty Valley This condition is entirely remedied by the use thereof, presented by Mary F. Higgins, the Hancock, deceased, and given bonds no This is good neyvs for Bar Har- of l)r de- really of great consequence. farm this season. have increased in certainly Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. it executrix thereiu named. law directs. All persons having They deceasea bor, as the presence of the puts the stomach and digestive and nutritive Charles Francis, late of Eden, in said coun- mands against the estate of said numbers each that we have been ships always settle- year system Into a condition of perfect health, and ty d ceased. A certain instrument purport are desired to present the same for liveus up the place in a wonderful man- a The recent assembling of the gov- in the berry-growing business, till now gives a clear brain, steady hand and a light ing to be the last will and testament of said ment, and all Indebted thereto are requested ner. Comiug early in July tbeir presence step for the day’s duller When constipation deceased, together with petition for probate to make pavment immediately. ernor’s council must have been rather there are fully fifty to one to what there clogs the channels of the bodv Dr Pierce's thereof, June 2. IN3. Lilla F. AnB,|TT._ will to fill the presented by George Tappan Francis, were some is greatly help up hotels, Wea-ant Pellets will work an effectual cure of the executor therein named. if newspaper reports are eighteen years ago. It by that picturesque, and start the season with a rush. that disastrous dlteaae. Emma F. late of in ^PHE subscriber gives notice far the most feature of the Hodgkins, Eden, said hereby correct. Col. Prescott, of Biddtford, discouraging coutty, deceased. Certain instruments A she has been duly appointed ext cutrix pur- of Mar* and unless some means can be porting to be the last will and testament and of the last will amt testament arrived in an automobile, and business, or Judge The graduatiug exercises of the gram- Special Xotirta. conicil tlnreio of said deceased, together Frost, late of Mariaville, In the county devised to protect our fruits of the berry with for and bond-. »•- toe Chase, of arrived on crutches. mar achool were held at the petition probate thereof, presented Hancock, deceased, given Bluehill, class BaptlBt J. Andrew the law directs. All having de" from their most excessive depreda- SPECIAL NOTICE. by Wood, executor therein persons The is from rheuma- church The named. the estate of said deceased nre de- judge suffering the will be Frida; evening. graduatea against tions, profits completely not in Cuniculocus Park. I W. sired to settlement, ana were: BerniceS. Carl 8. trespass Henry Eaton, late of Cripple Creek. Col. present the same for tism in his left foot, the malady hav- Brewer, Cleaves, demand to life to niaxe ruined. DO protection and property Petition filed^by Hosea B. Phillips, a creditor. all indebted thereto are requested and Bessie C. Dorr, Seth M. Emery, Qalette from the county of Hancock, the State of that Austin T. !*tevens or some other suitable payim-m immediately. ing suddenly mysteriously passed During the past two years many articles, and the United States of A » "T F. Emery, Albert A. Farrell, Katie E. Maine, America. person be appointed administrator of the es- June 2. 1903. Matium from his right arm which has suffered by prominent practical fruit-growers, Mary C. Fbbtz Austin. tate of said deceased. Gautbnler, Ltnwood C. Grey, Harold D, Hal ph H. Carter and John H. Itankrupt’s Petition for Discharge. for a long time. The judge received have appeared in the Rural New Yorker. Carter, minors. Hamor, George D. Hardy, Vivian M NOTICE. Bur.). Petition Bled by Clara A. Carter, In the matter of ) many words of A.t first this paper, as nearly all agricul- gu triiiau, for license to sell real estate of said Eahl D. Chase, In Bankruptcy. sympathy, especially Hardy, Mebetle Walter G. Hill! To official authority for the State minors. j tural the Higgins, of Maine, Bankrupt. ) from Councillor who has been papers have, feeling general county of Hancock, townships Simeon late of Haines, Samuel Hillson, Edward of Lamaine, Inch, BluebUl, in uid To the Hon. Clarence ol the DU- of senti- Llnscott, Hancock, Franklin and plantation Ho. 8. county, deceaaed. Petition Hale. Judge afflicted. pressure inexperienced public filed by Au,tin T. trlct Court of the United States for the Uts similarly Shirley M. Liscombe, Hattie M. Stevens, ft r and little or no Messer, three thousand acres in Cuniculo- administrator, license to sell real trict of Maine. ment, having practical estate of said deceased. in Gertrudes. Mitchell, Rosa C. Richards, OVERcus Park have been burned to glacial D. of Gouldaboro. of their took sides for William late of CHASE, o The latest candidate experience own, deposits, clay strata or rock bottom. I de- Leach, Bluehlll, in said the of Hancock, and State gubernatorial James W. Silk, Warren A. Shaw, Mar- mand from taxes county, deceaaed. Petition died J7»AKLli county the robin, but so much weight of truth exemption on this Austin by Austin T. Maine, in said district, represents, B. M. of an ex- for one hundred Stevens, for license to sell respectfully is Fernald, Poland, garet ta Snow, Mary F. Tripp, Vera M. property years. administrator, real that on the 18th of last from such reliable sources soon to Mary C. Frets estate of said deceased. day April, tn{* began Harold Austin. was bankrupt under senator from Androscoggin Tuttle, F. Whitmore, Marjorie George W. late of duly adjudged tna county. their eyes. The Bowden, Bluehlll, in said Acta of to bankruptcy, open agricultural press, county, deceaaed. Petition died Congress relating He is to have said that the J. Alley. by Austin T he has surrendered all his reported in general. Is now aiding the side of the _ Stevens, administrator, for license to sell duly Pr°P*[l-. aWjcrtisnnmta. real and rights of property, and has fully of Maine were tired of estate of Baid deceased. actscomPj.*vi and ° people getting b*rry-growers. Bar Harbor were a few with all the requirements of said people grieved Kendall K, Hodgdon, late of Tremont, in millionaire not but said the orders of court touching his bankruptcy- having governors, I greatly wish that my robins (on the ago to learn of the death of county, deceased. Petition Bled by be a days Rodney R. Wherefore he prays that he may would behave like Mr. George Fuller, administrator, for license to a full discha have made chief executives, Valley farm) F. at his home In sell real estate creed by the court to have they good Sumlnsby Dorchester, ASSESSORS’ NOTICE of said deceased. bis e**af. of Franklin. He seems to have 8. from all debts provable against but that there are many persons who Butler's, Mass. Mr. Sumlnsby was Mary Frazier, late of Ellsworth, in said •ucn fifty-eight county, deceaaed. Petition undersaid bankruptcy acts, except a kind of an influence over died by Arno W. such would the office in the enchanting years of age. For many years he was in for as are excepted by law from dj*CQ*‘B grace highest King, administrator, license to sell real a. d. 1903- them. 1 will him I mean it— estate of said deceased. Dated this 4th day of June, of the State whose wealth is not give |500— the dry goods business at Bar Harbor, and Earl D- Chase. gift Oliver Lane, late of Sedgwick, in said coun- if he will come down to the farm The assessors _ Bankrupt. Valley had hosts of friends here. In 1891 be left will be in ty. deceased. Final account of numbered in seven figures. Hardy D. Order of Notice Thereon. and so enchant the robins there that they Bar Harbor and went to Dorohester, where Lane, administrator, filed for settlement. Also session at private account filed. District op Maine ss. can be trusted to hop through my berry he resided to the time of bis death. Aldermen’s M. 00 np Room, George Seavey, late of Gouldsboro, in On this 16th of June. a. d. 1903. A newspaper change of interest is the day patches during fruiting season, eating He was a brother of John deceased- Second account of reading the it is— Deputy-Sheriff Hancock Hall, on the 10th w«n4°°UutyiWimam H. foregoing petition, be that of Thomas F. of the and and not Seavey, executor, filed for settle- Ordered the court, that a hearing Murphy, only bugs worms, meddling by of J Sumlnsby._ upon the same on the 3d day Kennebec who to with the fruit. of each Salome in JJj Journal, goes ripening month. Gilpatrick. late of Trenton, in said a. d. 190J, before said court at Portland, county, deceased. First Waterville to edit the which Come on now, Mr. B.; here is a chance “The Bluffs” Will account of Pearl L. district, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon;ana Sentinel, Open. Leiand and Harry W. the Ellaw Leland. administrators,* notice thereof be in for to do much to the filed for settlement. published sau has recently been purchased by you good berry- “The BJuffs” hotel at Mt. Desert Ferry F. B. American, a newspaper printed in Cyjfua AIKEN, H. late of and o thern of this and at the same Eppes Stanley, Cranberry Isles, trict, and that all known creditors W. Davis. Mr. is one of the growers country, will be opened next Saturday, June20. in said deceased. tne Murphy Chairman. county, Final account of persons in interest may appear at use of Linda M. time get rich by making good your The hotel this year will be under the Stanley, administratrix, filed for time and and show cause, if ablest and best-known newspaper settlement. place, a“*hf,ni3si If don’t take with this of have, why the prayer of said petitioner powers. you up management of Chris Toole, Bangor, Milford Grindie, late of men in Maine. Bluehlll, in said not be granted. th»t it will be an illustra- for so connected with the St. SALESMEN county, deceased. First very generous offer, many years WANTED. account of E E And it is further ordered by the coar*.’ -n Chase, administrator, tiled for to tion of the street slang: “Talk is cheap, James of that settlement. the clerk shall seud by mail address at the cen- city. f or no Lacy L. Torrey, late of Surry, in said naatnall#lfi«°or- Judge Emery’s Salary commission; experience nec- coun- creditors copies of said petition res. but it takes money to buy rum.” ty, deceased. Petition Bled widower for their o ; advanced for out- by der, addressed to them at places tennial celebration of Hampden acad- essary money expenses; °0t °f P'”0"111 **L»te of Now it seems to me the wisest THE NEW said de- idence as stated. _ thing “KAURINOID,” VARNISH, fit FREE. Solicit orders for our Guaran- ceased00* xiftie, was a masterful Witness the Honorable last Friday one, for and to who can he used over or ordi- Elizabeth late CJarence emy you fellows, others, do, Paint, Shellac, teed Nursery Stock. Write us at ouce for Lane, of Sedgwick, in said Judge of the said court, and the scanner and county, deceaaed. Petition Bled the 15 brim full of wisdom learning are so full of the song and sentiment for nary Varnish and Is guaranteed to give termsjand secure the best territory. by John F. at Portland, in said district, on Lane, administrator, for allowance of private to find ro-.. claim v of June, a. d. 1903. rierk. The American hopes the robin, is to fit some actioos to your satisfactory results. We recommend It. against said estate. E H*WU'. O. P. [L. A.] J*M*« ereon- >rda. or CUNNINGHAM, Judge of said Court. A true of and order it in full at an early dp-- Take up shut up! E. W. W. Stratton A Wescott. THE B.G. CHASE CO., MALDEN. MASS. A true Attest: copy petition Clerk print copy, —Cues. P. Doan. Register. Attest:—Jambs K. Hrwbv. A TOTAL LOSS. winter harbor. SCHOOLS Mary A. Gayoor and Miss Lizzie Doyle. NEW BOOKS £sflroati« anti Steamboat*. CLOSE. The manner In which the wae Wife Drowned—Several of The Water — programme _uln>» Service New Blocks— Received at the Ellsworth *p carried oat reflects credit on both teachers Recently the Crew Badly Injured. Care of Public Yachts. GRADUATING EXERCISES IN arid Library. five-maeted schooner “Wash- The water service pupils. Tbenew ot Winter Harbor Following is a list of new books recently ol was Is THE GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. The graduates were Mary Agnes Fields, d. Thomas”, Thomeston, unexcelled In purity. The received at the in Ells- ington supply Galen Snow and Richard VauZandt. public library 1 Island In the Is taken on Stratton’s gale from s lake one mile from worth: Commencing Jane 1005. wrecked OTHER 8CHOOL8 ALSO HAVE INTER- The follows: 15, It n programme BAB lilt Friday night. town; brought In through an eight- Progressive Taxation, ERA Seligman HABBOB TO BANUOB. J. wits of the inch ESTING EXERCISES—DIPLOMAS Opening Song.School The Jlrg william Lermond, main on a gravity of over English Government, Moran : :3 eighty Snow 8»3S8S2r:83S:®S*S8 and the and AWARDED. Sandalphon.Ahble American Political Merriam *c cc r~ was drowned captain feet, flndlng again Its level this Theories, tj ou ao cn m'Maf ceptsln, just side Plano Solo. Helen Neal American Industrial the seamen Injured. of Grindstone ley Problems, fleveral of Point. The W R Lawson pumping The school closed Song ...Frank Dunleavy of the unfortunate woman station la year Id Ellsworth last American in Tbe body arranged on the duplicate •lane .Jones.Edward Downey Diplomacy the Orient, noon a short Friday. The usual exercises were held Id J R Foster css found Monday floating system, that Is, two boilers and two Song .School all the The little ones In Muslim the beach off Camp Ellis, on which can uearly grades. Plano Theology, Jurisprudence, etc., *28*8 ssTil" from pumps, be worked Solo.Miss Doyle t- way together the D B Macdonald ^ river. was or lower dressed Id their best g-1~> g> west side of the Saco She and eacu grades, ...... LydaTrue, Ella Hawkes, Helen The Earth’s tl,e Independently, boiler can bibs Beginning, Ball old. ran both and tuckers, spoke their pieces, Bernice Graffam The Now Baals of bot twenty-four years pumps, so that In case of acci- Bresnaban, Geography, Redway g 8SS38SSSi(«i;SSSSg98H3& to the satisfaction of their teach- •The Vision of Outlines of "Thomas” was on her second dent the of greatly Liberty.Galen Snow Psychology, Royce 6, ^*-"o Tbe trip, danger an entire cut-off fs The ^l^^l^‘”a^"*"°!££.£.<9,0,0®3®(e,c®f ers, their and and Song .Richard VanZundt Meaning of Education, Butler been In commission only a little reduced to a parents themselves, having minimum. •Plano The Meaning of J Van ,8SS§ :8 this week are all in the first 8olo .Mary A Fields Pictures, Dyke '8?S,S88 they reveling Musical 7 overs month. George Blawer Is assistant The Education, Lavignae ;“"y A**a superintend- week of the Night. ..Julia Barron a loaded with tons of soft ent of summer vacation. Cambridge Modern vol 1 gbe was 4,000 local work. Water Is let on Address to Class. Presentation of History, The of the Diplomas, of Puerto Van *838388 S£g 3S3888SS 33*83 Portland. Bbe le a about closing grammar schools* History Rico, Middeldyk ootl for practically April 10, and kept on well Into G B 8tuart, Supt Fall of E Pears ,»«aeoe :>.mh higher up the ladder of is a Constantinople, total lose. September. learning, Closing Song...School Greater Russia, W Qerrare more serious for here ends, for The "Tbomas” was the largeat vessel Cnarles E. affair, many Class Motto—Work and Win Barbizon Days, C E Smith ;g|S :8B5SSS£2SS582S Grover, contractor, Is of the ;® t» from tbe Thomaston pupils, the school days, while for Colors—Red and White The End of an Era, J 8 Wise •t't*^j»t4 feet; estimated gross tonnage. repair work, to the graduating exercises of the inter- Bryce tally depth, preparatory coming of anxious of 8 the to take. mediate Pine Biography Queen Victoria, Lee tone; coal carrying capacity, 4,000 owners. school, street, were held of Theodore 2,300 EAST SIDE-ROOM Biography Parker, 1. last afternoon. class tons. Bedford E. Tracy and others are Friday The pre- J W Chadwick having The graduating exercises of the East frame of the “Tbomas" was solid a big block built in sented Miss Emery, their with a Biography of Wm E Channing, The place of the one Side teacher, grammar school, room 1, Miss beautiful J W Chadwick Newlork oak fastened with burned student’s two Virginia securely 1% last season. The new structure lamp, books, of Oliver Frances A. Harley, teacher, took Biography Cromwell, J Mosley Iron. Her masts were of whole will be and better place Longfellow’s poems and “Red Letter” of Keller Inch larger than the former last Story My Life, H each Friday afternoon. The room was also a Sticks of Oregon pine, 115 feet long. one. It Is 61x66 feet, and will be three poems, pretty pocket book. Miss Strange Peoples, F Starr tastefully decorated, the class colors, red American Indians, F Starr 9be was valued at fl30,000. stories besides a Emery appreciated their gifts much, and high, commodious base- and Old China Book, Moore white, predominating. wished them all a ment. The third floor will be for lodge- pleasant vacation. The The Study of Animal Life, The following was the programme: Thompson Recent I'ostal Changes. rooms, probably for the Masons, Eastern programme was as follows. True Tales of Birds and Beasts, Music.Miss Kathie Hurley D 8 Jordan 1078. liockland to Ellsworth. From Stars, K. of P.’s and grange. The rest Singing—Welcome, Welcome.Class 1903 Home How to Name the H E Parkhurst Salutatory—Driving the Cows, Opening address.Alice Dresser Birds, 18,11103, on tbe days on which Deer of the building will be used for offices and Birds’ '* June Perclval Cushman A Calendar, Little Lament.Arnold u Is from Deer land- stores. Boy’s Sinclair Trees, Shrubs and Vines, Isle postofflce supplied Story of an Monaghan Four-Leaved Apple.Myrtle Clover.....Louise Cushman Woods and Parks of L L Hubbard no office, supply North Deer Isle post- Work Is going on on the new town hall* Sculptor Maine, ing, Boy.Harry Jude Solo—My Kitty's Gone to Sleep The Flower Garden, Ida D Bennet from same landing without change which la to be 48x68 feet. A Boy’s Plea.Lewis Morrison office Erva Giles, 1904 A Womau’s Hardy Garden, Eiy next In distance. By autumn Winter Harbor will be Sailors.Robert Fernald School is Done.Esther Smith Economics of Forestry, B E Fernow 1559. Brooksvllle to Sargent ville. Leave well provided with representative Music.Sadie Strout The Trouble The Womau Who Tolls, Van Vorst ^ Down the Borrower.Hervey Phillips Two on Their E on re- Track.*...Ruth Lord Singing-Daisy Song.Class 1903 Travels, Colquhoun Brooksville dally except Sunday buildings. Letters of a Hoe out Your Row.Willie Scott Diplomat’s Wife, ceipt of mall from Penobscot, but not The Wasp and the Bee.Mildred Rowe M K Boys’ Rights.Harold Sinclair The Little Waddington 4 at H. E. conducts a Fish.Walter Mason me ui nuns later than p. m., arriving Strgentville Tracy general yacht- The Happiness, Bridge.Fay Mace Solo—Little Dolly Driftwood. The Social Brooks one hour and minutes. Leave ing depot at Bar Harbor and Winter Har- Unrest, In forty B°y*.Clair Clement The Blue bor Jessie Morang, 1904 Flower, H Van Dyke dally except Sunday fifteen during the summer season, and for In Sergeutviile Praying 'hoes.Helen Holmes Vacation. Ida Povlch Episodes Van Bibber’s Life, after at Brooks- during the rest of the he “houses” Violin R H minutes arrival, arriving year Solo.Myrtle Monaghan Rain on the Roof.Carrie Davis Morang Gordon T N vllle lo one boar and forty minutes. boats and yachts. Discovery of America.Hutson Duffee The Chicken’s Keith, Page Mistake....\.Sylvia Hurley The Four Feat Mason Th'aisthe feature of The Old School -Clock .Carrie hers, Effective, June 25,1903. Interesting his Kstey Singing—Bird Carol.Class 1903 Rose’s Mrs H Ward His Mother’s Lady Daughter, business. His six massive houses are at Song.Ralph Royal The Death of Lincoln.Margaret Ilarrigan The Fit, F Norris Stars and Stripes.Walter Smith StfljrTtigcmmta. the very head of Winter Harbor, just as Closing address, Cecelia, Crawford Song—Dear Old Stars and Stripes, Goodbye, Alice Hannah Wee J J Beil one cornea Into town by team from over- Dresser, Frances Malone MacGreegor, School His Daughter First, Hardy and one drives Singing—Good-bye School.Class 1903 land, right under the bow Mother’s Katherine Fuller as as Fool.Edward Parsons Conferring certificates.Miss Day, Women Well Men of the fast as she rests on Emery Castle F L Shaw yacht “Ladoga” How Scotlaud was Saved—Valedictory, Blair, PINE STREET SCHOOL. The Little White Barrie the ways during her season out of water. Annie Hurley Bird, Are Made Miserable Truth, Zola •Dally. by In the season in the Class motto—Work and Win exercises z Sundays only, y Sundays steamer busy spring and Interesting cloning at tbe Pine The of C E Craddock only Sceptre Power, leaves Southwest Harbor 2 20 p m^Northeast of men are Class colors—Red and White street scboolbouse were held last The Trouble. fall, upward twenty employed Friday Octopus, F Norris Harbor ‘..30 p m; Heal Harbor 2 6u p m, to con- Kidney Old nect with this train. for several weeks putting these yachts in FALLS GRAMMAR. afternoon. Miss Mary H. Black bas Squire, Benson — Typee, Melville tStop on slg nal or notice to Conductor. condition, either for summer or winter. It was on last that' the Falls charge of tbe primary grade, and the pro- Friday from the Book of Bliss Carmen These trains connect at Bangor, with trouble the Myths, through Kidney preys upon mind, dls : Most of the Bar Harbor fleet consist- grammar school, over which William F. gramme arranged for the little ones was We Girls, Mrs A D T Whitney trains on Main Line, to and from Portland, Bos- and lessens ambition; ton and St. John. courages beauty, vigor ing of steam or sail boats, from twenty to Jude presides, held Its closing exercises. highly entertaining. The room was taste- The Other Girls, — and cheerfulness soon Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life, Tickets for all South thirty-two feet, is wintered here. v' They were interesting throughout. The fully decorated, and the recitations and points and when the kid- I Mother Goose for Grown Folks, disappear were excellent. West for sale at the M. C. K. it. Thirty-eight boats are cared for at this graduating class was assisted by the class singing Mrs A D T neys are out of order Whitney ticket office, Kllsworth. ^ stand. Besides those owned by Mr. of 1904. Tbe upper grade is taught by Miss The or diseased. Tracy Gayworthys, are to Qeorgia N. who sends r class of Odd or Passengers earnestly requested procure and Mr. of Bar are the The address to the class was Emery, Even, tickets trouble has Coopers, Harbor, made by twelve to tbe beforo entering the trains, and especially il Kidney grammar school. Here, too, Street, craft: Yacht owned Charles Ascutney Ellsworth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth. become so prevalent following “Ariel”, H. Leland, of the school board, an interesting programme was presented. Bonny borough, GEO. F. that it is not uncommon William Hbieffelln, N. in well-chosen the Real 14 EVANS, by Lay Y.; yacht who, words, gave Folks, Vice Pres, and Gen*l Manager. for a child to be born Hitherto, “Hosellne”, owned by Frederick May, youngsters some excellent advice. GRADUATION. afflicted with weak kid- Neighbors’ Wives, Trowbridge Washington, D. C; steam yacht “Fire Prefaced by appropriate remarks, Supt. F=*«?j- If the child urin- Cudjo’s Cave, neys. Fly”, owned by William Duff, N. Y.; George B. Stuart conferred the diplomas. Graduation Exercises of Ellsworth Bluelull & Ellsworth Steamb’t Co. ates too often, if the Neighbor Jackwood, Maud, sail yacht “Hadessah”, owned by David B Following was the programme: School—Concert Farnell’s Folly, urine scaias ine nesn or it. wnen the child High and Ball. sail The Young Surveyor, an Ogden, N. Y.; yacht “Madeline”, Tne school closed for the summer reaches age when it should be able to ! Music, nigh The Three Scoute, control the passage, it is yet afflicted with j owned by Charles R. Allen, Cambridge, Prayer. Rev J M Adams vacation last Friday. The graduating Doing His Best, bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of Mass.; yacht “Zamlel”, owned by Joseph Salutatory—A Faithful Engineer, exercises of the class of 1903 will take Jack Hazard and His Fortunes, Bert Fast th difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first Pulitzer, N. Y ; yacht “Fee Fee”, owned Blalsdell Carlisle at Hancock hall to-morrow Friends, place after-, The Fortunes of Traffjrd step should be towards the treatment of I steam Recitation, Aunt Tabltha.Adrla Gross Toby by Dallas Dizon, Philadelphia; noon at 2 o’clock. The concert and ball Coupon roods. these important organs. This Recitation, A College Training....Leon Brown unpleasant j yacht “Coot”, owned by C. E. Macy, Scar- will take place in the evening. Tbe after- Father Bright hopes, trouble is due to a diseased condition of the Duet.Mrs Joy and Miss Wood BLUEHILL LINE. \ N. sail Lawrence’s boro, Y.; yacht “Kabeyun”, noon programme is as follows: Adventures, SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 1, 1903. kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Recitation, Grandpa’B Soliloquy, A Chance for Himself, j owned by William P. Draper, N. Y.; 81, steamer Will most people suppose. Everett II. Flood Music.Monaghan’s Orchestra Phil and His Friends, Commencing Sunday, May owned W. H. leave Rockl nd (same pier) upon arrival of Women as well as men are yacht “Dorothy”, by Bliss, Recitation, How the Was Paid Prayer. Rev J P Slmonton His One made mis- j Organ For, Fault, steamer from Bos'on (not before ft a m), dally, erabie with kidney and bladder trouble, j New York; steam yaebt “Hiawatha”, Harriet Young Music The Satin Wood Box, except Monday, for Dari Harbor, (1) Blake’s owned J N. Y. Tinkham Brothers Tide Mill Point, (’) Dirigo (Butter Island), Eggemoggln, and both need the same great remedy. ! by Johp Emery, Recitation, The Man to Know....Herbert Strour Salutatory Toe steamer “Mascot”, of Bar Harbor, Peter Budstnne, South JBrooksvllle, (3) Herilck’s, Sargentville, The mild and the immediate effect of i Class History.Harold Henry Cook Essay—Unknown Heroes.Lettie B Moore Deer wintered here and is now being lilted out The Little Master, Isle, Sedgwick, Brooklln. South Bluehlll, is soon realised Music, Lynch’s Band Essay—The Coal Strike.Fred II Maloney Bluehlll, Surry and Ellsworth (transfer front Swamp-Root for the summer season. Lion Ben, Kellogg Recitation. .Eric Moore Class History.Addle B James Surry) Charlie Ben, RETURNING. Music cent ana one dollar at Recitation. .Myra Grace The Ark, It's a mistake to that Itching piles Will leave Ellsworth to 7.45 sizes. You have imagine Recitation, On the Shores of Tennessee, Essay—The Trust Problem.... Harvard II Lord The Roy Farmers, (transfer Surry) may ay a in, at 8.30 a m, dallv, for can't be cured; a mistake to suffer a day lopger and The Young Surry except Sunday bottle mail Roy Moore Essay—Literary Professional Women, Shipbuilders, South Bluehlll, West sample by Doan’s Ointment The Bluehlll, (4) (ft) Tremont, than you can help. brings A Georgia —Valedictory, Marion E Joy Harascrabhle, Brooklln, Sedgwick, Deer Isle, Sargentvll’e, cure. At The Spark of a!l Instant relief ami permanent any Lena Frances Austin Essay—Women of Ancient Rome and Amer Genius, '6/Herrick’s, South Brooksvllle, Eggemoggln, ing about it, many of the The Pine, Blake’s Dark including store, 50 cents.—Advi. lean Women of Whispering (I) 1'olnt, (7) Dirigo, Harbor, thousands of testimonial letters received drug Singing, Class Ode.Susie Smith To-day ....Annie L Lord The Turning of the Tide, Rocklano, connecting with steamers for Boston. from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Class Address.Chas 11 Leland Music The Sophomores of Radcliffe, Business Notices. (1) Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. & Co., be sure and Conferring of Diplomas, Essay—Cuba’s Future.Leah E Thomas Winning His Spurs, Binghamton, N. Y., The ideal for laundry «r household Is (2) Tuesdays, and when soap B Loss of National A Stout Heart, Thursdays Saturdays mention this paper. Superintendent Geo Stuart Essay—The Character, Vequestod by passenger. Sunlight. Eradicates dirt from all materials, Wolf j Music Grace II Hamilton Run, iif) Stop when signal Is displayed at wharf or Don’t make mistake, hut remember the the daintiest fabrics or most any yet never injures SIDE—ROOM 2. Brought to the Front, upon notice from passenger, months of name. l>r. EAST Essay—Anarchy In the United States, during Swamp Root, Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, skin. Makes linens white and the Forest dune and September; months of and the delicate Howard A Rollins Glen, dally during address, Binghamton, N. Y.t on every The exercises at the East Sowed the July and August. bottle laundry bright. graduating Music by Wind, _ (4) when Is from wharf or Side room Miss Annie Black Rifle’B Mission, Stop flag displayed grammar school, 2, a notice from rujMiuiry .L«eroy sweeney Burying the Hatchet, upon passenger. F. Mullau, principal, were held Monday Essay—Euergy, What It has Accomplished (5) Tuesdays, Thursday s and Saturdays. (fi) Stop name days arid conditions as when afternoon. They were very interesting for Women. Bernice r Jameson going eastward. Death of Mrs. Albert Kincaid. throughout, aud reflected great credit Essay—Maine's Contribution to her Country, (7) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, when signal Is or notice from both teacher and Where Valedictory.1,1 nwood T Beckwith Laura, wife of Albert Kincaid, whose displayed upon passen- upon pupils. ger. Adam Address to the was When Class.Ilbn John B Redman serious illness all did so well it would be invidious to reported Monday Note—This company will comply with above B In event of unavoidable The address to the class Conferring Diplomas .Supt George Stuart morning by The American’s Otis corre- schedule, except causes particularize. of delay to Its steamers. and on his first Class Colors—Light Blue and White died afternoon. picked put fig Was by W. H. Dresser, who kindly con- spondent, Monday Dally trip schedule in effect June 1 to Oct. 1. The members of the class of io She lived at Ellsworth sented to till the place of Rev. Mr. Simon- 1903, the formerly Falls, O. A. CROCKETT, business was Me. leaf the men’s clothing of several courses, are as follows: and the remains were brought to the Manager, Rockland, ton, who was unexpectedly called out Rockland, Me., June 1, 1908. English course—Harvard H. Lord, Leah home of Fred L. Frazier, where the funeral first town. The ready-made garment E. Thomas, Bernice T. Addle B. will be held to-morrow afternoon. The programme follows: Jameson, James, Marion E. Joy, Fred H. Maloney, She leaves a husband and one daughter, EASTERN was a leaf. Undoubtedly Adam Music fig Leroy E. Sweeney. Blanche, of Massachusetts, who have the Latin-scientific course—Grace H. Ham- of a host of friends in their be- was not satisfied with the first leaf Music sympathy ilton, Annie Louise Lord. reavement. Steamship Company. would another. (a) Salutatory and thought he try (b) Sandal phon.r..Longfellow College preparatory course—Howard E Mu Han Andrew Lettie B. Fewer gallons;wears longer; Devoo. Mt. Desert Division. suited Clara Rollins, Moore, Lin- and he found one that ••Rising of ’76” wood T. Beckwith. By by Willard Day BORN. The Six Trips a Week to Boston. material, fit and quality. An Incident of War...Kimball concert in the evening will be by him—cut, Sylvia Gould Monaghan’s orchestra, assisted by Miss DONNELL—At Franklin. June 11, to Mr and )born. Music M. of Mrs Percy W Donnell, a daughter. [Helen Edytbe Swau, Bangor, Adam was shrewd, he looked Anna Jordan soprano. Marie, Following is the programme: Mumble’s Bead.Scott GREENE—At Bluehlll, Juno 4, to Mr and Mrs E a You do as Adam; if you Frances Armstrong 1 March—The Sentry.Haskins Charles Greene, daughter. around, M'KEOWN—At 5, to Mr and Mrs A Modest Wit. Anon 2 Selection— L*A rdlta.Arditl Tremont, May Henry J McKeown, a son. [Henry Robert.] satisfied with your James Murch Miss Edythe M Swan are i*)t fully TRASK—At Tremont, May ‘2ft, to Mr and Mre Commencing: .From ‘’Geraldine” 8 Overture—Medley, Curtain Raiser.Smith Monday, May 4, 1903, steamer Building and Being George Trask, a daughter. *'Mt Desert”, Cant F L Wtnterbotham, leaves look 4 Overture—The Feast of suppose you Bessie Brown Lanterns.Bennet TRIPP—At Lamolne, June 9, to Mr and Mrs Bar Harbor at 1.00 p m daily, exct pt Sunday, wearing apparel for The Constitution's Fight .Bouve 5 Selection with violin obllgato-Starllght Alton L Tripp, a son. [Carroll Dana J Seal Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor, and Rockland to comect at our and en- and Silver WESCOTT—At June to Mr and Stonlngton here to-day large Henry Sargent Sea.Temple Ellsworth, 10, with steamer for Boston. M uslc, 6 Clarionet solo—La Brllllante. .Ernest Jordan Mrs Raymond Wescott, a daughter. and Orchestra new line of Men’s, Boys’ H F Monaghan RETURNING. tirely The Mistletoe.Bayly 7 Overture—The Ballet Master.Gruenald MARRIED. A dote Salisbury From Boston at Hats, and 8 Selection—An Open Secret.Woodman 5pm dally, except Sunday Clothing, Caps Rev From at a Youths’ Ballad of Ishmael Day.Anon Miss Swan BROWN-HEATH—At Orland, June 14, by Rockland about 5 m dally, except M S Preble. Miss Frankie Brown, of Orland, Monday. the Harold Hooper 9 Selection from the Goods. comic opera—When to Charles W Heath, of Penobscot. All Furnishing Everything of Builder.Don Freight via the steamers of this com* Legend Organ JohnDy Come Marching Home.. Edwards June LEIGHTON—JOY—At Gouldsboro, 13. by pany is insured against fire and marine Esther Emery Rev Wallace Cutter. Miss Gertrude and most approved LelRbtoii, risk. very latest A Boy’s Wish .Anon of East Steuben, to George Joy, of Goulds- The Life Assurance which Chandler Drummey Equitable society E. S. J. Morse, Agent, Bar Harbor. and and at makes Mt June M L styles material prices The Fate of Virginia.Macaulay the interesting announcement that LUNT—GRAY—At Desert, 14, by A. H. Hanscom, G. P. and T. A. Miss Lillian Lunt, of Mt B from Jan. 1 to June of this Allen, esq. Desert, all Frances Doyle 1, year, to Josepn B Gray, of Bluehlll. Boston, Mass. defy competition. twenty-three death claims were in M uslc, paid WHITTAKER—BUTLER—At Franklin. June Calvin Austin, Vice-president and Marie Hurley Maine amounting to f88,945 Our patrons are satisfied—we 18, by Rev G F Sibley, Miss Eva V Whittaker, Gen’l Mgr.. 368 Atlantic ave.. Boston. always ..Hunt of ranklln, to Charles C Butler, of Sullivan. wake them so them the best goods Carl Thurber atfacrtisraifiits. WENTWORTH-CAMPBELL-At Franklin, by giving History, Juue 10, by Rev George F Sibley, Miss Lulu 2Hsbrrt:££ minis. to be If Class Beatrice Kelldy Wentworth, of Sullivan, to Pious Campbell, ~ had for the money. you of anywhere Supposed Speech of Regulus to the Car- Baugor. have never at our store, thaginians bought clothing Harold Mace jj^rBUNKER? Rheumatism DIED. OB' BAR Christmas Dance HARBOR, follow Adam’s and look around. (o) Penelope’s What is the use of telling the rheumatic example CARTER—At Brooklln, 0, Mrs Joanna II wishes to announce that hereafter lie wttt (6) Valedictory. that he feels as if his joints were being dis- May give Oome we are at, Alice M Mullan Carter, aged 68 years, ft mouths. special attention to the treatment of diseases of here—that is what driving l Muiic, located CARTER—At 8urry, June 12. Mrs Mary E the if come Orchestra He knows that his are very Carter, 56 years, 3 months. for, you come once, you will surely sufferings aged Address to claas, much like the tortures of the rack. CRABTREE—At Hancock Point, June 13, Leon Eye, Nose, Throat and Ear. W. H. Dresser 19 again. What he wants to know is what will per- Crabtree, aged years. Office with all Presentation of diplomas, manently cure his disease. GORDON—At Franklin, June 10, Mrs Eliza A equipped the modern instru- 8upt G B Stuart That, according to thousands of grateful Gordon, aged 72 years, 6 months, 21 days. ments and appliances for the examination and Class colors: Pink and white testimonials, is HOOPER—At Bluehlll, June 11, Samuel A treatment of these diseases. 68 years, 6 months, 3 days. Class motto: Perseverance Hooper, aged Rasy access to Bar Harbor hospital, where KINCAID—At Otis, June 1ft, Laura E, wife of patients receive the best of care at reasonable WEST SIDE. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Albert Kincaid, of Ellsworth Falls, aged 48 rates. i It neutralizes the In the years, 10 months, 16 days. Side school held its promptly ac^ david The West grammar disease com- friend, blood on which the depends, WAKEFIELD—At Ellsworth (Bayslde), June after- graduating exercises on Monday pletely eliminates it, and strengthens the 12, Mrs Sarah A Wakefield, aged 67 years, 4 its return. Hood’s. months, 6 days. Subscribe for The Amkbican Greely Store, Main Street, Ellsworth. loon at 2 30. The teachers here are Miss system against Try Vlnslhaven, the house, STb&rrtiannrnta. TriK AMERICAN has subscribers at 106 NEWS dine factory, arrived from Boston, wher* t D. H. Glldden, COUNTY tie has COUNTY NEWS. orchard and o/ the 116 post offices in Hancock county; been visiting his son Merrill, barn and other buildings, For additional County Ifetc* see other pages For additional Xetvs see other pages the late Young Davis met with a serioue County several acres of village land of nil the other com- quite papers in the County be a accident by the falling of an iron shuttei Charles Leaf. This is reported to bined do not reach sc The Amer- SORRENTO. BROOKLIN. many. from a and hie desirable It is the inten- Ellsworth building striking very property. ican is not the only paper printed in Superintendent Mason Whitteraore, leg, crushing the bone midway between A. H. Mayo went to Rockland last week tion of Mr. and Mrs. Wllken to make who is the successor of William H. Law- on a business Vinaihaven in the near Hancock county, and has never claimed to his ankle and knee. trip. their home in of the Sorrento land com- offered rence, formerly June Thelma. Charles has been ill so future. Mr. Witlren has already be, but it is the that can prop- 15,. Allen, who long, only paper is He for sale. pany, vigorously pushing things. does not seem to bis In South Hancock improve. place We areCreamery! be called a County all the prepared to reeetre erly paper; says many of the former guests are to be EAST FRANKLIN. June 15. Spbc. cream Mrs. Hiram Bartlett has gone home to for which Test are merely local papers. The circula- here again, and will bring friends who wo will pay highest market Beulah, daughter of Clarence Hooper live with her aged father, Perley Kane. never were here before. price. tion of The American, barring the Bar and wife, is ill. SEDGWICK. seriously Bert Anderson has moved his The new manager is a young man, and ^ family East Record's summer Roland W. Dodge, of Somerville, Harbor list, is larger Miss Inez Donnell has gone to Northeast for the sum- with an infusion of new and into Hiram Bartlett's house blood is In town visiting his old home For prices call ou or address than that all the other Harbor to work for the summer. Mass., of papers printed Sorrento no hold mer. ¥ energy, will, doubt, and friends. Miss Mattie in Hancock county. its own among the Frenchman’s bay Tregilgas spent Miss Nettie Uott came home from Otis was called to Bluehill Fri- Ellsworth resorts. with her sister, Mrs. John Patten. Charleston where she has been Hooper Saturday, of his day, the 12th, by the death father, J. & F. Creamery Everything is up to date at Sorrento. Fred G. Hardison is at home from Ports- employed. W. W. Hopkins, Bounty vews. Capt. Albion Hooper. Proprietors.* The water service, electric lights, streets, mouth, N. H., for a few days’ visit. A. who is one of the faculty A* Mdditioiml County New* other pages. Roy Kane, of Now hotel and fire Mrs. Eugene Durkee, York, paths, annexes, protection, Mr. Golden and wife, of Hancock, are at Higgins classical institute, is at borne who has been at the Carlton “Homestead” transportation, telegraph, telephone, Wilfred H. on his COUNTY EAST SURRY. visiting Gordon and wife. vacation. NEWlT since last for her brother, express and boat service are up spring caring For additional County Newt ate other freight, Considerable Interest is in J. C. Weems and of Baltimore, poyu Mrs. Deborah Cole Is with Mrs. prevailing family, D. A. Carlton, left for her home Friday, stopping to every requirement. the special meetings in the Free Baptist are among the first of the summer visitors homestead Is Henry Phillips for a while. The hotel is the 12tb. The Carlton closed, NOKTH being thoroughly repaired, church. to arrive at West End. v CASTINE. the first time in its existence. Mrs. Lin wood Phil brook has returned bard pine piazza flooring is taking the MIm Florence home Hutchins returned Mrs. M. A. Noyes, of East Sullivan, is Mrs. William Freethey returned who died June Mon- from her visit to Rockland. place of spruce, and all of the corapany’6 Dudley A. Carlton, 8, day from Bluehlll. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Judson A. Sunday from Lawrence, Mass., where she Mrs. E. E. Swett is at her home. holdings are being placed in thorough after a long illness, was the youngest again Gordon. has been friends. Charles F. Wardwell and order. visiting and last surviving son of Rowland family have Miss A nnie Glass is with her. running to will gone Vinalhaven to lire. The hotel engagements include a full Miss Eva, daughter of Nason Springer, The “Farther Lights” society give Carlton. His age was about s(xty years. Philip Stinson and wife attended the Mrs. L. Leach bouse for all of and the most of who has been attending school in Pitts- an entertainment and sociable at the His who was Elvira Herrick, of Mary has returned at Castine August, wife, from graduation Tuesday. after an July. field, is home. chapel, Wednesday evening, June 17. Brookllo, died, two years ago. He leaves Bluehlll, absence of several The people are beginning to come to our _ weeks. Percy Donnell and wife are receiving The masonic lodge will observe St. two sons, John snd Rowland, who are in cool shore retreats for the summer. A crew is at work at the Ben net place on the birth of a John's next Sunday at the Tacoma, Washington, also three sisters, Mlsa Grace D. Leach lias a of lawn congratulations daugh- Day Baptist closed her H. Chatto is at home from the doing big job grading. Byron ter, born June 11. church. The sermon will be preached by Mrs. Angle Reed, widow of the late Chief scbodl In Brewer, and la home for Dr. and Mrs. of who the University of Maine for the summer vaca- Proctor, Boston, at Reed of MrB. Sarah summer. Kev. S. R. is this week Rev. J. P. Simonton, of Ellsworth, Justice Colorado; have summered two seasons at Belyea expected tion. Sullivan, Bookman and Mrs. Hattie both to assist Rev. G. F. in 3 p. m. Durkee, Mrs, Leach Is In will the Dr. Jackson here Sibley the special Augusta Portland vlj. Mrs. R. A. Sinclair has returned from occupy cottage June 15. Une Femme. of New York. to be held in the church. itlng her daughter who is this year. meetings Baptist Annie, teach- her visit to her son at Auburn, and niece June 15. C. there. Miss Carrie Springer came from Han- ing at Harmony. A manager for Sorrento farm will be in SURRY. cock last to be at the Milton Herriok. of South in a few and most of the Wednesday present OTIS. Misses Susie W. and Anna D. Stinson charge days, Mrs. Nellie has been away ^ Penobscot, of her friend Miss Hagertby Is Manfred Mlier and farm truck for the hotel wedding Lula Went- assisting in digging finished their course at Castine normal vegetables several relatives in has moved into worth. days visiting Sedg- Edgar Robbins’ family the cellar for hla new will from house. school this week. come here. wick. the Peter Parsley house, so called. A conference will be held in the Frank W. Hutchins came Acres extension are made on special from Vlnal- The rain9 of have of being Mrs. Phebe an liv- and of Ells- late gladdened the church Milliken, aged lady George Jordan, jrM wife, haven In his the under the of Baptist Saturday afternoon, June Tuesday, fl hlng boat “Inver- but came too late to save the golf grounds, charge ing with her Mrs. E. N. worth visited their last farmers, they 20. On the the ordinance of daughter, Osgood, Falls, parents ness”, and one at Charles and a crew of twelve or Sunday, 21st, spent night home. on old fields. Sargent is very ill. 8 grass will be observed at inday. ^ fifteen men. Forty sheep have been baptism George’s Frdd and Arch Wescott have been In M. D. Chatto has about com- Mrs. S. S. of vis- Miss Blanche of was Capt. pond at 10 30. It is expected that there Scammon, Franklin, Kincaid, Boston, town bought, and sixty more are wanted to recently, to vlalt their father, Capt. pleted another chicken-house, which he will be fifteen or more candidates. ited her mother, Mrs. H. C. Young, last called home last Friday, by the illness of keep on the grounds to fertilize the land George Wescott, who Is seriously ill. says is the last to be added to his village week. her mother. and the grass down. Mrs. E. A. Gordon, after an illness with Burton Wardwell ◦f ten. keep left Monday for June 15. Spec. pneumonia of about ten died The pound party at the Methodist par- Granville Jellison returned the 12th days, Hpruce Head, where he has employment Much is felt for announced for last from Bar where he has been sympathy Edward June 10. Thus is ended a faithful sonage, Friday night, Harbor, He has just finished a floe new barn. Withee in his misfortune by falling, as he GOTT’S ISLAND. Christian life. Her death is felt was postponed to Monday night on ac- working for a week. severely Capt. David Dodge, with hia has a count of the storm. family, large family depending on him. All Lobster fishermen lobsters very by the whole community, the Mrs. Bert who was taken criti- report especially Kincaid, went to Bronksville Sunday to visit his to see him out soon. hope scarce. Free church of which she was a F. W. Wlthara has sold his home- ill lact is a little more com- Mrs, Uufus f Baptist Capt. cally Tuesday, mother, Dodge, who is very The Stockbridge cottage near the Wild Miss Phebe Gott has been visiting member. Three sons and a daughter sur- stead to Mrs. Clara Carter, of Sooth Surry. fortable, but she is yet a great sufferer. June 15. Rose cemetery is nearing completion. friends at Black island the last week. vive—Thomas, Judson and Wilfred and The new family moved in Tuesday. Capt. Her removal to the Bangor hospital or L. Nathaniel J. Moor and John Mrs. T. M. Blaisdell, besides several Witham will soon go to San Q. Adams, The immense forest fires have kept the Francisco, else an operation performed, which seemed v»f Ellsworth, are the work. brothers and sisters, who were nearly all Cal., to live, where he already has a was averted after a consultation doing island enveloped in a dense cloud of necessary, fflrttral. present at the funeral, at which Rev. Mr. brother and two sons. between Drs. Capt. Alden Mann lost two houses by fire smoke for the last two weeks. Manning, Hodgkins and Browne officiated. The choir of the at Brewer June 3. The same houses were Bap- u. wunee met who a ac- McDonald, of Ellsworth, and Averill, of William E. Gott took a load of n.agar serious Capt. tist church sang. Beautiful flowers testi- badly damaged by fire last year. The loss cident last Wednesday afternoon by fall- Bar Harbor. lumber from Bass Harbor to the island in it Succeeds. falls fied to her worth. Mrs. Gordon’s age was June 15. Why as he is a from a to tbe floor. Mr. Davis. heavily upon Capt. Mann, his for M. ing staging sloop ‘‘Gladys,” V. Babbidge six months and worn-out veteran. The insurance seventy-two years, Witbee was down a barn on tbe was last week. tearing Because It's for One and twenty-one MARI Thing Only small. days. North Bend road. The plank on which AVILLE. Quite a number of men are employed at June 15. R. James F. of Mass., and he was sitting was struck by a rafter, Fishermen are plenty, but fish scarce. Ellsworth is Learning This. Carey, Haverhill, the Black island granite and sev- quarry, him to the a distance of his bride, who was Miss Clara Louise knocking floor, The new iron bridge that is to take the eral cargoes have already been shipped to NORTH DEER ISLE. Nothing can be good for everything. eighteen feet, striking on his back. Dr. Stevens, daughter of Mrs. Sabrina Stevens, New York. place of the old Goodwin bridge U ex- Howard Buzzell, of Bangor, was here one well success. of this place, are here for the summer. Emery. pected soon. Doing thing brings Mrs. Edwin M. who has been in this week. are the Joyce, Jane 15. G. They occupying cottage recently are in Doan’s Pills do one Rowley since last March, has returned to Hedgehogs coming plentiful. It Kidney thing only. built at Contention Cove. Mr. is a George H. Holden has gone to Portland Carey will take a sum from this town to her home at Atlantic. She has been WEST FRANKLIN. quite for sick member of the Massachusetts House of and Boston. They’re kidneys. p*y for those noses and toes. spending a few days with her daughter, John T. Clark is a stable on and is the A W. of was building cure Representatives, leading expo- Clark, Castine, among recent rain They backache, every kidney ill. Mrs. Philip Moore. his lot on Pond avenue. The has done much good, nent of socialism in that body. tho*e who arrived here Saturday. not only by out the forest fires Here is Ellsworth evidence to June 15. Capt. Wilder Neal will take passengers Rev. Mr. of putting prove it. C. The Bidewalk was Brown, Brunswick, preached society entertained by but also by the which were and freight from Bass Harbor to the at the union church helping crops Mr^. Carlton Davis Thursday afternoon. yesterday, j Mrs. E. E. Paiker (E. E. Parker, farmer! SOUTHWEST HARBOR. island in bis new launch at reas- suffering. naphtha Butler is to be fireman on the Mrs. of South Eugene side A correction: onable rates. He has made George Brown, Boston, The sociable on Hay road, says: “I knew for tivo or six The age of Deacon Ben- already He to this “poverty” Thursday has been her Mrs. ‘‘”. expects begin week. several for this All are visiting grandmother, evening was a success. Ice-cream jamin Dodge, who died May 31, was sev- trips purpose. grand years that my kidneys were not perform- Sarah Webster. Since tbe last rains, nature has a more enty-six years, instead of seventy-two. glad that so good a connection can be and cake were served. Mrs. Addle Frost One can now see with- their functions and a made with the steamer to Charles Scott and Lowe cheering aspect. won and Mr. the ing properly, many to a severe cold which affected “Cimbria”, Capt. Whitney lady’s prize, Sargent Owing out the aid of smoked glasses. and from the island. left home Sunday on their way to gentleman’s. the bronchial tubes, Miss Myra Wilson Bristol, morning daring that time, when I awak- June 10. Chips. R. 1., to join a new yacht. Some good pickerel are being caught at Juuel5 8. closed the primary school one week earl er in of tbe pond. It is surprising how rapidly ened, place being refreshed and the than the grammar grade. Mrs. Arthur Mussell and Miss Lillian some of them in EAST HANCOCK POINT. Bray, of Lynn, arrived here Tues- expand weight. BLUEHILL. pain which 1 expected to leave still existed Mrs. Ida Wilson, of Bar Harbor, is at Mads., Mrs. made a short visit to the summer with Mrs. Eme- Dr. DeBeck has new silled and raised his E. C. Long has been indis- 1 used wat Mrs. Edwin Herfeey’s. She is attending George Hopkins day spend seriously to wonder whether there not to relatives here lintf Weed. stable. He will replace his shed with a posed for nearly a week. He is confined the invalid, Mrs. Lydia Lurvey, whose recently. some medicine which would act directly and more convenient one. to his house. condition is The lighthouse at Crabtree’s ledge is to Frank G. Woodworth, president of larger slightly improved. on my kidneys, the cauve of ail my trouble. have a new coat of of The steam at the mill is in Mrs. L. B. Grindle returned last E. L. and wife attended paint. / Tougaloo university, Tougaloo, Miss., power again Wed- Higgins the Doan’s Pills were so with his wife and Miss active service. Mr. of nesday from a two weeks’ visit to Kidney highly spoken commencement at the Maine Central in- Roy C. Haines will open the store here daughter Bessie, Pierce, Ellsworth, Bangor arrived here and will their was here a few last week the and Winterport. about that 1 went to Wigging Moore's stitute at Pittsfield last week. Their son soon. He will also have charge of the Sunday occupy days making at this summer. store In Ellsworth a box. You Fred was a member of the senior class. postoffice and telephone exchange. cottage Eggemoggin v necessary repairs. Nathan F. Twining left here last Wed- drug for Miss Bessie Scott celebrated the seventh Two of Franklin’s citizens, at least, are nesday for Redstone, N. where he will can if had not Children’s day was observed at the Arthur Crabtree was called home from H., depend upon this, it anniversary of her birth lost as to Ellsworth’s charms; Capt. Asa be employed as a granite cutter. Congregational church Sunday morning, Bangor on account of the illness and Wednesday brought relief I never would have bought afternoon. Several of her friends has not been there for an death of hie brother Leon. young Dyer twenty-three Mrs. Luther and Mrs. June 14, by excellent sermon by the Bridges Fred E. a second, and it the second had not still were invited. other Coleman has not been there It was Among dainties which years. Dyer Graves were baptized Rev. pastor. especially adapted to the Leon, elder son of W. A. Crabtree, yesterday by further were served to the little ones was a hand- but once during the forty-seven years of R. L. benefited I would not have bought small listeners, and equally applicable to died at his home here Sunday morning, Olds, pastor of the Baptist church. some cake. bis life. a third. To say I endorse the claims made children of a larger growth. June 14. He was a young man much j Harry M. R. Cousins, a student at the June 15. Ch’e’er. A tan-colored carrier was found for Doan’s P»U§ is a mild of Mrs. A. W. Bee, with her sons and liked by all of his associates. He leaves pigeon Bucksport seminary, came borne a few Kidney way by Mrs. Davis in her stable on June 9. Hard friends, is again at her cottage tor the a father, a step-mother, and one brother, BJumwuruiN. days ago. study and baseball have expressing what I think of them. The bird wears a band made of and season. Mr. Bee has to Bar Harbor Arthur, besides other to whom gold somewhat impaired his health. gone relatives, The American office bas a Sold for 50 cent 4 a box eleven dealers. enamel on which are express large by to tit his store there. The much sympathy is extended. engraved a letter and June 15. G, up family uew gilt sign. Foster sole a number. The tail feathers are } Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., have recently returned from their new For God has promised in His word, pigeon’s all gone. H. Putnam, of Boston, bas been in BLUEHILL agents for the United States. California home at Cupertino. The dying ones to bless; FALLS. town for ten days buying lobsters. And He will take them In Ills fold, Miss Bertha, of Carlton B. W. tB Remember the and take Among the new arrivals are two little daughter Davis, Candage improving. name, Doan’s, Where they will be at rest. met with a severe accident June 8. She Ernest Bowditcb, manager of Point girls, who expect to gain a residence here. E. W. Andrews went to Sorrento last no substitute. June 15. E. was in the stable when was Lookout club-bouse at Isle au Haul, ar- One found a welcome on Saturday, June hay being hoisted on a scaffold. One rived with several guests Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Law- of the hooks June 15. 0, MI. DE8ERT FERRY’. Substitute Subscribe for THE American. / her on the forehead and S. was in town ler; the other claimed a home on June 12 slipped, striking P. Mills Saturday, ar- Dow hat* moved into the with Mr. and Mrs. William Herrick. L'ewellyn cutting the flesh to the bone. ranging for tbe summer school for Moon George house. June 15. E. teachers which opens here July 13. Rev. G. H. Heffion came by the “Mt. Desert” Evangelist Williams spoke to a large 'rtie graduation exercises of the high Sunday morning to presch t»e GOULDSBORO. audieuce here Sunday evening. school took in the memorial sermon for Pemetic lodge, I. O. place opera house Bros, Dunbar commenced sawing It was the best one O. F.. at its hall. A large attendance Mrs. James Palmer was in town one long Thursday evening. a lumber at the steam mill last week. Painter Smiles and tine discourse was day last week. ever seen here, and was appreciated Why the general verdict. by The schooner “Seth is the audience. Sunday evening Mr. Htlilon led the Capt. Redman Grant has returned from Nyman” receiving large The a coat of Horace practical painter says, yj Christian Endeavor meeting, when some the hospital in Bar Harbor. There is paint. Guptill and Ed- One of tbe largest musical entertain- win are the work. it makes of the incidents of his recent Europ*==^ Spiritual Association In if youd like It Im sure Mama and you Annual BASS HARBOR. August. MACWNATfONS tion of Sjhitrlmonjr. and Special Meeting. Warren Is would be grate friends Yours with love Kennedy home from Boston to instructions given me by was at for a or ROBERT FAIRFAX BROWNE. In compliance with nn ancient Rus- the Vice President Angu» McRae bonje day on a vacation. OF PURSUANT of the Frenchman'® BOBS sian custom all the men and wo- Bay and Mt. Desert Land and week. “By Jove!" Raid Wharton, and he young Water Com- Dr. H. H. Crane pany, and pursuant to in me tffo)»at returned Monday from men of the mercantile class In 8t. Pe- authority vested- By LOUISE LAMPR.AY threw back his head and laughed—a notice is hereby given that the annual Lydia Gott h*s raoTed lnt0 her Dew a visit to (riends In meet- Mrs. Mlibridge. tersburg assemble on Whltmonday, the ing of the "tockholderg in said company and this aeaaon be boateaa of a splendid, ringing laugh that consorted and will Dennis L. a special meeting of the stockholders in said b00ge' Buckley, of Mtlllnock6t, was well with '.'he of his white teeth former to stare and the latter to be will be guests. Copyright, 190t, hy the gleam company held together all as on© In town tbls week stared at dressed as at the office of said bofflc’follo' vlaitlrg relatives. S. 8. McClure in the dusk of his beard and the Hush The young girls, meeting, company upon who bad ao far re- Company the main wharf at Sorrento, Hancock Anna Barron, Lee Is as their means will allow, are County, jjfg- Jay borne from the Massacbnsetts of his deepset dark eyes. “This is cer- richly Maine, on Tuesday, June 23, A. D. 1908, at nine from ber late aevere illneaa as to o’clock and Institute of for uncommon. arranged in long rows by the sides of thirty minutes in the forenoon, to torered Technology, tbe summer tainly It must be Char- act the la upon following articles, to wii: poorly again. I — the flower beds in the summer M out, vacation. “Why, don’t know, Bobby. What ters of the hussars, and let’s see; garden, Article 1. To see if said stockholders will find that the Admiral Fairfax, accompanied would like to that’s a with their mammas standing behind number of directors of said com- jj„. Prof. E. A. of the E. M. C. you name him?” From Scheveningen hotel. I’d like is Mlae Cooper, 8., them. The wardrobes of their mothers pany inconvenient for the transaction or ber daughter, Josephine Reese, under her to see the I’ll run over its business. b. has gone to Springfield, Mass., for a visit filmy gray parasol Fairfax boy again. the Dow cottage about the and are laid under con- Article 2. To see what if said be at of a Browne there after I've been to London.” grandmothers action, any, v||| fortnight. regarded her son with a look stockholders will take, relative to Some later tribution, and everything bright and changing 22d. grave in its days Bobs and Kitchener its number of directors and amending any ox Hon. Parker Spoflord has to St. perplexity. Bobs adored its Rlcbnrda of the Sheffield gone took it into their heads to in an gaudy Is carefully brought forward to by-laws accordingly. prof. Charles as his play Article 8. To see Paul, Minn,, a delegate to the supreme pretty mother because she never enrich the the headdress or what action, if any, said Yale will empty boat. Kitchener found the boat, drapery, stockholders will take relative to iclentldc school, college, occupy A. O. U. W. at changing lodge laughed him; also because she had the girdle. the number of directors to consti- at the Seaside cottage, Mrs. Vesta and Bobs led tlie way into it Then it necessary rooms blue tute a quorum of the board of directors' of Mrs. Harriet Page Is home from the big eyes and a mass of fluffy red Some of the young ladies are so cov- Prof. Richards’ family will accom- gently parted company with the land said company, and amend any of its by-laws Gott. winter gold hair like a ered with and on these oc- spent with her son, Louis A. Page, precisely princess in a and drifted away. The place was al- gold Jewelry accordingly. him. tale. Article 4. To see what action, if said pany In Worcester, Mass. fairy Therefore, as a matter of most deserted at that time of and casions that tliclr natural charms are any, cottage. Old Rock, has day, stockholders will take relative to repealing, The Letlingwell course, the pepper and salt terrier was Indeed the lu- or to said Prof. P. M. of is build- Bobby, half frightened, half elate, held altogether concealed; amending adding company’s code for thy season by Mrs. Hattie Davis, Boston, of in whole or in been rented brought to her to be christened. his dicrous excess to which this sort of by-laws part. ing a cottage on Echo park, the new ex- peace, wondering if it would be Article 5. To see what if said Mr. and Mrs. Uayllss have “Call him action, any, Morphy. tension to Hags,” suggested Captain to call for A sudden decoration is sometimes carried goes stockholders will take relative to and the hours Veroua park. manly help. gust repealing, rooms there, will Frederick the what has ever been ratifying and confirming any of the records of engaged I^awton, navy officer, of wind struck the and some- beyond attempted the stockholders The grammar school closed on craft, or dilectors of said company be well tilled. Friday. who chanced that to be at- elsewhere. Thus bedizened the blush- in whole or in On morning how or other the two went over the part. Friday evening a pleasant reception tendant. Article 6. To see what if said The alcove on the library-room of Mrs. This had happened so often side as Lawton and Mrs. ing damsels are drawn up In mute action, any. was held In just Captain stockholders will take relative to the has been commenced. This Emery hall. of late that while the In ratify- Vesta McRae dowagers were beginning Browse came strolling along the pier. rows, papas, flowing ing and confirming of all the foreclosure pro- Is the of the The first circus to come to town for a to In ceedings of every kind, had by the American addition gift suggest penetrating undertones Mrs. Browne a of caftans and curling beards, parade much-needed gave cry terror. Loan and Trust Company, of Boston. Mass., number of will be here on that if dear Misses Spear, of Newton, Mass., who will years the 29th Mrs. Browne were really "It’s Bobby!” she exclaimed. their sons up and down. Here and there against this corporation, said Frenchman's Mra. when Sawtelle's show comes. of mammas Bay and Mt. Desert Land and Water rooms at Gott’s this season. thinking marrying again she could A moment’s hesitation was all that the papas and try to lead the Company; occupy / to the ratifying, approving and confirming of not do better than to take folks Into conversation with one and The “Marlon E. Turner”, Cspt. Clarence Henry A. Bock and wife are to set up Captain saved Captain Lawton's immaculate young any all conveyances, bills of sale and course which transfers heretofore given in In the on Lawton, suitable in age, good and In a another, in the of certain connections Torner, loaded 100,000 pounds of fish at housekeeping place Broadway looking garb, that instant huge, swift therewith; and to authorize the execution and and quite Independent of his little looks and emotions may arise, said Parker Bros’, wbarf this week. Gny Par- formerly occupied by William O. Buck. profes- moving form went by them, dropped delivery by Frenchman’s Bay and Mt; sion. And one with future circumstances. Desert Land and Water Company of any addi- In a vessel loaded with every knew that Mrs. into the water with a tremendous pregnant ker brought 70,000 Henry Courcey has commenced work as tional conveyances, bills of sale, transfers or Outer Island the Browne had but little besides that days or so after this bridal ex- other in pounds from Long past news of the splash and swam with strong, assured Eight instruments the premises. agent “City of Rockland”, Article 7. To iceek, making business lively on this side ramshackle old plantation in Louisi- strokes toward the dots in the water. hibition private family meetings take see what action, if any, said and Ralph Reed on the “City of Bangor”. stockholders will take relative to the disposi- of the harbor. ana, or was it at which those whose hearts Maryland? It was all over In a minute, and Mrs. place, tion of any or all remaining property and as- The schooner Leslie” will not sets of said The Dew branch of the Bass Harbor “Irving Bobs had overheard one or two of all of soft silk dra- are captivated at fhe grand show are Frenchman’s Bay and Mt. Desert be Browne, regardless Land and Water not included in tine a dramatic entertainment fitted out for the Grand Banks this these more affianced to one another Company Ya will give suggestions and, revolving them peries and floating laces, had Bobby in formally mortgages heretofore made by said last tbs 18th. year. She has gone to Sullivan to load in named company to said American Loan ani&>; on Thursday evening, This his seven-year-old brain, had come her arms, and Lieutenant by their parents and relatives.— Charteris, Trust Company as trustees for the benefit of has al- stone. to the conclusion “Sketches of St nourishing young organisation that something por- who had come running up, was saying: Petersburg." holders of bonds of said Frenchman’s B%y and Mt. Desert Land and Water ready besun to help oat In much-needed On Sunday Rev. Robert SutclIRe deliv- tentous was impending. This or some- ’Pon my word, Bobs, you and Kitch- Company. Article 8. To see what action, if any, said for tba church and else- ered an sermon In the Franklin else made him — Improvnuimits eloquent thing regard Captain ener abbot tenuous. stockholders will take relative to ratifying and or all s bids fslr to be a recognized street church before the Odd Fellows and Lawton’s suggestion with disfa- his fell the confirming any deeds, conveyances where, vague Then eye upon rescuer, and transfers vor. heretofore eaecuted by this beipmg brud In this community, and bee Rebekaba. and he broke his sentence off In the ( company, the said Frenchman’s and ML __ $$£ Bay ell “I don’t like J_ Desert Land and Water or offi- the bdst wishes of good citizens. Ned P. McCaulder and wife are in town that,” he said shortly. middle to grab the hand of the big, 77 » rT? Vs ? Company, by cers or persons acting or purporting to act for “It seem man who Mrs. Aihertoo, of Hotel Atherton, after an absence of a year or more. Mr. might disrespectful, you tall, very wet had dropped and in behalf of this company. Know. Article 9. To elect a board of directors and with the two eons of McCaulder Is for the New hie traveling bag to take an Impromptu Somesvl-e, George port oaptaln BIG RESULTS clerk of said Frenchman’s Bay and Mt. Desert He tamed a blue back on R. Fu"er and Miss Gledys Mayo, of South- York & Porto Rico S. S. Co. at San Juan, sturdy awlm. There were Introductions and Land and Water Company. Article 10. to see what if ern iIs-nor, cams from Raogor on the tbem and trudged off, with the meek handshakings and tears. When Bobby action, any, said P. R. stockholders will authorize and instruct rela- “ChnnrU” and landed bare Saturday terrier under his arm. came Presently heard the name of Wharton, he stared tive to giving to and filing with the proper The "Cimbrla” was obliged to put Supt. Ed. H. Emersou will close his con- officers of the ntgi.i. In sight a fresh faced young subaltern. round eyed, and when Wharton heard State of Maine, all notices eb bir« to (loose Cove on account of the nection with the Bucksport Electric but needs little quired under such action as may be had “Hello, Bobs! Where ars you going the name of Bobby he, too, said, “Up- under all the the norm. end Power on and will foregoing articles, payment Light Co., July 1, With—what's his I of the fees and in connection 15. N. name?” on my word!” to himself. proper charges June go to where he will take therewith, and the taking of such further Dexter, charge "He hasn't got said all this had to do any yet," Bobby Perhaps something work. Less wear steps as the laws of Maine may require. of s plant there. 11. PENOB8CO T. soberly. “That old Captain Lawton with the fact that when on the follow- Article To act upon any other matter which come before said The of James E. of said to call him but I shan't. may properly meet- K-pair* are being made on the sidewalks, family Buckley, Rags, ing evening Captain Lawton came for ing. Charles P. Simpson, Clerk, said Bangor, will spend the most of the sum- How would he feel if his father had his final answer to his suit the pretty and less labor. of Frenchman’s Bay and Mt. Desert Laud Col. C. C Burrill, of Ellswortb, has been and Water mer In the Pond a Company. house, formerly part named him Rags, I'd like to know?” widow knew her own mind and an- June A. D. 1908. in town the past week on business. 9, of the Moses conservatory plant, which “That is a question which Captain swered him with a gentle but decided Miss Esther Emerson, of Is Whiter clothes Bucksport, has been nicely remodelled. Lawton has probably never consid- “No." ILegal Notices*. flatting relatives here. answered George Wentworth, for some time em- ered,” Cbarteris gravely. At about the same time Wharten STATE OF MAINE. Arthur Bowden, of Freeport, has been ployed by Pinson & Brown, has resigned "But you mrght call this little beg- was confessing frankly to his friend and brighter Hancock sb.—At a probate court held at visiting in town the past week. and a K. Delano. gar after General Kitchener.” Charteris that he was bowled over for taken position with W. Ellsworth, in and for said county of Hancock, “Is General Kitchener a sol- would on The Penobscot bouse was reopened June Ilia place at the former establishment has great the first time In his life, and the second day of June, in the year or dier?” chance for him? That Have our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ip, with 1) C Littlefield as proprietor. been taken by Maurice Kennedy. there be any washdays. “The greatest next to Bobs,” averred naval officer, you know— CERTAIN instrument purporting tojie Mrs. Frank Dan bar has gone for a few Mrs. D. K. Hagerthy is home from an the lieutenant. And that settled it Charteris grinned. “I don’t think you A a copy of the last will and testament of days’ visit to Y'inalh

Uk>mx%%* Ku.zmu- There's a Wealth of Fashion, Style, Service Srans hkmwx*m V”vm*tv*+ jpnwHpt WB& »m* tf ** A.x* MU?-. s*» wranaB wz+ htmmfam *»•©**■. *? i«aM E**tm Us? am wijjif ws* • «■, «M4^. *M *» a miwani asd I? yoe vl Tfea er^«* wSk vfeick Mai. Bear-ay (> of tbe Season to -.****■ wub m hne MH. postpone age. Offering Tm (motto*. Jta*ffc w, h4 #••/- vac attarac*. »is a£ ;r.a «aai. * «i 7W •****•’* mist awry* «W4 is* imam («4< •.«r« r«k4>n>t 47 tM Krf- M' Mr.K*?‘« by, Stew Ysr*. Vigor sccM Bead '7 1 twaS.j Cm » *»w* p*m*'*t tammmt wm M im iota »MM«a lew fcr o«ly sve Ayer's Hair Vigor, It*** m* -it '. m- "7 MkiOrms .*4 M n ■be mmmm. your gray hair will sooe bare laaic litm-la utartns} ta aure sc ******* '>*• •>. i.vf -,m K'km* ’jar*. * Mr. ut Mn Ua tat lb. Bawar, M all die deep, rich color of lac tier if ter m .iea tarf Saa a w -a tH*g «.-i *• Tar*, arre Wa at (be fMbttebs* me U* feraSs erf fear s sa&ao f Dress and youth. Sofd for 60 years. aeaayfa* Walking Skirts,, Itart m m( 1. •** H-vf**-** ***** A*- amt tar mw Kp an aB vest kascs. aarf safe IOC mat* S am w mrmmrr • mnsM. *■*< I i*** *M or »3»tS » ft is ua af arose so M» '. t jifirtM mmgfgrntxM. *•» Harr* taaM (rvaa M*a*b- • taurt*. «?««««* umI **««r *»wr mylar fernery Bsep*r fttMMter v *~’*r-* scut «M jl Aitd •«» « Tto w»ft •*-.«* *** lirEM t«w Mra- cat sever sate a JH tv Monte Carlo Silk Silk and rr»7 uar xs *. », fa* ft* AmmaTt *mr T«ar Ccermy Coats, Mercerized mm *a Sift ft. l_ ararr^ ISh Eire Sfeekto ka kkder tka Barer ti- *.«*!** poatpvaM -,f S*r be a M m Curst. tkrfy M»vtr ? M tniMr. jater r j» * %«*«*. Petticoats, Shirt Waists. Kn Kemmt BvrrtH, of EMhan. im imtm 5* H- for tle visas wtmxs mat Ircc stay. VC 1 ac ma ."V : ** bar ataear, Mr*. ? * Par**? imr aaa at tavac Sir vsatau ;v we should be a a I caiibag « -/ o*r trfeaBe la t ve z. This Kile inaugurate HXKf)&A. Uea safer Ska a* mass sal- noteworthy CaMna*! «*? •» aWnBl at tb* White Hair 4»*m« Kj» .*j AM !m* Vttomf at feM tan vara v .ccerf te sake tkesr eowsae. event, and is bound to be of supreme interest to etsmt wfeb a-, every Mar-* Mir* « * r«**K of IM te;M Ov«gng**saw*i ayp-sy AS Ike tine arf Ska sac lira. Deer- at* axrasea tb* hr tb* wfcJrA M s-ottaSnM * f*-» •&»>» a*'-. Tto '.7 jw*r-r nacatag. ?vy vaa asSarixy fms a casear. stick woman who likes to wear fine and stylish high-class • fc« a *•. w, tnoemt !a tb* *«*- M<«n®rt« tMnriac tatarpria* apirttaa Kyri>y 20.00 10.00 waist* we offer Shirt Waist Man tami ottor tbina* an tseoMpnaiw? by b*r «*®gbt*r K4r.a *19. FORAGE CROPS Patterns at 75c., $1. and anfl practical tmt sf Bj r,i« MMf Mn Mn. Lazzt* With*® ton bar 'lastitar Mr*. Taft, of W«* OoaJSoboro, obo To Sununer Pactvre ao'/«(knt IM nawn atoadto, M*!o- •Kb Mn. ids Saa* Man being la retoratd botso. H<*y. Walking spring • ht ‘i. F. IM Bw«3m cl Um drosU. similar goods at $1. $1.50, fiantS Pwtw fHblaj, of IMIr bat*, MHiM Altai tw aol }*t rt- M r*. C. H. AIM itM to Port and lo8(*e&auaa«d $*, tM l*»Mr tfc* profpceu *r* t«ry tsfivcnMi for the $2.50 and $?.. about 100 fSapt (Mrtk, fa t» to A ts»«r*rt fail? fro® a* operation lor [ Friday for torfdai treat*!**:.. Mr. Skirts. Only Wfeis* it Si to be tfini vtr< s*t Ssattattoo fa n’Mnl to ail to • ppe&Aiebb abisb •** • abort Albotl tract My crop. fccped patterns in stock. perform**) ! Sunday B%bt. 1 adore i&is rmxhem the of us* reader We have manufac- ■•IM )• ttoMttsd'aa. tics* 6*for* tb*y left M*msba**tt«. I Job* 15. B. eye bought iso* 1«. »a*r;. tee dnwta will ban been brokte by eo* | turers' stock of 250 'Walking and Georg* H. •** foe, od art Fri- ptotai nia. mmoj term*** will atiii seed Dress Skirts, which we offer at day martilng la *n nncosaeioo* *r*t*, CAHT15E. Dimities and Wash OHKAT FOND. to trow epeetel ton#* crop* to aoppie* #5 and #7.50. Some among baring t*)l*n from to* floor of tb* bars to On of inti watt t tit Vaittnant Moodty a«at tbe isaoMr win- pt*tEn{« or tbe them are worth doable the i/trmmrd Will faro* bm boor fat tfa* the bottom of tb* *Sfo, He *u tmnlr of Caattae dedicated lleeir new bar atc price. ter'* aiy. Dress Goods MvitUs* farm fti fjtftoTj, ftftti &•« mo? *4 Injured about tb* bead and fae*. *o4 St MU. »*« mritd in the ntw Sapper Wblie Indian com I* tbe beet forage tb#r% wa* KM tlm* before he recovered eon- and then wa* a Dor. oer A fall stock of building. good post tor Sfa:ne, if a asfScimt Kn*f« we have reduced to a price to Ann* to. liner:. eetaoenea*. H* baa b**o confined to bl* to tb* rotb*r *o4 on* *t*t*r, * Tb* town schools el owed laat broideries, Fear t» not aiway* a lack cowraga. Thursday. j be mode Soto bej. tbe i*rger can be fed j i in Monte Carlos, the new long Corsets Hosiery ire fear Sen* when wife and at* children. MS* death occurred Tb* bleb school saline exerciaea took One max ateojrjtely grsd greea or made lots) silage. effects reduced from *15 to #10 and Underwear at reduced res»i danger, bni a coward fa*t. lo tb* • aa a facing perfect place trenlsy. Bepe la nimble summer and fall and at,ft'. mutton M. #12.50. prices and in large variety. trifling Many permle Jan*!«._ teed lot cattle, sbtep. bogs and poo!try. fear to be to a crowded ball. sari fre STAJITOJPS IRISH STEW. Tbe acy been is bigbly nitrogenous, bat goeatiy, and nnnenesiMB'fly, J*a»e «wm EAMT LAMOINE. Maim ia eo far oortb m a acjoysbie affair anil return hoot* to maka it Mar*.8. W. Motion, of Elleworth, will i We are suitable for mid- summer Th' tao'U fear to such an A tlwry *1 lb* treat War Secretary eocnewbst uncertain crop. Tboee wbo selling everything lightning preach bar* nert Monday, Jon* 21, at 3 30 alarm in* aslant, that. during a thunder aa T*t4 by HI* Itadraaard. need to piaotlaupplementary forage crope ia. wear at storm tbay becorna ill Fear of this p. An attempt by Secretary of War abotiid aeod to tbe aeeretary of agricul- i low prices. Come one and all. is canned a nerroosnew collier “Hannibal” character by Tb* lasted Wat#* Stanton to cook an Iriab stew while ture, Wubingtoo, D. C., Ida not lncioee '/n ch taffy by disease* 'if th* arrt**d at tb* atatloo brought yeeterday coaling war office poet age aa tbe department baa tree oae of ami bladder. holding the department kidney* wHb 2,100 ton* of coat. tbe mallai, for tbe following farmers’ A further prm/f that these organ* are agalnat the removal order of President John A. Peter*, Jr., aad Henry W. bulletins. No. 101. Miileta; No. 1M. Oiaiwl, la as/iertained by depositing a Andrew Jobnaon la one of many anec- M. GALLERT. Maail of urine a turn Coabman, of Ellawortb, ar* Kape aa a Forage Crop; No. 188. Pearl rjnanttty in glaes occupying dotea related by I»ula Koertb, at the War and if after twenty Vmi tbalr *amtD*r cottage* bar*. Millet. standing mentioned the war aecre- boon find it or in period great not send to tbe Maioe you ropy milky ap Hr*. Quinn and daughter, who bare Do experiment tv a If baa a it sediment, if ynur tary*a bodyguard. station for tbeee publications aa tbe It sad been keeping bona* lor Praok Power*, Feb. President Jobnaon era pains yon, yon often have a 21. 1*68, ap- station cannot tbem. laara for Mar atari supply deatre to orinata daring the night, with to-day Harbor, they pointed General Lorenzo Tbouaa sec- will b* tor tb* *uaimer, boning maiding pains, ft's the strong employed of war ad interim, but the retary pow- Cwtlae Normal*. sat kind of aeidano* that yonr kid Jan* 1*. H. y __ er of removal having been taken by Bays and bladder are diseased and Tbe gradaailog eurclau at the normal the tenure of office act from the presi- the eery strongest, reason why yen NOKTH LAMOINE. acbooi at Caatine took place laat Toeaday. not In dent. Mr. Stanton refused to resign or at should OH DAVID delay try lag Melon M. McFarland, a bo baa S#a*n Tb* following gradoatea are realdenta ot $3.75 XEMNEDYb FAVORITE tb vacate the office of secretary. Going REMEDY. rlattlng bl* parent* lb* laat taw day*, baa Hancock county: Some of our best suits are the pathfinder In medicine, /or diseaees Hs camped in the offi on * pontifical chair, something j Soaps, Tea. Took eome to the country of remarkable. The who would never ! Groceries. Also other cull the furmor* out ore passed the longest term occupsncy lady Ight Premiums. eetlng Foroe' now. ol any ol them, the time boundary whose think of leaving the table without using ^ tLVwt.* traversal g%es him this distinction hav- the finger-bowl may be the granddaugh- K been crossed. This recora Is a ter of a man his coffee out of The Home flept. ing Just wbo„drank only place to get bargains is at the I1 Supply Cp„ Zti.u moat remarkable one. the saucer. store that W-7 advertises for your trade. AUGUSTA MAINE